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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Oct 1872, p. 4

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TE THE M:ERCHANT, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 'i5t '1~72~~ ·- - ·- ----..! Thct'O i; rt ho1nc 'tis bettci· f:tr 'Than any ca.rthly home can bt: , 'Tis bl'ightei· than the brightest star, ' - 'Tia In.sting M eternity. That happy home, that h..'l.ppy ho1nc 1 'Tis brighter than the bl'ightest star, That ha.ppy ho1ne, that happy hon1c, 'Tis 1astir1g as eternity. No Ja1·kuess there! no<lrenry night Doth on that bright home eYe1· fall, 'l'he Lamb its pure, its :perfect light, It'! life, its joy, its all in a.II. 1' h:lit hti.J!PY home, thu.~}1ap~y hon1c, The Damb jts purot its rx;\:feCt light ; That ha.ppy hOmc, tliftt hnpPy home, Its life, its joy, iti:;all in nil. (Ii'ron1 JI01ne and Hc:Mth .) .1.-Ye-w llemfdy for InterrniUant Fever.-....._\ l'l.e\\' retnedy for .intermittant fever has, it is said, been discovered in~ tincture of the leaves of the E11cal'!fptiM glQbulus, a 'vell-kno\Vll native of Austro.lia.. Expc1·iments W.'C Italian & American Marble. A larg~ Im.p1.·ovect NEVEl~THELESS S1'LEND1D ~J:LF.OTIONS of and choice selection of MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES always on hruid, of superior workmanfjltlp, at lo\ves~.priees. · _ being prosecuted all! SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. Cabinf;3t Organs Good~, in regard to the use of this .substance in the 1naJ.arial dhitl-icts of Gern1a.ny, with results wl1ich appear to indicate tl; it is likely to assume a.n iinportant place in the materiamedica.. Wrought 01· Gast I1·on Fences Fa.11 a.nd Winter · AND for enclosiag burying Iota. rJopper3in.itltB Cholera.. - It hits been shown in London and P~nisth:it coppcrsnriths_are com· paratively £!Xempt from n.tta.cks (}f c11olei·a. It i~ eupposed ,th!\t a. posiHi;c ::i.bsorption of the metn.1 into the system is th:e.)'cst1lt of long-continued dealing in this metn.1. Workers in cop· Furniture '!!ops, Mantel Pieces, & c · kept on hnn<l, or. Wl'Ot1ght to .:>rd er. r espectiully requested n.t the \\·orks, Groceries Very Ohectp. AT A co.JI ia King Street, Bov..Nnan·vUle '[ Octobei·, lat, 1SG9. · per acquire green stains on the gums immedia· .:\.ntl ll1 tha,t holy, happy ho1uc, tely n.bove the teeth, exM.!tly as worko1'S in lead Lo,·'d fdcncls do iucct, no mor0 Lo :;e,·1e1· ha1,re a. and blackiah line in the s~1ne region. I·~nl' there i\o changes ~·er C<l:O co.tnc, The perspiratiQn of coppersmiths is rsaid to be 'rhcre Ml·is~o c and bliss fo1· evt>r. qf a bluish,g1·een ·col91·, nnd iu cas~s o~ ulcera~ That happy home, tlint hrippy hom.,, tion the pu.s i~ also gl'eeni:::h. ]!'or tliere no changes e'er can conie, Spcci/i,cio;· Dipthcria.-·'l'he Itnlian joluuals 'l'h;i,t happy ho1nc, tha.t happy ho1ne 1 pub1ifh a long letter f.ron1 Di·. Gio\·anni Colli· 'l'hcn·c all is lo Yo n.ud joy for cvc1·. g·w:ia, describing the remarkable sucqess \V)lich Oh hA;P.Y i'\1ul uf spiritr:i bright, lu~ :tttendcdhis trea.tment of dipthcriat with 11l;.;.,1' \I-;.; ~·~l :·. ~:1 ~\r p01-t~h f;1ir , phen.ic :.wid. lie reln.tes the loe~es be fonnedY Enter a.t death tJiy rcn..lms of light, ~xpc~i.enced a1nong his patient!!, when treating ' .A ..nd tc~t and t-cign withJcsuo then.\ . tho1n ·with errlollionts, solvents, ruid cn.utcriza,. That happy l&nd, thu.t happy la.ncl, tion 1vith h:r<lrochloric acid, and obt:icrvcs that lifn.y \V(;l nll huil thy portll.ils fa'ir, c:\utcrization can no n1orc ei·a.di<!ate the tnorbi<l Thal happy hind, that happy lan<l, principle than tearing the leavea off a plant "'ill .A.nU rest and reign with Jesus thtre. dest1'0y the .root. He no\v simply uses a gRrgle of phe1ric acid and distilled w~tor, 'vi th exter·. - · -- nal application8 of new Dannel; the food and d.i·iuk to b~ ta.ken coid. Afte1· the adoption of this tl'cllllll"Cnt, Dr. CoDig~ria. lost but ouc pt.1.· :::.- - - -- -:tient out of fifty-ci£"ht.. He i·equ.ested the Ita.J. iru.1 journals to publish this discovery. Phenic WANTED. 111;id is the agent which ia UO\\' beh1g used iu this 'l 'he £olluwiui; i6 ft·ou1 a.11 An:rnric·au journal-- country as a i·elllody for cance1·, a.nd :-:.eeros lilte: \\1anted- 197 yo11n~· nu.1n, n101'C or lcli~, of all ly to eJtect animn1en~ ~rnNing of lives forn1crly · ~\ a.nd size.S, fro1n the tall gl'aceful t.le.ndy hopelct!sly sn.crlficedA;o thn.t.cliise:.l.Se . with it..1'ir sufficient on hit upper l'l) to l:'ituff ~· 1'ra'risn~iosion of C(l,rbunde; ·etc., by .Fl-ieJ. -It hadJor'ts cu8hion·1 4o'""l\to the l'ttle bow·lcggcJ, llM been proved by direct e~1eii.ment thBt ce1·. !l'\!ckfod !<"1.CC, ca.i·1·0t-hcailed U})l:ltii.r~. '!'he ob· ditJeases, sud1 a,s carbuncle and it& · allies, j·~ct is to form a g-.:tping corps, to be in attond· ina.y be transmitted from one animnl'to unother, aucc at t.hc church <loora ·a.t tho close of Divine Ql' fro1n animals to mo.n, by mearis of .flies lightRtriicc St\bbath tO stare at .the la<lies - <l.S ing upon the <liscaaf: epot, and '~hcn.c6 pasisir1g they leave ohnrch, and to mil.kc 'd elicate a.nil to a h.$10.lthy subject~ This: is no~ done by the r;cntlem.~nly rema.rlia on their p~~r~n~ M1d d1·c8s. ordinary f:5luw or " m eit fty, but ~by the ~omn1on . A.ll who wish to epter the 41..boYe-Corps will !lP" hquse-tly; 'VHich, ~'ftel' Coming in oontact ' ! ith pear 11po11 the i:tcps, or iu fr'Otit of .the Yt1.riom1 a. sore, and passing to o. hell.ltl1y an.imal, chnroh doOl'B next Sundn,y, Oct. 27tlJ, 1872, imparts the infection to the lattcJ·, whcu they lvill he duly in3pected, their n:\.tnca, Oldo1oal i .1t Cod Li·uer Oil.-This .ia saitl to renpcrsunal ap1Je:wra.1icc 1 aud qµality of brainn reg· ~lcr it inuch ·less natls~ous, and p1·evcnts the 1 ilitercd in a. book {01· that pui·posc. prevent night-swco.ts of thf.l phtbi$ic:)l p~cnt, induces a. b~nffi.·al rush, we will state that no one will sleop, and creates .appetite. 'l 1hepure chloral· Uc culistcU who posaessca intellectual c;~pacity hydrate crystals may be added to cod liver oil :tbovo t11a.b of ;i "tell· bred donkey. in the pl'oportion of ten gra.in8 of the fornl.Cll' to one hundred nnd nin.ety of the lattel'. P.EDANTIC )~GG M.1>:1:cH.\N'f , - i\11 individual Purification of Water .-Dr..G . Bischoff, .J r" is told oI ns doing busincst> in oni;, of our mn.J:.. ktLs, who fr; <l(Jwn on custo1ncrkl who d,.,n!t of Bonn, l1as obtafnE\d a patent in Engl.and for ~ peak properly. "'Vhat'ij et:gs, 'this morning?'! ptu·i[ying wa.ti;)r by means of iron· spon@. Sotno n~ked n. cust:omei-. "Eggs, .of co1uw," replied time ago he melltioned in the Inilian Society of t.hc de<iJcr. " I 111e:~n hew do they :;o? n "Go Natural Soi~nces the' eri.e1·g6tic action of spongy where?" "PHl!.a\\" ! :i says tho c1111ton1c.r 1 . ict- frOn en 01·g3..nic auln~tauces dissolved in \Vater. ting out of tempel'j ·; wh~t fo1._ eggs yn ~' I 1 ll Thie has, indeed, been kno\\·11 he1·~tofo1-e, and money, Hi1·, ,')1· i;ood cndo1·scd credit," 11.11· expcdmcnts haye becn·madc with ~olton iron, swere<l the dealct·, "Don1t you understand the wirf:, etc., but no practical results were obtajne(l, English la.nguage 1 ok?" says the custon1er. the action hal·irig been too slo,v. A filter, how"Not as you 1uix and n1in;'le it, I do not," re- twer, 1IU\(le of iron. sponge~- purifies impure.. w~~t(~r raVioly so it can be used. fo1· drink· !>pondt>d the egg vcnd0r. · 1 'Vhat- is-thcprice - per-dozeu· -for-y0nr~eggs?" "....Ah, ing pu1poscS. The water retainS ifa; good taStf" now you talk!" sit.ya the dE'..ale1·. "l\ .!:\hilling nnd rcll'l.ains ole.:w fo1· 1no11tbe. 'fhe 1roil sponge ean be furnir;l1cc1 in laa:ge quantities ~t· ai Jnoder~ ii tlo7.~n is the price, 1:1ir. ' 1 n.t~ pric. e. Seve..ral were \Vith liquids A Q UAKElt'S LEII.Elt '.1'0 BlS VlATCilM·\~L~. - tukeri from sewer1->, and the chen:iicaJ. analysis 1 hcre,\ith send thea my pocket clock, which n,~'vays proved the water obtt1.ined from filtering standeth in need of thy friendly eorroction., to. haYC l)een completely purified. The }11St time bo 'V.'.t8 at thy friendly school, he B.ow to .~wallow a Pill.- 'I'be Chicago ]'l/ecUcal \Vas in no way rcforn1cd, uor in the benc· Times is responsible fo1· the following : ':Put Uted thereby, fo1· I pc1·ceivc by the index of his the pill.a nn<ler the touguc and behind th"e, mind that he is n. lia1·, and the truth is not in :ind lat the p1ttient lm1nediately take u. large bi1n; tha.t hi~ pulse .i8 s01uewhat slow, which Hwallo'v of water, p.nd he will neitbc1· feel the bctokeneth not a11 even te1npcr; at other times pill no:r tn.qtc it. In fact, he cannot tell \vhere it wa.xeth sluggish, ilo'twithst..'\nding ~ freque11t- it lws gone, n.nd I have seeu tbc1n look a.bout ly nrge ltim; 'vhcn he should be on duty., as th.., floor to 8ee if they hOO not ili·opped it." thou knowcst his hand dep.oteth 1 I find hi1n Rc1ncdy fol' lfervous H cadaclu;.- .J;;'\.. well known i;lun1be1·, or, as ~he Yanity of huinan rcnson l{cntucky mjnister, subject to sevcl'e spell.a: of phrasea it, I caught him nn.pping. J~x:n.mine UP,t\'ous hcnda.che, lYas in ou1· office ·the otbet· · hin1 1 tl1ereforc, and prove hhn, i beseech thee, day, sniys an e:!.:.cbttnge 1 lluri11g one of these atthoi'Oughly, that thou n:utyt.:st, beit1g well ar:- tn.cks. I\1ajor l3rown, q{ }fexico, was proal.:!ut, . q11:i.inted \vi th hi.a inwa1·d ·frame and dispueition, and proposed to relieve hi1n .iu fh' C nllnutes, dra\V hiu1 fl'om the erxor of his w:iy, D.ud sho1v which ho tlid inost effcctna.Uy. ~Phe .following biln tho path wherein he should g·o. It :;i·ieves hi the prescription : "T1.ike n. d1;1se1't·svoonful of ino tu think, and whon I ponder thei~on I an1 comnton soda., sueh na is . breau, ~J . use d 1n . m al.;::1ng of the opinion thn.t the body is Ioul, a.ud the an<l dissolve it thorou~hly in t~ quart of cold \Vhole corrupted. him, thetcfol't! 1 w·a.ter.. Vlith this thoroughly shu.rrpoo the · w ith thy charnill1g physic fl·o1n i\ll 1;0Uution 1 head for about fivo u1inutcs, scr:ltching the tbu.t he may vibr:lite and circula.te n.ccording to skin of l.hc hCa.q and the bank of the neck well the truth. I Will place 11in1 LJiy for' with the. finger-na.ils. 1.'hcn rilwo the hettd with a, fc\v days, n.nd pay for l1ia boanl as Lb on· rc- clean cold wn.ter. 1'hia re1nedy is fot nor"·onrs quii-cat. I enti·citt thee friend .Jo1H't1 · to dc- headache) :.i.nd Hot. fol' thoae afilictimu1 of 'U1c me:w. 'thyeelf on Lhif'i occasion with· judgment: hea.d m:i~iH~ from deranged stomnchfl. accol'ding to t-hc gift which is itt thee, u.ud p1·0~\ e T"al·iw ot the TVatm Bath. - Tho "'arn1 bath thysolf a y. ;orkm::u1, :·n<l lVhen thou la..yest thY ~ ·~ g1·a1u.l re1nedy, ~.nd 'vill often prevent the co.ttccting hand upon hi1n let it be without u. most ,.milent of arSeaaes . ..1. person v·ho may r~:sflion, h:tt lhou slJouhlf:1f d1in.: hj1R to J1_;. "t.i·uction. Do thou t·cguluLtl his motion ior. ti. be iD. feat ..rQceived iufe(..'tion of ttny t i mo to <~ome by the u1otion of the . light . tLat kind, should gpeedily"piunge into a. ·war1n, suffer perspiration to· ensu~, ~d theu xub dry, ·r uleth tht rlay, and ·wheu thou tiuJci.!t· hi1n cor· i·ccte<l f1'0n1 tJw etror of hfa \va.ys 1 ::i.nd 111ore dressing securely to ~uard against t::tk.1ng cohL co1nfurtable to tLe nLo\rc mentioned rules, then If the system has i1nbibed auy infectiou~ toatdo thuu 11cnd hhn home with· a just ·b ill ter it will be certaihly removed by this process of 1 .:h1 il'gc11 drawn out in the spil-it cJ'motlon.1.tion, i:f-it be resorted to before tho infection has time aHd it 1>.l·t1.1l 00 sent to theo in ' tbe )'OOt of all to spread over t,he sy.;iten:1 ; and even if i:o1nc tinie bas elapsed, the drenching penipfra.tion t'\'il. tha.t may be.induced in a hot bath \vill be pret· ty S\tl'e to rc1nove it.. l(/>.1'lll:R ,\~D SoN.-11. . .B. Shcrid:.Ln ha'd a. ()arboTate of Lime i n TV/to(Jping Cougl!. - Dr. i:;.i:ca.t dii;tauto t-0 anything lik1:1 1neta.phyaical di'3<'tt8!.iioos, \vhcrea3 Tom had a lildngforthern. E. M. Snow, of Providu1ce, hae often recomTom one dav tried to diecuf!s \\'ith his fa.tlier mendeU carbolate of lime ns a i·c1nedy to i·elieve the spasmodic fits of coughini;: in this, t.hc dOl.. -trinc of N cceBSity. "Pr:i.y1 my good fr.ther," said ho, "' did you and the evidence i.8 abundant tl1at it is ~f r ea.1 ever do anything in a etartc of perfect indiffer· value for this l)Urpose. It is used by cxprniing it to the air in the roonlf:! \Yhere the childrflln live cnce 1 \Vithout motive of some kind or other?" Sheridan, who knew what Wf-a coming, and and sleep, so that 'the odor lYill be pla.inly p1:1r· by uo relished "euchsubjo~ts even fro1n ccptible at au times. . Fi··uit a.s a. Diet.-'l'he Regist<lJ.; of Providence, Tom, or any one else} eaid, It. I., again calls atte.n tion to a popular erro1· "Yest certainly., ~ 11 n.bout fruit. Reteh·ing to the den.tbs in ulY 1 1 Indcccl," said To1n:~ 1 ' Y os, in.deed. ' 1 he says : ·rhes~ fncta fll'1o'v conclusively that the 11 \.Vhat ! totnl iudi.tre1·cncc-total, cntfrc, .popuL:w droti.d of fruit as a cause of disea:.e and death, is entirely without founda.tion, Fruit thorough indifference 1 11 "Yca, total, entire, thorpugh indift'ci:ence ! " has been IP.o~e plt;!nty than llEUal thi~ sen.sou? l ·1 \Vell, then, lny deai- f~ther, tell me, \V'hat . and half-rotten fruit has heel\;·espc.c ially abun· is it you can do ·with (mind) total, entire tho·· dant, but the retol'da sbo\V that in the month of July it was not the C..'\Use of a single death in oagh indifference?" ·"Vhy, li¥tcn to you,, '£otn," °K~id Sheridan. this"'bity. .Nearly all the inoi·tality f1·om Bum· The rebuff so diseoncertcd Tom, that he never mer complaints is rouong children too young to forgot iti nor eyer · tl'oubled 11ia fa.ther ·e·a t fruit and vegetables. The iinpurc nil· tha ia b'rcathed, hi a far more p O tcnt · c~uso of .!'l ic:k-. with :tny metaphyfilc11 , ness than tlie food 'that is i;aten. ALEXANDER. DUMAS.-... '\ per!KIU WO\'e l'O· To 1Jtop l1leed-i11g from Lecclics. -~1..,;.ke. n bo.11 n1ai-kahle for inquisitivenc1::is than ;ood b1-ecd· of cotton <iho11t the .size of a. po;:i. ~ }JUt this pol in:;-one of those \vho, devoid of delicacy,- an<l let of cotton or lint upon the 'vound ; press i L rccklc8f3 of rebuff, pry into evei-ything-· took the down finnly; koop up the yJressurc fot' n. quarL1n· liberty to quc.stion M. Dumas rathct.: closely of an hou1·. Rc1nove the finger c~~utiously, t11.kconcoi'lling hirs genealogicaJ. tree. ".You arc a quadroon, }.fr. Dumas?" l,ie be- ing care to· let the pellet retnain . F'RENOH LOAF CAKE.-One pound of nOur; gan. one pound of augar, One pound of i·aiains, & hall ' 1 1 au.1 1· ~ir,n replied ~f. Dun'J.:lil 1 who had pound butter, one cup ne'"' inilk, fiv e eggs1 and seen enough nJ't to Le asba111ed of a descent he spice to taste. could not concea.l. WARM CAKE, - One cup of sugar, one of btit· ".And your fat.her:'" · ter, one of ooiu· milk, teaspoon(ul sa.1ar~~tns, tw~ "'Vas a.mulatto." cggs. ..::..LoKt."TTA E. l(N.A.PP. 11 .A.nd your grandfti.the1·? n 11 A negro," hastily answered tbi; dramatist, whose patience "'al 'vaning. ".And mtty I inqi1h·e \\·lut.t your grea.t-~randThe lale Dr. Bethuuo wrote to l.Jis Con fathor waa ? " · sisto1·y these ever memorable 'vords, · "'Vo "An aipe 1 sir, :i thundm:cJ. Dumas, with a. can neve1· despair of a church that pilts the tiercenesa tha.t made. his impcrtinont iuterro· cause of Jnercy first, and itself setonJ.11 i;ra.tor shrink into the smallest poBBible compass. .A.gain he says : " I '\'\'ould. as soon try to ·'Au ape, sir; my l)E"digl'ee commc11ces where cultivate n farm ·without rnin, as a chnrch yours terminates." 'vithout benevolence/' and " I l1ate to Le Good Cooking Rai8ill8 only 5 cents n pournl, and still cheaper by the I box. J\:l01EOD'S, GENERAL STORE, .:~t-J ·~' · l ·. -o-liott'.~ .for a Sole Proprl~tor.!I tnd Ma.n.nfacturer;, ot ·thif\Jele· brated Victoria CaTbollc PrrmSJ:Utjon!lt. Lahora· ,. tory o.nd Works, Vtctoi·l~ llall. l:tel!Dd.i Stre~t, Toronto, Ont. · Thefollowln~Gcnulno Prol)a.ation· ·r··oldby I OLOTHlNG-Uentlemen all Dr~rst!9. 'Be ettro o.nU ai,k tor.I.he V10Ton1.A. ~ Pru1raAT<oNs, 1ud ··o tb·tyou ~«<hom. early at Elhotts :E ash10nablc I Cottou and Woolen Goods uie ad v'w~ing, but you can thorn at El sborL tirne, at the old prices. Now i8 the time to secure wha 1 you llecd. -·~- I .. I ·, . in waJJL of.,, goou iittill<' o 'l'mlorrng !<.Ui b!Jslmien t. ·, . · .,. ,. . MtiL Hli OU I Id call FOR CASH ..!\11 ori!or~ _, 1.'hle J:BLLT Je fur - - ----· Crumbs. for Chickens. Beautltylng tbe Complexion, 11.01l r.cnd.;irlng the Skin ~on White, Clear, and tr~tJ JJrynl.lBB, it ;;:::;;;;;;;=;:====:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;; !Jt unrivnlled. It ,..,.111 q,uick.l:V rtimoyo il:l Hcdne<:.t1, lton2hncos1 ·ran, ·l!"'rcc\dc~. I 1 io1pk~. nudothertrn· ' perfecJona, For Chap~d llnntl e, Cbilbl:ilnEI, Frost Hites aud 8-.1re L.lpe.1t ca..nnvt be l!!nrpu.eed. mo~t B'.Q'ac~bJo bl~bly rccommenO.erl t'o ~L"l.dlis a:s a .tj 1'repa.-n t1ou t or ttu.1 'I'tiUot. l"or &a tisfo.cLion gun.nmtecd iu all reasonable cases. HENRY :E:LLIOTT, Jur. bp-o23-m54. Tailoi-iq . ~ : PROMPTLY EXECUTED -1 Pdcs ~ ccn~. . _ ~iii'"'1i~Rl! . A.Jso .Agent foi· the well ki1ow11 FIRST·PRIZE WANZER MACHINE, S~WINO ®nmh (ICnmhimdimt $ryans _,.-E'ITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED_ Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, MANUFACTURES PRICES. Eunfoklllcn, N'av. 24th, 870. nl8·tf DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT ijill An invention having a most important bearing on the future. repuLatio1 of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volurne of tornf is very largely increased, and the quality of tone rendered ·' Bowmanville Drug Store. J. filGGINBOTHAM, Equal to that of the Best Pipe Oi·~ans of the San1e Capapity. ' · ·- .,. , - --0·-- --· Om celebrated" Vox Cele.Ste." " Louis Ptttent," "Vos Hu111ana," "Wilcox Patent" " Octave- Coupler," the charming -" Cello'.' or "Clarionet" Stops, ::md · ro .. ~· Thia 0.6.nGL:rJ 18 ·t he relfo,Ql.o.JWU eftlcaclo.w ·-:-r Romed.1 in ell c···· of Soro 'J'bJ"<>·~ llomen·~··- ~inij1licity D1Pthe1·t:t., Broncliltte, Irritation ut tbO Brouch1&1 · L ~·uo .. 60 common in th!· ·""""blo cllinate, titl:n, 0, Oa'en1:1tva Ureath. t:lcc 1al.t!cl Gums, and all d1~$8see or tho Month.· l·'1·r Public t;pt1aker,11 loi'ver and t::>lngers it is tnvalu11blc. 'l'he ln ~redicnts en· B-'" OF' F Ganze to tortng!lnto this Garg!o uro uec" by ·ll Pbysfclano, ~' GE·.' , : - < rolll ··d tor tue core of the ·hove di;ora;ro "'"now, L Ul'Bl 'lTY t J" ondo11ptedly. the must. popula.r - t.;i t.111.> Matmo l ...I.;' . : - ·l as a ue t·1me. 25 POIN'l'S OF StTPE:R:CO:RI'l'Y. in Constt<Uction, Ease of opeiYttioii, Perfection OJ alike n bot sides, owing to pe1fect tension on !tppe1' ana Th1·ead. WORK OULD mmit rcsl?cctfully tenclel· hii; ~in· cere thank!! to lus numerous friends nnd cueton;crl!, and to the public generally, for the very hbe!al ~uppo1·~ he has received siuco his commencing in bus111ess; a.n<l. hopes: by conti· nue4 strick p~rsona1 nttention to buaincss, a-nd offering nothing but the purest article~, at the most reasonable prices, to ensura a. continuance of publio patronage. J. R . woulcl call special a.ttentiou to hia ' 'Ol'Y 1;uporlor &took of W > ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Can be obtained only in these Organs. S ·· DYESTUFFS, \dllch aro· sure to give the beet ea.tie:fnotion. A well-selected stock of 'l'hi?'ty-five Diffe1'ent Styles, For the Parlo1· and the Ghiwch, '!'he Best iffctterial and lV01·!.imdmsh·bp,, w·111 Reaver CJotl1. ll«ttca · rrice ··nt·. · - · j Equally a.dapte~ to Fa.mi1y Work, :Dress a.nd Sb,irt I· Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. . loctlons dlsea!cs.~ It wl1l urove-nt c.:onta¢.on- 1n... . _ 1 · Cattle. ltisalsoL1.valu1'l:lletorn1e.1ntecthrg.W&te1 .. ! Clo·ets, Drain·, ce.. pool· ·. Stab< ··. S!an~btcr- ' . I!!! honseB, it.c. 1 and for dc~tro·.1nJ? D2'U~eons t·fflnyla . W ;~iil from whatever cauec11.rh.t~. · r~ will dr1vo a.WR)' '"' Moeqnltoee, Mot.b'il, Files, Cockro&cbe~. &c .Meat, Flsb.&c~can bepreaervcd ·rromJnttrufactlonUylU ' . 'Ve ba"e also Oll hallCl ueo,. Carbolic Act l was ech.!cteQ hrUct MafeBtY'e \ · Y " 1 0 i~~ b~~t·n\~1~~~·~~~cfOrtnt,b~Jpie~~~:' - 1 1'lZltlt' BLE'l'J.'Ell .A 1 · .ABBOTT'S, A;.V D BARGL11 Y SEfV I iVG i1IA tlou ot 1Dfectiou3 di3tascs. ~ Price 25 ccv,ts. · Thi·Typhoiq Fover~.I·· surop,.venl!NooVfYJlhu· aud Cholera" Sm.allJX?.I. ond i:ll In· DISI~F<CTANT EVERY . · MACf.HINE' MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. Agent lii1' ·' ? ~ · WARRANTED ·k' ei·10"""l eel!!! & Q U1C - · DRUGS, GHEilfIGALS, PATENT MEDlGINE'S BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Ete.,Etc. kept constantly on hand. · fuality cmd Volv,me of Tone Unequalled.. - ---o- --PDICBS Fac~ory $50 ~treets, · OILS, PAINT; GOLOij,S, VARNIHSES, and WHITE LEAD, Rt the very lo-1Veat prices. . ----o---and. ·Warerooms, Cor· '6th and Congress Detroit, Michigan. OlllJ.'·t E Our Stock of Or.neml Goods is large, embracing all the Novelties of the day, and all the necessaries as well. Picture F:rnines- 3.ll sizea, Mo··ldings of every styJe, \Va.11 Paper-a sj:Jlentiid usortmcllt"llow. in stock, A large ::iu1!ply of beautifully tlfl$Ol'ted 'Vindo\\' Shades, Children's Carriages, Ooncertina11 1 'l'hil!I Pn'£IIARA'1'lON ls nneguallecl tn !ts rapidity Brushes, Combs, Looking- GlMses, 1'-Iusic, )l11gazin.e15, 'Violina, 'V iolin Bowe, V"iolin '::Strings,Pa;pcr forSbarpenlng and Polishfost Cutl!.'ry. 'l'ab!P acd Collars, Neck 'l'ies, School Books, Day Booka 1 Bibles, Kt1ives and F'o1·ka 1 PocketKnivee, Razors, Pocket·Knives,P.Ji~ore, ~nrgical lcatrumente,Shoe· · All these, a..nd a makere' Kn1ve5., Plana Bits and UhiRt:lil,1 &c. Noth· Spoons, and SciSBOr.i! . Chea.pest Note Paper and l 1~nvelopea in the country. tn.c hall e\.·er been d1scovered which nae eprung- t~r:iusantl other. a11:~<:l!.!11, :i.rc to be found a.~ the V..tlllIETY STORE. We always glad to l!oe f1·.ieuda and tlnnk it nQ trouble to s}lo\V Goods ; ·~lHl 1\~c guarn.ntee a.s good value, at as 101v prioo:s 1 popn.latlty more qulckJT or become ot so mDch valaein every honseholb. ~ ul \fork.ehop tor as any otffel' house in tho trade. ieneral oeofQll.lC!ft. I'.rice ZS centu. PaL-t~es wishing to telegraph tht':iie friends, tnfl1' rel\' u11 h1~vi11g thcfr bu:ilness <lone promptly. 1 \..gen.ts fo1· Ini:unn Liue of SWamen.c, mid Imperial Building <'.IJld Sa\'ing Society. Horses and cattle Medicines; N. B.-Oountry St01·eheepers ~ltpplied 011 tho most a.dva.ntageQua te:rma. A choice selection of LM1PS, fol- salo chea.,p Bowma.nvillc, Dec. 9, 1868. 6m . RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville.. Bowmanville. Ang. 21st, 187G (Estoblishcd in 1850:) m47-o3~~ ...-: I I SABBATH SCHOOL LIBllARIES . . . "" 0 0 'H' '!:'I S fl'll 11'!'1 'e .11\1 - . . .lfW da ... di\111 . Dail..,. Jtain.e , OT TO Bowmanville, March 7th, 1872. · . YELLOWLEES & QUICK. · AND n23 ' The New Lake Steamer cOt CHIT CHAT. f'rim :Bra.dy a.nd Mike Flynn] REWARDS. ' -.-:O;: -- Oct. We have just opened one of the 1871. 1871. TIM.:_ "Good morning, Mike, slmre and its early out, ye are. Might I . be boulcl to axe what started ye es this moming." J\i11KE ..- " Jist be aisey, '.l'irn, mid I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye see, I wwi. tould, yisterday, that Misther Gray, av Tyrone, had gbt .home an illigant new stock av Goods, ,chapc as durt, man;: and its \T7 ILL on 01: about let A(iri! next co1~1ne11eo . 1¥ hei· rcgulm- daily trips, ice ))ennitting,lun.v~ meself could hardly slape a wink, aJl night, thinking av the u1g Cobourg every morning t~t 7 :::JO. Port Rope the chape goods. And shure enuff, its the full store he l1asat 9 o'clock £01· RochcHtei·,connectiug there ·with the N ~'v York Centrnl. N orther11 Central and piles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the Hie Raihvay, fm· all pointti Eaf!t, South, nnd makins av an illigant new gown for Biddy,. for Siventy-five South '\Veat. Cints; Tay fo~· most nuthin, and the Bucey few a trifle less." . llE'l'URNING. Ll:lu.ves Charlotte, Po1t of Rochestei-, c\·e1·y TBL- "An shure its funning me ye are, . Mike; w9ukln't· the man be evening a.t 9 o\:lnck, except Saturdiys, wb.-.n afther breaking d OWil." she leaves a.t 2 0 1clook p.·m., ,for Brighton ilirect. 'fhe steruner at 131ighton;tfonqays ap<l MIKE.-" Breakin;:; clown, is it. Shure he knowsu th.rick wurth .two av Thurscln.y, o,t Colborue. eve1·y... di4,Y except '\\7 ed, that. I II jist tell you what it is, Tim, if you want to git a uesday, at Whitby. OHh.LL\r~. Darlington t.l-nd grate name when youre ded, and be called a fiilantrofized, filosNuwcastlo on \V'edneifd~y; 8hould f1·eig~t ot?er. Dcnlcr.s in stock 11Aill ibid thlli the cheapest .and ifer, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabours,ancl the quickest route to Albq,ny, l3o.ston, New. York, . rist av mankinn, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more &c., &c. Atldrei:la;1 · ~ Il~ 0. C.t\RTJ!:n., for the good"'l!<v~ou .counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould Port Hopu Ont Jieland, \vhen . li~anished all the toads and snakes out av it Port }[op . ch 18th, 1872 25-Lf. tlfat nivdr wa.~ in i "· 'l'I.M.- "I'm 111nc~ obiagetl [<5 yc1 for the bit av advice, alld won't detain ye; Q:erc'll slrqrel.j be a grate run, and maybec I'd miss some bar airil.l. , The top M' the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. ~ __ LARGEST AND BEST SELECT'.ED STOCK OF "NORSE.MAN" 1-d · Sabbath School Libraries au(l Re,varcls ever ofiered ful:'aalc in 'Bo;vmauville. Parties wishing to rep]i:mfoh theiYSchool Libraries, or to purchase RI" · wards~ -WJ;ltq;f~se ~ remember two thini,YS : }'irst, Om ~tock of·8ch't.uLBooks is. no old stuft~ picked ·up u,t Auction Sales, nor ha.sit been on our Shelves for years. 'Ve have sold out and refilled our shelves, half-a-dozen times during. the p·s_ t ;year, and have now purchased so largely, that we have not room to exhibit them. Please come and take them away. Second, We have not mEi;rkcd our bodks at high figures, with .the view of J;aking off a large discount.. They arl) marked low fox genera.] sale, !tnd a discount qf_"fEN PER CENT. will ,he allowed on purchases mnging from $1. to $50. i. nveY 'that amount 1"Il'TEEli l'ER CEN1'. will be allowed. We respectfully invite Ml inspection of our I EXTENSIVE · AND VARIED STOCK ' OF . IS Pocket Books,. Alb:nms, Writing Desks, 0 B. BRADSHAW ~-------· ·------.-·- . La(lies' Companions, woulJ. ta.kc this 01)portun.ity < ·I th.inkiug his 11un1m·oua fl'icnds fo1· the very libera.l pa.ti-ona.go he has rccci,·od. He feels r-;atisfied lhat uoth· ins.but For the best and cheapest Blotte1·s, In·k.stands, LOW DRY GROCERI:ES, CROQKERY, ~ m. Note Paper, Envelopes, -·&c:, &e. W Remefnber the Store, next to the West Durha~1 Steam Prilltin" 0 and Pu blisl:iing Honse, King Street, Bowman-tille. Supe1'ior 'Workrn.a.nship, hn::; gtiiucd f0r hint su~h ·~ ::;tco.<ly ino1 -....1a.>e of busin.oss- n1uch ln.rg<' r than former year~ ; anll he t.n ;1,;t s tlu~t by BOOTS & SHOES, 11!1d CloLh1ng made .to order in first-class style, go to 0 CD · P' :returning. t.b.anka. I Nwould r.oepoctfullJ,iU.VJ.te c. BARKER MANlGER. PUBI~IO ' TO THE tho~ 'l'he Kingston News has lately been ·hown a letter written by a 'Joun~ girl,. an inmate of the 'Blind Asylum at J>ranttord, ·to a lady in tnat city. The . ~vritrng and composition wa'!I e:xcellent-qmte aa good in fact as any girl of th· same age could execute. It is a great blessing I? have such an institution, lvhere the educut1ou of the blind can be attended to, and riarenta who have children suffering under such un n:.tllic~ tion should embrace the opportunity to some extent of alleviating it by availing themselves of such an exlieUent education economical with the Bread of Life." Possessed of such~...iews and spirit, it is not strange that all the church~· he serve(\ became cli·tinguislied for systematic ancl increasing liberality. And it may ·be adderl with propriety, tl1at h~ impressed his own spil:'it of large-heartednes.~ upon the church vVALTER ·'\JVIGG & SON to~their ~u1nurou~ Cuatomci-.ij, and the Public gtmer<1illy, forpa1;t fa.vorfl stric.:t. attentiou to he will continue to l 'e c l..liYe their $U [J!JOl't. of Christ. rrnn: G1{4::\.L.> Pu1v11~~a1~.-It i::.1 the grand privilege of life to he put in trust with the Gospel and bear Hs Baving n1essage to any 1 company ~f needy souls ; . ancl the true and - -trustful to1le1, whatever ht.:> ;c:;pherc, ·w ill not All t.]1 08 e th~tt urc iii M'l'er~ru ru u;.;t JJ ·tY ll!-', t.':~· l ]abor in ,· 1101' ~pend lns s trength fol' I i) the Hardw:~rc account. 8. B. l:L j as jg proyided jn thfl ]Jra.ntford lnsthntion 1 n.Q.l~ht. nownui.nville:·Ian. JOtl1 , 11'17?. J!i J -~' I ELLIOT'S Cheap Store, · attention to our preeientatock of Furuitu1·c, at'i ,.,e have lately a4ded thereto, that ~e..1n·~Y enabled 00 l'!upply nil parties \vho may tu favor hi \\-Ith~ call. Great inducements held out-t.o ~hoae purcashing nt our Establishment. Piotui:ct1, Lookmg Glasses, &.c., framed to order, and in every style. Samples of the different kind of ~Iouldings ran be seen at the 'V' '\'Ve would also beg to inform yol.1, that,hayiug pur· cha.sed a. SPLENDIB NEW HEARSE, \Ve shall he ready ci.t all tin1es, to attend JJ'uneral.a, on short notice, it.n(l reasonable terJnB, N. B. Coffins kept on hand, 1·,ntl 111ade to order, at the S. B. BRADSHAW, Hampton 2nd, 1871 rrYR·ONE. NEW D01WJNION RETAIL FURNI'l.'URE WARE-ROOM Osh~w~, King Street East, Oshawa. Aug . 2iltb, 1870. ---

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