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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 6 Dec 1872, p. 4

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{ :r'HE }lERCHANT, FIUDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1872. ' POETRY. The Day Laborer. THE FARM. · Best Feed for Milch Cows, .r Demorest Illust1·ated il1.onthly. HE MODEL MAGAZINE, contruns the T essential of a.Il others, profusely and a splendid volume for binding for the CenIllu~t.ratetl, . FULt·· SUPPLY. SPLENJ:HD Sl~LEC'.l'IONS of . .. The following i1:1 fro1n an Essay i·ea<l hefore the \ 1 ern1011t Dairymen's .A.ssociation, by Al8xantlo.r Hyde, of 1t'Ia.sanchu.setts: But the circumstQ..nce tha,t n1oflt affects the Sow, though the thorns may wonncl thecquality a.nd quantity of the milk is the focx:l. Onc "'ivo1·e the thorns for thee ; 'fhe 1t1Xw·iu.nt und succulent grass of J " une pro· .i\.nd thuugh tho cold woi·ld scorn thcf.:l, dnoea a great tlow of la ilk, but the p er cent. of l'l\t-ient and hopeful be. wn,tcr in it ti! much above the aver~go of 87. Sow yo besidfJ all waters, Take a cow fron1 a. green paHture n.nd fred her ' \Vith a. bles1:1ing and a. pn\.y or; .on dry hn.y, n.nd tlle quantity of milk will be N a 1no JUn1 wJioso hand upholds us 1 J greatly di1ninis:hed, 'i\·}1ile the qurility 1n1~y be J\.nd sow thou evcrywho1C'. improved. Everything n cow eats affects lie1· '\~"ork · : in the wilil \\'<-tif:!te places, inilk directly. 'Ve hav e great faith in cab'l'hough 1_tone thy love ma.y own ; bages as producing au abundance of rich n1illr, G-od guides tho down nf the thi~tle but unfortunately, the lady )).,·ho preside~ over The "\van'<l.ring wintl ha.a so\VJl, our householc! ha.s keen senses, and detects in 7 \\ ill J esus chide thy "\Venkner-s, the milk the least flavour of cabbage or turn.ip. Or 1,;iill thy litbor vain? c have aon1eUn1e8 ovaded detectjon by feed· 'rhe won! that for hi1n thou bcnrest ing cabbage leaves m"odera.tely :;i.t first and imShn.11 l'cturn to him u.gt1:iu. 1nodiu.tely nfte1· milking, but the inerca..sed \'Y ork! ·with tb'inc heart iu Hea.vcu, qi.lantity nnd quality of the 1nilk1 if not the 'l 'hy stn·ngth in thy ::\fa.<>tcr's 111ig11~. tast~, :'~re apt t o call out the aly que~t ion, Till tho wide wa.ste plnces. lilosso1u " 'Vhat are you feeding yoor oOW.8 on no\\·?" In the wanuth of n. Saviotu·~s light. Sweet co1·n f odder, \\'IJ a;r:e confident, gh·cs o. rich~r milk tha.u co1nmon corn. Ind.inn meal \Vatch not tho clouds above tJlco; all farmers agreeJ gives it rich rnilk; while buck. Let i. h R whirlwind round thee swuep \Vheat incretlSes the p er cent. of \Vtiter 1nore Uod may the eci.:d-time give tbco, rapidly tha.n it does the more v:Lluable properBut another's hand n1ay reap. erL-iCs. Clover, cut gl'een, greatly iinprove~ Ha\'<.: f<i,itb, thottgh ne'er beholdingtl1c 11uulity of n1ilk. Being a leguminous plant, 'l'he r;iccd burst fro1n its to1ub; it shonlJ v.dd to it11 cMein ratbC).' than to its 1 l'b0u kuowest not \~'.hich may perish, butte1·. Peavincs, also leguminous, are extenOr what be to blooni. rlivoly u sec1 U.t the. South, . where the $"r:.usses <l.o li-00111 on the nr1J:rowcst ridgcB not flQtll'ish , as f6od for Cows, an<l. :.ue· said to The tipcned grain will find, produce excellent milk. There <.:;pl be no <1ucs'1 'hat t he Lord of t11c hfl.1·vctt corning tion but th<tt· grai.n cut b efore-it goes to seed Jn the h arvest sbeavos nw.y Uin<l. '"ill produce more and bcttei· inilk thttn after - D1·ifti11g s,;,ow l/la).:cs all its virtues h <ive been spent in thefr lcgitin1ate ptuPoso of (Jroducing scetl after its kind. If the hay ha.s been 1nadc from grMs as dry :1.n<l woody Moat straw, it maybe benefited Ly being <;ut and moistened, but can uever b.e re..i..\1·c pick-nHi-up draughti:i fron 1 catchstored to its 01·iginal nut rition any more than up? the daughters oI Tobias coulJ rejuvenate their The trade th<it llC\'f;r turn~ to the li;ft- r\. aged father by cutting hi1n np and boiling him. \VhcBlwright'1:1. All tho roots add to the flow of 1nilk and i1n\Vhat js the dilJurence bct,vuen Christnul.S provo its quality. They furnish both food and rl'he a 111J the h·uLh of the sen ? ~One is coining, the drink, being largely composed of >vater, feeding of roots do not save oo much bay at3. othcrif:I S~'l.1m. some suppose. ~l,ley keep the ::mima.l in gOOll A ·young lady' who was recently out driving, and appetite, a.nd are valuaQle in their becatne a1anne<l when the horse began to kick, sanitary and manurial efJects rather thnn n.s a.n and naively requet)tc(! her beu.u to get 01it and ecoriomizer of hny. Thi increase of milk and hol<l the :.mimal's leg. manure is very ina.nifest from the feeding of A company started in ~Iiddleto~vn ftJr the roots. Potatoes make the best of milk, but at inu.nufacture of odorless rul:iber goods is rapidly present })rices we can hardly afford to feed approaching: bankniptcy, which shows how those of a ll)tiL·chantable sh·..e and quality.A The hn11ossibleit if! to rnake goods ~ithout ~ seen~. sma.ll potatoes can be put to no better usu than They 1~s to people SA.ying a fe\v idle words about food for young stock and .milch cows. nsi \Ve must not inind any 1nore than thQ old furnish u1uuh saline n1a.tter, thus adding- to the church steeple.minds the rooks that are cawing specific gravity of ntilk and to the mn,teri::i.l for building UP. the frame >vork of the young aniabout it. mal. As a.n observing dairy \Voman fJrH.JC A thick-headed sqnire 1 beiu g \VOrste.d by to us, "Potatoes give body to milk." Sydney Smith in ;:;n l)rgliment, took higrevenge It is cruel t o ta·X cowB in winter for rr.dlk and by exclaiming, "If I a son who \\·as n.n idiot, by Jove: I'd make him a pa.rson ! " "Very giVe them nothing but dry hay fi-01n which to probably," replied Sydney, u but I sec your manufa-cture it. If cut before inn.turity, this hay c.ontainl:! all the elements of inilkJ bnt it is fatbo1· was of n. diffe1·ent inind ! " dry fodder, and if it constitute the only food of A.Jl Idsh soldier enco returning from a battle the cow, dn.y after da.y, for six u1.ontbs, there is iu the .tllght, rnarching a little "'-ay bohincl his a. sameness n.bout it w·hich is not vrovocative of companion, called out to him, " Ifello1v, rat, a good ap1J1;itite. .t\.s men crave and need a vaI have t aken a prison er.~: "Bring him a.long riety of food, so do covrs. A fc,v b<..·ets, or turt hen; bring him along." " He \vou't uo1ne." nips: or cn.rrots, should be fed to the1n euch ·· ·\·Vell, then, come yo l~reelf." "He won't let day, and the sleek coats of the ~in1Ws, and me." the improv1;icl quantity and quality of theit There is a man e1n1)loye<l as a. portm· ou a. 1nilk "·-ill indicate their a1lpreciation of tbese raihva.y who brags of ha.ving a.1vatch tha.tkcep~ roots. One of the best and moffi: eoonorr1ical 001Tect timo. He was heard to 1·em:W.-k, uot kinds of feed for cowR, both in summ~r l~nd 1n11.ny mornings 1:1ince1 upon pulling out his '~inter, is the bra.n of wheat and rye. Th(' in1vatch, "If the sun ain't over that hill in a organic part of grain resi<lea chiefly in the hul'! k minuto n.nd a 11a.lf, he will be late." or bran, as lnay bo seen by burning similar Barmecide ]' Oyster Eater : I asked for quantities of fine :flour o.nd brn.n. The ~t.8h of tho ln.tter \vill, on the avernge, be six tiroea n, slice of bread :.t11d butter--thi<s is the veriest "gc1·a11e i : I e\rcr 1;>aw.-Oyster Sell.o:r (Hiber- that of tho former; the ash of dl'y, fi ne flour nian, cf course) : I give ye iny word of hononr. being aboilt one fJf:l' cent., and that of hrru1 six Brnn, aur, there':. n1oro bntther there thin ye iinbag· per cent, of the 'veight of the whole. therefore, though a <lry·looking- sort of fodder, inc. "Gentlerncn, where ::l.o you think tliat becf- i s rich in these elements which form the frarrw ~teak co1ues fl·om?" said the landlord, planting 1vo1·k of anin13.Is 1 and Dr. Graham 'vas dou'LLhis thumbs in hi~ w<hlstcon.t armholes. "From lesa_sorrect wbert he advocated maldng bread noo.1· tbe horns/' \Vas the quiet reply of one of from unbolted flour. ~l'fany dairymen practise the boarders. It is singular, but that landlord putting a couple of qua.t'ts of \\'heat bran into ha.snot put any eonnndrums to tbo1:1e boarders six oi· eight qua.rts of '\'hey, and feeding it to their cows night and mo1·ning, the:ccby improv· r;iuee. jug their milk, their CO'\\'S and their pastures. ,l;\. DanbnI"y Uoy, wlw~e i1nagination ha<l beThe ilnprove1nent of ' the latttir is specially co1ne diseased by too close devotion to clime m.'lotifest, as the bran restores to them thu phosuovols, started off recently t"o aeek fame M a phorus, sulphur, potal:!h, D1nc 1 " sodai etc,, of ~ln.ycr of bear&, o.nd Indians. He took all his 'vhich our old pa.stu.res have become exha.ustcd, toys, induding a hruHl·slcd and a. l:'!nuru drum, these essential constituents of a good soil haY· ba.t~c his little bTothers and Si$ters an nfiection· ing been carried off in the bones of the auimals a.k fare,vcll, aud was gone nearly two hours. and tho grain and dn.iry JJroduct~ sol<l. 'J.1he misery of being called upon suddenly to - Canada ]}'(trr{l,CI'. rnakc a. speech \\·n.s got .ove1· by u. . mathom.a.ti(Jian, 'vho delivered hirr!aelf in thfa fashion : Row to Fatten a Horse. " Gentlemen, a mo1·bid desire f1ir originRJ.ity rro fatten a horec that h a.s falicn off in fle sh p 1·cv1.Jnts me fron1 sa.ying : "'l'his is the proud· est monHmt of my life,' and it dues not occur to is sometiines a tedious business - indeed, th~ \York of months. 'l1be following suggestioI1s to ine t o s:\y a.nything elee." accomplish it 1 however, though without pn.ter· 'Vhcn a \Vttll chalker offered to t:balk ""rl"'!rn ity, looks to us aB ...~.dee and tv the purpose : ren's Uln·ckll1g" on every \\'all round London Many good horaca deY01Jr large quantities of fvr Jifty pouods, the blacking- n1u.kcr ex· nncl hay and stiU continue thin and poor; ~htirnod, "I'll bet yon two ·hundred poundtl to tht1 food eaten is not properly assiinil<.\ted. If oue Lhat jt cannot be done in a month." vv-arthe mua.J. food ha~ bei:in ·tmgL"ound grain aucl . rcn .lost the bet, but got the he8t and chea_perst. hay, nothing but a change \vill n.ffcct any de· ndvcrtiseme-nt he ever had." alteration in tho nppenro.nce of the Mli· A father living in Titusville, who had two or mal. In case oatmeal c:tnµot be obtained read· three vt1ry courtable girls, placed a. uotico on iJyi n1ingle a Lushel of fiax-aee.d with a bushl:,{l his front cloor one night, \Vhiob . read:-" Shut or"ba.l'lcy, one of oa.tsi and another bushel of d·)Wll fo1· thirty days. No stove in the parlour, . Indian corn, and let it be ground into a. fhie and but oue lrul1p. n · meal. 'I1his wlll be a fair proportion for all his It requirea tnuch delicacy of touch, a better food.. Or the nuial, or the bai-lcy,. oats and acquaintance with the innf.!r emotions of the corn, in uq ual quantities, may first be procured hc11rt 1 ttnd grander pathoa of sentiment to make and one fOurt.Jt part of oil-cake 11 1ingled with it, a declaration of love than it does to put up 1:1. when the mcnl is sprinkled on cnt food. l·"'eed 1 s ;0 ~~e. two or-three qunrts of the iuixture two or throe A Colorado lnan makes this terrible sngges- times tlaily, mingled with a peck of cut stra\v tiou to a scientific journa.l : "'\7 by not ha\·e a a.ud hay. If the horse will eat that greedily, ·wboJe city furnished sin1ultaneously with the let the quantity he grndually inc1·eased 11ntil he la.test telegraphic ne1vs upon the instant of its will ea.t fcur or six qua.rt s at C\'ery feeding, arrival by mean§:! of a stea1n '\vhistl~· or whistles, three times a. day. So long as the urU1naI will or a gigantic speaking maehlne, instead of \\·· eat thi.<J allotvance, the quantity may be ining for it to go tln·ough the tedious process of creased a little every da.y. A.void tb e pra.ctice ty1Je setting, printing, foldingi and di.<Jt1·ibntion of allo\ving a.-horse to stand at a rack well filled ,dLh hay, In 01·der to ft1otten a horse tbn.t has by the caITicr ? " l'lUl down in flef:!h, tho groon1 should Le very par· Vi.Tn11·r ,.,~a LovE-LEr~r.ns.-1'he following retictllat' not to feed the aniu1a.l"u.ny more than he P~Y has l~t!ll given by a ~ C\V York paper to a corrcspo1W.ent :-" There is no ata.ted rules for will eat up clean and lick his ma.ngel" for more . - Ge1·mcintown 1'elctn·aph. writing loYe-lette:ra. You should write on foolscap paper, nnd bear on it as soft as you can, Keeping Apples. u:~ring such word..:: of burning love that they ·will sizzlo 011 the point of tho pen, It is also adv1s· Gather the o.pples before they become overu.ble .to Bling in a bunch of pathos occasionally, ripo, nnd put them in a. cool building till the StH.:h as 'Denrer...t ...i\.ugustusi I lol'c you With a . ,~·eather of 1vinter begins. -4..n out· love la.rger than an elephant' j I think of you house facing the north, a1u. l wenVentilatccl, every day, and by-nnd~by when the days gro'v answers n. good ptn·posc. If stored at once in longer, 1: shall think of yon twice a-day.' It is the cellar, they will be too '"a.rm and damp ruso·\Yell to put an ink-blot in the co t'ner, with for several lveeks, and '\Vili decay much sooner tho observation, 'DJ,1.r1iug, I kissed this spot, and tnore rapidly thnn if kept dry and cool in 01:i ' T hove ti. sigh in tli:is vicinity.' " the manner indicated . 1\7e · have sometimes }:> LAYING I:::-."DIMl~.-A Ne1v York man is vet:y founcl a difference of two months in the ' period much a.nnoyed because his t1vo b'l)'S have read of keeping by the two methods. If packed and 130 many Indian 1:1tories that they have gone headed up iu barrels, they keep better than i~1 wild 1~ith anxiety to play Indian, and to gp o.JJt bins 1 beiDg protected from the changes of air 011 the trr.airies hunting fo.r the real . noble red alid of tempero.tnre. But as they cannot be mn.n, The i~rui v.hi.s taking a nap tt.fter dinner secq in the barrels, they wmutiu1ea decay bad· in hi'l chair, when he was \Yaked by an ly before the decay is dfac.overed, For sn1all nlarining noise and a strange llensation in his qua.ntitica \Ve therefore prefer shallotv 1JiD8i head. He j un1pcd up suddenly anc:Mouud that placed one above another in the middle of tho one of bfa boys, dressed in a retl table-cloth, and cellar, and ventilatb it neady do1'·n to frce!!:ing. with 11is uoae decorated with blue p11.i11t 1 \Vets Pick over the apl)Jes occnsionally, and remove trying to scalp his.father a cnrving knife, all d~caycd ones, dist urbing them WJ little af! \Vhifo tho other boy,,ircd in a blanket shawl possible. :Bins :with lids 01· dra\ver ]J1·otcct ru1tl a roollter fcathor fio1.Jrished !b · and from air and light, a.ncl constitute the moot peren1itted \Vat'">Yhoo1)s froin beh:i.ntl a thicket fect \Vay to keep them for daily m3e, - C'1Junt1;v compo·md of two chairs and a ca.rd table. The , Centlenutn. inru1 determined to put a stop to this kind of ~-bing: So noxt dayt..while the boys were plttyDo1tyh .Nu-ts.- Take three pounds of flour, 1ng with bo>vs and ru·i·ows in the garden, he rub in lw.J.f a pound of butter and lard in equal dressed himself in Indian costume, and jumped proportiohs, add one pound of inoh1t sugar, a over the fence with a 'vild, unearthly yell; for little allspice, together with six eggs and four the }>1U"pose of fl'ightening those. children. rne tablespoonfuls of yeast in sufficient milk to oldest boy, howei,rei-, stood hit3. ground, and mnk;e it the consif~tence of bread dough. Put dr~'ving an an·ow to the head 1 in \Vhich wa.s in- it to rit:1~ four hours. To 1nakc. it up, d ivido in serted a tenpcnny nail, he buried it in the e11nall E--Ortions, and in each roll up a fe,v cur cliieftaiu's leg- before he took to flight, 'l'hn.t rants and ca.ndied peel1 rolling them jnto bo.,Us . night tbe father walked up staira 011 u. crutch, Have a. k ettle with sufficient la.rd to float tbetn an<l flogged t he fnmily all a.round before he \Vhcn boiling. Put, in a. few· at a ti1ne, an(~ boil 11ent them to bed. He is. th.inking now of some till thc:.y arc brown: the)' 1vil1 ten niinutes 0~1e1· ~\·~y to o.~ect ~~ cure of the $anguinnry at fu:st, but !l."J you go on they will brown n1ore dispo~!tton of his offapriJJg. quickly. Sow yo beside :111 water:i, Where the de'v of heaven n1ay fall ·~{.-.i ·shall 1cap if ye be not "\Vf'a1·y, Jtor the Spirit brco.thes o'er nil. 'y t1·e table, at the en<l of the year. Sing-le, 2.5cts, yearly, $3.!)0. 4 magnificent prizl.l, surpassing Each snb.:icri.Lcr t o Dtm·oall previous offers. 'l'cst Monthly ll:t«fJ(1.zine, a.t 'l'hree Dollars a yea.r, Will be prescnterl. \\'ith ll. lll'UllliUID O[ two elegant Chromos, c01np11nion pictures of the two moi;t 1,.lesirable un<l populnr snbjects in America ~the l"alls of Ninga.ra and Y osemitc Ji' alls. Size of pictures, 10! by 12J inches. 'l'hese t!legaut cltrOmos, copied fro1n beautiful pictures paiuted fro1u nature by one of the first £\rt.ists in .A.1nerica,, give the most populin- viewf:1 of those interesting rulCl tmblime objects, nnd arc faithful reproductions of the Originals . 'l'he grn.nd old Niagara, \\'ith its im roeuse body of water fnlling one hundred n.ud sixty feet, sending up ( cloucll:l of R~)ra,y to- reflect in brilliancy and beauty the viv1d colors of Lhe rainbow, is so clenrly depicted that, in irnaginn.tion, you hear its ni.ighty roar. 'l'hc Yosell'.).ito, with it,, ' lofty mountain s towering to the silvery clo11Cl, audits stupeudous. fn.11.::; of ,tj.xtcen hundred fuct, impJel:!.<:iug with its [l.Wful grandeul', a.nd filli11g the minil with tlclight :au) wonder. These tw:o Chro1noH :tre the best pictm·es eyer puLliBhe<l for T en, and will be st.Jut, n1ounted and varnil:!hed, bv n1ail, as a psi,:1uiun1 to each yoarly Three Doll'ar snbscribor to our I\fontbly 1\ .Rca.dc1·1Just tltir1.k, TTVO bcaut-~rul Ohroi1tMJ of Fall and Winter C'J-oods, AT I j j D. W. ~fOLEOD'S, Q-ENERAL STORE, D !" ·~ ti.xocodirlg'ly·chear1 - ..1..Viauara and Yo8cmite. POINTS StrFEltIORI'l'Y. it FOR CASH .All onlel:s for Crumbs for Chickens. These pictures arc veritable gen1s,and w9rthy of being enslu·inecl in n.n honored place in ou1· ho1nee. '!'hey 1vill be presented to yearly sub· sci:ibera on receipt of 1'lu·~~ Dollars, and Eight cents for r>o1:1tage, with yotu full n~me and address. · :Eve1-y h,omc in America ishciukl possess tbClilc inva.luablc illust1·ation:; of art and beauty, an.<l no perSon of taste n.nd enterprise cail, afford to be \Vithout the Model Mv..gazine, which 11r"' been gt"eatly enlarged and now contains the CS· ofull other!!, includll1g the 'L-s,ef..ul, tho .Entertaining o.ud tho l3cautiful, with Or.ig-i.r1a.l Storie!:!, Poems and l'opulat· l\iusic by the author;,, tho only Reliahlc }1'ashiona (including full sizo ., Home iu all their details, Uarcleniug, Architectnrc, nnd n.11 the utilities, beauties and novelties of Litcratw·e calculated to make Ollr how.ea useful, nLtr~l;l.;th·e and happy-profusely illustrated, a.nd a splcndi.d volume f1Jr binding for the centce-tabl"e at the cud of tlte yen.r. ~'Si:t1gle copitm\ 25 cent~. Splendid indticmnentrs 1or agents nnc premiums for clubs. A<ldrcs~. Simplicity in Construction, Ease of operation, Perfection 01 Stitch, atike n n bot sides, owing to pm:fect tension on upper and lower Thread. RANGE OF WORJ{ :-:B'rorn Gauze to Beaver Cloth DURBILITY :-Will last life time. Equaly ad.a.pted to Family Work, Dress and Shirt Making, Tailoring', Shoe Fitting. Caiage T r r ing, &c. PRor.IPTL y EXECUTED MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. EVERY MACHINE Agents, WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. \Ve have tciso on hand Als Agent for· the \Veil known FIRST·PRIZE WANZER S~WINC MACHINE, at W. JBNNINGS DEMORES'l', 838J~roa<hYny, WANZER' SLETJ'ER A, ABBOT:rs, AND BARCLAY SE WING MA ClilNE Ne\¥· York. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, :FOR 187a. HE G" UIDE is now 25 T cents pays the year, fom· rnunbcrs, ·which is half tho cost. Those who afterwards send i1ubli~hed (~11arterlys for n1oney to the amount of One Dollar or more for Seeds may also order Twenty-tlve cents 1vort.h cxtra'--the -price paid for the G·uide. . 'l'he January number is beautiful, giving pla;ns for making Rural Hol:nes, Desjgns for Dining r.rable Decoration!!, V·lindow ' Gardens, &c., and containil1g a. mass of information invaluable to the lover of flo\vor;;. One hundr .. tl n.nd Ffty pages, on fine tinted paper, some hun· dred enoravings and a. superb Colored Plate an<l Uht'o1no cover. ~l'he first edition of Two , Hnnr1red ThousaJJd just printed in Englis a.nd German , and reaUy to :~end out. I1ict11rc I?ranles- all !\izei.J J\{oultlings of cvel'y i:;tyle, \."'lo'"all J:>nipc1:- n !>plencltd. af!sort111c;1 t UC!\\" in stock, A lru-ge-rmpply of beautifully. as~l!l"~c<l \Viu_do\V S]}n~l.JS, c2~il.dre~'i3 CaJ"..!:~Ll.!{C l:'I '. C!JnCe~·t1nas, Bn1shes, C01nbf.I. , J .ookiug Gl asses, JVlu$~C, Ji..faga;;, \'.1of111B, ,, Jnl1n .hows, . "'<1 1olu18~rru6"t"S,Paper, K eek 'l'ics, School Books, ))ay JJooks, B1liles, ]{11rvos ?-11Cl Forks,I"uokct l{ru vcs, l~n.zors, Spoons, uud ~ci sso n:L Uhe::i.pe8t Note J>a.poi- and Envolovea ln t he oou utry. All these, uu<l a thousand article~, aro to be found t~t the VAJfIE1'Y S'J.'ORE. "\Ve flire alway~ glfl.d to.see friendsi and think i~ no trouble to 1;how G·oot'IB ; :tnd ~·e guu.runtec as good value, at ns lo'v prtoca as any other house in the t.r;1A le. . . . Pal-ties ,vjshing to iielcgravh their f riends,. ml\y .rcl.v. O!l ~l:1VJ ng tl1e1r. h us1 done promptly. A""ent::i for In1n:in Lin~ of Stuanwrs, i.i.nd lTAlpel'lal Buildmg nnd Saving So01ety. 0 Our Stock of Gnneral Goods is large, ernbrnciug aJl the NovelLies of the d>w and "11 t he necessaries ns wclL . " ' MANUFAC'l'URES PRICES. Enniskille11, Nov. ~-1th, i70. n lS-tf DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT TH E Bowmanville Drug Store. ~ Bownmnvilie, March 7th, 1872. YELLWO LEES & QUICK. 1123 JAM:F.S VICK, Ro"chester, )l'". Y. Orders for the Fl.o1'al Gtiide u1ay be left with Ml-. Chaplin, of Bowmanville, or sent di.Teet to ' Rodte'3tl:lr. l'i(r. Chaplin will uJso receive nuy orders for seeds; &c., and .SCCUl\J their ea1·Iy de· livery. ~-~-----~ - Oct. TIM.- CHIT CHAT. · OlTLD most resl?octfully tender his sincere thanks to lus numerours friends and custo1ner.e1 '1Lnd to the publi~ generally, for t4e very liberal support he bal:! i·eu1;1ived since his in business; and hopes by co11.tinued strick personal a.ttentioi1 to business, an<l offering nothing but the purest articles, at thCJ 1nost 1· prices, to ensure a cont.inuance of public patronage. - · J. H. would call special attention to hi::i very suµ_ erior of W J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Nelv Fall Goods Arrived, at lVIcCLUNG Bros. . Oct: DYESTUFFS, \\'hich arc !'lure Lu gi~·e the best Sl.litisfaction. A well-scleetecl rstock of 1672. [Tim :Brady Mike FlynnJ 1672. 1 1872. FALL GOODS !N .A " Good morniiw, Mike, shurt> and it .is early out ye :\re. Might DRUGS,. I be bouid to a~e what Rtartccl yccs this moming." CHEMICALS, MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell yo in it jiffy. Ye see, I was P.A1'EN1' JrfEDlCINES toulcl, yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got hOJ?C BR rrs "ili ITTtut ne'v s t ocI£ a.v Gooctf:l) ' cb ttpe as dur t , 1nar1, a.nd 1t s v · HES, a1 11 , meself' conlcl hardly slape a wink, nll night, tliin king av the · . COMBS, cbape goods. And sure enufi; its the fu'.l store lie h as-p~l~s SIIOULDER-BRACES, ttnd piles av the natesL patterns ; and he~ give Y'! th~. ~nalnn s SUP POR'l'ERS, Etc., Etc. t;Y an illigant new gown fo1· Biddy, frir S1venty-tiveC111ts; Tay kcptcun't"ntlyonh,md. for most nu thin, and th e for a trifle less." OlLS, p .AIN'l'; TIM."An shure its funning me ye are, Mlke; wouldn't the rnrin be COLORS, VARN IHSES, tcftber brcak~ng clown." Ml){E,-" Breaking down, is it. Sur~ he know~ n thrick wtuth two av and. WHI1'E LE.AD, 'll j" )1 1 t'ti rr· "f tt t t a.tth cvery lO\\'CStpriccs. l I 1 1 1 t in.t. · st te. you w ia s, nu, ye wan ,o ge a gra e Horses and Cattle Medicines: rnbmo when ·vou1·c cl eel, nncl be c,iJletl a filantrotized, filosifer, and N. :S.- Country Storeheepers f:!nppliod on t bo !!, public binifacthor, jist tell all youre mibourn, tmd the rist av most advanta.geutU:s tcnns. A choice .selection of LA1i'IPS for 1:1ale cheap ma1ikind, about Grny's chape store, and you'll do more for tho Bo'""lnruivillc, ])ec. 9, 1868. liro aood av your counthry, than ivcr St. Pntrick did for ould Ireland, ' "hen ho banished a11 th e toails aull swikes out av it, that r1ivcr v.'a.S in it_,,_ TIM.- - ' " I'm much oblagecl to ye, for the hit av ;ibvice, and won't detn,in ye ; t]J.~re'll sh11rcly b~ a gmte tun, and maybee _I'd miss ~ ~====================================== some bmiiairis. Tho to p 1cv t he morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. 1 ' J@ Gl!I, Tyro11e. Noted for cheap Goods. · · Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Large _ Variety. Cabinet Organs AND · ~~~~~~~~ Just Received. Tailo11ng under the charge of Mr W. S. MEDDOWCROFT. an / · t-c:J · EXPERIENCED . CUTTER from Lo11don, England, also for many years conducting fashionable Etablishments in Canada. ~ <fBnmh arnnrhimrfimr <1bryaus FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED MOURNING - SUITS MADE AT A FEW HOUR'S NOTICE RICE & BARKER agents for the best ORGANS on the Continent. F. Y. COWLE. Bownrnnville, Oct. 3, 1872 ml Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention having a most important ]Jearing on the future r eputation of Reed In~trurncnts, by means of whi~h the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely increased, and the qm1lity of tone rendered HENRY . ELI~IOTT . Ji1n1 c.=========='===c=:=;--£====o:::::== Equal to that of the Best Pipe Ora:ans · of the Same "Capacity. ·---o-- Our celebraJ,ed " Vox.Celeste/' " Louis PtLtent," "Vox Humana," " Wilcox Patent" " Octave Coupler," th e clmnning. "Cello" or "Clarionet' Stops, aucl Hampton. · Offers for sale one of the Uto.>t cxLe11H ivc auil complete assoitmcnts of Goods to be found in any conn try store in Ontmfo . ALL THE LATE c~.n IMPROVEMENTS be obtained 01Jly in these Orgm1s. Dana's Patent Sheep Marks 11.Al<KS ARE 'l'HE CREAPEST, THESE the moot lasting, the lcMt troublefJoroe, and Jnost complete ever invented. . T hey used and recomtnendeJ Ly many of the best IlrcedeJ'I:! ju the United State~ and Canada., such a.s G. !B. Loring). Salem, Mass. 1 President Nc>Y England VVool Urvwers' Society; J oh.n S. Ross, Hennepin, Ill ; Professor 1rL Miles, of the State Agl-icultura.l College, Ln.nsin~, Mich.; Hon. Geo. :Brown, T oronto, Ont.; John Snell, E·dmontdu, 011t. On each 1'.fnrk ia stanlped tbe owne1·'~ :D.an1e and the Sheep's number. They \vill · be sent free 1 by mail, or t'!Xpress, for only fourcncts ach, and will !Mt for TW~)lrY Yl£Al~S. ~ C:l.Sh n1ust n.ccompany nll ordel'$ Sarnia, Ont. Orders addressed .to the .J\-IIROHN'l' and On~ SEilVEll Oificc, for any < \Vill be tilled a t tlie above-1nentioued price, as quickly a.s the l\'1arks can he n1ade and sent. Dry Goods, . ·crockery, Paints, Oils, Groceries, Hardware, · Thilt·ty-jive Differnnt Styles, For· the Parlor and the Church, Boots and Shoes, Patent Medicines, etc. 'l'he Best J rfater'ilil cmd WorknumsM13, Quality ancl Volume of 'l'one Unequalled. · Pll!ICES ARCIHBALD YOUNG1 JH., GENTLEMEN'S SUITS 11mdc Lu onlcr iu the latest ;111d most approved manner, mid on lho shortest notice, from Fashionable and carefully selected Clothes nnd Tweeds. The btest New York ]'ash ion Phtes regu1rn'1)' received. · TO $500. ---- - o----- Factory and Warero0ms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan {E1:1tu.Ulishcd in 1850.} -~. ELLIOTT JUNR. Hampton, K ov. 5th 1872. bp-o23-rn45. C. BARKER, Bowmanville, Dtic. 28th, 1871. ly.w13o - RICE & BARKER, Agents, · ·

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