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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 29 Nov 1872, p. 4

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I ' TH:E POETRY. Addressed to a. Friend. On hearing one sing at daybre.1,,k, <lnriug a shnrp fro~t, on the 17th of February, 1832, while the ttuthor \\·as on travel. O warn n;tvay the gloomy filght, \Vith music make the welkin ring, B.ird of the dawn !- On joyful \Ving, SOii..l ough thing elen1ent of light, rrill nought in heaven 1ni11e eye l!ii..Jl l:IOl'i Except the morning-star u11d tlicc. 0 'velcorue in the cheerful da.y ! 'l'hrough ro1:1y cloulhl tho 8hades 1etire, The sun hath toud1'd thy plume~ with fire, And girt thee \~ith a golden rv..y: .No-;~· shape and \'Oicc nre 'Htnish'd quite, Nor eye nor car can track thy flight. Could I tl·ansfa,te thy strain1:!, and give \Vords to thy notes in hu1n:~n tongue, The sv,;e~tcst Jay that e'er 1 ~ung, 'l'hc lay that \\ould tl1e longest live, I rnight rccotd upon thii> p;~ge, And aiug U·y song £r0m :.ige tu a~e. ~IBRCHANT, FRIDAY, NOV-Fl\IBER _29, 1872. THE FARM. The Old Farm, or a New One: Too many cultivators a.bnrsc their farms , be· co..uac it is easy, in this country, to get a new one. Land, they say, is chea.p, and if one far1n out they can buy another; or, if not, the govei;n1nent '\dll give us a ne'v one, If they do not say this in so inany v;ords, they act n.s if they believe it. But they arc wrong nt both Look at the Premiums, A Chromo ".OirR DARL"rNG" to every , subscriber. FULL SUPPUY.1 Fall and W,i nter Goods, A'J' Sim~on1J & Clough Organ Co's i:n1.proved GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK '.r11e oldest J.\.Iagnzinc in A.n1erica. . I' 18 7 3 · Dr i · · , Cabinet Organs ANP ·ml· 01 the ·tory ; 1or they iwply that th· runnn1g·down management H! 1uore profitable, for the titnc being 1 than the runnill"-UP manage· "' · , "O'npa.ralle!l.ed · Premium ? One ne But "'PBcd1of mine can ne'e1 re\ e~l Sec1·{>t::1 f-J O freely told abuve; Yet it:. their burden, joy <tJld love ..:\nrl :-il1 the bli~s 1;1 bird cn.n feel, \Vhose wuig 111 hl'11Vt:ll to earth i1; Luut·ll, \Vho>1e home and hen.rt are on t1i1:1 gnmnd. Unlike the lru.'k be thou, my friend l ~ o do,~·nward cares thy thoughts engage, T~ut in thiue hutu;~ of pilg1hnage, Though f101n tbe gt~lllnd thy songs ascend, Still be t.b1·i1· htnflen, joy and lofo, --Ht:avon is thy ho1ne, tl1y heart above . JA:lfl'S !t'ION'l'GO!-H~HY. ~ny 1n~g.tz1ne, either in Ul,'ope. :?1nce we are fo\ced I mcnt, which every thorough, calculating, vndc- il~W _ , we are d_Cte:i,:1nined to make it awake farmer knows to bo f~i.Jsc. Their '\'ordsl -d1;ffi fot ctliers .to follow u)'J'.; - Let ua sec who or if not, their actions, itnply also, that it is not - ~yiU ;oluome u1~~tUh~~ :~DAI'I ING ,, 1 · · - .B.. ·9n10-;-- v .J.\, .-.. J · o r very get u~ of the worn·out f:i.r~. :Subscriber, wh.Ctltcr single or in-a. club. [ n1uch of a. J:Jb an<l remove, v..-ith a family, to a.nothei-, perh<\pf:l .... _ _ - irEl,U'·IS. _ , a long way off. 'l'his, too, is faJse, nnd .. ~·et'Y' One copy: 1;ne yea.... · . · . $3 00 J Jnat.i wbu lHt~ it \~1ll tell yon 110. It is no ' T..,:o copies; one year · 5 00 easy ma.ttel' to diRJlO f:lC of the ol<l fa.nn, the old '!1hree cov.ies, One yeo.r 7 50 iln})le1ntint1> the dnds and other ]1ouaehold tni"t· F . f!JJI' oopieJ!, _ one Y 1 ~ar .. 10 00 ' . . Five eop1es, one year, and an extra copy ten~, tou hei~vy fur transportation. It is costly to the person getting up the club,nutk· to J1mr1u;:y a. con1:iderable di1:1tc~nce with a. whole ing six copie14 14 00 frunily. It co1:1ti; to buy the food farm imple- Eight copies,one ye~r, nnd au extra copy _ . ' to the person g-ett1ng up the club, nlak· llknlts, household furrnture, etc., for the new ing nine copie::; 21 00 house. Eleveti co11ies, one year, and an e:xti·a But the main argun1ent to bti urged, for tho cop~: to the pei·son .getting np the club, ..,. · peunanent occupation of the same fanu is that makmg t'\~'elve ?0 21 oO . . ' Twenty·three copies, one year, and an Jt C08ts the farmer less to 1nercasc the vroduc· extra copy to the persoh getting up the tivc capability of his soil~" little every ycnri till clubt 1nnking twenty-four copies · 55 00 it. becotnes decidedly good, than it does to inanl,et it be understood that ~very ~Ub"-criher, , . . a.nd the gette1-un of a club, will have the beau~ so a.s (;(1 le:iyo its produ{.:p.veness a little.less tiful ehromo of l' Oun ]JAULlNU" sent to them, by every crop taken off. '1 11(.! best fauner will free of JJUStage. It 111 a 11erfcct JJif01~. rrhe f!ustain thia asse1'tio11. They know by fnir trial price of the ch1omo in the stores is 'l'hree doJthat' it is 11 Rt1t · t 'k 't lat'S. And any subscriber in a club, or Ringle ·. ~ · , Wi;' \HS you 0 now 1 ; anc fJUbf.!cri.ber, who mRy '\Yif.!h to have 11 Oiw Da1·l· I D. ~V. :o 0 TulULEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, PO IN'I'S -·-oF··--suPmRIOitITY. ·. I 1i"·f/t'!I...- FOR CASH All orde11:1 for Simptici~y in Const1·11ction, Ease of opm·ation, :Perfection 0 1 Stitch, alike on bot sides, owing to po.feet ten:;ion on upper and lowe1· Thread. RANGE OF WORK:-l<'rom Gauze to Beanr Cloth DUR!JILI'l'Y :- Will last a life time. 1. i Equally ada:pted to Family Work, Dress and Shirt Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVEJ.mD AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVF.N_ T:a.:i. oi ng PROMPTLY EXECUTED 0 ,~·e will expla111 : inu" mounted on stiff bristol hoW"d, and ready foJ" f1 fl,JTli~g, C<tlt\e it HO 111i;'pareJ. an~l sent, by refl!-1t.trng twenty.fiye cents at the tune of subscnb1ng, 'l'o the gette1 Ul) of a dub of G 01 V cO}Jies, we will send, as an extra premiurn, a copy of the "The Offer" 0.1. "'l'he .A.cct!pl.<.t.11t:t.i," thil:l in addition to "' Our Darling." 'l'o the getter-up of a club o( 12 copie~, we ,vill Pflnrl both of the fibromoa-·' The 0.ffern and "'!'he Acceptance," along ' with "Our l)ar~ng ";or "Asking a Bles<Sing" and "Our Crumbs for Chickens. A n1du11choly reflection~the top of a bald head in a 1ooking-g1Afls. A. n11~11 uu1opl!lined to °.hiR physician that he 13tt,1Icd him so 1nuch with drug<:> th<LL ln: '~aa il1 a Jong time after he got w1;1Ll. \Vltcu Jnn.y a. Mip be said to be in lo~e?-~ \V"hen she's<L<.:l.rnd to o buoy; or when ~hc'-s 1naking- up to a mnn·of-war. A ""·,tg says : i. Jn Germany, when a -pap1;1r Sil}"-' . srnything witty, they kill the editor; aud not. one editor has been killed there for two hundred :yea1"f." ..>\.n indignant Y a.nkee orator at a recent poht1cal roeetin~, in refuting an opponent, cr:ied, " !tilr. Chairman, I sco1n the allega.tiou, and I defy '""t he nllcgator. ' l ..~ cu1respu11dcnt Mkc(l i( the brow of a hill ever became wrinkled? 'rhe etlito1· 1 eplied, "The only information we can give on that point is that '~'e have often seen it fttrrow ed.." Suppo~e fa1wer A., goef1 on 1~ frwtn, only 1nod_ tira.tBly fertile at present. If he had abundant . lnean3, he \vould hurry up thc ,)and to a hlgher producti\·enel'!s. in 01der th: ;ooner to enjny its income. But he has not and therefore pru d · h h ' ence requ1n:is t at e ~hould 1no.kc haste 1nore iilowly than ho could He cannot \;my labor an<l manure as he desires. He hk indus· ·ud·Y · try, fl,ud he can employ that. he has O'Ood 1 · ' 0 0 EVERY MACHINE Agents, WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. ' W c btwe also on hn,nd _i.\Js fo1' the '\vc)l known FIRST-PRIZE WANZER S~WINC <!Bnmh dSumhimrfinn {l))ryan5 FJ'I"l'ED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED A lady co1nplaining how rapidly time st·le o.way, tiaid, ··Alas, I ~m nca,r th:i1ty ! "-"Do not. fret at it, n1ada.m, for you 'vill get further fi·frrn t11at frightful e-poch every da.y." oqually favorable. N . E . corner li>Ud Ohtlst.nut Streets' Phil· ""\\"" e cu.nnot follow him tl.11ough the whole sea.- a.delphi.a. ' son, nor tell you of all he does in t1ie wa.y of - -- - - - savin"fl, rf·nairs and nreparutions. , before the ~"\ ' · t 6 {. ? \ " -, ., :f'" p ..-: y t ~ ~ ~t:.'.: summer's 'vork fairly begins. 13ut he luw done ·· ~ enough in February to sho,v what stuff he is In .e\rkt1,nsas a inan was sentenced to be hang· mar.le of , "\-Vhen the tm1e for running the plow ed, but all the earventers in the neighborhood con1es, ho will not have to stop the team to get iefused to build the sctdfolcl As the conclemnetl his wife oven wood, One iinportant step toina.n was himself u cnrpenter by t1 ade, the wards u. good stunn1cr's \vork is, tu be ready fo1' she1iil' tried to induce him to put up a ga.llo,vs, it. Ho will be ieady as ::won as the 80il is d1y but he steadfastly declared thn.t he'd be hnnged enough to be worked. lf he goes on ns ho has if he would. begun, saving and applyll1g all the manure he One dny Iii1ou wetit to i:;f)e \.7 oltn.ire, but did can gather np, pln.nting, cultivating, sowing lll)t ,P nd hitn at home. IH order to t!xcit(J }iis tmrl, all 4i the rnost appro~·ed wa.ys, jle, he \\Tote on the door, "Old villai11." Two stocRiug pniiturcs with animals that he thiuks da.vs ,i.fter\vard be iuet the authol.'" of the "llt1n· will pay \vell, in gro,vth 01 fattening, and in l·i~le "in the st1 eet. " I \\'fiS nt your hom':\e," work or dairy products, h<J certainly 1vill ex· '!i(' J>t':"J,J,,,Tiaa ,\i/,'l':i}">. 'T 1"1 ror./'(',~ .. ho s<1itl to \7"olt,, with a :. ·meta, '·but did not pend tnore thonght, u1ore labo1 1 autl perhaps a 1' :! ""'·)//,1fll..111 !h.:t. 1 ·1·1Jfo.ci1le of' 1 little 1nore money, than his $b<·k, 11ut11iuki11b fu1d you <Lt hon10. ' '·I know it," 1eplied Vol. i .·r1H, I" hO <~r;1;: 1J ill ( 'rf ttt> lo hn1:(J predecessor, ·who ran t11at farm do,vn. But tbe taire, " you left your name on the door." i' /·, :;7": :,i 11·/t · ,/ ( 1· :: o!i~ne~1l, (tS crops will be la.rger, and the p10Jit1:1 ·will have in··. ·, J 11 " ' " " ' ' f .r; "" ~1nn.1lated, A rural 8po1 t who tried to eat hi.8 pie with a creased tnore than the cost of theh p1otluctiu11, r 1:" .': < t, :,,o,t ·i' rh " ·-;t1·1,1>lest fo1k at ollc of the 'J1itnsville hotels, bl.lcaust· a "\Vil.11 Ct"l. t oh·~, ~lm.bby cultivation and little of / <1 ·· l, ~t 1 '(f' I "'1" 1 ; :hf' fJUl(,O.fil,11 o_" .'\ n 111'( { J,·n , CJ/.({/i~i. f.11(/ i;ity girl '\Vfu<! sitting opposite, h3.d the misfor· industry and iiglJUul nw.J.1agcmouts, the crops ,-!~:..- · 1 · 1 , lru,: i11 lh<' bfrJod, a1uf. tune to harpoon hi" tongue at the second lnouth- cost all they will ~ell for 1 <tDd there '\vill be uo ru; ·~,, lh: u ·,(f·UI if,.'., ' '--s !n11~.'!J f ul, and in his efforts to pull Qut the fork upset p1of1t. E)1t it is all otherwifle, under a \vise, l ·1: l 'o:~ 1:1y r1 ; 1.!:10," (,;'J:tf./fnd ;i. tfuh of cranberry srLucc in the lacly'8 lap. He prnde:n.t ilnd industrious manager of ~ fa.nn . : · ·, ! l-':.~N[f t h ·; 8y-;f1: 11J. 'Plh· PJl~1:1yH ]1e "flon't go a cent on style hereafter, nnd Tlwte·, the fel'tility increases, the profits in' :·!:,: ,:.. ruuf 1.· · tu!1.:.·d !fl9, :< f 1J~1·will shovd in his foo<l ih the old inann~r, if c1 08.':!P in a. still gren.ter ratio, the fttmily \van ts 1· 11 :: / , ·::; {'~\' J' 1 f } 'J UJ'f t"Jf !he b'U dJJ, · : : 1 ° ~ .-~·i;;/ ·: f,J.'f/c:;os -(lr!Jl r"f tt.'i1,., (~ueen Victoria sits next Lo ]1i1n." are supplied, corn.£01 t<:> are provided, the clul· -, " ~ 1 · 6n!f O'lf Uto1·?1id ,-, f'l"l"<'dren are educated, the just clxirns of society, Jl f ;; · ;. '~i!'f 11"','" !,'i.:; 1l {:(}Jl1lf! j(J1· If you lose a. watch, a dog or :i child, tir if you edu.,.:a.ition ·~nd good government are cheerfully ·IJ ~f' {( ·I' lt1 f(r.. f 11J>rJJ:,. de5i.te pt:oplc uot to trust yonr \d fr·, you rmsh tnet ; and rmder such manage1ncnt as v.'e have 1.'ltt,..._ i:.-i lite "'i'Cl°Cf. <>I' tlir 1vo1tto your local paper, knowing th11,t everyone will ]::tinted, the1e will be,after all favora,ble seasons, d1 I {al (:;il{'C(k:S o{tltio; l'<!JUCtlf.l in iead the advertisement. But you will pl0d f'.llJ'lN~I JJ11s;N?.}J."lia, Liver ('oni somethin~ to lay by for fuh1re use, !1long in bru:;iness year after year, withont calr;1:1in,(, Jh·tJi)~' f}Ju·u1 i id lJial'N(J\\·, sn11posc thllt J?ar1ner B., who d0t.s not culating how 1nuch you ;:ue lo~ing by not advcr'I'" a H:' /;.9lls, 1Y (1"J"l)f} H.., ,;;1 /i't'Dli<J II,,~, love his eru.plo:yment, but foJlowfl it ~ · hated Chill ,. onrl ]"ereA'8, I_-[1u11iors, ti~ing it. nc~essity, comes at some t,jmc to a fa.1·11l na· 1 d;~.o; of~ Con,..;tit1ttional l(JOI', A Gn.\c1·:iruL UOUl'LlbU:N'r.-It v;as a jndic- turally a little better thall A's, and in a little J)L-,ca'ies ot' the Jf.i<lney.~ <.i11,(l it)US i rsolutiun of o. father, \~'hen, being asked better condition, as regards the buildings, Jtl11ddP.1', fr."rvna..le Co11iplai1its, ,~-}rn.t ht· intended to do with hi8 girfa, he re- fences, garden, orchardi :fiolrls, A lld e\·ei:;ything - and al~ ·fi."!ea:+::1-._-; orlr1l1iatln(J 'i11. " l·(t<I ;-;l ai e. 01· !Ju~ blood, 01· acplied- " I intend to iqiprr.nticc· them n.11 to el.S-0, bnt riot so perfect but that there :.·<J:.:~1,. ·ui,.r·tl '>y dr~b i lit ,1j . . 01· a f.ouJ thci1· excellent mntbcr, tlutt they may learn the t11ing.r: t.o lie dou~ between Feb l~t i\nd 'plo'""·ing ; ','f. vj'fh' Sl/tdt'/Jl, JJeht ff fl'CC i1t j, of irr1provi1ig tim.;;, and be titted to become, time, if farn1er TI. only lo vl~d to do them.. But ]rv; n ,,1:1..· ~,f1ul, i"· uny fo;·ni, its like he1·, wive1;1, 1notheu1, headSJ of fa1nilicB, and you will not see him Rtopping leaki>, ;epa,iring .f.'I ·' ;·yi:::l1·y <'fj:·,t,.t ,'I cu·~~ u.ot j'olUi:;t'ful 1nt:111 1Jer:'! of >1ocicty." gates and do01a, -setting trees, laying in firelvH'("' by CfJ ."J.(' ~ JJfJ'l'fit1r1 1·11nctton, but rr1 t' /~('>'". n,,..r·~ent~ infu. ~ .A t Lt trial in an Alabama town, not long woOd,and ti(!Wt'l:I of otht'r things that should be s:ny ~t1·< .i,1:h ~ · riy r~ ... an<l ·r ie10 done and out of his way befol'e the solid farm since, one of the witnc::seti, an old lady of son1e lij't ', !:~to · c t! 1' 1 1 I,..: of' t he ,;;ysteni, work for the seJ.SOn begin.s. Such 1nen u.s ho eiohty years, '"a.a closely questioned by the oprt.'ltl t.Htil,, nnv u_1> a"n _ l 1·01i Cou~are always co.nplain:ing-.-n,rc idle so long as .. ti11rJ·iou . ' posing <ounsel rclati-..·c to the clearness of lier they can be, and when work presses they are 'JJI; or 1.iULtf-; f1 1t, l'1' l~(~~ri t;hrt1l(!erl t)Vet>ig}d .. "Can you see ine?"said ·he.-.- 11 Yes," 11-'? tJ 1 1~ ll ..... ,;, n :_! thi, 1·c1nerl1J, j'roni ,; ~ fl.DS\\-ered.-HHow well can you see me?" not ready for it, an~l \Von't but half do it when ' ;' ! k. J ·~ (1·ftl;i, .~·u /}'13 1'iu,q cJ·cri ... '!'bey deg1·nJc pe 1 i::i~d.J;lrn ht.\~yc1·, - "1\'elJ enongh," rcspon- it enn and 1nust be don(!, ; ·1 ,·1. ~1 fr, ~:fr'f.'" fj; hca .. lthy, an.r.t'd the lady, 1 'to s1;·0 thot you're neitl1er a ne· fn.rming so far as a nobl<;i employn1ent cap. bP do· i,. 11>}1:1 ~ 111' 1'" (li "'l 1r·o1ricn,; au,rl graded. J!"'rom them goes out the fa~e U11p1'ef:lgro, an Indian, nor [).. g'~ntlema,n." The ~tnSW!;:!l' t ri r ,:'-' rl .~ t:.; .~li l&O.t 1'1J.((,,~otir1bl11 hesaion that.farming iR a·ha.rd, low, Yulgar o,.-:pu1x1.· i f. fl c :o r·Jve i~ fi, f1·ial. . ::;1kuccd the couneet: tion, and it is this tha..t im 1uany of our /-:.,,: tf·"r,f; each battlr~ licr,s PERU.A.. Germ.Ht i:iohli c1 received r~ private letter, young men to ptefel· the selling of dry goodr.i V! f\\1~ 5 ij P"l;lg?IJIJ, i;i the ylass. Being unable to read it, he took it to his ser· behind the count~r or pCdilling trink~ts over the geant to read it to him. He began to do so at country-, to the ownership a.nd cultiyation of ..,,.,.___ Qt10e; but, ash e proceeded, the·solrlicr becaine land. \Vhile S\Wh men as Farmer A.· support Yery uncomfortable at hearing detiiils ef a very their fan1ilies in comfort, and even in luxury~ P. DlNSJJ:EORE, Proprieto1·, vrivatei. nature, and. so alo.rrried ·was he at what di~chl\rge t.tll pnre-ntal, social, St~te and chwµ}.i N~. 36 DEY ST., NEW YORK. n1igh.t follow, yet desiring to know, that he obligations f&ithfully, increase the yp.luc of clapped his hands over the sergeant's ear!!, and their land ev:e1y year, and lo.y np something }1eld the1n thc1c so tightly tha,t the man could yco.rly for old agc thooc like }"'armer 13. beeon1e 1 :uot heo'\r his o\vn voice; and the soldier, ju hja poor in the occupation, their land becomes Pf>orsupreme ignorance,~magined his scc1ctr:1 to be cr ; and in fact nearly t~ll the spoiled farms in quite safe. the corn1try have been spoiled by ~uoh lne1t.Recently a thief, of the :r.-fawworm type, said Ru1·Ql rrcw- l~orkcr to a judge quite confidingly: "My lord, I real· ly nssure you I oonunitted the theft iu a \VOak Jnon1ent; quite, indeed, against my own will, DOMESTIC. nly lord, c1uite."-" Oh, Yery well," said his 11folot::sesD,·op C(tkc.- · One cup of mola.sses, .. ~AGE 101 rlf'l1i:r>i "it fa only right that you should have .... no cnnso for ca1nplaint. The offence "'ill be half a. cu~ ~ bltLtt·1 or lar<..1 1 hnlf a cu1> of water, "'1nc-t in prope1· 1:11Jilit. As you oonunitted the three cups of1f-QJ.t_;'., two teaspoonfuls of gi11ger, Bent \vcll iogetheri (\vest of the Ouhuio Bank.) iii:t .;.g:u~~·~t ynl\t owll ¥..ill, you will be punished onu teae.poonful of iod~"· an11 di:op...:irj!h a spoon 011 a buttered pan, or in 11ga,in!-lf, your<..)\1il_! \vill . " 111uffin-1illgs. Bake riuickl,... ;\N ""'\w.l"u1 , S·10JtY. - Tbcrc \Vi\$ once an aw· KiHg Street, Eowmanville. ful httle girl who ha.d an" awful,. to e\.c:ryQuu:kly lill'dc F?·tnt Cakc.: - '.l'ak.1: three eggs, one cup of sour cream, one cup of butf..e1, four thing. f:he lived iu an awful house, in au .11wcups..of flo1U', two and u. h,tlf cups vf r1;1,L·i.iui;, ful !itlt.:ct, in an awful village, ,vJiieh ·wa~ an awful distance from every othel' awful place. c11oppe<l iln1.;, two cup!:! uf JJ1·own t:mgar, one i,enShc ·vent to an awful 1:1cbool where she had un spoouful uf eotla, one of eJu\ l'S, tt.nd ou1:1 of l.\in· HE. subscriber i.,, prepared to build nud rt;· J>ll-ll' .nvful teache1, who g~ve he1· awful lesf:lona tu na.mon. J:iluwly. learn out of awful books. Every day she was Bread Pw.ldi11v. - OHe lJO\lltll of l::!bde bread, a. Wagons, Biiggics, and Cutters, ~o awful 11uugry she eat an awflll auiount of half pound of CUl'l'.'l.nts, 1111a1·tet· JJound of i:;ug<w, food, so that she looked a,,vful healthy, Her nnd one te.aspoonful of ginger, Pour boiliul,"" uf ~very t.lescription, at sho1·t notice, andooJ hat was awful fltnall, lier feet \\'ere awful large. water on the bread, adding the 1mgar, currants) reasonable tl:!r1ns. \Vhen ta.king an awful walk, she climbed an giug!.l1, anll a liLtl~~ &il t wlll grated n11tn1eg, mix. a\\f1 1J Jiill, anrl wheJl sbe got ;.i,wful tiH~d ~he the whole "'·ell together, put iu a buttered dii:;h, s:i.t rlow 11 nnder an ;-1v.ful ttee tu l'f.i:-;t. ln:i·~ clf. !\few ::;uH~ll pieceM of butter on the top, Carriages Painted and Trimmed. In suu1uier she found herself awful hot, aud 1 n aud bake in a nwdeiatc O\'en; when baked, let '\\inte1 awful cold. ¥/lien it didn't rain the1e it remain a. few 1ninute.,, tlien tuui it out on a. w11s i111 awf11l drought, a.nd w·hen the a"f11 ] 1 fiat dish, and serve either hot or cold. drought 'vas 0Yerthe2·e wa.s an nv.:ful rain. So ....1 Des~ert. - In the winter. when there has th:tt tbiij 1~,~·ful' gh·l ,.,.-ill CO!llOto ~n awful fitate, been a f~l of light snow·, the following inakei:i a. and if she do11't get ff\'Cl 13aying .vwful about delightful dish for dessert and refreshm-cnt dUl'· eve1yLhjng, I am afraid she \vill, Ly-anrl-by, ing the long wll1ter e\-·enint.,"l5 whpn the stove fa {lll the vretniEltri, 'vcrc special attention fa gn en co1ne to au awful end. hot : 'l' of the thickest sv.·e£t <'rea1u you can to a.11 .;eot, one pint; to it add one teacupful of white or light sugar; "beat '\Yell together, and then Cn rri>Lge work, and General The Gnnnnoquc Rcportcl' suys:-1\fr. add enough clean, dry snow to - n ake it aOOuL George l\.Torton intends presenting n thor- the conshitency of ice ' cream; a.dd fiaivo1ing of Jobbing. A.yrshire bull to each municipallemon, vu.nilla., 11tra\vber1·y or raRphflr ry ily1up ity in the south riding of Leeds. The for the purpose. J 11 / ' 0 · ..; ill1 :ndent young lover in to'vn, one night !afJt \\'eek, resolved to surprise his S\Vccthcart L.Y kissing her a.s soon as she prcRcnted herseli n.t the open doonvay after,... his rint,r:ing. He <;'lrried out his intention, and found out, too late, that his intended u1otht-1-in-la\\ harl open· ed the duor. - Cubu1.1.1"(11St11l11te.f. mcnt? n.nd C&1\ use it : he has strength of body :~µd huibs, and his sound judgment "·ill enable him to use it so fLS to accomplish a. "Tel\t deal and vet not in· hi lf If 1ure mse · a. 8 ao ' ea~y, f:llovenly man held that fa.rm before hhn) you would see a "'·onderfnl picki11 g np and putting things in place. Doors and 0 .... n,f,c$ off their hinges '11 b · \VI soon e put un; ui:ieless lumber Wlll b~ cut and split into fire ~ outl; if there is a 1'\Ck in the bru.·nyartl, throun-h whlch the fertilizers are run0 nino- away he would sto 1't . k h .' . P · as quic as e o would a thief caught stealing hl.8 sheep. Some_ fnt"mers let the very essence of the yard run, tlown the road or into some brook to twice the al h k ' ., v ue o1 a s eep,, every wee fro1n ] ebruary to 1t'Iay. But he 1s not tho man to do it. His manure is his bank. Like money at 7 per cent. ·t b t 8 d h 'll U d ·1 1 ege money an c \Vl save a an stop a 1 other leaks. If he ca.roe there the fir::1t of Ft!bruary, you will very soon see quite a change about the house, barn 1 garden and orchard and , ' . on some portions of the fa.rm ; an<l bt.:fore April goes out evidence will 9.ppear that the htntl b going to prod1ice ROtn1.-nd 1at n 1ore the coming season than thfl l;t.'3t, p1ovided the summer is J. k ' ' M To the getter-up of a club of 24 copies )-li"e will send" Asking a 1Hessing," "'l1hc Olfer:U "The Our Stock of Gimeral Goods is large, embracing >Lil the Novelties of the Acceptance," and " Our Darling," day, and all the necessaries as >~ell. ¥till the getter-up of clubs- of G, U, and 12 copiei-$,plea!:!e btjparticu.J.ariu1<l write what prom· Pi ctn re Fr~.rrwa- all f1-izt's, 1\{oi.llilitigs (lf everv Atylc, Wall Pu.per- a splendid !1,i!Sortrneut now in iun1& they desire. stock, A htrge supply of beautifully assorted \"t~111dow Shatles, ChildTon'., Carriages, Concertinas, 'l'~e pren:iums are only fon.varded when the Brushes, Combs, Looking Gla8sesi ~Iusic, Maga,.;incs, Violins, Violin Bows, V"iolin Btrings,l">l~per te1n1ttaci1ce 18 1:1 en t t;-i us. , Collars, Neck 'riea, School Book.a, Day Books, Biblci:;, l{nive,.,u11d Furk;,.P<Jcketlli1ives, Razors, \\Then the subscribers 1111 reside at one place, Cheape~t Note !'aper nnd Envelopes in the count1y. ~'.\.11 these, and a the p:teu1iruns will be sent tu the person who 1 Spoons, and ScL~o1s. thou~an,d other a.1·ticles, are to be .found at the V AitIEPY S1'0RB. VYe are alwayf.I glad to see sends"Ute club for distribution. friendti, and thiI1k it 110 trouble to sho\v Goods ; and we guarantee ns good value, ot a.~ loVi' pdces '!'he person sencl~ a full subseri1ltion of as any otl1er house in the trade. rlolla.rfi, ca.n.. htt.\ C hia cbuic..:e of "The Offer. Parties wishing to telegra11h their fl·iends 1 rn:iy r~ly on l1:tviug t11ei1· h ufl inesfl done pro1111Jtly . 11 TheAcceptance "ol' :·ourDarling.H 1 ,Agents for lnman -Lbie of Stean1ers, antl Illiperia.l Building ::i.nd Saving Society. '!'he money must all be 15ent at one time for ~ny of the clubs, and ,~dditions !lla.y be mll;de to clubs at club rates.. Ihe LADY a BOOK ~v11~ be Bowmanville, March 7th, 1872. n23 ' sent to any p0f1t·office wbe)·e tho 1:n1bi:icnvt1011s m~y commence with any month in the year. \Ve can always supply back numbers. Specim1:1n numbtirf:l ·will be sent on roce;µt. of 20 eents . . Ho111- 'fO ~m::in'l',-In rermttrng by mail, a J">ost Office Order on Philadelphia, oi· a Draft _ ' on PJiih1.d.l~Ipl11a or New York, payable t.o the order of L . .ll. Godcy, is proferabli..: to bank . notes. If a. D.raft or a ~ost Office Order ~an__ <Jct. not be procnrcd, send United States or Na°'lOn~ Oet. _ al Bank notes. , "\Ve advise an l'arly application, as we expect our list, '"ith the ~1ducemouts wc offer) will TlM.- "Good morning, shure and it is early out ye are. reach 2oo,ooo subscriber:L. ,K~~ODEv Darhng." , WANZER' SLETTER A, ABBOTT'S, ANl! liARCLAY SEWING MA CTilNl' at Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, 870. nlS-Lf MANUFACTURES PRICES. Enn:iskillen, Nov-. 24th~ DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT 1\H.t; An invention li>wing a most important he'"ring on the future reputatio1t of Reed lnstnnncnt,, by me>iIL~ of which the qum1tity or Volume of tone is very largely incroased, and the qmLlity uf tone rendered "Bowmanville_ Drug Store. moBt re8J?ectfully tender his sinWOULD cere thanks to h1S numerous and friend~ J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Equal to tl1at of the Best Pipe of the San1c Capacity. - ---o-- - Or~ans YELLWOLEES & QUICK. cuatruners, anrl to the public generally, for the Yerj- libe1al sv.pport he ha.s~ :rc<;:eived since his -H ..rT· CHAT. C - com1nf!hcin'g in business; and ho!1es by c.:onti· nued. strick p_ersonal attention to Jusiness, and offenng noth~ but the purest articles, at th~ most rea~onahle p1ice~, to ensw·e a continuance Our celelmtted " Vox Celeste." " Louis Patent," " Vux Humaua," " 'Vilcux Patent" 'Octavo Coupler," the chtnming "Cello" or "Clarionet' Stops, and ofpubhcpatronage. J, H. would eall special attention-to his vel'y superior stock of ALL THE LATE 'l'Afrty-jive D'ifm-erit Styles, IMPROVEMENTS '1 1S72. [Tim :Brady and Mike FlynnJ ~like, 1S72. "'~"~v:i'i~,:~;~;~ ~;:::~;best satisfaction. 1iigi~t · DYE STUFFS, Ci111 be olJhtined only in these 01· f" I he hould to axe what stmted yces this morning." . The Best jlJ'ate1·icll and Worhnan,,lt'ip, MIKE.-" Jist be u,isey, Tim, andl'Jf tell ye in a jiffy. Ye sec, I was Qu,ility mid Vol·i011ie of Tone Uneg_v,altcrl. tould, yisterday, tlrnt }.fisther Grny, ov Tyrone, had got home "" iili!!ant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, rnan, >Lnd its ~ mc,gclf could hitrdly slap_o a wink, all night, thinking iw the clmpe goods. And sure enuJI; its the full store he' !ms-piles ii 0 $50 ·1]; 0 and piles av the natest patterns; _and he'd gi:Y:. e ye the mttkin's av ari il!igant new gowu for Biddy, for Siventy-fri·eCints; Tay kcvtconstxntlyon!tand. for most nu thin, r1nd the BacGy for a trifle less." OILS, PAINT; :E'actory and Wa.reroams, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan TIM."An slrnre its funning me ye, Mlke; wouldn't the lll\lll be COLORS, V ARNIHSES, afLher bre:cking duwu." and WHITE LEAD, (l£sta"bliel1ed in l StiO.) MIKE.-" Breaking down, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth two av at the ve1y lo,vc"'t p1 ices. that. I'll jist tell you what it is, 'I'irn, if ye want to get a grate Horses and Cattle Medicines. name when youre dccl, a-nd be called a filantrofized,filosif~t", and N. B .-Countr.y Stor('heepers supplie~l v11 U1c a public binifacthor, jist tell all yonre nabours, and tho nst av 1noat advantageous terms. A choieo selection of L ..t\.1¥1PS, for sale cheap mankind, about Gray's chape store, and yon'll do more fQ,. the Bnwma.nville, Dec. 9, 1868. 6m Bowmanvillc, Aug. 21st, 1870 m47-o34-tf: good av your counthry, than i ver St. Pn,trick did for ould Ireland, when 1rn bfmished all the t.oarl8 aud snn.kes ont-'),v it" that niver was in rt.>' TIM.-- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for tlie bit av ~Lbvice, 1md ,;;'ou't detain yo; there'll shurely be a grnte run, u11d m;;ybee I'd miss some bargains. The top >L\' the morning to yc."-I'm off to Gray's. °JJRUGf, CH-E,1fIC.ALS, PATENT ,tJEDICINES BRUSHES ' COMBS, SlIOULDER-lJRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. For the Parl01· <incl the Clnwch, $ o. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. J@ GRAY, Tyrone.Noted for-chea1l Goods. ' FOR r. ~ · · Family and Pocket . Bibles ' · yr _ _ .r. RICE & . BARKER agents f'or the best ORGANS 01t the Continent. Q ,. Sabbath School Rewards Books .· 0' ' and Libraries, CALL AT THE m P> q King Street, Bowmanvillo Z ~' .... Bible Christian Book Room and General Book Store CARR --... SHOP. HENRY ELLIOTT Jun1~. m c. BARKER, T Hampton. Offers for sale one of the lJ\OSt extensive and complete assortments of Goocl8 to ba found in m1y country s tore in Onlario. Dry Goods, ·A Blacksmith's Shop Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, .- TO T_flE l'UBLIO vV. A . LTER vVIGG & SON, _ ac~tled thereto, that ~re may thor0by be enabled to supply all pa.i. ties ,vho may please tn fnN N lii ,.,1th~ call. Great inducerueut:i held out to those p uL't:<t~hing at our E 5t[l.blfahn1ent, Pictures.. Look1~g Glasf:icEl, &c., frBn1ecl b0 ortler, and 11!_ every style. S:.i,uiples of the diffei cnt Jd ud uf 1\-Iould1ng5 c<1.n be seen at the "\'\'arc· room. \\'e 'vouhl also 1,ieg to i.n fo1Ill .}O il t.h,tt lrnsin a l)nr - Paints, . Qils, Patent Medicines, etc. returning tJJ.anks. to _their Cu<:1torncrs, and the PL!lJlic generall;v. fol'pa..-t ft'..vor:;:; I N\t'Oti1d respectfully iuv1(..0 Uu: u <\tte11t1on to on}.· lll't!5l'ntsto ck of li'uinituze, ae we h<::n e latdy ~nrru::1 om~ j tr1Unti.on \rill tol(e plnce 11t the 1.rillagc of Mor1on, on Tuesday, 19th ini:t., "'hen the a11j1nals w-·i11 be numbered, and corrospond- )ng J1un1bcrs placed in a hut; the re:prescn~ tativcs of each municipality to dra:w from the lw.t, t1nd take the animal de~ignated by lb~ unmber drawn. Birds fo1· ll1vnJ.i:1'.l arc inost nutritioll$ broiled. Sht dow.u the bttok, and let then1 cook, breast 'l'hen ttu·n t])e up\vards until IJ,.ea.rly done. breast to the fire for a few mi.nntoa. A Y[tOde1. ate firi.: is best, Quail, partridge, grouse, and chicken can b u pi·cpared jn thia: "~y, GENTLEiYIEN'S SUITB roc1de to order in the latest and most "·Pprovecl manner, a.nd on the s-hortesL uoLice, frum }'11shionable illld ottlefnlly selected Clothes and'.I'\vcecls. Tho btcst New York I!'e~l1ion Plates All work clone at this Establishment reguln»ly received. chascd a ' ' "" SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, NEW DOM INION Rh'T:l TL FURiVI'I U,R]f; WARE-ROO)li O·lia wa, Aug . 26th, 1870, wmTanted. .A eoJ.l is respectfully soliciterl. H. ELLIOTT Hampton, Nov..$th 1872. JUNR. ,T, llfORIUS. Bowwanvillu, Oc.:t. lst, 186D. bp-o23-m ~4. King Street' East, Oshawa. l 1 I

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