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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 10 Jan 1873, p. 1

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· THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER C1rculat esJ,laJ-gely t the T o vnsh ps of Dailing tu Olarkc and Cart vnt:iht It ll:l a. common plutfor1n 011::11 to the f.iet1 hs 81:JJOn 0£ 3.ll qutl8 tion.s in h1ch the general public M'~ concer1 cd TERMS WEST DURHAM Steam. Job Printing O:ffi.oe KING S1JmE1 BowM ~N\ ILLE Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and ' Obser ver $2 00 llATES Ol 01 o columu ann 1n AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME rv BOWMANVILLE ONIARIO FRIDA-Y JANUARY 10 1873 NUMBER XV The captam of the B lldog had nex' to consider whether he Spanmd was I kely to call rn at any port before attem1 t ng her long' O) age ~n mo.lnng hui inquiries he bad had I , CJ es ancl ears open When the officials bad tJ1<d to make him believe 1hat the clest nation of the fug1t1ve "as Cahfor n1a one of them had endevored Lo enforce 1\ by 1 ndert..krng to prove that ehe had only \Yater on board to last for a short vo;: ai=ie lhts track \\as folio 1ed up ancl it soon be came clear frorn an exanunahon of the inen who had supplied I er with "atei that she hu. l not even eno ugh on board to last a "'eek The expla1 at10n w1, tl ut the ::lp1rnard had sailed earhei: than she had 1ntcnde l H:.n1ng d1:,cove1cd that 1nqu1r1es were be ing inade in regard to the nature of her ca.1 go aacl not ltk1ng: the presenc~ of an Eng bsh innn of war Qhe h'1d donbtles~ clear eel out in a ht rry That evening \Ve helU u. consultation on boanl the BuUdug Several place" with n a "'eek s were suggested ou<l gn en 1p One place seemed to have as great !tkli hood as another At length It \\as arrang de that the BidWog sho lu start at once Ill pnri::;tnl sliould call at t \ o porb1, wl ere pos · blJ tic Spam ird m ght touch and then not find ng lnm should go to Hong'-1ngha.1 the British settlement Lest the Spanish \e sel should have sailed direct fo1 that port it was agreed that L sliould make at one for it \JJ means of the P ancl 0 steamer wluch "as dte m two days It would be easy eno gh to uvertl ke the J(itty at ])er next port The Bulldog ten at once rrue to her tune the mail steamer arr1'\ied and I took 1 ) pa~sage to Hongs1 0 1.ia We 1 ad -a splcncl1d run In four days ~ o droppel ancho1 The fiist object that caught my atti;.nt1on was an English n1an of war As we I ad approached the to vn I had scc1 a ship lymg to at some d1Stance f10m the shore ti e general o ttl ne of" hich vas hke the Spanmd s I lo 1cl O l I 01 I r drn 0 tha she had only been there a few hours and that 110 one kne v an\ith1ng abo t her It would be ~asv to find o it\\ hat .bhe -"as l v taking a boat and crti v ai l pulhr g to "ards her I took tins step I he bol\t "ailed pleusantl:i alo11 g and so 1 r as tl e ere" 1 nc\v nlj only object \Vas to have an afternoons sat! As I neared the vessel fi st one mark and then another confirmed me that she "as the one I \las alter AL last I got a ~1e' of the curJous coat of :11rn5 of which I have alieady spoken ancl was then C<rtam that I had met wnh the object of n1y search I he boats crew I robably wo lered "I y I \Vas in such a hurry to get on shore aga n \' h le \ltey "ere dou g all they could to get n1e back I tr ed to chscovcr \Vl ut was the best course to adopt u 01dei tbnt the bpamar l should not eecape or rather 111 orde1 that I 1n g:ht sa\ e a great nun1be[ of fellow mortals from slaver) I \Vent to the J.JOltce snpenntcndent I stated mv case there was a sla ver outside she had I believe nea.1ly three hund1ed coolies on bourd wl o lad been nduce 1 to sa 1 under false pretences-could he not go on board and gt ve be] p m some form or oil er 1 He hstenecl to what I had to sav but 1e plied It can t be done She " out of 1 lJ J ur1sd1ctlon for she i~ above three miles from land B \ strely rn a case of this kind a pomt may be stiamed If you can get to see any ol the coolies on board you "ould have a ngbt to bring them ou shore if ti ey w18hed to come anJ "ere r~ady to fo1fe t th13 r paS:,age money Y es and should get abused by the go\ crno1 Ju1 not m1nd ng ruy own business It cannot be done I tell Jou So here stootl ~ tech111cal point of la \ against the freedom of these kidnapped men I n1ust go to the go' ernor fie would uo doulit at once give me aSB stance An English governor woulcl not hes tate abo11t lak ng immcchate steps to set tree h m !reds of slaves I s on found how ci,; er that rcli tape a~ "ell us other Engl sh mst tnt1on5 bnd been tra is planted to one colony at least and "as flo lt1sh1ng as vigor ouslv as any of them It was a rnuch easier matter to talk of seemg that ku g of a col onv H ts Exellencv the Go\ er nor than at:. Ltallv to obtam audience I ch! ho1e,er after so1ne d1 flicult' get 1n 1nt1;1 \ c v '\\1th his pm ate secretary H" I card what I had to say and then tn lhc cool est n1anner possible asked me to put \\!mt I hacl t ·ay 111 the form of an en1011al He wo lld then su\Juut 1t to HIS Excellencv B t I urged th1::; u1atter 1s Hnpor tait lt ·ho 1lcl be attended to at once Itnportant lO douot and therefore not to be hurri ed " e ina.y get into a corres I ondeuce w ti the Colon al Office ancl Ilea\ en only kno\\ s \Vhere it 11 end I pon te 1 out tl <it In four and twenty hours the slaves in bht a1 ct probabl} wo ld be gone aga1n I e!.p1usseU my con v1ct1011 that the Colomal Office and the l n ghsh nation\ oul l higblv applaud Ins con d ict, eveu 1! be bal to stiam a fO ut m 01 de1 to set th ese men f1ee Inc1dentall; I nicntloncd that she vas Jr st out of the three 1n1le range Then I aCJ. sure that the go' erno1 \vill not rntellere Whv it would be illegal It ca 1 t be Joi It an t be 101 e 1 It ohall be don e, 1f I can fit l a 1nan ' ho has au\ 1.;011 ge 1n 'I hose men shall \Jc set ftce It "as the pleasantest sentence I lad heard for mouths I had found a man at last '~ e n1ul'lt go to the gove1 r or said he I ha' e been there and could onli see the pr1 vate secretary H c lai gl ed at d sa d somethrnn which I did not d18tmgutsl d1·ttncth >bout a n1an strn1 gL1ll~ ln mself some U lY YI ith red tape In a few nunutes ·we reached the Govcnnment House and were ldn11tted nt once to a at die!lce The Attornei general stated his case sunplj and adv1sed the governor to at once dn~ct tlie man ot wo.r in tl e harbor to tiend a I oat to board the ship and soe "hether she had nnJ coohes on board aga nst tl e r POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILI HE \.DS CIRCULARS NOTES' CHEQUES H !\.~DBILLS LABELS CARDS TICKETS &c &c &e EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. ed to stan 1 ae:i<le Tl e1 ut 11 1 Lhe I rote tatlons of the capta l so tn e of h s v 1 ic L f\ere d rected to re nave Ll ~ hutcl 1:1 11 Spaniard swo1e bv all the s nts Jn t c cal endar that Le would lune rev c1 ge tl at i t "as a v10fot10n of ti e Span ·h Uag and h >t he wo lld J a\ e Tilj life 11ut o 1r 1e n ere rnexorable Tl e instnr I ti e batches ' em removed \\ o were s lre we had done r gl t f lbcre came fortl first :i. great sh out the cry of inen \\ho l o.v 1 g bee 1 k ept long in darkness at length aga n see the light tl e ct.} too of men long in1p1iso 1e 1 to \\ho n frcedon1 has unexp ectedly co111e next there came fu1 th a ste1 cl to l qrnLie even to ren ember u.r d 1astl) firot on e nd then another nnd then a do en at a tun e of p le faced SJckly and ilterl} retch d looking ht mu be1ngs LJ p they camr. t tnbhng some ~1th their banrls free otherl!'l \V th Rl ackles pon the1 l, 1 t 1 t.l ere ·tood upon the deck neat!) t 'o ht udicd of as ent1rely \\ oe begone creat res as co ul 1 have been fo nd ln a1 Afn a1 sla er B t.. on all their faces- the expressn c cl lld 1 kc faces of Cb1namen- the1 e \ as the 11n press of ale ~ly arisen} ope 11 ey sean1 1 d to kno\v instinct ve1.} tL lt son c unex peeled some altogett er 1 lrean eel ot de h\ erance had con1e to them 0 1 111e1 hacl l auled clow i the Spumsh ftaa nnd 111 spite of the t!ttents of the captu n bad 1t i up the Umon JOck aid ueneath that these nlen I id po'1i e1 to bt rst tbeu: bo1 ls Fu1 a inonlent we ' e e af 1 d tl at n their delmuw of JOY tl C) " 111 I "' e ut tacked and mu1d<.:red every Euronean tl er~ B t thcJ now unde1stood that vi ile one set of E ropeano had ensla ed ti "in a 10\h or hatl set them free lheAttorneJ gcnc1a l who spoke Chmese well gall creel the cool ies together and explained tl lt they l?I~ iree Talung one of the 1 contracts l c pomted out to tl er 1 "lat t was tl c' had S gned .But they ncedeJ I 0 CXF Jai alt on O! this They had leai ied alreacly liom ll ese amon 0 them 'ho I ad been ltteiall; knock etl do vn and k ch appcd what it as th ev had to expect a 1 ns soo l as ti \ n<ler stoocl ti at thev ' ere 10 1 at a E gl t poit and that the; mi gl t c ther laud ar l rel rn to Chu1a 01 settle an1on 0 the Ch n ec::e colo1 y at Hongoll gha1 it ' "' w th d lhctl ty that s01ne at least could be preven ted from leaping ovei boRr<l an at.ten pt Jg to sw mo i Hhorc I ha' c only t o add that tne 1J ll log 11 r ved t] at e\ e1uul"'l that e e1y cool e on boar! the Spat ard got safely a ·) iron her and most ol then1 hnd their pac::sage pro\Jded by tie BI t sh overt n cnt ba k to Chrna that " e Sl boeq et tl) k at ied the Spaniard 'vns ont.:. 0f tl e n10 t.. uot I coolie slavers in the tra l e a d tl a though be got off w t.1 his sl I I e ' s to~ ve up ever" farth ing ol pass ge monej ' h1ch l e I ad take l tl tL I over took the Kitty 11 at the Alton C) ge er I recen ed the thanks of the Qolomal Office "'lnle notlnng was s11 l as to th go et nor s share ui tLc transuct101 and tha.i for ina ny a long year people \\ill tell at Hongs ngl · i of the pl cb deed of the !l.tto1 e gcnernl and Lteutenant Sm1 tl of the Seo 'P'li i. 0 CORN GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY 1 FOR SALE POETRY The Heart and the Tongue of Wme OR CRACKED John McDougall ItEI.IA:NCE Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840 ~ ot sign the pledge to sa' c a soul l rom guilt a.nd s .o tl at never ends 9 CHANGE OF [l):JE B. PEA.TB, TAILOH Gentlemen s & Boys Garments \_ ~ Vl herc sad iemorse unceas n:; rolls t\_nd not n raJ of ho1 ascends? Not IDgn tlw pledge to save a soul ? Oh vell U1 0 1 ~ t e rs in 00ht fa.ll If tf'n,rs tl u ti ose sac cd courts () i an cl alter J unc 24~h trams will leave the Bo\vmani; ille Station as follows r.o NG WE.ST GOI~G E 1' l;l SI JAMESSIREETMONTRB \L PQ CANADA CHIEF 0.llFICEB P :i.cisenger i\{a l l\fp:e l Mail 7 20 a in Mail 9 ?Q \ l ~11xed 3 3o l Pa.ssen0 er 7 30 n,.m ~ 3o 7 35 P m 11'! rliE 1'\EWEST STYLES Bo mn.nvillc Tul) ?.7 1869 DIRECTORS \VALTER \Vhere uve k o vn- vere shed a.t all qave so 1? Suroly a demon from despa r ~11ght utter tb a witho t control :For lovC:: n1 d k 1dness ineet not there H el"ll the 1 lc ]ge to save a sot I? l cn.n it be tl at hc[IJ't} u.s kuo vn 'lhe lo e hi h caused creations s gh 11 a.t le ve h cl de l for s n alo 9 20 p 11 Ma l U 00 I m ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. London ancl Glasgow HESIDEN'l SECRETARY - J ' ms frJ l!l C.A.llPDELL 0 B SL H1lai c Trn.J HoNon DLE JOHN HAMIL'ION Ha ks b irg_ . Ont. MAJOR I N SBA.NL! Esq M P DtmCAN MAoi ONALD ~sq Chamnnn Not Slgn tl e pie lg t F to w A NllAbs. .Agent no momille June Otli 1871 tf 30 Q]1, l'icketS Or OD <lPl ly SPECIAL FEATURES. 1 R E ENTIRE PROFifS belong' to a.nii rue div N ot \_r <l ed a1nongs:t tl e Pol cyl oldcrs LIVES DEOLINED BY NOTICE. All p t;Q t.8 l o ld lH orHER COMP \,_"U .ES or on t os1 assing on the p 1vI 1lls JOH~ ill be proi:1ec ted opcrty know tf 36 ,vh ch an c.Ura P1 tlnium, would be rcqu 1 r..d can be assured at tic ord la~ y .;ates of this Soc1ety 1 Not sign the pledge to a w l ot those or ls 11 J dgeroent 0 h n vbo th s l cga dlc::;s sp a.ks And lo e a1 d mercy thus lefies 1 ~t 'I l RC McDOlJO !I.LL ndtr a '8pecial ar angcment SPEOIAL NON] ORFEIT\:BLE POIIOES ias ed u1 Jul: which only 10 lo or 20 A.nn nl 1 a.y RR LOSCOMBE ments a1e req ired each pa.yn ent 1:1courmg a. LITERATURE IJAilllISTER AT LAW ~OLICITOR 11'i CfIANOlWY 6'c OFFICE - Over !i-IcClung s Stoic /lat as J l\i Br ma.comb s Dental Rooll'lJ3 :Bo 'Illnnv1lle Oct 2 th 1868 ly :S,lIYME AND LIME. i I ttlc Rhyn1e JW:lt 1n tine A l all about tl e bes..t of L me L m f om the '¥cat of the very best Policy for a. 1:1um ass1 reel I ro1 ort onate to the number of I re1ruuros I a d and free f en i futu e A CHASE AFTER A KIDNAPPER vayrnent of pre n u1 i..s (Concl 1de 1 ) MODERATE PREMIUMS and wost l beral con 11 e cons g1 cc sugge sted to us th t.t if \Ve d tionf! war ted to lmd o t 1hat was the barga 1 Prospectuses Proposal f OI'I s &c 1:1 11 h e I on application at the H ead Office Qr any of n1 ach'l bet \ ecn ti e e1M1 0 rants if st ch the' tl e Agencies \\t=re and the 81:u sh captan lt,vould not New 'I'ailor Shop. A Ill WI l H l Y UOWLJ beg· to i L foru th6'pl,lbl1c generally ti at h e com inenced buswesa tl c Shop n ext to the E JoC ba~ me that will alwa) fl stand the test When making into mortar I :v:ill try a.1 d keep a good supply For it i s al ays wttnted rh a,t wl i; l you all come in to buy -You ltnot bed sappo1nted You ' ill always find 1t dry and heah And that lS something bonnie So come along and try this L 1ne B t don t forget the money: Not beat nan) quartet JOHN HEAL Ho1 a ofdelive~.:1from N 1ncam Corner of t..l1 ccn ancl' Ontm'l.o Street toFour1 m B owm \.nvS.11 1n 1 ress Offi ce one doot cast of I !\-fill e s Ha\In"' had ae ral )ea1~ e",!.:po ience in the t adl:l } ei:;. I ope>! to sati fy all vho ma) fa 01 hrm ith a cu.11 GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bo manv1Ue Sep 4th 18 m49 ti BEABTIFUL TEETH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S r ee th E xtracted at Twenty five Cente lleimns o er ~IcOlung B1os Sto1es Bo man v 11 e Oct. 1st 1870 1 - IHOS EOWDllN no24 tf CHARLES TOD, be a cbtl ctlt 1 iatter He would send a coohe wuoin he co lld bust to make nqun AGENl ] 01, BOWMAN VILLE 1es an] to iea l the engagerr1ent E\:erJ C BAHK~R Chu cse coolie requires a w·r tten statement, Obs· e O(lice Kmg St g1v1ng the terns of the agree1nent into 23 ly Bo m 11v lle Tune ?4th 18 O 39 " h1ch he has entered when he has obkun ed t1 11'1 he feels 1s certain ti at the terms Imperial .Fire Insurance Co \Vlll be aJherecl to U!'l an Enghshman \Vhen he } a~ a clocurnent on parclunent .e gnc 1 OF LONDON sealed and deln erecl (llstabhshed 1803 'I he coolie \Vas seut sa" the agree ment IIEAD 0F.ElOES - 1 Old Broad St md Jn t\ o pa1ts one in sonic lu.ngunge \\ hich Pall Mall Londo1 I e <l d not understand-one of the Barbar GENERAL 4..GEN0 1 FOR c \.N \DA 24 St 1 n d1alects he behe\ ccl-ancl the other Jll Saerament MontreJJ good sold lookin 0 Cl rneoe Tl e latter he S ib<or.r bed and u1vested Ca.11tal fl.lid H.eseive was allowed to hung away He \'\iUS t Id Fund £1 9'tl5 000 Sterlmg thatJf I e went to the Uolden Land ha Frmds inyested in Canada.-- 105 000 In::iurances BogaJ. st loss by Fue nrc effected on \vould have o sign this and give it to the the rooet 'favorable terms and losses pad w tl capta n "lnle the ('apta1n \vould in return o t refeience to the l3oard n London sign the one written lll a European d1alect J DODSV. ORTH mNIOUL BROS and g1ve 1t to tl e en igra11t a~ his sec 1r Res Secretary Inspeo\or JAMES GRANI Gen Agents J\font1 eal 2READ AND :BISCUIT BAKED / N l!.AR POS1 OFFICE 0 let s } net ally Atteu<le l l'_o BOWMANVILLE / l st 1870 l Oc1 v nl AUCTIONEERS Vo1 the Tou; nship ot Da1 lvngton II I PHILLIPS, HAM:PION l r0n 1 t ntio gi able te n to snl s &c on rcnsoi m W:JD.. Barton, tlal 8 1 u E1'N~ KILLU J tl:v attended~ on reasonable terms We ex1m1neU the Chinese docu1neHt \\1th some n:tcrcst but of course it v.:ns \\Orse than G1 eek t~ us ho ve\ eI our coolie fnend G. WEBSTER, L D S soon ga' e us l translation The v s ons ealled tp by I "ere oo ·llu rng that the 1 tile almond ei es of the Chrnama1 gleam eel wtth de! ght as he read it ver to ua In coninderntlon ol the pasoa0 e 11101 ey ti ere CORRE OT an 1 then pa1 :l the nndero1gued Caphun Marco o( tl e S1 an1::;h sh p Vera Cru 11 n dertook 1o carry ti e passenger Bl auk to the · Gol leu Laud of America, the laud where Clnnan en grew r1c] whe1e the gold "as ao the sl 0Is upon the sea shore or as the gold SURG 0 N DENTIST WHERE i WHERE i WHERE i en light 1n the settmg suu In conStdeia hon of t1 e sanie also the s111 l I a.-sticngcr HOSE that J av ;\ ttficia1 Teeth that do t fit Vi ould do well to ve rr e a call WHY was to bo \Yell fed duung h s 'oyage ind 'vas to be landed safe and 1n good cond1 TEETH GUARANTEED A PERFECT FIT hon The passage · n oney Ji ght either be m the most difficult cases I ati made a11angen e1 tat{~ gut co1reet t me frou down altogether or one half nn@'ht be R R LOSCOMBE Barnster, Agen for Bowmanville and V1cm1ty 36 mo 43 3U 4w ItJ "13.o\vman" June 14th 1860 s E M I T TIME T I CORRECT CORRECT 11! E ' T S L. C0-1--lNISH 0 \V l as bcrn very succe stul 1n insert FOR LIVERPOOL & QUEENSTOWN LINJ of Royal :\Hil Steamers sail I :YMAN iug f on N e'v Yo1k evc1y and E1 u l I rela d a. l the Co t ratef3 n.r; by any otl er hue mg AR'IIFICI:'\..L ;J?ALATES, ¥; here they h a e J een dest oytJd by chseM:e .01 very IJ u sda.y Iickets sold to a.nil from cnt at as low are tbe result of congerutal defect If yo l val ie your h<:ri.lth YELLOWLEl S & QUICK Agent Bo\ manv1lle John C Dale ?.- 1~ l3road ay Ne\ Yo1l B rr " I e um e.Jlth 18"1 Don t neglect your TEETH, on a ne BEAIJ'Ill UJ GOLD I ILLINGS mserted principle PRICES MODERATE Roou.1.s fo1merlJ occ11 d by 1 J Jo ies over Pamtcr Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c I F lvfcA rthi. s Store K ug Street "Bo manvdle July 17th 1870 n11'> 1) ~U kincls of ork p om1 tly n.tten led to and s::i,tisfachon gt u.1antccd Rs deuce-N ext door astof tl o Bible Cl rs JAMES BIGHAM, t an Chm ch TYRONE 'Iyi'One March 8th 1869 22 tf Cn.r j"lng tl e Canadian ALLAN ai I Un ted St<tte15 nail LINE AdvCrtbeineut::; should Ejencl. to persons vho template mak ng con A lltracts v1th e spape1;s for thu 1nse1 t of 001 -~ J Geo P Rowell & Co for a Circular 01 enclQ : ! P. 25 cents for th O:YE HLJ:';DRED PAGE Pt\MPHLEI conta l l g L sts of 3 000 Ne :vspapt! '8 and e t mates showing the cost of advert smg lilso many u eful l 1 ta to advert scrs and sore ac count of the exper ences of men who are kn-:nv11 LIVERPOOL-LONOO~DERRY-CLASCOW Passengers Booked Through to Lon don Pans Hamburg etc l ate11 of PruuH from Bowmn.n" Ile to I ivcr i ool or Lu londer;i.y Cal.Jin $78 to $88 ae<:ord 1ng to accoIIUl ocfat ou Steerac.e $~!) vO ,E.{. i\.SOO V N hJ Bo vma.nv llc t o Glasgo\V an l back "' SUCCBSSl IJL ... nvERIISERS 11 c 61n arc proprieto 'l'l tfllie'"Amer can Ne ve1a1 er \. lvertisu g !\gen Sf, .... 41 Park .ttLW,.New York and are possessed of unl;l 1 tled faciht1t:s or se cuung the insert1rn of advert sements in all Ne "Pal ers an 1 Pei od cals at lowegt iates N ovcrnber 9th 18 1 U $136 O 11 ten d ate 89 00 teerage 57 00 S Cer t J!cates ussue l to persons des ious of pre pn.J ng the PaB>:. age of th e t fuends tu Cac ada lhe last tra1 n connecting \v1th the i;,tenmship t o L iverpool lea ea Bowm mv lie evel\Y l r1day nt 7 35 a m Mont clll t1me I: or 11ckets o furthc mformn.t on opply to om MARRIAGE I S8 tJE[ BY ROBERT ARMOUR Bo mu 1v lle Dec 10 1869 W A. NE.ADS A g 0tl 1872 ml6 om J n. g cone t o u u k no ledge t hat ce t wu I '] ate sell Spect[l.(;fos a.nd Eye Glass p po tole of o r n l to 'lt $25. REWARD. n.0 0 BOUNSALL, 1u I MPOHTER DEALER MANUFAClUREH an all the -.. ~ :iet.1.eB of C8 t 1 b~a.r I e d for tl c a1 prehe ~ o l and c o 1 V1Ct on of all s cl p liters ns trj t o defrau l the p bl c by offl!L 1 0 ti e r tra'dh as o r ak o u na.n1cs ::;tamped thereon ' e bcieby caut on t l µ blic affa nst all l:!uch mposter s as ~feasra Y llo leei. ,~ Qu ck a1e o i: ~q ent.s_ 1- \Vest I> uhrun at la I e a.r l of $25 is 1 e1eb:v offer Italian & .American Marble. A 1\T0 ti a1 d choice selection of Monuments & Grave Stones: al ays o l fL I A ZA!WS Mont cal Nov St! 1871 111omus & GO d f 1:1 J 1 or VI 01 kl 11.nsh l and n7 tl a.t lo-west It ces , Dana's Patent Sheep Marks I" for cnclos a0 1 ury ng lots mHESE MAHKSARE THE CHllAPEST .l tl e ruo~t la.sting the least houble!:!ome nd Fnrmture Tops Mantel Pieces &c 1n1,.1'>t coinplete u e1 inve1ti:!1 fl ey ar sc I md ccomn en leJ by nuu y of the best Breeders ke1 ton la d u WlOu ht to 01 ler A ca.U is u the Un te 1 S ates and CanaJa such a1:1 G B res1 ectfl lly r eq test ed at tl e work.s Loi g Salem 1viass Presl le L l~ cw) glru d '\Vool Grvwers~ Soc ety .John S Ross lfenne Ki ig Streef. Bo err at ville 111 Ill P bf ssor M Mil ' of the SIate \g Octobe lst 18li9 1 tf 11c 1t ll'l11 Collt!go Ln.nSJng, l\fich Hon Geo :Brown J oronto Ou.t John Snell E lmo1 to1 O t On each ~fark rn stamp l the o 1 c>r s 0 I a.We u.nd th!;_B]leep:.a UUU 15~r sent/ cc by ma 1 o- express for o lyfc re Us acl and \ ill lrurt for I EN rY 1 EA its ~ CMh must ac®ropa1 y Ml orders 1 he) lli be To Sell, or Rent. \D paid down and the other half when the passenger had reache d the Golden L md E .l<R\ Tins document had to be sig1 ed both by FRIDAY MORNING, the Chmese coolie aud hv the capta n 1t all may get 1t bt t l e1haps it would take one of \\ ao then to Le retained by the lntteI tbosc fa1nous N ow can1e l1 e l ue>:t on was the en 0 ' .a:. 77-lg1n" 01 "Russell" Watches meat 1n Span1sh (as 've presumed) corres to keep it eorrectl v Gettle IBCE t1ncnt ponding to that Ill Ohmese ? Heall v the o t8p c101 c1ossetl our nnnd that the case loo] cd even blacker than" e had supposed '"bat' c v.: anted now wa_, that rnqu111es should be made aud that the Spamard should be S<arched The proper persous ol co rse to milke these n1qu res were the Chinese authon!Jes We tried them 'I hey ere too en i1 I he.) agreed \V1th ns in cvetj tl 1 g l\fost likely he \vas a sfo.\ er ti L \RGES1 n l BES'I """oitment of Most hkelv he \Vas smuggl ng enugrants Lad~es ancl Gents E'l'1gli"h ancl awa) - lh t of itself was contrniy to law Sti1 atoga 1 riml s Most hkclv he was a rngue They would T' avellM,g Bags ieport the and the mandar m chief She 'Vl St? aps , o tld see to it N othmg could be done at Valises onc e~ ~ \\eek i.L least m st elar sc We etc etc \\ ent a\vay \\Ith the IDlf rC St:ilOD tha t they to be fo md in. 'lo 11 e1the1 hcl not care ' hat the Spanrnrcl did ---o- - nsel' cs" e1 e in league \Vith An c11rly call will ensure a good choice or that tbeJ tl c:1 hill\ A com 1 letc stocl of On \I e day follow mg I 111 e I on board Harness, an Er gl .,l rna l of ' luch was ln tl e harbor I told n1y suap1c1ons to her cap Whips, tarn He'"' veri civil dehghted that I l al taken the matter l p heard what l had Saddles, etc to say ag:reecl 'With nie that the1e \VMI ~ uffi 01 htmdn.s ts1l.l nl c1e11t reason fo1 n.} belief lnd read ly pro 'Bown 'i,Il~ ille Sci .':HS"?. _ __ __ _ __:__.:_:_------- - -- - ' -' nnsed t1J make inquiries A day 01 I\\ o alter three or four ol us ~ \. ent fu1 a sail together o t of th~ 1 urbor .llL'iiU.tledge, It was i glo1 ot s daJ and 11 th a land breeze in our favor we worked our wa) gal BARRISTERS A'l'TORNEYB Sohcitox& Conve~ancers NotanesPubhc Jani!) along The shores of the peninsula wer e g eet to tl e '\ater sedge and we were 0FFI Cl!: A'l' J3ow ~1 \.:iVILLE ") er ~ir Mc?tlu1 too full of enJoyment to take n1uch noti ce !) s Store of ho v fai we \\ere being carr1e<l ~e .... ere o~i CE I::i Os11, N \---1 i l:lt loo.r uortl of th Post Office \\ fUued however tl at rt \Vas time to rctnrn Money to at lo v rates of intorest by the sett gs n By th!S time we had E ~A Y.rnL< r I Ln R M cG&E B'.A ot beyond the extreme pomt of the penm 0 JAM i:s RurLEPGE B ~ snla We' oiked our way slowly back Bo vman-..1 lb Dec 17th 1869 m&o again r aku 0 a 101 g rt n on eat.:l tack Ol r attc1 t on "as soon c lled to u ship ruoo ni; cas1lv alon g and so completely in o 1r track, and get that \ e sh onld ha' e to tal e care uot to be r u1 lovrn by l e1 EveI\ ship Ill so small a place as pretti "ell k 10 rn to; is but as for them aL it vas now lusk '" e hud sonle 11 ff culty in YOUNG & BRITTAIN S 1 1 du ng her ot t Ontauo Street It ts th e S pa nard satil one ~l( ey rn t be diy a id clea' B t 1t cant be sa d I ·he 1 as iot to .Bo'°"'rr u.n\ lle Sep 9th 1879 o3"" 1n50 ly1 i:;ail for o. \ ceJ MONTREAL o BS ERV AT OR y L. CO:RNISK'S Just Arrived MASON 's, & McGee, Save Your BONES 60 cents per 100 lbs., YOuNG Jil Sarn n 01 t Ordi,::r8 a !dressed to the M EI CHN'r a, d On S ERVER Office foI any quantity \ ill be tilled at the above ment10 ied price ns qu cl ly ae the M1.W'ks can be made and sent C BARKER Bowmanville Doc 28th 1871 / ly ml3o AJWIHB ~LD s able stan l for a Tailor , or :pa ticula1 s a1 ply to AND DWELLIN G HOUSJ m A SIOltl 'lhe above is a. de the"\ illll4;e of Sol na l Gene1al Store l'ro J3ono l'ublico. \.LL KINDS 01' l'~KEN OU'I AN_D MH \\M WERRY If b) letter a<l lress Sol ua. P 0 Oct 22nd 1U4 tf Si e has s~ileu to n ~ht and will he t ti 011 the next tack if \.\. c don t look o it do\\. n on O.n she ca1ne c ttl1ng thru gh the waler VCI y plea ant st) le As s} e drew pear a voice from or Uourd bailed ns and asked C8!3.C0J.'S Oi.Dd t'ID.:m.011'$ m a ROBERT YOUNG, VETERTNARY GTI ADU A'l' 01 ON1 !\RIO ~URGEO~ VETElU NAHT Professor W){i te. S ng:ing Sue Organ ~tan 1 Co nposer .s u prepared to a.ttend and receive pup .ls Ienn may be kuowr by a.pi h eat o l at Mre W Ison QOL1 EGF. rr1 !I.CHER 01! THE l'IANO FORIE B Ch rch Street Do" m1U1V1llo J uly'llth 1 1872 lw 41 EGS to 1nform the lahabit anta of Bo\vinan \'\eat s e1ed h 1n in the same thmg of 'illc a d su r o dmg country that h.., ha.H co l o e iced the practice of b s pr f ss on and 1nr g al'.'l e l\.f) 11npres::;1on o l O\\ e\ er ti t of Bowmanville ca be consulted as to the d1 sea.aes of Horses 11 e heard us speak1ng togeth er in Enghsh and Cattle nt Crlove s L very Office K u1g St [he best of refe:rcnces given 1n l3owroa.i ville He bad backed Jns sa ls i 1 order to nllo\\ l{cs lence- B1od e a HoteL and else here Office on Church Street Bo nnar.Hllo J &n 4th 18 2 1 Bowmanvillc Feb 22 18"2 mG ol2 1, us to come alongS1de W ~ sa\\ the captam 1 Cured without the Use of the us ir we would take a co pie of letters on sh o[e for l He sp l e n 1fala..) \vh1ch 1 e>er\ body hereabor ts understands some J[{n1fe, by 1n1 DR. B. PATTERSON, l v. ho \as i deed 1ny olJ ac ll r.nntunce at Pmgbo atandrng on the b 1lwarl s nnd looking ont so as to h v to recognise u<:i. He succeeded apparently- m fa t I so v as '~ e 1re\\ alongside that bo knev; n1e ~s soon · s ve had caught hold of the 10pe \\ htcl had been fltng out I e salute! me with an expresston wh ch I had rather not put down I ere I was a meddling fello w I thou 0 ht myself very c}e, er etc etc Ile had a. pretty cargo o board-t~ and enn grnnt· Would I hke to see tbe1 ' Tl ey had paid ti e1r passage mostly Some of thcrn' ere going out verj cheaplv '\Vould I bke to come on boanl and look over Ins otock I He .aid all thIS sta1 umg on t] e bulwark nn l talking down to us In the boat and as he said 1t he \vorked I n sell rnto a l n and fairly danC<d ~1th rage Ou1 boats"'a111 ordered the rope to be let go m order that we ru ght drop astern for her gbtl' conjectured that our pos1t1on \\as getting dangerous And yet twas impossible not to help bemg am 1Sed ~ the man s anger When he sow that ' e ,ve1e getting out of reai. ;h of him he sprang do\ n on 1 oard a U g L e an onler the re sulL of wlnch \\ a.s tl u.t 1,1e were instantly pelted \'1\h coal J.i'o1t mately '" bacl bJ tlus t1 nc got so iar tl at nearlj every shot fell short t1 ough oue of ot r oarsmen got an a\\k vnrd l rock lust as "e we1e con g1atul it1ng our<:: cl vcs on being out of }us reacl and do1ng our best to r g air sail \le we1e startled by hea11ng a man lll the water near to our boat and s vnnm1ng fron1 the , essel He " M Ahot ting anx1o t sly to be taken m W1thot t anJ hes1tatt0n we at once took the poor fellow on boa1d to sa' e h1n1 f101n lrown1ng He "as app u: entJ \ not r ussed on board the SpanlSh 'cs sel antl u t vo 01 three ruin 1tes w o were out ol both s ght and heari ig He wo.s a Ch ne·e coolie B· t we could make at lust HlJ little out ot hun he was too excited to speak coboreutl) After a while \\ c n anagetl to get fro111 hau that he ho.U patd his passage o 1 Loar 1as n eu grunt He together with \he others had been told to be ready at any tune to sail They hacl all been called on suddenly to go on board that lay Until the ship was ou t or I ar bor thev bacl been allowed to continue on deck and had bad u good Suj ply of r ee and fish served out to them ;\s the) got be ) ond the heaolancl and as the day "as clos rng the) had been orde1eu down belo11 m small detachme1 ts What h sa11 wl en lte got do n he co ild h udly dcsc1 be He told us tl at there were a. g eat nlunlJcr,.of Chrnmnen speakmg a dialect different Jrom Jus and lookmg I alf dead v th feai an l bad treatment 11 e pl ir. \US tiU <lark that it wo.s d1filc tll to see them clearly b it tliei hacl been pr soners for many days Some sad they ha l been dragged on board and hacl shown him the \\O mds they had r e cen od when ti cy hacl. been captured. 0th et~ had beeu mduccd td"come on board as em1grn.1 ts and hnd paid then pasAAgc money Others oga1n 1 ad sold themselves and. ~e lteved that tie) were la\ filly the propertJ of tl e Span sh captain All tbi, we got out ol lnm bv drnt of cross examination for the poor fellow as so ex c1ted and frightened as to be unable to gn e ai ythmg 1 ke a coherent account Hu told us that he hal been among the hst batch of n1en to be sm t do\\ n below and that wlnle the attention of the captam and tic sailors nacl been duected to\vards our boat he had taken the opportumty of dropping o 1t of a m1 ldle deck w1ndo and 'lw1n1ming towards us He lnmself l ad been one of the emigrants who had j aid hi passa0 e of them as tbey left the harbor had hacl h1~ contract in Chinese exchanged for one 1n a European la1lguage He had lns \v1th h m he thounltt It was p10duced But the n1oonhght \\as 1 ot then bright enough to allo w u~ to n a] c it out Ort reach1ng the harbor we made at once for H 11 ship the Rulldog and ha\ u g piocnred the assist a.nee of a he 1teuant v. ho knew son1cth1ng of Spa111sb "e \\ere able at le 1gth to :get at the mean of the 01 u aman s contract Its pr1n ctpul cluuse r n to this eflect Afl l r con sideratio of the payme1 t of--rupees to Kmg km [the Ch nawa 1 taken out ot the wate1] t be gt ven bv hnn to h18 friends or to whomsoe\ er he ple.,ed the said Krng kin b nda h 1naelf to oerve the Llorter Don Captain ]..lurco for llfe or any one to \\horn the sa1 l Don Cnpta111 Matao shall assign him Herc then was the explanation of the ID\ :,tery ut the tv. o doct 1ne1~ts lhe one in Cl 1nese set forth as\\ e ha' e seico that th e I older was lo be conveyed to the gold countr e m ret rn for the payme1 t of Tins had been certa1n passage mo 1ey gnen up to the eaptarn and of course would 1 c lestrOJ ed I he uther alleged tint th e man hJi<l sold himself as a sla\ c B; a en el mockerJ the wret bed victim was allo' cd to k eep t 1e ev dence of his o n bondage ~ON tl e nex.t tl ing to lo ~ \ d I s to see he tam of the B ull log a id ti v if "e can t catch the sla vcr Accor l ngly \VO ma le o tr '\vav Lu l 1 ~ ctbin I-le entered 11 to the bu~ ll(i3S very thorn ghly anc l with all au Englishman s butre l of sla>er) set himselt to \Ork to catch the Spamard The fir;:it l uest1on tu be ans\vered \VI\~ \\here ha she sa le1 for 1 l'l e captam ,vent h1 nseH on ~ hore to tin l tl 1s out The Cl 1nesc author1t1ea co ll<l ha\ e tol l h nn at once 11 ti e I al liked b t \I e' l u not like At anyrute tt ey l revf r1cated One said he bad gone to Cal forn fo anot her to !\i ha Om eaptm i asked to look at the ofhcrnl papers The authont1ee rnlu ed to show them On the fil8t day he threat ened the at thonties o 1 the seco d hu~1ng got everytLu g iea 1) for \ e glung n.n1.;Lor he place l hrn ship oppostte the 101 t ' 11 he ,vould b~ve fired into it He then lea ind cd the papeio, ancl the officials yiel led Tl e Spama11 had had them made out for Cal ao n So th Amer q The Cl 1 coe nu t hontie~ therefo re had 1 r u 1 n ti at this tP.n l g total e tl cs~ poor coun n ol th ci ; ay 01 lot that they n l t be sol l u o ou of the vor5t for1ns ol ,1, et v an I had i II probabiht matle mon ey b) the transact10n ' 11! But sheJ.s not v1tl11n n1y JUr1sd 1cbo11 said the gov~rnor Na but if she is a slaver she is a p rate nns vered ~fr Attornej a.r: 1 may theteJorc be attack eel anywhere Yes by anj one having authority Mme only extends to ti IS colony three n iles from the shore It needs no a ithorlt) to seize a slaver Sl1$\vered Aiir .Attorney \.\.ax1n0 y, arm and bcg1nn n 0 to express 1n the tone of his 'oice the conlcru1 t he felt for the weaker man v; ith whom he was talk1nl:) A sl11 er is p11ate an~l 1nay be seized any\\ I er.c It vot ld be altogether illegal You ongl t to know that bettor tha1 I Mr <\.t torncy And yet this man would not willmgly have hurt a f!v He \\as kmd nncl gentle and wished to do his I 1ty H" "as only weak He \va.s i 1 a responsible position and shnked tesponSib1!tty But sutel.) said our st1ong la,vyer lie co1n1ng every mo nent more earnest in hrs tone:. 'ou \Vlll not take the nsk of send 1ng all tl eoe roeu to slaver;, and most 01 the1 11 to dc:nth \'\hen 1t is ln vour po\\ er to sa\ e theu1 1 It can t be done I wish "1th all IDJ hea1t-) ou don t underi:;tund Mr Attornev how m ich I \Hsh that I hal the po"er:to set them ftee I wonlcl rndecd You have the po\ver ) our Excellencv No no it 1s out of m.} JUTisd1ct1on I pledge my rep tat10n as a lawyer tb tt 1t is not But then there is 1nternat opal-it vrould be a 1reach of inte1nat1onal Ja rv Interuut1onal la.\ be l anged ans" er edthe lawier I Jee! bound as a tri ti f I reporter of \\hat took place to state that tJ e exr rc"-SlOll "o.s still stronger This closed the com e1 sat on TherP. \Vas clearl.} nothing 11101 e to be done with the go\ ernor The Attorne; general told rue that ti e result 11 as Just vh at might have been oxpected J; tt, to my deltght \ e 'verc not to gi \ e up our en dea' ors to set free unpr1soued men The lawyer bad made up his mmd that ti ey should it possible be ·et fiee \hat very mght Mo1 ung might be too late There 1s n man of wai here ea1d he and I er eaptam is not a bad fellow.I have an 1nv1tatlon to dinner for to rnorro\v but Ill go on board at once Yo 1 had bet tcr con1e with me 1 reachly consented and in a fe v 111 n utcs v. c 'vere on our \\ A.J to Her 1'-InJeSt.} s slnp Seo pwn. The clue! ofticei recen eel Ui:; 'e1y cordially ru U insisted o i our re ma1ning to dinner My fr1e11d consented at once on behalf of both of u' but declar ed that he ho. l l:iome bustness to transnct before he cltne<l He tlien expla nc I the purport of o 1r \ 1s1t an l concluaed by 1ng him to send a boat on board and ex a 1nrne the 81 an1ard I et tl::lnar t Sm1tb the officei in con1 mand beSJt,ted He chd not like to tuke tho res pons bi ht) He "as under the 01 tlers of the governor o Jong M he was in port Had he been out of port he "ould not have hesitated ior a n1on1ent lhe Attounc) general hanlly kne\\ what to do At length he a ked the lieutenant to lend hlm a. boat and crew 1n order that lie might h1111.sell Hs1t the Span urd Tl is proposal was at once acceded to fhe At tornei general undertook all 1esponsib1ht) and the officer Ill command was glad both to oblige huu and to aid rn the task ' luch he had m haud At last ti en I was to see a fa r at tempt made to dcln er the "retched men who \Vere on board fro1n tl e clut hes of then kiclna;ipe1 Some lunt of our object had got about among the blue Jackets and thev pulled rne1nly along m the d r chou of the Span1ard Bes1 le~ the officer In com mnnd of the boat an<l Ji 1s cte\v there was no other peroon in her except the Atto1uey general and me In some h1ng less than half an hour "e \Vere a1pnga1de Two or three men were lnz ly lonnn ng o\cr the bul\Varks but to our '8Urpr1oe they sccuccly heeded onr approach The truth IS a, we alterwa1Js learned ti ey di l i ot believe we hacl any mtentwn ol boardmg them Al moi:i.t before they knew wbat we "ere do ing o 1r n1en lad S\liung themselves on board a 1c1 I stood " th the nest on the deck of the Spamarcl At tins moment her captain ~s I retnained some what behind he did not recogn1se n1e and asked 111th cot Stderable politeness to what cause 1 e was 1nde1Jtcd for the honor of tl c v s1t Of course le Ba\Y at a glance th it he had i utan of war s crc' to de ~ l with 11 e Attorne .. genend '" tsspoke~1nan 'I I at gentleurn. u told huu at once that he \Vas suspected of bet! g a slaver and \bat the ere\ had cotne on boa1d to search his "ea ael At tbat moment h1s CJ e caught s1gbt of me Instantly his s tuat1on \\as cle11r He had been follo11ed ancl cxpo,ed H1S hand went mstrnc\ively to bis breast pocket But the mo' ement wa:. seen by our heuten ant If you draw a pisto] 01 make an) resistance whatever 1ts only efftet Wlll be to brtng do\\n the Sco1pw i upcn you and vou will then hang at your own l arc! arn1 H l:! n en ns Lla.ckgu<trd looking :L ere v as e-..: er I sa v had ga.thered 111::a.r and for a moment I feared \\e ·hould have a flgl t But the firruneso:i of our officer prevented an) such calamity The crew were order · · - C~nbe s Jo " wl Boys Who Smoke fl c Davcnpo1t Deraoc \San e l to 11 1n a recent issue in \ l 1ch it says A ph ~ c an of tl s cit) bas vest gut~d the effect ot smoking on 38 bo\o s between the ages ot 11 ne and fifteen add ct ~ I to t he ha\ it T" ent) seven pe cntcl d st 1 ct SJ 1npto1ns of nicotine pohion In OJ2 there a1e serious chsorders of the c11cula.tio1 in hgest1on dullness of ntcllect a1 d a n1 t1k ed appetite for s;rong elm k s rn t i ree there wo.s heart affection m 8 lee led de terID.(a.hon of blood 111 12 tl ore lts he quent ep otax s 10 had d slu rb e<A;lee1 rnd 4 had ulcern 1on of the n1uco1 s 1 enl brane of the mo itb A late 111c111Le1 ot the Medi ccil 1Yews re publishes ti e follo 1 0 1ro tie } "'itis h Uedtc·l Jo rnol Dr Deea1Sne (B1tll Ge ' de Therez ) as i 1 the course of investigat ons on the 1u fluence of tola co on tl e t.: 1c lat on I as been struck wuh tbe large n 1mber of boys aged from nine to fifteen 'I enrs \vl o sr okc ar d hae. been led to iuqt ire into the con nection of th1~ habit with 11up:.11rnlent of the get mal health He has obsen el 38 boys aged f1oru n ne to fifteen \\ho sn1ok cd mo e or less 01 these dIStmct s' mp toms were presentu 27 In 22 tl ere \\e1e vir1ous d1sordc1s of tl e c1rculation- /n iit pe souffle 111 the neck palpitation ch or den~ of 1 g sbon slo\\ ness 0£ intellect and a more or ess tnurked taste for strong dnnk in 3 the pnlse was r ter1n ttc1 t Jn 8 there \\as fo Ind on cxa1nn at1011 m o~ e 01 less marked duuwuiion ol the red co1pua cle~ lil 2 there \\.as rather freqne11 t cpis tax s 10ha1 d st ubcd sleep a1 l 4 had shght ulceTo.t1on of thri muc ous n embrane ol the moutl which disappear eel on cc ts ing horn the t1Be of tobacco for some 1 n a: In children vl o a. e veiy ell nourished the disorder \\US in neneral le s marked As to the age 9 8 of the boys were lrom nrne to twelve yea1 13 old 19 hon twelve to fifteen I he dt ration ol the ha! 1t ol sn1ok ng \\as in ll'Jllrom s ;.; 11101 th o t o ft year and 1n lU n101 e tl 1 tw o vc u s The 01d1nary treatment ol ::i.u unna in gen eral produced no efl ect as long a8 tlJe :;1nokin 0 'vas contmued but \\hen th is \ovaS dcsi tcd fron1 health "'a~ soou perfect Iy restor~d i! tht:re \Vas nu urJan1c dt!'lea&e rhe 1nall '\VhO be noth Ng but. SC'll 18 car h 1 r ea' it Well I see ' e d Iler ti opin101 I C( n t B t sendjol r memorial in J st as I \\aS leav11 g he called me back and &1. l 1n a lo\.\ '01ce Call on the At torney 0 cneral b tt for Hea<CJ s sake dou t ment10n that I tol<l JOU He will help you if he can bnt there IS 11oth1ng to be <lore here po1nting ao he spoke to l s Excel !ency s office 'I went to see Mr Atto1neJ He 'vas at home He hearcl. my tale, got at the facts with the skill of a pxact1sed law' r nnd sat ot 11 fo" rr nun 1te or two I was aim l I 1>as go g to I enr agn n ti at bo1r ble It cant be none n 1t alter a wl ile he stood up suddenly, and throwmg ont his oentence ·11th the of a shot, C3.D o 1s or notb1ng bit rnerry man b h alt r The passionate a1 e hke men stand ng on their beads the) see all thrngs the wrong ""Y Great hearts u 1c God B best a1., 11ent For at the r gienteBt God 8 great I tl an oui hearts Tranquil 1l eaomc !a, t th e lo igest We are not fitted to bear long the b ir<leu of great Joys -.

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