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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 17 Jan 1873, p. 4

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· · POETRY. Every Day. Oh, trifling tw:;ks so often done, Yet ever to be done ane\v ! Oh, ()a.res whiclr comes ,.,..ith every suu, :iYiorn after morn the long yearr.; through ! Vole shrink beneath their pu.ltry away, Thc irkso1ne calls of cveJ y day. THE MERCHANT, F.RIDAY, THE FARM. Cleaning up the Out-Buildings (From Moore's J1urn.1 Ntnv Yorker.) Probably .one of the greateist annoyances to which the man who keeps hii·eil help nbo:1t hi.In ls subj ected to, is the trouble involved in keeping n.U the implements used about the place in proper order, and \vhere theY can be found when wantecl . On the farm, the proprietor ·n1ul'lt be constantly on the wa.tch, or thti plo'\\·s, harrows, i·eapers, and other necessat·y imple. ments will be left out in the field, and nuts, bolts, h;i.mu1crs, n.ud similar articles will be left upon a. stone or corner of the fence, instead o! in their proper places. At the npproach of \Vinter all these things should be looked over, ancl those out of repair p1acod where they can be i·oached, 'vlien a. leisure day affords an op· portunity fo1· putting them in order. :But should there bo uo repairs ncccssa:ry, all imple· ments composed of iron, or in part of this nut.terial, need to be exa.mined occasionally. to prevent rust ; fo.r dust, moist~1rc, nnd various kinds of filth n:re likely to nccumnlate nbout the bruns,.al1eds and other out-b'uildings. )l'°o\v n good housekeeper ahvays sets aaide certain da.ys in the week to do eel'l; kinds of work, such as baking, ·washing and dusting the rooms; why should not a man a~opt a simil!,LI' system for keeping his out-buildings an<l fa.nn implements ht order. I have tried various pla11s for keeping things about my barns,sheds and shops in shape, but find none so 1:1ati6fuctory ae to set apari a uertaiu day, or part of a day, in each \Veek for a general cleaning up. Darrel1', Loxes and pieces of lumber are sure to accumulate, and iu provoking disordel', unless one makes. a special effort occa.sionally to have such thi:ngs put into tb.eir proper places and neatly p.ilcd up. Then again, cobwebs and d1u;t will accu· inulate about the 8ta.ble, upon the beams, ra.fter.s and other parts of the building, and :-.vhile this filth may not do any positive injury to anything within, still a little sweeping and <lusting up will not only make everything look better, but it encourages habits of cleanliness among hirEJd help. I suppose tha.t my men about as goocl the :.'l.verage, but they need ~ hint quite often in rega.rd. to the <lusting up of the barn and tool-house. In performing thi~ \\'ork to·da.yj I found, as I usually do, soverAf things that required immediate attention to prevent loss. l\fice had found a lodgement ill some sweet corn saved for seed; the knive8 of a. lawn mower had got \vet in 31!nne unknown way, and rust was rapidly followi11·g. Although I endeavor to keep a 1:1ha.rp look out for such thinga, still it is 1:1eldo1n that a. close a11d careful examination docs not i·eveal a. good chance for loss, in one way or another. I can readily undcrste.n<l how fearf ul leaks i n the finances of \}la.ny farmers could and do occur, just for the want of a fro· q_uent and systema.tic cleaning up of implements and out-buildings, JANUARY 17, 1873 . FULL SUPPLY 1 SLENDfll SELEU'l 'lONS of 11he restless sense of 'vaated po>vcr, The t iresome round of little thingr; ~.\re hard to bear, a..:i hour by hour Its tedious iterv,tion brings; "\Vho shti.ll evade Ol' Fall a.nd Winter Goods, who delay 'rhe small demands of every da.y? The boulder in the torrent's r.oursc By title and tempest lashed in vri,i n, Obeys the \vave-·whirled pelJble's force, And yidd.~ its substauce grain by gr;\.in; So crumble strongest li \'CS a way BenC'ath the ,.,·ear of ~very day. "\Vho find the lion in his, 18 12. 1 I I j D. 1V. lfOLEOD'S ' GENERAL STORE, excel;'dingly-che:l.p \Vhu tracks the tiger for bis life, 11ay \vound Che1n ere they aware, Ot' conquer them in sb:ift\, Yet yJowerless he to sea.the or slay 'rhe vexing gnats of every d~\Y, FALL , GOODS IN A I POINTS OF StTPERIO:RITY. Simplicity in ConM1·uctiiJn, Ease o.f operation, Pei:fection 01 Stitcll, alike on bot sides, owi,,11[! to ·pm:fect tension on iipper mut lower Thread. · RL1NGE OP WOB]{ :- From G"i1ze to Beaver Cloth D IJRBILITY :-Will last a life time. FR CASH All orcleri:; f<Jr 'rlrn atcr11 ly l' tl1at n'lver stops Is mightier tha.n the fiercest shock ; 'fhe constant fall of water 1.lrops \Yill Ct'OOVe the ada1nantinc rock ; '\Ve feel onr noblest powe:i-s decay, In feeble wars with every day. Large Variety. Equally adapted to.Family Work, Dress a.nd Shirt Making, 'l'ailoriug, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. Ta.i!lorin1r PROMPTLY EXECUTED ,yc rise to meet a ]1c11vy blowOuL· souln a sud<len bra~·ery fill ~ - :But -we endure not ahvays so The drop-by-drop of little ilIB ; We still deplo1'e and still oUey The hard behests of every day. Just Received. Tailoring under the charge of Mr W. S. MEDDOWCROFT, :tn MACHINES · DELIVERJ£D AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVE:\T. '!'he heart which boldly fa.ces death Upon the battle field, a.nd dai·ea Cano.on ancl. ba.youct, taints beneath '!'he needle points of f1·ets and cares ; Tb.e strongest spirit they dismay'.l'he .tiny ~tings of every d'.ty. EVERY MACHINE WARR.ANTED. Age~ts, Yellowlees & Quioka Wc have also on hrtnd TV ANZER' SJJ~TTEJi .<\ls Agent for the \\·ell kno\vn I '." ' t .. FIRST-PRIZE WANZER StWINC MACHINE, ·t ML~UFACTURES PRICES. Enuiskillcn, N" ov. 24th, 870. nlS-\f lJl:;: A, AJJ1!0'!'1"S, AN]) BARCLAY SE IV ING ilIA Cfll NH And even saints of holy fame, Whm~e souls by faith have ovcrco1nc, 'Vho \\·ore amid the cruel flame 1 rhc inoltcn crown ol martyrdoin, Bore not without Complaint alw~~y rrhe petty pitins of every day. Ahl more than martyr's alli·cola., And more thau hero's ht:art of :fire. Vt e need the bumble stre11gth of soul 'Vhich daily toils and ills require j Sweet Patience ! grant us, if \VO n10..y, An added g?'aCe for c,~ery cla.y ! -Sc1·il;iu~1·'1~. EXPERIENCED CUTTER -Our Stock of Ge,ueral Goods is large, embracing all the Novelties of the clay, and all the necessaries as well. from London, Engfand, also for many stock, ...'\ large supply of Ueautifully as~orted \Vindow Shades, Ohilchen's yfars conducting fashionable Efablishments in Canada. Pict1u·e :Frrunes- aJl sizes, 1'-Io1 1ldings of every style, 'Vnll Pu.per-a. SJ.)lcndid ussort1ne11t now in Curria.g-cs,, Brushes, Oo1nhs, l .. ooking Gln.~ -i! C B , 1':1usic, J\.{ag»zir1cs, V "'"iolins,Violin BoiYS, Violin :Stri11gl'1,l).~~"Per Coffars, N eek 'l'fois, School Books, Dny IloQks, Biblos, Kui ves auJ. lf orks,l\Jcket l{nives, Ra7..ora, Spoons, and Scisso1·s. Cheapest Note Paper and En\'clopes in the country. All thesel and a th · :mSa.nd other articles,· are to be found at the VAllIETY S1'0llE. VVc are alwaysglaa. to sec friends, and think it no trouble to show Goods; and we guarantee a~ good value, <.tt a'l ] o\Y µrices as any other hol·se in the trn.dc. Parties \Visbiug to telog:ni,ph their friendt;;, may rely on having their bur:iness llono promptly. Agents for Inmon Linc of DRUGS AND MEDICINES A'r '11HE Bowman ville Drug Store. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Vl cerl::l t}m.nks to his numerous friends a.nd cuato1ners, and to tht: public generally, for the very libeTal sup})Ort he bas received since his commcncitig in business; ancl hopes by continued stl'ick personal attention to 'bui:iiness, a.:nd offering nothjng but the purest articles, at the inost rc1:J.sonable prices, to ensure a co11tinuance of public patronage. .T. ~· \VonlJ call special attention to his very superior stock of 'llTOULD most reSJ?CCtfully t ender his sin- J. & W~ ~ J . :M:ol/Iurtry & Co .A. fiu c lot of MOURNING SUITS MADE AT A F.EW HOUR'S NOTICE StcYEL'LWQLEESd &ing Q°l.JYC K' · Are now showing a foll ttssortment of Bowmm1ville, March 7th, 1872. n23 DRY GOOJ)S AND l\:fII.LINERY. Crumbs for Chickens. Vlhat style of in en do ladies like ?- Jly-1nen. '.Y IH~t Summer and Winter View of Homes, CF'l'o1u ~foore's Rural New Yorker.) 'l'he snow covering the groU:nfl, nnd the lcave11 hti.Ning fa.llen fl'om decidnoue: treea and shrubs, one has an opfortunity of studying the geueral appea.rance of the homes of our couutry people in Wjnter. I am not At all surprised at the oft-repeated assertion of city folks, that ·" thl' country i8 ~o very dreary in '\Vintcr," for if one <lra.w$ his conclusions from outside appearances, the homes of most of our fa.rrpers the very quintessence of dcsola.tion. The bare aten1s of a stuuted lilac or mock orange bush, with a few atra~gling sbOots of old cinnamon rose bu:;]1,and a 'VOl'm-eaten Lon1bardy popular guarclh1g the dilapidated bar:1 or g.'.l.te, complete a. picturo fa.r too common, oven on many a valuable fa.rrn. I am not disposed to paint a word picture of my own home or of its surroundings in 'Vinter; lint o.s I look out upori the snow to-day, ilnd notice ho~' cheerful the brilliant green. o! the ... i\..usti:ian Pines, Hcmlodcs and Spruces appear, toned down by the n1oi·e so1nbre colors of the variom; species und varieties of the 1\rborvitres, I can not help thinking th(l.t if the surrou11dings of fartnerS' homce: are flO cheerless in "\Vinter, it is inercly bec~use there is no disposition on tho part of the farmer to make them othenl.'fae. The fust cost of our best and most lrn.rdy evergreens is so tri.flb1g that no ono need put that in a15 an e.:i::cusc ior not planting them, <1ofLel' which, very little attention will insure beautiful trees in a very few years. A feiv ha11dsome evergreen tre es about a place soon changes the enthe a..<i· pectin \\.,.inter, a.nd instead of the cold, cheerless outlook, they will impart to it war:mth a,nd beauty. Bare brick <J,n d gra.nite 'vallB, n~liev.ed only by frosted plate glass, are fa.r more dreary things in "\Vintcr to me than a cottage in the cou11try surrounded by clea11, glistening 8110\'l, relieyed by the flitting shadows of decidione trc~s aud tl1e de<:>pJ rich colors of cvcrgree11s. And the ho..bits of the animals in rny ba.rn and barnyard are fully as interesting, and of fa.r n1ore practical value, than those of the Metro· J.JOlitan menagerie; ont of <L is the nc~iree:t thing to a cat looking window? ·The windo·w. \Vhen has a. person got as inany huutls as there a-re day~ in the year ?- On the 31st of De· ce1nbur. F. Y. OOWLE. 1S72. Bowmanville, Oct. 3, 1872 Oct. CHIT [Tim :Brady and. Mike Jl"lynnJ Oct. DYE sr-rUFFS, wh1cl1 itre sure to g ive the best satisfaction. 1\ well-selected stock of \\'bat if! largc1· for being cut at both ends?A ditch. . \Vhen is a smoker like he's a puflh1. 11 f'ica-bird ?--\Vhen VVhcn docs a bullet r;,oeroLle a shee11 '? \.Vhen it grazes. K ~~me it, un1.l yon .brcnk it ?-Silence. VVhat key will u11lock most m1:1n'~ 1nihds ?\Vhis-k oy. r:1. · \.Yhy is a blunt k11ife, pa.rtfo.lly ground, like young pickpocket ?- He is a little i:Jharper. ..,VVhy fa. tl1e G like the sun ?--J3ec.;ause .it is the eeutrc of light. '\'hat is tlntt \vbid1 has <~ inuutJ1, bnt never BlJtmkr::, and a \Jed i11 wl1ich it never sleeps'?~ .A.. iiver. · 'VJ1a.L 6ve1· .is th:1t which runs between two st.:as ? - The 'l1Juuncs ! It l'Wl 8 between ChelMt.!tl. ruu~ Bu.ttcr-iiea . '\Vhen is u. uosc not t~· no::;e ?- 'Vhcn it is little rcdiah (raditi:h). ri, DRUGS, TlM.- "Good morning, Mike, shme and i t is early out ye >Ll'e. Might GHE.1.VJIGALS, I be bould to axe what starLecl yecs this mornillg." PATEN'J.' MEDICINES :MIKE.- " J ist be aisey, Tim, and I'll tell ye in a jiftY. Ye sec, l was BRUSHES, tould, yistenfay, that Misther Gray, ov Tyrone, had got home G011rBS, an illigant new stock av Goods, chape "s durt, man, imd its ml mcself could hardly slape lL wink, all 1.1ight, thinking av the f:JH 0 ULDER-BRA GES, chape goods. And sure enuff, its the foll . store he has-piles SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. itnd piles av the natest patterns ; and he'd give ye the ma.kin's k!:'.pt constantly on hand. >W an illigant new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; Tay OILS, P AIN1'; for most nuLhln, and the Bac,cy for " trifle less." COLORS, VARNIHSES, TIM.- "An slmre its funning me ye are, iVUke ; wou lclu'L the mau be antl WHITE LE.AD, afther breaking down." MIKE.- " Breaking clown, is it. Sure he knows a thrick w urth two av ;it the very lo\\·Eist prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines~ that. I'll jist tell you what it i.~, Tim, if ye wa,nt to get a grate N . B. - Con11try Stornbeepera supplied on th.e name when youre ded, >incl be called a (ilantrofizetl, filosifor, and 1no::.t nclvn:ntageoua terms. ..:\. choice selection of I.iAl\fPS, for sale cheap a public binifacfhor, jist tell all yomc naboms, and the rist av Bn\\'lllauvillo, Dec. 9, 1868. fitn mankiucl, about Gray'" chape store, and you 'll do more for the good tw your connthry, ·than iver S t.1'.:1trick did for ould Ireland, when ho lx1ni'lhecl :111 the t.oad Hmrd sn>Lkes out av it, that niver V\r~i.. s in ·it.)) TIM.-- "I'm much oblaged to ye, for th o bit av :ibv ice, aml "\\··ou'i; detain y&; there'll shuroly be a gmte nrn , ;i,m] mayhee l'cl miss some ba,rgains: The top av th e mo. m ing to yo."-I'm off to Gray's. lS72. Cloth and Gents ---- o--- ~,urnishing A full Stock uf FRES H G·ROC E llIES. A H to be sold Che;ip. Higliesi p 1;ice puic }'01· BUTTER and EG'GS_ S AL'r AND PLASTER AL)VAY S 0 N I-IAND Sign of the eold~--Lion, :eowmanville. · 'J;ry to let evcrybody\1 fault:'i be fu1-gottc11, as · you v;ould wfoh yours to bo. If heaven helps those who ho1p themr.;dve:;z, how \Yell thieves uiui:;t gc';; aloug ! UUH n oo AND A Covington, Ky ., pMtor rc~torcd qui1.Jt iu his church by infonniug so1nc you11g men h1. 1.:liucd to leyity t]rn.t he would lea.U the1n out of the house of God by fhe "souse," if t hey didn 1t tone down a littl..:, . "Chn.rloti,': saiJ. a yonng latl y to her lo\'·er, "there :i s nuthiug h1teresti11g in the pa11er to· dn.y, i:; thet\: tlcar ?" "No, lov.e; but I bo1)c the1·e will Le one day, 'vben ,~·e lJoth isball be inse: d ed." IJ.'he lady blnshetl, aud ~aid, of ./it. =~ =-== N= o= t= ec=l= f'= o= r= c= b= e_ .= a-=1l -=G = o= o= ll= s·==-=--- J@ GB!f, Tyro11e. Simmons· & Clough Organ Co's Jbn,proved Cabinet Organs A}[D GENERAL BOOK STORE,, Contains one Bowinan·ville, o! the lry.rgest stqcks of .r\Nl) Sabbath School Libraries · ~ <.:otu·so, Ii Fo~·, Charles." Energy and Activ'Y on the Farm; Jn th~ advcrtisiug by n. raill'oad cornpauy of l'ALKS WITH BUSJNl:SS .MEN. ever shown in Bowmanville, tio111c unclailnc1.l guo1 li; the letter "I" dropped Nothing spurs up n. 'fuan so 111uch as nO\Y _and front the ·word "la.wful/' and it rcadB now. -othen to talk with an active, ene1·g~tic Business ' ' People to who1n these packages al'e directed mau ! especially if he ha.a been successful,tLre re(1uciskcl tu <.:oine forward a.ud pay the without this addition. his precepts do not make ;~wful charges on the san1e." the sa1ne in1prcs8ion; J:'a.r.nters naturally- f.-oin FOJ1 ~\. '\'1 chLern jom:nal offers thiii induCe1uent : thoil' hiol::i,tedpoeition,- have a. great tendency anci the " ..\JI eui.isol"ibers paying iu.al1v~nce mll be en· to "run down" in their energy and activity. t itled to a first class obituru·Y notice in case of Business n1 en are much less 80, one cause for Jn great varii.:ty. death." this 1nay be, and pl"obably is, that too much --o-· A man aclvcrtisc<l for a wife, ru.1<l i·equc.e-tecl. bodily exertion produces a natural stagnation each candidate to enclose her ca-'i'tc rle ·vi:site.: A of the mind ; But ·we all have n1a.ny times felt, A choice ticlectio11 of spirited young lady wrote to the ad,·ertiser in h o\V "stirred up" we have been by lhtening to others success, and hearll1g them recount their the following terms : "Sir~ I <lo not· enclose ALBUMS, difficulties, n.nd hovl they oYercame them; and 1ny r;a'l'tc, for, though thei·e is some uutl~ol"ity PAPIER MACR-.E BLO'l"I'ERS, for putting a co.rt before a horse, I know of ·when "'e see the rnergetic fire of suCcess and determination bla.ze from th1::ir eyt's; we at once none for putting one before a.n ass ! " ~ are impressed 'ivith our sh'lrt comings, and \Vant and INKSTANDS. .At one of the theatres the other evening, ar.y of activity. This i3 tIBpeciaUy guod for ]'arm~ one within half a dozen Rents might have heard crs to feel, anc.1 :is 11 most s~~lutary dose o Pocket, Memorandvmis and Bill Bnt whilo liatening to the follo\ving: 11 Y-e~, she calls her~elf a. lady " tcinic" u1edicine, Books, and Pivrses, a good choice. because she has got in with the M---s; but, these l'Ccitals we must not forget that a few laws ! she used to live in a little one-storey minutes \'1.ll serve to recolmt the trials of yei.e: house, and \Yas borrowing iuy flat-il'oua cvcJ,-y and is pl'='aeiogly excitil1g :--:But for us to :i.t· \V0(:Jk of her life. :Now, , , bless you! s11e don't sa1ne position\.y the ineanf:l 1 these LADY'S WORK BOXES, know me." " rl'bCJ:e.'.s.,pl.w;i.t~:·.2£.JJ)e;m.Jcind here years rif activity trials, und ~energy, must be WRITING DESKS, to.night," said her companion. ".And curious! steadily gone through. But the reward in futtu·e is sure, success is 'Vhy, she was that inquisitive that I hW to Work Boxes and Lady's W~iting paper up 1ny kitchen 1'-indo\VB, n.nd then she'd n.11 but, and the comfort during the 1Jro~ Desks combined, get on a tu.ble to look over the paper. .1.\.s for ccss is immense. The very determination and Also a. beri,uti· A choice present for a J.-a.dy. the knot~holes in the fence, I \\'as obliged to nerve thnt the proceaa naturally puts into a ful aet of 11;_~il oH-clotJlS over thern to keep her from pry· rnan lightens foUl'·fold the trials a.ttencling therein ; whcrcn.a \vere it otherivise and if ::i.llowi11g ! " etl n deep de.sponding of mind to usurp 'JHHJ EPIZOO'.L'J(; TK '1'Ht: Nt:IlSEllY. - Dt:AR PEN AND PENCIL GASES, our encrgies 1 our labor is ever hopeless, our SU~J 1 -T hc horses is ull got the cpigri\DliC very spirits lo\v, itud the future ho'l'iion dark n.nd (next to gold) :fitted ivith gold }Jens. bad ly. L.,. s boys had so mu~h fun the other sunless. day ! Little..}frank'8 hobby horse had glue @"A choice lot of ltfo'uth OtgmlB ru1u1in' out of his nose, so ·.ye knew be had it, fo·i· the Boy.s. a.nd \VO took him into the ba.-th l'OOnl and got Too much idleness lenves a n1an less bis some of ma's fine tow·els J.ntl wr~pped bis legs own n1aster thnn any sott of cmploy1nent. · 1--o-up in hot ·water, and burned sulpbur inatches It not unfrequently happens that man· undei· hi~ throat and singed his mane oft', and F AMILY AND POCKET BIBL.~~S, the paint came off his legs, and the glue all ncrs arc best learned froin the unmnnnePJy. ca1ne unstuck, and Fi·ank can't rfrlc him any CHURCH SERVICES, i'l1c preacher's earnestness is itself a ser_ iuore.'t it jolly? 'l'hen the mat.ohe11put us in iuiull of havin' a Boston :H1·c 1 so we coaxed mon upprecia Ole by clul\est intellects and ' WESLEY'S HYMNS, sistc1· Sa.die to give us her box of Swiss house.\'! most alien cars. you b1·ought bor from Urip; and \Ve set 'ctn np AND BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN A l\:tAN can tnove the highest 111ouutain and touched 't>lll off, and let her rip. The town BOOKS, in various sizes m1p went like b]aze1:1, aud we throwed so1ne of Sis's to or fro1n hi1nself 'vith the sin1plc le~·er of binding. Jolls in for dead bodies, ancl. then iiaved the two legs. :u-1nr; n.ncl legs for trofyg. .But you bet \VC go.t i-;carcd when the flamea \\'ent so highJ so we It is only by labour that thought can be tl1rucd 011 the hose, and t11a.t fool Jhn Blain let r~atle healthy, and ouly by thought thnt How1nan\'illu 1 No\'. 2Gth, 187~. the water rnn all over-tlie-flHel' 1J.Jnd do~.,·n the labour can be n1ade happy. kitcht·n 011 the cook=8 head, and she thougl1t tho l>ipcs had busted, nnd ruu for <'1 nun1 to fix 'en1, A man in Youn gston Uet thirty clolla.rti l:lO ma caught us in there, and the boys run one biLler cold day, that he could walk to 01uc, but I got u. thrashing. Our Frank is in WaITen. He spoiled a forty-five dollar suit riants. .Ae \vent in last Sunday. l'\'e got a of clothes, a fourteen dollar pair of boots, n1\v gi.J:l, I don't like Jenny Bird any more, or I guef:!E sl1e don 1t like me any inoreJ ca.uso when paid a doctor ien dollars to thaw out his I gave her a hRndful of peanuts, she throwed ears, and wae ~rrested at Warren aB a sus'em in 1wy fact?, tu1d I expet:t .Tim Blain told picious character and locked up t\vo days i:u lies n.bout me. I'J. lick hiin.. only his father jail. He won his bet. keeps a ca11dy storo, u;od I get all the candy I No faithful workman finds his task a ' want fo1· nothin'. Your affcctionntc b1·other, R:C\VARD BOOKS GIFT BOOKS New Year · ~ @nmh (ICnmhimd inu <lbrynns FITTED WITH TJJE NEWLY I NVENTED Christmas RICE & BARKER agents for the best 1 Ol~G-1\NS on the Continent. Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An inv~ntion having" most imi)Ortant hcttring on the future reputation of Riled Instnnncnts, by means of wh ich th e quantity or Volume of tune is very largely increased, nnd the <1n<tlit.y of tone r onde1·ed CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, HENR;Y EIJLIOTrl1 J11111·. · Equal to that of' the Best Pipe Or!!ans of the San1e Ca1lacity. -~- o- - - Hampton. Offors for mle one of t.he most cx tcusive and complete ttssorL111c11t of Goods to Lo found in any country store in Ontario. Onr celebmtetl " Vox Celc:sto " " Louis Patent," " Vox Human:ct," " Wilcox Patent" " Oetn\-e Coupier," t he cltarn 1ing "Cello" or " Oln.r ion et ' Stops, and AL THE L ATE IMPROVE MENTS Cau be obtained 011 ly in these Q~·gan s. Dry Goods, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Groceries, Boots and Hardware, ~hoes, · 'l'h:irly-ji:ue Difj'ere;it S tyles, Po1· the Pcirlo1· mul thc Glw nTi., / C. :Barker, 'J.'he Best Na.tei·ial 1rnd H'oi'/.-,,;an,Ji.ip, Qurrliiy wicl Yvl 1imc-of 'Pone Uneq1icitted Patent Medicines, etc :mtJ - - -o- ---- GENTLEMEN'B SUITS to order in the latest a,nd mo~t rLpproved manner, and on the shortest notice, from :Fa.$hiono,~le carefully selected Clothes trncl Tweeds. The latest New York :E t1slnon Plates regularly i·eceived. - ---·o---Factory and Wareroams, Cor. Gth and Congress streets, Detroit, Michigan (llstablished in 1850,) H. ELLIOTT JUN Hamp~on. CIT.ARLES. pastime. We must all toil or steal-no our stea1iug, r, S.--Plca~e bring Inc a goat. 1n'a.tter how 're ua1ne · . Nov. 5t.h 1872. bp-o23-:m45 RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowrnanville, Aug. 21st, 1876 m47-o34-t f.

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