· ruE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Oi.rculates largely w the To ;vu hil.lfl of Darling ton Chnke and Cart"'Tlght. I t is a commo l 1 latfo11n oµ cn to the free disc U!Slon of all ques t ou:-i l h1ch the general I ubl 1.: ~ e conccr e l IE RM~ WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing Office, Krna SmEET BovntANVlLLE Seventy five cents )Jer annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME l\ BOWMANVILLE ONrp_RIO FRIDAY JANUARY 3 1873 NUMBE1' PUSIERS p AMPHLE rs CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES\ ~ HANDBILLS I ABELS CARDS TIUKEH3 · &c 'ilcSz;c xn EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. ar separated by a pe1 ' st l 1 ca li a 1 le wile The ne v Im b01 is tl e be t a1 d most frq ente l It rn lartl er hon Prn~h o the I urt f1om wluch' e had JI st :i.ri c 1 than the old I arbor But we h d CORN WHOLE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' CH AN E OF rc I)'.! E FOR SALE POETRY. The New Year OR CRACKED TAILOR R. 7 30 a.. :o 3 3o 7 i>o"> 'P n1 John McDougall PE .A.TB:, Bo~ RELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance Society EST '..BLISHED !840 0ANAl A CHIEF 0FP1Cll;S \_ n othci bright bu lding ) o mg year If as da '1 cd o ourp lgr ma..,e ay A. 1 d ' tl ts new talents ap1 ru P iessed close into life s I ttle daJ l"> ast \ least res na~t labours n a.y please Y ut e f o l"y"1llsufl: e On and after l t nc 24th trn us will len\ c the Bo mnnv1llc St t on is Jollo" C10 ING 1VE 'I' GOTh'G UST Gentlemen s & s Garments 131 ST J AMl;;SSlll.EEI MONTRJ AL IQ "P.~1.sHc go :tvfa 1 l\( cl Mal 7 ?O a..m 1 Mail 9 20 · m J\iured 3 '.l5 I Passe1gor 920p n 1vfal 4 MUEINTHF. l'IEWEST STYLES DIR1JJCTORS W ALTE t SHANLi: Esq 11 P DUNCAN M ilCDONALD Es :i. Oh ll"lIH1n 900pn ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. MAJOR T ll C<MlDELL, 9 B St lHE IIo:{OB~LE liwMpool London, and Glasgqw RESIDENT SECRETARY - b rg, Ont JOHN .tlAWLTON Ha.wl J.u Eo Hilar o i:i Gr \N' Fon 1 SPECIAL FEATURES . THE ENTTRF. PnoFITS belong to and arc div d ed amongst the Poi ~Jlwl4c s Y ouug fr e1 <ls wl o tl +.:!Se pa0cs L er se J l JOyn eut tl a.t notl g ~ 1 c1.ll bl 0 ht A n ] v s lon real goodness to choose I eJo cc n the gor of yot th . NOTIC}i:. JOHN McDOUGALL Bo '1nanv11le June 5th 1871 tf 3G I 18 orth more than s 1 er o golJ 0 g e I to God ·nd to t bl Y o r talents increase tl 1rty fol] 0 tna.) tbu G e<J.t G1 e1 of qooU lJ cear:i gly le ei jo b sto v LIVES DEOLINRD BY OTH:ER 00}11 \.NIES 01 Q All 1 r!!OnH tresr ::i.ss1 ~on the propeity known s Fo i.l<len M lls "' Jl be prosec ted und& a tpecial wi rrongcmcnt h1ch an ext1 a P emium would be ~ eq1 cd can be af!snred a.t ti. c ordi iary rates of this Society RR LOSOOMBE BARRIS11JJR AT LAW IJOLICJTOR lN Cl!A N(JERY &c 0FYJCE - 0 SPECIAL NON FORl!Ell \DLE POLICES ml:!uod under' hich only 10 15 or 20 Ann al Pay roe~;; are req U'ed ea.cl1 1 a.:yment 1:1e mll'lg a ~olicy for a sum assured pror ort1onate to tl e number of pru.llll lllJ! p_a1d au, . Ij ee f o lUO:;it 1' futu c Xlll 'JJayment of p~nM-ffrli.s a8 I lt-t B1rmaco n bi>: Deutu.l Room~ er 11:cClw gs 8tore .same fiat ly ' ~fODERAT.El'l .. EMIUMS aul OllS 1 be:tal D evo i tly and et neatly Heek ] ach lay of the Ne ~ Yen.r to b A !'I v se a8 our Master as meek H. cdecm g the t me k t ul:l tra t:l Bo"'"'ll ani. ille Oct 27th 1808 cht OQ RHYME AN:O LIME. Lime fron1 the West of the ve1 j best 1' ot beat n auy quarter JJ.Jn e thn.t ~ill always stand the test ' ' l en making into mortru I ill try n.nd keep ·good supply Foi l t 16 always wanted That ;vhcn you nll come 111 t o. buy Y..o 11 not be disar po J tel Yo l w1-ll always find 1tttlry and fresh Ptospect lf!OB P1'0posa.l ] 01mH &c ~ur p l cd ap1Hcat on a.t the Head ()fl cc or at) Qf tho .Agencies ..,. A d all about tJ e best of Lune A l ttle Rhyme ca.m6 J IBt in time JAMES GHANT Res Secretary AGEN'.L l OR DOW MANVILLE C H \RKllR Observe Office Km St \ 23 ly )3owm rnv1llc Tune 21th 1870 3V 0 1' a r 11ctl cs hereve1 v. e 0 0 ~ e olve by Omn1poten~ r3.ce I n HIB na.rne tu t1nuk Sl eak and do E re lor g tlLe t.l n c 1. ta n of flesh "N o v v d g the future sball 1 se 1) l.'"Clos ng the dtiwn of a besh S ' eet happ) new yea n tho slCICs EMIL !:C S eeJ css ~ew Ta,ilor Shop. A'.LE WIIH] Y lOWLE begs tom L .r the I ubl c g n rally that he has com mencetl b s ness in the Sho1 next to tho El(" f JOHN HEAL, So cv1ne along and trf this Lune But don t fo1gct tlie monej Ho isofdeh !P'J fromN1nearo tolodr1 ru Uorne1 of Queen ::m._d., ,_ Ou.ta.r o Street Bowmanv1llo M111 Aud th at is sornetbmi;> b~ Imperial Fire Insuranc! Co OF IONDON and St CLIPPINGS N 11e 1 un1an be n ~~ d anl thcmseh ~s trl (F JStabhahed 1803. ,\HEAD 0FFlCES - 1 Old l3 wuJ St THOS BOWDEN '.l .q aU 1vfall London no24 tf GESERAL ch 11th 1871 death from si:indry casks of bquor washed nshoro near Po1tland Englcmd horn the wreck of the RoJ al Adelarde Srnce the Har 1826 not a arngle first class occ pied d \ elhng house in Boo:>ton bas Leen burned to tbe gro und lhrs \HU! Sacrament ~GENOY FOU ~Iontrea.L CANADA - 24 I ress Offico one loor tmi,;t of T .b-I lnc s Hav ng had aeveral years expe1 e ce u tl e trade he lopes to sat sfy-- all :vho may fa ot Fund £! 965 000 Sterling Subscr bed «.nU i11vested Cap tal aud Reaerv d hin v th a call BEAUTIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S re th Ext aeted at Tw-enty five Cents B GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Howm"m Ue Se1 4tb 1872 m49 tf ] unds invested in Canada- 105 000 · sertcd in the MasQn.cbusetts Honse ot lte Inaura.nceB against loss by Fue are effected on presentatives tl e otl er 1av on thr. auth or the most favorable tmma B.Jtd losses pa.id with ity ot a lead ing in ranee official o t reference to the Board in London as J DODSWORIH iltll:!I tl1,,'to1 RI:><IOUL BROS Gen Age1 ts lvlontreal CH.ARLES TOD, l{ooms o e1 :&'IcOlung Il na vill c Oct 1 t lti70 0$ Stores 1 I he ed tor of 1 he 6cranto (Pa ) Free :BBEAI> ANI>13ISCD'I'1' DA.EBB S. G. WEBSTER, L D S V EAl R R LOSOOMBE Barnster Agen for Bowmanv1lle and V1cimty 36 1 rr:ss rr ade free :with the cba,racter of a lvirs no,vma.nville .June 14th 1860 mo 43 39 4w I UST 011 JOE 'l'IME CORRECT 1 BOWMANVILLE Urde ~ P 1 otually Atten l J. lo 11' Oct M 1870 Al,.ICTIONEERS Foi tht Townshi11 of Da1 lvngton S lkman cbargrng h er w·th having eloped wrtl anotl er won ans husband Upon this Mr H 0 Silkmou and I is brother m faw \mted tbc ofttce TheJ began by admm1steung to tie edrto1 corporeal p rn 1sl 1 ent of the sc c1est dcscr pt on !:Inv rn g attended to bis case theJ then upset the to.sos n ti e composing roon1 smashe.i the 11 las ng stance. nnd p ed tbo office gener llJ All U ' sho s that uewopa1 ers 1 search of a sen atron sho tld 1 ot ailo v tl e1r ln1ag naL ous L o elope w1t h the1n An J ngli·b correspondent gives the Jol lomng c irtous sketch of I on l\1oltke 1 German' s g eat genernl While gorng to church I no Lice 1 IJea:i: rne in the n1form of a l'.'teneral officer so :ne o 1e -who 111pre ss~d n1e at fn ::;t as the yo lngest: blondest and slenderest general officer I e'er sa \ [ln<l. tried to d \lne ho\ pro1not1011 could 1 n.ve II T PHILLIPS, H\t.U ION r e son SURG 0 N DENTIST ha e At t 6c al Teeth ti at 11HftOSE th·t 11 lo ell tog eroea. call -w CORRECT H HERE 1 !on t ti HERE "II HY 1 WIIERE TEETH GUARANTEED A PERFECT FIT m the most difficult cases S G \"i L. hua made CO_f-lNISH aT ~ 0 en1ents Wm.. Barton, E]f.NISKILLE:N'. :-.\:des 1 o J tly :i.rttender.l, 00 on ro 'l..SO l~~ has been ery succcssful 1n insert llJ t g o~ 1;: 1 by · AR'llFICIAL PALATE S the MONTREAL OBSERVATORY EVEU to get correct tune f 01n been so rap LI. u an army where every FOR LIVERPOOi, & QUEENSTOWN \1 he.re they have b ec1 l iJt of Royal i\'la. l Steamers srul Yo k ev ery Sa.tuNaJ anl vcr:r Thu a lay Iicl ets sold to an 1 from Bn0 lan l Ii la11 l and tl e 001 t1nent at as lo '1 \ NLINE l .N1 1g fro n Ne Don 01 rat s as by i1ll) otl e:r li l.C YELLO\HEI S & QUH3K Ageit Jol n G D-ale 15 TI:r lw ) :NeM l' ik Bow Dfl. v no June Vtb 18"1 BE.Al: lIFl:J GOLD ULuINGS ""rt an v1n nc1le tl 1ug lt:i regular I looked ag un and the d S~Me or FRIDAY lVlORNING, quick elast c step and slendei almost "o are the iesul~'f con0 en1tal defect a.U may get 1t but pe:r) ar s it wo 11 take one of ina1 hkc wais t con trasted strangely ' ith If Jo ..~ e your h'alth those famous h ~ r.'.l.nk Inch l not ced to be that a. t 01 full gcuernl On looking 11 to hts f1c-e I neglect yow 'l'EE1'H, MODERATE "Ii!lgm" "Russell" Watches Get tle IIUE t e t o l Bo v1uo r v lle to keep it cor1ectlJ J Jones over Sto10 Ku1g S t1eet PRIOES } } Mc~thurs B.001.ns formerly occ p ed by I L. CORNIS:EI'S JAMES BIGHAM, Pamte1 G1 ..z1er Paper Hang_er &c &c ork I romptly atte11 led to and sfa.ct101 gua. -antee l Rer.::1dence-Next door eaatef tho B1blo Ch1IB a~t Howmar ville July l th 1872 m42 ly Just Arrived AI A ll ku1Us of t = Ohurcl TYRONE who coute1nplate ma.ktng con vspape1s for the s :r;t on of A lvertisements sho lld send to 1t] 1 e persons Allt1a.cts -~ MASON' Ladies and Gents Sa1 atogu T1--unl; s ti o I ARCES I and Bl SI UlSOrtmc t of s 1 yroi c M" ch Stl 1869 ?2 tf f@ r Geo p Rowell & Co Gire lat or endose 2 ~l'AGE v;as st 11 more s rprrned to 1ecogn1ze G·en I on Moltke We contmued on lo the chavel door t ogether I..:Ce lS a nan of fe\\ word s ot a s1 1gularly yo lthful cxpreS!'lIOn o[ counte a ce and e'e altho gb one know s that he. ia !'l.e~ entv ) ears of age an d hean time Imes mark his face it i· hard to shake ofl tie idea that Ire is a l oy He has a hght :-1.nd 1Jearly t1ansparent coroulex1011 a clear bl 1e eye flaxe ha1r 'vh1 te e) ebro\\ s and no beard English cind Cl}rry g: tQe Oa ALLAN -i. l a.n anU 1: nte 1 S tatcH nit l LINE ~ ONl-h B;U)i':OJ..!>D LIVERPOOL·LONDONDERRY·CLASCOW PJ\ssengers Booked Through to Lon don Pans Hamburg etc Dates of Pl\ssagc fro1n BowmanVlllti to L1ve1 I ool or L ondon lerry Cabm 878 t o $88 accor 1 ing to accomiuodat1on St e1age $29 50 PER GLASGO V L NE 1k vn n lle to G asgo and bac.:"k () l m ~ fil360 Intern1cd1ate 89 00 Steui gu o 00 ( ertiticat s ssu <l t /) isons le rous of pi:o l?ayn g the Passage of t tr fr e1 <ls t0 CM Ml& The 1.'l.St tra1 n connect n_g ' ith the stcnmsh p to L1verpool le<He8 Bo n anvJllc e cry Fnda.y at 7 35 a m Mm t eal t me he can keep h1s mouth shut and thereby to be fo J.1n lov1 finn are :i,:iroprietors of th'! American Ne' sp tper defv all our art~ to wile t secret from ln1u ---o--\dv rtu ng Ageucx:, An early call will ensure a good choice \i rery calla lhe11 I oor afflicted bemg· oJ 41 Park Row New York and a.re possessed of un equaled fac hties 01 ~e creatw n who seem to sohcit tbe pity ol bap A con plcl e stock of cui ng tho rnseit en of ad' l:!rt1sement1:1 in all pier unu1 lls Not al it of it An oyster Nev. I a1 crs and Peno heals a.t lowest rates Harness, November 9th 1871 is as happy atte1 it s own fasluou a.s any oth er annnnl When tl e spatting time ar Whips, nves the oyster s send to b e sick or MARRIAGE LICENSES. m lln Tl s appearance is lue to the Saddles, etc H:ISUl D llY acct n1ulat1on of the spat which lS in its o l 1 md as us al nl ea1l1e1 stages of developu ent, of a creamy ROBERT ARMOUR Bo wrn ';tll illc Sep 31872 as contalll.lng Lists of a 000 Nev. spapers ru d est1 inzj;es shQ vu g tho coat of adveit ~ n0 NJ.1:30 ma.ny useful h nts to Mlvertisers and some ac co nt of the exp eriences of rper who are kn1Jwn PAMlHIEI cents for the Tim elling Bags Shawl St1 aps Values OYSTERS Au oystei rn not so stup1cl as he looks SDCCJ SSFUL ADVERTISERS 'J'l o etc etc Bowmanv lie Dec 10 18GD c BOUNSALL, t Pa.re'W'ell, Ha Gee, & ltu.'tl.edge, an nature t t.a.:,u1neg tl tt appearau; c of the ac rapmgs of a slate pcnctl the parent oys $25. n:erwA:a.:o. B I MPOH'.LJ DE U,Jm MA:><UF AC'.L URl!: B ·II ti van t es of Tbw s caused b) th e lllJ ri ads of yonng oys Solic1toro Conveyancers NotanesPubhc ters scatt ered 1n e'\'. ery dnect101 No soon 0.ll .u lCE \.l' DoWM.A VILL~ 0 er b-Ir Mcl\!ur rye: Store 0Fll'lCE IN 0SlIJ NA- F st l !!' mth of t l Post Office "\1oney to loan at- low rat s of i l t' e t BARRISTERS AIIORN EYS ter then open its shell,and a k r 1 of in st1 ncss 1s obser.; able In the surrounding water Italian & American Marble \ ln,rgi::i n. 1 cl 01ce selection of er are these tiny c1eatur0s free fiom their n1otLer than they ass1un c the most ac tive Monuments & Grave StoneS: al a.ys 01 1 m d of supe 01 wotkn a.nal1 p and a.t Jo,vest i 11ces Thlontio~ E I RE\HLL I I B J AM..t:S RU'ILh:f.>uB Bo u an' l lt- Dec 17th B 1869 R 1 No Wrought or Cad I1on Fe;nces fur enclos1a,, b rying lots :E'ro :Bono :E'ublico. \.LL KIN.DS OF DR. DAVIDSON, tor a College Cob urg U ldel"it'1'ad a.te an l l?!lZe nan of tl e U1 :\e1s1ty of Ioronto,_ and UlJ. vc -sty f Queen s Cullege K1nbiston.. 1"1 r d r of the College of .Ph ) s ans and Surgeon uf Q1 ta o Surge 'Y and Rcs1de1 ce ou K ll.s\ Street second door east of i\'Ir Th.faynarJ. B v1nn.nv lie Oot 5th 18 l "' Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces \. call 1s and enc1gel c state of life an<l i 10ti01 clar.c J g a 1Cl g, rating up nU dO'\\ n in eccentr c McGEE B A col u 1 as nudges plav 1n l e evei n1g suu A bcan1s Catch a fe,11 and place them unde1 m&o a m1croscope a \d you \vill cc a t once bow exqulSlteh the hand of tl e Creato1 bas fash10ne l them A pair of tmy shells the cou1 terpurt o!., those of the 1 a l ti er O) s tcr enclosea tl e 'et I d111e itar; organs while affi e<l t tl e mantle is a k nd of trny coro net cou11 o eel of 1 n1u 1tc han 1 kc ppen hbe (c1li ) flle v1ole1 t and 1.:c lselesc ' 1 brat 01 cf tbe!'>c I \i 1 g pa ld1e:-: Ser\ es to Ull of tie Roy ·l College of ply GRADU s1cmns of E qla.o 1 ~ l Un1ve1s tY of V1c kc1 t un J '1 1 v 1 vro ght to Ol lei es1 ctf 1 y c .I este l at tl e wo l s T.AK.NN OUT \ND October J.st 180~ Jq g St e t I ou ianvill. 1 tf Cured without the Use of the Kmfe, by IO tho prcuuses_of the subser et Lot No I ,_, in the ll:it Cu uf Dn. 1 gto1 on the 12th wst CO\.V icd and vh1te Ihe awn s )l tt. 1 STEAY!l:O To Sell, or Rent. DR B. PAT TERSON, of BowmMJville STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE m A l he best of reference s given Bo llu e Solina 1hc nbove s iable ta l {or. a la. Lor a d Ge ientl Store and olsewbcrc Office o C:h h St1-eet tl V1lla.,,e of is a de 1l vma1 i.. ro tie I I 1nt oy ote np lly from plnce to plocu Sbo l l t be tbc <lest y of one of tLeQc hflg le be111gs lo becotne 1.. steady "ell b Laved oyster rt ( nally settles upon some &. l table re~lu g place to which it n a] ca lselJ fast no oi c \i erycleiuly kno vs ho\\ - b.) t'lte 11lcr 'al\ie 01 shell The bn s tl e like oars 01 c1ha no l ou 0 er of unv uhht) llsappea1 and i o v a pc11nnnc nt fix t ue t he b \Uv o stm: be::i1ns to 010 v At o I ai tic lars a.1 plJ t-0 Bo\\ man tlle Feb 22 18""2 mQ ul2 ly 1cq iestcd to pro c properly 1 ay e:xr i scs and Oct 02o I If by lette a.J<lress Solu :MR WM '\ ERBY & sel As I have mentioned I had already been ex.ista nt present that so far as I could hear details o( part1 twice asked to drne by Maroo before but S rch Ht s t\ pot tlon of the conversation I cular cases they had all been lost r eai the at Derther ltmo been able to accept I bad had with the car tam of an EngllSb slnp m r ver no reason to conclude that the 1nv1tat10n the ver a 1dah of an hotel, overlooking tl e 'l heo;ic facts were ot co rse strongly 111 had i ot been given m good faith But on harbor ol Prngho I had 1mved rn Cbma favor of the conclusion tl nt the men I afl c a.nuniag the matter V·ilth my susp1c1ons ~ h cb the Golden Land of Ame 1ca bal ob only ti at day Re had been m harbor near been kidnapped aroused I fo md ont that both Ill) preVJ.ous ta1ned got n ea rly as ma.1 v enlr1e as sl e I~ a month I was travellrng partly for my In the harbor there were Chmeso Jl nks nv·tat10ns bad been for days on which could carrv-nearly t o h 1n he<l ouls health partl1 on I u·mess and partly tor Arab vessels and Malay proahs-the last Marno could nav must have known that I None of then1 had a() )rt gone 01 1oar] the ~nJoyn1ent of v s twg ne\\ couut11es a1 d very ugly craft!l v. th brass cannon and of was engaged el sew] ere Th s fact staggered us We soo }ear e l seemg the world On mak ng f rlher m l eavy uuild Jookrng asof the} were equally Shortly afterw01ds mi boatman returned a. other \\ h1ch again a1ouscc1 ou1 s 1sp quuv I fou nd m; fri end s state1nent as t o r eady to do honest trad ing or attack a harm Ile bad succeeded rn gett ng on board tbe cton we heard front 0 1r cons gnee that the the rll leelmg of ti e Chrneae fully confirm less ruerchantmnn l\·h1ch <.ihould fall in their Spa ush slip The only facts I got Jrom Spauiar l was tak ng cooh£s at half t e iate ed ~ ou n t st not go unarme :I said one \i\ ay None of these '~sselR ho\ ever were lns \i H!tt were that the sa1lor1:> did not s1 euk at vl 1ch they had e>er b een takci to Y t 1ut st 1 ot ventt i e out at n ght sa1d auffic ently large to sto away the nuwbor Englrsh (!be bpanrard had told me ti at h1' Amer ea befotc we h oard also ll 1t le anothei \\I en yo are pt lied out to ol men who had <l1sap1 cared beS1des theJ cre\v \\ere Engltsln ierr) and that tJ e boat HJ le :tgt e v ti the l rcpcn1 of tl ~ Cl 1 ene your ship m the hurtor keep a good look "ere nead v all lying so close to th!! shore in en were allow e<l.. to go on boarU a t tho giml h 0 ho 1ses 'IJ ese p laces are lbc out an! don t trnst anvbody Some of as to render a ny suspicion that they had stern-a most unusual place cttn tres of ~ve1y 11 1 of r sen.I ty 110~ ul these boatmen \\ ould not heSJtate to get rid n en on lioatd against ti e1r will almost ab While these facto helped to convmcc me ing u1 China ar d o 111! or na t ~ I o s of you ii they had the chance These au d I was thetefore driven to beheve tbat M IrCO was a ahppery eustomer cer a Europeo.11 well used to Uh na an 1 1tA \\ere the kind of expre~s1ona e\erywhere ti at ii I \\ere rtght m th nkmg that the tarn!~ a man not to be trusted they did hab1t.-:1 told ua as if 1t vere a matter of or hea1d Everybody agreed. that Pmglro was coolies had been kidnapped I must look to not clear up the IDJ atery of the disappear dmary rnteiest that m all piobal li t1 the thoroughly unmlc Now to me, tl s state the European sh1ps Without u1ent1onrng ance of the coolies They rende1ed my Span ard was buJ u g f1 0 11 Lhe g 1 l 1 ng of thrngs was altogether unsatlsfactory I to any one what I was lbout I n1atle in suspicion of ·hrn man much greater th :in it house keeper, those cool es \\bo bid sold bad been confined for two months on boarcl q ur es conce1n n e\ e1y sh p 1n the b \rbor "as an 1 convinced n1e that he bad somu the i seh es The·e w et cl es ,.11 1 ot ou ly 0 shrp My lrle had been a monotono s ex i\Iy fu~t s "l cton Jell on a Ya ikec Ho thmg to do w1tl the d!Sapp annce b it I IU 11 ll ensel e n1 l ti eu t n I e s - eve 1 istence Dur ng tl e last month we l ad not had a 1ov1ng cornn1 s~ on that is le wa! could 1ardly br ng m;oelf to thrnk rn 11) I·" uropean c1v1l z1t1on ca 1 do tl at-b t 11 e) even hau. t} e excitcn1ent of a chotnge of allowed by the O\l ners to go where h e liked calmer mon1ents that thev ga\i e JDl! any \\lll al;) th eir lust tl ro v st kc then1sel vc!:> weathei The san1<.: steady monsoon hu.d and get a cargo where he could H11 ship JUSt reaSQn tor so tl11nk111g lwo OI tb1ec to become tho pr pei t; as p gs of tbc bro11gbt us gently along th e same burnmg was chppei built and could evidently oail days passed d mng wlnch I ~as unable to wrnner 1f they sho 1la lose snn had risen out cf the molten sea m the well I iesoh et! therefore to go on board i;o on shore We were to eave Prngho al {Co olu led n x:t Wee mornrng Lad scorched us durrng ·ome hours it I co11ld fin<l 1.n; pretence for ~o do1ng most unmed1ately The d·) before our de m the middle of the uai and had sunk mto B it I needed no pretence 111eetrng tbe pa1ture I landed to n1ake sorne pt rch.asei:i WOMAN the molten sea t i ight A tropical sunset captain on shore he pressed me to d1ne and remained on sl 01e nut l Jate in tl e is perhaps tbc most glorious scene f,'lVen to wtth h m I gladly acce1 Led hrs mv1tat1on eveuing I then 1etuiuecl w th a sn10.ll 'Ihc l gl t education of t his sex lti man to beholJ b it e\ en such a ·C<ne loses -dined v1th hi1n-bypocr tically expressed crew in a no.t1ve boat lhP. ere v p 1lle I uLn ost 1 upot tnn cc to h n au l I Tl e1c fi its 1nterest ""hen it rs repeated \ itbout 'a11 a desire to look ro nU lns slip and th ough gentlj dO\"iU the nver I ne\er exper1cnc(:d notl 1nM tl at rs more l es ral le fo tl c o atron The capta n ol our batk U e K tty I could see tl at 1 ) hoot tho1 gl t the \\l8h a more lel ghtful "le The flat apoon mor goo 1 of all t c or] J " er a ll J Cluv&1 had don e lns best to keep up our an unusual one S~\V tbat be rather toolt 1t shaped pa Idles seemed to be d ppcd 1 to are n othcil:i aid m trco;iscs of i:.Ll h e.'4 tl ey ap1nts and had promised u s a co nplete as a cdinphment, and did l 1s utmost to hquid fire. have for eouJc tuuc tl e c re of t1 e el ca c'lrnnge of hfe on reaching Chma There show me everytbmg I wanted to see I Our boat left a long trail of phospbores t10n of their cl ildren of both sort' tl ey a1e was plenti of smpe shootrng to be had The v;ent a.vrny not very satudied \'flth the part cent light behmd het a tia I ' hrch even rntrt sted wrth th at wl ch to f tl e gteatcst suburbs of Pi gho "ere' ery beaut\fttl and I hnd been pla) ag bit qu te com t ced the bright moon! ht did not ren ler le~s 0 "°"' the 1 cnlth ·he surround ng counl1y lull of objects of that ti ere 'vere no men 011 boa1d his ship brillm 1t A gentle breeze il1ade the arr interest ' lucb might be Sl.!~n d 1 ug after againot then \\lll o" shore the tamarind dchghtlully cool noon rider; An<l now ]1av ug ieacj ed tl u I contm ed to get on board t o or three aud other trees were hgbtcd up by connt prom sad land I found that my sight ee othi ships and to keep both my eyes aid less thousands of fire fhef'I N1ght thougl mg "o 1ld ha\ e to be hm ted to what I ears open wl le on bmu 1 ~11 ho1 ever 1t ' as we could still hear tbe l t m of m cot ld see from the ships d eck and rn tbe ·w as in ' am sects But " th the excer t10n of tl e St b 61 iall l arter I ea1 the ~nrber occupte<l by Al o·t the onh slip \ 1 tch I I acl not duel sound inude r' an occasional Uat in a few E1 ropeun fun1hes I leave nny one v1s1ted "'as a Srar.1sh ves el I had no sus the a r above or tbe leap of a fi sh IIonr who bas been two months at sea n1 a trop1 p1c1ou of her ca.ptau1 and for several rea sheer enJo~ment or to escape the puramt of fn.nguage our n1othc1 t ong c so c may as cal chmate and tor the fir.,t tllne to con sons lus ab1p 1vas a long but clumsy some powerful enemy bei e >ch We glided J 1St!y call our first tem per, o r i 1otl o1 ccn e my drsappomtment oel evidently olcl and mcapable of any calmly and gently along m a climate uud tenpers and pe1hapstt 11ay be fo l more EveiybodJ ag1ee<l tliat tte rerson of tie speed It""" unlrkelv thcrcloro that she through a 1::ccnery 'vh1ch unconsc ou~l) e sy to forget the lan age th Lo] art en 0 ill feelu g w-lnch existed was th t si:;n eral wo Id beemplo,ed110.scrvicewheresreel m icle one ren ler thanks for existence tlrcly v1tl those tem per. c le m t i ti c Chmamen 1 ad dis ppeared I 1 o or three was a lesideratum Besides h1s agents It ts therefore to be la 1e1 L l Suddenlv a ,brrek' as heard from the belonged to wealthy lnmilm and more we1e a firm o1 as good a st:ind1ng as vas to opposite bank across ti e Jong rcnch of on ' I on1 so 1 iuch dt:l ct l~ notice accordrnglv had been taken of the be found m P ngho T n addit on to th1S he wuter-thc CTJ of so me one 111 d1strc<:is an<l ho ba\e th e first forunng of o r tr 1 dR are fact than rf th eJ hac l been ortlmory coobe< l tt l t\\ ice as] ed me or board his craft It then came other so t nd::. of wlnch \ e could i ot only ed t catcd m l r le bi t m ll c srll1 What had become of them! was the c1ueo is trt e thRt I ] ad not ncceptcd l 1s n '1tu make noth.mg-then all was hual e 1 0 tr e t and moot cor ten pllble p 1t of t G tls twn everJ wbere discussed 'l l e ~en era! t uns but that \\as clearly my fault, nnd 1ue11 1nv0lnntanly stopped to h$ter ed are 1nd 1lged in great "ial ty at l 1 at k 1 l 1mpress10n ~a. that tbe Chmese merchants not his I determmed however to vrsrt but notbwg moie \\as beard ha Wb le we seem to cons1Cler t] en1in1 o oth0r v e L in 01der to create~ fe eling to 'arda Euro ! ta sbrp if I pombly could Wrthuut much were dcternnnmg whether\\ e should pull ts so 1aany p::nnted idolti ' ho a1e to ull r pcan trespasser s on thetr trade had them ddfic tlty I managed to get from hun an over and see '\hat was the cau~c of the cries and gratify their pnsSlons -L u1 s SC1 o s .,eh es either sent thew up country, or got rnv1tat1o!I to dme on boatd The da1 and we had liea1d we saw a boat gl!de out of Call them ot t of the \\ ay in sorr1e other fashion the hot 1 \ t!!C fixed and the 1n' itation was the rushes on tbe other side and make for I soon !ound out !tom prnctrnal expert apparently gn en ' itb such cor ltal ty that tbe middle of the stream I vas cm1ous to The Rumseller s Dream ancl Doom ence that the natives vcre t ho1oughly Ill I lelt I had done Senor Marno an rnJ istrce k 10\\ what vas the cause Thero 'vas a I cn Well wife tln~ is too ho1r J. One e\ en ng on go A c1rcut 1 thsposeU to var :ts us st.a.nee hol.\ evt:r happened in the bend in the r ver before we rcache l the not conllnt e ti is bt su ess a1 y lo ge1 mg tl e very short distance from the J uro interi.:al bet,\ een the iuv1t tt1011 and tl e day sl P' and Li di t ol hard pd! lb "e Wl y dear vl at s the atlcr i u pe m hotel to ti e rivet side at the mouth of on \\ l 1ch I I ad p10mieel to !Jc on Lo n<l m1 l t reach tbc po nt so a~ to get a i,Ood 0 0 s ich a dream- st ch a rnttl1 g of lea l wb1cll and so1ne two miles o. ~ay sl 1_ps la) wh ch made me 1:Jomew hat suspimous I look at tho loat at d her crew be tore she men a bones nd such an a 1 y ot st r1, c l at anchor, a c1y 'vns raised ag0JJ1st three of have already ment10ned that I bad made rounded it Our men pulled hard We mort'11s,. so rnn1 y murders such cries a 1 l us and vc soon fonn l uursel ves attacked l y the acq 1a1ntance of a Chinese sailor who \'/ere in time But the boats crew bad shrieks and yells and sucb hoir <l gnasLmg a shower of stones As '~c \ere quite un spoke Enghsh Tin· man kne\\ that I Wa8 seen us a.nd chd their utmost to keep as far of teeth and glarn g eyes and sue! a 11 armed ' e ran for o u l oat and managed to read) to lrst·n to anything be h i.d to say out of our ' oy os they could All that we 11 g fire and such de' ils-0 I cn.1 1 ot en bet clear llJto the shearu w1th notlung abont vel::lsi.;ls 111 harbor to an) scrap of new~ could make out was that sbe hud SIX men dure it My h au t:itands un enU u1 d I ar \liorse than t fe.,,-; br rncs It v.as irupossr m fact th it he cdllld I ck u1 He men m I ei crew, and !Lat lrom l e1 shape she i:io filled \Htb horror I can ~carcr.ly speal ble l owe' er to n1 stn.k e the genuine tury t oi ed me dently tl at tbe Spai rnrd could was of European b uld l!rom the tune 0 If I e\ er seli J un1 ae.ain of il e cro vd a look at the u1cn s faces was speak Cbmese I <lemed this Indeed 1 I heard the cry of distre8' I 1 "d asoociated M} deai ) o 1 Ire l 0 hte 1e l sufficient to sho11 that they 1neant m ·chief had heatd Captam Marco say that he had it with ti e k1dnappwg \\ htcb [believed tu Ye~ u l eed I am !\.nother s Ich n1gbt even 1l 11e had not heard th err yells of anger neHr been m Ch n t befoie r1 e Chma be gorng on I woitld l aye gn en much to 1 ll I r ot pass for a orlcl ]); o 1 oi fur w])en the) su w "e I ad escaped them "e m:tn hoi.\e,er \HlS positive Ife haQ. over see whether any men '~ e1n ly1n 0 in tl e \torlda on \\Orlds were rnforn1ed next day by the aithorit1es hear l l11rr1 ta1k1ng "ith a C111nese boatman bottom of the boat that""' headmg away My dear pcrhaps--pcrl a s - that ei; ery effort \i\ ould be made to preserve What bad been said he had not dJStmetly from us That was 11nposs1ble as ah~ was 0 don t talk to ine I a t Jetern 1ned order and that 1t would be qmte sale ·o 110 cau61 t Uut he was quite sure that the lan better munued than we At anyrate I to have nothing more to do " th run any on shore would learn to what ship she belonged At how g age \\ as Clunese Doi t vuu thrnk Ton Wilson came Thece cue 1u1stancc an l 1ny enforced Ir. tho course of tl e day I saw Senor fir& t she seemed to be making for the Bo' to me with his tb1oat c t hom ear to ear 1 ll~nc ss made me set to wqrk at fir::.t iu a ton slnp and kept ID (I. direct hne for nd such a bon l gas} ana it was so b ~rd Ma1co for a minute lazy l nd of fashwn b t, alterwar<ls 11J.t 'To uorrow at lour cloek be sa d h er but a" we follo ~ ed 'cry c1osel) ve for hun to speal aid so nn clc bloeil and increased inte re~t to l earn the truth I I am al waya p met 1al to drnner I re soon fouLd that she changed her course sa.~ she Seel c1c J oc tl e lesul~ of rum met mth a Cbrnaruan wl o spoke Englrsh JOrned and after attempting two or three t1n1 es to sell ng My blood cb lied at the s ght and , ell He could gn e me no solnl10n of 'hie On Saturday afternoon I 'as p llu 0 throw us ott her track she made at once for Just then tic house.scen1ed to hr 1 bottoi i mystertou· d1eappearance ol his co rntry do\ n to the rl\ er s niouth to reach the the Spa111a1d ~ up the earth opened and a bttle rmp took men H e laughed al the st ggestwn that Spamsb ship I had hod an early break, I was con\ 111cea that .,he h 1..d been en rue by the hand sapng Follow me As the authonties bad sent them out of the fast ancl was quite real;, to do JUSltC to a gaged m kidnappmg and that she bad pro I \Vent grim clei, 1ls l eld o t to me Cl ps of \lay He was equallJ ocepticol as to the good dmner After a long pull mJ boat bably some wretches m the bott9rn of the lrqurd fire aayrng Drink tb b I could men hav 1 g run away of their own tree mau at length ieached tbe Spamsh ship I boat as she paso;ied ours Next n1orning I not refuse Ever) dra, ght sot ID(\ lll a I age v; 111 The author1t1ea 'vere a ix1ous to con vas particularly struck as ve i..pp1oached wo ild g o once more on sl ore1 1tould con1 Serpent< hi ~se d from each stdo and born c1hate Europeans a.ncl had issued 1 roclu. her with a curioufS coat of at ne on he1 intuncate with the co 1s 1] would bn r;: ti e abo\ e reache I do\\ n tbc r beads an l d is mat o 1s d enouncing hea' j ])lllllsl e tfi 1o stern ~'.Iy only ObJect n n1ent10111ng tlns :Spaniard searched al d '" ould ha' c e' ery pered Rum seller On an l o t tl e in p nll cl )lren of the Flowery La <l " bo however lS heca tse i t enabled mo to recog coohe set at l be1 tv I told all my 'JS}ltc led me throt gh the t airo v pass <\JI t should wleat us H e was altogether >t t n1se her on n. subsequent occas u Three tons to tire cuptarn of the Kitty and eyen once he paused a1 cl srt 1 Ate j ou U1y 7 loss to sto.te ho v tl e 1ne1 h t l vau1shc l and or four sailor., were looking over her lil l ] e conclu led that I \\as r ght and deter Yos I rep! el v.:ben preso;ied hard by 111e for an cx.plaua watks b tr one of tben offei ed to ptepare mrned to help me to lcfcut tl e sla' er s Then he strl ck a tia1 duo1 v1tl hrn Joo tron be could only .u 0 gest that thev I ad to lo ver us l ladde1 nor "as there n.n) as plans and clown down we 'vent rd leg ons oi been bewitched On one porn! and onh ie usual 'v th ships lying n such s1tuatlon5 Next morning the captain came into rny fiery se rpents fol1011 eel U' wl "! eru g one point was he confiden t- that ruen 7 ad by "h cb we could ascend cabm and told n e h\ o pieces of n e\ s Drunkard dri hkard At length we stop disappeared and that the auger of the pop I called out fo1 belp to get on \10ard A ftrst that fou more coolies bad drsappeared ped aga n ancl the imp asked as before Are ulace arose hout that cause alone and you dry 1 Yes I replrnd rot gh lookmg fellcw ans """d that nobody the r igbt before from the river side I lea.r1 ed o 1 JI l 1\ that the o ste i of cat 1e on board 111 the captain s hsence secon 1 ti at the Spamard hacl \\ e10 hed He tbcn to tched a sp1 n 0 dom /Jew intern1l orgun1 at on 11 Oluna ~so c u; p1ete Oar tan Mai co I ad been called on shore on auebm an l sa led fo r T1rnngho The slav ap er ti ere ' ere tho tsan ls 91 o d ' o\ln that a nat vc car uot go f om one d str ct to verJ a. npo1 tau t b ~1ncss Re hfLd left h1s er for st ch he n11loo btcdh 1 a I go e out i um dr 1 l e1s cl ing 1uost p tea tslj another \\1tbo1 t the iuct becom1nb 11 O\ n co111phn1 nts to the SCJ or T: r t>l Rbn1a1 11nd to l\.hng kin Hun1 i uu g ive me so1ne i un \\ he n to the u.i tho11ties There ia in ta t a sort re ietted that be \\ iuld not be able to dme A "eek s ruu brot gl t s to port \\ e they saw me they storped ; mo ncnt lo ee 0 of frank i leagc sy te1u o-x1stl11g th10 1 1:1hout w1Ll huu It 1s not necessa1y tO say that had given Ill all hopes of ·eet 0 tbe S1 an vbo I '"' lhen \bey Jou led n e ~ t b that 'o.st einpue b) u1eu a of wh1cl each I \i\ til inteu:::;ely a 1 )0\ ed Al ut how 11 y 11 e\ Lau i 11 rard ag· n Not that we ha I fotgotten him uurse:s 0 wh tt curset:i scpa1ate co: un u ity keep!:> v tch o\ e1 i:lI d j lilil r; object I \ '" r ally h ugrJ and The captain und 1 i:; mute'\ ere now ae; eager oo 1l - Heci e l11idi gs becon es 1 espont.:1 ble !u1 tl e uc ts ot u y ui no 1 Toho l l bate a i I o 1 , p 11 with the as 1 to do anytl mg to Im g hwr to JU.t ce 0 Tl en came the qt estwn ho v i TheJ had gone ' 1thout the kno dedge of ti eir A OHASE AFTER A KTDNAPPER friends ai d yet they ·were nut accused of crime nor were thev in debt Had they Th ' ill feelrng amo ig tl e n ail es rs rn been bdnopped and if so by "hom 1 I creasing P1ngho \\ill soo be too hot to !Uentioncd the mo.tter to the cnpta1n of our bold mv European sh p the Aitty but thougn ho agieed "1th \\ b; so 1 I rn p red me that ti c rr en bad been lost ho la igbe l Because durmg tbe la t mo1 ll so at the notion ol I duapp1ng b c1 n carr ed 0 1uany pe.rsons l a\ie chsappenrcd on at Prngho I listened to bun but after \'\ hut has become ot tbem 1 hearing all he bad to Rav \vas by no mea1 s NobodJ kno"s but these Uhmese sus com meed th at I was r <t on tbe right track pect that ti e l uropcana have 11 adc away On his 1nv1t1i101 I \Vent ogiun on sl 01 with them They nre reo.dy at ar' tune to aud after a number of rnqumes I gatl ered ·pread all kinds of' lid rumours about us t\\ o inore p eccs of C\ idnnce tl rst t1 at tl c S1.,nce I hu.\e been here ho" ever I have people had nearly all d1sappeare l after dark ne\ er knowti so bad a fcehn 0 as that which leaving no traces '\ ha.tever and second LITERATURE In order o find o t as m rch as I co 1Jd I took advantage of an opport uuty wb1ch of fered it·elf to al o\\ my Chmaman to g0: down the nver to the Spnmsh ship Jli called lntn aside and told him that he was going on board "ith some :stores but that what I wanted lmu to do 1 ao to find out all be could about the sh1 p to get ou boarl rI I o,a1ble and to uoe bot 1 his eyes and ears. Above all Ir u1 ressecl on him that be was not to let any o e see that be understood Engbsh In a fe v 1u1nut..,s a nat1 ve boat with fo r 111en us l l!r ~re v an 1 my u1an In cl arge of the sturrls us 1naklllg l er way down the r vcr to the Spar 1s h vns , \\eat er the pen in::. Jla G01 0 on shore in t1 c C\ en g ilh 11 e cn.1 bun I so. v to n1 s 11 r n sc one of tl e crew of the Spat isl vessel ] efo1c e i tu1 ie l on borutl 'e hal lear cd t ai sl was ut T Nanr.) o tho gh at tic ppJs ti.! s de of the pc1 nsil.la Belore g1v ng no tice to the officers on bonHl t 1e Engl sh in a of war °" e determined to wait a day 01 t o nu l endeavor to learn sorne th l!l. 0 more ibo tt Morea and hrs sl ip We fot i d th t sl e was t1lung n cm gt ants foriJal lornrn. Sl c bad already o 1mg to tl e hi gh re tat or / '°' w.. P 0 m4 tf take be1 a'\\ 3-V nl~ 3t JOHJ:\ E HLLl'Y (i ROBERT YOUNG, V11E llN AR r \DU \.T i Save Your BONES 60 cents per · 100 for them at. ru d get Strayed Heifer. SUB G1JJO iOOLLEGE ~b 0 ONT \l IO 'ETERIN"1R1 lbs., olU :\. y l erson kno \ ing of her whereabouts can be consult c I as t tl e d seases of Horses , llcmfer ,favorliy1niornn£{theu1le1sl1..ned and Oattlo at Glovers L ' er ~ Office J{1ng St He le c l3rod El a Hot 1 JOH]); 'icDO:>< !\.Iv Bowmar.ville Jan 4th 1872 11 ]. Darlw~ton Dec 4th 1672 n 10 tf t.o fo n tl e ul Lan ts of Bo vu an l.WM LOT 3 m th;4th Con ]), 1 b'lo BEGS ille nd sunoundm count11 that he has F on or abot t the last of A g st a RED and com n cc<l tl e l act of lns 1 ofess on and WHIIE HEIE ER, spotted rwng t vu year 0 CtJ YOUNG ~d§T! & BRITTAIN S Ont::tl o St Bo vma. ey 1nu.it b dn a l cle" 1lle Se1 9tl 187 037 i oO 1 bo t o fortn gl t old it rs l ot un ch bigger tha a fa 1 s ze l F s hea J an 1 at ti ree n1ontlH~ tbo t thai ol n, sp t I C<Jo Ha:vu g a.tta1 1cJ ~ 'cars Mto" th under Javorablc cond t1ons tl c } u g o sie1 will h a\ e be co e as l ti is r:t I aH p nnv v.; h1le at four , ca s g av. tb t hey n c cou1::1d ere~ iuarket able -Lei,uie ho also theu own people I was ]men to the g1 n on tbe laces of tGe men who watched h rnter \\bat "e p10posed to lo thote conclu~ on tl at the lost 1 e had 1 ot gone me from ti e ship ' le k which did not help fore was to gn e notice 1.1t T \ ar gl o to lier rnland r1 ere nfi T 0 inottve tb t I n lrl s iggest to improve my tem1 er Wl at could ti e Maie·tJ s ship B lldoq \\h cl 1 c l c v to 101 U e iu e 1 1 e l1 a1n1 1g 1n its meu1be rs · t de at;aIUl'!t I S before 1 re L Cbed my OWD an 1 to set itee b s slaves B 1t b 1s1ne15s \ as UDless t i crefore the n itborittcs 11 ship Still tbere "·· no help for it I nn peratt ve The c ptarn bad lns o ders P 1ngho "e1e <lecen:1ng u:: and d cce1v1ng could not for e mysell o r i!Pard I sa 1 a and could uot sp Lre tune to turn ela' e h ling an l tl ey bUtil:tess be wh cl wo llcl t ake lnm on be the1 e and se1dher 11 f!!ea rch Tlus ~ ns cot ld ba"tdl) h a c l7 1 r n 1 rde1ec1 been Re sl ore so s l \cnly I There as no telegraph our first intenhou bt t we changed o 1r ll ot gh 1 rn d r: l t rt\ \ er Qa1 l t o I c none s eo tll l a\e r11nved "hat could 1n 1d:; 'I J ur <le1sto.ud vhJ I 1nust gn e a 111s in g 1 o t n.c f n body l 11 l Leen tleiele I ch le coull not liaH k101n sentence er t vo of explm at1un -Twa.ngho or ud I ?. a~ le therei ie to tl oncl 1 f 0 wn that they I u l lclt the co nhJ he cl"' I elorc 1 bas t11 o I arbors a r old and a ne th ese nan