· THE POETRY. Acrostic on the_ Year. }l'rom thti Ohio Farmer. MEitCHANT, FitIDAY) JANUARY IQ, 1873. THE FARM. What to· Mix with the Soil. FULL SUPPLY ---- =========::: 1 ( " 'fhere is your garden ttll inade, neighbor,' 1 so.id Ephraim White, as he i:itopped £01· a minI. ute in his plo\ving to lea.nover the garden fence, J 11fJ t at the dawning of tl1e year, "a@ hertJ I n.m just turning the ground ; I do A nd guardian of its opening portal, not see hO\V you lIHtna:;e to get nhen.d so. I N ew hopes arise, brilliant and clear, can't see that yon \\·ork · so much harder than U uto us; c 1cn ,~linti>.r to us mortal the rest of us." .A. ri~es nought wholly \lread &nd drca.r"I always try to get my garde~ in as rwon aH R etierved in God's good time, 'vill not all possiblo. You know the difference of a week Y ield up its promiaef.!, bereft of fear? in getting yow· Crop to market often determines it sU.cceas. or fallure . I took in forty bask eta II. of tomn.toes la.st year, which aold at three dolJ.!' ron1 out the 8kies of mOrning- lars a. basket. After the market wa.B stocked I )~ 'en clondy skies and chillcould not a::-et Inore than forty cents. S.o my B ri:g'ht shines the snn; adornin~ earliest green peru:i clea1·ed iue thirty dollars, R ougb Winter on vale and hill. a.nd my 'vife bqught herself a handsome parlor ·u pon the roadway bells are warnioi; carpet with tlle spring chickens tha.t 'vent .A. nd calling feirth theil· merry thrill i with them." R ich gems a.round me all are scorning, "That's just your luck always. Now my Y et full of light ancl beauty etill. experience is wholly different. I kno'v the ad· III. va.ntage of ea.rly tnarket gardening as · 'vell as you do, but to get it done is the rub, So many }f ihl er, longer gro,vs the day-ti1ne, things to be done always, I never have a. chance A nd the deep-piled snows are \Vasting. ; to get my seeds in before yours a.re up; I work It ourid about this northern dilnc like a slave too." C ou1e1' the gentle \Yinds nO\V ho.sting, " I am afraid you don't t ake time by the H elp on the S\veet Spring time. forelock, my friend. You remember you laughIV. ed at tne when I plowed a fialtl in those opCJl days in.January; you asked if I \Vas preparing ~A.. 111id the grov~s the c::i.rly birlls to sow my tu1·n.ips ! Now I sa.vcd all that time p rolong the happy sounds of Spring ; for my !spring \VOrk, So 'vhcn the swamps 11. ills in a thons::md channels heard ; were frozen, the boys and I cut and hauled I n a devious course the \·taters bring hon1e our be:i.n poles, stakes, and brushfor pens, L ink nnto link all occn.nwo.rd. so they were ren.dy for 'use wl1enever wa.ntecl I remember goi:ug to the ·woods f.or a load once !\{ r~yflowers arc on the hill a1J.1J yla.in ; in planting time and I never moan to do it l\. r~und the fanner sows the golden grain; aga.in. ForetJ1ought in the winter is what tells Y oung life frmo death 110,v springs &ga.in. on the _ s pring ga-rden. l:: \·et·y <lay :you can save in tlrii; ina.nner is wortb two in the busy season. VI. 'rlius it &1.\'es you endless ·worry and trouble tti! .J nue, 8Weo-t, full-blo~somed nuw, \VC11, I .spend 11w..uy a winter's evening iu plan· U pon the teeming earth in plenty bcamsi 11ing improvcn1enlia about the place. The chilN ii;ht y ields to-day "rith rosy bl'OW, dren make n. map of t he garden, and by the first I·; vening au~ morn with l'dghtness gleanis, of:fv!arch \Ve have fully decided .. where every· thing i1:1 to be planted. Tbis ~aves much thne and trouble also. I buy n1y seeds eady, of reJ \1ly with fervid sun pours <lown, liable sccdsmen, and never buy up a lot that U niting growth aud ripeness fa.i.r ; ~e off ercd su!lriciously cheap. .A.nether thing l. oose lock and bu.re anns brown, I find saves much time, is to put uH tools in the Y c jolly mowers in the mca<lowi:; there. best ordtJr during the winter." VIII. "Juet so I told my boys, but there Wall the plow left till it 't\'as wn.ntecl, nntl it took a. trip to A. gaiust th e hill·side5 the \\·aving· gr'.liu to,1,1n to get it mended. I gavo J ai;k a good U ndula.tes in 1na.ny a waving fold; scolding about il·" G roaning with sheaves the loaded wain "I always find it ha.S more effect to say lT rgcs its sl ow way acr~ss the wold, 'Co1ne boys,' than it does: to say 1 Go. boys," r~ S cc forest robed in fullest train; · ma.rk~d the other. 'r h; orchard shows its wealth of gold. ""\-Vcll 1 well, I suppose \t-"C n1ust jog on in our own fashion," said he of the plo,v, as he S lw.J.o,vs lengthen on the main ; chirped to his "Spl'ing·poor ' 1 oxen, who ,vere 150 lean tlu~t they could not do half a.s effective E vcuing· ;i.nd morn a coolncs3 gain ; work as his .neighbor's: cattle. p leasant sunshine alterua.tes with rain ; T he harvest moon is bright a.hove, 1'he result of the two systems gre'v 1nore and E a..ch object guides the soul to love more apparent a11 the years rolled by. The ?vI ark the bl·ight hours only as they move. forchanded fttnuer had a pleasant homestead whiCh he wn.8 every year improving and beauti~ B ending corn t}1e reapers wait j fying. 'l1hc othe1· place had n. run clown look, TI i ncrl~ld lUlls and.forests t:,r:reat which increased \Vit·h a£e, Jt oll antbe1ns to their Poteptate ! The fanner who fails in winter to get ready for spring, as fl.tr as it is in his power, w:ill not fail to find bi tn~elf in a hurry and pres.a of "'ork, O 11 every hill the ina.ples flaun t ""'.hich for the time seems overwheln1ing. Every C ri1 nson crowns, blood·rcU and gaunt; tL'l.y spent in tbi~ preparation seems ahnost like 'l' in ts of every shade the forei:.-ts 11aunt. t<'n days saved whe11 the time comes. But how O nc by oue th'e leaves are fulli ng, fe,.,,· lllakc this thorough p1·cpartttiou, even of B eneath the trees the ground ifl stewn j E vexy fruit the seasons owu, *" those accounted good fartners ! Most could lal'gcly increas1:1 their receipts at the close of the R ich <1rnd rare, enjoyment calling. year if they would follo\v the suggestion of one XL who was asked 11ow he n1ade hia: soil so inofita· 11 N ow co1ne the heralds of the frost king. blA ; I mix brains 1.\--ith it" waa the an·swer. - Country Gcntlenuin. . O ut of the north the chill blru:its spring. ' ' lue clad cut and palace bnlt }~ ;:wh has hanr1;.:st.horoe for all ; Handy Horses. )1 indful of the bles!:!inga p,a st, B c thn.nksgi"ving o'er the s1J idt cast, Not many ye<t.rs a;;o, a gentlcinall of South E vcn under the d ull skies of Novc1 nbet· Adntns, ·1fasa., owned a pet span of horses and It cn.!ion and loveaOJne pleasure can r1;Jnder. anumei·ous faiuily who \\'ere also pets, a9 wa.s 9very living thing under 11is proteotion.. " XII. 'l'he district school-house \vas a nlile off over a. blesi.k roa<l, in a very snOwy country. D riven fierce before tlie gale, These horses> when ·colt1:1, vrerc accuatotn<.:d :c vening dull n.nd roor:ni11g palti, to_ carry and fetch the children, and after a C 01nes the sno"'~fiakc of the beast ; while were cntl'usted with the 'vhole busine.<JS. ]1: ru1ine robes around are cast. .tVter being hitched up to tho old lu1nber-box ~1 iJ.-J.a.y sun wltl1 oilantiiig ray sleigh, they woultl '°'trot off of thcll· owu free n reaks coldly forth in din) array ; will," to t11e f:U'lll house door,rcccive some halfl~ l\dingyear with hoary Ju:i.ir, d~zen ?r more d1iklren 1 \~·ho in gre:it glee would fl, en1iuds ns 've its lot must sha.r,c. pile in an1ong hl1ffalo skins and blankets. J. Vii'. liANG. Then these horses, v.ithout driver or guidance of n.ny kind, \~'hnld stn.rt off bri.<Jkly, go to the school house, turn up at the door, '\'ait for the children to turn out, then 1nake their tnrn ca.refully O.Jld return ]1omr. . . ~4.t night they 'vcre sent alone fo1· t!wir load agu.in, and "\VOtdd turn up to the school-house ':\'hy .is Ja.nnn.ry like the foru1na.n of n. jul'y? door and \'\'ait patiently foi· the children. necam:le it is the first of the twelve. . 'l'his business was doue by these horses for \Vh~t fru it is the tnost vi.l:livna.ry ?- 'l'ho a11ple twenty years, and their kind master kept them until old nfi"e-x:arrieQ. them off. - Du,nib Anim.ata. t)f t11e eye. · Fall and 'Winter Goods, A 'l' 1872. D. W. 1\fOLEOD'S' GENERAL STORE, I. FALL GOODS IN A exceedingly~cheap POINTS Simplicity in CoiiHr·uction, )!.:ase of OJJe'l'ation, Perfection 01 Stitch, alike o n oot sides, owing to perfect tension on upper ana · lower Th.read. R1!.NGE OF WORJ{ :-From Gauze to Bmwer Cloth . DURBTLITY :-Will last a life time. FR CASH All orders for ' Large Variety. :!qua.Uy adapted to Family. Work, Dress and Shirt Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c. Tailoring PRO.MPTLY EXECUTED v. Just Received. Tailoring under the charge of Mr W. S. MEDDOWCRO:F'l', an MACHINES DELIVERED AND lNSTliUCTI()NS GIVEN. EVERY .A.gents, Yellowlees MACHINE WARR.ANTED. & A1s Agent for the \Vcll known Quick. FIRST·PRIZE WANZER MACHINE, S~WINC · We have rt!so ou hand 1VANZER'l' f_ LE1'1'ER A, ABBOTT'S, AND BARCLAY SEWING ~fAOHJNE at vn. EXPERIENCED CUTTER from London, Engla1:1d, also for many years conducting fas}iionable Et"'blishments in Canada. Ohr Stock of General Goods is large, embracing all the Novelties of the day, and all the necessaries as well. Piuture F1·o.mos-all sizes, :&:fouldings of every style, \Vall l'a~er- ~ splend~d asso~trocut now i~ stock, A large su1!})ly ~f Oeautifully ass~rted \Vin.dow SEa4cs, C~lil.dren's Car;!af{ea,. C?ncertinas, Brushes, Combs, Looking Glasses, Music, 1\{aga.1..J.ncs, " 1ohns, V1ohn Bows, V i6lm :5tr1ngs,Pa.per Collars, N eck 1'ies, Sc:hool 13ooks, Da.y Books, Bibles, Knives and l<'oi·ks,:Pucket l{nives, Ra;r..ors, Spoon.s, and ScisSors. Chea.pe.st Not· Paper and "Euvelopcs in the country. All these, and a th'Jusand other at'ticles, ll\l'C to be fonud at the VABIE!J. 1Y STORE. Vite are a.1waysg1ad to ~ee friends, and think it no trouble to sho\Y Goods ; and \Ve guarantee a.a good value, at a.a low prices aa any other houeye in the trade .. Pa-rt:ics \.Vish'i ng to telegraph tbcil' fi·icnds, mr.y relv on having- their business <lone prom1)tly. ~<\.gents for Inman Line of Steamers, and In1p erial "'Building and Sav ing Society . MANUFACTURES PRICES. Enuiokillen, Nov. 24.tht 870. ..,_ nl8-tf DRUGS AND1MEDICINES AT THE Bowmanville Drug Store, OULB most resl?ectfully tender his sin· cere thanks to his numerous friends and custo1nere, a.nd to th<:i public generally, for the very ll,beral support he has received since his commencing in business; and hopes by continued strick personal attention to buaiuesB, and offering nothing but tho purest articles, at the most reasonable prices, to ensure a continuance of public patronage. J. R. i.\·ould call :Spticia.l attention to his very · superior stock of W J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Are now showing" full assortment of .,;_- MOURNING SUITS l)l:ADE AT A FEW HOUR'S . NOTICE Bowmanville, Mtuch 7th, 1872. · YELL WOLEES & QUICK. n23 DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY. A fine lot of · Oct. TIM.- CHIT CHAT. [Tim :Brady anQ. Mike FlynnJ . Oct. DYESTUFFS, ·which are !5Ure to give the best satisfaction. A well ·selected stock of Cloth and Gents Furnishing -o--A full Stock of F. Y. OOWLE. 1872. Bowmanville, Oct. 3, 1872 x. ' DRUGS, " Good morning, Mike, shure and it is early out ye are. Might GHE.lfIGALS, I be bould to· axe what started yees this morning." , P A'l'ENT MEDJOINES MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, 'rim, and l'Jl tell ye iu a jiffy. Ye see, I was BRUSHES, tould, yisterday, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home m1 iiliga:n t new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its GQlrIBS, ml meself' cotild lmrdly slape a wink, all night, thinking av the SHOULDER-BRACES, chape goods. And sure enuff, its the full store he has-piles SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. and piles av the na,test patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's kcµt constantly on hand. av an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Oints; Tay OILS, PAINT; for' most uuthin, and the Baccy for a trifle less." COLORS, V ARNIHSES, TIM.- «.,An shure its funning me ye a.re, Mike ; wouldn't the man be and WHITE LEAD, afther breaking down." MIKE.- " Breaking down, is it. SUl'e he knows ti tlufok wurth two av at the very lowest prices. Horses and Cattle .Medicines; that. I'll jist tell you what it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grate N. B.~Oountry StorElheepera sup1Jlied ou tho name ~when youre ded, and be called a filantrofized,filosifer, and most adva.ntageoua terms. A choice sele(,-tion of LA~fPS, for sale cheap a public binifacthor, 'jist tell aJl youre nabours, and the rist av 61n mankind, about Gray's cktpe store, and you'll do more for the , Bo:wmanville. Dec. 9 1868. good av your counthry, than iver St. Patrick did for ouk1 Ireland, whell he bimished all the toads aud snake· out av it, that 1 1872. · FRESH GROCERIES. All to be sold Cheap. Highest price paic /or BUTTEB and EGGS. SALT AND 1?LASTERAL1VAYS ON HAND Sign of the Golden Lion, J3oWl'Uanville. ' niver 'vas in it.i> TIM.-- · " I'm much oblaged to ye, for the bit lLV ttbvico, and w·on't detain ye; there'll shurely be a grate nm, ai·id maybeo I'd miss some barg-ains. The top av the morning to ye."-I'm off to Gray's. J· . GRAY, Tyrone. Noted f'or cheap Goods. Simmons & Clougi,. Org~u Co's OUR .. · Crumbs for Chickens. ~ 0 ott Strr,ut, .n o0 · Cabinet Organs AND I . AND ~ GENERAL BOOK STORE, King Bowin«,nville, Contains one of the largest stwk~ of - ~ If cheese conies u.ftl'r ineat., what coroei:. after chcest' ?- A lnouse. 'Vhen docs fl. lady dri11k 111usic?-'Vhen she . hn.s a p~anoforte (piano fur tea.} \Vhe.n is :t. lo\·er like a tailor?-'Vhen he l'ressus his suit . ¥.'hat iS higher when the l1ead is off?- -'fhe ]Jillow, \Vhat ki11d of hat Hies without wiugs?-A l1 rick-bttt. , Popular Diet among the j\foruious. - Sp:u-e rih. It ii; nict11· to 8ee than to feel a lady's cnff. Stra.ngt~ Bed·clotbes.- 'l'hrct: sheets in the v:iud, ---- ~- - How to Know the Age of a Horse. 'Ve find the following in the Southern Cultivat-0i·1 credited to "'Exchange" ;- 'l'he colt i1:1 born with twelve grindera, when four front teeth have made'tlicir S.ppea.rance, the colt is . twelYe days old; and '\lr'hcn the next four· conte forth it is four 1nonths old. When the corner teeth appear the colt is eig11t months ol<l; when the latter have attained the hight of. the front teeth it is one year olcl The two year old colt has the kernel, {a. <lark snbst&nce) in t'be tniddle front teeth, a.11d when thrt'e yea.rs old they 3.re substituted by the horse teeth. Tho next four teeth are shifted iu the fourth year,and thu i;orner teeth in the :fifth.-At lilx years the kel'nel is \\'oru out of the lo\\ler middle front teeth, and the brid1e teeth have now o.ttn.ined to their full gro\vth. At seven yf'n.rs n. hook hns be.en fo1ui· ed i" n tl1e corner teeth of the upper ja.vr,the ke1:nel of the teeth next to the middle frontf3 la 'vorn out, and the bridle teeth begin to wear off. At eight year~ o( age the kernel is worn out of all the lo,ver fi·ont teeth, and begiDs to decrease in. the middle npper fr9nt. In the ninth yeaJ.' the kernel has wholly dis.a.ppeo.red from the upper front teeth 1 the hook on the conier teeth has increased in i:!lze, a.nd the brlille teeth lose their points, In the tenth year, the kernel is worn out of next to the middle front of the upper jaw; n.nd in the eleventh yea1· the kernel LP.as nearly vanished from the corner teeth of the same ja,v. At twelve years old the crown of all the front teeth in the lov;·er jaW has become triD.J1gular, and the bridal teeth are inuch woru llown. As the horse advances in <:1ige the g111D.B shrirJr fro1n the teeth, which conseri.uently, a-cquire a long, narrow appearance. and t he kernels have be· come mcta.morphosed into a darkesi; point, gray hai:rs increase in the foreheaa; over the eyes, and the chin assumes the form of an auglo. · Sabbath School Libraries AND REWARD ever shown in lWwmanviJle, -o- · ~ GIFT Christmas BOORS FOR and the - -o-·- New Year Jn great variety. A. choice selection of 'fbe Greatest Want of the Aue. -:Vl ant of i:.:ai:;h, ALBUMS, P APIER MACHE BLOTTERS, and INKSTANDS. Pocket, Me-moranclmns mul Bill · Books, cmcl Pii1·scs, a good dwice. LADY'S WORK BOXES, . WRITING DESKS, Work Boxes and LaQ.y's ' Writing Desks combined, : A choice present for a. LM.y. f\11 set of Also a bcauti- RICE & BARKER agents for the best.1 ORGANS on tbe Continent. FI'fTED WITH 'l'HE NEWLY INVENTED An American paper says :- " Young lady physidana are multiplying throughout the country, and consequently the young men are decide<lly more sickly the..n they used to be." A witness wa~ called to the bar to give his tcsti1nony. Ha'l'ing taken his pla.C"e, he turned to the bar, and earnestly RSkedi 11 '\Thich side am I on?" .i:\.n 1£uglishman arfived at Chicago nt night, and found the place so full that he could not get a. lodging anywhere. He lay down in a c~m fortable spot, and ~lept S?undly; on wa.k1ng up, he found he was in tho cellar. A house hail been built over him in the night-such is the fastness of1ifc in that quarte1·. Scene- A Galloway farmer's kitr;;.hen. Dra.-11H l ti8 Pe1·~once-Jcan, the ae la.~s, li<liug the l?anitch; J ocki the farm servant. J.ock ~m ing iu from his day's work and thro\v1ng himself ·,veru·ily into a chair-" Jea.Jl ! ,, "Weel, Jock?" "I think I 'll 1narry ye, Jea.n! 11 ":tflan, I v:ud be n1uckle obleeged tae :ye if y.c \Ynd. ' 1 Hon est, at }f;last. Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, . An invention having a !no.st importo,nt bearing on the futme repntittion of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volnmc of tone fa very largely increased, and the quality of t one rendered . CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, PEN AND PENCIL GASES, (next to gold) fitted with gold peue, Equal to. that of the Best Pipe of the Sa:n1e Capacity. Or~ans How to fit a Collar to a Horse The plan adopted in the We8t, which \Ve are asslJre.d by men who have been long in the collar business, does not injure the collar in t11e lea.et, is to dip jt .h1 water unt il it, thti lea.th'=lr 1 is thoroughly ,.,,·ct, then put it on the horse, secure the hame::1 fu1nly, keeping it the.re until it beco1nt1s dry. It is all the better if heavy loads are to be d1·a\vn, as thu.t !'.:<1.Use1:1 the collar to be 1norc e\.·enly fitted to tbe neck and ·~boulder. If possible; thu collar H hould be kept on frmn four to five hours when it will be pei·fcotly d1·y and retain the same shape eve!' afterwards ; and i.1.a it is exactly fitted to the form oi_the n eck, will not pro~luce chafes 01· sores on the horse'$ neck. @'"A choice lot of Moiith 01; gcms for the Boy8. ·- - -o - HENRY ELLIOTTJ1111r. . c - ·- - 0- -- I didn't at all expect c01npo.ny to-day said a lady to her vi:1itors, 'vi th fL not very pl ea.sa.nt look; "but I hope you'll make your~elv"ts at bo1ne. "- "Yes, indeed/' replied one of t]u 1n, et8.rting off ; u I ,vill make n1y~clf at · home as riuick as pu:;filble." One of_a party of frien<lil, referring to au xq11h1ite music.il composition, sa.id, "That eong always cRrries 1ne ~:i.voay when I hear it. 1' "Cun n.nybot1y sing it?,, asked a wi~ in the compaJ1y. ~-\JJOTE 'l'HE SKO'\V Lt'XB. - A nevdy·1narried iua1 1 took his bride on a tour to Switzerland for the honeymoon, a.n.d. ·w hen there, induced her to u.tteropt with hhn the nscent of one of the high eak~. 'l'he lady 1 who o.t horrie had never ascended a hill highe1· than a r.huxch, '\\'as inuch alarmed, and had to be carried by the gui<!es \vith her eyes blind-folded, 1;0 as not to witness the horrort:i of the passage. rrhe bridegroom \\'alked by her 8ide, expostulating with hei: fea:rs. He apokc in honey1noon whispera; liut thu rarefaction of the air wi;i.,s such that every word "\Vas audible . "You told me, J,cnora, that you always felt happy, no matter wl1eJ:e you \Vere, so long as yotl. wi:re i:o. my . company. 'l'hen why are you not ha.ppy now?"-" Yes, Charles, I did," replied she, sobbing hysterica.lJy; "but I never meant ab.o.ve the snow lrine. ' 1 1 Hampton. · Offers for sale one ul' the most extensive aud coniplete ·[:.:. c1i ll'! n Goods to be found in m1y country store in Onta,rio. · Our celebrated " Vox CclesL e/' " Louis Patent," "Vox Hurnmm," " ·w11cox Patent" ., Octave Coupler," the clmrming "Cello " or " Clarionet' Stops, allcl FA:Th'.UL Y AND POCKET BIBLES, CHlJRCH SERVICES, WESLEY'S HYMNS, AND ALL THE LATE 'l'Mrty-foue Di'/fereut Styles, IMPROVEMENTS Can be obta.ined only in U1ese Orga.ns. -- BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOKS, in vai'ious sizes anp binding. C. Barker, . Bownm.nvillt:, Nov. 26th, .1872. Groceries, Hardware, Dry Goods, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Paints, Oils, . Patent. Medicines, etc, GENTLEMEN'S SlTl'S ruacle to order in the latest and most >tpprovetl manner and ou the shortest notice, from Fashionable aml carefully selected Clothes and Tweeds. The latest New York Fashion Plates regularly received. Fo1· the Pm·lo· 1 · and the G hm'C/1 , 'l'he Best Jfote,-icil and W m·kn-icinsldp, -TO $500. Q·mil-iiy cind Vot-mne of Tone Uneqnalted. - ---o-- - - PB:IClES Often have I thought \vith n1ysclf, I 'vill i;in but thi5 one 8in more, and then I will re1ient Qf it and aU the rest of iny 1:1ins togethe1·. .. So foolish v..-as I and ignorant; " A-s if I ithouJd be more able to pay 1ny debts when I owe 1no1·e ; or :ts if I should aay, I will \Voi1J:\P my friend once again, and tlten I 'vill lovingly shake hands with him. But \vho.t if my friend will not shake handA with me? Besides, (.1atl one com1nit one sin more, and but one sin 1uore ?- $5 0 ---~ ,o ---- Factory and Warero0ms, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan .I (Esta.blished in 1850.) I H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872. RICE & BARKER, Agents·, for Ontario, \Vest and North of Belleville. Bowmanville, Aug. 21st, 1876 m47-o34-tf. ThQflW,a Fulle1* . bp-o23-m45