· THE MERCHANT, J A;N UARY 31, 1873 ~. JUNE, 1872. ENCOURAGE MANlTFAcrruRE. , · · I / S. B. BRADSHAW ·would t~-kc this opportunity of thankj.ng hie numerous friends for the very liberal patronage . he has received. H e ff;!cla -satie:fied that noth· ing but --r---o·- · t1 .. T.3oq a· asT. A lull Stock of Spring and Summer H0~1E Fire! - -· DRY GOODS. New, Fasliionrtble, and Cheap PELT~ STD.A.. W, XKD Farmers, wttnting Plows and other Agricultural Implement-~, cmmot do better th!rn get them from the LO"\V Goods Damaged. ' I AT ---o--- HATS. Ha vi~arried off First Prizes, at . a ll the important F~irs in the Co~mty, on every implement we exhibited last season, shows clearly, that we c~n not be beat hy any Firm in t~e County. And having .t..ken every pams to alter and improve, we will guarantee every Plow or implement turned out hy ui<, this season, to give Enniskillen Agricultural Works. ung CH R I~'S T lV.t A S : ; ..,, l,· . Superior Workmanship, has ,gaJ.~1e4 fqr hin). such a i>tt;ady iucrease of. bu11iness- ml1Ch lapger than former years; and he truet s th at by 1· ha.Ve a te~y CO!Dplete 's tock O f' I cos1 ' 1 At< D UNDER, FR'UIT S 00 Clothingmade to order, the best trimmings only used, and the lowest price charged. GOOD lVl. est opportunity to infoi·m his numerous friends that he is 110~'/ movinR in Mr. '\Vilcox's Stor a, 3 doo:rs east, pn King Street, north side, where the whole of llia immense atodlc of l\rf'R, 1l'RlJ:,llIN, of Oshn.wa, takes the eaili- SA. T ISF ACTION OR NO SALE. I 'A [ I ll : [ I ·.· .· f ~ r .i·:s.~· m~·-·_G_r n :.t ,, ii I J r 'I AND td:.. :;i... e'r ~ e s . I' 1 - -:0: -- New Groceries, Dollar TEA for S6 Cents, EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILL DOMINION PLO"W, · '· as we now mitke 1t, is a first-c{ass Sod Plow, and is very light draft. W e 'strict also make the new Plow, known a.~ THE Dry Goods, Millinery, I STEMR ··. ·in· ),\loCLUNG BBOS. , r. 1 ·· .. ' '·attention to. business II· ,\ hV I~ J ' i THE being a~terell .a nd im~roved from ~he No. 13 ~low; t!1e mot:ldJ:ioard.being of peculiar shape, which enables it to work m all kmds of soil, without clogging or choking up, anll does its wo:·k with the greatest o.f ease, and is the favol'ito plow for general use, with those who have tried them. We also make the No. 13, and th~ Plow known as hs will continue to recei,·e Lhair support . Boots and ShQe3, Grocer~es, NO DiltT RAISIN SI in HeCLVNG BROS S. B. BRADSHAW, etc. I' CURRA.NTS NO IMPUB.ITIES ' t will be sold at cost and under; until the wltolo are disposed of. .All those that are in arrears must pay up, es· pecia.lly the Hardwa.i·e account. S . B. D. 15·ly Bowma.nille J a.n. 10th 1872. FAIR~S in KeCLUNG BBOS PA.TENT, SPICES· ---01---The ingredieni1 for your IRON IN THE BLOOD PORT PERRY Also the well known ' GANG PLOW, with some jmportant jmprovc ents, which makes it <t. con:{plete article. ' 1873.. The subscrj.ber ...-yould beg to cn.11 attention to l CHRISTMAS ·. I PUDDING ahonld be purcha.sed at COLLARD'S PATENT 1RON HARROWS. ALSO . . his etock, of ==========c=:==========::;===-=-=~==-=-r=.:;==:;:==>==>==== A FIRST-CLASS CULTIV ATOH., Also that has given good sittisfaction to those who 11ave them. Groceries,. Dry Goods :Boots & Shoes etc., etc. I TO 'TI-lE PUBLIC WALT1 ER · vVIGG & SON, N i·eturning tn a: nk.s to their numerous Custom ers, and the Public fa.vorll I would respectfully invite their attention to 011r presentstock of Furrutui·e, as "'c have added thereto, that we mo.y be enabled to supply all parties who may pl ease to hi ge~erally, forpa~t th er~by ~ith a call. G reat inducements h eld out to thoi:;e purc ashing at our Esta.'blisJnn.ent. Pi?ture3, Looking Glasses, &e., fro.med to order, and in every style. Sa.m~les of the drffercnt _kin?, of Mouldings cn.n be seen ~t the W a.re-room. "\Ve 'vould also beg to inform you, that,ha.v1ng p~r chased a l.atel~ . ~a,vor ----·O--- McCLUNG a1·os. ,. Mc Clung is now lila.stma.n's Broad Seed Sower&; Cultiva.tor,comoined, . . The Perltvlan Sy1"tf., a Protected Solution of the 1 rotox·i<le of Iron,, is so couib·l neil as to /t(tVe the characte1' of an aliment, cts easily <liuested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It inc»eases the qtiantity of Natu1·e's Own Vilaliizlnr1 Auent, I1'on in the blood, and ctwes "a thousand Uls," simply by Toninu up,Invigo>'ating and Vltalizinu the System. 1'he en...tched and vitali~ed blood pe1'meates eve1'y part of the body, 1·epai1--i1ig <la1nages atid 1oaste, se(.(JJ·ch'i,u,y oitt '1norbid scc1·etions, cind leav·i nu nothinu for disease to fee<l upon. This is the secret of the wonrlm·ful s1tcccss oftltis 1·emedy ln cu1'inu Dysp&psia, Liv e" Complaint, D1·opsy, Clwon'lc .V'lm·""rea,Boils, Ne1'vous Affections, Chills and Fcve»s, Humo1·s, Loss of Constitutional Yiu01·, i seases of the Kidneys and D· Bladder, Female Complwints, and all diseases 01·lginct#nu in . a bad state of' the blood, o» accompa1vied by rlebiUty 01· a low state of the system. Beinu free Bros' T .E ' A DOLLAR , or~ating a SENS a ·'l'ION. It is a to which we c11.ll your special attention, as ,i t is an implement that every farmer should have. It sows the different kinds of grain, and cultivates it in, with the once going over, and is hig~ly r~commended by ~11 fa\'mers who have used them, aa a great labor-saving l!llplement. This we have improved, by iin attachment to rrevent the. Cultivator.from i:aising out in any hard places, and enables it to do all its work 11,hke, bemg a great advantage over tliose manufo.cturecl e1~ewhere. . W .O ND 'ER FU L for thei Price. TEA Eve?·ybody' s Teix. ·we will place the work turned out by us, in the hands of our customers, with a full assurnnce that the.~ will find it strictly. what we i;epresent. . we shaJ1 be ready N. B. Coffins kept on SPLENDID NEvV HEARSE, at all times io' attend Fl\n,era.J.s on short notice, aud re380na.ble tenna. hand, v.na inade tq q ·der Oshawa. 1 "· W 1Jve1·11body should try it, Jo» it NOW ltllMEMBElt: You can buy· i~ i at the NEW D0111LNION RETAIL FURNI'J.URE WARE-ROOM: Oshawa, Aug. 2tith, 1810. Repairhig of all kinds carefully attended to. CASTm\lS . D~m~~' ,~ESCP.IPTIDNS King Street Bas~ Cent AT for 50 Cents. Meet.'C'NG ::B:Et,OS. LO .WES 'ff -- RATES I which for Special Attention will be given to Plough Points. Using the hardest inetal to be had, we can furnish almost every ki;,cl. RI.GRES1' PRICE Given for OLD IJION, CORIJWOOD1 J: HARD FVOOIJ LUJJiBER. ~titu,t-io1i. Uf'e into all prtrts oftlw system, and bttildin(/ up an I1'on Con- f: r o1n A lcoltol, in, <t'nY fo1·11i, ·i ts energizir,,fJ . effects <vrc 11,ot folloive<l by cor·1·espo1i<ll1iu 1·ca,ction,, but a 1·c 1Jernia·n e·n t , infu, ... slny st1·(,'1 t ytlt , v lyo1', a:nd 1ie'l1J Enniskillen, Jan. 30th~~73f R. SYLVESTER; m18-2mos. Quality and Cheapness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOTT, TYRONB. · Thonsmt<ls have been changerl /J y the use of th'is ··euie<ly, fr01n 'toealc, sickly, srtjferino crea,ttt1'es , to strony, healthy, ancl ·lnvaUd .· ca.nnot reasonably hesi~nte to yive it a trial. S ec t hat each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the ulass. Pan'.lphlets !t,tl(J')J>Y 1n,e1i a 'fl-<l ivomen · aJid SELLING OUT. o -- - ARE THE ONLY KIND ADAPTED TO EllERY CONOimm Of HU~lAN 1jlSION. Their C()pyri9ht systcrn t'f fitli'f!·U is an i1nerrif!.9 guide for ascertaining the j · alt who neccl Optical aid. exact re q ~nren-,,e nts o J.P· .DINSJJIOllB, P1·oprieto,., No. 36 DEY ST,. NEW YORK. Sold by Dyug gh:ts g£,nerally. ------ Fi.~ee. YOUNG OR OLD, ;FAR OR ;NEAR-SIGHTED. Mr. 'I'. lit Simson begs to inforn~ the public tli.tt he is going out of 1business in Bowm11nvi.Jle, and will Always on Time, l'HE Ji'ALL STO CK A full aml complelo a'5orlllicnl ~!ways on han<t I Yello\vlees & Quick, .Agents. OF MAltlt'C'S BEING ADDJ!:D I Scomprises a. FARM FOR SALE 8th Con. of Da.rliogton. 42 acres are in a. good ~tate of.cultivation. Good out buildiugl!!. VOr pn.t-ticnlitTO> a.pply on the premises to SEI!..L 01JT li.is w l1ole stock at MAYERS, TO DAILY, and it OPEN:CNG !-tac.nf!l.c tu.roM of the Celebrated Vlctori!l. Ca.rbolic Prcpn.rntlon9, L8.hora· tMy a.nd Worke 1 Vlctorln. llall, Mcllnda S.treet, Toronto, Ont. Tho fo\lo,vlng Oonntna Prcr.i!Lrat!ona nre sold b7 all Orv.gglat.~ . -no sur!il nod t rnlI tor tho Vr"t'OBIA Pl\llP..Ull.TlONS, o.nd oec th!l.t you got them. So~e Pro;ut1~tot"S i>nd 'I HE North We,tFD"l'Y ACRES of Lot:U CHARLES KNAPP. Darlington, lriarcb 15th 1871. 24-tf. C· 0 s More than Ordinary Selection. T MTJSIO l BAROAI NS to .be -HAD. ' · HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS WARRANTS HIM IN MAKING LARGE PUROHASES, And he offers his customeni a. choice of Furs of all descriptions, Buffalo and Sleigh Robes. NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED, They are got up in the best and most fashion· able styles, and are guaranteed as reprer:;cntcd in every instance. FARM FOR SALE, BY The whole stock :MUST BE cle11;rcd by the first clay ofMaroh :µext,when Store and premises will be to let. Fo1· any person wishing to commente business, this is a ' . ,. i~ f ~ ';·.i ~ ! -; :; ·~ Magnificent display of N e'v and Rich ClIOIClilST OF GOODS. Goods. WELL FILLED WITH THE NEW STORE, · AARON BUCKLER HM the be!'lt and moat desirable lot Of Au t u.m n Fashions ' I CASH BUYERS WILL BUY LOW. Al'l usual he ·will repair and alter all kinds of Jf'urs, and pay the highest price in cash for raw furs. Gent's furnishings of all kinds, including gloves kept constantly on hand. . Remember the sta.nd, corner ~ of l{ing and Silver Streets, \. .~ PUBLIC .!\,UCTION, GOOD CHANCE. OR PRIVATE SALE 11, --o-Whole Stock to be bought on M. )!AYER. Lafllc!! e..e a nto;t n.·.:rocablo l'rcLll\·'a t10n for tho Toilut. I"or n~1utHytng I.ho Cotnplcx:lon, and rcnd..:rlng tho Skin Soft Wb i10, 01 1'.!ar, and rrco from Dryness, lt la uurlv:l.tied. It will q_11lck1 .v remoyoa 'lRodne:re, Ron~hncl!s, 'J'all, Frcc\do ·~ . Pirnplos, nnd other im· 1"Jrfcc ~1ons. For Chapped Hande1 Chilblainf', Frost 'l'bls J.t:~r:y i~ blgbl;r rccom1ncndcc1 to WATCH E· S uf different ,qradea, nnd sul'passes R.ll other houses in town and Country. Bitee and S<)ro Llps, U Ilowmanvillc, Oct 3, 1812. Prlco 25 cents. Ca.JlllO~ be surpassed. EING 150 u.cres part of Lot No. in the. B 12th Con. of M~\·ers. P.articnlo,rs 'vill be shortly ma.J.e kno\vn. Good Ter:m.s t AN IMMENSE NUMBER. . CLOCKS MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immem;e stock of New Fai. Goods. Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothincr hu.t First Class Goods have been purchased, cu.~tomers cmn rely on get". ting gopcl value for their money. ' ----o~--- I S. JACKS , I-In1 upton P. 0. ELECTRO-PLATED 1'ea and C~'(J'ee Sets, F1·u{t, cincl D R E ·S S G0 o·D S 1n-11l6-tf. Ile?nisphe.ical Dishes, not to be surpassed in t he Province, ' :For Sa.le Chea.p. A NEW ul3 CUTTER, Apply to T. :E. SIMSON. ANDERSON & Manufacturers and clealt)rs i1;· Cabinet Warerooms AND Plain and figured Lustres, Plain and 'fartan W 001 Poplins,Metz Cords ~gured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety ot' other n<iw Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres, Black Co bourg, Black Paramatt·tS, Black Crape Cloths, Black Metz Cords. Knives, Forks, &c., Equnl tO any in the Dominion. FOUND. AU 'l'TFUL EAR Dl{OP. A BJG ?vit·. A. ~uckler. Apply to in1G-3in. BOOTS !ND SHOES of every description. UNDEltTAitINct DEil'fA]{IN G DUSIN ESS, heretofore ca.rried H1£ SUBSCRIBER takes p1casure in inT public that p11rchascr d the "'ood w11l 1n the OA.RINJ1.[ .A.ND fol'lnin~ ~e h.e,,~as U~ To Masters of L. O. :r.. ANK CERr1 IJ1..,IC.AES, .Applicatious B J..&:c., &c ., can be procured at this office,at 1 l··~· Z:: ' The gn~l.bte::it arn:1 best i:i.ssortment ever .1:1een in T0wn. None to excel it, MILL. INERY The assortment of Millinery and Millinery Goods is ·very extensive aml in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonnets every ·taste can be consulted as the variety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we chtim to have the finest asso1'tment to be found. J'fJ snlar rates. Bow1na1n·ili<', July 7th, 1873. w-ANTED. 3 CO.AT, and 3 VHS'l1, l\fAK.ERS. 5 PANT, Constant employment. Apply :i.t }.,. F. ~!oAR~rHU R S, "Bea.Yer Block. ~ Bow10RnvilleiAug . 21st, 1872. m4-7-tf. 1 11 .,_. Notice. stock of1nachi.uery, a SURFACE J>J.,\NER, and " Felt Gaiters and ::Balmor a.ls constantly on hand. Felt Overshoes and Ru bbers. in great variety Al11,o a. large Sal'n.toga. and ot \Ve axe su.tis· Gents,' Ladies', .Misses,' z. Children's ~ on in the village of Ho.mpton, by Th'Ir . E, S. Fov.rkc ; and having leased the "'areroom!I for a ter1n of yeal"fi, h:.w now opened out au excellent SFOONS.' S:POONS. and Extensive Assortment OF Thie GARGLM is the most rellahlo nncl ctllcadou1 Gold Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES! A LATIGJ~ SUPPLY OF quantity of hers, for Sale . fied that it is Purcbllised for caflh, and which he now offers at 10V1o·eat ra.tea. P e1·f!ona in \Yant -of anything in thfa line, will do , ..·ell to call and look throi1gh the stock hcfote purchasing elf.Je,vhe1·e . In the undertaking depro-tn1ent. H e fa vrepal'ed to furnisl1 'evecyth1ug r equired for fun1:1·ala. H.eady ln<1d e coffins, of a ll 'lualitie.~ a.ud i;izes in all the various triin1nings const<1.ntly on hand. Also a, full supply of neatly 1nade up shrouds. He has also at grea.t cost procured a. firet class~ Hea.rae, cr~ e w York i:.tyle-,) ,vhich 'vill at all tUnes be in i·ea.diuess for the ;vauts <lf tlte pub lic at a. reasona.ble charge. He respectfully solicits n sh are of public p at· ronage. T H}J SlTBSCRIBBlZ take1:1 vlea~ure in l1~ forming the public that he has added to h1s TRlJ'NKS RemodJ ln all en.see of Soro Thro11.t, Iloarseneee BROOCHES, EliR-RINGS, &C ! Dlpthcrh, Bronch1tta, ltr1tatlon or t.he Uron chiu1 'l'ubos eo commou tu tbbi: -ebangcablo climatej )I'one t o survass them. Scleyted by inyse\f a.t A.etluna, OII'cnsivo Bren.th, Ulcerated Gwne, ant the 1nanufa.c~ories in Englancl all dil :::ascs of the ~louth. For Publlc Speaker1 1W.d tilrigers it IE! tuvaluablo. Tho ln 12; r~dieI!t11 en · terl.ng iuL .o th ie Garglo oro used by a.U l'hy s1clant1, snd for th e curo or the above d111ord ors nr~ now, undo:i btedly, the Jno'at ·popular iu tho Ma~erM The Cho~cest ?fgl·a<lcs. Gold and Si)verfr11.mes, Mediaa Price 25 cent.a. t.Jazaii.ts Mon·1s & Cu's on hand, to fit till sigl1ts. These I will i:wJl at rei:1uced prices, In Ela.ck and White real Laces and Lace Collars, we have a large as sortment, at prices to suit all. Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers; Petea.~ha1m Meltons, ect., will be found unusually large. be is now prepared to rlo aJl cuetora ·w ork, on sh ortest notice nnd at usual rates. '!'. fHYllTH. D arH uJ;,tcD, ) , ot l!J, (lth C<11., July 2'72.mly M!l.J:CHER, STRAYED. ! CHEAPGOODS 'v hieh jn<luccoli the Public so baudsomoly to i1a.t· stradghtforward trading is wanted. All that let him who has mer OU no_ t only pub~ all opposition in the shade, BUT with ca.re, linder Lhe able Il:mnag-ement of 1\.Iu. t P ion eel· :Boot & Shoe Store for the las ronfae u::i, and '\'e fca1· n o competition where vre :u;k fo1· oul' Goods is CO~fl'AitISON, th~n it1 bea1· the Palm R A:\IE into tho ·p1'e1niaes of the subscriber, C u. ewe . The owner can h a.vo the same by )roving nroperty a.nd paying expenses. W. ltUNDLll, J:iot 7, 5th Con. , Darlington. n1 ·nl6-3in. Tivo Dolla·r Pr unella Oong, ress ECLPlt:)ES it altogether. A ll ord1'S dispatched RJ£1D, 'vho has be-en the leo.dtng working in the 16 years ; Reeds ol<l stand, Ilownrn.nville. Closet.a, llr11.l n~ Cesspools, Stables, Sl11agb tcr. honl!es, .&c., ]l.nd tor deatro inll uuuseon3 cftlnyfa from what cv1.:t C.'L It v.: i ll clnve 11.w:ty Mosq nitocs, ckroachce, &c . Meat, Fish· action by ite ruie., CnrboHc cl1 uras se ec er Maj eety 'e ltoy&l Comm.ie.stonoril in p!'cforcncc t o a.II otl cr pl'<.ldncts, as tbo best 'nidr.rcct'lnt to:r tbo prcv,")t.· tlon of infectiou3 disease~. Price 2~ ceut~1 and Typhoid Fevers, Choler.\, Smallpox, nnd nll tu. tectlou3 di::1 ~ai:e s: . It will prcvout Contaglou i?J Cattle. rt is nleo lnvalnablefor Dlslnfectlng \Vntl.:1 Thie DtslN'E"ItC..'TAN'l' le~ imro preventive of Typllue' FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS' MAKE.) IYIURDOCH. BROS a BowinanviJle, May 7th, 1872 Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ FEED l\1ILLS. 1-'Jea.se call nt the FOR SALE. ply to Another car load of the above noble articleis on the 'vay. 'l'hls ri:t.ZPAR.Nt' ?ON I ~ nn cquaUcd ln ! ~J rllptdi t y tor Sh<lr.,i.:a:ng a ud Po li~Wn ::{ ('ut l ury, Tahir· fl.!ld PQr.kct·Kni 1· u~.H:1 i:pr:< 1 1- urg ic::i' 111 3'. r1 :m ,, 11: s..~l 1n ~ makers' Knives, 1 lil'll C IJ! t :i ,· 1 1d r' l i! .:~1~ . lie. Noih· Ing lrn ~ ey er bceu 11\ ~ c ~ .1·e r· d \'. l1ir:1. hu!d f'!p rung into pornll:idt y rti- o~· l.l q dc·; ·r o t b r·('; n: .1 .:i, o r eo mu.ch v.u.Ju ~ lu cn·ry h ·>J.t.1-·!h Ol·'l 4 ¥.cl· w ort::~!i o:) for TvVO JVIORE FIRST-CLASS WORKMEK A p· vVANTED. JAMJES CRYDERMAN . P . S. - _ I h a ve been appointed Agent for t b e CiLl zon's I..1ife an d A ccident Com p~ny, and sh u.ll be ' pLeaseJ. to \,n snrc thof!(i ·wishing to sec ure som ething for their fn.milics or fr iends: in ca.se oi acCldent!I or den.th . .T. C. lla.mpto111 D ec. 12, 1872. m l l 3n1os. A y ears old , Sll'Cd by S u· Walt& Scott, N Bowruan,·ille, Oct. Sl at. EN'I'IR]~ COLT ,. l1luck, cou1ing- three ANDER SON Bo\v.ma.nviJie, .Tune 13th,1872. & F. Y. COWLE. 115.tf· -37tf. Bowmanville. CO B OWMANV ILLE Farm Implement Forwarding Agency B. Y\7 · JA.i\-CE S, l{ ing St., l~ ow1nanyill"·· Bo-wma nville , D ec. 5, 1872. 1 nlO. ' 1fe4er& l usctlllll!.:='iJ· Pd ce ~~ ci::nts.