THE MERCHAN'J,', FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1972. ~ =---~~~====~~~==r~~~~~=====================~~~~~~~=================== POETRY. _ ___ THE FARM. BOUNSALL, o. Tho :First :Funeral in Middle Pa!!<, Hints about :Farm Work for November. J111PORTllll, MANUF AC'l'URER an Col~o; "" (From tho Farm mid Fireside Journal.) DEALla: in itll the varietios of It was a fearful thing-a young man Some farmers are always behind hand in do· 'tricken to death by a sickn"8S of a few ing their work, a·\Cl this months frer1uently hours. The burial services \Vere conducted finds them not nt all prepared for chilling it~ Italian & ~erican ' ' Alrugu and Ly our derical frieud, and the corpse wrappeel in blan kc ts, a.nd followed by a few faithful friends, was driven to its 1ast r~t.. blasts 1. Bu,ilrUn98 not in good order eholdU be repair· without delay, all foul places ckanRerl thorougWy, and heovily whitewnshed or sprinkleil with lime. Gella.r,~ under houses ahoultl be scrupulously c1eansud, and, if vosi;ibfo to a.void it) should ncve1· be usocl for storing vegetableB, as they do not ndcl to the health of the familv . A " Tl 'imuls should be studiously protected, but only in thoroughly ventilated atables. Their ,1 1oou should bo g iven fonr 01· five times daring thti twenty-four honra, 150 that none of it uee<l. ed. MONU.MENTS AND· CRAVE STONES, alwa.y·s on hand, of ani~rio:r worknw,n.ahip, ancl at lowcat p1·iccs. 01· c~1oice eckt:thm uf Marble · ~ ~~ ~\ ~~ ' ) . -fl.""-' !~I ..LI 0 ..f.. rl'f.f'r, ~ -( ' I 1 FULL SUPPLY. Simmons. -& Clough Organ Co's -~ HAMPTON . ~, h~ ~... ~ SPLENDID s _ 'E __ 'L_Ec'l'IO.~ ~ of = :, -- c a. ·b ine · t I:tnp:rOTed Organs ing place.-Dmver Times. 1lt·eak up the sod, but not for the grain That Wall ripen in golil 'neath Autllmn1s sun; J3rcak up the 1{6;1 on tho desolate plain..4.. pil~rim is rii!~ing- -lifo's jm1rncy fa done. No warrior p'~se 8 wit11 arms reversed, . h 1 No banner~ are wa.ving ho..lf-mast ug ' No caaket is borne in the 1'ombrehca.r!>e For the one who caurn but to f:v.le and die. So 80011 to11l~cp, in tlrn.t blankot's fold, 'l1bn.t st1·auge, calm rest, that. awakes no 1noru, \Vith thefH.i.r young face and unwhitened .lockfl, Mocting the blue of Heaven's star-g ilt floor. Sn yot.111g to die in this desolate plH>ce,.Vhere fa the home of his boyhood hours? J.\ 1111 the olcl chu.rchy~rcl on the green hillaitle, '\-Yhite with the monu1neutJ! 1 bright with the Wrov,ght for ~ e~closL'tg burying Gasl Iron Fences lotf.l. FaJJ;~n:d. GO:ods, AND Furniture Tops, Mantel Piece~, -..&c k ] J d ' ept on ianc 1 dr wrought to or er. A call i.a respectfully req_uested at the works, o t b 1t c o er, s ' ID Offers for sale one of the most extensive 'ri,ncl complete itssortment~ of Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario . Kin[J Street, Bowmanville 1 c-r.n qv ··,.. ..... -.. - 1-tf flower~? But the l1oly words of a. Christian fa.ith Hallow the, n.'l that u1ournful train 1 ,C\y the lone ti·a:veller down to rest In the virgin soil uf that western plain. Hifl lot to fill the first white man's grave ; :J).funuul'ing winda mourn over the duat ; :But we hear not the rustle of angel's wing s '1"1a.t hold o'er the rdics good wti,nl nnd trust. K 0 matter, though waving plun1es drooped not, .A.nd uncoffined the limbs, all stiff and colll; ]'or the holiest corpse death shall ever clafn.1 J_,ay wrapped ~one in the linen's fold. Lcnvc hiOJ, kind hearts ; 'tls a.11 you ca.n do i Plant the sods carefully over his breast ; ])esolntc graves are in Heaven's full dc\v ; 1\fl:\y angels protect him-Gad gh·~ hJm rest I HARRIRTl' ANNIE. he refused been.nae it is "tnussed" or soiled. ~iany fn,rmera whose experience ha.s been v~ied prefer this plan, thinking it more economica.1 1 and more serYiccable to the c than feeding only two or three times a day. For horse:!! a.o d nent stock, placc lmnps of rock salt in the mangers. :Food must be vn.ricd to suit tlie kind a.nd condition of animah:1. lie who '1tould pros· per M a stock broeder or dairyn1au, cannot learn too much of the animal econonly. Comfortable stables save food, and very materially as!'!ist in 1nain.ta.ining animals in a good condition. Cleansing the 11ide aud frequent rubbing will pr01note health. It J1as become quite a, comrnon pra,cticr. wiLh r;ome farmers to curry and rub do\vn theil' neat stock, n.nd we trust it mu.y become tllliversa.1. Keep fatten in[} an·imals fully ft.:d, but be ca.1·eful to vary food sufficiently to cause a good np· petite. Ifor;s should be fed on cooked or eo~ked corn, or corn meal, almost entirely towards tho days of their fa.ttening. Throw lime and ashes, in small quantities, on the floors of the penis from time to time, and occaeionally f~ed a little Hardware, ry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes,. Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, etc. GENTLE~1EN'S D. W. MULEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, tlxceetlingly·cheap " lole·· Pthl)rietol'!t sild Yannfactnrcrs Qt the Celebratod '!' Victoria. Oa.rboUc. Propi.ra.ttona. L~"ho~ tOry · and Worb:e, Vi~torla . Ilo.11, :ru::eUnga. . S!rpet,_ Toronto Ont. · · _ · ·· · "'"""" ThetOUowing_ Gennlnb Pr"epsre.Uons ato--1ohrb1... all DruWst1 · .o.·J JO sure al!.d Bek for.-.tJi~ VJQ'f@!.~ P.ur~'l,ONSr. ana aoo that yoa get· th~ ..... ___,_ ..., FOR CASH, AH orrlers for SUITS made to order i11 the latest >ind most approved manner, and on t he shorte~t notice, from Fashionable and carefully s6lected Clothes and Tweeds. The latest New York ]fashion Plates regularly received. H. ELLIOTT JUNR. Hampton, Nov.·· 5th 1872. bp-o23-m54. Tnilo1~ina; PROMPTLY EXECUTED Also Agent fur thtJ well known FIRST·PRIZE WANZER StWINC MACHINE, MANUFACTURES PRICES. Enniskillen 1 I\-ov. 24th, 870. ®rtmh <tnmhinafinn <IJ)ryans FITTED WITH 'l'HE ~EWLY INVENTED 11tlphur. Young an· hnalc; ought not to ·be made tender Scribner's Patent Qualifying ·Tubes, n18-tf Crumbs for Chickens. Too :Poor. ~foorc, of Llie Rtu-al 1Yew Y~1'ke1·, was sitting in hia office, one afternoon sOme years a.go, when !\ fo.t~er friend came in and said : "Mr. r..iooro, I like your pa;per 1 but timtts tire so li~l.ord I cannot P-f1.Y for it." " Is that so, friend Jone&. 1'1n very sorry to hea.r that~you are ~o poor; if you are so hn.r<l rnn I will give ~you my paper." " 011, no! I can't take it as a gift." " YY ell, then, let's see ho'v we cau fix. it. You raise chickens, I beliljve? 11 "Yes, a few, but t11ey don't bring ,.,anything hardly." "Don't they? Neither doe:i my 11aper cost a.11ythiJ1g hardly. Now I have a proposition to Jnake to you. I will continue your paper, and when you go }iome you may select from your lot one chi(;ken a.nd call het· mine, Take good c~e of hm· a.n<l bring ins thtt proccedsi whether in eggs or chickens, an<l we will call it ') "~.\..11 right, Brother :Ailoorc, n and the fellow chuckled at what }11t: thought a capital bargain. He kept the contract strictly, and at the end of the year found that he had ahout four prjces f0r his paper. He often tells the joke himself, and says he never had the fnoe to say he was too pooi· to take u. paper since that cby. - _._1foricl.F'a.nnci". ' 'l'he man who couldn,t "trust hi~ feeling~" is 1:1UPJJoscd to do businesa ski<:tly on ready mon~y principleg, by too close housing- t:!l10uld be treated geutly at1d with familiarity. Slet1'8 and Colts may thus. be brought to a. condition that Will make it a. very easy task to break them into the yoke or harness. Sheds, at lewi!t thhty feet wide, with low posts,. n.nd opening into a. ya.rd on the sunny side, sur. rouncle"cl by buildings, or a. high fence, are high· ly apprO\'ed of for sheep and yourig atock. T11ey thus have an opportunity to exercise in the open aud sunlight, retiring to a. well littered pl'ote~tion at their plcnsn:re. Care must be used in feeding, thn.t the weakei· anbnals 1na.y } falr pl:~y . 11ranu1·e ma.king should be prosecuted with the uttnost vigor. As long as the ·weather i,ermits, occupy· every spare hour in collet.'ting muck, poncl 1nud, leaves, aods, ditch scra.piuga, ancl organic deposit~, to be thro\vn under cattle, in thG hog pen, or rnruiure ya1'd. Recollect that ma.nure is the floating ca.11iW of the farmer, and if ben1::fit is to bo de:rived frwn. its use, care must be t-akon that it does not float off literally. Devote study and thought to this part of your {anning) but do .spare t,h~ muscle, for much can be ma,clo by a proper manipulation and commingliug of materials. Jleavy land n1ay be JJlowed, provided j t is not ~ wet aa to be sickly, and ,.,..e should prefer the lap furrows, that a great n.mount of surface be exposed to the frosts of winter, and the ease of filtration incrca8ed. lly all moans sub-soil plow in this month, if practicn.blt:l,a.nd get t he coarser manures under the next yea.r's hoed crops. Liuht land, that is not wot, will be benefited by being rolled after plowing, IHJ.d will be all the better if heavily mulched ·with coarse ma· nure, le~vcs, straw, refuse hay, rushes. or auy rnittetial that will keep the surface from blow- DRU~S AND MEDICINES AT '.!'HE An invention luwing a most import>mt bearing on the futme reputtttiou of Reed Instruments, by menus of which tho CJ. uttntity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, tiucl the quality of tone rendered Bowmanv.ille Drug Store. tencle~· his sinthanks to h1s tlu1nerous friends and and to the public gen~ra1ly, for the very libe;al ~11ppor~ he htts received since hil!I commencmg lll bus1ness; and hopes by conti· nned. stt"ick p~r~onal attention to businCse, and offering notlnng but the puret:it articlr:»:1 at the most reasonable prices, to ensure a coniinuance of Pl.l b1ic patronage. · J. R. woulcl ca.11 special attention to his very sli.perior stock of · C..'Usto1~ere, W J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Equal to that of tl~e Best Pipe 0r2'ans of the San1e Capacity. . · OULD most rCSJ?CCtfu1ly · CC].'(! ----a--Our oclehrnted " Vox Celeste," " Louis Pntent;' "Vox Humana·" " Vvilcox Patent" "Octave Coupler,"' the channing "Cello" or "cLrionct 'Stops, nncl ALL THE LATE Thirty-jive DWerent Styles, IMPROVEMENTS · POIN'l'S OF StiFE:RIORI'l'Y. llNGE OF WORK :-From Gauze to Beaver Cloth. DURBILl'l.'Y :-Will last a life time. DYESTUFFS, 1 which are ·1 .mre ta gi:ve the Lest satisfn.Ction. A "·Cll-selr.ctcd stock of C11n be obk'ii.necl only in these Organs. Simplicity in Const1·uction, Ease of operation, Pe1fection oj Stitch, alike on bot sides, owing to pe-ifect tension on u;pper anct DRUGS, GHE1lfIGALS, lower Thread. Fo1· the Pr1rlor and the Ohiireh, 'l'he Best.ilfatcricil CMid Workniwns!tip, Equally ada:pted to Family Work, :Dress and Shirt Thts D1s001:0TANT ls a preventlv.oot Typhn· and Typhoid Fevers. Qholcra, ·smallpo~ and hll In· f9cttoua diseases. It wHl prevent Contagion 1IJ Ca.ttlo. I tis nbo mvalull..ble tor Dl!lntecting Wate1 9).oaeta, Drains 1 CesRpools, Stables, Blnug_htcr· hbnscs, &c., nod for dcstro:ylne: nauseous efiluvJa . It will drive awa.1 fiom whatever c Mosquitoes, M&t oiichc~. &c. :Meat, Fis~&e., cnn be ntretact1on by lte !!BE\ (J!ll'bolic A by Her Majesty'e Roya.I Commissionars~i~pretercocc to all otber products, a.8 tho bestvisintectaut tor tho preveL· tton ot infectious diseases. l?rtco 25 cent!. Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. I MACHI,NES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. PAT,ENT MEDICINES BRUSHES, cm-IBS, SH 0 ULDER-BRAGES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on hand. Qwility u,nd Yolmne of Tone Unequalled. - ---o----- $SO TO ·s EVERY Agents, Yellowlees MACHINE WARRANTED. & Quick. -----o,~---OILS, PAINT; Factory and Warerooms, Cor. 6th ancl Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan COLORS, YARNIHSES, · and WHITE LEAD, (Established in lSf)O, ) at the ve1·y lowcaj:; prices. We htwe also on hand WANXllR' SLETTER A, AJJBOJ'1"S, AND BARCLAY SHWING MACHINE Horses and Cattle Medicines: B. -Conntl'y St(>rd1ecpers supplied on the most advantal"eous terma. , .A. choice ~cfection-of LAMPS, for sale cheap Bn,\·manvillc, Dec. D, 1868. ()w ~-. The host motive, nntl iu fact, the 011 ly one, ing a.way, Ftuit should be carefully culled over, aud a.11 for uniting the Atlantic and the Pacific, is the that is sound wi]J~<l dry, and laid away on . loco1notivc. · shelves, in da1·k 1 oool rooms, or clry ccllara~l'hc best right of man is the right to write wh:l.t is right. The best right of woman is the as uniform a temperature as }JossibJy being kept up. Out scionJ fur gra.fting, ancl pa.ck_a.wa.y in mmTiagc 1·itc. sawdust in a goocl cellar until neeC.ed. CuttingE. "No pains will be !!pared," aa the qnack isaid, of currantA, etc., mn.y be set as long the g-round wheu sawing off :1, poor fellow's leg to cure him is r.p~n and friable. of Lhe rheumatism. Odlarli and pfl11 for vegetablt:~i need close Flattery is hkc a flaiJ , whicJ1, if not adroitly watching, that more protection inay be given used, will box your own years instead of tick- when the cold weather begins in earnest. Pknits in cold fr:uncs Bhonlcl get all the sun and li1;g those of the corn. nir they can endtwt.:. Spr1iach a:n<l other crops If i~ 1na11 who makes n. de1Josit.ion is a deposit· left out shOu.J.d be.11ootccted with litte1· thickly or, cloee it nccsssarily follow that the man who on. AU 1·oots shoulcl be immediately gathmakes Ml allcgia.tion is a.n allig::i.tor? ered and stored in -pits, except tha.t · po1tiou of Why oollectors of the customs the 1nost Lhe J><M'&iip cRp intended fo1· Spring use, which 1n·ttise,vorthy men we lu:i,,:c !- Because tliey will be better off in tho ground, if standing w.n.t~r is not allowed on the beds. Grape vinea neYer neglert to a.tteud to their dutic8. ~hot1 ld be caro(ullY prnuned-the Concord, Is~· If any i1erso11 has doulJt~ whether advertise· bdla, and Ca.ta.Wbn not so closely na the finer mcnts are read or not, kt him put something sorts. Some iiorts in cold latitudes will neec.l to he doesn't wi.~}1 seen ll1 an obscure pa.rt of tho be laicl down and covered with earth for the paper. 'Vintcr, '!'his is also true of tender 1:a.tpbcrries. Aftm· all, there are only two ::;orts of disease, 8trawbC1o.ries should bo carefully covered, a.nd fl!ays l\ J.Trcu<.;h doctor- one uf which you dic 1 no stagnant wu.ter allowed on th~ bed~. aud the other of 'vhich you don't. A cloxgyn1a.n who hnd been accused of preach. inf; long serJnonfi, excused lil!u f;elf on the ground that the church wa.s a. hi.rge ope. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowmanville. Aug. 21st, 1876 m47-o34-t.t: ~. . Chisels &ic. rtoth· log halt eter been dlecovere which has Sprung Into popularity mor~ quicklt vr become of so much valuoln every bonaeholQ ..tnd wotk8hop for ~eral usefu1ne!s. Price 25 cents. I Our Stock ot G@eml Goods .is large, embmcing i>11 the Novelties of the day, and nll the necessaries ns wdl. . .X~t~f:lm.i't!'t~~t:'~- ed In 1t8 iapldlt~ ;. Daily. Li:ae I Pi<..:tur1.;1 Fr:\.nles- nll sizes, Mouldings of cYcry style, Wall Paper- a splcndi<l M$0ttu1e11t now in stock, A large supply ~f beautifully ass~rtr~d 'Vin.dow SJ?a4es, C~il.dren's Carr~ages,, Concertinas, Bn1shes, poa1~ 1 Looking Glasses, }: hi.s1c, }iagn..~1nes, )'.1o!ms,Y1ohn Bows, Vrnlin ~t1·inga,Paper Culfa.J-8, ~eek '.Lies, School Eooks, Day Book8, Bibles, ](n:tvcB .and ForkB,Pocket Kuive~ Razoi·s Spoon.s, .o.nd Scissors.. Ghea.pest Kote Paper and 11~nvclopes in the country. AH the~e and~~ tl~".lusand other. art~cles, tue ·to ~ fand at the V AR1Jt'l'Y STO.RE. "V\r o are al~vays glad to see fnends, a.nd think t~ no trouble to SI1ow Goods ; and we guarantee as gootl valuc 1 at as low prit.:ea as any oth1:1r house in the trade. Pa1·ties \11~.shing to tc.lcgra.p~ their friends, ina.y .rely O?J- ~1a.ving their. liusiue,iil:I ~one promptly. Ai-Jents fo1· Innrnn L1nc of Steamers, nnd Impenal llui1cl1ng ;.u1d Saving Society. TO :R OC:EIES'l' E:R. The New Lake Steamer· Bowman ville, March · 7th, 1872. · YELLOWl.:EES & QUICK. n23 . ' FOlt , _ "NORSEM·AN" ing Cobourg every inorning at 7 :80. Port Hope at 9 o'clock for R . ocheater,conneeting there with the New York Centl'al, Norlhern Centi·al and Erie Railway, for aJl point.~ East, South, nnd South West. lIT ILL on or about 1st _.\.pril next c01nnienee Vl her regular daily trips,jce pcrn1itting,leaY- · ~ Family and Pocket Bibles ' ' Green :Food for- :Fowls. IrT1·, I.i. Wright, in his new serial '\"ork on I.tidies who fond of knitting, when at sea, Pottltry, ha'S these observatiorus on ireen food need neYer be in want of.material for wotk, for w.hich arc. of ~Teat importance to all who at~iny snilor will always be r~ady to spin the1~1 a. it.:mpt to"Qrecd fowls in con-6.tled qunrters: The 1-Mt requi:site in tlit.: shape of diet is a. j"itl"ll. regular·i::n111ply of green foo<l. llere, again, The cax .. iage cl. d.Ycra and hacl{uey conchm~n fowls kept on grass will need no attention ; but of 1' T ew York woulcl make the beet soldiers in for bird.'! penned tip, the daily provision pf Lite world, as no troop~ whatcvm· couhl #an.d it is an abSolut e necessit,Y~ thous-h rno6t begin tlwi 1· duw{Je. ners are ignorant ,of it. Vl e well remember, in A 1niner who lately crone from Virginia city c..ur own early experiences, how our fowl,8 diccl, says "egetn.tio1 ) is l!IO scarce in that region that we could not, at first, tell why ; and one fine " two rilullen stalk1:1 and a. bunch of thistles are Buff COOhin cock, whose only fault '"'as a strotlg vulture hock, w:U:i in particultr greatly regretca.llcd a g1·011c I" · ted, Au experienced friend let us into the aecrtit, A young man told his friend thu.t hA dreamt and after that we had no <liffioiilty iu keeping thn.t he had ~truck his foot again:-it a sharp fowls, even where it is often said they cannot be "Why, then, <l..o you sleep without your shoes?" kept in health, viz : in a yard paved with large was the xcy>ly. flag stones. The best substitute for natural A gentleman once observing tha.t a. person grass iB n. large fresh turf thrown in cla.ily to famous in the musical line lecla very aba11doned each four or ii VC"l hens ; and even in towns it is life,- " Ah," replied a. wagi ·1 lthc whole tenm· often possible to procure this, by giving chil· of hiP.. life baa been bctSe." clren a few pence ev~ry week to keep up a J:egu'Vhere turf is not allowed to be A ma.tter·of·fact Danburian being asked. if he la.r supply. taken, grass iuay be cut or pulled, but in this sa.w Rubenstein wh1:.<11 in N e'v York, YD.cantly case must be cut into green chaff with she.1.rS or r esponded," YVhy, no; W<'8 i1e looking for a chaff ma.chine. 'l'he latter plnu is how we me? " aotually managed for years in a yard only sixty· St. Jo~ has :t n1an eo bow·leg-god tha.t he has i3even by thirthy·fi \'l.l feet, divided into six pcn.s; hi! pants cut by a circulair saw. , paying some child-a few pence to bring fresh.A. western editor says of a neighLor with a (;Ut grass daily, cnLling it up and mixing it quivering eyelid that he "stutters in the loft up and mixing it with thci1· aoftmcat. - Ca.nQ:dli eye." ]?(l!l"'mtr. "In the course of time 1 " sa.itl. one man, lately, H tlw sea will be t1;te only fence_ .requJred." " \Vhat a liull ! " said another. " Yi;iu mean English Girls that the ~ca "-ill be the only landtnark ! " RETUJ1NING. Leaves Charlotte, Port of Rocheste1·, tn·ery eveliing <j,t !;) o'clock, except Satu1·davs, wh'3n sh~ lcuves a.t 2 o'clock p . m., for l3right"on direct. ['be ij,t,eamer cn.ll":I at Brighton, lv'Iondays a.nd '~rhursda.y, at Colbornc e'·ery da._y except \)rc<l· ne/,clay, at 'Vl1itby, Oshawa, Da:cling:ton and Newcastle on VV'eclnesday, shouW freight offer. ~ea.lers in stock will fin<l .this the cheapest and q11"ckest routu to Albany, Boston, Now York 1 & , &c. . .A_ d<lress 1 · ~ Sabbath School Rewards Books . , It. C. CAH.TER, !'ort Hop _ . . oh 18\h 1 1872 fort Hope Ont 25·tf. RICE & BARKER agents for the best ORG-ANS on the Continent. LI Q 1~ and Libraries, CALL AT THE .. S. B. BRA:PSHAW · would taku tI1is oppod1..1nity of thn.nking his numerous friend s for the very liberal patronage he has received. He fcch; ~atisfiell t.hD,t notli· ing but z m q ~ UJ. ~ ~ 0 · t Bible Christian Book Room and General Book Store K ing Street, Bow.manville For the best aucl cheapest ,, My dear 1frs. 13., how can a body prevent , N othiug can be simpler .th::in the young the odius smell of cooking in one's house 1" English girla; a1nidst n1any beautiful things, nsked Ml'.f5. A.-" The only 'va.y that Tlq1ow," there Mc fe\Y so bei_lutiful in the '\'01·ld; replied !vlrs. B., "" 'is to nothing. for bret\k· slim, strong, stlf-assu1·ed, so fundan1entally foot, and warm it over fo~ dinner and supper ! '. honest and loyal, so free frotn coquetry ! Lonl R.) who was very 1nuch addicted to tho A man cannot in1agine, if he has not seen bottle, aitting with Foote l'lrcviouf3 to a mas· it, this fre shness a:ud innocence. :&!any of querade night 1 a$ked bim what new charactl:'r them are flowers, expanded flowers; only- a he ougbt tO. &ppea.r _ in. ~ 1· Ne'v c!J&l'a.cter?' ,' motning rose, with it~ transient and c\ehci. ' . ous odo.r, with its petals dressedln dc,v, can said t,he_ o~her, pa.usi11i; for some time: " sup· give us any it.lea of it. At the inotion po15e you go tsobe-r, nly lord.,, of the soul, tho blood rushes to these girls' A coroner's jtuy in a srirn.ll village in Duch-_ eheeke,. necks, shoulders, in '\-'aves of pur. ess County (America) recently returned a Yer- ple ; yen see emotions pat's over the trans· diet in a "they had set on," that" the de- parent complexionR, as the r.;olors change in ceased can1e to his by hiB own hand, antl . ~hf;,-mCo.dows ; and their modesty is so virthu.t he inflicted the suicidal doom upon · hi~· ·giilicul antl sincere, t1111t you are tempted to self by hanging- armmcl the tavern ! " f lo,ver your eyes for respect. AJJ,d yet;, nai · f · . .ttu:al and !'rank as they ~i-e; they_ arc· not Doctor Payson wns a man o . g-enume piety·, Jnnguishing or dreamy ; they love and enbnt n1uch opp0i:ied to the noisy 1.~al tho..t seek· dnre exercise like their lirotbers : ,vith flow~th "to be ~nowu of men." A young divine, ing. locks, at ·six years they ride On horsewho was rnnch given to enthusiastic cant, one baCk and take lOng 'valks. .A.ctive life in daj: said to him, "Do you sup11ose you J~a,, e thiR con:ntry strengthens the phlegmatic temany rea.l religion? ~'-" :ijon~ to 1tpe(lkof, 11 Wai pcran1cnt, and the heart i s k ept n1ore simthe excellent reply. · ~· . ~le, whilst the body grows l)ea!U1ier.- Taine. LOW ltlld. ]}RY · GOODS ' . . ' t-t . c. BARKER, .ilIANAGb'R. ,.. , - rn 0 CD · GROCERIES, CI-tOC}\ERY, Su:perior Workmanship, lms ga.iucd for him suc.11 a. B teady inm·en.Se of bu sincss- nnich largir Ll1it.u fo1'mer; and he tru sts that by BOOTS & SlIOES, and Clothing made 'to order in first-class style, go to ., ·. . TO THE PUBLIC vVAL'TER WIGG & SON, ~. . ith a. c'1h. Great inducement;:i held out to ~hose ptucashing at our Establi shn~ent. Pi ?t1~1·cs , Gln.sses, &c., frntnecl to orcle1·, and 1n C-YCl'Y style. Sam1~lcs of the dllferent }nn rl of Mouldings can be seen at t h !l W \Ve would also beg t o iufonn you, that,havmg pur· chased a. strict attention to business be will continue .to recch e th6ir support. 1 .. \I ELtlOT'S Cheap Store, · N returning thanks tD their inunerou:-! Customers, and the PulJlic generally, forpast favors would r c:=1pectiully their' :i.,tlention to out: presentstock of Pnn1iture, as w e lrnve l::i,tely I a<ldetl thel'eto tha.t we mu;y thereby b e ena bled to supply fill pm-tiei:i who n1a:y please to hi flL 'VOl' SPLENDID NK\V HEARSE, Jms'l'TCE.~A French nobleman, who hi d been satirized by Voltaire, meeting tht1 poet Tom Moore said t o Sh- Robert Peel, on look 110011 a.i'ter, ga,·e him a hcaiJ_.ty The lJOct immediatdy flew to the Duke of Orleans, ing at the picture of an Irish orator," You can told hi1n how he hncl been used, and begged ]1e see the very <l_niver of his Fps."-" Yes," said "·ould do him justice. · "Sir," rep1ied th.e Peel, "nncl the ::i..rrow courlug out of it. "- 1\ioore Dnke, "li'lth u. sig-uifici:tnt an1Ue, 11 it Jir.s been wa.s telling th.if:\ to 01rn of his coun trymen , who an~werecl : H Re int;!aut arrah conring out of it. ' done you n.lready I;' we eha.11 be reMlv i:i.t all times, to attend Fi..1nenLfa.i on short notice, nnd reasonnbl~ t erms. :N". B . Coffins" k evt· on hand, tu1d made to m·dcr, at thlj NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNJ:IURE WARE-ROOM 1\ll those that in ai'l'ears rrrnst pay uv,...e.specially tl:i:e I[ai·dw:trt~ account. S. ~ B. B. BO¥inmnville,tTc\n, 10th, 1Si2. ·6l·ly ~ Hampton 2nd, 1871 TYliONE. Oobwt., Aug. 26th, 1870. !ting Street East, Osh,a wa.