MEHUHAN'T, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 POETRY. The Master's ' Call· 'l'hcy L ell 1u_~- l l'!oleu1n story, but it to inc, J'ol 1u it.8 tiweut unfolJ111 g Mee, 111y i.::; ' 1S7i. uot i:i.Hl th1.v101n'i; lovo I 'l hey ,.;u,y u.t .ul\ J11u1nent the Iio1J ~of life tnay co1ne, 'ro hft ino fio1n tht:> cl0ull-lautl into the hgli t of ho1nc 'l1hcy 8a,y T ina.y h ave u o -..vru nn1g , I may not even hea1 The 1usthng of Hts ga.rn1ents <Hi lie softly t.11 aw · i::th near, BuLklenly , 111 a. mo1110nt, upon my ear Inay fo.11 '!'he ·,nm1nons to lcavc..ou1 hom estea.d, to aw:1i" et the l\'Lti':\tc1 ~ c;1ll 'f1rst·clMs drury, w1tl1out plenty of sprnig 01 'vcll water to cool the milk. There ate, ho,vever, in my caso, uono to be got tha.t command sufficient fa.ll , .ind I conse· quently 1nust make a pump answer instead I sa.w a dm1y at the v1llage of New 1-Iopc, near G uclp11, whcro the 'vatcr from a sp11ng poured lll at the back and out of tho '1-ont 1 but "\\!ts, nl:lvertheleiss, kept unde1 µerfect c"ntrol Lj 1n<;lana of a cock , wluuh 1egulatl.ld the SU})ply, and a .!!lu1ce and, w h1ch nll!o regulated the quantity retained. The floor, catered with flag stones, was alwa.ys about one 111ch deep in cold ' v.liter The stream passing in and out at the si.une 1ate. lloru<ls to form 1va'llrnaya \Vexe irused abont ilnel.-l iucbes on chocks, but not otherwise fasLe111:d tu the floo1, in any way, By rrus1ng the sa.1u.e alHl closu1 g the supp1y cock, the .dairy WM cornparatrvely chy 111 a few mo n'lents l'ed 1 :.i.p:i llo \\ Lll eome in the uuontlde of Honie bug'l.1t l:Llld sunny lluy, \Vlu:n, \\lth dear ones a.ll a.1ound 1ne, n1 y life 8ecn1s bright a.u<l gay !llc,t;a.nt Jnust be the p nthwa.J, easy the slun ~ ing toad, lJ p fronl tlua d1n1n1c:1 snnhg-ht iuto the hght of God l \ :1liapo He will cmne JU tLe ~till nt.:M::S of tLo 1n1ld ,u al 1p11 ct n1 gl1t . \ 11111iheu< l bv..~l H HJ ,,l e o.;1\111· Hv tt!J the's ~ln: ery light j \Vht 11 the ::!tu~ aJ.e goftly 1;;hnung u \-ll e: lu1ul1 c1 , 1u,; la.nd ~1nd sea , Pe1b,qJK lll th e holy 1;t.1llu~ "" tlie ':\l.v;tt!1 \\Ill t.:Ol!lO fol ll1C 1 think I w'ouiC'i7U.tho1 l 1 cat i t, vo ice 1:10 lo\V ,~ud 8\\ cet, Ualh ng 1ue ou t fro111 th1.: Klmdo' t<, Ill} !Jlelit,ud l1oul to 111eet, U r1 through the glowu1,; sp lenduu~ of .~ ::st,~1 l'Y, , c1.uthly iught, 'l1o " :;e..: the JC111J i 11 l-lH· lii.:.t1l1), 1 1n .1. \;l.lll1 o !>Ulet hbbt · Crumbs for tlhicken~. ·' .L\. llU~ll 'd.10 wu11l1l mitlic10u sly i;et tit t: tu .~ lMu:i , 11 catd .;ooJ. old ~lJi::t l'orson, " .~ud bu111 uv a. ~t.~blc full of hol'SC:i ind w ws~ oli.riht to be kicked tu Ly i ; ack.i."-s, aud l 'd like tn be th~ on e tu do it " "Steel you1 hea.i t, ' 1 :>aJ.(l I\ f,t.thw to bis sun, "fo1 yon .u e going now ~1noug some ft!Wllnt.ti ug- ,;'lrls ,, "I hatl n111ch inthei fitea, J'8, B B<J.1d t.h c UlllJto1n1s111g young n.t1.11 rielltlerna.J..l '\ ,t!3 stet.\ lllti at u. CO UliLry li11tu;0, wheu hea1111i; .t gu;:,tt da.Ltc t belo\.V one rnorn. ing, he looked out s t.w· n. couplo of ~1('01118 hold111g one of t.110 CJel va.nt u1a.i<ls ou ,\ hotse, '\hwh they led 'Hth d1ffic:nltJ once u ou ud the y<i.rd 1-Ie 1.i.sked wh .~t 1t al l ine,w1ti " 'Veil, yot1sco, s11,'1 HH,ic l I hey" \\C 1e go111 ,; to take the bo1ae tu 1na 1k et. lo hl· fiold, 1\nd wo \\ Lu1t Lu be .~blot.o sa.y lte h u .<; ca1 1ied .i lad y" In .t ['eirnsylvau i ~ t.own there w,"8 ,111 ex· t·eUeut Uut e1,:ci::H L 11c clmgyLUau<l l iosl'.l }Ie \\<LB about Lak1ug cvilection fu1 smne ee · 11e(.:ial oUJel.:t, a.11tl had nler~clt d ".~111dy u1 ib~ behalf -. " ;\fyb1etlncu," he,] '~ <1qt, ~n u .Lil to gnc libei~illy to night- none of you1 pcu nies o l h'\ C cent plCCt>:l:l 1 ln.t let cvc1 v one g.1vc a riua1 nplc, I will gH e te1, .u1<l to st:t )OH n. good ex.'.1 Lhe f11!:lt tnyself," d1opp1ng a. t\venty fiv e ceJ1 t piece .Ill the bas1i;et A ft e1 the collecti"n was taktin, he hft l.:d up tlii:: basket, looked them O\et ca.1cfully and th011 it!n) al kcd "I see t hat 111y q_ua.i-te1 ts tho only one he1e, l:!O I !:! ha.11take 1t back a:;ra111," w}uch h e c.l1d, .~nd vut 1t 11. hrn pocl,et " ith" ll t dU:lbll~t tt.t then 1neri.1111css .A. LW:\rs t"'SEJ t: l -_ \ }OUll g' \\OllHtll I c: ccntly ~ Our drury 1n England wns1 (with ma.ny others thereabouts}, flamed ,.,.1th buck , but this fioor 1ng did nut ans-..\ er well, berni; ha.ble to s1nell1 if a.ny acc1dentaJ.!:' of milk took place, smooth stones nre of course better, and cooler, but cannot alw ays bo procured '\'Voocl fioor! are never nice or even sweet , they are nece!:!sa.r· ily hollow and offer a perfect harUor Io1 ratR, and can not tuadily be cleaned underneath I laid a celle.1 flo or 'v1th concrete summer, and fow1d 1t chen.p ruul vcty clenn The1e are uo J01nts to gather mess, 01 smell It wa.1:1 i::a.<11 ly cleaned, and uo iats could \\01k through it faom be11,n~ 'l'heie :(ioorai ,bo" eve1 , icquuc s1nne-wha t uw1eih<t11 liinc .u1d s.~ud to 1nuke a. good firn1 JO b. One barrel of ,itc1 hme, " 01 th about $2, \'llll <lo <L floor twchc feet squa1e1p10 v1dcd the folUlda.tioiiO'i:i "'luch it is la1U IB p10 verly ].Jltlparetl, and thc1e is, 111 ~dd1tlo11, }Jlenty of cou1se sharp sand absolutely free fto1u a.U c:u thy rri.tttei:. 'l'b1s l.\tte1 i11 pu.1 ticulai, is \ ery 1mpo1 tant, nl fact, .ibsolute1y nece1:n;;a1 y. In laying the foundation for the floor, C<HC muat be takon fo the surf.lee pc1ft1ctly Bn1ooth, \\1th <~Uo nt two lnches fall f1Olll th1ce aides to the (.:e ntrc, 1\ heie tt sn1nl1 depress ion fron1s a fbn1n to <.:1Hj uII the i:mrf.~ue -..~utc1 n1ost t.J Htic tu,11ly 'l'ho 1natc1Jal:; Io1 Llie "tdes of the build· iui; al c the diffi cul t y, Soinc u1;;c bi 1 d~ si but they rue Hot ~o ,;uod ,~s l::itonc, p10\1dcd the stone is 1;hadt:ll Ly LLee~ .li. nephew of JllUHl h,w h ullt a 111ce ~to11 r.} , tut..l ,~it 18 qtute unshaded fro1n the bur111ng sun 111the l1t61111ng,tlH· heat 111 Slll e u:; gt'Cat, 111 fact, it is a. co1nplet e failure. Conc1ete \\·nJls <i.llS \\ Cl better than 1'00<l or stouc, and ate th1e.e tunes as @ 1eap, were iough mate1 iaJs cost h t tle oz-. nothing bnt the h auling The found.J.tiou of tlil:l bu1ltl1ng 1J:1 a rnos t .1m poi tu.nt }} OJ tion of its construction, not only to secur e fir1ru1eps nud solidity, but also to ies1~t the 1n10,td::tof 1ats 'l'hcse -..eumu rutn;t de btrur Ll. \ e u 1 <t dauy, :tnd \\he1e tbl:ly e:x1 13t, tlnly a.1.together dcp11\ B I he n118tie8!3 of. the use of tlle fiooi on "idnch t o 5et ht!i dtsh ea of ]1ouseholtl stotl:li':i that iequue t o be kept cool Ther1e ru twles ought not to be covered,an<l. inust be lt..ept cool , wH<l .t l.:oru;n·t e btulLhug, well sba.ded with tletis and J 1,~v1 u g a i.;en·ent 0001 a nd east c1n ,\.3 pect, li:; C!).nal 1tJ 11 l 1l1ty to .i11 1ce-hou!:le £01 these pu1 poses 'l 'he couHtl uct1on of the hough for cooliug, <~lln.nge1nent of paus, supply of w,,te1, exped1tlollil mode of getting i iJ of tho "\\ a~te nulk, btuldtng .~tt.idteU in '\ h1(.:h tho 1vo1k of the dany 1s to be done, and v.1.11ous othe1 nunutue "\\ ould 11 .... ces~a11 ly 1nakc this co111n11unca· tion tov lung But the subJeCt b certainly one of gt eat u npo1 ta.nee to the fmmer,and too much tune can hardly be besto\\ ed on lt l\fe:i.nti1ue, if any one who has had 111ore expeuence , or pos sesses niore factt:, -..v1ll g1ve the1n publw1t.y 1 we ptobably shall ,.i,ll btl thl.l bettei aud 1v1ser for it 4 4 floor, and the o ther midway. 'rhesc sho uld be sta.J.ned A comfortable tmd pretty louuge can be made from n pack1ng-OO:i1: about five feet 111 lcugth, t\vo In width, and fifteen inc11 es in be1ght, plauw ed on r astors, and fitted 1vith a htl [t \YJll serve as a box to hold 1Jedd1ng, a.nd with .t tluck soft clli:lb.1ou and t\~ O lroge p1llowsi the \\hole CO'lieied with t11e plain pink cahco vcilC<l .... ....,1th tran.!!parent wh1te1 \Hll forJn a. uio~t 1uv1t1Q.g· looking lormge ..A. n old fashioned i ound stand, di aped hkethc toi let ta.bleJ "111 be a pretty 1novable table, The mantel.piece, "ivh1ch should be low: and broad, Cilll be co . . ered with the pink and 'vhite, a, full frill of the sa1 nc, from SLX to eight lnches in <lepth, shadmg the front To inake a clothes closet, J)Ut tw9 plain shelves about one foot tt,part, acro."'1) a.n angle, or m a recess, the uppe1 one ,.t a 1~01ght of fro1n s1xtose\enfeetfivmthetloor, and fio1n thrn full pink and white l.:tnttlJ.ns Unde1 the second shelf put a IO'\ of hooks for haugu1g clothes Plruu autl inexpensne :is all th1<c und~niably 1::;1 there 1s no appearance of meagerness-the full hangings pre\ cnt t h a.t Drapery has the same effect upon a i oom th~t 1t ha.H 1.1vo11 t.h e h u1nan :figurei aud "\Ve u.Jl know· that <tJ.l .~mjJly fio,vmg mushn robe 11npa.1 ts !Ilo1 e tlia11 ten t1u1ea the grace t o the 'veru cr that 18 grven by i;ea11ty folt.le of e\ e11 t11c u1ost expcn s1 \ c 1'lllks, ~ Q. BOUNSALL. I MPORTER, M.ANUFAO'l'URJ; DEALER m &Uthe varieties of k, "" llARD T(l BELIEVE Spring Stocks NEVJ'.£J_~THELEJBS Italian & American ah~a.yH Mr~rule. ! ..'\. la1e-u and cho1cc acleetwn ol MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, on L.tnd, of fmpenu1 "\\01h111,JJ1t<h1p1 n.t Jo-..\ pnces i~n d SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Wl'ought oi Gast ' J:r on Pences for enflloSJag bucy1ng lots. I'urmture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c k ept on h<ind, er w1o:nght to 01de1 icspectfully 1 eq_11efltcd at tlic works, .A. call 1s I Groceries Ve1·;11 ()heltp. l 1oucl Lu1·ki ng Rais1rn, only ii eeuLs ,, potu,id , ,rnd ~ till choape1 box: - -- u- -- MAYEBS, Begs to 11if01111 L be Pubhc that, he has 1 ecw"\ed nnll opet1<·d out :i. beaut1fnl and n cU assoi ted iltock of o, f("vng Street, Bown1a1Jiv1.lle tobor, lst, J 86~ N[ Ii . I TS l lie .t1 ND C1J J'S, Io1 t;ip u ug an<l Sum1ne, \~ CU.l'. Jha Stoel. MUl · P u:isc.::i previou.t!l.y offercd ln tho To1\ n Sole~ProP?!elors Men and Boys Suits, tory and Works, V'lclorla Hall; Melinda Stroot, Toronto, Ont. _ · The tollowil!Z Gsnutne P.reJJarattono are ·old b7 an Druggists. "13e eure and uk for the V10ro:au PIW'AllATIONe, and oee th&tyou get them. &nd :Manutaeturers ot th· flet"i: bra.ted Vlctor1a ~rbolio P~P!U'&tiona. La.bon· CoLLou ,tlJd Wuule11 Uoud, ,nc .tdv,w um ' · IJuL you c,111 Lhern ,,L .El<ttu1 lus l10tt's fu1 a. shoet time, at the olcl puceR l'fow 1, Lli e ttmo to securn what NOVELTIES ARE yon need Eis :Price"' e ""e "'ow' ...... , .... S'l'YLl8l:I CLO'l' lll NU.- UcuLlome11 11 1 wa11L 01" gvnd l1Ll1t1;., i ll!L ,lio1 ild call :.i.ncl aa 1na.ny11e\\ onBKa~ 111a.y fee l inclined to be bcnefitted b)' hdv111g eady .Lt ElhottR l·'ash1t111,tblc 'l\ulouug EL,1],[i , ]11u uot i... 1 The wholi: w1ll 1 cpay lll8pect1ou 1 auJ he voi<lial ly ex tenJs an thv1ta.t1on to all lna old fr10nd'3 sat.1 11~, UL ll10H tJH 'v W1t h '\h1te 1nn.tt1ng 011 the Aoor, tlui; l1Ju11 1 '\tll be in,itlngly oool loolnng. Or, 1f t. va t pet ts p1efe1red, let it be .b dulw,{t o]y t111ted lUnl un llca1 ih wn.d H o.111&. { 1LH-!fHAL1u11 g11.11 .·11t eed in dl 1eaho11a/dP. la.:)e ~ I l l~NR Y EL LlO'l'T, J u1 .~t fa.u 1 1G nu111e1.ttn c pl 11.t !'I:!, to g1\ 1 h110 a l.11.ll J latupLuu, 1~ug Juel , 1871 His Gent's Furnishings will he found w-ell assorted l::: u\\ le 111 Plowers for the Sick Room. How ted1ou:s 1t is fot .t pi.:1 cott confined Lu a 1001n to gee the saine 1\.lticles of furn1tu1c, the san1e spots ou the wa.ll-pape1, the :same figures OJI the carpet, the san1e pictu1e8 uu the '\all. iHe. \ p111 5t h , 1871 MARKUS <MAYERS· tf oia11 e<l rc1cned flout"' g1:: ntlL1n11t1 f11cnd a large b1oun1 .~ u. wedchug JllC"cnt ac:cow p.ti.1) 111g- 'dlleh "\\as the follo"1og bit of p oetiy 7Hris-triJHn; - .,,'1ft :icccpt f.ro1u me , Its use l'll 1eco1uu1eHdl u 1;1 unsl11n e U::;e t he bushy ]JOI.rt, Ju atu1 HJ::! the otht>I ( nd " I-low JtlllCh .t. peek foi potatutlS ~" Lt>;;ked a g ent..le1uan iu n1 011 ~roudn.y lnm u111g'1'he p 1ic:e !ltnLc'1 hnn, and lie wa3 about to pur chaee, "\\hen a thouglit suc1Jcn1y st1 uck )nm " \Va1t fot ,\ u101nent 1ny good \~01na11, ', he 1-!ilitd, 11 I fear the!le potatoes \1i etl' v1cked on Stmday ' 1' No, .Su, they"\\ l:ie not/' f1110 ie· plied, " buL t o toll tht· ~1 nLl1 , 1hc·y gt ew on Sun 0 rl~y P' 1 ' . ._\.. cbautabk Dct101t ui.u1 ~ent ·· bundle of off cloth111g to thtl hu1nt ..1ut vwt11nl! ftom the \VtSCOIIBlll lJHl.l ~lC fi1cs h e lOCCnCd f1oin one of tho su.fie1c1s J:;hc follo\\JIIJ' ·'The con1 in1ttee man 01v ine, autoDJf!t !)tlic1 th111gs, he cu.111.--0 a. p1wc of pi\.nt1:1, Rud 'twould 111.lkc 11w pant eon1e to wea1 '0111 I foun d you.1 11 ~Ull:l ,tnd whme yo11Jned 111 one of tbe pok1ts I\fy \\'r tfo lafil:la iw \\h en I sho"i\ ed 'eni:-tu l1e1, t}la.t I ihot she \\uuld Jia.\c a.t'i~1up,h1n fi t Sh c\~ ants ~u llv iJ thetc ln et) n1tl lH elttlu::~ :o 111an who hl\s h~,.rs 1w L1 ,;~ ei than tliat t::ibo ::;Cd ii the1e ".1.::1, l1u o.1tur to b t ta.I-en 1,1 p for ha,1u,; 110 \ lS l hk nltMHS of ;,,tt pJJO!'t ~ l uouldn't get 'e111 ,on 111~· eldest l.Jo),., su I u~i::J 'c m fo1 gun case~ If Prep,u eel fo1 nnediate use, ,md nothyt>n h1n e allotl1 e1 p.\1c to spn.rt", n1y wife \\ ould. mg but the pm cs t matem~ls used, li ke L o get 'ei n L ;) ha.ngup by the ;,,Hle of the 11atuie OUt of \Vbtch the clllvh orette life has and ieqtiinng no iu1ther mndure of t he iesult r hrc pl :i ~e tu kt!ep tl ic tongs in " The 1s'1nuch so ught afttlr b y h<w W:~S\l· sprnng Wh ~n forty year· old, Welby "as Oils, Turpentine, and D1yers :S'lOh ' uc \ l'\1lt>.k:ll ~'l'he Ita.ltc1 'lu11JJ, t:.U.)8 JJU\kf:!J i! fq1 stu ffing horse colla1s .IS8ailed u1 a 11lo1ncnt o l angc1 Uy a younger '1 hell COlilp!JSlfaOH COJlt! ISts SOle}y Of Ihe Jolin\\ nJr; scene occurred a. fe,v days ,1.go tit b10the1 with a loaded p1Stol It flashed m 1~ 1~u ' 1HLY 8t,\twn "Ou a b1tte1 cold clay a 1n1lthe pau TJ1111krng ol tile J ,wgcr he had 1'1we Colo I', Pn1 c White Leacl, P111 c h(\nan 1J 'a1)pht:Ll .-i.t Hw ttcket-office f01 <~ thud cecapcd, he Jell rnlo many deep con,1derarVhiie Zimc, Linseed Oil, Spi1 7 1 t: ,~"-::; ticl\.et. \\ }1a.t ' excla1mecl the offictul, __ _ _3_ _._ t1on 1 , on which he brouncletl an irrevocable its of 'l'iirpe1iti'tl<3, ,f; D1·yer{), "\\ho llllH\' i} .uw, 'you, sir, take a th11d class on How tO Furnish a Summer B~droom re,olut10n !Ive "lone. Ile hnd wealth ccarefully itnd scicnLifically eorn... u< ha tla.y ai'I this) \Vhy, 1 must,' was tJ1e t:t}()l 1eply, ' su1ce there IJ:l 110 fourth cl.ass." I ~conOll\ICally and Prett1Jy. a11 d position, and was of u. aoc1,tl ten1per , bniecl. bug yon1 p.~rdou,' ,uU1we1cd the offic1ttl, hancl· but the shock he h,1d unde1gone rende1ed The consulllel' can have ,111y de)1 Ol a country bedrooni to be used puucrp.~lly lniii a t1eket, ' hut there is- h e1e ia one' 'I he ma.u Qf 'vc.pJth hastily pa1<l fo1 i~ and rush- ui tho sunui1t>1, Should be t:relecLcd lnm ihst111stlul and med1tat1ve, not mahg- sued shade of eoloi 11 eatly puL Uf' ed f o1 to take his place. On the door wJth a 1n-ev~hng tn1~ of..rei: dehcat~ pink, as nant 01 wretched, aud engencle1cd rn !nm a in Cans, and all he iequires to buy He had with the Paint is a Brush, as the keepei asking to s-ec hia: tu:ket, the tuti\ eller i t i;;unJra.s~J Wfl1l >Hth <the \vhi.te clra.pencs for pwpose of smpmrng tewmty ptoduce<l it, b11b ivne: r..l.ther t aken aback OJI the w.111do1vs, '"1th the l'lch gnJeU of neighbor· three clMmbcrn, one w1tlnn ,molher, pie whole can be done by himselt~ or by nig trees .bud fields, and 1\ ith the cle:i.r blues of being told tha.t the t.1oket "\\ouhl not do fm hnn J.""e<.1 tor hrn ·ohtudc, the fa~L fo1 tl1et,the n,uy rnernber of his household. sky a11d '\ tt.tcr The " if :P"Rtnted, · .A.ud why not -> 1 he exdaunud ~ \Yby, su, be second for his lodging1 the tlnrd for Jus _ __ shoul1l be ,v]utc, \\1th the µanal!:! of .l. soft C:tllSe it IS a. <log-tw11.e L shade of -..vha.t '~e fanu.ha.dy cn.11 " Quakei study While !us food was set on the l.1ulc b; one of h1i:) ae1 ·va:ats, he re.tued 1ntn h1a 1 ~ ~.. , diab. ) If one. pos~e::iscs suoh a 1 clic of depal'te<l da~"8 aleeprng-100.n, 11 d,wh1)e !us bed 11 .'.,; mali- A1l;!-1ge ~tock just 1e6tived, fo1 aui ' - , ancl so on, uut1lall · ·was r JI >#.mnn pam · t' as an old CfltI\ed mallogany field bedsteaa, tHw in · rnto h1s study rng, _import ed dnee summer:..'be~gr£b\.'lill__prov..A_a, )itt!._n_g Jio.nie fQ1 cl:,;1, - 1'he1e be set up b1.-rcit1 nndrn 44 ' ft om the English Manufac- it,if 111 pl:iCe 0 L c clmna.sks u.nd su.twe; qC ,[0,r· ye.a1~, nev r, i1pon i;r/:f. occ.tsto~ 1 cd ovt ·e s 1 iz.:plucliug James' 1ne1 times, \Vh1ch have van1ahed thtQn9' })y bets till he was 'thence enume., ;i,ud the (Frum. the Cunwlu. Fa1me1 tl} ll'ei<l 1pn~ 1Defote our day, " 'C add oL tlio·e Ne1tbcr m all t1tne celeb1:tted to its otherwise Bomt"\ ha.t bare ]ookmg posts on men's ·houldexs. In the collbiructiou of a. I \\ oul<l ha.~e by them \Vlth S-..uris 1nuslin cur. did any human berng look upon his face. Supphecl ,y1th the best new books JU va1~ in view th e follo\\1ng pmnt.3 . ltru:ns 01 with d1eap e1 but al.most as pietty l 'l'l1e tempe111turc must be lt111r i.t11d ~ve11, ones of inoqwto lace, wh10h can be looppd p.sJ.d~ io11s languages, he dexotcd hllJlt"e) ( \tnlo prayers and read1~g He mquirM 'Out obnot r:mbJ ect to fiuctuat1ontl g u1: iteecl£nl? e "\\1th ct ocheted b:tnds of pale pink cord :U'or 2 Good t1prmg or pump wnLe.i; aild plenty of the w111lluw eu11nces, t"akc plain p 111e inould J·clo of..,harity, and sent them relief He ALSO "ould spy ttom}\JJJ cllombe1 by a pr vate itll otanda1d col rs, oils vau1 islies, it, espr111g- w<~ter U:\ f<tir p1cferahlc 1ngs-of tJ10 londkncn\n among ca,ipenters as pro::.pect into the street any sick, 1.ame-, or ~) E\eiy faeihty £01 1.:011duct1ng L he "\\Olk an f.lyce- 1rta..1n them black-waln ut, and fa ...ten to and paintets' m<1te11als. w~ak P""·'ng uy, and sent comfoits and "ith e.we, aiid sa;i;1ng o~ as i:pud1 :ia.poss1· the top of the \\mclow·fra1nes These '"'J.ll pro Call and see how clieap tt house ean ble \.Vomeni the~ov1ng powe1 , arc not hl Jeot enough of themselves for use lll <~ low -ceilw tnoncv to them Ji His, bv ieason that µo ba'Tbe1 near him fCJr ~the space of ))e p.linted and decomted ; for all \\ a.ys vt:iy strong ed 1oom, J;>ut where the ceiling is over ten feet so many years, was .so mnch overgrown at these goods Will be solcl atRediwed 4. Reaaonable cost in 1buil<l.1ng, .ulll ma.tet ial 1 n }1oight they .SboulU be brought farthei from the 'time of ' his death, that he appe:uea w1thm ieach of e'ery faunet the ,vall by means of flat stnps of boa.rd, of the i·ather li~e an ereuute of the wilderness than The hernnt crab ii. ::A bu1ld1ng HO consti uctcd-so as. to be tdth you desITei nailed to the top of t ho:- an inhab1t11nt of a c1tv. chngs not n101 e obstillately to h1s tock in 2000 Gallons fectly f1oe fro1n all ta1ut or offen ::ine 1il)1ull, windo\'· to which the n10uld1ng catt he sci eivcd espec1a.lly 'in this Jna.tc1111o1 of construt..i1011, and ]'roin these cormces sh ouJ d depend cu1tmns of ,the fl~l:n l ess corner oi s6we ocean... de1J. than ,;.1.t the t!al,!lC ,tune to be dnr.ible anll adapted to the 1m.n1e innterrn.l \S t hoHtf wlnch. drape the this crabbed hein1lt Clung to his seclusion Y ct, he 1ta use. bedstead It 18 suppooed that these cl1ret.t101LS in the roanug centre of London '1'!n e.hers ,uid hardly deserves to be called crabbed smcc, of dtfferent kinds. I i:;houlll Q}1owe 1\ h\11 i$1dc it possible, but ~t ei.fe1ng gn en ~o "sq1µe young l10ul:!ek~eper tun1dly cbstrnst1ng n1e11, not hating thc1n, all parties requumg ·ueh 011, a1e thi~ l{l\:al w..h~o1t.ige 1s ;10t ah\ fiys to be foun cif who M mo10 tas~u t~an Jpr111tuie vt 1nouey, he seems to ha>~ k~pt bJB goodness & l.!!,:o hy pec1ally mvi~ed to mspect the vmiAu easteru 01 noi~hern aspect is far the best, She ~an1nake a toilet t,lb~e wh1ch shall b e. at bolv rt.llqughts and lul!f1 iiqts" ~o j>1rote a o@ q ~li'ties, the p110es being far heI kuo'~ H. Jarry so situated at Ernesttown, neru once pretty and mexpen«n e Py fittrng tnto an d11cnffolet Qf: the'.[1er10d'JI1 vl11c1J1,e d\ed. low anything ever offe1 e<l i1i tl1is Napa.nee, and the owner finds it cool, and con· ~gle of the o@rr1. . . . . 1f l,)O>."!Slble, between two ma1ket ttiders thl.B. <u1pect far thti best. I a i uonv1ncetl) windows, ilia.t ther q \pay ho plenty of J1ght - at the tiun i:;}iould never al1u1 e 111 t o a. <haiy doo1, a h t:"1gbt of about th irty.two inches from the It is .i tt;\n1ble thing ior oue man to ;:;peak or on ita 'va.lls, thereby 11e:i.t1 ng the atmnsp]iei e~ floo1 ,, a broad board roundiug on Ith~ oute1 edge e"il I ai'lothct i and I think It I S \Vorse- to r'l ua.uwng 'grcat alte1at1on of te1npeiatnie J On the top uf..t.his'fa.sten ath,i¥ cns h1on covertitl tlnuk of it. I! you speak it, the :;hall, moreover, follow tho course of a lady -..v1th pink c"a1ico, and this again >nth thni. wlute man has tune ap.d oppor!u111ty to <1efn end near Guelph , 'Who planted grel\t trees a.II m.nshn. ] 'rom this tablll·sl\el£Jet full fnlls of fcnd himself, but 110 cannot trace the auiving, and plOW on exhibition, the 10und het Uauy. Beside keeping the buildlllg c&lic6 and!:!h.11 depend to the <floor Q,·e:t it tllought Jt.1s neither .heroic nor m~nly t<l largest and cheapest stock of cool, the shade in hot weather 1s very gtateful ~houlcl be 1:1napended. diagonally a s1nall minor, permit i.n yourselvesJudge1nents "\\ol11ch 1101 , to tlt01:1e·\vho have the work to do I sa~ ;l.t a.nd oh'e-need not be nruch dfatresseJ 1f the body ca'r1 rever~e .. jt/~ ~ ~:Io!-ton's d~tilfoty near I{ ingston, a da.hy flame llhoul~ be a little broken 01 ta1nrnhed, for ' tlnug ' Iie, Lui tt is ' It 1s a very ser1ou8 to c ~u tu ely euv:eloped 11i t1ee1:1, and the ielief to it can bf.: d1aped with artishcally a11 auged folds a m.01e serious thing to live Death t h@sc ,\ Otking 1111 t i.v~s "\ Cl} much appreciated of tran~p.,,rent Ii:Htsl 111 or }ace, and look all tltc is but a ~llll\le event, hte 1s a seues Death can make no C!.l 1ange in. oUr chaructCr, lite I . ..w.m told that the coolmg effect p1ettier )) is of the treei:i 'vM excellent, a.nd qtut c perceptible In nnotbei: l 01ric1 p1aue a \\'Mh ~tand bj fitw m n.kes or unmakes us forever ~Ji the q'llw~tity and q uality of the butter tna.dc t u1g in two boards Of sm.llle1 siie but of the only serious be cause it is followed by ete1I should ve1y much like to h a'lie a i::pnng of s11,,n1e-t;hape as fou :thi.i ttillet-table 'fl'e upper n1t.y, l1fe is ser1ous becl!ua e 1t dcc1dee W ellrngton Bllildiugs day afte1 day and "\\ eek afte1 week, without t..he sligbteot al ter 11tlou. ...\. J;!lllgltl uew ... 1nctnre daily, ui 11e 1\ a.1 twle of fn11uhue, or ne,vspre.ul upo1, t li 1J bcxl, wunhl he (L <hccrful 1cl1cf to the ~a.d, flad nionotolly of tll c in,ahd'~ hfe Itn1ay not, Jio11 e-.. m, be {)u~y to cHel.:L Lhe:se cli tngei; iu ho1ni:s of }united wcomo, but Lherc 1s au 1111 f.ulin.g so1u ce of 111te1est 311d iehef bo the p.t trent (patien t, indeed , he 01 sl1e '\ould need to be) ,v}uch is w1tlu11 tl1 e l each of all at Illus sea son aud that JS flo\\ c1 s One of the c:ha.i 1n1ug httle boquets which cheer .l.nd co1afort ovory one who lool~ s at tbem on t he fitH\ er kul's 8ta.nd8 will with c.He lai;t ne,tdy a. wctik Thl.: w.i te1 n1 " h1ch lt H! placed shoul<l be cba.ngeJ '1u1 ly, auJ when the flo"'ers "tit 111 the lc~st a fl rnall po1til'11 of tho cut cud t1ho11 ld be cut nfl, and '\hen e\ en t]us fails a. ::im:i.ll 1111u;h of c01n11.1011 i;alt in the \\ate1 w1ll l':let up fl owl!n' n11d l~.t'e~lH \Jgo1 iloga.lll lletie1 st11l, a £ev.· flo'~ 1;1 e ill pol;..':l ,vou lt.1 a.ffoirl l.:onttnued pleasu1 e Lo tht 1u va.hd 'ro \u1te1 Lhu111, and teud t.hew 1 ll.llJ cha.ngc then pos1hon as the i;nn may be (ome too h ot fo1 them Ill the\\ 1nd O\\, woulrl be a constant ineana of w1thdra.w111g 11. Ltent1on frmn tJu !Icuug <n1d wea1111ess. 111 p nrch a:::11 1 1 g- fl owe1 '$, tliosc which JUSL co111111g 1uto bloo1n and rr1any budti iinJ plenty of cla1k green leaves .ite to lie p1 ef~1red A pln.nt 01 shrub 1u fi.1U bloom will HOOJl be p11BS ctl, unless it lS one of the k111d that has ~t cou tinual succc;,,a1on, such as pansies or petu rnas , and p ale gicon 01 yollowi::;h le.t\CS a1c in mo:.;t plants a sign of cleeay1u.; life. It 11: nQ v denied, 011 good authouty, tha.t plants, "\\hethe1 scented 01 not,aie unwholeso1nc in a bed.loom 'l'he f.\ct that there ia 11n place i:io h ealthy to sleep u.s the -..voods (1£ the soil be c dry), upon a bed of pine 0 1 eed:..ti: h1auches, sho" s that vegetatwu <loes not niJuie the at Quenes---Roots and Rye. night , and it l8 well l\nown that sull fl ower~, 1\ t.:011cspu mk·i t from the bacl-. v,.oocb w11-;b1 ~ and doubt less many uthe1'S, ,lJre an excellent nu foi l cph es to the follo"'u1 g·q_ue11e!! ·tidote for 1nalar1 a lt:it '\\-ill the hect root~ fi1tte11 pigs, ot only To all who can a:ffon11t, au uquarnnn 1" a.hio bnng theu.1 into .1 fles11y i.:ond1tlon ' a uwi;t int erestu~.; ,1nd ' >vhoksourn ,tdcht.iou to 2n<l \V1U tu1nips bru1g thc1n into a fleiilly tli e sick cha.n1be1 lo '~a tch tlie n1ot10u of condition fed plenttfully ea,rly 1n the f,\ll ~ of fishes, tadpoles, newti;, i:ina1ls etc , m .~ n eve1 : .hd. lV l11t lan d .is the "bu~t and the 1no;,,t f.:i..1lu1,; plea.slue, vlule the i ock1;; trnl watt!l a.Ua.ptcd iot gt'Ow1ng rye, and what is the .i-..ei:· plants a1non.; ,\]nch th1:1y play a t lnJe nnd age yield per am e, a nd 1s the !:!tla.w good fm seek ,uc also 111 tl.: rei;t1 11g nlJJccts Ilcsidc the cattle, or 13 tho g 1 a111 Jood fo1 h orses ) plcwnne t hufl 11.ll01J ed, n. consi<le1able body of B eet 100~, twn1ps, lnta.bagas, ca.rrot::i,a.ud all mu.tter ex posed 0 the au is the l:K:st pnntie1 of suc1 escul en ts do not in therr1:st1l\eH contain the !.lotter lt .tb::;orbes the ca1bon~c a.l.:itl of t he q uali ties sufti.cie·1t to nlake p1.;1::1 tit fo1 tlw bJ1L breathed au, <tnd.\11 oth<>-1 llOXJOUH ~~csi and 1s cbe1 _ .\1:1 uux.1hau et'j to bran1 they are h owev('r in it~ tu1n puufi.ed by uoutrnlnug tho vegetable 1.,1f 11iu1e valtLc t.11a.n au cqun ali:~nt 11n1ount of ex:· and anuual bfe with which it is cro\\<led ha g1 am. But they al'e nll excellent to brrng 'Io those who cannot purchasl:l a. iegu1,u anhnals intQ a healthy condition u.s p1epa.1a.tory aqua11urr1, one or more of the la.rgest ell\,-;:; of to heavy feea111g of haid grain ,;la:!ll fr1ut Jal~ 1111ght be subrohtute<l, and peb. Ryl' can be grown on .1ny l:!o1l but a ptue clay. h i ~~, '\fltc:'J plants, fl.shes, icptile<;, a.nd water It 'nll do fanly on land ·'ilnch 1s too 1::1ruuly for are flll that aH nccessa,ry to 1nake S\.1ch a ]air .~ wheat It aleo admits of grea.te1 a01dit y in the httlc aquar1u1n '!hose, howe \e1, .ue not soil than -..vheat or barley, aud ma.y tlie1efo1 e be 'v1tlun the reach of 1)eople u1 c1t1es, and we sug· g 1ow1.1 on i;mls "h1ch h.ive piuvetl too l:!OUt fo1 fest that 1t 'voul<l be a valuable branch of bus· thl:l latto1 g'la111s It is 't:ll y vuh utblc a.s 11astu1c iness to get up such cheap substitutes uf vain fo1 sheep, ,~ 1t n13y be fe1 l ea.ihe1 111 spr.1ng ous f)1zes, all cotnplete, and sell the1n at pu ces than othc1 :;ott of vegetation. The suited to a.ll ptuses - N. Y JVitncss. g1 a1n LS gooJ. for horses and used tu he very TJl.llch fed m t110 .Eastern States, J:t-shoul<l i if The Hermit of Grub Street . pos~ible, be' ground n:g.Q iru~ ed w1t'u. J,impened .~ Hhanbe insLancl! of abando uu1c11t ot tlH h,1y OJ: atia-\V. Vle h a' e fonnd it "~lY ttclv,ru t~~~ us as a. teed for u1a1ei:; for a fe\~ wot!k pre \\Olhl 101 a sol1tu1y ldcis g1ven ut tho bis ' l,!JlUI to foaliug-, 111 s1nall feetl::i unvc <1 day, and tor) of Remy Welby, the He11mt of Omb lll this u11g1 ound Stieet,\~ho <l1ed in 1766,at the age oI eighty· 'l'ho straw u1 of httlc \aluc u.s cattle feed four 1 his exan1 pie affords an eccentric il· 'Ve once, by~ aclv1cc, cut oi.u iyc, (01 h .... y \\hen 111 flowc1, 11.nd '" ero enfarely d1sa.pp01uted with lu stta.t1on of one of those of hunH\n COBNF~R STORE. This 'l'OttiE'l" So.A? possesses all tho well-known pertiW:l of Gerbollc o.hea.J.thy action on re2Ularly ueea. by faridlfes. Cholera, Smallpox -auil Fever P&Uentl e:hould bewaehed with thia Soap; end tte nee b7 ]lefSODS Hable to tnfectio!) Will iqaterfally prevent the epraad or dla:eaee. Fxlce 15 cents pcr'llablet. CARRIAGE SHOP. emovee the oil'ects F. Y. COWLE. · (1\ 1 »Jl of the Onta.ri.o Bank) 11. iug 8 tird, Bo1imam-ille Ont14 Wounds, JJrnlses, Barnt, Sore~ Ulcer!- RlDgWOril\., !:etter Eczema; Sca.ld Head. S:1cnrvy, .&blceele·. Dotls, l'lmplee. &c. Jt POl!·essea an tho clea.nrrlng an.d healing virtues of C&rboUo Acld, which has be on founif b:t Phyeidane ev~here to possess curative qualities not discovered In any other chemical preparation.. :Price 25 cents. Tb18 SALl"lll is a raptd cure ror au Skin Dtse&e~ '[1HE ~ (lltll 11 bs< nb e-i IS 1·1 0p~ l ed t ci b11ild and 11· Wagon", Bug!JW', (tncl Uulter ' , II rf !:' ' 0 1 ~le J1'11pt1011i l at' sho1 t '1 tiVkc, ,, 11 dou c.l.!'louablc t errru~ POINTS OF Thia GJ.Jl·Lm 11 th·mootrcltable and ell!caclou Remedy in all ~e:es ot Soro Throat. Hoaraen~~·· Ca11rngea l'aillted ~n<t Ttitnmed . Dlptherb,DronchltJ·.Irrltatlon or th· Broncmu TnDea so common m this changeable climate. Oll'eno!v· Breath, Ulceralcd Gume, and ·· 0,tt,:if0~J.;'.~ie.F~~!f~~.l:.T.k~ Simphcit.11 i11 Co11st1 actio11, Ease of operation, Pei:fection oj S titc1i, · 1 rt l11w ' on bot szde~, owmg Lo pm;le1 ·t tenszon on npper mui lowe1· Thread. A Blacksmith's Shop ()11 the p1e1nwei:<1 1~ 111· e spei.:1al attPnt1on 11> gnttn , to all lmfi(H'Ull+!HP 1YA ~' ; ~t ;:w li<.1~5~g:~.P·vu1ar in Ill· Mauna Thl·Dmn.'FEcrAN'rlaaaaropreventi.eotTyphus aud Typhoid Fevers, Clloh~ra, Smallpox, and 811 in· ~.!;.a~~.·~~~;:ad~io~~J.~~°!.1::1:: l!;qua.lly a.d.a.pted. to :Family Wo1·k, :Dress and Shirt Making, Tailorilfg, Shoe Fitting. Garriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELJVERED AND LNS'l'RUC'I'IONS Gl \'EN JU:iGE OJ!' WORK - F1om 0.1t1zu Lo Bc.tvm Ulotl1 DURBILITY -Will last a hfe Lime u, l U«ge AU 1~·01 k work, and Uenm a I Jobbing EVERY WANZl!.'R houses. &c., Bud om whatever c il~1:1h!::~ii' rt WlUI J)J:Ovent Co .A,O'en ts, Yellowlees g .~Lb1'1Al' MACHINE A WARRA"'NTED, & done <it this dabltshmm, weir 1·anled Quicka \.. i. :all 1 s H·spccLf uUy solit:1Led ,f MORR!~. omm!l!leioner.e tn:t_>~eCerence . to all other p_rodncts, B ! the besti:>1SJ.~Fetant tor the prevention ot ,1nfect1oua'dleeases. Price 25 cents. W c have also on h,1ntl ABB01'1"S, AND BABcL.!Y " i>IV[]',!J illAUlllNE 0111 Stuck uf 01·netdl Uouds '" hn ge, cm u1 ,1e111g ,t.J l Lhc 1\o,eJtics of Uie d,1) , aml ,,11 the uec~ssa;ues as well 1'1cture 1:'1:.un~ s- tll sizes, Mould1ngs of cve1y stylu1"\V Ml rapet u bplc11d111 a::;:.oi L111e11t uo,v-1 11 stock, .A Luge supply of bea.uhfnlly ~~orted Wmdo-..v Shades, Chll1hen :-:1Cu11ageH, Uoncertuw~, llrui;hee, Comlii:;, J. . ookiug Glasses, 1:1uti10, ltfagazines, V1olins,VJol1n nowa, Violin :Stungs,Papci Collars, N eek 'l'ies, School llooks, Day Rooks, B1bleH , K ntvee and J.! ork8,.Pocket J(111vel:!, ]{a,...orl'!, Spoons, ru.Jd Sc.·uisoi s Cheapest Note Papei and Envelopes in the counh) All the,.e, a.n d a thJusa,ud other a1twler; 1 11e to be found .it the VARI.ETY STOR E. ·vve .ue .ilw.~) S gln.d to see fnend.'{, antl tlnnJ{ it no t-1011 ble to shn\v G<-!ods , and\.\ e guarant ee , i;,; goud \ ilue, at a.a low JH1 cc a as auy: othei house in the t1ade Parties 'Hsh1ug to t ele.;Ht.l}h thuu fuen<ls, 1ua.y ielv ou l1av1ng then b us1uei:; a <lone pto1nptly .Agents fot Inzuan Lnw of Stc11n1ci s, und I1npeual Btulcling 1tnd Sti'\1ng Sociely _, _._1-\.T THE · I Bowmauville, March 7th, 1872 YELLOWLEES & QUICK. 11~;3 The New Lake Steamer eOL CHIT CHAT. ITim Bra.dy and. Mike Flynn] ,Ill Oct 1871 .. 'l'Il\{ - 1871. HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS 01~ or ..i.bout Jet Ap·il JLCX t COlllllH:: llt c l l' he1 iegula.1· daily tuvs, ice pern:11ttlllg,let1Jv· jug Cobo111g ~"~r.} 1non11.11g at 7 ~O Po1t IIope 9. o'clo'ck fo1 JtoChcstor,connec: tn~ thet e ' vith.. the New Yo1k Cent1al, Northe111 \Jept1al <-1ucl ]'ne Raihvay, for all points East, Sqntl1, nnd South West \ {j .' l'HE hlOUSEHOLD. -.;;·::r=======o=:o ' to Lould, yiste1d,ty, thu,L j\'Itsthe1 Orny, .tv Ty1oue, Ji,i,J got home illigtmt new stock ,tv Goods, chape as du1L, wan, ,rn cl it» meself could hardly slapc a wrnk, dll mght, thmlnng ,IV llll' thr, chape goods Amhhme enufl; its the full st01 o h0 h,i,5pUe~ aud piles av the natest patterns; ancl he'd gn c ye the makins av an illig::tnt new gown fo1 Biddy, fo1 S1veuty-fivc Cmt,,;, Tay fo1 nuLhm, ,,ml tl1c B,i,ccy Jui " L1 J ilu less " RETliltNING "An shure its ftmnmg me ye m e, Mike-, wouldn 't the 1111 111 l ·e Loaves Ch.t.duttc, Port of lloch cstei, cve1y 'I'!H.e-..euwg at D oclol=k, t::xoept Sattudayi:;;, wh en afther breakmg down " ' she lc.t.ves <tt 2 o'clock p n1 , for Dr1 ght on ilireot Shme lie lnwws a thuel, \\ lll th Lwu .1v 'l'lio l:!te~qi e1 ta.lls .\t 1 B11ghtou, Monda~ <1.nd MI Kl·: -" Bieaking down, is it 'l'lnnsday, r.1.t Co1bo1 C vmy day cxcppt W l.:d· Lhat I'll j ist tell you w h at 1L 1 s, Tim, if you ,;,mL Lo g1L a nesday, at; \\7Jntby, shu.wu. Da.i lrn gtuu and ~1ate 1i.1me when yo ure ded, ,111d be call ed a falaut10Iized, filvsNe\\ cast.le nu W ~d 11 esda.} , fihou1cl £1eia,h t oflet. Dealers in stock '\ill f1ncl th11i1 the cbea-pei:::t und 1fei, ,,,na a public bimfacthoi, j!st tell ,t!J yome 11,Lbou1s,ancl the quickest..rtiutu L1J .r'\lbru1y, Bost 011, 1'11,:\\ 'l"nrk, , !'J8t 11v mankinn, ;tbont Grny's clmpe sto1e, 1.nd you 11 do more &o, &1;, Add1esa, ]:{., C. C.i.\.R'l' l~ 1l, for the good 1w you connthry, than tver St Ptttiick did fo1 011ld Pott t lo1>e Ont. Ireland, when he banished aU the toads and sn.tkes ouL av 1t P oi t llup ch 18th, 1872 ' 25-t-f tha,t niver wa.s in it." TIM..~ . " I'm much oblageu to ye, 101 lhc bit a' ,,d v1ce, and won'!, detain ye , ' theie'll 'hurely be,, grat!l run, and maybee I'd miss ~ome bat·gains The top «V the rnoruing to ye '- £'m off Lo Gmy's r LL "NORSEMAN" " Good morniug, Mike, shure and its ea.rly out, ye a1e . Mtght T bon Ld to axe what stat ted yees this 1110rn;11g " lIIKE - "JisL be aisey, 'I'irn, ,rn,l l'll tell ye in" j11iy , \'c see l was 1 w - i-: ~ PU r;:n:: WHITE LEAD t S. B. BRADSHAW J. GRAY, Tyrone. ____,_Noted for ~~eap Goocls. For th~ best aud ·chea11es1, THE FARM. ., .. thf~ op;portu111ty of thtnking hm ~ ulul'ieruus fueud a £01-the very liberal h~ ha..s 1ccen ed. He feels io ..d 1sJ1e1.l ~h a t noth· ing but c~am b~1ne wou1d. tp.k e ll00.S1'ER BRAND, '/l'i LOW DRY and GOODS & SHOES, ' Jl" ' jigilll'es. or GROCERIES, CROCKERY, M A!.QBlNE OIL 1i.1s g: u.iriell £01 1ill11 i5Ut.:h a ~teady ~ncrca.5e of busiuess-wuch laiJei ~hu1\ fqt n1c1 years , an<l h~ ti usts Lllat by and Clothing made to order in fir_&t - cla~s s tyle, go to ' · 'oOO Cook, Pa.rloi-, lta.ll, a.nd :Box Stoves, sLrid attention lQ 1busineos i.:ontiuue tu t~t.:ehe GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE in the Count) of Dtlrharn. J. ELLIOT'S Cheap Sto1·e, · J1 1,i \\Ill thcH su p1101 L JOHN McLEOD, 1871 S. B. BRAD$HAW, All Ll,tu·11j tlrn.t <u e 111 itl i;ti,u1:1 tinu~t p<l-) u11, pecially the Ha.Hhva.r e aucount. S B B Bo\vmanv1lle,.Ja.n. 10th, 1$72, Jy.JJ ~ water t v 1 nn Jn over hea<l, as in these enlight· 1:a1ed times, no one won}d tlunk of c1 cct1ng a I one, 'vb1ch has ~round hole for the r ccµption of a bas1n, should te about thirty mches from tli e whcLhe1 om· etermty shall be one of bapBowm,inv1llc, Aug 8th prncss 01 woc.-Pittslnny Pulpit 'l'y1one, .Nov 2nd, 1871. ]_1 YROl~E. · ·