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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 20 Sep 1872, p. 4

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, . · _ ,_ · ff THE .MERCHANT, FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, 1872. I ' POETRY. The Usurer. A usuror, a vriucely fortune mat.le, Though not by frl\ud or even tricks of trade; But.-a.s lle vo\ved- bcca.nsc Heaven deigned to THE HOUSEHOLD. Catarrh. 0. BOUNSALL, I llfl'OR'l'lm, llfANUFAC'l'URER autl DEALER in a.U the va.l'ictiei:i of ' llARD 'l.,RTJE . NE . \TEl~THELESS I bless Hie honest toil null give him great sncccs ~ . Eager to sho\v the gratitude tba.t filled His swelling breaat, he now began to build .An aJ.mhouse, hop,illg that the Lord Thia piot1s undert3.killg .\\·oul<l i·e'\'11ir<l. ""hen all was l'eady, jn exultant 1nood, 'Vie'r"iug tho ~oodly pi1o the miser stood, Thinking ho,/ well the 'vork oI love ·woolrl pay 1 \Vheu a shrewd neighbor chaueccl to pas~ th :~t I rrhc best .,;urc _ i n tho world fo1· cata.r1ll is nccompJisheJ by doing two tbjugs-orily t\vo ; it will cure two cases 011t of tln:ee infallibly : lt'irst, let your nose n.lone; second, {liYoid ta.king cold. Catarrh ie u. cold settling in the hi?ad ,or nose ; a.nd as long as it re.mains there preserve1;1 the lungs from danger. If you snuffle any· thillg 'vhatev,e r up the noQo, in proportion as it arrests or diminishes the l·unniug from the. 1l08C, or eyc8, or throat, it is certain to show itiiolf in the lwigs within a fe,v days, and ovon in a ·few hour3, somctin1cs.- Ha.Zl's Jmirnal rif Ilcalth.. Italian & .American Marble. A la.rg1:: mid choice selection of always on band, of superior w.01·ki1ianship, a.nd 1 at lo\Yest prices. MQNUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, I SUMMER DRY GOODS AT ·cosT. 'l , ,.,.ay, · 'l'hc tuiscr, who tuost ;M:dently dcoil;cd 'l'o hear his statcl,r hospital admired, N O\V in a tono of triu1llpl1 asked his f rici1d If jt \\·ere la1:gc enough 1.o suit the eruJ. 11 \Vhy not," \Va:s the reply;" 'tis nobly planued 1 A \vclcome refuge for a numerous band; Jlnt if you mean it as a home for all ,V. ho1n you've Jna.<lc jJnor, the buildi11g'i; f1ll' too s1u~U ! " · 'lJ se of Fruit· 'respectfully r oquc f:>tcd ;:i,t the 'vorks, t Furniture Tops, Mantel PieceH, &c ! kept Qll hau~l, Cl" \\'!'ought to Qrdcr. A call is King Street, 13o·w1na.nviilc foi· cnclo1>i~ bni·ying lotf::. G1·oce,ries Ver;l/ (Jhea1p. I I - 1,.'roni the German . ,. Tn one of tho schools· in Co1·n,vall, l!~ngla.nJ, tho inspcctol· a'.sked the children if Lhey oouhJ r1uotc ainy text of ScrlpturL' which forbade :i,, nmu having t'vo \Vi~·ea. One of the 'cltlld1·cu · -aage]y quoted in reply the te:\'.t, ':No inau cm1 ~crve two tnaStcrs." ==== =::C:::::::::=======-==-==-=-=-= .' Ch" k · ...,:r.umb,'f? ·~· ':.1.0l' 10 ens, __., The Conne1·s {Incl.) 'l'hnes tolls of ai,t ol.<l l'/:\il in that county 'vho put a quietus upon ~ yonng n1a11 who chaffed _ hi1u about hil'l bH Id ~plittcr head, in these ' rords " POw11~ 1nau, 'vheu n~ y head gets as soft DI:! y~urs"f call ·r aise luhlL' k1 0 !5CJ1." .., .. Tbts GA.ROLE is the mo11t relia.blo and cmcactot11 vigor for future contingt:ncy. 'Let l)iirent.<J Remed; in all cases or Sore 'l'hroat, Hoarsenea-. Diptherll, Bronchitis, Il:rlt.ation or the Broucb1aJ teaCh their children to begin to t>l. Lve. Begin at 'l'ubea so commo.n fn this changeable cllmnt~ the fountah1~hoad to contrOI tJ1c sti~cu.1n of cx- Asthma, Oifeudve Brcatb 1 tlleetatcd Gums. and Bil dil!etliSef! of the Mouth. I~or PulJllc Speaker"' t!avagancc, &nd then the 'lo k ,./ill be OW:iY to and 8ingera it is invaluablo. 'l'he ini;re-llcntll en· ~rlDg into this Garglo aro ueed by all PhyBtcl.8~ choose bcitwcc11 poverty an-;J, . ·ches. Let ou1· .., &nd for U10 caro of tl.rn ubovo d1derdera are now, the little darkey heatl forc-tnost. youth go in the 'vay of cxt'ru.vagance for fifteen nndoabtedly, tho most pop111ar in tho Jlat~rta Ncdtca 1 Prlce 25 cents. A 1m.inter wm:i euiploycd in painting ;i, '\Vest past, and \Ve ishu,ll ])~vc' 8. nation of Lep¥ lndimnan i11 the 'l'ha1.0es 1 on a stage suspended gars, \Vith a monied ar3fl,tocrooy. 'Let a geuunder her stern. The captain 'vho hall just i;ot cra'.tion of such as sa1,·e f:l.mall ~ Suu1s be i·1::are<l. De not Le into the boat alongside to go ashore, orderod and 've shall be fre~ front 'v:.:.nt. tbc cabin boy to lot go the paint.el' {the rope . :tmbitious for extrava.ganL fo1·tuncs, but seek that held the bont), rrhc boy instantly \\"CUt tha.t which ie the d1~ty. Of cvei:y inan to obbaina.ft and.let go the rope by ·w hich the piuntcrs' indcp(lntle1~c~· <lfld 'n. ~frofo1·tal~lc fmne . ,V.earlth stage w1LS bel<l. The cajltaiu, ang ry at the boy's is sufficient, a~n1dan90 is ,~·itl1llJ the _i· of <lola.y, cr~e<l out, ·· ConfCmuJ you ·ror 3. lazy n.11.. It caii only be h&i<l by one p1'0ecss.-,5cH'· tlog ! why J.0111t you let goo the painter?" "He's i·1-.r1 .' ·- '11. J." Jifech(J;nf.,c, :;one Sir," replied thl'l boy 1 ' 1 pot.~ u'ij.(l o.U." {,1) " \Vby dufs tbc opern.tiou of hruiginb kill 11 111a.I.L ? 1' a.~ked a ineJ.ica.l professo1· of h.i!i clat;il!. "' Because," revlictl one of t11c fltudcnt ti, "inRpiratiou fa checked, cii"C:ulatiou .is stoppocl, and the blood sutrUse:s and 0ont;osts the brain." The.. Art of Making Money. ' "'Fudge ! " s~icl another; 'J it's simply hecnuao One g"t-ca.t ca.use of tlJe poverty of t h eJJresent the rope h:n't loug enough to let hi.~ feet touch dny, \.s th~ faiiure of many people t:J a.ppreciate t)le grolllld," Sill aJl thi11g8 , ~ ~ ·"Susan, 1-$truld \ll> and let n1e seo what yon ·They say-if they can not :;ave large sums have lea.1·ned. What does c-h·nri-r spell !" "I they will J?O~ f:lave anything. They do not realdon't kno'v marnt." "'\Vhy, you ignorant ize how a d~ily addition, be :it ever so BiiLall, crittel' ! \\"hat do you always sit on~" " Oh, will n1ake a large pile. · lf the yo\-t1.1g men a.nd nu.rm, I don't like to tell," " 'V.hat' on airth Won1en of .:to~du.y ,vill only begiu, and btigin fa the nuitter with the gal, tell us \vhat it is ?'1 now, to save a little fro1n \their enrnings, and "I don't like to tell-it was Ilill Gross's kneos1 invest it in Bome... :?tiNjngs Pf-nk, ~nd ":~kly. or Uut he never kissed n1e but twice !" ·· .A.irth. quakes and ;i,pplc Sllil'Ct' F' exolµi1ned thi.: s1.:hooJ. 1nontJtly add to th~ir mito: l thcy .. wiU'\ wca.r ,.a happy !Slnile ·of content and lndependillicc 1v1ten mi:itre1:1s a.s she fainted , they l·coch middle iife. N<Ot ouly th.e pile ,vill H Mass 'l'o1u ! ~!ass ·rom ! Oh 1 ~M~ Tou\ ! ino1·, put the ability a.rkr desire to increase howso I gwaine to get down dis hvJdet ~" it '\vill soon grcnv. .Let t · c clerks and tratl c~ 1 · Cou1c down the 'vay a!!l you went 11p 1 ~an~ tho h?ot-et a1{d ~·~is: ~ , iuake no1v i l be· ybu blockhead!" replied the 1nm~tcr runuiui; up gnuung. ; Storo up some f your force and sec ·what was tl~c· matter. \Y c think as·~ general ru,lc, fruits Ul'e be;'jt October, l st, 186V. . 1-tI [ . Goocl Cooking Raisius only 5 (;ents " pOllnd, and sliU cheaper ·· l:Jyv ") adapte<l to people \\'ho i-cside \vhere tlley grow·. box. The belt of country in ,vhich tho cherry, straw--o-berry and apple flouri:1h, js the one in' which they should chiefly be eaten. The coun-· Cotton and Woolen Goods are advancing, but yo u can them at. try of the grape, peach, apricot and plum ia t he liott's for a short time, at the old prices. 'Now iR the ti:iµc to sccure-w"hat one \Vher.e these producta ah.ould be 1U1ed. So · oranges, pine apples "anrl ba.nanM rari:ly ~t Solo' PrcmrletOrB and 1'lanuta.Ctnrcre of the Cele~ you l\Oed. bra.ted Vlctorla Carbolic rreptuatlon!. L&bora· to eat as fa.r north as Richmond, Va., as they tory and Works Victorl!J. lle.U, Melinda. Streot. ' · b must be picked bcforci they a.1:'c r ipe and ti~ns- Toron~ Orit. IJ'hefollo'flngOennlno Prevnratlon> areaold ~ ULOTl:HNG.- GeuUcmen iu want of n b"OOd titting 8uit shoulil ·call pot'ted to thefr pla.oo of co1U:1tuupt.ion. .A nd &U Druggists. lJo sure ond o.&k for the VtoroBI.&. · _ea.rly at Elhotts Fashiona.blc 'ra~_9fing Eta,blishraent.. they become wilted by hoot and 8We~tiug, and Pl!ll·A!""I"°".. ··d seo that you get th<llll. often bccome'p,artially d ecayed 01· ~uurcd before they are eaten. Fruits ifproperlyca1111cd.:ould S<Lti8f:wtio11 gu\}ranteed in J reaoOHitble cw;eo. . . be cru:ried as fe.r nol'th or aollth, a.1ld read1 the eater iu a ftcsh n.1\d norn:ml condition. Pears, . HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. it is claimed. aro no~vhere' bCttc1· in .A.1uerica. 'l'btB JELt.t ls bl;::i:hly iccommendetl to Ladles as a bp-o23-m54. than in thc1vicinity of Boston. In · Californfo,· tn03t a~ecllble 1>rcparat10n tor tho Toilet. For _!!ampton, Aug. ~ml, 1871. Beantifyin" the Complexion and rcndorina: the ;they grow to 1.lC vory large, but, it is said, lack Skin Soff,0 W.hite, Clear, nucl free fr~m Dr;vnc·ss, lt ls ~ivaued. It will quickl:v removo a t lU.cdnc~B, tho fine ftavo1· of oastel'n :fruit. Nc'v Engl.anti i;Ron2bneae 'Tau, J!'rcckleE', Pimples, nnd other imu.ndNortl1c)'l1 now York applt:~ 6no1· tbu.1?- perteetion.J. For Chapped Ilo.mls1 Chilblain&, Frost Bites' ·and ; S:>ro thcy arc inithe ~u\h·\Vest,; uot so large, but ~~ Price 2ti cent s. L1p::i, it .caunoi bo stir pas.arm. I finct· tcxtu1-e antl richer fhn1 oi-. 'l'hc lthode ~ · Isltind gre~ll aPplc ill new ;Englan~l ,~·ill keep ujcc]y ~ix inonths 'fl'Q~l tlio tilnc 'of pickil:)g, In - · .t.ho f:!Outh and 1\·~st lhc same ·Vad~tY growH lar · gcr, Lut do.cs not.keep n~arly so l u11i;.- of Hearth. · · .. 't'lie I Ek, .. , ' T · Men1 and Boys Suits, .' J l l G~eat Variety AT THE I MU:RJ~)00H 1 - BROS ,,1 Spring Stock ·Of Dry Goods Is now 'complete with all the noveltieHof the season. CORNER . ' ' , 'I Millinery Goods, Dress Goods, F. Y. COW1E. Parasols, Kid Gloves, etc. Also 1~ Jargc stock of ., ·~· ...~.,&r,¥-N·Yt · ~' I 1 · I "De aan1c Way as I c.an1C up, _ Af<l.:)s T'om ?" 11 Yes, confound yon! :~nd tlon't bot:hur luc a.ny more." · ;· 'Yclli if I n1ust, l must! n and clown came Simplicity ·i n Consti·action, Euse 11/: operatio~n, ReiYec~ion ff! Stitcli, ,alike nn bot :;ides, owing to peifect teusion on 1ppm· anrt · lower Thread. JUV Gr/ OP, WORK :- l\pm Gau?.' Lo Beaver Cloth. DURBJLI'I'Y:- Will last a lifo!time. , , POIN'l'S OF StJ'PE.arv.1.u,m,f'RIZ;t.·f ~~~~"' · . ! r .J. "<' UJ£< l Gentle1nens Furnishing Goods, rrweeds, Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Shirts Ties aucl Collars, etc. Bowmam'ille, May 7th. 187~ 1 Iy Eq~ally a.da.pted to :ra.mily Work, Dress a:nd ·ShirtMakirig; Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. 'Garriii;ge '.l';;&cc 1 MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS · urvEN~ 'EVERY MACHINE · 'wA· RIW\N-Tll>.:' 1, Yellowlees &.· Quick~ We have uJso on haml WANZER' i:iLETTEJ~ A, .ABBOT1"S, AND J!AJlO'LilY 8J!!WJN(I MA UHJNE "The Wrong Shmel!." A. high omcer of tho Sun ~ of Te1nper&.ncc pre· Useful Words i.bout Scarlet F~ver. ,. ' 'l'h.c follo\)'i..ilg a(1Vice °(:omea t.o U!l fronL L~ isucccssful .phyi:.iciau, i·ogardiug the . best nitlt}wll :;entin~ 11hn1:1elf with. tl1c Htnell of i;,:Tog he 11ad of .e.\·oirling contagion in scarlet' fever: bctn drinkingJ a.t the door of a, "Dh·j1;ion " fol' 1 . . on tl1e firnt appca:ra.nce of the- d isease the adtui8siun, was \vn.itcd upon by ah Jri~h :iCll· pa.tieut ,al1on ld µe .1)lttCfd in a. se~1:ira tc a1:~i.rtlinel, to who.In ho, gaNc tho·· woril, . whll!l 1nent, a.':t nca,1' the top of tbo hoti8fj , <'t.~ noS::nbJo, .. ~ 'l'bil!l PnEP.L'RATIO~ is 11ncqu11.l1Cld iu ita rapidity fbrBhD.rpen1ng and Pollsbi~ Cutlery. Tabl~ and the following paaso!l: frolll " 'bieh curtu.ins, co.~cts; b~J. h9i.ngin~s,a.µ_d Pocket-Knives.,Razors 1 Surgical Instruments,Shoo"Sir," said h tJ , "a.nd'yu arc .'.\liste1· 0',Vriglit, other n eedleas.articles.of furn.itu,rc shoulcl bo rcm&kers' Knives, Plane Bits ond Obie.els, &c. Noththe G-raud Worthy P.n.tria.\'Cb of the Statti r,f n:to\·ed, and no pel08on except the ne.jicnl a.tten· " Ing hae ever been d\eeoverccl which bu ep~g Intl> popularity niore qulckJf or become of so Khaintucky, I <lo b e after bela,·in." daut aqd the Ulll'Se and_ mothe1· ,J)(;J'lnitl<:d to much Talue in every honsebolb. "nd workBhOp for "Yer;," said Jhu, you n.i-e perfectly ' r ight 1ny ent<.-r tliu .r901n. . '*·, ' . . ren'C'l'al nscrulnes&.. l'rico ~scents, friend, but why do you ask th e <Jticstion ~ ,, 2. r A ba&n contn.i.illng <t solutioJt of chhn·1Llc u ~L'o tcJl ye the thruth, theu., aiJ.·, a.nd s]umic· of or~ca.l'bolic acid ' sJto~l<l be placed near the <lcevil," said P:it, "ye do be luivin~ the tho bed for the nat'ient to spit iJJ... right pasa·,vord for a Son of 'l'cnn:_'.)erauce, en- ' :'J. IIm1dkerchlofs not to be ui5cd, but pieu1::~ TO tirely; but by tho Holy " Virgin aJHl the blessed o~ raa" enlP1o:Yed ,i~teu.d, fqr wirUJ·g ~h~ nose. S<1-int. P:tLhedck ye'vc ~ot the wrv11g , !>hn1C1l ! 11 ai .1cl 1uOuth of the patient; pieoo, aftur b ·eiug llf:ied, t!houJd be imn1c<liat~ly hurnc<l. A So.ft-toned Bell. 4. A pientiful supply qf '\'a~er : and to \\\~b , The New Lake Steamer ~hot~ld be kept for the ui;~ ·of Lhc iuu·:.i~. 'rhoeie Rev . .Azel .Backgs, D. U ,, wal!I t~ ;;radn:ilc of hands uf neic~flbity will be soiled by tho 8BcroYafo, and Ueca:mc President of Hamilton Coltiorus of the patient. Iu one hand basin the lege. It v,ras in the good oltl when they ·water ~hould be hnpregnated 'vith Coucly's fluid ha<l prayets ancl recitations before b1:eakfa rt, · oi· chlJdUei:!, by 'vbich tho taint on t}li.: hand ao that early rising- 'Vas in order, Tlw ch;i1.pd ma.y be re1110'\·cd at ~mel';. b(·U '\'.aa n1oderat c in size and feelJle iu lJ.tter5. Ont:aide the aool' of the sick l 'UOUJ. a :)hcet ancc1 auJ. it· became a sk1.u<lil1g- cxct·,se fc.r · should be ~usl!J~ndcd so as fu cov1;:1· the eutirc 11 "sleeping over;" "I didn't ltcn.e tile bcJJ ! At· on 01· a.bout l11t"Ap1·H11ext commenec do'Orw~y ; this ahoukl bOkept constantly 'vet W JLJ~ her rer·ular daily trips, ice pemtltti..i1g,leav· ]a~t 011c moruiug tbc P1·e~idcut himSc1f wag v.·ith a- irolution of liJne. Thc cffeot.of thi1:1 '~ill iu" Cobo11r~ every n1orning a.t 7 :~O. Port E;ope late at 1norning p1·ayers, antl · 38 he opeuod the 0 0 he to keep ~vory Other pal't of tho bouso free .at U o'clock for I{ochestcr,connecting there with Blble to com1nence the service, he delig41.;ed the the Ne\\' York Central,... N o.r thern Central- ri.nd fron1 i:nfi::ction. boytj by enclorsiug their own threadbare cxcnse: 1~1·ie Raihvn.y, for all points East, South, and Li, frbe d.isclu\.l'ges of t11c bo:wd~ a.n d kidnE!J'S South Weet, "The fact i.s 1 youug gentleinen, I did·JJ.'t hear · of the ' patient should b,e r~ceivc~ into \\'.cs.~.cls RETURNING. the bell. And H~ wonder, for sca.tCl~]Y inalrcs chat'gOd with disinfectant.q, such-M tlw ~o1ut1on T .. e~vcs Charlotte, Port of Roch~ater, every roOre noise thun would the i;ihal~ing q'f n. fur cap of carbolic acid or chl oride of lime, .-..ud imme- e\·en~1g a.t U o·dock , excl'pt Sn.turda.ys.. wh~n with a ~hcc p'K for a clapper." diately remo'vCd. .Bj these inean$ the poi~11 she le;-i,~·ea ~t 2 o'clock p.m., for Br~qhtou direct. r..rhe tit.ea1uer calls at Brighton, ~Iondays ~u d thrown off fron~ intruu.l surfaces may rt.:n- "'J1hursdtiy, nt Colborn~ every day except Vt· cd· Shoost so Long as It Vas. dered ine11; 1' h nd,dep.i;ivccl. of the·po'vc1· of . pro· nesday, . ~t 'Vhitby, O::Jhu.v;n., Darlington ~ud Newcaatle on Wednesday. shoul<l Ii-eight offer. . A. Chiuai:,-'V-correspondent sc~s 'thfJ following~ }la.gath>R' th~t. JiseaaC. " \ Dea.le:rs in stock will find thhi the chcat>cst and Th~ foregding <lir:ictions \Yill apply to ~11 quickest A.t a.1·&.,'CUttrial before JustIJ:c? Dougharty it route to Albany, Jloston, New York, was thought ..i1npp~1~£jr~risi;, . determine kinds ;of fcvc:r, s1nnll·pox, ancl other contagious &c., &c. i\dd1·esl'l, · 1 . It.C. CA-llr.fER, discu,~eB. · the length of time ceytain ~ 2 qua\ · df I>tef, Port Hope Ont 2 hogs and 1sheep 0 --tc:lll:&ino<i". .i ru1· fff:i:_ss ch 18th, 1872 25-tf. Port.Hop wngon in front of pla.intilf's stbrc bef6re they Hints for Young Mothers. were taken awo.y by defc"ndant. The witness uu<ler examination \Ya'i a. Getjnah,..lf!J.oae kn01i".·· The three req'Uisite.s for babies ~ne plenty of ledge of the Engli;'h ,ll'llJ!llJI!!· wa" vef'/ limifi><I; sleep, plerity of f~c.1 1 plenty ,. Of :Rali.nel. 'rho but he testified l,n &hry:pla.ilt, straightfotw:ild saying that man ia a bundle of habits is true of wa.y to havillg'_~'tet·\Vlir(j ·cani~d it out niHl put babiea as it is of grown cl1ildreu. · If an infant it into the~ afoF-e&aid ·wago ·. .i.. i..-J. nceu!:ltomed fron1 " . its · birth to sleop f1·onl (i . 'fhen the~iollowmg ~nsu®. ,.,... o'elo~ at night till daylight, tho habit of Caa.~l:y C:oum~cl.-.~ Stiie t?ttte:j'iryj !dW-_tort!f it wa!\ . sleep will be formed, and.the mother may have a.fter you·took t~e inoat ft_oin tllC:--":6tore aud put all th'c evenings to herSclf.' If '"tlte baby sleeps it into the wa:go:u boforg i~·;,;as .t-D'keii away. ·t all n.ipht, a. long morning, nap \vill natni·ally Witnc.<~-" Now I ·liOo.t C·t><l a·n dat. I come a.bout dinnei· tiID.c. : aftef '\·hicl1 the child, · ilinks 'bout dwclve feet. no-'~ 8ay ncRrcr as ex~e]lt \\'hen very young, !:!hould be ~ kept awu\.:e <lat, 11 · till 6 o~cloek, "Perseverance in this roµtine 'vill Co1tn"1Scl.-You don't . undeJ,stautl 1nc. How -soon result in ·securing quiet e'·e.nings for hoth lon!J wu11 it fro~ ...the time ltbc meat left the child' a,nd parent. Suruti roothets. have a long ato1·c, and 'va.s put -'into tb.e ,.,-agon, before it i;eason every mqrning and ev~l-Y, night. in get· 'vould tu.kc t his opportunity of tbn.llkil1g ·his ·was ta.ken away b-y defendant? " ting their baby aaleep. They rock them and uurncrous fl'icndr:i for the very libcra.l patronage lic feel~ i;a.t.hific<l tha.l noth· 1Vil1i~11s. - " Now I lmolv n6t 'vhat you i~k .Bing to t hem..till Morvlre1U:J enfold.a them. :\\fit~, ll.c has rec~h·cd. iug bnL pst cbildrcn thi~ i~ -cntircly1uu1coe!isary .. ...'\.u dat Ior, De1· · 1i.go11 }!e vaa 'Back;;. up 0Jn(t d01· sidevalk, aru7, dat's shooet a1 long a& ,it va.1. ·~{olt . infant can bo accutsto1ned by a. fow da.y':s tn~in tell me h ov; long: deu sidcvalk: vas. Den feet? ing t.o go to sleep itself for a. - morning nap a,~ Dn.-clvc feet? Den I tells you flow long it vai:o." \\' ell at'! for the longer i-eot at ujght. J\. 1n other Cow ~'IScl-" I don1 t 'Ynnt to :6nd out 110\v lOug ha~ dntlea to .]u:fs~lf ~ wull a~ to hcf offllpiiing. the sidewalk wai:o, but I wa~t to know " ' (speak¥ 'VIUlc slic shau.ld excrci1:1e :.i. constant care iu ~ ing very ~10,vly) " hcnu- long-thia- mcat- was 8ec'uring its utm'ost phyf:lico.l conrfort. M h 0 $hunl<l --in- the- ,va.gon- bcforc- ·it-- w&.<; - taken ....:. secure- i·cst and rec1-eation for herself. In .t'o awa.yr' other V'l'rJ.Y cantehe keep 1· f1'CB11 . iii feeling !u1d·u Oh! da~ ! \Vcl1 1 110,~-. I not l'Jold bnQY:&ttt in api~t. , Nothing is so wcu-ring. ai;t;Jw ·r und :u1y mea.t so . I all thuc 11: eigh hiln; never unce.aaing tentling of ·~ fretful baby.· l!:very 'should he employed to aid the .,;hild jn measured meat, llot yet. ]Jut I dinks 'bout dree feet)' (Herc the spGctators and his hon- to.king ca.r~ of Fjs f ~cl giv~g aa Jittlc t roublcor and the jury smiled a.1lclibly .) " I knO\\" not, <I..':! posaiblc.. It ma.y ]e!l.rn in babyhood to an1hse ~hontlemeus, how ia dis. · I dell you all I cau itself with toys 01~ Ly \Vatcbiug movements going on arollnd it. 1!'0$bion as '"ell as good r:cn oo ;;o good a!S I kno'v. " · requires hllainta' ili'Cl!SOS ~o bo ma<Jn with long Coun~cl--" Look here, I ,\·ant f,o. kno,.,.- lww long 1'.t '?tali bcfoi·c the mc'a.t 'vas tnkeu a\\l~Y af¥ sleevcis and high in the neck. }1\uiliiou .x_cqu~1·e8 children uf ~~u v,gcs to bo '"~"'-l'JUly clu.d. :1,lan· tor it '\'ar; put in tJ1e \Vaf:'Oll ? 1' lVitncss- (looking vC1·y knl'..l\vin:;ly at cOUJJ:ieJ) nel ~honld iuc"~c the 'vhulo body '\'ith tl10 c.."{· has g:;:~iiu:d for him ,; uch a. st eady in(;rea~o of 11 No,v you try and tret me in a. scrape. Dat ception of the head and hands.. Tho .f ruitful bu:;iuo~- much ]~rgcr th:~n former years; and C..1ill80 colic in infuntt1 .fa tho 'Jlakcdu.ct:is of meat 1.'(1.:1 skoo8t BO long in dt1'1J(([!O?ba.~ he ·uts ·in lHi truat s tluit by dcr slio11. Da.t·s· 1.1J.l J tol~l you. J)a. t iucat vas th~ir neck~ au cl r11nw · . ~, lteg u111rity in feeding je dead meat. He don't' gut~ UH11;1.i lon~er in don ar:i in1port.ant us citlu~i· of tf10 otbcl' roquh:itee. )3'-"bics cry as often frolll being OVC'rfccl O)' fed dousan,1 year, 'not mooch.,,.;.;_ too ft-eqrielltly &<1 f1vm huugcr. Let the 111.othCouuad- 16 l'ha.t'will <lei. 11 er obey the dictateBof conui:10u flensc · in thifl Lo mn.ttcr .ind not forceJOOd into a ·b'aby'!:i Bto1nw.J)i for Qvery little complaint it .1naJrcs. Childi-en !11 rou1 England wa.brtve the _ltews of ~t of thrac and four years old n C ed much inore lea't & partial failure of the potato crop in sleep than they usually h ave. l!'or in~tablc ht~ will c.011tin11 ~ Lo recei ve tht'lir $upport. that oon11try u.µd in Irelnntl, a.uU.·~ave ~ears and nervous childrc.i1 sleep ia ·a spc~,i ~c, and it of a still tnore general o.nd s:'·ecp1ug. disaster th nl; may involve the cnt1re crop 111 both can be secured to them on1Y by fo1ce of habit . Many light forms ·of may be cur ed }J.'f countries. keeping a. child jn n. nnifo1·m ' ten1v~raturc nnd Many of the London hotel& are gradually in quiet. Let the young mothe;rH who rea<l this, introclucinn A.n1ericnn ideas, arrnng~ment.s experiment on these fe\V suggcstionH, a11d \Ve All U1nr.o th at :i..rc in arrcarf3 lll 1if<t p:ty 11p, c:~· and custo~~. T110 Langham 110.s dispensed are sure they \\·ill h many :i..n . lionr in th e peci:illy· the Ha.rd ware :1ecou11t. S. B. ]:; . wiUt hnr·Jnni.d~, anll l1ns n.n officr. with r.lrrk Tio\Vtnnnvill t-,·TAn. lOth, J87~. H:i lr· nnr!'t'l'J' fot r cruling n.nd t lmngh t. Our Stock of G01)eml Goods is lar«e, cmbmcin0n· all tlie · ~<iveltlcs of the 0 · · ' ·rby, a11tl all the necessaries as we11 .. l:'ioturc l!'n1.1lic$ - all l:lizes Mm..1ldings of cvc1 x i,i tylt!, \V:;i.11 Pa1>er- ti a:plcudid astiOrLir:i.eut llO\VJn atook, A 11:,'rgo supply ~f be~utifully ~sorted Wi..i1.dow S~aqes, C!lll.dren'p Ca.rr.i.~es~. C~n~ntl~~ Bruahe!S, Oon1b61 Look1ns- Glu.'3808 1 Mut1ic 1\.fagaz1n~ 1 V1olins,,;1dhuJ39ws, V101inl:Strings ~P8.per Collars, N eek 'r~es, School Bookt1, Day D~oka 1 Diblct1J J{q,ivei;i ::i.nd Forklf,l-'11cket Knives; J{~oni, Spoons, and Sci.ssm·s . Cheapest Note Paper and ·~~1Jvclop·es in tha~couu,try. All th~.: ~~- a th;'Juan.nd other articles, arc t9 be.found at the VAJlJJ:,' 1L 1 ~Y S1 10llE. · \Ve are alway~ gin.~ to.8ee .S goorl value, at Q1! Jn"' pr1ce8 fi'londa, and think it 110 trOllble to sho\v Goods; ~~1ul w ;;uara.utcc H as any othe1· house in the trade, l'articH wjshing to t elegraph their friends, may .n:J y l·!1 l.u~viug thoir. l)u~.iu e;.is ~ ll0110 promptly. .Agents fnx I11n1H.u. Line of S tcn,mcrs, uud Inq)~1·ial J.hukl111;; :.w.ul Sa;v1ng 8oClety. , =====.o.===:::::::==="='==========;=====~ --== Daily Line . Bowumnvilk, l\iarc h 7th, 1872. YELLOWLEES & QUl@K. SABBATH SCJl00L LIBRARIES AND :Et 0 CII ES 'I' :m· :a,. =--= = ===== cOL 1123 CHIT . ! Tim. :Sr~dy a.nd M~e :li'lynn] REWARDS. · - -:o:- Oct. 1871. TIM.- 1871. Might I · We have just. openetl oue uf the "NORSEMAN" 1 it "Good morpmg, Mike, shure >me! its oady out, ye are, be hmld to axe ,;, hat started yees this morning." MIKE.-" Jist be itisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiftY, Ye see, I w·as . . tould, yi.sterday, thttt Misther Qray, ;w Tyrone, had go~ ho'!le an illigant new stpck av Good~, ohape ~s durt'.ma.n; ancl·r.ts rneself could lmrdly slape a wn)k, all .r.ught, thmkmg, av the tlie chape goods. And shmc enufl: its .the full stol'e " 1ie ' bas..._ piles :tnd piles tev the 11atest patterns; and he'd '§crive ye the makins a,v an illigant new gown for Bicldy, for 'iventy-five · Cints; Tay for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle:-lc~s." TIM.- ".a_n shure its fu11ning me ye are, Mike; woulcl1\.'t the 1man he afther ·breaking down." . MIKE.-" Breakin~ d.~wn, is it. Shure .h?. kno:vs a. tprick Wl!.r:tli t;v.? ~v · tlrnt. I 11 J1St tell you what it is, Tim, rf ·y~u . -..van.If ffit ' a · grate name when youre ded, itnd be called a fiilantr fized,Jifos. ifer and a public binifacthor, jist tell all yonre-n'a bours,itid\the rist' av m:mkinn, about Gray's chape store, and 'you'll d<i' more for the good av you counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ou~d· Ireland when he banished, all tl1e toads and snakes out av rt that ni~er was in it." · !fIM.- . " I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and ,won't detain ye; there'll shurely be " grate run, and mayl;iec 1'4_ .f!lil;S some bargairLg. The top av the rµorning: to ye."-Fm · Gray's. J.,.ARGEST AND BEST SELEUTED STOCK Ol" · '10-· · Sabbatb.Sebool Libr.a ries and Re\vards ever offered, for safo in l3owmmiville. Parties wishing' to replenisli their· chool Libmries, or to purchase lk . · . ·wards, \\ill please t t 'remember two things : :.First, Oui Stock of School Book;; is no old 8tufl: picked up u.t Auct.ioJJ Sales, ~or. ha.s it been our Shelyes for years. ""' We ha,ve sold out and refilllhl Cl_Ul';J!~&h,· half-a-dozen t )mes during the P"st year, a11d luwc now puriiilia~d so. largc\y, that we have not rnom to exhibit thern. . Plcnm COil\O and talfo away. · . :Second,.Wo1.t;n< e 11ot nia1'.Jrnd our bocirn at high figures, with the view of.taki~g Qff A , large discount. 'l'hey are mt111:ked lo'w for general sale, and a di8count,of!Elf I'J!;Jt. CENT. will be allowed OtJ. purchases ranging from ·s'.l.:to S5C'I..; over that amount FJF'l'EEN PER CEN'l'. will be aUowed. We ~eapectfuHy invite an inspection of our on po them S, B. BRADSHAW Je · GB!Y, Tyroae. oted for 'chea Il Goocls. · el~eaJlest Pocket .Broks, . Albu~s, EXl:~NSl'\/S ,AND VARIED STOCK O,F 'Writing· Desks, .' " ' For the best .and ,, LOW PliiICES . DRY GOODS. .,·', & s:HOES " ,· Ladies' Com11auions, Blotters, Inkstands, Note Paper, · . Envelopes, . &c., GROCERIES, CROCKERY, W. 'ttemembet. tl1e St.ore, next to the West Durham Steam l 'rinting wd Publishing House, 1\:ing Skeet, Bowmanvillc. Super-ioi;' C. BARKER liIANlGEB,. BOOTS . - . ·TO ' PUBLIC or 'and Clothing rnacfo to urrle1" in first-class style, go to l ~ . WALTER 1 strict a.t lentiun business J. ·ELLIOT'S Tyrone, Nov. 2nd, 1871. Cheap Sto1·e, · ,. N;~ re.tlimi.og t.n~s ,to :their~numvroue Cu1:1tomors, and the P ublic ge111:1rallv, f0rpa ~ t favo1·~ Wt'.tul'4 resped.£Ully U.vite their attention to our proAentstock of Furniturc,··u.., we l1v,.yci l<.t.tcly added thereto, that we may thereby be cna.blE!d to i;upply aU puties who Ilia.y plm1i>t: 1 Lo fa.vor hi ~ith 4 eall.: - G're~t inducements held out to tho~c pur'Cafiliiug at our Estn.bli!!ihment. Pictut'Ca, L~kh:~g , Gla.8l!et1, &c., .£ra.roed to otder, aud in every style. Samples of th@ di:ffereut kii1<l of .!-!ould..i.Dgs.catr1'e 'de°en at the "re 'vould aJeo beg to inform you, that 1 havi11g pul'· chaeed a. I . & SON, · SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, "-"ti S. B. BRADSHAW. aball be ready at all timeR, to attend l'un<'!rals, on s.hort notice, and r eai:iol1able tcrlJH!, N. B, Coffins kept on hand, p,nd made to order, at the NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNFJ.URB lVARE-IWO.M Osli:Awa, A"i· 2r;th, KlncBtreet OshJtWa. is?n. nn1 l rr.d·cnatf'll he1l hoy~.

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