.' THE MEHCHANT, :l!'RIDAY, AUGUST 9 1372. ' ============= God Knows the Heart. BY CLAHI:rn AL>'ON POETRY. j crated by loud kno\\rS the hea.rt, pooi \VC.UJ 01w, So stiicken and abased; II o's noted eve1·y burnu1g tea1. 'rhat down the cheek has chasetl He knows ho\V t!al nestly you strove Crusoe's cave. The place bas been deserelic-hunters, 'vho hale carved then· names over its walls, alitl chipped away veat pieces of its inteuor, and it is described as bchig black with the smoke uf tLree Ohileno families who have recently rnhabited it. THE FARM. Cornell University. BXPfRl)!ENTS ViITH POT.<\.TO E$ DETAILED. To \Yall{ the path o~·~t, He knovvs how sweet'~~ tempter How dark lrns beeu q&l · I ,... ;;p · 'rho' loug the night of gr11::f a..nJ. 8h~ttuc, If you but neck his faoe, \ I hough 1nen ma.y Mcoff, a.nd wun1e11 ucotn, He'll gHC icdecm111g gntcti. There's non e ao low Re w1U not st,.)op 1'o raise them to His s1d~, 1 'J'1s not tbe ughleous He \\ ould seek, J3'01 SJUllt!l'f:l, JE~WS d1ccl. "\\hen the bttter, bnr111ng tongue Of slande1 sends its do.rt, To blast our hopes, ri.nd blight ou1 hves, Bene11th 1ta st1ngu1g s1na1t, 'I hough all 1nay deem us b.lse, unt1 uu, That tb1oug life':; wea1 y 1na.rt, It gnes us JOY am.id it all T~> know "Gon knO"\\ S th1..: }1erut " ~<\..ud (In Moo1e's Rurnl New· Yorker) llou JUdg'eS not as others JUJge Though ontw.t.ldly like sno\\ :io1ne lives .tppeiu to JH01tal eye:-, 'Vheu all is da1k belo\v, l{o.; kllO\VS the tines a.mid the \Vheat, IIo'll ga.the1 thelll apru t, Re looks beneath the outward fot m.Goo kuolA s the pure in heart Crumbs for Chickens. He k11cw that they '\el c n1cnnt to be 101uet.1 ,ts i;oon as he 8p1ed he1 Josh.Billiu.gu s,~)8 v~1y tlu}y- yo1L'd bettu1 not kno'v so n1nch, thau to kuo'~ so UJ~Hy lluugs lhat :un't so. ::\fr. Cobb recently n1,11ued lt'I1ss Webb. Back Doors. has the annexed · A lll;;l.ll staggered into ou1· sanctum tlus in01 n1ng who bore the appea1ance of he111g badly used His hat was gone, bll:1 clothes smlcd, and h1s face duty, bloated and d1sfigu..-cd w1th wounds Dropping proni1scuously into a ch111r, be hoarsely murmured. · · " ]3ack Doors." .. tVha.t is the matte1 \Htb you 1 old f1:illow Y" 've inquired. "'Bw k doots, I tell Jt..: {hic,) tha s wh.L'tl er ina.'er.n "Expla111 yourself " 11 llead ~Iayo1 's 01 'c1 l.:lus1u,;- f1on' <l001 !:I loons Suud'y clid 1nt ye 'I" 'lhe Cu1t.:1un,~ti J(rnte11 "Yes." y~s'day, ./ "'So'm l ' Tave111 t,rinu' tum t'scc 'f lnw's 'bcycd ' "\¥ell what '\as the re su1t 1" 11 'rhis ii:; 't:!r 'sult, Hti.. ' ha 1 (hicJ he ' th u::~k· 111 b1le.J OW l. " 1 · Yes, any botly can t:oec that b11t cluJ you find the front doo1s closed 'i' "0 yes, the fioa't doo1s were closed, but 101dy ! bow ina.ny back doors I found open, Didn't kno\v there was so many ho.ck doors 111 C1nc1nna.t1. They must have sent a."'a.y and got ~on1e back doors some\\ here, S'loons cloi:!ed fl on' but they "~ero 's open be-(h1c) hind .us a Potato Experiments. faun1ng null I had two '1· three ex l"u. ones Dr Hexame1 clehvered a vc1y valuable ol.lt 111 spec1a1Jy, aud ont! s'loon iu t:l \-Vest End ootuse of lectu1es on the potn.to1n 1871,and pre had {hie} whole bat.:k end taken out. t;,.i 'commo· ttinted to the Un1vetsary samples of 140 differda.te the cro'~~l. I ought to b~ tJH tho boaul of ent v.w1!!t1e1:1 of potatoe11 '-\>h1ch '\ere plantetl l.J.} health, ' he continued after a pause, "know 'l'lH:lY more 'bout cOhditiou of 'c1 ;;i.lleys and back yai:ds l\1.1 Beuhain, the directo1 of the fa1111 we1e vluuted on the l.;jth of }'lay, 1871, aud than .~ny man in the eitj 'J'hetc's ou,,; thmg \\'(.lie dug on the 21st of Octobe1. The sml was 1 bout it, if this tb11ig of clt1s111g frou' duot'l5 Suu· a light, "auJy 101nn anJ tl1e SCAflOll "'as nuco1u· d ty keeps on, the'll have tO WJt.leu l!t alleys n1oi1ly 1l1y and 'the Slope of the l.i..nd toward Alloys "a.sn't hnlf bl.,:.; e11ou.gh }'Cs'd,ty to 'com· the VVest. One potato of each Jund was plantmo<late the c10\\d" " V!f a.s th~ 1 u 8 h for diJHk::i .f.8 bad ~l..':i llLat ?" ed, a.nd 1vo.s EO d1\ ided ns to uulke th1ee lullt: "'Va::i ! S 'loous full aJI 'er time, and a.ll1'y Tho iesult \\'t\5 <l f:I follo,vs full of thnsty iuen \\n.ttin' theti tuui to get 111 Pot£ttoes Yie7dir1g One Pound and. Les;<,, Had to ta.l~e t urn-;, flaiue's bai hei shop on Snu'y Sev entee n va.rietteE:i, "1z - Early lndi.ruia,~ lb., morniu' ., Seellling from South ..iUnenca, t- lb ; Royal "Didn't ,uij ::;,t!ouns h:i\c Lhou fiout <loots .t\ shJan<l IGdnoy, { lb ; Caster,! lb , Mic1ngnn Red, l lb. ; Central 01ty, ~ lb.; Nutineg, § lb., upe11 ?ll "A few but the) chdu't h<t\ : auy 1..:ui:;tou1c16 Mona's P1ide, l lb, "V1ld SouthAmencan, llb, to mention. Fact is, folks iathci hkcfl sneak· Eatly Shaw, 1 lb; Ohio Mcwor, 1 lb; Jones' iu' through t~llcys u.nd into bacl1.. doo1 5 for a Seedliug) ii lb , Graante State, ! lb , Mountain \JJ.ink llain't bee11 Wtulk 'fores' <log's age Pu1k Eye, l lb , Co]Jpc1nnne, ~lb; Phiebtiek's n1'self, I ca.11 '~alk bolcl'ly by.~ s'looou with \a Cntly ,.Vlute, I lb l :Jotalor;$ 1Ve1ghtng Fwe Poun d and JII01 c than fron 1 <loot \\'Jde open; bnt shllt 1t1 a11d lnn t about a back c11'1 an cc, nud I fiu<l 1t, snu.: It'$ One Pound,- 'l'wenty-two V<l.l'Jeties, viz "Vct)te1n Chief, 4 lbs , Seedlu1i; 1\:It11ce1, 3 lb, lnunan na.tUl', su1"s Jc hvc " " The uew regi.l1.it1ons n.ppe.H to h,tvc aflc<.:t 1\.sh leaf lGdney~, 2 lb , J1ar1y Snowball, 4 lh~ ; Ufa.ck Kidney, 2 Jba , No Blo"\v, 4 lbs 1 Dyke1L l yon iather <lrsastrously." "You·re mighty nght J .uu 5u flou1 1 fto1u man, 5 100 , D o"\'er, 3 lbs; Paterson's Irish too mauy back doot'8 'J'ltc abst:Ul.:<J of hon' Blue, 3 lln;, l\11ch1g:..w White Sp1outs, 3 lbs, bliu<l ]las 'Iectcd tny cons"tut1011 'S1<le1 iny· London Wlnte, 3 lbs; Goodrich Seedhng-, 4 lbs; Belf a. martyr to er :I'i:Iti,y'ra (Jkl p1ose1mation, 1'-Iercer, ~lb!$, 'J'1tacaca, 5 lbs 1 Ni l\-Io1nto1, 'Lohsldn' frou' d.001 .:i;* and I w1tnt to 'monstrate 4 lbs; Ama.wn, 4 lbs; Early 'VendrelJ, 5 lhs; 'gami;t 1t th1ou,;h e1-hw-pte~fi 'N11tho1 Suu ~a1 ly .Queen, 3 lbs; Seedling Rock 5 lbs 1 Mer· d 1y \\1th them cusse d back doo1s ,~u' U!j uucle's CCl seedling, 2 lbs; Chen1.ingo, 4 lbs ' Eady g0uc. ...Ulcys n1 ton nin.ny fo1 uic J3.~ck doois Golden, ·1 lbs Potatoes W e1yh111u T en .PuanrJs <t1ld 1rw1 e llto.n is my 111111/' and "'1th tlns he deptnieLl F1ve Pownds,-Forty·six variet1e~, viz .- l\fich1· gan Peach Blow, 10 lbs, Cow.horn, 8 lbs, Wes· tern Prince _i\.lbert, 10 lbs; Shaw, 7 lbs , 'Vh1te The Island of Juan Fernandez. Chnton,8 lbs; ]..:la1ne M~rcer, 9 lbs; Lady Fm.An 1ntcrcst1 ng a.ccount 18 giveu hy a nlcm· ger, 8 lbs; Pea.ch Blow, 10 lbs; \Vestern I~ed, ber ei1 the 1 Agassiz Geological, Archroologic· 9 lbs, New Kidney; 10 lbs, Early ~Ioha.wk, a" Pa1reontolog1cal, Sounding, DreclO'll'.lg, 7 lbs; Snow :Ball, 7 lbe, Extra Eaily White, 0 a1 tl l 1u paling E x.ped1tion' Jn a letter to the 6 lbs ; Blue P1nk Eye, 10 lbs ; BuckC"ye, 6 lbs , ltew Yo1k He1ald of a visit 1n the n1onth of Early Cottage, (i lbs; Enrly '\r1ctot, 7 lbs j 1\1,iy last to the Island of Juan Fernandez, Early Stevens, 10 lbs, 'Vorcester Seedhng, 10 ctnd to the cave Ill w}uch Rol:i111son Crusoe, lbs; Patterson _i\lbcrt1 8~ lts, Pigeon Eye, or rather Alexander Selkirk, 11\ed during lOlbs,EarlyPrnkEye, 7 lbs, Scotch White, hia sohtary residence there. The island, it 10 lb1S; Ilocheeter Seedling, 8 lbi:;, J ersey 1'-.Ion seeins, IS leased from the Ch1lian Govern- tor, lO lbs; i~ancy Red, s lbs:; Nova Scotia, S iueut by a gentleman at Valpararno There lbs; Blue Mercer, 8 lbs; Pu1k Eye Rustycont, are but t~elve people in all now living on S lbs; Early Rose, 9 lbs; King of the Earliee~ 1 t, "hose -0ccuµatioo JS the culh\ation of the so1l and the care of the live stock, V.'hich 6 lbs 1 Lincoln Red, 10 lbs; Breeet's Prolific, consists of some fine cattle and a fe,v io,vlR, 6 lhs , Garnet Chih1 9 lbs; Early Pu1ple, 9 lbs, The wild goats are said to be as numerous Cahco, 7 lbo; Jackson White, 7 lbs ; Early as ever, but the dogs have been hunted and Handsworlh, 6 lb1:1 ; Shaker :Russett, 10 lbs; killed in their tu111 until there is but oue Cusl.:o, 10 lbs ; Ca.l1fornia., 7 lbs; Bulkley Mon1leit in the island. Beef, vegetables, and tor, 7 lbs; White ~fercer, 8 lbs; Nansemond, fresh nulk are sold to vestiels stopping for 9 lbs, 'randerver, or hf:anhassett, 10 lbs supphe8,and espec1nlly toA111e1ican ·whalers, Potatoes Weighing Fiji.teen Pounds and Over v.rbo aro the ch1ef...customers. The lvhole Ten P...Quna1;1,-Thirty seven ,aneties1 viz:Iiilan<l. seemed to be d1st1nctly volcanic, tbe Calico, 12 lbs , Sapstolle lCfclneY:-13 lb~ , State 1ocks cons1stlng of basaltic grcenstone and of Maine, 12 lbs; Merino, 12 lbs; Peach Blow, tta.y coveted \V1th a scoriaCeons lava, the de- 14 lbs; IIa.rr1S0n, 14 lbs; White Chili, 11 lbs, 0 On vutlting Cornell Univen1ity, la.st \I/eek, I inquhed, \dth sorne interest, into tho pre!:lent conditton of the .t\gr1cuJt11ral Collego which forms a.n integral parli of it, and \Vas gratified to find that it 'Yaa slo'.'ivly, though surely, growing 1nto a position wh1<:h will 1mtisfy the ex pectitt1ons of its 1nost aident frie11<l~ It baH alv.:Erys 1 from the \et} fiist, ghul1 t]1e most ample lnstruct1on in thC' collateral b1·anchcs of agricultural science, but until la.st year it was unable to procure a i)rofcssor 0£ f!cient1fic and p1actlcal agriculture During the precedrng year, "itV A Pe11ha1u, a n1ost snccessfulfa.rn1er, a.ud a large ta.ke1 of the State u,grwultur.W. p1izes. bad charge of the farm, which he baf! much nnp10\'ed, but it '\\as conducted \dth 1cfe1ence to the J1npro\'en1ent of the laud, and not ex· prcsi;ly for the instruction of the students, ::il· though 1t ha.a given n1uch improveme1.1t to stu dents in necessitous cucumstances, having paid out $1,601 82 for ~tudents' llibo1 i.::XlJOJLded on the fa.rn1, and $3,155.49 for lahn1 on the build· in gs, 1 oada, and other services not pei-formed on the farm, ma.lung $4,758 31 in all, dtuiug the I.mt 111nc months Last S"'ptembe1, Prof H H. McCandless Joined the faculty 1 i1Ud commenced his instruc t1ous, having been elected Professor of Agriculfure in J tu1e, 1871 He \\as educated 111 the Gla8nevin .L°igricultural School, in Ireland, autl \\' M <i ~ucceseful teache1 and superintende11t tn that and ot1let 111stitnt1ons in Irela.nd. Ile cru.ne to this con11t1y "\vitb v.. view of ben1g a pro fessor i11 the agi icultural school pro3ccted in Oh10; but as the opening of that institution has been postponed,bis services "'me. secured by the 1 rrustees of t1ns U111versity. He hus lectured daily dunng the pa.st yea.r, 'v1th much success and acccptance1 and has Dn· pa1 tecl to the studeuts a Heh fund of .agr1cultur· al knowledge. The trnstees design to set off fo1 ty acres for a 1nodel and experimental farm, with bu1lding!I!, ~tock and implements 1 'vhich will be in full operation during the coming yea1. 'l'he most complete instruction \Vlll be given on this far1n of the most advanced methods of cul t1vatton, dut1ning and llugahon Grains, rooti;, and gui.~~e8 w11l be te:;t~d by the inost r1gorous methods ; exact accounts \V1ll be kept, and the tnethods fo1 the most ex.a.ct expenments will be to.ught and practiced, so tba.t ~:..11 the dispute<l questions of aguoulture 1n11y be ~ettled on the 1nost stable basis. P1of. j)/lcC·1.ndll·ss has been M'ifat.ed by some of the tnost 01n111ent agiicultltusts 111 the coun· try, who have gnen lectures to the students on enbJects with which they 'vere specrn,lly fam1l· laJ. '\Ve bad the plcaaure of hearing 'vb1Je there two lectures from J.-[r. E. A. Stewart, of Lake V1e,v, on the feedmg of cattle, which contained a 11ch sto1·e of 1nfonnatlou upon the subJe<.,.11 founded by experiments conducted with gieat cares t h1 ough a long series of years. farrner.e iaiae potatoes at a great profit and others at a great loss If the latter will only take pains to select potatoes fo1· seed that are exactly adapted fo1· their special condit1ona they too, can raise crops of potatoes that will be very profitable ·rhree potatoes of each kintl will be planted tlua year, <illd they \\ill theu lie specially tested for quality. I am happy to say that v.:1th a Vle"' to rna.ke agricultural education more easily aceesinble to farmers' sons, the Trustees have generously re solved to receiv e twenty young men, to bl! nom inated by thP StnteAgncultural Soc1C;1ty, \uthout the in1 . yntent of fees 'rh~ foundatiullli of the Sage Female College ai e being IMd, and the building will be in l ca.d1nesa for the l ccep tion of pupils f"on1etimo Ul 1873. C 0. BO UNSALL, MANUl'ACTURE R I MPORTER, DEALER m all the v,arietiea of un HARD TO BELIEVE. Spring Stocks ! TRTJE N:EVEI~ THELE SS! Italian & American Marble. A. 1w15~ and ohoiec s_elcct1on of ~¥.:;~ o~~~~? uf ~~p~n~R~o~l~m,~!h~~~J ln~ at lowest prices. ' 'Wrnught oi· Cast hon Fences for 1;i1t<Jos1ag burying lotf!, SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. ..... .c: ~rt;;;:;t~:: } MA.BX'O'S · , MA.YEBS, f Furniture Tops, Mantel FieceB, kepL on hand, or \V1onght to 01dei. 1espectfully ieque~ted a.t the 1\'orks, &c G·roceries Very Cheap. Good vook rng Hmsms only 5 cents ,i, pound , «nd still cheaper by t box - - o-- ,]_oi;;s t1:J hlfo1m the Public that, he hW:! i'i.;eiv ed ~1a opened out. ~ beautif·Ll nnd well assorted A call 1s Stock of THE HOUSEHOLD. To ]Jiakc HuHl Waltt Sflft - T saw an 1nqi.u1-y1 some time a.go, fut roaking hnrd ·wntor soft, a11d as I have seen uo a11swe1 to it, I send my \vay 'l'o a bauel full of \Yatci put about two qu,\tts of wood ashes. .r'\ sedin1e11t will Hettl(;I to IlH) bottOm, leavu,1¥ tbe water clcn.r and soft. 'J.1hc .1ahf!s can be tied up in a cloth if one 18 ve1y ~a1ticulru , but t11e sttongth \Hll uot con1e uut as IJOOJI. It rn n, good -way, 1f wanted fo1 wash ing, to get the water icady Saturdo.y and b:t i\iondaymonung 1t lB all 1eady to usi.:. - Farni et's W1fc. Floativf! Ji:;fond.-1 have.: a ~nnphi aud excel lent recipe for " floahng island ' 1 ' \ luch ) think will su1t " R ' ]'or one qu,\rt uf n1ill. . take two tablespoonfuls of co1u st aich, tho yolk of two eggsi four tablespoonfuls of eugru-, ::i. httle butter n.nd salt , boil two nnnutea , LlD'll out in the dish and fla,oi with two tc:u1poonfuls of le1non Beat tho wluteB of the eggs to a st1fl froth and lny ove1 tho top 1 tllen place 111 the oven till biownccl sli..;htl) -H E H , tf1oh· cup vinega.1 ; boil together a few n111l utcs Cool and add one egg, one spoouful of Oour 01 a little tolled crncke1, and one i:;poonful of butter. Bu.kc with two LTust::; ·· ·!Jfrl> A.£' St ephenson Men and Boys Suits, .. King Sl1cet, Bori.vnianville l·tf HATS AND CAPS, for S~ing a.nd S ummer wca.r. His Stock su1passe!'..anythrn.g prev1owtly offered in the 'fo1'i'll, Octobc1, 1st, 1.869. Eis Prices a.re Low, n,nd !us Uottou ,111d '.V ooli;n Goods rLie adv.i,ncmg, but you can them tit Elliott's for a short time, at the old prices. X ow is the time to secure what NOVELTIES you need. .l.'l 'J'1JE ARE STYLISH. CORNER STOl=IB. CLOTHlNG.- GenLlemen m want ul ,, gooJ ... litLi11g sui t shutdd call early :tt Elliotts Fa.,l11on:tble Tnilorn1g Eta blrnli111 enL ,')',,t 1 sfacLltln The wholt: w1ll repay ins1>ectio11 1 and becoi<linl· ly extend!J au lllvitahon to all hh! old friends Mid aa: many ne\v ones a.s may feel inclined to be bencfi~tcd by 11av111g FIRST-CLASS GOODS, nt fau·, Jom1uH:-1ative p1icos, Lo 'give him a call g ua rnn teed J JI Hul1lptu11 .Aug. 2nd, 11:171. iiU 1 easouable Cillics. HENRY ELLIOT'l', Ju,.. bp-o23-rn5t Hi Gent's Furnishings w!U 'be found well assorted. F. Y. COWLE. ~1 .-__.._,_ ,.ro1 LET SOAP . ~IORIA-CARBOLIC . ~ ~------~ Bowr.nanvillc. At,ril 5th~ 1871. ' MARKUS MAYERS· tf -~~----- ----- -- 1\IORBIS' land, U1l;ter Co , N. Y. V-i,neoar Pie - One cup oug.tr, CARRIAGE SHOP, un u·h~iH Brown B?ead - rrwo (.'Ups of COlll 111C<ll, one cup of flour, two cups :::lour in1lk, t"' o t eAApoonfllh1 SO(h\i ot1e-half cup molass1.c:s, one teaspoon· ful salt Steam two hours, t1len bake one ha.If hour, Serve hot Corn Storch Cake. ..· Qne cup butte1 , 2 cups ~ugo.r, 1 e-qp svteet n11lk; the wbJtes of six eggs , 2 cupa of flour, 1 oup corn i:,tarcl1 , l teaspoonful cream tartar, j t easpoonful sotll'1 -K Crearri Ccike ··One cup sugar, 2 eggs 1 1 (fl.ble, spoonful butter, 3 tabl1mpoonfuls i,;"'·cet n1ilk , one and one half cups flour , 1 tenspoonflll soda, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of me~un t.1.rta1. ·· K. f1'1 !lier~ One titnt of inilk, '1 eg;;:i, a11tl a h t· tlo salt 1 flour enough fo1 a ~tin ba.ttu1 , r11·op into hot la1 d nud fly -··L E K C1·ean1 ·· One egg, Ollij hnlf i.: 11 p :;u ga1 , one half cup S\Yeet milk, one thnd ~up co1 n atru ch, ono and one half cups sweet JnilK ·· K Salt Rh e·nni &11ledy · Sever£tl yea.rs since I wns very much nfflit.:ted with salt illeum· I procu1ed such iouts as dandelion, bu1dock, reel elover, both root and tops, n. little blood 1 oot, a. verJ little mandrake, sarf::pnrilL1., so1ne Llaek lnaple lea.' es and a. little pnckley ash Ltuk. Thei!e \\ere lJ01led until the strength ex: t1acteil, and then the liquu1 '\ a.s bOJled down so as to heqwte a shoug bjll1p. It was then s'veetent:!d \\1th loaf sug-M, .tnd onoug11Bou1 bon whiskey added to keep it f1om t u1n1ng 1;0111 'Ih1a t,\ken thr~e hmes a day, ,t tablespoonful befo1e ea.d1 meal, eJiectua11y cmecl inc U.llll 1 have ne\c1 had salt iheu1n SIU<;e Ono need not lune all the above nruued 1ngiedttm ts uule<is couveu1ent, the sa.rspm 11Ja anll 1ed clc1vc1 1"1th burdouk .u1d J.t11d~l1011 1 v. ouhl aJor11· n l 1ke .~ good syiup ... zr~u·n1<;,l":nv1fr: 1'o C1n-c lfoarswcs~ ···'l'ak 1..: 2 pai tti of Jaw hntieell otl, 1 pa.1 t Jiemlock oil, 1 p.u t cu<l<11 011, l po.rl StlSSafl.rn 011, put Jll a bottle with a. httlc aJ cobol .t nd, ~11:.1.l~eu wull, gi\C u.t n1.;ht .iud inonuug .\ tea spoon L~ili full In case of c1oupghe a te~"U:11:..0011ful ~t c1y ha.If h9ur until I he clnld '01n1 L s } l 0111 f f<.iJlo\\ fl lllJ· 1nediatelJ I ha,\'t' tuu1.l 1t and it provcU t:Jfcc~ tuu.l .... TV. M. L. Tb.ts Tou.rr Boa possesses nn the well-known antlsept4' and dielnfectlng properties ot Carbolic Acld. iB agreeably scented, ho.a ahoolthy e.ctton on tho skin, prevents in!tation removes thet effect.a ol peraplration, and shonld bo regularly used by ramil1es. «Jholcra, SmalltJOX anll Fever Patient· iehould bewashed with thll!I Soa.p; e.nil !ts use bJ verl!IODS Uable to intectlon WJll mater!o.ll~prevent; tbespread of disease. Fnce 15ccnts Pet'l'ltblet. (west of the Ontu1:.io Bo,nk.) Kiug Stt eet,. Bowman ville. Tbla f3ALTJll 111 a ra.pld cnro fo-z all Skin Dlsea&C!Jt Ou.ts. wounde,Br11Ises 1 Burns, Bore!_, Ulccrl', Ringworm,.:: fetter Ec.z;ema.. Scald 11ead,- Senrvy, Abroeases, Boils,. Pimples, &o. lt pgeeeasea all the cleana1ng ed heal.J.Dg vlrtues of CarboUo Acid, which bas been fonncr by Phyeician" everywhere to possess curative qualltles not atscovcrcd tuan1 c:>therchemlcaJ preparation. Prlce25 cents. T HE. subscriber is prepared to budU. .wd 1e· pan lVagons, Buggies, Mid Cuttm·s. of e' ery descript1on, at ~hot t ))ot1ce, andou 1 casonabla.. tcrn1s. lV POIN'I'S OF S"tl"P:E:EtIO:RI'l'Y. Shnplicit,y in Con$lt·uction, Ease of operation, Pe1:fection oj Stitch, alike on bot sidei,-, owing to pe1fect tension on uppm· ana lower Thread. lUYG E 01? WORK ·-From Gauze to Beaver Cloth DURB1L11'Y - Will last a life time. Carriages Painted and Trimmed- A Blacksmith's Shop un the prcrn1ses, \~el o special ~t1 ·n liou io i;1vcn to all "a::; I '"'-4~~ OIS INfECTA.N.1 1 1 and Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Bmallpo~ and 8lJ ln· tectiou.6 diaeaeee. :n will pre\'ent Contagion In Cattle. It is aJ.so 1n.valu.ablc for Dislnfecting Water Cloeets1 Drain~ Cesspools~ ....,Ste.bles, Slaughter. houeest. &c ·· and tor destroyioe: na.useous efllu\ la trom wnatever Cll · It will dnvo awal. l\Ce& I action by tt1 er Majesty's fCl'cnce to all other cctent for the proven· Pzice 25 cents. ~ICTORIA· CARBOLltn-::r Equally ad.a.:pted to Family Work, :Cress and Shirt Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND lNSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. - c~ rriage work, and . a eneral Jobbing. Thie Dtt!INJ'EO'l'ANT lea sw:e preventtveo:t Typhus EVERY Agents, MACHINE WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. \V c h>LV e also on hand All work done cit this stablishmen A call 1s r etcipectfully 80lic1ted. .t. l\iORI\IS. WANZ~lC SLA1'1Hl ~ A, A BIIOT1"S, ANIJ BARCLAY !:!E WING 1 lJA CJ/JNE A'l~ THE IV L 0111 Stock of 0Pnmal Goods 1~ large, embiacing all the Novelties of the clay, and all t.he necesm1ries as well. Into popularity more qUicklT or become ot iso much vli.lo.ein every houB"eholQ "11.d -wor}tshop tor ceneml usctulneea._ J'rlco 25 cente. !a nn~ua.Iled In tts rapidit7 Polishing Cntlcry,. Tabla and Surgical Instrrunente,BhoeBtte and Chisels &c. Noth· Ing hae ever been discovered which has sprung 11wtn1c ]J'1a.ll1CH- a.ll is1Y.i::a, J'!,1ouldu1~ of every style, '\'all Papei - a rsplcnd1d .\.f:ISOL tmeut no\v 1n titock, .A l arge i:;uvply of beautifully assoJ tcd Windo\Y Shudes, Children's Oa.Miagee, Concert111a-a, BrufillCS, Co1n b8, Look ing- Glasses, Muaic, ~Ingaztnes, V.,.1olms, V1ohn J3o,vs, Violin 8tMng1',Papcr Ool1nrs, )/'eek 'l'1es1 School BookB, Day Books, B1ble.s, Kn1vesaud Fo1ks1 1:'ocketKr11ves, Razo1s, CheapeHt Note Pape1 and En\'elopes 111 the country .A.11 these.land 8 Spoons, auLl ScrnsoJil th r>ns:u1d other art1clt:e 1 tlolC to be found a.t the YA.l lIETY STORE. 'rile are ::tJ.wa.ys glad to see fnends, and tlunk it no t1ouble to show Cooll~, ,~nd we guarantee a.<; gooll va1ue 1 at aa low pric(lij as a.ny other houae 1u tho trade P1.uties w1ahu1g to telljg1a.ph then fueud~, may loly on h:.n 1ng theit bus1ness <lone promptly. ~itgcnts fQl' Inn1an Luic of Stea1ne1s, ti,nd I1npei Htl Btulding and sa~Jog Society Colors for Carpets. (Sdech:d /1011l llfou1e1J Uu11tl l Vcu; Yorhcr ) A VtllY p1otty st.upe for Cill'pcts is iuade by Lnk111g two con t1ast1nf;, 01 so111e bright colot, anll '~l11to (we lrn,ve c1 n11Ro11 and "'h1te}, cutting th e iagg into p1uccs !he inches long, i1.11d se wing the colors aJ.ten1ately Get the w·cavo1· to lJc n httlc careful m 'veavlng 1t, a.nd ml.ke it into steeples 01· clond<:i (1 li ke clouds the !:>est) It is quite i~etty woven in JUSt as it comes I have one st11pe iu \\ hich I tied >vh1tc ragMwith strips of n1nv fa.Gtury a8 tight ly as possible, lea·u ng .l sti ip ofa fi nger length, \\ithout covenng, the11 dyed them <lo.1k blue Tlie blue is pe1manE:nt and ho.nchon10, colo1ed with PrusSian blue and alu1n. All the rags, whether cotton or woolen, lJUL desirable for othe1 colors, 1na.y be coloI~l1 a dark tan-color by the following :rece1pe .· .1~0 five pounds of cloth one pound Japonwa, eight ounces bichromate of µotash,two t a-blespoonfu1s of a.lwn; dIBBolve the Ja.poruca and alum n~oft \\ ttte1 enough to c0Ve1 the good& 1 \\ash the goods lJl. suds aud put ..th~m 111 the dye , let themetand t'\O hours a.t rM!ald1ngheat, then set them ::unde till the next mo111ing, with the goods in the dye ; dissolve the b1chromate of potasb in soft water to C(IVCr the goods, put them in and let them remain an hour at l!calduig heat 1 air them, and \Vash 1u soft water suda, and dry. A nice matoon IB })rocluced on gray or brown woolen by dye1ng with aniline The color un· der it prevents its show1ng to disn<lvantage if it does change color. Ours bas b1:en in use i:ion w time, and is ns nice ns new. A recld1<:.h color can be dyed on cottou w l th madder. It is pronunent but not vc1y hand· some. A rllce color can be mad e 1u a b11gl1t, sun 'eh111y da.y by dipping ·white rags fi1-st in a st1ong solution of coppe1aa and th eu 111 .~ strong lye If not Strong enougil, repeat I '\Ill tell the different colors 1n our ca1pett:1 that son1e people adm1re 1'hc center 01 fancy stripe h11~ six threads bright red, two of pink, two of "\\lute, six of green, two of g1ay, four of blue, bvo of yellow, a.n 1noh and n.-half stnpe of 1na100111 the srune of blue and \\hite cloudOO, the same width of black, the sa.Ine vf g teen, then black, then coppcias, and rt U1vld1ug stupu of da1k (n.n·color, fiye inches -witte I find a good way to plan a stripe /01 i\ car pet is to \Vind the colon~ 011 :t stick, changuig them llntH they suit. I want to stnpc ruy ca1pets to stut11i.ysc7f- oot have the \Veavo1 do it to ::nut lie1. Our \Ven.vet!! cl1atgo f1ou1 fifteen to eighteen cents,a ynrcl fo1 \Yea\1.iug, the wa.1p coats about the san1e 1 nnd counting 'Yotk, col· onng, 0tc 1 we cannot caJ.l iu.g carpets chcnp to begin \v1th, but they weUJ. lj\) inuch longer than others, tLey w e lt!.1Uy a. great doal cheap· e1 111 thtl eu~1 1 l <.:011s1cl1;11 <t nice iag carpet 01· nouuental. LonE'lTA E J(NAl'l' ~oith ratd wlJ, UlHO. Daily Line '1'0 Bownmnville, Match ):f~Jtf'WLEES & QUICK. n23 :Et OCHES'l' ER. The New Lake Steamer 1871. TIM.- "Ot CHIT CHAT. l'l'im Dra.d.y and Mike Ji'lynn·I Oct. 1871. McL]jJOD'S. HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, imd nothing but the pur~st materials used, and i eq_ ttiring no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. Tq,e1r con1pos1t1011 consists solely of "NORSEMAN" hei 1e6"11lar daily trips,lce perm1ttiug,l6av· 111g Cobo111 g e\ e1y moru1ng at 7.:30. Poi t U ope a.t 0 o'clock fo1 Rocbesto1,connecth% theio with the New York Ceu tial, No1ther11 venhitl aud ]~r1e Ratlway, for all pointl;I East, So ut h, ttnd South \Vest ~ W iLL Qll or about l 8t Ap1il uext comn1c111..: e RETURN ING. Lcnves Charlotte, Port of Rochcstc1, C\ely evening at 9 o'clock, except Saturdays, \d1"'n she leaves at 2 o'clock p.m , for B11ghton d1r~ct. 'fhe steamer en.Us at J3righton, Mondays and Thursd[t.y, a.t Colbo1ne every da...r except \Ved nesda.y, at ' '7 hitby, Oshd.;wa, Darlmgton and Nowca:;tle on '\Vednesday, shpuld fte1ght offel. Dealers in stock wd1 find this the cl1capest ancl qwckest route to .t\lba. n y, Bo!'>ton, Ne'v York, &c , &c. Add1·ess, Pure ColorrPwre White Lead, P'li1·c White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of T7krpentine, &: Dryers, ccarefully and sci~ntifically combined The consumer can have any' desired shade of color neatly put up in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can be done by himself, or by any member of his household. R. 0. CaRTER. Port l{op Port Ifope Ont ull l8th 1 1872 2:; tf "Guod iuorning, Mike, shu1e and its cru:ly out, ye m·e. Might I be bould to ax0 what startetl yees this morning." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Y c see, I wa.s toukl, yisterd,iy, that Misther Gray, av Tyrone, ha.cl got home an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man; and its mcsclf could hardly slape a wink, all mght, thinking lLV the the chape goods Aud slnuc enuff, its the full store he haspiles ,md piles lL'i the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints, Tay for most nuthin, and tho Baccy for a trifle less." TIM.- "Ap shure its funning me ye ate, Mike; wouldn't the llllLn l·c afther breakmg down." MIKE.- " Breaking clown, is it. Shure he knows a thrick wmth two av that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if you want to git a grate name when yome ded, and be called a fiilantrofized, filosifer, and a public binifocthor, Jist tell all youre nabours,and the rist av mankinn,;>bout Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the good av you counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Irel(lnd, when he banished all 'the toads and snakes out av it that niver wa.s in it." 'l'IM.- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye ; ~ tliere'll slmrely be a grate run, and may bee I'd miss some""il1trgains. - · The top iiv the moming to ye "-I'm off to Gray's·· PURE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just rec~ived, for autLllll.ll. painting, imported direct from the English J\fanufacturers,including Jam es' Genuine, and the ele brated S. B. J. GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for cl1eap Goods. For tbe best ancl cheapest ~~::~~51}~~~l~fh~l 1{~~s~~~j~~~~iili?i:g~~~· Early Henry, 14 lbs, Cheny Blow, 12 lbs ; '!'he darldohage of the myrtle r.redomrnates White l(ock, 13 lbs , Old Red, 13 lbs, Ut1c· Pinkeye, 13 lbs, Chili No ,2, 14 Iba; Eaily June, 13 lbs; Purple Chili, 12 lbs; :Raspberry Leaf1 14 lbs; Ntnv Ilartford, 13 lbs; Pale Flush P1nkeyo, 14 lbs; Rough an<l llcndy, 11 lbs, Red St1eak, 1:1: lbs ; Early Prince, 1·1 lbs; Hol· brook, 12 lbs; YVillaid. 14 lbs; :Early !>each Blo,v, 15 lbs; Orono, 13 lbs , Strawberry, 15 lbs, Bl,lck D111.1nond, l::S lbs, Sea Beacl1, 14 lbs, Prauie li'lo,ver, 11 lbs j l '\ U'i:le ~Iercer, 15 lbs , Old Kidney, 12 lbs; l\:t:e:ucrut, 15 lbs; Qwmbs Seedling, u Jbs ; Kins of Potatoes, 15 lbs; Pee1less, 14100 ; Chenery, 13 lbs; Concord 1 15 lbs; BLmche Wlllte·eyed Peach Blo,\·, 15 lbs Pot~toCA lVciylung lJ.'wcnty f'O"unds and Over .PiftccnPound1:1,- Eleven vanet:es, viz - Excel· ~101, 17 lbs ; 'Vhite Apple, 20 lbs, Bermuda., 18 lbs, Prince of '\Valc1;, 19 lbs; hisb Ame1wa11, 16lbs; GrcatWei;tern, 18 lbs; '\'71utc Peach n10,v, 16 lbs ; Clunax, lG lba; Anders, 20 lbs' l\Ionito1 1 17 lbs. Potatoe8 1Ve!ghmy Over 1'wcnty Pot1nds:'l'h1ee V..,..ai1et11::1l:l, viz .-La.te P111){eyt·, 21 lbi:!' on the h1ll·s1des, but fig, peace, -cherry, apple, and other frn1t trees giow 1n abundu.nce, and palms flourish on the heirrhts, though they do not descend into the valYeys. \V1lJ. oats, \'nld iadishes, stravrberry plants, iuint, tree ferns, lichenl'l, and tnosses giow in great abundance, and paras1t1c veget<\tiou see1ns to pGssessa luxur1ance almost t1op1cal. IIigh up one of the hills '\\as fuuad a bronze p1ate fastened 1n the rocky wall of n.1nounta1n path, and bea11ng the followtng 1uscriptJ.011 . In nieniorv oi Alexander Eelknk nunj ne1, ,1 tlf't.ti \ c oi Lar~o, iu the cou;ity 6 t Ji'Jfc, Scotland, who hved on this irdand 111 complete sohtu<le for four ye:Lrs and four iuonths. lic 'vas landed 110m the Cinque Poi ts, galley of niuoty ·six tons and sixteen gu11::i, 111 1701, aud \Vas tuken ofl 111 Lhe Duke, private.EH, Ill li'ebruary, 1709. lie died heuLenant o11I.1'I S. '\'Vcy1noutl1 1 A. D. 1728 1 aged fo1ty-seve11 ye~u s 'Ilus tablet is erected nenr Selkuk's look·out by Cqm1not101e Po\vell anll the ofliccrt; oi II J\1. S. ROOSTER ALSO BRAND, would take t h hi oppor tu111ty of thanking Ins numerous fnends fo1 the ve1y liberal patronage he hns received, Hu feelB satisfied that noth· l Ug' but gncvranteed 1llJ.? e. all "bmdard colors, oils varnishes, and painters' materials. Call and see how cheap a hou se cau Lo pamted mid decornted; for all these g0 odswill besoltl >1tRedu.ced jigu.re~. LOW PBICES DRY BOOTS GOODS ' & SHOES, · - and 2000 Gallons oJ GROCERIES, c1ioc:KERY, MA.CHINE OlL Superior Work:m.a:nsb.i:p, h<t::> ;;tuned foi hirn Huch .~ ti't e,Wy iu 1,;1e~tse uf bu sinesi:;- rr1uch la.rger than foune t :ye,\1f:I, ru1d he t1 usta Lh.tt by rropaz, ~i ho1ne is s1hwtcd He.tr the sho1c o! ~t 1868. rrorforshile Red, 26 lbs; Dyught, 22 !be. 'l1he cave 111 " T lach Selknk matlo hiuiself Although the abo'ie 'veights do 1 e.\.Sure superior sent h1n1 a. let.te1, requesting hun A. D. of different kimb 'l'h1eshe1s and all parties iequiring such oil, ,n·e specially invited to inspect the variDunng a.1eligions .Lwakeniug 1u ~~ li.u.;lo1y ous qualitieR, the p1ices being fa1· bevillage iu New· England, n iorc nrn.u \\us low n.nything eve1 offered in this awukeued, but l\Ould finel no peace 1-Iis nuuket 1Jro1nptly be c~uuc. bay, the ielative fecu11d1t1~ of the seve1a.l. kmds, ex· to call <\t SIX o'clock. oept for the soil of tJ1t1-'Univers1ty, i1n<le1 tho condihons 1n ,vbuh they,\ ere grown, yet they are of gi-eat intelest as demonstrJ.ting the enot· mous difficulties in productiveness that e:usta among different sorts. It is of great inteiest to the procticalfanner to kno'v thu.t there are aev .Lbout a (lUtutcr of a 11Hlc to the '\est of the harbor; 1t lS in full sight iron1 the shore, "1ly a field of 'v1lcl oats 111tcrven1og. It 1S a.bout fifteen 01 twenty feet high, and as many cleep, and Ata.nds at the foot ol ~t preci~ p1tous hill·s1de, surrounded by tlun clu1nps of a species of cane. Its appearanee does not coiTespond closely to ltoblnson Crusoe's desc1'lpt1on of Ins d\velhng, \\'Ith its impreg· nable l1c<lges, its eecond dooi way of exit. 1ts nooks tor storing a"" ay lns po'iYder and other 'nlualJlcs, &l.: , but its s1tuntion agrees more nearly \\ ith the fie.ti on, especially a s regards the ph1.1n, 'not above a hundred yards b1011cl , and about tw1c.e ~:s lo ng, w1iid1 J,q,y hke a green heiore Rolnnson " I ::;ee you beheve tne," & ud b1s tuastcr. 'rhc io1e1nan a~t:oentE!d. " \Vell 1 t:!8e, he1 e is another lettc1, ::;ending lor you by 011e cc 1ual· aruving, aud now on exhibition, the ly in ear11est,' said his 1naste1, h ollh ng up a l arge..t and cheap~st stock of shJ? of pupei, \\ilh some texts of Scr1ptme written on it He took the paper, untl Le- GENERAL ·HARDWARE, CARRIAGE enteen varieties that ave1age ouly a. yicldof 8.88 gan tu iead, slov.-ly, "C'orne-unio - me-atl oz. to one 1)lanted potato ; 22 v a.11et1es of the ye-lhcit-la,bor a cf:c GOODS, AND TINWARE ll1s lips quivered, 2nd cfo.ss; average 3 59 lbs, 46 Vrn'lcties h!S eyes lilied with tears , then he stood for of the :~rd class, fl.' erage 8.11 lbs ; 38 vaneties of the 4th class ave1age 13 2;j lbis, 11 varieties ""of the 5th class avc1age 17.03 llos , an<l 3 Yarit:ties of the Uth clasa a.'\'e1age 23 lhs as t11e produce of n. single cut potato d1videcl into th1ce pieces. 'l'hesc f.\ets explain vrny clerulJ why some a few moments, not kuowrng what to do At length 11c enquaed, "~~lll I to believe that lll the sn1ne way I behe\·ed your let ~ ter ~" "Just in t!Je same '"Lty,' i reJn1ned the maater. This expedient \Vas O\Yn~d, oJ 600 Cook, !'a.rlor, :S:a.11, and. :Box Stoves, --- and Clothing made to order in fil'st-class style, go to strict atieution to blrniness J. ·ELLIOT'S he 'v ill 1,;ont11L11e tu 1eceivc tLen support Cheap Store, rn the County of Durlmrn. JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings Bo\\ nmnvdle, Aug. 8th, J 871. S. B. BRADSH~W. l Goel setting b un at hh erty. -8cl<ctcd. All t11ose lhat a.1e 111,\r-re!lrs1nul3t pay l.lp 1 os· pec1a1Ly the Hard" ale account, S. B. B l~no·\ml\VJlle,T11.J1, JOth 1 1872 ly-l:l Tyl'One, Nov 2nd, 1871. 'l1 YRONE. ·