f - - -<'- F · 1 THE MERCHANT,. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER l, 1S72. t.ials, a.1111 n.skc(l what he could do for rue, r inviting me to the inanse after aerYicc. I I told him my desire to get a good sent in the At the Last. MPORTER, MANUF AC'l'URER, an · church. He called. tho beadle who wa; DEALER m ·ll the 1·arieties of just going with the keys to open tho church Tl.to stream il$ cOl>lme!t when it uctt.tt> Lht> th.le, door. ' Sandy, you will give tl1is gentleAnd flowel'6 the B\Yeeteat at the cvcutiGe, & man the host seat in the church.' Sandy And birds moat muelca.l l\t olooe ()f day, and I went together. There wrui a great .i.\ largll il..Ud choice rx:lection or And aaints dhincst 'vhen they pnee a"·ay; cro\\'<l outside, and, I suppose, fifty car1'.forning is lovelier, but a holier chn.rm riages on the l'Oail. We went in quietlv by MONUMENTS AND CRAVE STONES, I l'"'iss folded close in evcnillg's rob~fl of balm; the vestry door, and Sandy locked it after l\:lrn1,y1o1 on ha.nd, of HUpcrior workma.nehlp, a.nd .ilncl weary nl.an must ever lov~ hor beat, us ; L selected !\ seat in the gallery, just opo.t lowest pric e~. }'or morning callis to toil, but night to rcat. posite tfie Queen's-just fal!Cy the bra.as of tho man-and there I aat full ten minutes Wrought o·J' Cast hon Fence.s I Con1ing from hca.\'cn, 8hc on her wingH doth bear heforo another individ·.al got admission. A holy frngranc0, like the brea.t11 of p1·aycr; for eucl~siag burying lots. t When the door was opened, there W·S a. Footsteps of angels follow in hor trn.ce, rush such a.s yon \Vot1ld see at a theatre or FUiniture Tops, Mantel Pieces, &c To shut the weary eyes of day in pen.ce. n circus. The people almost trod on one .A1l things ~tre ht18hed befol'c hct· n..'i she throwu nnotlier, aiicl »ctually jumped over the seats kept on hmd, or wrot·ght to order·. A call is ! I iu their hurry to secure what they thought . respectfully rcqucsto<l at the work~, O'er cu.tt1.l :mtl eky her inn.ntlc of i· epo~1:; \Vas the beet places, In a few ininutes or· ~rhcrc ia a. c1tlm, n. beauty, a11tl a po,,·cr King Street, }Jmcmant1ille [ That rnoruiug~11owis not, iu the evening houJ'. deL' was restored and perfect silence rcign Oct-Ober, lat, 1860. 1-tf Good ed. ·1'be church wus densely pncke<l, and a box. ·Until the cveuing wu iuuBt \';oOlJ aud L·Jil, utuuber "'ere left o·utside, Pr~ciscly at . T:'lough lifc'!:i atent-fun'O,v, dhr U1c wecf1y l::iojl, twelve the Queen wulkecl in very quietly POETRY. 0. J)OUNSALL, I IIARD TO BELIEVE FULL SUPPLY. .N:EVE1~ TI-Il{iLEBS ! s1 LENIJlD S.L;Ll~t.:TJONS uf· 1 Italian .American Marble. TRUE I I ! I . SUMMER DRY GOODS AT COST. I Organs ' Fall a.nd Winter Goods, Groceries Cheap. <Clld ~till 4 I Cooking ltaishrn only 5 cen(K; ,,, pound, ·-- ()-~- cheap.er by the I D. \V. MULEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, i.zo0°-dlugly~choap ':Pr1·nd with ~a.u foe~ ot\l' l'OllQh aud !:ilunuy w:iy, .Aull beai· the h<:u.t and blll'<lCJl vf the d<Ly. Oh! wheu out· !ilUI is scttiug, 1nay we glid-: J,Jkc nun1111er evcu111,.; down the gold1.:11 tiU.1!, And lcaro bd1h1d uH \vhen we pa!SB aw<~y, · Swo.!ch1 15t:tn·y twilight round 01n· ~1cc1iiJJg ,_.1;1y. an<l. took her BcaL iu !he front gallery. - -rhc Intc:1·to1'. Crumbs f o: Chickens. ~hould In mukiug our :u1:augc:mout..n to livti, wo 1rnvcr forgot Lhat we lrnsc ali:k) to d~e. lf e. toper uud a quart. of \Vhiak-:y wl·re left t<Y,CeLb.el', \vhich would be drunk first,, l 'he Siamese twins, Chang a.Hd Eng 1 a.ro at laet dh ideJ. Onu iii For G_rocloy, the uthe-r for Grant · An editor a.ski hi~ ~ubetrib~L·~ to IJAY hiUl thn.t be may pln.y the $[1,ll\C joke on 11is credit· vatiou. On the old Scotch for1n of 'vorship, two or three country Inds and latisies led ore. the singiug, the Old Hundred, Martyrdom Somebody ~y& a wife i.houlcl bt1 like <t toast· ancl French. The Queen stood with the Pt.I la1ub-tc11<lcr Ill.id nicely t.lre~ed. A llC1tn1p congregation u.t prayer, o.nd fint \\'ith them while they sung. She tumed up her bible >i<ldl:!: "Aud wJlLout n,ny &i.tH:G." A wag saiJ of a.n egoti$Lkal wLilN·, '~ So1ue· wheu the others di<l, and sang ne bco.rty as ar.iyouc in tl1e crowd 1 anU also dropped her btJ..Jy i;hould tP.kn pity_ on hi:; rl'ndor1:1, aud put contribution into tbo bag that "'"" handed 011t hi!! I's." round just like the rest of us." t\ lady calls the littl~ iuon1ora11dun1 h~r butcher aen<ls in with Lhc meat, "Pcndlli11at1 by the weigh. ii 'rbe bualuer.s of a 1-eportet· C1(tcn lirini;" hiHl iuto o<ltl pln.ccM. In a report of a. New Orlenns Odds and Ends. wedding, wo i·ca<l thnt tho Lrid-c \Vore Hilk·elll· (From )loorc's Rural :Kc-..~· Yorker.) broidcrcd ~tockin@I . Pumpkin Pies. - '\Vill so1ue of tho l'eadors o! ~A... revenue asse1:1sor in Obi(}, m:1kiui; the usual questions, inquired: "Did your ,vifo hnvo 11.ny the Rio·al tell 1n1.1 how to make i;ood ipu1npkin T ha\'e tlii;!d but they fo.il to please my i.i1cCJmc last year?" "Yo.!!, flir/' replied the ·as· pica. husba.nd, Plca&c tell and obligo--A YovNG 1>esged, " both girla." HovSEKEEP.JJ:It, Ossian, ]){ew Ym·k. At the fuuercl of &r ·wonuu1 rce~ntly, n. sy .upa· In response to the 1.tbo,,c "'c print the follow. thctlc and ndruiriug neighbor YolUu~cered t.he ing which we havo just rcooived fi·o1u Mrs. B. informa.tlou that "for patient rtlsignation tho R. Simpaon, who B.'l..y,':I "it is an excclle11t i·ecoi.·pse could da,ncc all arouud a.fly wom:Ln liv· c~ipt for I have tried it :,,--Cut tho pumpkilu.; ing.11 into auHill pieetls; Tako out the socda v.nd in· A Utica.girl at the p1·01lct hour pulls a !itl'ing side, but do uot paro it. It mt!St be a well wh.ich rcvarat"a a p!cturo un the back of which grown aud thoroughly 1i.pened pumpkin, and appear in huf.\'e cha.ractc1·a tbe wol'ds, "'rcu not watery. Put t.110 l)iecC'B iuto a o'clock is my betl time," ;l.Ud her arhnfrct·s tnkc snucepun: with v11lr a. few spoonfuls the gentle hint and depart. water- not iuo1·0 thau four ; cover close, Leavenworth boa.ata of a dog wl1ich brings tb.o and let it cook gently, ElO aa not e~otcl1, until morning paper in fro1n the yar<l overy morning, the wn.tcr has all evaporated, o.nd the pumpkin and gives it to his nt:i.ster before he get.8 out of has cooked quite d1·y, andofa1·ich, dark Ol'angc bed. Th· othsr mot·ning the dog broug.bt in the color·· While hot, Gift it tlu·ougl· a coa.rec seiyc. paper, but, ou iu;·estigu.tion, refutmd to dclinil"!I Season only us 1uuch as you a.re needing for the Jay. }'or ouc hu·ge pio--unt.1 egg. ouc ta.bfo. He did not recognize t11L' gentlc1na.u. 011c of the s:t<ltle-~t t.iighls iu thia seasott of tho spoonful of 1nolaescs, four table~poon(u}fl of con· yea..r is a. youog m:tu 1~ho lrn~ 'vaited outside de.llS!.!d 1nilk, and c·ough of new n-ilk to n1ako the church· of an ovening until he is i.:hiJlcd it ar; thin as you wish - or if you hu.vc it- half through, ouly to sec his girl " ·a.lk oft with so1ne milk a.nd hn.lf cream, instead of condensed milk; ra&Cal who has been in~idc ttll t.he time loasling sngaL' mul spice to suit thC' tMto. Ginger ai...d c:inna1non aru very uico. "Bake till a ch~ar, ri1;h his sinful 1:1hin:s 1tt the i:;tovc. b1·01vn, but not hlhiter nor scorch. ' TutN.-"I l.iru.rc: jm~t met your oltl acqrnti11i· ....Urapc.s . ....-'rbo Jicarth l.l'ml 1 1 0 d1·:; Pca1'$ a11tl 11ncc, Dnlr:iy," t'!aid an Irisbmn.u to hlli friend," lilld WA.8 fl.Or1·y to sco he hnt1 aJ.ruoHt s11l'unk a.way liome has tho ftollowing :-'I1akc peat:.$ that aro to nothing. You aro thin, 11.nd I atu thin; but good for i;tealUing, but too acid for en.ting, wl1ile uncooked; pn.rc, quarter, 11_nd put iuto deep he is thiuncr than both of us put togcthc-r." dif:ibE'~, nud sprinkle OYC!" 'Yith l:m:;ru·-about ii 1 THL UeEFOLNnss 01" so~1E )fr:w,- l Thwre teacupful of l)Uga1· to a quart o! frnit. Le.'.1.YO r..re EOIDO inembC!'l:! of a. t.'OlnlllUUit;\·,·1 !l~iid tho fvr 12 or 11 bOnrj, by wl1ich tilnc.:: there will he 11a.ga.cious and ·witty 'l'hcmn::i Bi·atib1i.ry, ·' tl1at a. good dc:i,l of juice in the dishes; then \.mt.thruu aro like 11 crumb in tho throat; if th ey go tho iu yoln' sweetn1eat ktittle and .stc\v until ucarly ,.iyht wa.IJ, they i\fford but little JlllU.l'ishrnent; cloar; then r c1uovo mid apread upon di.shes to but 1f they happen ~o go the -wron:; 1'J('!'i thuy dry in n. vrru·iu. but not hot oi·clJ. '11ho juico give a srcat deal of trouble." mnat be poured OYfil' them. "D<lnn.ill!1 darliltt, och, Dt:11urn, what is .i t ..:\.d..1 gt·apce arc e~celleut, tniated in nearly you'ro doing?»- "\Vbisl1tl Bi<lt.ly, l'i:;ti Lrying Lho i:ti.1nc w;i,y, only in8tead of ettu1cli11g ove.r :tU cxpcrimcut!"- "1'IurU1cr! whctt i:; it?"- · night iu sugar, tl10y must be put into the kettle "'Vhat is it., cli<l you flay? "\\"'"hy, it itl g iviug Lo scald at firct. J.\.s soon na they boil tho skiue hot wator to the chickens I a.m, t::o L haL Lbcy'll will burst and the seeds l'iae to tho top; Lhoy ba afther la,ying boiled t:gJlH, " must tbon he !!!kimmL-<l immediately; ol~ they .c\. 8E,.Eltt EErOnl' .-1\.vhl~l-~ 1IHU, ~lute suf · will uink a.gv,in ainoug the gra.pcEi. ...1..fter cldru~ feeing it Lompota.ry lo~~ d ti::a:.011, wo~ Yi~itr.d miugi r.eiuove f.ro1n the firc 1 a11d !!th· in tl.te srunc in the ma.dhoulic by {{ pc t·son whv, ill a whiuing prcpa.ra.tiou 0f ~ugn.r ti..a for pev.rs ; rspread on 1'Vlii< t UrOltghl you hero, ~Ir. dit1l1eb and ciry. tone, a.aked~ 1 'Vhl'n dono, pa.ck in Atone Ha.ll?" Tow.:ldll g· hi2 hlOW l'lig1Jlic:antly with jar6. hls fingc.r, ]fall replied: 1 1 \\rba.L Kill neYN' Preac.1·1..'cU O/'angc. Peel.-Clean can:fully; cut bi.ing y{Ju , oir-·too much bntiu." iu thin ~tdt)H; ritow. in watet· until the bitterTnr J.{01.1'1' OP' TRE J~v 1 L, - " Duclor~ n ~ttitl a uc~i8 hi cxtrnctud ; drau1 off the "":l.~L' and a(ew \\calthy patfo11l t<1 Ii ii' phyi-rk:i(: ll, "1 ,\ aut. you aga.in for _ halfau hour in sil'up of sugar and Lo he thorough i< lrikc ct.t the toot of tho cJj r;. wd.l er, allowing half })iut of water and a pound o,;a-te? '.' ",,.t.:11, I wilJ,ll i::a iJ Uio <loctor, ::\8 h1:1 of augar to oa.oh pon11d of vec~ 1>ttt it asi<l9 in liftefl his cnnti und Lrought it Jown hard enough jar1.1, aud kcop in a. cool place, Jf deairc<l, a. litto br~ak into pii:JCei! a l·oltlc and glasses which tle cb.1nQ;?tlon and gingo1· may be ldtcwcd with BtooJ upon tho i::.ideboa.rd. It was hiH hl))t pro· tho peol 1 but it is mu1·e dolicaito cooked simply fcs:iicnal Yi~it in that holll>c. WJth ~mgal". X..etuQn peel ma.y l>c prepared in Ssora.st;.- Suorillg it1, of hll'baU ha.bi kl, the the aru:i1c mainwr, either alono or n1ix()d · wi.th ml">:-:L illt.olcrablo 1 and it ia cou1forti11g to know ora.ngo pc(!l. These fo1·n1 plou.sa.11t H rclia1.1EIB" tlia.t :i, de\ ice has been found out to mitigate ita eaten with. t:ako m· bread, or if chopped finely, lwfTOI'f'. A, long 1ll.ld fioxiblo Lubo loads fro1n when prepared they form cxc('Uont Oavoriufl for the nc·BO of the patient to his cl'.l.1', and thus the pudcliugs nnd pics,- n. H. P, undulc·Jt l:lOUuds which bo croatoR awake theitTo fJlu1n Gold Chai114.-Enuna G. CuDh.iug ~.uthor. Ho, :in cff~ct, consuruc5 bii::i own snor· i\6kfi the Rio-al !few l'"orkU how to clean gold ing, much ns n. "·ell-coiuitructcd faciory-obiwuey Cil1ains the best way. 'Ve do not kno.\v the. beat consumes its owu 81~oke; and 1 being thus con- way, but we kuow the following to be a good vince<l of the cnotmity of his own Hius, luarne way, because \Ye have tried it :-Put the chain to repent him, nnd to kcc:P his own nose under in n. small glass bottle, with w1u·m w:.ter, a lit· hcttcr coutrol. tlc tooth powder nnd somo aoa.p. Cork the bot'rnll CO:S!'ECTING LIN&.-Bos\\·ell :wd John · tle :.u1d shake it for a m.iunte "iolently. 'l'hc ~ou were conver.eing upon the conduct of ~ friction a.gaim;t tlic glass polishes tho gold, and planter, who so flo:nced hie ttln.vc thn.t be died, the aoap and chalk extract every particli.: oE The doctoi· tbund~red t]a.va.gcly. i:::rc<Ule and dil·t f1·01n the interatic:cl:! of a. chain ""'\Tell, but," i:a.id Bos'tl·cl1, deprecatingly. ' 1 I of the most jntricate pattern : rinse it in clea.r havo e.lwa.ye held the lnau with a black faco to cold w;.i.tcr, wipt: with a towel, and the p11lfoh bo a conuettiug link bet wt en · a Hlrtn an cl a will tiurpriso )--OU. bruLt-." '1.'o znakc G1·a1Jc Jclly,~Can any of your l'-Oa~1·· Sir," ~<l Dr. Johnson, rolling his huge ers tell me tl1c best u;ay to inake grape je11y?form from aide to aide, "n.nd I have always l\IOLLIE. held t.h e man with n 1.Jlaek he.art to be a. coIJ· Here is~ ,va,). that iis i·c1:.ommended as good; uecting liuk Letwoen a Lrute !ind the d(}Vi.J.." Put tho grapes in a jelly pan with a· very little "Gi,·c me a. bid, g:entlemeu- :mnie 0110 start water; Binnner on the fkc till qtcite soft: tbC'n tho cart-do gh·c UH o. bid, if you pleo.sc-n.ny· strain through a colu.nder or flannel bag; wheu thing to ctart the ca,1·t," m·icd an c."'i.cited y ii.n- the juice is all 1·un out, n1ev..::iu1·c, and nllow fully kco auctioneer, who stood 011 the catt he wa-s one ponnd " of loaf sngnl' to every pint of juke; r:u<lea.voring to 1>ell. " .A.uything you 1)lcn;;e to boil till it jellies ; when it 1la8 btoiled t\\·cuty etart it. 11- - " If that's a.ll you wants, FU 15 t art · ntlQ.utes, try a. litt.lo in a. aaucct·. It should be h.::1 · for you!" cxcla.ime<l. a broad·bac:ked coun· wa.tched fut· ftJ::tr C!f lJoiling 0\"Cr, Commou t.ryu1a.11, applying hia 1tl1oulder to the wheel, and 5\lgar tn~~y be rnrnd; but th-e j"-.:lly ,~· ill uot keep 21\'illg tho cart a ~d-0u pitch for~·a.rd, ttun- so long. blc<l tha auctionccro~el' the side, By tho time How J ·nwkc rnj Jia.11::;/'.n:; Ba.'lkct~. ···I take tho fallen aucUonoe1· rego.llic~ hil:! feet, the coun- coarse hc;~vy ·wll~ Ior fouudatiou -and handle ; lryman h~d ~tarted too. then intl'rlacc with old hoop wire uuide yliablc by bul'uing or heating to a toll heu.t; t110n J ln.ke yotm_p I'urtulaca plants with ·~ lump of earth u.ltaohod to 1::ach, and puL tlw1u tb1·on({h the iuQueen Victol'ia· ter ~ Ucc1;, ~LlHl no fill the basl<.ct. Tlic plaatt1 take kincUy to their tu1uattu·al position, and soon Uocou1c <t lTW.t:lS of beautiful grc~n nnd bl'il· ;\. co1Tetipontlent of Llie OottJ"ier hit·niahe:-) Hant flowers . rily b:.1.<.>kets hold uroJ:Jy i\ half that journal with tlic follorri11" extract peck of CJ.1th and look J1ke ;~ hanging ga1·ll or1, . fron1 u. letter \\'l'ittcu by a gentfcn. m.n in In Ci.Wh I _place an empty potash box i11J:101 tcU. 1 Scotlantl to a friend in niorris.bnrg :-· in·~ ca.viiy vf the c~t1·tJ.i, whi~l.t I !ill with wator " On Saturday afternoon I left for Jfalruora1, lca.ving i>riuc.ipal SnoJgrruiJ nnCl bb clai1y1 au<l in then1 place fl'esh fio1}·c1·$ aj n1y wife n.t Abe1'Clee11. rl1llc neo.rest stoppinJ fn.n cy Jictatc3. They ha.ng in u1y pinz~t which plaGe of the .Rail wa.y is at H.a.tlater, nb1e is festooned au<l. twined wjth the A1ucti.can h·y iu1lcs Jron1 Cratbic. l found that nearly ~~nd morning gloriett, :incl i10 lov d ier t1put can ali the tourists reciuiug there, to tbo mnn- ,.,..en be ilnagiutid, Beatrice followed, uud then the Duke of . Edinburgh and J. . eopold in their kilts. 'rlu' Qut>l!ll was plainly dressed in block silkyou would have taken.her for a decent far~ rnel"a w1fe, very -stout, bnt good-look~g an<l sensi ble1 no fuss nor nonsense in lier, Beo.tticc ~s !lot tho letlst pretty, but a modest looking girl, dressed in plain muslin, no humps, or f1u1nmcry of .iny kin<l, a. little wbite straw hat; with u little bit of pink ribbon, for o.n or.uanient, that's all. \\"'hat au exan1JJ!e to the nation. rrhese t'i'.'O are the plaiuest dreeoed·women rn the Church of Cmtbie. God bless them. The 0ervices were conducted by Donald MeLeod,brotber of Dr. Nol'man, who gave us a beautiful sermon from tho text, ' I go to prepare a place for yon.' It wao evidently intuuded as a kiud uf funeral sern1011 in inernor;v of his brother,althoughno direo~ allusion was made to him . Her majesty seemed deeply int.rested. '!~here was no organ o:i.· other innO- I . . Uotton a.ud \Voole11 Gno<l~ a.re adnuwiug, but you cai1 them a.Ji ':El ' liott's for a short time, at the old prices. .No11 is llie Lim@ to secure wha you need. · · . -- FOR CA·SH ...\I l ord<.'r!I for CLOTHlNG.-Ueutlemeu in want ot ;t g-uotl tittiog early n,t Elhotts Fnshionable Tailoring ]·;la bli"l' ment.. ~niL 8lwuld caD perfccdon1. U'or 011.Bpped Uand11!ChllbltJJ.n£1, Frost Bites Bud 6 )re Li1)s, it canuo be &ur11aaecd. Price 1:1 cents. repa-o.tion for the Toiltit. Fo1 mplcxioo a Clear, and frco fro will qnlckly rcmovo a·l Rooi;?bnes!, ·ra-::i, Freckle", Pimples. end o ecommonUcd to Lacll(le .., 1. SatiHfodion ·guaranteer! in all r easonable .:a<ie·. Hl~NRY EJ,l,IOT'l', Jiu. Hampton, Ang. 2nd, 187 J. l1p-023-m54. 'Tulo:ring , ,.-_ " ! PROMPTLY .EXECUTED Ali!,Q Ag.ont for tho well k:non'tl FIRST·PRIZE W.ANZER SlWINC MACHIH·E, Th1t 'l'OILE't SOAP 1JOSSe5BC8 ..o.n tho we11.1n1owu aotlsepUc aud dia!nfcctlng. propel'ties ot CBt'bolle Acid. b o,s:1·c~n.bly ~cc~totf, 1111~ a healthy ac~tnn OD @rmrh ~nmlrimtfinn (())ryans FITTED Wl'J'D THE NJ<~\VLY lNVENTED tbe skin p.1·a\"'enta irrlt.atlou. re1I1oves tho cft'ccte of perepirntton, and r:bould bs rep;ola.rly nted b7 famtl1ea. Ubolera, Smalloo:1 nud Fever P&tfelltt ishould bewashed witb. this Soou; and lta u11 bJ persoo1 lia.bla tb infection will mntcrJall,-prevert.t tbeepread of diseaso. Price' ltscent~ pcrTaolct. Scribner1s Patent Qualifying Tubes, M:ANU.F'ACTURES I'RIUES. Enui8kilh:n, Nov. 24th, 870. Hl8·tf DRUGS"AND MEDICINES · AT l'H.E- An invention having~' rno~i important hensing on the fuLure reputation memrn of which the quantity or Volume of tone 1s very largely incretu;crl. and tho quality of' touc rendered ?f' Reed Instruments, by THE HOUSEHOLD. 1 cn1;to14~ra, anU. to tht1 publlo gen~1·a;Ily,. for the 1 Yery hbe~al ~upper~ he has received~ a1nce hi" iuoet i·o·J!cc(.!Ully tcnu,U. ~~ aln· WOULD ecru thanks to his n11moth}.\a frieiidn &iid Bowmanville Drug Store~ J. l{IGGINBOTHAM; Equal to that of' the Best · Pi1le . of the Saine Capacity. . - - - o---- Or~a:us I commencing Thlt G.utbLlll l1 the moet reHshlc itnd em.caetoa.1 lttSlD.ed1 tn all usea or Bors 'l'hroat.. BoZ1?1eneH,, Diptheri:·, Bronchitis, Irritatiun ol' the BroncbJal Ta.1>01 eo common in this c':".a.uge:ibht cllmate. &.athrna, Olfeosh«,., Jsreath, Uk1ro.r.cd Gume, and all dlle&sea of the Mouth. For PllbllG Speak«" and Hlngera it 11 invalaablo. 'l'bo l~eatl en· POIN'l'S terlDg lnto this Garglo MO used by an Ph11tc1&n11 and for tho cure or tho a.bov1J d~ordera are now, undoabtcdly. the most l'Opu!a:r ln tll.e Mallrlo .JlM.ttca Price 25 cent(i, Simplicity ih Consh-uctioll, Basa (Jf opc1'ation, P'm:fection oj Stitch, alike (Jn bot sides, owing to pc1fect te11sion (J/l nppm· ana · 1owe1· Th read. l!NGE OJ!' WOBK :-From Gauze tu B0a\'cr Clol11 . L UBBILITY :- Will last a life time. o:r StrPEBIORI'I'Y. oift1rins- nothing Q.ut·the P.UJ.~t ru·ticlea:1 D.t the most rcnaonR.blc pl'fcea, to ¢11.Bur.e a. continuance of pu~li9 paerouagO: , · J. I!. ·would callBpccial attcnilonl,Q hio '"'""' 13UperfulrSt0Ck· ()f ~. I 'which ru.1fsurc to ·givc the b~st Eia.thfaction. .A wOll·Hclooled !!tock of .. · - 1n b"'t1a1ueS1i1..; a.nil.. bppea by conti· nued strlck persouill ~ttell'.tioii .1'9 buaine~,, and Oul' celebrated " \'ox Celeste."" Luui> Patent," "\tox llurnana./' " '\rilcox P>itent" ., Octave Coupler," the chaTmiug " Cello" or ." Clt1rionct' Stops, anrl ALL THE LATE Thi1·ty-jri·e Ditfel'ent Styles, DYE. STUFFS, OH-E.11f.IOALfJ, I Can be obutiued only inthe::1e Organs. I M PR 0 VE M E NT s· DRU(}fi, Fo1· the P~l'lo1· cmcl tfw Glmnh, Tfw Best Natci·fol and lVm·kmanship, Equally a.da.pted to Family MACHINES DELIVERED AND ~Tork, Dress and Shirt GTn~x ,PAJ.'SN'f ,,lf.F;DJOINES .... BRf!SHEs, . - Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fi.tting, Carriage Trimming, &c. EVERY · wARRANTED · ' Agents, Yellow-lees & Qu1ok. MACHINE ·wehase also on huwl lNS'l'BUOTIONS ISJIOULD.ER-'B.RAOES' : , - ' S-UPl'if.fl,TEAf:i,'Et~ .. El<>. kqi~c~n~t~ntlyon-h"tl OILS · OOMBB, ~ <Juabity ,011,d Vohone of Tone Unequall6d. ·'. aoions'. F.t1IN1" . -. · l[lJ.llR111sss: . ----o---TO $500. Factory and Warerooms, Oor. 6th and Congre/!$ st1·eets, Detroit, Michiga11 (Established in 18UO.) and WHITE LEAD, .....,. _ at thtl Yoty lchvest: pri.C& WANZER' SLE1'1'ER A. AJJBOTT'i;, AND BAIWLAY SEW/NO MAClllNE Horses and Oattle Medicines. N · .B.- Country Storeh~eper~ anppliod ou the n1oat advanta.geotu.1 tijrms. A choic.a aelectlon of L.A.MI>S, for ti:&l.e ch eap Ilowruanvillc, Dec. :J, 1868. l'im Our Stock of Gnnoral Goods is Jitrge, embracing :JI Lhe N~nWeh of the · day, and a.ll the necessaries aB well. Thi· PBEP.lllAT[ON ls unequo.llsd In its rapldltJ' tor Sb.arpentng aod Pol1ehfDfl Ct1.tler1. rrablft ani! 80.rgical l!l!i:!tnmenta.,!!hoeo. .RICE.& BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, Wast aJnd North of Belleville. Bowman.ville. Aug:. 21st. 187fi m47-o34-Lf. makeni· Knivo!, 1-'lano Ult.a end. Ob.fl!cl'1 &c. ~oth· tDa: bae e\"'er been discovered which haa eprllDa moo POP.nll!.rity moro qulcklt O:r become ot 110 moch vli.luetn a vary h'lnecholb. .Ind wor1'1bop to1 aenorlll u1ofnlnesa. Pdce ~:scents. ft<icket·Kn1~es,Razors, Picture l!~1·awcB-all sizes, Mo··lclings of ovc1<l'. style, 'ValJ Pa}Jer- a ~1·leudid1.!5sortw.e11t now in atock, A large su~ply of boauti.ft1lly asso1·tcd '\ in<low Shad~r;, Chiltll'cn's Uarriagcs, Concertina.a, · Bruahoe, Combs, Looking Glaa!i>JB, ~haiic, ::\"Iago..-:.ilion, Violiut:, Viollu Bow1:1, Violin i)tlings,I)apar Collar8, Neck 1'ics1 S.cbool Books, Day Book9, Bil,lco, K,nivQs and Forlu1,Pocket~nivE1~, Razon, Spoona 1 and Sci!!sor::i. Cheapest Koto Pt.t.-pN' mi.~l " Envdope:::i in the lXmutry.. All thoso, and a th'lusand other s.rticlea, a.re to be found at the V..1RIE1'Y STUB.fr). \Vo t,rl! tilwa.ysglo,d tCJ ::lee frlcnda 1 and think it nu trouble to i:<lH'IW Good.a i and w <> tt 11~11·:~·itec f'. !' grNd y:iJuc , a.t as low prices as any other houee in tlLe tr3.dc. ..,... Pa.rtiea wiahing to telegraph -theil" fru.iuda, m:iy rf.!ly on ha.viug their busincsa <lone pron1ptly, Agcnt8 for Inman Lin(' of Steamers, and I1nporial Buildi.ug nud Stt.ving Society. 1 SABB.ATFJ SCI-l()OL LIBRARIES A.NIJ Da.il7 Line 1 fO . Bowman\'ille, i\Iarch 7th, 1872. 1 YELLOWLEES & QUICK. n23 Ii OCH:&JS'l'EB. The New Lake Steai;n~r REvVr\RDS. - - :0:- - - cOt CHIT CHAT. ['rim Bra.d.y and. Mike !"lynnJ We have just opened one of the Oct. a 1ur; Cobourg cvcl'y morning nt 7:30, Port Hopt!I a.t 9 o'clock !or RochcHtcr,conne1.-tllig thorc with the New York Central, Northern Central aud Eric Ra.ilwa.y, Cor all points East, South, nn.d South 'Vest. .. HETURNINO. LeaYca Charlotte, Port of Rochci!t<:r, e\·cry evening at 9 o'e1ock, cxcl'pt Satur<la)'H, wbqn i:;he leaves a.t 2 dclock p.m., fot· Br_ighWn direct. 'I1ho !!teamer callH a.t Brighton, Mondays and 'fhurs<la.y, a.t Colborno every da.y except Vl ed· neaday, r~t 'Vhitby. Oishi\Wt\1 Darlington il.nd N c"·cnHtle op. '\V cdllesday, should freight offer. Dealers in stock will find this the cbeavoat And quick<!st route to Albany, Boston, New York, &t", &:o. .Address, H. C!. CAR'l'ER, Port Ilopo Ont l'yrL Hop ch 18th, ·1 s· ;z· 2H!. "NORSEMAN" on or nbout lrit April next comment:o .W hc1· tcgu.lar Ja.ily tripH, ice perrrdtt.ing.lea.T· ILI, TIM.- "Good momiug, Mike, shure and it.s early out, ye llre. Hight I be bould t.o axe what sJ,o.rted yees this morning." MIKK-"Jfot be ~sey, 'rim, and I'll tell ye in a jifty. Ye see, I was tould, yistcrday, that Misther Gray; lW Tyrone, had got home an illigm1t new stock av Goods, chapc a.~ durt, man; and its meself could hardly ·slape a wink, ·£ill night, thinking av the the chape g0ods. And shure enufl: its the full store he haspiles and piles iw the uatest patterns ; and he'd give ye tl1c makins av an illigant new gown f01· Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay for most nu thin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." TIM.- "An shurl' its fmming me ye are, Mike; wouldn't the man he afther breakuig clown." MIKE.-" Broaki.n~ down, is it. l::lhure ho knows a tlirick wurth two av that. I lljist tell yolt what it is, 'l'i:m , if you want to git a ~·ate name wheu youro dcd, and be called it fiilantrofized, filos1fcr, imd a public binifacthor, jist tell tdl youre nabours,and the rist aY mimkinn, about Gray's chape store; and you'll do more for the good av you counthry, t!mn iver St. Patrick did for ould Ireland, when he banished a.JJ the toads and snakes out av it that nivcr was in it." 'i'IM.- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for the. bit nv M vice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, a.ncl maybee I'd miss soine bargain~. The top av 1.J.JC rnorning to ye." -I'm off to Gray's. 1871. 1871. LARGEST AND BEST :::!.ELECTED STOCK · ~ . ever c·fterctl for o<tle iu Bowmanv1lle. Pi>rties wishing to replenish theit School Libraries, or to purchase Re . wards, will please to remembei· two things : , ~'irot, Our ~tock of School Books i::1 no old stnft; picked up at Auction. Sales, nor has it been on om Shelves for years. We have sold out and refilled our shelves, half-ti-dozen, time~ during the pnst year, and luwe now pnrchused so largely, that we hn,vc not room to exhibit them. Please come and take them away. · Second, We have not rna;rlwd 01u· books at hi"h tifful'eB with the viei·· pf ~~king off a. ~arge disc,on~1L . They arc nmrkecf10,.'.' !or general. sale, and IL dmconnt of 'IEN PER c~,N1 .·Will be allowed on purchases ra11gmg from $1. to $50.; over th:xt amount FIFTEEN. PER CE:N'J'. will be 11,llowcd. We respectfully invite an inspection of our · EXTENSIVE AND VARIED STOCK OF Pocket Books, .cllbun1s, S. B. BRADSHAW J ... GR!f, Ty1~011e~ oted for ch eall Goods. would takl.;l tLi is opportunity of t.b.w:kinis bio: nn1ncrou:i £1·ien<ls for the very libernl patroua.ge he hu.~ recdYc<l. Ile fccl5 f'rttielied that nothing but Writing J)esks, l..iaclies' Con11~anions, For the best and cheapest Blotte1·s, LOW PRICES ru1d DRY GOODS ' CiiOCI{J~RY, lnkstands, Note Pa1}e1-, GROCERIES, Supe~io1;1 ta. 0 · 00 Envelopes, &c. ~- J:fomember the bture, next to Lhc Wc>L DurhaDi'l:; teaw Printing and l'ubli.~hing House, King St.reel., Bowmarnille. Workmanship, j BO(YfS & SfIOES ~ Ce BARKER, HANAGHR.. has g._,,intid fur hi111 t,Ud1 ll ~t~aidy incr~;1~~ oi bu !<i nc ::-e-· JJ\Udl b t'£i.iJ' tLnu ft>rmcr ,rc<~ra; nud be. ll·P:its th:lt b:v ' co SON, ,"\PLENDID I we ttl111Jl he 1\.:;.1.dy ll~ 1~11 N, B . (Joltiu~ and Clothing made to order m !irst-class style,, go to . A1-11lc Dwitpliny.·~ · .hlakc a nii.:c cruot ·,,ith SLl'iCt. aLLentiun busine8s tmur cre:uu, ~ht1·atmi <iud flour, line a quart ,bowl wjth it, buLLcri11g it well; .fitl up th~ bowl n.ith tiliceJ apples, 1:m.~a,r, t,.,'l'ateJ lemou---pecl f :.1,11d luinou jnioe. Co,·ru· with tht.: c.ruat, pinch· he \1·ill 1;011tiu1.1u to r>-Jcei' c thei:- :)upport... i.ng tho edges do8~ tOciCJthe1· ; ilour a thick cot· tiJ.\!'. doth, and tic it dL)Sely OVC.J.' tl10 top of tho lJowl, and !ict it into boiling- wa-tt-l', but not enou.r.;-h to cover tho top of tJ1c l;owl. 11oil t\YO how·13, u:ot lotting- thu w;J,ter g-o below tho boil· ing point, and kcc.q)ing )t ·well filled iu as it cv;~11 · All Lhv~t: that urb i11 !U'l'C:U i;; n11ht pa.yup, cs· for Lile 1ua1lf:!e, and rn.ng the bell. 1:-!e 01·ate~. Serve with a sugM and b1Jttcr s!l.ucc, pccin,11y Ui~ Jlardwaro :wcount. 8. D. B. opt:!netl tl1c tloor hiUl8t'lf, l'<?acl n1y crcden- or wiih sugar uud Cl'£'[\.ll1. Bo\l"HH\nville:J~n. JOM1, H!7:?. l.'.11 -y ber of' at lear:it a huudl'cJ, 'vcrf:: · going 1.o Jrl ve 011 Snuday t.uotning tu Cl'athic Church. E\'ety scat ivns takc11 iu tho uhnrch and oYery bor&e hired, but l managed to t:iquceie 111 an1uug t.Lc i;towt..l, autl got perched on top of a trulJk outt:!ide of an omuibu;. We reached Cmthie at cl(;vc n o'clock. The service begins n.t tw·elve. I had a l"Lter of introduction to Dr. 1'>yl01., the n1iuistcr of Cratllie, uud. altl1ouglt I 'nt~ asha1nct1 tu ~lislurb hitn, 1ny selfishness ovcrcunio n1y politeuc"38, I n1adc stJ'aigl:it to I S. B. BRADSIIAW, I j J. ~LLIOT'S Cheap Store, i\ .K\V Tl EAU.SE, w.it.ic~, :i.n<l 1·1·;lJ:lw1r1 !Jlo h·nna, k op t on tiHLCr·, t u :~tt...:11d l!'uuvr;~b, ull ~h\ll t ll·~ua, ·',n<l 111:.:.fle to ordei:, :i.t t.Ji o NEW DQjjlJXIOY RH'L'AIL JNJBNJ:JURE lV"ARE.JWO."'i Hampton 2nd, 1s71 O~J1ay,r:;i,, King Sfreet Ev.st, Oshawa. f ...v.g. 2Gth, 1870.