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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 22 Nov 1872, p. 4

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( THE 1\IIERCHANT, FRIDAY, NOVEJ\'1BER 22, 1872. / -\Vho sets n1e in his easy, An<l hut·ts lnc tnoi·e than I ca;n bear, _.\nd pull8 lny tooth, and doesn't cctre '! ]\fy Dentist. My Dentist· Poison Antidotes. A.cid::i.--'l'he::ie uauae gref~;t hl.:lat n.nd r:;e'nsati~.n of the burning from the mouth clown to the I:;m,proved ston1ach. Rcru.edieS-)1a.gnesia, soda, poarlash or soap dissolved in water; then use the stomach-pump or emetic. 'Vho lacerates my g11m>1 \Vith tile~, Alkalies-Best remedy is yine~ar. ()f different shapes and liiIT(n·ent style!!, Annnonia--1·e1ncdy. ___.. , Lemon juice or vinegar .i.\..nd cuoly takes then1 out and su1iks? A.lcohol. -First cleans.:> out the slolUf~(lh wit}l lt1y Deutiet. an emetic, then < cold water on the head~ '\Vl 10 t·\·ists my lower jrnv awry, and give 111nmonia (spirits of ha1tshorn.) _.o\.nd sticks l1i~ thumb into my eye, Arsenic.;._remedies.--In the fir~t place evacu\Vhile seeing tie~ to spy? ate tllu, then giv.e the white of eggs. My Dentist. lime-water, or cli;\.lk l'l.ucl w:tt~1r 1 drn.1;coa1, n.n<l \Vho thrustis the tJtecl Ue~1) in. my tooth, prepaxations of iron, particularly h'j'drn.te. Vv'h ich in:.i.kcs lne howl-Hud then forsooth! Lead, whlte lead and sugar of lcad-re1u~Uies, 'rdls me:· 'fhc nervo's exyvsod, in kuth"? . - 1\Juro, Uctthu.rtic!S, ospeci~lly castor oil and !lily Dent11:;t . eps91u salts, Chii,1·coal.:-- In poisons by ca.rbonic gu.e, re· "\Vho, wb<Jl 1 ~he teeth arc :fillt'd awl ground_, move the patient to the open ai:r, da..<ib cold }\_ncl tender o fic1~s found, water oh thu head and body, and $ti1nulata the T'uts a purr and twii:>tr.I it round; nol:ltrils and lungs by bnrtsborn, at the aarne l\fy Donti:.t. time rubbing t he chest briskly , \Vlrn in my face doth rudely hum,, Co:rrof!i¥e :;:; ublhnate. -Givc white of eggs .A.nd wa.fts a breo,th th~t smells _ with i'um, freshly mixed with "rater, or give wheat Ilou1· A n.d 1nakcs tnc t.u;te blS nasty thumb . and water, or soap ~tn~l water I1·eeJy. :My Dentist: \Vliv n,lways tintls a, tooth to. :fill, Creooote.-,"\711it~ of cgga an4 emetics. -~ 1'<'1 11: t.n P'1ll, a.n;r_v~ ..t~ 10111 . ~ " Belladonna, Kight Jlepbane. -G1ve einetfo1:1, .1.\.nd theu r,e1uls iu nIB littl~ mil. . )f y Dcntu!t. and then give plenty of vinegar a.nd \vato:i;-, or . lemonade, 1\inshroorns, when poisonou~. - Give emetiCs, and theu give plent)· of ·vineg:~t" }1nrl water1 with doses of ether, if convenient. Nitrate of Silvei {Lunar cai..wtk).-Givc a - :NIA1DF5 011 Ho1>0t"R.-rr-l10sc who do not.. jilt strong solution of coro1non salt, and the emetics. t heit; ~uitors. 01Ji111n. fu·fit a stroug emetic of ln·u·Jn nan·ating a.u incident sowc time f!ince, it tard and "'·ater, then strong t:uffe<!; acid drinks, WM sl.aLi::d that a poor old wo1nan was l·nn over d::ish cold wate1· 011 the heacl. lJ:f a " cart u.(Jcd s·i«ty ·" :.:'.Q' ux Vomka. - ~irst emetics, theri brandy. A lady 'in speaking of a dii:lagreen.ble old Oxalic .!\..cid (fi·equontly lnistaken for epso1n 1 bachelor, said: "Ile needs noti1ing but instjnct s..1.lts)- re1nellies., 111aguesia, or B oa.p to beco1ne a perfect brute." and water, and other soothing drinks. .Au Ainericn.n pnper bigins a. forcible n.p1Je~l Prussic1\..cid.-\Vhe~1 there is time,, acbni..11to itf:! delinquents by this toucb.iug ~;ntence : fatcr Chlorine in the sh11pe of soda or li1ne. , \Vi.! nnt1:1L dun, or "°·e must be done· Httrtsbo.r:n al)d turpentint arO also useful. Organs Fall and ' AKI1 D. v\T. G]!lNERAL STORE·-. '- .. .. ". ' ' So'l.ErProprletors and '!.lanntacturere of the_ Oelai· brated Vlcto1·la Ca.rbolle Prepa-rnttons. Labora· tory and WorkP., Victoria llall, Melinda Street; Toronto, Ont. --~ The tollowlpg_Genulno rrep.'lraUona Bre sold b:r all Drnggtsta. - De sure and ttl3k tor tho V10TOR1A Pm:a·.ARATIONB, BCO that you get th/JUI.. POINTS Simplicity in· Cunst1·zwtiun, Hase of operati~n, Pez:fection o' Stitch, alike on bot sides, owing to pm:fect teninon on ·upper an({ lowel' Thread. , ·. RANGE Oli' WORK :- From G>w~e to .Beaver Cloth D URBILITY :--,Will Inst a life time. ~---- ' Crumbs for Chickens. -========== 1 JELLY Is bi,.,hly recommcntlecl to Lfl.dlca .o.s a moat a~raooble :f?ropa:ation for tho Toilet. For Beautifying the Complexion, and renderLDg tpe Skin Soft Whito, Clear, nnd free from Drynoas, it ls unrivnlielJ. It -.;yi11 quickly removo a.JI Redne_ se, Roughnesa,r:ran, Freckle~ · .Pimples, and other impertecUon1t. For Cllnpped I!a.nda! Chilblains, Frost Bites fl.nd S:>rti Liva. it canno bi> enrpnB.l:!cd. 'I'hls Equally adapted to Family Work, Dress and Shil·t Making, Tailorin~ Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. ~{.A.CHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIOKS GIVEN. Pd co 2t1 cents EVERY , Agents, MACHINE A, WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. W c lmve 11lHo on hnnd Al!li01T'S, AND BAROL.tjY SEWING 1llA GillNE at FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVEKTED WANZER" SLET1'ER Scribner's Patent ., Qualifying Tubes, . ~ V{hy does a hoy, trying to peep i~1to· a garden, retnind one pf a. hur,;band who takes no }wed of a. scolding,wi(e ?-Bect\use he looks over the ra.iling. A bald·headed friend, o{ a. heavy, phle~rn1n.tie, was accofltetj on the Htreet by a waggi1:1h acquaintanue with the inquiry: " Tmn, wl1y is your head like Alaska? ' 1 " r:l~oo inucL for nie, Z~\ch. r give it up." n Because it is a white bca:?' place." ··Speaking of shaving," said a pretty girl to 1tn obduro:te old bachelor, "I f:lhuuld think a pair of handsonrn eyes would be the be~t n1ll·1·v1· to~have by.ii- "Yes; many a poor fc~low has Snake Uitesi etc.-Applyirrnuecliatcly strong hartsh.orn, ruld take it i..nWrnaJly : also give sweet oil and stimulant~ freely ; apply a ligature tight a.bove the part bitten, ancl then apply glass. Tarta.r En1etie. - Gi \'6 large Uofies of tea made of galls, Peruvian bark or white 011k. Vordigrjif,-Plenty of white of eggs and water. 'Vhite '\'itrjol.-Givti 1vater, rllxnty of mill{ and Tbl.8 8.U.'fll b! a raptd cure for all Skin Dlsea.!!e~ Outs. Wounds~ llrnises, Burna, Sore_!, Ulcers, RlDgwor~ _ I'et tcr Eczema, Scald .t.Lea.d, Scurvy, A.bscesscs, Doils, Pimplos, &c. It possesses all thfl ~lea.nsing a.nd healing vlrtues of Carbolia Acid, whlch. h11s been found bv Pb.ysiclans ()Vcrywhcre toposses8 cu.t:\tl\'a qualities Dot diecovered ln an7 other chemical prepare. Uon. Price 2~ cents.. Brushes, Combs, Looking Glasf'!ca, Jl..fUBic, Tu-I~.uz1nes, " 10~1ns,"\ mlm BowB, V lolm B~t" Collars, N eek 'l1ieS, School Book.~, Day Books, J3ib~~s, Knives !fild Forks,P1Jcket Knives, Ra.zors, SciHSOrs. Cheapest Note l)ai:ier a11d Ji_.nvelop<::S 111 the couut.r y. · .All these, and a Spoons and thous~d other article::;, arti to lu~ found at the V"'Jilll"J1,J1.'Y STORE. y..,-re aro always glaJ to. see friends, a.nd think it no trouble to show Goods ; Mid wa gua1·n.ntee as good value, at as low pnces as any other house in the tra1fo. · . , . Parties wishing to telct,rrapb their friends, n1a.y .rely ur1 ~avmg t~cu'. bus1ne.s_ 8 done promptly. A<~ents for Inrnan Lillt' of Ste an1e r~. u.nd I1npct"lal Builchng n.ud S:tv:1ng SocHJty. 0 Our Stock of GAneral Goods is fargc, cmbi·acing all the Noveltie8 of the . · day, and all the necessaries as well Pi~ture li'rames-all sizes, 1\~onldiuga of everv_stylc, ~v· all 0P1tl~c~·- ~ s~le11d.iLl. a1:mort1neut ~~w i~.i 8tock, A large su12ply of beautifu 1Jy n,;.sorteO. \_~ln.dow S_Ea~cs, c;'.~nl_dxcn s Car!'!-ai:i-es, C~:mcet twas, }.fAN U .FAC;~RES P..RIBES _ E . kill N . , rt\' '""~ ~ - : 8 ·nms ·'l., ov · 2 4;<" 'f ' o. . . ' '7' -IJ ·· · · AT "TRE _- -' .A~ invention having a most importan_t be:n·ing on .the fo~ur·e reputation of Reed Instruments, bv me:ms of which the quant1tyfPr volume of tone rs-very largely increased, and the qmtlity of tone rendered Bowmanville, March 7th, 1872.- YELLWOLEES & QUICK . . n23 _ been shaved by them, " the wretch rcpH~d. "r11om 1 why did you not marry LU.~y!" " Oh she had a sort of hesitation in her speech, a,nd ~o I left her." - " A hesitation in her i;peec.h ! I neYer beard of that befere. Are. you not mie;Lhl<·~n?"- "No, not at all; for when I asked her if 1;1he wuultl have me, she 1iesita.ted 1 to sa.y yos; and -so I cnt her for another girl. ' A Word about Home-training. {.From Hearth and Home,) " 'l'o be good and dil'!agl'~~b)o iS high treason against virtue," yet how _many people expt:cL an agreeable manner will son1e of itself, or else thiuk nothing about it and take no c'!Lrc to make theit ways ple11sing to those about them ! The · roof.It tiresome, dis~<YTeeable people h~ve no idea. tha.t they arc so1 and our dii!likti to Lhei.r society is often caused by little things entirely in their po\ver to avoid or eorrect, little things by '":h:ch they themselves are aimoyed when practiced by otlieni. H J-Ia.nrlHomc is that handsome doe~/' too often is interpreted to refer to 11Jhrlt ia done, not how it is done, It should mcn.n both. This DISI~FEOT.'1.NT ts n BU?G preventive of Typhue Typhoid Fevers, Cholera, Smallpo:s:., and all ln· Household tJ:aining should include the oulture and factious dieca~cs, It will provont Contagion in of inanner and t::iste. No olle wishes to & cc n.f. Cattle. ltisalso 1nvaluable for Dlein!ecting Watct Olosets, Drains," Cesspools, Stnbles, Sl1.1.nghterfecta.tions and artificial ways in ohildreu, but houses, &c., nnd for dcs tro~·inz na.uBCOU.S cfilnvia we make a mistake if we suppose: they wiU al- rrom whntevcr causen.risin'l", lt will drl.vo a.way .Mosqnitocs, Moth!i, Flies, 6eckroaches, &c. Meat, Wl'l.YJ-J be ::i.gree1,1.ble if Lhey are s)mply natural. FislL&e.,,can-be preserved from p11trefact1on byite ~Tatu:rc in the ideal i§ charming; nature ju Lhe . t)..S6i. Carbolic Ac\J wali! Pielected by Her Majesty'e RoyB.1 CommisstouerJ:J, in preference to all ren.l lif ~ of common hun1~nity is often uncouth products, as the bcstDlsidcetant for tbo t>rever..· and , unattrnictive, and needs to be carefully tlon ot,infectioUs diseases. Price 25 cents. trained into Vl'a.ys of beauty. .L\.ppetites and p ropensities ate indulged ll1 uncouth and selfish ways, and ignOrance and basbfuln6ss and curiosity frmn i·utle aud ~wk ward habits.. !{o_ w_and then ~"'·e lbeet a. r~e a,nCl gr&cious nature, which in childhood and maturity is ple::i..;;.--iug in aH its outgoings, but few i1 ~;oplo have that in,vn.rd b~nuty and outward grace which maji:c the unrestrnined exprc seiun uf tlturoeelVefl nlwayA agreeable to another 'Ve little peculin.rities, uUliqnitiei;, pU,r. sical clefocts, personal habits, 'd1ich obtrude themseh·cs unpleasantly \lllless we keep guard r:i;o over them. '\Te :i.renot n:i.,turally unselfhih; we l·vt sympath("tfo judgment, quick perceptions, and tact that is " keen and tender; i:;u that wo ma;<,· trust to ou instincts to ns win· The New Lake Steamer njnR and agrccablo in our _intercourse with others. How many talk incessantly without que1;1tioning whether others enjoy it ! How many silent and moody without recoguition of o.ny ~ociu.1 ob.i1ns ! I·Iow few are thoughtful to aYoid touching- roughly another's sensitive pvinti-:i, tu bti Lender of their weaknesses, and conside:ra.te of their cgotisn1B j Suggel:!tiolli:I,. cautions, and restraints must be continually , 17 !LL on 01· :'I.bout 1st J\.1n-il next co1umen<.:e ,' l' · her regulur daily trip[), ice peunitting,l~av used in the hon1e education ~o for1n the " seeontl 1rti\ evory mm· at 7:30. rortHope nature," which shall be aa unaffected as that of jrig Cobo1· at 9 o'clock for Rochester,cOnnecting th~ire with the untrained cbild, and far more and the New York Central, N orthcru Central a.nd :.i,ttractlve. Some thi.i1gf:I ,must be repressed, Erie Railway, for all points Ev..<;t, South, ·nnd others developed, the tastes and ~01nfort of South West. RETURNING. other people 1nust be studied to create :.uch a T ... t!aVef:! Oh:trlotte, rort of Rochester, every spirit 'vithin, and 1n11nifcst its outgoings in such evening at 9 o"clock, except Saturdays, yvht:in ways that a courteous, bearing r;;lrn leaves at 2 o'clock p.rn., for "'"'.Brighto1i i:lueot. shall lJ!:\ i~ nftturi~l cxpresAion, that ·the formi:i The steamer ca.Us at Brighton, Mon<l:~y8 arid and g:raceH of 1nam1er shall be as sponta.1wous a~ Thnrsdav, a.t Colborne eve1y day except VYednesdav, '"at \Vhitbv, Oshawa, Darlington and thojcinlUy feeling.'3.stle on \V cJnesday, should freight offer. Dealers iu stock will find this the che"-P(!5\, and .i\. wimmroe addres~; pleasant tones, genial st routoto Albany, Boston, New York, feelings, rc~pon~ivc thoughts, are \Yell· worth quicke" &c., &c. ~<\.d~1re~~ cultivating. They constitute the sweetnef:ls of . R.. C. OAu.TER., 1)olitene~. It i8 a wontlrous power, the power :Putt Rnpe Ont Port Hop ch 18th, 1872 25·t£. to make another happyr Rightly tr~.incd and used, it develops a pen;onal inftueuce wide and stroDg, a. marvellous force, centered in the in_ divi<luuJ, and l'fl.diating in ever-increasing circles, cueto1ners, and to the public generally, for the very' liberal B_l.1ppo1·t h.e has received tlnce his commencing iiLhu.sin,_esa; and hopes by con.tinned 'st:riek. personal attention to business; ap.<l nffering nothing but the puree.t articles, at the. 1nost remwnable prices, to ensure a continuance of public PD:Y'Onage. "" J. R: woUld call specisiJ. atte11t10.n to llis very superior stock of .:.. ' ·-Equal to that of the Best Pi1,e Organs Bowi:i~i~fi~:P~i~~o:~· of the Saine Capacity., J. . HIGGINBOi'cli:A-M,;:-; ---,o--Ol{LD most l'esi;>ectfully tender his sinW cer1;: thanks to ]us numerous friends and Our celehl'atecl "Vox Celeste,"" Loui~ Patent," " \.7' ox H urnana/' '\Vilu DRUdS'AN"D M£PIOINE$: ·. · cox Patent " 'Oct:we Coupler," the cbanning Stops, and ~' Cello " or u Cla.riOTL ct ' ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS Can bo obtained only in these Orgtms. DYE STU:FFS, · which are sure to give the best satil:lfaction. :4. well-selecteLlstock of TM1,ty-five Di;fj«rent Styles, Por the P@·lor ancl the Glnirdi, Au Ohio 'l~outon, fottutl guilty of selling liquor contrary to 11-1.w, and se?ttenced to be im· p1 isoned in the county jail fut· U1irty dayH prote~ted a,.q follows : H Chail ! ltile go to chail ! But I can't go! Dcre's my pizeness my pakery ! \.Yho p<t>keH my preat when I ben gone~" 'fhen casting his eyes about the oourt-room appeal· ing, they fell upon the gooU~w:l.tnred face of jolly Chl'is. Elwa.uer, a. fellow co11ntryuu1n who had no" pizness," and forthwith a ~rilliant ~ idea occlll'l'efl to him. '!'urning to tho coul't he said in sober e:..i..rncet : "Dere'iS Chris. Elwnncr! Ile'~ got uottings to do.; l'.!enll hiin !." ~1.. " lvIATTEll-~H.·'· :F'ACT :· 1\f ,\ K. - '\V}wn ]Joe.tor Bra.don W..18 Rect01· of Eltham 1 in Rent, (En~ gland,) tho tC"xt he one day took W iu·cM:h frmn was, "\.Vbo art thou?" .!Vter i·ea<liog the t.e. : d, htl rna,.:le, as was bis custom, n p::iuso for the congrei;atiun tu reflect upon the i.vords, when a. gentleman in militn.ry drei;a, marching i.·e1·y i:;cdatcly up the rniddle aisle of the church, tiupposing it to be a question addressed to him, to the snrpri;;e nf all present, replied, " I am, ei1·, a,n officer of the 17th foot, on o. recruiting party here; aw:] having brought my wifo and fanUly with me, I wish to he" n.cqna.inted i.vith the neighboring gentry and clergy." 1\'IrsFOlt'rUNI or A S.t!ORT·HA:Nn 1\1.AN. - -lf. proof -rcrtdc1·s nre liable 'to a1.--;;idcnta, they Jnay find some little .gentle consolation in so1ne of tlic erro1·::1 of A'Wnographers. It is related thn.t Disu:rnli~ in cloising a powerful ac h.lrese in support of a parliamentary me<l!>·ure, once Rfl.irl: "We have bu1·nrd our Jxiats, we have dc~royed our bridges, ruid <lo not httend to recross the river!" l1nagine the ho1Tor of the di1$tinguiahed l\!I. P. wht::n he discovexell tlia.t :t p1·ovi11cial repo: r h'l' hu.d made him sa,y: "Vito h~1ve bun1ed ou r bouh~ and destroyed our breeches, r.nd cannot recross the rlvei·, · An i.ntimafa: friend }Jfthe late Dr. Duncan ~1111nired of hlm as to the genuineness of the story of hi1:1 pJ"ocr.ccling to :111<lrciss i~i a. family dn1,\ving room on the t:Ondu ~i(ln of devotional .service s, fancying- hi111 ~lf l'f!tiring to rest, and being arrested only by tlie intcrvcntiutt of the ladies present. 1 · Oh 1 no,. that\ nqt trne, ;: replied the doctor; '·but a curious incident hap; penefl l;o me the other Sunday. ll..,in<liog ~y self n1ther l;,t"\,e Ior 1.he foreupon Rervicc, I ~et out for church as expeditk1usly tli.l J..l<.Jl:!f:!ibhi, with the -..viu<l pretty strong in my face. 'Yhon about lrnJf on 1uy way I indulged in a pinch ,:;f i:!uuff. In doing so I had turned my ba.ek to · he wind, ~n<l_ on1y rcn.)ized DlY position On fuld. in!:;' 1nyself at my owri door, 11 DR"UcGS, GHE.MIG.ALS, PATENT .J'. li.EDJGINES BR[JSHES, GOiJ:IBS, SH 0 ULDER-BRA GEi:J, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. ktrµt constantly on hand. · Q ;u1diiy cincl Volurne of Tone Uneqiialled, - ---o---- $SO TO $500. ~----o~---- RICE & BARKER agents for the llest ORGANS on the -CoJ1tii1ent. OILS, PAINT; Factory and Wareroams, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan COLORS, VARNIHSES, (E stablished in 1850. I ancl WHITE LE.1JD, at the very loweb-t prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines; N. B. - Country Storeheepors supplied on the most ad,·aptageon!; terrn.<:1. A Choice selection of L.i\.MPSi fo1· sale cheap Bow1na.nvillc, ])ec, _i), 1868. Gm RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowmanville, Aug. 2ht, 1876 m47-o34-tf. j · '. Daily Lme · It OCHES'I' Eli. ~· Family · FOR "NORSEMAN" · and Pocket Bibles ' ' Autumn Fashions! 1\'Iagnificent display ·of N e'v and Rich · Sabbath School Rewards Bo.oks .. and Librariesj CALL AX judge in the }'ar Western country prelilided · at · a trial for JURY. - A Dutch Cn.1RGI::-l'G THE murder, and on rising to deliver the charge, observed that the JJrisor1er \yae playing . chequers with the sheriff, While the foreman of tkti juty wn.s fast a.sleep. Replenishing- the ample juci.icions chair with his bron.<lcMt person, he thus addressed the jury:--" Mister voreman and t'oder!,-Der hdsoner, 1'fanRf~/ieckter, is villisbe<l his guJ:ne n1it cler slu:riff, aud lu\.~ peat him; · but I shall <lake care he don '·t pe~t ine. Han~ ha.s been tried for murder _before you, and you must pring in der verdick, but it must pe 'cording to-der law. De1· maJJ. he kill't va.':ln 't kill'l al at alt fl,S it ""'" !?roved he v;,i..s in ter jail for ahcep·atealing. Put l.tatl$l11r«matter. Der law say ven der ish a. tou't you giveo '~m to der prisoner; put here ish no tou't--a.s you see der brisone.r ish guilty.- Pcsides., he is 11 great lMfcr. I have kno·wed him fifUy year, a.nd he hasn't do111::1 a ~didch of vork in n.U\ fla.t tiJnes, nnd <lere ishno one depending upon hi1n for dcrc livin', n.nd he is no use to nopody. I dink it -would pc a goot blans to hang him for do t:X~in11)le. I <link, Mr. _,7 oreman~, daf he potter pc hung next fou~t' of July, aah .r1P,r militia. ish going W drain in another. 'gounty, lliltl dere pe no fun going on here." Gootls~ THE The desire to pfoase may d.egent:ri~te into 1>e1·sonal vanity and selfish loye of admiration, but snnctified by Christian conseerntion it rises into · a hea.veniy grace. It ,is a shame to Uhri~tian households that it is often Ul'god as a reason for sen.ding children to dancing schools "Tha~ they may improve ih mrume~s a1itl learn lww to -~~)pear in society." Is th~e no refined nnd graci6us w:orr anhood, no gentle and co1irleOus rUan1 WoU:'" no in the household ? Are there uo polite social for1ns, ]J.O etiquette, culture and taste, in Clu:istian ho1nea? Shall the chilJren go out· to the 'yorld ,t o I.earn the forms of that charityi geutlcncS..-:, forbearance, and unselfishness · whit:h nre the csr.centials of the Christian cluu·llcter they set.k ·t? attaiu ? · - S. , B. BRADSHAW :MURDOCH BROS. luwe opened out, an immense stock df New ~all Goods, Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, a11d as nothmg but :Kirst Class Goods have been purclv1sed, customers can rnly on get- · ting good value for their money. gooa-oieeaiag would tak~ thi~ opvo1·L11nity of thanking his nnnw1·ous frie1ids for the very libLJt· patronage he hn~ received. Hu fe els Rati~fied that uuLliing but ----o---. ' Book Stora DRESS G 0 .0 D S l\fanY, gO(Jll pe(lp]e ignm·e the i1.ecessity of painstaking in this -airectiou. 'l"hey oven think the desire or effort to be pleasing is a. sin or a wcakne88. They thinl( it is sufficient if they are gobd. t \ · Plain and figured Lusbres, Pbin aml Tartan Wool Poplins,Metz C1irds, Figuted Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of o.t her new Dres" Goods. Black Alpaccw, Double \Varp Bfack Lustres, Black Cobourg, Black Paramattas, Bh~ck Crnpc Cloths, Metz Cords. c. I .l. BARKER, .~L1NAGER. , Such i::ltould study the b1;a-uty of holinc~8 , G-00d1w1:1s rr1ust seek a.gre~~tlJle foni1s of exprei'JsSar<ih Smith stands sorrowfully solus; she iun; vil'luB HHli'lt wcat ~ '~'ill:fliug fac\:l a.n.J sees f!plendid spr~ccs snrr?unding shady · spots, clpth6'i tself in the gu,rb of gracious 1na.n11en1. Ww sees ~nmrne1"s sun shining, :;h~ snrnlls sweet Because one is cal'ntist and ::iincere, h.e has no savors, sweet sol)g::)t(}r::1 singi~g .eilvei·y strains right to b::: rude and uncouth. There ure " Sru:a11, i1till she sighs. Sun.:iet'l'l i:o(t rier&' behind which indlvidun.l 1·eserve liides itself; shades scttl'i eijcntly, still ;she . i:;tauds silently Suddenly she started, i;hc 13ees so,me .stranger t:lt1·ol,ttng silently southward, " Stop," she shouted, 'LStop strnnger, San~h S1uiLh st~j'~ so ii: stn,tely ·hs atood, sternly sh{.· ·shouted, . "Stop." Samuel Slomiffi, successful state~1nan , SlllOOtJl spe aker, started, ~!1W Sari::..h, SCCll1Cd ·urp1·i!;ell, 1:1aicl Sl1liloqu.izi.uttly, "so strange, seeming}'!;· scarce seventeen, a1J sweet., ~u ~mple, still so singl).].ady su~pi ciou.s; she seems strangely sad, s.-iy something sweeter Sarah/' i:;he stopping some ~lent strug&!& sa.iU, "surely son1e stntllge sights, t>ha.11 Sarah Sntitli r:hun !;!nc_b? scarcely." So strolling silently, silo:ntly strru1ger-i.vard, she said, " Sarah Smith scorns suspic· jOUS scandals, she seeks sy1n1)athy, a('cks sl1e bUCX:~asfulJy 1 Still shone silvery sti·earus silently l;!OULhwa.rd, Sn.muel Slocum aat aw s111Uing, SaJ·aJ) Smith seated 1;1uspi.cioualy .somewhere. S unf'lcfs t-1erene splCndor sl.lggcstccl ~mppcr, still slw imt, supper.semned anp_erfluous. Some eix Snnday5 .suucQcding, ~10 signed ~~me sketches, S~\.lt4Il SJHl'll SwcvM. ~ighing. and MILLI-NERY ' II · there u..cti etic;ret pla.ccr; whtil~\; )'t3ticeuce gtmrcl the entrance. \Ve may not intrude here unbid den or uuwr:ih:ome. _._'\._nother's personality rrnu:1t be recognized ; .social fonnalities innst be re· membered ; the rei!traints of common po1itm1ei;r; n1u\:t be oL::;e!'ved in ou1· Chi-ist.ia.u zeal. 'l'he ,good man, because he is good, has uo right to set these aside. rl'he Christia.ii sl1ould not ex. cept from anything that makes the true gentle1na.n or _lady. l{e·, above all othm·f:!, shaultl foel -;1rJl;fr,q8f, obli{Je. whl~h Work:m.anship, ..~/ . 'L'he assortment of Jlilillinel'y and l'v.1illi11e1·y Goods is ve1'y c.xt.ensive itnd in trimmed or untrimmed Hats tmd Bonnets every taste can. be con-, sulted a.~ the variety is so gl'eat. The Flowers and Feathers, Lace!J, &c., we claim to have the finest assortment to be found. haH gained for him such a. steaLly incrc<u:e of business- n1u ch Ltrger tltm1 former years; and h~ trustf:I tha t by · In Black m1d ·white real Laces and Lace " Colbro, we have a large as sortme.n t, at prices to sui~ all. T_E-IE l'UBLIO .\V_AL 1~El't \VIGG -&. SC>N, added thereLu, th<JJt wu may ~lwn~by be 1;1uabled to supply all .parties who rnay plcuse to faivor hi v,.ith !1 en.I~. G:rei;i.t i..11ducemcnts held out to ~hose JHu"uashing at our l!:stabliShment. Pict1 n·flf:!, Looking Ci-la:o>sesi &c., fran1t:d to onler, arn..l 1u every style. Samples of tlie different kind of 1"Iouldings can be seen 11t the \Yarc-roon1. '\iVc "\\'ould also beg to infonn you, that,ha.ving pn t" cha::ietl~ J '\Ve £11ultdel' at the barbru·ouB code of honor s-ettled p~1-Son~W. matters with sword or pistol ; but it is a pity we do not hold · more loyally a -chivalrous fealty to a true honor and knightliness of character, VV 0 do not "'ish ilo 'be t1:1ougJlt how to rnQi.J.1to,iu re~pcct fol' out-;dveri and for our neighbor at the mouth of n. ph~Lul, fol.t we ought to leru·n it uevert11elcss. 1\. better code the Apostle gives UR in both dl1ty aud Iubtive : "I)ct e ~·ety c.Yn<-: of 11s p lmu~e bis neighbor for his good to edifica.tion. ·~.:Jfea,rth strict atLeuLiun ~hdr Our Stock of Tweeds; Faney Coatings, Pilot.8, Beavers, Petea,shams, business Meltons, ect., will he found trnnsu;tl!y hc1'ge. rehu·JJilJg t Jt a.nks L o tL ei.- lllll hl!rous Cw;to111cri: , a.ud t he Public generallv fnrpai:! t fa...-ors I K1Yould respectfully invite their nttcntion to ou1· prcRent~ock of Furniture, ",;s we hrw e lnL ely he will contiune _to receive '1U[Jport. "'r. ,'\ . ~ MURDOCH BROS. . l:iowmanville, ~fay.7th, 1872 / ·SPLENDID NK\V HEARSE, we slw.11 lJe read~ at all t-i.rnc8, to att011d,lt'µuera.L<s, on ~hort notice, and rcuBOnA.ble tL:r1ns. N. R ,.. Coffins kept on hmid, v.ud mach:: Jo orde):, ..'.!;~ the ·- S. .All B. BRADSHAW. 8. B. ~H. NE'W D0311NION RE'l'.AJL FURNI1 URE WARE-ROOM tho::.:1~<1t ani iu 1.irn 1 an ; U'tlli:lt vay lip, os- ) ffnd Horrw.. pec:i::i.Jly the 1-I:.1.rd\~· ~i,re ::i.ccmmt. 1 Bol'v"lnanYille:Ja.n. lOth, 1 872~ 15-ly ly Oshawa, Ang. 2Gth, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa:· ,

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