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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 1 Nov 1872, p. 3

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· · ammo ") t........., THE 1\!IERCHANT, FIRDAY, NOVElVIBER 1, 1372. -=========================~=========.=============::::::::::~==================================:;:====-=-~-=-==--==-============================~~========= Apprantic~ Wa.nted. Machine b nsineSl:!. THE BOWMANVILLE MACHINE A T'Vol-tKS, a few stout lads, to lcnrn the ITJIE !~l~V~t :~~ ;~~ r.~t 21 CHAJl LES KNAPP. ]J:i.:rli u ~-; h: ;1 1 A. M. GIBSO:'<, ManageJ·. mtiO·tf. A 11ply ~,o 8th Oo1L. of Da.rhngton. 42 acre$ are in a good s tate of cultivation. Good out buildings. ]1 'ot· pnir ticnlnr s ;:i,pply on tl.te premises to 1vf::tn;J1 15th 1871. 24-tf. l:Sown1anvi1lc, Sep. 10th, 1872 · WANTED. CE:X TL1· ;7\CAN desires t.o rent a. ~iLLing a.nd bed xoo111 fnrni;,hed or unf11r11 e<l i wit.h or without bonrd. Apply u.t this office. m40-lf. Bown1ri,nville, Sep. · 3rd. FOR SALE. S!:'. cnnd I-Ia1Hl Dcntccrnt n1itnbl0 for CounAtt·y nquin: Morril'l's Ca.rringe w( irk. A J :tL :.Factr1ry. lJ ly, u1;o.:u. · :ille, 11-liiy 23rd. J 872. Look at the Premiums, A A Chromo" OUR DARLING "to every subscriber. To Sell, or Rent. S TOH.1~ A N D DWJ~J,LING HOUSE, in the ·\T1UagtJ oI Soli11a.. 'l'he above is a dcsin i.ble sturnl for a Tailol' ar.U General Store. ~.t' or p lhl· apply to · GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK 'l'hc oldest 1\' io Aiuerica. T. DARLINGTON, MR. WM. WERRY. I f by letter address Solina P. 0. Oct. 22nd. m4-tf. FALL OPENING! 1873.One nc\·er offered by any,zine, either in thiS country or in Europe. Sine~ ,,,..e are f!.wce.d into this business, \\'e are deternuncd t,o make 1t difllcul t for others to follo'v us. Let us aee who· will eou1e up to this :A Chrotno-" OUR DARLING 11 - to every tiubscriber, wh1;;ther single 01· in a club. TERMS . ·w-ANTED. Unpara.lleled Premium! NEW FRUITS, 5 Raisins, Currants, Figs, p .A NT. 3 CO.d.T, !\nd 3 \'J1~ST, l\fAK.T~RS. Coni:;tnnt en1ploYJnent. A1)ply at .l!"'. F. !vioA.RTHUR'S, "Bea\' er Block," J31nvmanville, _._<\.ug. 21st, 1872. m47-tf. Autumn Fashions! :American Organs! Magnificent display of Ne'v and Goocls. lilUilDOCH BROS. have opened out HJJ imrneuse sLock of New Fall Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the ,.;tock, >tncl as nothing but First Closs Goods h>we been purchased, custornern enn rely on gettiug good v11,lue for their money. Da.tes, Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron Peels, NUTS .IN GREAT VARIETY. !~icb yen.i._· of busines~, with a. SMJ'lH AMERICAN OllGAN CO. THR have. now . complet ed constant tbc:i~· 'l'wtmt.y-Fi1-:'lt and still in ~ .. One copy, one yoar $3 00 Two copil:lS 1 on(:) yeat 5 00 .c\.lso Dan·els i~11d Boxes of 'l'lnee i.:opies, one year 7 50 Four copies, one yea.r · - 10 00 11"i ve copiesi one ycn.r, and a.u extr a copy ·with an n.Saortrnc11t of. to the person getting up tho.. ch1b,n1aking six copies · 14 00 B ight copies, one y ea.1', and <in extra copy to t he person np the club, n in e COJ)i cs 21 00 ]),'.n1i.ngton has ag aiu l"C'eei vl.'tl a11utli cr lot of :Elc \·cn copies , one y ear, a.nd a.n extra th00s celebrated copy to t he person getting up the club, ~ n1aking twelve copies 27 aO 'l'weuty·tl1ree copies, one ;year, an d l\.n Qn«lily is the 1'est of Cheapness. extr;-i. copy to the person g-ettiug up the club, miiking t'venty-f1nrr copies - 5.5 00 Bowmanville, Dec.. 22nd,1870. n ·g1u L et it lie wnlcrstood that every subscnber, a nd the get ter-up of a club, "'ill have the beautiful uhro1no 0f "Oen. DAHLtNU i· sent t.u thctn, It is c~ rJcrfcct Bijou. Tho fre(,! uf post age. 1 1ricc of t he chro1no in the stores is 'l'hree dol Jars. .A.nd < i11y subscriber in a club, or single sulJ:::c,;r iber, who inay wish to have " Onr fl(M·lin{J " n"lonuted on 1:1tiff brfatol board, and ready for framing, ca.n have it so prepared an~l ~ent l>Y remitting twenty.five c.;011t~ at the time of subscribing. 'J~o the getter up of a club of (i or 9 copies, we will send, as an extra '()rcrnium, a copy of th e ··'!'he Offer" 01· " 'l'he Accepta.nce1 1' this in a<ldition to " Our ])tu·ling.,, 'l'o the g etter-up of a clt1b ot' 12 copies, we \viJl scud both of the Chroinos- " rl'he Offer" ~ind ·· 'l'ltc Acceptn.nco," alo11g with "Our l)al'ling" ; or "Asking a Bleesing " and " Our Darling." 1\> lhe getter-up of a club of24 copics1we will ncnd ,, Asking- a ' ·· rrhe Off er," I· 'l'he . Acceptance,". and" Otu· ua.rling." 'Vill the gctter-ur1 of clubs of 6, 9, and 12 copies:plear;e ?epartic;ula.ea.nd ·write wha.i-prem]1nr1J1 they desire. The pren1iums <ll'c on1y forwarded 'vhen th~ remittllJlCC is sent \\Then t11e subscribcTS all reside at one place, the premiums will be sent to the person who se:nds the club for distril)l1tion. '!'he ptll"son scn(liug a full subscription of tl()llars, can have his cl1oice of "Th e Offer; 11 1 l'he Acceptance," or·· Our Darling." rrhe 1noncy must a.11 be sent at one time for # . any of the clubs, t~nd addition$ ~a,y he ma;<le to clulJf:I a t club rates. The LADY s BooK \\'ill be sent to any post-office whew the i:mbscri11tions m ay co1ntn1}nce witL any month in the year. We IN .A can al ways ~upply back numbers. Specimen numbers \vill be sent on receipt of 25 cents . How 'l'O AD:\llT. - In remitting by mail, u. l")ost Office Order on Phihidelphia, or a Draft on ..Philadelphia, or New York, payable to the 01·fl<~r of T..4. ~1. Godey, is preferablt: to bank notes. If a Draft or a l'ost Office Order cannot be procured, send United St'1.tes or National n ank notes. \Ve " advise an early avplication, as expe~t our li st, with the inducetnents ""e offer, ·w ill r each 200,000 subE!cribers. Address B .i'iMil'Ll.'t ifml Ca111dies, CHOICE BISCUITS. PURE LEAF TEAS, ----o---'.fllE GREAT REMEDY 4 ron and ncknowledgcii by ,1nnll}' prolni.lit'nt phyei~ cians to be the most Relinbie Proplrration ever introdncOO for the ltELIEF and CURE of all CONSUMPTION \vell~kuown DRESS -aooDs LUNG COMPLAINTS. 'fhis rtmcdy offered to the is- public, f!auctione4 by the cx:pcrknce or over forty ycnri:i, and when re1:1orted to in scuson, Phtin and figured Lus~res . and 'l'artltn Wool Pojjlins,Metz Cords, Figlll'cd Repps, Empress Cloths, and an crnlless variety of other new Dreos Goods. · Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Bl1tck J,ustres, Black Cohourg, Black Pamma.tt11s, Bfack Crnpc Cloths, Bhck Metz Cords. scldolll foils to effect a iipcedy cure of Coughs, Colds, Croup, llronchllls, In· !luenza,Whoopln~ Cough, lloarsc· ness, Pains or soreness In the Chest and .Side, Blee1Ung at tile Lm1gs, Liver MIL.LINER Y The iissortmcnt of Millinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive itnd in trimmed or irnL1·immed Ha~~ and Bonnets every t.wte ca,n be con-, sultecl as the viil'iety is so groat. The Flowers and Fe11tllern, Laces, &c., we cliiirn tu luwe the finest assortment to he found. In Black and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we have ii large sortment, '"t prices to suit all. a~ ct-easing growth. As tbe ~1ufactory is one of the oldeHt, i.t a.ho ranks 1111'flng the highest in the countrv. Duriug tho lon 15 experience of the 1uanufactu":rers, they Jrn,.vc steadily a.dded to the capacif.y of t heir iustrutneutfl, aud have av~dled theilli!elves of tJvcry 1nethull tu itnprove tlie qtrnlit;· of tone a.nd to iucrea;,ic the 1n ccb.1~nical f:.tL:ilt.1es for the 1iorfonner. .c\.Jttl t1tU\\gh they expect to coutjn11c: th e cou rse 0f i1nprovt'1nent, they axe abundGntly B<~tisfi ecl with 'vh~it has beeu dortt', _ fl,lld with the ell.ti mation in which their in·atrun1cnts are held by good ju~lg es 0f 1nusic. A s heretofore,tbey will U S!;.1 t.Ll:l, without 1·ega.r·d to cost, anti give to CVl'ry Orgn.n the most thorough worknu1.nship. They especially in\'i L e cornpad sons as to the quality and volume of tone, and as to the effe<.:.tive mechanlca.l appliances . They call ~1tte11t, ion ·to the fact tllat their Organs nre sold _i\.'l' EXTRJt.i.\1EI,Y LO\V PI-iIC!! lu;v Mi8 charged for 1 nauy 11f- n.n inferior sort. llavi11_g a },i_.rge, and thoroughly a.pµointed 11u111uf<1.cto1·y,employing none but 8killed wrn·krnen,and having a lni11ute div i8ion of ]n,bor, they are able to_pro· lllt!Jt:! OJ·gans at leF:1' rateJS th iin rnu~t com 1>et:.tors. '1'11ey believe. ahm, tha.t ~1.roo11g other tJi1ngs, tllc n1b~-c earned n r r putution fQl' fait· dealing, aud they-wuulJ <to;O! nru dista.ut pt1rcbat1t:!rti no Organ will C\'cr their \vart-r ooms with thefr knowledge, tlutt is not in every 1'e8vect p crfoM. of its class. Ar. they have before stated, they inten<l to Se· curt! .a friend in every purchaaer. 'l'hcil· cataloi:,~e; '\'ith full description and nccurate engravings, will be · ~ent :U·ec to ru1y :"IA.:kJrel's upon ap·· All ne~c ss ai·y infortrHbtion chcerfull)licO:ti~n, y furrnshOO. ~dress N e\v Fall Goocls 1\rrived, at l\i!cCL UNG Bros. . Complnlnt, &c. THE SMIT!t"AMERICAN ORGAN CO Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. Boston, Mass. J 1\1 BRIIVIACOMBE, by a timely resort to this standard remedy, as is proved by 1lu~drcds of tcittimonials received by the proprietors, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY Bowmanv1lle· General Agent for the Province of Ontario. BO\\ltnanVHle~ April 3rd, 1872. ly-o14·m27 FALL GOODS Large Variety. cause · behtndJ as is the case with nu;st 71repa1·ati-onsJ but it loosens ana cleanses the lungs, and . allays iri·ttatton, tl.nis re,,nor:ing the cause of tltc couiplai:nt. doc$ not d't'1J up a Co1igh, and leave tlic Cr.ERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all th oflc ,.,.-hose oc·cupntion requires an uuuSunl c..xerci;>c of tllc vocal orgnns, will tlnd this the ONLY rREPAHATION which will effect. . un.lly and iustantnneously relieve their difficulties. BtJ\-Vitl'fl of Coun.terfeitlJ. BO vV~lAN VILLE Machine and ' Implemen T Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams, Meltons, ect., will he fouud unusuiilly large. . '"e Remembsr that the genuine JVistar 1s Balsam has ot~ the outside wrapper the .signature of u I . )J IJTTS " and the prinlecl name of tlie ptoprietorst "S'E'l1H JV.F01P'~E.<-f' $0NS BOSt wns . .Exaui-· 1'0N.n AU others are base "'mita_ ine the tvraJPCI' c;are fuUy beforepurchasin[J. L. A. GODEY, N . E. corner Sixth and Chestuut Streets, Philadelphia, Just- Received. Tiiiloring under the charge of M:r W. S. :M:EDDOWCROJ<'T, au One Dollar a Bottle. 8i1 Bolll" for Fivo D0Unr1. PREPAlll~D MURDOCH BROS. Bowmanville; May 7th, 1872 ly MANUFACTURING COMPANY. :>fANUF AC'£UREltS O:b' Leffel ~merican Doub1e Turbine ,~.rat er "\Vhcel BY SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, lib Ko., .Alld oold by Dluggi·l· IWd Deoler· geDerally. A NEWFI:RK! Cb ange of Business in the Pioneer Boot & Shoe Store. I - ---......--·-- ---------, AT THE · Card. ol! Thanks. ·In returning you my eincere thaukr; (o~· _th e very l.iber:il pt~troua~e extended to me smce iny com1nencing busu1csl:1 ; and H.S .in conscciuence of other eng-agc1nenb1, I am compcUed to i·elinquish the Eimnc ; I have great pleasure in rccommcnclin.--. to ·rou, Mes1:1rf:I. .Anrlerson & Cu., in~' succe rosirs, "\rho Dxo in every way quali· ficd to t,'1.Ye von a.s good Goodi:::, and on aa favor· able tenns a~ those given by mo. Soliciting for t,}len1 yonr pn.tronage, .. I yours, EXPERIENCED -1 CUTTER Iron ,fl.nd 'Voocl \Vo:rking M achinery, Circular Saw J\.1i11!:!, Shingle !vinchines, Grist ~!ill from London, Engfand, also for rm<ny y0ars conducting fa8hionahle Etahlishmen ts in Canada. M achh1ery, Lath j\'.[ills, Sctf Rake ]leapcr8, 4 :\lowing !\-Io.chines. Common aud Gang Plo'\vs, }l'a1wing ~1il1s, · --:o:-In reference to the'\<e, RICHARD REED. Chopp1ng lrii1ls, MOURNING SUITS MADE AT A FEW HOUR'S NOTICE· FeCd, Cutters, &c. Al.;r:OERSON &i CO., . tak e:~ plea.sure in notifying the public of Bowrnnn villc and vici11ity, that they have A. JYI. GIBSON, ·111anager. Bowman-ville, J"tu1e 20th, 1872. 11138-025-ly :Purchased the :Boot &Shoe :Business AT LOWEST RATES. of :\:Cr. J{, H:.E ED, to which they have lal'gely added. rl'hey ·~re now prepared to fu rnish everything in thoir line, 'l'he cn~ton1 work is superintended by !vlr. J, 'vho wns, for 16 yearl'l, the principal wo1J::ina.n in ~Ir. !teed 'a establishment. RICE & . BARKER n.('ea, F. · Y. OOWLE. Bowmanville, Od. 3, 1872 ml HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepiired for irnedi<ite use, and nothing but tho pmest rnatorials used, iinil req ctiring no farther mixture of _Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. Thei r oou 1poi-iition consists solely of A Call is Respectfully Solicited, .A. large a8sortn1eut ha.iid. · or trw1ks agents for tbe best ORGANS on tbe Continent. constantly on 1'hc hiyhest price paicl in On-:;;h Jm- H.ides. · Three first-class woi·lcmen wanted, none other need apply. Anderson "t Co. nowmanville, J1u1c 13th, 1872. 37-tf. ' JUNE, 1872. A foll Stock of , Pure Color, Piire White Lead, l'u.')'(' White Zinc, Linseed O'il, Spir'ils of T-wrpentine, & D1·yers, ccu,refully n,ncl scientifically combined. The co11sumer can have any desired shade of color 11eatly put U], in Cttru;, auil all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can he done by himsel( or by .iny member of his household. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks _l_ the n10st lasting, the trouLle : orn~. aud most con1plete ~ver invcntud. 'l'hey arl:l 1l$t!d and r C com111cnrlcd by rnany of the best BreedeJ'8 n the lJu i t~l St a,tea fnu.l Canada., such a.s C. B. Loring,, M ass: , Presidt>ut :-.i C\V Eng land Wool Gr'v,vers' Souiety; John S. H.O!Sl-3, Hennepin, 111. ; Professor ~[. h1ilc5, of the S_ t ate Ag· ricultural Co1lege, Lansin~, l\lich.; Hon. Geo. Bl'oWJ1, 'l'oront.o, Ont.; JoJ1n Snell, Edmontolil Ont. On each M ark is stru:npecl the ower' na1ne and the Sheep's nun1h er. They will bti sent fre e, by 1nail, or cxpresi;;, for ordyjourcn1..;tt.l aoh, and w'ill last for ·r\\TJ£N'l'Y Y&iRS, . ~ Cash nnu!t acc0111po.,ny all 01·ders ARCIHDALD YOU~G, Ju., Sarnia., Ont. Orders addressed to the. }1.Ell.CHN'r and OB 8J<:HVElt OffictJ, £01 uuy qu~i.ntity, "'ill be filled tho above-1nentioned j)rioe, au quickly AA th:&larks can be mad!." anJ sent. mnESE MAI\KS ARll 'l'HE CHEAPEST Spring and Summer 1872. NEW FALL GOODS, 1872. Direct importation for our PURE WHITE LEAD A hcrgo stock just rec8ived, for <iut, .. umn pll,inting, imported direct from the English }fanufacturers,including J amcs' Genuine, and the celebrated DRY GOODS. New, Fas/donable, and Clleap OSHAWA ---o--FALL · TRADE. '1'1ie sulJSCl'ihel' begs to inform his cuatome1'.s and the public , that lle l1ag received per Steamships St. Andrew and St. David · CARR I AGE SHOP. C. BARKER, Bo\vma.nv illc, Dec. 2t th, 1871. ly-ml~o F ELT, STBAW, AND ROOSTER (west of the Ontario J3:mk.) BRAND, CASES AND BALES OF SEASONABLE DI~ Shawls, - - -- J. & W. J. MoMurtry Are now showing"' full assortment of A fine lot of ~ Co ·--------~---- g uaranteecl p iire. ALSO Y G 0 l~Tilliner·y 0 D S, V:~riety I1nportetl dirc<:L containing- in Great .. ---o- - - HATS. King Street, Bowimtnville. all st;:t11d:till culors 1 o.: t. 1 varnishes, Clotliingmade tu onler, the best trimmings only used, imd the lowest price charged. GOOD T HE. subscribt:r i s prep<~ed to build and re· pall' and pccinters' materir,ls. Call and see how chef1p 11 house can he painted and decomted; for all these goods will besolcl at Reduced 11 1umtles, Ribbons, Flowers, Fcathci·s, and i:Jtoclc, also DRY GOODS ·AND l\!ILLINERY. Corsets, Skirts, :Eosiery, a.nd. Cl-loves, inclndil1 g f11ll rauge of sizes and colors of the genuine ccl\:brated fig·:wes, 2000 Gallons of lVagons, Biiggies, and Giilters, of every deaci·iption, a.t tihQrL 11otice 1 a.ndo reasonable ter1ns. Jeovin and J?sephine KID GLOVES, a~kcd Always on 'rime. 1'HE JJ'ALL S TO CK Cloth and Gents Furnishing - - -.o--- New Groceries. Dollar TEA for SS Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted s. y, HILL OIL of different kinds. Threshers and all p11rties requiring such oil. iire spccirdly invited to inspect the v<iriorn; <1ualiLies, the pri-ces being far below auy hhing ever offered in this market. "'ltich will he eld n.t prices much below the fig;urea usually thess goodR. rl'ogcther with tt hirge as.sortnm'cnt of fo1· OF Carriiiges Painted and Trimmed· A Blacksmith's Shop on the p1·e1Wises, 'vcre special att ention i8 given Phtin and Faucy Dry Goocls, Lustre8, Alpacas, French Merinos, scarlet, white, pink, blue, and rose; Saxony Flannels, Pl11in and F1mcy Winseys, Superior Make Carpets, Damask J,ace Curtains, T11ble Lineus, Oil Cloths,, etc., etc. 'l'ogt:Jthe.r with alarge -'!mpply of MAYERS, I S BEI.~-G ADDED 'l'O DAJLY, n"d i j' A ·full Stock of COIU '!)l"l8EJ1'; J, More than Ordinary Selection. WARRANTS HI11 I N MAKING I LARGE JiiUR UHASES, And 11e otfers liiH cu1:1 t omc1·3 a choice of }, tH'S of descriptions, HIS PAST BUSI N ESS SUCCESS . an FRESH GROCEI~IE. S, All to he sold Cheap. t.o ,~11 600 _Coolt; Parlor, 1-Ia.ll, and Box Stoves, arriving, and now on exhibition, th~ lm-gest 11nd cheapest stock of GENTS FURNISHING, CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS, $25. ltEW ABX>. T l12~vi ng coiue to onr k11owledgc, thnt I , Pedlars are B elling Spccta.clcs and bye Glasses l)Urporting to be of our n1akt', and to b~a·l' Buffalo and Sleigh Robes, NEVER BEFOP.E EQUALLED, Tb!:l_y n.1·0 · got np in th e best and most fashion:i.ble styles, t~nd are g rwl'anttied as l'eprcsented in e\' Cl'.Y i11.,t,a.ncti. work, and General Jol5bing. Clothing Made to Order--Fits guaranteed. AND 1l1ANTLES, a AT ALL Highest price p{tic foi· BUTTER aud EGGS. CEN EP.A I. 'llARIJWARt, GARRIACf JlflLLINERY uur nau1es sta1npod tY,creon, ~o hereby ca.utwn the puLlic a.--.aini:lt nll Buch illrpostcrs, a.<;i :!\-Ii:. 1.\...'.1.J~O:N J3uc~L~n is on1· only Agent in \V ei:st J)urha1n ; a.nd ti J:tewarrl of $25. iis her<:b,y offer- I t:d £01· tl1c ,,,pprehension and convict ion o~ o.Jl snch ilnpostens as try to dcfrand the nubllc by o:lieri11g· their as our rnake. . LAZARUS, MORRIS, & CO. ~\Ion.tre a.1., NOv, Stb 1 1871. n7-tf GOODS, AND Tlt~WARE All WM'k clone arthis1Istablishment m th e C01mty of Durham. warranted. JOHN McLEOD, solicited. ,T, MORRIS. Bo,v·moinville, Oct. lat, 1869. A cnll is re~pl:!ctfully speciality Talent CASH BUYERS WILL HOY LOW. all kiuds of :F'urE!, ;,i,r1d p::ty tlle c11ish fol' J%W 1 furs. (}ent's furnisl,iing8 Of all kinds, includln!; 1 g-lnve:; kept conr.;tautly on b::i.nd. l{en1cn1bc1· the s tand, cornet· of l( :tnd Silver St1·1;."etfi, l' and alter hil~hest pric f1 j11 S.A.Lrr AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND Sign of the Geld.en Lion, Bowma.nville. Bowmanville. May 7th 1872. STYI1ES TIMES. .A.E! ·u:;nal lie will Wellington Builcli ngs: Bowln>m ville, Aug. 8th, 1871. s. Osbiiwa Sep. 3rd, 1872 . TREWIN, l'nrner King and Simcoe Streets. M. 111 8.YEHS. l 3owrrinnville, 0 ct 3, 1872. 1nl. ly ·

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