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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 Jul 1872, p. 4

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THE POETRY. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER. Beautiful Sumn1e1 ! thy glo1·1ous <l.lyR And lingering sun sets bright, ga1 ; a.nd, 111 contrast with their sorrows a.nd pl'ivationa, it ·nill lend to the1n --·'a. double cb:l.un, Like pearls upon :i.n Ethiop's atnl " Plants in ::i. growing sta.te absorb the oxygeug as of the atmosphere, 11nd exhale carbonic acid. These ate facts, ~nd it lS well known that oxygen is necessary to life, ~ud ca.1bo11ic acid inJur· ious to it i so the conclus1on hail been jumped at th~t pla.nts in sleeping-rooms cannot but exert a deleterious influence. But there is nnotllex equally conclusive fact-t. e , that pla.nts feel! on tlle carb@n ic acid of the atmoir phere, and are the chief instruments employed m the gi·eat labor.ltory of Nature for cleansing and puitying it from the uoxloua exhalations of a.nhnal life. Fio1n the f oiests to tl1e tiny blades of grass \\lnch force them.selves up through the c1ev1ces of the city'a paYements, every portion of ve1<lw·e is employed in durinfecting the at· 1uoop.bere, The at1n's J a.ya deco inpose the ca1 · bonic acid \\hen taken in by the lu.avc~ Its ca1bon 1s used in bui.ld1ng up tbc str11ctu1e of the plo..ut At night this proce~s ceases, and :~ small portion of carbonic acid is evolved by the plants, but not in such quantities as to affect human hfe ..i\.11 gardeners understand this i and PPtcr Hcnde1 son tells us, in his book on 1 Practical Jl'lonculture,' that ho ;;lept in greenhouses for three \\'Inters, \v1thout the least lU J"' y to Ins health. 4 MERCHANT, FE.IDA T JULY 26, lS72. t· \Vith tho y·M1ccl ~harms that the season display Fill our senses with purest delight. Father, we thank thee for each sweet scene, 1;~01 t,1c balmy zeph~rs and the eky serene. Beautiful Sum1ncr J the lovely Hower.~ That 'hroider the emerald sod Or sparkle hke gems in our g:nden bo,re1·e, All lead our affect10ns to God. l!"'itthr,>.1, we thank Thee fo1 g-iftsso fair. To Stop 1Jlccd1ng - It is s111d thu.t bleeding from a wOlind on man or boa~t nHtY be ~topped by n. mix ture of wheat flour or common salt, in equal part~ bound on ,Vith a cloth If the bleeding be p rofuse use a large quantity, sa.y from one to th.rco pints. It may be left on for houra 1 or even <lays, if necessary. The per· son \Vho ga.,.·t! u~ this re01pe says in this manner he saiYed the life of a horse which wns bleediog from a \vounded artery; the bleeduig ceas· ed in five mtnutea D.fter the application. It has been &ncccsafully applied in other en.sea . Q, - BOUNSALL, 1 MANUFACTIJRJ~ I ~rPORTER DEALER m all ~ho varietie· of , Th, a;1 HARD TO BELIEVE. Spring Stocks ! TRTJE NEVEI~THELESS Italian & American Marble. ...1... l:11gu and choice selection of ! MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, Wrought 01· ul\'\ t~ys on .hand, of superior wor]anan~hip, and at lowest prices. SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Bone Felon. Of all painful things can there be any :;o (1X.· cruc1atiugly painful M bono felon? '\Vo know of none tlrn,t flesh is heir to ~ this malady is quite frequent, and the subj ect of much cu.1·· nest consideratJ.on, we give the last re~i11t fol' its cure, which is given by that auth01ity, the Iiondo11 Lancet · "d\A soon a.a the dhenso is felt put directly o'er th ~ spvt 11 fl~·t bhater, nboi.1t the s1ze of :yoi.n thumb nail, null let it remain for sis. hours, at the exp1rat1on of which time, directly under the surface of the bhster, may be seen tb e felon, ,.,hicl.i can be instantly taken nut wJtli thti po1nt of a needle 01 a lancet " "'"' Cast hon Fences for enclosing burying lots. G·roce·ries Very Ohea11. &c c,tll is .... c\... For the flo,,ers that powt to thy watchfnl ct~r~. Furniture Tops, l'i!a11tel Pieces, kept on hand, c:.r wrought to order. i-espectfu.lly 1·equebted at the works, Begs to inform the Public 'that, he ho.$ t~ived and opened oul a bea.utif·tl nnd well ar,11.orted S.took of Bettutiful Sumn1er ! thy bright Iiotus pa....;s, The ploasu1e thou brJngcat us fade, H4 TS Good Cookmg Raisins only 5 cents a pound, and still cheaper by the box. - -o-Uotto11 aud \\'volen Guo{b me advm1unu, but you can them at Elliott's fth' a sl1ort time, at the old prices :N°o,v is the time to secure what .AND l'S , l'he enjoyments \YO hope to partake of, a.las 1 Ne soon lost 1n the .t\_utumn's deep shach1 , . A.ud otu livei:;, like thy 1nonth~; nre app1oach· ing their close, .As dtty rn succeedC'<l 1.iy e\l'ning·b iep.1se Octobe1, lst, 1809. King St1 eet, for Spru1g and Su1nmer His Stock sttr· passe.e previou1:1ly o:ffci"<:d in the Town. Men and Boys Suits, Iiis Prioes Low, :1nt.l lns Beautiful Summer! thy bright hou1 .. to:.:uch An l'loquent lt:sson of love, Juv1t1ug tho Chr1st1Rn m pr,tyer to besctch Gi)d's bl essings fro1n tnn.nsions aboi, e. F1~tl1u-t, v.·e bless Thee for Summer daJ s Ri::irtr oi.u h\'lmll8 of ih:-tnksgiving, our songs of lhaii;;e you need ./ NOVEL'l'IE8 ARE STYLISH. A Medical Prescription for the Breath. AT THE ULOTHL01G.-Gent,leme~ in 11 ,;nt of" gooJ. tittlllg t< uit should call en,rly at Elhotts Fashionable Tailoring Etabli~hment. 'l'he whole will repay J11r.;pect1on 1 A11d he 001drn,l· ly extends an lll \ 1tatiun to au his old ft·ieud~ and as many new ones as may feel inclined to be bm1efitted by having Crumbs for Chickens. --================== el-enc1ally as soon ~s a 1nttn fa 1111pposcd to haoc a little money, his\\ 1fe gets too lame to ""·,,.lk ,md must ha\'C a crunage. " Mamma,', ea1d a little boy who had been sent to dry a. to\vel before the fire, "ho:trit lS "is it done b1".0Wll ?" " B·1y, yon a1 e not fa.1 Hom a fool 11 ' ' "\V ell, as "re ain't mote th0in tlll ee upa1 t, l g1\ e in to th,i~," w,is the 1 eply. " How hollow it eound!:! 1" i:uwJ ,L patwnt 11·1 <lei the rnovement ctue, M the phy:s101a.n "\\as \·1gnromsly pounding h1l:I 1..·li~st. " Oh, that'f.j ltOtlnng !' said the cloctm ; 'i w:tJ.t till ·we get to the head!" \Ve ln.tely met n gramm,u1an, sa.ys ,\. Oa.hfo.r· HU\. papert who has JUst a. tour through the mines, cogitating thus :-' 1 Positive, n1.ue comparative, rruuer enperlatne i11u1us 1" u Ho\l do you hkr. n1c, now T' o.skcd a belle uf he1 Sponse, a!> she sn.iled into the 1oom, w1th n. s-weep~ng tra.1n of muslrn following her " "\Vell," s,t1d he, ·' to tell you the tt uth, It is l1npm1s1Llu for ine t.o hkc you any longtr. , If you ,,....onld lea11.1 to bow, w·1itch a 1noa11 1nnn \\l1enhc talks to a g"'ntlernan of v.calth ..:\. na11ow~n1i.nded 1nan ca.n no mo1e upright in the pl'escnce of a mont!y·bag than bt:1 c.r1.n throw n.acme1sau1t o~er the rnoou. A gentleman on taking a vohuue of " Gib· bon's R11111e ·· to be bolllld, was asked if he would have it hound in RuSBla.. "Oh, 110," he to· plied; 1' Russrn, 1Fl too fa.1 off I \\ 1n have 1t done her~.,, l~ SYLL001s;u -A correspondent send:; us the follO\Ying logical p1 oof that a. has th1ee ttul.s.-"Nocathas two tails; n. cat has one nto1e tnil than no cait; thc1efo1·e a cat ha8 three t£t.ils ,... ··Tilly,·' s1~id '~ to u. dau,)tter who had seen but four 1n1n1mera, "v.. ha.t shoultl you do without your O)otheL'°' '- "I should put on, t:1\ e1 y da.y, JUSt such u. d1ess as I 'vanted to," \Va:J the p1·ompt replj ]ff.JLK .AND 'VATER - .A lad, on delive1ing hlf.! m1lk a few mo1ninga ago. was nsked wh~~ the mill.. v;.·as so war1n. "1 don't I. . now/' he re· i1lied, "'1th 1nuch si1nphcity, "unJci;s they put '1.1lcn·m \vat1:r int.o it instend of cold. ' 1 E\'ery young man has ~ fine season lll lull life ,~·hen he will accept no office, and e1'·ery young '\\iOD):~u lir~ the same 111 hors, when she will ac· ce11t no huBband, by a.ud by they \.Joth change, !'l.nd often take one anothe1 111to the ba~-gmn Clcn.nliness is very e8$Cntial 1n ftowm ·cnlture, <1 From six to ~en drops of th'! concentrated .md close attention must be given to keeping sol 1lt1on of the ch1ondc of soda,ll.1 a w1ne glasaful tlHi pot.~. saucers1 and sta1Jde scrllJHllousJy neat, of pure i:ipnng "ater, taken m1mrd1ately aftor often subJ ccting them to abluttons, tho ablut1ons of the 1norian~ 1.tie COlllIJl~ted,w ill rfhe plants ;hould also be 1n perfect health ; sweeten the breath by dudnfect1ng the At;, fo1 1 "'h1le growing vegetable!! is healthful, it whic1J far from bejng lUJured will l:JC bouefittecl 1 beco1nes noxiour; when sickly or dead .A:ll the by thl:l medicine. If necessa1y. this m~y be re· dying }ea.\~s should be removed, nnd nll :flowers pe~kd in the m1d<llc o' the day. In some Lefore they have quite lost the trace of beauty, cases the odor adaing from ca11ou~ teeth is coms1uc~ the- petnJ.1:1 of so1ne va1ieties become 11n· bmed l}'Jth ~hat of the If the mouth plea.aant o.:s soon~ the l>ri!!Je_Qf their£c JS \vell nns"'d vr1th a teaspoonful of the solution ht pa:.~ed, of the chloude Ul a tumblei of water, the UM By attending to thcne simple ict,"1.1la.tions, a odor of the teeth\\. ill be ren10\ied " s1Ck·cha1nber may have ita windo\VS ado1ned \11th fJO\\t':i-H, witJ1out the slightest nsk to the I' Care of the Teeth· ]1calth of itsi o!'..cupant. ll those of tu:1 who can go \Vhl'le please, The bC:'"t n.ntl sr1fost tootlt·\\RSh Jn the wodd in th1:: sun::olrb 10 and the shade,still find pleasure 18 tepid \'>'atei The1e is not a. tooth powdo1 in 111 cpltivntu1g house-plants, bow :m11ch 1no1u ex1;;itcnce, or'" tooth.wash, that does not tnfhct JOY an<l delight w11l such trcnsrucd co111pan1ons a phy$iC>ll InJUl'}' to the teeth, a,nd p1omote confe1 upon those who al'e debarred f1·om out- theu d ('C~\y, Euch dentist has iJo po .;der of his door e:xe1cise, and inust have their all of ver· own, which he sells a.t a. thous::i.nd pc1 cent. du1e an<l floral beauty brought to them! profit, winch he may honestly im11ginc "\illl do a 'rhro:e is a larg-e ela.1>s of beautiful, ornameutnl postivc good ·ntbout .inv iuJury whatever, but plants whof-!e flowe1 s possess no fta.:;eance, and he IB irustnken. ···Ex 1nvalids should make their selections chiefly -- -- - - -from then rank8, but lf the fiowers aie flaua.nt, Colorado for Asthma.tics. they cun be removed at n ight to an U.dJoining Th~ }JL!)t nun1be1· of the Medical and Su,,1g· u.:al lOOlU. Thosf! of ouJ 1oaders who pofJsess a gl"Cen. Jlcpo'l'tcr mentions th0 case of a. citizen of Debouel-1, or access to o~c, c~n teadlly i;iUpply troit, who~ had for thi1ty years suffered intense· their w1ndowg with pots 111 full 1lloon1; and a ly f1o:m a.:ithma, iecently migratingto C-olo1ado, f1 equent change can be secured, which is <le- ·w here he soon e:xpcric.nced ~ decuied rehef, a.nd, SU'nhle on many accounts, ae no plants can aftet .~ stay of three or fou1 n1onths, found l11n1sE.1lf co1nplete1y cured He iegauls: tha flotu1sh well in a heated a.tmosphe1 e, pure, ratified atmosphere o{ that elev!lted, non· Own1::rs of greenhouses and conservat-0r1cs crui gn·c their less fo1tunate f1iend!'I b'1'e&t p1cwmre nui.l!:!.1.11ous rel{1on as a positive antidottt for a.sth· 1na in all lts fonns. by the gift of plants ui full b1oon1 ; which may seem to them, in the 1ichne~s of their many postieasLOnH, as of little .t<Jcount, yet would con- FIRS~-CLASS GOODS, CORN EI~ sr:roRE. F. Y. COWLE. 'l'hls JELt.T is highly recommended to Ladles as A mo-1t n~recablo Pre[larallon for tho Toilet. Foz Deaa.tlfying tho Complexion, and rendering the Skln Sort; WhltO. Clear, and tree from Dryn.eSI!. it la unrivalled. It will quickly removo B11Hodnese, Ronebnesl!l, <ran, Freckle~. Plmplee. attd other im· perfi;,er.ion1. For Chapped Bauds!Cbilbl&ine, Frost Bite19 and S::ire Lipa, it canno be .eurpaeed. .S;iti;;faction gL><tianteed in tdl rewionable cases HENRY ELLIOT1', .Jm. Hampton, Aug :lnJ, 187 J bp-o23-m54 l\t fn.i.1, pncP.s, to give 1nni a call His Gent's Furnishings will be found well assorted. MARKUS MAYERS· Bo\\ manv1lle · .A.. p1il 5th, 1871. ti. Pd® fiGocenu.. ~-;:.,;----------·! I ' ICARRIAGE I I SHOP, I I (west of the Ont':l.:o Bank.) King Street, Bo\vmanville. aubf:lc11bci TIIE. pau 1 s prcpo.i..;d to build ;:i.nJ. re· Wagons, Buggies, and Gi1tters. of eveiy t..lcsc11,pt1on, .~t :oh o1t notice, L)J.l.don ieasouable term~. Carnages P~mted and Trimmed- ' A Blacksmith's Shop on the p1 emISeg, were special "ttention is g1Yon t:un a ·world of delight to the sufferet· Queen Victoria ga,ve 01ders this past season to he1 ga.r<fonera to l'11stribute all the bedding. out p1ants, and those of tender ha.bit, grown in the g-ardens and pMks ~ urrounding hel' palaces, to the poor uf Lond1.1n and Windsor If the rich men of our country \Yould but follo\v this queeuly exnpiple, they \\:ould confc1 i.nest1mabl1J benefitB upon 1nany hungedng souls Surely tile i"dea 1$ ,\IQ/ th y 0 f ti le COD8IC1tH a.t"lOll 0 fall ,1 It inay be said that greenhouse plants ale plenhf11l an d cheap enc1ugh, nnd that but a lit· tle mullCY 18 fH.:Jc.1 eU to p1oouretht:n1J yet1nany a, poo1 child lacks that little, and, if the plants \\01&g1veu to her, ·woul<l e'ter re1nembcr the giver w1t.h.grat1tudc. --Indepcndent I Sunatroke···flimple Cont1'i.vanco to Pre· · vent it lTo the Editoi of th~ Ifei al l) . Abou L a )iu s1 ice I t:a\"' in n !le\.\~spu..per an account of n case of suntitrok~ , w11ttcn by the pa1 ty b1n-1self. Aitl'l suffering a long t1111e tron1 t he attack, nud hav1ng ton. con~ at d eralile tlegree recoYered, Le expeuence<l _ to nll Caniage work, and Geneial , Jobbing. All wo1·k done at-th-is stablisMnen wa1·1·a Mee! A cnll 1s respectfully 1mlic1h·d. ~uffenng CYen fron1 the 1<\) s, uf the H)OOU , ~ I his led I.inn t o tli e lt'fl~ct1on that 1t \Vas not altogether the lH'at of Lh e sun that produced plost1atJ011. .A.ttc1 1nud1 res"t:!111cl1, h~ d 1scnl'e1·ed that the inJ ury c 1n1c fro 1n the chl nncal iny, ana not t ronl the i1cat rny. Ile '"'as gnhled to this by observi ng the tact J. MORRIS. We hav also ou hand WANZER' SLE1'1'ER A,' ABB01'1"1!, A/VD BARCLAY l:IEWI1YO lrfACHlNE Bowwan\'ille, Oct. 1st, 18611. Raise Fruit and Eat it Goluutn '8 Y.Vorld pre~ents bi1efly the £ollow1ng good suggestions of la.J.fltng fr1uts '1'his iu n. fruit country. K early all farrncrs u1ay raise their own fnut St1a.wbernes 1 IMP · berr1e::i, cuiT.a.nts, and gooaebe1nes grow or will g1ow ahnoin; e\'erywhere. They can boCanncd and so well preset "'~ ed the whole y e.:i..r Apples, pearr, plun1s, peaches, can be ra1sed on most fauns rl'herc lSilO good 1·eason \Vhy fiu1tt:ihould not be as plenty as corn or wb~u.t. "Thfo is a. bilious co 11n t1y, tLat is, t11e poo· ple who live here are especially li11ohlc to bihoua diseases. There is, perl1apa, no better prcven· ta.ti ve of bilious diseases tlrn.r1 the constant use of fruit a.s tt chet. Jt corrccti:i the ac:iJs and Juices of the stomach ri.ud assist d1ge.st1on. It l~eeps the bowels- properly active and prevents that sluggiijlJ!lt'SS and torpu]ity \\hich promote bilious de1a.11gerntmt.a. ]'ru1t, to <lo its best office in the diet, "=houltl be cooked nnd en.ten as a part of the regulai 1neal 'l'hus used ho'Y de· hc1ous it i:i : How lt adds to the pleasu1e of <" incnl to have it enriched "1th so deh~te and a.greeable an article of dit't ! llo\v chaste and elevatliig is the tendency of such a diet cotnpa.r· ed with one of solid meat a.ind bread So it JS ; the diet is really the pleasa.ntest- the1C1fo1e, let fruits giow on our fa1ms ~nd adorn and make plen.saut ,t.ll our tables. A cc1tnn1 doctor had Ins portunt takell in fn.vont0 attitude-w1~h hi::! hands lll hi:i poc· kets. His friends and patients all went to see lt 1 t~nd e'l,;CJf"j'body excla:in1ccl, "Oh, how like the ongu1al: It's the Vt:l'Y p1ctur0 1Jf 111n1."·· 'Tatn't 1iko hiw,H .said an old f::i.11.11ot. "Just ~how 1ne where it is not hke him." srud t}1cy." 'Tain~t, no, 'tain't," replied th"' fa1mo1 ; · 1 dou't you see he's got his handR 1n hh~ pockets~ 'rwonl!l be ns hkc .tg.tin 1r hf· had his bands in ::;01nbody else's.,, A fool, a b1.nber1 .~nu~ ba]d.headeJ nu.i.n \\(J}C ttn.lelli.."lg together. Losing their nay, tlley '\\'ere foJccd toaleep in thtl open au, and to .~ve1t d::i.uger, it wae <1t,'Teed to wri.tcb by turus. The first lot fell on the barbe1, 'vho, for tt111URC· ruent, shaved the fool't:! heal ~h1le he Wf\~ :deep,,..()' Ile then U.\\oke l1nn, and tlio fool 1 ia1sing u ~: hand to scratch h1s he<itl, cxclanned, · 1-Ier~'I:! :t pretty m1~ta.kt1, yuu l11ive u.wa.kened the ul(l bald-headed H1an lnsteatl of xne" R \ l'TlIUl Co~.FUSED - Mr. K oseblossou1 d1ank 1r.:tlie1 more thain ]11s usual allow:.mce of hot l"lnn stur:.1.r one cold night w1ntc1 ; Jn conse1).nence of wlnch lie gave hi~ wife the follow1ng confu;;icd 11.ccou11t of his colldncl; on bis ieturn home.- " llluo J.... ion invited me to dr1nk Cousu1 Sau1-and, yon i;;ee, tbt: weather \\'!lS dry u.nd J '-1 ati vmy ~loppy -- ·so I said I d1du't mind inu1chin£ one drunk· -and it's que<>r how my lle:i.d \\ ent inti) tho punch though ! The / way 1Jon11' wL\s so llizzy that 1 slipped upon :b little £ h1g- -the corner o.f the street bit n)e---a.nd 11.n uld gentlernnn 'vith croppt:d ears and a. brass collat· 011 his neck, be said he belonged to the dog· -nnd I was---you undE>rstand·· ·hic·--Lb at js Hw wife l doJ i't know notlung inore about it '"fl.I:! cnhght1;med 1 111s tl1at a photograph conld uot he taken tlJ1ough a .}t:l!ow glass Acco1tl1ngly hi! hued h \B lial \Ylth t Y1o111llrlb"8-(J 11 e ot 01auge yello"" t.o atu:s~ U1e che1nical rJ.), aud one of grceu, to arr est U1e lica.t ray. 'l'hus pie· pared, 111:: \'cut '~ lJl!re tho 1ays ol tl1e s un were u1o~t iJJt~nse with pert~:...t ilupun1ty. It 1::; \veil hnown that t l1e rH·g r u J.l:) tlelduln or ney~r :;unsL1uck. rfhe coluL uJ h1s skin O\'Cl' tlu. sku11 being o1 the orauge Jellow may u.seiet in accounting for the fact. I pr,tchce~ upon this suggest1oa all ltu;t sum· UJ Cl' ; lined my hat \Yith green anc..l. orange yelloY.. paper ; and ha<l couhdence euough in tb1:1 truth of the theo1y to n t·glect xny uru b1ella, "'h1ch T had never done be tore. I 1neht1oned it to 1n.iuy, who tueJ. it also and in all cases that came u11dt!r tny obbel'M va.t1on t h ey un1furmly nsi;ic1tcd that the op- I -AT THE Om Stuck of Gmwral Goods is l«rge'.\ mbracing all the Novelties of' the · day, and n,ll the nece$saries as well. I Fook.e...;: Inatroments,Sho0'-' makers' ntves, .Pia Chl@.cle &c. Noth· tDg ever been d\scovcred whl<:h fui:s sprung Into popularity more quicklT or become of 150 m-acb value in every boneeholO. .md wotk,&hop tor aeneral usoralnees.... Ji>rlce 2:i cent19, oaUed- lu its rs.pldity Cutlery. TabJA and Picture }'rames- all sizel'.4, Jvto ' ltlmga of eve_rx style, \Vall l.>aper-n. splen did asSol'ttne11t uow in stock, .A lruge r;.npply of beautifully N:isorfed W1ndow Shal1es 1 Children'H Cu.rnages, Concertinas Brushes, Corn~s 1 Locku1g Gb.aRes., M usic, Magazines, V1olins,V1olin Bows, v·1olin ~t.r1ngs,Pape{ Colhn't'i, Neck 11es, Sch ool Books, Day J~ooks, 13ibles, Knives and Fm kti,P·JCketKnives Rnzot'R' )3poou ~. and Scissors Cheapest Noto PapN dU.U EnH:llo~s in the t.'Ountry All the~e, an<l ~ th')usand other articles, are to be found i~t hhe Y..A.RIE1.'Y S1'0.RE. 'Ve ;i,rt; alwaYJ:!glad to see fnends, and think 1t no troubJo to sho\V Goods, s.:nd we guarantee ,ti; good value , at as l Ol\ })l'lCBS as any othe1 house 1n tho t1 ade. I>a1 ties \\ tsh1ng tQ teleg1 aph then· fiicuds~ lll3Y iely on having their buRiness done p1 omptly. Agents fo1 lnman Line of Steamers, 1~nd .imperial Bu1ld1ng anU Snv1ng Somety Daily Line TO Bowmauville, March 'Ytt~J:?f)WLEES & QUICK. n23 Something long wanted b;y Everybody- Everybody his or her own Painter. ROCHES'I'ER. '\ The New Lake Steamer cOt CHIT CHAT. ITim Brady and Mike Flynn] Oct. 1871. pressive of the sun upon lhe h~.1d was 111ucb re lie' etl. Dctn11ng this d.wcove1y ol gl'el\t val ue to the wol'ld, I send you the cncloscd.-N. Y. Heiaul. MoLEO~D'S ! "NORSEM.N" in.; Cobourg e\ery mo1niug at 7·30 Po1t ff ope i::i.t 9 o'clock.for Roehester,,nnnectu1g there with Summer Drinks· Ice-water should be drank but sparingly. .A rnost exc0llent substitute for~it is i;>ound~ eel ice taken 111 srrw.ll ltunps 1uto the n1ontb and allO\llOd to dissolve upon tongue . This ,vJll p1ovc very refr~sh11:!g and n1uch HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, m1d nothing but ' the pmest used, and req ui1ing no further mixture of Oil.,s, Ti.n·pentine, 1:1nd Dryer,;. 'l'11~u· ~co1nposition cont=;is~s sol~Jy of the }.[ e'~ York Canh.1.l, Northern Central and Ene Raih\ ay, for nll pmnts East 1 Son th, and South '\Vest ' ~TILL .' 1Jll or aOont 1st April next commence her regular da1ly trips, ice perm1tting.lea'v· RETURNING . Inftuencc of Colored Light on Vegetation. .A g1 en.t deal has been publhhed in this coun. try in relation to certain investigations made byo. 'Mt. Ple.:i&nton, of Phila<]olphia,in regrud to the influence of a colored hght upon vegeta· ble growth. Mr. Pleaeantun claimed that, by the use of colo1·ed gliiss, he had greatly st1mulatt>d the gl'owtb of ce1 vegetables, a.nd lve believe he uJso rhumed th,~t u.11iu1als exposed to 1 the achou of1aycr. that had pa.'3sed th1ougl1 colM 01ed glass w ~s rendered more robust This whole sub3t:Ct"was lllYestigated many a.go by Hunt, in England, and recently M. P. Bert states, in the Comptee Rendus, that after very careful n11d elaborttte cxperin1cnts, he lB forced tothc concluenon that the use of colored glass is not only useless 1 but inJ trious: 'fhis waa to have been expected, since plants require all the bght they can get, .and the i:iffcct of passing light through colored glass is merely to stop off certain lays :ind ullow others to pass, thus d1· minfoh1ng the total amount of light \Ve be· lieve th11t ce1tain tl'ustee$ of ptllJlte buildings, i.gn01 ant of true pnnciples which govern this matter, liave employed col.Q!.-ed glaa:s in the 1nan· net indicated by- Mr. Plca!!at1 to:n .- Tb.e "nGliWM' of one tho pubhc scl1ools in Paterson'. N. J ., .~re 1 we l)elieve, g)a.zecl, wiLh the blue 01· v1oltit glass. .A. gentleman, in pursuit of zi. goose fo1 dmner, att1a.c:ted by~ the sight of a. plump a.nd we,ghty one. "Is that a yow1g one?" siud he to a rosy-cheeked lass in attendance,····· Yes, sir, indf:led1t iti."···" How much do you ask for it?" inquired the gentle1na.n.···" Six sbilhngs, air'," ... ·' Tha.t is too much. Say five shillings, nnd hnve your 1noney.H... 'Vcll, sir, a1:1 I would like to get you n.s a regular customer, I will take tt," The goose w~s carded home n.nd roat1ted, but found to be so tough o.s to bei uneatable 'l'he following day the gentleman accosted the fair 1?0Ultere1, "D1d you not tell me that the goose I I ought of you was young ?' 1·· · " Yes, SU', {did; and lt wu.'J.".·. ·· No,it 'vas not n_ · 1 'Don't sou c.-i.11 me .L young woman? I a1n not nmc. teen "M·M·'Ye.d, I do"· · H'Voll, I heard my 1nothcr say, many a. time 1 that it '\YO.S r.eadym.:x. 'veoks younger th~Lll me :" '-Vt\S ~mixing Pun ColO'r, Piii·e White Lead, P.ure White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spi?-Le1nonade is a t:;iruple and grateful bev.. its of Tu'l']lentine, & Dr1Jll'i'B, crage. rro 1nake it Roll the len1ons on QEnetlnng hard Lill they beco1ne colt; gn1te ccarefully and- scientificn.lly comoff the nnds, cut tho lemons io slices and bined. stiueeze ihern :in a p1tchet. (n ne\v clothesThe consumer can Ji"ave -any depin ·will ,tnswe1· for a squE:::ezer in lieu of sired shade of' color neatlf put UJ some thin g bette1); pour Dn the 1'equired in Cans, and all he requires to buy 9.Uantt~y of 'vater and sweeten according to with tM Paint is a Brush, as the taste T11e grated rinds, for the f!ake of. whole can be done by himself, or by their aroma, ehonld "e added too. After any member of his household. 111ore end1.lring in its C'ff.ects. tlloronghl_v, set the p1tche1· aetde for half an hour ; then strain the liquor through n jell) st1ainer and pnt in tb.e ice. 11.'ravullers \Vho find it inconvenient to use lc1nons can cairJ a box of lernon r:mga.1· preM Leayes Charlotte, Port of Rocher;tci\ eve1y cvcrnng at 9 o'clock, except Satu1days, wb<>n sh<:i foa, cs 11it 2 o'clock p m , for Brighton du ect. The steamer calls nt Brighton, .l\Ionclay~ and T1kursd,t.y 1 at Co1borne e\'ery day except 'Vd· nesday, at Whitby. Osha,va, Da1hngton and l\-cwcastle on Wcdnesda:y\ s,;hould fretBht offer. Dealers in ~tock will find thia the cheapest and quickest route to Albany, Boston, New Yo1k, &c., &c. Add1ee1s. R. C CARTER, ch 18th, 1872 -Port Hope Ont 25 lf TIM.- '"Good morni11g, Mike, shure and its early out, ye are. Might I be bould to axfl what started yees this morning." MIKE.-'" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye iu a jiffy. Ye see, I was tould, yisterday, Misther Gray, av Tyrone, had got home an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man)' and its meself could hardly slap'e a wink, all night, thinking av the the cbape goods. And shure cm1tt; its the full store he haspiles aud piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints, Tay for most nu thin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." TIM.- "An shure its funniug rne ye arc, Mike; wouldn't the man he afther breaking dowr.." MIKE -" Breaking down, is it. Shme he knows a thrick wurth two av that. l'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if' you want to "it a grate naine when yome dcd, and be calbcl a fiilautrofized, fllosifer, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all yolll'e Mbours,and the rist av mankinu, about Gmy's chape store, aud you'll do more for the good 11v you counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it that n.iver was in it." 'l'Il\i . - "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av a.dv1cc, and won't deLain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss some bargains. '.L'he top av the morning to ye."-I'm off ( 0 Gray's 1871. · ~ S, B. BRADSHAW 1 PU RE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just rec11ived, for autumn painting, imported direct from the English .Manufacturers,including James' Genuine, and the ele brated would t.~k(,l tLts pportr.1uity of thanking 1Us numei: ous frienU a for the very ltbeuJ. patronage he l1as 1ccen ed. He feels f.:atu;fied that noth ;ng but J@ GRllf, Tyrone. Noted for che~p Goods. pLned from citr1d acid 11nd sugar, a little of \\ }nch 111 a glasR of iee-· \\ill fu1 u1eh "lu1 t c a 1er1e~h;ng clrink, and 011t· t.hat vnll h efp ottent11ne::; to f!.\'OrL eick hea..J-achc and l.nhousness. 01t1 w ut:id ia o'btained fi om tbc juic1.: of lcn1ons. Pcu y ie a dt:licions Uevc1 age n:adt! horn cherr-1C!>, L~ud will keep a year or 1norc. To.kc six pounds of cherri es nnd bruise For tbe l}est and cheapest z ~ .q m ..... 0 0 JlOOS1'ER BRAND, ·-'-======-=-=-=-:o::::-=--THE FARM. Gardening for1 Invalids, and Flowers for the Poorer Classes. 'l'he1e has been a ·whispered ide:~ that t.ho ttuc of plo.nts was inJtu1ous to health; and altho11gh they cou ld be adn11tted to 0111· h\i· ing roo1ns, they must never be aJlo\vc<l entrance into sl~ep1ng departmeuts, thus detflrring many invalids, vrho \\Ould dulight to begll.:ile their pa111ft1l aD.d monotonous life "-"~th their frRQ'1'ance tQl.d beauty, from employing lil!\llY of thdt l<lle houra in ca.ring Ior the.'lll. The doctrine of plant~ tllrow111g out enough ctnbonic ga.a at night to inJure hun1a.n life J.8 now c6ns1dered unworthy o{ c1edence. Doubt less flagrant Howcis might i·ender the rur too oppresive to a p<:raon iu clelic:.iito heaUh-iu· deed, strong pe1fwnes of any kuid a1 e not de· sirable in sleeping rooms; but a Rtanil of healthy, growing pla.nte, a hanging baaktit 01 two, and pots of trailing vines ca..l'l ne\·er prove an injury to a prisone1 fl om out·door hfe, but a great so· lace, oomfoi:t, and occupatioIL Those who have been confined to a s1ck -duunberin sit11at1ons not comm.anding a VlC\\' of t h e co11nti-y~ often experience an intense longing for gTeeu.. leaves and :Aowc1s. Let lne beg of them to try for them selves, and p1ove the fallacy of this popub" Auperatition A fe\v pots in the 'nndow will chco.t pain ttnd wenr1ness of ha.If of t.he1r dominion 'l'he1c is a. large claJ1.s of thi" wo1lcl's suile1cu~ who ci:i.11derivea1eflued 11lcasuro fr01u "'l11tlo1v THE HOUSEHOLD. Putrefaction of Water. Pute '\ater is incapable of putrefaction, bnt 01d1nary v.ater contains a srnall quantity of or· ganic matter m solution, which by the action Of the oxygen in the ~tmosphere speedily 11ndergocs dticomposition, even in closed ve.1;sels In wells we often have nitrates nnd ammonia salt\!, produced by decompos1t1on of n.Ulmal matte11 1n the soil a1ound oui dwi:lhng.s, Sudden outbreaks of dy3ente1y a.10 often attributaLJe t o soakngo from ncigllbonng dwellings. Du11ng the prevalence of t.:holera. it has been uoticed that an ablUlda:ut supp1y of fresh water 1 es triets its further dii3Seminahon. As putrescent water is unv;holsorre as a. beve1age, ever:o-t one should a.vail himself o.f the beat 1nethod of 1nui· fy1ng dunking ...vate1. giiaranteed piu·e ALSO cuJ· hot Viater) and boil for fifteen rn1nutes; strain th1ough u. .flannel bag, and aJU three pounlls of' sugar. Boil of hnl.f au hour mo1e, or until th e liqmu will swk to the bottom of the cup of \ (try 1t "·it.h a teaspoonful of the liqu1<l); then turn into Jelly cups and cov1::1 'vILh paper dipped 1n the 1v-J11te of an them ; pour ou n pmt and o ldf of wl standard colors, oils varni"hes, LOW 1,:aud and painters' materials. Uall tmd see how cheap a house mu be painted and decorated ; fo1 all these gooclswill be sold atReduced DRY GOODS ' Ci figiwes. 2000 Gallons of egg. MA.CHINE OIL Superior Workmanship, ha.a gained for him l:!ticb 1l 111c.-rcasc of bugjnc:,;i;-n1uch la.rge1· than former yenrs; and lie t1 usfa) th<1ot by To p1epare. che diink . Put a ·poonful of the Jelly rnto a gn1ilct of water, and lei it stand about ten,thcn stir 1t up and fill with pountled ice. Currants and rn·p· berries nude into ') s!irubs" furmsh a pl~asa.nt and cooh ng d1 "nk "'hen rui~ed w1th ice··water. Pouutlcd ice is aloo an agreeable addition to a saucer of strawberries, or curTo Remove Warts rants. pound it untll it lS almost as fine Warts are not only very troubleson1e but dis as snO\\", and sptead 1t over the berries, figure the bands. Our readers v.·Jll thank us -With fruit it" also-on e.eellent substitute for calling theix .attention to the following per· for cream feet cure 1 even of the largest i:\-ithout leaving a scar It has been tested by the ...,·riter: "'l'ake a small piece of r.iw beef, steep it all nig11t 1n v111egru·, cut ,\.B mud1 from lt .'8 will cover tho \vart, and tic it on, or, if the excrescence 18 on the forchcn.d, fasten it on with stdps of plaster It may be 1emoved du1ing t he day and put on e\ ery n1ght. Iu one fol tnight the \Yat:t·" ill die .lnd peel off" rrh~ preso1iptio11 will cnre co11ls of different kinds. 'l'hreshers and n.ll parties requiring such oil, are specially invited to inspect the vaiious qualities, the prices being far below anything ever offered in this market. BOOTS & SHOES, and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go to 1 500 Cook, Pa.rlor, lta.11, --- a.nd Box Stoves Wate; mes are always aee·~tahle.. Tllo':' GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE b1.: \~ ill cout111ue to r..,ce1ve then sup1)ort ".'ade of lemon, mange,_ cnriants, strawbeiGOODS AND TINWARE r1ee, raspl.JcTr1es an<l p1nenn·\ln, rre inuch ' imptoved l1y add mg the st.1. ~ · " ·en yolks J in the County of Durham. S. B. ·BRADSHAW. o( fou r eggs to every two 1 - ·'.; ol the , JOHN McLEOD 1 hr1uid Put it in Jtl&t o,s 1t ,) ·ned in to the 1 ~ · , All lllose t11llt a.1·e in a.iTe..'\.re innst pny up, eB· freezer, and.lf"'-v11l trcer.e Jr a foa111.Wellingto11 Bu1ld1ngs pou1ally tlie Rt~rd,vure account. S. B. R Smlmei 's fl!/l'" .Jtily Buwmau.·~ li e, Ang. 8th, 1871 Bownn~n V1llc;Jn.11. 10t h , 1872. 1y·15 I I arnvrng, and now on exh1b1tJ011,.the largest and cheapest stock of . . . . .' strict attention to business J. ELLIOT~S Cheap Store, J I Tyrone, Nov. 2nd, 1871. TYRONE. ·

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