· THE J\TERCHA.NT, :FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1S72. ~ ' ===========;=============;=============;===============;~:::==~~~:===;===7========= ~- POETRY. Watchman, tell Me· Vi a.tclnna.n, tell me does the tno1·n1ng Of fair Zion's glory <la.wn ? }{ave the signs that ma1k its co1nin:; Yet upon thy pathway shone" P1lgnm, y+;:s ! a.1'1se 1 look round thee , Light 18 JJ1 caking m the skies , Gi1d thy Lirida.l robes.a1-011nd theei }1orn1ng da11lns, ar1se 1 arll!e 1 \\1"atohwa.11, !;ee, the hght fa; beam1ng, Bnghter still upon the 'vay ; Signs tluough aJ.l the earth a.re gleamiug, 01r.i.en.s of the coming d ay, \Vhen the Jubal tnunpet sowuling, Shall a'"ake fto1n earth and sea .._\Jl the saints of God now slcep111g1 Clad in in1mo1 tal1ty \V~tt.:hroan, h,ul, the h glit l1! .wucud111s Of the g1a.nd Sabbatic vea1 , AU with \Otc~s loud proclaunu1g 'l'ba.t tht: J~ing<lmn's "teJy u en.1 J>1l.grnn 1 yes, I see JUSt yondc1, Oanaan 1s glorious heights n.u::ie, Salen1, too, a.ppe:ns 1n g1 andeur, '£0,., e1ing neath its aunht lk11:1::i \Vatchmn.n i n the gulden city, i:)1;a.tetl on lh.:. JlldL1t: 1 th1one, Zion s kmg, enthroned Jn beaut) , J1 c 1gns in peace from zoue to ZOllC 1 rl'hcr~ on !H\tJ·ht lnlls nnd n10unta1nS, Golden beams serenely glow , Purling streams: :i.nd c1ystal fountuiur;, On whose b:\uk s s weet flo,\ret s blo" \V,Llduuan, ~eC', the l.1nJ il:! ncn.uug, \Vith its vc111al flmts and tio,\01~ , Ou JUSt yondct, 0 how diecring, Clno1n fo1<::vc1 Eden's bowe1s 1 lfa1k' the cho1al strains are r1ug1 1 1 _£ , \Vu.fled on t he baltuy air, ;)co the n11lli011s, h ca.t theuu:uug111~, ::50011 the p1lg11m 1v1111Jc thet c Crumbs for Chickens. ".i\1e J ou ~u11ty 01 not g1nlty ,,, asked thlil chn k o( a.11aigns of.~ piisouci the other tlny " .A.n' ::1111e 110\v," :,;aul Pat, "'vhat a1c you put the1e fo1 but to find that out" A "\Vestcrn pubh5he1 lately ga>e nott< e tbn.t he intended to spend fifty dollars fo1 a '·new head " for hii-s i)apor. The next day one of his sul.iscrlbers thopped him the follO\Hllg note "D on't do it-b l:lttei k eep t he inoney und buy & ne"' ht:Ja<l for the edito1 " Josh Billings i-mys "'lhe·C 17. oul:l thing .L l'lout a. heu that looks like W1f:Hlum- theJ t..lon t kacklc much until they ha.ve laid then f'ggs Su1n folks are alwua a bragging a,nll n kacklmg what they are gouig tew do beford i.and ' Au exchange is r\Jsvonsiblc fvi· the following · ...A.. vouug tnan Mked a young lady h e1 age, anU ~he 1 eplicd · 'ti tnni:.s 7 and 7 tiUll:\S .~ 11tlt.lcd to DtY agli will exceed 6 tunes 9 uud 4, as dou~le iny my 11gc exceeds 20 '\ 'l'lte yot111g man said he thought sh~ looked ruueh olilet K ow what l S }u~1 :..i.ge? that's tl1e question. l{o\\ n1any regular boa1ders hnvc yuu "" usk cd a ceueus- tnker of a lady. "\\'"ull, ic::tJ.ly, I can't su,y as any of 't>m is Yery iegula.r They 41 stay out. " I 1uean, madam, how inany steady boarde1ei ha'e you 'i" Well, ienlly, out of nmeteen the1e 1S not 1nore'n two th:;i,t I'd call 1 werebrokeuma!ieldwberenowa omglc pair of 1nules plow ten inches with e,\l::ie. These large lumps in many instances had to New Mode of Washing, be broken up \Vith heavy sledges into slll:i.Uer 'rhe ill effects of soda on linen have given lumps, and then the most severe draftging and 11se to a ne\v method of wnslung, 'vh1ch has lolling only reduced t11cm to a spherical form been extensnely adopted m Germany, a.ud in· The surface "'as covered \vith a inash of baked t1oduced u:ito Belgium The operation con;,ists cYay-ba lh1, ranging in size frmn grape shot to 1u 1iissolving two pouJ,ldS of soap in about three twenty·four pounders- both being equally· fav· gallons of water as h11t' as the hand can bear, ora.ble to the germination of seed nnd the growth and adchng to this one ta.blespoollful of . turpen- of plants. There uia.y have been other fields like mwc, tine and three of hqwd ammonia ; the tnixturc Ill.ust then be v:hll stirred, ancl the ltnen steeped but Heldom any so bad, for very few persons in it fo1 two or thr$e hours, tak1ng care to cov· would ha.\ ti had the like presevcrance in worker up the ve~r;el containing them ~"I neairly her· ing land so dry After this experience I think myself qu1:1ili· metically- as i)ossible. The clothes are after· ward war;he<l out and rinsed in the usual way. fied to instruct others ho\\ to make lantl lumpy, The soa.p and water mn.y be reheated, and used and if the reader still has ~ny doubt on the sub a second time, but in that case ha.If a ta.bWSPoon· Ject, I \\"ill state more explicitly the pri·1c1pal ful of tu1'Pent1nc o.nd a tablespoonful of ammon· r~uisites for entire success, on BDils of clay or i111nust be added - The p1oceas ilfea1d to cause loam ;1 Ha.ul out your mo.nure on to yo1u field~ a gt eat e<;onomy of tune, labot, and fnel 'l'he linen scarcely :;;uffurs a.t all, as there is little ne in spring and fa.11 when the ground is so.ft 2. Let your cattle. coltB especially, roa1n (net cess1ty for rubbing,and its clennhness and color a.re perfect. Th.e a.m1norun. and turpentine, al- yout fields looking for sou1ething to ea.t 3. Do not b~in plowing till the surface of t'hough their detersive action is great, have no the giuund is indurS.ted by the :OUll aud. wind U·JWlOlH3 eftect upon the linen J and while the for1ner e'\:a})Orates immediately, the $me11 of the 1everal iJcbes deep. · 4. I'lo"' with a. strong team, cut w1<le ao a..s tp latte1 is said to disnppear cntirely "'tlnung the turn well and deep, so as ,t o bung ~l p the "vir· d1ying of the clothes.- lVe.stern B:u1 ·al, gin sail" {yellow clay), to fertilize the exhausted 1:101 1 at the surface. Dishing Out Boiled Potatoes. 5 Plow around the field so that the team If there 15 one thing ha.rd1n than anoth1::1 in 1nay turn ou tho plgv; ed land pH~1J1:1i1il1g potatoes fot the table, it is ta.lung a G. And most e,,sential -do not put on the I boil1!1g hot kettle (covered or not) fro1n the fire, dritg till the sun and wind have dnod the furaud pqnring the \\ntcr out slo.w ly, 1~lncll cannot 1 ow $hccs sufficiently hard Many persons, be twcomphehed without nearly 01 quite acald- -.;vho are very successful lump makers wait till 1ng the hand wh1ch holds the kettle, conRequen· the iveeds start One day u.t least 11:J 11ccessa1y, tly tho open an is usually b etter than a close, unless the wiud::i .ue \ e1y strong and d1yiug, lll d.uk co1uc1 of the kitchen, and it J.S ·well· which case a fC\V hours may gjve \cry good· l kno,-.;n that C\ c1 y house is not provider] 'l"\11th a sizeJ lunlps It takes a.bout 'the same tini.e ns to dry bncks in a yard. Iudoctl the process din.ill. I magine this process occupy1n ~ n.t least fout and n1aterials rue quite sin1ihn,and bnck f-lllonld minute8 u1 tlw cold 01 stifled au, steatn thnng never be t nuted till they m e 11a.td enough to u.nd en\clop1; g the whol e £01m One 01 two handle without bJ eaking holders is reqnunte; th en oftent1n1e!-I the kettle 1 7. Drag you1 lnnd thbroughly .A.11 uld fu.nn wlnch 1s not of the best ll'Oll 1 is covered, l epl.::tc ers know how impo1't::i.ut thli1 l:'i lt is a guuLl ed on the stov e tv stand from fifteen to t\\ enty plan to use a light Lhag aud a young Lca111 with 1nu1ut~· ~ uubl the potatoes a1 c stiturated with a boy to du\ o They "tll go over mo1c gl'ouiitl rust or a taste of H'On) and all in the bottom and pack 1t 1nur.::h hru.dei. Be snre to crosswatery, ha\1ng soaked up what it is 1tll})Oss1ble dr.a.g 1t, 01· nui ny lumps ho.1£ burled will ien.a1n to tu1 n off, or burned or bl:tcl1.e11ecl1 1nnke lt beyond the action of tliti winds, ahd never get properly tndurated Drag it l epei~tedly lx>th I nec.:essa.ry to tlno·w one half of the1n a1\vay 'fu do awa.y with all these obJeCtions have a \Vays. At (.1'etytu1n)-ouw11lobse11,:e lumps 1 lot1g ]1andle skimmer {which costs ten cents,) becomil1g n101 e numero·J ~ and more synnnetri· 1. and while the \\:ater ts flopping plaue it on one cal :in f~rm. The mo1e--ihey are turnCtl tl1e fastaide undar a.ll tlie potatoes it ·v1U l1old a.t once, er they will dry. The tough n.ngles of the massantlso on until all .a.re 1cmoved in a OllYl:!n1ent es 'v1ll te iough off,as they 'vere Jostled abou ~ di.:;h The heat lt:tained in the potatoea ·vill upon the same pl:1nciple1:11n\·olvc~ in ~ill u1,\k um.kc tbe1n perfectly-dry and mellily ·v]1 tle the ing. By the action of tlw >Hild and 1:1un they stean1 is escaping. '!'bey should Le ca.ten bc- ·oon becon)e as hard as stones and :~t e noa1 ly as vaJuablc up'on the land. rrhey ru e n.s goocl for f ore they a1c done smolung. To mMh or Jam the1u, skim out AA \Ve h~ne a. mulch or shade as sound stones, and they rue shown into a tin-pan , place tht! pan on a. flat &qua.llyan obstacle t o thr> g1owth of\\: ccds. Howi-.nufa.ce, then inash (not pound,) which "·ill not ever, a.o; a promoter of: vegetable g1owt h tl1e Th!:ly hu1 t t11e pa.u or the potatoes, season an<l 8th stones aie probably the most desuaLle, are better oondu(..iora and reflecto:ro of bea.1., · 1nd \\1th v. spoon rrbe kettle IS Cllrnly l6JHOYed to cool, -Ol with they do not, like tl1e lump, rob tl1c r-:1011 by ah one 1:1tioke the boxlmg water may be tul'ned into sorption of the dews and gentle tams which nre lf we tl1111 a stone the slop pa1l 'l'1y it.- A merica.n Rural Home. so refreshing to pl3nt-life. \Ve find the earth mo1st OOneath it, wb1le 1J Uder Boiled Cabbage. a clay ball it would be diy In mll.lly l1ouscholds tlns vegett:tble 1s classed an1ong forbidden indulgencer,, on account of the disagreeable odor arising from it while cooking Tlus may be avoided altog-etherby tl11::fvllowing careful mode of preparation Quarter the cab bage and remo\e the h:.trd stailk, \Val!-h 'veil, and cut in 4'ieces , cover \\ell \Yith colrl ivater and l~t it remain over night (or fm ten hours) , change the water the next mon1111g. v,rhen r~ady foi bo1hng, rcrnove the uabbage v.;1th a sk.1mm er ri.nd put it into a Jibetal allowance of boiling water ]from thi rty to forLy-fi. ve mm~ utes' 11teady boiling is gene.ia.l.ly suffioicnt ~the poiJ.lllJ.ifl~.,!i!Q. ~ tn.. . .ri~t any dripping of \\ ater upon tho ia.nge, ti.~ tlti~ us one of tbP. cSl.u::!es of bad odor Adtl t:ialt of; afte1 tho cabbage is tender, ten or fifte en ll\fil lltes ht'fore rem~ving lt from the. .fi1e If corned beef 1s cook111g a.t the sa.n1e time, it1s well to add some of the fat skimmed --iff of the liquor (after the impnutie~ ba.\ e becnxemoved) to the bo1li..ng C[l,bbn.gc- a half pu1 t 01 u101 e A piece of beef suet~ the size ofa.n egg, -.;-.;111 answer as well v.·h~n there is none. of the corned beef at hand. Cabbage must be so thoroughly cooked that you can mash it easily with the blnde of a knife rut it in a colander and press out the water 1l S 'f th lt Wfd · eason more. l ltecessa.ry, "\\il sa. ' butte1 and pepper (1f preferred) Cabbage in tlua way is palatable and di·~est1ble-a. much 0 1nore 1nv1 t ing dish than w h en cook el1 b y the old method Never cook cabpac-e with salt 0 ·, mea.t. It is alwu.ys n good side-duih 'v1th co1ncd n1eah 'l'bc fact of Cabbage being so often I trust that the iea.cler no'v sufficiently un · derstands the p1occss of lun1p ina.king to appre ~ ciate sy8tem \\'lllch I ha.\~ adopted for lU.t.kmg the land 1nellowaud ara.ble 1 wbtch I inttiri<l. Lo describe in ::lnothcr article - Gerinam (,a-m, Tele· graph THE HOUSEHOLD. 0. BOUNSALL, I JJ fA RD Jl l~lJTu JM.PORTERl MANU,l'ACTUltrl 1:, DEALER ~n all the va1 ·ietle.s of ll BELIEVE. Spring St<1oks ! 1 Italian & .American :t't-!arblr. A. l i:rgo and choice f'elccl 1011 \)f ' rn i. MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES; alwA.ys on h fl.nd, of superior >\'01k1uausb1 p, uu<l nf lowest pr1ces. .II GOODS AT COST. ,- I f IVroiight 01· Cast 11-on Ji'enccs for cnclo:.,:rnb Lui} 1ng 1otf (]1·oceries &c lS JVery ()hetip. ' MA:RXUS . MA'tE:RS, Begs to u1form the Public that, ho baa ieceived and opened out a. bea:µt1f11l and we)l assorted ) Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, kept on ha.ml, a:rr~spcc.t f ull v v.1 ought to 1)1 der .J.. call Stock of requebtetl at the \Vorkt!, J(ing Octobtlr, 1st, 186~. Stj ect, .Bo·w1nan1. :ille 1-tf IlAJ.'S AND OAP S, Goo,[ (,,"J- ing Ra1srn . ., only;; cent. ,, pott!td, nml ~till cheape1· hy the for Spru1g and Summer wear Hu~ Stock stu· pasews anythibg previoUeJy offered in the Town, box - - ()-- Ris Prices are Low, ,ind hu~ ·' UuLto11 aml ·woolen (foods ;lie adv,mcrnn, hut you can them at El0 liott's f01 ,, >ho1t time, :1.t the oltl prices. ~ ow rn the tim e to seem e wbat } au need ARE STYLISH. Men a\d Boys Suits, This J ELt.Y Is "highly recommended to Ladles a e a m o.!Ct n~e oablo Preps.ration tor tho ToilQ.t . Fo:r DeautHylng . the Complc:d on, and rendering tbe Sld.n Bofilt. White, Clog.r~ and free from Dr yncs~ it le untiva ed. I t w11l quickly remove o.1 1Bednes" R oruthness., ·ran, Freckle!!-, .Pimples, and other 1m~ pertec~iona, F or Chapped llamla, Chllblams, Frost Jlltas and Sore Li~s. U canno ~ ba f!wp1ull~e d. rrtce, ~ oonts. CLO'fHlNG - UcuLlemen rn ,;.wt of ,, g·1od ti t trn" ocu t ,]iou ld c.t!l ear!y at Bll10tb l·'td1ionablo Tailorrng Etabli<hrnont. " gu.P.'lntccd ]11(t.ll1Pn.o.;,ou.u.ble ld 8e.s Irn:'.ITRY ~=LLlO 'l' 1' , J m, H ld11pL u11 , Aug :lnd, l8i J. 1.."-i'~1(1 :-, f,1 r;tL01t rrhc whol o w1Jl tepay insp~ct1ou a.nd he couli.t1 ly cxteuds an inv1tat1on to lua old fJictl{ls and as ma.11y nc'v onea a.s may fee"l inclined to !JI:\ benefitted by having all FIRST-CLASS _GOODS, ut fan, 11.;1nun01·:i.tne p1icAs, to g1\i'e hnn ~ ca.ll His Gent's Furnishings will be found well assorted. B o wm , ~11,1Ue, A-pi 1 15tJ1, 187), \ T THE MARKUS MAYERS tf CORNE!{ F. Y. COWLE. r Thls TOILET SOAP pos.seesce nlf tho well-known antiseptic nnd dl.slni'ectlng propertius of OarboUo Acl.d... lrs agreeably scented., l.lll.s a hollJthy action on the skin prevents lrrlta ti o~ removes the effects of perepi!a.tfon, ana sbonl d b e reitttlarly need by fam.Htes Cholera , Sma.Uoox nn U Fever P&tient1 should bewashed wrth t bi& Boat>: and it!! uaa bj persons hablo t o infection 'Wtll mate1inllylJrcvcnt tho epread or cllsenso. :Prico ll) cents per J'llblet. CARRIAGE SHOP. Ki11g Street, 13owrrnuw1llt1. ·· . Wago11.s, Buggies, ancl Cutte1's, of e\cry tl escnpt1ou, a.t abo1t notice 1 a.ndon reasona.blo ternis. OF STJPERIO:EtITY. .Simplicitp in Com·t1 uctio1 t, Easu of operation, Pe1j'ection oj St itrh, alike 11n bot sideo, owiuy to pe1jer,t tension on 'llpp er mut lowei· Tlwead. 111\ Glo OF WORK -From Gauze to Beave1 Clo th 1'UBB1LI'l'Y -Will last a life t ime Carnages Pamted and Trimmed. A Blacksmith's Shop on the p! e 1nise~, W('I c f>peci,ll .tttentH·ll tn. all 1is g:n on a Equally ada:pted to Family Work, Dress and Shirl Making, 1 Tailoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND lNS'l'RUC'l'lONS GIVEN I Cnuiage work, and Geneml Jobbing. All wol'k clone at this stablishrnen steudy ,, The Cou11t de Grasse was onL time w1)unlleU '!'lie docto~ 1n the knee \-.;1th a 1n1.teket-bal1 cut and hacked, and Jnade inany u1c1s1ons, \\hen gettmg out of aJl 1)atience, the Count ask c<l ,.,i 1y they cnt h im up ijO inuch o; "Vile a.re seeking," srud the surgeon, "fo1 the ball " _ "\Tuy.s}icJ!i:t you gi._g_nt1on tl!!'lt hcfute" } ha.ve the lJall Jtl 1ny pocket P' Dectdedly cool EVERY Notes on the Weather. (F1om the Cfl.nada. li'ar1ne1 ) Duung the vast month the cha.rMteust1c wu.rmth of a Cru1ad1an s u1nuie1 hai;; 1e·asse1tc1l itself afte1 a. prolonged :utd unnsuv,lly cold _spnni;,,~wh1c11~alrou,....._w~om.e cr.oakcrs,funcy ·.A.gents, Yellowlees MACHINE WARRANTED. & Quick., iuaPranted. A. call rn l espectfully soli1.11ted J. MORRIS. · We ]m;e abo on lmml IV/I N?. l"R ~L£1'2l!.ll .1 , ABB01'1"S, AND BARCLAY SEWINIJ iJ JAUlllNE A µarty of nien anima.tedJy engaged ut dis ouslung poUtics before a oountty stoic, attracted the attention of an n.gricultuuat. "1.'here's gumtlnn1 the mattei· here," he observed to his · I11~ team , he hghtlv ·H f e , au a , d 1 a.wing in ., shouted to a cmrnutopti~ 0 nHhvi<lual on thhl out-;slnrts, "\Vhat's afoot? 11 . . rl'welve inchell,'. was th e S\" 1:1arcI onic A 'J'HE Rr\ AL YocALlS'IS r , inc was on<:e .wke<l. by two rii.:a.l \OCo.l.tsts of Covent Garden Tbeatic to decide wlnoh was the better singer f J The <la being fixed. both ex.erted Y d h th o tie t"Wo. themselves to the utmoot, an " en ey apl)hed for lns decision, he said, ' a.dd1eilsmg tl1e first." .A.a-for you, 811 · you arc the wmst sing1 s1r " h l" m life· ' ~ ·Ah ' ah · e1 I ever ea.It 111 Y ' 8ahl the other, with an air of tnumph, "I kni?w I ] Id wm the warrct " "' Stay 1 Rll,' S~\'\ s 0 S lOU 01 1 reµ l ) e some aud d[ovc on · ·r1 e ""' D ..,ed ru:nicultun~t o - the doctor," I have a woHl fol you' n.s foi youi ~ 11, you cannot sin~ at all 1 " A certain green 1.:usto1nei, who'\ fl.S ·" H tt~ge1 to 1n1n. ors, ;11td who stepped lnt o the cu.bul of one uf our oceru1 Hteainers, stopved in front of ~ ],\li;C gl,t~~. \\hicl1 he took for a doo1 i and t;iccHI,.(" ]us rdlection, lie s11.id, "I i'lfl.Y mistei, \\hen doc1:1 thi!:l e1 c boat st ·t.1 t " " Getting no an:;v,;cr fi.onl the dtuub i etl ectton befme lum, he again H pea.ted I ~y, nnster,,\hen docs this 'ere boat ._.:s\a.rt ~" Jncensed at the silent figure, he then bioke < Jut," Go to thunder' ye C\used aasil!afrt1s colo1cU, sock heatl Lull calf, JOl' tl;:in't look as i.f yo11 l'"utiw muc11 11n)-how pi , A qur1ou1t Scot ch nunIBter was !'.{n'en H o1ue · wh nt lo exaggerating tn the p11l1nt His cli;.rk 1 clll llllled bl'u of 1ts ill effects upon the congrep !. .Lt1on He 1ephud that.he wall not a.wat·e of it, :a.n~l ,H~hcd the clerk tho next time ho rJ.id lt, to cough by way of hint. Soon afte1 he -.;vas describulg Samson's tyingtb~ foxes' tail together H e said, u 'fhe foxes 111 those days were much larger than ours 1 and they had tails twenty fut long" ' Ahem ! " came from the clerk's desk. "'l'bat1s," continued th~ preacl1er 1 "acco1<l ing to their measure1ne11t; but by ours they wcie fifteen fut long." ".Ahem l "louder than be£01 ~. " But as you mary think th is is extra\ ugruit, \\~e'll JUat say tl1ey were tr·n fut ,, "Ahem t abe1n J' 1 still rnore vJi;o1ously. The pa1son leaned o"\ertlle 1Jtilp1t and shak1ng hia finger at the clerf $8;ld ~ "Y'ou may c::ough there all the nicht lo'ng, mon, l'll n<1e tak off a fut 10.ore. \Vould ye hae the foxes '\vid nae tecls at a' ?1'-Chr1.3~ta.n Week~y ' we were t o havo no summer. Y.te haYe iece1ved on the \\hole, fa\ 01able ieports of the condition of the crops. W1ntl'1 wheat 'nll no doubt be belo'v the a· et,igc. 'rhoUgh n1nclt of the clover was winter lnlle<i, tlie hay crop prorni~cl'! well in fuiny secttoni:l Spi'lllg g1a1ns a.i o generally in excellent 01dcr, and show "\\ t.tll £01 a. fML' yield l 1otu.toes and 1ootf$ generally nre rop1e 1:10nted as look1ug wd l, anfl 1na.k1ng good pro· gres<i. 'J'hc Color,tdo P ota.to Beetle has of course re-a.ppenred, but no very senous ox general complaints of its dreadful devasta.tlons h.t.ve yet renched us. V~ig-1lance on the part of cultivato1s and na.tu1al agencies 1nay keep this scourge in check'. to an extent tha.t fto1n its past history in other places · we had no l'ea..~on to expect. If so 've shall ha\·e great en.use for thankfulness The monthly ?vieteorologica.l l~eporl from the To1011to Obser1,: i tory 1 1s a1:1 fo1lo\\S: 'l'hb mean te1npet"iltui e of the month of June 1 poorly rircpared _and the CO!Iled-beef SO badly WaB (i3°7 being 2~6' ahove the a\ Ol'agc, und cured and cooketl ha.a brought thl:\IU both fnto about the same an1011nt warmer than June 1871 disrepute. }'01 tho!'ie ·who p1 efer hav1ng the The highest tempe1ature occurec'l on the 30th, cabbage 1nore in sha.pe, 'W I:' woulJ. advise them 88"0\ and the loweBt 41"8', on the 2nC , showing to halve the cabbage, remove the hartl stalk, a. change of 46~2' <luuug the month. ~rhe warm and throw bo1lwg water over it, so as to get 11d est day 'l\:M the 20th, the average of which "';a s of all insects, then plunge it briskly iuto cold 75°81, and the coldqst the 3ri:l, Ul O3' One fact ~ vvater, tic the cabbage 1n a thin netting or of 11nportn.nce mu11t not lie ovP,rlookod, that aJ.muslin and boil for a lon~er tin1e than \\·hen i.t thouf;h the heat of the n:udo.y sun v-.-Gs in inany cases alrnost oppressive, thi; night following 18 cut finely. \Yas usually much c.-ooler, tbe inean ' daily range beQlg Ou1 StocL ufG,.11e1irOoods"s hi go, .eml;ni:dug <ill t l rc~'f·Effdtles o' bhe- "" <ltty, rm<l all the necessa.rics ns well 1?1ctu1 c 1'ra1 11 c~-,1ll01Y.c:-i, ft.io11ld1ngs of every btyle, VY all Paper- a splendid a.ssot tmeut now 111 sto ck, 11'.. large supply of bcant1 ful1y ~i;;;;ortcd 'V1ndO\V Shad~~, Child1 en's Carua...,.es Concertinas R1u:..ihe,;, UmnL~, L ooking G1.1si::es. I\<Ius10, }.'.[aga.. mcs ,."Vt0ling,V10b n Bow.i, \ Tt0hn ~tnngs Pape~ Collars, .Neek 'l'ies, f5, hool Bool~s, Day Book s, Bibles, !{nives and Forks, Pucket Knives :Rawri-1, b'-porino, a.Ji I t)of.Jsors Cheupc,,t No1c I ' ttpl:l 111111 Envelopes l ll the cou nt ry .lLll thc~e. and a tl1 )l, ,., 1111 U olhe1 a 1hde ~ , ,~re to bl· fou uU ;;,t the· VA UJI!,"l' Y S1'Vl t "JJ) Wl ,\1 t.i alway s glad to see friends, and t h1nk lt l'tC) trouble tu 1-;}10w Gucd::.- , [tlld \1 ~ go .ir,u 1tt:l:l i~' eootl valu.c, at as low l lJ lCes M any othe1 hou,,e tn the t rade P .ii tie~ \\ JShmg to t eleg1:.i.ph then· fuonds, nHt.Y 1dy on h aving t h eir hu "-1 l'.W88 done promptly . Agents for Inmn.n Lu1 c of Stciuners, and llnporial J3uildiug MHl Sav111g Society lluwm·u v1U£, Oct. M, 1860. II DAil7 Li:n.e . TO Bo\v1n,mvillc, Ma.1e h ftt~h-f>WLEES & QUICK. n23 :R OCHES-T Eltm The New Lake Steamer eOt CHAT. ITim l3:t·ad.y and ~tike Oct. I 1871. Tn i - McLEOD'S HOUSE. & V.ILL:A PAI NTS P1epared for imediat~ use, ancl nothing 9ut the purest m.atei;.i :ils used, and req ~tiring no f~rther mix ture of Oils, TuiJlentiii.~, and Drycrd. '!'heir oompos1t1on conarnts J;O}ely of f · ' · "NORSEMAN" oll C ·r n"bont lfjt Apnl nJ:xt c01nm enue h er iegu.L~r <laily trips, ice p ci;n.11ttin g,lt! nvi.I1 g C:ohourg every morning i-i.t 7 ~o Pmi Ifope .i.t !J o'clock £01 J{ochestel,connett1u:;i; there ' \1th \.\' \' llT ILL 21°5'. the New York Central, Northe.rn-Uentral an d E1 1e lfu1lw:a.y., fo1 a.l.l .p01nJ;s East, South , and SJ.'.luth \V CHt, Sour Crea1n, Sour Milk, and milk Butter- B Y A HOUSEJih l! f'J R. ·· All Hands Below ! " .A i;ood story lB told of a p.irtot "ho had al\v,iys h\'Ctl on board i"' ship but '\v]10 )lad eseap· od at one of th:e southern porte n.nd took ll"efuge a tihurch. - soon a.fttrwards tbe congregation ILSGembled and the minister began preaching, sa:vil1g, every one of them \\oul<l 01:1 lost, unless they speedily repented. Just as h e uttered the l!lentenco up spoke the parrot from his hiding pince, " .All hanlle below l " 'l'o say that " all handt!i " w er~ startled would be a tn1ld way of putting it. ':J1he peculiar 'oice, trom its unknown source, had much more effect upon them than th· parson's-.; oice ever had - He waited~\ n101nont, and a shade or two paler, he repea.tetl the warning. " All han<ls below ! " <A.gain rung out from somewhere. Thu pri:oacher st~11tcU from h~ pul111t, an<l look.eel a.nxiously ru.ound, enqu1nng if anybody ltad spoken. "All handii belbw I" was the only ieply, u.t "hich the panic-stricken conb'1'egation got up, an-1. a mo1nent after they all bolted for the door, the pi:eacher trying hia best to be first, and durjug the time the 1niscl1iey-ou~ bird kept up ht~ y elling" All hands bclo\\' !'i 1.~here WM one old "tvoman who was lrunc, and. could not get out as fa~t as the 1 ·est, and in a. vel'y short time she was left entirely alone ; Just as slle ·was about to hobble out the pazrot fle\v dO\\n and ti.hght1ng on her sbouldei, yelled in bet ear: " All handti below " "No, no, Mister Devil,1 1 sh1'leked the old ,voinan, " you can. i t mean iue I don t boloug here. I go to the othei: chu1 ch across the way.· 111 1 l'hcre lS no end to the nice a.rt.icle8 of food that may be made by usmg sour cream, sour null-c., and butte:nnilk, Jn a JUd1cioua Wtt..). 'rhcre are teveral thinga in thell' use abont 'l'hc a.mount of sky clouded \Vas slightly be· 'vhich care should be taken 1st Cream that low the average, the absence of clouds during fa to be used in cooking should be \Yholly separthe night being >\'OJ:th~ of-r otice, in connection ated from the nnlk. 2nd It should be thor_ with the rompava.tively O\'l t.ompe1ature as 1 ougbly soured. 31d. If many receipt milk ,ot many as 22 nights dunng the month being al~ buttermilk is to be employed with the creaiu, most fr:ee of cloud. it should be entirely sour, as the mixture of The velocit:f of the wind i.¥as considerably be· sweet and sour milk, 01· cream, tends to make the n.rticle heavy 4th. The a1oount of soda 01 low the average, as many as 231 11ou1s dunng the mouth being absolutely ea.Lin. 1.'he month· sa.leratus sho11ld only be Just-. enough to sweeten and lighten the cream, as any mo1e than ly registe1 of the wind 1na.y be d1v1ded, N. 81, this lmparts the green color a.n.d soo.p:y- flavor N. E. 35, E 61, S. E. 43, S. 78, S. W. 86, W. which hi so disagreeable n.ncl unwholsome in t\.t · 4'7, N. W. 58 ho111s respectfnlly. '1.1hunder and lightning on 8 days, the i:ito11ns t1cles of food \Then Ol!.Ctl a iecji~t is found to be goo<l, uo on the 9th and 10th being severe and gencrMilly; changes shoulU be 111a:de., '""a s tite' chanc e s"'a.re- tan felt! to one that·tll1 e experimenter will have ~ ia1lure and lay the blame upon the uo:e of cream instead o.f lier own,ctn::t:lessncss or ignorance I How They Emphasize in Boston. annex a. few i·ec~ipts tvhiCh hlli\:e 'been well · tried ttnd prO"\.:ed, a~d ni;e thought liy 11 my friend!! \Vho haYe macle uee of them to be an1ong Is it .aot a pleasure to have converse \Vlth their bost receipt!. you, one of those Jnd1VJduals who punci..u_· Butten1i1l!c °jfuffi;Jrn - 1 quart o.f sour butter- ate their relation of "hatthey consider parn1ilk, 1 teacupful of sour ctewn, 2 efrgJ:J, l tea.- ticularly good stories or funny occurrences 1:1poonful of .eoCla., a httle ea.it, fiom enough' towith p9kes, nudges, and d1ga 111 your ribs 7 make a.a thick as pound oake. Ba.kc in muffin 'l'he worst of 1t is, the Jokes of these Jun· nnga placed upon tins in the oven, from 20 to 30 mmutes, nc.!ording to the temperature of ny Creatures are made up of nine parts of nudges ai:id thrusts and one part of \Vit, as the stove. .Buttcn'ITttlk Griddle Calw:s.- l qua.rt of. sour for rnstance, in listening to · the .story of a buttermilk, a little sa.lt, 1 teaspoonful of seda.1 The amount of ia1n was 3.138 inohes, being shgbtly 1n ex:ccss of the 11vc1age; but of thi.s ·wnount ahnost l nie half, 1.51:.il, ft)ll on the 10th, and as ~luring tb,e -seC ori.d half of t fie month not a drop fell, it eau h3.rdly be~n.1d, as far as this neighbo1hood is concerned, to be of any ch~nge from the previoua'ycnr's deficienoy bf raln. RETURX!XG: UhadoLie, 1'01t of Roeh i;:ste1, ev1:1v o-vcn1ng a.t !) o'clock, P:\'.c,pt Su t 1 1rcla}s, wh ... n she leaves ,i,t 2 o'ulock p m , for TirigJ1toll d1rcut. 'l'bu1s<l 1.~y, ut Colbornc every day except \.Ved nei:;day, .<t \Vbitby, Oshaw<\, ~ Daihng.toi1 u.nd L t: U\e~ rJ'l1c atea11u::1 t:;t1l!'i at Bright on, ."M.qn<lays aii tl 1'1.we Colo f;'PVrre White L ewl, E u,1·e White Zinc, Lins~dd Oil, Spi1 its of Tiirpcntime, Ji D1 :;M'B, cc:irefully and scientifically com'bined. ' · The consur~er c:in have .111y de· sired shade of color neatly put ur, in .Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a ):\rush, as the whole can be done by himself, 01· by any member of lus househoJd. Ncwciuitl c on \Vedi 1e.gd a.y, Would fr eJf,bt offf:!r Dt:.tlers in stock \~i ll find this t h e chenpcf'.t u.ud qu1ck.est route to .tlJ.b,i..ny, Bobton, New Yorl.;:, &c , &c. .icld.ress, ~l'.nt ! Ioµ ll.. C CA1'1'Ell, Port H ove Ont 1.:h 18th, 1Si i 25 t f "Cootl morning, Mike, shme and its cmly out, ye dlll. Might I be bould t o ax0 wlmt st;i1ted yees ihis morn ing." l'dlL KE -" Jfat be '1i.sey, 'rim, and I'll tell ye in " jiffy Ye see, 1 was tou ld, yisterd.1y, th~t ~fisthe1 Gray, av 1'y1ouc, h11.cl got h ome :1.u illigan t 11cv~ ~to ck av Goods, cha po as dm t, rn;1Jl; a nd its meself could h.11dly slape a wink, a ll night, tr1inking ,w the t he d1ape gooJs Aud shu10 en ttff, itA the full "tore he liasp1lcs <1Dcl piles av the n,1tcst pattern,, and he'd give ye . the makins av an illigunt new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cmts , Tay for most uuthin, and the R i.ccy for > 1-trifle lcsR ." 'l'll\1.- " .All. shure its fomnng me ye nre :Yiikc , wonlcl n t the mm1 1·e ' , >tfther bieakin a dow1 · " MIKE-" B1eeking do;t.,. is it Shmo Le knows .1. thuek "m th t wo nv tlmt l' llj:ist tell you what i t 1s, 'l'1u1, if you wtmt t o git a g ra te n.1.mo w·J~en yomc dcd, and be called a folantrofized, filosifer, and li public binifaethor, jlSt tell .11! youre nabours,and tbe list :w,mankirm, about Gr.'ty's chapc stme, and you'll do more fcn:..i!Je. goQ g av you co1 lnthrv, tht1.u i vc1 St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, wh en he bnnishetfa!l the toads and snake" out av it that ni vcr was in it ." 'l'B t - " I'm n;mch.. oblaged to ye, for the bit nv :ld> iec, mtd won't deLain ye ; there'll shuiely l>o ,, grat e rnn, and maybeo I'd miss some l.m1 gains. 'l'~c top av t he. mo!:lling t o ye "-I'm off to 01 ay '~ · FlynnJ 1871. · ~ · ~ PURE WHITE LEAD, A large '!.tock just recflived, for aut - S. B. BRADSHAW J©GRAY9 Tyrone. N otecl for chea1) Goods. - ----------~--. umn painting, imported direct from the English Manufactmers,including J runes' Genuine, and the · ele brated · would tnk.1,; t1H::f 011 1101tu1nty of th1 .ulku1g lnf! uun1e1ou~ flie~d i; tJie vcr~ hbera.l }?atl on age he li as 1ccc1Yccl Ile feels satbf;ied :that rwtb.. for BOOSTER BRAND, 1ng bt1t 'guamnteed pun . ALSO all standard colors, oi Lg varnishes, large·headed mtqi t1ymg 011 a small bat, we and fl01.n enough to make the cakes as thtck or endure the following .thin a.s you like them Bake upon a griddle· ' By, the i>y, speaking about ih.lts, (pok"' us in \he liread-basket and stand· back a· and paintern' materials. Call and see how cheap a hous.e can be painted and decorated ; for all these guodswill be sold atReduced figures. 2000 Gallons of LOW PBICES DRY GOODS ' . I I GROCERIES, CROCKERY, iTHE FARM. How to Make Land Lumpy. ALvut a do:i:en years ago, aftell twenty yea1s service iu ci'vil e11gu1eerin.g 1 I turned farmer; that ia to say I bought fann ~mg th· city for a. home in '\'hieh to educate m j" boys. '1'1le soil is a r1oh vegetable moil, \Vitb a clay sub ao1l Of course I took an agncultmul pap· er, I hought a subsoil plow, :md of course tl1e cold c1.y sot nux·d up "'th ti" t-0p aoii, aud of course my land was very soon lunipy, :md of course the lumps grew coruser until tho matter became sories and I sought my n·ighbor's ad· vioe "Why, man, " sa1d they, "you wo1k your land too wet." In vain I asserted that I '<lid not - that I was n.lwaYH behind them in putting 111 the plow But my ieasoning was unavailing -they had 'vorked this soil for fifty years, n.ud k d my 1an atoowet. ,o S I aII k new tha t I wore followed then· advice and kept off my land till the ground became so and ha11d that it w(ls almost 1mp0s.'i1ble to J)lo\t 'l1hrev vlo~·bc1u1is 1f to view effect,) did you hear of that Joke on Bumps 1' (Slaps us on shoulder and laughs.) 'Biggest Joke of the se..,on.' (Punch m the hfeast·bone.) 'Bumps, you see, was JUSt abo1Jt comin~ oiit of the hotel M:A.CBINIC OIL Superlo6' Workmanship, of different kinds. Threshers and all l?arties requlring such oil. are specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being far bedinmg-hall.' (Nudge in our ribs w1t4 el· low au;ything eve1· offered in this bow. ) '\Vcll, he's got a treu1endou~ b1g market. . hea d 4 you know·, (grab on lappel of our coat,) so two of us JUSt hid his hat, (\\'illk BOOTS & SHOES' and Clothing made to order in first-class style, go tu h a::i ga111ed fvi b1n1 su<:h a. l:it...,aJy lHeH:,~~ of busntea8- llJuch larger thau fot1nl't yc ,ua, aind he ti Ui,)ts that by and a punch m nbe wit4 bony index finger,) h 1u 11 a an pu our ot er e er' a d:N,J.b SOO Cook, Pa.rlOl', Hall, a.nd :Box Stoves, hats Just 1· GOODS AND TINWARE 1 in the County of Durhmn. JOHN McLEOD ' W ellingtou Buildmgs Bownuurvdlc, Ang .8tl1, 1871 --- like ht. in its place.' · (Poke rnlo shut.ho. , B umps comes out, tncs flrat on· som.) hat, (poke,) thel,l another, (pu11ch,) finally, ha ! ha ! he got mad and (eloow pb) J~m.' med the third one on so har<l. lie S)lht it open , (Tren1endous thi ust in sto1nu.cli) 'Ha I ha l ba '-J1m.Jlustah's h,1t ! Aud B h d umps a h 11 If a Ul · ta · (Tremendous slap. liet.J\rccn shonlderM Uiat took all rema1ning l1reath out of our hody )-Boston Com1nerc1nl BullBtin. aniving and )lO)V on ex hibition the sLricL ' and cheapest stock of' largest ,ttl011liu11 tu bus11ws~ GENERAL · HARDWARE, CARRIAGE · ~upport J. ELLEOT~S Cheap Sto1·e, · he \\111 contin:.i.o to rcc,e1vti theu to ·taud treat three bottlesI' S.. B., BRADSHAW. t m c 111 .n'rcar~ 11'J.11!;t pny up, pecially the lI:u 1 lwa1e acconnt S B B · Hno~~J0\'\1lli:i, ,l1tn JOt11, ] 8i~ ....l)'- 1~ A~ll tho~~ lLV ~s- 7 1 Ty10ne, NO\ ~nd ?1' l 8/1, l YRONE. l