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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 13 Sep 1872, p. 4

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THE i\IER-CHANT, F~IDA Y, SEPT. l 1872. = --·-::=_= _= _ PO=E=TR=Y=.::_=:_=j _=TH=E==H=O=US=E=HO=L= D. = = = TH = E=F=AR=M= . =-=-==i========'====j~O~ .. =rBrnorr~NIDSDATLLr=,=::::=: _1=1==-A::= ~R= - ==n=== - =T==== -o==B = E=L=I=E=-v=.=E=.:;:=S=p::.r1·=n=g=s= . ::: - t=oc --k-= s- '· MANUF A9_1'URER :i,nd FAITH. Milk as a Remedial Agent. , How a farmer should Work· , L' 1 I])I~ORTER, PEALE~ in all tl1c vaneh1e~ o/ ' l'.i.iU1 rn the evidence o'r thrngl:i Not seen by mortal cye,'l'ho t>ubatanco of those things we hope rl'o ecc beyond the sky. Uonsi<lerable has lately bet>n 8aid 111 lucdi0al iouruala concerning the va.lue of irulk .u~ u 1:e~ medial agent in C"ertain diseases 'Veuotioe an 1nteresting article upon thtfl aubJCCt that lately f appeared in the London i11ilk Journ(f,/,, in which it 1s stated, on the f\.Utholity of D1, Be~jamin Clarke, that in the East Indies \Va.rm milk iB used to a great extent as a. speci£c for diarrhooa. A pint every twenty.four hours will check the most violent diar1hcea, stomach ache, incipient I cholera, and dysintery Tl1e milk should neve1 be boiled, but only heated suffl.ently to be agreeably warm, not too hot to drink. 1\:filk which has been boiled is unfit for use. 'rhis wl'iter gives several instances to sbo'v tho value of this simple substance in arrestmg this disease, runong which is the f0Jlow1ng. He says : " It has never failed in curing me in six or twelve hottn1, and I ha\ie ti'1.e<l it, I should think fiftJ' times. I have also grven it to a dying man who hnd been subJect to dyt:!entery eight montl1s, latterly acco1npanied by one con· tlnuel diarrhcea, ancl it acted ou him like a charm, In two da~his d1arrh(C11. \Yas gone, in three weeks he became a hale, fat man ; and now nothilig that can hereafter occu1· wt ll ever sl1a.k.e his faith in hot 1nilk." A writer comn1unica.tes to the Meduxtl Tirncs and Gqzctte, a. state:ment of the value of m1lk 1 in~t,venty-s1x cases 0£ typhoid fever, ~ 1n eve1 y 0110 of which its grea.t value 'vas apparent It checks dia.i.rhoea, ll.Il<l nourishes and qools the body. People suffering from diseases requile food qnite aa much as thoae in health, and much more HO in uertaiu diseases '~here there ia a rapid waste of the S)Ste1n Frequent· ly all ordinary food u1 certain diseases is re· J<Oted )Jy the sto~aeh~ 'l"d ev_ri. loathed by the patient ; but nature ever benefic1enL, has furnished a food tha.t in all diseases is beneficia.1,1 in some directly curath-e. Such food us milk. 'fhe wnter m the )OUt'llal quoted, D1. Alexander Ya.lo, a.ftet giving particula.r obser· vation':I upon the point::i above n1entioned, viz; its action i11 checking diar1hoea, its nourislunl;pror.erties, and its action in cooling the body, Says : 11 c believe that milk nouusl1ea 111 fever, promotes sleep, and lvards off delcrium, and, J.ll fino, is the s-inc q_'iUt non. in typhoi} l fever. We have .also latuly tested the value of inilk in Rcru let fever, and lea.rn that it is now recommended by the faculty in all cases of this often diatrel:IBihg c.hildren's disea:;;e. G1\e all the niilk the patient will take ; even during the period of the greatest fever, it keeps up the strength of the patient1 acts well upon the stomach, and in every \va.y is a blessed thwg 111 this sickness. ParentM remember it and not fear to,give it jf you!' clear ones ru;e affi1oted 1 with thl:J d.isease--Housellold. (Fi on" tlic Canad.a ]'Brnlcl'.) 'Vhy is it tho.t so Iew nicn ca.11 be 11oit,;uaded to lea'e the city ai.Hl cntN· upon the <'TIJ'1ytneut <1>11d iodependenoo oI .~ r.~unet'tl life ? There are 1nany answers to such a tiuestion, and we have so often he.aid of oue ill particuia.r that "\Ve propose to tee upon \\hat grountl that one is placed How often have we be!:ln told that " farming is awful ha.rd v.·ork 1" We belie\e that the man who commences with· out capital must upon his small farm woik very hard. He cannot afford to pay hands, not be cauee such money paid out would not be return· ed, but simply becaliSehe ha$ not t11e inenns But to such the farmer's life JS i10 druclge1·y, for jt fa wo1k, hard manual "ork to ·which he has always been accuston1ed. \Ve woulU inorc pa.rticula.i speak of that 1 who fret1h fl ow school, never ha' ing takc:n n. spade iu their hands come to Canada with a 1nodcrn.te capital, and dctern1ine to thro\\" their lot in w1~h the til· lers of the t101l Such men must "\YOlk ha1d. Ko ont: who has not an independent mcun:1e sufficient to ineet all wants CA.ll live without "01k, and the ma.n \vho scheme1:1, even v.hen "\\'ell off, to Pa.8:8 through life, 'vithout, by aomc work or anothei, benefi.tting the ·wo1hl a.nd employing Ins O\VU t..'llents 1s to our. mu1d but a uselesa me1uber of society,and one who bttle understands the obh· ga.tions that '\\'Cle at his 1frrth laid upon lua ehoulderi; by the .A.Uwisc The n1an in the office '"odn; Talk about chu~gery, iuorn1ug, noon, antl n ight, finds him at lris desk, poring over heavy lega.1· ties. fightu1g au almost insurmountable au·ay of flgu1er; 1 over endeavoung to account for n.ppBr· ent discrepancies, one \Vea.ry roun<l uf never chnnging '"01k, breathing the close foul air of the office upon \vh1ch the sun in the h~r\vena Italian & American Marble. A laJ'g!.l ....nd choice ..;elcct1011 t.f NEVE1.~THELESS F:uth takes the p101n.ises of God, And 1nakes thein all his owu , It pleads w1th unabated zeal Bcfo1c tho Fathe1 's throne. l!'aith looks beyond this vale of, .·And sees n. world of bliss, \Vhete sickness, sorro\v, never cmne 1 1'0 gueve ns, oo is tlua l' aces, beyond this weal'y wotld, A land of peaceful ret:it, 'Vhcre a.11 who're weary soon will go, To t.lwPll ~~u1ong the ,\nd \\h( n bcfo1e u3 f)tauds gutn DeatLi J:'a1th i,;tanch, ouHl holds the hght 'l'o guide u~ to that heavenly land, Whe1e none 1.<:llow of the night. fhen I'a,tth is-finished' its v;ork done For all ~hall then be light ; 'l'hcu Ehnll our prayers be turned to vr~se. Out· faith is turned to sight ld1 7Cll(C of lft/l<t11r;.J<,1! 1 MONUMENTS , AND CRAVE STONES, [ vlnays on hand, of supcdor woikrnanship, and at lov:est prices. f3UMME.R DRY GOODS AT COST. W1·ought O?' Cast I1·on Fences for enclosiag burying lo~s. Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, kept on hand, or wrought to order respectfully requested at the ·works, &C: I 1 ·Groce'ries Very Oliectp. 1 KAYl!l::a.S, Begs to inform the Pubhc that, he 1ias received n.n<l opened out A bea.utifitl a.nd well assorted Stock of A call i1 K·ng Street, BowmamnUe Ootober, 1st, 1869. 1-tf -- la I HATS AN lJ CAPS , Good Gooking Raisins only 5 cents a pound , =d still cheaper b,y the box. fo1· Spring and Summel' wea1. llis Stock t;Ui · pa!!ses anythmg previously offered in tJie 'l'o" D. Men and Boys Suits, Wooleu Goods are advancing, but, yoLt c>1n Lhem aL Elliott's for a short time, :it tlie old prices Now is the time to secure what NOVELTIES you need. 1 ' Ootto1uw1d --o-- His Prices Low, and his ARE STYLISH. OLOTlflNG.-Geutlemen in want of a good Jitting early at Ell10tts Fa8hionable Tailoring Etablishment. I ~uit .110uld call '1 he 1vholc will rep<tY inspection and he cordial ly extends an mvita.tion to ali his old fuends and as lnany new oneis as may fei::l 1nclint1d to be benefitted by having Crumbs for Chickens. · "You might as"' ell attempt to tihampoo the ht-ad of an elephant \v1tb a tl1imblcfull of aoa.psuJ3 as to attempt to do business and ignore p1 wters' ink." That's so A little boy wa.a sent to a i;tore fo1 wine egg& Defore reaching home he chopped them... "Did you b1eak any?" !{1;1 icplied. "No! I d1dn1t l11el\k .tny, bnt the sl1ells ca.roe off fron1 some of thmn." _4. br1ghL little gul 1n Jl..lilto1i, \V'11:1consill, ha\ir1g been desired-to wiite a E!entence introducing the "\Yord "ciuuon," presenterl. the fol· lo-wing to he1 teacher: H Ba<l children often 41a1·1·i-on tu chun:b \\'he1t they ought to be quiet." The editor of the ~iassillon Amcncaa 1neans businC8S Thu:1 is what he says. ,. Patronize those "\\h:J ._,atronizo you is our motto, \Ve shall <leal and t1end out Iriends to deal only with merchants and business :men who a.d~ertise. \Ve be con1pelled to buy, sornetimes, from those who do not. patronize us, but only ,,,.hen we can't do otherwLSe. .Another says· "A man who was too rueau to ad"1::rtise land he wanted to sell put-a. wntten notice in 0110 of the hotels the other day. A iunu who \\'a.8 u1qui11ug for a small fa.rm was J cfe11cd to the written 11otiec, \l-·heu he replied: 'I can't buy a fair pncc of any man wJ10 doos his advertiiling in that way. Ho'd ::iteal the fence, the pump·hnn<llc, ancl the barn dnore, before be gaYe up posseB::!1ou.' " Au cdttol" whoBe subscribers were rclll1SB in intyment J;i.teJy published the follow111g announcement in his paper. "'ro save our readers the trouble of send111g their subZ:>Criptions by poEit, aud to relieve two unfortttllates, we :shall sond W each o( our debtors. in the course of a. fo\\' tlaya, two collecto1s, ono of wl1om has hardly 1 ecovcrcd from the small-pox, and tl1e Qther of "\VhOtU has )USt taken the itch." rrhe delinquents did not \ to be called on, but thcu dues pro1nptly. This one goes into poetics over the snbJcct: " '\-Vben trade grew sli-.;ek o.nd notes fell due, the me1chant'a facu grew long and blue; bui lh-eanH "'ere troubled through the night, \Vtth sheriff's bailiffs all in IDglit L\.t last his wife lmto him said, 'J{.1sc up a.t once, get out of bed, 11nd get your>t, ink , and pen, a.n<l. ach·e1tise to all good inen. 1 Ho did a.a hrs gootl wife advlSed, a.nd in the paper adve1tiscd, Crowds came an4 bought dff all he had, bis notes were paid, his dreams \\'ere glad, and he v.:ill tell you to this day,.. how \'i ell didpliuter's u1k Jepay ' FIRST-CLASS GOODS, at fan·, remunerative inicnsi to give hhu a call AT 'l'Hlc {)ORNER STORE. Rouebnese, ·ran, Freckle~. Pimples, nnd otb.~rim· pettcct101u11 For ChaJJpecl BandA1Cbllb111.1n"~ Frost Bltas and SJra Llps, it be Burpasscd. l'dca 25 centa. 21 JELt.T is bl12;hly rccommtmt!ell to Ladles as a moJt e.'{rccablo l'rcp1Hat1Qn ltuf tho Toilet. For Be&uti!ylag the (l r.. ople.:don, an(\ rend~ring th" Skill Soft! Wblr.e, Oli·ur, and tree from nryooas, tt 11 nnrlval ed It \nil quickly remove a ·I Rcdne~a 1 Satisfaction gua1 an teed in ,cJJ reasonable ca>cs. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. bp-o23-m54. His Gent's Furnishings will lie found well assorted. Bow1ui~nv1lk · .t\.p1il 5th. 1871. MARKUS MAYERS· tf. ----------110BBIS'_ _ _ CARRIAGE SHOP. shines w 5eklon1 }low <~man da1 c to call th~ hfe of a. fa.ii· mer drudgery? h~ wo1ks in the open fields uu· dc1 the full sun, breath.iug the pcrfun1cs of C\el"y flo,vcr, n.1111 indcpend"Jlt of all but thf God of u itture. 'Ve a.l::;o co11te11d that the f.1rmcr who hM a fai1· SLZe l propetty has no l'igbt to woll. . hko a laboror . His poij]tion 1s one in \\hieh the Lia1ns should be used It is a connnon country sa.y1ng that .t good set of brains is worth two pau-s of hands. Not to enter further into a. general disaerta,.. tion upon thi~ subject. wo ,\oulcl (11.~otc from an old fuend, w1th whom wo have icocntlv had a. long con vei-sation. He ·· 1 \ISCU Lo 'vo1k motnmg, noon, and afternoon, I ploughed lDOlC acres in the spring thau ru1y of my tncu I called them in the morning : I hurried them out to tl1e fields from then· meals; I led them wlth the scytbe, tbUd few hinders could follo"\v any cradle, and wliu.t wa1:1 th() reault 1 I \vas never ah~ad w1tl1 auy wo1k, and was never :rea.dy foi i.nything. 'l'hc od<l chores about the bouao I 111.J\ er on band to Jo, nOl' could I trust theu1 v.1th hitcd ineH I ucvcr knew the sta,te of the 1nn.rketa, and \\'a8 ncve1 able to buy at tho 1ightthne. I kne\\ not l\ liat a iuau did upon thP op po· $.ltc side of the farm to which I was myself \\'01k1ng, and my men cons1dered )Ue uo more Uiau tbcmtieh·es, a ~<nkmn.n "\vho !:PA eated him· self"to' death for hi::! own especial ihtcre$t. I thought that no n1a.n could \Vo1k on a frum in C::i.nada without he led his 1nen in every 1uanua.l Job, from cuuiling 111 the field to turn· in.; manUl:e in t]ie yard. I iuet w1tU a t!eve1e accident'" hich quite ills· abled me for sorr1c tin1e 1 while my old str011i:,--th has not and piobably 'v.ill never retu111, I1lad per fo1ue to give i1p manualla.bor_~\n_d1 tl1en began to rnanage the fm'ln. '.rhe result "\\aB in 12 months I became fully con.vinC'c<l of thi.i folly of niy foriner plan~ -. I 110.d not only r;;et Ollt to do the work of u1y 1nen, but I had added to 1t the caics, a.nxiotiea F. Y. COWLE: 'V -Tb.ts Ton.ET SoAi> fJOss6eses an tllo weU-known anUSE:pUc and d1s!.nft.-ctlng propertl12s ot Cnrbolic Acid b agreeat>ly ece utea.., has a. bealtby e.ctlnti on .the akin1 prevents tri1ta.tion,_ removes th.:t effect& (Jf pereprrattou. n.nd shonl<1 oe regularly used by fa.tnltie11. ubolera, Bma.llnox o.nd Fever Pattenta abott1d bewaehed with this Soa.p; and lts nso bJ persona U0r.blo to tntection w+ll matcrtall~prevent the spread of diacaee. Prlcd1.:>eonts per ·.1.aolet. (we'!t of tho Ont..:tno Bank.) King Street, Bowm~uwille. f'hle SALTII is n. rap'd care for all Skin Dtseaee1, Dute, \.Vonnd5, Dr11iscs, DIU"lls, Sore&., Ulcera, Ring· wo~ fetter EczetJl!li Scald Head, Benny, Ab:iccsee1. Boils, Pimples, &c It poase!aea all tht. 1lea.ns1ng n.nd h~tng virtues ot Ca.rboUc Acld, wblcb bji.8 beo~ touud b1 Pbysictans ever:ywbere topo~sese cur1ttlve qualitfea not discovered tn an1 other cbemtco.l prcpal'otfon Prieo25 ccnte. THE. oubscubcn 1s prepared to Lml<l .u1tl ic· pair Wagons, Buggies, m,d Cutte1·s, of e~ery desol'ipt1011, a.t :sho1t noti ce, o..n rcasouable te1 ins. dc[t I Tbl· ~1 w all t:a$es ot Soro Throat, Ho11.rsen&1t Diptherl.;i., Broncbitis, Irrlt1uion or tba Bronchial 'l~bea w common in this cua.ugeable clim&te. POIN'I'S 'OF S't1PE:RIOBI'l'Y. aAhiJtJt 19: be most reliable and etncactont .Ulhma. Offeneive Breath., Oloo1nted,. and all dl!eMCl!I of tb.e 1.'Coutb For Pabllo 8peaker, aud tilDgere it i~ mvaluable. The ln'.;r~d.tunte en· terlDJ: luto thla Gitrgle ure ueed by all Pbya1clane 1 and i'Or tlle tura ot the a.bov.1 d1.oorders aro now, undoa~dly, tll& most popular ill tho .Maltrlo M&tica l'l'lcu 2~ cents. ' 1 Carriages Painted and Trimmed. General Management of Window Gardens. In-door pla.nta natu1ally requl.l'e inor<~ " than those grown in the open air, fur 1i.aturc supplies all the needs of the latter , but tlfe eecrcts of successful growth and profuse bloonijnA" in t1te house are euumerated in the following few essential rules of management :1st. Give them plenty of hght during the day, and darkness with a cooler temperature a.t n1ght. 2nd. A gooc.1 supply of flesh air, when the sun !!h1nes bri.ghte!'lt and wa.1111est ; in inild days the upper sMhes may be lowered a. little, and the cool air 'vill blow over t11e plw1t1:1 in· 1;1tea<i of directly upon tJi~1u. , 3rd. Perfect cleanliness, wltioh 1s veiy itnpo1tant, for if the plants are co\-·l'.':rcd with dl.,st they cannot grow and WJU frequently die ; their leaves a1e theu lung!!, frequent syringinf£' 'vill keep the leaves moist ancl clea.u. , 4th. A. proper a.mount of mofotn1c , a <lry atmosphere is fatal. ' 5th. A JlOOd compost or i::uil, lll v. hich their roots can lu.."{urate and tieud forth vigorous branches, leaves and flo,ve1'S. Simplici~y in Construction, Ease of ope1·ation, Perfection oj Stitcli, alike .nn bot sides, owing to pe1fect tension on itpper nna lowe1· Thread. A Blacksmith's Shop on th e {'re1ni11es, Wlll'C BNGE OF WORK :-From Gauze to Beaver C'loth LUBBILITY :-Will last a life time. opect,tl nttontJOll to all IS g'lVell Equally a.da.pted. to Fa.mily Work, :Dress a.nd. Shirt Making, Tailoring, Slioe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. On rriagc work, and GenernJ ,fobbing EVERY ·' Agents, Yellowlees MACHINE WARRANTED. & All wo1·lc this stabUsh1rwn ·uxw1·a1itecl. A. call 1s respeclfuUy Bolicited. .T MORRIS. Quick:. , Wo have ,also on lu1llcl WANZER' SLET1'ER A, ABBOT1'S, AND BARCLAY SEWING MA CHlNE Our Stock of General Goods is lM·ge, em bracing all the Novelties of the day, and all the necessaries as well. Bowmanville, Ott Jst , 180!J. An Ungrateful Railroad· ~ hetii1d .t1uut a \ndow who saved a tiaiu of car1:1 Iron1 destruction by wat111ng the .Tone~ · had AT THE au<l t101ibles o! 111 range1)1ent engineer as the tra1n approached, th~tt a cer6th. Get good healthy plants to strut out truu budge had been 'YMhecl away, and '~ho with-plants that have be"en blooming all had been libel"ally icwarded, by 1 eceiving u. free tb1ough the summer, or fot· . se\·;1a.l mouths !' for hfe on nea1Jy all the ra1lroads 1n the previous will not do well; new 9n'.11 arc best, t:ountry, iincl a p1 eflent of ten thousan~ dollars or plants that \VCl'f;l used , the p1 e\'i{)U~ ·wint~r, from the company whose traiu :she had ea.ved; aud resteJ. durin'g the summe1 will also 1 so Jones thought it pretty ptofitable busiI1ee:FJ answer, but in .general it i~ best to get nc\y and concluded he'd try it plants. He lived near a ti;t.ilroad bridge and he anx7th. Keep only a. few plants, too llJ< 1u iously \Hitched and waited foi· it to wai;h a"·ay, the window will make close crowding , pot~ feeling sure it tnust go aon1e t~ Every iainy should ne\'er be aet two 01 three deep on top of night he got up and paced the flo01 by r;pclls, c-ach otber. o.nd then took hi1:1 nu1b1ella anU went out to ~ee 8th. A un1fouu teinpcratui'C of GW tv 70° if the b11dgc w::i.s bcg1nn1ng tn JO ; hut it \Vas no in the day tune a.nd from '10 o to 45 in the go. A.t last he conch1de<l t11at 1f nn accident night, s11ould be s~e1i.d1ly n1aintained. '\ould i1ot happen of its O'Wll aeco1J, he would 1nake 011 e to 01 de:r , so he got up on a hlf;'h Uauk at the s1de of the track one afternoon and 1olled Hints to Young Housekeepers· n. l'1g rock down upon the ia1ls Lt wM JUst ,\few nun11tes hefm tJ the lightning Se.tnrday ~uggests to every cliscrim1nating l!:O.:pteSH '\ ILS due, cllHl tJnow1ng oft Ill!> coat and mmd its owh work- ,tQ prep~rc £01 the com1ng hat so ~\:s tu .ts excited as pos1:11blc 1 h,e day of 'r.he whole house should be u1 went forth to nltlct 1t. He paw it 'CQn\ing in the ordei, with enough cooking done to last th1ough daitance, so he t1ed M. 1ed cotton handkercluef to to Monday. , In mally fa1nilies the w~al'ing ap.~ ltoe-h.iudle and wa' cd it above hh; head 1n a. parel for the morrow is all ltud out 1eady to put ,, 1ld l\xuted 111.tnue1 as a. 8ignn.l of da11gt"J'. on 111.; the morning. '- Unless the family ts large, )3ut he p1 esented auch a singular a.pp~i:tilaJ.lCe ·the1e is uo pa1ticular need of doing that, but t.J1n.t tLc eng1nee1 thought lnm a crazy tnan es· the wife aup. rnother should know that evei:ycap1::cl hoin a ne1ghbor1ng luua.t1c asylum, and thing IB in weD.ring order. If she has not done i;iO p.ud uo h1Jetl. to him, and the train thundt'red her mending befo1e Saturday afternoon, she on should then look oven hoee, under-clothe~, J'hci c \VM :.\ sudden \Vhistle 0£ ~ " down skirts, &c., and see if all ught. If sh~ bi ake>i," a rapid reversing of tbe engine, then a does not, on Sabbath morning the good l!w,n' t~11il.tle 'l'he tiain v.;as wrecked; the will find h'is shirt buttonlesa (especially if washengineer and fi1·ema11 instantly killed; the coned with a. IDacb:ine and 'vrung with a lvringer) ; ductor and all the brakesme11 dangerously if John, a hole in hi.a footing; Fred on ti in bis i111t fu.tully""\~ounded; and abou~ tE;ll per cent of , Slove, and Sallie fretting ove1 boots i,v1th he1e tho piu:!sengers ho1·i1bly mangled. and there a space where a. button should lie Jones didn't get a for life on tho princi· found, &uch things should always bo attended pal ia1Ixonds of the oountcy, 'a nd a purse of to on Saturday afternoon, if the ~ new n1agazinc $10,000; but he got ten in the peniten- iemains unread anti the last pape1· unopentid, tia.iy for manalaughte1\ having been seen by a It is well (if Lhe worn.en ca.n) to spend Saturday neighbor \VheJL in th ti act of rolling the big rock evening i11 preparing the Sabbath school esson on the tiack \\hu.:h caused the 1·alamity. for the morrow, and reaihng , tho mind and _<\.nd no\\' he is learning to manufacture ishoes body are then better prepared for the duties of Ly the orig~nal procees, a.nd i~ of the opinion tho holy day, Do not, I pray you, desecra that ruilronds are a curb:e to th~ountry. the everung by hurrying uutil the ~lock strikestwelve, trying to finish a ne'v 1:1 uit to wear to church tho next day,jf you h~ve anything <le~ Mis-spent Evenings. cent to put on. Goel ha'::) : u ot placed us here to 'rl10 Loy 'vho speude an bourofcach even- hmry and fret to dl'ess these frail bodies' iu the 111g lo1tcr1ng oa sheet corne1s, '\'af!tes in the latest style If you are making a n e\V 1>uit i;oursc ot o. yrar tb1·ec hund1ed aud r;1xty· duriug the \VCck, get it nca1ly tlonc by S<\turclay fLVC l lCCJOUS bou1 .:;, whicb, lf apphed · to o.ftcrnoou, and ktJO\v that in order to finish it study, '\ ould fannha.rize sciences. If a.11 you lUUBt neglect other things much mo1e iin.Ldd1tJ011 lo wastuig au hour each C\.Clllng Le spent ten cents fo1 a c1gal', \vhich jg usu- portant1 and 1:1~w until your consvience bhL-; you t .illy the ca:Se, the amount thus \Yorse than stop- lay it by, out of sigbL, and let 1t ie& wasted \vouhl pay for ten of the leading peri- until a more convenient 1:1eaaou. , think a. odicals of thi:: couutry. Boys, tiunk of r11oment of the folly of vt <'Jrking yoursolI quite these tluugs. 'l'h1nk ho'v much p1ecious tilclc to fhush a sutt Saturday night, to 1i1:w time a!.ld good money )OU nrc wasting, and Swiday Jnoming to find it lainiug luw<l ! 01 fa>r ' ? 'fhe gratific!\t1011 qffofdcd by iitill worse, to 'vo1k 60 h,ttcl nnd neglect cvc1y. the loungei; on the corne1, or by the cigar, t11ing elati to obtain tho fleeth1g pleasn1e u[ is not only te1nporary, but positively hurt· wearing it to c11urch, feeling all day thed ;:md iul. You cannot indulge in these practices sick enough to b e in bed Next to tho folly oI 'vithout seriously injurjng yourselves. You worknig one's oelf to death to get rich, hi that acquire idle aut1 \\'usteful habits:, \vluch of working 1:10 hard to dress in f1l.':11nou. If \Y1 will cling to you through hfe , and gro\V upon you 'vith each succeeding year. -You must dre8s v;itli frills and ru.!lle8, puthi and 1nay, Jn after 111e, shake thetn ofl, but the flounces, let us theni ,tt t>Onte other tiine, pro\,abiht:e· a1e that the idle habits tbm ~~ud glve Sa.tur<lny evening to a bettc1 cn,nt:>C'. -· torn1ed in early life 'v1ll ren1ain "\\'1th you .1.1Ir1J S. B. Sawyci· lib Count.,-y Gentlernan. Lo you1 dying day Be warued then in tune, Ptekled Pcaoh~.-Oue half ga,llon of ~L.a1v and resolve thnt 1f the l1our spent h1 idlevinegar, 4 pounds suga.r, 1 O'.I., 't:innamon, 2 oi,. llCSS i:i gone forever, you 'vill unurove each passing one1 and thereby tit yomself !or cloves ; put the spice in a b.ig ; boil tho lilt~.· ture five minutes, then put in the peaches and usefulness and happiness. boil them five 1n111utes ; taktJ the1n out and put .A.u ltidian Cu uve1t '\'as rep111uau<lccl for in inore; put th3 peaches ln Jats, .1,nd pou1 the Laving too tnuch zeal. He iephed : '1 don't mixture over thou hot ; \Vh<.:u cold, covi.:1 · kuo'v about hu.ving too luuch zeal ; I think tight. Thii! donblu work of the liody und the b1.w.n fa bcyc.nd the c.ipabihties of any n1a.11 1 aud. wbeu 1 ga'\ic up the one and de\oted 1nyeelf entirely to mana6e1nent 1 I found n1y farn1 imp.rovi11g, iny w6rk all ltnd out before hand, 1ny tools all kept w orde1, and from that day I ha\e neve1 been behind .u1d havt'.! m ~c double the profits off 1ny fa.rm. ii 'Vhen a.skeU if he w 011ld ad v1se z you1ig ma.n iie\ er to t,1,.J.;c hold Ul the field Qperatio11, 'be anv swe1e<l 1nost deculeclly in th.e negati"c, but still. he said, never lay out to wo1k like & hired lil<lll. Picture }'rDJ.lles - a.11 sizes, Mouldings of eve;r_y style, Wall Paper-a s~lendid al'sortmeut now m stock, Jt1. large supply of beautifully nssorted \.Vmdow Shades, Children s CarriaH'cs. Concertinru;, BnlSbes, Combs, Looking Gla.ijgea, Music, l\.fagazines, Violins.Violin Bows, V1ohn liitrings.Paper Colhu11, Neek 'l'i~s,' School Book8, ))ay BpoJc ~, Bibles, Knives and Forks,Pocket Knives, Razot"B, Spo0na1 and SCissor.a. Cheapest Note Paper and Envelopes in the country All these, and a th'lusand other at ticles, a1e to bo found at the V ARIE1.'Y STORE. 'Ve are always glad to see friends, and think it no trouble to show Goods , and \Ve guarantee as guod value, at as ]ow 11ticea as any other house .in the trade. Parties wishing to telegraph their friends, may re1y on havmg tJ1eu bu~inei:s done n1un1ptly. Agent.s for Inman Lrne of Steamers, llind Imperia.l Building and Saving Society - - - - - - -- --------· · Daily Lin.e TO~ Bo)"mauvill~, March )':~~~PWLEES & QUICK. n~3 EOCHES'l'ER. The New Lake Steame1· ~-CHIT cOt OHAT. ~nd. ° \Vheu it co1ncs t o tLe busy <laJ s of ha.y111g and har' est, ubtaiu, if pos.<iible, full help cx.cln sivc of y0111solf, be on hand, and you crut pnt 1u yom own \Ve1ght in the w1;:ake~t part of <l chain of wo1 k. )!.,or instance, t" o te,l.!l1li .ue drawing hay to a barn You notice the second wagon couie home <lolld w<nt nt the door for tho £rst has not unloaded. 'J'h\! \ i;pot luw shown itself iu unlo1.1.<lu1g' l'ut in your a~:sist a.nee there, help to unload, so tbo.t the "lagons <lo not wait upon one another Or if the \i,.·ag· on goes out empty before the other is loaded in t\e field, tbt· iueu in the ba.rn will be idle whilst the 'vagon is coming from th o field, it may be tcn 1ninutes, Go to the field and help the pitchers If one wagon gets helnnd 11:nothe1 1 it is astorushlllg huw <liflicult il is tO "catch up 11 jn the wholo n1orning. By ben1g on hand to push LJ..long what haH fallen behind, you v.·ill 1n tho '"01 k done easily save au extr.., hanLl'a \vages ovci· a.nd o,.er again. '£lie 1'!awe applies throughuut tho year \Vhile \Ve ndvoca.te n1ore eupetvIBion and management with less'manua.11.abor on the part of "bosges i 1n Cai1o.da, \\O \Vould 1mpiess the absalute necessity of cloec and constant n.ttentlon upon the far1n When the general public los~ the uup1e:;a1on that the fa.imcr is little above the workmg man in l::!Omal position they will begin to turn their attention to the advantw.res may be gained for thoir sons by embMking thtiui iu tlie high and independent profession of Agriculture. but until tha.t llO\V ahnost universal opinion is by the farme1s Lhemselver; dispelled, pubhc belief l\'lll tihll h ,lJ. to th o se~ l'ilu d1 udgery of V.i far· mer'~ lifo. Oct. 1871. HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imedfate use, and nothing but the purest materials used, and req t1iring no further n,iixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. '£heir composition consists solely of ing Cobourg every 1norn1ng at 7:30. Po1t Hope at 9 o'clock fol' Rocbe!lter,connect1ng there with the New York Central, Northern Cent1al and :Erie Rail\\'lliY 1 for all pmuts Ea~t, South, ~ind South Wei;;t. on or about lat April uext cornmeucc WILL her 1egular dai1y trips, ice permitting.lcav· "NORSEMAN" RETURNIKG. Leaves Charlotte, Port of 1::.ocbe~ter, every evening at 9 o'clock, e."\Cept Sttturdays, \Vhen she leaves at 2 o'clock p.m., for Bdghtou direct. The steamer calls at ]31ighton, 1.ioudaya and Tbur,aday, a.t Colbo1ne eve1y day except VV cdneBday, a t Whitby, Oisha\\'~ Darlington and Newcastle Qn WeUnel:lday, ahould freight offer. Dealere iu stock will find this the chea;posl; and quickest t·oute to Alba.ny, ~(Jf,Jton, New Yoik, &c., &e. Addref.!s, Pu1·e Colo», P1wc White Lead, Purp White ZViw, Linseed Oil, Spirits of Tii1-pentine, &; I>rye1·s, ccarefully and scientifically combined The consumer can have any de· sired shade of color neatly put u1 in Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can be done by himself, 01· by any member of his housel/lold. Port Hop R. C. OAR1,E1i, Port Hope Ont ch l Sth, 1872 25-tf TIM.- "Good morning, Mike, shure and its early out, ye are. .Might I be bould to axil what started yees this morning." MIKE.-"Jist be aisey, Tiin, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, l was tould, yisterday, that Misther Gray, 1'V Tyrone, had got home an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, nvm; a.nd its meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the the chape goods. An<l shme enuf!; its the full store he haspiles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Si:venty-five Oints ; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy )'or a trffie less." TIM.- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mike; w;mldn't the man he afther breaking down." MIKE ....:..." dawn, is it. Shure he kuows a wurth two av that I'll jist tell you what it is, 'rim, if yon want to git a gtate name ")"hen "youre ded, and be called a fiilantroflzed, filosifer, and a publi(} binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours,and the rist av ma.nkinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the good &v you counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for onld . Ireland, when he b,i.ajshed all the toads anil snakes out av it that· ni ver was in it." TIM.- " I'!U much oblaged to ye, for the bit av- adYice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, . and may bee I'd miss sm:r'l.e bargaiIL 'ii. ' The top 'w the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gtay's. !Tim ·:Brady :Mike :Flynn] 1871. -· ~ · · ~ PURE WHITE LEAD, A large stock just received, for aut.. umn painting, imported direct from the English Manufacturers,including James' Genuine, and the C"elebrated .s. B. BRADSHA:W J. GI!Y, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. For the best and chea1lest C . E \V. Training a Heifer. t.Juwi> u:::;ualfy bcco1ue :..t.Ud1cted to kicking "\\hell heifers, f1om beu1g n1ilkcd by a-bmrive 1nilkcrs. I have never 1$Cen an old cow become tb kickc1 unless abused Inr,;tea.d 11f cow:,i bc.iug avel'se to beiug nulkell "\Vheu g1\'n1g ,t. huge qu.tntity, I Jrn,ve QV el fo1111d it tlie rcve1l:!e; \Vhen pastur~ge is good, .1..11<l cows conll.i home a.tn1gl1t :wtth uddel'8 tlfotendeU \Vith milk, our " dowu Ca8t 11 cowa sec in g1ateful to ha\ e it re· 1novell Milking ,tbe1fe1 fo1 tl1e fu-st time iur1ui1e~ patience, £01 they '\\ ill :ibnost invariably kick. In such a. case. put a. lnond strn:p n.ronud her ho<ly, JUst h·out of tile nddu1·. and buckle it 1.lP n1o<leratcl y t1gl1 t 1 11.nd a.':i soo11 as "he gt!ls qnit:t (fot she may d.w1ce a1 uuutl a little .~t finit) tak;e yo111 pail, sit dowu and go to ln1llnng, fo1 she rn ~i.s llel1)lei;~ M a kitten Do not attempt to u:.,e u. 1 ope hrntcuJ. of a sttap, for it \vill not <lJJ1'WQl, 'Pb1a i8 a 1n11ch bettel way than ty1Dg the leg1:1, &c , <b.~ it Uoes not hurt the a.-uima.l in the le."5t. A few .q1phcations of the st1ap with plenty of pal«;t u;c ~ul k1.1n(l1u;~~. will cn1 c the most obstulfl,te c :nw alI:lonii:. 1 ROOSTER BRAND, g namnteed piirc. ALSO would take this oppo1 tunit y of thanking h1s uumerotts friend s for the very hberal pa.trounge he has recehed. He fcelts ~atIBtied the.t l)Ut fill st,mdard colors, oils varnishes, and painters' materials. Ca.ll t1nd see· how cheap a house can be painted and decorated; for all these goods will besokl atRediiced LOW DRY GOODS ' CROC:KEitY, · figm·cs. 2000 Ga,llons of GROCJ:1~RIES, Superior Workmanship, lM.s g~1ncd fo1· lun1 i;uch a steady 1ncrea:5c uf busu1css- much larger than former years; and he tiusts that by M.A.CBIN:E OlL of different kinds. Threshers and all parties requiring such oil. are specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being fat· below anything ever offered m this market. & SHOES, and Clothing made to orcler in first-class style, go to · · · B.eal Cbrnit1una tnc the rese1nbl.1nui.: of Uhr1st ; and if '\' C lpve the ot1giua.~ we Rtmcdy for Bowel Corwplal1~{s. - Dr Hu.ll must also love the copy. says that 11 it ouglit to be e~ tent>i . . ely known ::\f1snnde1standing and 111utteutiu11 c1·catc Men quibbleu anu guancled alJout the thn,t ordiuary boiled rJcO',ea.ten with boiled inilk, 1nore Ull!:!U:nness ni the \Vo·lJ tbun deccp]ette1 ing ou the 'vooU 0£ the crotS8, 'vlule the is one of the best remedic~ known for any fo1 1n tton or artifice, 01, at le< ~st, theu coH:seblood of the Crucified rau u11scen to the f'...."lOUncl. It is i:;o still. r rho pluases ttnd of loose bowels. Its el:lleiency i~ increased jf it qnBntet:; are rnore llnivrrlSUl.-Goelhi;:. lorn1s of religlon are studied with more is b1owncd hke coffee n.ud then bo1led and e<dtin Oppo1 tun1t1eis ,uc runn1nf! ~ ..,cite e\ e.t,v.. critic...-tl eye than the life unll, \\'Ork of th'e 11ot of four hours, taking nu other food 'vhe1'c. hke the golden .frtL. o, t ile overSon of Goel Theologies Ile 'vntten. t,bove 01 liquid wha.te"ier, its ctu-ativo "\i1tue i:su1tcn. . hurdeueil orchctf'c~ They l.l' , r- t Cf)llfined the cnn1so11 st11.ins ; nnd the intellectunl look tsJ.fied if no nlllk ia tal..en with it, and tbl'l to parallels of latitude I. . d ·1nu1g after ±ails to apprehend the n1eaning of atone-. patient will keep qu1e.t in a warm bed; then it then1, we arP. pe1petualJy ~, u 0 a.v1ay nie11t, hcoome1;1 an allno.'lt 1nfn.lhble l t'tnedy.' f ro1n then1. it i> bette1· that a pot ·honlu boil uvcr thau not to boil at ull.' · 600 Cook, Pa.rlor, Ha.ll, a.nd Jlo:a:: Stoves, arriving, ;md now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of I strict attention io business GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE in the County of Durham. ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, he \~ill coutilllit: 1,u tci.:tl\C tl101r suppo1t S. B. BRADSHAW, All those Uu·.t rue UL a.nears n1u,,,t pay ~' especially the Hardwa1c account. S. B. n fki"nmnville,.Tnn. 10th. 1872. 1.fl ly. JOHN McLEOD, Wellington Buildings Bowrnnnville, Ang. 8th, 1871. Tyrone, NoY. 2nd, is71. TYRONE. -« _ ,

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