· THE MEHCHANT, lThlDAY, JU:f;Y 19, 1872. POETRY. Vp with the Breeze. "Up with Lhe -breeze, the bin.ls and th u J.,(,:es/' I Liiard a boy sing ih the mol'n; J .A nd hia hoo k(lpt time 'vith lhe 1ne1·1·y d1ymc, t. A.-8 he ohee1-fully hoed ]1is corn. i THE GREAT 0. BOUNSALL, 'MANU]'ACTUHE R , an 1Ml'ORTEH DEALEH mall the varieties oI 1 Wombwell Me11age·rie, Just imported from E lJROPE, and the tocks ! HARD TO. BELIEVE. Spring.s· TR1JE NEVEl~THELESS Italian & Amerfoan Marble.· A la.ra-e and cl.10ice seleatiou of J)o\vt1 went the weeds and the no:rious l:i(!Cr.lti, And up went the e1neraltl. corn, And I looked with delight at the gladson1c sight The work o( the en.rly morn. l'hen the heart of the boy 'vaa filled 'vith joy, AJoJ down came the rays of the sun, .i-'\..ud told him to go and put up his hoc, 1 ' Great Golden Menagerie 0]' - ! Van!ltlBUBGI ON MONDAY, Three .-' 1 uo., MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, alYtayB ou htiud, of superior workmo.J.1Wp, and at lo\\'est priceK. SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Wrmcght 01· Cast hon Fences j They'<l. fu1ish tho \\·ork hu'd begun . Comprising the largesl number of Animal~, the most Men and Horses, and tho longest Procession ever seen in America, will exhibit in I for 1.mclos.ing burying lots. Furnitu1'e Tops, l\!Iantel Pieces, kept on lu1nc1, or WTOught to order. respectfully l'equcsted a.t the wo1·ks, October, 1st, 1860. l~. IB~g1:1 Good Cooking box. lkcioin~ XA:RX'C'_L MA YE:RS, HA:l'S AND CAPS, &c call is 1 to iuforn1 the Public tl1n.t 1 he ha.a receh·ed and opened out a. beautif1d and well assorted Stock of · 'l'he U1·oa.d green leaves turued to~olden ttl1envep And thia fiold of beautiful cor11, 'Vas gathered and sold; thus turned into go-id, 'l'he \"\'Ork of the early mo111. BO-VVMANVILLE, Then up with the breeze, the bit and tUe bees If you wish to gi·ow weo1thy and wise; .And 1uer1·ily sing, like birds in the spl'i11g, 'Vhile your 1YOl'k as 1uerrily fli es. The pom: sleepy head, who liugers in bed , \\..,.ill ha\'tl more sorrows than joys; .A nd \vbon ] 1c grows otd,,vill be hungry 1~uJ culd So keep "'vidc ttwakti," my boys. · - 1Vhai .J..Vc:r,t. only One Ticket. - --o--PRICE 50 CENTS, CHILDREN HALF-PRICE. FOR ONE DAY ONLY. JULY 22N», AFTERNOON A.ND EVENING. ----o·---Great Shows in Three Separate Tents, and an for Men and Boys Suits, King Street., Bownza.nville 1-..tf only 5 cents a poltud, ;i.ncl still cheaper by the · for Spring and Summer went·. llis SLock sur· passes n.nything previously offt·red in the Towu. --o--- His Prices a.re Lo'", 'l'l1 c ·wholt? will repay ins1Jection1 a.iid he oonlial· ly ext1.:uda an iuYitation to all his old frhinds ttn<l ll!i ulany ne\Y ol'.).cs as may feel inclined to be benefi.tte{! by having Cotton <mcl Woolen Uoods .ere ndYftncing, but you can them at ' Elliott's for a short time, at the old prices. Now is the Lime to secure what NOV.E'L'rIES you need. CLO'l'HlNG.-Geutlemou in wtu1t ol' a "uod ,tiLti u··' "uit should call 0 early at Elliotts Fashiom1ble Tailoring EtabU~hment.. s,~ti sfac tion g;1u.rantced in all .rmtso1mble cases. - ,,,\ RE STY118H. Crumbs for Chickens. receipt ll 1 fulJ, :J.J'Ler nnu:h mental effort prod11 eed the followi11g: I ish fnll , I want1J J10 u·1 ot·e 1noon h1h. 'Vl 1y if:l ('J.dvice like ~~ policem<tll t .Becaut>e, though continually tncL with whcu uuL wi.mtcll, 'vhen it i,5 really wanted iL ca.u t;dduin be fvu ntl. H IL 1o the s.i ll'l}!lcl)L thin:; iu t.lw wul'ld. u· you want to use a. woman up 1 jurst let hur Jui ye hel' owu \Vn.y all the tiine. 'J'herc n ever was· a w1.1.wau born cuultl stand t hat fb long wLi1c." 11 'Vh<~t a.re you looking aftci· 1 dnugl1t.er ?" l:l:l.id an old inan at a Cbr1etmae party. "Looking after ~t son-in-hi.ow for yoi1 1 fathcJ',': wa o the reply. .A. photo!:rrapber iu ~fassachusetts 1vai; l'cccntly vif!ited by a. young \Vo1nan, who, with l:lweet ~iniplici.ty, aaked: "How long docl:! lt take to get a 1il10t0Kraph :titer you leave your 1ucaSlU'C ~" This Show never divide~. It is more tlrn,n Vonble i LK former size. It has no postporwments, but is always the OLDES~' . the LARGEST, and the BES'l'. FIRST-CLASS GOODS, j at fai1·, ren1un~i-~~tive pric~1:1, to ;;ive hiui a call. J t:~ll his craft a. two-master. A German~ being required to ;;,ivC' lt fa otlil tliat tl1e 1iurnte1· of a ~d1oot111r i;hould 1~ ItEHEM:B:E:R THE DAY AND DATE. --o-- CORNER ST()RE. HENRY ELUO'.l"l', Jnr. DJ.Ost ns::reeable Prcpa1'at1on for tb.o ·ToUet. ll'ar BeauUryiug_thei Oomple:itlon, and rendering the Skin Sof!· 1-W.b.ito, Oleur, aud free from Drynose, it is UDrivsued. It will Q.Wck.l:v remove all Red.nos!, Rouizhnese 1 Tan, Freckles,· Pimples. and otherim· perfection1. Fo:r Ohapp~d Hands, ChilOlafW!I, Frost Bites and $;JIQ Li:tJS, it CaJlD.Oli l>o aurpau:ed. !'rice~() IJ.'hls JELLY ls bl.ghly rocommended to Liidlcs as a I-fornptou, Aug. ·ind, l87J. bp-o23-m5·~. =============;;;;;;....;;;;;;;;;..=======;;; I I His Gent's Furnishings will be found W'ell assorted. :Bow1nanvi!Ji: · ..A.p11.l 5th, 1871. MARKUS MAYERS· tf. F. Y. COWLE. [ cents. ICARRIAGE SHOP. {we;it of Ll1c 0 .LLtariu Bank.) VA.L""q .A.MBURG!.:r & CO'S GREAT GOLDE~! · ~ ·· · ·· · f~Ef~~iGERIE. ..... .. -, l\iug Strpot., Bowwanvillc. ·· ··· ····· · .·~ tmbsc1·i ber is prepiu·cd T R}; 'PH..Jt' to built!. und rc - 'J'het-e i1;1 au old inaiJ. up town who it> ::.o au· of CVO l'y cut>k.Jned to date her a.go back\\·ard, that when .Wo speaks of the latter· pu,rt vf Decen'lLer f:ll1e call.e it "late ju the 8pl'ing. "-A:merican l 1aper. " 'Vlrn.t makes your cows so cross?" ~ajd an old lady to the 1nilk1uun the other day. -"Cror;a, 1na'an1? they :we Lhe gentlest thiHt;t; in the world."--" \Yell, the n1ilk ]!; nhvayii; IJ(l nr, " I.h e _.,. " 'ure t. nnmrnt.o,,' ·.~a 1 C ongress 01 CompOA~tl or A.,.:\.,'. urrn,-1 ~,·1 ;n:.,~t 11~r.Htifir l anlmnle ev!\r i;een 1n l\ 1l 0·1H1f-;t'l'l ·· ','.'on ' ~ ··r.1 · \ · ~td l"i 1,i;.!J ~ 11111 <J ju;;Llcc to this greatest of nil Auu.;.;~:;:11.1. t 1.1.i;~\1uL1 ... wuv r ptopol.fa.tl!lg audoa- rlcscription, at ~hort 11oticc, <~ndort re:~l:l'Cll1<.1,blc ternIB. ,.,r · POINTS coun1gt;ig thi:.li Wlilch ~11,.,Til~ 11.nd )nitlv l11 (':nmm r· :1<1<:o.l by1110 pre::i~. p11l'pf~.R.ll'l GREil.i sri.l:\f m= Nf\Ti.mm. msroav 1 TITG mrn:,T f'THc.\.'l'OR S JL\.,1'DiWORK o:rr STJPERIO RI'l'Y. lower 1'111'ead. Carriage~; Painted and Trimmed. 1nntrou rcplitd, Bharply. " VeglJt~ble villi! !" excla.i111ed au vld lady ; "don't to.lk lo me of such stufl'. 1l'li e Lest veg· ctable pill is l~n api..ile chunpling ; for destroyiug ;L fillU.W.ing in the s tom~h the1·e'o 11vthiog- like it i i L ca.n f1,l1cays be relied on." A cynical old bn.chelor1 who firtnl y btilit:Yc~ il1at all wo1:nen have something to say on · oJ.l ~ubjcct.s, recently :uiked o, fe1n;.1.lc friend : " \ Yell, mn<lrui1, whnt do yo1i hold on this quef>tion of ft'ln1a,l e suffrage '!" tu hin1 the Jady n.!sponded. ca.)mly, " Sir, I 11 0\d my tongue?" Auut E -- wns t1·ying lo v~n:ntadc littli.Eddy lo r e.tire ::i.,t suudov,·11.. ' 1 Y 0 11 see, llJY dear, ho'\\' the little chickens go to rou~l a.t tba.t every chIBi'I nf 1">1.t'rn'<! tll\·n r1 f 1 un!lr·r~1 l ti·Joer;. Ticltq Gr;'.!;11.n1ze tl 11.ad pr>rfci_:tnl ti:i a r.\·:ill\ cf1p1 ·1 ;1'ni1 it> hll1w r t.n11n l\ 11,,w11 l11 a.o.y coun try. H uc ce.;su-U 1 cuwtuhs l '.vl n.J i..r..:dm..:u~ of Shnpticit:i; in C:ansti ..action, Ease of operation, Perj'ectlon nj Stitck, alike rm bot"! sides, owing to peifect f<Jnsion on upper ana RNGE OF WORK :- From Ga.izc to Bc·wer Cloth. DURBILJ1'Y :-Will fast a life time. A Blacksmith's Shop u11 U1c prcu1ise~, wOt'+J speci;,~l <ttleu ti.(Ju is g1 ven Lo <~ll · only nft\'1' ;;i·,· .1 ·.·I ;" '.'):' '· U.Utc,tlt.k,;, U:rn::r~ :·::; (l, \oJ.Un CXJI Clt· Jl"rom nll q,I'\ l""'l ""·-n ro1ml:rJ'."!'. 1·!1 I.be ff\Ct:' 0f1!JI' ("':·rlt1,o't)t.:ilnctl t>flle1~rl~' dlturu Jl ,\ll'.1? A "'"l'll.J.t ~"T nOJ.,I.ArU'). THE LARGEST AND BEST SROvV ON THIS CONTINENT. Equa.lly a.da.pted. to Fa.mily Work, Dress a.nd Shir Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES ,DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. Ci1 .rriago \vork, a.nd General Jobbing. EVERY ·MACHINE A.gents, WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. We have tolsu on lmml All icotk done c it this stabtishmen warrantecl. .A. co.LI ii; l't)Spact full y solicited. · T. )iORHIS. time." "Yes, Aunty ." i·eplied 1£ddy; "l111L the uld heu alw:tys goes with t heu1." In no other cxJ1ihlt.i'.'ln Jn America., a llll prol~:~l}l_y ,,uot In tl 1e 1 l'he edito:r of one of our cxchanguH ;o::.lyB lie k1iown worh\, C!Ln there b ef011nd ao V.tt !!t a v:H· 1 1:L~ o.; . wtmd crr11 l anh.nuli! Hi l hoi;c owned lly ihh1 great ,\ic 11 1tgcric Company \Von.Id not miud getting dl'unk ocuasiouu.lly if, ll'Iurc J\fl'icau :E1c11h::u1 tl:f ".~c:m 1tnf <Jtltcn· 1:.:>.lii\JHJ0·1 ia whilti in the delightful st:lte, HOlUe flCauip didn't An1crlc:1. go and steal the keyhole of the front door, tlind lli 01·t; Two 11 u1111md Cu.11u.1h1 t:L1\:1 :~;iy otl 1 ~r exl1i1Jl thl11 ill ttu s eo1111trr, Lhua 1uako it necessary for him Lo 'W ake up hfo ·i.lTol"c !'"ni:Tecl f]n; tie f l 'O)u Il1 {li1~ t.b Li l a11y otl1 r.:r (.'Xh1 \.li l.\·J1J 1A,ifc before he could g-et h1. t\lls 1:1lde of I tie A tl :unlc. Not 1011g ago, ou the coaiot of Africa, u. o:.;~1p· 11.Iore '!Uit::t.n1nunQ:L ]_, . toni;i thu ·.·. :111 yollwr.c.\. hil:i iliot .1 oH ll:l:.i contlncot, . ta in \VBS going to throw one of the ere"', that IUcn·c 1Uunuuot!t AJ1tclQ!)C ~ tha n l\!"l'.f ._, l b<' I' ei.hlU/liPll In ' W<UI dying ovcrboatd. So the irmu :mys: i: You e..,lsLencc. _ i~iu't going to bury tne alive i.ll·e you ?,, "Oh !" }l(u r1· A1u!ol1·ali n11 K~1m::L ro01>1 fhnri any oll\er ex hllillk11 1 . · Qn~itlcof.Sti11tn'llb. '· · · ,.1 c;aytt the captaiu, "you needn't be so jully par1'loTe African Zcbt·us 1l1rm a.ayo~hcr<· x!nb~tlon In tl.1uNow · ticulu.r to a few tuinutea !" 'WOl'ld. ":Butter costs for~y-five co11b:1 :~ pound !)1 l\IoTe A fricn.11 ~.p· rinl,\'. U11du1 tlJ;\n au.: ulhercxllllJHl011 eve: in :1J1y couutr y on tll.c g lobt>.. ;:;htieked a landlady ton. boartler wl10 WW! l)ut lUtJrl' 8n\tlb A.frlcnn Duy)l<ir J; (~~; s L:mn any othe r ex. teriug his breail at a J·ate not at all pleasing to ~ lll].)llion in t11e kJ1own worltl. the economical lady. "IL'i:I well wo1·th the l\l'OrO Cnp1; Cnuu.-.M limn nny ot he r r xltlhill on lu :Xorth money, for it's vory :;ood butter ," was the Amertc11 . D.l!l nlll' spncc JJ.lll1Dlt we ml;!ht men Liou 1mrny ot.J1cr a 111u.H1.li>, prompt reply. urn~ th!::i ;£1'1:\'ll Mena,..,.crlc(.;ompanvl mve greater llUJIJbP I S OI tJlai1 ·1ny (ilJ1ttr c x hl btCt.on In exl8t·~u'ce Ill t hi~ b:n0 wn world. TL A <la.rkey \\·as <1.ol'l'estcd 1 and arraigneJ for HI em µhatic ul ly ti1c moi.L culossM exh!bl!l'>4 of thu Nlnctccuth stealing n. coat, before ·~ colored jury in a Lunis- · C tntru:y. iana town. '.l'he judge happe11ed tn be his ol<l 1naste1·1 and this gave the culprit couragc,v"lnchi ~IONS. FHAKCOIS SEIGHIST VmiAMBURGH &Co's GREAT GOLDEN MENAGERIE before a atrange man, he woultl ovt haVQ dis- for hat.fa. contury hM bcon knowniu Europe nnd .AW er. ,AND HIS ACCO:MPLISlIED ClIILDllEN 1 lea as tho most cxknslvc, the mo et gorgeoijslyetJuipp ca, played u n<ler the circumstance~ \Vlwn t.he who arc u n~urp:issed fur;lh egracetl.lld mtl:;tlc cleg:i.no& an d t he ruost complete .Zoological Coll<!ction in th e which they hnp:trt t o ihc11· scenes of cl:isslc postur~, world. · a'hcpresi:nt~ the fifllcth year of.lts ex!stcn1.:e, trial was about to oom1ncnce, the accused {l..U A11<l ck:g::.mt mythnlogicul rflpL'Olinctious of' Gn1ciu u a.nd the ,1.111muifemcnt proposo to lnt1ug\1rate tho corn· es whi c!:t hnvo been 1't!ceivod with tb& nouuccd his opinion 0£ the proceediuga by exmenae.ment Qriti.1 second lwlf century by t1:e introJuc- l:ltutuary-scen most cnthusinstlc de urno ~ t r atlons of applause from tho tionol"EN'rIB.ELY l"IE'l\' l'EATUR'ES of t.hemoi;t. ~l3'i.J.ni11i;, ad<ltessing hio; old ()Jllplo,ycr: "Mass~. bdlliauL and nUrru::tire nnture. Tho Gr<:at \';lnAm · m2st rctineil amllciiccs ?f ult tbo pri.ticipal Ca1Jltols of Europe. c au't ye get 1:1ome \~hite men tu 'cidc die · 'por\1urgh Menagerie, carefully nyoit1i..ng all <!o.11scs (lfofl:i:!nso tu a'oy clii88 of t lw community, l1ns dcpcmled for pa.t ru· L;:i.nt ca.se? I jn:;' as t;u(·H be trit1<l 'fore a. parcel nn.ge upou t ho exGCUence ofits Zoological ·;olle.ctlons, (l' J:iug-ti:i..ikil inonkeys, n;; 'for e 'dcm niggas. n nndhashlld NO CIRCUS a.tt ncbed to it. 'l'l!csamo policy, whi<.:libne. )'esulteU. in attracting n clussof pa.tro· Ti:r1~ CATJWJ! J1'M.-- -.i\... i)oor, dirty f!hoo-boy ll!l.A'~ such ar. no othcl' travellng f'Xhlhition hai1nttaine(1. going iuto ~ chnrcb, one Sunday evening, ::i.ntl w111 be pm·suc:d in the future. But in considcr~tlun of tb.o grest n.ncl incrc:.t~l11g n. ttent ion i;:i..-en of ln.t.o years seei11g the pa.1·i1:1lt ·boys stt1>nding in a row npon t o pbyi;Jcal culturc1 the mnnngouwnt hav o <leknnin e.c.l a bench to be ca.techiseJ, he gets UlJ h:i111sdf, n.nd to add to its 'M traotloni'l n CT J~AND Exrosn·10Y 01~ PUY· 6J(IA1. E n a\uSr:3 illt.r0Uuclt:1g ti.lo most famous :mJ cx14a.111fa in tho yc1y first place; so the pai·eou, of >ert professors of Phy&lcal Sportil from every part ot ho world, 1n clndl ng c'ii!Stlngiilsh<!d Gymnnsts ·who have cuu r-;~, Legb1ning with b i rr1, asln~d hint. ··llC\'tir lJofure appe.rn·c(l in A111N·ico., l.:i' boLEI-'l'H<rO A::;H ' · \Vhat is you1· 11a1ne ?" 1Lll.1'!STJO Exm11 l'1'JONS O t" 6'Tt:F,:-l'G'fll ASiJ AGlLl'IY of 0. most olegant., divcr~ i fted nnd plcasingnatu ro. affording" ·· Rnggt!d :tnd ·rough," ariswored he . tu old and young :i. refined anUbarmless ciite rtai11 mo11t '\'ho gave you that name ~,, i:~itl Do1ninic. ofthr!H1nj!'1y -O:<Clthlg interest, illustr.'l.ting tho won d<'l' The French Baby' Ecrialists, fnl capacity \lf tlw hunw.n f1·:.1uo., u lld~r ~c i ontilic t m!H·· \Vhy the boys ju our alloy," replied poor ing, for Uio nccom11lh11iment ur .LOUIS, TOTO A.ND GL'lLIO, Hugged an<l Tough. Aln.10~~ Incredible ...\t:hicvr-1ncn1 s ! tho you11gc st mid smallest gym1u!.6tie pcl'formers iu tho A.mong- t.ho }C'ndini:!' members of the Ya.nAwhurg b world .A young gentleman of this city, who i s an who execute high in tbeutt· the 1noijt astoumlin,;" WANZER' 8Ll\1'TIW A, ABBOTT'S, AND BAIWLAY SEWJNO 111/LUHJNE Bowma.nville, 0 <.t, l at. 1869. Our Stock of Greneral Goods is large, embmcing aU the Novelties of the clay, ~incl all the necessaries as well. d A,.-_C TI-IE I Daily Line 'l'O I,iulurl.l l!'n1..1no1:1-all sizes, 1f:~·.ilclings uf eve~.style 1 Wall Pape';'- a splouclid. a::;~or tine.Ht n ~w in stock, .A la.rgc tittpply of bc~ut1t ully assorted '\'\.l 1ndow Shades, Children's Cart·1a.Kea, Conccrttnas, ~n1eh.e8, fo1n b ~ 1 Loukiug Glasses, MuBic, Mag~ines, ·vi.o~ins;Violin l~owa, Vioh11 l:i~ringfl,Papc1· Collai~, :Net:k ~ws, ScJ1ool Boo!i.:s, Day B ooks, B1bJes, J(1uves and Forks,P(Jcket Knn'ef:l, Rnzors, S-poons, ~q1d Smf'l~o_rs . . Cheapest Note Paper and ]~nvelopes in the countr y . l~. ll these, mid a ttJ;"Jusand other. art~cles 1 are to be found ~t the VA.RIETI" STORE. We a.re always glad to ::;ee friend!!, n.nd thmk 1~ nQ trouble to l:lhow Goods ; an<l we guarantee us good value, at as low prices as any other house in the ti·ade. I>a,rties wishiug to .tclograph thoir friends, 1ua.y rely on havh1g thefr bli8illtl!'j8 done pron1ptJy. Agentf:I for I~mu.n Lh1e of Steamers, and Irnperial Iluildi:ng ~na Saving Society. Bowmanville, ~arch 'Ytt~k7PWLEES & QUICK. n23 :ROCHEST ER. The New Lake Steamer 0 cOt CHIT CHAT. rTim :Brady a.nd :Mike Flynn] Oct. 1871. 'l'IM.- 1871. ~IcLEO_D'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Preparetl for imediate use, aud nothing but the purest materials used, and req Ltiring no further mixtme of Oils, Turpentine, und D1yers. ':l1hcir COIDpoBition COHBis t~ ~olely l of h c:-:Pt'l't in tho 1uanufacturc of brick, di·opped in :.tt this office r-ec"ntly 1 and feeling a little ·weak, took"a scat on a distributing 5tone and got up 1vith no less than bali a poun<l of ink on his pants near the 101ver extremity of his spine. The last secu of him he \VM hunting some druggii:;t wbo could prpscxibe u. ·1 .L"effio1'"ing remedy." !\1!01-al~-·neYer sit down in a printing office.--~l'erre Haute Gazette. A CRUBL Dre.11.PPOINTMEN'.r, - Not far fruu1 AcMl.emy of (;ymnni>ti~~ ·w ill Lo fonnd the nam!:ls of feat~ of t4a gri;::1t L ~o1.:1rrl nnd otber worltl renowned tu. pezo pe:d0rmcr8. 'l'ho oxploita of t h('SC <limlnutivl'.l 1utlst11 almost ~ut·pt1118 tle iicriptiun; y et they 1~ re exet1utictl with such ehur1nin~ iafllntiltJ g racu flll fl pl·rfect eou11de1li'.e that tboy may be wltnce&<'<l without exciting th <> tcnst 11 e rvuu~ot' 88 or anxiety ou th o vart of 1 the f;lJCditL 01·. Pure Color·, Pu1'e While Lead, P wre White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spfrits of Tu1pe?itvne, di: Dryers, ccarefully ancl scientifically combined. The consumer can have any de· sired shade of color neatly put u1. in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can be done by himself, or by any member of his hou8ehold. "Good morning, Mike, shure and its early out, ye arc. Might I be bould to axe what started yees this morning." MIKE.-"Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a ~iffy. Ye see, I was tould, yisterday, that Misther Gray, av l'yro1 1e, had got home UT lIJI, ou or al1ont lst April next co1ntneHce an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man; and its Yf her regul:J.r daily trips, ice penn i ttiug,l~~v mesolf could lrni·dly slape it wink, all night, thinkiug av the iug Cobonrg CVf't'Y 1uoroing l'.lot 7:30. Port Rupo at 9 o'clock for Rochester,eonnectillg there with the chape goods. And shurc enuff, its the full storn he h1isthe Ne1Y York Central, No1·thern Central and piles · and piles tW the natest ptLtterns; and he'd give ye the )~rie l{.a.ihva.y, for tlill 11oiittH East, South, nn<l South 'V~st. makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five HETURKING . . Cints; Tay for most nuthin, u;nd the B1Lccy for a trifle less." Leaves Ch:nlotte, I'ott of Rocli\!st~r 1 overy 'l'lJ\11."An shure its funning me ye are, Mike; wouldn't the mn,n be evening at fJ o'clock, except SaturdayB, wl1'ln ufther breaking down." she leaves at 2 o'clock p. m., for Brighton direut. The -steamer caJls u.t :Brighton, Mo11J.u.ya: an<l MIKE.-" Breaking down, i~ it. Shure he knows a tlnick wurth two UY l'hursdny, at Col.borne every day except W edthat. I'lljist tell you what it is, Tim, if you want to git " ncs<la.y, at \Vhitby, . Oshawa, Da.rlini;Luu aud Newca.$tle On \VeJnes~y, should freii;ht offer. gm te name when youre <led, and be called a fiilanL.rofized, filosDealers in stock \vill find this the che<'l.:pcst ttnd ifer, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all yolll'e nabours,and the quickcf:!t route to .l"\..lbu.ny, Bm1ton New Yol'lc, &.c., &c. Address, rist aY mankinn, about Gmy's cluipc store, aud you'll do more 15. C. CAlt'l'J~}t, for the good av you counthry, than iYer St. Patrick did for ould Port H ope Ont ch l8th, 1872 2fi.tf. Port ]:Tope, Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it tbat niver was in it." much oblaged to yo, for the bit av advice, and won' t deI I 'l'IM.- "l'm tain ye; there'll shmcly be a grate mn, and maybee I'd miss some bargains. The top av the moming to ye."- I'm off to 1 Gmy's. "NORSEMAN" · ~ 1 ----~ S. B. BRADSHAW PU RE WHITE LEAD, ·r1rn RUSSIAN ATIILETEt; {!:om the I m1wrif11 Gyi.1nm~ium, St. l'etersbm-g, tJ...1dr first nppl'arti.ncc In .Americti.i who wlll intro1l m,"e all EN'f.IREJ~Y NE\\r 8c11oo:r... OF GY~A'3'l'Ic: :. of tho most novil1 and thrilli ng character, ~rho pcrfur10 ~1ces uf thctio grci:it 1Lrt1st~ ~l'il 501 1cw awl i>o 1li il't'r~t from 1.myth i.ug tli at l ·M tirct:..:.dcd them tlrn~ H i:i C"XilCC(llqgly d ij1icnlt t.o g'IYc 11t1 adcqu~l e id ea of whnt tl1 cy :u:c itblil. 'l'bo br o thers uro Uu·cc iu llUll;Jb t'I\ bn t. tbo!r <11.1ts m· c numcru ns and of n &ingulal'ly ll1vc rs1fo"l 11aturc. A8 tlto ccntl'al New Jersey lived two )'Villlg lawyers, A.rchy B1'0\\'U ~nd Toin Hall. Both 1vere fond ·>f tb·opping in at Mr. Smitb 1s of nu evening nnd spe11di11g an hour or two with hi$ ouly daughtc1· )fary. One ov<ming, when TI1·0\vn ;~11d ~ii s.'-l :\'Iary batl di::icusscd a1nwst every to1)fo, J3rO\\'n suddonly, aud with bi:,; sweetest Lune~, struck out ns follow.:i :-"Do you think, ~J'ary, you could leave your father and mother, your plellilitnL home ftcre \vith n.11 it~ ease arnl i.:on1fortf:I, and go to tho fa.r ,~{est with a young lawyer, who ·lui.s but litt1 besides hi~ p1'0fessiuu t o depend upon, aud with him find ont ·~ new home, which it would bo your joint duty to beautify and make delightful l'ike this?" Dropping het· bead softly upon hls shoult.lcl', J:ihe answered, "1 think I could, Archy." "\:l,'ell," said he, in a changed tone, and a traig!1tening bim.se1£ up, " there's 'l'oru Hall vfho's going Vt est, and 'va.ut;; to get :t wife. I'll jtwt 1 ncntiou it to him." J. B. .TOIIANOFF l n hi1:1 uIJ pnrallolcd (ixplolta on t.l.i o;i A large stock just recr,ived, for aut:umn painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers,including James' Genuine, and th" elc brnted aw:l J. GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. For the l)est and cheapest · v:ould tala: tLis 01Jpoitu.11ity uf Lhankiug hi~ nurn ct ou::; friends for the very liberal pn.ttonage b e hM rcceiYc·l... IIc feel s 1:>a li::ille1.l that noth~ ing huL lra.Jjnl'tl a.11.~t· l)hu1 e~, Rllllning Glo !J· ~'5 Qlobc-Trnpezc ! ROOS1'Ell .BRA NlJ, yuanxnteetl p u:re. BROTHERS JOHANOFli' tll~y appc:u in G ro11r1iJ1gs, PyraIJ.J'ids, and th e J\tost A t' lut;,n<l.iug .L\J'.l.lcpotl cuu lJxer ci~c5 J Somo of wlllch arc executed on tl.1.1.1 t,'1.1.rnuU 11uJ vl hu ~ high in ulr. Ju tli.l.~ :i.stoui ~b !J1g p erformance tli c il1lr\'3p\ll-J'olmno 1r running n r ttyolv1 ng g lnho u p a ti t ccp Inclinod tila.no ton. 1.l!z;oy hoight, kiw c~ t he m·rrow jlitt!rw:w und gtill Dmintainiog- bi11 foo~Lokl on t ho ,r; loOO l.Jal:mc~a. tl1 0 11r1hcl'c 011 n. F1srr>G 'fK.U'.tiz1~.BAJ ~,aecnmplislii n" u -double J'cmt ol'cq11illl.Jrlum, by k(!eJii n;::- l.1 11 l·al:imli? of thll globo-wbt l(l b.v mulSCnln1· nct1011 lte ltol1 ls I hcglobo In it.& :plar.(l on Jh(, frail l·flr pf t Qo Yibrat.hig 'l'rnpc;;Q . '\Vortlt1. will noL n.c.lequaicly ·lesi:.rJbe lh c dc:\ka.cy of' Mk1 ll ~nff in t r epidity of 11erYc r{' qttin·tl for t his11n rn· ecedcrrt cd cxhi~it.il)n; ?nlit. bM:1fo t.o ~.u.y \hnt nothlng t.o :l))· proach ; t u1 d 1fhcnll.v <·r nt·ll:ill c flll !.'J.h ha~ yet bcca wl~n <:> ~:i e; d. OU tli ls :ihle of th1l Atbnth;. ,,,u ALSO slaudard colors, oils van1iohcs, and painters' materiuls. Call and sec how che<tp a hoime catt be painted and dcconttecl; for icll these gootls will be sok1 aUiedncecl fifJ'W'es. 2000 Gttllons of DRY GROCERIES, CROCKER-Y, ' & }l'i1i<111uial1y, the Booton .1ubi'l cc lu1~ 11ot 1.,provecl i.t :suceesb. Even Mr. Gilmore \nu; obliged to pawn his benefit to this fond t" keep up its cre<l.it j and is left with quite a sum on the wrong f!ide of the balance E>heet. So unsatisfacto1y an exhibit is attributec to HACBIN'.m vf differe11t kinds. OIL - wlll the placinrr all the tickets at a unifol'nl !'ate. We ;onder that .n.1r. Gilmoret "'ho is such au able sho,vma.u, should make such a mistake. The resnft will be "public m i sfortune, a.sit is likely to p1·eveut any such peace Jtlbileesin futu1·e. 1fhe tendency of such ioternatiqnal as:sen1blagcs is certainly in the interests ol peace. It did much also throughout the country to call attention t o music. rrhousands of' church cbohs will be the better' for the p1-a~tice. The solid men of Boston, whose busines8 Riding a Velociped e upon a . Single ut nu I moocusc lI1~ i ght:1 1\·ith Fearful Yeloci ty. Jll'J,LE gfvoL!s tcrritto exhibition oJ A. JOIIANOFF 'l'hreshe1 ·s and >dl parties requiriug such oil, are specially invited to insrect the various qualities, t he prices being far below anythfog ever offer·ed in this \\.'irr~ I A spedr.J. f eature is the loftyOhuir and .Bottle balancing of n1arlret. lius g1t.i11e<l fol' him oi.tch a. t>Lea<ly incrc<1:-:.e of bufil111ss- luuch la1·ger than forrr1L'r yt1ara; and he trust& tha.t l)y I SHOES ' a,nd Clothing made to order in first-class style, go to tbo Zepher Hico ombolliD1tlnt or tl'.:rlal graco, ·whvi>e (~X. ynhit<> 'l'lGHT ROP.E ]i:xc)·ui5e!J hn.\'omwer been up pr()ached in cxe:ellt'.llC6 hv t b e cfforl s of m1y :rrUl'tfl 011 t)1c cortle ten.due who hn.s }'llt :tppcurc11 ln Amm-ica. MJ\RllC'l'TA ZANFHWITA, }f. JOHANOFF, origi11 ri.l wlth hiuu:clf und 9ta.rtl\ng in clfcct. 600 Cook, I>a.rlor, Hall, a.nd :Box Stoves, ani ving, and now on exhibition, the lm·gcst and cheapest stock of <.>f gymnastic skill tvo numerous to Vf!J"ticula117.e '\1ll bemtroJuccll in tQ.'isrofineda.n d SJ)l..dttid entertainment 'vlllcb will ail'ot·ll tho most perfect um.l degautill1ntration ever f1,11n on tl1is continent of t he m:i.rve lo us aoltievcUlE·nts l.Jt physh.:nl culhtt'O whlch tho b st fow year:> bavc protlueet.1. - OTIIllH RAHE NOVELTIES striet atteution to business lie will t:untiuue tu 1"2c(·i ~ o :; Scpnrnto :'.:hows in 'l'hree Soparatc Tellt&, ME~.aa.1~Jttl3.l, GY:l!NAsru~r AND CoLossEUM,· Brilllri.ntly Illuminated with G-AS, KlDD 1S PA.T.E :ST, interests were largely benefited by thi· music.al enterprise, ure well able to meet any deficiency and to sec that its projector docs not su.ffe1· in J1is intel'esta. That city \vill now clain1 · w ith n1ore pride t han ever to be t.11e "At.11ens of An1tirica. n f9c Ono l'riOO or Aclu " · ~:011 . ' NO -OIRCCS.' NO :TSEUM. l:Ir.AT'I' ::.:-.w11·.r: .hl~,.1.mm. GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE m Lim C01mty of Dm·lmrn. JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings. Bowmanville, Aug. 8th, 1871. tlwir ~upp1.1 1·t. J. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, Tyrone, Nov. 2nd, 1871, S. B. BRADSHAW, .'\.ll those that :;1.rc 1n ni::l'cni-s lnust vu.y up, especially the H:i:rd ware acco11nt. S. :E. lL Bo wn1n.nYillei ·J!\n. 10th) 1$72. ly-lfl rrYRON E. A.d;i8sfon ... ... . .. .... . - ....... : ......... .,50 Centi f;ll.l.1ilteu UIHl\'l' 0 y~·11re c-f age... . . . . . . , .. .. 25 C1Jut3 · j