THE Th'IERCJ;-IANT, FRIDAY, POETRY. Demorest 1llust1·ated frfontlily: 1 DECEJ\'fBER 27, 1872. " ---========-=====;==~=========;==:====~~=:=:=~===-=====:========::=:!:::;========7,===~============::::::=::;=====================~=======:: and a splendid voluu1e for binding for the 'l)en· table, at the end of the year. Single, iocts, yearly,=:$3.00. A magnificent prize, surpassing At a iJeeting of f:nmcrs in the :Elmirc Court o.ll previon1> offers.. E&ch subscriber to DCJJ.Ur during the state ]lair, v,s reported-in ~the t·est 11luntlil.y lJ.luyu;.:ine, at Three Dollars t~ year 1 SPLENDID SELECTIONS of Oount1'lf (1t,:nl1cnw.n_) Oct.2t,di :i\lt. V~&n J>uz\~J", will be presented \Yith a premium of two olcgnnt Cbt·outoe, Cf)J"U1nu1ion pic;Lu['ef! u[ the two of Ebnil"a.; read a. paper on straw and ite: value, most desirable o.nd popular subjects in America of \vhtch the following is a sun1marj : - the Falls of Niagara a.nd Yose1nite Fa.llf'., Si;1,e He did Dot propose to recoinmend straw ~lone of pictures, lOb by 12~ inches. rrheRe elegant chromo~, CQpied from beautiful as a suit11bl0 f~od for stock, t~11t · rather to .. dis· pich:1.res painted from nature by one of the first cuss the relatiye value of str~~v and grtµ.n · to· D;<i'tists in America, give the most popular views .A .nd the boys in their boyish glee getber as con:tlHll'Ccl w:ith good hay. We Amer· of those interestinq and subli1ne objects, an<l 'Shouted with all U11~it· 1night, AT I ie::i.ns did not need, perliaps, .to study s uch a are faithful reproductions of the originals. The .A.ncl tnased i:lieir cap~ i_n the froBty air grttud old Niagara, with its imwe11se body of 8Ubject so carefully :is Euroriean ]armers, b'e· water fn,lling one hundred and sixty feet, send· '!10 show thcfr mad delig-ht ; en.use, as a rule, we . were not driven to practice jng ·:ip d~tu~e clou<l~ of spn-1.y tu refle(.;t iu Ll'ilhAuJ the wt"althy 'vodd looked ot1t the smne econ01uies; still it -..vas import,ant to nncy' Md beautythc 1-ivid CQlors of the rninbow, On the wintry world ~ o drea.r, µnderstand the bearings these questions had on )$ ~o cletil'l>' depicttid tilw.~ in inrngina.tinn, yn11 [ hear its nughty ron,r. The Yosemite, with its And thanlrnd the G-od of the rich tlrn.t thoy profits aull sa.ving-B. Cheese is ao:rnetimea i;,aid lofty m,ounta.inB to\vering to the silvery cloud, [ Nn colrl or want .need fc11r. to be a. luxury here; yet two-third.t: of the and its stupendous falls of sixteon hun<lrad feet, American product is exported a.nd used as food impre~.;;ing ~vi th it.:i n,wful grandeur, and tilling j 'Vatching the 8llO'W-fl11kes whirl, tho nnnd with delight and "\\l·onder. The L::idy Ulari~ stai1<l8, as a substitute for n1eah, because,-relatively,. it These two Chromos are the best pictures ever 1.if ting the crlluson curtnius Lack is known to be cheaper there, and n closer ~ttidy puOlished fo.r '.reri Dollars, a,nd will be sent, excediuglywche:lp and varnished, by mail 1 as a p1:emium mow1ted of the relative values of different kllu'b:> of food~ "\Vi~1 riclily-}~;wt:lle<l hand!!\; to OOA:h yea.rly Three Dollar subscribl'r to our Buoyant and hght !icc1ncd they, ·might show us that cheese is cheaper than meat l\1onthly .)lagazine. But not more rio than she, here. '\Vith us and in most now countries, "· -R~ea0£r,Jwst thi·nk, .'lrlVO be~.utif.u.l Chror1tfi8 of 11'01· lightsomc an·d gay wns her youthful grass is the nlmost exclusive food for stock, but ... 7Y-.iagnra and Yosemite. Th{'.SC pictures are veritable gcn1s,and wol'thy Siinplicit;lj in Con~tntction, Pmfection ot A.8 a :;now-flake's ever c.:onltl be . [lift!, in Europe necessity has compelled t.l:i,e people to of being enshrined in an· hoii.ored place ju arn use other n.rtfoles, a.11d thefr >itudy of the i:mhject homes. sides, owing to pMfect tens'ion on amt Stitc!t, alike o n They will be presented to yearly si1bOne nf a merry throng has a. value which ,\·e umy wisely diseuss. scribe:rs on rcceipt of 'J.1luee, and Eight Vv'ho met on thn.t ieJti\'e d:.i.y, lower 'l'lwead. \Vhen hay is very cheap, straw can be aave4 cbnts for postage, \Vith your full IH\llle ~IJHl a<lAll ord~ra for ' ]~·;eath holly, and ivy, and mistletoe bough, .RANGE OF WORK:-From Gauze to Be>tvel" Cloth by carefnl stacking, t.hrongh a se{i~ of years, ' dr~s. She laughed the hoµrs away, Every home in America shouJd poSl:>BBS the1;1:1 DURBILITY:_:Will life time .. It is most valuable, of course, when hay is high invaluable il1ustrations of art and beauty, nnd ./1 nd t:lw cold and i:;now- witho11t in~ a"nd grain ii:c cheap ; theD, by feeding grain, 110 person of fatste an<l entti_rpri~e ('-<tn afford to But inade those w.ithin more gay; be without the l\fodC'l Magazine, which baa wh.ieh h,; 1id1er tlmn lrny, with s~raw, whic:h fa Uh, who would not be like Lady Clara PROMPTLY EXECUTED been gl'e«tly tinla.rg1Jd ~~t~<l uow conl;ainsi the espoorer, we can supply a food which co~1blncl:! sentials of.all others, including the UEof.ul 1 the On merry Christmas -day J ~ill the requisites to animal heat and growth. .8ntertaining and the Beautiful, '\ Original But ·wherr, are the poor who ~well lvir. E. W . Stewart ~micl that as to the utility Stories, Poe1ns and PoTJul:i..r Music by tho a.uMACHINES DELIVERED AN-D INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. In hovel, aud httt, and cot't of cooking straw he had no doubt. Generally, tl)Ol'Elt tl1e only B.eli~hle l?ashion.s {inoluding full s1ze patterns), Hom~ _ rna.tters in a.ll their \-Vben the beautiful snow con1es thickly pe-rl1ftpi:i, it wa1; cnt too ripe to yield the best r~ A1s Agent for the well known deta.il0<, Gru:dening, A.rcb1tecture, and all tb.e [downi srllts, but cooking in a roeo.sure see1netl to r~· utilities, beauties and novelties of Literature Sorrow mu~t be their lot ; Fo1· 11 0 C.'l.l"t)ets of pile lrnvc they, store its good qualities, and he oonf!idered it. calculated to make our homes useful, attntctive S~WINC No cui·t:.i.ius of heav.y fold, cooked, worth about two-thirds as mn·ch as hay. and happy- profusely illustrated, a.ud a splen· did volume £01· binding for the centte-table at 'J'o keep from a war01 1 luxurious roon1, '!'he bef3t results .arc obtained in connection with the end· of the year. Single copiNi, 25 cent~. · We have also on hand rrhe slightest draught of cold. the steaming- of roots, oil-meal or bran, with Splendid inducements for agcmts an<l premiun1$ for clubs. Addres<i, st1·3,'\\;1 f:o1·11 stalkl'I pr hay, which makes handl·V ANZEll' SLET1'JCR .A, ,;1BBOTTS, AND BARCLAY S,E.WING lr!A CHIN It Ife[l.VY npo1l thcir hearts at W. J'J£NNINGS DEMOHES'l'. sou10 bi1ttcr when fe<l to cow1:1. · }~o,r· atoi:c ~took, , S38:Broadway, New York. :Falloth the sno"\\l··fla\{eS white; 1'traw is a cheaper food tba:n . hay, and a little ---~ The ,v-intry world in its festnl rohe MANUFACTURES PRICES .. Our Stock ·of G-Mernl Goods. is large, embracing all the N ove1ties of the added makes the feed equal to ha,y. IIe li:; tu tl1err1 no joyous sight. E1nliskillon, Nov. 24th, 870. ' Q iLJ;, ' > l!ld-aHj he necessaries as well. . nlS·tf had experimented v1.·ry carefully, a.nd was satisBetter tlrn s~lashing rain, FOR 1873. PictLrrC l!""ramei;~all sizes~IoultlinB's cif eveg style, VVT a.ll Paper- a splendi<l ~ssortt?::lellt now in fied that ten pounds of ~traw and two qu~t.'! of 'l'httt COVll1'8 witl1 HILld Ll10 $~Jlle~, !!tOek, .A largo l'Hlllply of -beautifully assorted '\J!; indo\v Shnde.i, Uhildren's Carri311es, Concertinas, fiue 111iddling,wa.<1 equal to or rather betterthru.1 HE GT.TIDE is now published Qua.rtcrlys 25 Bnu;bes, C0111bs, Looking G-Jar;~e's, ~iusic, l\.1a.gazines, ·violins, "\'jolin I3ows, "\"iohn 8trings,Paper .... Ar i'l:CE 'l'han the bitter cold that chilb the blovtl, cent~ pays for the year, four nuu1Uers,whi(.;b ten pounds of good hay. Ou.ti:; and Uarley Collars, l\"eck 'l'ie;;, Sch_ ool Books..- l)n.y Books, BibleR, H.nives and .Forks,l' l(nives, Razors, .A.nd freezes the "·ery bones. ThoR:> who n.ftcrwnn:ls scntl Spoons, and Sciss.ors. Chcapest-F straw were of a.bout equal value, next when.t, ifl half the cost. o_te !!aper and Euvdopes in the COllnh·y. .A.11 these, a.od a llWIJey to the au10uut of On e nol?tft1" or JOO!'B fol' tb<Jusaud other at,tiefes, tQ btioiind :at :l;.he V AllIEJ.'Y S'l'O.RE. '\Ve are always glad to sec Undt:r 1l , ln\vly roof, and rye last. ~fiddlings .nre better than 1ueal Seeds may nlso order Twenty-five cents worth fl'i.cnds 1 an. d think it· li.1-r:frouDlel:o 5h(l'\i,;·Q 09d2; £1,nd we gua.raotee o..s gGod value, o.t ~~slow prices In the thiekly-peopled' town, for young and store stock-it contains eighteen extra-the price JJaid for Lht.i G·1{iile. as anv other h.ouse in the trade. -:...- -· The sen1pstrcss lay on hQF cold, har<l bed The Janun.ry number h; beautiful, giving Are uow showii1g a full asso1tment of per cent. of muscle forming matter, meal only Parties wiah._ liig to. _ te_leg':rapJ; thuir frionds,~ulnY _rel,y 0~1 ~mv-ing tl~~r. bui:iine;;s <lone vron1ptly. . wouLD most respectfUlly t.endc1· his sin· pl1-1.o118 for 1uakiog RunJ,l Hnmes, Di-!f-ligna for Vlatobing the snow come down, Agent.~ fo:r Ipman L1H E""Of-~t~auiers, and ln1perµt.l J3u1ldmg nnd Saving So01cty. cero thanks to his n11n1e1·ous frieuds and tlln per e~nt. One to tvl"O pon1HL~ a day of oilJ )ining r.rablc Decorations, '\Vindow Gardens, · custon~ers, and to thu p~blic generally, for the !-l~r heritage,_toil and want; mca.l for young stock, was excellro1t. . . Cooked &o., awl eotiti;i.iniJ1g 11 m~"IH of information invery hberaJ. support he ha.:! t'.eceived. since his She stitched her life away, and uncooked straw are very different in va.lue. valuable to the lover of flowers. One hundr.-d Bowman ville, March 1-th, 1812. -,: , n 2:3 commenCing in businei:;s; and hopes by conti· ,,:\.nd was reiwliiug her weary jou;·tH:y's 1:m1l .A ..s tQ the gcnci·al value of cooking, it depended alld Ffty riageR, on fine tinted paper, smne hun· nued strick personal attention to buf:jin.e_sll, and dred engravings and a superb Colored Plate On- ll1crry Chriatma5.dn.y. · offering nothing but the purest articles, at the on.the runount of stock, whether it would pay anrl Chromo cov<~r. A fine lot of The first edition of Two mo~t reasonable prices, to ensure a couti.uuance - he tl1ought it woulrl hardly pay for lebs than Hundred Thousand just printed in Englis a.nd Ko _ luxul'ies ever '\Yere hers, of public patronage. ttln eows \Vith a. goo<.1 1Vppairn.tus th<.! German, and reacly to send out. \.Vbioh th e 1 ·i<:h cnn buy with gold; J. IL woulcl cuU special attention to his very .JA:\rns VICK, labor and expense in cooking for a la.rge stoi.:k is superior stock of Ile1· life was a battle, hand to hand, Rochester, N. Y . little 1norc tho,n for u. 1nnall one. VYith poverty, - want, and cold. Orders for the -Floral Ouhle may be left with He ha<l.Jound that sixteen pounds Of cooked Th1·ough the dren.ry da.ys and ycn,rs, 1-Ir. Uhaplin, of Bowmanville, or sent direct to Oct. Oct. timothy ht-i,y prodncerl as good results as twentywhich are Sure to give the bei;t satisfa<ltion. She had carried her heavy load, 1-tochester. Chaplin will also receive any ....:\.. ,.,-ell-selected sto$ ~lf fmu· pounds uncooked, tiven wUcn1 botl:i were . orders for see(h;, &c., and eccure their ea,rly de· .t\.nd re..-ted only on Sabbath-clays, cut. He :i.lso said that in a combination of liveIJ'. "\Vb.on she ~v enl \,o the house of Gofl, DRUGS, TlM.- " Good morning, Mike, shure and it i8 early out ye are. Might food, aixtcen pounds of oil ineal, bran and hay, CHEMICALS, But now that the ehd- h:id con1c, did as well aR t-v,.-cnty-four pounds of the san1e, I be bou Id to axe what started yees this morning." .And frotn hunger, a.ii<l pain, and ~old, uncooked ; hence his conclusion that cooking PATENT f.1ED1CINES MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, T~m, and I'll tell ye in a jifl'.y. Ye see, I was She ROon ehcmld ;u tu hei· Fa.ther':i house erI1:eLed a. saving of onB-thfrd. Second rate fod· tlmt Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home tould, yisterclay, BRUSHES, In the city payed with g'old.' cler-~-ha.Jf stalks and half poor liay-be llafl '1H i!ligant new stock »V Goods, clmpe as du rt, nmri, and its She knew the a~9tioos of light 1 COMBS, found to be worth more than ·tbti a.moll,n t meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the '.W"hich she had borne before, of the bcRt uncooked ha.y. He had tried this All t g be sold Chea})." SHOULDER-BRACES, chape goocb. And sure enuff, its the full store he has- piles V\r orkeU out au exceeding 'vejght of glory, fo1· ~fteen years, and i.v-~.-.i a~ wc:ll snitisfied of it Etc., Etc. SUPPORTERS, ~l.10 be hm'l'I for t'l\'el·1no1·n, and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the m1tkin's ·as of any fact h1 agriculture. l Ttiliziug straw nv an illlgnnt new gown for Biddy, for Siventy~five Cints; T,i,y kept constantly on han.d. h1 this wa.Y wuulc~ ena.ble the fn.rmers of Vl sst1\nd, instead of the falling snow, OILS, PAINT; eru ~ew Yol'k to make a large ~uuouut of Jnanfor most nuthin, a""l1d the Bac,,y for a tt'ifle less." She beheld another sight : /or BUTTER EGGS. ure ; it wa& a much better n1odc thap. to throw .t\.. vIBion of ttingel1:1 ooruing down, TIM.- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mike ; wouldn't the man he COLORS, VARNIIISES, straw into the barnyO.rd in the ordina.i·y way. .t\.rrayecl in glistening white. afthei· dov;rn." and WHITE LEAD, Th6 roannre was better, and p11rtieularly in the Melodious sounds sec1ned borne MIKE.-" Breaking clown, is it. Sure he knows a thrick wurth two av at the '\--ery lowest rricea. effect o'n the crop. .As to cooking for sheep, On the "".ings of the hc11vcnly throng, tluit. I'll jist:tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate Horses and Cattle Medicines; .And the:{ soothed tlie soul of the dying girl although smue faL·we1·F1 thought 11 ·shecp's grind1 . rntme when·yo'nre clcd, and be called tL filantrofized,filosifer, and N. D. -:--Counti'Y Stortjheepers supplied on the ers .equal to a burr millstone, yet he had found . \Vi th the angels' Christmas song, advantageous terms. a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre rntbours, and the rist av moat tha.t in 50 '(:\ol.Ul<ls of timotl~y fed out in the A choice s_clcction of L.A.l\.:IPS, for sa.le cheap Oh, brig-ht ·w as the htdy's lot U3lla.1wa.y,12 pounds "'-ere left by actual weight, mankind, about Grny'ri chape store, and you'll do ·more for the Bowma:nvillc, Dec. 9, 186$. , 6m On merry Christmas-tide ! but in feeding the same a1nonnt cooked 1 only ~ good av your counthry, than iver St. Ptctrick did for ould ·IreAnd short and sad was be.r lifo-story rmunds were ltift, and they were made up main· land, when he banished tLll· the toads aud snakes out tw it, that \Vho in the hovel died. ly of long- pieces which had esca1Jed the knives. niver ~vas in it.'> · But the h~dy's eaxth-born mirth 'rhe thnc will con1c, he thought, when large ~lust quickly pass a1vay ; TIM.-""I'm munh oblagecl to ye, for .the bit, aYabvice, and won't degrain farmers will keep stock, and then -.,...-ith a .And more blessed wns she '\Yho went to Cod stea1n engine for ~ta.tiooary work they can actain ye; there'll shu1'ely be a grate run, and maybee I'd miss Oo roc·r1·y Clidi!turns-da.y. co111plish much greo.ter results than now. 011e some .bargains. The top av the i:noming to ye."-l'rn off to _4..!\Uj (.Ll._ B.1-~CKWl'.l'H. wan couhl attend to 100 'cattle by the of Gray's. · · machjncry. Falllllers hnd done too mnch bY hand and in a small way. J.\fachinery will now l mi.pli'OVed · di.f:!f>Ose of an iJl1n1.Cnl'le a.mount of farm work, IN i\ and several thousand head of <.:attle can as t!ilsily _<\.._ ln,dy a15ked a gentlemnn who Wflf< Ruffcring fro1n influenzn, "My deru- sir, '\vha.t do you mie be kt11>t as sinnll in the old way. "'ls to corn fodder, lie said that he l'ogaxcled for your cold?" :' I~"ivc haudkerchiefa a day, it, easily cut., less its water, AA about as good n.s madA.rn.·i hay. Chiver is worth more 'thru~ co1·0, but do~i\. tipsy follow who mistook with ver and l~orn togetht:ir are wottb 1no1-e tban do· }t;itter~ un · i t fm· the queen of night, ~xclaimed : ver alone, and lt makes a letter bn.J11need food. "I -..vill be blest if 80J11~Lndynin't stuck an n.d· VYhen farmers learn to soil, they will find that vertisement on thr;: u1oon." one acre fa equal to four pasturccl,- a great conA. l~adical politicil~n at 'Vl1it.ewater, \Vii:., solation in a dry season. '\\Tot.., two letters after election. One wal'l t:n 1'-Ir. Lewis iuqui"r.·e~i the ~oet of ar!pO.l'atn8 fnr his sou containing the single \ford "Hurrah," 50 or 100 hGad. · the other full of con:,;ol:=ttion to a weeping friend 1vir. Ste'\Yart sa,icl hB bad fed 50 bead '\vit.11 a who had jn:->t lost .his \vife. In hiis excit~1n e nt :JO inch cylinder boiler, and it took eight cords he got thetn mixed U1 direeLing llnrl the· result of hemlock wood for the winter, · ..!ill engine Ta,iloring under the charge of Mr ciln be i1naginecl with a rot ary r.1tu~n box will rost $600, 61· the That was a, very tcnde1·-lieiuted 1ria.11 11car apparatus for 100 head might cost $1,000. But W. S. JHEDDOWCROFT, an Pittsburg ,',,·ho, m1 being told of his wi£e, who the sa\'iug .in one winter will pay for this. The 11ad ldt the house only an hour before, that her .larger the boiler the le:;s the comparO.t.ivc oust h(1dy wa:i frr1.111d a mile or so below, Raid, "She _.o f fuel F ifteen cord.a for· the ""inter would be nn:ist have fiu:1.k d dnwn q_nite liYcly ! ,, sufficient fo1· ~" 1,000 dollar apparatus. .A cylA.ta Surn.lwy·8Chool examination the teacher inder boiler would c.:ost about 65 dollM8, 01· put -~~l:e1l a boy whether be could forgiv_ c personr.i up complete, with cocks, etc., and sta~ding 30 lJOlU1ds pressure, Would cost about 100 dollars. fhlm L<)ndoti, England, also for mall.)" / who ha.d wronged him. ·' Uolllct yon," sai4 the teacher, " forp;ivc a 'l1he st.earn box shoµld l;loJ%1 about two and QncYN<l"S .conducting fashionable boy, .(QJ·\:~amrilc, whn had insulted a:nd struck -lialf bushels for each heacl, but if larger 1 there Etablidunents in C'1tUL<fa. · ,~·ould be no neee1:1J:!ity of euuki ug n.~ often. The V Jl1 ?" ~ ~· -~{e- e,'i, 1'ir,~ ' replied the lad vCry slowly, "I rotary steam box was -gre1:1rtly pr~ferable. ..A. box holding the steu.m perftjctly would be best think - I -could-. if.-he WM bigger tha.n I of all. :Food wouid keep warm forty-eight ... i\._ big fu,t "'-on1an, hailing from Indiai1a, at· hours in the steam box in the coldest weather, ten1pted to 1 '38ccnd the sto,irs in one of the De· und ""'·ill nut fer1neut ·i f thOt'nnghly . Rtean1cd or troit hotels, bi1t rnissi.:d her footing and rolled cooked ; hence cooking ia not necesaa.ry daily. un to tbe landing, mr..king n. din '\Yhich . startled It should be fed warni. :H'or 100 cowi5, a man eve1·y oue in the offitl:'. " Gra.cjuiJa s:i,live ., 'hut should have two ro"'-\i of stalls and feed from a I ]~ope you are not much huri?" excla.iined thf;j ctH·; it will soon cool in that way, but it is bet- MADE AT A FEW HOUR'S NOTICE terrified. clerk. 1 ' I hurt?=· she replied, smiling ter to let it stand a day before ft!edi~1g. 1 blauclly, · not a bit of it, bu~ you. better go lip a.)1d take o.f that pair_of staiJ:s ! " Cheap Vegetable Cellar. .A.n Indian~ man took'. a friend home to tea FITTED Wl'l'H TH E NEWLY INVENTED. tLe nther evening, without giving his wife noSi11k <I.. La.rrel twU·thinlliof its depth iu the tice. '!'hat night she tuJ.Ke<l heri;elf iutu n. pn.- ground, (a. box or cask \vill a.nsv,·er a bettor pur· rn.lysis of ~he. tongue. Now· all the men in the poise;) heap the earth around the pa.rt projectneighborhood are aentling for friends and }a.king ing out of th~ ground, 'vith a slope on all sides; An invention having a most important hen.ring on the future reputation the,UJ home a.~ n.11 holii-o;, but the women iue too place the vegetables that you desire to keep in the ~·esgel; covet t11ti top with a water-tight sharp, and retain a most dogg,_er.1 silerwe. of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volutue of tone is very largely increased, and the quality of ton e rendered As the early 1norning train Qon:n\v up at cover; and when· winter sots in, throw an n.rm. the first station, a pleasant looki!Jg gentlelllan ful of stru.v.'i hay, or .something of the sort, . on Bowmanville, Oct. 3, 1872 ml If the bottom is out of th~ cask str.ipped out on the platform, and inhaling the tbc barrel. or barrel it will 'be Petter. Cabb~ges, celery, fresh air,enthus:iDstically observed to the brca111· 1nan, "Isn't this invigorating?" "No, ;;;;ir, it's anJ other vogetablei:i Will keep in this as fresh The eelery Betheli" the c ouscientiou~ employee. Tho a.s wbi;ii taken from the grounc.1, should stand nearly perpel).dicular1 celery and y Jlea8a.nt-looking gentleman retired. earth alternating . F1·cedoril fron1 frost, case .A few days since a f:!eetly person applied. to a of nccesfl, and especially freshness and freedom wealthy citizen for help and received the s1nall Our celebrated " Vux Celeste," " Louis Patent," "Vox Hunuma " " \Vl!from rot iue th~ w:lva.1\tt'Lger:~>, d{l.imed. sum of five cents. The giver remarked ns he cox Patent" " Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or " olarionct ' handed him the pittance, "Take it, yoll are Long Furrows in Ploughing. Stops, and welcon1e, om· e nr~ are always open to the dist1·essed." " That xnay be!" replied the recipi.,_'\. 1J ennan ~gr:icultural journal print.s a ple:i cnt, "but never hefore in my life have I seen for long furrow8 · Tht1 turning of the plo"Y and Offers for sale one of ·the most extensive a.ncl complete assortmer1ts of ~o timall an opening for such large ears. i· the cominencing of a new furrow require more Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. Can be obtained ouly iu these Org,ins. A. rustic poet sendf.I to an excl1an'ge the follow· exertion in the plo-..vo;i.M and the team than con· . ing }Joem on a" Squi.rl;" rc1nal'1dng thnt he is tinned -...vork in a straight line; and liow bl'l'eat l'hfrty~fi:ue Different Styles, ; ~wa-. e tlrn.t the last line is a 1'.ittlc too long, which ,1. may really be the loss of time from frequent . inhe says ii; not hi'.i; fault: terruptiuns in r-iliort tur)1:; rnay Lt: i;hown Ly Fm· the l'arlor and the Ghm·ch, "_ The Squirl .i,\.tn a very Nice bfrd, the following calculations :- -.In a field 225 feet long, five and a-half hours out of "ten ai·e used .And has A bushy Tale. HE,~E MARKS ARE THE tilfllAPW.S'l', 1'/w JIuleriat antl Wm·km an.sii'ip , - He so1netimes sits Opon a lim, in re-directing the plc~'v; ¥ii th a length of 575 the. most lasting, the troublerome, a.nd .A.nd s01netimes On .A. i·ale, feet, four hours are sufficient for th~ purpo~e ; ·uw~t complete ever i11vent1:1tl. ~!'he y ll.r·e Ufj,efl Qm(Uiiy o;nd Volm ne of l'one Une1jtt(1.llr.r/ . .A.utl Getl1ers uutf:j in Tbe ~nn1uier So thait ~nd when tlw t:low i.:it~l p rooe,t'l \tjtl1out inter: nnd recon1menclod by nHmy of the best Breeders Lis 'Vintcr stock Y\7 out fa.le,:: rupticm.for 800 faet, only one and a-4alf hollrs in th~ U uited Stct"tei:\ ru1tl Ca.uadi:i.: suc:l::i. _1i. <:1 G. B. Loring, Su,len1, l\:[ass., President New.England, ....'\. ~IoDEL J .. E1'TER·.-'l'he following wa..-, '\vl'it- of the ·daily ~vorking time are con~unuid . -JVfr7. "\Vbol Gr0'\(.·e1-s' Socitlty; J ob11 S. RQA;i, llenue~ ien by a father to his son in collCgc : pin, Ill. ) l:>rofessor lVL 1-Iile.s, of the State Ag-· " ~fy dea.i· .son-I write to send you uew IioMru, Dec. 15.-Thc Comn1ittee of tl1e ricuHut·iJ.1 Culfoge, !Jrl.!1fling, JvJ.ic:h. j 11011. Geo . Brown, Toronto, O;nt. ; John Snell= Ed111onton , seeks your pJur n1othf"1' knit for you by cutting ChnmbcT of Deputie8, who had nude.r Ont, On enf:h l\fai:k is stn.mped the Owner's down some of mine. Your 1110tber t:it!li(ld you name a.nd the Sheep'g number. 'lJ1ey will be GEN'l'LEJHEN'S SUITS made to order i11 the latest and most ttp· I tt:ll dollars without 11\Y knnviledge, an<l ~for fea\' ! con8iderutiou 1.he Religious Corpnr;;1.tio11i:i fifl l'.l t f1·ee, bi 1nail, rn· express: for o·nly fou.1·enttr: proved rna11ner, and on the shortest notice, from Fashionnble and careach, and will last for TWEN'l'Y Y~.Ut8. \.YOU wonlU not s.pcnd it 'visely I have kept ba1.:k Bill, yefiterday al.1oJ_Jtec1 a res?lut\on de· :Factory and Warerooms, Cor· 6th aud Congress street s, Detroit, Michigan fully selected Clothes and Tweeds. The btest-New York Fa.sliion Plates w· Cash u111st acco1npany all orders. h:.tJf and only send you fi \'e. Your own moth- cluring that the GuppTe.$sion of t11e Society (Established in 18f.i0.) ARCIHBALD YOUNG, JJ\., rcg~lm-Iy ·received. f!l' und I ar~ Wt~ll t'.XCept that your sister hns g-ot· of JestU:!, including tJ1e , cJiit~ i eHlnblis1nueut Sarnia.1 Ont. tl1e nlCat;lefl, w}1ich ·~roulcl spi·ead among the of the order in Ron1_ C , ,vns irnporativc:ly de· Orders addressed to the )fEROHN'f and Onotl1er gil"ls if 'J'om had not hw:l th!.im before, Sl!~R"-Elt Office, for. any qua.utity, vdll be filled at mancled by the intei:ests .of tbe nation. The tbe above-mentioned price, as quickly n.s the and he is the only one left , I hope you will announce.1nent of t j1is riction "'·as receivecl Mar.ks can be made and sent. do honour to my touching, if you do not you C. BAJ1l{l~H.~ are a donkey, and your mother and I your by the liberitl _ clr.putierii wlth Cnthusiu~t.ic Bow1mmville, Aug. 21st . 1876 rn47-o34-tf. bp-o23-m45. · Hampton, Nov. 5 ~h 1872. applauee. .Bown1n.nville, Dec, 28th, ij71. ly-ml3o ;iffection;ite pn.rents . " \V'birling a.ucl dancing down, The snow caine on in tlw nigl1t, That day 1night dawn on the earth atra.yetl In its holiday robe of wl1ite ; .And it rested on field o.n<l town, :Decking the earth like a bl'ide, Till ttll see1ne<l rneet the dri.y to greet Of merry Christmas-tide. (In u~...nadian .Fa~mer,J Olirlstma.s-Tide. Straw and its.Value. MODEL MAGAZINE, contains the THE esseutial of all othera :proftisely Ulustl'ated, tl'C -Fl:JLL ·StJ.::c~J>°tY~ · · Fa.ll a.nd. Winter Goods, D. ,V. ~ICLEOD'S, GENERAL " STORE, POIN'I'S FR CASH, Ease of opM'ation, bot upper a :Equally a.d.a.:pted. to Family Work, Dress a.nd. Shirt Making, TaiJoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimmip.g, &c. Tailor EVERY Agents, Yellowlees -- MACHIN,E WARRANTF!D. & Quick. FIRST-PRIZE WANZER MACHINE, VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, T DRUGS AND MEDICINES Bowrhanville Drug Stora . J. HIGGINBOTHAM, JE & W . J . McMurtry & Co , · . . .- . )"EL!,;.,WOLEES & QUICK .. DRY GOOJ)S AND l\;IILLINERY. A T. CHIT- CH. [Tim Bra.dy. a.nd Mike FlynnJ DYE ,STUFFS, Cloth and Gents Furnishing --- -o--- -A full Stock of 1S72. 1S72. FRESI-I G ItOCERIES, Hi17ltest p1·ice paic and ·. SAL~ AND PLI\S'l'ER AL'\VAYS ON IIAND Sign of the Golden Lion, :Bowm.a.nville. FALL GOODS Simmons &i Clough Organ Co's Crumbs for Chiokens. Jo~GR!I, Noted for cheap Goods. Tyrone. Large 'Variety. Cabinet Organs AND · Just Received. EXPERIENCED ·' tj · · CUTTER ~ 1 am.,. MOURNING SUITS RICE & BARKER F. Y. COWLE. agents for the best ORGANS on tbe Continent. <J5nmh <tnmhinafinn (lJ) rnanri Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, HENRY ·ELLIOTT J u111·. · Equal to tbat of t h e Best Pi1le Organs of' the Same Capacity. ----o --- Hampton. ~ Ul .Dana's Patent Sheep Marks T Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, ect 0 CD · ~ ALL THE LA T E IMPROVEMENTS - - - -o----- - - ---o---- H. ELLIOTT JUNR. RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. I - -~