. THE MERCH \.Kl AN.I) GENlJRAL ADVERTISER 0 r lates la -geh u the Tov..Llsh pa of Darling ton ,ClaJ.ke an l Cai twr1ght It us a collllnon J latfor u ope tp the fi:ee discumnon of all q; ~ ttonsu l ch the general public are conceined.. IE RMS .,, ( WEST DURHAM KING t.;: Steam Job Printing Office STREET Bow:u rnvn;f 8 Seventy five cents per annum in ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 R.1.TES 01 \DV i!.lUl!SINO AND ·G ENERAL ADVERTISER: VOLUME IV BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FlUDAY JANUARY 31 1873 ,.- NUMBER X' III t a1\~ Kmgsburgl left forthw1tl to find the Prmce takrng m lm l an I a wallet of "me and b'5c nts It was not easy to dts co\er hrs whereabouts but when approach mg the place where he o 1gbt to be ·founJ he "'" some sheep run off as l start! a and v.:lth a taru1er s instinct, made for the sourco of alarm I he Pr nee had seen him approaching and corne for\\ard in' e1y un lemmrne manner w th a large knotted stwk m his I aud Are ) ou Mr Macdon ald of Krngsburgl 1 be lem~nded and mat ters "ere oi cot ice at once a1n1cably ar ranged The jou1ney acro~i:; the cot lltlj to the house of Krngsburgh "us not wrthont»t· penis Neither Kmgsburgl nor F 01a M u donald w th tl au retinue cc 1ld travel 1n She w1tl10ut berng obser c I b' all observ ers an<l Betty B rke ha l an l 11101 ttmate tr ck of l owu1g n1stea 1 of curtsev1n ~ to pas~en~ 1 y -whLle 1n crossing tha st1ca1ns that tr01 eree l ti e ro 1te &he erilm k Itel her pelt coats rn lcccntly brgh or let then dragglo ti 10ugh tl e \\ater Kmgsburgb had to remon~trate Your cnennes he said call yon a prctendc1 b 1t tf you be, POSTERS P A:'lfPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL HEADS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABJ£LS CARJ)S TICKEIS &G l.!;c &< . - -- -- - - -- EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. A Funeral Ill The Holy Land A correspondent thu· dc8 ri\ e~ a f rnl near J er1cho Oi r te1 ts are pitched lrn t the bunal place and Just as \\ e arrn e tl e nat , es are engaged iu comm1thng one ot tl en n1 1n CORN - FOR i , '-~--~ S.A:LE POETRY WHOLE;,,. 0R CRACKED ============-=:::;::-=-=-=--.Mutal Life Assurance Soe1pj;y EST 'l.BLISHED 1840 CilAD \. C111EJ: 0.l!.1!1CEf::I 13allad of the Snow Soft as the touch of a.n a.ngel s ng P re \f.I the lil es 1n hea1ien that s11 ng JI1lls and plains clothed 111 spotless white lree tops 1n9ruebog w th fleem:1 t ft l nght li all the f rst sno" John McDougall B. leE.A.TE, TAILOR ~Boys Gentlemen s Ga.rments 11 Bl JAMESSlI-\EBIMO:NlRE\.L pq ~EWEST M.Al 1J: lN THE STYLES DIRECTORS ~1 P Du~c u;r 1'-1AcDO~ALD Esq l\f <\.JOR E CAMl'llELL B WAL .lH SttilL:'l Esq lHE Cha.U' n -.11 AHAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. ;RESIDENT - r c St Hor>ODADLE Jo I:Y 1-IAM Lror> burg Ont B:d l e Hawks heart the whole 1i:i &~of the peo1 le "ere ta 'orablc end tl e rdc 1 of booxal mg the Punce eve for such a sum was utterly repugnant to tie lerv d los alty of the clans men of that time Wl en Mr Macdonald of Krngsb ugh was renmidetl bv the officer wl o exa1nined lrun as to the part h had taken m he![ 1 g to ellecl ho Pr nee a escape th it I e I al losl a 1 uulo op port mrty of rnakrn 0 I 1m elf at d his fannly for "'er the Highlander resented tho speech A mount1 ll mass ofgulol. and Sliver he 8"td could I ot gtVC half tl e 0 a\ sJactJon J hat forfeit life tJ v folly b l thee brave l or thee 1 ow 01 en1) an untimely grave D1ea.d Slrc the na d r.ephed in humble gt 1~e SPEC1AL FEATURES. SECRETARY:~-·' ·'M!lll GHANT ~I'#'" - ¥4"' q.·- lhro gl a. ta ue<l cascn l t t s:i~ r. mat I se on lt·r k·tl I ed lad Blob n 8811 strugo.leit~n va:in to SI eak "a I an 1 cro t o::oht pr sse l aga nst a leek St u k "th a,.. I he ha l from dou g wbut he 1 u<l done Ate \\Jere "!·!/'of ti is mo~lci now l 'V'l le 1 500'm l tia 'vero SCOUl'lng South ( rnt in iuc;it of the Prince more than a Ehct .· NOTICE. u,; l r\..11 l rf:lullS trei; r Hil:il:I g on tbe I 1 1den 1\1 lls 1'illl be l?roSeouted. JOHN Md)OUG Tl 1 a1 v Ile June .:.th 1871 ~LL If 36 RR LOSCOMBE BAJIM~T7 RAT LAW !iOLICITOR ni ClIANGEJ Y &c flat THE ENTIRE Pnol"!1s belong to and an~ d id Palerthais 0 ed run.01 gst the Pol cyho'-ders Damask a <l el et a.Co ned the 1oon I HES bEcrLI~ED BY orH.ER COMPANIES or on R ch perfumes fell fio1n c ot bloom All n that cl amb rd ] ~pea.1 of vea.ltl P.o c le s all th s to restore 1 e1 ] e11.iltb S1ghe 1 the s tl s o v SPECIAL :t\ ON li'ORFEI IA.BL!: T>OLICE8 lBBUed u1 ler wlnch m ly 10 L..1 o 0 A::r aJ. P;:i:i,; meats a 'e req ned each I ayinent sec r ng a Pol cy for a. sum assured p opo 1; onat(l to tl e number of pl'cmnuns pa. d and f cf rm ju.tu e 'Oa n tnt of prern. Um'! I Greate1 s there l\1onER:\.'IE ditions P.REMlt:M~ at 1 most liberal con Bitl':rG: ,AND I.~~E. ~ I When ruakmg 1nto mortar I will 'tr; and keep a good ·u1 r ly ] or 1t is al'Wa¥}: ~ant~ That) 1 en) o~ OJI come:c.n to b iy 'Yo ll not bed sa]!poiJited Yo l will al ays f.iild it dm l\_nd fresl :And that ::1 Lin e fron1 tJ1e 'V c1't of the very 1 eHt Not Beat m an} quarter m~ that Wlll a.h aj s stand the I e t Ar d all abou; tho best of L n c \little I hyme catne Jnst1u tn:r l j ' :So"" come :alorlg h.nc;Ptry~ltis Dur H 1 :ll.~<lol!:t fot:i!et tl1emQ!1·! 1Ho l3.oq'lli~«itfrw :Nmea.m toFou"I m d"orncr of 41 een a1 U dntar1-0 $ti er:t 1 · THOS BOW1'.>EN Buwmanv Ho JJ\fornh 11th iS"l " i\o24 tf sometlirng~Onn1e Im:Perial Fire OF Prospectuse Pror osaJ ~ orms & supplied on a;pplication at the Heal Uffice or a.ny of the .A'.genc1ei:i 0 c Llllfar frwl arUum1tyslell JAM}~ UE A.J:<T 1earf:I tb1 k and fast from bereaved one fell l"es Secretary Clothed they n sadness that 11 uble fo1m Lilies o still hcru.t o vc t1uc 8J d a n AGENl ~OR BOllMANvILLE C BARKER Garments of sno' Obs tvet O:ffi e I{ ng St 2;; ly Look J ye trl.r dten ones to the t11 one There all n glory behold yourowu Tllle 0 4th 18 o lhat as not she in death robes a.tra) ed That as not she that ) ou oobb nr: laid hna1ed of the Jsfandcrs knew \here ha "'as h1d1ng but none of them ga\ e a hint ou tl e ,ubJect top trt es mfner di} to hrm and rt wao the same m all parts of the Highlau ls ' here he vM secreted The I 1 nee had been ti s screened for more \han I VO mu ti! S ' hen ut length the sench for bun m tl e otter llebndes be cnn1e so m1 iute ti at e~cape see1ned hope less The sold ers ecr. \ ed ni;tr l t n~ to explore every nook a d crann' of the eland an 1 the Prm ce I ad to separate !nm sell !tom all tt e cou pamons of his wander m.s except b s fur ti ful friend Captam 0 N eaJ It \\as: in these tr\ ng c1rcttmstanccs tl at Flora l\lacconald rc,olHd to aHempt } is rescue W th tn th s pure e11rit bri 0 hten1ng in her eyes No mot e base my ff'larless m nd could move ~or mad amb tiou nor presun;i.ptuous lo; e ~!y kindred penceftil subJects to your re gn ~ga nst JO foes have dra.w no s"ord ber to h!S mother d 1'1 I' e d smu nt and ln vatn draw near to witness the cer monies of an 1: ct thro gh the years ou co tu t· y 1;1 records :Arab funenl T11 o mer are l gg ng the trace grnve a11J probably twent oLl el stand g MJ ancestor~ obeyed the exiled r:,tce round g1vu g directions ~on1etunes n a lo d And)\} en tl ev) dded to the frown of fa.te A !tttle wai oll th I hey mourned their hopeless fall frop::i uigal and q 1ernlous vo oe state corpse hes "rapped p i11 a v. h Le in lihn IQlOJ9'lty b:i; p ou~ precept led sl ro l tied. at;li.e he.d and feet and tar "~ e e1 sacred bell the ano1nted liead front ti 10 srt l?robab1 i\f~, women on the AnO. f U e 1n1ghtj h-a.nd that turns the ball gro ind sou e ben oan1ng Ill a Jot d vo ce o.1d .A..nd bids the I e s of en p1res rise or fall lo you dreads 10 the bitter cup had g en others aeem tryu1h cp1nfort then1 0 cass on all\ ten or a <.lo:tien of the younger on1en over form a ring and dance aro nd a othe1tf cast a. au1 J l a t;. on n y nat ve pl.a. n Yo ne er should have so ght my aid n a1n probobly a sr.ter ufthe deceu cl-utterrng :IS o sho 11 a. Stuart Pr nee 11ave e\ er 1a1d men.:-iwlhle ~dolorou~ song Intl e d gg ng lhat trcach ous] lora loya.l blood bc:ttayed · of the grtn e we noticed no le8s LI nn s1x J T skulls w1tij. a correspond ng n n lier of ot l A Beautiful Experiment \ nr ous c re mshinccs contri In~urance Co , Uncle1 t} e lil ow LONDON (Establ hed 1803 See hex there wearwg the crown thr e ble.st Watv1 u g to welcome )OU to "JOU ieEt Clothed in a. garment of white IS sh Ohr at s blood w:.isbed I'Obe- n mo tal ty buted to I ornt to her as the only person 8U1table for t1 e e terprrne l lora 'vas at the tlme on a' 1s1t to her brother n South Uist b 1t usually re< ded \Hlh her mother She and step lather u the Isle of Sky· was on mt1mate te1ms " tl the f mnly of Olanronuld to ' horn the mo1 emeuts of the Prmce 11ere well kno\\n nnd rt happened that her step father '\Ht in command ot one WAlJTU"UI:; '.flE'ET,H Bo an tll~-e"l:__ 4t _ h_l_S_72 _ _ ~-"--- J M ~~ACOMBE L D S .... :4!r3. - .. Sacra.mm t Pall M'.all London ""'- G.ENEl~L .\.CIE.NU'i lIEAD O>FICES - 1 Old Broad St FUl OA?iALl and 24 St P rer than sno N ~--==~ ==-=====--==c I\£ont1 eaJ LITERA'.fURE . =::;::±== Subscribed p.nd-ia\ estea Cap tal o.nd H.eserve Fund £1 965" 000 St·rlmg Runds mvested m 0anada--- 105 000 Insurances a.ga1n~t 101:1s by ] re a.re effected on the IDQSt fllo"ora.ble terms and losses ptt d w:i.th out reference to tl e Boai:d 1 Lon Ion FLORA MACDONALD {Fron the Illustr tted London N !;'! i! ) Q ~HA. R L E·S T 0 D, ,. BREAD AND BISC't1IT J DODS\I UltTH Ins1 ectol Rl='!lOUL BROS Gen Agents Mont1et11 R R LOSCOMBE Ba.mater Agen for Bowmanv1Jle and V1cmity Bo'mnan Ile J ne J4tl 1860 :)6 ,, er ' CORRECT WHERJ" 1 WHERE \llJ'Y 1VHERE 1 OO_flNISH tl e MONTREAL OBSERVATORY :h:\ Bln: has made an a gpn cnts to ge;t co c t brr e f1011;1 " ;:FRYDAY i JVIORNING, 01 a.11 tr uy get it b t I e haps it ' o ld to.kc tlocfnog e of 4 :Glgin" 01 "Russell" Watches Get the IRUl I ue at to kee1 t co reutlj f L.CO:E;~IS_1t'S_ Just Arrived Co ) 1g the Canad au ALLAN ~nd U i tel States ma l LINE who Allti: rwt1Sl'!ons. ' itl -t:V. ITTJ~ MASON L \RGES1 m l BES I l,aJ, eN po~temrlate f9.~£ MSo 's In· tel UVERPOOL·LONDONDERRY-Gl-ASCOW ~ -I Passengers <Booked Throui;li to Lon c\on, Paris: Hambutg etc A: l mt Ee1 Sin ()toga con erH for the irlserl,;1 11 oi "' anrl Gm t' l~ ngl1 ·h a'Yl.d Triini s '1h avell~ng IJag Sha wl St.i wi" J a 01 en ::l,; c ts £01 ON!l HUNDi ED P \Gll lAMPHLlll Geo ~ P Rowell & Oo "~ii Cl.I'c~rl.. los~ ;jfl. nta Ni.otilO send tti Vahses etc lo n i!' be foUJ d 1µ A: cu 1 pl L clc ~o--- contain ng Lists Qf ~ 000 N Vi8l apcrei and csti An carJ;y call 'Will ensure a good choice touk of rn tWs show 1 g tl e cast of ~ t1 1 ~u e <iloo man:') usef l b t~ to ad e1 trnc1s nnd tiomc M count of the expenences of 1nen vl o a.re l<l o'\ 1 firm a.re proprietors of thll A 1 e \.d ert1su 0 Agency c;UJJ i.g 't he "" S"C CCESSl CL AD\ EltTISERS au J\ fl\\ pa.1 e t!S The Ha-rness, Whips, Saddles, etc o 1 har.d as usuaJ Bo ' '"""'110 Ser H~ 2 - _ 1 _ __ '_ a :i. l a1~ lmssessed of unequaled facilit 41 Park Row New Yor.k o sc nsert en of ru:h erti!)ement!:! in all NewspaperB and Peno I als at lowest in.tes N qverr bP.1 flt} ~S71 ' ~-,~~---~~-~- ~_:,--,,~~-,~~-~ MARRIAGE LICE;tiSES. Pa~.e:tYelll, XeGee, J8SUJill ln'. ROBERT A Ru vn a Tille Dec.10 1869 MOUR BARRlSflLRS ATIORNEYS Solicitor.; Conve:vancer" Notaries Public OFFICE A'l' & · Rutled,;e~ f. ow \.~\ILLE 0 {;l \li :&fc::\Iur 0 & 00 i 7 tf BOUNSALL, an ry s Stor OFFICE IN Os1u Ni-First door ll rtb of th P st Oftic' J\f\NUlAOlUllER I MPORUR DJ ALER ln all the var eties of :e Dana's Patent Sheep Mal'ks Italian & American Marble A la g at l choice sole t n of l"i{o ey t,o loan at lo'\\ rates of tc1 st J::AnE ELI I LR R M Urn B A Jil\ ES R.u.u. M ul!: BA J869 &o "Save Your BONES 60 cents per 100 lbs., fo Moni:uneRt~ & Grave Stones: ""'"·:t 'If a.1 a suuha1 l Ol !:!u)e 01 'il kna .al 1 sn 1 at lo vest pr ces 01 tl e YOUNG & BRITTAIN S 01 t o St eet. }h v1 gl t Cast b on Fence~ yn m lot t be l y a l clea .R \\-1 a v u~ Se1 9tl l8 2 037 m50 ll r, Fumituie Tops Mantel Pieces kept u i 1 au I 6r ~-rought &c call 1s rcspcctf 11) l eq ie ted at the v. ork,. I("' {f Street Bown a iv lie Oc-tober 1st 1869 1 If to Ql'der ~ Pro Bono :E'ublico. \LL KINDS OF Bo m n Ile 1Jec 28th 18 1 -- ~ ly ml3o VI T:t1!T~AR1 ROBERT YO~NGr cancers and 'taD'llor~ lAKEN SUR GEO~ oi.:r AND :Professor r11E \.CIIBR m l White. ~ Cured without the Use of the Knife, by j3J gJng ~c OrO' n1Et m d Co1 poser 11:11 p1cpn.r~d tQ atte <l and rece e pup 4 Te11n TIIE PIANO li'ORIE art l\fre ' ' lso1 DR. B. PATTERSON, o± Bowmanvill 1 0 Church Stt ·t. ~o monville ay b e 1 uo n bJ ar pl cat o ,r uly lltl l& 2 lw 41 11 l Gst of cf r nccs given in :B Vllian Uc and elsewhere Office on Ch rch Street Bo~ man> Ile Feb 22 1872 lJl6 ol 2 l~ Ruther more than th1cc years ago n1 wnhng about some points of interest m the Isle of Skj c \\ c took oecns1on to cornmcnt ur on the fact that no 1nen1onal stone of 11nv k nll warl cd tl e b ir al ploce I ~ lora ~lac donuld Herc rn the onl) h i:;tor c11l grave wlnch is left to ti e isl tnders to ho1101 01 I protect and as the late Alexan lor S1 i th pmi1ted o t rt was shan ef Uy neg lecte l 0 l rcn a1:k8] ad Inure clfect ti au "~ cou!J have ant1e pat d the} vere taken to hcait n tie nght quarter at i through t1 e J st1 n1entaht\ of the yo lng I o thern c;h el ~fockmtosl of Moel rn.tosl bacl cd b) a.noH er north rn potentate ol 1no l<::rn gto\\ th tl.te 1 vern ss ui rie1 the han lsotne n ou u1ent of w} icl we gn ea sketch i11 our Imp1eso10u of to day has been ucces.rulh erected over thegra,,e of the heromc With g1eat d fficulty ar ·mg hom the pondorot s character of the monohth and tie abrnpt ncss of the road o·er wl rch >t ba<l to be carried the moumneut was place 1 m No Yem bet last m presence ol the lord of the manor l\Ir Fraser of 1{11 uu1r and abot t 400 H1ghlll'nde1a "1 u stood rn bunnetted around the gra\e In JUSlrce to the drs trngmshcd farm!J of which Flom Macdou ald ' as a member it Hho 11 be l:it tc l tl at b er son, the late Colon l J obn Macdonald of Exeter sent a marble slab to be placed in the b 1ry1ng gror nd bit 1t '~as broken 1n he co trse of t1ansport, and \\US htc1ally ca111e l a l) 11eccmeal Uy tour sta Quite recently another descendant ulso a Colonel 11al:Jurw1Ll cuu1lll1SrJ oned a n1onument at hrs 01rn charge but before JI~ l>ll con;iplet ed the I resent larger and n1ore .national monument wl:i begl n antl i:; J:lersedcd its neceesit) The lo\ a eroH~ which now stand~ in the cl t ichyard of 1{1ln un 1-s a rnonohth of the finest 0 re 1 gtalllte pr p~red by Mr D } orsyth of Inverness from a de '1gn by l\fr Uexander Ross the arcl11tect of the Ti vernees c1thedral As compared \\1th the great hi~tor1cal cro&,see wh1cl ha\e e r\1vccl fron1 ancient t1n1es lh1s one is very m cl larger It 1° 28 ft o n h 0 1 the cross itself being a monolith no lee~ than e1ghtee1 lcct ""d a halt rn height The colobmted InverarJ cross rs onli 8 ft 6 i Maclean s cro,s at Iona 11 It that of Orausay Argyles! re 12 ft St Mort n s 14 ft Gosforth m Curnberlan<l 14 ft 9 m and that ot R 1th well Dumfries·h re H It Tt occn1 es a most command ng pos1t on at the extreme north\ est of ~he Isle of Skye "rthm a !ew m les ol the r ms ot Dur tulm Castle the or g ual ·;iit,2f the Lords of the I k "ho at one time domrnat ed over halt the' este n ·eaboa d of Scot lund and t l rca tcned e\ en tho stabrbty of the St:ott1sh throne The coast is singular ]~ bold and prct resq e bemg m com 10 \'ilt-a the whole of the great pro n0ntory or I enu s la corupoinnti th s part of Sky<: ol trap format on the strange and pictures i 1e pe ul ant1es of which recen e then l 1gl eot de>elopment ir the rocks of the Qn rau 0 ai l the Storr winch are only a fow nules d slant The sci" cc rendered to Pnn1.:c ( harles Ed ard bv Hora Maooon tld- fur witch her narr e h es in h story and for w h1ch accord ug to ])1 Johnson t ill c e1 be 1 ent1oned w tl hono1 if coLUagc and fidchtv be Hiluc, -is very ' ell l no rn After t~e d sastrous battle at Cullode1 on April 16 1 46 tl e P1111ce lied !ram dnc hrdrng place to another with a pnce of £30 000 1pun hre beau As he had lat ded ou t1 e west coast knowing that a1nong the H ghlanders there he should fJ nd I ts most devotetl a<lh~ients ~o he now sou 0 ht ref 1ge arnon.g then1 not less ou accot nt ot tl1e n10 nta1no sand d1tticult natl re of the country than 1 ecau·e he co Ild \Ju t 11 l le there even among people who bJ tho peel har character of the ey~te 1 of clanslnp n tl e Hrgblands "er 10 1 alh J JS en l e Some of tl e g eat clan "' d co Ep c 10 sly the chiefs of tb.e llfoclco l an 1 Mac lo ial 1' tool an uuf.,ornble v ew ol tie chances of the rebe Iron at tl c fifot and thcv ref sc 1 to call ont the r men rn lns su1 port b 11 at of tho ' depen lent compou es stnt10ncd m the Long Island In 01der as she repre flented to the latte1 to a' 01d u1 pleasant en co 1nte.rR " th tl e snld\crs who were ran sackmg e\ cry hou e and hovel of the d s tnct ]lorn appl ed !or leave to return to the ho so of l er mother 11 Sk)e and oli ta1ncd a µ isspo.rt for 1 erself and se.r unt and abo for a young Irish girl named Bet t; B rke wbom sl e w she! to take 'home or account of lier skill in s1 inning flax Tl e fo h g rl wa, no other t\lfit the Chev ·I e1 and the senaut Nrcl M.:cdonald (patronim1c1lly called Nr 1 MacEacl a 111 1c Sl euma1s that 1 Nrcl the son of Hee tor the son o!Jan es) who uterwar ]sfollo I ed the Pr T cc to 11 anr.e and \)a~ the father of ] eld Mar hul Mucdonald D rke of 'I aren tun one ol tl e g1eat generals of -the hr.t Napoleo 1 Yrolecte 1 1 let passport Flora 'l'r.-teJ Clanro"all anl h s lad) at their rendence at Oiu1aolade a fc u1 l distant fronl her b1otl e1 ~hot so at 1"hlton and here ar range ent~ were properly n n le for obtu n 1ng a hoat an l ere v and for extempor1s1n?" fo1 tl e P nee a su table r.t.J,'.drohe for act mg tho p rt of Betty B rkc The\ ti en H tied tl e m<l ng pl ce of the P11nce and found I nl engage 1 1n 1oa.st1ng the heart and In er of u al ep upon \ ooden spht Thsw:isllorLs :fl ~t 1nl..c1v1e\' '\th the ] r nee ll ey all dmed t 0 ether and Jn 1ghe l heart ly o er the Pi uce appear ance " hen he JO ned tl e1n 1n the diess pre pa.r~d for 1 m c.onsi.:;ting \\ e ire told of a !lo" ered l nen gown apr gged "rtb blue cap aud ap 1 aml a mantle of gre; colore<J. caµ1let made alter the ln<h fash10n w1th <i'l oo 1 Br t m the m dst of their n1r.1rr 1nent at tlns a \ ar1 ing voice of the dange?'oi therr po t on was ht rrredly bro ght to the hut A mess·nier armed to tell Lad, Cl nrnnald that au officer and Lruops were ·l bet ho l8e anJ th >I she must return rmmed ately She had to brd fo.Ie well to the Pr tee and now he ha l to pa1t w1th h s last conipamon 0 Neal It was a tl'; rug n.nd ar a x1ou;i moment and the alarm \\as increased when on reach1n.., the sl ore "et and much fat g ied the) saw four whe1r es full o1 nrinccl me 11ak rrg ap patently tor the beacli But ti C) paeect! on 'vJtl in a g 111shot of the place ,.,.here the Prince and I is con I an on(:> l ) co ccaled awo1 got the beat! e1 fb s danger I asse 1 the) embarked m the boat a1 l got safely awa; to Skye The l assagc was stormy "et an l ted10 s Next day the) sighted tl e coast of W atern h b t as they up proached it a partv of sold ers appeared on i::l ore a1 ne l and pos essed of ~ boat but hen ng lo oats To put back \ as the work of a. t ouicut a Ie"' v&in 1::11 ots er~ fired fiom the shore bit no Imm \\as done and tl ey sot ght a la.nd1ns at a more co1 ven1e1 tpl ce rr111s was fo lU 1 w1th1n a few hnn drcd J ards of Sir Alexan ler Macdonal l s oeat of Mcnkstudt rhe clnei lnmself was at th a tune at Fort Augn tus in attend ance u~on the D 1ke of Cumberland but h s te a laughter of the l arl of Egl TI as at home an(I hi e the rest of the Ola!> Macdonald sympathized 1th LI e Cl "'al er n I cl n ore tl an w th hei l s ban l ai d tl o Royahst' ] lora a tel on L <l) l\'Iingaret and ~as recc1 \ eJ :i.a Ueca t e 1 er post1on Tl e 1 o oe wao it 11 ot Royal 1st officers one ol "hom beset h ' ' th quest on a~ to the scart.:h ior tl e Prince go 11g on n the Long Island 'l'.he same ~f t cer 1 n.d been r the custon ot e nT Jn1 lg O\ Cf) boot wl ch landed fron l: st b 1t, meel ng tl1 o yo ng lad) 11'\ tl e drawn g room ol Lad} Macdonald and decer e I by tl c e tay u anner in wluch s} e a.ecol nte<l fur her ·IPearance and pan ed LIB" eJlot t. tu procu1e infor1uat on his susp1c1on wa15 hs armed and Flora found oppo1t mti m the co ti:;e oI the e~en1ng to comu1un1cate w1th Mr M clonakl of h. t bsburgb "I o acted as charn lierlam or facto1 for tl1e Macdonald estate and ' th L d v Margaret both sound J acobrte, The poor Ohevalter bad been left all Lhrs tnne '11tmg on hIS trnnk b) the seaRhore The dtffienlt} was what to do '1th bun 'lo ofter shelter at Monkstada wo 11 l o to rm to the ].focdonalds b1 t !:) !:) The follo" ng bea 1t1ful chem cal e:;pen ment.R ma1 be eas ly performed bv a !lady to the great ··Ion shment of a cirC!e nt her tea pa1Ly Take l\IO or three leaves of red cabbage cit thcn1 into smal b1ts put tnem 1:oto a basrn and pour a p nt of boil ng water on them let t stand an hour then pour off the hqm 1 mto a decanter It "111 be of a fine blue colo1 Then take fout'"w1ne glas ses 1nlu one 1 ut six drops of strong vm egar rnto anotl er 11x drop· of solution af so la mto a thrrd the same quanhty of a stror g sol 1trou of alum at d let the fourth glass re1na1n empty The glasses tnay be prepared son e t1mc before u1d ti e few t!topo of colorless hq nd$ wlucl h ne been placed m tl em wrll not ho nohced Frll up tl e glasses from the decanter and the h JU d poured mto the glas8 con tam n 0 the acid "rll 'l' ckl) be come a beaut !ul re<l that rn the gJa., con tarmn. the soda ' LI be a fine green tbat po ired into the erupt\ one v.:111 remn.1n nn cl' ged By add ng a httle Hn gar to the green 1t " ll 1mmedratel) cl ange to red and on ad ding u. l ttlr. of solt t1on ol ~oda to the red it hmc the Prince hnd been long safe in "ill assume u fi1 e green thus sho'\ 1ng the France and 11 hatever may ha1 e been the arLrou of acids a d alkalies on vegetoble cncJgJ with which those actmg unde> th· blues D 1kc of C rnberlan l posecuted the search for h m m Hebrides there can be I ttle Editmg a Paper doubt that those still h1ghe1 m authonty were st ll ccretly grateful that he l ad e It e folio' rng "as found tn the office of caped .,.. Tbe da1 ger oi anotl el revolt 'v a~ not so great a.a that a.r su g fro1n the embar u el tox \>y the county al errff -Ed1trng a If it oon rasment of either kecprng Ol krllrng so l! J.l'aper is a VCfJ plonS1J,nt thmg a.ins too n uch political n1atter people non t lust1 ous ~nd popular pr1 oner ] t bl c S'\ m path; in London \l cnt so stiong1) u fa\ or hM c t t 1t co 1tams too httle they wont have it lJ the type ts too la1ge rt don t of Fo-ra M c<lonu.1 l that th~ Go~ ernxne lt after a httle \\ h1Le relea(:)~d l er fio1n the contam cnougl readrng matter rf the type To11 er to he placed rn the custody ol ft ends 1s too snail they cant rea<l rl It we pubti ey are vho b c... u1e r~spuus1Ule for hci appeatauce hsh telegraph reports lolks I he l ou e of Lady I rrmrose ol Dunmpace 11otl1rng bt t hes if wo omit them the) enterprise orsuppreisthem was open to her ;u1 l tl ere she re <led t lL say '\\C ha\e If we ha\ e rn a few the amnesty of 1747 set hei tree l\:lean for polttreal effect tin1e Elora \as so to speak the roge of Joke~ tl ·) ·av we are notbrng but a rattle tl e season EverJ 01 e 'is1teJ her-even head l we omrt Jokes the) "'Y ' e are ol<l the Pnnce of Wales father ol heorge IIT fosSJls If "e p 1bhsh or grnal matter they to ' horn rt 10 reported hat she e d sh blame us for not giving them ong1ual selec ' o 111 have done the same lot him bad she tons if we publ sh original selection~ four d hrn1 m hkedtstress A · 1m of mon·) folks say we are lazy for 1 ot gr vrng them wa· collected for he galla1 t young lady "bat they l "' e not read m some other pa If \Ve give if1nan coruphmentary no It I er wh ch Lord Mahon I otes at £1500 if 111 .:lL 1 a e been co1u:i1derabl1 for so late !lit. tlces \\ e are censured for berng partial we do not all hai1ds say we are a ~real bog Apnl 1"51 she acknowledges !he receipt of £627 louged wrth a busmess Ju m m If we speak "ell of any act folks say that Londo i on l er accoi.: nt by Lady l runrose w~ dnre not do otber\ldse if we ceni'l. 1re Soon after ret rr 1ng to the H ghland (l tbey cull us a trn tor If we remam in our l loru marrie l the el lest son of l(1ngobt 1gl off ce and attenjl to bnsme s folk· say we b) whom she had a large faml1J of .aons- arc too proud to mn gle "1th our fcllo"s all aft~r\\ ur<ls fficers In Ku g s ~er 1ce- If 11 e do not pay all bills promptlJ folks and t"° aat ghters I hey emrg~tetl to say "e are nol; to be trusted 1f we do pay N ortli Carohna but 1ett rued after manJ promptly \be) say "c 1tolc tho money I can hill v L you are the worst at your trade I over'"" The whole party (Charles Kmgsburgh aud Flora Maooonal<l) armed n salet' at Kmg burgh Houee abo1 t de' en o clock at night :rhence after a n1gl t of rest such as he had not er JO' ed for montbs the Cheva!ter ma le h s wa) Lo the Island of Raa.say and after 1uaff\ further wander ings escaped to France fhc fuct of the resc ie was soon dis over cd and it 1 as tracea to Flora Ma lonald Sl e was apprehended so "ere ill wl u had to do wrth the euterpnse aid sharply I ad thes to pay for lhen loplt) But the gen tle honorable and discreet cl aracter of the heroine n ode fr ends for hitr ~here\ er sl e appeared lo \ e Leith Roads olf E m burgl~ wbero then an I war lay for ao01e time Jn vr h1ch she v; a con fin d Flora \Vas v ::nted bv cro" l of ft ends one of \\horn La ly Mar} Oocbra~e rAJQ ccd n the a )vent of s ich u. stor n as pre-\ entcd her from la d mg and s gave her m oppor un ty of Ii ing in the same prison v1tl tl e Jn 1) "ho had 1 een ou happy as the g tard au of her I nnce The vessel i-fl. lecl frotn Leith on Nov 7th am dst the "avmg of ftag antl cheer~ of tlro 1s ind of spectators By tbts ··Y er bones O( the body t}uown Ott UffiODi It e dnt at tbe ·1de of the graH WLen all is read} several 1ncn pick 1p he body and carr) rt to tba grave vrth the face turned towards Mecca Stones arc then fitted rn aro1rnd and al"'" the body some mortar und dirt th10V1 n in t n01 g U e sto 1e ti en the bones wb ch have 1 ecn t kc o t and finally every man present 1 1th l rs hand or foot scrapes n so1ne J1rt nt I t hole rn filled up Stones are set at tl el eud an l foot upon which one of II me po ra a little po Hlcr and rub, t w th I tt c a L hrs fitger m ti! a black ma1k lo l ft upo 1 each l be r::ngu1ficauce ol ti is we do 1 ot understand though 1t doubtless 1 ca.us $On e th ng The toen keep n1 n sort ul cha t wh11c th1a 1a being dcne fl.TI 1 n concl l o 1 all the men approach anu Blute t o of ti e men present probablv 1 rntbers of tl u le ceased b, prei::s1ng tl e r O\\ r forehea1Jii against thofie of the brother twice i 1 uc cession The vonicn d1 r r n the b n 1 continue seated on tl e g1 l n I so 11c d s tance off and at no ti ie approach tl 0 rave One old woman l owe\ e L c rnotl er ot tl e deceased y; hen tl e incn vete go1 e :t a er"" led upon 1 er I m ls nu kr e s lo the foot of the grave and wrth up1 ttc 1 h m s and stream1 lg eyes be i oan tl ib Io::.c of he r darlmgbov 11,sallestsghtottlc vlolc procee<l1ng cot 11 b t br ng tears to ou1 CJ e \foetal h poor and degrade 1 a ehe ' still she loved I er bov and be 1 oa ie I l lll loss '\ ith all a mother~ lor"tc --. \\ bile st ndrng near L\)c gm>c as ti e gra.ve d g~e10 are do ng 't-l1e r w·ork son e ask us fo1 b cksheesl a d others tor tobacco W· g1Ve of both-ol the latter all ,. l a vc io our pou I rind thu l notl inb 1uore ot t but \\hen we get b ck to our-t'e1 t>i anJ. teel 111 our a1<le coat pocket to1 o tab c pouch and hand kc cl ref f 1 d tl eru bot! Not oonte1 t \i1tl ' hat" c bad .u.11ss1ng gn en these rascal>l hnd sto1 n ot r tol acco pouch au 'd 1 andke1ch1ef l le e were stanchng an ong tl e o.L the gta-v e side Without a Newspaper alv~ntui~s One of tbe::)e wa.i th t u:i. cross mg the Atlantic ti cy were cl a,ed by a French privateer and an action took place Floras sprr t was up and sbc k pt the deck all the time out bad ti e 1 1Siortune to break her arm m the fight Hence sl e used to eay that sl e had !ought for the Ho 1 e of St art and for the ho ise of h.mg l; igh-ol "" h1eh to vest)ge ien a111a sa\ e a. ft: old syca norl!s-Flora received Dr Samuel J ol 1 sou and Ros vcll on ti e i 1 leu oru.ble tour Ill Skye m 17"3 a1 d \ oll een1 to I ai e been much nnpressed b} the 'l i 1 le ch 0 tJ of the lady :>he cun m mcated to tl e11 a na1rat1ve of her a ve1 tt rei:i vlnch wrll be found m the Jo 1 nal of a Tour to the Hebrides together !t'lth 01 l 1 ntere~t mg go stp tegaidrng the place the peo1 le and the period Quantu · edat v vtut u s a1 urn- 111th vrtue 1>e1ghe<l h \'-'Orth less trash i. gold _,as Johnoto s pb lo so1 lncal rcflechon. as I e qurtted the kindly home o! ]\. ng b 'bh and he ha. ilone much by I rs rele cnccs to Flo a Macdonald to keep fresh the me nors of her lo} al de vo ion She died in l "'90 ( vcn o.roo1 g II ghland funernls ti at of Flora Macdonald rs celebrate<! for Lhc m It t de of people wl o a.sembled at 1t A 11 ger ag loH of the ca se a\tractc l many a.s rt coull then be m lulgeJ m 11 rthout dan 0 e1 either to but llor s themselves or to the 1 Chief personal vnt11es ' em great au<l to ti IS JaJ there is no name n1ent1oned in Skye w1tl1 more re\ erence anJ re·pect th·n that of l lon Macdonald It rn therefore meet md right that a fittrng ruon ment has been erected over her grave l\o E -lhe grand mece of Flora donald tho grand daughter of her on! brother Macdonald of Milton here 1ne1 Lwned CaJct ot brnnch of the Ch ef Clan 1onald rn interred n the Bo\\ u1an' Lie ca PAYMENt m Wi~o -A crrc s company nr Iowa 1ec ntlJ owed an editor a bill for adverl s ng and rc!t sed to pay rt There upo the editor called upon tlie sherrfl who attached tbe Bengal tiger aucl brougl1t lum a1ound to tl e newspapci: office in lus cae:1e lle \las plnced 1n the composmg room and dur ng tho first two days not only consum e<l f fteen dollars "orth of beef but he scrotched s1xo dollar worth of tro\\sers from tie leg ul u local reporter "ho mtsehrevous ly eulleuvured to stir him up mth a broo1u hut die o n ake !um roar On the thud da \he trger brnko loos~ ar d tbe entire fo1ce o[ co1npmntors de cended tL.c ata1r1;ase Vi Ith J ud1c1ous suddenne.::~ I he eel.Hor\\ a~ alarrned to fin l l 1s ex t through tho com posrng room cut of! and that the latch upon the sanctum door "ns broken So he cl n \, out of tl1e w ndow and sought safety 1pon the roof '.I he paper was not rssueJ for a week and e\ en after the tiger was shot the e<l. tor lad to slide down the water spout, because bs ' as afraid to descend by the route w:b1el ho can e Notbt)lg presents a sa ldei co n er l 11 upon ti e precent condition of oc et,y U n the large numhor olfarmhes both ru lo n an l in cour try but n1o)e e-specui.l :; 11 the !·tier th it subscube to no paper of any krno Handrcds and tho mu <ls oJ f u i l cs ar· thus giow ng up utterly gi orant of 11' I at 1s Lranspmng in the wrld arou u them-ignorant <>f tile nughty, e\ ents of tlie day Bt t "ho <fan tell the an o nt of lDJ uy that rs beipl( 1Qtl1ctec1 r pon tl e n mg generat101 -those l\ho are to tak o r place m the · orld at no d,Uitar t da,t -gro mg up without ans know le lge of. the p e sent or any slJiill1 of the past tins gr o ance too berng imbued into them by tl e sanction of Lt ose who should and lo 1btl ,,. do know botter lid the) oirly thmk of th e inJunotk; effect~ of-then int;ar e co irse 1 it tbe head o[ e>ery fa1mli thn k of th s n 1 place m the hanus of Lt use fur whom he , reupons ble the 1nea.ue o acq u r111g su1 e knowlegc of the mov ng I anoran am wh cl we act our d fferent parts ""'1' A Glorious Sunrise In the volume of loct1 rns Lj Di Cosh on M Christ a1 lt) and Positn er esc occurs the fol1ow1ng elega t a ld i isp1n11g descnphous of a. nat ial au l ruoi 1 ~ 1uu::ie I do not kt o whether anv el my hear a dc t nat ual death wlu h c l,! 'nf' k :ii. l!U 0 be 11 hs Tho followmg story rs told by the Guelph A young man from the CJI) "ho l ns been vis1t1ng l 1s rural friends in this nc1mty alter seerng a farmer thresh out a fl.oonug gf oat.~ the otl er morning asked and recen cd verm1ss1on to swing the flail a fc\\ m1 1utes upon assur ng the agr1cultur at that be was perfectly ! tmiliar "1th the art of thrc h ng Expectorating upP.n hrs I ands the yo ng 111111 went at the oats but at the first pass k1 ocked the horn off a Ue\\i nnkh cow that was leisurely ehe\v1ng her cud in a ne11::l boung stall Th~ ae ond S\\ in. raved m the heod of the farmer who thougilt he was oafe eno gh as long as he roosted on the top of ti e fonnmg m ll rn the end of the ban but wJthoutd1scover1,Dg the h·voc Cemet1' -EDITOR be was makmg the crty art1St kept at hrs labors tbe th1ril blow fell npon the oats George III s Address to Flora Macdon the foutth k1llmg a settmg hen near bv,and the fifth pa~' of the deadly w capon was the ald on Her havmg Assisted 111 the best of all for rt came around the J onng escape of Prince Charles Ed ward 1740 n1an 1 001nerilllg fash on, and knocked hlln do 1n 01 l thus put a stop to the "ork of Presnm.1 t o s damsel say hat ec1et cam~e slaugl ter II e flct ti at the city tl resher I-Ias n adc th6c dare the l1gor of o J I va ret rned to eonsc1ousnest; an hour before WI 1 thu~ an outlaw 1 tra. to sought thy e furn er d 1 ollo\\ed tl e former to 2ct tl sho ci several ro le(l on hi:; \\ay to town before his into the darkness which we m:e su1C' is t '1 u xLrun our pcacef 11 ea] n "" th i at ve go1e last to be diop llcd to allow o r eart h to at tl re Lug "er· discovered by the & aud clear 1 tho I ght ot the Sun o! eftorts Did frallt c lr.;i c or ma.cl a u.b t on sa, neigl l)or.., 1 o t eae:on a J?ath del de thee t ua a va.y 'l R1ghteousneS> Rx ald - ers have ever gone l p from R1tlelb rg to Gorner Grat m the h gh Alps to behol l the s I r s E\ et\ mol nta1n catches tl e hght accorln g to the height' b ch tie' p hen\1ng fo_rces thnt God set in 1u.ot1on have given rt Frrsl the pon t of jMmite Ros" ki,.ed by the n orumg beamo bl 1slrns for a mornent and forthwith stan ls clear 1u the light Then the Bretthorn an l the dome of Muschabel and the Matter) orn a1 1 c1nbrac1ng twenty other grand mountau the dis ant Jung Frau recmvcs each in turn the gladden ng rays bask ea.cl for a brief space and then rerr1u n butl cd in ~ n ltbht Meanw hrlc the 1allep bet" eon he down dark and drs ual ao death E t the hght whrch bas r sen is the 1 ght of 11 e morn111g auU these shado vs are no even lesi:;erung and '" c urc &urc tl cy \\ 11 tlto gether vamsh - St ch rs the l opefnl ' e\\ I take of our world Dru:kness CO> ereu the earth and gross darkness the peo1 le but Go<l s !tght hath liloken fo1 th m the I toll rng and to them "ho &11 m darkness a great hgbt has anseu Aire dy I see la\ored spots Jllumrnated bJ rt Gre t Br tam aH I her spreadmg c9lomes and P1u e a cxtcr d mg her mf\l1enoe a)ld tie Umted States mtb her b~oad t~rrrtory an 1 I er rap dly i11creasrng ppµulatron stand rn the I ght and l see no· twenty but a hundred po uts of light str:tklng 1 p m our sca·te1e l rrns'1on statrona, )ll old contments and sec! ded role· according as Gods grnce and m us heaYen kmdlcd love has favored them As much as I was enraptured with the grand .Alp1ue scene and shotted ir ep1e s blj ar.i I s uveyed lt I ur 1 still l OI~ l! e t J no I feel as rf I coul l c1y alou l for JO wl eu I hear of l ght a<hanc ng fton p nt t o po nt an 1 penetrattng deq er and- deepc 0 ---