THE l\'I ERGH ANT, FRIDAY, J ULY t9, 1372. -. ' ---~-~~r===================j====~~===========~============p==============~~~ Valuable =Farm For Sale. ____ EING the South half of Lot 32, B Sixth Concession of the Townsh ip of ClaJ:ke, containing 110 more or Iese. Situated one uun)bet· acre~ , NEW SFRING- GOODS, 1872 w --~·· U --- mile from the village of Orono, seven milea and a half from the town of Bo,vmanville. 80 aci·es cleared, balance, timber with ceda.r . ..<\n excel· lent orcl1ard of gtafted fruit. Price $5,000. a portion of which can. rcma1n on mo1 · Title und1sputaiblc. For further particulars apply to l lr. Charles Tamblyn, OrQJ10, or to the office of t his paper, May 8th 1871 m, l:c..a,rge Supplies & Stooks Complete. . CAUTION 1 um sule a)ien t ior L AZARUS &MOR· se~. R!S' vcrfoct<d Spectacl°" and Eye Gla· - ~ Jrtish·iort, Oslttt/1 , val :~r R . rr It E ' V 1 N l u pleased to announ.,:e, that he iE t! o w prepai· to ti bev: j\T T HE ! tr bey 11C ver suppl y 0 1· e1npl~j' !illy I ! ,, <J t-hen~. Ho w~~·er specioua..t11c tte~o n i.;e 1ua ile by \hem that \hey ha\'e thclll, du cwt believe i t you will be ewindled i[ you d o [ AARON BUOKE:ER, agent for Bowman- I ville aud vicinity. A ve 1 ·y lm·ge and cori~prehen.s ivc Stock of Sp-1cing and Swmmer· Staple and Fancy D11J Goods, ..ind ·would csp.c cially tnentioJ.J f!o n1e very strik ing ::tnd amar .tingly beautihtl lin es in A Chemical Food & Nutritive Tonic. r11HE GREAT POl'ULARil'Y OF 'IJ R . \Vbeelt!rB Compound Elixir of Phosphn.te1;1 - - - - - ---------- --- DRESS GOODS~ SHA vVLS, & .MANTLES. ! - o-- a nd Calieaya Js owiug to its perfect reliab.ility in building up constitutions n1u do"'ll w-ith diaoases of the Stomach, Liv er and Kicb1 cys whi ch arise fro111Dyspepsia. or Feeble Digestion, a.ud r esult in poor blood and breaking down of t he gene1·al h ealth. It effeutually r elieves pa.itt or a sense of fullness iu the after eating, H eart bm·n, :E'la.tueucc, Constipation front torpi<l li,'er, 13ilionR hfladachee, Irritation.of tho l{idney and Bladd~r from the red deposit in the TJ rinc, il:ritability and i·estlesSu (l>:S followed by nervous prostrat ion and general dclibity w hich inevitably a1 ·ise from the out common ca.use-Dyspepsia or F <:i;ble Digestion. All those constitutions that_lack_energy and vita lity, <.1iJ1d unable to arouse therr1selve$ to an y ex· ert.ion 01· undergo any fat ig u~ , v:ill be nstonii:ih~1 tl at the rnpidity with which the whole S,Yfoitc ru i~ raised out of this prostrate. condition and on· crgizcd and vitalfaed under the use of this 1n-e· p ai·ation. It i!i ha.l'roless, delicious, does not loae its effect, <1ind is uot followed by a relapse. Sold by J, HIGGIN BOTHAM at One Dollar per bottle. Bowmauville, Feb. ~7th, 1872. 026-11139-hu :Oepa.rt:tuent y,· jJl IJ tJ fouud uu usntt1ly attractive seasOn , r011lc tc wit h so1u c of the ch o)(;('st tl1ing3 in ·m 1.J American Organ~! H E S:VU'.LH AMERICAK OHGA N 00. T . no\v completed theil' 'f wenty-}"'it'!;t year of business, \vitJ1 a constant a nd still iucreuiing growth: .A.s the manufactory is one of the oldei:st, it aliro r anks among the highest in the country. During the lon 0 exp eri~nc c of the JUlllJONS, PL OWERS, 'l'lUilHJIMGS, &a. :.; 8 ~ llII J,--J/fRf*/l'. f'J.LA {S'D 1.'ALJ~'...'\' 1' iij emp loyed to l3Upedut.,.. eud iiul' }!' _ . L --~-- .... ·- · - ·- - --r------- r.i ~u d81 &.'ii f u1· a,fil,. r 1 e?s ar c concern Cl , ca Ml bL_IKER Y, MA;.i 'l'LE , AN D Dl{ESS MAK INO. . .,. · I ,o.dl0ri g1u.y 1·eb · ~ on ~!tti n g N cw and Ii,ash ion able Garments well n:u\dti · I_J · · l 11 j · ] ,. J H.11( .J Ut ge i:or yours.e \, T REWIN, M.cCLUNG BRUS'. Hp1-ing Stock is complete in ev ery department and wili be sold cheap for Cash. Corner I\ ing nnd Simcoe Slr eet s ly - - - - ------- - ----- BOW:NLAN VILL:E Machine · mnnufa.ctof urers, they have titeadily added to the capacity t11 elt in strum ~nt s, and have 11nLile<l. themselves of eve1·ymethod l'limprove the q ual1~ of t one and to increai'J c the mechanical faci] . ... t ies foe t he pe1 f ormo1· . And though they expect to coutiu ue the cou1 'f;c of improi.remcn t, they abundtint1y satisfied with what hns been don e, and \vitb the o.::.tiroat ion in which their instruments are held by good judges of rou&ic. .As heretofoi·e,they \\~ill use tL e best rnateriu.lo, without regard to co~t , and give to every Orga.n t he inost thorou<> h workmanship. They esp ecially i.11vite con1parIBoHE> a,<:; to the qualit y and volu1ne of toue, a nd a.s, to t he effccti ve mechanical ap pliances. They C..'tll nt.tention to the fact that theiJ: Orgar1s arc sold .· A.'11 EX'l'll E.).lEL Y J.JOW lo w o.s is char"cd for many of an infel'ior sol't. H a vi.J1r::r a ln;rg~ !111d thorough ly roanufactory~c1nploy~ u i.g none but skillec.1 vrorktneo,and having n1a.dc a1 :oin ut e di vision of laborhthey are a.ble to pro· d uce erg11ns a:i.t less rates t an most competitol'1'. They Lelicve, a.L<JO, that a.1 noug othel' tbings 1 they >h ave earned a i·eputatiou for fair dco.lin" and they 'v ould asau:fo distant purchaserf5 tJ1~t no Organ will ever lea ve t]1eir watt'rooms with their knowledge, that is 11ot in every ·respect pe1·f ec.:t of its class. A s thi:;,y ha.~e before st utc<l, they intend to se· cure ~ fri end in every purchaser . 'l'heil- catalogue, with full deaccipt ion n.ud accu1 ·at e engravings, \vill bij sent free to any ~'ddrel:!f'I up on application . All nooesi:.ary i n.for1n~tion chee1f ully fui-nisl1ecl. Ad<ll'ess Spring Stock Of Dry Goods · Js now complete with > t ll tile novel t ies of.' the seasou . Millinery Goods, Dress Parasols, Kid Gloves, etc. Also <t large s L oc k of and ImplemenT · MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MANUFA OTUREHS OF Lf'ficl li..n1criean Double 'l'urbine \'\o'- o.ter· \Vh~el Iron und \"\7o0<.l 'Vorking 1'-'I achin er y, Ci rcula r Saw 1\.l ills, Shingle Mach iue~ . THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO Tremont St·, opposite Waltham St· Boston, Mass. J M BRIMACOJl!!BE, Bowmanville· ·General 1\.gent fol' ~ho Province of Ontario. Do wmanvillc, April ::.lrd, 1872. ly-ol4-n127 . Gentlerneus :Fur11ishing Goods, Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Shirts, Ti'es and Collars, etc. May 7th, 18{2 Uritit ~lill ~ fat.:.hi ui::1·y 1 · A®li_hqr lqt of.those S}'lcndid lu8ru in e nt~ , " 1 he Silver 'r ou.guc.)' Just anived, and on exhibition ilt our Show Room. 1 New Business. ~ HE Lath Milh, Sclf-l{ lteapcri;, M owing Mach ines. CunHUOll SU BSCHlBER beg· respectfully to infot'lll the public that as "'- Mr. R.· R oed's -·- 1 ly a nd Gang Plo,va1 F anning ~lillt!, Chopping )lill!!, :E'eed a, &c. -BICE &; BAltXER. . ,\.. . ::YI. GIBSON, ilfonagei'. IliJ\\' llH~n"il l(I, June ~Ol.h , 1872. nJ38-o25 -1y. business ha.: . changed bands, he has open bulil1ness on his own account in the sl10p two doon:1 W est of l\{urdoch Bros.; w-11u·e he'vill keep on hand <(, firat· cla~s sto<:k of Boots and S hoo::s suitable for the sen.son. Order work will h ave his prompt and best attention. 'l 'weuty fi ve years experience in L ho trnde1 m oro than the t wo of ' \·hich he bns spent as cutter. and i;eueral Juanager in Mr. R eerl's establishment, b.n.s given hint opp o1·tunitiei:i of lea1niug whaL the peop}e r eally " ·ant. H e hag thet eforo no doubt of being able to give sa.tisfaction t o all who shall f a.\01· hint \V ith a call, a nd h opes by giving due ttttention to bush· es~ to 1 ·ecei ve a fair ahare of p ubli c support. J . SMAL E. 1 DON'T FAIL TO CAL L A'l' .· ---------- .' > ·. > . :Fm· H a,vness, JY-1A S ON ' S Sadd;e~, SABBATH SGHOOL--LIBRARIES AND A NEW FIRM!. Change of Business in the Pioneer Boot & Shoe Store. HARDWARE · ' ..... · Clard o f T hanks. 1 uy co11nnencu1g bus1nesi:! ; nntl aa in oonse· In r eturning you my siuc:<.:r c thanks fo1'. . thG \·cry liber< tl ~ni.tro11aio extt;!ucled to ~ue ~ 1noo . I ~ ·q1:tencc of other cngagenwnts, I :.un compelled ·1 Lo l'elinquish th o ~ru:oe; I J~;.i,ve great ploaetu·o . iu recornmending t o you, l!i.f egrg1'S. Anderson & ·co., rny successors, who in evtn7 way quali · lied to give· you as good Goods, and on as favora.ble terms aa those given by me. Sol iciting for t:hem y ou.1· p Fl.tron:\ogc, I tu n yours, '¢- . '7 tq ~~ ~ 'r r unks, Valises, Whips, , BeUs, &e., which for st yle, durability and cheap· neas, cannot be excelled in this vicinity 'l'o t husu in A l tREAl\.S, he would suy I REWA_ RDS. - - :v:-- We !Jayo j1L5l opened ono of t he LAI-tGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOUK OF n,c YOU MUST PAY UP ~lc µ,tic Tlw.<;c wJ1u .Q.av o alnia<ly 8e L tlod will ~· copt 0111· hear L -y thanb . Sabbath School Lib1·a1·ies ancl Re,vards S, MASON. nlO RI CIIAHD HE.El> . - -:o:-I n Ie1.e1 ·e11cc to the above, Just Arrived. AN:CE:B.SON & CO., t.1.\kes pleasu1·c iu notifying the public of Bow· 1nan ville arn.l vicinity, that they ha ve I Purchased. the :Boot & Shoe :Business r l'ho custom work i!l superintendf!d by )11-. J. .H.rcd, who \Vas , _for lG yenrs, th1;1 principal ·workman in 1\Ir. l t eed 's cstnblii:shment. ~'\ large a.'31101 tment of t runk s con stantl y on r_, i--i ~ A1 <Cf ~ I . large lot, i~ o~- whiCh · _ ever offer ed for mtle in Bowrnanvrne. · l:' artiQs w i.>11ing t o r eple!1ish -their School Lib1 ·aries, or Lo pnrclrn»e He w>trds, will please to remmnber two thing;; : , First, Our ~to oi· of School Books is no old stufl: picked up >Lt Auction Sales, nor has lt 15een on our Shelves for years_ \Ve have sold out and refilled our shelves, 11alf-a-dozen times during the pnst year, and h>tvc PIC l'URES BY THET HOU SAND. now purchased so largely, that we have not room to' exhibit them. Please come and take them away. VVI NCh to t,he great de111an<l of tLo~e bean· , Sec?nd, "Ye have 11?t marked, ~Ul' book, high figure,, with the view · tiful p iotul'e1:1, · of ~akrng ofi. a large discount. I hey are marked low for O'e11eral sale, and CHICAGO AS IT WAS ~ d1sco~~1t of Tl!:N PER CENT. will Ee allowed on purchas~ ranging from .um $L to $DO.; over that amount F WfEEN PEH CE~l'. . will be allowed . CHICAGO IN FLAMES, We respectfully invite nn inspection of our . W I:\ b:1vc fou nt.! it ucccss arr, to ge t a110Urnr Bv wu1 ·"JJlville Doc 3rd. 1869. O \\·11! paid (oi' b tt -8~nt: 1J91:!t A Call is Respectfully Solicited, ONLY F ORTY CENTS l'ostage S tamps t.aken as paJ:t iniy1ncnt. Spccin1ens c:.m Le seen hy ca1llns- at this O:ffo.ic. Pock~t EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK Books, OF h lln<l. Tho h·i{;hest iirice pClicl in Oash for 11-idos. 1'h1'ee fint- clo,ss wm·kme-n wanted, none othe1' -need apply. Agents Wanted ln ev ery Town and Vill in Ontario, to who1u he n wi:st liberal inducemenis are off~l'ed. A<ldress Albu1ns, Anderson & Co. U o w m~·nV Hc , Jnuc 13tl1 , 1872. Writing Desks, Laclies' Con11,auions, Blotters, Ink.stands, Note ·Paper,--- Envelopes, &c., &c. ,qtea111 p · ' _, 1·1n tin 37.\f. F. TREBILCOCK, Bowmanville, Ont. Pro :Bono l'u'blico. JUNE, _ 1872. .A. full Stouk o[ I ALL KINDS OJ' __;_.- . e a.nee:t·s and 'tli!llintn. ·s J.. & W.. J ~ Mo:M:urtry &; Co j Are now showi ng a full assortmenl of 'l'A Xl· :N 001' A~D Spring a.nd Summer I Cured without the Use of the Knife, by _ DR. B. PATT ERSON, of ]owrnanville. DRY GOODS. New, Fashionable, and Cf;eap FBLT~ l)RY GO()J)S 1 \:SD A fi ne lot vr ~IILL INERY. Tho l,e, t of ruffl·en cea givnH J" Jl owJ u·uv\llc .,.-;;,;, · ltcmember tl1e Sto1·e, i1e_ - -t to tl·1e '"es' D ·Lt1·]1, ·t,111 aud el~cwhetc. Office on Ohntch ~tre~t · ~ ·'" n · 1.J Bo' \'1na11vil!u, ]'t:b 2~. · 187 2. l )!· l:;)i2 Ju .0 and '1?11 blisliin g··i-roUse, I( ing St1·cet , Bo1vma11ville. · S"'. FBAW , AND .. · Cloth and Gents .Furnishing. ---- -\)- -· Dana's Patent Sheep Marks 1 . ' 1no15t coropl1Jte ever in PANAMA - -- o- Olothiug made to order, the best tri:°1rnings only nsed, and the Jowest pnce ch ttrged. OOOD A full Stock of HARDWARE. :~1 RESI-l GitO C E ltI ES , All Lu be "oJJ Cht1np. New Groceries. H ighest prir,e pair j iJ r lJ UTTER and E GOS. . the most lasting, the lca!:'it t l'onbler-ome, and 'l'hcy art;: tlf!.Cd ··af1d;J·ccom1n ended by. lll aDY of the best Di:eeders l.l t~ U1~ited . S and C~nada, ti uch ai3 (;., B. L or111g 1 Sn..lo1n, A.lass., P resid ent 1"1e' v ll;nglanJ '\Vool G1"CJw~.rei Soci~t_y ; Jvh u S. li08:51 H eu nij · . -..,...,...piu, I ll. ; P1·~si:;o1· M. 1\-filcs, of the Agri ~r~lt.ural College, }.Ja.nsing 1 l!i.:fich.; II on. G-20. Bro wn 1 ·rot onto, .O.n t. ; .· Tohn Snell, ]£d1uoutou , Ont. On each .:\1ark 12 stamped the ffW U Pl"l:I rn1n1 e and t he Sheep's 11un\bc1-., 'l'hey will be sBn t f 1·cc, b~·, m· cx preii s, fot oaly f a11r ·ce11l al'h, l~nd '\Vt li la8t for '.l'W l':N1'Y Yl::Al! S. ~~~ Cn<>h mustu.coorupany all ordcn. . AnCIH.BALD YOUNG, J H_, · Sa1·ni<'f, OttL. N l'eturniug tha..nka_ to .their ~ Ullh'! roU~ Cui:.totner:,, a nd Urn 1:1ublit: generally, for past fa.Vera, Occlers addre::i~e <l ~o t.he I\-1£ItoH~ 'l' a.nd On' vould rm1 pectiuUy invite t hen· a t tention to ou1· p restinL fl Lo~k of Ifurnitu1·e as \Ve ] Ia.tell' S.l<aiv.Eu Otti r.!c, for ahy q uan\..iLy, w ill ,be filled at !dcd 0,iereto, ,t~1at ; "o rnn;y theL"eby 00 l:!Habled t.o !:!ll llP~Y ~11 parties 'vho 11lc~c t.o fa vor u~, the <ibov e-mc.11tiorwd µ1k;o , ,\ tl q L1iekly <W tho ac \Hth '.!· t:all. G1 eat inducements h()ld out to 1lwse pnruhasrng at our E sta.blishmciit. Pict-u.rcl!I ~lit1 ks c:i.·1 be uia<lo " .;1.nd ~eut . _,....,. ~ JJooku!g Glasses, &c. , framed to or~cr 1 ;.iud J~ every 8ytle. Samplef o( th~ diff"rent lciuds of 0. BAil.KElt, 11ouldlugg ca.n be aoon a.t lho \, \.Ve w·onld ah:10 'Leg to inforJn you tba.t h a.'\-in·~ J>Ur· chased a ' ' "' 13uw111u.uville~ Due. 28th,·nil~o r 11ul!Sl·: 11u J 1 .Ks A ltl TI ·1 ·1 rn UHl! AP1iS1' c. - BARKER, MANA GER. SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES ·--··------------ WIC:tG & SON , mai I T Opposite the ONTARIO BANK. EGGS and BUTTER ·wante s. F- HILL Bowmn.nville, April 26, 1872. 1n30.-n.3rn Dolla.1· TEA for SS Cents. S_ AL'i' AND PL~l\_~'fER AL\VAYt) ON H1 1-ND W. S. BOYLE, lVl !). I SPLENDl]) NEW HEARSE, Sig;n o:f the Gold.en Lion, Bow.i:nanville. Bowmanville. 1.foy 7tli 1372. · and-S1 n -geon f4, Ontario. · ttffi·G ~ . l\.ing Street, ono doot .west of ·~fr. Cornish's J·!;lwellry SL 1wfl, Ti owuu tHville. 110'.vra :lnvillo, .A1)ril 30i 1872. ol8·n1~ l-tf. r1l\.AD0- ~\':'!'$· of t.h~ 'LTr1i v0rs:ities Q f i ;riliity \::.r G()t.1-+>gf".l 'I'oronto\ u.nd 'tictoria OolJ e(Vei (fo. Lon~ _J~i9entiate of_ th e Colleg-e ~f l?ltv~icia.ns W t! ~hall Li~ r ~~dy lat. aJl times, to u.LLc11d l i' nuerall: i , ou .:;Jw1·L uuLiee, aud 1 ·eu,.;oua.ble ter nw, · N. Il . Coffins k ept ou h and, p,n<l nutde to onler, utr thu NEW D01 ll1NION RE'l'AIL- FUBNL'l U.RJ ; W,;;U l/t.JiU011 {;. Osh ~w a,Aug. King Street East, Oshawa. Opposite J. W. Fowke's Store. 26th, 1870 . r