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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 3 Jan 1873, p. 4

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- THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY; DemoPest Illus. trated. 1l1 ontlily, MOD!>L MAGAZINE, contains the THE essential of nU others, profusely-Illustrated, and a splendid volume fol' binUiug- for the Centre table, at the end of the yeo.r, Single, 25cts, yearly, $3.00. A magnificent p1·fae, surpassing all previous off ors. Each subscriber to JJC mo·test Monthly .M.agazhu, at Thl'ee a year, will be presented with a premitun of two clegu.nt Chromos, companion p ictures of the two most desirable and popuJar subjects in .America -the Fall.s of Niagara and Yo~em iteFallt1. S.i;o;e of rRicttul:ll:l, · 10~ by 12~ inches. lhesc elegant chromos, copied from beautiful pk~QJ:es IJainted from nature by one of the first a.rti.sts in .America, give the most popular vie\YS of thooe interestin~ and sublime objects, and are faithful reproductions of the originals. The grand olJ. Niagara, \ its immense body of water falling one hundred and sixcy feet, sonrl~ ing ·.tp dense clouds of spray to reflect in brilliancy and beauty the .. ividcolors of the rainbow, is so cJea.rl;v depicted that, in _ imagination, you hear its m1ghty roar. The Y osemitei with its lofty n1ountains towering to the silvery cloud, and its stupendous falls of sixteen hundred feet, impressing with its awful grandeur, and filling the mind with delight and wonder. These t'vo Chromos are the best pictures over published for Ten Dollars, anrl. will be senti mounted and va..rni:illed, by inail, as a pren1ium to cadt 'Tlnoe Dollat· f:lt1h'!v1~ber Lo our Monthly ?l'Iaga.zine. , Rcade.1·,jWJt thiul.:., .'zrlVO Uerw.lif1 ll Ch1·vmo.~ of JANUARY 3, 1873. POETRY. A Winter's Night, Cold !-bitterly cold! The n1oon is bright And the snow is v.·hito Bea.utiful to behold. Rnt the wind is howling Like hungry prow ling Wolves on the wintry v;old. Cold !- -bitterly cold ! ).fy shawl is ragged a,hd oldThe hearth deserted and dark. Gladdened by many a 5park; THE FARM. Cooking,ifood for Stock. (Fron1 i\!oore's. l{.ural New' Yorker.) A.t the Fnrrnern' Club the othcT d~y Col. Ctll'tis said :-I h!tve received a. lCtter froin 0. D. V\i"'hitcombe, Rodman, N. Y., a.eking a series of questions about cooking food for stock, and at, a late visit to neacon. :Farm I read them to '\Villian1 Oroziei' ; and believing him to be at least one of tJw faJ·1nere in thia country, I giye the questions and his answers: How many cows do you feed? Ans .-Ninety CO\VS aJ:1d other cattle. Do you feed horses cooked feed entirely? Ans, - -Yc8, Do you feed horses auy grnin c!ear? If so1 do you cook it? .Ans. --Feed no clear grain; cook all in winter. How much hay do you feed cows per day? Ans.-I feed about three per cent, of the gro~s "\\--eigJ1t of the .....niurnJ, of wy znixtid food; u.11 of it stea,mr.d. · How nwJJ.Y times do you fef.-'d per day? FULL SUPPLY. · 1~ ENDID ShLlJC'l'IONS of Fall and. Winter .Goods, And my only light Is the pitiless white, Tb.:i..t the ·moonbeams spill, Silvery chill, Cruelly- splendidly bright, This frosty winter's nightCold ! bitterly cold !, tnoro precious than gold, :Rest, little one rest ! Sleep, iuy own one, Sl umh~r, tlrnu. lone one, Cla8ped to t~y iuothcr'~ Though thin and wasted her fonn II...,r a1ms shall enfold ' .A.nd shield thee from cold,· , Vvr t.lic ln·:e h1 hor br~ast is warm, 'l1hough the drill night-breeze May the life blood freeze-· Cold !- bitterly cold ! Cold !- bitterly cold! ~fy eyes are diln, And my ~ensea swfru, Aud rai_:king paina fio1·e in every limb, I am prematurely old l Foodless and fireless, Aln10.'lt attircless 1 \V in rags 20 scanty and thio, \\Tith bones that stare through rthe colo1-leaa Akin, \V ~~ry and worn, Tattered and torn, If I shoulQ. wish I had ne'er been bornT cll urn iA i.t a sin ? Cold world !---bitterly uuld ! I I A·11 · · D. vV. 1.iOLEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, exceetlingly ~d1eap Ans.-'l,wice. Do you feed fl.ny ra.w ho.y? ..1.\.ns. - Soruetimes a -little for a. change. Do you feed str;i.w inixed with hay, or corn fo<l.der or clea.t l Ans.-Thfixed. Ho1v much hay do you eonl:!ider :.\. ton of good o~t-stnny "'-orth for feeding cowa, both 'kleing cooked. Ans. -;-:t\.bout one-thin!. 'Vheat 1.\..wl Uarley straw? ...'\,ns. - Good for bedding, unless cut before the grain Ls ripe ; the grain must be lost to get value of the straw. Sowed con1? Ans.-li'ull as go~tl as hay, if ·c~it at proper time. Corn stalks ? ..1.\.ns. -Not so good. '\-Vould you feed horses cooked fQod through Spring ploughing ·a.nd otht;Jr hard \York? Aus.-N'o. li'eed harJ, feed, bay 1l.11d oats. WHl a atetttn~r of 11 0_ 00 !:! inchc·s of heating surface be 1.trgc enough to cook for tifte~n cows? .A.ns.- .A box eight feet long, four feet high, a.nd four feet wide is about ·wha~ I use. I do not know what ] 1c Jueaus by ~ieatiug surface. A. box fifty incbe~ Jong a.11d tw enty wjtl.e would have a bottom sudace of 1,000 square inches; tnakc this four or fiye feet high and it inight do him. How long do yol.1 steam fodder, and with how much p1·csi;1111·e? Aus.-11.'wo pou1lds preasure, a.nd for three "hours' time. Do you feed mangle-wurtzel and other roots, and if so, cooked 01· raw? Ans. - Yei:i; cut, t:(Jix~<l with the other food,·-. m:1d sterunetl.. ., Ho"- 1.trge a box do you use ? Ans.-128 cubic feet. How often do you uook fofldcr? Ans. - Evor.y <lay, D.2. J'.:OU feed cold ? Ans.-No; blood wu,nn, no~ hotter. \Vhat length do you cut' fodder ? _ A_ns.-An inc.h,c or an inch and a half. I would further a(hi;;e hin1 to manure ·well and plQw deep 1 according to the old proverb. Col. Cni·tia adds :-I J.o uot believe there is u. better system of feeding than ~fr. Crozier's. The rootsihay1and corn fodder are cut, then mixed together, then do.m1Jcncd and kopt '\\o'tl..l'In on the top of the steam box; then dmnped into it 1nixed with ,brar~ aud salt, and steamed. He hae fifty horses and not one of them bas bad the influenza. I do not say that th.ii! feeding has prevented it, but I do say that this. fact prov!':;; tha.t aniJnah! fed on (,looked food are not more. liable to disease, I believe further that it fa an oconomica.l pla.n, and that no fa.nnel'. keeps his nnin1ala at a less cost than M;.i 0rozier; nt the same time I never saw n.nywhere roo1·e abtivfl or more healthy-looking stock. J\.1r. Colton had been studying the chernistry Of col1kocr food, v.ud hn.d come to these conclusions : ...... ·Stoa.ming food is of value in the stra1t-s of grainf! like wheat, rye, and barley, merely to softin theh· flinty 1mtQre ; iu <.: 01·rf.'stalk8 mid root!:! it changes the starch lnto sugar or di.a.a· taF;e, ·w hich is soluble a:nd readily digestiblu in the stmnacL.. Hence it renders s.uch foods oonceive n 1nore ~ourishii1g and 'varming. difference l·etween the tnethod of stea.u1ing and that of coQking in water. .i.'"riaga1'a and YoBcmite. · '£hes~ pictni-e;, m·e vorjl;::i,ble geu1s,:i.11rl 'vm·thy of being enshrined in a.n bon9red place in our ho? They will he presented to yearly ~uh· scribers on reeoipt of Three Doll..'\.l"s, aud Eight cents for pootagc, with yonl' full name and address. EYery home in .America ahoulcl poOJsess thcri:;c invaluable il}\"~trations of art and beauty, and no person of f!Iste and enterpriRc can afford to be without the ?ilodel ~fagazine, which has been greatly enlarger! and now contains the essentials of all others, including the Useful, the Entertaining and the llea.utiful, with .Original Stories, Poems :ind Popular .Music by the au· tbor~. the only Reliable Fashions (including fnll .;;i.Y.e pa.tterns) 1 Honie 1nattei·8 in U.11 their details, Gardening, . Arch1tccturc, and a.ll the utiliti es, bea.uties a.nd novelties of Litentture calculated ·to make our homes useful, attri.:.ctivc ~n:i(l ha.ppy-profui:iely illlrntratocl, ant.l a BlJlendid \~olume for bb:i.dini for the at tJrn end of the year, Sing-le copie:-:i, 25 -cent8. Splendid inducc1ncnts for agents and premiums for cluhs. .r~.J.tlre81:!, POINTS Simplicity in ConH1-uction, Ease of operation, Perfection 0 1 Stitch, alike o n bot i;ides, owing to p61fect tension on nppe1· ana , lowM· Tkreud. - RANGE OF WORK :- From Gauze to Beaver Cloth DURBILFl.'Y :-Will lallt a life time, FR CASH All onlers for Equally adapted to Family Work, :Dress and. Shirt Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. I PROMPTLY EXECUTED . EVERY Agents, .MACHINE WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick. Welmve >tko on h:md Ali'! Agent for the well known ' FIRST·PRIZE WANZER S~WINC MACHINE, MANUFAC'rURES, PRICES. Enniskillen, Nov. 24th,' i70. nlS-tf W, JENNINGS DEMOIIBS1', 838Broiv1way, KewYurk, WANZER' ShETTER ii, . AJJJJ01'TS, AND BARCLAY SEWING MA CHI NE VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, FOR .1873, Our Stock of Ge.nernJ Goods 'is large, ernbra.cing all the Novelties of the dity, and all .t he necessaries a.s welL Picture l!'ramcH - nll ; sizcs, 1r~ouldin1Js of, ',Vall Pa~e~-a s~le~ did. assort~e11t n~w in &ituck, A lm·ge i;upp);.~ oflJeu,utifullv H.!%0rte1l 'Vmdo\v Shades, Uh1lckens O:irnage3, Uoncertina8, Brushes_, Combs, booking Glasscs..~Mufilc, 1£, -violins, ·violin l~ows, Y.,..iolin :::itrings,Paper Collai·~, Kec:k Ties, Sdwo1 B0Qki:!.i DiltYiJ360ks, Bibles, J{uivea antl. J:!'orks,J?ucket l(nives, Razors, All thefle, and a. Spoons, and Scissors. Cheapest Note Paper and Env1;1lop~e ju the coiinhy. th')usand other article6,~ W bo founO at -Ql.lbVARlb':1'Y STORE. \Ve are alwa.ysglad to.isee frielids and thillk it no trouble to sho\\' GO:.Ods · and we go;in:i.ntc-ie >ta good ViJ,lne, nit n.s low p1·1ces as any 'other house in the tiaUe. · · j Partief:!·"\\--ishing to tcle:gri&ph. their frlencls ; ,111.0.y rely on J1a\Ting t.hei1· buRiness done promptly. Crumbs for Chickens. .,!tloor-belle-~4.._ pretty llouseurnid . lIE GUIDE il5 now published Qua.rterlys 25 T ceuta Jot· the yea.1·, fou1' nu1nbel's, wl1ich Thoi:ce ,.,.ho afterwa.rds sen<l is half the cost. pay~ DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT TH:tl Hen vy charge Q'f the Light Tirii:ade-Gas bills. 'J'he fil'st day of Adam's life must have been a long one 1 as it had U.Q Eve. - i'oo Muo:H. !-The following congratulatory tdeb'TUiill was lately received by a wedding " Congratulation!:i on yont J1uptials, )lay your fnttlre troubles be only little ones." money to the amount of One Dolla.r or more for Seedii'. may also order Twenty-five cents worth extra-the prke naid for the Guide. · The January number is beautiful, giving plans for n1_ a.king }{ural Homes, Designs for Dining r.rable Decorations, 'Vindow Gardens, &c., and containing a mass of information in· valuable to th~ lover of flowers. One hundrt"d -and Ffty pages, on firrt:l tinted paper, some 1nU1· <lred engravings and a superb · Colored Plate <.~nd G"1lromo cover, The first edition of 'l'wo llundred ThousanJ. printed in Englis and Uer1nan 1 and ready to senJ. out, Bowmanville Drug Store. OULD most respectfully tender his sincere thanks to his numerous friends and ({Uato1nen1, and to tht: public generally, for the very liberal support he bas received since hia couunencing in business; and hopes by conti. nued stride personal :ittention. to business, and oil\ nothing Put the purest articles, at the most reasonable prices, to ensure ~ continuance Of pilblic patron.age. .T. H. Vlould call special e.ttantion to-his very superior stock of ,Age~ts for Inman L~eo1 lltYE'LtWOLEESd &ngQUYOK. W J. HIGGINBQTHAM, J.. & W. J.. lV.CcMurtry .AJ'e 11ow showing a full assortment of &; . Co Bowmanville, March 7th, ltli2, n23 DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. A fine lot of .A physician1 un pteeenting his bill to the ex· ccutor of the of a dece&'3ell. pa.ticnt, ask· 1::cl, "Do you wish to have 1ny bill sworu to?" .TAMES VICK, Rochester, K. Y. Orders fl)l" the 1/{vral (J-i.iidc 11i:1y be left with l\tir. Chaplin, of Bowurnnville, or sent tlii'eet to lt.o chester. 11r. Chaplin "'ill also receive any orders for seetls, &.e. 1 and secure their eal'ly de· liver~y. "'No/) repliec.l. the executor; " -the death of the decedent is sufficient evidence that you attend: ed hi.Jn professionally." 'l'bis f!tory is told of R father \Vho wa8 one evening teiicbi11g his little boy to rc·cite hia Sunday Hchoul le88Qn . It "'as from. the four· teenth cha.pter of Mattl1ew, wherein is related the parable of a inalicious iridividua.1, who went a.bout sowing tares. 1: \Vha.t is a tare? 'fell inc, tny ~on, what a ta1·e is 1 " t1i8ked 1:11e anxious parent.. "You bu.d 'em.,, H Johnny, ,vha.t <lo yon mean?" asked the father, openiug his eyes rather 'vitl.c. "Vlhy, l;µit week, when you didn't come home for three days," Johnny," I heard u 10ther tell .,-'\..unt Susan that you were on a tare." ,Tohnny was innnediately :::(jut t.o bed. Bill, 11 said one to another, n.:cently, " I'r> a Nation· a.l Refonner, I is." "v~y, is that our µarty?" "Yyi yes, bossy, it is that . If you llutsin a vote for tha.t party, you votes yanrsclf a farn1." "Yell I don't '"'O that without th·.iy'll go a. 0 little fut~hcr. l ~ants a. ftnro, and ~omcbody tu work it besides. B Go1::-ic- Ilil!l \VHOLE A.-.1."iIMAI·· - " Oct. CHIT [Ti~ Oct, DYE sr-rUFFS, wl1ich are sme to gi\·ti thti Lest aatisfo.ction. A well-selected stock ef Cloth and Gents Furnishi11g ---o--- 1S72 .. :Brady and. Mike :Flynn] 1S72. 1872. ",,; ~ FALL_. '"GB ODS .lN A SR<~SlllL.l!J. -A wortl1y clerg'!man, ur1on being asked why be did not _ ventn1·e to a.n election, at \Vhich the proceedings were ve1·y riotously conducted, and give his vote, re.plied, "I tlo not see wl1y I should cnda.ngcr nly own poll to 1Je11efit another iua.rJ ·s·." Tl_M.- " Go<id morning, Mike, shuro and it is early out ye are, Might I be bould to axe what 8tarted yees this morniiig!' MIKK-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in~. jifty. Ye see, I was t.onld, yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got ho~e an illigant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its meself could hardly slape a wink, all night, thinking iw the chape "Oodg, And sure enufi; its the full storn he lrns-):>iles and piles av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the rnl'tkin's a.v un illi"'ant new "'own for Biddy, for Siventy-five CJints ; Tay 0 , "" t l1e Baccy 1'or a · t n'ft e 1ess, " for most nuthrn, and TIM."An shure its funning me ye nm, :MJke; wou lcln't the mnn be afthe1- breaking down." MIKK-" Breaking dm~n, is it Sure he ki,1ows a thrick wurth two nv ' that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if se want to get a grate name whe yonre ded, and be cnlled a filantrofized, filo~ifer, and a public binifacthor, jist tell all youre nabourn, and the av rnmJkind, ~.bout Gray's' chape store, 11r1d you'll do more for the good av your connthry, than iver St. Patrick did for oll:ld Ireland, when he kmishcd all the toads aucl snakes out av it, that niver \Yn..~ in it.:' ,_ TBL-- "I'm much oblagct! to ye,. for the bit tLV a\Jv ice, and won't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grntc run, anq mlbybee I'd miss some baripins, The top av tlic morning to ye!'- I'rn off to Gray's, " , ' · DRUGS, OHEJIIOALS, P "1TENT l'rfEDlOINES BRUSHES, OOJIBS, SHOULDER-BRAOES, SUPPORTERS, Etc.,Eto, kept con,·tantly on hand, e A full Stock of FRESH GROCER,IES All ~o be sold Che>tp, OILS, PAINT; OOLORS, VARNIHSES, and WHITE LEAD, at the very loweet pl'ices. · - Highest price paic for B UT1'ER and EGGS. m!i~i~~~:.~~rr~~;~:ecpcrssuppliedonthe - A choice sefection of L.A:r-i.IPS, for sale cheap Do,vmanville, Dec. 9, 1868. 6w Horses ·and Cattle Medicines; SALT AND PLr\_STER ALWAYS ON 1IiAND Sign of the ctolden Lion, I3owmanville. ' Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Il!lftp:lt'o,,,,-ed r :=-J:-GB!f, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. Notes for Horsemen. Gctl'e of Ca1ipcd Hur;,k. -1'. l,I. Ifv,rrison hnrs a ina1·e that is uot lame nor sore; and yet her gambrol joint is one-third larger than is natur.aL It doea not dfaturb her any. \Y4en he pxceses on it his fingei· indent!! about one incb ; when the finger is i;alten off it recov&s its fullness. She feeds well, feel~ ,yell, and is twenty . months ol'd .. Asks the cu.use h.nd for a cure. It is evidently a case of c:iµped hock- the rosult of a bruise in son1e manner, usually occasioned by kicking iu.sta'Qle or harness. The only remedy "'.e knoW Qi.i s to fit~ piece of canvas to the hock, over the poh1t., n,nd ti e it ovex the point by rnet~ns of tape in front of the leg. Pressure is desirable, and the applka.tion of a lotio~ comp~~Q. of three ounces of tinctmc of, ' In churche,~, sleepy hca<li:; have ahvays beeu nurnen.n1 s, but until recently ·we never he~rd of any one clain1ing '·dead hea.d" · exon1pt1on when t.he plate 'vent round. .A. few Sundays agoi in a 'Vestcrn village, when the u pl:i..te" was being passe:d, in- - church, a gentlemnu ~aid ~o the colleutor : ' ·Go on; I'm a dead head -I'1:~ got a, pa:Js." Large,- Variety. ' · Cabinet Organs AND DllJ:N" L' LIKE 1\fu'CTON'.--.A_ good story ii! told Df the recent excellent p~rf 1.n·maJ.1cc of H~..ndd's "l\f e.::i;;i<~h "at the Broadv,1ay !B:iptist Churr.h. .A fanner took 11 i:-i wif~ t.o hear tho t,rro.nd IUU· i-:io so splendidly renU.ert::Ll ou tha.t occ~gion, and <liter listening with apparent tmjoy1ncnt, the pnir became suddenly interested in one of the f:rruHl cbo·rusc s, "YVe ::~ll lil~e sheep.') Next a deep ha:::=; voieti uttered in tho inost earnest tone$. "'Ve all like shf;lep." Then all the tiini;c~s asse rted, ' 1 ¥.Te all like !:!heep. ') 11 I a.m 8 111·e I ~lun 't," exclaimed old rusticus to hia l1artner. "I like bet~f and bacon, but I uan't Uear shet:p meat ! ,, r.l11e-J.·e ·was an audible titter i u that Yicinity, but the splendid musk attrnetcd attention fro1n the pair, n,nd they quietly slipped out. SCENE JN A l{Etl1'UCKY Just Received. Tailoring under the charge of Mr W, S, MEDDOWCROFT, an li:J · a.mica, two ounces ofmuriate 01-auunonia, four ounces methylated spirits of wine and tlu-efl pintfl of Wfl.te",· rn.ixed. Apply frequently. The enlarge1nent may thus he removed, but a slight' injury will caus2 it to returtl. EXPERJEN,OED CUTTER from London; England, ttlso for rrutny y~arn conducting fashiomible Etnblishrnents in Canada, ~ · Counrr-llouo:E.-In the good old times in Kentucky, when "substantial j11st.icc" wa.e administered in a. log cab· iu, after a. \·ery free and easy m~ner, a. suit was broug-ht to i·ecover certain moneys 9f which it W:tF; alleged plai.:D.tiff had been defrauded by the ingenious operation known M "thimble rigging." In the cour&e of the trial pla~ntiffr; s;uunf:!el, who happened to be an "expert," till· dertook to tlulighten the court a.s to the nwdus opc.:rand-b of the performanctl. Putting himself into rosition, he }Jl'oduced the three ~up~ aucl the "little joker," and pro;;:eelled, '3U1tlni; the aet1ou to the word : " Then, ma.y it please tho court, the defenc\· ant pln.cing the cups on his knee thus, bcgu.n .... sbiftini; them 80, offering to bet that my client ~ co.uld uot tcll llllder wflich cup was the ' little jnk~~' me..!l,_ning thereby, ma.y it ple~-ro the court 1 thi~ lH1.Jl, with the intention of defraud· ing my client of the r.iu.m thua ~ '\'ag~red, For instance, when I raise the cup sv, your honour supposes that you the ball/' " Suppose I see ! "interrupted the judge, wll-0: hnJ. clo:scly watched 1?_ h e pe1·forn1ancc, and WM snre tha.t he haJ J.eLected the ball, a..s one of the cups wa..~ accjdently raised. " \Vhy, any fool can sec \\'here it is, and bet on it, and be sure to ,vin. 'rhere ain't no defrau<lin' thar." "Perhaps your honour would like to go u. Y.,.. 011it?1 insinu'1.ted the counf5el. u Go u. y '( y ~ 8 , and double it too, and here's the rhino. I t 'a under Lhe 1nidclle cup.~' " I'll go a ·v on that," 8aid the forenrn.n of 6APJ?lesfm; /)kk ilo1·s~s. -14. corrc(-lpondent of lhe Country Qentlema:r1, sa:ys: "All my horscfl have been attacked with' the prevailing <lis:ease, and my main object bas . been to keep the1n winrn, .cleau aud cowfortablei ~nd"te giv th'Jm l:lucculcnt food and [iuch as ·will operate as a-n, expectorant. , 'l~her.e _ 10·as e.u ough green clover1 left pf tho second .growth which I had 1no1vc<l as their princi_pal food, 'and I gave them several q11arte: (;{ f1·esh ipple_§ tbi·ee ti1peij daily. The 1.mn1:1equti1we wal:!.1 m;y horses had.t]l.~ diSeMe ex- MADE AT A FEW ceedingly light-the first one attack-.ed began to amelld decidedly witl-µn a week. I found that I had a large qua.ntity of \Yindfa]la in my or- "' chard, which in this abtn·dti.-nt He1v:;on Lad not been reganhld i:1~ worth gathering; and these furnished about twenty bushels of food for the hor~es..-..Applcs are a well-known expectorant, and they relieve the cough ma.teria.lly." St1jled Ho1·sc .-I see in the R ·ural }rew Yo1·k~ er of Nov. 30th_, acorrespondent_asks for a re· medy for o. stifled horse:. I have cured with the follo:wing, iu twelve hours, :viz ;- The wlllte Bo\YllHtn ville, t)e".t, · of thxee eggs, a tablespoo))f\tl of ealt o ..n<l two tablesp0Ql1fuls of i::oft soa..p,_beaten into a snlve. Put a.harness on the horse l!O as to keep the col- 1 l~· t'o the sl10ulder ; tic a strap to the lo\vor. end of tb.e-~ollar 1 pass it between thG forB legs arow1d the :(etlock. of _ the weU leg, a.nd dr.}'\'11, !l _ the leg UIJ l:!O that t}1e will bear his Jvdgl1t1 ri.,!i on t11e leg; tfte1~ the lini1nent o"'n thJ:: stifle and heat in "rith a hot iron ; thiti wilGcure ~· a recent stifle. MOURNING SUITS HOUR'S NOTICE -· RICE & BARKER agents for the best Ol{GANS on the Continent. · <f5ranh <tnmhinafinn <fDryitns " FITTED WITH THE N EVfLY INVEN'JIED F. Y. COWLE. :3, 1872 is Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An invention h,wing a mo; t im11orlant l>earing on the future rnput>ttion ?f Recd Instruments, by menns of which the quantity or Volume of tone very largely increast?d, and tho qualit,y of tone rcndor~d ml P.We HENR'Y ELLI OTT J.i1111·. Equal to that of the Best Pipe Or!!a1is of the San1e Capacity. ----o ---.-Our colelmited" Vox Coleste,"" Louis P>ttent," " Vox Hurna11a," "\Vilcox Patent" "Octtcve Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Chriond ' Stops, and ' Horse Ir\flnt;.h?(L-The horse di1:Wa1>e has pre- Ham pt_ o n. Offers for sale one of the most extensive ,111d complete assortments of Goods to be found in nny country store in OntariQ. vailed in this_ section for tho la,et two months; it is not '¥-ital here. 1'-Iy )19rst!s have had it, but a111f '.nc'arly over it nn\Y. J thiJ,)l( i-e~t Ii-Lout .. ~ .next be~t thing- fQ£-the1n. If I was obliged t.Q take them out fo1· a i:ihort time, I \Vas :-iure the jury. ' c not to work then1 Uut a-little and get them into " ,And I, and I," joined in the jtU'Ol'~, 9Ife1t1nd - 't 'ho barn M soon a,5 I c0uld, and put :;., blanket all) until each ·olle hn.d invested his pile. on the1n fo1· a few hours. I have seen tar and ~pana'S "Up!" said his L.onoru'. . sulphur used in the st&bles With good effect; ~· ALL THE L:ATE Tfvi1·'vc Dl(f'ere·;1t Style8, IMPROVEMENTS ,.. Can be o\Jtained only in these Organs, ---- - -- - -·---- - -- . Patent Sheep Marks , 1 ,, I u 1 (l h "rttl 1 eJo~er "Up"it,vas, b nt te ifli lt · ·werti enlightened, and fotm d no d cu Y in bringing ill a.verdict in fo;vour of the plaintiff, on the ground tliat it was the 11 derndest kind kept in the manger as a preventative- not giv- . THE"E l>'ARI'" ARE "'HE Cl'IEAPEST, entothehorse. -~ . W.JoHN!liO:ti. ..;i :i.. .:i.."J J_ i nysteriously dll!appenred. Judge and jury WAITING Said a visitor at a country alu1shonse to _ a feeble, palr-y-shaken old manocAL EDI'l'On's C11AHAC1'£!<, LosT.-Tbe Jo. , \"h d · \:u· b L ·v at are you otng, :t l S y 1' cal editol' u-f the LUtti~"ville Denwct·at tnus ad· W · · · ' a1t1og, s1r/ v ~rti~es his lost character: 'And fur what r "Lost, sort1ewbere between the J 'otn·nal of'For the appearance of my Lord. 1 fice an<l the caet wing of the Galt Hou~e. ou 'AuU ,\·liat niakes you \vait for his apS&turda.y, the character of,~ loc1;ll edi~r, pea:dng 1' done up in ay~llow pavkfgfi I\~ e11t~r pb1z~s 'Because, sir, I expect grcfLt thiugs theu. it very highly, as it one o ~. ow er s es , and was Jlrctty much the only one the He has I,>romised a crown of righteousness possessed. The findcY will 1·ecognize it b.r its to all that love his appearing. ' edomina.nt traits. The mental ;predominate Better have V\i"'isby's hope than \Tictoria'R O\"er the vital functions-.-devotion is very full sceptre; Lazarus' rags than Dives' purple. - the deacripti ve and iu1agirn;~ti"ve orgtJ..ns large, and the ndiuirat.ion for \Yomen i~ alinost Better ia poverty 'vith piety .t.hon riches xtinct. No other traits ·remembijrc<l. \}'ith 13ertlition.- Reber. .. o' ddraudin.1~' the most lasting, the t1·011hle~1oiue, B.U(l most complete ever invented. '!'hey ar~ used o.nd recommended by inauy of tl1e best Breeders ~ iu ~h1:1 lTniti::a Stites an<l UanadA-: such a.a G. B. "" Loring-, S1:Lle1n, :r-iiasa., President New E11g land 'Vool Gr0w~rt1' Society; John S. Ross, HennopiJ1, Ill.; .Pr.ofessor )f. 1\-Iilcs, of tho·StaLc Agricultnral Colleg~, L~. .11~ing-, l\1icl1.; Hon. Geo. B row.n, 'I' oront o, Ont. ; ·J oh n Snell , Ecl · ruonton, Ont. On each )'[ad< jij t:il-ain1Jed the owner's name and the Sheep's number. 1-'hcy will be '1en'tfrct-, by mail, o·r e)(11rce:i, fo:r onlyfourC?ut"X ach, an<l ""ill for\'WEN'.l.'Y YEAns. ~-- Ca~h inust accompaay u11 on.leri:. ~ -:irn.cIIIDALD YOUJS.G-, JH., So.rnia, Ont. Orders addressed to the ).1ER.CHiNT and ·o.13·SERVEJl Office, fo1 any quantity, ""'ill be filled at the above-mentioned price, :ir~ 'Itii.J.:kly as the l\1arks can be inade and 8ent. . C. BARI{ER., Bowmnnville, Dec. 28th, 1871 ly-ml:lo Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, etc, GENTLEMEN'S SUl'l'S made to order in tho latest and mo~t approved rnauner, and on the shortest notice, from :Fashion>tble im.d carefolly selected Clothes and Tweeds, Tho la.test New York ]'ashion Plates regularly received, " Fm· the P1wlor und the Ohurch, 1'he Bed 1~! ale1i at and W 01·/mnansMp, Qi rality cind Volwnw of Tone UneqtwRed, - --- (1 -- ~ ----o---Factory and Warerooms, (Jor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (Established iu 1850.) H. ELLIOTT Ju N Hampton, Nov. 5th ltl72. RICE & BARKER, .Agents, for Ontario, West and N'_ orth of Belleville. Bowma;wille, Aug 21 st, 1876 I

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