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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 2 Aug 1872, p. 4

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THE :MERCHAKT, -- -poETRY. FRIDAY, ..A:JIGUBT 2, 1S'Z2. --THE FARM. Maxims for the Farmer. 1. Only goodjw1 tning pays H1: '\ho sows 01 plants, without .1."t!a~onable .\.88u1ance of good crops annually, had bettei earn wages of so1uo neighbor than >\ ork for so poor a paymat:1te1 as be is ce1tain t.o p1ove hin1aeU . 2. The {JO(){l ja1·11ie:t· is proied by the steady apa prec~at1on of hts croprt. Any one mny reap an ample harvost from a. fertile virgin s01l ; the good fru-mer a.lone grows good crops at first 1 and better and betto1 ever t~fte1·wa1 d THE HOUSEHOLE>. Spirits of Ammonia. Sustl\r~ m household labor::;, have you auy Jdca. what a useful thing a...'llmoniu. is to have 111 the house? If not, gi\ e your k fifteen cents and an empty pint bottle at once, and send her to ilie nea.reat drug store for a supply. Tell her to be sure to get the spirits of ammonia., it's tl1e same as bartshorn, but if she asks for that 1 they'll give her for fifteen cents a fe1v droris in a. s1nel1ing bottle not as big aa her thumb. 'VlJile she's gone \Vc'll tell you ho'" to uae it. lilor 'vashing, put a tengpoonful in a gfa.~ of moderately hot ,·,a.ter, dip in a Jlannel cloth, nnd \\ith tlus 8llnply wipe off the '\Voodvrork; no 1:1c1 ubb1ng will be necessury. ]J'or taking gre.tae spots: £nnn auy fa.biic, use the ammonia. nca1ly put c, and then lay wlutc lllotting puper 0 , ei tho spot and uon lightly. !'Ii v.a8 hing l.acetJ, put nbont t\\dve drops in a pint of w·alm sudii 'l'o clerul silver, lnix. two tea-spoonfuls of auunonia in a quart o( bot ::!oapsuds, put 111 your i;ilverware .ind >vash 1t, using an old nail bi w;h ur tooth ti1ush for the pui- England and America. One pco]_Jle in our early prune , IMPO~'l'ER1 c BOUNSALL, MANUFACTUl\E ll an ' ~u1d I - DE ..<\.LER m all the varieties of HARD TO BELIEVE. Spring Sjp.oks ! TRUE NEVEI~T:fIELESS One in our stonny youth: Dnnk1ng in one stream of bumau thought, Oue sp1ing of heavenly t1 uth ; One at our motheL's l'"nco, Italian & American Marble. A largt: choice selection of ! . .T ii"'.'. . MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, always on hau<l, of supenor workmanship, and ' n.t loweet prices. One in our Sa.viour1a prayerOuc glonotU:i heiitage l8 ours ; One futu1e let us flhare SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. W1·011,ght 01· Cast hon Fences fo1' e1lclosi.::i..;; bur.y:iug lots. 'l'he l.ie1oes of our da.ys of old ...U·u yours, not ours alone ! -'to111 Cl11ist1a11 he1·oea of tv day, \Vi!. lolie t..hen1 as our own. 3. It is far caswr to nia.intu~n the JJl'Oductive capacity of a fa.rm, than to 1'C.'lt01·e 1t To e:x~ · The1e arc too 1uany homelet1s J~ud1:1, F~u in t11c wild fLCC West, ·ro bo subdu~d fot God and lna.11, Hcpkn1shecl and posscssod ;'['here me too nln.ny [a.Hen in011, Far in the ~netent, rl'o Ue ·w on back to trutll aud Goi1, 11~ 1 otn cramping bnnds 1~lcn.sod, The1e is too 1nuch guml YI u1k to do, Aud wrong to bo undoue ; Too 111fl>l1Y stiongholds fron1 the fo& 7-tt ~·" 1,nmt be fl i·ccd and won- · 'l liat we ,\ l1on1 Goel hath set to he The yanguaid of the fight, · 'l'o bt.:al' the standard of his tl'utl1, _ ;,\ ud to defend the nght, t-\houl<l leavc the n11saion of oui 1acc, So high, a11d 'v1dc, and g1eat, On \\oddly points of pohcy 'l\1 w1anglc m1d debate Na.y, sHle by s1U<.:, in and '\Vc1-1L, ln "Wtld or heathen la11d~, One prayer l.tpon our heat t!; nnd lipM , One Bible in onr lw~Hkl , One iu our e:t1heaL honie on ual tL , One in ou1 heavenly home, '\Ve 'll fight the battles of ou1 Lvrd LJ1 1L1l l111' kingdom cowc. -Q1,11slta~ 1Vtt ktu. Crumbs for Chickens. f nnocence is so111etime8 seve1e. 'l'be pO()t'!\'ivornan who con1pl.\i.i:1!ild tl11\t her. pbotog;nph was \'ery bomely, "\Vas told ti> come ngrun \\lth a handsoine face. Red Cloud p1oposeij to car1y hls wife borµe a He says, "Squaw heap hl.. u1n" "\\'hat is the diffme11t:c between the 13utrance t,0 a barn an<l a loafer ill a printing officu? One iK a. L>arn door and the othe1 is a da.rn bo1i. ~ Dolly Varden. Al\. sei'i~llt atapa.ity, to whom hismHfitcrwu.s c,tlhng 11npat1ently to Jeteh this, fetch that, an· :; \\'C1ei.l · "Sir, evervth111g ye havo lu the wuuakl is on the table." J Oi:'h Billings :s,tys he ncve1 kuew l\ dQg 0£ eny breed whatauiue\er to take hydedoby after he h,~tl been tho1oughly vncmnated \\'lth .A. gentleman cx:prc;;sed to a lady his ll(1 nnxa t1on of hct toilet. She 1:1aid she suppoeed he ha.d been impresst.d by her angel sleeves. IIe answe1e<l with effusion, No. but he'd like to be· " C.u1 you tell rue hovt ol<l tl1e devil ill'(· cd an 11 1everent follow of a c..:lo1gyman. ' !lily fnenU, you n1ust keep your own ftun1ly leco1d," was th e ieply. .A.11 odito1 of .t countt·y pa.pci, h~v1ng 1·eceJvfld .~ banl\-notu detccto1, l etuxns th;-.nks. u.nll modestly asks fo1 some bauk 110W:; upou '\\ hich to tciJt 1is acc\uacy. .:\. u~1n1a11 wuter coutpla1nlltg of tht· diftiuult1es in the pronuncrn.t1on of the English l<J.J'1~uaJC', otcs the wu1 d Dor., '\\hi ch h e says rn 1nonounced Dickens. Au Oh10 paper sayi:; that U0Jo1 bugs ~e sitting a1 ound on the fences offenng 78 cents a bushel fol pot!\.tOC8 1 und a doll,H a d.:i.y fot handB t , 1_.1la.11t them .A little gi1 l 1ncet1ug ::~ countryUUl>U Jr 1\ 1ng a lo.l<l 0£ slnughtcu:tl hogs drop11cd a cotutesy. The iustic 1a.v.g11cd, w1thout 1ctlnn1ni; the cn1hty. " Whal 1' ' s.t1tl he, "do you cou t tcsy to dead ho ..1:1"" ;:No,eh,"1ephctlthelittlc JUl~I), "I COlll· tes1ed to the lt Vl;l oue." Carlisle, Ky.,'L8 ~\curiosity :t n1.ut bo111 ,it 6 o'clock ou tho 6th d,:i.y of the Gth inonth iu 1806,nn<l no\\' s1xty"1?L-...: years olll,and having six letters u1 each of bis natncs ll(;j is certainly tho sickc8t curiosity we hn.\'C be,\rd of "I "'iah you wouldn't give n1c such 51101 t '\YClg-ht for n1y n1011cy," said a customer to a gi.ocer who had an account ag,l>'nst him of long st~diJJ g, "Aud J wi5h you 'vould not give mt>; 8Ut h long .wait for nnn(j, ' r<Jphed the tto· ha.W>t its Iecundlty, tl.Jl<l ..tttcmpt its rcstor..ition by buying costly com1nercial fcrtilizers,fa wlllitefnl and lrt"ational 4. The uoor.lf1n·mc1 sdl s ma1nl!J such 111oduas a8 r"M c lea st cxlia1J,Jt'ivc. ::-fcocssity mny constrain linn, for:. the first year or two, to sell grain, or e1en ho.y; but he will soon send off hi~ surplus 1nainly in the for1n of cotton, or "'ool, Ql' meat1 or butter n.nd cheese, or sometlung else that retu1 ns to thtl soil ncurly all that is taken fron1 it .A. bank n.ccount daily dunvn upon, whlle po~e. nothing is deposited to lts c1ed1t, must soon re· }"'or cleaning hair bLuahes, etc., simpJy shake sps:md, "No funds," so 1v:ith ,\ frum similarly the brushes up and down ui a. mixtul'c of one trc~atcd. · x~n~poonful of auunon1a to ono p111t. of ho~ 0 Rotcttwn l.cast .neJ('.tge rutdi~~twn. \Hlittu' \'ihen they are clean rll1!:le them in cold Tt may not positively eunch a far1n , it will at wu.Li:ii and stand tJiein in the wind 01 1n a. hot least 1etard and :post]_Jone its impove11shment. place to <l1 y. Fo1 \\ashing finge1 nlarks fl'om He who g1ovrs whe:1it aftei \vheat, cot n aft1.:r looking g:Jasaes or \'iiudows,pnt a fc,v chops of corn, £01 twenty .}, vnll ueed to emtgrt\te arnmo111a on a mofat rag 111.1d m ke quick w01k befo1e the tt'rro is fulfilled. The saDJC fn.nn ca.n of it. Jf you v;ish your house plants to tlounQh not support (nor endU.r!:') hiin longer tban that . put a. few drops of spirits 111 e\·e1 y p1ut of the All our g:.reat whc11,t·g1ov.irig sections of fifty water u~ed 1n water:m~ A teaspoonful to a ;year~ a.go are wheat glowing no longer, whilo bas1u of cold wDter \\.Ill inti( h to the re England gro,.,il larger crops tl·ereof on the ve1y freshing effects of the, i.oth1n !.:' 1s bette1 Uelds. that fed the armies of S.\.Xon H.Liold, and than am1no111u. water for the cll:!t\ns1n,; the h:tn. '\Vilha.m the" Conqueror. 11.otatri.on pteservecl In every case rinse off the nm1uoI.i1a. in clear thcsli, as the lack of it itnned thoee.-Boston \Vatl:!r .A.~1tnom.a. is usod as a n r:;111g in cake. Joio .iat of Cllemi~tt y. 1n11king, etc., but ·~e cannot tec01nn1ew.l it for that purpose ; nnd ten drops in a v. meglru:is of wai( 1 1s si:n d to be an excellent re;ne<ly for Let the Pigs Run. l1rn.rlncbe and amd1ty of the stoma<:h, but we The plan of allo,nng µii;s to run tn a la.1-go don't bclw\e in mn.gazine doctonug-, .\.nd w '\\'0 op(;!ll lnanure"yard,and t1ead straw into in:unue, \\ill not endorse the remedy a.uswers better £or the young 01 g1'0wing pigs 1-Io,vcver, for a score of r~11 auu squa.rc,nccd" than for those that are fa.ttenu1g-. Neither fa ed practic:i.l hou::Jehold purposes, sp1nts of am· it inconBistent '\vith the best mode1n n1ethods mania lS invaluable~ and we me not afraid to of making ~u1d prcser'i"Ing nu~nure ; fu1 '\dnle p1ocla1m lt .1f'auneH1 and chemfata are pro· there ii:! not a bC'tter understood fact in phys10- found concerning the ni:.t1vc a.rt1cJe in its free loi;ry than"'that a.mmnls must be kept still and 8late. and adm1t its all impo1 tant serVlce in the quiet. eluting tlie process ofja.ttentn(J, and must economy of nature; but farmer 1 s wives througltha\lj tl1dr rambling instincts restiained, yet ont tlie country rea.lly knOw vtiry ltttl~ of the w1tl1 animals tbat young n.nd giowmg, a m11111fold uses that can be iuade of a pint of the very <liffei:ent course TDust be ,\d0ptcd. lf much spU'lts kept in the house, bottled ~ntl labe1led. confined they \vill get mlSShapen and nckety, We say, eu1phatically, la.belled, because it is a will lose the bloom of health and v1go1. and 1e- sin not to have such thuigs so oousp1euonsly ma1u small in ro~e and t~nde1· in conl:!titution mn.rk~d that no mista.l{eS may occtu. Let us Exercise is a.<J ..necessll.l'y for the1n as Jt is for add bore1 by way of oa.utiou, tliat a1n1nonia, horses, u.n<l ' the lnanUre h~p iu the yard 1vill directly apphed, is uot good for the eyes. It be benefited by thtill ionting. 'rhe ocld ro1ns has a\\ ay of melting that is a.nythi:ng but agl'(>o will be picked up, ru;d tho ioa::is able will form ti 'vru:m and healthy bed, hit)h 1~· ~u1t cd to tbe somnolent halntl:! of the pig i11 wmte1. I Men and Boys Suits, Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c A 1,;all lli 1 Groce1· ies Ve1·y (}heap. 1 kept oJL hnnd, or 1vi 011ght to urdeI. respot.Iully ieq uested at the '\\'01k~ 1 October, lati 1869. Beg~ to 1nfo1m the Public that ho has received and opened out a beaUtif11l 8.hd woll assorted · Stock of M~~xp,~ ~A.~~s~ H A '1' S A ND 0A P S. ](ing Street, J1ov;-nianville · 1-tf Good ~Cooking Rni1<ms only S cents ,, pou11t1, and R Lill chcape1 by th bo:x. ' --o-0 for Sp1ing and Sun1wer '\ cru. llis Stock su1. pasees auything p1evious)y offeied in the Tow11, ~is- Prices . l:.oVZ", and his . C?tt?n and W ~olen Goods 111e :idvancing, but you C/111 them rtt ElJ1ott s_fo1· a short tmie, at the old prices. "Now i~ the time to secure what NOVELTIES xou ne~cl. OLOTHl.N.G.-Geutlemon m wnut of a.guod 'Jitwxw "u1(, should c:ill 0 early at Ellwtts Fu.shionublc Tailoring Etablislnaent. ARE · STYUSH. ly extends an rnvita.tion to ali hw old friends and M n1a.nynew ones~ p1ay feel inclined to ·be benefitted- P~l havmg The ~hole will repay inEpection an<l he cordial- AT THE FIRST-CLASS GOODS Satisfaction gu,uanteed in all icasotrnLle eases. HENRY ELLI011T, Jur. Hamplou, Aug 2nd, l87 l. Lp-023-11154 -l - at f.ln, ien1uuerathe pucAs, to give hun a cnll. - ' CORNER His Gent's Furnishings will be found well assorted: BownHt~1ville, .April 5th~ ~871 MARKUS MAYERS· tf, F. Y. COWLE. · l.\IORBI8' CARRIAGE· SHOP. (west of tho Onta1io KiJJg Street, Bow1 au ville. T HE. isubsctiber pan· lS p repareJ. to build and re· Wagon~, Biiggies, uncl Gulla!!, of cvciy descJ1pt1on, at sho1t notice, andon H!asonablc tl£.11;11s. ,.., fV _ ICTORIA CAR CARGARYSMA1 IC ~~~~ To Boil Meats, etc. Sprains and Bruises. 'l'hcse 111JUr'lcs me sometimeis \tny du~he.!!&ing and their consequences very sonoUB rrhe denao ligarrents and synovial roembrruie8 of the Joints swell, and sometune~ inflanw, as the ie" sult of locn.l 1n1nnea, and the pain ie often extreme. Bnt 1 sitn:ple \\·attn· is all the ti'atment nece!!sa.1-y 1n any case. It should, howevtlr, be of :ttc1nperatu1e a.dapted to the Cll'ClllllStrt,nues, the lndicat1011 Lei11i; tu unloaU the congested veB· sels of the in Jul i::d pa1 t aM much o.s po8s1ble If the part ia hot and painful npply co]d water or cold ·wet cloths, frequently rcne'\vcU, u11hl the heaL becollles uormnJ If the1e 113 pa111 or tenflet'llei:!a \\·ithout uwreased heat, apply fomentations until the pain l~ iehevcd .All tho after dosing req11nc<l u1 eit.111.:1 case i::i n. '\vet cloth coverl;l<l '\\ ith a. dry one, o.1Hl "'otn until aJl tendcrnetiS is gone. 'rhis s1n111lc treutmcnt '\Hll do all tba.t a.11y UlCllication c.ui do an tl 1s hetter than all the limments u.nd lotiou1:11 p la.ite1 s and poulticf!, thnt \Hn·e ever invent(;!d - From, Scw1ice of Hca7t/I ' -------Why do Eggs Spoil~ \Ve find lh1ing tho sholl a tb1u 1::ikU1, v;]ucl1, when kept in a healthy cond1ti')n by the nlbu" 1nen of the egg, 1s ilnpOO'violll'J to 11i.x, but if the egg xomains too 1011g in one po::iit1on, the yelk, · being hon."iicr timu the albu1nen, gra.dun.lly eillks through it, aud come~ in contact \\.1th the sk1ns, and having none o( the q11alitics requisite for keeping the sk111 lubricated t\nd healthy, th e sku1 soun becomes dry and p01v1ous to ~tir,whwh pl:lnetrates through it to tho yelk, causing the ffiaJ)S t.o iot. Theiefore th~ trm.i plan is to keep the yelk m its central positiun. By doing this, the egg can be preserved for a loug time. My plan for iwco1nplish1ng t1nf! h to tale a keg 01 banel. n.nd pack the eggs on thoh sides, end to end,la.ying a tie.1· fi.l'st around next to the staves, and so continue until a ln.yor ui filled ; so on till tlie bai1el ia full Use oats foi· ya.clung; Cl Jar then1 do\Vll as o.s i~ reqw1 ed to l... eep A pm. ty iu I'o11}1ac, J\-l1d1 , out rowing on them firmly in their place-head up the barrel S\inday, v.·as too hcn.vy for the boat 1 aud one of rendy for market By 1olling th e barrel a.bout th~ number >VM drowued A local papc1 a. quarter around every few dayij, the yclk of tllereupon ren1arks '· Ren1e1nl)ei· the Sabbath tl1e eggs will be kept a::i requll'ed day and keep it holy aud don t overload your boats ' Grapes and their Easy Culture. "Jcnn1t1,' 8a1tl a Cameron.ian to h~ daugh" "::or. who -was afllnng his perm1sision to accom" It is surprifnng thn.t eo m:tny families in tl1e pnn y h~1 l.HgenL nnd favorl:ld suitor to the altar country are willing to lne )e<1i1 a:fte1 ycn.1,"'"Itli- " J eiune, lt'~ a. solemn thlng to get marrrnd " out cultivating a single fP ape-vine a.bout their "I know it, father," rliplied the sensible dam- dwellinga. 'l'bey are compelled to purchase this delicious fruit for t}J.o table, 01· not taste it dtu· 3el, but it's a. great deal solemner not to."' There ia a cornmon imp1ess1on '·Nirs. Miffin," tiai,id a visitor, "Emma bail ing the season your featurl"e, but I think she has got her that to cultivate perfectly, a. vast amouut 0£ fathe:r's ha1r." ' 1 Oh 1 now I see/' the den:r knowledge al1tl ta.ct is..1·equ1red_ To many the little Emma; 11 it's b~cause I ha"\ e's hair eimple trin1m1ng Ofa vine is a tnyste1y, mo1a difficult to comprehend than the ha1dest prob· th;t ho ha$ to \'i lial' a ·wig." 1em of Euclid. ·rhis i <:S nn erroneous vie'\\', and Two N e\v York sparrows \ve1~ sacrificed by ought not to pi-e1ail. .A.ny person of comn1on a New Jersey landlord who had heard that they intelligence ca.n learn in an h1.1u1 how to tram '\vould kill mosquitoes. He turned the poor and nou1 ish vines ; aud, if instruction cao not buds loose m his house, and next only be obtA..ined from somo experienced cultivator', a few feathers and bones reni.ained of theru1 there are books filled with cuts and illustrations '"hilc the mosquitoes sung a cheery sorig of triwhich everything plain. Thlee 'ines of u1nph. as maaiy different vru.1eties, pla.ut.ecl in some Not h>ng ago, at the YVL1te HoUl3e Ul \-Y ash- sunny nook, or by the side of some btuJd~ng, so ington, while President Grant '\Yas giving au· as to obtain shelter, vnll if properly c..:at'Od for, cheuce to a delegation of clergymen, an old com- furnIBh inany a. bushel of dehcious grapes eve1y pn11.ion"lll·ilil.'IDS who happened to be present, year. Select a Concord1 a Dcle\varc 1 and an noticing tha.t the P1esi1Jent carried in bu1 hand Adirondack; make the giound n1ellow and rich a white hat, jocul:.\l'ly remarkell : "A..h, Gen· by thti use of a spnde, and by .e1nplos1ng old e1al, I see you bnve a GTeeley hat." "Yes,·' mnnure, finely ground~bones, asQe..<i ; and set 0ut replied the P1cs1dent, a. )llel."ry twinkle in his the plants. In three years the rich cluster \\ill e~-<~, "I go for C1eely na eight years !!lince I appear, and in four years the produi.;t w1Jl be abundant. It is ,i; ell to hn.vo v1n~a ph1.nted so '~ent fo1· the rebels " thfl.tthe waste liquids from tl1e dwellings can A Ge1 man carman \\ a!l taking hiis lagcr-beCJ., be used in fertilization. If there ia any food '\Vlth a party of friends, in a 'l'hu d avenue sathe vh1e especiruly lov~f:I, .1.t i5 tho soapy liquids loo n, ,vhen au a.cquM.ntanr,e ciHnc in and said to hun, "You1 hor5e iB running lt\Yay." "Vy which acoumulo.te on wa!:!hiug days in families Vines drenched every \\eek with these liquids t.lidn't you st.op hun ?" quietJy asked tlie Tel\· ton. *' I couldn't1 he~d got seve1al i·od! up the will fl.ouriah as.touiehingly, and extenJ them" selves so M to cover large buildiuge:.evcry b1anch aveuue. " u Con1c poy, bul'ly up mid datodde1 bearing fruit. 'V c say to 0111· H.:u.ders, pJant inug," cned tl1e Ger1nan, "for if <lat bor$e v1nes ........ .From Science of Hccdth preaks a11yd1ng, 1ny vife v1ll gi nl('; hail l'olun1l;us !" 11101lt su:npli;i of eul111<~1y p10CeEses 18 uot often perfo1med Ill perfection, though it doosnot require so much nicety a11d attendance a.s: roa.sti:cg, to slam the pot \Vell, .:i.nd to keep it moderately bo1ling,a.nd to kno\V how long the JOUlt Ie.9(1ircs, eomp1ehe11ds the most points of th1a branch of cockcry rrhe cook pt~t take special CM"c-that the wate1 really b01IB all the while she is 1.;ook1ng, or l)he will be dticeived in the tune .A.n adept cook will manage with inuch lel:IS tire £01 boil1ng than she uses for 1uu.st1ug, ·\ncl it will last all the tune without unwh tn1;1nd" ing- \Vl1cn the wate1· ts coming to a boil,the1-e will uhvn.yt11 ifle froin the cleane~t ineat a scu1.n to tho top , this inu st be carefully taken off as soon as it appea1s, for on this <lepentb the goo<l appea1an1Je uf u. boiled thnne1 \Vhen you have it well 1 put n1 a little cold \\ atei, wh1ch will Un ow up the rest it lf left alone lt soon bo11.s down ::i.nd sticks to the tncat, \'ihicl1 1 u1stea.d of looking white and ben.lthful, will have a coarse and u111nviitng nppeata.nt:e. 1\'I:a.ny cook:. put iu nulk to wlHi.t. they boil look \"lute, but tb1>1 docs 111010 ha11n t1uw. goud, othc1s wrap the 1ncat 111 a. cloth, but if it is well skunmed, it w1ll l1ave a much 1no1ed1;1hcate u.ppemaneo than when it is tnuffled up. I'ut tbe 1neat into colll water lll the piopoi·. t1011 of .tbout a qmut to e\'el"Y pouud of 1ueat; it shoo.ld";emain covered the whole pro. cesr; of bo1hng, but only JltSt so. '\Va.tor beyond wbat u; t1. bsolute1y uecesr;i:rry rende1s the 1neat less sn \'OlJI', .\nLl weaken!} the broth. 'll11s l>ipLher1>. Bronchitis, Irritation or ihe :Bronchl&J Tul>es l!O common lll this chtUJ.~bio climate, .Asthma, Offens:lvo Breath. Ulcar&t.Eld Gums1 and all dia:easea of the Month. For Publtc Spe11kert and Slngors it 18 invaluable. The ~dit1nts en· terl.D.g tiito thie Gargle ore used by- oil Pbysic1ana1 and for the cure ot the above dISordere are now, 'l'hla GARGLE 111 tho most reliable and emc1.elou1 Remedy in all caeee ot S01e Throat Hoa.reen911, POIN'l'S OF StiPE:EtlOitI'l'Y.. J f "!,; DJ ' . I Carriages Painted a.nd Trimmed. ·;; ( Simplicity in Consti·nction, Ease oj' ~o1ieration, Pm!fection "oJ Stitch, alike on bot sides, owing to pe7ject tension on itpper ana -: · lower Tlwead. ENGE OF WORK :-:E'10111 Gauze. to Beaver Cloth. L UBBILITY ·-Will last a life time. A on the. Blacks~ith's p1~nu~e~ 1 ...,vc1c special nttent1on ia glvan to all - Shop tmdoubtedly, the most populllr 1n the Matffi1 .Meaica i'rico !2G cent.a. Equa.lly adapted to Family Work, "Dress a.nd Shirt Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Ga-rriage--Trimmip.g, &~. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. Ca work, and General Jobbing. , EVERY MACHINE WARR.A~TED. ·.A.gents, Yellowlee~ & ,.~ uic~. . . ----,~.J.HV.. All wo1·k do1w cit this. stablislirnen - wa1·ranted. .A. call 113 respectfully s-ol.ic1ted. .T. MORRIS. We have also on lmml IVANZHH' l:iLJi, 7'1'1"R A, ABB01'1"S, AND BA7WL4Y Nl}· WJAOH.lNJ!l Uo,\illRnYiile, Ol:t. 1st, 1869. AT THE ~-- E J Om Stock of G@eral Goods is lmge, cmbraci11g all the Nov(}lties of the day, and ll.ll the necessal"ies as well. 1:'1c..:tm-o li'1.u11es-all ::ilZ"es1 l\:fo11lchngs of every style, "\Vall Pllper-a. sp1endtd .tt1So1 Lme.t1L now u1 stock, A la1go supply of bea.utifnlJy al"eotted Wn1di:nv Shade.s, Children'.@ Ca11'lag!,!s Conce1tinas ~rushes, 901n1;1~, Looking Glasses, l\.'Iusic, rY[aga~me::i, \'1ohna,V1oliu-Bows, Violin istrrngs,Pupe; Collaa1:!, ~ et:k 11es, St:liool Booka, Day Ilook~, l31bles, 1U11vea 11ntl JJ"'orkis,Pi;cl;.ot Kttives, l{azots, Spoons, and Scissors Cheapest Note Pa.per and Env(11opeii in the counttJ.· All tjtese and a thousand other articles, to be fotmd at the VARIETY STORE. Vrle always nlad to Hee fnends, and think it no trouble to show Gooilil ; ftlld '(1'&-guar::i.ntes ~LS good vo.lue, at a.aiow puces as any othev house 111 the trade, Parties wishing to telegiaph theh friends, n1ay rely on ha.~it1g their bi.rn1ness <lone ni·on1ptly. Agents for· Inman Linc- of Steau1ers, and Imperial Building and...§a,hig Society. I y ~- ) R ~ tu 0 N-- .M E G N 0 Th11!1 PREP.ARATION is uneqnallad iri its rapidity torShar11entng and Polll!hftlg cutlery, TablA and Pocket·Knives,Rp.;!jore1 Surgical Instrnmonts,Shoo· ma.kers' Knives, Plane Bits and Obi.sels;' &c. Noth· hag ha!! ever been discovered which,· ha.a eprwig popnlart.ty more quickl.t or become of so :r:a:ucli va.Iueiu every bou.seholh. 4Dd wotk!'b.Op for reum.1_~l!~UeeJJ. Ft lee 25 cents. Daily Line 'l'O Bowmanville, March ht~~f?WLEES & QUICK. { 23 1 A Powerful Disinfectant. .Accor drug to the Poona. Obscf've1·, rcccn~ exp e111nontij 1nade in India proved that roMted coffee is 0110 of the most powerful disin· fectants, not only rendering u.ui1nal and vegetable effluvia. innox.iou!I, but actuTM-ly destroying' them A room in wluch inca.t in n.n advanced state of decompos1tio·1 had been kept fo1 sourn tune was instantly deprived of :ill smell on an open i.;offec"roaster being carded through it containing n. pound of newly roasted coffee In another roo1n the effluvium occasioned by the ckanng out of a cesapoul >Vas completely 1e~ moved within a half in1nute by tlic U!e of three ounces 0£ f1esh coffee. The 've.y coffee is Ul:!ec1. as a thainfectant is by drying the raw bean, thi:>u pounding it in a mortarl t' and afterwards lOar.tmg the powder upon u. tilfi'c1.t:irately heated plate until it aoonmes a tl~°k." l1uc. 1.rhe coffee must, howeve1', luJ pu~~ clncory posfiessea no deodorizing [tO'V~~ ~ '\Vi\ bt l!l 01~ LIF:s:.:-Peoplc talk ve1y loudly about the waste of lives in \\~ar; I " wonder to ho'Y n1any people it has occur1ed, what is the 1v~te 0f lives in peace'! I doubt if the moat sanguinary battle that was evdt· fought m ancient or moc1e1u.histo1y ho.a ca.r1ied off nearly a~ numy hu1nan beings ar-1 d1c in this country in every one ye~u, from purely pieventible C9'uses. Now, tha~ J.S the state of tillng'ij around ns · of course \Ve cann-ot change it iu a day 1 but we can 1nod1fy it. Something long wanted by Everybody~Everybody It OCHES'r Eli. The New Lake Steamer cOt his or her ownPainter. CHIT CHAT. Oct. 1871. [Tim :Brady and Mike Flynn] l':,/ 1. TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, shme and its early out, ye 111e. )light I l\icLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, and nothing but the purest materials used, and requiring no further mixture of Oils, Tlll'pentine, and DryeTS. 1'hcu co1nposition consists solely of "NORSEMAN" 1V her regular daily trips, ice permitting,]tjaV" 1ng Oobourg every morning at 7 30. Port Hope ' at 9 o'clock for B.ochei:i ~e1 ,connecting there "'·1th the New Y 01k Central. N oi thcrn Oentru.l and Erie Railway, for a.11 point~ East, South, Rnd South Wc!'.t, l.7 ILL on or a.b out 1st April next coiomence IlETUliNING. Lea·es Cbailotte, Port of Rochcst01, every P11;1·e Colo1·, Purn White Lead, Pu1·e White ZVric, LVnseed_ Oil, Spirits of Turpent·itiw, & ·Dryers, ccarefully and seientifically- com· · . bined. ·The consumer can have any desiied shade of color neatly put uiin Cans, and all he re-quires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can be done by himselt~ or by any member of _his household. ey0ning at 9 o'clock, except Saturdays, wh"'n ' she leaves at 2 o'clock pm., for :Brighton direct. The steamer calls at Brighton, Mondays and Thu1sday, at Colborne every da.y except "\Vedntisday, at Wlutby, Oshu.v.·a, D11rhngton and Kcv.·ca.atle on Wednesday, should freight offer. Dealers in stock will find this the cheapest and quickest route to Albany, Boston, Ne>v Yo1k, &c , &c. Address, RC. CARTER, Poi t Ifop Poi t Hope Ont ch 18th, 1872 25 tf be bould to axe what sbrted yees this morni~.~ MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy, Ye see, I was tou~d,.yisterday, that 111.isther Gl'ay, a ..Tyrone, had got home an 1lhgant new . stock av Goods, ch11pe as dtut man· and its meself could hardly slape a wink; all night, thinkmg av the the chape goods. And shure enuff, its the full store he haspiles. and piles.'1:' the natest patterns, and he'd .,.ive yi: _ the rn.akins, av an illigant n~w go""ll for Biddy, for Siventy-five Omts; ray for most nuthm, and the Bttccy for a- faifle less." TIM.- "An shure its funning me ye u-re, Mike; wouldn·t- the man he afther breaking dowll." MIKE.-" Breakin~ d.~wn, is it. Shure .he. k:n0V83'.tlni~WUL-th .t.wo av that. I 11 JISt tell you what 1t 1s, Trm, 1f you wan b to grt·a grate name when youre <led, and be called a fiilantrofized, filosi~er, and a pL~blic binifocthor, jist tell all yome naboms,und the rJst av mankmn, about Gmy's clmpc store, and you'll do more for the good av you counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it that nivm· was in it." TIM.- " I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av adviee, and won't clet...'tin ye; there'll shurely he-a.-grtttll.._1:g_n, and maybee I'd mis' some bargains. The wp av the morning to ye."-l'm off to Gray's - · ~ · S, B. BRADSHAW BuTTER.-'l'ho Germn.n A.yr~cuU!i.rut says that a g1":\t poi tiou of the fiuo ffa,v-01· of flesh butte1 fa de stroyed byth.e usual inode of ·washiD.g, and h e rcoommends a . tho1ough kne.iding for the.xcmoval of the, and a subae· quent pre::ising: lU a linen cloth. Butter thus prepared..ts µre-en1inent for its sweetne~s. of t!lste a.ud fl.a.Yor, qualities v.hich <)ore retained for a long tilne. To uuprove manu£aetnrotl buttei, wo arc ad\ 1ae<l by the s::im..e antho~ity to wo1k it tho1ouj!hlywith f1eshcold llll~, and then to wa5h it in clear w.~te~ ; and it is sMd tl1at even old and rancid l!uttor mn.y be iendered palata· ble by watshlng it in water to \\ h1ch a fc,v drops of .t l:lOlut.ion of clodde of hu1~ Lave bcon n,c]ded. PU RE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just rec~ived, for autumn painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers, including James' Genuine, and the elc brated "oult.l l[l.k~ tliis opportun~ty of Lhauking his n11merou~ flicnds for the "iery libetol J. GR!l,_: Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. ~n(l he 11.M t(looivi;x.i. He {eels aatish,cd that 11oth" 1 ~b For the best cheapest. JlOOS1'EJl Bil.AND, g ua?'nnteed p tin. ALSO A man in P1ovideuce, addivteU to "tlillgle loot,'~ having imbibecl considerably mo1e th<1i11 \\as for his good, took a scat near tbo fi1e, ,tnd soon" dia.n't feel as \\·ell as he used to do. " Nea1 the fire wais a b1ood· of young gosl.ings in a. basket, that had been brought in, the wea:hcr being stormy. The heat made the n1au ~tck, and tho disposition wa.i:!' strong \~·ithin hirr1 to ' rdievo his overcharged stomac;h. No vessel bemg-l1andy for the purp~se except the basket of goshngs, the load \\'US quickly de-posited there. Calling hfa v;ife, he exclaimed, " P'he" J>hoebe, whe1e did I: (hie) dtd I eat those gos· gilings ?" How to Stop Hens from Settmg. Our ladyfrJend~, who gcncu:i.lly ch.~1gc of the flOUltry department, llol'C !OineLimes 'vo1ned and tortured by the obstinacy of heue th o.t persist in setting 'vhen thtiy a1e not \\·anted to C~\J:~OLIC Aoro .As A DISIKJ'ECTANr. - C. Hou1bu1g, Q( Bo1hn, ptopOt:lea to 11se carbl}hc acid RS a. d1snileetnnt, b,Y saturating sheet.ti of Br:istol boaid, or any t})tck, spgngy )Y&-pei, with ~t 1::mlution of carbolil~ ncid u1 "\vatei. The pa.per, 1n pieces of 1111y c;io1nenient aize, mity be hung 1,1p111 the room. to be dtMnfected, 01 may be }Jl.~otld iu drawers or >vardrobes, where it is to p1otect clothmg frotn moths or oth.e.r 1nsccts. 'l'hts 8u1;gests a conven1c:nt inethod of usu1g tlu~ excellent Qi ilnfectant ,\nd .1.nsect de· ~huyur. all stimclai.d colors, oils varnishes, and painters' nmterials. Call and see how c:heap a house ca,n Le painted and decorated; for all these goods will be sold atRecluccil LOW :PB:ICBS , .~n<l GOClDS ' ' jigu1·es. 2000 Gallons of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, KA. CHINE of difterent kinds. OllL Superior 'Workmanship, ~tea.dy An exchange 1elates the Jollo\\i'lng 1noi.. dent wh1ch oecu1red in a city. all pm-ties requfring such oil, a1·c perform-that duty. 11-fany plai1s have been 'r wo J'Otlng inen called on a l11dy friend, specially invited to inspect the vari- h.Mi: gained fur lum such a tried to pre\'cnt hens from setting, aueh .t.s to;:!sand aa each. wae slightly .1ealous of the other, eac.h qu1etly n1adc up h rS"111iud ~to sit the othe[ out.' Both ·were as entertaining ae: they coulll lie. Fuuyy stories, music, city gossip and hterature follo\ved each _ otherJ 'I'hieshe1s and & SHOES ' and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go tu ing thtilll. iu the au, driving them frorn place t.o place , but the bc~t" 'vay is to fa.stcn1 .~ atru1g to tho 1ien'zfleg, ~ay fou1 or five Ieet in length,and the othei· end to a stake d11ven i11 the g:iouncl, close to~ i;\ie path whe1e you~r.:o in the li(J,bit of passing fl·equently) and scare her ·as often ;.us you g& that "\Vay. One day effects a mu-e: ous qualities, the prices being f:i,r below anything ever offered in this ma1ket. increase of hu~1ncs s- much la1ger than fornier years; and lJQ trustsJ:thn.t by BnE.!.KlNG AN Ox-Somebody >v1ote to the editor of a village pa.per tO" ask how he 'vould A rural gtmt of eigl:l,teen swnn1ers 111 \'eSted in " b1 eak- an ox ?1' 'fhe editor replied as follows : Ho cal'efully " If only one ox, a. good way wohlll be t hoist- a b&.nano. on the cars recently. bim, by of a long chain attached to hi§ removed the peel t\lld put it on a sent by hrn ~then he broke the fr'u t~ up in i:nnnJl bits, taiJ to tbe top of a. pole forty feet from tbe gro~nd. Then hoist }1in1 by a rope tied to his eying it anxi~:r_ as be d1d so. When thli! was J1orns to a.nother I'°lc. Then descend on to his doue ho picked n~he..n._ecl,_ahook it in his lap, back a five.ton pile-driver, and if that clon~t a.nd finally threw tbe pi~t ~window, break lum 1 let hlm st~rt a country newspaper ren1arking as he dill so, " '11ui.t'a the ft~f and trust people fo1· subt1crlptio11. One of the them prize p~kttges T evct bonght, Md it's t11e, yon bet two ,ui.~rs will do it su1e." " - until the clock struck ten, ·nd neither gave any a1gna ot going home. The young lady gave unmistakable signs of 'veatiness, yet neither looked at bis overcoat. At last the clock struck eleven, when the young lady excused herself for a moment, went out of the parlor, and i1nmedintcly we~t to her room arnl to bed. HOlv ldng -the brave youths would have rem"'U' <t is not known, had 1t not 'been tL,~t a mastiff, that 500 Coois., Parlor, :S:a.11, a.nd .tJox Stoves, strict attention to business aniving, and now on exhibition, the la.rgest a.nd cheape~t stock of usually slept in the lntclv·~ , b t.:ing frozen out of that quarter, about two o'clock, sought the tQ.ore corutortal. : )al'lor for the rcmQ.1 nder ol his: night'a r est., aT ' d finding t\vOSttangers there, put h iu 1 t on the of~ CENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIACE GOODS, AND TINWARE m the County of Durham. JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings Bowmnnville, Au~. 8th, 1871. d. ~ ELLIOT'S ()heap Store, ho '\ill coutinlte to iecehe tlfcir !s'.llppo1t S. B. BRADSHAW, All t hoHe that a1e in nr1cnrs 1nust pay up, ea pec1n.lly t)1e IInrd""··tre account. S. ~. 13, Tyrone, Nov. 2nd, 1871. tensive, awl went for tkem v1go10usly. Bno'1'm·ville,J·n. lOtlt, Ui~. 1y·l~ · -.

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