,, THE- ll'IERCHANT; FRIDA: POETRY. The Child's Pleading. "Father, leave, oh ! }ffve off drinklog, Sign the 'l'emp~rance pledge to-d:\y, I 1'or our home is now so cheerless ':k ' THE HOUSEHOLD. 0. BOTJNS.ALL, ·MANUF AC'.l'URER I MPOR'l'ER DEALER w a.n tho varietico of ' -.-. .. 1 Household Rece!pes. (From \VootPs Household IVIagazine.) Dark Baked Pudd·ing. -1 cup inolassea, onchalf-- cup sweet tnilk, one-half cup butter) 2 teaspounful:.i cream of tartm· 1 one-half teaspoonful sodn., 3 cups flour; to be eniten 'vith sour sauce. To .Prevent Pfo-cr1.1.stf1·011i·soal'ing.-Glaze the undel' crust with beaten egg. nu llARD TO BELIEVE FU1L SUPP· LY. TRUE NEVE1iTHELESS SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. .:"'""': Italian & American Marble. A large and choice .selection of 'Vhilst yo11 at the gi.nshop ata.r. I i-ewembc1· when 't\Yas happy, 'Vhen yolll' presence made us glad; But we fea.r to hear your footsteps 'Vhen the drink haf3 made you mad. 11 MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, always on hand, of superior ·workmanship and 1 at lowest prices. / Fatlier1 dearest father, listen 'ro the pleadings of your child; ·oo not waste your time and money itb the drunken an!J tho wild; 'Think of mother a.ud the children, Ho'v they ·weep and moun1 a.t h0111e; ~-ever drink a.gain 1 dear fathor 1 'l'o tho n.lc·lwuao i.:ca.so to roan1. Tea- Cake. - 1 egg 1 1 and one-half cupa su~ar, one-htf.lf cup butter, 2 and onc-ha.lf cups flour, 1 cup sour milki one-half teaspoonful soda.; flavor with lemon. W1'ought 01· Gast Iron Fences Fall a.nd Winter Goods, for enclosiag burying lots. '°". Furniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c kept on hand, or Tirrought to order. respectfully r equested a.t the \Yorks, Octobcl", ll:!t, 1869. ._ "Oh! we lovo )'OU dearly, r~thtl\ ~!ore than yon Sf.ll ever tbink, Though you tr('at us so unkindly; But we know'. ti<t through the <lrh1k. If you only promise, father, 'l'hat you will from it abataln, 'Ve shall then be very happy, ~t\.nd our home be glad ngaiu. 11 \Vhcn, at eve, y01.i come homo wou.ry, \Ve vr-ill ~n.:et yvu with sweet sn1ill'f:l For you then "'·ill be quite Rober, Free from_drink that oft beguiles, Shouts of joy, insti:md of weeping, Shall ea.lute you every night, .t.\..nd our merry voices singing ?r!a.kG your heart feel glad and light. Crumbs for . Chickens. A. young lady a.t Osage, Iow:ii, \vho ie partially denf 1 is in the habit of answcrini.r "yes" to ever)rthing 'vhen a gentleman hi: t.alkiug to her, for fear he might propose to her 1 \nd she not hear it. Souto author says th~t on{! of the uscn of aU'"·ersity is to briug us out. rl'bat's true C8peoially at the knees and elbo\V8, A cc1cb:rn.tcd clergymttn recently snld that lie ha<l found more good in bad people, and u1orc bad. in good people, than he cve.1' expec- ted. 'Vhen tl1e Prince Je Co11de was told Lhat his enemies ca.lied him a deformity, " Fiow tlo they know that?" he sai<l: "tbey hn.ve never seen my back. H A little girl asked her 1ih1ter...what '\Vtl.1:1 chaos, that her papa reacl abot\t? 'l'he elde1· t·eplied, 11 It '\'a.A a great pil~ of nothing, and nu place to JlUt it in," Lord Chestel'field being told that ~ cei'taiu termagant and scold 'vas n1arl'ied to a itoo1d, replied: H that cards and brimsto11e 1nade the best 1natches," Said Mr. Cantwell to bis clc.rgym~tn who had a, great disr~lisb for hypocrisy: 11 llnw ca11 I best help to i·eform the world? 11 "13,y begin· ning with yourself! 11 was the concluei V e l'cply. SchoolmiBtrci;s (to dull boy)-- 4 ' Johhny, I'm ashamed of you. \.Yhen I was you1· &.':fl , J could read twioe as \vell as you cn.n. 11 Johnny." Yea'm: but you had a different teaohel' from what !'Ye got." Infant prodigy: "V\.1 hy kl yuur hair so gray~ mamma?" J\{am1na: n Wel1 1 becaus(,) you're Buch a naughty child ao1netime8," I. P. :""\Vhat Ousta·rd CaJ.:e.-2 cups powt~ercd sugar, onea. naughty child yo1i must ha.Ye been ! Poor hnlf cup sweet inilk. 6 tabl poonf41s 1uelted g1:auclpa'a hair ie quite white ! :i butt~r, 1 ten.spoonful baking owder, 2 one-half Ginpe1·brea.d Pudding- 2 one-half cups flour, 1 one-half cup molasses, 1 cup sou1· milk, butter tho "s:iz:e of an egg, tea8poor..ful :md.<1i, 2 tea· spoonful.a each of ginger, cinnau:wn, cloves, 1 nutmeg, a little salt j a.nd M many ralliine aa you choose. Salad Drcs3i11fJ. -Boil one-half cup vinegn.r, a.dd salt, must!ll'U, and a little white sugar, a piece of butter as big as a.n English VV...alnut. Beat three eggs light, and when the inixture boils, take it from the fire and stir in the eggs , Good for cold slaw. Ct'ment for Sea.ling Oans.-2 ow1ccs resfn-, I ounce shellac, one-half ounce 'vhite Econoniy C"akc,-1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 cup chopped raisins, 2 eggs, l tea.spoonful soda; epice to taste vi.'itb doves, nut1neg and cinnan1on ; 3 cups flour. GingtJ· OaJ.:c. - 2 ·cups rnol~eses, 1 cn11 butter, 1 one-ha.If cup sou1· 1nilk 1 3 one-half CJlP8 flow·, 3 eggs, 2 tea.spoon[uls aala.ratW!, 1 tablespoon· ful ginger, 1 tablespoonful of cinnitmou 1 do. cloves, JJlum Cake.-7 ounces flour, LJ ounces sugar, .) ounces butter, 1 pound one-half cu milk. 1 teaspoonful soda; !!!)ice o the taste · ·..: Lo.dy C<eke. 1 cup butter, 2 .c ps sug11.r, 1 cup nlilk, whites of six eggs, 1 quart flou1·, 1 tea::ipoonful soda in the milk, ~ tef. onfuls cream tar~ar iu tJ1e -flour; flu.vor t:o ta te ; thj.~ n1M:es 2 cakes. Si-li--er Polish, - I ounce a.u1JJ"1onia., · ! ounces Paris Whito; dissolYe the Pn.r~ "rhlte in one pint.of water; boilit; v;hcn col ol ad~l the run1nonui. Sour s,~UCt'.-One-balf cup ~ itter; melt th@ butter and stir in a tablespoonful of fioW', add ~ pint of boiling 'vater, nearJy r nc cup of sug-ar; spioo to tw:ite. ~l'omato Catsitp.·-'\' asJ.1 the tolnatos, And hreak them open unpared. ~t the.tn in ;:i. Js,rge tin pan or kettle and boil them an, hour or two ; then strain then1 as dry as possible ; to every gallon of puJp add 4 tn!J espoonfula salt, 4 tablespoonfuls black pepper, 2 tablespoonfuls mustard, 1 tablespoonful allspice, 1 one-half ta.blespoemful cloves, 4 tablcspobnfuls cimlMnOn, 1 coffeecup bro1\o·11 sugM, 1 piht Tiuegar; boi slowly one hour, then bottle a~d cork tight. Spiced Gooseber·1··ies. - 'l'o 1 pound g1·een gooseberries take three-qltartcrs of la pound~ sugar, add 1 pint vinegar to 10 piuts bi this mixture when boiling ; 1-1se no water ~ cinnamon, allspice, clover and nutmeg ~ tu.ste ; let the whole cook three hours. Spiced Plu11t$,-- 7 pounds ii Ul!lS, ;;I and oneba.lf pounds 1;uga.r, J ounce ,round cloves, 1 ounce cinnamon, 1 quart vini.\,ar; boil one-half hour, I A ~all is I I Grocerr,ies Ve1·y Cheap; .A 'l' . King Street, Bow·1nanville 1-tf Good Cooking Rillsins only 5 cent~ n pouna, ani:l still che, per by th;i box. D. IV. 1 vICLEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, - - o--Cotton ancl Woolen Goods are aJ vancing, but you can them at Elliott's fo,r a short time, at the old prices. ii/ow is the time to secu.i·e what you need. Sole Pronrietors snil :Man'nfa.ctnrera of the OeJe .. brated Victoria. CaTbolla Prc1la.ration!. L&horaaud Works. Victoria. Hall, Moll.nda Street. nto, Ont. t+ ·- FOR CASH CLOTHING.-Geutlernc,"li in waut of a good fitting Buit should call eai:ly at Ellio£ts Fashionable Tailoring Etablishment. Satisfaction guaranteed in all rna.gonable cuses. HENRY ELLIOT1', Jur.,, Hampton, Aug. 2nd, 187L bp-o23-m54 . .i:\ll ordel"s for '"ax, Th!s JBLLY'ls bigblyrecomlhend!!d,tO Ladles 11.a a mo.;.t ft\{l'Gea.blo Prer1al'o.t1ob. tor tbu Toilet. For BeaotUytng the Coci;i.ple~toa, a.11l ·r1 ·ndering the Skin Soft., Whito, Clear, and frcu fco1n Dr:pnoe1it is unrivalled. It".wllJ quickly .rcmovo/\llltedne"a. Bowzhnesa, 'l'an., li'rcck.le ... FlD'pb ll, 1~ndothor1m· pertcc.dona. For Chapped Ilandt'>1 OLllbltllnf', Frost Bites R-ud S JI'l) Liua, ii can.no~ bo . eurpaued. ~rlce~cents. Tailorin.a PROMPTLY EXECUTED· I. · . ·1 _. raisint, 1 Al1$0 Aguut fo1· the well kuowu FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SlWINC antiseptic and disinfecting _propertlcu1 of CarbollC the ektn, prevents frrltatlon\,remolfee tbe eft'ects of per1J)U"8tion, an.cl eb.onld B tee:1lurly used by fa.mllie9." Uholcra 1,,Sma.llnox. ll!ld 1rev.·r Par.lent· ehould bewashe_d with this 6011.pj and !ta use by porsons ,U:i.ble ·to f.ufcctlon Will mafotlallv1>rcventthe_!tprp~9--q{icllie&.a~·. Pf,lq91~co:ifs pe~ Taole~ Tht1 TOILl!IT So.1.P po.sSel!fe:ea all the well-known .l MACHINE, MAN Ul<'ACTURES PRICES. Euniskillen, ' J. &; W. J. Mc:M:urtry Are now showing it full assortment of A fine lot or Aetd. la ogrcea.Oly ecct1tcd, has a hea.Hby actJo'll on i-:ov: 24th. 870. AT TIJW n18-t.f &; DRUGS AND MEDICINES Co Bowman ville Drug Store. ·;leaTI&lug and l1 ·alJug virtue· or U&rllullo Acid, -which lllLs been round b / Pa.y~lclan ~ t1\·orywbert1 topol:!sess curo.tlvo qualit.ie3 not ril"<: 1 1v~rcd tn ~ny other ebcmlCD.l prcJla.~tlou. Plice iS cents. 1'bls BA.LT» 1s ii rap' d curo tor all Skin Diseaa111, Onte, \\'ounds, Drnlsel!I, Burns, Soro~ Ulcer.a, RIDI' wo~ ,, l'ctter Eczocna,- Scald Bead, Scu"y, A.bsces1;1e1:1, Bo1le1 Pi.mples, &c. It poan·e98e· all thl .'VOULD cei·e J. HIGGINBOTHAM, DRY GOOl)S AND MILLINEJl,Y. 'l.'ubeii eo common tn tbla cua.ngeN.blo cllmat.e. Aeth1n11, Otrensivll 1:1reat.b. tlceui.tcd Gums, aol1 &ll du eaaes of tha Mouth. For PnbUc t:lpeaker, and tilngere It h:i lnvalnable. Tho tn1;redlcnt1 en· tertng into tbts Gargle ure usod by all Pb.Yatclans, and ror tb.e cure of che nbov; d1i:ordeni ara now, · ' tJndoa !,;tedly, the mnst. popular ln tho .MtiUrto .Mecltca !'rice 2~ cents. Thie GARGLE! 11 tb~tnost relfablo and emcactou1 Bomed1 tn nil" cases ot Soro 'l'broo.t Uaa.r11ene11 DlpthCl'l:i, Broncltltla, lrrlt.a.don oc lba Bronchial - ~ - !!.! oper·atioii, Perfection oj Stit.clt, alike n n bot sides, owing to peifect tension on itppe1· ana , lower Thread. :b' J.-GE OJ/ WOBK :-Jt'i-om Gauze to Beaver Cloth. LU BBILITY :-Will la Ht a life time. POIN'I'S Simplicity in Const1'ttction, . }!;ase o f most respect-fully tonde1· his ainthanks to his numeroue friends and CW'ltoll?ers, ri.n<l to the public gtinerally, for the very liberal support he ]1 g,s received Binco his 00Jnnlen?ing in ·business; _and hopes by continu,e(l stnck _p.ersonnl n.ttention to 1usiness, and offering nothing but the purest article;a, at the mot:!t rea!:!onable priccs1 to ensure a continuruwe of public patronage. J. H. '"ould call specia.l attention to hi:s ·very superior stock of , Cloth and Gents Furnishing. ---o·--A full Stoc k of DYE S'.rUFFS, ·which a-re sure to giye the be:-;t ::;n.tisfa.ctiou. A well-selected atock of Equally a.da.:pted to Fa.m.ily Work, Dress a.nd Shirt Ma.king, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. .MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. EVERY . MACHINE ll.ev. Dr. Breokinl'idge 1vas e.xa1nini1.1g once a ~floui.:; bake.as for jelly cake, aud ·when dull student who hn.d an inveterate l1n.bit of an- cool add the follo·ving : oustal d, one pint milk, swering ooe que3tion by asking nnothe1-. "'Vhe1·c 3 ·eggs, sugar and flavor to !'; Uit the ta1.1tc, a.nd n·as Solomon's tetnple? "inquired tlu.1 doctor. pr<'pa.rc aa for boiled custard. Hem-do you refe1· to its lm::ation, sir?,, "Yell,!' B·n-n~.-3 cups milk, 1 cnp sugar, one-half tones. "'I cup yea-st; as much flour as you can stir in 'vit_!1 growled tho doctor in his deepest " refer to its location, or to aDything chm a.bout o. spoon. "\iVhen sufficiently i·aised, a<l.d one, it that uw.y be embraced under lhe ·word cup melted butter, 1 one·hillf cup sugar, L cup · wliere. 1 " currants, one-ha.If tea.spnonh1l. soda; mould into A gentlen\a.n having accidentally w111ked int.o smo.11 cakes; touch the aides of each one with au auction i·oo1n, hea.1·d the Ql'ator aslcing, 'Will the finger dipped in melt.eel butter so that they no one bid more? Oh, prn.y ge11tJeruen, bid 1nor~. J will fall apart readi1y when baked; and let - " V cry \Vcll, 11 cried the hearer, with a grave the1n rise again i11 tht! pane beforo bn.king. face, "I 1ll bid more." " Thank you sh-- go on Grass ·wicW11Je}"'J P-u.dding. - 3 eggs, 'voll-bee.t-'Vhat do you bid?-·" "\Vl1y I'll bid you- en, (the '"ldt~fo{ one beaten separately until good night,') and ·walked off, hardpI'.!.Ougb to cut with a knifti} 2 teacups milk, Sbr1·id~n one day, when com111i; IJa.ck fro1u 1 tea~Ul2 ug~_, 1 r;orla craker brol_{en in {JieCes,a Agents, Yellowlees WARRANTED. & Quick. DRUGS, GHEMIG...1.LS, PATENT MEDJGINP:S BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on hand. :FRESH GROCERIES All to b e sold Cheap. ' . ---- Hig/1.est price paic fo1' BUTTER (tnd EGGS. W~ luwe also on ha.ncl WANZEB' SLET1'ER A, ABBOTT'S, AND BARCL A Y SEWING il'JA ClllNE OILS, P ...1.INT; . COLORS, VARNIHSES, arl{l WHITE LEAD, at the very lowest })rices. S.AL11 .AND PLASTER ALvV.A YS ON HAND Sign of the Golden Lion, :B_ owm.a.nviile. llowm1mville. ]\fay 7th 1872. Om Sto_ c k of G<mernl Goods is large, embracing all the Novelties of the day, and all the nccessanes as well. l'icture Ji'1·an1es-aU sizes, 1'.fo··ldings of every i::tyle, Vlall Paper- a svlendid assortmeut no~v in stock, A large supply of beautifully ll$sortcd \Vindow Shades, Children s Cal'li.ages, Concertinas, Brushes, Comba, Looking Glafises, Iv!usic, l\'Iagazil1es, Violins, Violin Bows, Violin Strings.Paper Cullars, Neck 'l'ies, School Books, D tty Tiooka, Bibles, Knives and }"'orks,Puckct Knivns, Razora 1 S.poone, and Scist:001-s, Oheapest Nute Paper and Envdope s in the coun_try. All theae-1 aud a. tb':l\lSa.nd other article!:!, are to beiound at the VA1?1EJ.'1'" STORE. \Ve ru·o always glad to see friends, and think it no trouble to shO\\' Goodfl ; r.nd \\'e gu aru.ntec n.s good value, at as lo·v pricea as n.ny other house in the trade. · Pa.rties'Wiahing to telegi·a1)h U1eir friend si rn o.y rely 011 l1ilv i11g their bn~incss done pro1nptly. Agents for- Inman Line of Stcan1ert:1 1 ·~nd i111perial Bnildiug <-tnd Saving Society. Horses and Cattle Medicines; N. B.-Country Storeheepcrs supplied on the moat ad va-nta.geous tonne. A c11oice selection of IJA::\.fPS, for s.'.lle cheap Bowronn"illc, Dec. 9, 1$(i8. 6m ' SABBATH SCHOOL LIBRARIES ·AND. C1't;ani Ca.kc.if. - Crustj one pint 'va.ter, one_ half pound bu tter, l pound flow', 10 eggs; boil tl1e water and butter together, and stir in the flour while it i::i l;ioiliug. Let it cool, and tlien Hov-· HE GOT 0\7£R.-_ Iu Scot.laud they havo add the eggs~· stirring them 1 one at a time, 1ui.rrow, open rlitchcs they call ~heop dl·ai11s, into th.e mL"'\:t~e. Do not beat them beforebllond. A man \vas r:idiug a donkey one day Mt'OS.'! A Stir Qw whole thoroughly and drop on buttered sheep pasture, an~ when A-fr. Donkey cµme tp tiJia, ~ot allowing them to touch each other. ILL on or .aboi.1t 1st April next co1nment.:e tl> sheep-drain ho \VOUlcl not go ,over it. S~ the . Bake them until they are very bar.J so that they lie1· regular daily trips, ice permitting,hinv· uw.n I"o<le l1im back it i:!ho'rt di3tance 1 and tur:ntid cannot fall_ . No soda. :\Vht!n cold 1 lift the top iug Cobou1:g every nwrning- at 7 :30. Po\'t Hope at 9 o'clock for Rocl1ester, conncL'ti11~ there with hiln ai-ound, and put the whip to hiw 1 thinking, and fill v.·ith the ro. llowir.g mixture : J cup the ~e\v York Central, No1·tb ern (?entrn.l and of course, ibat the d0nkt'y going so faati would flour, 2 cups 'white sugar, 4 eggs, 1 quart n:iilk; El'ic Railway, for all poiuts East, SoutJ1, nnd jump the drain before he knev,r it. Dut1wL 80. .boil t11e milk. and a<ld the other i.ngl'edients South 'Vest · RETUllNING. Ou they catne, aud wJ1en the donkey got to the ~while. boiling, Ji'laYor as you like. <lrain he stopped all of a. sudden, and the rnan Leaves Charlotte, Port of Rocbeeter, every evening at 9 o'clock, except Saturdays, ,,,.h,m 'vEJnt o\·er hlr. Jack's~head. No soonei· had he Home Hints :-~ she leaves at 2 o'clock p.m., for Brighton direct. toucLed the ground thi\n he got up, aud looking r.L'he steauier calls at Brighton, Mutula~ and :'if r. "Donkey .stxu.iiht in the f~e, be said, 'Very . 1. ·ro Pare.ute:~ "'.hef! rou1' chi]dren vex and Thu1·sQ.ay, at Colborne ,e\'ery day except Wed· nes~ay, at \Vbitby, Oahu,wo., Darlington and \t> t Cl pitched; but theu bo'v are ye going to zet trouble you by their Cli.'3ol::!edience, ill-temper, or ~ T ewcastle on edneaday, should frei~ht offer. ov~r yersel '? 1 insubordination, do not be too eager to throw . Dealer$ iu istock will find thit; the cheape~t ~nd 8.ll the blanie or responsibility upon them, For quickest route to .Alba.ny1 Boston, New· York, How to Const ruct a Fashionable Lady~ ~fust, they a~~ sim'ply what you have trained &c., &c. Address, R. C. OARTER1 them to. b,e.,~unlesa there was something abnorPort Hope Out The Ricl1mond Enquirer publishes the mally perverse or inclined to e\·il in their nat· Pott Hop ch 18th, 1872 25·\f. following recipe to mnke n woman of the ural disposition; and secon<lly if this \Vere tJ1e 1 period: · case, the question would at n.t ouce arise, how '.fake ninety po1>nds of flesh anol bones- . far they may have inherited thW!e nativO ten .. chiefly bones-wa;ih clean, bo~e holes in clencies from yo1i_ _ the ear and cut off the small toes ; bend the 2. '.l;o Childr~ll. If Y~n ubsen·e, or fancy bock to conform to the Grecian bend, you observe, in yourselves any pa.rticularly the Boston dip, the Kanga~oo dropp, the good qualites, .do uot'becomc self-conceited and vain, or' give yourselves · any special credit fo1· Saratog& slope, or the bullfrog break, as the pos~e~sion of them. For the fair presumpthe taste inclines ; then add three yards of tion is, in most-ca.~es, that you 111ust either hil."e linen, oue hund.red yards of r::rflie, and inhel'ited them from your father 01· mother, or seventy-five yards of dimity, one pair silk you mu.ITT; owe them to the ca.re or the trWning cotton hose with patent hip attactruents, which they devoted to you "jn your eady one pair of false calves, Dix yards flannel yearn. u What have ye that ye have uot receivi::d ?" cmbroide1·ed, one 1)air Ho.lrooral boots 'vith r;hooting, with au empty b.otg, di<l not like to go home with nothing, and seeing a number of ducks ill a pond, aud a. man or farmer leaning on a. rail, lvatcbing them, '>aid: "'.Yha.t will you.take for.a.shot at th0 ducks?" "WelJ," he saiU," I will take half a t!OVercign, 11 'Done', Mid Sheridan, nnd he fired into then1idst of the flock, killing a dozen. "I a1n afraid you have made a l·a<l bargain," iiaiJ. ShCridru1. "Well, I don't know," said Un: Jllt\,l1 1 "tboy waru 't mine.ii slice of peeled orange laid on ca.ch piece and sprinkled with 8ugai·; put then\ in the dish and they will float; bake in a very hot oven~ and when half don,e 1 put a spoonful of the white of beaten c~g -;()~ piece, i-etn1'U · to the oven ancfbako fiv minutes 1 and you have a s:plendi<l Daily Line TO · Bo,vmanville, March 7th; 1872. · YELLOWLEES & QUICK. n23 REWARDS. - :0:-- ItOCHES'rE:Et. The · New La)j:e Steamer dish. TrY it. · l slt~ cOt .CHIT CHAT. ['l'im. :Brady a.nd Mike Flynn] W e lrnvcjust utJea ecl one of the Oct. "NORSEMAN" W '¥ "Good rporning, Mike, shure and its early out, ye are. Might I · be bould to axe what stitrted yees this moming." MIKE.-" Ji1)t be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a ,jiffy. Ye see, I was tould, yisterday. that Misthcr Grny, ·w Tyrone, had got home illigant new stock av Coods, chape as dtirt, man; and its meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the .'.t:(ie chape goods. And shure enuff, its. the foll ~tor~ he haspiles and piles av the natest patterns; and he d give ye the malcins av an illi"ant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints ; Tay for nH.;:~t nu thin, and the Bo.ccy for ·a trifte less." TIM.- "An shun· its funning me ye are, Mike; wouldn't tbe umn he afther breaking down." . MIKE.-" Breaking cl.own, is it. Shure _he. kno~vs a. thnck wurth tw? av that. l'llJist tell you what it is, Tim, 1fy~u want to git a m:ate .name when youre ded, and be called a folantrofized, filos- · fter, a,nd a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabonrs,and the rist av mankinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the good av you counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished all the toads and snakes out av it that niver wiis in it." TIM.- "I'm much oblaaed to ye, for the bit av advice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run,. and may~ee ~'d miss some bargaiillJ. The top av the mornmg to ye. -Im off to Gray's. TIM.- 1871. 1871. LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK an Sabbath School Libraries and Rewards ever offered for sale in Bowmauville. Parties wishing to replenish their ·School Libraries, or to purchase R., wards, will plea.'le to xemember two things : First, Our 8tock of School Books is no old stuff, picked up at Auction Sales, nor has it.been on our Shelves for years. We have sold out and refilled our shelve., half-a-dozen times clutiDg the p·st year, and have now purchased-so largely, that we lmve not room to exhibit them. Please come and take them away. Second, We have not marked Olli" books ttt high figures, with t he view of taking off a lttrge discount. They !tre marked low for general sa,le, and a discount of TE!! PER CENT. will be a.Jlowed on purchases ranging from $1. to $50.; over that amount I'IJ'1'EEN PER CEN'r. will be allowed. We respectfully iu vite an inspection of our ~ · EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF Pocket Books, . Albums, W1·iting Desks, Ladies' Co1n1)auions, · S. B. BRADSHAW J. GJAI, Tyrone. oted for cheap Goods. an~ heels thre~ inc-}1et_liigh, seventeen hpndred tbre~~quarters The decay of wood is generally enpposed to be co.used by the deco1nposition of the albumen of a mile oft·pe, teu- pounils of raw ·cotton or two \Vire hcr11isp]1eres, one ·wire lm.ske~ to hold n bushel, faiu copies of n New York paper (triple sheet), nnd a hundred ·nd fifty yards of ailk or other dre1ls gooda, :five bun1lrcd yards f:r;.iugc and othel' tritnmioga, ' hu.ve, on several occasion~, called the attention . . Japanese switches, 'vi th rats, mice, and oth~ of our readers to the danger ·which u.rli!es from er .Vermin~ ; one peck.of h11irpinA, 011e lace the we of galvanized or ziuc-CO\'Cl"ell iron pipes hatlltkerchicf nine inche:;; si1uarc 1vit11 pa· for conducting \Vu.tor for hour;ohold purposes. tcn\Jioldcr. Pe!£y.mc""\\;ith otter of roses 1 or Such pipes render the '\·a.ter poisonoUB, sic.:k· sprinkle with nine drops of the 'Bles.sed ness and <lea.th being tb6 r esult. In a recent Babv' or' West End.' Stuff the head with case at Portsn1outh, N. H., where a family of foul' pel'SOns wcr11 ma<le ill by the J.riuJ.:iug of ·~fii .. iJonablc novels, ball ticketB, play uills v:atcr supplied through galvanized iron pipes, arid "Y.'eclding ca.rdj, son1e ecanclal, :;1,. grent Dr. J ackBon examined the water, nnd found it deal ofrlost tin1e and a Yery little sag~ i add to contain filx grains of o:!l:ide of zinc to thl· gnla ~alf P.ain of·Common sense) three. scruple!:! lon. - Sdent ilie A ?ne1·1'<Xtn. of rO"Hgion, a.ncl a modicum of modesty. old's hare's footi_ one bushel of fal·c hair, frizzlcJ and fretted - a lamantague,one bundle contained in the sap, and from this dccomposi tion results a poison 'vhich, being in juxta-position with tho heart, spcf'dily indttces decay in it. Another cause ia a alo\v oxidation which attacks both the sap and the heart, but f)a11.kmlarly the latt.cl', Dy hnpregnating the wood ·with creosote both of tbe:ie causes of decay are nvoj.dl.ld, auJ. the irou bolts and apikes elnployed t'velve gross of buttons, and one box of in joining :parts together a.re likewise preservpearl po"·<ler, one saucer of carmine and an ed. Do1{.'.l' osE GALVAKIBID IRON PrrEs .-\.\7e and aixty yarUitaf-Rteel-wire, 'vould tu.kc this opportuuUy of thanking his friendfl for the Vel'Y libe1·aJ patronage .... he h:.i.s received, He feels l'i atiafied that notb· iug but U\UDel'Ol1$ Fo1· the best Blotters, chea11est LOW PB I CBS and DRY GOODS ' ' Inkstands, Note Pap ~r, Envelo1)es &c., &c. W l{emember the Store, uext to the 'Ve.> t Durham Steam l'l'inting 1mcl Publishing House, King Stmet, Bowman :;:jllo. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Superior Workmanship, ha.;, ga ined for him ~uch u. 13tcady increase of bu~iness-much larger than former years ; n.11<l h e trust.s tha t by C. BARKER . flfAN}GJ !iR. BOOTS & SHOES, ;;,nd Clothing made to 01·de1 · ill lirst-class style, go to r_l'O I T~[-IE S()N, i Season with vanity and affection and folly. vV.A.LTER vVIGG Garnish ·~vith ear-rings, finger-rings, breast Pearls and dhmonds, pins-, cbains, bracelets, feathers and fl.o"·ers to suit the taste. may be thrown iu if you have them; if not paote and pinch beck from the dollar store will do. Whir~ all rounrl in a fashionable circle, 1n1a ste'\' by gaslight for six hours. This diah is h1gbly ornamental, and '\'ill <lo to put at the head of your talle on grand o~casions, bu1 ia not suitable for every day uee at home, being very expensive and , in,ligC'Bti11lr, rrhQ great Earl of Chatham once -"'ent with a pious friend to hear Cecil. 'l'he scr· mon was on the Spirit's agency in the heo.rt s of believers. As they were returning home, the mighty statesman coufessc<l that he could not under.stand it at all, and a>:ked his friend if he suppoilcd there was ony one in the house wlio could. "Vilhy, yes," said he, there 'verc many pious, unlette1ed '"omen and some children there ·who understood every ?.-ord of it, and heard it with joy.ii Self·esteem is a high-bred steed, tlmt bounds over a.spirat.ies of life. Self-conceit ~ blind hack, which knocks its head against evf'r£.. impcdimcn~. strid attentio11 to business he will continue to i·eceh ·o their aupPQrt, would l'espebtfully invite then· atten t ion to oUl" p1·eaentstock of Furnitui-e, o..s '\\le Lave la,tely addGd thereto, that we ma:1t therl:! by be enabled to supply all pl\orties v:ho mav please t v favor lli -.·ith a call. . Grei~t inducem ents held ou t t u thoac purcashi11g at our Establisbm ent. Pictures, Looklng ~laSses , &0. 1 framed t o order, an d i1!,_ e\·ory style. Samt!lea of the different ~cind of l;\ l'CLurnb.1g thankM, to .thei1· 1~u1ncro u ~ Customera, and t.lic PubliC' ge1.1ci-aD:li fnrpatt fa.\. Otfi J. ELLIOT S Cheap Store, 1 Ji..Iouldings can be seen a.t the ' Vare-room. cha:~ed a "\-\: e \VOtild also beg to lnfo1·m you 1 tbat,havu1g pur· SPLENDI D NEW lIEAHSE, v:e ~Jui 11 be i·ea.dy at all tilncs, to attend Ji'p11c l"al1:i, on short notice, an tl reaso11u.Jolc tcnnfJ, S. B. BRADSBAW. All tb'or;e that. ~u-e in a-rrcr·· ~ u111st IJ!l.Y up, e:ipecin:lly the HCLrdw~e accoi" M . ~. B. D, .Rowmruni1\ e,.TnJ1, 10th, 1Ji2. 151-y N. B. Coffins k ept on hand, mid made t o 01·der, n.t tbc Tyrone, Nov. 2nd , 1871 rI'Y R 0 NE. NEW DWIUNJON RETA I L F UR iYI'l'UB E WARH-ROOM Of{ha.w:l-, Ang. 26th i 1870. King Street East. Oshawa . 1 J