# .. THE MERCHANT, ,J A.NU AU,Y 31, 1873 POETRY. Jesus' Seat. :FITT·, far a'vay o'e1· the deep blue sea, Lived a man who was kind as kind could be, He love<l little vhildren, and ispread, every du.y ;\.table' from ,v]1ich uoiw went e1upty aw~y. Poo1· children came in from the alley arn1 ~trcet, Y\rith rags 011 their bu.cl~S. and no shoes on their feet; Gfrls u.nd boy8, hi1·ge 11ud BJlHtll, sorne naughty My First Chum. DY :nEV: JI. O. LAUU~ FULL SUPPLY - - --- -----~- ---------··--- and rude, Bvt John Falk lovetl thc1n all, t\utl i.U1l them all good. And while they were eating, he often \Vonld tell Of the Lonl S eHUfl O}n·ist, who on c1:1rth did once dwell; I-low lie loved little uhildren- ead1 one of them t1icrc Ile wus watching from heaven witb t.eud1.H'est C;trc~ J Alll.. i liow happy and blessed woulf1 be the child's part / \"Vho would let that dear St~viour come dwell iu his heart. Each day when the children <tBtieinbled to c<tt, }Ie tangl1t thcu-1 to offl-lr tbiA grace for their meat.: "' J~kss J q;uu, ~he f.Ju1.1 Thou l· a\5t given ns to<lay, And co1ne aud sup wlLh us, d~ar J tlttus, w~ pray." But unce when thf.! c.tuldren had liniahcd this r>ra.yer, . Oue poor little fellow stood still Ly hb cha.i 1· 1.1'or a moment, then ran to a closet where stood 'rhe bright cups of tin and the platters of wood. " Now wliat is the matter ? " ~aicl. Falk to t.l~c uhil<l. 'l'he little o11.e lvoked U1 his kintl faee, a11t.l smiled : 'Ve a.sked the Lord J e~UB jui;it now in o·ll' grw..:e 'I1o E!Up with us henJ; hut we're given Ifim no place. 1£ He 1should co1ii.~ iu. how sad it '"ould be! - · "But 1'11 irut Hint a 8 tool close here b~ sitle nie. i) 'l'h~n the hoy, quite contented, sat du.,,~·u tO l~is food : ' Ile was hungry and tired, aud hirl i:i upper was g-ood l But a few uiornenb; after, he heanl at ':.h_ e <loor :r.· .A. knock low and tirrd~l, one k11ock. and ;1 0 rnore, lic 8tart'ed to otJen it, hoping to 1neet The Lord J esua Christ come to look £01' llis ..Stii~t. llut when Lt wa~ 01)eil ho J10 one c91tld see But a poor little child much poorer tlrnn h~. His faco blue with hunger, bis gar1nents so olcl, 'Vere drippiug 'with rain, and ht- shivel'.-:id with 1 cold. ·~ Ct.·lne iri ! ,, erinl tlti;: boy, ia a tone of <le· light, "I suppose the Ldrd Chrit>t could uot; come here to-night, Though we askeCI I-Iim to c01ne and partake of our bread, So h~ 1 s just tient yuu 1lvwn to Utl here iu llis .tlttiad. 1 1'1w supper is good, and we'll each give you some, i\ 1Hl tell the Lord Ghrist we a.re glad you lU'e COll'.l.e." )Jany <b fathel' sends his son at this sea.sou frotn hon1e, in city or village, to ineet the new scenes and compa.nionship of college. So bnpo1·~nht all event is t11iain thflfr boy's life, that few parents fail to give him wise a..rnl aelH:. iible co~1nsel. Tea.rs often n1ingle with i>raycr and Carne.st words, ~s the inother sees her · bby so full of hope and eagerness for the long-av,·a.itod <lay of der.ia:rtuin. The tfi.a.che~'s last words have been spvken, the ~other's last look taken ' &t the well·filleh-trunk, and the father's ·parting words with the son, that began with unwonted forma.lity, have ended with unusual tende'.rne!iS. And alone he goes on his "vay, H1it all _this cru.·e often fails in its effect, through h~stily fonned assoeitttion!l wlth the first room-mate. 'rhe father can not tn.ke the requisite time to go o.nd give his personal a.ppro· val of his son's sele(,{.ion, a.nd he ea~ily falls i.J1 ""ith f1£1mc evil companio~, whp, with corrupt heart, is too shre,....-d to make knq.,.,.~· at fir;t hi~ rea.l cha.racter. Strong and cunning, he watches his opportunities, and from one stop to another leads the wisely-coui<sel;d aiid '. "'ellmeflniii:g classmate to tho verge of i·uin, or be· yolld into inextricable snares. · -'".Fii.their, :if }.Jof!sible, tu~e your aoq\Jirfld discernment of character, .to. ~elp Y~:Ur~.inoxp~.r~enced boy in his choice of the first collega 'chum. It may b.c "v,.oJ.t~ n.11 ·y~~ ~OunScfs' "a~d ' \>ra.:r+ra to h~~ till the self-respect a,ud zea.l of the l!~udent '111'Ve b(lCl). tca.wa~ened 3.Q.d ~trepgthened i}l bhn under lltJW associations. ' ReC'ntly 'it wM the WJ:iter'8 duty as a pastor to ·elldCD.vor to win back a youn_ g ~ember Of his chu1·eh tu.a Vh·tuous and temperate life. In one year;!; uullege ho lu-1.od f:IUnk, from high flcholarshlp and_ good Chayacter,into such ahamefulness of lh·ing, that no mother could Wish her dnmghtcr to associate with himi and his own parents c.ould neither trust bis word no1· find c01nfo1·t in his prese1we iri tbcb: healltiful home. ~~ fi_rs~ -e~<?~S t_ ?·recJ~\i1 hiln v.·e1·e inet wi_ t h. falseh'ood, _ p:rjury, a~d hyP?~rfa.y, ,.that ~w.oul.~ be looked for on1y inn. hardenedjrill.ain. ,\,.ith-~n;t <itoU?fng himiof ;ither, but probing all that rcnia.incd in hhn of Christian feeling, ambition, and filial respect~ for he loved his mother. how· cvet· lnuch he fea.re<l his father- ere I left his room, I prayed vi'ith 11im ~nd for 4il;ll. In a day or two afterward, he Yolu.ritltrily nut.de confes&ou in detail to his father, who onCe lnorc sought his confidence, of his conduct ~a.pd~f tL.c d~spei·iltion tO which it had almo~t ~dth'"en hhn_ , · '\Vith candor a.nd penite~ce he came also to me and .told the 1:1ad story of one· 4 ye~U-·a life' Of sin,~ to \\.".hich he was led t'ho in!:ltl·ces of a chum, by 'vhose winning manners ~e ha.cl. been deceived wJ~en eearuhH1g for a ·roo'ln, <1.ond by whom he had be_ e n seduced,in one term, into such partnership o{ vice, that not ev~n his fciencl'e expulsion fro1u coll()ge could nlnrm -hi.n and save him already iu the downward curre;it. Having ~\tbmitted to such adr,ilonitiou of tho cLurch as its regulations required. and with deep and hum~le sense of dcp_£-nd~ce on -pr8'yer and wa.tel1ful effort to retrieve what he ha3 Bnt what father could lost 1 he begin!5 a.new. not i;,'1.vc one weeb,: to pcroona1 inspectioU: of his fSon'a 5un·oundil1gs,1·l\tl;i.er than exp~e him:need. lc~y to i;uch ten1ptation!:I t1wongh which hti will be subjected,if indeed he escapes final i.;,uin, to lifolon~ regrets! · BLEI\TDID; SB:J.. JS:C'l'IONS of Fall a.nd 'W'intei· Gooc'l.s, 1872. ! l ~ POIN'I'S l Simplicity in Con~tntctfon, Hase i{f operati'.on, Pmfection Stitch, a like on bot sides, owing to pmject tension on uppm· an!i lower Thread. RANG Oli' WORK:- F1:om Gauze to Bctwer Cloth DURBILITY:- Will Ia.,t a life time. D. \V. ~I OLEO D'S ' GENERAL STORE, FALL GOODS IN A OF StrPERIQRI'l' Y F R CASH 01j AJ l 01·do1·s for Large Variety. Tailoring ' PROMPTLY EXECUTED :!qua.lly a.da.pted to Fa.m.ily Work, Dress a.nd Shirt ·..Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. Just Received. Tailoring under the · ·charge of Mr W. S. MEDDOWGROFT, 11n · MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. EVERY MACHINE .A.gents, WARRANTED. Yellowlees & Quick \Ve ha vc ~1l ~o on lmml Alt;" '.A gent for the w~ U kuown FIRST-PRIZE WANZER StWINC MACH IE, at WANZER'SLETTER A, ABJJOTT'S, AND BARCLAY "J::WJNG MAClJJNJ&' EXPERIENCED CUTTER Our Stock of G~nernl Goods is large, em brn.cing all the Novelties of the day, :md '"ll the 1 1ocessa1ies as well. Picture )Trames- all Rizas 1tlo~1ldiugs of every :!tyle, \Vall Pa1rnr- a_ s1)lendid at:sort1ncnt now in st.ock, A large supply of bu~utifully assc;1ied Vliu_dow S~~at}es, C~ilfll'en's Car~<J4"\"et;'. C~ncert:i.nas, Brnahes Cmnhs. Looking Glao;ses 1 ~f usic, l\fag<>i1nti::i, V 1ohp_s, 'T10Jin Bows, "\ 1olin Dtr1ng::.,Papc:r Collari; 'N eek 'l'ies, Suhool Book~i l>a.v Book~, Bibles, ]{nives a..nU Fork.'3, Fucket Kni ve.s, Razors, Spoon~: and Soissmi,;. Chea.pest Not raper aud En_ \· elopes in t]lC country. ..A.11 thc::e. and n. thotisand other artide-8, a.re to be fmn1d at the VAB11~TY STORE. We a.i·ti ~llA-"it;yegla.d to.f5ee friends, and think i~ no trouble to show Gl)ods; :1ncl we guarantee as good value, a.t ns low pnccs as any other house u1 the tra.dc. Parties wishing tC? telegraph their fri 0nJs, n:iay ydy, 0~1 ~rnving tl~cir. bm·:~ne.ssdoue p1·01nptly. Agents for 11nnan Liue of Sten.mers, and In1penal .Building- v.nd th-1,vu1g Soc 1~~ty. MAJ.'<UFAC'£URES PRICES. EI1niskillcn, Nov·. 24th, 870. n l8·tf from . .London, England, also for many DRUGS AND MEDICINES A'l' 'l'.H}.: years conducting fashionable Etablishments iii Canadit. J &i W.. J Mc:M:urtry &i Co q Bowmanville Drug Store, most resl?cctfully tci1~ler hiis sin to 1.11.1:1 11u1nei·ous friends and c11sto1uers, a.ncl to the public-generally, fo1· the vel'y lihe!'ll.l ~t1ppcu·~ h e ha.s received 1'1ince his cormnenc1ug in business; and hopes by conti· · nnecl Ht:r'ick ]_1f!l'ti~nwJ att~ntion 'to business, and offering nothing but tho pnrcHt. ::1,dicles, at the n10Ht reaso:n~ble JJrice~, to enfft11-c a colltinuance of public patronage. J . H . would call special atter1.tio11 to his very. . ~ fn1perigr st,o ck of thank~ , by MOW RN ING ' WOLTIJD cett: J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Are now >;bowing <i foll ;i,ssorlwent of SUITS 'D RY GOODS ~4.ND A fine lot of J\'IILLINERY. Bowmanville, :March 7tli, 1872. MADE AT AFEW KOUR'S ~OTICE YELLWOLEES & QUICK. 1123 F. ·y, COWLE~ 1's72 · Oct. .CHIT CHAT. [Tim :era.dy a.nd Mike FlynnJ i.tre. Cloth and· Gents Furnishing ---o--- DYE S,..I'UFFS, whi<:-h are s11re to giYc the best satisfaction, A well·selected 8tock of Oet. 1S72. Might , early out ye 'l'l:M:.- " Guod mun1ing, )like, shure and it i, Bowrnauville, Oct. 3, 18i2 A " Sum" in Arithmetic. }'ro1n that tilnc, when the ehildrtm as~ernhled to eat, 'l'here waB alwayr:i. otl!J pfoce ealletl 1· the Lord Jesus' seat." Aud the best tha.t they hatl ,v·::w place<l there each day, :For one who wn.;:, poorer nnd hungrier than they. And the 110.r tl J el':!u.;:1 Ghl'i st, i1t reply to their grace, Sent alwn.ys sonJe person to sit in His place ; .A nd sweet is the food that the J... ord _ ditl pro· vi de ] 'ot· the strange1· H~ sent th~1u to cat a.t their · r;ide. n~ar friends, who have read thlli ~hort ~tury, you kuo-1.v, 'l'be wonla t hat onr Saviour ouce spake when below. If WU ·.vish fur Hfa Jll'CSellCIJ to hallow Olli' bron.d, 'Vhen we ~et out Olll' frmsts, this our Jnotto must be~' .As :\-'e do to niy poor, ye have done u11to inc." J;'aAr;cm; EAs'rwooo. GLal'lie ·,va.s at sehOol, and though just twelve yua.ts old 1 h{: 1vat; bead of tbe class iu s;i,rithmetic. His father had come hoine from his work, his inoth1::r was out that evening visiting a neighbor \Vhose hoy was very ill of inflrun1nation o,f the luugs. Uh<trlie 1 sitting with his slate, on a stool near his father, said, "Now, phrn.1:Ri give llle an a.CvOl.tl1t, <1.1ul ynu will sec how soon I will do it." "\iV ull 1 I will," his father rep1.ied. ".Are you roady? 1\. rich Indy once found lying at her door,, one surn1n~r morning, a little baby wrapped _ i n an old ·shawL She could nut find ,\·hO laid it there; but .sile resolved to rea.~· it, a.1Hl giVc it out to n11rfle,kcepb1g:i.cco11nt of all it cost her. "1~hen the little baby had grown up a fine boy uf twelve years of age, she wrote ont the account thus: A nurse · for kcopiu~ infant £01· th1·ee ye1trr5 at $100 a year ..... . . . ........ .. ...... $300 00 Clothe:i fo1· 12 yearr:-, at szo a. yea1·....... : 240 00 l!"'ood for 12 yea1·s, at $50 ·a yoar ........ 600 00 J.. od,.,.;Hfl' for 12 years, at ~25 a year ...... 3oo 00 'VC · n1u!5t welcouie the f!tranger He Bend~ i11 His b~ c 'l? stead.. 'l1caching,books, &l:., for six ye:ns 1 at$lO . a year······ · ·' · ·· · · · · · ·········· ·· ··· 00 OU DOct·>r and medicines, when the boy was ill three times, $10, $G l\lld $10, ... , , . , 20 00 'l'otal .. , . , ... ..... ,,.,,.,. , .. ,,, $1, 5?5 00 N o'v, tell me the stun of it." Charlie after a little expl~nation, set to, and by mult.iplyjng found out the figures marked oppoeitt> each article, and adding found that the little baby had cost the lady $1,525. " How mucl1 inont\Y !" the boy OACJaimed. ~" Yea, it ~ indeed, Charlie," said the fa.tl1cr " Do,·you th~~ y~ · cxn~l~pay inuch ?" '~Oh no! I ha;ve just one ha1f-cro\\'llb'l'a11dpa. ga,.\·e me." "¥lell, but iny }:ioy, do you know you ow~ ;i.Jl that, anU rouuh inure to a. kind l<vJy ?1' charlie stared. . _ · u YeS ! Are you not just tV:elve year~ old; _<tlld what kind lady nursed you, clothed and ta.lJght you? I thought Cha.rlie forgot ,.,-Jio did. all this fol' him 1 when he put on t~ 1:mlky fa.ce this morning, !\.nd \VeUt SO slov. -ly Oil i11anm1a'1:1 en·and to tho b11ker !" '£he little face wag bent llowuviards and cov· ur1;1<l with bhlr;;hef!. '"Let n:ie see you~· accouutJ Ch·~rlie; there · i~ Some"thi11g more to put dci\vn~ . 1·,~r twCIVe yea.I'S man1m11i i1as loYed yon, w~tched over you, pray· cd fo1· you! No money can tell how tnu'ch thin love and these prayers are worth ! \Vben you grow up you ruight r1ay the $l_,!'i25, hut how -w:ill you pay inamma fOr htir loYe ?" Charlie's eyes filled with tea.rs, " I will not b~ha.v;? so again! I can never pa,y what 1 hl\YO cost her!" "\\.'hen his mother came ho1ne Oh1LXlic showed hei· tho accouut. She kissed him and p:aid lov· inglv, "A0hl if1ny Cha.rJir. g:i·ow::i lJP to he a. good:~. I .shall - b1· paid for all. "- Su.nda.y 1 · - ·----.- OUH I be bot1ld to Hxe ~what started yccs this morning." MIKE.- " Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll t~ll ye in ti, jiffy. Y c sec, I W<!S lonhl, yislerday, that 1.1isther Gray, ov Tyrone, had. got home an ii.ligant new stock av Goods, chape as durt, man, and its ml llleself could lumlly slape f.t wi11k, all 11ight, Lhinking av the chttpe goods. And sure enuff: its the foll. store he has-piles and piles av the nlLtest 1mttcrns; and he'd give ye the · m1'.kin's kept constantly on hanrl av an illigttnt new gown fo r .Biddy, for Siventy-five Cints; 'l'ay OILS, PAINT; for most nuthin, and the Bac<Cy for a t1·iffe less." COLORS, VARN IIISES, TIM.- "Au shu:re its funning me ye are, Mike ; wouldn't the ma\t be and WHITE LEAD, ... afther brca:king do\vll." MIKE.-" Breaking clown, is it, Sure h e knows a tlnick wurth two av at t;he verylo'vc'tpric"· .. that. I'll ·jist tell you what it is Tim if ye want to ctet. a grate Hors~s and Cattle Medic~nes. _' ' · b · _~ N . B. - C1111Y1l1·y St.oreht>eper1:1 supplied on the name when yo ure decl, and be called a fihmtrofized, filos1fer, and most a1lvantageous tcrlllil. a 1mblic binifacthor J"ist U>Jl all voure nabow:s. and the rist av ' A ohoioe "clect,io,. of LAMPS, fox 'ale cheap · ' , ,; . ' , · 1 - Bnwmanv1lle. Dec. a, 1868. Hm mankrnd, about Grays ch:1pe store, and you 11 do more for . the - --- --good av your counthry, than.ivcr St. Pati:ick did for ould Ireland, when he banished aJl the tuaJ,, aud snakes out :w it, that --niver vras in it." TIM.-- "I'm much ohlHgcd to : / f:rur th e 1..it av >tbvicc, and wo,r1't c~e tttin ye; there'll slrnrely be a grn,te run, >mcl nuiybeo Id rmss some b"rgains. The top :w th e morning· to yc."-I'm olf to DRUGS, ·aHElvlrOALS, PA'l'E'N1' JllHDJOINES BRUSHES, OOJfBS, SH 0 ULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Rte., Etc. A fol] Stock of FRESII GROCERIES . .All to be sold Cht".a1i. Hi'.g!test JJrit.:e jHlic for B U1'TER and EGGS. I S.ALrr AND PLAS'fERALWAYS ON HAND Sign of the Gelo.en Lion, Jlowmanville. - ---·-------~-- --- ! ~ "' ""' .o.Z -:- _ .Ji ·. 0 o. . . AND ".. --· ·~ · ·. . --~· Noted j: GB!I, Tyroae. f'or cheap Goods. Simmons & ·Clough Organ Co's Ix:u.:p~()ved Organs AND i.i: Crum.bs for Chickens. Dr. li"1·anklin dcscribe-d the fur1n01·'s uondition in 177G ae follows :- "J'a11nt:r a.t tlrn plou~h, \Vjfe 1nilking y<.nv. Daughters !piuniu::; yarn, )1.)ya t11reshing in the barn--· ~11 liap1JY all a cha.t'lll." Another giYei tht~ a<.:oouut of 1871 <is follo,.,.·l:l :- GENERAL ~OOK 'STORE, Kinp Bow11uinville, eontu.ins,onc of tl~e la.rgest ~tocJss oi Babbat11 School ' Libraries AND as RE\VARD . t1Yer shown in Bowmauvillc. -o- GJF, T Christmq,s " The [~,rroi;r gone to aet;: a. 8how, Ili::i daug·btci· at the piano. j\{w:l;:i..m gayly dressed in ~atin, . AJl the boyA n.re lca1·ning ln.tin \V:itlJ,, a mortgage on the farm." \Vhat is th~ best t.ar for making the w.b cels of lif~ 1~UU·t!ll100th}y? ~The .al-W. 'Vhy i~ a thin drel:I!! in · winte1· like an ex~ra<! · ted tooth ?-One is too thill 1 and the other tooth-~ut. BOOK ti l'OR · ~®nmh (tumhiuafilln (l!)ryans FITTED WITH THE NEWPl I~VENTED 1 ] 1 t and the New Year -'.flt l)TCR·t V ·ttriety. -.o-· .A chui."c sdei..:tioJ1 of ALBU.MS, \Vhy do hens alway/:! lay eggs iu the day Lime? --Because at night they are roosters. L.:uown verse," }fy feet J?APIER l\fWCHE BLOTTERS,. . <ind INKSTANDS. A negro _:Preacher aooidentally i·cad the v.:ella.re a.s hen's feet,'-' in- l'!lte·a d of " hind's feet." "You will observe, my breddre11," he 1;1aid, " tliat a hen in the hen-roost, when it falls aslucp, it tightens its grip, ::;o as not to fall off. And cla.t's how true faith, lny Lt.1:lddren, hohli:i on W de Roel;." . "1\-Iy childr~n," said an old lady, "I a.m th.fl i·oot, and ye are the b1·a.nchc~. ii ~ " G-randma I" sa.id one. " '\Vhat, my child? " " I wa&. thinking . how much b~tter the branches w.o uld fl.ouru;h if the root ~·as under 1,h~ gl'l,'lllllt.1..-, Pocket, .llfoinol'andmns ·und · Bill Books, and Pukses, a good choice. LADY'S WORK BOXES, ·WR!TIN{f DESKS, ~nd , Lady's Desks combined, Si;hool Stcu·. RICE & BARKER a.gents for the best ORGANS o-n , the Continent. ---------------- ·--- Work Boxes M:O:RBI8' Whting ' Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes~ A choice 1 lresent for a Lady, ful set o( Also a be.anti. The conducto1· o( Ml omnilJui; i;a,it.l to a yotUJg' lady, one of bi1:1 _p<1~e11ge1'S : "~Ii£!,· your fa1·e." .. '\Yell, if I am," she replied, " T don't '"ant any of your impertinence." A little !our-year-old ha<l been intently watching the process of com-pQpping, on a st.onuy day iu tlic beginning of winter, Happening' to turn to the window, she observed, for th~ first time, the faJling snow. Amaz~d and delighted, she ran to her f:..tber and exc1;iimed : "0 papa·1 do look at the funny rain ; it's all popped out white 1 n Could any ohle1· hea<l tlesuribe snow iuoro graphically 1 CARRIAGE SHOP. CLOVE AttD H~NDKEROHIEF ~OXES, PEN A.ND PENCIL OASES, (ncxt _ to gold) fitted with gold !Jens. I r l s very fa1·gelyin.crea,5ccl, :1Tlc1 the r1uality of tone rendered ..,_. - -- - - - ---- --. ?f Reed Instnnn eHLs, by men,ns of ·which the qmmtity or Volmnc of tone An invention h<tving ~·mo st imporbtnt l1earing on the fuLure repntation ' (west of the Ontario Bank.) W 11" glwice lot ~. ' j'o-1 1 tlw Buy~, of J.fouth Oiyans King Street, ·~ Bowlllanville. HENR,Y ELLIOTTJ1111, 1·. Equal to that 01' tbe Best Pipe Ora'ans . of' the Saine Capacity, - ·--- 0 - - - 1-- o-.]'AMIL Y AND POCKET BIJ>tES, CHURC~ SERVICES, suhscriher hi pt'f.pa'red to TH}J_ pair build and J"e· ,Hampton. Offers for sale one of the mosb extensive a.ml comvletc -.t~sortment of Goods to be found in any countTy sti;rre in Ontario. Our celebrnted "Vox Celeste." " L oui s Patent," " Vox H1tma11a," " 'Ni/ cox Patent" " Oct<we Coupl er," the charming "Cello·· or "Clrn-ionet ' Stops, and AL THE -L ATE IMPROVEMENTS Wagons, Buggies, ancl Outtet'S, of C'Ve1·y de~criptinn, WESLEY'S HYMNS, ANli " '\7lwre are you going '!" cried .tr Scotuh gentleman to a thief whorn he observed crawl· ing through a bole in the hedge into his ga1·den. "':Sack li.gf!>iu," replied Sa"'--ney, as he hastily retreated from hiti discovered ttCCf',.'lfl to the a.t short notice, aud0"1 reat:1onable tenns. BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOKS, in various sizes ai1p ~inding. C<iu be obtained only in these Organs. Dry Goods, Grockery, 'Groceries, Hardware, '1.'hirtyJiue Di!fercnt Style~, Fo1' the Pcwlo·1' c rnd lire O lrnnh, 'f'h.e ]Jest Ncdryi·ic<L mid lVO'thn.anskip , QwiUiy w u l Voliww of 'l'o-ne UHequniled ·' Catifages P.ainted and '.l'rimmed. Bo\\'.trVi·JJVJJk, l\-1.1\', q. :Ba.~ker, tem11Ling fruit . The se1·vant of a Pru::.. >:iiat1 officer one d1.~y n u::t an old crony1 who inquired ho'v he got along with hfo fiery ma.ster. "Oh, excellently," on the pren1iees, were spedal atte.gj:ion is gn·eu answered the l'.lel'Yant; "we live on very friendto all ly terms- evCry morning wC beat each other's coatB ; he takes his co:it off to be beaten, and I c~,n·iage work, 1<nd GeneraJ,, keep n1iue rui." 21.itll i 1872. A Blacksmith's Shop Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, Patent Medjcines, etc. '. - - --o- -- ---o---Factory and Warero0ms, Co1;. 6th a.nd Congress streets, Detroit , Michigan (E<bblishod in 1850.) . A deaf man was hunting fol' g;i.me, w)leu a g.n1use fie\V up a.nd lit On a tree on tbe bHhiide, nt the sa1ne moment n traveller approached and inquired the distanC'e to the next station. Dea[ nmn (pointing)-He flew dgLt up there. 'l.'t'aveller~How far is it to the next statlon'? Deaf man- He lit right up thert!, Traveller_:_ JI ·~{ou must be a fool. Di;ilf innn~Yes, thero ii'.! ~ great many ;;i.round this time of the year. Jobbing. J All work done cd thiB Establi,shmen t , ~vM··ranted. A uall is respectfully s-olicited. .1. MOURIS, Bo,vn1anville, Oct. lit, 1809. GENTLEMEN'S STJITS made to order iu the latest and most nriproved manner, and 011 tho shortest notice, frotn ]'ashionable and .cnrefolly selected Clothes >md Tweeds. The latest New York ]'>rnhion Rlates regularly received. . , · H. ELLIOTT JUN Hampton. Nov. 5U1 1B72. bp-o2~-rnf5 RICE & BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowmanville, Aug. 21st, 1876 ...