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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 22 Nov 1872, p. 3

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THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, NOVFMBER 22, 1872. A~TDERS0 1 N & of ov1:1ry de;;eription. coy I BOOrliS AND SHOES :fifanufactL\1'1'8 tWd Llcalel'S lll THE GREAT REMEDY FOR and acknowledged by many riroinincnt physi- -' «ia:ns to be the most Reliable Preparation ever introduced for the RELIE~, and CURE of all CONSUMPTION tlu~ AREHIE ONLY KIN D ADAPTED TO EVERY co.:;G1 m:J CF ;::;.,; ; : ·:::.:Sil. Their Copyr(qht ~ystem rf .flttin!J Han ?1-:wr rii1,r; ,q>rf;ir. fm· a.~1·cr!ai1;i1<'/l tlic exact requtrcmen{Q n/ alt who 1u'(~'l .0 1iticrt l aid. J-I AVE Just received a Choice lot of Raisins, Curants, Figs, T. DARLINGTON, Gents,' Ladies', Misses,' ~ Children's Felt Gaiters and :Sa.ln1or constantly on ha.nd. Felt Overshoes and Ru bbers in great variety Also a large c1un.ntity of LUNG COMPLAINTS. This well-known remedy is oft'cred to 11ucn~ai:ivhooplng Cough, Iloat·se· YOUNG -OR OLD, FAR OR NEAR-SIGHTED. A. full anlL cowpl~.te assortmcut alway 1:1 on hand NEW FRUITS, Dates, Lemon, Ora.nge and Citron Peels, NUTS LL"f GRE,A.T ~ <\.loo pnbllc, e1u1ctioned by ihe experience of oyer forty years, ft.lld when. 1csorted to iii sca~ou, soldom falls to effect a 2pcedy cure Qf Quick, Agents. TRUNKS Saratoga a.nil ot he1·a, for Sale. · · 'Vo :~re i:mtis· f\ed that it is us.2 an<l \Ye fc~u· no con1petition where we ai:;k !or our Goods fa CO~LPAHISON then roni~ o Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis, In· ness, rains or Soreness In the Chest and Side, Bleeding at the Lungs, Lifer Complaint, &c. 1872. NEW ] ALL GOODS, 1872. 1 V .ARIE'L'Y. CHJm.AJ? which inclu cei:1 t he P ublic eo haudsom ely to pat· straigbt!on.vard tra.diug i s wa.r1 ted. l.\..11 that let hin1 ".'llo has me1· GOODS Barrels and Boxes of Direct importation for our B e a:m:tHi&l Omndies~ it, bca.r the I>alm ' \Vith o.n :-i.ssortment of hy.AJ:imct_y resort t o this standard remedy, as ls proved by huntlredi9 of tcsthno:ninle rccciyed by the proprietors. · CONSUMPTION CAN: BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY OSHAWA ~l'he FALL TFiADE. · · - --o A~D CHOICE BISCUITS. Darlington ha.<; again recci ved anothe1· lot of thoas celebrated · Tivo Dolla1· Pr 1tnella Oong, ress puts all opposition in the s hade, 13lT'r E CI,I:P ca1'e, undei· the able 1rm11ar.-ernen t of ?rlu. J. Pioucer Doot & Sh oe Store for the 0 IT lt SJi;_ s it altog·thcr. · ::;ubricri11er bogs. 00 inf0Drl1Jis 'u'nst01ncn; and the pLtblic,. tha.t he bas receiv ed per Stcn.mships St. Andrew and &. JJavid · ~- - ---- -- - -- doe11 not drtf up a Oouoli, una leai·e the ea1ise bohilt<l, as ts tho caso with tn!)St p'l'eparatl.u11s, but it loosens and cleanses tlie lungs, and atiays irt'itation., th-us t'cmovtnu tlie ca.use Of tlte coniplaint. J?tTRE LEAF TEAS, QualiiAJ is the Test of Oheapnes.·. Bowru.a.nville, D ec. 22n d,1B70. J1·(';"[U T\VO MORE FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN All ordrs dfopatched with RElD 1 vv·ho h as been the li;.all1no- wor ki ng in the ]fl yt:!ars; l {eed;; old stanfl Bo\~1na11vHle. ' \V ANTED. CASES BALES OF SEASONABLE -.A;NDEB SON 1872 J) DERKS.EIIR.E BOAl{, owm.:U I l\:tPROVH hy· bred by John Mil· .ToHN C oLW1J,J,, }fr. & CO. CLl!llGYME.N, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and all those w11ose occupation requires nn un. u·euat cxeruisc of the voca.l orgn.ns, will find this the ONLY P1u~rAnATION which will ef!ect.. nally and inetanta.neously.rclicvc their dim.cul. ties. J_) l--(, y Shawls, G 0 0 D S, Bowmanville. I ]< ' J1npol'tcd dfrect, contn..iuing in G·reat V ariety Ne\\1 Fall Goo<ls Arrived, at McCLUNG Bros. Beware of Counterfeits. Mcintle8, Ribbons, Flo wers, Pealhers, ,.:ind l.1,i tlinery Stoclc, also - foe years "rith ~ome C~1ronic \Va.<iting Di;:ccuse of the T.ungs, Heu.rt, L iver or"]{idncyfl, you need not fia~tc r yo;.irseli th~~t m~foin e is going- YOO HAVE BElo:N AN INVALID Corsets,_ Skirts, Hosiery, and Gloves, prietor ine tke wrapper carefully before purchasing. Ono Dollar a ll<lll· Si1 Bo~foo for Fire Dollar·. PREPARED DY let's, iu1 p 9rt~d pri:i.c ta.king . pig-s. Charge $1. 5 0. Re1:11tlence, Gth Con. $rd lot D~uling tou. Oct. 16th, 1872. m3-21n . ------~- TON. 11 incluc.ling full rallgc of sizes a1· color s of \ the genuine cclcbra tc Jeovin and Josephine KID GLOVES, FO R SALE. years old, sirt.:<l by :Sir '.\falter Scott. J.\.p· ply to B own1anville, Oct. 31st. to cure y~nl n~1n1echatdy. R,e 1~ a.1r goes o u slow· ly, ancl tun? IS .u ece~~ary to build Uj ) a bt·ok en· do,vn _constitut10n. Do not ta.k c everv n ostttun you 1·ea<l a.Oont, n or follow the a dvic e~ of eveiy .fr ieud who ha.a :t s pecific t o offer yon. P rocu i-'e n rc1ncc1y scit·nti fi call y pn.ipa.rt:Kl, that is t h o r esult of experience, tha.t has :t large arnount vf evidence of i:iensible people 0£ i tl:! t"e· SXTR W. FOWLE & SONS, lloston, Mass., Alld eol<l by llruggjele Oll<l l;!:ellle:s generolly. whid1 will be old c~t prices much helovrt the finu res usua.lly asked for thel:!<;t g-oodf'l, ·rorre ther with a huge <1.~~01tn1neut Of A lia.hili ty, and persevere iu its use until the N l!JNTIRE CO L'1.'. , Coming tl1 r ec F . Y. COWLE. n5-tf. .A.~D (JOMPOUND ELIXIH OF l'HOSPHA'l'ES CA.LISA YA, a C h1:.1mical :E'ood a.nd N u· whole i:;yst en1 undergoes n. rad ical iTnprovement, and h tmlth is rosto1·ed. Dr. \VHEELEl{.'S , Plain and F tmcy Dry Goolls, Lustres, Alpacas, French Merinos, scarlet, white, pink, blue, o,ncl rose; Saxony Flannels, Plain and :Fancy IVinseys, Superior Make Carpets, Dama,"k -!,ace Curtains, Table Linens, Oil Cloths, Towelling, etc., etc. Together with t~ 1872. ·Teacher Wanted. OR S1.:cti011 4~ 'T'owHsbip DarLi;.1fp .ton, Li~viug Third-...class Certificate, or n. P 0r1njt fron1 t ho Inspector. Apply t o lt. D. OS BORNJ!:, "'l~sq . , Trusl ee, Literary ?v1ansion, "\\7 est .J):w:liugton, No~·. 13th, 18'72. 3in-o&m. Fa tritive T onic, wiU meet y our n1oat Bail .... uine ex· pcctation~, :is it combines everythin{Y t~ecesso.ry t? perfect dii.rcstion, ~utri tion, :~nd i-J1e forn1a· tiou of hen.lthy blood, and to vitalize all the Ol"· gaas a nd tiss ues of the body. Sold at $1. 00 per bottle. .. large snp11ly of JUl'1E, 1872. GENTS FURNISHING, . CLOTHS AND TRIMMINGS · Clothing Made to Order--Fits guaranteed. MILLINERY AND ~1ANTLES, FALL ' GOODS IN A A full Stock of McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS a speciality Talent Spring and Summer 1 l 1 STYLES AT ALL TIMES. s '!'It.EWIN, Oshawa Sep. 3rd, 1872. Corner King and Simcoe Streets 1y Oct. · Large Variety. DRY ·GOODS.'lANVILLE Machine and ImplemenT AND O]' CHIT CHAT. Just Received. ~ New, Fashionable, and Cheap MANUFACTURING COMP ANY. MAKUJIACTUREitS L efl'el .A.wericrm Double 'l'urbino VV at ci· \V·h eel Irou , and V Voocl )V"orking 1\'Iachinery, Ci1·culv..1· Sn,w Grist Mill 1\-Iachip.ery, . ~1i1Is, Oct. ========.c==========================---====='=== · · · [Tim :Brady a.nd Mike FlynnJ 1S72. Tn,ilorir;g undex thq. cbarge of Mr Prepared for imediate use, and noth- 1S72. W. S. MEDDOWCROF'L', an ing but the purest materials used, TlM." Good morning, Mike, shuN and it is early out y e are. Might and requiring no further .mixture of I be bonld t o axe-whi·t ,,t.'t1:te(l yees this morning._"._ Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye i n a jiffy. Y c see, I was Their composi tion consists 15olcJy of tould, yisterday, that Misther Gmy, ov Tyror1e, had got home EXPERIENCED CUTTER an iiligant new stock ::w Goods, chape as durt, man, and its Pur·e Color, Piwe White Lead, Pure meself could hardly slape a wink, all nigh t, thinking av the White Zine, Linseed Oil, Spirchape good$. · And suro 'enuff, its the full store he htts-piles from London, England, also for many its of Turpentine,&; D1·ye19, years conducting fashional:rle aucl piles av the natest patterns ; and he'd give ye the . m11,kin's ccarcfully and scientifically comEfoblishments in Car.ada. av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oint.s ; Tay bined. _ for most nuthin, and the .Baccy for a triffe less." 'L'he consumer can hu,ve any de- TIM.- "Ai1 shure its funning me ye are, Mike ; wouldn't the ·man be sired shade of color· neatly put UJ' afther breaking down." in Cans, and all he requires to buy MIKE.-" Brmtking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth Lwo av MOURNING SUITS with the Paint is a Brush, as the that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate whole can be done by himsel( or by name when youre ded, 1<nd be called o, filantl'ofized, filosifer, and any member of hi s hous eho.ld . a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre rmbonrs, and the rist av mankind, about Gray's chape store, and you'll do more for the MADE AT A FEW HOUR'S NOTICE. good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ould IrePURE WHITE LEAD land, when he banished ~tll the toads aucl snakes out av it, that A large stoc jUstr ec1,ived, for aut. niver '\YU.S in it.n · umn pttinting, imported direct TIM.-·· "I'm much oblaged to ye, for tho bit av ahvice, and won't de- fa:om the English Manufactain ye; there'll shurcly be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss turcrs,including J atnes' I some bargains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Genuine, and the Gray's. · · celebrated PAN Al\IA - - - o- - - _ _ § hi11gle Machine!'!, l'tiills 1 St!Lf·&ke Com 1non and G:~ng Clothingmadc to order, the best trimmings only. used, and the lowest_ price charged. GOOD l~eape1·s, 1\-fowiug l'tin,chines. :flows, l:'a1u1ing 1iills, Chop1n11g lVI.ills, l?ccdJC1 lticrs 1 &o. New Groceries, Dolla.r TEA for S6 Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted s. F. llILL - - - - - · - -- --1111---- A. M. GIBSON, Managei'. Bow1nanvirle, Juno 20th, 1872. m 38·o2-0·ly f Y.. COWLE. BownrnnviJ!e, Oct. 3, 1872 Look at the Premiums, A Chromo" OUR DARLING." to every subscriber. ROOSTER BRAND, g'uaranteed pur~e. ALSO J. GB!I, ~Tyrone. .N oted f'or cheap Goods. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. Tlle oldest 1\-Iagaziue in Ameriea. .. ml all sttmdard colors, oils varnishes, and pa.intern' materials. ()~~ see how cheap a house can be pamted and decomted; for all these goodswill besold «ttReducecl figures. 1873. never offered by a.ny iuaga~ue, either in this oountr~r or ll1 Europe . Since we are fo rced into this busiuess, '\Ve aro df:ltermined to make it difficnlt for others to folJow U. '$, Let us see wh o will co1ne up· to this :A ClH"omo-·· OUR. DAI{LING "~to eVcrv subscribet'i whether Single or iu u. club. ~ '1'1<l1Ui1 S . :woo Grell ons of MACHINE OIL of different kinds. '.l.'hreshers and all parties r·equirincr such . oil, are specially invited to ~spect the various...rrualities, the prices being far be: low anything ever offered in this market. HENRY ELLIOTTJu11r. Ha In pt on. Offers for sale one of the most extensive and complete assortments of Goods to be found in .iny country store in Ontario. Unparalleled Premium ! O r~ · l 600 Cook, Parlor, Hall, - and Box Stoves, arriving, a.n d now on exhibition, the la-rges t and chettpest stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, -etc. GENTLEMEN'S SUIT8 nmde to order in tho latest and ii:tost ;iprroved manner, and on the shortest notice, from Fruihionablo and carefully selected Clothes and Tweeds. The latest New Yark ]\isl1ion Plates reguhirly received. J. & W. J. MoMurtry & Co ~ GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE m the County of Dm·ham. .. Are now sh owing a full assortment of JOHN 1'14cLEOD, Wellington Btiildings. Bowmanvillc, Aug. 8th, 1871. HampLon, Nov. 5th 1872. H. ELLIOTT JUNR. bp-o23-rn54. DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. A fine lot of Dana's Patent Sheep Marks the most lasting, the least troublcrome, and most comp lete ever invented; '!'hoy are used and recoinmended by lfl!lll~ Qf the best Breedcra n the United States and (Janada, such as G. B . L~ring.J. Saleu1? ~Ia~s., l'reQid~nt 1'.'e\Y J~ngl:.i.nd ~ ool u-i-vwcrs· t'oc1ety; John S, Ross, Hennepin, Ill. ; PrQfessor ~f. J\{i les, of tho State Agricultural College, Lansing, Mich.; Hon. Geo. Brown, 'l'oronto, Oat.; John Suell, ~dmonton Ont. Ou c Mark is stan1ped the 01.v-er' ; name and-the Sl~eep's ·number. 'l'hey will ba sent f1·ee, by .maul, or <;ixpress 1 for only f ou1·ei1d>s nch, and vrill last for '.l'WENIY YF.AH.13. ~ Cash nuist a ccompany all orders Cloth and Gents Furnishing - -- o--- THllSE MARKS AHE 1'RE OliEAl'llST WANTED. EXP'fnlIF.1-<CED MIJ,LINllll, ANonce. A lso two app1·entice3. (gITfa) at to A Poultry Wanted. NY Qc;-Al\l'JT'{ OF DRESSED T, E. SIMSO!\'S Bowman viJle, ml-tf. mws. learn the tailoring busi uei;8 f!.t J\lr.CLUNG Bowmu.nville Sept. 2~kd, · - Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, and Chicken will be ptn·1.:hased at 1872. tf·m..1151 . Apprentices Wanted. or SIMSON BROS. Uslrnwa, Oct. 24th, 1872. - A full Stock of A FRESH GROCERIES, All to be sold -ch.,ap. T · 'l'IU: l30 WMANVILLE MACHI!\ll \Vol{l(S, a few stout lad&, to learn the ~in.chin e ln1::iness. Apply 1,u . ' A. M. GIBSON, ~u·anage1'. n150·tL Sale T ~fariposa, Sarnia, Ont. Orders ad ch·cHaed t o the MERCHNI a.u~1 OB SEHV ,1:<:1t Office, fot any quantity, ·will be tilled tho above-rricntioued price , tu3 q uickly t\s the ~larks can be made and seut. 0 . BARl{ER, AlWIHl3ALD YOUNG, Ju., Highest price paic for BUTTER and EGGS. Bo ·11 D ·Sth 18"1 wma.nvi_ e, ec. -· · .~ . · I . :y-m · 0 l3 of good 1aod, ::iituatcd on the Gth Con. of f'.0 Acres are _ clcarecl and feuced; t he remaining 15 being good vtood lan d. There is rt. never fa:iling spriu g of Water on the premh!es1 ONSIS'l'ING· 011' F I\7 E .A.01\.:ES, be it also a good baa·n and d\\'Clliug house . The mol'e or less, irituatod on the South end of Lot. No. 11, iuthe 3rd Con. of the Township pre1nii:ies arc situated very cunyenien t to church Poseeseion given of Daxlington. For fu1'thr,r particular s apply and school '!'erma liberal. 1nediatel y. lfor fu rther p artioulars apply to on tht premises t.o Bown1anvillc, Sep. lOtl.J, 1872 T lIE Sl.TBSCHIBER utrer1-J for f! ale, 75 Acres PARK LOT FOR SALE,- O RIORAltD "'FURSIER, _ ha;ve now con1plele(i their 'l'wcnty·l!'iret year of business, ,vith n. consta.1it and still jn . creasing growth. As the mnnufactory is m1 e of (west of thti the oldei:;t, it ali:io i·~n k~ a1nong the highest in the country. Duri. nq the 10118 e.x perience of the ino.nnfa.cturor s, they ll avo steadily ti.dcled to t he capacity of their iusb.·trment s, and h ave avu,lled 1Gng S treet, Bowmanville. thcT08elves of evel)r 1nethod to itnprov-0 the quaJ.. ity of tonG n.nd to increMe tho mech411icn.l f11cil. tics for the 1;erformer. .And though they ex. pect t o continu e th e cou1·se of improvement, they 1 are abundantly aatisflccl with '\'bat Jias beelt done, and "'·ith the e:::.tiluation in which their jn. n1HE. i:mbscri ber it! }J1·epared to build nnd re·· struments h eld by good jw.lgW! of unu;ic. .l pall' . As herctofore, they ·will ust: tLo, without r egard to cost, and gi\:e to ov£:ry Organ Wa,qons, Bil[jg'ies, ancl Gutte·,.s, the moBt thorough \Y.Or km ansh ip.1 rl'hey eepecfa..lly' invite comparisons a.':! to tLe q uality and volume of tono, and as to t he effect· of every descr.i1Jtion, a.t short notice, an<lo · ivc u1ech1,1.11ic&l appli[~n Cc8 . 'J.'hey call attention ro<1-"(.111a.bJe terms. to the fact ·tJw.t th eil' Or~n f;j sold A'l' J:!.:X. 'l'I{.E.).1JTIL~... LO,.V rRiu.ES.M lor,. as is chin·g. ed for n1a.ny of an infcl'ior sort. Having a largo, ~n<\_tbo ro ughly .anp o1uted n1~u1 ufactory,omploy. Carriages Painted and Trimmed· ing none but r;kilfed vrorkmcn)md havi ng made a n1inutt'I diYision of laLor, they arc a ble to prod l101.;~ Orgru1.s at less rates than 1uo:st oompeti.to11;. l nt::y b elieve, a]soi tha t n.mong other tlungs, t hti haV"e earned a i·eputo.tion for fair dealing, and they v.rould assure <listaut }Jun.:h::u;ers that no 0rgm1 will cve1· leave tbdr wil.t·~ rooms \vith their knowledge, that if! n ot in every respect perfect of its n11 the p remises, \Vere fi})Ccia.l aLtention is given .i\.s th ey have h i:for e s"ta,ted, thev. intend to so· to <ill cure a fl'icnd in cYcry pnrcb user. ... Their catalogue1· with full d escription u.nd accurate cngrav· Cf!.rriage wol'k, and General ings, will be rsent free to auy v.d d.ress u1)ol'1 applicatio_n. All necessary .information cheerfully fW'rn i> hed. Addre3s ,fobbing. CARRIAGE SHOP. AmeriQ~f:: ;organs ! rrlHE SMI'lH AMEHICA::>r OllGAN CO. A Blacksmith's Shop SALT AND PLAS'l1ERALWAYS ON HAND. Sign of the Golden Lion, :Bowma.nville. 8th Con. of D arliu srton. 42 a.crBs arc i n a good state of cultivation . Good out buildmgs. : f or pa.rticu la L.; apply on tbl! premfaes to FARM F(!,;ft/.SALE TBllNorth WC8tr~,Y ACHES of Lot21 I CHARLES RNAPP. Dtulin gton , Ma.rch 15th 1871. 24·tf. Sap. 18th, 1872. 1~51-tf. JOHN DIX. o4l·tn2·tf. Little Jlritai n, O ct. ·1th, 1872 I I u Coni::tan t employ1neut. Apply at F. F. McARTHUR'S, "l3c.Yer Block." Bo\v1nanville, A ug. 21st, 1872. n147-t f. KP ANr.J1, 3 00 ...\'f, and 3 \7V ANTED. -· 1 FOR SALE. Sec(;nrl H au<l D o1nocrn.t !'ltiita.hle fCJt' C011 n· ti·y work. I nquire at 1'.Corris's C;i,rriage l:!'acturv. llow"manville, :;)fay 23rrJ. 1872. VJ ;S'l1, :NTAKERS. A TllE SMITH AMERICAN ORG.t'.N' CO Tremont St., opposite Waltham St· All 1i;ork done cct tll'is EstablisMfl.en t , Boston, Mass. war1·anted. J M BRIMACOMBE, Eowmanvil!e . .A c11.ll is rospoctfully solici tcLl. .T. J\fORllIS. Bo wnutnv ill c 1 Oct. l st, 18GD. G·cneraL.Agen t ro1· the Province of Ont.:.1.l'io. l~owm~nvillc, April 3r~:1 1 1872. l y-014- m27 One copy, one year $3 00 'J'wo coviea,. one year 5 OU ~rh l'ee copies, one year 7 50 ]four copies; one year · . . - 10 00 Five copies, one yc:u:, aud an cxt ru. copy ~o th~ per.<;?n getting up tho club,mak· · ing tux copies · · . 14 00 "Eight copies,one year, a-nd n.u extra. copy to the perso11 getti ng up t l1e clu b llla.k· ing nine copies · ' . 21 00 Rlovl.'n copiea, one year, and · 11u extra copy to the person getting 11p the club · 1naking twelv e coph1s · · ' 27 50 Twenty~three copies, one year, an<l an e:xt.ra. cony to t~1e person gljttiug u p the ~lub 1 mu.king t·~·enty·friur copies . 55 00 Let it be understood that every Huhscribcr n.nd the gotter·u1j of a clu b, _ will have the beau~ tiful chron10 of " Ouit DAllLlN!t- " sent to.the1u free of 1·1ostage. It ·i..s " pe'ifect" Jlij & u. Th~ price: o the c:hromo in ~he a_tores fa 'l'hrf..l~ dol · lars . And any s ubsc..·1'1be1 · in a club, 01· aiug le subscribel', \Vho n1ay wish to have " Ou·1· Du1·[,.. ·i·np :: Jnount ed ou stiff brii:itul board , and r eady for framing , can h ave it so prcpan:d a.nd sent by remitting twenty-five cents at t he time of 8llbscribing. . .To the getter n11 of n. clu~ of 6 or U copi es, we will send, as an ext.ra prein1u1n, a cop r of the " The Offel' :i or " The Accepta.i.1co ,., this in addition to "O ur Darling." ' · 'l'o the get ttlr-up of~ club of 12 copies we will seud both of t he Chrol,UOS-- .' The offer H and " Tbe .Acco1ita.nce," a.lon g with "Ou1· Dn.i:ling u ; or "Asking a Blessillg " and " Qui· Du.ding . " 'ro the (1etter~up of a club of 2'l copies,wo will sen d " J;\ ski ng n, " Blcs$ing ': " 'J'he Offer," ··'!'lie Acce\'tance," a.nd " 01u· Darling." 1 i l the gettet··uP. o[ clubs of 6, 9, anti l 2 \~ cop1c::i,plcasc be p articular and ·write wl1at lH·eu t· iun1s they desire. The prentiums only for warded \Y en thi:: re1n ittancc is sen t to us . \Vhcn ~he sub~cribers all reside at IJ.U placei the pre1ununs ,~·ill be sent to thL: person who ~~ n c"I$ the clu b for distribLttion. The person sentling n. full .<;u bacri\)lion of d·Jllars, can bu Ye his choice of "T )e Offei-. " rrhti Accepta11ce," 01· · · 0Ur Darlin"'.:· T he inoncy inust till be sent :i.t o;e t ime for any of the clubs, and add&tiona inay be ma.du to d u bs a.t club rates. 'l'h&°LADY'S BOOK will be sent to any post·otllcc 'vhere th.e E!ubscri1)tions may cornmence with month in t.h c year. 'Ve ran alway5 su1Jply back nlUilbers. Sp ecimen numbers will be sent on rece1:pt Qf 25 ceuttS . Ho'\' 'l'O ADM1'1'.-ln remitting by mail, u. Post Office Order on Philadelphia. 1 or a Draft on Philadelpltia or New y ·o1·k, payable to t he order of L.A. Godey, i s prt!(el'ablt; to bank notes. If a D raft or a Post Otf:icc Order ca.n·. nbt be procured, send United St o,t cs 01· Natioun.~c.:atinn , ~~ we e;qJL·Ct our li st, with the induTement~ ·w e offer, wjll r e:tt.:h 200,000 ~uh~criben:1. .A.dd.l'CSS J n. l Ba.nk lli1L~s . 'Ve advise an early N . E . corner Sixth and CheBtnut Strcots, P}iil· aclelphia. L.A. GODEY, , -=

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