THE MERCHANT, AY - I OCTOBEH 25, 1S72. ==-.:::::;;.-======;;~=======;===~===========j=-=-=-==:~~====j:===~====== . - --- - - ·-= -·-= · -,=========---===-= ·=·=--- -·- · WANTED. b ~P AN1'.3 CO.\.'.!', ood3 VEST, MAKERS. Constant employment. Apply at 1872. I JUNE, 1872: .. F . F. McARTI;IU R'S, "Re·Tcr Block. " m47-tf . Bowmauvllle, Aug. 21st, 1872. .1.\. j ulJ Stock of Apprentioes 'Wa.nted.. Apply ~o A. l\1. GIBSON, Jlianag,,,., Bon·m anv!lle, Sep. 10th, 1812 miiO·tl. M achin e buainCsfi. BOWMANVILLE MACHINE A 'l'V\iTUE olt'.KS, a few stout lads, to loarn tho FALL GOODS Spring and Summer BO ~VMAN VILL.E Machine and ImplemenT MANUFAOTtralNG OOMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF IN A DRY GOODS. F ELT, STBAW~ AND WANTED. A GENTLEMAN Jeeites to rent oitting n.nd bed room furnished or un!Utl;'.llebed; with or withou.£ boal'd. Apply at this offi~c. B own1anYille, Sep. 3rd: m~tf . a ' Large Variety. ~. l New, Fashionable; .and <Jlieap i I ·1 WANTED. J~ ROS . L elI~l Ameiican Double'l'urbine Waw1 · Whoo! Iron.ood Wood Working Machinery, Circular Saw Mills, Shingle Machin"', F .A L L OP:ENING! h~M·n .i;:x PEmi}.-<Jtn - MI LLIN;i>R, at Ar;once, Afao t\vo app1 ·0ntiQes, {i:drlaj to the tailo1·ing business at Mr.CLUNG Bowrnanvillo Sept, 23rd, 187 ~-m.n51 . . Look at the Premiums, A Ohrom.o " .OUR DARLING" to every Grat Mill Machinery, Loth ~!!Us, Sell-Rake Reape1 ··, Mowing Machin"" , -CoL'l.tnou ~d Plows, F anning :rtfills, · . Choppmg M iU., Just Received. Tailoring under the elmrge of Mr. W. S. MEDDONCROFT. (m ---o--- HATS. Clothingmade t o order, the best trimmings only used, and the low est price charged . Aut un1n Fashions! Mag·niftce11t dis}lla y of New and · Rich subscriber. · GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK The oldest :r.Ingn.zine in Americ~. Feed. Outteri,i, &c. EXPERIENCED cuTTER · New Groceries . [ GOOD .A. JYI. 1«3·I BSO:N, Mm1age1 ·. 1Jo~\'manvill ~, J une 20t.h, 1872. 1n3Pr·!)25.Jy fioods. One ue· l er ~cred by a.ny , either in th iA count ry 01 · in Europe . Since 'vo an~ forced )nto tbis bu~inoss, we &re detcr1nined to mako it diffi cult for others to follow us. Let u.e sec who will come tip t o this :.A. Ohromo-" OUR DAR.LING "- to every JiUbi,icd her, 1vhethe1· single or in ti. cluL . 'fERMS . 1873 .. Unpa.:ra.lleled · P=em.ium ! New Fall Goods .A ..rri.ved, a t McCL UNG Bros. · frolll London, Ji~nglttud, :1lso for many y ears conducting fashionable Et.ablishments in Cm1ada. :Oolla.:r T:EA for es Centa. EGGS MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immen se stock of New }i'all Goods. care has been taken in buying th e Stock, and as nothing and .BUTTER Want!3d bnt FirstGreat Clas$ Goods have been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. s. I'. HILL · MO URNING SUITS - - - -·o - -- - MADE AT A FEW HOUR'S NOTICE· ·. Uno eopy, ouo- yeru.· $3 00 'I\vo copies, one yeo.r 5 00 Tlu·ee Co,J?ics, one yea.r 7 50 F our cop1es 1 one yeat· 10 00 Five cop1eg, one year, and n.n extra. copy to tho p crsoh ~ etting , up the club, inak· ing six copiei5 · · · J 4 00 1~ight copiea,oue year, aa<l an extra copy to tbe l?ersoa getting up the club 1 mak· l ug nine copiea · · · 21 00 E leven copie1S, one yc:ir, and an ext1·a copy to the person getting up the club, in aking t'vel ve copies 50 T "'·enty· three copies, one year, and an ~ xtra copy to the person getting up the ulUb! ma.king" t'venty·f{ lUr copies · !;5 00 "Let it be nndo1·stnod t hn.t every subscriber, a.nd the getter-up of a. club, will have the beau· tiful chromo of " OoR D1Utk_I~G "sent to them, frcSo of . It i8 a pej"Ject BiJou. Tho n·ice o thG chroma in the l:ltorcs is 'l'hree dol~ <U'S. .And any subsc!'iber in a club, 01· single subscriber, 'vho may Wi!!ih to have " Ow;· Dat·l· i'fUJ " mounted on stiff brIBtol boru:d 1 11.11d ready (of fl-aming, cu.n hav1:1 it so p1·epru:ed and sent by rem itting t wen.ty·fi\·c cents at t he time of aubscdbing. To the getter up of a club of G or 9 copiei;, we will send, n.s an extra premium, a copy of tbc "The Offc1 · " 01· " '!'he Acceptance/' this in addition to " Our D arling." 'l'o thQg ettei·-up of a olub of 12 copiea, we will se.nd both of the Chromos- ·" T he Offer " an! 0 The Acceptance," ·along with "Our Darling " i or " Aski ng a Blessing 11 and 11 Oru· zr AT TI-I:E · F. Y. COWLE. Bo1vma,nville, Oct. 3, 1872 ml. Change of Business in the Pioneer Boot & Shoe Store. - . Ca,.,wd of Thanks. Iu returning you my sincere .t hanks. for th e vet·y libet al pa trouage extended ·t o lDe since m y commencing b usincat1 ; and iu conae· q uence of _pt her engagemeuta, I am co1npe1led t o rclinq1 Jiab t he .same J I lJ.ave. gr eat pleasure in recommending to you~ ~fes.ol"S. ...4..ndo1·eou & Co.1·my auccesso1·a, who 1n·c in OYet y 'vay quali· DRESS Plain auclfigured ..Lustres. l'lai.n a.nd Tart an Wool Poplins,Meti Cords, :Figured.Repps, E mpress Clot hs, nnd a n endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double W arp Black Lustres, Black Co· ):>ourg, Black Paramatt:ls, Black Crape Clotl1 s, Black Metz Cords. l tied to gi-ve y o u~ good Goods, ruid 0 11 as fa vor~ able t erms as those g i Vtlll by n1e. Soliciting for th~m your patronage, , I run yotll'i;i, MII~L l N.ER Y 'l'hc a ssortment of Mi llinery and .Jl illinery . Goods is very extensive and in t rimmed or untrirumed Hats and Bon ne ts every ta ste can be con-, sulted as the variety is so great. The lt'lowern and F eathers, Laces, &c., wc claim to have the finest assortmen t to be found. 11 Blaek and White l'eal Laces and Lace Collars, we have sort m cnt, at prices to suit all. I.n Hife. r e.nce t o the abo"\re, --:o:- - RICHARD mmn: .ANDEl'tSO:N & CO., · takes plensur c in notifying the p\1 bH.o of Bo1v-· m~nvill e and ·yioinity) t hat they .h:1YC l'uroha.sed the :Boot & Shoe · Business of M r. R R E£D1 to which they h'1vc larg1::ly added. 'l'hey are now in·cpa1·ed to furnish everything jn their line, AT LO WJ~ST ltATES. The custom \Vork is superintend~d by J\:Ir. J . fued, who \V as, for lG )'eal's, the priu dval wo1·k man i n Mr. lteed 's est;ablishment. o a.rlinrr. 1' Ta the getter-up of a club of 24 copies~ "Yte will rJend ·· A sking a Hlcss i ng,' ~ ·1 T h e Otrer, 11 ··The A cceptance, u nnd 11. O ur D arling." \Vill the gette1 ·-up of clubs of 6, 9 an<l 12 copies, be p articular and 1vi·ito what p rcm · i un1s they desire. The p remiums ::u·e only forw::i.rdc<l wheu lhl! 1emittanoe is sent t v u s. \Vhen the subscribers nrll reside nt one place, ~he :t 'large as lVlcLEO:D'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prcparea for imediate use, a nd nothing but the purest materi11ls used, aucl rcq "ir ing no fm·ther mi4t nm of Oils, Turpentine, and D ry orB. Theil' oompo1:1itlon cousiijt s eolely < if ~f elto11 s, Ou1· Stock of Tweeds, li'ancy Coatings, Pilots, Beav ers, P ctoashamH, cct., will be fou°:d unusually large. . _ premiu1us ·w ill be B~nt t..o the p orsoit who aen& t ho club for distribuUon. Thl' person aunc ling a. full subscl'ip tion of, cttn have his choice of "The Offer. ' · T he A ccup ta.nce 1 · J or ' 'Our Dudiug. 0 'l 'he n.1ouGy n1ust n.11 be sent at on e time £01 · auy of t he clubs, and ad ditions 111ay be made to clubs at club !· rl 1h o LADY'S BooK lvill be cent to any post·offico 'vherc the subscription11 fl'l.:'\)' c.1mmcnce with any mouth in the year. \ Ve i::au alw ;.~vs supply back numbers. Specimen nuwb cr1/will be sent on receipt of 25 cients. How 'IO AD.ll.I:r;- ln i·c1nitting by, ~~ P1 )8t Office Order ou Philadelphia., or a D1'&ft 011 Phila1lelph1a.1.;':' ?\c\V" Yo1·k, payable to t he order of L. A. Godcy, is prefe1·abh, to bank notee. If a. Draft o:r u Poot Offico Order ca.n. not be procnrod, send U nited Sto..tes or Na.tionc d Bank notes. ' Ve advise n.n eitrly a.pplicat ion, ua \VC expect ot.1r list , \·;ith the il:).duccments wo offer, '\'ill t' ~!'lcb 200,000 snb:.ol'ibor.:1 . .A.ddreas ~. E con1c1 · 1 ' a11d Chestuut a.d.elphia. A ,OaJl IH Resnectfully Solicited, A large a.saoftm ent 0f t ruitk!! conet.wtly on hnnd. 11ie highostprfre paidin Gtwhjur llido.,. CA RRIAGF;: MURDOCH BROS. b'owm unville, P.fay 7th, 18i2 SHOP. Tlm·ee fin t·olmis worhnen ·.uanted; none othei· need apply. · P.1we Colol', P nn White- Lead, P wre White Zi,nc, Dinseed Oil, Spii·its of Twrpentvne, &; D1'Yers, ccarcfuUy ttnd B cientifiua.lly combined. ' The consumer m a have u11y de· sired shade of ~ olor neatly put u:rin Call8, imcl a.U he requhes to buy with the P 11int is a Brush; -~ the whole can be done by himself, or by ~m y member of his h ousehold. Anderson & Co. B o'w'Jnftnville, J une l 3t-b , 1872. 37-tf. King !%reot., Bowurnn,'illo. ---- -- ---------- ly rr ··H E. Subscriber ib prcpat~r.l prur . t.o bu.lld ~..nd rti· . 1 · L. A. GODEY, Stroc~, Phil· .Wagons, JJaagies, wid Cuttel's, of cYcr'y dciiption, at shor t not.kt, ~.)ldo t ·. ... 1:caaonablc Loi-TUB. J.\. lar ge st ock j ust rec~ived, for autumn painting, import ed direct from tho English :lfanufac. turers,including J a.mes' · Genuine, and th e cel-e bratocl PURE WHITE LEAD Oarria1N~ Fainted and Trimmed- . (\!1 A's Shop }(,00S1'ER ' 1 HRANU, g· 1mmntecd 1 nwe. A LSO (.J~.niag~ c tih.c p re1nil'les, wero t:>p ocinl f~ t t~utiQ11 ib g n·cu to JJll ' . I worlt and General 'f ll E GREAT REIIEnY FO il CONSUMPTION "·-< ·a ll sta,ndarcl colors, oils vtu·nishes, and painters' uiat erials. · Uall and see how cheap a hous e cau be painted aQ.d' decorated ; for all these goods will besold atReduced J obbiJJg. l · I All wo·rk .done f! t thi.s.b'~fo~iis/nnent / , ,T. MORRIS. · Another lot of those s1 ,londid lu~lninients, " The Silver Tongue " J nst >irri ved, ,ll.nd on exhibit ion nt otu· Show Room. ~ta1Tanted; . A. cnll is 1·espect fully aolicitod. £ow1ua-uvi lle 1 0~1t. lBt. 1869. American fig1we s. 2000 G11llon s of Organs! ( ltXCE & :BA:S.XEB. itnd acknowledged Uy many promiucint pbysl· clana to be the inost Reliable Propnration en:· introduced for the RELIEF aud CL'RE of all LUNG COMPLAINTS. 'l'hl s well-known r emedy- hi offered to tho public, sanctioned by the cxpfil'h'n ~~ ot'. over forty y 1~!\ r s 1 n_nd wh en re.sorted to in bl'il3 0H , Eeldom fulls to effect u. wpeedy cure of HA.CHINE OIL . cougJ1s,Coltls, Croup, Broncl:ltls, Ill. Jlucnzaz..WhOopiug.C ough, lloarse. ncss, rains or Soreness In the Chest and Side, meecllng at the Lungs, Liver of different :\d uels. Threshers and all p11rties requiring such oil, are spccialiy invited to inspect tho vari· ous qualities, t he pricea being far below anything ev ex nffered in this mark et. · .r: by a. thncly resort to 1hls stai:idnl'd tem c~!'.°' o~ ·ia p l'O Y~d by hnndrc~s of t.e~1 1mo11l a l s ret.. '1:1\·rrt l.iy tho proprietors. 600 Cook. Pa.rlor, Ha.ll, a.nd l!ox Stoves, CONSUMPTION C AN BE C URED Com11lalnt, &c. 1 I arri ving, an<l now on exhibition, the largest :ind cheapest stock of . I J. & W . J. MoMurtry & Co Aro uow sh owing u full assortment of .Jlff. WISTAR'S BALSAM Of WILD CHERRY ,;lops n ot d r"1J u p u. Cou gh, and lea ve a ,.; 'tho l-unqs, cause behind, «-' l11 thB v<UJe i v-i;tli.. 1nas C p-r~rutiuus, bu t it loosens and clea Jtfl lJS tut-~ allay s ir-J·tlation, th u:;. i"Cn&rovln(1 tho c;au~e Qf the (l<H1i,7)la£11 c.. GENERAL · HARD\'IABE, CARl!IACF 1 G OOD S, AtlD TH'lWARE J in the County of Durham. CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and a.ti thoae whos e occupation r(!quires nn un~ usuul cxcrci51;1 of the vo~al ·org ans1 will fiud thls th e ON"LY Pn&rJ n .\ TJO.:-t which will em~et itnlly :tnd !n3t:mtnneous. l y reli eye their diffi1.:11 I· t\e5. J OHN McLEOD, Welliugton Buildings. -Bowmanville, Aug. Sth, 1871. D R .Y GOOl>S AND MILLINERY. A line lot of I I 1 · H T' DA RLI NGTQN, 1 VJ~ J ui:t received ~ Uhoice lot of "I BUTTS :' a1ul lhe ]Jrtntea name o.f t h-:pro :r ietat"s " S°ETil JV. F'O l?LB lf· BO}IS, JJOS~0.-\"".n ' AU othct'8 at·e liase imitations. J~:i;Wti· D!r\.var o ot Coun.Lerlelt!I. Remem.ber t hat, the aemdne n1,tar'8 )Jal.Hiii~ ha<J mL the m~tside w-rap.per lite 8'9naturc 1J.f i I ine th B1.L'1·apper cal'efutty befo1-c purckalrin(J · Ooo D o llar ' ilotll· Sit Bottles for llvc D ol!aro. J.~R El'AR ED ll-Y s:ETll W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, K·aa., Aud oold by nruggl!t1and V.aler· gene!'lllly. I . OF currant~, Figs, . ' ~;~~:;~x!~;!~:·~:·:::·rf~~ Cloth and Gents Furnishing[Raisins, :Da.te . s, Lemo:n, Orange st., st. !1 N Ew FR U ITS d Ct abuuUantly 1:1ati.sfied 'vith wha.t has been 1 dou ci and 'vitb the ef'ltimatiou ill which tliuir ill· g es of IDUBic. 1 -Btrt.uuents a re hdd by g:ood jull. A ';I hei·etofure,they will \1.~o tl.u best ioa.toriu.181 I · J w·ithout J·c.-garJ t o t..."'O!St, uutl give- LP " ' 'ery 01"gan J I t he mrn,t thorough wodun nu::ohip. ·1 r They especiall y i1 1vitu c . ~rupa.i'i~ullll th to tl.1e l qu ality and v ohu nc of tun ci mi d Ui':I to the df.u..: t- I' ' · .· Vt. liltiCh:\n ica.l Rppli.tillt:Ci-J . r J 'ht:y cuJl ;.~lti.:J l tioH to the fact ih Rt tlJ cir Orga11 '> ttrc 1:1ohi AT l~X~ , Tltli! ..\1 1~J ,Y LO\V P.l\.ICE~ ..a.'l lr1 .v. a s is cll:irge1.l f·Jl'" illany nI au iu fer ior 1,;ort. Ifav ing ~ l a.rgo, and thorough ly ::.pvuint ed n1auu f.wto1·.r,emplo'-~ ing none but s1d!ll!d v:or kmen, nn1l h~viug tnal1t: a ri1inut e divk1nn vf l abor, they are able t o pro· duut1 Ol"B·nns at lc~ s rates t h::i.n 1uo~ t c01upeti t11rs. 'l".h ey !->elie;vo. aWJ, that aruong othe1· t hirtg1:1, tho ntt- n.~ t:ar·n e <l a reputation for fair dealing, and t hey 'vould aSl:lure distant v urcbaeurs that no Or< ,;~iill '~ill <H'er h.·:.i.v(:) t heir ,vartrooma witl1 their k tlO\trl ed gc, that i1:1 uot in ..every 1·csp eot perfect of it 1:1 class. As they ba-vl: l.x.foro 1:1fatt ed, th oy h1t cnJ to ~e curc ll friend in e' re1y p1U"chu!:! l:lr . 'r hcir cat a 1 logue, ' vit b Iull dc:-icl'ip L iou aud accun~tu cn graY· iugs, will be sent free to 1~ny n.<ldr e~s npon :q_ .1 · 1a r e yeru.· of busin~ss, with a llll.d creasing growth. As the wanufa<:t6ry is one of t h e oldei,;t , i t also ranks among the highest iu the country. During the lQnb experience of tJ1 e 111anufactun::ra1 they have stea-dily added t o the capa cit y of t heir instrn nu:mt8, nn<l avuiled tli.em EJel vcs of every m et hod t o bnproVo tlie qiw1· lt y of tone alld t.o increaso the mei.1hanical facil· t ies for the pcrfurmcr. And though tl1oy ox· pcct to cnntiuuc t he co1use of itnpro"\· ement)thcy S)U'l H AMElUCAN ORGA N CO. T.HE ha,·e now comp)e'tcd t heir T wenty.]'iraL const ant still in - ·I ·---- - -- · 1 ·- - ·1 · l 187 2. NEW FALL GOODS, 18 72. Direct importation for our OSHA WA D Sh wwi~, - - - 0 1 -- FALL TRADE. - '.l'he s ub.s~ribc.r Uegs to inform ]~ia custo1utir:. a11d t he p ublic, that hti h:.i..s rcce1vetl per Steamsh1pa St. A nd1"C11J and St . Da vid CASES AND BALES OF SEAS.ONABLE l~ Y G OOD S · l"tnpo1't~d din.ivt, coutti,iJliu.g in Great 'V nrkty Munl/es, .R·ibbons, Flowe·i's, Fwiliei·s, und ll!fillvnm·y Stock, also , I;.1wa-ys on 'l'ime.1 I THE FALL STOCK MAYEBS, A full :$tock of ~FR E S H GRO CERI ES, Ch ~ap . an l1i-'foa~1~·E",_ ..~r~ s, " J' J Il'I BRIMACOMB:E, IN U'ffl ·" VA '"· }<, Y. BowmanvilleA11'1o .IJa1·rels a.ud lloxt:·~ of Ili-~orul Ag~nt fol' tl~c ;i·o,·ince of Ontado. T) 1 i1 ;p l l'I Tremont opposite Walthltm Boston, Mass. Corsets, Skirts, Hosiery, a.:nd. Q-love.e, . inulucling fu ll r~~ug c of SiZC :i . nnd colors Q[ tho E,'°CUUillc celebrated Jeovin a.nd Josephine KID GLOVES, l 1 'IE!> 1 , -eaUlt<.Yi.u.1. "'aD,wtes) witli an 4·-"-"'--'i ..:1 _,. Bo wmon v·llo, Ap11t 3rd, 1S72. ·1 v-<·l4 ·rn~ I Sale ? MAltlt'D'S a!t.'.!or~ruent of hich ·will lie ul<l u.t prict>s 1nuch btilow the :figui-ois ua1tally us!tcd for tliooo good::i, 'T'ogct11er l'ii th a lo.rgc aasortumcut of S :BEING ADDED 'l'O DAJLY, und it IIE SUBSCRWER offore lo1· ""1e, 76 Acres c:ompdeea a . of good land, situat e<l on-the 6th Con . of More than Ordinary Solection. 11ru·.ipooa, 60 A~s aro cleared and fen_c-ed ; t~e T here 11;1 1.- cmainini;r 15 being good w·ood land. 8. never failing .spring of water on tho premli;es, also t· good bu.J:u t\.nd dtvclling }louse . Tho WARRAN'l'S HIM IN MAKING -µre m.foes a1·e filt na.ted very c..-on;von1ent to church LA RGE P UR OIJASES, and eohool. rr ern1s Hboi·al. ~osaeasion gi1..c11 iuunediatdy. li'or fu1the1· p articulars apply to Aud hu offel's ills cu:atowets a choice of Fura of T I .AU to be @lcl CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington hM a::.'11.iu reCeivod nnothei· lot. of Dana's Patent Sheep Marks f"{UIE8FJ ;IL \HKS AU.1£ 'l'Illl GREAPEST 1 tho"' cclchl""ted HISP AS T BUSINESS SUCCESS all desc:riptions.i Hi,qltest price paic foi· B UTJ'ER and E GGS. JOHN DIX. . o41-m2-tf, L it tle .Britain, Oct. ·1th, 1872 '8' a0\1.Se a.nd ., -ot fior Sale· """' - -1 Buffalo and. Sleigh Robes. Thoy ao:e got up in the best and most f,..hiou,ev ery inotauce. SALrl1 AND PLASrrERAL1VAYS ON HAND · , I NEVER BEFORE EQUAJ;.LED·. A GREAT BAH,GAIN, able atyles, and ar c gun.ranteed a(:I represented in Sign .of the Golden Lion, Sowma.nville.. Bqwrnanville . .Huy 7th 1872. wit h stone foundati.on, also a Dr1nug House, St~tblc, Shed &c. ,also a, ;never faili ng well of ·w:it er . Title good. Apply t o. R . R . L oscombe, }=)n,rri$>tcr , &c. · or to E . '.rviorE_lS. Howmanvi lJ l), Q(·t . 8tl1 , 18-'/ 2. ;~i n Jll2-rv!J. CAS H BU YE RS l'i'rLL BUY LOW. rrHIRTY ACR ES of excellent land, f n~e . . . .A. 8 usual hr: will r~ptnr und. alt~1· all 1 ond2 of fronl 8 tnn~ and sttunp sittt1lrted ou the g1·av el i·oa.d 11 1 nile~ w est of 'nowmnnville, There F\lrs, 1uttl p~y tbo , h1~hcst yr1cc 1}l C M~ fo1· r!"\V 4 · th' ·scs ".-rood fn\n1e }louse :.S0x24 1 fnts, Gents oh tU.l l H on e p rem1 , ._.."' . . . ' I l k t funushings t tl d kinds, 211cluding g oves cp cons an Yon , au ·. ..Re-m~ube1· the stand, corn et of K ing nnd Silver Street·?, · Thf . ~IJ\.Y .E !tS. the rnuat"h.sting, the troublerome, and 'l'hey a r u u?cd Quality 1'.s the.Test of Oheainicss. and roconuncndod by 1nau y of the hoot Brecdoril 11 the U nited S tates nn d 0Madlli, ~ucl1 as G·. B. Bowman ville, D eq_. 22ud.18·70. J'l·?,IU Loring, Sah:1u, )i[l.sS., P 1·4.: :>idcnt l~ u'v E ngland \Vool G·ruwc1·::i 1 Society; ·John S . H.osa 1 Heu-no· pin 1 Ill.; l'rofcssor :&L iif ilea, of th!.: Sta.t o A g· .; l i ou. G·co. ricult u:raJ Collcgeb L a...llsing, 1tiid1 B ro wn, Toronto, nt. ; .Tolin Sncll 1 Edmonton. rr iH.E N orth 'Vest ~f!J!'TY ACRES of Lo.t 21 . Ont. On I\fark i$ st~~ru ped the O'NC'1" 8th Con. of Da.rhugton. 42 acres are ln a name and. the Sheep's n u1nLcr. They will be good stato of cultiYa.tion. Good out buildin gs, sen t free, by m11ril, ot· cxprcss 1 fo-1.· only f v·in-e ntlii Fo1· pu.rt iculiH's tipply on the p1·emil.e-s to ach, and ,vill last fo1· 'l'WENT ¥ "l; l~AH~. .\IlLES KN.A.PP. G4Y'" Cash must accon1pnn y ~ill orcle1·~ D,u·liu~ton, j\.fal'cb 15th 187J. 24-tl. ATI OUIBAJ, D YOUNG, Jl<., ,...liJ W .l! Vrlill 't!l'l"l"l'!l 'll!'I ." ' EA . ·'l!'I ""'l!IAS, ~ .a. elBI I moot C(1mpl etc t1vcr irn:ented. Plu,in ;i,ud l!'aiicy Dry GooJ s, Lustres, Alpacas, .French Merinos, scarlet, white, pink , blue, :tnd..rose ; SaJi:ony Flannels, Plain a,ncl Fan cv \Vinsevs S upe1·ior Make "'i ·' .J ' Carpets, Damask Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Oil Cl oth~, Towelling, etc., etc. 1'oi;ctlwr with ib la,rge supply oI FARM FOR SALE GENTS FURNISij:lNG, CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS, Clothing Made to Order--Fits guaranteed. MILLINERY AND 1 llAN'l'LES, a AT j speciality Tal~nt, · FOR SALE. Sarnia, Ou t.. Orllul'i'. ndd1'Cl:!Sed lo the ~I E RC..'lL'l"'L' ttn d On SEUV ER .Officc, fot 1 n 1y qnan tity, will bfj fi lled · th i.~ nboYo-me11tioued price, a s -r1uickl y tts th l\lat ki'l c:\.u b'3 rn rirl.e- .u:i<l se ,~lll~. -- STYLES ALL · T I M ES. s. .· l . ll AK K R N, J ~(>w1nRf!Vill1J, Uow111 n.nYiUI":', I) ,·~~~ . 187:'?. inl. l >Pc, :?-::it-hi lfi.71.1y-1n13o -_ 'l'ltEWIN, ly Uorner K ing ~m~l Simcoe Street;;.