rHE MERCIIANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C c lates largely iu tho To vnsl lpi'J of Da lrng .) t It s n. common pl tfor n ope to the f ee discU&!ton of all q ea t 01 a l tl c general l U are concerned. IEB.MS WEST DURHAM Steam Job ::E'rint1ng Oflice, KING SrREEl' BOWMAN\ ILLE to.u Clarke a l Ca t Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 OB ADV !!.RTISING D m AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLU~IE 1' BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO F.R!IDAY NOVEMBEil 22 1872 NUMBER VIII they saw as if they sa " i ot for t for them poor an! unm rtbl il to lo witl festival Dear mothe1 spoke Lucy ut last and w 1)1 don t sew all) moie to daJ gentle force she took the "01k f10 n l er wea y hands ond folded it a ·} No no my child said ti e mothe1 what "ill be come of us 1f I lea.\c off working 1 Lucy opened tl e hymn book one of the few books th"' bud and read Jud,o;;.e not the Lord by f cble se But t ust b tn for hii: grace Bel nd a frow 1 g p i.:iv denct1 H~ l des :.i. !mihr g fa9 8c POSTERS P AMPHLE1 S BILL HJ ADS CIRCUI AhS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS 'I:ICKETS 1.Jc &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. A Cool Young Lady A lone a1 cl very l gb tre~tle an<l o e upon vl ch robody 1e1tures vho is at ll rncl ned lo be hght headed Imm d 1tcly t1nr:: s1dcoi the trestle there IS a 81 ar1 ct rvc · u the ro<.LJ so that a p son walking on it cannot be see by the e 0 nc r of an a1 proach ng Ira n until t 1S neat!) 11 on Inn On Fr <lay la't as Mr \\ ll am Tol ' c g neer of liiii: Holmes~ tra s cu c 10\nd a ve1 tl e curve at a good rate of speed he: '"as NEW PATENT POETRY Be Kmll B k nd as ell n.s good Den.I v; tl a libe1 al bnn I the b ea.d of love I be heart can 1 u 0 cr for tr-i o ly !'bo 1 And God is k nd abo e LITERATURE HASTY WORDS AND APOLOGY llY ALICE C \.RY FANNING MILL, no v Call at tl o r~ly THEIR C I U!GE 0] TIME - Farm Implement Forwardmg Agency a1 :l seo t and a 1 ost of otl e fust cla£::1 m1 le 1nents Grain CORN WHOL] FOR SALE ?&dms Stm ~ Ci lie s Cide1 Mills &c &c (f; Ordc ~ ta.ken for ti e (Co clu led J CltAGJKED 11,llio the John McDougall Broad Cast D1 ill and Grass - - - ----..., Seed Sower ,,,MARRIAGE LlCJUiSEB - - - . ._ R "'IV': 1rt..MES lGng St Bowman Uc Bo vmanv1lle Dec. 14 1871 nll on Two ltos e Wood Saw, Notice. RE SUBSCRIBER takes 1l """ ~ n rn form ng tic publ c that l c has add!! l to h s s ock of maQ) ll e y ~ SUJJ,FAC~ PL ).:~E 8il d .M;\TCilE be is now prepared to lo Q.11 custom w rk on .short<!st uot e an 1 at us al rat s. I BELIA:NCE Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED I840 131 Sl JAMESSlllEJ 1 MONJ'RllAI PQ 'VAL ER OA.N.L\I \. C.u.:L~~ OFF CES r SMlTII Da 1 gton Lot 19 6tl C ·· July 2 72 mly A i ,,1 t 01 t o after tbIS Lucy brought ho nc mo·t of J ei booko-there would not be anv school tbe next day-there 11 ould be I\ gre:nt I eet1 0 of cit ze1 s 1u the q.fte11noo :in l o. <l nrier in l ouor of some d1&t n., .he l gentlema 1 and traveller vho had J t. a!F 'ed Mra Morto;o don \ you Jl ll)k cont n_uo<l, J,u~v JS to give a fine ball ntl that1s wl at JOU made the lace capes and tbrngs for mother Bel nd s well :i.s true After \ moment sJ e added pettlShly ] e I <ls tl c hcmt with all 1 y Well theJ' n ay 'ave tl elf fine ball and cbau1 the1f fine trftve!lex too don t you say \ d brings a ra.1 ture e e ~trong an 1 n v mother 1 lotlebln.lheartag:a.l · Ce1taml; n y ch Id replied Mrs Rob 13 kn d as oll a3 gr at rnson -aid directly she asked L lC} if she Stoop to the low]y ge tly tenderly °"' 1th g 1ua.l ords ar d 1 ve instead of k e\v wh~ iL' ls that \ ns come 1 You hate re td so m lCh yo perl aps kno\ eomet.a1ng '° PE s ?i E JN TD 0 !Jlo: TAII OR & Boys Ga~m..ints Gentlemen s TANLY ¥ DIRECTORS Esq 1.il p B Chairman DU.t>CAN M LlOR 'l E C.).1 C ONALP ~1:1'1_ PBELL 0 St H 1.,. Harv;l\s Cl-RANT I'.\E\'iES'I: SIYLES THl!: HONOBADLE JOHN H.ll:IIITON Bo vman Ile J uy 'fl 1869 burg, Ont RESIDENT SECRETARY -JAMES E en as God speal s to tbet1 Ile kmd be always k nd Kiudnesa ia treaau :\I of b t l ttle cost Yet great st n I es t} ·t the v. prld can..., fin l \nd calth that is not lost. of h m she S%1d LUC\ tosse l ltack her culls, 'l 1te contrari to her usual 1netl od of softly brushing the1n aw y and. repl ctl th11t sl e never heard of h n1 1n her l fe and that his 1 anle '\Va:; Brisby sl e \Jel ~>ed The quickened beat- To Maste s of L.~ O.L LANK B regular SPECIAL FEATURES. lH'.E E~rlRE PROFITS belo g to and are CJ 'ld LIV.ES DICLmEO .BY OTHER Com \NIES or on &c &c ca.n be procured n.t this 6flice at rntcs. wh ch am ext a. Prem um would be cqin~ ed can Down anville J ly 17 be assured at the ord nar rate8 of th 1:1 Soc ety u dur a z.pei,"!al ar m ue nei t 1 CEP. IIFICA'lES \pplimt ons ed a.znonb"st the Pol c ho '.dtr1J ALLA LIN~EAMSHlPS. :iniJ!t to Liverpool London and @:lasgow .SPECIAL NoN FonFEITADLll PotrcES l.88llcd under h ch only 10 15 or 20 Annual Pay ments llre req ired, cnoh payment soclU'1ng a Pol cy for as tm ass rred proportionate to tl e Ilo vmanvtlle June Dth 1871 tf 30 nurobe of prem uns :pmd andf Cf.} om Ji ture l tf!SS M I UIB h" great .pleasure m m lfi f o u g the uilia b tan ts of Da.rllllgton that vay nent of J» cltt 'UnM he is I opn. c<l to ec0 v -put ils ou the Pitt.no Mou:int\ E P1 EM.1u.11 sand most liberal con a l 0 t,:<-t.u Pa t cula:ri; by--.-a.1 pl cati.on to lYira All persons tr spass1ng on ti e property lu o N'll U tons Ilu1rows 'ts Foul len :i\I Ila will bi:.proi'! c ted H"mpton Se1 t 6tl 1872 m49 ti Prospectuses Pro1 osal Forros &c s pplicd JOHN McDOUGALL on 3i(lpl cation at the H ail Uflico or anJ of tho Ag nc os Bu.wn anv lie J no 5th 187l tf 36 JAMES GRAN I ~'.I {JS I 0 I rmat Oll F0Jt fJJcketi> Or If W A NEAJ')~ Agent NOTICE. New 'l'a,ilor Shop. JOHN HEAL RR LOSCOMBE BAllRISTFl A1 LAW iJOLICITOR IN" CITANOJIJRY £:c Res Secre AGENl li OR BOWMAN VII r.-E 1 C BARKE'Jl, ~ Ob erve1 Ol!:i_ce K ng St .. :y. OFFICE -0 McCl mg s St""" ·amo flat as J 1\-I Brun.aeon b s Dental lloo n~ no VJnanv lie Oct 27th 18DS. ly Bo mnrnllc Tune 21th 1870 39 · ROBERT YOUNG, VE11 RlN"ARY SURGEON" VETEBI!:'f UlY COLLEGE Imperial Fire Insurance Co OJi LONDON · d -- --~--~- ----- GOOD FITS'"GUARANTEED Jl v " GRADUATE Ql!' ~u ONTJUUO - -- CHARLES TOD, u iO tf -----=-----~---- v He So to nform thu nhab ta t f 130 rlnan BEGS Vllle a: l ou dmg co 1utry tl at be has (:Establrnhed 1803 IlEAD 0>FICES - 1 Old Brow! St Poll Moll Lon lo Sacraru nt GENERA1<.. iQENC!~ .fOR Ga·ADA 1\-!on~L ...,.- comu1euoetl the_pract ce uf h .BREAD AND EISC'O'IT B ...~ KEB V EAl 1 UST OftJIC]I; an l Cattle at Glovers Li:.v..cey. ltes1dence- Brod e s Hotel Bowmn.i Ile Ja1 4th JR79 ~e --c " is.uite'H~to-tlitl ~of···:l·tatf5es Offi~ Krug St. ~ t of S8 01). ...and -21 St 14 l RIIYME~ AND LIME. lo BOWMAN VILLE inctu~lly V I s P Att ndeJ Io 0 t M 18 0 J v ul AUCTIONEERS the '1 uwnship ot Da1 lington II I PHILLIPS, fr t :tte HAMIION o g1v to B le;:i n.blc ter'IYI& ~c 011 reason A 1 ttle Jlliyrne cane J &t u t. e ~ d all obp t tbc best of l inc L me f:rom the '" est of tl e OQ P Ht, Not be!l..i n any qu-artc1 J me that '\ ill al\\ n.J 6 stand th test Whe mak " $ nto nortru. I v ll t y a.nd keep a. goods pplv llpr tlBiJ.W~J-8 at. d 11 at when ~ou o,11 come n.to buy You I! not )le disappo nted You v ll_plw:aya fin1l t dry ~d fresh_,. \._n l that is somethi)!S' bOnn e So ome along flJld tty thl.S Linc D t do t _foi;get lbQ.1Uoney IIou s of d live I horn r\me a.m to l! o up rn 0011 er of Queen a d O.hta,r10 Street '):lfOS BOWDEN B m nvillc MDich 1111 1871 no9 4 \f 96~ 000 Sterlillg 1 unds u1vested n Ca.natl.a- 105 ODO Irun ranees a 0 amst ]Of.If:! by Fl)..'e u-e effect~ l o the most favorable terms and lossea 1 a1d Vlltb out reference to tl e Board n London J DODSWORTH RINrDUL BROS I spector Gen ~onts Montreal Fund £1 8 bscr bed ru d invoetcd Car ta.I a.nd It scr ed R ~ LOSCOMBE Barnster Agent for Botvmanv11le and ~r~IJlltY Bo"\ ;'Jlll\,D 'llio June J 4th 1860 c; 3~ m o 43 39 4w ALLAN Car ') 11 0 Ll~E an~ the 0.wa.U an Uwte 1Stat~ is r.na1L LIVERPOOL·LONDONDERRY·CLASGOW Paimengers Booked Through to Lon don Paris Hambm;_g ~tc Rates of Passa.,,e from Bowron. v 11 to L ver W:l'D. Barton, Sal NISKILLJJN. 1 om1 tly attcn :led ti} on reasonable E~ te1m~ BE!\.UfIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACoMBE L D S Teeth Extrh'l.cted at Tvventy five Cent$ f'OOI or Lo ]on lerry ( ab1 $"'8 to $88 acco1d n 0 to acco1nmodll.t on Stce1 ago $~J 50 rE GL~SGO :V '"LINE FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN y 11 ur~day [1 kets sold to antl frotfi J ngla d I lat d and the Contment at as: low r t s aB by anJ otl 1 line \:ELLO\'\ LEE<> & QUICK, Agent LINE of Royol MruL Steamers sail I NMAN from New York tive y Sat uday 111g itll,~ I o m o er l\fcClung B 'M Stbi:es Bowllanvll Otlst1870 1 $106 0 89 00 li7 00 Bo" manville J hn G Dale lv Broadway; ~c ;v York Jlo nan ille Juno 9th 1871. CAUTION S. G WEBSTER, L D S l m sole a~cnt for L ~Z \.RlJS ~MOR I fo pcr!ccted Spectacles and J\vc Glas aes They never ·>pyly or empb/ any otl er Ho Yever spec ous the r 1:1: !!nee ale \Jj them ti at they ha\ c tl em lo ot belie\ e it you ~111 \Je "v ndlei if Jou lo U.RON BUCICEER age 1t !or Bowm m ville auU' c n t) Al the T <\-RGESl and BESI "'ort ent of ' s SURGE O N D E NT IS T Fnl!l'e"W'ell, KcGeer TEEl'H GUARANTEED A PERm:T FIT & Uu:tledge, m the most difficult eases B >\.URISTERS ATTORNEYS llolJc1tord Conveyancers Notaries Public mg O FICE arr Bo AIANVJLm:-Over Mi MeMur y 8 Stor o~FICE I1'i Osn i\ \.- First loor north of th p t Uft cc 1Ion ;i,; to loa. ~t lo v iates of interest T HOS] th ·t I e A tific al Teeth that don I ~ fl wo td lo well to c mo a call Lg,dws and Gents English and Sa> atoga '111inks · Ti aiollmg Bags She wl BJ-~ffs:s I OVi n etc "1'5 ( V hrus bt.' n ery successfl l u1 ins l t to bo fQ u l - - - o -- - ARTIFIGIAb-:P:A:DA-TES, 'Vl ere they have been destrnyed by lfaeasc or 3. ..Allceru;Jy call will ensure a good choice ' E l AREWELL r Ln D R McGE· BA.. on t e Mc :ces lt of congen tn.l defect Jf yo al o you I ealth Harness, A. on l li;:to slod of l TEETJJ neg ect. yoitr WhlpS, Saddles, etc ~l l o :v nnu J ' l~ ES ltulLEDGE ll A Dec 17tl 1869 m&o BE i CTTIFUI GOLD FILLINGS 1nserted on a new p no ple Uowm'l.I ille J?ro J3ono :Publico. A.LL KINDS OF MODERATE Tiooros fo me1ly oc<.:Ul ed by 1 J Jo cs over F ] PRICES Bowman ill J ly 1 th 1872 McArthur s Store 1{1ng Street ::E'rofessor 'White. 1.1:1t 1 may be Imo vn by applica.tio at M Church Street pr~ n 49 ly enncei·s and 'i:U:JD.Oll'S AKEIS OUT A.ND Oli 'lIIE I I i::"fO FORIE TEACHER S ugwg &c Orga1 i:md 001npos slow ared to attend an rcce e pupils 1 eI'lll.S i5 · Cured without the Use of the Krufe, by TO A:OVEBTISERS ! ll I enm u1 } o cont nr late mak 0 on A ti acts tl "'l ers for the e1 to of Ad e1t scments shoul l tien.1 to UCW$J W Ison f:l l~ Bow an ille J tly lltl 18"" 41 :l DR B. PATTERSON, of Bo wmanVJ)le Geo P Rowell & Co · for a C rcular ot e l so 9 o cet ta F ol' the OYJo: HUNDRED IAGE l'AMPHLEI rJ R best of ref r eno s given 11 Bo v na v Ue co.utauun'? I s~ f 3 000 N._,ws1 I e s and esti and clsewl ere Oil co ou Ch ch Street mates show ng tie ost of advo ta g also Bow munv1 Feb 2Z 1872 lli2lo0 ly mru y sef :U hluts to nd ert1se1s an l some ac wu t of the ex.QeJ: ~n~$ of n en 1 o a1e kno n Boots & Shoes. HE SUBSCRIBE! J HANICT UI FOll T th{) hbe al pat onage he has shared the I a.st iesr ecth1lly u v a t1 e pubhc to ery l l'herefore be kind to allmg of Mrs Ro\Jm.on · heart caused the 'Iu 1 tt.lo h ldren anU to aC>c bowed ma.n \vork to drop from her 1 lnUa and. a bright And 1 ve to resc e tl em from hatie<l s a1n1 bl :ih clouded the settled pallor of her thrall cheek <;he tt rncd away seemmgc.to search Sn ce 1 fe abut a f:lla. for her lost needle and aske<l Lucy agam what s1 c ~aid the st,11rngeI s name was B 1sb l) answered the .S rl I did CLIPPINGS not call it right bef&re did I 1 l\frs Robmsol) drew a long Sigb haU of lmmense q 1ant1tir.s of salmon trout are herng killed rn Lake II uron VI aggon regret and l ulf of rd el an I prese..ntlv put tmg down her work unlocked a dra" er loads are being offered Jor sale 1 Fergus ope ed a µnmature case kISsed the poor A rcata.u1ant keeper \as fined in the po I oe court on S ;tunlay $100 and his I cense senll11~nce of what was once Charley and revoked for i-efurong to enterta1n colored \\ hci\ she 1c~urnecl to her aeat the quiet and persons ln l w e&taLhsl iu~nt c istowar) pulcness v. e1e 1 ack again But The East African Slave trade will ha\ e ehe did not work any more for i;_long to be grappled Wlth \Jy Great Bntam alone wh le, and Ml Bile11t rockrng to and fro t1l1 if at all as fore gn governments dechne tl e shadows h d l~epene l mlo i ght and Other a:ss1sbancc than ha1ren sy.n1pa.thy till loi g after that " I\\o Peterboro ladies belongu g to the 1.ucj brot ght her stool to he1 mother a "Church of England are conduct ng a gener a1 store tl e prnfits of winch am to be given feet p esently leaned her cheek on her to the Cl trch "'h y are dornb ' thnvrng knee and with her lo b J a 1 dropp ng down bus ncss her neck and shoulders and almost to the Theyla\eanovcl "ay ol obta mg a floor foll asleep qmte t nconsc10 10 of the new and 1mproi; eel class of school houses in strange tumult her ca'IcJess "01tls had the tow1 ship of Wolfor 1 lbey remo'c the desks and other forr iture an l ti n set wal enel and st lied Wlule they sat so l)lother and cluld m fire to the old Jog cab ns ' h1cl c he con1e a rllpioach to c1v1lizahon -Almonte their <l uk I ttle room M"' Mortons fine Ca ette house Was h ll of l ghts and 111e1r1n1ent rhe ternble murder dIScovere l r Bos La e choked on tl e tea an<L was obi ged ton oo Wttlne·da) mwbiell ->l'fi"'ttiilffi~...,. to leave the table m onvu s10ns ol augh man wa.s fo nd floatrng m Cha·les Rnter Dear Annie Clough she exclaimed one half of Ins bod) in one barrel and one ter hd you e> er hear any tbmg SQ half rn another lo st ll sl ro 1dcd m mystery at lengtb ~ e1tl er l as the uniort 1nnte ' ct1m 1 eei preposternus 1 Bit that bttle wlute per ide1 t1fied 1 or is there any cl le ors isp1c o 1 son had t nned a.side and was conclu'rlwg of the aesass1n her laughter with a v10lent cough Still A youtl a lately h'°I araed l nat e en holding her sides La re resumed her oeat Lered the Roman Cathol Church G elr h on ti e 4th rnst tor~ do1vn the eommumon a1id a.s soon as sl e co Id calm I erself s 1 railu g knocked ove1 statues of St Patnck li.c1entl v sa11 Ser1onslJ mother it 1s not and St Joseph a id had attackcu the altar possible yo t thot ght of asking old w1do'v "!"hen ee; .ecl b) the sexton l'Ie afterwards Robineon and her g rl a pretty figure they at~mpted to s"allow a wax c Qdle while "o ild make at our \Jal! wouldn they ,J>li tlµl 10ad to Jall l ti.yo mg lady named P itland i.ged abou~ Why thew low i· !orty Jears old , about 20 ~l1e only daughter of am ch res she 1 peeled ct en of lhorold Ont was burned No iny lea1 not rr ch n1ore to deatl on the 8th nst She ' as l o rrng tl utv ains ~ eied Mrs 1\fo1 too c011l oil out of a can I,Oto the st '\:e \Vhen the 01l 1gwt~d m the can au l exr !oded set really a good and kmd hearted woman ' hen ) Ol l oung girls are t ng f re to her clothes and burL ng he· aud she added fi:om 1 ca l to loot Alter lu gerrng u great tlurty vo will J\nd ) o r hearts focl1n 0 JUSt agony to1 a.bout ten hours she cxp1rcd at n as l oun os thei do i o' perhaps and o clock the s une e'en g besides Mrs Hobmson and Mr Bnsbaue '[he eldest son of Chad ea Sha 1 six years were t1 o 1gl t to be lovers once old accideptly shot himself on Monday last 0 ruothet cned Laune aml 0 Mis Some careless person had left a loaded rn cried Annie,, it is not possible volver m the office of Nathan Sha" of Morton Peterbow at B ckhorn mills the child on Why Mr Bmbanc "Jrlsl in l 1s pume going in found it and in so1ne v;ay dis JOO i g enough for e1th01 -of us and Mrs cl a1 ged it the content:; passn1g through the bo<l.~ cau~ ug instant death No perso1 ~tob nson is an old woman Mrs Morton re1 eared aga n that Mrs va.s a ;vo.re of the a.ccider t until searclnn 0 for the eh1ld foun I the hfc!eSB \Joly on the Rob ruon could not ne much be) ond ti uty office Jlom an l gorng back to the t me L cy \ as born A gen_tlemun who bM JUSt ret mod horn g( essed ut I ow ol l Myr e was then and a <leer hunt on the flont1er, hr ng· ne' s of II') guesoed ago n at '.lhat Lucy ii age must al) epidc1n1c 1reva1ling an1ong these tni mals wlmb threatens o seriously affect the then be and assured the lat gbmg yoMg "pply ol \Cmson J;;Ie sa>S that herds !4dies that Mi rie Robmson cotlfd not be ' ere h~q ently seen m wl ich theie would Jfiorn tl an thirty three \Je dozens soa1cely able to travel an l that At an} rate M d Lau1 c it \Vould l lrge numbern of <leadJ.md. <l.yrng dee1 wern bf an al surd ty to ask her to o ir ho !Se to found in U e ' oods Tl e d1sea8e seems to re c ble m its S) lJ\ptoms the horne d sease meet M1 Busbane Why he 10 the hand '\\ h ch is no v crea.p.ng oo ntuch t.ro 1ble 1n s:Gr est n1a11 I e\ e1 sa v aud x ch too it 1s tbe ens\. sa1a and she 1s Lpoor old sewing 'vomo.nA fe\v daj s s nee a shockL lg ar.c1de tt Le r1£l culous fel Mr Donald MoLean son o! Mr Ken Mrs Morton ' as l alt as! ame<l of Jm l eth :-1cLeun ot Aldbornugh Il c two nl said she had not 1cally were en aged 1n fix tug some t mbera u1 a s11ggesto tho1 gl t of m' itrng Mrs ;Robmson and to barn when one of the timbers fell and ki ockcd the young man over His IIJl res sn1ooth over u1 some sort the ter1'lble nb \\"ere ser ou~ ..the r gllt arrn being broken surd1ty of the th ng she ielated to the young with. sucJW'oi:oo-tha tho bon prorrt dc<l lab.es wl at she kne·w· and the m1 ch more through the flesh and tl e sl irt I is left leg was aloo broken Mr Donald l\1cLe~n she had heaid rcspectm., ti e refot10ns ex be1ug 1n fine health it 1s expec~etl I e 'v1 ll sting long ago betwuen the I andsorno l\.fr recover from the disaster Vlbo,t n akes tl e Br1sba1 e an l tl e w1do\v matter the mote d st1ess ng s the fact that The) howcvei could not l eheve there he had only bee ma.rued the dav be:fo1e ti e acCldcnt occ rrc 1 JI. His b1 de v11l no v I a<l ever been any ser10 is attacb,Jnent be ha\ e to tt rn n rsc to b L sband o recc:nt t ee thei i they kne· rndeed t~ere could ly wedlel I ave l eeu i one on biir Brisbane s uart In eho1t tl cv conclulel the g rl ];1y:m as ny otl er I rcsummg depc1 le1\i might fool isl ly do had fallen u love w th the elegant st <len t a <l probably marned at hst to co ei the n1ott1ficahon of defeat Mis. Morton sad it""' not t nl kely b t sl e sa l t with an ll grace m d l <l e dcntlJ her o n thougl ts n the 1 iattm I"' _,,.,..,,. l,D l vhen she arose fio n l er n ceJy i:;prca l t-aa table she said v1th some heart n ~s i;I e t BpC<1i his JU woull go an cl see M;r e Ro bmson before a ' eek l.lJ 1 her n1auner seernec1 to ~a) Lat gh as yol ill you ffil.ll ul keel me Jrom dou g that L 'clJ a I b y t1 cs ti ere ' ere m the v llo.ge b t Mrn Robmso1 s little roopl\rns as st ll aµd as lonesu1ne a3 us lal Lucy se W. S. BOYLE, M. D. l.RADUAIE of the Un versit c5 of '.Lnmty ( .:::f Coll ge Toro to n1 l "\ ctoi a. College., Co bo film alQ. Wopr etdn1 of th1:1 t\. AU ert t;"fl 0 Agenc5' "' St:CC:RSS~'UL iDVI :i;tTISERS ~ can Na VH] Ihc er LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES ar 41 Park Row New York selected v th a. special '1e'v to tho season at cl a 1arc possesse l of u equale l fncil ti s or s s table Io all a{les aull con] t on8 L ent1ate of th Collogc of Phymc nns cu 1 Q t1 e 11 Cl t :-1 of advert ~em en tis all 0 doted ork WJ.ll eccT"e l IB spec a.l atten n 1 § rg ans Ontar o ton 1 I\ CVi 1-1pa1 ti s nU ;Fe1 o 1 Rls ~t lo" est ratef:! Oflic l ( ng Street one door est of 1\-Ir , :'>lo mber 9th 1·71 Jle en: b r the stru <l or. <l o vest f ~fu Co sh s J uwelhy btore Bo ma ville lo h Broi:~ no vmanville Apnl :10 1879 018 1n31 tf J SMALE lected the poems in I et school bookS: and fead tl em to her mo her a0 a n and aea .n son et n1es s1 " q, e-ven '\entured npon a sot g Save Your BONES, an l get $25. EEWAR:P. 18 2 ----- ----~ DAVIDSON, 50 cents per 100 lbs., Io the u at YOUNG & BRITTAIN S 01 t no Street & 1h v n st b lry an l cleu ;Bowmanv !lo Se1 9th 187 037 moU ly1 & co n7 ti bt t11>geueially ended rn ' sigh !orJ>oor Lucy ~l 110 mates and noJO)B but her du t e" and s 1ct;° teflec~ ve silences as were I tile s led to her \Cars It s 1 insb r ~Y of abo~ t th~ ' d Uc ol A , t lt t ti e'f !411J' oll el n l ch I l ti ro 6 ) ti e I t ' s nt ti P. w 10 tl c '" l F O[ l t c. th< l 1 c 1 t on f 1 v1 d t e cl oo 1 a I n<l I bc M on treal Nov 8th 1871 Bo m n ill· Oet oth 1871 ad stance of tb rty 01 fort) Jcet equally certa1n death an<l to attempt to r i 1 ahead and eocape wa· o 1! cf the question Uni ke ten thousa l young lad es-and sl e 1s ea I to hl\e been )Olli( anl fa i-o tot tc thousand and oue "he d l not scream an l funt or indulge 1n any or sense of any 1 nd but realiz 1 g tl e ~1t 1at o 1 i un 1 stant a \l takrng th chance all rn sl c p o be c r1ous lo know whether" the leepest cee<led to an action ' h ch so..\ ed ber l tc About tl 11 tv mches belo" the ends of tho or not or if the gl tter of grat1f ed am ties and in1me ha.tely r nd er the str nger b tion and pnde did notdISsolve itself >nlo ' h1ch sappo1ts them there is a JOist ti. e a vain and fool sh thing when set iga nst 1ncl es ~ de- :t:t n1 g iro Y one s pport of the memory ol a heartf·lt smile Of cot rse the \1eotlo to another and to ti JS th cleu lllrs B >sbane became the pct nnd the ad I eaded girl resorted for safety Stepp g to the end of the ttes she s 1ung l e .,, It m1rahop of tl e people ao1ong vho1n she <lDwn to th s nano v LI read 1th tl e app· 1 ve 1 Jspccmlly among those 1ho ha<l been rent ease of a i;i) u nast, au 1 ith her a1u least co isc1ous of her cx1st~nce prP.v o sly claspc l aro n l it str tel el herself at l 11 to l c1 second 1na11 age b t she l ad learned length along 1t as the ham lhl ud ered by almost ver hc1 As soon as th e g neer ti e orld s cold " sdom now-she I ad i:iinv he; i:Lct101 l e th1e v of all J a brakes learncJ to pau e and fear aud uo lbtless it and pu\l ng o stem l m ed pUBt us soon "as "ell else might I er heart bav been as I oss lie whc be 1 1\ ty sp 1ng to tl c inade va n by the const ~nt adulation and track agflln and pu suctl ber JOUiney aa tho gh nothrng bud hap1 e1 el -Ti t sv1ll I e1 l fo have been ratl er a strife to be great He;r ld N 4th tl an good ;\s 1t ""' she never forgot the irustabil ty of earthly th ngs nor c ascd lrorr Blackmailing laying up 'lreasures vhcre moth and rt st for her She kne\\- 'vcll '\\I ere the v nes doth 1 ot corrupt So ¥e lea;\ e her w th Sotne ye rs ago ;\l en novel 1cal1ng were and that t] c ber1 ies \vere r11 e to I er wealtl -her husb d hosp table and forn ed a µort o 1 ot o 1r p st t 1 e \ c blackness but she turned her feet away somewhat state!~ I er daught r bea it11'ul member to have red a no\ el b) He) noll from them and humed to" ard l\11 Br s and dewy as a rose bud 1 er sacred 1 n m "J ich h s prmc pal v1lla10 N d Canto was uade to temark that a u an vai:i a fool ban~ s louse to Ulk'tl e liberty "h ch she 01' nd l er beavenly hope to violate the l·w when d spose 1 to act the "knc\ v; uld be cordrn;lly grant d She sco md el bee\ ae he co Id be so J Into each 1 fe some in r mu t fall d d; ot sec tlic old ftmnly .<an age mo\J g near er a 1d keep with n tl e la lbe e Some <la) s mu; t be da:rk and d ea J is someth ng noble aho t the hi gh v yru>1 up the road and Mis Br sbane in ber best or tie bo 0 141 or even tl e petty p1ckpock black silk dreos seated so comfortably and Importance of Sleep et when compared to that SJ ec es o! v1l sa..reapectably be.si~ ,w,, J"'~h·rnL, ..w._ "'"" lrtm thatdlcrai.. m respectable society id ti ukrng wheie the 1'1pest hemes were arnl - u.. ciyfor rest has alw7ys bee] 1o liter keeps th· la v o l h s side Tl e lo est thau the cry for food not that it" more un down of these is the blackma ler and th e of the mce supper thev would have at hon e and lightly crossmg !he porch hpped on portant bt t becauae it 12 often harder tu get lowest spe011neu of the blackmailer is the Of fla.\.\hu lter-the man "ho examines Jo r tic door of the parlor wb1cl ·tood ·J·r The beol 1est c01 es fro n sou 1d sleep title papero and finds that tie proper\j two 1nen or women other wise equal the one I ha e come to ask yo ~Ir Bu1Sbane you have bought and I aid for may by a It 1s she sad stepprng v1thm the TOOm if I who sleeps the best nil also as a general techn cahty be wrnsted f on l o 1 but rule be the i 10st moral healthy ·u l ell'i not his it never cost h m a ce1 t JU ght go to the ncdgc for be1 ies see1 g that you ha1c ovprlookel oo reel n g I 1ther Brisbane-tor it \\ns 1e \'ho wa~ CLCl t Sleep will do m ch to e re m tab I ty of o that pe1cl a ce the clerk bas lailcl to r admg by the ' i ldow-d10pped the paper te nper,. peevishness uneas ness It w 11 reco1d ) o r deed m hwe he seeks to b 1y this 1la v for a mere notl 1ng in or lei ho held and m bis be" 1lderi ient said noth c re inSfllnty: It 'v1ll restore to v gor t ll to make you bt; your own proper!) ot rnb It will build up and him Human la\\ can take i o cor.>t za1 e Astou shed at bis silence L icy rubbing Oler" 01ked bram make strong a 1 eary body It will lo of such cieatures but ii the devil do1 t hers l 1bhu. d ed eyef'I drew· nearer aay1ng nn ch to Cl re di 'l eps1a. It Vlll relieve the catch them be nnd h s dom n o 1s n a\ ~ Dear father (for she o(ten caUed Mr "ell \Je abohsb d We ' oull trust the languor and prostro.tio felt by consl mp p cl pocl et a humhe lfold qmcke1 tl au one Bnsbaue so) 11 hat is the matter 1 tnes It <ill cure a biol en sp\ut It "111 of t1 is class~th tu; n 1natte1s vi ere tl e My Jlletty d ild I e s'1.ld t m tones 1 a Ye c ire sorro Indeed 'e m1ght make a. la;w 1s s le t fo1 son1e tl i e-\. es e c tremulo is v1th en ot o you h v~ m1s long hst of ui::rv< U3 maladies that leep ' 111 a repugn nee to a brn: h of tr st- bit tl e taken ne I fear I have no r ght to tl e other class r eve1 do except l 1 cases '\ here cure the la. or I\:11 ::. G1 n ly would not e it name 1 ou call me Blushmg and asl amed 'I Le Cl re oi sleeplessness ho vever to ot L c; expla ned a id apolog ze l a. well as so eaSJ particularly i 1 tl o e w1 o carry The c folio V· att nd C lU ch rcgi lad1 ea1 long faces pay tie l 1ghest pr ce foi ] e vs she could and havmgobtamcd learn to pick beav' respo11S1l lttics I he habit of sleep (ahrnys prov <led tl e price u; I ubhshed u tie bcr es h rn d a VRY:i. 'iicarcely in. her rng well is ope ' I ch if broken 1 p for ar y the ruorn1ng papers an l have 1 o cl a1 ty cor fu~ 01 bav1n 0 nohcru the inany quefl lengtl of time is note srly regamed Often for the tb1el who sic s a loaf of brca l a:tter a fast of tr ice or four days ' for the g1 l t1ons the stranger asked in reference to her · severe illness, treated U) po\ erft I drn0 s '\ 1 01n vant has driven nto a hJe of sharr e hpme an l her mother She reache l the so detangcs tl1e nervous systen tha.t sleep -thev sn1 le conternptuo ly n.t all exc es hedge and tilled J er basket befoie she vas is never sler.p ~ is I ve1 S\\eet after var]s of the violat oi of tie la" If e.er e have felt he desnc to d p OUI bands D the aware so full of tr oughts was be1 heart Or perhaps Jong cout nnc l "atchtdncss blocd o.t beings create l 1n tl e h umar form and hastened 1 ol)lc to relate her l tile od produces the salne effect Or hard stu ly it has been when crossc l by \ms-the pc1 venture or tool ttle exerc :::i6 of the muscul Lr system feet on of !Ill the devils handiwmk- the Yes ye~ sull Mrs Hobmson he or tea a d spmt drmk ng and tobacco black na lcr the fello 1 who attempt, to get that "b1ch he kno '"ngl !fully b !or gs came duec\ly here an l toll me all about it UdJllg r:lo cure .sleeRles~ness the iollow1ng to another thro gh a techmo l ty or lte he is an old friend of l onr mothers we eMentmls are re 1uired -1st A good clean bought off were plavrnates you know and she ad led bed 2nd S 11lic ent exerc se lo prod ce after a moment that he had partly engaged weu1 n~s~ an l t>leasant occupation 31d The 1i lies of 1 lia gives n st rr ng a to come back apd drmk tea wit! them b it Good a r a.nil not too warin a rootn 4th co1utoft&eeapt1reofa s13. e dho 1 ar she hardly tho ight he wotld do so he Freedom irom ~o m ch care otb A clean Ras-el bad ip the Gi 1f of l ers a, by t! e would receive so many Letter invitat1ol a ston ach Gtb ~ clear consc1e ice 7th boats o! IL ll1 S V Jturc \Hen the car }!owe' er the s1 pper was arranged for A vo1Jai cc of sth rnlunta and narcot cs For ture was completed it ' as to nd tl t the three aid not m 'mn \but I ttle room cre'Y and pas:wngers incl d ng ti e sla-ve those ' ho are overn orked 1 aggard nei vot s merchants compnsed 36 lrul s all beav Ji with its loved mhabitants was to L ither \v}10 pass sleepless n gbts '\le comme1 d Ll e armed The nuru ber ot slaves t us r the br gl test spot he had eve1 found adoption of s 1ch hu\J1ta as ~ill secure sleep possible at the tu e to estunate so cro v<l Mrs Morton s g iests waited veauly for otherwise life ' ill be short and what there ed on leek and m the hold below as tl e the most honored g1 est of ull At la.st be dhow thatVt seemed but for the aspect of IS of t sadly n perfect rrnsery a VCl) nest of ~nts rJ c hold ca.me so late as to mak.e necessary au apol from \VhJch a inost mt6lera.ble stench pro og\ Laur1e s br gbt :flo nces seen1e l to A Fathers Advice ceeded was several niches deep in ti c foll drop &1l<ldenly from then wide tlauntmg est bilge watc.r and reh se do' n I elow "bate, er elee yon maJ do or lea\ e u1 and M1'> Clough s white cheek grnw still there "e1e n 1u hers of ch ldreu u1 d do1 e young man don t O.megard or mdcr wretchc l Ueings in the n1ost ~athsorr e wluter it poJ1S1ble when thev kuc v it was rn'e the ad\lce of yom Jather- tie gov stages of small1 o< and scroft la of C\ cry <le Mrs Robinson "ho l ad come I ety;, ccn A more disgust g and <l gru l ernor } ou rr ay call h 11 If so well but scnpt on them and tl e1r crov. l ng 1 lea~u1c let h n1 be your governor n th s most n 11 g spectacle of I umai 1t' could liar tly be l told yo so you g ladies ex la rr el seen wliilst tl e fo lness of the dl ow "as portaut sense Be governed by h s cou lSel Slich that tbe smlors c61ld n~r lly endure l ~frs Mo1 ton 1 ft1ng o 1e finger n sl) ex and if be is not free to ofter t ask bnu for Wl en the slaves were tTanslerred to the ultat101 )mt Laurie sto tly mamta ned it IIe mu) be a'°') mtlulge t parent-po· V ilt i o the poor wretched creatures were that she wus ti e first to s ggesl tl e propr e bly rich- :i.nd yo l expect he will give 'ou so dreadfully emac ated and weak ti t many l ad to be carried on board and litte 1 ct.} oI nv1t1ng 1\-Irs Rob nson and Anne of his earthly s 1bstance s lffic10nt to start for every n1oven1ent I-Io\\ l.t ' ns that so Clough was- qt tic sure she had seconded )OU m life He can g e yon nolhrn 0 aS1dc mani had s 11 ivcd s 1ch hurdoh1ps ' as a the proposal from a good morul and i tcllect al trnrnrng so lfce of wo1 der to all that belonged to th e lt' as December iga the suo v lay so serv ceable to yo l as ]us lote 'vh1ch u \ ilt lre Ou examination b) tie s 11geon wI 1te and co kl over all the grnu d the it" as fo ind that" there \\ cro no less t} J.ll Jou euco iage 1t be '111 rnan1fest 1n sug 35 cases of smallptix in various stage.a and. " llld ble\v rot ghly no v and then se1 ding gest ons for your good A. iathe1 s love lS from the time of the first ta.lnng of the It o v the flame.down the cbrnu ey and almost 1Jecessa.I ly t nselfi.sh v. L cl cannot be su d to then landrng at B tcher s Island Bo l to the Ject !>1 \fJ rie and Luther for e ma1 with cc ta nty of ad ee from hther I art is bay !v died o t ol the wl ole u n\J r ol c·ll them so agam rattl n~ tha shutte1· and 169 abd smce then t~oe hal'c been morn In rece1v11 g o rejecting counsel yot 1 a'\ e deaths a1non rst then<. Bu_t pe1l ups Ll e someti1ncs d1l\1ng qu1te through the broken 0 al~ avs to consider t vo tl in gs 1\rst whether moot alroc o s piece of er 1elty of the Arabs pne M)ne s ban ls were cla.ped togetl it wa.s prompted b) an unselfioh des 10 to vao heard afte:t\ ur 1::. from the elnves thc1n er o.nJ her a-~ es r~ste 1 on ti c gro u 1 Ut t benefit you An 1 geueially tie latter con sel' et1-V.J~ that at the fir~t d1s.covc1y of Luther s eyes 'verc resting on J er lov 1 gly smallpox amongSG ti em by the Arabs ll 6lderuti011 should have nioie wmght than the nlectecl sla\ es were at once thro vn tendli1y and b s bands mov ng u easil) as the lorn er Not that ve sho 1ld bl ndly overboar l and th s was contm ied da' by if the) so gl t sometl mg At length ·he follo "Ven the advice of the go ernor day mt I they said 40 liad per shed Ill ru sc l her eyes and a8ked Lt ther-ior vo but tl a.t rulv1ce vl 1ch i~ in 1ts '\Oerv nat re tb s n anner \\hen they Jo nd tl at th e 1uan is apl. to be 1mpat eut of sue s leoces r selfi::.h an 1 which comes from those who disease could not I e checked they s mply left the1u to take their chance ancl to die -whether it vas ti c 10 gb n ght I e ' as arc w ser ti an yo bas ten cbai ces of\ e ng Many ol the chit lren re of the mo \ ten th nk1u 0 of 1 ght to one of lei ig w1 o g VI' hate ei: flerest '\t::lTo SC-OICelymoie than tl ree )efl.l'~ ~hi e said he tak n~ both I er 1 ttlo other foohsh things yo m J le gt lty o1 old and n1ost of them bearing r iarl s of the hanc;ls n h1s clasped together as they "ere young man don t scorn tl e adv ce of a fa br rtahty of the Arabs m I al! healed scars and bru1ees u1fl cted from the lash and do you re ue ube:r once wl en I sa d no thci stick ruatter ,.., hat I sa. d- 5ometh1ng ti at ,.., as The newspaper lS Just as nece sary to fit rash bo)JSh foohsh~\\1cke l I am ad a man for his tr ie pos t on in l fc il.8 food or -a1 <l yo l ga' e n1e t\'\ entv years to 1ran1e raiment \!ho' s a ragged bare foot I oj an apologJ ? rJ.tl er than an g o ant one fh.::: heal 11 I Tl e llc nul 1g of M rte' bantls shoved cover l 1s .ftet l t af Cl l fe i[ be 13 e l He w ll maim ti tl t sl ne n e1 el b t sl c sa cl nothing plied th i e~ opa1 e ~ n a n of mn1k m alter l fc ii yo i gratifi that ent o l All thos twel t' year<) des re fo1 k o l~Jge Other things be g I lave tr el to barn tl o.t apolon aul ow equal t rn a rule tl al i ever !a ls G1 e {)ave onJy \O thrO\ l yeeJt 01 )ODr goo] the cl ildren ncwspapets Sbc.wld<:d ru>U!lng but tl e mother saw the beautiful and trastrng hght m he1 face llid suffered the 1101k to be laid away Dear good motbru exclamed the 1 up py clnld and pullm., do' n her mothers ha r sl e combed anrt curled it a.s she saw it tll the p ct ire that was laid away The<e was a gentlo protest aga ost He cucls but the mothe ) elded rn that too though when they "ere n a.de she p ished them back half co1 sc entio !Sly J r she ha l wqrn 1 er ha r a.JI put pla nly a way s ce-<lharley I ad died Luci declared that her mother I ad actuu'ly added to the bea 1tiful cflcct of the c1 rls, and m I er strangely playful and sun ny moo l brought fort] from the dral\ er tl e white dress lhe so 1 ke l to see her mother wear Reali) she sm l stun lmg apart and look ng at her in loving a lm1rat1on when sl e was dressed nobody wo 1ld be hevc JOUl}vere rny mot] er )OU look so voung, and 0 so pretty Md rndeod they d d look more like sISters than like n other and cl l J She tried on her hood direct!) and coucealmg a small basket under he1 apron we1>t out SU) ng only that sl e sl ould be back ID an I our or t vo It was her habit to wander often abo 11 tbe woods and fields but 11 was not simply her own plea Sh· saw sure she was occkmg that day: cvery\Jod~ 1 avn g l ol day a cl after her own fasl on she \V0.13 h)ing to niake one too and the concealed b>IBket she hOJ>Crl to bring homo lull of 1 crnes-an a ld1t on to the supper which sl o hi l appily s1 Ir se her mother but little <1 d she thei drea n of all the happy suq rll!c she was l reparrng ness ;our gcnerns I) for 1hat Isa d theie can be '1 o a.1 olon y 1na le 0 n you fo1 0 1 e me 1 The tea s were l .lvf.) res eye" the deep b 1 I ty of the strong pro 1<l rn\n h ul toucl ed. her heart an 110 a vo cc s~t and m stea ly sLe answered she had notb n0 to forg ve J 1~t as she 1,1; o tld ha e un s \e1ed twenty years ago if he could onli I "'e bent I JS stubborn II to speak tl ose sn ple '\vords How 1t en led the reader sees well euo .,l and I will o 11) add ti at L icy sta 11 crel a rt blusl cl a e when an ho 1fte1 tl e ai okigy l\lr Bnsbane a voke her with a k as-for "iLl cl ~ek rcsti g on hc1 an\ be lad l een u.slcep all the eve1 1n -~ v~J:ier and askillo;,if she ren1em \Jercd caltmg him lather by mistake when they first n et sa d th·t for the f ture it would be a m ~tike ii she calle<l him uni thrng else arnl, that he hoped to ment at least some part 'of the alleet on and re spect be lo 1g ng to tl at 1 a nc Tl e r ng ol belrotl al took its old 1 la e agarn bl t the 1edumg r n0 - Cl arley · 1 g as ne\ er remove 1 Ha1 py as n1or I< ls nay exllect to \Je tie r Jn c, gl le l on bit n spite of alt tbe br gilt iess aro nd her m spite of all efforts to the contrari some days are !nil of clouds a d sl ado vs to Myt e autl. at such t c:; she \Vas eure to say Ohailey rn·lead of Luther I e had spoken no word to her that 1t was not sweet to rerr cn1 ber and held to tl c last the p irest 1 luce m her heart-let us not bornfic l to r\ ' " ver a lad) abo it tl a n l dle of tie tiestlo 11 ardl) a tia n s le gtl fro n l m Q uck as tlmig_bt Bilh -; l stle l dow1 l al es gii\ ti 1 san l bile and th rm ba k the re\ers ng le\ er at tl a &une time he kne 'f tl u.t 1t vas an utle1 mi osSlhihty to check the heavJ trn 1 before the vict lll ould be overtaken and ct shed to lent] an l ~ th lixc l ei cs he awa ted the catastr 1 le II e l 1li I c 1 the "ar 1 g wh stle a d turr ng her hea l aa v the E ca:pe seeme l tnonster alntost upon her to ie na n was certa n deatl toJ mp to the "ro nd t it! iron imposi;; ble °' · ·