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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 27 Sep 1872, p. 4

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1S72. - ================::>::== "At Evening Time, there shall be Light·" liright wcte the beams of .morning, Bearing t110 joys of yout1i; POETRY. THE HOUSEHOLD. c: DE .t\."L~l{ BOUNSALL, What Folks are Made of. (In 1foore1s Rural New Y 01·ker.) The uun1be1· of bones in a. human body is gen· cr11lly cstima~ed at 245, of which ther e aro reek· oned in the skull 1 head and face, 61 ; in the trunk, 64 ; and in the arms and hands, 60 ; and in the l·,B"l and feet 60. The weight of the skeleton i s abo11t one-tenth the \Veigl1t of the whole body. Bone, when used as a l ever i$ 22 times ~ Atrong af:! sandstone, 3:! thuca as strong as lead 1 nearly 2~ timcs ~as strong aa Eln1 a.ud A sh, and twice M'.l trong as Box , y-e,v and Oak timber . . A.CTURJrn, anrl . I MPORTER,iuM.A="UF all the vru:ieties of llARD TO BELIEVE. TRUE NEVE£t,THELESS SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Italian & American Marble. A la rge and choice sek0tiou of Clea.r were the hope~, then dn,,~·ni11 ;; , As promises Qf trutl1. Noon, v.·ith its highest ~hinin~, In all the gains of earth, Scarce fille1l the thoughts reclining In those fond dreams of birth. OlouJs ga.tbl!red o'er the visioni Da.rknes!:> ob6cuted the sky; Hope Bhrunk beneath Ueris.ion ; Paith 1i'a.ssed despairing- by . Ca.reg shrouded ovm· gladness; MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, ahvays on ha.:nU, of superior \Vorkmanahip, and at lo'\\'est pricen. Wrnught or· Cast Iro n Fences for enclotsiRg bu rying lots. I Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c k ept on h and, or '"~·ought t o order. r esp ectfull y requeBted a t Lhe works, A. i.:all is I l ~~ Grocer ies Ve·r y Olieap. Goud , Cooking Raisino only .'i oe11t8 " pound, and still cheaper by the . · · SinBmultiplied ,.,.-ithi..11; Sorrows spread forth tltcil' sadnesr<, rrhc he1·itngc of sin. 'l'be nun1ber of u1u1:des .in urnn is CHO, being more thau twice the number of bones . The bull; (·f the bOdy, upon an it.\'ui·ago, ia equal to a cube of a 1ittlo tn ore thaii sixteen inchi:s on a 11ide, and the amount of ·"rntci· cqnalB a. cube"ta. little more than fourteen inches on a side, or nearly three-foutth8 of the boUy. · King Btrecti Boiclne<nville October, lat, 186D . Shall all be dark for ever? 'l'he trembling hen.rt inquiredi 'ViU life discover never ~1hc joys so long ,clcaircd? Shall all th· day be c!oudcrl ? l'he sun go do1'--n in'Slaom? !:'.!hall hu1na.n hope lie shrouded 'Vitl1 darkness in tht:t t.omb ? Bright are the boa.nui of eveuiui;, Glowing: the sum~et sky, 'l1hc gathered douds ii.11 lea.ving Rwect Hope enthroned On higli . Jlighcr and higher l'i~illg 'l'hc light of eventide, ]'uJler and more surprising The joys whid1 ~till abide. - - -o-- An adult drinks about 1,500 pounds of ' vater yearly, and throws off, tbJ:oug:h tho various '\:astc~ga.tes, niu· e tccn hundred pound~. The difficulty of accounting for the fo\1r hundred pounds hiu; led son1e to suppose that the 'vn.t er il'l forinc<l in th e .syi'! t eu1 by the Union of o~yg:eu and ·hy<lrogcu. The salts tha.t have been euu1nera.ted ar~ Iou11d in almost cve1·y part o( t.he hody. Com~ inon !!alt {chloride of sodiu m) is found in every :fluid a.:lld aolid, ex.cept ena.inel. '£he 1vholt: amount iu the hum:m body is 277 g l'ains . · I t 11orves many i1npo1·ta11t u.Bes. Carbonio acid i:> fouu<l ll1 the lWlgs, alitncut. ary .cu.nal, the blood n.n ll u rine. The a.uwun t o f carl>ouic aciµ, h owever, va.i·iea, litliug ft·oin 0110 to thl'eC i1oundis i1\ twenty-four hutu-s, ~nd the ca.trnes of variation art.l temper!Lture 1 c,ge, tiox, state of hea.lth or d.IBeuse, developn1~n t of the body, nn1scula.r exertion or repose. TI.i i.a gaa (carbonic acid) conta.ins in every 100 pounde: 28 pounds of carbon (charcoal) and 72 pounds of 04-ygeu (g Rts), Hence, the xnaximutu weight of ca.rbort.whiclt cscapda in this form ft·om the hmgrs of a full-gro\','Il man is about fifteen ounces it1 twenty-four hou1·1:L Sol&Proprletora t.nd 'Mll.Dnfactlll'ers ot the Oelebro.tqd Victoria Co.rbolic Preparations. Labara· tory and Work!!, Victoria' llall, MeUnda Street., Toronto, Ont. The tollawiDll: Gcnnlll3 Prcparattom~ are e.old bJ all Druggists, "Be sure anll tor tho Vtoroau.· flllll'.llU.TIONS, ana eeo that you get them.. Cotton and \Voolen Goods are advancing, but you can them at Elliott's fo1· a short time, at the oltl prices. Now is th e time to secure what you need. ULOTHlNG.- Gentleme11 in Wa.tLt of' a guocl fitting 'nit sbottld call early at Elliott.s l!'a.shionablc 'l'<~ilorin g Et>eblishment. Sa tisfaction g uamnteed in a ll rcu.~orntbhi caoes. HENRY ELLIOTT, Jur. Men ~nd Boys Suit~, Great Variet.,. A'l' THE MURI>OCI-I BROS A. world of l_)Cat.-'tl it> glowing "Beyond thiLt sunset hill, To cheer the soul, no'\\· kuowint; rrhat hope abitling' btill; I Brighter and brighter. ahinint;, 'l 'hat joy o.pproavheti near; And heavenly love is twining 'fhc crown thu.t 1:3oul t:ihall wear. 'l'bfe JELLY ta highly rccommendca t o Lad!QS tu a mo 3 t at.roca.blo Prcpara.t.1on tor tha Toilet. Fo:r Beautif°Ylng t.he C1lluph:~n11, anfl ronclo:rillg the Skin Bott. White, Clear, o.nd trco rrom Drynosa, it. le unrivalled. It wtll quickly romovo 11!1 RedneE11, Ron1?.hnees, ·f an, 11'rocltle~. Plmplce, and other imparfectlon11. I<'or Ol!npped Hauda! Chilblains, Frost lJltOI' nnd S i:J riJ L ip~. it ca.nnu bo surpaseed. F.rice 25 centi!. Hampton, Aug. 2nd, J 871. Sp. ring·, Stock Of Dry Goods ' Is now co!nplele willw1.ll the no.v.clties of the:seaiwu.- ,J " y, CORNER STORE~. "Milline~y .~oods, Thts TOu.ET SoAJI l>OBf'leB!:!ea. all tbe wen-knoWI) antiser>tlc and dis!n!c ctin~ propertfos of Carballo Aeld. ls agreeably sce n ted~ ho.a a he nl thy action on the akin prevents irrltu.tion\,rcmovee tho effects of perephatlon, and should a rcgolurly used by t'amil1cs. cho1cro, Bmal100:1: am] Fever P&tienta !honld belvashcd with this Soap~ anll 1ts uee by peraone llable to infection will mn.tcria.llypravent tbe eprea.d ot disease. Prico 15 cents per Tablet. · F. Y. COWLE.· Dress Goods, Parasols, Kid Gloves, etc. Also a large stock of Crumbs for Chioke~s. Lawyer_ :..._,, HoW-do you fdcilltify this hank· Tho average a.mount of Al.1· 'vhit L.1Jasl:!es i. n kerchief ~ 11 \VitneSl:l- " By its g-onera.l a.ppcar- and out of the lUngs ~~t each inspiration a.ud cXi· auce., and the fa.ct that I have <Jthcrs like _it." piration is about 20 cubic inches; the a.mount Lawyer-" 'fhn.t's no proof, for I one Jll3t pa.88ed throughout them in twe nty-four h ours is like it ju iny pocket." '\Vitness- " I dont about 662,0CO eubic iuchea, or, ns others e,"tidoubt that. I had n1orc t11an one of the 1nate it, frolt); 3i000 to 5,000 gallons every day, In the first place, tl1e '!'his varios greatly. aort stolen." lo,·..-e1· the temperiture, the gre ater t he a1nount We read in an excl1angc paper, the fo)iQWi;"g of anhµal hea.t to be g:enera.ted, u.nd, conset:tuent· ale of woe: ly. the greater the amount of air to b e consunL· 11 I claspetl)1er tiny hau<l. i;u mine, ed. .Also, a iierson laboring in the ope11 air I Glaspcd her bee.uteous for1n; breathes nwre deeply than one confined t o the I vowed to l<l1icld her froin the wind, honsc. Fron1 a series of 6,000 observations And from the world's cold ston11. made by Dr. Hutchinson. the- f0Uowhig princi· She set her beauteous eyes on me ple is deduced :~ " ll'or every inch of atatute And tears did 'V-'ildly fio,v, from fi·;e to six feet, eight a.ddltional c11bic And with h~r little lips she saitl. inches of air given out at .!\ forced cxpira· Confound you let J:ne go P' tion a.ftcr a full inspiration. " ']'hat is, if a pe1·'"A }-Oun~ geutleina.u who bad just tnn.rried son five feet ~ix inches in hcigllt can expire 422 a little beauty, aay1:1 :- "She Yfould have been cubic inches, a person five feet sc~·eu inches Citll taller, but tihc is of sui.:h p1·edout1 materialB expire 430 cubic inchcli. ' that Nature couldn1t afford it." 'l.'he nails of tl1e ha.nd g1·0,~· about t\YO-fifths A youthful Connecticut love1· · who sa.11g and of a line per 'veek, while thOse of the feet :i:epla.yed before his young lady's house for two quire four times that 'Period for the sam o 1nortal hours the other night, ':Va.s eleetiified a.mount of growth. Cases are 011 r ecord \vhere ~Che a.fter a Ehort pause by a cordial 1 · thank you," the nails have been shed J?erioJica.lly. grl\cefully pronounootl by the 1' other fellow," . time neces.'la.ry for a · to grow its \\·hole length varies ft·om tv;el ~e to twenty \vecks . _ who appcareU a.t the window . The naib a1-c thickest at theil· m01:1t con\·ex An Il'ishman having jun1ped int:i the water portions, instead of their edges ; they gi·ow only to saYe e. manfrorn drownillg, upon receiving a. 1;0 long as they ru·c cut, a.nd among the liter ary quarter fro1n tho person as a re\vard fOr tho of the Chinese, who' never cut theix ~1a.ih, se1'\ice, looked first at the money and then at they are said t o attain only a length of two hjm, and at laJ:it cxclahncd : "I'm o\·crpaid fa)r incheis. th<i job." In nia.u, the aivcrage Wt;Ji;;ht of the brain is 54 Said a. friend to a. men:hant \\tho W<l.!S trying ounces; in females, 45. 'l'he a verage capacity to collect so1nc outstaniling bills, " You }rn.Ye a of the crauia of Gei· and Angl·Sa.xou :1l fo good dcM of monf;)y couiing t o you, }ta.Ycn't 90 cubioincl1es. DanicL Wd~lcr's c n\ninm c;c.n you?" "Yes,'i replie<l the 1ncrcba,11t, " aud I tained 122 f.mbic inches. can't help 'vondering why I llavc to nut 1:10 oftC Jl 'rhe aroo11nt of blood i n 1.t. h ealthy body is ' i~ftcr what is con1ing to 111e. " <ibout eighteen poun d:;: or ·ten r1u11rLs. 111e IN A QUANDARY,- - .A tot)" ~t l:!O Juucb on hit1 heat·t ifi !:)ix iucltes in lnngth and four incl1es in stonl<tch the other day, that said organ repelled diameter, and bea.ts 70 per mi nute, 'J,200 tiillt!S " the load. As he leaned ag:ninat a. lamp-post }'et· hour, 100,800 times pci· day. 36,722,001 vomiting1 a little dog happened to stov by times per y c1'l.1 ·, 2,5li5,440,000 in three-score · a nd hilu, whe1·cupon ho indulged in tl1if.I soliloquy : ten ; at each ben.t 2~ OUlHXS of blood are thrown ·' 'Vell now, here's a conundrum. I know out of it; 176 ounces per xni11ute, 656 })()1.111da whe1-e I ate the bake<l bean::i ; l re1no1.uber })ei· hour, 7~ tone per day, In11n ordinai.·y t life 'vhcrc I ate that lobster; I recollect wlH~t-c I of a man, the hea.rt Leata at lca i;t 3,000,000,000 got 1ny nun ; but I'm bn.ugcd if I n:call I ti1ncs, and propela thrO:ugh tlie a.orta 1,500.000 ate tht\t little yaller dog !1) tons of bloo<l. T he amount uf gastric juko cecreted by Uw stomach of a. \vell-fetl, grown 1Jer1S011 has h een Uncle Zeke. estimated at from 60 to 80 ounces in t wenty) four h0Ul"!>i. A h ealthy stomach contains no Some year s ago there Jh·rd in oue of our la.rg~ gastric juict: except 'vl1 ere food is t aken, aud by cities an eccentric cLari~c Le°i· ki1ow11 us 'Undc its cont·t-ct ,~·ith th e surfa ce of the niucnua ineu1Zeke, who never lost a. chauce of pc1vet.ra.lini; a. brane excites t 11c !'Jet::rctiug org ans to f our out tna.ctical jQke. ...i\.ny or O<.;Ca::s ion suited the ga~tri1; fiuiJ. in the i·equisitc quantity. I f hi1n, provided h e could hii; point. One the stomach is in a healthy couclition, and the fine 8uuda.y he i·cpairctl to n f1Y..hiona.ble ch11rch, bJ,"ain hen.lthy, the ~uantity of i;a.~tric juice gem· some titnc the 1:1er vices hu.d uon1menccd, crated or thro,vu out will be j ust suflil> i eut for ajnrl a~ the1·c wau not :~ 8e<1;t vae:u1t, lie took a healthy digestion. If the conclitio11 of either prominent poi;iLiou in the ocntre aittle, where he organ be, the gast ric juice 1$t'Creted atogd Lolt uprig}1t, ·with hiH high stove-pipe hat may 00 either deficient in quantity or vitia.tcll clitpped tightly on hie h\:ad. Of course be a.tin quality. _ tra.cted much attontitm, 11ll<l ve1·y soon tho eex· Let u~ etu<ly our1:10lves, that we 1ua.y und ~ r t ou, a man for whon1 l J ncle Zeke had a .epecial tuily of dislikr, came rrcakiug up to him and whispered s:tand .o urselvee better. The proper R I'ctter Eczcm!I, Bea.Id .1:1cad, ~oorv_y, A.bsceases. :Boti$, Pimples. &c. It poatiesses all th· a ·;lee.using h~ allng virtues of Carballo Acid, which hllS been found b7 Physiclnns everywhere to possess curative q na.l.ittca not dlsuovered In any other chemkaJ prcpara.tiou. Prico 23 cont1. rhla SALVE 15 a rapld cnre tor an Skin Dtse&etl~ Onts, \.Vonnds Br11lSe9,, Sore.!;. Ulcers, Rina· wo~ 1 Gentle;me1~s ·. . . Furnishing Goolls, Tlveeds, . . POINTS OF StrPEltIOBI'rY. 'l'b.11 G.Anot.E ts tbO.most rella.ble n.nd efficac1ou1 Rem_ edy in all en.sea ot Soro '!1hroat.. Ho11.raenos1, t>lptherl:i Bronchitis, trtitatton or the Bronchial 'l'ubee eO common in this cllangeablo climate. Aethlll&, Otrcnsivo Breutb 1 Ulcera ted Gums.- and all d1Eca~eti of tb6 Month. l!'or Pnbllc Spe&ketl! &nd Singers it ls 1.ll'valnablo. '£he tni.;redlents e:p.· tering into this Gargle are used by all Physiclans1 and tor tho cur~ or Cho above d11:5 ordert1 aro now, undo11btedly, the rooet popular tn the Mat~rlo lllecttca fricu 25 cents. Fancy Coatings, Vestings, Shirts Ties and Collars, etc. ·· u Simplicity in Constn iction, 'Ease of uperation, Pe1fection o) Stitch, alike on uot sides, owing to pei:fect tensfon on itpper ana lower Thread. IEql;l.a.lly a.d.a.pted. to ll'a.mily Work, :Cress a.nd Shirt I Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting. CaITiage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN . RNGE OJi' WORK :-F rom Gauze to Bcavc" Cloth. DURBILITY :-Will last a life time. Bownianville, May 7t. h . 1872 .. ' l ly EVERY A.gents, MACHINE WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. Wc have also on lrn11cl WANZER' SLE 1'1'E};. A , A liB01'1"S, A N D l! l1RCL.A Y SEIVJNO M,t GHIN.E Our Stock of Genernl Goods is large, embracing <~11 t he Novelties of the dv,y, am! aJ.l Lhe necessaries """ well. Pi c~ur e lh ·a1nes-- a.ll 8i:.o.f!ll , ) f 0Uld i11g1:1 of i.: ve:r:,: style, Wall Paper-- 11 S Jllendid ai!rort1uent uow in tJtouk, A la1·ge supply of beautifully asso1tcd \V'indow Shades, Children f'l Ciirriages, Conccrtina.s 1 Brushef'l, Combs, Looking Gl:l.'lses, Music, :h{agaziues, 'Violins,Violin Bows, ' 7 io1in ~tringe,Pa:per Th\s P:REI'.A.B.A.'X'i:o~ is tl'llequalled tD. 1t 111 ra.plditJ Collars 1 Neck 'l'ies, School Books, 'Day Books, BiJ.ile1:, 1\:nivel!l ~1,nd },orks,PuckctKnivcs, Razots, torSha.rpenlng ~nd. Poliebfilg Cutle:r;y, T11iblA a.nd Spoona and S cis8or1:1 . Chea.1Je:>t N ote P aper a1 1rl }~ 11 vclopes in the country. .All these, and a. 1 Pocket· }{ui vc~nazor.!!, Surgical Instruments,Bhoe· makers' Kilives, Plane Bits and Ohleele, &c. Noth- th-:>usan<l other article8, tu be (ound at the l!.,A l~IE!l'Y S 1'0REh 'Ve always glad to 8ee tng h88 e-ver been d-~aeovere d which hae 11prung friend:;, and think it no trouble to -sho\.\· G·oocfo; aa d '~Ce gu:nn.nlcc <11S good value, n.t as ]ow·prh;:es into popularity moro qntcklf or become of so a.a any othet· hol.U:SC in the t rade. mach TiLlne in every homsebolb. ..ind workehOI· for Parti~ wit>hing to tht!'ir U:iend~ , uw.y 1 ·.., ly un h a.v iug tboi1· l.nt~iut:tIB t!ono promptly. ~eral usefulnca5. Price 25cent&. · · A.gout's for In1nau Lin~ of 8tc1iwe11;, nncl Im perial .lJuildiu:; a nd Having 8oci1:1ty. - - ----.--- SKBBATH .SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND - --- Daily Line '1'0 Bowmauville, 1'lal'c h 7th, 1872. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. n23 REWA.RDS. --:u:-- It OCHES'I' Eli. The New La,ko Stoa,mer cOt CHIT CHAT. fTim :Bra.dy a.ll.d. Mike :Flynn] . We haYe just opened one of the Oct. "NORSEMAN" W ILI . ou or tlb out 1st April next coiuriience h ~ i· r e!:rular daily trips, ice p er1nitting.lea.v· iug Coboi.u·g eve1·y 10oruiug at 7 ::lO. Port Hope a t 9 o' clock for Roch ester 1conn ecting there witl1 the I\"' cw York Centro.I, K orthen1 Central and Erie l kYhvay, for all points Eas t, South, rind South Vl er:1 t. HETUR..\'IKC . L eaves Clw.rlot,te, I 'ort of R och ester, every that lw 11n1~t off his hat. evening a t U o'clock , exct'pt Sat.ur daytt, wht!n she leaves at !t o'clock p.ll'1., fol' J1l'ighto11 direct. "'l1hu.t't; agiu u1y in'i:i1ciples 1 11 Uucle T .1 E,\N.D.l::n G. l~AGa1nn. 1:<:Y ·1'ho steainer c11lls at Brighton, J\..IondB)"fl and Zck~. South Butler. N. Y. 'l 'hui·sdav, at Colborne every day except \.Ved"I can't help that," said the sexton, hnpu.Whitby. Osha,va., Darlington and ·nes<lay, t k utly, "you must take it off. n N e·wc;astle on V\Tedneisday, should fre ight offer. Dea.let'!'! in stock will fui<l this t11 e chea,pcst and 1 1 1 · But I won t, ' replieJ Uncle Zeke. quick el:!t r ouLe to 4Jba.ny, B ost on, Ne\V York1 " Then I shall take it off for you, 11 !laid tl~e .&v. Adilit;Jss, Floati1!!J l :Jland. -'£0 ll1l'cc11ints of tuilk,take 1 &c. :::c:\.ton, \\'ho WM becoluing ncrvoue; Vll acco\mt four eggs a.n<l two-thircls of teacupful of sugnr ; lt. C. C.c'\.R'l'Elt, "" .. P ort Hupe Ont of tlle attention this whispered colloquy had e:eparate the wl1itea and yolks of thrco egg(-!; set Po rL Upp ch lSth, 1872 25-tl. occasioned. the milk ori the stove to sca.ld : beat the whit es u All right," Uncle Zeke; " you kin take of the eggs to a stiff froth, dro,p it on th e scald· it off. '[hat ain't again my principle8 . 11 ing milk, let it reu1ain a. few moments, then The sexton thereupon took hold of the rim o.f i·e1nove it; 'heat up the remainder of the eg-gs Uncle Zeke's haf and dcxtcroUllly lifted it o!I with the sugar; stll- it quickly ; to· t n.ste. hie head, Ilut what · wa.e the respocto.blc sex- It i.~ b<::tter to add a. tn.blespoonful of corn "": ton's horror 'vhen ~bout tw() quarts of hickory starch inoistened with milk. Flavor \vith es· nuts rolled out of the hat and w1:1nt clat'tel'ing\ sence or leiuon ; place in a dish of suit.abl~ sizG and 1'a.nging over the church fioor. anUdropthe froth ·so as to form .little islandsAnd that was Uncle Zeke's joke 011 the i,icx· ove1· the surface.-VIRGINL\. ton. mankind is wa.u. --·-r-- at a .. "Good morniug, Mike, shm~ and its mtrly out, ye are. .Might I be bould to axe what st>Lrl.ed yce$ this mornihg." MlKE.-" Jist be· aiscy, 'J'irn , and 111 tell ye in a jifty. Ye sec, I was tould, yisterda y, thtLt Mistl1er Gray, av Tyrone, had got home an illigant new stock av Goods, cbttpe as dmt., man; and its meself could lmrdly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the th e chape goods. Anil shure t nuff, its the full store he has~ piles. and pilea .a: the.. y.att~rns ; .and h~'d ~~ve ye ~he makms a v ten i lligant new gown for Biddy, for S1vcnty-five Cint.s; Ta;y: for mo~t nuthill, :wcl \J:lc. Baccy fo1· a. ~rifle less." . TIM.- " An shure ils fanrung me y e ar e,"M1ke; wouldn t the man be afther brea)<ing clown." MIKE.~" down, is it. Shum he ku ow~ a thrick Wllrth. two a,v that. · I 11 jist tell y ou wh at it is, ' im, if you want to git a trrate name when yomc deil, and ]Je called a fulantrofized, filoslfer, and a public b \nifa.cthor, jist tell all youre nabours,and the rist av mankinn, about Gray's chapc store, a11d you'll do more for the good av you counthry, than ivel' St. Patrick did ·for ould Ireland, when he banished all t he toads and snakes out av it t hat niver was in it." TIM.- " much oblaged to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't det:i,in ye ; there'll shurely be a grate run, a.ud may bee I'd miss some bargain,s. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. 1871. 1871. LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOGK TIM.- ~ · · Sabbath School Libraries and Re,varcls ever offered for sale iu Bowllla.nville. PartieB ·wishing .to replenish their Scl1ool Librnries, or to purclm.~e Re wards, will please to remember two thi1Jgs: First, Our Srock of School Books is uo old stuft; picked up at Auctioll Sales, nor has it tleen on om Shelves for years. W~ luwe sold out aml refil~ed -0nr shelves, !ialf-i1-clozcn times during the P"St year, 11ml have now purchased "SO lArgely, that we h>we not room to exhibit them.. Plca~c r ornc and take them away. . . SeQ~nd, . We.·havll not mark ed otu· books. at high figure;, with the vie11r of takmg off a large discount. They are mairked low for general sale, rmd a discount of TE.'< PER CENT. will be allowed on ptu·chases ranging from $1. to $50.; over that amount ~'IFTEEN l'ER CENl'. will be allowed. \Ve respectfully invite an inspection of mu- · ~ rm EXTENSIVE. AND VARIE:D. STOCK OF S. B. · BRADSHAW J. GRAY, Tyrone. oted f'or cheap Goods. :Por the best a1ul cheapest A couple of medical etu<lcnte; di.Wnterrod a "ubject on a cold ,viuter night, andhaviag dresacd it, placed it Hitting upright on the t>eat of a. covered 'vagsn> and st.1,:rted hnmc. · Coming to a tavern, and seeing the La.r roo1n lighted up, they left the \\'&ggon and went in for a <lrink. 'l'he o8tler, observing a man aitting in the 'vaggon, atte1npted tiome conversation; but reccivii1g no answer, h e discovered bow the affair l:!tood, and instantly re:rolveU,.<I haY1:1 a. little fun of his own 011 thif.i occ,asion. ·3'.taking tl1c cor1:me iuto the sta.b}(l he l:!l:lill.tod lf · f in the \va,,,.vgon. '!'he students eoon r<'.tur~l...~ and seat;. cd themsel vcs by the 8itl1:1 of the supposed dead tnan, 'vben one of them remarked tremulous1y to hio; coo1pau.ion, '"He is warm~ by He~n !" ' · Su \\'OulU you lJe wru.·m," replied the c.o,r:£)8e, "if you been 'vherc I have been a~)obg as I" Both t studcntH bolted ru1tl never returnetl to enquire for the 11orflc a.nil 'va.ggo11. The istory fo tuld oI _Air. J once, who one 1.WOll· iug in fly-time, been pro,·okingly la.shed in the face, tierl tho lwil of the cow he '\'~s nrilk iug very securely to hiis boot.strap. E\'erytbing 'vent on smoothly for a ti1n1, o.nd Mr. Jones conAratulated hirnsc1f on the t::tratagcru, '.Presently, ho,~·cvcr t11c CO\\' took a. notion t.u lash a, fly that \Vaa biting her. ?.Ir. JoncB chuckled son1e \Vhen be felt th o pull at his boot strap; but his chuckling \\.'Rt:i soon cut sborL, for "hos.sic" finding she could not touch her tormentor, suddenly sta.rted; and, as Mr. Jouce: '~a:; not prepared for euvh a demonstration, he \Vas up.set and the. conteuta of the dIBtribu· tcd over his person. '!'ho cow stopped for a. n1oment, but in that time our horo ha<l gained his feet, the instant after he was seen with hJ~ ha.ncl on the hiy of the co'\' inakiug tho tour of the fa1·m \vith prodigiouti hops on -one foot. At e\rCt'Y hop he i,.yould ejam1late HSo boss,so l)oe~, " but er 00'W :~ didn.'t 11 w n worth a cent. At l ast the boot attachwm1t g ave \vay, ~nd ?vlr. .Tones r eturnt!d to the house a wiser if not a sadder :ma.11, Buttc1· I ·i utttfry.-I alao wieh to tsay I \vould like a little information on butter·:rraa.king, if some one of your con·espon~ont s wuuld be sokind as to inform n1e. Iu the R ·ut·al of August-24, I sa.\V an article on "Profits from What I ~ish to k no'\' i:., Buttcr-1\:faking. " how },ancy butter IB made or pacltod, to fetch i;o 1uuch_ higher price than any extt-a good buttc1·. ?\1y hU1:1bfi1¥l make~ th ~ butte!' from _ O.Ul' da.iry, a.nd it is called cxtl'o, {loud, and bringf5 the hlghcst pdcc in market. '\Vb~t butte1· cah } Jc bettel'?- .T. :hf. G., BrookfiebJ,, Pa. Clticken Clucac.--Di<l your r ea<lm·s e vcl' eaL any? I like it. Boil two chickens till teilder ; take out all the bones and chop ~he ineat fine ; season to taste \Vith Mlt, pepper an<l butt01·; pour in enough of the liquo1· they . vvere LOiled iu to make it mofat. :ll.foulll it into any shape yon chooac, and \vhen colJ tul'n out and 1 cut into Hliccs. I t is excellent for tra;v ~1ling lunch . Pocket Books; Albums,, Writing Desks, Ladies' Com1lanions, Blotters~ w ou ld tak e L l1ii:; uppo1·tunity of th ank ing his num erous frien ds for the ve1·y Uberiil patronage }le h as received. llc fe els satisticd t hat noth· lng hut LOW P D IOES n.ud DRY GOODS ,, I Sc:&I.b: 1). lt. 1VhortlcbcJT!J Pie . ..-Put lnu·1'ie1 / en9ugl1 fvr oue pie into a di~h. 'vitll one 81Joouful of melte1 J butter, two of good, P.troni; viucgal', two of water, and one half CUl.J of Bttgar. 1'u111 thi1:1 into a tin (that is linecl \vith cnrnt) aud sv· dnkle a small handful of flour o' el· before p utti ng ou the top cru st. lticc a.111.d Appl 1 : l 'udtliii y. - Boil half a pouu<l of riee i.u half :.a. pint of 111Hk lill it is soft ; then fill the dilili balf"full of ap1>lcH which ha,·e bce11 it.11d 001·ed ; 8weetcn W tai:;to. Pul tho rice over the fruit fW a cru-:st , . o.1J1d h ak e oue hour.- L. E; R. Pre~e-rved GROCERIES Cl10CKERY, Supe:do:t' \Vorkmanship, ha.s g-aiu e<l ftw bin1 i.iuch a i:;teady increa.-;e of bw·illl':<'R·- 1J1ucb h~rger 'titan fo1·n:1cr ye:.1 .rs; tiJnd h e b-'\blR f,h a.t by ~ Inkstands, Note Paper, Envelopes, W Remember the Store, next to the \Vest Dmha.m Ste:im Printing and Pµ blishing J;i<?nse, ~ ing Street, Bowmanvillo. &c., &c. BOOTS & SHOES, and Clothing made to order in Jirst class style, go to CD . 0 : . ~·nuld ~ c. BARKER ~lANlGER. 1~uBLIC & SON, g~lwrally, at. THE tho.nke: · strict ;1ttentio11 to h o;i will <.:unt.itn.1~ L·~ busine ~ s - N ret.Ul'niug to their nUblill'oU B CusLomera, a.nd the Public fnl' paEt I tctJpectfuily in:vite to our "Present stock of Furniture, "c ]1 i:1vo 1u.tely ;,aaed'tbereto, that we hr: clln.bled to aU pa.rtie!:! who may ple;u.,e fo;v(!r hi with a. c:a.11. Grca~ indu<::ementl'l held out to tho:se plll'Ca.shing &it our E stabliabment. Pictures, Uieking (}!11.e8c8, &c.:-; ·rr:illiod to Order, and in every style, Samples of the different kiud of ~ythcreby t.b_eir:· ~ttentlon Javor& ~upply t io Citron .- Uut the citJ.·un iu r i:Jgulur rec.:.:ii. e t hei r i; uppor L. ~!ices ; pick the i:ieeds out nicely; a.gain cut tnnall, atcatu until tlley ca n be pierced ' vith ·~ straw~ tlteu adU l)Ountlfor pound of '"'·l1ito i;uga.r, and boil $lowly for <1i f e\v m inu tes; ti n;vor with lernon 01· ciru1an1ou to suit, a.nil I will a..~~rtl'!.l you, YOll \vill be sa.tisfiod \\ it h youl' r>re:lcrve.~. So1ue ua1:1 lee:) s ugar b ut I qould nu~ re('OtU· . ' · ,, 1nend 1t as the ber>t methocl. - JWm:;. · GEO. 1 J. ELLIOT'S I Cheat} Store, Mouldinga can tie !teen cba.sed a a,t the 'Y; \Vc '\'OUld al!:!o beg to infonn you, that, having '[>lU'· SPLENDID NE""\V HEARSE, S. B. BRADSHAW, j,J'C 111 an· c 1.1.r ~ .l~ lre ah~ll be ready :1,t all timel'!, to att('n<l lft1nr.1·, ou l)hort 110Li1.:e, antl re!:l.,p111~ble t pn.U!'{i N. B. Coffins kept on hand, ti,nd inade to order, nt thfl · · ·· ' · LJ.N~ON. All tluJi:;e i h::tt pn.y u1i. es· j A 1.- 1p ecub · 11y th H ard ware n.ccmn1 t inu,,t . ," · ll. ])·. Bow1nnnvil le,Jan. 10th, lti12. l!'i J .y ~1 Y RONE. Tyrone, K OY. 2nd, 1871. 1 NEW DOMINION RETAIL P URNJ'l'UllE TVARE.JWOM O·kaw·, Auir. :Ntlo, 1110. Kini Street EastJ Oshawa.

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