TIIE MEROIIAN r AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Cum latea largeh. in thu Io 1 ~lu1 a of Dn.1l111g 11 OJ:lrrke and Ca1tWT gl t It ui n. co1n1non i Iatfonn open to the free dwcnss1on of all ques t QllS ln-.,..; h ch the genera.11 ublic ar co1 cerned. WEST DURHAM Steam Job l'rinting Office KING SIREEI BOWM \ITT IILE < TEHJ:l:S Seventy five cents per annum, m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 ~ r I) H \'I k:~ 01: D\. 1!.H.HSING 1 11 e col in AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME IV BOWMANVILLE ONl'ARIO FRIDAY liE.ilRUARi' 14 1873 NUMBER XX other whe1eas there arc ' ornct v..1thout Meu 11e11n ftcr and fonn when they 111en n \.tu.r 1 ho lsckcep1ng lnst111cts J t<:.t a s there tio a noman s apper:nanue but \\C n ean are wo1nen w1tl o t an enr fo1 in ts1c or an an C0!5tnrr t that toi tn sernble co1np1~liend arhtitlc tot ch Edu~1.t1on and expe11ence 1 H the word sty le a1 J occasional nee :,<.lily ti at great "'Pt r to n t vlen 1Jookel1n tbegull:iface Isuw H If lo POSIERS PAMPHLETS hILL Hl U>S CIRCUL \.RS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS rIUKEIS &c &u &u EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. CORN-FO -R - SALE- \VI-I 0 LTJ, GRAND.TRUNKlllRAILWAY T fil"ur.unut~t. POETRY Put Down tile Brakes Norr attcr 1 o v well t} e track :'l b , d No mattc1 ho st1on 0 the eng no G1nn.<le '\Vl c1 JO f l 1t 1unnJno- the do" 1 wa I gia c r lt lo vn he b1ake1:1 LITERATURE. A n: I L OR CHACKED John McDouga11 RELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance !:ociety EST \.BLISHED 1810 C\l\Al \ Cnn:t Ol!1lcr>s 1 l 81 J UiESl:i:IREErllWNHEAL IQ BATTLE FOR BREAD \ C ~ HOil Oll' DOCTOil !} E, l!:IC ~"" <;l UACE err \.:NGE OF '[!ME 'IAlLOR O i ml after June 24th traui. \\ ll leave Gentlemen s & Boys Garment s lhcl3ownrnmilleStat1011 asfollo1>s GOT:NC PB.A.TB, Af DI<] IN Tli& CRA. H111!: S (l 1 m Go<ley s Lady s Rook ) VJ::ST GOING F.A.Sr l aesc1iger :i\Iail 111 xu<l 7 <)O \. ni. a :!O a nl 3 '15 I ~[ail 1\Gx.e l Pasaenge1 Md 7 30 a 3 ~5 7 :)5 t> in l';EWEST STYLES DIREC,"ORS WAL'l.El SHANLY E q p DcNCA."'f j\fACDo:N uu J:W:Kt (Cont n10!) At He iuun I found Joliu Ma 0 g1esl1us band \Va1t1ng rr \ ticket Ill h s hand to The 1 one.:it iugged sec n)e infely oJI tace of John l\£art111 was like s nslnne on a clQi: dJ day It 1a1scd n1y sp1r1ts and ga\c ine J::itlength Herc wos one f 0 ht11 g tbe goo] figlt vtloselilt Ins11leof tslo\\h 1 e.:.s- perhn111 in conecqt ence-\va.s full or la.st~ llo m tll\ illc J tly 2,.,. 1800 Ma.tl 020pm OOOpm ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. j\f.i1.Jon :r E Tu.Iil IIoNOB \DI burg, Ont t.-!d CJ lJ.11.ll Hl c \J't rnEw c n sc 111111'10 i..: J OII:N" ii :\.l\llL'lON Hn.wks Liverpool london mul Glasvo w .RESIDENI 8ECHEIA1,Y -J.urns f1R,n SPECIAL FEATURES. New 'I'a,ilor Shop. 'l l OWLl bc 0 s to m form the p blic genurally that he has 001 L ncnced b snie68 n tl e Shop next to tho l;.: press Office 011e d )0 cnst of J M he l:l IIa.ving ha.cl se'\eial yea.rs cx1 er Cll ~C 8 ~L sf~ UI LAIE WIIli F JOHN HEAL, the ' h ch a wt a P CJ ~iu n wo ld be c1 1cd car All J ei b' l s trcs1 asw.ng on the p1operty kno n bo assut cd at the o di? a1 y 1 at.es of tins Soc.ictJ w ] o ld n :!vi !ls will~ prosec ited t ndc a spec. al al/" 'a1 (}&! ent NOTIOE. JORN -· l NOllr8 bel01 1 g etl uno g6t the Pol cyhofrJ(). s [ILE EN'.l'IlLE tv a.u I a.1e 1 \1 l u the coin 1 g at lm1t~ I ut do-wn the b1111 cs 11 fo t eai t) of I l ne 0 s That holiness LlV.Ei::l DJo:CLUlED nY or1sE1 Cour ll"l'IEES m .A fl f d tliaL yu r r ~fcl>OU<.BLL Ho v1na1rnlle June utl 1811 ti :JG SPECIAL NON ]oLEEITADLl l:'uLIC:EB lSSUtl<l tta.Cl.o he hor cs to him ' th a ca,ll all vi o 11.11ty favor GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bo tnanv1llo Sep 4tl 1872 m!D tf -CH A R L E S T 0 D,. J3:R:E:AD .A'ND :BISC"O'IT ltH:Y:ME AND LIME. BAK.ED 111 AR 0 lcrs POST OFFICE BOWMANVILLE r 111ctu'1.lly \.tL ncled lo Oct lst 1870 h nl AUCTIONEERS /?or the 1 oivnshvp ot Dai lmgton H f PHILLIPS, Fl !I.MP rQN f rot t t att(.utlou given to ::ml 5 &c o l tcar;on ;Fohcy fo a su1n M.'ID ed I 01 o tionatc to the '11 e htu lan JS weak s nee Adam s f all nurnbcr f pn.:1n1u11UJ t id ru lf ccf v i.. f ti 1e Bu,-; arc ho JOU yel l to "II t tes call J ~OUOilOR IN CHANCERY J: o. Be te1npcrate i 1 all t l 1 gH vas pr whced by aymc t of preut..iu1ns I riu1 0 lul! Ov er TuicCl ug s St ie oa. c 1lat ' MoDEHA'lE 1'UEM1 UM8 au<l n oat lib(J1ai1 on as J M Bn1na<;o1 1b H Dental Ito m8 l tdo uLl cL1 keB ly Tio man v lle Oct 27th 18G8 d ti ns \J a. te I le tl g HI h :una1 l fe Prospecluses Proposal Forn:is &c BUI I he l on appl cation o.t the H et:t. l Office or any of It s t \Ck w1th roauy a da.t ge1 1s rife t he Agcnmes Du vuu see\ fo1 tl e v ctOl s ro v111n tl e strue JAMES GHAN I P t <lown tl e brll.kes \ httlc Rl1j we came JU~t in tune TI.es SeoretM'y And all about th e best of Luno I ime f1-01n tho West of the ~ery best AGENl 1Cill BOWMfl.NVILLE Not beat 1n anj quarter C H\RKlR I lm e that \Vlll al a.ys stand the test Observer 011 cc l{ing St Wl1cn ma.lung iut mortn.1 2t.J ly I ;\:1lltryt1tndleep agools pply l 1 Btllim01c iecently i l oy k lled his l or it is ~1 a.ys ' llnted lb"O 39 co1upa1 on by h1tt ng l11n1 with an oys t e1 11 tt wl en JOU all co1ne in to buy shell Y ot 11 ot be l 1;appo1utcd You will n.h ays find it d1y and frei;h Bost3 f\VEI!:V -lh1s notor10 s oflende1 :\ nd that u1 1:1ometl 11 ~ bonrue has again escaped J ust.11.:P. The J 1ry "ere So co1ne alon~ and try this Lur e OX LO~DON llut don t fo1gct the money unable to agree in h1a ca~c No \\ onder the Boss ielt easv v. hen he "as able to s 1bs1 h u IIows of dcl 'e;t froJ11S1ne.a m t0Fou1 P J l ·. But how I as! eel does he kuo v · Uo1ner of li\1 een at d Ontru io Street (I stablrnl e l 1803 an honorable a.nd lea111etl counc1l like 1\1r vhcn it s e110 1gb 1 What test <loes he ip THOS JlOWDEN F1clc.l and to m Lke assurance cloulJly sure IIJ£\D 0.llFICES -1 Old :B1oad St al d I Pall i1all London refer the whole case to a JUlJ donl:>tlci:i.s ply 1 bAUl I~1LR RR LOSCOMBE AT LAW ncl(lt vl t:h unly 10 lo or 20 !\.nnt al 1 a~ ments are rcq urcd each p1-1.yment scc\u1ng a CLIPPINGS. Imperial Fire Insurance Co per\aJe :l evC'n l Ls l us1ness life a n1uch rn1 er acct rreucc thrrt one tlnnks Y ct there "as 1 ot one particle ol cant or b1got ry aboi t him YVe had 1 een talk ng abont b1s bus ness -he-wasin ~11 0 esher\\a.remau u facto1) -nnc1 fI01u that ha :l pai:;1:1ed on to n j pres ent pe1 plcx L ::, i I althn;:, \V1th the \\ orld a1 d n y deep souo s tn l tl c o llJ r eal stn e conitort One tl 11 g he sa1d I cu at foi 0 ct Spe1l 1 g ol suffcr1n 0 b11ng1ng out the latent good 1n ones charaetc1 h~ qLot U f 0111 t.l e Bible. wl ere J.t speaks of 01 r1 st as s1tti 0 ts a 11.:finer oJ sllver You kno v '1\1 ss bfadehne he sa11.l that seem.:, so pla n to n1t.l, be 1 I e ot my busu ess Yo 1 l no\v the s1l\er n1tnt be pnu!icd of dros,., and it is a slo v proces9. It 1e 1un eis s ch careful 'vntct rng The re finer .::1tsclose bcsnle it He doc not le1ve it to crueless '\vorkmen Hi o n eyes "atcl C\ er" change and t that prec1 e inoment \vhen it is rcfi le l eno 1gh lt 1s \\ itbtlrll\Vl1 C\ble tcrn1s s GENER r, '-\aE~c~ FOH C \!'<ADA 24 St crament 1\.IontreaL este 1 Ca1 Jt il ud 1{c1::1 r e Wm. BaJ.$toin., E:t.:t.ISKILLJJN: S ~les] tomptl) t ttcu lcJ W OU rcasonal le t erl\lt: JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Glazier Paper Hanger &c &c All kinds of work I rornr tly ntte1 d~] to ru J Aatlsfact1on g a1antccd Res deuce-N ext Joo eal'.!t of the J31blc Clum CHOICEST OF GOODS . R AARON BUCKLER IIM tho best and nost lcs 1 able lot of NEvV srrORE' \\ELL Fll LED l\lrII IIIE young sport from Port Hope lvh1le eating food to my ht1 n~ry oul than rnau) horn Funds invested Ill c~:nad - 105 000 some crackers and cl eese, d1 splnced so mo the pulp1~ I hrne rned Jts s \'Oet nnport Insurances aga. imt loss l y 1 n c a o effect d on false teetl1 and being a little excited at the DI o caref 11 loving tI e moQt l a.vorable terms and lo::u;cs prn.d wttl · tune the teeth we1e carue<l "1th Ins food \\Ith 1ne ever si nce 0 it r.efercnce to tho Board in Lor:; den 1nto lns thro:it aud stiek ng there nearly \\at h of the Oteat 1iaste1 over \Vho.t Ile choked him to death Dr Willoughbv w"8 'vould pu11Iy f.ro1n earthly dross in His .RINTOUL BROS J DODSV\ OR III i:iummoned and adru1n ste1e l ::u e1net c nnd Not aloTie to llis Ins1 ecto1 a~n Age1 ts :&-Iontici l tl e teeth "eie 11ithgicotditticult) brought f n 1ace of affhct.1ou 'vorkmen loes he leave the n ork. Some up Fi n<l .£l 965 000 St rfuig subscribed. and in packed for the purpose A 'cri ern ple one John rcphcl ' \\ hen hi.: ca 1 15e hi o ,1. i Ji c i o it 1 t is A b a.nge a 1d uearh: f ttal a Jent oc currea abo1 t tbrcu o clock on V\ e lr:esday pu1 e cno gl motmng the 29th ult ut Grafton !\. 0 John ~farhn JOUI sennon \ US be ter tiau Olrnrcb IYBONJ J yroue March 8!11 18GO 92 ti no R LOSCOMBE Bamster, Agen for Bowman ville and Vicmity man>1lle June l4tl 18( 0 rr o 43 tune· then C) es are Ll nded by selfish lll 36! an 411 7 HA' \ habit of \\ h1>:.thng out of tune I HESE l\1AhKS AUE nrn CHEAPEST t11t1 n ost last ng the least tro blesou1e a1 d l ~Jl 11 to a ba.U1t of s1nack1ng bis eal'S for roost complete ever tn'\ cnted lhcy arc used do1n 0 ~o but that ia n1;:1ther hei e or U ere a nd recommended by 1nan) of the best H1eeders Hui uothet brought bun to 1ne p::ud jthc °'N IM1\fll~~E CflMBE R i n the United St:itefl MJ.d Uant.tda,..flucb as G B Lo11ng S ~lem ::\1.1-t.88 Pre!) de1 t No v En.glw 1 pre1u1uh and sa d I 1::hot kl find hill a iVool Grv crs Soc ~ty John S Ro:;R Henne goo l boJ I set bnn to do the lat.hcr1ng as ELECTRO PLATED l n Ill P1ofeooo1 ly.l. 1"1iles of tho State .A.g r wt ltnral College Lansing lI1cb lfou Geo a stat t and t11E:d to shO\\ h1n1 } o'v to set Teo. a nd Goffer Sclo F1 uit aucl Bro vn 101 0L to Ont John Snell JJ:<l no1 toi1 0 t On ell.ch :Mn. 1 1s st iroped t1 e O\ lE'r E the c 1ge ou 1 1a:1.or Ile set ll e edges ofl Ilimsell reflected Ill it - Hnnself reflected Flcnii·J w<il DishcR I hey will be the razors. on the contrar) tell } 1u '~hat I rn tbat lit nrs.me and the Sheep s numbei :Sov is l nt for hea\enly s en t f1 ee by mail u1 express for only f 01H encts 1 t"\ bv :u J;M e 1 1 th r O"\ U(;e n1 gh~ an l for vexatious ather1ng l ne\ieI uses ucl Ul l w ll 1W:!t for rw.KN'.1:1: 1t iR8 came ac1oss lns equal TJ1e way 1le filled W C f:!h m lSt :.i.ccornpa. y all o deto Tht.i E:wcctnes:i o1 the U o gl t 1.:otn fo1t ed the custo1ne1 ea1f'I and got the bustles up me through n1y lonely 1ctnrn home \vhen 1UtCIHBdLD YOU~G Jn. -, ~I Sari a Ont ihen noses l on \\ ould hardly c1ed1t If the cruel patu s.trnck ine afresh that he ~ Otders addressed to the ]\I 1 CBN't and OD BE tV En. Office £01 any quantity \Vlll be filletl at one chu.nccd to gape the go.1 er got a mouth 'vho ul \\ ays ca1r e to meet me and p1otect tho a.bo\ e mentioned pr <.:e as qt ick1y as the ful ol 80ap to a certainty and inorc tl an me llom e\ en !Le duugei· of twilight could E 1 ltl to ~uy u1 the Dom n1on E Just rece1 cd a Choice lot of 11I wkr:; can b1;1 n1ade and sent one nar1owly escupcJ loss of s ght through come ne'\eI ncve1 aga u It e\en snsLa1n C B\RKER bmttles ed me the next day, w11en 1 was compelled Bowma.t ville Dec 28tl 1871 ly m13o Of co1 rse "' I hacl !al en the ol l "omar s to wttnc'"'s the sale of the hou"chold trea money I \V 1s bouud so ne tune or other to sures I ha.cl lo\ ed and sa v the hoine so sbO\\ 111111 ho~ the scraping was to be done llear to n1e l econ1e tbe ptopert \ of strang but t hat so rt ot kno,vlcdge cannot exactly era I nee led its St1ength for rt 'vas t "ore AI be p r.ked l p theoret1call) and \\ho \\as I t t tl for n1e to ex.cha11 0 f-I a1fi encc fo1 i)OV 1ho gre'""tst n.nd best assortment e e1 seen i n· erty rny bcnuhinl honie for one s1null room to let lnm loose upon to start with 1 'ID\ o None to excel lt J NUTS IN GREAT VARIETY t -I I ud been doing a good steady sort of a1 a pla111 boo.rd ng hou~m I r ahzed then tho I \.J."tGESI at 1 BE81 !!Sortine tt of tradG for the last the' ear~ or so 0.1 d hacl -that fit,t 1Jl 0 1 t that I wept myself lo Also BW'~Box·· of Rin~s got a gent.eel httle circle of cnstoiners \\ho seep in tlns second rate roorn-ho v much I · Ladies and Gents English amd BR.OOCHES EAR;INGS, &c ' came dail) It \\as not hi el) I could let harder it is to be poor \'hen one h::is never Sw atoga 11 unl&; \Y1th a.n asso11anent of None to a irpassithcm Seleoted b:i; myself fl. t h1m I ack and he'\v 1.1.t any of them If a been used to i! than if born ii that condi Trnvell~ng BagH the manufacto<ieSLq Eng1and hon To be sure I r ncl son1e books p)ctures bariuless sort of stranger "o lld only drop Slawl Strnps . and \ascs }1ttlc spot of b auty \\tth \vlnch i "hen tbe shop was cmpty the poor bov 1 Valt&es Dath111tton bas n.gfl!Ill rece1 ve.d another lot of to give a hon1e lu e appearance t o n:iy pl nn 1n1ght have a cbaacc A h r1nless stranger thoas cel6btait0d etu cti 'lhe Chowest o~gr~es Gol 1 and Silvet fr('\mei:; druppe l "lr unfortunatelv for hun!:le]f before -a.bode But no ore c 111 app1eu ~t c Vt ho has Lazarus..Mor11s & Cos on hand to fit a.ll sigl ts to be fou1 l in Io n :rhese I 'Vlll sell at 1ecluceJ p1 cc ---o--long and I gave young Potmau a good not expcr1enct:ll t the post ve pauJ the An early call will ensure a good choice Quality is the Test of Cheap "" sharp rnzor and 'vent and bolted 1nyPelf in polche l carpet and ugly ' all 1 "per and A LARGE SUPPLY Or To'Wmanv1lle Dec 22nd 1870 nl2 tf A com1 Jete stod of my be hoo1u aind put ffi) t ng12rs nto n1y the d ing' f in1tlue. of that 1oon1 were {o of J ff ere t ,., ad ~ nn l i;, i -p \ se~ all otl e.,. l o scs m to\ and Oo1u try WATCHES CLOCKS lw I an1 a barbc1 and !:ioo1c tuue . rho Barbers Apprentice a~o I lbok )Ol Dana's Patent Sheep Marks an apprentice He was a chceilul \VI th bl c cJeJ. h T ' tE:rcsts so1uet1mcs the1r ears are deaf to anytl ng but r tbuc aud tind1t on tue dross 111111e)cs '\\ th the 1netal an<l tl cy soy WI o sl all kno\\ ii if it brnt th0 1\Iaatcr s stamp and supcrsc11pt1on? Yet false will be its 1111g when the 1 'Y 1or conn tug up ll1s 1nber1to.nce sl all con1e I he pittlcr t watching of tbc 1\{a:, er as th1J dark stage pass!?s tl e dun c1o 1 de l one s cc cd::; then tl c ::,} v lesttuct on o! the dro1:is anl then the e£ige1nci:;s \\lth \\l 1cl Jlc g es Ile sees His ov. n face in it - Yanl ee bloo I so metimes take the phce of - us 1s usu]]J tl c casr that the chess ' a.s natutal i1stc ....ud a< comp! sh 0 1Teo.t th1ngf:l, au ex:po1 er t 0£ ts O?. ne1 A no e witliout but oh ye "1se who are character be ing u ~rely a nose An nn SkJ led m the <iiirls. et1acu.te 1 rnouth a co1nplex on at pre:i.ent Of 11e~ p lddmga a id ta1 ts. 1u1ned h) tnauvaise honte and rather 1 rct deal gently ~1th those w] ose hon1cs brne ty bro\\ n eye. wh cl ho" e\01' hnd that )leldc<l nertl er e<l.1catlon expe1 ence or restleos ' n.1 dertng over n1.} face and dress neccRs1ty aud \\ho tbe1eio1e t:;;tand appall "h cl ts as sure ates ot 111 breed111g as a !"I tare ed at the co 111non placcn as of wo1 k a d::tJ l fe as I ltd I wao glad vi en there as tihe \Vas youn,,-not over s1xtccn-ancl no uiore tnuc for tl 1nk1ng tl ese t1 oughts he1 '01cc '\VU1> not unplc::isant. I caught but 11 ur0 <lai the la) !or act on dark and cai'lerlv !It tl e stra v.;s in ber fa\ or \Vhen gloo111y though it 't\flS o uu1ous of ,v] at at)a1n my ardor was dampened by 1nv en \Vas before rne trance into the parlor or sitti ng ioorn As the tra in lc!t nie on the platform A 1ourn with ]ow, stuoked ceiling "ralls Z J I looked 11 out u va1 l !Or co' ered '\\ itlt cheap paper representing p1nk an 1 tl tr g 11kc a p n ate carr1ttge A I acl incur tnm glor es the s ze of cabbages ~HO\\ drrver approaclung with tl c t ~ al 11 quny rng on a purple null luc vme A carpet of I replied n 1 g1cd J\f.agenta scarlet grass green and ' I ani look1nn fur a. 1111 IJo son to i.:ar Jello\\ horrible lll efiect partially protect i Do '\ Rt kno\ of any gentle1 r11 of ed bJ a' 01n drngget At each \\llldO\V a 0e that name hv ng o l a count1y seat JUSt blacl\. ca1 e bottom cbau, backc 1 stifi) out of to vn ~ against it Bet' een the \v1ntlo\H; and t n The n1.'.l11 is face ' er t tluo tgh var1ec]. <letr.eath a g lt framed looku g glao,cnveied co1 torhons 111 an effo1 t rat to s le l<l I e ·witn )Cllo v tado.ttne a table w1th :i. green ans\\ ered CO\ er too sn nll for it put on s clewn' P: On There:; Eb DobRon 11 ve 1ne n lnm as this \\ere la1U at r gl t an~les a hugh Bible, \Hl.8 a cattle (lealer and golr rid dur n the Websters D1ct1ona1y- small s1ze-Bax.tera '\ ar contr<lctu He l vee bout bhree Call -!o1 Sundays and a little out of 1niles Guess he don t call rt a country sight \yers Cherry Pectoral Almanac ~nd seat though o.nd I nevP.r kne ~ ] e ha l i a Dune J\oHl-the t'o litter e\ldenily carriage oept lus Dunovrat an 1 th it ain t the family Javontes ln front of the Bible been in to day cau c I know tl at old i::or stood a cltngv ke10sene lump ftllrng the rel ofl ,, n ltkc 'book ;;hes allt s a slick roo1n "ith its stifling odor 011 a green i1 l er nose II io ea nelJodJ else s bagu oats 1norecn lonn,,e \\1th 1 brown ::ip1ttoon un She ::i a leal hkc Le1 n1ast(lr sl e ls Auel uie<lw.t<:l) 1n the front ofh1m <:at tie tnost p raps 1t$ lhcr~ ye "u1 tR to go 1 111 take .}C rcp1 lsrve nian I ever hn.d the m1s101tnne to behold cheup there tad back a 1l \fa1L for yet\'i o dollars I pre~nrne I loo] cd a0 l lSt ~It Dobso 1 My employer My very at l11s renHffks for he £idded [ l do it soul fl1ckencd lLnU I e.ank1nto i cba1r '\1th fo1 less-no one can sav B:i.rne.} 0 Neil a~du; d 'SUH\V while be read the note f1Q1n the more n h e 011 0 1 ter-bnt that u. r t6l1 s agent ruucJ1 as yet l1f~ s wortl \\ ith I be l pitch Well he cxcla med fol<lmg it up aud 1 oles and bad on ruy \elnt.:l talnng a Ion!"') survey of n1c ( i\fr - - seems It ended in i iy gclt 1 g If t o the Ja le l to ti rnk vo 1 ca 1 teacl "\\ I ere d Jou teach oil cattle ttap anJ. bern 0 Jolie I a d l ock last 1 eel abo 1t one n1orncot r1 s d to hen en lll I ieplle l "iLb pope1 1 UJ nl t) that I I tLl point of prl\ ilege, 1s our gou 1 old co HJ never ta 1ght but haJ received a s1 [ er1or try p rson used to say and the next 1nak educa tion al d r~lt myself co1npetent Well I want the best Money amt 1ng us f'l lddeu a de:.cent 11 tu a '\alle\ ot l.iµm1ha.t1011 io the in1n ne11t pcul of ill) no ol~ect with n1e \v1tl a sn rk of sahs contract1n nose antl the brin1 of my bonnet) ns tbe) faction over the tnoney his 111 comparison with his made o.cqua1ntauce v.. ith tbe opvos1te scat had brought h11n I pa.y I 1gl and I "ant a 0 00J. The longest tl1recm11cs I e\ erl new were ed1cahon ended, ancl the hack <topped befoie a cl l article \\here " s) o l cd1cated 1 I ga\c t1 e nrune oJ Afrnc C--!'I. in Ne\v ap1datcd fence \\hose gnte hung open 1 u.1 York imbecile 1aslnon bl e an 1d1ot s mouth Hump lll,a1tiuryo1 saJtli.: driierhelp E1et been to a pubhc ing tne to abght I g 1ess you w 11 t "top school? 101 g here Thou 0 l n1a T be 'tel ~ou e telo. Never \\ a.s nJy <lec1ded answer tion '2 'I hen you ant l all eclic.ted 'lheie I kt C\ ll e ru .1. n1eant 1 o impertinence a 1 t no ed cat on hke public schools nnd ob I crn.\ cd so111e ]o n l \\ rd so that rbey re the sahat10n of the countrJ Look even if a dog l ad looke 1 up ot n1c with at out J 1es1 lr.:nts and our-01 r- frec and at ;)J T. DARLINGTON, Plated Knwes, Forks, &c ' NEW FRUITS, Raisins, Curants, Figs, :Ca.tea, Lemon, Orange Sl'OONS. a.nd. Citron l'eels, Sl'OO:NS. Just Arrived . Gold Chains ,. MASON'S 1 None too good witl anJ bodv else My g rl will liavc ns 111 cl monev as any bod) ancl shes as good as tl1ey are And no st lCk up ness ' No I a1n no ielation I have ne'\ er about 1t And off he !au 1cbe l rnto a Seeu l\:f1 Dobson T lune corue as a teach regu Jar Fohtical speech with the usual er for bis da 1gbtc1 number of stuck up anstocrntes and You Teach LOISJ Dobson Ob 1folks as good as am body e!J;e m it my my Although disgusted with lus coarseness I-I s face g1cv.; r.cnrlet and l 1s cbeel s and ignorance tl ey seemed to effect me less pullecl out like an mfiated balloon Re thou the memory of the hock l ept wnitmg st1 ucJ\. J m self a sharp b]o\v at tl e \\ n1st t>O long "lnch bro 0 ht 111 1 togetl er su l<lenly like At leugtlt be reached a stoppmg place a Jack knife ancl >v1th n1ost inar\e1lous and asl ed me "hat I coul l teach sleight of I and at the same n1owent tbin::it After ment10n ng tl e usual Engltsh a. ied bandanna into Lrn mouth I ranches I \hoi1ght to throw a sop to Ocre \' tb. :nnk1ng heart I ouened the 0 utc \l d bus-for I saw no alternatn:e between th1a friendly C) es I should 11ave ie pon ld )11th a pat on the head n 1 Good dog Su I answered the spn1t not tl e letter of his \\ 01<ls - equal that a their pnnciple ~o to Bea:a:tUul Candies, '\\alked t pa erasa gtowu cl 1ck veedy walk oruatnentcd on either side wrth h 1ge 81\ov-. ball bnshes and defo1n1ed l1laci'! \v1th 1n CHOICE BISCUITS. SPECTACLES I horriUlc s1tunt1on and penury-and u11 iortunatel5 lneni1ooed French and music No wot Us can describe the d1stort1on of his teiesirng 1ows o! c ·bbagos beyond anil the countenance at tlns announcement It I said house stood before nie I taugl t forgery and embezzlement I do not My lnt ire l on1e Let iue describe 1t tlnnl\. he could bave exu1e:;setl more rage l'"O'ltll LE.AF TE.AS, .. 0. BO UN SALL, I MPOltIER DEALER i l FINE CUTLERY, (ROGERS MAKE ) Harness, ear5 ne J>overt) of course lti MANUFACTl:l'IiER nn all the 'a.net cs of Italian & American Marble \_ 1argt: n I cbo ce select o of Monuments & Grave Stones: aJ.way1:1 ou ha.ncl of bL!pcno ' 01k1na.nsill1 and u.t lo ve!:it I nccs OFFICE A'I' BbwM N'\ n l.te- Ovcr lli Mc:ftlur iy s Store fo1 cncloSJ.a. 0 b 1 ~ymg- lClt 0]1'ICE iN Os1u iliA- l! u st Uoor north of th Post Office Furmture Tops Mantel Pieces &c HE SUESCl"tIBER tn.kcs pleasure in w !v!o1 cy to lo i.:i1 t low i tea oI 11 te108t form10~ t1 e public that J e l us I 'l tcl aac I kept o 1 and er v o 1g1 t to ordet :\. c'IJ:l s E l \R£\\ ELL J L 1~ B l\icGEE 13 A ,. the good WI 1l m the CABIN} I !I.ND UN rea1 cctf lly ie iucsted t the' odrn JAMES Ru rLED :r. BA DEHTAKI!\GBUSINESS bcrcto!oro camed m&o J ing ~l c t Doi 1 mll;o. on m the "\illa.ge o( Ha.011 ton by ~fr l s. Bowman l~ De 17th 1 fi.9 FoVi k~ and ] ::i,v1n 0 l ensed the ' a.roroo1ru for Octo bet ht 1869 l ti te1 :i of ycari; 1 a.a n<; nv OJ?.Oll.Cd out ~1 ex:cellent Wrought o Cast Ii on Fence$ Cabinet Warerooms AND Defore very long theie '\VaS an a\~ful howlrng in the shop Then Sollie u1ockerv \Vent aud I began to get excited 1 Tan in therefore to cc what lt "is Lll about and on h 1 d as usval n1 toe sight of tl at tlll tilatecl J:itln.n 0 cr n1ude Bow 'lJ.l 1llu Se1 318 ... n1e almost veep "hen [ suj that 1 e could J 1st m lnut)e lq F'a:\~ew-sll, KcG~e~ open ht::; C) cs tu d that he 111 ght have kept Bu.tlecl~e, h1s month shut and taken 111 h s Jootl without nn eilort at t \ o other places: I BARRifJIERS A'VTOltNEYS Sollc1torJ C<lnveyancers NotariesPubhc hust ~ ·ha"Ut be thot ght to be exaggerntn g Whips, Saddles, etc con1parati\ e But n1y whole experience an<l cc1ucat1ou had been 1n n 'vorld entirely apart fronl this I & Happily he had no !nen la \Vas in Londun and UNDE B.'1".AXING T .. n.n orpha1 1 bouncl ' p h1s wouncls and charged bun notlnng fo1 U sha-ve a1d he "'cut awav hn1p1n 0 but seemingly not so <lIBsahsfied as ho m1ght ha\ e been !\.fter that young Potuau t11ed his bnnd once or · When I was out he got hold of some of n1y re~t lru: custon1er~, nud SC\ cral stran gers he happened to catch unawa1es --were 11owe<l. out of all hun1an 1Ikenes<:1 I 1 ad son1e pounds to pay for nose~ ancl car~, and tli,rn~· t\\ice an l OE Extensive Assortment BEAUTIFUL TEEIH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S re .. lh Extracted at Twenty f ve Cents R.oo) a over l\'IcCl J1g 13ros Storeis Save Your BONES and gllt £01 50 cents :per 100 lbs., them of that sort be lopped of! pcrrrns cu ans YOUNG 1 & BRITTAIN S 01 tar o Sti ect At lMt I begau to tlnnk he was 1llJUrmg the trnde .om~ and l pLLt it to bun tmlclli Yuu heud l lC!\.t' Bo man\:11le Oct lt!t 1870 it!!f}11iey n 11St be d y and de vn Bo' m arn illc Sep 9th 1817 2 037 n150 lyr 1ate I sa1d ) o 1 ve uttcil) \Jla teJ. all my ca thli rep 1tatwn You ,e brought 1ny grey ha1r8 'V.tth HJfa1uy to the nue You vc c;rusl1~<l iue utterJy, and bust up ior cverrnorc \vlia.t \Vas uucc a $2S. ltEW ARD. l'ro llono l'ublico. · ALL KINDS OF I PuH:hasd for casl and which ho no"' ofic.r bec11 JackaBs get ant atlo"1ei:.'l1ates Iersonsin \a.nt of anytl ng m this line will do \ ell to call and lllok tlu ou gh I led bun with these gentle woids the stock hciore l urchae ug clso'"here l \KEN OU'I \::\D to the tltresho d of my e.tabli,hrnent, and In the u1 dertak1ng dcpru tment He i;, 1 r epaied to furn1:,h everything i:eqµ11ed fo1 funti rilxed b1m Hp to h:J.ve a good ldGk at b1n1 ala Heady made uoff1us of all q 1aht1es n. nd The rngratef 11 w;etch swerved to tho iight ~ es t aJl the va.i 10 ts t11mn 111gs confltd.ntlJ Oil hand AJQo a. full supplJ of neatlJ 111 I.de u p L!\ZARUS ~fORRIS & CO and squirmed to the left and wrtg~led i:.hroud&. ~Iontrcal !ilo 8tl 1871 t 7 tf every ho\\ in a mean aud shu 1thng nuinner He ha.'i also tt grea.t uo~t I l ocu ed a fh st cla at Bowmam1lle Hea.iBe (!Se\~ York i:.tyle) 'vh ch will at .u When I bad unJOmted both legs at the tur e$ be lll readu1e~s io1 the vants of the I l b· Ibti ]Jl;)l::it of t eftrences g en 1u Bowu a1 ville knee and lnp I ga' e up the not10n ol kick lie at a. reasonable cha.1gc an l else vl ere Office o Cl ureh Str ct VETERINARY SURGEON Ile re pectf tlly Rohcits a. shar1c of public va t· Bo\ manv1lln Fob 22 18 ... 2 ing hnn a1 d return1ng to tny shop tb1 ew mG o] 2 ly GllADUATP.: OJ: ONJA tlO \ IUERI::iAit'\' 00 f EGE ro 1age th1ee slnll1ngs worth of s1:~nted ::;oap at his JAMES CRYDERMAN EGS to 11 fo1m tho tilhn.b1 ants of Do v1uan head he P S I have bee.n a.ppo tel Agct t for t 'ille and sutrou1 d1n0 co 1nt "J tl a.t be ha.a Ace Jent C 1npiln) a1 rl s1 all I ha\ e never ::.een I 1 n 11.1nce or ti e Qo ips commenced the r 1act1ce of h s [ i fe.::s on a.n 1 Ct zc1 f:! Life a l . ISSU~D R\'. sh ng to sec uio con be con~ulted as Lo the d senses of Ilor1Ses be r lea.se 1 to 1nsu e those Jl t I b"nr h m no ll vlll llhi r 0 live s metlnng for the fa.m1he~ 01 f1 en ls 1n and Cattlt'I at Glo"e1::; LneIJ Office l<.ing St "" f acc1 lents 01 dco.th to grow a beard o.ncl rn '!J I live to l'Jhnte Roendence-Brod es Hotel TC him Thats all Do Vlllnrn1lle Dec 10 1869 ;B'Wll1"C.) Uo Jan 4th 1872 14 1 mll 3mos Ham1 ton Dec 12 18 2 'I hav1ug t:olne t o onr kno ledge tl a.t ce1 ta..111 Pcd1a1s are selling Spectacles and Eye Glai:is cs purporting to be of ou1 ina.ke an l to bear our. nu.mes sta1npcd tl ei eon ' e he eb) cautrnn the !J blic again.st all 5\ ch impo"'-tc1s M ~IeSSie Y el ov. leci:; & Q ck aro our Agents 111 ¥1 ot Durham and a Reward of $25 is hereby offer ed for the a;pprehens1on and couv ct on of all aui.;h 1m1 osten; as t1y to def1au l tl c It bhc bv offenng theu trash as o u mn,ke respe9tabJe buew ei;s Yon. lop sl<l<d, llut tv headed, lelt banded lm\tei fingered 111 Cured without the Use of the K.mfe, by did uot shrink 1ro1n 'vo1 k but iny heu.1t t 1rned e ck at shaJJb1oes It n1av havebeen \'ieak JO 6lblv \\Ickc l b 1t 1t \\as Tl ose v1 tl \\ ~ ' e1e shntter hard to bear A..1 l of all grade~ of poverty of beau t\ I f rmly Leheve ti at s 10:1:11~ 1iost keen!) le and had u. blank an i rvvo t1ug cx.1 r ecs s1on hke a tn:a.1 "' t.h l s cj chds c- lt oft "h oh hat- kno\n better days Great ln1ust1ce is done pcri:;ous \\ho hke All '\ere tightly closed with tbc exeeption inrself arc \Vllhng to \\01k, but 1g'? orant of one in the uppel !;llory \\ h11.:h held on iti:i Those who from c)nlclhood ha' e been taught sil ll u t1n v; u.sh hasm and b10\.\ n earthen all useful houo:iehold alt::; have no ru.tience pitcl ei a yd lo\\ bacl ed brnsb an I greasy with \VOmcn \vho arc not efficient in the con1l and the toru cover of a g rgeons s 111e 1 nc Thcv say ' She could ~ oilc as patcln ork quilt I stoo i on tne door step hes1tat1ngly ' ell as I it she wis wilhng and did not l 11 ~hued to 1 lav co ard n 1 tutn 0.1 d ti 11 k I crsell abo\ e it but I f1ced such '\\ eakoess slcr11 l; Oh ye Marlhas, "horn the \\Otlcl-es rnu Re1nen1be1 there is roo1n u1 J our I ecially tr c "orld of husbands-set i pun a I sa1 l bfe for !Sent n1ent Thia J<.i a case of bread pedes~ul so !ugh above the Marys h" e pa D11ve out of t1ence \\ th .} our sisters \'i ho ind!.!eJ uc and butter not of 1leasurc 'v1H OJ b lt so Jgnorant Could you l1 Enght s ch troublesome instincts of iefine s 1dd c:: I.) U.U\UI ced to the professor sl11p of ment and be rcsol,cct to end 1rc Antl a college, teach ) our <:itudents HebuHv ~ud Go<l help ) ou poor chill mi own self Greek without prev1J s cduci.t1on on your pit) added Alra1d oi n1y cowardice I se1 c<l the pon part I And ehould l ·u be sneerc I it "' incffiu ent in l uuw1lbng Uec n c Jou CO\ kl lerous ]1.nocke1 ar 1 i tdc it too late to not l Behc\c 1ne tic 1n;:stcr1es ot sew111r. fl) and cool 1n 0 ie wo1se than llebJe v and A su1 pressed giggle and a Hush I 01i:i.y, Greek to t::- the unnnhatcd '\Vhosc education aud hurry rt on made n10 si s1 ect 1nother m that 1espe t ha.~ been so \\Iongfu11y beg and da 1gbter v..ere inspecting the enen y from the "nido\v nbo, e tnv head lectccl f SUV \HUDgfill) neglected I \\luted uut1l patience neaily fuled be mca.n1ng it 101 I do think an) Amencan mother kno\\.1ng the uncerta1ntv o1 riches fore t.be door \\as ope 1ed by the lnost re an l the proveib1al \\retchedncss oI servants nittrkuh1e 1ool 1ng )Ol ng "\iom11n I hall c\cr in this ..:ountrj docs her daughter i,n 2b beheld soh t e '" rong if she doet:> not ten.ch he1 or She wore a light !JI e cotton delame lad ha\ e her taught so thu,t sJie 1u11v ca.s ly and e<l. in streak!:! an 11ppersk1rt snnulatecl l v A laige double house wilh gable end to the 1111 scorn than tbri.t wtth \'\ b1ch he fl 1ng at et1eet Nott piazza ore\ en a tittl e stoop me thcr.:.e astontelung 't\ or® to bieal 1ts angnlanti The huge brown Don t Jou pretiume to talk to 1ue lbout door \\ hich ' LS placed in the exact 1111 l 'onr French and inusic .to n e. I don t Vi ant dle was SUI inounted by a J ln sl1 tped ar it I won t Ii~' e any .euch tom£oole1; 1n rangemcnt of glat:.s bcl nd \\ h1ch >\as a tn"t house Ihe clev11 sown tn\entious for torn und dingy gteen paper \\lucb \Vas ev1 1na.Jr1ng bigger foolll o women than they re * Ihe above inctdent in descr pt o Rn 1 dently the a.aceslial home of 1nn lnHffable born () "\¥ You ·wont ani:Jwer for n1e young ever)' deta l Js an act1 al expel ecc apulers At LI c t'" o s1nalI '\\ 1ndo ve e1the1 \\ om ao I don t want any such nonsense eil,e o[ the door h 11 0 coarse 111 {;! ua~cr os that The D1sc1pline of Difficulty "'hades \\'1th hideous onu gf u l carmine He was boiling O\ er '\VIth rage striding ro::; 5 u u. grotes 1ue vase as :1 ce1 ti~ Io 1 t around the li(IOm like a ma<l n1an Better ·"\'\Io' 1111oll u. va) tl e stone from t he !StlI ulchre starvation ih in thlS 1nsult1ng degr ld1ng God?'.! vc~ us d fficult c<i 1 \u1k tic 1ncGt ex.peuence 1Ic1e 'v1:s a dilhculty a1 cl .l\l11y I arose saying J3t: k10U enot gh to "'rte s1c1Cd and her comr an10J in 1cahng' ith i t cub on that apphcatton that I have applted for the s1tuat on n.nd do not suit \011 an 1 I gcst the way in w 1 ..:lt \ e 1:d10 1IJ. deal w ti our d1flicult1e1:1 \v1ll ta'ke my lea' e sir D1ffi.c111tics are not ruea.ut to ptevent u s He held the application towards h1' going on '\ ith our '\ ork I l c1e \\ UB the daughtc1 and after a few moments I e1ed cono:::t ltation she Legan to v.. rite stone they kne v it \\a. tllCle but they wcut on to the aepulclne D ffic lt1es hkc slo\\ ly I sa·nk bacl 1nto n1y chair 111 d1spau the \\eights on a clock ue not incant to paralyxe but to keep us gong und j rth l un11l ated .Insulted by this vulg1r man and I hod borne 1t all for notlnng Even er tbev shonld be slP.[ r 1ng s.toncs to b bh 1:he ch1ll at ,scl ool 1s askcll lo this wretcherl refuge this 1nt9lerable chance ertl 1.,ngs master tl c thfficnlties of n1ult1phcat on not to lt vc demed me !1.nd all the n oney I puzzle l bi t to enable l nn had \vastecl Tl 11t comn1onplace tbought th t he may -so Df:\\ to rne-arou9.ecl me The 1nan to go on to tl1 v1s1on an ue was funbhng \Vt th a gre tsy \\:allet, and steal ng f irt1ve gla.nces at me Atter con sidetable hes lat1011 whether to ) 1eld to hlS ROBERT YOUNG, '" DR. B. PATTERSON, B MARRIAGE LICENSES, ROBERT ARMOUR three ro\v~ of l ... r0 e white s1IJ). cord, Ia1<l on lack his hand in huge unequal scallopis n1 overgrown I do not ao I am obi ged to ) ou str I prcsu1ne n1uny a ·woman, thIO\VH sud "hite IMsel at the ternunat10n ol each seal cept money It ts enough that I do not denli; on her own resourcee has wept as lop The dresci-so ev1dently donned in suit you and with a haughty bend o! t1 I:! b tte1 ly ii I d d that n ght over he1 O\li n haste- WM hooked awry and gaped while head I crossed O't er to where the yonng ignora. c<' anJ 11 no"t eproac'ie] ber moth 11 place of acollnr \\-J.fS a row ot ,,Jnte betdl3 gnl sot and held o it my hand for the let ct fat uot tea1.:h1 lg hC'I bol -st: hol l ct dt Tne hot t Jrn r l i 1 possibly been sl immed te1 She ha<l \\ntten in a c1ampea school \..n I .) t ot 1 n cle ~ tl C' 1nat o-verl\ -.."~tl1u;:ih lutthel tel va!:l un g1rlst' le i follows t.cr 11 c ~t n t) lh1 k or ct a~ 1f thcJ mrntakable 1 le She l acl 111 :ide the apllcashun and thOt\:>t t all v.o (' '('cu TI v h n. C(d le 11 uvc des en bed the g il s dress hnt be \van t a1 .,er ia one hand and a kitchen sto\ e 11 the cau~e that Ia what \\ e wo1nen first notice Badly aa I felt, I could scarcely keep skill illy do both all of her household sew 1ng and cook1ng rf it be ne..:cssar.) pt 11y hearts nupnlse be prodncc<l n rag ged one cloll1r lnll, anl holding lt towa1cls iue ' tl an n11 of 1 ero1c.irn ea1d tney looked it""' rolled o vuy 1I ii, ex I s pose vou re d1sttppo1nted, yonr::g trenuty ts Gods opp01lu111ty Om 1 filcul \l on1an aud I n1 ;v1l'1ng to pa) µart of the tlt!B \vould be h1lved if '\\e hd i at aut c1 1 expense of your glttin he1e pate tben1 2 :Not fl 1uuch b) remov1n~ Perhapo I waa t o quick n ieehng 1nsult the difficulties 1.8 bJ gtvrnri us g a..:e to bear ed b tt it '" a.s the ftrist time lll n1y life it not so m tch bJ lightening the b ttden cbanl)-as it then looked to n>e-had been rt.a bv strengthenin~ the beare1 Ile1uo'\ c offered me ana ITIJ hot ten1per · Sprung up the than:; praJ5 the Apostle The auswer arn1ed 1\'Iy very veins seen ed bursting lt:. not removal but gruce st ffic1eut Peter \\ilh 1nd1gnat1on Yet caln1lv I waved was not kept fron1 Sat1:J.U s te111ptat1on but Difficulties are n1cant to th row 1s on D 'inc ass1stunce And God help.: 1 us in t"' o "ays By rc1nov1ng the <lift cult.} \\ nen it is beyoud our own po-w eI to do i;o Here the stone \\as cry great but\\ lien the Sauoni prayed for hnn an 1 the dt n ple s faith did not tiuallv fail Only let us work up to the difficulty Uod '"ll then, not before eJtl er help us th10 lgh o make a \\RY lur ou1 t.:~crlp{' B Vrio A fngl Llul l u J, ' a.n e:cte1 i:itve uon \.\ o k iac lu ) .r Pa M011duy Fout bo lers "J lod I s ul ta,1l!ouisly 3ha.tte1ug the build 0 au l c1r r)I g deo.Lh un l dE;,:)tr cl1on all ~uound Of 300 men at work at the t i me 6 we1e killed an l about thirty wo mded