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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 7 Feb 1873, p. 1

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TIIE MERCHAN r AND GENER.AI, ADVERTISER C c dates largely in the lo vnships of Darla g ton ,Clarke an l Cart nght It 11;1 t com1uon 1 latfor1n <ipc 1 to tho f1co d sc 1ss on of o.U qt e~ t o l.B l WEST DURHAM Steam Job Printing Office Kr"G S IREEJ BowxrANv n r E wh ch the general publio concerned TEJR!l.IS Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RA.IE8 01! AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME IV BOWMANVILLE O:NTARIO :ERIDAY l<EJ3RUARY 7 1873 NUMBER XIX POSTERS PAMPHLETS CIRCULARS BILL H! ADS CHEQUES :;\OIES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS TIOKEIS &c &c &c CORN GRAND!!JTRUNK RAILWAY I GI l\'XUI< 0 FOR SALE . EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. POETRY . MUSIO LITERATURE A BATTLE FOR BREAD 1:1 IlllE WHOLE, OR CRACKED John McDougall - B. - PBA.TE,- TarLoR :RELIANCE Mutal Life Assurance Society ESTABLISHED 1840 CAN AJ A CHIEF OFFICES \ 'r src deep nnd thx1lhng rrnes eet 0 i ::ind aftet J t ne 24 h tra1 is \\ill lea\ c tie B 1>11nnv1lle Stat 01 as follOIVS OHIG V.l!.:~T } rom natu1c s w1do o.nd ,., ondro 'B :fiel la of light Harmonious muau: wakes beneath our feet And r ngs thro 11i:l all tl e d stant a. ch of night It s1ngs the mn.rch of bct:.n1s f om c ery star Charm1ng the vapors of a tr ubled sphere I hon fro1n tl e ocean and tho blaz ng c,ar Of the (a tl ~11ak ng th nde srn tea the ea1 aounds mo e t ast n t t:ry breeze .A o &ln., 11to life 1hc 1 1mblest flo ei G i;b J "' 1'0 \ 1 lly t} ou 0 h the leaf) '\V ho Lath not felt a1 l he r:l tJ ul pO\'.Cl il) lHil AC'.l:HOR OEIARLl 01 DOCI'Oil Ere ( ltACE "~VIli.l!l more and my hand I erclmf collar an 1 l' o 1 left l on e n tho 6 40 tram an<l spoil His u teut1on He ~ill cut a1 u ,[t I e cuff(:; four n1ore at the least '~by here \\as ret n-n In tl e tra n that reaches ltl-- at ccord ng to Ilis des gn i d Lheu \\ e ht over a hundrel m my ·everel; sim1 le out 7301 And have not drned 1 for use take us er garments to say noUnng of all the etcot step mto II-- s "'th me and take aome Ah \C;; I sec I ~aid n1010 to lY y eras n1 t1 e WBJ ofsoftflaunelandfinel1nen tlnng-n cur of coffe~ e\en tl ere 1s eelf than tu lier as I rose ar d ~1 ra gc l n y wlnch had ever been a matter of cu n~e to time han l cfu1e pl th g on1u1y li51 n<:t agau n1e Yes two hundred dollar:i was pti\Yerty eompare<l to t'o1mer plenty but st1ll 1t was not dependence At least t wo lld give inc shelter for the "int~I And boat 1 and v.;ash1ng were someilung \\ben I batl no mone) to pay for citl er I \VO..S 'ell educated and as to obhgHJg I suppose I could leit1n to be that-u less 1t ineunt be child s nurse or wasl the cbshes-,vluch of couroe tt did not I looked up resolt tely I 1111! lnke tho s tuntion The man fixed hJS keen ei ea upo1 me stead ly You are q ute deteumned i Qmte Bat with the wo1d tlie rno11 \vh1.rled and 1en.1ght o.t his desk to sn'\ e myself I suppo<e I looked p~le for he then offered me a cl1au I lto wl ich I lrop peel gladl, J I ad been stand1ng all tlus t rue: and that-com bin ng VI 1th nervous cxc1te1uent two hot 1s JOI rneJ b3 rail ntter sos] ght a Ureakfast a~ to be ahnost none had exhausted r l'\ stiengtl ~ rested and tr cl not to 1)1 uk \\lute the agent wrote two lette" to 111 Doi son pne-w~ich h~ GOING- E \ST Gentlemen s & Boy's Garments r. \DE IN TJl"E 131 Sl JAMESSTilEETMONTREAL PQ l' i~sc go lt-Ia1l 720n o \ Mal 20 a. n 0 Jv I) 0 l n1 !) 730 !J 00 I Mio l M, I I PMSC I eer 7 3<.1 l :J.I:ul b11xcd 3 3o m Jn l'IEWEST STYLES :Huwll n. Ulc J 1J 2 1869 DIRECTORS '\VALTER SH.!.i."qLY Esq I\1. THE HO!iOBABT 1 JOHN DUNCAN 1\-:1 \.CDOliALD Esq M" 1 I E C;.MPBELI iJB -- ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. London an<~ Glasgow 1 . r Cha.nman H St UULXON Hilu e Ilawks GRlNT Livo?pool RESIDENI SEChEIARY -JA!lES burg Ont ~lelo<l.iou~ New 'l'a,ilor Shop. COWLF. beg· ~ 11 fortn the l blic ge1 erally that l e has wu rnence l 1,i IB11ess in the 81 op l ~xf; to tho l x pre~s Ofhcc one <loor ~ t of T M1hH:1 B llav 1 "* hu.J. flCve rtl yea cx1 e ence the ti \le l e"'l v1es to at. fy all lo nu\} r~ o l VOJt I ' f<.nnation apply to ;>. ;NE.A.DR. Apcnt lJo vrnn1 v lle Juno !Jth 1871 tf 30 \ k ti! o SPECIAL FEATURES. L JOHN AIE WI'IH l HEAL, 1 NOTICE. -~ All_te1i:;o11f:i t espasSing on th~ ~H }-.., 1lon1illls ill be prosecuted l HE ENTIRE PRO]lTS belong to a.1 d are d1 l 1 eel a1nong1rli the Pol c-yhol4e1 s LIVES DECLINED nY OTHEit Co111r.A..-,I;ES or Ol ,vhioh a1 e:tt1 a, P1 (miiu n would be 1cqv. red can iroperty kuO\ n be ssured at the o di ia-1 JJ 1 ates of thIB Society unde a spec al ru d oe ie <t SPECIAL NoN FoRFEl'lABLE POLICES 1s ued And th.ere 18 mus c 111 lhe l 11na1 v01ce An 1 the poets ge1 al rnelti i.g la) M -;\f s c t1 1t inakcs the :i. most soul 1eJ01ce .Aud the war1n sp rt breathe m lrO Ht praise JOHN .McDOUGALL Eow a:.i "Ille Ju;nc 5th 1871 tf 86 - R R IIOSCOMBE htm with a 11ll GOOD FITS GUARANTEED :£omrv1U Ser 1th 181 J _ _,_ 1 Al.bIS1ER AT LAW ~OLIC110R IN CHAJ>Ol!RY &c OFF CE - Over :\1cC1u1 gs Sto e same flat 13 _.:..:_:::::=-::.:.~~_;_~~- 4_ 9_t_ (_ Shall "e thcqc nectar 1 strenms of n usic trace l ndw wl vh only 10 lu or 20 A1 n al Pa.J Bauk to the heart thro t 0 h \Vh1ch their foun ments are rC(Ll ired cooh pa.yn ent acct nng a. tain 1Sp1ings Pohcy £01 as m ~UlCd iwoport onnte t6 tl e Or lP" ard where th archangel veils h1s face And hel\\ en >v1th one triumphant anthem ntunber of pnim1 n s l~l l a.ndfH;e.J om ftitu1c r ng~? vay nent of p e ni m11 hfODERAr~ PREMIUMS - CH AR LE$ T 0 D 1 J M Br1macomb·Dental Room· Bowman ville Oct 27th 1868 anJ: in:ost libe1al oon ly .aRE AD AND :eiactrIT BAK.BB "' Ol FICE NH1R"i 10S1 BOWMANVILLE )1 ItHYM:E: AND LIKE. A 1 ttlc Rhyme came JUSt in time And all ubol1t the best of Lune I 1me frou1 the :W ci;>t Qf the very best Not beat in auy quarter J lmc tha.t 1V1ll aJ.wa) s stnnd t4e test \.Yhcn 1nak1ng into mortar l vtll try and keep u. goods PI~Y For it is al ay1:1 \vauted lhat "hen y:ou all come in to b y You l l~ t be di nppomte 1 You 'vill alwaj s find 1t dry and flesh And that is l:IOIIl,eth ng bonnie So come along and try tl 1$ Lime But don t forget the money Ilow s of deln: c ! from JS ine a nl to Fou I ni Oo1'Iler of Qnee a.1 d Ontario Street. THOS BOWDEN Mn ch 11th 1871 1 024 ti .:.......-----.:__~~ d1t1ons Prospectuses Proposal For!l?~ &c supplied on application at the Head UttlCC or an:, of the Agencies 0 let ine grasp the sera!Jh s burnrng lj re D vested of the garb t} at round me cl U 0"5 Ua.tch ft'Qm the glo v t g throng the sacted fue A1 d find the I t 111 so ttce hence mus c spungs. JAMES GRANT Ree Seorctarv - I AGENT 'OR BOWMAN vg."Er E C BA:Rn.. R Observer. Office 23 ly Kme St CL I PP IN GS. ==============~ ~~ lers P UL\t ally :l\.ti.~nded Io Bown Dville r ne 24th 1870 30 h nl AUCTIONEERS llu1 the 1 ownsh1p ot Dli Impenal .Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON (Establishe<l 1800 HEAD 0F'1CES - 1 Old Broad St P..Jl Mall London GENERU. o:\...aE:'><OY Fon U~N\DA Sacra.mont 1\.font1eal You need not tell the tr th unlc"-s to thooe who have a ngbt to know it all But l et all' ou tell be the truth Pro~ idence has a thousand kcJ s to open a thousand doors, Jor the deln eruncc of Ilis O\VU (From Godey's I ady s Dook ) Suddenly I "as adrift on the "orld It is not lll this country of qu ck changes eo ra1 c a thing to sec a wo1nan-accustomcd all her daJs to case Ii not aillt ence to the ac l~antage::s tl e ber.t tu1t1011 can g1' e natural Lalcnt to a poSit on 1 ot attainable Ly the nn·rely rooneyeJ. in one brief hour beteit of the une 11 ho bud slnelde<l ptotected and p1 oHdcd of l ome and fortune andu l atut d co1 "-equence-of such sum1ner fu ends as co 1ld not c.tancl the sure test of adlicrs1ty Gn e us ll 1s day ot r <l ttl) bread had slipped O\er my hps 1'1tho ti one heart tl 1ob or need deepening its meaning but nu \ rudely a vakcne l fro1n t4e great sor to '!I 1 vh c i I l nd io1go ttcn ever) tlnng exc pt tie gm' es wL1ch \\ere deaf to mi c1 cs I so. \ staun 0 n1e In the face tlus fact - [ 111 st be 1 p nd lo ug for mi sell A rool O\: er 1ny hea<l an<l bread to eat \Vere absolute necese.itie" aud to be won only by mJ o vn head an l ha ids or by dependence Pride 0 b1ve1ed at lhe latte" r 1hc second lookc l rat! e:r i , ract cablo The white hanUs "ere nt home on piano keys n.ud in an ·11ate11 fa'b1on \llth the ur ~.:tut excer t ' little fine embro1d~ry, n little deh catc desse1t nu1k1ng a little play at dusting a1nongst the pretty to) s on tne ctagere "bolly ignorant of work lhc fmt\\as my oily help Woul! 1t fatl me? Iguo1auce 1s fearless I was co11 fiaant of snccess l hundea me-introducing lmgtori H on l t ~tt r PHILLIPS, Hl.MPION ~c "1 d St. Lio1 0 1 en to sales o t icason - 2J. able tc1ms Subscr1bml and ivested Capita.I and Reser e Fund £t 965 000 Sterlmg At l T 0111 tl~ Eli N'ISKILLEJ'. t\rtten {0d tci OJ reasO able te1111s JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gla,z1er Paper Hanger &c &c NEW STORE, \\ELL FILLED WirH THE Fwu:l.H invested in Canada- 100 ooq I 1 su.ra1 ces against loss bj Fire ~ffected on the most favorable te:r:m,g and losses \\ t1 out reference to the Board 1 l I 01 rlon J DODSWORfH RINTOUL BROS Inspector Gen Agents Montreal CHOICEST OF QOODS. AARON BUCKLER Has the best a l l n ost desuablc lot of R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agen for :Bowmanv1lle and V1cm1ty Bowmn.nvillc J u1e 14th 1$( 0 36 mo43394w WATCHES :r of l 1e1 t gr::i ]e~ an 1 A1q ass n,ll othet hot:::il.'.l.<i u to ~D l Co u t y !\N IMMJ );!RT NUMBJ l CJ,OCKS P ELECTRO PI.ATED 1 ea i l l Uotj Seto F 1 d t:e a?J d Jle ii;phe wal D1 hrn the I rov1 1Jt to b .s r a " I the Juo~t lasti1 g the }c! tro blesome and JnQst complete ever invented J hey artl lll!e I an 1 reoo1nmended by n~ny of t.1 c best Brcedeta in tl c: Un ted State!!. m d ()anttd ~ s ch as G B J o mg S ltjm 11.n,ss Prew lei t './ ew :Mngl 1 l \Voolf1ru e1s Sot:ety Joh18 R ss HQnne 11n Ill P1ofesso1 :M. i1ilcs of tl e State Ag i cult 1 a..1 College Lans 11"' 1\.11ch Hon Geo Ilro\\-11 Io1onto IJnt. Jciliu S1 ell Edn1onton O t Qi eacl l\{ail is stru:npcd tl e o vnE'r s nan e ail tl c Sheer a n rube lhey w 11 be sent /1 ec by o exr ress for only JOU e "S ach aJ d wdJ 1Mt for r VE?I T~ 1 EAR..~ W Cttsh m uit aecompMl):: all or le15 AlWIHBALD YOUl'\G J < Dana's Patent Sheep Marks THESE J\IAll.KS Al\E um CHE APES'.! For each one of U"-~ no bl.l.:i1ness ..,an be oi An ed taeted \\Oman naturally falls baok iuore prt:!SS ng 1noa1e1 t of 1nor~ u1g~nt 01 upon \encl rng or her pen The latter' 1th portlu cl! that tJ e d scovery of o 1r I esct me was an utter in1post11b1hty The forrner ting sin In England iecently a Staftordsh re therefore n) onl\ reso lrce I had no ro 1n1ner was hue l se,e11ty fh:e cent~ fork so mant not10 s bo it the dchriht of train wg a ) oung woman nder tl e nustletoc rng the 1 01 ti f 1 m1 >cl I had tyranmzed ,v1tl out her co11seI t over t\\O or three governes es n1vself in n1y The land of the ftec, and the bon;e of cl ildbood a1 d li·d seen not a little ol tl1e the brave consu1nes 4G <.:00 000 oysters ::in ltvcs th<y le I rn the houses of mJ fr end' nually 11 h1le all E uupe gets along w1th Some! mes treated bke one of the hmily 5 000 000 a.nd expected to do t!\'erything out of hours A lady at Morrison Il1 lotcly had to get us \\ell as rn - except lilll m love with her her divorce and n1arrJ a new- husband in twenty minutes 11 order to catch tbe train pup ls b1othets more olten kepL at fieez i11 0 distance an l iexpeoted to b0 'nunbly that \\-as to take her ou 1 \\edd ug tou1 gratef1l \v] en treated as in any way: supe A plucky httle lady Ill T1tusHlle l'enn se1 ed a bu1f;lai by tl e beard m her I ouse r1or to the 1 ousema1d No it was not L on Sunda) night a.n<l so a~tonisl erl h D"J pleasant p1ospect torr e aud yet tbe1e was that he tle<l J11ee p1tately- m <l then she no ultcrnallvc lamtcd How to obtam a s1tua\wn I hau no l ea A novelty n1 iournalu:nu l~ promise 1 in Ad\er.tisu g \as too expens1ve for 1ny ti 111 Englai 1 fhe Good Templurs pro1 " to 111ng p nse r vns uuwt1h 1g to consult tny isc:i c a conuc te1n1 eTtl ce ne\vsp iper 'veel fncnd' for fear they sbo 1ld lhmk by ad l) which shall use the \\C lpons of satire vice I 1nea.1 t n1one) an 1 ridicule o.g t nat the custorn of dr1nk1ug S > [took an tI \\ISc step \Vent to an 0 1 !he l·st II eel ol 18"2 LI ere "ere 4 \gcncy and JfCoentecl n y cuae I "·· ilres 11 the cit} ot Ne\ York IIow 1 unJ occ lrrccl ovc1 1he\\ l ol <.: co lntry 'vc car not s 111 r el to learn tl at in order to btcon1e eay bit p1obablj 45 nnght be n ult1phed n. n1c l e1 of tius a;:;enc) and :it h be1 ty to by four to gn e the grand totol of rum lJ to t at a113 t1n1e for uss1st11nce re ~lost of tht:se hre~ conl<l l :l\ e Uec1 a.vo1drt 1 q ued 1 payui" t of ti rec doll rs I paid by orU 11a1j care . me the other saymg-I know not vi at excep t tha.t I \\ould he at Z - at 12 M on 1 hursday an l hoped tl at ho 1 ould 1neet meat th· tram Rs ng to leave-fo I found on consult mg my \\ Lieb that I had little more than tinie to snatch the refresl ment I so greatly needed on my way to the caro I was de taioeJ One J{Wment said the agent I charge a shght con 1n S!=lion per quarter n pon your sa.larv 1 l advance Upon so 1o\v a sal r\ as t v0 hu 1dred dollars I ask only five clollars a patter 'iou may pay me now 1f J nu pleaee but if upon vis tlng Mr Dobso:h v u io not suit t do not lJkc the s1tuat1on .)OUrnl:!lf yo i ha"P. but to let !!r Dob on or some men1be1 of l ts lu.r idJ endorse upon thrn letter of rntro<l 1ct on the fact that you apphed for the place but did not make an engacefuent and I-t pon 'our presenting i t 1 e1e- w1ll refund th s fi\c dollars and endeavor to tind you an lt · T. DARLINGTON, }{A\ E J !lt rece1 cd ~ Cho.,ico lob of ~ Plated Knives, Forks, &c , lilltilto J i tl.i.el)on1 on NUT::> ~~ Dates, Lemon, Orange SPOONS. SPOONS. and 'Citron I'eels, I he greu,te8t an 1 best as:.ortment eve 111 Raisms, Curants, Figs, IN GRE <\.T V <\.Rll< l Y lo\\n .No))e to excel it ~een 1 NEW FRUITSl9 Abo BwrclH a l Doxes of Benu.:Jtifal Candies, ith an asso1tmcnt of Gold Chains, Rings; BROOCHES EAR'RINGS l0 &0' CHOICE BISCUITS. t} None to surpass tl "".ul Seleot~d by my~elf at tht; 1nauufactones m England oes !~1 0 ton has a.gain rccu ved n.nothei lot of brn.tcd I'tr .Bo vtt LEAF TEAS, t Q 1ahty is t w T&t of Cheapness ~~Dec ~870 l'he CL.01ce1:1t of gra l s Gold an l Sil"er Lazat'us Moina & Co:a.on hand to tit nll a1ghts T11f'!se I '\I.Ill fH:ll a.t recluced pnc~1:; SPECTACLES I A LARGE SDPJ>L'Y OE (ROGERS MAKE ) 12 tf , 0 I BOUNSALL, J!'INE GUTLERY, --~- ~ ~~-~=--~~~-~-- MIOR'll H 'II l.l'\ VI AC I URER J)EALElt i\lJ tl e 'n.1'lct1cs of Italian & A.mencan Marble A la ge;i n i 1 ch ice 8clectL 11 of Monuments & Grave Stones: al va~ r-; 01 lw, 1 of sut e or vo kt )n.nsh I at lo e1:1t 1 r cs ntl W vughl 01 E Cast T1on Jiences .,. Cabinet Ware:rooms AND fu1 e d bluyn ':> lot UND Eit'l' AXING &c Ac II UN DER'IA.KING BUSINESS J eretofore earned Rf .llbCltIBF.U l·kcs plea" rn T the publie that hn.s the goo! will m the -1JAUINE1 !>.ND ~U :Fu1111turc Tops Mantel Pieces ITT'\\. o qlL too lei fonning l1e. > })Utchased rOlll cctf Uly rel ealc. l t Lhe \\oil s Octo u 1 lst 1869 Ki g BE'\.UTIFUL 'IEEfH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S h Extracted Et TV1.enty five Ce LB 1 oo over 1'IcC ug 13 o Stoics v l [\.U 110 0 t li:;l 1870 1 a St eet 1 &wrr wiUe on in the '\1llage of Hampto bJ n-Ir E S Fo ke and having leaseU. the -warerooms for a 1 tf terin of 'ea :I bas no v op nea 0 t fl, excellent an! Extensive Assortment OF F"C'RNI'rtrlilil, so $25. REW ARD. Pu ch :i~U fo1 cash at l hid he iow offers at lowest ra'Ws Persons m ·w art of anyth ng tl sl 1e w1ll lo,,ellto c~llnndlooktlro gh the t k l efo c lJ' 1 ch :i1ng else> here In the l lei taking del a t1 nent He Ill 1 e parod to I 111 IJ:ih everything req 11 e 1 for fuuei ~1 zes JloP. t1eal Nov 8th 18 1 Rea b madti evil us of all quu.ht1es and in :ill the var o 1>1 trim1n11 gs constnutly o 1 1an1 Al o n f 111 ~upply of neatly mwlo up shro hi. He has also at g1eat c01't procuLed a. fi1 st clas als Hear1;1e C~e v Xo1k t).Je) vh ch t vill a.t a.11 ROBERT E'I'ERT"!'.AJ )' l c at a easo :,i,l le cl arg Ile iespc tf ll) so ts a sl t n1es be 1u iea.d.1ne8s for tie a ts of the p 1b c of 1 l he I at ronrige Tweed of :t\e\v York bas \\on a v1c to1} 1' our name 1 asked tl e lall tbrn ie,t The J11 v uefoie "ho1n I e has been · tried le s eyed 1n11n as J e bent O\ er his de~k pen Sarnia Ont for tl1e allet::iecl c:iv1 rol beJ u.;i Cf\l11C nto Ordcrn uldtessed to the MEncHNT and On court irote1d tj n OJ 11 g nnd the foreman rn ban l SER\ EH Office £01 any quantity 'v1ll be 1 lled at Madolrne Jay I re1 ned the above rne1 t1oned pnce a.s quickly as the st ited that t! cy could not agrcr The Jllry was co11c:cqne1 tly discharged :!\la. ks ca,n be mado a.nd 1:1011\. C 1pub l t es' he asked next and I C BAIKER En 0 hsh A HH lcnt and latal outbreak ol +yphO>d iuent1oned in a confident toue llo tnrtnvilhi Dt;iu 28th 1871 lJ mlllo lever rn Lcc<ls l as b~er traced by tlie rned1 F1encb and mus c cal officials to the milk supply wlnch 1t was Your refe1cnce~ 1 in the same bus1r.iess fonn<l ca1ne fro1n a far1n whe1e tbe10 \\ere hke voice but with <.1 sha1p gn e at n1y six perso1~s down with the fc\ er aud the sarne '\ otnan tnanag~d the <latr) and wa1te I fuce ::is- I do not J lo" why-1ny c} eeJ...e flushed "hen I gavo l un l alf a do en of on the Bick persons the must hono1ed prof~s1onal names in the There will lie four eclipses tl 1s yeat-A c1tv Another prolonged otaro mmgled to~ eclipse 0f the muon May 12th vmble 'v1th aeton1:.h1nent It \\as dawning pon II\ Ii\) v c1 ity as a pu.rtial echpse q prac ' 1tN l \RGBS l ou<l J3} Sl ""ortmeJ t ol hca eclLpse of the sun Ivfarch 26tb inv1s1 hun that I \Vas a laly perhaps unuse<l. to ut 1 't I ble here ·total e<>hpse of the moon, Nov LculfeS awl Cpd8 Ln(Jhsh apilr 4th the sun Nov 1n,JS1hle in tb1s section such ungentle tieatn1ent He became less brus 1 t~ a.nd 1s he ' rote Uo\\ n the names Sa1 a toga '1 i uni, a pait al eclipse of 19lh, 1nns1ble here seemed to linger lov11 gb: over sornc of the 'h aiclling Ba.g" T"o gentlen en m Galt are exportrng to most nfi lent1al Sh awl Sh apo the States abotlt 100 000 pounds of hops a At the last he held bis pen suspenued Vctlt8es year They are said to be makmg · good tbin 0 l y it Cana ha.n soil and cl11na.te seem Ha had ev1dcntlJ all nved l 11nseU a momen etc etc to be splendidly adapted to the Qulturn of tnrJ '\ 01 <ler as to iny n1ent1on1ng it last to be foun I in I own ---o--bop· The proprietoh of the ya1ds m and t1cn div ned 1ny motive and the very' An early call will ensure a good choice Welland County are makulg handsome piJe::s by the b tsinesa of bro\1. ing that £ ct I w1she<l to conce 11 A con I lete E>tock of 1 lns Jast gen1ileiuan g1yin 0 h1a t 1.11e punget t article aud full \1tles IS I robably a relative? Harness, Du11ng the last sp rt ag season l t Eng I felt 1nd gnant at I is impert nt:r cc b tf Whips, land Lord Walsmgham lolled 842 grouse bct\veen six a rn 1n<l seven p n an aver a;nfnve1ed caltnly age of 67 birds in Jn hour The Prince of Saddles, etc Tl at sir loes not effect tne case I '\Vales more recentlli lnlled o\er ~1x h n l'. ant a s tnat1011 1f you I a\ e one to g ve o l h ind atJ u5 al hell rabbits rn one dtt) s shootn g As Bu vr 1, .n. Ser 31872 nl in1gbt be supposed these sportsn1en tnere1.) ine Anyth ng \vluch \\Ill pt0\1de me with slaughtered tbe g.anre-" l Icl :-; as Urive l p a hon1e for the com i g \\ 11teI until I can to th~ n bJ b aters-by rncuuo ol gm srea ly do better fo1 n: '\self loaclcd v1th a. sn1 le ' Pardon n e he >:.a1d & The P11 ieess of Wal~s has almqst com which \-\as nfin tely iuore p10\ok1nJ than pletely recpvered fr,ll!P tl1e closabohty wlnch his previous curt tone ot course I have BARRISTERS ATTO;RNEYS o. few ;y~ars ago causeJ so mucl a 1 x1et\ a situation but as you I ave CVldently never Sollc1tor. Conveyancers Notar1:sPubhc Thanks to the ~kill of her me heal ~d,1soro and n naturally vigorous constlt 1t1on she tat ght before yon mus~ excuse me for 0.fFHJE Ar no \.l!LANVILLE- 0 Cl Afr Mo:i\Iur his at length rcsunicd the plncc she \Vas th1nk1ng thatw1th relatives of s 1cL \vcalth rysSt<re wont to fill with so much grn.ce and sp1nt i 1 and ::.uch pos1tioa0Fl1CE IN OSHf \A-Fn-st loo u itb of th the buntn g tiCltl fo1 among tho items of Po~t Office Son1etl 1ng in ID) face I p1csume inc Je nteJl geuce :ftom S~ndr1ngham Jt lS gratl l\:loney to loru at 1 v at il of interest l ru stumble m his speech perhaps st g h rng to learn that not only Iler Roial N I \ll.l!:\ELI l 1 Il R McGEE B \ ge'>ted that it \'i as I ot exactly Ins bus ness H had the enJOJ mcnt n!Iorde 1 1 y a J '\.UI!is n uTLED1..o l!l B A good ruu with tl e lo und· but that sr c ac \V] etl P.J t were n1aking a nn:<:l.tal o or not Bowm~u\ 11;. D e 17th !Sf m&o comphshed a rlCle of thut~ six miles return I lad gathered my hea\ J mo nn n 0 1ng bon1e in time to snpenntend tic cl1str1 sl a.\ 1 and crape veil abo tt me 'vith !-!On1e buhon of her New Year sl'i1ftE1 ti 1ng the sa11c fcehn 0 o. mnn l as when l e and get Learned As rono ncrs tell us that the buttons his coat tJgl t and Jet ks dO\\n l 1s great meteor c ehO\\ er w1tne sed here and slec-.:ee because he ia angr:y and 15 1fra. d throt ghont Europe and Amer ca generally fur ti e1n at late rn November 1s \\hat is lelt of Bela s the anger \v11l escape 1n \vords The time three dollars Comet,, 'vi ich came to grief about six vears ly remembrance of that YOUNG & BRITTAIN S ago Son10 of our readers may ren e111b~r held tem1 er m check I g1 ore l It· ie 01 L 1 o St et that B1elao co 1 et U1v1ded u1to t ~o in 1809 mark say u g '] I et!) Tl c d snster '\as o ;i, ng probably to cont!).ct lfjj11 cy 'it$t be cl ya id ck m Will yo i tell me ot that s1tuat on 1 I with n 1neteo1 c stream 'Thq d '1s1on or llo na a.n tll~ Se1 9tll 187 '- o.)7 m50 lj t 1 tbcr tl e cattc1ing went dlt farther low 1uu~t leave t1 e city on the i 30 tr 1 n nnd all tl ~tit car show for it~elf 1s a 101 g tra.11 am acme\\ J at h uried of lamtl) ghmnrurrng meteors He ran hi ft11ger down he list of apt h GlttJ ~tBlERS AT NE"SlAPERS lI r ce ca.t1ons and stopped to read ALL KINDS 01! Greeley thu, hit the nail on tbe heu<l -lt \\ a,ted at Z-- on tl e Hudson a is strange ho v closel) n1en read p tpe1s gove1ness for girl sixteen )ears ol .a e 0 '-Ve ne\ er Ba) anyth1n 0 tb tt an> one don t Muot be well cd t cated and ubl 0 rn 0 Sal like but \ve are !:!Ure to soon hear of 1t anJ 1AKI i"i OUl ~ND Board everybody tell· us of it II however once ary l\\O h mclred dollars a year Cured without the of the in a \\ Jnle \VC happen to say a good thing and ~ i b ng included l hat he said is \Ve ne\er hear at th flt 'Ve may pav a nlan all I have to offer at p1 .s~nt ancl 'u vi:u t Knife, by a ht ndrcd complftnents and gne b1n1 a dozen puffs make speeches tor hin1 and out e.on1etl.11ng at once I bel e1 e : Ye at once I inswere I ri,u1etlv but of nonsen~1cal harangues m1cle on pubh1.; of Bowmanv11le platforms make him oppear to say some I \ as n1entallJ staggeung u1 der the shock tb1ng bn1l1unt and be tak s 1t all 1n us :i A vJ l yecn-an l the )err1::s were o long t of 1ef rences g \C t Bo 'm nv lle ar l els bore Oft ce on Ch rch St t t111utetoh1sgcnt es nndlcnc\c1tl nls l onl) t o bu l cl doll rs tie B vu anvtlle l eb 29 1872 lll6 12 1~ that it does htm any goo l But l \\ e e'er Just Arrived MASO N' s Farewell, McGeer, Save Your BONES cents per 100 lbs., l'ro :Bono Publico. Use B. PATTERSON; LICENSES. " BY T ( ROBE RT AMOUR Bo mM Vll!c Dec 10 1869 H 1 lfam1 \01 D·c 12 1872 1nll 3mo~ I appen to SU) thrngs ti at t11S man don t like 01 soU'1.ethn g he 1 :tginc1, is u reflec tion oi l is ch uat.:! e I o q nr.k I e gets All ot i ff'\i ls mn l a 1d flares l p ub t t are d lJ cl alkerl ngoi 1st ls l t ' e nc' rr apparent!\ get any credit for wl at good "e sha '1 \ do \~ tth cold finger, I took out a fn e u6llor b 11- m) l iGt-and la1<l 1t before h m He passed ine a. receipt "and snuhngly lJo,ved rue out Once upoD; tl e street I tne 1 to rouse iny st lnne 1 ~enscs E ght dollars out ot 1 l'\ ten gone ~fJ ticket hcu1~ "ill be one ]ollar and eighty cents n.lld ti e two hues of 01nn1bu&cs \vould requ1r~ the re1na n ng tv., cnty cents At l I :i.:ns ~o 1 11gry b 1t hungry and Jarnt I must go for not one cent 1 ad I to bu, c er 9. c ackcr fhut \Vas l e111~ reduced :\.nd there \Vas son ethiog lu< 111 it too wh ch f r a 1no1nent made me l ulf hJ stencul To think that tl ern 1,ll Neo York "ete tic homes "he1e I had been a11 111'\ ited guest so many tHuy hmcs b0fcrc 1111~i 1l ne o\c1took 1ne and made ine in el g ble ns a vis to l\1 J O\\ n k1U1 and km who s cldenly 1 ad become very d1sta,nt relafaves Aud I of tberr owu Sho ilcl bloo l 1ctunlly larnt an! huugi; I "alk in upon them un1nv1ted as I once uScd to do and tell the n I had come to dne? ..t\nd ha'\'e tlctl think crel pride that t had conic to ask assist a.nee 1 N 0 1 [n 1uy gteat sorro\v when the Qpcn giave stood waiting tor b r \vho had tver been ready to help otl ers-rn the crush ng desolat1on when the g1ave had clo"-ed over hin1 and the exec lto1 kno vn to me that I was pen111leos bumc less an 1-God help the fatherless so fnendless-m all that agony of a new and sudden grief not one e.ame to me \Vith any hope Ul) comfo1t RD) l el1 1n ]ns hand or hea1t Of co rse they cn1ne tq the f neral Cus tolll requn~d that What would the wo1 ld saJ if they and their new black glo\es were 1101 present Or If 1'v~re left to stand be dust to side that grave. alone while the Pnst o.nd asl~-es to ashes chanted a. dirge for n1y future happiness 1 I \\as clnef-onlJ -mourner and a \\ on1an an l coui tesi: custon1 good taste req e 1-1£ I "ould tra.nscendc1tyconvent101aht1cs anl watc1 the I Iec1ous ti east ie hou 1,,:: f n y all o earlh do\\D down to tts laet rest1n.5-1 lace -that some male relatn e should offer iue tho support of his arm But 1t lid not clece1ve no I lad \\e gli ed such ~ympathy and to tnd it \Vantlng 'I bey " ould rct irn o n1y <laikened home thl!V would <l ne at mJ table- "here he 1 ud never\\elco1nedtle11 the) \\oull utter a. fe i la.titt les a nnnor key upon taking leave fo1 their u1 b1okc1 f res d s n1 <l mo1 rnfully trust tl e Lord will sustain you Madelme \\ ithout a la VI rng thought rn their unten !er hearts that po,s1bl) the Lord nnght think there WJ.S a sha1e 11 ti at sur port winch ti ey ongl t to rnder take borro\v had cru b d 1l) heart Ll t not blm led my eye; an 1 I k oew each \\as afraid the other might ask Auel what 1s to U co1ne of Madcllne 1 Coult! I go lo them for ei en at I um 8 rest in their Ju:xurious homcs-loi even an extra r Jate at then abuudant table I 1'i tth n y he, y Hil <lo\\ 11 and lllJ ei es blrncleu '"Ith tea.t,_11t \\US not strange as I hurned on tbat I stUulbled agmnst one of tno::.e very relat1 ves 1 Mndehue he eKcla1rued )' o' rn the c ty 1 1 01 wt t and w1 end d you c'Jme l Tlns n1orn ng tn the earl\ tra.111 a1 <l on bus111ese,i vluch bu::s1ness I have J ist tn.1. 1s aeted I am engaged to go as a 0 0\ brness (tl I smt my employer) !or the mumficent salary of t\\O hu died pcra1 n n1 \\asl tng and bread and b 1tter included A d I re tt ntol\1--or tlencxt ho.II ord,er to la k L p n \ fe" p S!'less ono:i tern e n1v 1 ome fo1e c a l t>o to n t at on I k io v tu\ uH.:e va~ harsl a 1 l lnttcr I h a<l tor ale It go to 1 t:i1 control oi· 11y feehngs He\valled b ::;tde n1e 11 a.rnn eel Stlencc Present!~ sad - other s1tnal1011 There "as a tone of reo.l k1ndr ess in h1:3 vo;ce He 'VM a nu:i.n \Vho could apprec-i ate the horrora of phyoieal l unge1-not heo.rt hunt;"er But to go\\ itho tones a n ner-llh ' there v; as real grief I thu k I sl a 1ld h ne a"ccpted hts suggest on as it wes meant In all k1n~es::s but that bis e\ ii genius-that practical cotnruon sense upon \Vh cl he so prided hu:ili:ielf-niadc} 1m add before I could wipe mj eyes an l ie spond You know Madeline ho v I sympa th1ze '\ itl1 ~ ou Ln J our c rcu1nst 1.nces and w1llrngly vould help you f I could But m 1ch as I feel fory ou I must ·l ow Jou hu 1 t tterly I discountenance ) our pecuhar vie vs w h Ch rendl}r it 11n_poas1ble for 1s to oITer ' , · I I thre\\ back: nly veil 1 There \Vas no 101 g~r a tear to conceal Ind1gnat1on 1 ad burned tbcm df-y Aul mj '01ce \\as lnt tcr and hard :ta l 1nte1r tptcd him Purlon me if it stnkes Ill~ strange that in the tnany holidays and su1nmer rests yo 1 au f >o Ir lam ly have spent \VIthm the walls tb·t I c1lled I ome rnv peculiar views ncvei offended ) our conscience Strange th it ffi) po\ erty aud homelessness should so st 1 lenly open yo1 r ff\: es to the chances of my being such a very dangeio 1s 'i\ oman to have at ones fireside Let it pass We understa1 d each other perfectly Hat· er th 1 l be beholden to you for e\en the nou· isl ment ) ou offe1ed a mo1ne1 t since I would be~ lrom passers by the chanty of a crust I pulled do1>n my ve1l l atled an omm b s ~ ithont nohc11 g its direction and be fore he could re co' er lus breath \\ il.s rapid ly 1 01ne fron1 his sight After all is not \\enkieos \\tckeclnessl D1dom Lordstoj to ask the pubhc::ins or s1nu~ra \1th \\horn He broke bread-or cte l tie Pharisees \\hose h) pocrisv Hia truE> pure spu1t al; ho reel-about then peculiar '1e"s 1 At 1h rteenth Street I suddenly became -a are that I wa· on the wronK ltne and nervousl.) ahgl ted One of my t \O dnnea FJ.lready gone an<l the other must carry me to Tlnrtv hrst Stre~t Therefore not C\en crackers fo1 tl s \ 01nan who \VM taint and "eek with nervo ts excitement a1 <l actual I u e1 0 D nmonds on n1y finger nnd almost crv mg with hungei Even then the Ju hc10ua nesb of it struck 1ne and n1a le !Ue lau 0 h Yet I "as pra t1cal enough to sec that to pnrt with that ring "h1ch had a \alue abo\ e the hundreds it represented me1clv bccuiJse I was ten1porai ly 1 ngrJ \Vas even lo part " ith it nt such haste iuore absurd a. 1cl evident ngltation .as I must necesssr ly wuuld 111 clou btc<lly le tel \u my be1 g ar tested fot steul g nl.) o n uroperti: No that""" all I lad to bury me decenL!y if ever death was merc1tul enough to en ¥tap 1u~ in the l'mfc shelter of lus JC) \V1ngs That must not he sold howe\er great the tem1 tallo 1 \._ happy Inspuahon ran athwart iny biam Magg e the dear old n 1rse ot my ch1luhood ha l happ1IJ marnecl from our house hved m 'I htrteenth Street I had gone freq uentl) o see hei 11 prospeu ' audneednotfeartodo'So1na.lters1ty She '\ fl}l not in an elevated position where my ' peculiar views could shut her ears to the dear Lord a Inasmuch as ye 'lid it unto one of these J e did it unto me lu a few inornenta I \Vas i 1 her hon1e 111 her dea.1 motherly arms. out of the bitterness of my grJCf She soothed mv prtde she ealrnecl my eorrow, she cured nn hunger she lent me mone) And wl 1le I reclined at full length on he1 home n1ad~ lo n;.:c and enJoyed the luxur' of a cup of tea a little tender lorn and ·uch mee bread she sat be::;1de me I-lunger appeased she statwncil hersolf at my p1llo 1 and "hen I asked for bread al,o for my poor broken heut she did not give me a 'tone She told n1c how she \vept \Vhen she SU.\V his death-her k1.nd master-in the. paper how glad she was I h td con1e to her and V{onldn t I r.omc a0 n111, and let her akc care of n1e and make tne strong 1 'Vould Inottryton.ccept tin grief as a part of Gods love tho111!'1h I co 11 l not see how t 'al:i or why no\\ ?. I don t know she said w1th n pathetic , gh what people are thmkmg of "hen they talk about such tnals berng 'God's pun1shn1ent for our sins A good ne1gh bor of m1nu cntne to me when httle !\Jar) died She ha 1 never lost a cb1hl an only chill 1s1n1ne\\asthe1 Sheneant"ell b lt she ahv }R lad great notions o± help ing the Lord along 1n II1s work as If He v.; asn table to Improve HHJ o'"' n oc eas on as she called it So ale sate! No ghbor you ougl t to call ull your sins to u md and see "b ch one 1t a likely the Lord l ns taken 7'1ary ""aJ f10m 1 ou fo1 I sto1 ped c1y11 g and burst out 111 a gteat fit of auge1 · You want to make the J.JorJ o t as bard hearted us ) ourself I cried at J; et He p1t1eth as a father and doesn t \'ill hngl) afl11ct ar d \I hom He ovetl He chastencth Go a way I sobbed 1d rath r I a.\e II1s coin.fort than yours So I lost my old Irie1 U !ilI1ss l\Iade line for she J e\ er fori;a' e it nnd never wlll ttll she' had some real loss hersdl an l lea1ned '\hat God ffil-'ans 'Vhy tu th e1 love tc tel es Go<l s love and H1s rnean Ing too I htn e 0 1vc lllY children 1 ttcr me<l1cine \Vhen they aie s1ck But don t I Jo, e them 1 I took httle Joe !Il\ self to the smgeon and held b1m steodi tn mi o\\n arms in spite of his screanis wlnle he per forn1ed thnt fearf l opeiahon \Vh1ch s:ned bslle Illladntlovellun1 Tco1lt.nt ba c done 1t Ood has to c lt verj deep ~om t 1 c"- elcar into the l c rt and hi to b&\C: U!'l. "c nrc to l c stones l> t(n11le you 1 no'v We don t JU(lt kno pe laps\\hereHe wn.1ts1s b1tull ve cun do" to trn,t Hrn 1 and lie still, anCi not The 1n1nge ot b autJ lies I 1Utle11 1 tl e rough n arble until c1rc n1.:itaut:e" follo r g the pc-1f1.:ct 11odel ul ti e D "1ne S..:l lp tor cuts .nul c} sols worl s w ti luly J t1encc never spa1 e:;; the sbarpe::st tools 1 1t1l the I apclcss m""s asSl mes little b hltle an intcnd<JU l;e;.inty tl e Creato1 s <le 11")0 stan ls iuitl o a ting His It is goo l I sl all be satisfied "hen I a ake m quoted lfogx1c "lo had ca ugh~ nly tho 1ght \\hat I h css 1 Aud 11t 1 Satisfied then pnt1cuce (Io be Co1L1 d) A Tea Party Extraordmary '!'i1y fat I 1.:r \.,·a.:- an 11tin a Le fncn lei Ju lge Burke v. h o had l;ecn u. Methu<l st t 1erant u d i. as tl en n. local p1 "U her He occu p1el 11 1 " I Jn<l1c1f\l pos1t1on a'll ; for 111anj J ear~ post tIJastci of C c nah lt lus ie iue~t I spent a J ear ' ti l in H s house \Vas t i e s cne of n1ucl gcnero bl os p tahtJ of the good ol l style He In l beet the eaily fmn<l ot Ge e1 1 Ja kso l invar1ablJ made lHo hon1e 'v1th h 11 h1s \!Sita to C c n 1 it Loren o D ecue1 tnc p1encl r spent a n1 th ti crl lt1ng ior n.notl er can p::i g 1 A gl.. r s1niuJ \Votl:I One <lq r JoeB il cc ue I t ti an 1 in i 1 Icasa1 t Wrt\ s 1 to h s \ I I a'e received lette1 froo1 J he ti:.lls inc 1 c s comu g to C nc H'.l rlc VTites t1 at I c -s se1 d down rn l 11 v1te JJ lly nd kno\v 1s here 'Ve \v1ll ma.kc a Q .. ol the UmteJ i:itat s H nty Cla; eral Haiuso1 "I l~ Dov \ as l 01 orcd \ lh the n1\ste1 ous an l n explic1l lc n e of p cl The tun '11 0 1 tel f r ti tea l ty 1 1 ed and the guc::st::i wcle Jacko ll ~ I son C iv J uUges :}f Lean au l )3 1 ctt a1 Ll Lorer zo Do \ '1 hey '\\ cz ~1 l ud ~P J. e me 1 tLe ho:it alone I c1110 co s1 ic t u foi: rotu id ty of for 1 Clay \ us the 1nost s r lpulo 1sly nt?t it ln::. attne As Dow h J seen n101 e <Ji U c orlJ th a l of ti e rest tl I eves '\\ ere t rrre l to\\ rrl h1n1 He ra.1sc<l l Q t:tll 1 n fo rr on l stood be~1 lc lus d a r lliti 1-: ua.11 bl 1ck ~.ret:i I eercd Ol t \Jut J t chsc r l l fl nunglccl Iii \::;S of hair an l I earl [-le ore a coat \\lucb ba1-,01ce beeu 0 rccn cloU l t he had cat ie l Jt ti IiJt gl so ruan) lu1 l s and ) ears ti at ns o 1g 1 I eo1o c ukl c rec ly bed seer eel Unco tth as 1 e \.asl e'vai; undo bte 11) the object ot tl e deep ic pcct of all aro 1u I h Ol \l e U.U.) Once i 1 1n:y t1uvcls su1 l Do 1 ca c to a n \er Ne th er myself llDI iy t a' ~l ing companlon had anv 1no11e y to pa.j 0L1r fernagc It \\ ns 11 large shean1 and thcr e\V!l8 no 'vay of cro~su g except by bo it We "em ma iuandaiJ At last I told my fr1en<l to rem un \Vhtre h~ \ as a 1d l ol\l l go down to tl c "nter s edgP o.nd hu l n 1 aJ to crosa ,,_J>-: Afterw : t ll1rgbuckwnJaiUfor'I' rd l and do vn ti e rLver i 01 a iew Jl:'t'11'1 tc!=I I found a p ece ol mane) st ffic1cnt to 1:1av 01 l fernagC I " s confident that I sl o l l find saniell 1ng to rel eve us iro10 o <l11l cultJ but was not. ce1 ta n 111 "hat sl 11 c it would he Strong' fa th sa J. Jackson I I ad h1In co lfi de 1uc tl at I sho J l 1 ot be hrndcred n my Journey said J)o, The question arises sa1cl Olav,",.,,} cthe1 such contiUence of s cce;:;s resultl$ lr,o n t mans O\\ n strenoth of nnn<l or s a spec 13.l endo\\ men\ by the Al might) Before tl 10);!\rnsuo 1 had been !ulh cl c I ed tie gues~"\i ere summoned to the l<>ble Dow in askiug a bles in 0 m tde a praj er oi considerable length 1-Ie did tln::. in s 1ch n1 n1 propr :tte and nftcct n,., manner thut tt least t vo oi those great n1en 've1e 1oved lo tears The con\ crbat on w s re sun1ed at the talJJe Dov r11ntl 1el ti it t1e Lo rd ra1~ed up 1 Rt tl tla.[ ne o lo s1 ec d l bor 'It is u.n cnsv 11nttcr !or hu L to cnhuge :.c. man s head an l fill 1t with sense eno ,,.mloi ail\ work WI c i he endo\ sai 1 <l ndt I he s JURt the n1an for the erne1heuce lor ,vh1ch he wns n1a 1e and no one else '" oulJ. do so ' ell He t"lOe!=I forw rd u \ orks outthe des!:> ~of Po,u11.:1cc w·1hco1ft dence of succef';s J ool ng 11t J ackoc n he sad IIo.,i; wa.a it w th \ QU gen eral at tl e great battle 1 Di l ) u I a\ e an Jo bt as to the reSl H 1 ~one \ hateve1 a1cl he I \ ent to \\ ork a, calmli as a boy choppmg his mon I bal no more fetr o! 1os1n 0 1nga wood he v1ctorJ than I bave no v of fa ling t o tecei\e p lca"-ure fro n the ente1tru.1 tue t \\ h1 h the Judge bas pro" 1ed for u As for myself said Hor so ti e caoe is somc\\hat l ffeicnt I h~veat t1m 8 ba.U no little anxrnt) p1cvwuo to batlle Ind an warhre 1s poet !Jar Yo 1 can 1e>ei l 1 e entire coufidec.ce in yo 1 p1eparat101 s agninst sue! an ct einy Ilence I som e tunes ] ad lo ibts as to tl res lt :u l ou He a1 x1ety 1bout the safeti of ' v ' e The conve1sallon \\a5 ~ont.luueJ. on t variety of 1ntc1estin0 subJebts u l l 1 late hot r at n1gbt ~ ot a "or l was sa1 :l of tbeu "'1de diJlereuces in pol t c::. tu l tu the soc1 1 and !nendly foelmg W li le poht1 Jaus "tth the most bitter and hcst1le l elrng, \\ere arra)ed 1gau st ~acl otl ~I l ht 01 of one OJ the other ot the~e i 1 n tb ' c:1c on tho n1 ost itendly l U u.t t rnnl tPIP S What i !'lte1.11 iel; l c t tl e 1 lf .utie~ a JC'..alous1ca of su n.ll l ls 1 t 11 es of l' ti al exc ten1 t t I , It ui 'an to trtst 11 \~tong as mtch.. o[ c' il so inucl ol l 1e the fo1m a ol lrn· nan I 1story ·

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