IIIE l\fERCH:AN1 RATES OF ADVERTISING l 1RLD:AY JANUAliY 31 1373 (1 o the Edi to OOUNTIES COUNCIL houses of LarcencJ of the Me ch· t ) C 1.5ual a.d e t a ments vill be msc ted a.t the :\-te of ] e Cents per lme first nsti t on and T 1\0 Cents per l ne ea l subsequent nse ton. Temperance m Danger L na.t c Advert 11eiuents naertcd n OBSERVER and slaugl ter RCHAN't' atJSe en Cents per line .first meer t on and Three Ccnts·per l ne ea h subsetjuent ne Y: Spec al cont a.ct;for ai:acemn.de on appl C<\t on Advert sements sent n \\ thout wr ttan n stru t ons v1 1 be nserted u til ordered out and charged a.cco d ngly New Advertisements Sprmg 1873 F Y Cowie For Sale Appl:)'; at the Office liome !{a ufactu e R & H Syl tiste Found-A Buckler S LI ng out-'! E Srmpson St ayed W J>undle Pos t vely C os ng J C Pollard Farm for Sa. e S J a.cks Insolvent Fo sale chea.1 'I E S maon Ne v Store A Buckler ] a m to Sell Samu.el \Vest Stra.) ed. - Le Morns. Implem nts R \V J a. ncs I mf!; - L Com1b Den orest a ?t-Ionthly - \V J Demo e.st J3oota n d Shoes .A.nderwn & Co A f 1 p et loflt 1 Ju C l Advert 8<> Geo P Ro :vell & l:o To sell o rent 'Vm Werry Ne !a.IlorShop J Heal J ut1t Ar ved S Ma.1:1on \'\ anted ] F ?t-lcArthur 0 g_ans R ce & Barker A Chem cal Food Dr \Vhee]cr Tl e storm of tl Tl i s<lay p ov o a uu YOUJSG MEJS S CHRISrIAN ASSOCIA TION A Prn.J er ].feetmg e ery Sabbath q est 01 ably pre\ ented many from bemg oon at 4 o clock m the South 'Va d aftc prese t at tl e scrv1ceEo but the sp ntan l en S hool Houae Cottage P ayer I\ileetmg of lhusisrm of the frrnnds m Cart v1 gbt hod IueP. lay even ng at 7 30 a.t t~ rQ8ldence of won for them much adm ratio as in the 1dr Norton L berty Street and OD 'Ved face of d fficult ea and lately havrng to part nesda.y even ng at to TI 1th the r beloved PMtor the Rev Mr fhom of Enn sklllen-hs hav ng been re COMMERCIAL in your a moved to Port Peny-tbey noth ng daunted prosecuted the r purpose and ha e BOWMANYII LE a<lded another to the tasty 1md nch ed fices Bom \.NVlLL.E Jan :JOtl 1873 for Church p rposes scattered o,ll over o r Uo e ted by lhompsou & Bu a: land The <led eatery sermons '"ere prea.cl F·ll Wheat l 30 to 1 35 cd bv P ofes or Gregg of Knox College n Spr ng Wneat 1 20 to 1 2IJ the morn ng Rev M tchell of M llbrook m ~· OMtoOW Ba loy 0 50 to 0 55 the afternoon a id Re J Sm th of Bo v Peas 60 to 0 62 o~toom manv !le n the even ng The Cl u1ch <as o~ B~~ O~toOU fille l to o erJlo~ mg durrng the daJ and n D essod Hogs 5 00 to <.1 10 4 uO to o 00 tl e even ng so greo.t w·as tl e cro vd that Clovor Seed Potatoe11 O 30 tQ O 30 ma Y co Id no· gam adm ttance Monday Egge O 12 to O 17 O 30to0 40 morn ng da "! the love! est of tl e v nter Wool lfay 14 00 to 16 00 Everytl ng md cated that howe er sue- es ful the open ng se v cc had been the Ba MARR~ED zna1 and Tea Mre to be el a ly vell pa PH FIN TAYLOE- By th' Re John Bred n tron ed TJ e Bazaa roo1u coata ned a on the 28th nst Robe1 t Ph ppen Esq Thier ch.., t of Paik H ll to li:[1Ss El abeth E nun bc:i; of ve v uscf 1 nrt cles vl cl vere 'I &iylo of Cart vr ght piepare l bi the l·d es The fine dav ST.E VARr-lly the aame at the Par brougl t ti c people n erol\ s to s ch an ex S1Mrso~ sonage o the 27th nst "hir Joseph S mptiOD tent that t as necessary to furn eh tic of Ola ke to Mary daughte of Thomas Ste~ Ml Esq of R.Jilimoud dr 11 shed fo ti e Tea The eatables were splend d and the' ar ety all the heart co lid des re The excellent tea an l the Jovel va ter5 ver some vbat tempt ng to yo r bachelor correspondent to make h s home a no g the genera s and varn 1 carteJ fr ends of Cartwr ght After J st cc had beed done to \!!Q good th ngs provided Rev l\fr Thom was asked to pres de over the meetmg and on openrng stated ho" heart 1) all ru st apprec ate tl e TI arm hearts and Chr st an fr en lsb p of the people ho had turned out so numero tslv to ad ti Pres byter an fr ends of Will amsb rgh God sp~ed upon this occaa on a l t vas a good: s gn be sa1<l to and no less than f e d fferent denom1nat ans represented o the platform The man vbo felt that every mans hand was ai;a n·t b m vi o lived con tmuall) m au atruosphere of snsp con ould not appreciate the Joya of s 1ch an occae on as th s b t he only "ho fe t that Chr , t amty wa· a Brotherhood vho apprec ated the k ndlJ look and heart) ohake of tl e hand of Chr st s follo" er mdependent of whale> er u ne tl ey were kno vn by co ld meet ilnd feel on an occ unon such as this the bli;ssedness of tie tie that b nds our bearte m purest love He sa d lefore call 1ng on ti e speakers he had one anno nee ment to n1ake and one 1 e wa.s sure the m mcnse aud1cnca before b m voulU rcJOlce to hear and that ' as that the bmld ng ded eated y~sterduy to Gods vorsh1p was entuely free of lebt however g eol the pleasure it afforded him to see the bea ti ful ed fice erected by a part of the p ople over whom lately he was PMtor it pleased I n more still to kno v that their ndom1ta ble perseveran~ ' ad been crowned w th s ch a lnrge meas re of success rhe.i d d nobly They had asked no asSlstance and had erected th s beaut1f 1 Ch rch "'th Let the r own n oney except111g vhat a few fnends ha<l vol untar ly gn en 1 em A number ~of speake s followed sL'lt ng ot Rev Mess s Holmes of L f ford Clark? of Lakefield W 1lson of Bal !yd ff Johnston of--W1lhamsburg M t bell of M Ill rook and Smith of Bowmanv1lle and without one ' ord of n.ttery s~eeches-re-the bes~ to vb ch JO cor respondent. ever l stcned to at- any 01 Dent st S G Weboter ToMaat rso!L 0 L Mus c Professor 'Vh te Doctor W S Boyle FOR SALE CRESTNUI COLORED MARE SIX ) eare: ol ] Qwet UJ. Hai sa and gottd for ieuo al purr oseij A.1 I ly at ti s Office Bo vmanv 1 e Jan 30th 1873 ml8 ti Farm For S.Je C Knapp A ~tttth~tnt. BOWMANVILLE JAN 311873 PRISON ilTATISTIOS \\ e I ave rece1 cd the F ftl .A nual port of the Inspector of Asyl u · Pr so &c for th s Provrnce for the ye r J872 and · mmar ze the follo v ng otat sties and n fo1 at10n therefrom We ar~ pleased to notice that the recommendat10n of the Jn spector respect lg Pr son labor he.s rece v ed tl e proper attention and a co ntract has been entered into bet een the Government a l ti e Canada Car Compau) of Toronto thro·gh 1 ch tl e Governrue t leasp~ to the ea <l Con pan) the lauor of nll pr or e s senten ed to the Central Pnao1 no\\ co rse of e ect on at Toronto for tl c te of se\en and a half years, fron tbc !st of January next, c ceptmg such ao sl all be re qu red to perforrr the ord nary domesl c I work of the Ir sol It c wo1ksl op space · to b o f rmsl d b~ 11 e Government togetl er vllh all 1 o 1 vc po er an 1 foundations for l ach nery & tl e Company prov d ng tl c eng neer firemist nnd {uel The contract pro'\ des that p soners shall not be sente iced for a ter 1 of less than t vo months an<l tl ey sball not through phys cal or mental de fects, be unfit to perforo a ord ary la s Jabor co fl sting of ten bou s per: <lay less two ho rs e ery week Fvr ti s laOor tl e Government is to re e ve from tl e Corr pany the un of fifty ents pei day f ea.ch pr oner d r111g the fir t two and a half l eora, fo ti e second t o arnl ~ I a f vea1s fifty [J ve ents and fort e en a n ,g per o l SJxty cenL· per day It · sa d tl at v th a pretty tull prison tl s a:rraugcn cF.t FOR SALE. A FIRST CLASS CUTTER Apply at THIS OFFICE o llO SELLING AT COST. Be.ing p1esse 1 for 10om the Sub scnbe1 will for the next 30 T>AYS oife1 for Sale Albums, Work Boxes, Small Wntmg Desks, &c , AT Ilo~ma'1 1 COST. ? CALL EARLY C BARKER lie Jru 23rd 18 SPRING 1873 Tailoring m First class Style REA DY llADE GLOTHiliG nad~ o tl e e sos Our O'W':l:I. Ma.nufa.oture. will n &ke ti e Instil t on self s pport ng fl s s a step n the r ght d rect on for it I s ever appeared q te clear to us tbat tl e hone.t port on of the pop lat on ;ho ld [port n dlencs those wl o ar ont to becon e nmates o[ the Queens l oard g l o s s TJ e n n I er of o n itt ents for the year end g Sci t 30th as n excess of the pre\:1ous year The rcpo t s 0\1.S tbat O 958 pr soners passed thro gh the tbuty seven con1mon gaols of tl e P ov1n e dnr ng sa d yea1 o vhum :.> 28 ere males, a d I 671 fe al6' 2 354 out of ti a 6 958 vero n1lar No fear of IIos1 tal dia ase ur S naJ.l Pox now so 1 re a.lent at our large cntres of Co u ner e a.a d c:: tcd thro gh the press. · -·--- - - NEWS OF THE WEEK meeJmg Th<lie seemed a krnd of pl asant FIRST CL :\SS ' valry as to li[o'\boul I do best and thong! we hull not a ·rm! ~e diploma we fo re peat that tie ·l'"al ng vas exoellcnt and WANTED IMMEDIATELY 11 aga n was hs ened ro b,Y tl e assemblage v tl th ] Y COWLE W PEARDON greatest mterest Ma ager p 'P 0 The Chou of ti c Canada I rcsbyter an Bownun lle Jan 23rd 18 .> h Jn Ch rel Bo vmanv lie I d excellent service m render ng mus c tl rou11I out both tl e Sabbatl and Monday serv ces The large au d1ence awarded ti cn1 a hearty \Ole of thanks for the r kmdne1;s Jn ren \er ng s ich Pant & Vest Makers ass stnncc Born i ( nna.<l E glau l I el nd Un led Stntc Otl Co ntr e D af and "coll and 11 o rel ~ o s persuas ons arc rel lollo Ho nan ( atl olics Cl h of England Mtlodst l esb\teran Otl er dcoo i 1nat ans 6 958 THE ASSESSMENT ROLL P W CoNSAUL ant ( Of the total nuwber of pr sonern comm tt ed only 2 405 or about 34 58 per cent, vere marned bile 4 5o3 or 65 42 were u ruarr ed The 1eador cau dra v hld o vn nference One fo rth of the pr soners co Id ne th er read nor write and ti ree fiftl s were by their ov..n acknowledgcruent 1n te uperate u th r I ab ts Th s fact clear ly pro es that d1uukenness and 1guora1 ce a.re tJ e p1'1me ca ses of most of the er nc con1m1ttetl About 1 Slo prisoners were acqmtted on ti e charges preferred against the1 l when urought to tnal wh le about oOO "ere comm tted as insa c debtor or for want of suret es &c Of th~ 4 643 who ¥ere senten ed 103 vere sent to the Pen tent T ol to tl e l\elor uatory a il 4 489 to the Common Gaol 'lno r umber of pr soners m onfinement on the 30th of Sep (tl e close of the offic al year) ""' 572 as folio .a \\atrgtral Default of ba 1 or want of s 1et cs to keep the peace Insane id otlc or u~ec1le persons Under sentence A unan 1 o s vote of tbauks vas g1 en also to the B hie Oh1 stian congrego t o of W ll am 1 urg lo1 gra t ng the Presbytc1 an fr ends the se of ti e r ch rch fo1 the past t velvc mo tbs ' here l to worsl 1p after wh ch a vote vas ac orde 1 tl e speakers for the r ex ell ut addresses Th one of the ll oat rnt resting aud largest tea meet ngs ever helJ. n the town slup ended tic greatest 4armopy p1eva l ng thru gl o t rhc Presbyterian tr ends of " 11 an sburg ll'.a) "ell (c I elated ut the r s 1ccess so ruucb so tl at the Rev Mr John ston ea l he ' as a~a d toe fr ends engag d n the work ofcrnctrng the Ch ch wo Id feel as the Ir sbman d d n the m dst of a fire Ifo as seen to rush n to the burn ng building b) au ~en door but soon made the d scovery that the "alls" ere tremblm: so t rn ng with all poss blc haste he ma le h s ceca.pe JUSt in t me to BU'\ e h nself from be ng enveloped m the flames A fr end vl o stood by congratulated h m on b s P o le t1al es ape o.r 1 s d l e ought to tha k Go l for I s dell e au e Pat decla o It do I you th k ed l o d l tl al I v a~ n ghtv s art ruesell YoUJs, &c ~-------~-~·-~~~- FOR d SALE. by gethor Vlth the Lot co tan ng ! acre aud 10 rods The p emISea aro well 8 t ate<l n the entre of the V lla.ge a d ha.ti a. ne er f1i1liug 1:1t :ea.m runu ll\f across the north end Terms e..wy Possess on g vcn on 11 e fi :"St de.y of A~ril ne t For part oula.ra a.pply to R :lvIO~iENT On.ONO or to the propnotor o Lot No 3.> l tl e 7th Con of Clarke 0-ono Jan 22 l 18 3 IIA1 Ji st class BLACKSMITH SHOP T a H01JSE,,_oc up ed Mr Cunean non n the VILLAGE OF LESKARD to J W L BROAD ml tf CARRIAGE SHOP, TYRONE Subac ber takes pleasure n retu n ng THE tbauk1;1 to hir:i numerous f ends for the very liberA.l_patrona.ge he has rece ed o the past He feels sat sfied tha.t noth g but Guod Mate ial a d S 1 erior Workma sl p, has ga ned for h m s h an inc ease of bus neas He lB now prepared to b ld W a.gqons: Buggies and C tte a of all desc pt ans at short not ce and oa l asonable te ms Oa.n ages pa. nted a l tr n med Spec al atte t on gt ven to a.ll k nds of repai "Ing A BLACKSMITHS SHOP n onnection w t] the same here ork lone n all ts branchers. H WOOD I R RELIGIOUS SERVIOES m17 3m S 6 WEBSTER, L D S .A PROBLEM lo S e :U:H oftheMe hatl do I make When l C \JS \D !I. I RES!-lYIERI \N So ce e t Sa bba.th at 10 3J) n the mor ung a.nd at 6 30 n the CV n ng n.e J Sm th Sabbath School n tl e afte uoon n.t 2 o cloc ~ RIRK Se cc once e ery Sabbatl at 11 o clock the morn g Rev Mr Spell er Pasto SURGEON DENTIST TfETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, ) CONGREGA rIO:'i"AL tl e Go ern men t "a.::i 1 086 Mun c pal t es o 372 he average cost of each prisoner - i c saln1 ea of offic als an 1 general ma ntenance of gaols-was $15 40 Cost of tie lull n mher $107 153 20 The on m tt ls ere for the following oftencea. PRIMIII\ E ME1HODISr M ss ona y Sermon:; Sabbath a.t 10 30 the moru ng by th· Rev ~{ Boyle at 6 30 by the Re I l r filth S bba I S houl at ? 30 o the a.ftei. oon your Teeth PRICES MODERATE Iiooma formerly occup ed by T J Jones o er F F McArthur a Store K ng St eet 130 na.n lie J~n 23rd 1873 n 17 ly Assault 77 felomous assault 61 J\J;son 26 Abus ve and Obscene ~nguage 58 Escap ng !row and obstr ict ng cor stable WANrED $150 pr month to AGEN~S aellthe 'II~KER the mo tusef lHous~ A.NnERBQii: hold a.rt le ever nvented. P 0 Box 360 l\.fo DISUIPLES Ser ce tw cc e <r3 Sabbath t 10 30 o lock..w the mo mg and 15 30 n the P- Jo let 1873 Aldtess H K tie al I Q ol mlu erung 9 ~O To be S ppl e<l Su day School STRAYED at -Yo s '-'c T 0 e entcd n the e1ifte noon BilJLE CHRISTIANS Ser co tw lo n Sabbath at 10 30 o c ock n the norn n l\[ and has a. sl t n one of her ea s an:i r Clarke an<l ~t 6 30 n the e emng by t on that w ll lca.d to tbe eco e y M W ll P'"'ooe Sab]Jath School nt 0 n the tha kf 1 y rece ved a( e .noon Prayer Meetrn e e y "\'\ edne rfo.y e en ng at 7 30 o clocl ROM I HE PREMISES of the s bso be a.bout the 1st of July last on Ram and two e cry Lambs nd a l!;we Ihe 1i: ve s n.gi:d t o past form11, 1 be F T G Felon Dari ngtoou G h 1872 Ll II MORRIS LotNo lJ 6 Con m9 '