. · · THE MERCHANT, FRIDA'V, NOVEl\IIBER 15, 1S72. WANTED. b ~p AN'l'. 3 CC.AT, and 3 VEST, MAJ(ERS. A.pply at Const:1nt ernploymen t. F. F. 1'-IcAR'l1HUR'S, "Be&vet· Illock." l3ow1 ua1nille1 Aug. 21st, 1872. 1u47-tf. FOR SALE. 1"actory. Hand Democrat .A try 'vork. Inquire at St.a.:0~ 1d auilabl~ fo1· Coun~I 01·ris 's Carriage Bo" llHUn ille , J\! a.y 23rd. 1 72. .· · 60 Aores are cleared and. feuced ; the rewa iuing 15 being good wood li'1nd. ']}here is a nev·cr faillng srring of "'ater on the premlsca, also a good barn and d'velling- house . rrhe premises a.re 8it ua.ted very convenient to chuJ;"Ch a nd sch t)l)l. 'l'erms liberal. P ossesriou si \'Cil i1nmerliat c.:ly. For fu1ther pa.rtlcuia.rs apply to JOH.."\ DIX. Little J~ritain, Oct. 4th, 1872 Qtl-m2-tf. T of HE SUBf;CRIIH·:R offers fox sa.le, 75 .i.\.cres ~Iariposa, g ood laud, situated on the 6th Con . of FALL HA' E Just l'+:)Ceived 7 Ol?ENING! THE GliEAT REMEDY FOR T. DARLINGTON, n. Choice lot of Look at the Premiums, A Chromo " OUR DARLING" to every subscriber. NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Autumn Fashions! Goods. and acknowledg1..>d by mnny prominent physicians to be the most Reliable .Prcp11.ration ever introduced for the RELIEF nml CURE of all CONSUMPTION 'l'b18 the GODEY'S 'The oldest Magazine in Ameriett. American Organs! A~IlllUCAN :Cates, Lemon, Orange 1\'Iagnificent clisplay of New and Rich a.nd Citron Peels, · · . NUTS LUNG COMPLAINTS. \Yell-known r·medy is offered to nuenza,WhoopIn Cough, Hoarse. ness, fains or orcness in the Chest and Side, Bleeding at the Lunge, Liver Complaint, &m. LADY'S BOOK TRE SMITH 1873. Unparalleled.. Premium ! One never offered l;i_y any 1naga.zine1 1;:lther in thi~ connLry or in Europe. S-incC \Ve are forced i 11 to this business, \Ve are determined to make it (lifficult for oth ers to follow us. Let us see who will conie up to this:-:A Chroma-" OUU. DA.RLING ' 1- to every s ubscriber, whethe1· r;; in.gle. or iu a. club. 'lEIDIS. ORGAN CO. rN GREA'l' v ARIETY. publlo, ~anctionetl by the experience of over forty years, and \vhcn re~orted to in sensor., seldom fails to ctrect a ilpcedy cure of (Jouglts, Oolds, Oro~, Bronchitis, In· One copy, one )..~ear $3 00 Two co1)ic s, one year 5'·00 'l'llree copies, one year :.. 7 50 10 00 l!,our copies, ono year ]'ive copies, one year, and au extra copy to the person getting up the club,mak· in.g six copies · · 14 00 E ight copies 1 onc yea1·, and an ·extra copy to tJ1e person getting up the club, mak· iug nine copies · · · 21 00 }~I.even copies 1 one year, a.nd a..t1 extra. copy to the person getting up the cluh, nu:i.king twelve copii::s · · 27 50 r1·wu~1ty·thxae copies, one yoar, and an · extra copy to the person getting up the club, making t'vcnty-four copies - 55 CO J..;ct it be understood that every subscriber, aud the ge,t tcr-uR of a club, \\'ill have the bcautifnl chromo of 'Ou n. DARLJNt;,, sent to then1, free of postage. It is a pe1f!Xt B ·ijou. '£he p rice of the chro1no it1 the stores is 'l'hree dollars. J.\nd any snbscriber in a. club, or single s11bsc1-i.ber, \llho may \vish to h~n·e u Our Da1·linu " mountt::~J on still bristol board, anfl ready fo1· frmning , can ]ui.ve it so prepared a.nd sent THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO by remittil1g twenty-five Cents at the time of Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. subscl'ibing. 1 ro the get~ r np of a club of 6 or 9 ootiies, \VO Boston, Mass. will send, as an extra premium, n. copy of the "r.rbe Offer :l or " 'l'hc Acceptance, n this in J M BRIMACOMBE, addition t o " Our Darling," Bowmanville· 'To the gctte1·-up of a club of 12 copies 1 '~re \vill send both of the Chromos-·" The Offer" GeneJ·al Agent for the Province of Ontario. and 0 '!'he _l\cccptance," along v.-ith "Our Bowma.nville, April 3rd, 1872. ly-ol4-m27 ))atliug" ·or "Asking a Bleseing "and" Our have now completed their Twenty-First year of husiness 1 ·wi th a con8taut aud Htill increasing growth. .A.s the ma.nufactt'lry is one of the oldoijt, it al1:10 Tanks mnong the highest in tlie count1'Y. DuriilQ the long 0xpo:tience of the fl16nUfQ.Ctu-rers, they 11 ave steadily a.(lded to the capacity of their instrwncnts_, ru1d have a\·ailed ~hemsclvcs of evcr:rmethud to improve the quality of tone and to increase tho mechauic.'\l facilti~ for the performer. And though they expect to eontinue the course of improvement, they are abundant]_y fiat,ifi:fiecl with v-:hat has been clone, and with the estimation in ·which their instrumf:nts are held by {:,rood judges of music. ., As heretofore, t11ey will use tLe best materials, -..vithout regard to cost, and give to every Orga.n the niost thorounh v:orkmainsbip.l 'l1hcy especially invite co1nparisons a.s to the quality n.nd volume of tone, afid as to the efftiet· ivc 1ncuhanical appliances. They call attention to t}~e fact that their Organs are sold A'l1 EXTl-tE.M.EL Y LO'V PRICES,a.s low. as is charfred for Inainy of an inferior sort. Having a. large, and tboroug iuted manufactory,.&imploying oonc but ""orktneu,and having n1~e it. minute cliv labor, they a.re µble to produce Organs at e.ss rat ca than most competitors, 'l'.hcy bel~cve, ttJao1 that among other things, the hltve earned.a rcputa.t.ionfor fair dealing, a.nd they ·would assure distnnt pul'chasers that no Organ u.ill ever leave the.ir wa.r<:roo111s with their knowledge, tha..t i.s not in every respect perfect of its class. ...As they have before .stated, they intend to sCcuro a friend in eYery purchueer. 'l1heir catl~ loguc, \\·ith full description and accurate engravin?'s, ~viU be sent free to a~y addt:ess upon application. All neceaeai·y u1fo1·mation cheerfully furnished. .t\ddress Also Barrels n.nd Boxes of Bea:nti:fu.l Candies, \\·ith an a.i5Sortn1ent of CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington has thoas celebrated agt~in rccci vetl another lot of MUR.DOCH BROS. have opened out an iplmense stock of New .E'all Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing bn t First Class Gouds lHwc been purchaRed, customers can rely on getting good vitluc for their money. by a timely resort to this stnndnrd remedy, ns . is proved by hundreds or tcstimoninls rc~ivcd by the proprietors. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM Of WILD GHERRY PU!tE LEAF TEAS, Quality ;, the l'est of Cheal'ness. Bowma:nville, Dec, 22nd.1870. J':l·('.;"[U dolls not d"1'1J up a Cou(Jh, and leave the ca1uw behind,, (lS is the case 11;ith tn"st pt'epa'l'ations, but tt loosens and clean"es the h'ng,,, and: allays iNitation, th1ts removing t11te ·cause of the cotnplaint. CLERGYMEN, LAWn;RS, SINGERS, DRESS GOODS aUd all those lvhose occupation requires an unusunl exercise of the vocal organs, will find Plain and figmcd. .Lustres, Plain and Turtan Wool Poplins,Metz Cords, Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black· Oobourg, Bhwk P1mtmattns,.Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. this the ONLY PnEPAllATION wbicll will effectually and iustaotllll.eously -relieve their difficulties. · · Be,\·n.re of Counterfeits. Remember that tltc geuu.ittc 1Vistat"s Balsam ; has on the ot.dsidc torap_per the uz, BUTTS'I andtheprinte p_riet<>1's, "SETH JV. li'O 1-VL TON." . New Fall Goods Arrived, at McCL UNG Bros. ine tJic wrapper cu1'Cfull'JJ before pur ng. !lno D~ilr ·Botti· Sit BotUe1 for Fir~ Dvllar1. rnEP AR'ED BY MILLINERY lll!TH W. FOWLE &. SONS, l!oston, Masi., ·.Aad D<>la 01 Druggl1ls ""a ll··l·n generoll7. · 1872. FALL , GOODS IN A The assortment of Millinery and Milline1·y Goods is very extensive and in trimmed· or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets -every taste can be con-, sulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c., we claim to have the finest assortment to be found. In Black <tnd White real Laces and Lace Collars, we have a large a3 sortment, at prices to suit .all. . AT Tl;[E . · Darling . 11 ' 'l'o the getter-up of a club of 2·:f: copies, w·e will send "Asking a lUestilng" ' ' The Offer,"" 'l'he Acci~ptance," and" Our ba.ding. " "\Vill the gctt e~-up of clubs of G, 9 1 and 12 copies,ple;;1~e be particular and write what prern· ium8 they des.ire, Th.e premiums are only forwarded \vhcn the rcrnitta.nec is sent to us. \.'{lte:u the subs2ribtlt'S a.11 reside at one place, t h e v r emiuins \vill be sent to the person who sends th e club for distribution. 1.'hc peraon senCling- a. full subscrjption of 1..lQlla.i·s, can have his choice of H The Offer. 0 'l'he A cceptanco, 11 or" Our Darling.". 'l'he money must all be sent :.i.t one time !or any of the cl nbs, and a.dtlitions ma._y be made to clubs at club ra.tcs. 'rhe LA.DY'S llooK will be sent to a.ny pogt -office where th e subscriptions m!ly commence wit h any m onth in the year. 'Ve can always supply back numbers. Specimen nwnbers will be sent on receipt of 25 cents. Ho·w TO .iOMll'.-:::ln Temittiug by mail, u. Post Office Order on Philadelphia, or a Draft on Philadelphia or New York, pn.yable to the or.der of J..;. A. Godey,· is preferabli.: to hank notes. If a Drnft or a Poat Office Order can. not be procured, send United States or Nation· al i:;;auk notes. "\\\~ aUvif:lc at\ early application, as we expect our list, \vith the inducetnent.'l \YtJ offer, '""ill i·eo.ch 200,000 subscribers. Ad<lress .. Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavern, Pcteaslmms, Meltons, ect., will be found unusually large. Large · Variety. MURDOCH BROS. Bo\~1mnville, May 7th, 1872 Just Received. BO 'i\7"1VIAN VILLE Machine and lmplemen T ~ ly McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, and nothing but-the purest materials used, and req Lliring n,o further· mixture of Oils, Turpentine,' and Dryen;. '!'heir co1nposition con1Sists solely of Tailoring under the charge of Mr W. S. :liillDDOWCROFT, an MANUFACTURI;NG COMPANY. MAKUF-(1.UTURERS OF Leffel Atncrican Double Turbine "'"aWr "'1~hcel lton"and WJJod \Vorking Macl1inery, EXPERIENCED CUTTER . L. A. GODBY, N'. E. corner Sixth ru1d Chestnut Street a, Phil· aUelvhi.a. 18.172~ NEW FALL GOODS, 1872. :pirect importation for our The subecl'i!M1· begs to inform hia customers and the public, that lie has received per Steamships St. Andrew a.nd St. David A NEW FIR:M:I Change of Business in the Pioneer Boot & Shoe Store. Circular Sw.v )fills, Shingle Machines, Grist ]\fill n-Iachinel'y, La.th I\1ills 1 Self-Rake Rcn.pcrs, 1'-Iowing l\'Iacbint:s. Common ~~nd Gang rlows, ll'anoil1g Mills 1 Chopping ~fills, from London, England, also for mn,ny y6ars conducting fashionable Etablisl1ments in Canada. OSHAWA ---·o--FALL TRADE. CASES AND BALES OF SEASONABLE MOURNING SUITS MADE AT A FEW HOUR'S NOTICE. Card of Thanks. In ret urning· you ll1y sincere thanlrs t.{1r the very Iibci·ul patro.u~o extended to me .since iny coirnnencmg business ; and ns in conscq lLenue of othci· engu.gcments, I am cotnpelled to relinquish the sa.1ne j I have i::-reat plerumre in recommending t o you, Messrs. Anderson & Uo., iny sncce5Bors, who a1·c in e\'ery way quali· fle d to givo yuu ae good Good1;1, and on v..s fa¥or· n.blc terms n.s those given by inc. Soliciting for t hum your patronage, · I ~m yow-s, FeediCutLers, &c. DRY Shawls, GOODS, Pure Colo?', Pu?'e Wkite Lead, Pure White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spvrits ofTu?'pentine, & D?'yers, ccarefully and scientifically combined . . ' The consumer can have any de· sired shade of color neatly put up in Cans, · and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole ca,u be done by himself, or by any member of his household. =====================================:- l 1 A. 1\/L GIBSON, Jcfanagm« Bowmr111villl!, June 20th, 1872. m38-o25·ly l --:o:-In l'efc.rence to the abo"\<e, lUCRARD HEED. F. Y. COWLE. Bowmanvil1e, Oct. 3, l 872 ml Mlmtles, RibbonB, Flowe?'s, Feathen, and PURE WHITE LEAD A huge stock just received, for aut111illmm·y Stoclc, also umn painting, imported direct from the English ManufacCorsets, Skirts, Hosiery, and Gloves, turers, including James' including full range of t)izes and i.:olora of the genuine celebri~ted Genuine, and the celebrnted · I:111portetl dirci;t, contain.ing in Great Vari1.1ty Jeovin and Josephine KID GLOVES, ANDERSON & CO., t akes pl ea.sure in n otifying the public of Bow· manville and vicinity, that they have whid1 will be old ~Lt prices mtwh helovv the fig11res usually Mkcd for tl1e!;g i:roodB. '£ogether wit11 a. J:uge assortnment of llOOSTEil BRAND, l o:f ?.1r. R. l=tEED, to v:hiclt they have hugely added. . They are now prepared to furnish everything in their line, Purchased the :Boot &Shoe :Business AT LOWEST RATES. Boots & Shoes. . the very libenW. pattonagc he has sha.red in the past ; reepectfully invites the_ public to inspect his 'l'he -custu1u work i1;11;1uperintendecl by J\.fr. J, ]ked, 'vho 'vas, !or 16 years, the pcinci110.l \vo1·lonn.n. in ?\-Ir. lteed's establishment. TIIB SUBSCRI:f3ER,. 'l.'HANKFUL FOR LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES giiaranteedpu?'e. Plu.in and Fancy Dry Goous, Lustres, Alpacas, French ALSO Merinos, scarlet, white, pink, blue, and rose; SlLxony all stunclnrd colors, oils varnishes, and puinters' materials. Flannels, Pfain and Fancy \Vinseys, Superior Make Carpets, Damask Lace Curtains, Table Linens, Oil Call itnd see how cheap n, house can be painted and decorated ; for an Cloths, Towelling, etc., etc. these goods will be sold atReduced 'l'ogethcx \Vith_a large supply of jigwres. 2000 Gullons of 1 1 GENTS FURNISHING, CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS, · , A Call is Respectfully Solicited, .A. J~rge aBsortment of trunks COll1$tant1y ou ]Jand. Clothing Made to Order--Fits guaranteed. MILLINERY AND MANTLES, .AT ALL l\IACRIN:B of different kinds. OlL The hi9hest price paid in Onsh for llides. 'l.'hree first-class iuo?'!cmen wanted, n one othe?' need apply, Anderson Bo\vtua.nvillc, June 13th, 1872. '-~ Co. 37-tf. selected with a. special vie,~· to the season, a.rid suitable for- all ::i.gcs and conditions. Ordered work will reccive hi>; special attention. ' Remember the stand, one door west of J\f nr. <loch Bros. Threshers and a specicility Talent. all parties requiring such oil, arn STYLES TIMES . J. SMALE. m52 o39 tf. Sopt. 2Btb, 1872. s.· Oshawa Sep·, 3rd, 1872. TREWIN, Corner King and Simcoe Streets. specially invited to inspect the vari· ous qualities, the }1l'ices being far below anything ever offered in this market. JUNE, . 1872. CARRIAGE .A. full Stock of ly 600 Cools_, l?a.rlor, Hall, and ~ox Stoves, arriving, and now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of SHOP. Spring and Summer Al 'l'lM.- " Good morning, Mike, shura and it is e.."trly out ye are. Might Wellington Buildings. 11 be bould to axe what started yees this morning." Bowman ville, Aug. Stb, 1871. Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiffy. Ye sGc, I was MA:RXUS MAYE:RS, HE_ subscriber is prepared t.o bUild anJ re· MIKE.-"tould, yisterdtty, thut Misther Gmy, .ov Tyrone, had got home S BEI!""G ADDED TO D,\ILY, ond i pair an illigant new stock av Goods, chape, as durt, ~:nan , and its Dana's Patent Sheep Marks New, Fashionable, and Clief:lp compnses a meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the HESE MAR.KS ARE THE CHEAPES'r More than Ordinary Selection. · Wagons, Buggies, cmrl Outtm'B, the most lasting, the leMt tronbleao1nc, and chape goodB. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles most co1nplete ever invented. 'fbey a.re used HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS and piles av th,e natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's and recommended by man~ of the best Breeders ·of every descdption, at short notice, ando WARRANTS HIM JN MAKING r easonable terms. n the United States and Cann.da, such as G. B. AND av an illigm1t new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints ; Ttty Loring, Sule111, l\laBs., P1·esidtint :~e'v England LARGE PURO.HASE8, for most nuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." VVool Growers' Soci(1Ly; Johu S. Roes, Hennecustomers a choice of ]'ura of P ANAMA HATS. And ho oITers his pin, IlL; 1\-L :Miles, of the State Ag'l'IM.- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke; wouldn't the man be ricultural Professor all duscriv.tions, College, Lansing, l\.fich.; Hon. Geo. . Carriages Painted and Trimmed· aftber breaking down." · · Brown, 1'ol'OJlto, Ont. ; John Snell, Etl1nonton Buffalo and- Sleigh Robes. MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wilrth two av Ont. On each l\.iark is stamped the ower' / NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED, Olotbingmade to order, tbe best name and the Sheep's number. They \vill ha that. I'll jist tall you what it is, Tirri, if ye want to get a grate sent free, by 1nail, or express, for only fourenlt B are got up h1 the bes.t and inost fashiontrimmings only used; and the lowest 'l'hey able styles, n.nd a1·e guaranteed as represented in name when youre ded, and be called· a filantrofized, filosifer, iind ach, and will 1wt for 'L'WE:NTY YEAllS. A Blacksmith's Shop price chmged. mtlst accompany all orders every instance, a public binifa'Clhor; jist tell all youre nabours, aud the rist av fW' Onsh AHCIHBALD YOUNG1 Ju., CASH BUYEI\S WILL BUY LOW. mankind, about Gray's cbape store, and you'll do more for the Sarnia, Ont. As usual he '""ill repair and alter all kinds. of on th6 vre1nises, ":ere specin.l attention ie grvcn good av your counthry, than iver St. Ptttrick did for ould Ire- Orders address ed to the MERCHN.T and OB GOOD l!'W-$!i ancl vay thti -1.iighest price in ca.sh for raw to. a.U SERVER Office, fo1 :ony quantity, ""ill be filled fun;. Gent's fui-uiBhings of all kinds1 including land, when he ba,nished all the toads and snakes out av it, that the above-rhentioned price, as: quickly a.s the gloves k ept consta.ntly on hand, Marks can be made and sent. C8rrfage work, and General niver was in it.' Rememl)er the stancl, corner of :{{ing and C. BARKER, Silver Street~t 'l'IM.- - " I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit av ubvice, l\,nd won't deM.MAYER. Jobbing. tain ye; there'll shurely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss Bowmanville, Dec. 28th, 1871. ly·ml3o - - ---;:Eowrr1anville, Oct 3 , 1872. some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to PARK LOT FOR SALE, Gray's. Dollar TEA for S6 Cents, . FARM FOR SALE All wo1'k clone at thiB EstaMishrrien t l'HE PALL Sl'OCK 0 ]' DRy .GOODS. ·, · 'l'.·· wa,ys on ime. T {we. o;t of the Oiikirio Bank.) Oct. CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady and Mike :FlynnJ Oct. King Street, Bowmallville. 1S72. 1S72. GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE m the County of Durham. JOHN McLEOD, J. & W. J. MoMurtrjr & Co Are now showing a full assortment of · I DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. · A fine lot of T Cloth and Gents Furnishing ---,o--A full Stock of ---o--- FRESH GROCERIES, All to be sold. Cheap. New Groceries. 1 Highest JJ.rice paic for BUTTER and EGGS. . a "nd BUTTER Wanted EGGS !l· I'. HILL .Ji"Ol' i:_ood sta~e of cultivation. Notth West FIFTY ACRES of Lot 21 THE 8th Con. of Darlington. 42 acres n.r:c in a Good ~ul buildings. pa.t t1culn.rt1 iipply on the prennses to iua1"ranted. A call is respectfully solicit ed, .T. MOimIS. Bovtm:iinville, Oct. lst 1 1860. ~- J. GRAY, Ty1~one. Goocls.~ Lo~. OF Ji'IVE ACRES, be it CONSISTING ,more or sitnate(l on the South end of No. 11, in the 3rd Con. of the i:eowrlJ3hip SALT AND PLASTER ALWAYS ON HAND of DaTliug_ t1J!1· I 'or further paTtieuhH·s u.pply les~, 1 UHARLES KNAPP. Darlington, March 15th 187 l. 24-tf. Noted f'or cheap on the preJUJf;C5 to RICHARD E'URSIER, Sep. 18th, 1872, m5Hf. Sign of the G-olden Lion, :Bowm.anville. ·