I 'IIIE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER 01rculates: 1argely u ti c 11 o vnshrps of Darill 0 con Clarke and Ca1t :vnght It Jl'-1 a. com1uo1 c latfo1m I en to the f.ree ili1' n: i;os1on of all ques tions 1n Steam Job Printing O:ffi.ce Krna S1n ~E r Bow11wur1E h ch the get er.!W. t> blic ar\' cu1 ce:h ed IERl>IS Seventy five cents per annum m ad vance The Merchant and Obser ver $2 00 RArES Ol Al>V t!iB. IISIN G AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. IOLUME Lnn nn POSTERS PA:\1PHLETS CIRCUL IBS BILL HE \DS CHEQUES NOTES l HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS IICKETS &c &c &c n --·~-~- BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY l EilRUARl 21 1873 £25! _ _ _ NUMBER X:XI EXECUTED IN FIRST CkASS STYLE. FOR SALE WIIOL1 OR CRACKED John McDougall GRAND.TRUNK.RAILWAY r CHANGE OF TIME CORN .. ~ POETRY A Sprmg Mornmg Muta! Life Assurance Society EST rnLISIIED 1810 PEA.TE, 1AILOH li AD~ IN 'IHE The1e 111 calm upon the oce::i.n v th a lov. and gentle mohon Rise and fall its hca"i1ng b1llo vs hke a sleei '\Yi th inc. T tan s b1 east e :.¥1] 1 wind playnig roun<l h n1 whe1 c before the lri. n th~y f( ind h n ~le 1 g ol } 1' .roe ) l 11 OVI an 11 he fatl e s t} , Ou aud niter Jun~ 24th trams "ill leavo Gentlemen s & Boys Gatments the Bo 1 man v1Ue Statton as follows GOl:XG :E \BT 111 S'l TAMESSIREEI MONTRJ ,\L PQ CL"f.A.l)\ CHIEF O:EIICES r t i;;se1i.ger ~In.il M< I ~foil ~fa 1 !vI" ud Mail Pl:l.<:1S~11 0 cr 7 3u P m U OOp m 7 30 a in 3 3o '.!'IE\\ EST Ho nan.~1lle STYLES 186G Dnd! CTORS Srt:t.?;L) E1:KJ. J'l'l P CJ airman DuNC \N MACDON:\LD .t.iaq )f !!.JOR 'I :E C \.111B~I1 t.-..0 B St. l:I1hu e lliE Ro~ODADLE JOH?> .tlAMlLJO:-f Hawks " Jul) 2 ' ':V AL I.ER OH L as the loved auU l he - MLAN UNE STEAMSH PS. Lite112ool L1ni~n ' wnt.l l:la,1Jgow b1 ~ Ont m~rDEl;/1 SECBETAI~Y ,, face 18 J.urns ClRANT rl< F New 1'ailor Shop. 1 \IJJ: "\\ I11I ] Y UO\\ Ll< be 0 s to u £ ru tic p bl c gcne1ally tbat he has corn nence l 1.J s n ss in the SJ O) next to t..l c l v: l c~s OH ce oll_O loo caet of J 1\1 lne s OTI I1ckets Or nf rmat on.J. ap1Jy to W A ~.!>ADS Agent Bowl a vtlle Ju e ::Jtl 1871 tf 30 SPECIAL FE ATURES. 'IliE ENTIUE ;PROFITS n.s h1s belong to and n.rc<liv1d cd amongst tl e Policylolde'l!j JOHN HEAL, ~ll.J.el on:; t1 b l as n~ on tl e pro1u1ty 11 1..~ lo l let l\fills will n ~ prosee tc<l o v1 Lnxs DJ.!JOLINED BY OTHER OoMl'Ai"iIES 01 ou Fie 1 a 1 glono si is ibc ino 1u1 g l l its gav ' luch an ext a Pre t t ni would be -requu ed can a db u.v a. }on ng be a.f!SW'ed at tl e o 'di a1 y 1 (UCS of this Society And the keen Mld ~o vy s\ 111Joart1s sh ot a JH8 under a sper.;uil u.11 ctHQctiie t SP.EClAL ~ON ]OllJiJHTAB E JORN McDOl'GALL ti oG ro1IOES 18!i etl tl n10 ~1 t[l,,1n iie1S-ht ,. , A.sthogoldent eE!; dDay£tv r fr n I nd Ju l el Ha l g hn.d '$e\ie al J cars ex.per cncc in the ha.de he hopes to sah::)fy all ho D <tY favor JJAR1' r::Jrn'J, AT LA 1V hun' 1th a co.11 /JOI. TOl TOR IN C:lf tNORRY RR LOSCOMBE fill 0/j l U VCl untler v. hich o lJ 10 15 or 20 inn 1 Pa y meuts aiei reqturcd ea0h I aymont f:lCC 11111'> ~ P o 1 ~ the l flash g all a g\011 ol 1 IB m ght Pohcy for a. sum 3.'0surcd pro161t16nate to the 1 in the GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bo m11.uv1Ue Sep 1th 1872 m49 tf OFJ 1c1:1 - 0 er l\ieCl 1 0 s Stor~ ,,a.inc a.s J ]if Br1ma co1nb s Dental R oomi:; 1t>aynic it of p CHARLES TOD, Bo man 1Ue Oct 27th 1868 ly B:a.EAD AN:O l3ISC'C':C'l' :EtlIY:M:E AND L:CM:E:. A 1 Ob T Ul l! ICE BOWMANVILLB lh 1 s ]::> nctu \lly Att l e l Io Oct lot 1870 I; nl J nne tl at will al\\ aJ 8 Ht and the t at 'Vhen malung 1nto inortar I vill try a1 d keep a goo 1 s ipply }01 it is alw ays iWiLnted lbat when yo all coine 11 to b Y You 1l not bed savpo ntcd Yo ' " lla.hi;aJ~:li l 1tdiyandfrcsh Lune frou1 the \\est of the very best Not beat u1 tH y quarter Ai d ull abo t tl !l best pf I up.e li ~tle Ithyn e ca.me Jnst-in tJmo futu'e :E rom ti e lal e th e b1ee~e s R>;eep ug er the w.ater:s SJ.l~nt sleep ngJ'.\10DERATE PnBM UM.5 ru J. 1uost 1 lJera.l con S eep ng ti rough the b oad lea ed lilies~ s cepmg th1ou"'h t11e tangled r eeds d t10ns Ihcn a.cross the \\1de pla. n speeding in the Pl'ospectuscs r1opoBUJ. .E 01 I:) &.c S\ It lied distance dim reced 1 g on ~~lplication t t} o Bea 1 u±ficc 01 MlY of PCI fu1 e la lcn f Oln the blossmns 1re 0 1 ted tp.e Agenc es tt1 Ll e npen d seed'i. J '°'rvrns GBANI ltea Rec1 etary blu t:itS f101i C'J umber of premiums pail andf ec -iums ---.L- - - - - -~ ~~ M \.DJJ:LlNl!J - I can at cxj:n;ess ) regret h appmeos on l vi en at n ght I sat rn the ilfom lJ is rdc tlcss B ttcr g ft to the Jr~r :f ea l Cl n con c I \: onld \\a, t ba l La seclus tJn oi 1ni; O\\ll Io.,-.e.1¥ room I fel t a s s w( e eJ lj l A.u l 1 o \ it 11o;u ed 1nto my at not sec1ng you tie< and-)O I n I 1u e'-'s tha.t cry a! a gu sl vluch as the re mom ent rightly. my o 1 u m "Inch to do so a little child might when he 1s g ¥en some obi g d to go o.l roa l on ti s go u n e1 t for \ r1t111g is ::10 fresh ne" delight and can only grasp b lS 1ess you qUf\em f 111 I appm e' Onl} se eu I \\a 1ted to tell )O ll go th i c 1 to tl1at \ cats f.l r ce t i at p ctt red l ap1 ne s on tl e culd that \vhenei; er the t1 ne eon es :\l ether t gbte1 th e g tln{: 1 and aud say Oh olcl wo1lt! to co 1ue1 ee an cw l 1fe rock~ ot ly se\ n ) earo since he "-aid I to Jay or J eal'('j hence that J on need the father fatl e1 °o I kneehng could not He hal bis o \ll a.} abtn t 1L all a~ lie car. nev l Jo1get and 110 v tl s bauen help of a man-friend brothe1 'ba.te\er piay but could only cry out O God ' deserve<l. evl n to th spect.1 :r q c..:t c id nv "astc ol hfe- th s utte1 clcsolnti.on-llope s you v1ll let u o l e- I earnestly trur;t )OU l ow good how kind and to the ad dtn K a eheck for nfiy lollars cho ic est dre 1n1 i l r e l I ea1 and already \\ill call upon mo I beg it as a f ~vo1 no a Tl e t \O da'\:S intet\en1ng bet veen n1y to each al ti e t \ o prel:IBDts I 1 n de u ti it gro,-.,;u go \ cr t l cu\'.~r lg 1p t i c\ icck proof ti\ at Jo l pa1do 1 rnJ inJ t st cc and at arrival and the sailing of the Europa 1 app) dai-one to dea 0 00 l Ma 00 e M 11 the "111 t l istle· and eeds of sorl d ca e· leHS t ha\ e xeta1ned respect for me tho gh .re 'e1e s1 cnt n10.stlx 1cs1de Clrua s couch t n-Hen>cn ble>s her nd tic other to aml w 1 ld ' needs Ob so ls that ha>e gard 1 e lo·t that yot "ill take me hack SI e told t le all ab i t I er I app:y married the bab \\ho ' 1 amed ]\fan Mag laleu lo·ed a lfo1lcl Su,eu,eai" l'etto again c.ts \Ont fncnd I bear JOt l ave b en lite a d I lCJOl el to thrnk one voman s aftei m· So l J Battle fo1 Bi eatl ,, I ou \Vi th yoi; r 11 gh lot was con plete A{ d th 1 sl e spo1 c of ended a victor, \ 1 a U J etc~ procla med J:tcob 1t seen1ed b 1t a::i n dav lrorn tl e oif go\ rr ess ng spit:< ~' f)o l 't't wontcto iealizu Dante· In Hair\ too ot th e ' Un st ake lns n atnage Under tl e lov ug car~ f n y l ra\ e con1 10<""1 " born Racbe~-., \\ h ab then, are tberc now 110 faith! 11 ferno ? J prny it ma, be a fo1lm o Then " th Kate Bald 1rn was Yet no v k nd u1ar der my hfo se ttled 11 to a S(}"fcn ty JacoLs whose lov 11 g mu<lc a c1 y of ye u..io 1 you ma5 lend a n1ore "1 lh u ~ ear to Claras und de\otet.l le \\as e\eu resigning bis wl ich " a!:> never n forget( lness of ffi.) dea r Or ts it that tlunc are no Rachels \Yorthy entre i.tv She is 111 wretched health mo e p1ofesston 101 her SEtke unL1 l the war broke lead b 1t a feJeta<>te of etein al t e.p ose so than she is alloMd to lrno" I he doe out and made it d early his dt ty to devote And vhen n a l tct ) ears oln e b1ancl es such \V U tu g 1 }fy b1tter tno l~ht s \Vere b1oken 111 t l 01i tor b l:l told 1ne that to go abroad at once 1s b1n1self to lu s cou 1tr) 111stend of bay~ cro\ ne l h m ' I a l ud b'i the l rains ~rst mo\ e1nent to lea\ c the I er only chance of ln ing -You l no v ho Yet she d1·a1 pom te J h m m overy b10nght my battle to to ei cl 1 d 1 1 ot l:it it ou I thrnst JI y bend fron t tl e w1n dear life is to he1 how she chngs to Carl way sl e said She \\as pretty and forget t inculcate that pract1cal e\ e v dav g1 ora1 ce of 1 ch l aJ do N fo1 ue fat c ell look at the s1ot lo\ cd and her t o little gnlo and ho~ h :trd it ii' r ct teu1peied l lt t rne faded her t:oiu knowle ge the 1 r td cl 11 the so \\ell ol J 01 c U ii at moment fro n the \\ill be 1or l er to lea' e them 1o.t l \Vh ole plex1on an<l fair locks and real troubles ir iuade n:tc so helplesc anJ Cntl 1s too1mn1ersed 1n b s1ness1ta l tate l and ltd not inake strong her terr long-ago da ys .,.] en I ~toocl alone fuc 0 la lies vait1n 0 roorn at the depot e1nergecl yenr a tall co u11and n:) fi gur e 1 ot 1n nnhtarv ploy mother a, \\ell as father ind Mm per She lacked depth rn her aUect10no that pO\\ erful J ct ge1 era ts foe l O\: crtv drtiss ) ct 1 erthcleos n htaIJ I sa l11s Hazlett 1s too infirn and JUJU hc1ous as inost e'en for her O\\ n clnld and anytlnng be ron gia.J huu the larl m oustacl e l eb1nd grandmas are to fill th e \acant placP Only Jcnd mcd10cre rntellect and the day wl en High heeled Boots Chmese Feet and vo1 \vho n sl e loves 1 er eqt able lUS!plCht) palled ueon bun 1']11cl l ikcd so ten er a Bnnlc the slender you can, !i[ndchne Crooked Sh ns Do not refuse to Tl eu to be sure be thought regret[ illy of hand-bu:n gq.. te- \l- tt l a prescient trel,llo;: and trus ts f:.O e11hrel v, )et not until he 1cmpre<l l 1s lat in salut Ing a fnca<l aud I sa'v tho~ e <lurk bca ti ful eJ es so full of light d1 ! I know w thou! clot bt l at it was rndecd he llo1gut 111 abo t pride It 'ecmcd t ~ it I 1 ad a 11ght to speak as the clyu g may say' 01ds 1nde "ould not let those \\bo live oven th uil J even called Ifa1ry Harry Ste1 lmg But he d1cl uot sec did not hea.1 the cruel cars"" ere ftyJn 0 \\ th me ag nu p 1ttJ.ng miles bet\'i een us \vho a rr o ment before were so unconsciously near Aul DO v it \\as too late Ala.a the secret of nw1y a. fate L es i these word~- too late too late I vas glnd the o rn 1 al set glad torm king as fro v111ng as \Ve passeU nnd the beacor I lls \ o e no golden crown ol s 1n set Ihc rn.ei iolleu. dnk h!:.:a\\.'L> gloomy vaves J ll bf i. mo ioto1 e of tragody couso nant " th u y mood :U or once N ature \\as sy mpnthd c-she who generally mock us \V1th sunlight a1 .f bird sough lll our hours of gnef [l,nd pou1a thu nders on our m1rt.hand gave a i t nei ther moon no1 stars I WM glad t h tit ms dark as mv O\\ n l le \Vas AGEKT FOlt BOWM \!\ \ II l E C BAlU<ER Obser\'cr OJli.ce King St 2011 ll l 11\lll r , · "4th 1s70 3D AUCTIONEERS the '1 ownshvp ot Dci1 lington So come Mong o.ntl try tbu~ Lune nut don t forget the mane~ And tha.t s someth1ng bonnie.. Imperial .Fire Insurance Co Ol LONDON n llion av ng lea'\ ca Do n the rocks the goat is SI i 1110 1ng all the voods break forth Ill sing ng In the furro\va lii;i~ the 1 ron11se of a. tho isand golden !:!heaves Hutll'B of dolive!"J fron1 Nine a m to Four p m Uorner of (~1 cen and Onta lO Street IHOS no" DEll 1 II 'l PHILLIPS, H U>IPJ O:"I i 10 o24Lf (!Jistaulisl l 180 l fuAD OEl!IcEr..i .AJ l the honey bees are hum.ming ~ r the fa ir hau cl apnng 18 comu g W th tl e iiound of 1 laslnug · w::i..to 'S a 1 the 1 ght of eu n y skies\\ th the lew of fitf l l sho rs o l h ei cro n of starry :flo :ver~ and \n 1 the vrarmth of s 1n 1ne1 de ep n.nd 'iolct eyes 0 10 'into 11 her t t l\i..tt nt O \gt en to s..'tleH &c iblo tci ms 01 le 8011 Pall Mall Lo1 do GEN.LIB \.L S .1.Cla ne t i::. -1 011 Brond St lOR U\NA. 01\.. save my s1ster s hfe Jrom an'\ false p ride Come an l take her place s 1 ead of this care gt\ iug hou~ehol] and ) ou will 1norc that earn tl e bo1ne aud. small sala1 v ) on ~ill recel\e so an obhgnhon" 11 be confer ied by J 01 to us o.11 On!) Clara s tit health has kept her frotn coi'l.ung to j on in \.our re cent grief Yon kno\ \ ou h a '\i e lier niost heartfelt syn path) It" eedless to speak of n yo vn perhaps JOU "onll n0t believe it If you cannot be happy at least co rn e and be con1fort::tble surron l<led bJ the 1e finements which are J onr 11ght by lnrth For Cla1a s akc come Wc shall sail on Satt rday if vou arr ve-as I cnt1 e11t you to do-at Rocknd~c on Wednesday As ever H.n 1n :Ql~ru" few 1 es- all sJ C had Bltel gth to\, rite-were full ol syrn1 athy for rue ft 11 of en treaer to co1ne and not \v1tl t:it uid ng its to ne oI tr te sent1me1 t w·a13 pruc t cul e11ough to state plamly my duties JUSt Bl t;l catt!S as she a mother and an Amen can housekeepe1 iVlth n10 t uncertain se r \ant· I ad 1'11) to encoun\;¢1 but bJ no means menial and tnJ n oderate salarv ~he terwed it ol $300 per annun ] here w \S b lL Cite obj ection in n1\ 1 I <l and that IIurrv Sterhng And yet he w ts gorng to E trope' ith Otaro And ""'way had be not a \\Ife 1 Wh ich argutnent de c1clcd n1e I'Went to UockuU 0e on ~Ved ne day He met me at t he cars II s fr ee cloru fron1 e1uba1rassruent his ov dent ac ccptance of the past place<i u~ on a 1 easier footing than if +he1e l ld 1 eez any i en n is cence of 01 r old <la)" ubo t l m Once in o 1r drn:e to Clara s charm1l.lg c.: untry seat it did ~ee1n aln10st hke the past He gu1 hng: the t vo sp1r1ted horocs rapidlj .;et su1oothh th 0ur)1 tl e 1 ost cb~rn11ug scenes and I 1echnu 0 a1:1n.111st the cus1 ions clunking 111 all the lo\ ehness with the 1 ungry nv1d1tj o( one starvecl. foi beau ty U nconsc1011.'3ly I turned fro1n nature to gaze rnte1 LI v bn h!S face That he was n.wa.10 of my gaze I had no idea u t.1 1 snd dcnly he t urned to conlloat u1 y tiyes with lus O\\n full of laughter I\ ell Madelme whatdec1010n 1 Ha>c I alone gro\VH older runn ng l 1s thro 1gQ bis iron gray hau :IS o I ans\vered 111 the sa1ne ot rface niood I can boast of silve1 l a1rs too a11d Il eld 1 p a 101 ~ c irl th1 eaded "1th 'W:!l:ft. Bm.rto:n, 1'.NNl'.SKILLEN Bales l ro i ptly Ltte.nded to 01 ienso iable teu i\GENC1 - 24 St 1'-fontreal LITERATURE A BATTLE FOR BREAD BY 1 HE AUTHOR OF JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gla,z1er Paper Hanger &c &c NEW STORE, WELL FILLED \\HH THE J-I Do v1 cast lnd v.e IV I eutere1 the cramp nea1el the II g1 lanUs C\e1vtlnn g ed 100111 I c tll 1 tuj home in that n st AARON BUCKLER jOU t sun hozILelei:;is of s,rots- a board ng l ousc ::t\ o Jias the beat and no t des tablu lot of R R LOSCOMBB Barnster Agen w· s dro .,1 ed. 1n th e bght ot rt gol l I co 1 l o lj eel o her own ·words Too set M idos 1 al cnlran ed e\ ery viii 1 whrnh fire no ltght no velcotn1n 0 voi ce A. pain for Bowmanville and Vicm1ty late too late EvC'ryth1ng cones too late h 1 orderl 1 es:-; abo ut ti e roon1 1i3 if it I ever clotted tb e h 11 , l e artd rn lettclS of ur1m Bowi ' Ile T ne 14th 181.0 36 Too late indeed \\Th\ thl.:ln cOme at nll of cl fferent gi:a.Jes.J.- a.: l E; UI astiOO a11- t1.ief' son an 1 0 old-l I e tl e tex t' of u1 anCl cnt had Leen scd 1 d ue\ er sho ld be agau mo 43 39 4" ho ses n tow 1 a.1,1 l Cot 1 try unless perchance this hfe s t late 1s n11 ssal - \l us \\ r1tten every whc1c lien\ ens Tho ch ll drcarmess appalled me md I sat J S the soou enough the rca lJ an<l despa.1r1 ng in Ill) cbau wandering oi on.dir Dana's Patent Sheep Marks earliest 'erd1ct- It 1s goo l wa1t1og of the h fe to co1ne I As \\ e stopped at G1.1.111son s I fa nd m) ing fur the hundred th tune wl at Gen ~ N I!vIMEl\SE NUMBER ].f LO.) a hrr e my uns1t1sfied heart cued self u consc1oui:. ly I u r nung Jer 1 s:tlcn1 Sttrhng \ as do1 g n tl 1s plllt of th e coun JHSJ MAHKS IBE Tllll CHI AilCSI o t WI I l m the 1 onLhs after the) the inoet last1ug tlie le ist troubl l:'o ne and ti e Golde1 tl c I rst attem pt at a song t ri Scve JealS l elo1 e " l en I had ELE CTRO PLATED mof:!t c.:o l l t.c e uve1 ted I l.J.ey a o scd \V re no1 e 'Y ~t U ey "ere l' 10 tnean~ u i s ce all tie 1 ght of youth an l 1 a i c tiunk ponnscl to btco ne l 1 s vile he held a pro l cornmen led by many of tl e best Bieedera u nd Coffei Sci< Jh uit 11ncl and 1 happy L 01 ths but full of s eel sameness th lTn te:i ;:itates an l Canada such a,<; G D n to ti t !le\\ nui le gt i \ f ~ssor"'b p (Lt \':\est lo nt 'I l en o t in s [ o ng Salem ~fn..<;s President 1 c Et gL:md f I eace a id iu1e.t and work \ hlch " lS Opposi te sl one the m1h a1y ucaler 1 tbe 1de istan 11n 0 !!l r q ar1!:!l GIJ ' hntc"cr it Hem1 phc1 wl Di sh " the heel must of i t: cea 1 v l d lee '\Vool G1 u "er~ Somety J ohJ. S Ross Henne not htbor l nt lo\ e an l s cl eated of its 11n lli I 1ofc9. < :101 J\f 1\1 les of tl e St..' L te :\.g ru:; ace ired we p:i.rt l 1n auger or nt barracks th e 1 ess hall the lme of p ofes not tub f!u 11 ri..si:; I 1 tie] iov c 1s at best a er el tyia i I t tie bule l !S u c tlturaJ. College Lansing 11-I ch lion Geo c tr<:1e ~fter so sto1 l \ u. sea.son the ekles t ory of her ca.vr cio s r le loes not exl h t Bro vn loro1 to 0 t. Jul n Snell :Edmonton., sors eotta.ges the t lu i w1th. rts it6n seats least in pi1de wh1ch sHnulated ind1fference lad gro vn ecrc1 Q An occas1 Jl: al i1p1 le On each ?tiark is pta.mpcd the O\ net a \\ he1et pan I 1 ad rested d t ring s0 i lany a.ud s1 elder lj l c n11un Ll Kutc Bald win 0 t a grosser v1olat1on of n3.tu1al la s o. n l a na1ne and the She p s number I hey 'ill be p \radcs Roes hotel everything that per the 'e1y 1 ght hmrcd pleasant" ord ed of the scren1t' ca.inc to UH: Lit me alone more unparJonable a sanlt on the be:) ty se1 tfree l y Tflfl., 1 o exitesa for onlyfourf:lwts "hen m the mani letters tcllmg of Clara s and health of woman tba1 the IU\entton of ac;l and will last for '.n\ :t N r x ): l::AllS sm1ln g bea t L} ol vhom I was so fierce y tamed to 'Ve' t l 01 1t CW Ori.ah must accompany all orderrs Plated Kmves, Forks, impro ved heulth uo \Vold e1the1 fio l or of hig/ heeled booto -P,.cijic Med Joi r 1\Iy 11u a~1nat on flitted tbro1 gh Roe a Jealous perhaps t nrca. onabl; lealons ex the Dom i 101 UWIHBALD YOUNG JJC ] rt ua.l. tri any bet b1 othe1 \as adlle l Dui1v 0 Ilol\ AV] J st ieco vela Choice lot of broad hall ac1o&a th e veranda-ctopp1Dg ccpt thatJealous; "th me \\as not soruuch Sarna Ont. Tl e Sullivan Co ntv Re11 blic \ Ielo tcs \'\ eek sLe met son e cousins at Rone and 01dcl'a ad<l1essed to the 1vl!:RCHNl and Os for a ghnipse s n1 by gone 1ay.:i of tnc in of cl str st ol tny lover a:-; of my self of mv th s 1 tll e st r) cou;equent npun the birst ~E ~ R Office fox i>l J l a 1 tty \v 11 b filled at cl o~ n~ b1lls 111 their SL blin i ty rote tl at sl c I ad resolved to p t herself au<l N ew ou 1 po' e1 of attract ng lun1 keeping him J g of a. latl} s L l tle no extrao1<l 11 lJ u tbu abo e ment1one l pnoc as q tuckly as tl e under their ch.:l1 0 since Harrv had decided to be noticed cucurr1stauce in 1t~elf 1 ur0 >la little d1sta1 e proud ol 1ts l ovely The l c re::i1gnc l hls com1n1ss1on a1 d I 1\iarks can b e. mn,d uud ~ent t pan taking a tnp 111 a different d1rect1ou brty a:nd th en spr..t.ng c.J.o\ n the tcps fol } eard 1 o more of h1n1 u1 t 1 the wa.1 b1ol e About t o weekti H 1 ce a8 t yo t ~ Ja ly ~sms, Curants, Figs, C B<\.IKBR by h rn self A !adv m the case I must tell of tb1s \ illage \\ ts be ul<> l elpe l to i al ~l lowed Fhrtat10n "all ti o igl rr 0 led out 11 spite of 111s w1fe sen reah cs-wl u ly n l& 1871 S)a,~es, )OU and I hope so n1e <lay to \\elcomc as a the horses sta1ted su :ltl.cnly and tl rew l er 1 ,,ht ancl shad e to where the 1 ghthouse po ss~ssctl ne1tl e1 la U L1un ll(ll patr1ohsmwith such tiolence on the se t as to br~o.k s ster one I ha' e loz 0 lu ed ftS a fr1end sta1 ds hkc user tn el on a po1ntJutt1ng into he it trned to 1 s po~it1on at d soon I saw Ihe g1eatest ru <l best a.Si:;Ortm nt eve1 seen ii Fa1.~ewell, a~S;i her bustle top eccs At the t 11 e c::bQ fdt a I0 n None to excel it Tl e first unm stakable er1dence of nusery sl arp pan1 n1 her hp 1;1nd th gl t n tl ng the rner then on and up\\nrl to oon1e his na1ne 111 C'i cry po.per as one of the no ~-· ~ IN GR&A:J VARIEIY at Roel Undge ca.nie then In 'a.in self and of the occurrence un t il the follo nt'> t.l aj 5hcl \1ng rocks \\h e1e three pine trees g10\v blest ar tl bt>vest of ot r bra, e n.rm) The bl'a) ,.[. & -\\hen upon n.n cxarn na.t on of the collaps~d _.,\lt!o 13~1 ls a dBoxes of a1 cl fornt oi th cn1sel,es an arbor and a sent \VO.rover he \l s ordered to 01egon and I Both older and bolh \'1 ·e1 I hope he I fought for the \lctory for a '\\eek dur1n~ bustle ltr "as d1('jco\ c1ed that one e11d of a BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS \V bJch I \Vas supposed to be confined to 1 lieu 1 li:~ ll' or j pa sed to pa1 lt n p1ct1 re of kne\v I otl ug n1or¢ repl ed ce1tarn!J both snclder nth a steel nb v;as broken and 1t "~H:1 surn iQ ed Be.-.:n1tifut ~Cand.ies, BROOCHES BARRINGS &0' .SoJicitorv Conveyancers N otanes Public At length I con 'ii bat tbcn was he do 1g r ete l And deep srgb And then ao "e drn, e tlnough my roon1 with n cold that the sha·p pa n sl e felt at ti e tm e of tl e past :r\ one to surJ ass them Selecte<l. by n.) "elf n.t '"' th an a.sso1tment of the man factones in l£nghtJ. 1 A J oung gul U Ul rnl 11 g cl eeks :i.n l Jf hc1e coulcl he not h n. e spa.red one hour the gatewa} he 1nale lns horses walk and qucrnd nllic1entlJ to brmg thoughts and the acu1dent had been caused by thu ·tecl 01 J1' o.i:: AT l:)o v!I ~l'i' I LLI: Ovc1 Mr hie!\{ Di ry s Store ll1 C J s- gaz ng iuter tly yet se., og not[ to her 1 her a l e1sitJ 'ho l 1 e I n.d lo,ed sa <l g avcly I ruay not hav.e a chance to feelmgs un ler cont10l not k1llmg The10 penetrating he1 h1 p ~ nd l IE' 1k1 g ofl Quin lun was ealltd :rd u<l n ster i g ~ Q CE IN 0~H A- J: ll t Joor I rtJ1 of th ing u.t the ;: .} do vs on the opposite sboreu hc1 1 rosper1t\ l \V us he atra d to i.:on e J oav what I "ant to at anv other lime I I!;) no occasion to li ilt a lo\ e in itself I ute chlo101orrn eut cro ~\\Ide u1 d 1 J gth iee Da1li igto lillts, aga t iecenc l a.nother !pt of Post Office tl o~ celitl ratell. I'he Cho oest of gr~es Gold ii.nd Sil er fr11..1 ei; Aha cl of what 1 I asked nn self sharp tuank you for con11ug Thank ) ou for an l good but 1naste1 iug lt so that I not b1tY..as unabl e tof 1 tie rnlsR g pece "\101 ey to loa.u at I v ates of Jntcre!it r,mt 1ster1ng to a nobl e look1nG'!. 1nau in in 1 La:tarus J.-Io11'ls & Cfo s on ba.1 I to fit ~n s ,) ts it sl o ld r le m' hie About a \\'eel s ~b1:iequ01 t ly fl >:i1eter oi tl E ] tr.E\\ELI I L ll R MoGt n -<1- t:uy U1ess who sat 1 es1tlc her lly twrnhuei Iv Of co 1 e the lo-\ c ho once bore we Cla1t1 s ,ake and for mi own lvludd1e Ihese l "\\."lll sell :-tt 1 OOn.ced p wes J :\.llE~ l {U'tL D ~ J3 !\.. ..., n I reeutned Ill j old place b~s1d~ the t tu at you g lady sa :so ctb1ng 11 tr d ng tro1 " cool cal u and HIJ ilcad 1 ng ago And 1nto b1t:-; the fe1us gatbe1cd a. fe\V mom ots ho\v toe old name tbnlled me '-n e 0 Q ality is tho Test of Cheapness l)o v nsn h, Dec. I th l8ti9 m&o the wound 11 lo Ly the cloctrr and se ng tea t11ne as u cely drcsstl and out'\\nrdly !\. LA11GE SUPPLY a} - -- - ~-- - before ' bile be poured out the wb-Ole storJ a.'3101 JU 1 e he need not ha\e been so \ery me yont haud and tell tne you forgn e cheer ul as ever ouly I begged to be left hold of it pulled o 1t a large tlnck needle -&v1na iville ])eo. 22nd 18""0 n12 tf I cr1e:l tossi ng me of Jus love fo1 1 er His d 1rk eyes \\ ero carefttl of Ill) feeling~ over an m ch au! a halt rn length it be 1 g bent rnte ntly on h r face and held u half aside u1y bo1 net l ld uac11 0 up and do\\ll Tim last was so unpulsive t hat1t startled at hom e "hen Mr Bertrand and the clnl so Llack and r lSly as to bo I ard ly recogu z (HOGER::; l\IAh.E ) :No fear for me All my blood" us m n tum tit but I dreu went o it to drive They sa id with an able The necule ho L Lhe fact of lLS com l 1dden lt 0 ht more eloq rnnt than wor Is 111) na1row roon1 exc tccfly air ot mystery that they were gomg to the ing out point ftr!;) t n1 ust I ave been fo1ced l s 1 able I ps p ntcd a.:. he a aited one \V DT 1 n1e I a.:.n cured ctued cftectna.11) c 11ed ga\e him my hand and emd cal n ly M<\.NUFAUll:Il R ~ ir at the blunt end The 91 li av tho 1 AI I ~UORIER DEAI ER 11 11 the ~uict es of I bt ued Certa r 1; 1 fo1gave yo 1 101 g ago and Jr.pot to n ee t v1s1tor<:1 and I \Vas glnd to tnends can acco nt Jor the needles be 1 gin ln 3IlS\Ve1 f() ] 19 e:llUCJ";>t arpeal- f l } 13. \\RS An las proof of n1y eutire c1ue nJ i lCC 10 n1y l antls and .eoobcd ro ::;erabl) took for gr n tcd 'ou too 1ot 0 !:J. ~ ne \i\ e make that an ex.ct se for not accompan) Jng l e1 bodj l o ti at ti e i1ess T akc1 who m::i. le 1 l 1;ain1..:Rt-oi1 l ow oo.1nest the 1 Italian & A.mencan Marble the dress 1111 st ba\P. lt:: ft i t 11 so i1e I 0 1t1on them 0 Harry Har y ho1> c9uld "l i:e cluldre 1 Do not let lS talk of in Then Oh orl 'o 1 t .J u sh tof the garmont m cl ns th e yo g lcdy was I st od alo1 e at l1 e hbrarv w1ndow : o cast n 11. d 101 l er ~ I saw I Jal pamed h m b t I""' re off fro n ' y nehrne" cl ti e o' ot l f throwr in tl e seat n must ha\ c been l)te £ tlo L'dUb~l · llll Al"" itluo tof \..] g t.: l t:hoc:l.lsele to £ sol\eU not to fo1get th \t be \Y l~ n arr ed watcl u g tl c l ado vs clnn b tl e n 011 1 ta1n ed aga1n!;)t the \\uod \\t:irk and cln\;ell to There wae tl e I a1 pest thovne 01 r.vorl ol pa1 l er a1lo1 e8tr1st ones Laclws m l ( e1 l' English (ii Z frnth Jn n au s t1 :ttll- 11 h s conRta C) nd s1.:l.e of th e 01 pos1te shore \hen a ft.nu her hip and ti e1efore a!i lost to me o.s 1f lead y cs Ha l g loved me to decline" Monuments & Grave Stones: Sc ? atoga '1 iinl.;:, ' I turned n'ar11age footstep beside rue sto.rtled n1e ell lD the t ie vh1ch to day \\ e s1 eak of as 0 a lov. er range of felmi; au l a nau'Ower r1101e so s1oce d.:r11 h pe1iu1t ~ \\hat 1 The follo vn1g sc..:e 1c it is sa d tool T aielling Bag' n-1 t} !i o 1 1 a. 1 f t1 I u o oil n a sl I an l l cat t tha mme mak.cP. a s n I nevet h'ld any partiality quickly tJ CD place Ill e. Pai1s an rnag sit -An elegant ... t. lo est I rwtil'I Shawl St? c'ps 0 IIarr\ 1 fiar1y Where did \OU coine ly dressed lady nsked to !:lee so1ue niate1 al.:1 lt is " ell there are con 1non place \\ ol:nen for dangerous scntunent lnd had not d1 Was it e ttl eel I w"' il i:eal-tlm love Vc,lises for paletots Tl e sbopman moun ted the in the worl<l. to hung ns do,,n :Uom su ch l 1ted my comn on sense \\1t h thr. 1no<le1n horn 1 \V I; ha'ie \OU come?" po red o 1t so 1u pass101 cdly ou th it bj et<:.. etc steps and took do vn se eral p1ecrs of strip For you my dorl ng if )OU will take A fo v gone dL!) 1 Ilo\v tl1en hen g tr te could 1t unnatt rat u (l deadly he1 t:>btr:1 of tuih a1 d mor\ t I taste for lorlllllden fr it to be £u u l ro v cd ' eh et The 1a1n n ould sr01l 1t said } f i c1clot:.1a ,, bt y g 1 t me back a0 :1. 1 "as the onlv ans\\er lut ~he lady - - -umo1nents of s1lenc<' und ti en he ies rned so have fa 1 ~'1 be, 1 t au tl1 e t1 e die aud pau1 S hu" n1e some s van ::;} 1n Ali early call will ensure a good choice and be 151f 1t lad 1 ot bee 2 t l c er I ld1ng arms the beamu g eyes the Scve1al p1eees being la1d lpon tl e countl!l~J1 Je etts un trance with tL I hope you '"ll be happv he1e as Funuture Tops llfantel Pieces &c HE SUB8CRI .BER ta.1 >i i leaf'! ure tn u1 u na formu g tl e l ublic tl a.t 1 c 1 as purcl aae 1 ~ I err l ex1 g tho gbt to u voman Qoul M ss J ty wl y don t JO tl ght @ lll gaa 1 happy ts \OU can D.ll)Wbe1c \Vitho t 1 rn fot ] f t e t k tes told 1ne fnore tl un "or 1o ' Too thick sa1 the lady ulter tll exa1 A cu nt let stock of kf·t t on h n I I.i t ught to 01 le I\. c~ll is the goo I ll n the ( ABll\El ~:>ID 1Th I had &:aice gro~n used to tl lS entire tlon of ten HI nt tes sho' 1ne ts01ne lu.d \ :; a l I d ln t n1a] ~ 'o ir i1re e.." ae I \\ hou:i '011 loved I kno \ l O\ to fee] fo1 ei>pectf 11 y le 1 (!Ste 1 at tl e 01ke 1pable of lo\l but o~ce ca1ableof loving 0 ))] R'.lAI,INC m: SINEbH l eretofo e earned cloth Sc\crtl great iolls \\ ere la l beloio w th a f illness an Inter it) \\ h ch nbsor bs <ltlutkto' \\hen ·ord gct , 4omc and you 1(110\\ \hat 1t IS to ha.v.. :; U e 0 ra.ve l a1 p J ess-he \Vas he1e he \\as mine Ki g %et Ju title on n the village of H Rn I tot by \Ic JJ S he1 Th.::j \\ere too th n Tl en cane \' e · Whips, } o ke a.1 d ha 1ng lc a~ed tl o ioome for a. J httle iace peep!:! 1 in at the vet s1lk satin moue until the co 111ter ells 0 tub r 1st 180~ Ltf Cote 1 gl t J.ow.Q. soo1 as JOlll C ieal'i sh tout tl c on1'i comfort ng loving i.:01r.e wl en a sat C evexv other u terest who In av.~ consta:ocy te1 i of y(la, s 1 w iow 01 e e l o t a t exc Hunt door one child the 1 tl e other bru 1m11 g appeared und e1 the piles of stt fl hehn <l for I I ,ime lour tea " ' ll be cold as a one 1 ad to cbc12r ones loneh 1e<:is It 1!;) a with bc1 ii:; as incapable of fnl 11 as h e1 at l 0 Saddles, etc over v1th dehght then 0 rand1na t:rembl1ng wlnch otood ti e nearl) nv-101blo shopn1a11 stone wa t ing so long l 1ou l t 1ne du\ n ) e!Wsuwe I b med lll) 1 ttlo Claubel aud o" u 1 n1l~ortul tv is ur e an l th erefore 0 Extensive Assortment still patient and polite At last I l a\ O n }"" dM su.J. w1tl e notion and last '\\Opder of wor I Hlcchn.nicall} p1 ta v11y l lj ) et- I ca1 uot forget her nl cannot cannot conip1ehend how· one maJ to c\ er) d iy dee leQ said th e c !;)tou1c1 l i avor of 01' Uo v 1~'l.nv1lle Sep 3l872 c ero" lea111n on her husbands arm an d tnlc she flanne l Ten or t\\ eh e p eces \\' e1c pl teed Yom little dnugliter I I sa1 I my hca1t 0 everlo e rn I y et fo1gct A1 d iethuloved \Vrti r s aid arra.Jgcd mj hair BE A UTIFUL TEEIH ' That "1ll do she ;: :aid - sl e e\nJ ot 1 t be)1t: el~ l l lovc o 1 c.e - fussed al o Land chattered ha1dly beeclrn 0 full of ten !er griet fo1 th e soiro v of I r, I restoie l t l !Jloomu g he t1th Clara our O\\ n upon the heap al ter n long an l ru1nnte sc1nt1ny 1-Io" J M BRIMACOMBB L D S Clara hei vord· nt1l sl e said A_ 1 I tolt.11 im once loved I did not kno\\ ancl l1 s foTgotten much will it t·ke to make a <logs palctot T l at I 1 al 01 e darl g lo ve ly ch 11 D 1<l 1t only need th:1.t a 1119.cr ble I 11s \\here 01d lecn and what"'voud 0 one It seemed as if I ·hould 1 ever clea\ly ind sbe held up a uuscroscopic toy ter er J c l Extracted at. ~ verity f ve Co nls then I turned snddenly t pon I er P.001 8 o e1 l\-IcCl Stor the idol of .n J heart ruy hope my amln underr::tanJ. 1 ow it alt had co1ne al.lout but ,\ paletot I asked the shop l an not at all t:b nee 11 ro 1 1 l e Ul U r.::.t ud1ng- a. et9rn1 0 1310 1LL KINDS 01 Bo v i (:{. 11 0 t l~t 1 8 0 1 Tol i wI o ? ~ UtL ' us 1 113 na. ne '1 \101 my orn1pntl ier comfort I elp ! Oh vhcu late1 tl e full n o~n ro~e ar U looked cl sconcer e1l n1 d appcan1 g to rnako a 1 e1 J n.lo ey ( \ l: cl f 1 t 0 11 c t uad c I er W ll ti I a\ J ocl et \I oil I don t J t remern b 1 llc vis of ' h ~t d1~1r po1 tui en t 1n otl 121 th n 0 s I indh upon tie t110 lo\ers who bad pase tal calculnti.on CU:-; 1 ('a::;Ot J u dht1)1; 1 \ 0 J IS l.~lCt madame 1 ~ l au l so nc r 1a. tall au l Rtr n1:,l c Let e those cager ' or ls spol e fl en qu1eth. po t:tleBs to t:cine to l err c1le u1 d SH.\ e h er el the i fast youth and Jet lo;eil with a r\ KlN OUl A.~.0 Jim bro 1g~L lnni up 1101 1 the hoLel a~ "' e lre\V nca1 the house 1 C sa10 110 n 1 er elf tu sbncr his t1ust n her 1 to eee Ye 0 I irer st1oager deer er t:nore endur Cured without the Use of the en 1 \l lns deuJ lo\ e 111 a slu o td ol obl.tv1un to shp v hi n the ,., n' and h u said t\ aSo sbc died six 1 01 ths befoie I ei motl e1 fee1In in 0 ti n 'outh s en1otto1 s e\ er co 1ld be Knife, by so deep I om his ·Jes that I s l ps uould General- vell uo v qt e1 I au t t i i 1k Both l e bl l'le 11 ere Jn ou1 1aw1ly I 11) iug h1}\ lt t.tcl el th en1 pac1u 0 th ]on 0 rcr P i hasctl £01 caHb a <l vb l lie now ofie a snnl e it 1 t as n. \\ea.1 ness ot ti pwt a.nJ He a kel JI be 1 Ul~ht co n c ll t Ln l \llte a. grournl Olara s chtldrc n \Vtll tak0 Jon to an 1 to au.l. fro lwten1ng to \vor ls old yet at l owesi:; 1 ates. I eraons n1 "uni of o.rJ yM g U lB liue will do ' ell to ca.ll and look t i ugh In e\ er new t.Len I understoo l all only t1 at- tlus c::ngea.l.lt \ ornan nature- note a1 cl I brol ght lnni up be1c cause I those .graves \vbe1 we 01e fn U.WO.' all the of Bowmanville the stock 1 efo1e J ieh!;l"' ng else h re tlurstir g SQ Jor a. lo\ie as coniyle4: as I er kne' ' ou 1 acl plenty of papot D1du t I o i e1uerubrance of wha j OU 'i~h fo1gutte , foI ner n1~ste ) ot our part ng- h1s tni.n l 1 tl e u dertalnng ]epartm.ent He is 11e He wl o setves (x-od iu or<l~r t.l.Jat l e I Cl) I iucd to fu1n1sl e e1yth1ng :re lUJrcd fo1 f i 1.:1 o vn as St!.lf ten 1nt;1Uto1y t'> c 1 t rc- Ja1 h r 0 look aio lnd 1:1.t Lll Jot 1 11 tur:eli aud Looks ioi: he1 unhappy fathers s01.ke p t ~v e ieut pass10n for I retty Kate Ins tear th at en JOY so1uetb111g els ti an God acLt fi lly all:! Ready made coffins of LU qual1+1es a1 1 I c.:a not I hadl ceased to care for lum when he found worslnpQ not God b l t tl at ,vh1ch 1 e desir s lubes tistl.e<l should 'fteary the n1aus wJl and t>pec ally at ti ·t 1!_ttle va·e ti ere, like fto\vers on n1y <larbng a g ave ~u:es in all the \ arlO\lS tnmm1ngs consLtntly 01 I a.nd :\.lso a f 11 s 1 pl) of neatly n1adc 11 fnl natu i::e \\l 1ch refused to 1:at1sf\ so that 1 se:t '::ihcll on tup of some \\ ater grae::ies l I ask it for Kato but she 1s dead n1e so calm and coulJ)O cd the nnpossib1l to obtarn -A g st1 e shr ouds '.\Io1 tre al II o1 3th 18 1 A nil then h e ~rote t1 e note ·ud her it) be ft) 111d ittofotget me e'eu am1d the Re lle.s also at Q eat OOBf: l roo I ed n fin1t cla~s Holy Scnptme is ' ~"' Jer uud al o a Hea.i 1;;e (Jlj C\V York E.t} le ) \Vh h v ll ti.t all H1 wife l A1 '1 D d ruo t enchanting .:.cene8 oi foreign hfe aud paradise itu.bounds 1n fio\'\eI1l 'h cl i ot t cs be eudu e1 B fo1 the v t s of the p tl Jru t lo ROBERT YOUNG, He wae fr( at last h s con l e~~ 1 0 I to Clara tl at si nce only ) ield Ir·~ anc b t als b he. at area on11b]c chrngc the nou11~h1ng ol tl t\ so t -Cl :.i oet He 1 spcetf 1lly sol its a Rh n: of 1 b c I (l.t vJ1ERlN"AR'i ~URiEON lo\ c } n no .-tho 1gh 11 s crct JUERIN\RY bOLLlWJ- ronage lo, el n e not-al vay· l·ays for tl ern nt th ese ove Io P S - I have bee i n,p1 o nte I A.gent fo1 il e C tizen s I 1fe a d :\..cc lent Colll J al 3 an l 1<hall c ahgl rel and I lo n ] YOUNG & BRITTAIN S be please I tl l fi i.J tl SP. :v sh 1g to 8tc ie l uggcd mus! e 1 bet -v et: ) Lie !er C'nt e so neth 1 0 for t i r fam l fncr. 111 in cruie 0 t a 'l ~trc t f ace lei ts o death br1ccs ot tbe l ttlc g rls ( l ir l ti an 1 lfiijqfifYIJ ii ' t be dn1 an l clean T( dear Grandin a l'. t:s l t \\ n~ al noat Hl n1ll 3moi:; Han J to1 Dec 12 18 · Bowm ·n He Sep 9th 18 2 037 m50 lyr Iu I lj CHOICEST OF GOODS. Subsci1bed w. i in\.tmte l c~1 tal a:nJ. ltcservc Fund £1 966 000 Sterling l l.lnds n vested tn Canada- 105 000 Insw ances against lo es by ] ire aro effected on the n1ost fa o a.hlc t erms an d losses p:ud '\\it} out i ofcrcnce to the Bo~ l Jn Lo 1dun J DODSWOIUlf tor nocton. EJI 0 RA.CE CH \TILIE S "IF.8 (lrom Goley" Lady · Book I (Cond dctl I AB \VC mNlOUL BHOS Gen 1..gents 'J\.Iontrcn.l ru1cn. sensitive teu per the lo\1ng deep heart "horn he hnd allo" ed pnde to turn h1 gaze frorn to forget \\hon~ J e bad n arr t:!d n sballo \ superficial nat ire He tol] 1ne ahe sud that you "'ore ex rL t 10 an<l he obstinate yo l \Vere Jealous and l e rn stool t for want of trust In him lheo occurred your m1s11nderstanU1og some tnfle b gl t as air \ h1ch pride paint ed' n proportions entirely heyond reality He vu; aib1traty and expected all the hu m1ht\ and concessions fro1n you ) au were "ilful an 1 proud and at your sore pa u at belng in S J nage l gave 'ent to pungent sar casm!i which unknown to vot Int a \ ul ncrable point and rankl ed long Then u1 lns a.ngc1 it seen1cd to 11 n the o ly wo n au who co 1l 1nake ct tnau happ:'i \\. aa one Ul form lJ get tle cheellul and ch tr table n speech (a n eek n Id cold creaa1 style of \ oman I u ell it rn terlopatd Clam) 1ud such he found l\..ate Bt1.ld \in Too late le io 1nd h ers veetness without sp1ce I er gentlene s 'v1tho t energy, and the smooth ess of her \VOids gro v1ng o lt of an 111ab11 ty to detect sl ain, an l a lack of the fiery 1nd1guation at hypoc11 it.:s vl 1ch JOl r qncker wit u 1sl 1rr er tongue puo:.sesse l ruo late 1 c le 1 zed be had lo>ed only tl c It is worthv of note that l ant hatred of 0 1 rnesc rnd bile WATCHES CLOCICS T migration o 1r fe1 nales have falle i u luve \\ ith Chinese cost In s n d c to r lll one respecbA at 1 aceepted th eu a~ J io le}$ The p ct re· of Ob nese l die to h cl o e l s been accustomed fo1 ~n an; '\ears \ ea.r a clo<:1e resemblance to tl e A nenc 1 bell c ot the present daJ The repulsn 1 t 1 I the cnppled leet and the m1 icing got ol o ir '\i Otneu if they do not fo rtifv the D 1r n.n theor; of the 01 g n ot ti r. <i.peerns f101n ruonke) s a t lct\st g1v e the appea1ance of re trograd ng mor l oy war 1 ~ l he l 1 si:i. couth an d c cfot n ing as it rn vou cl not itself deser\ e notH.:e th t tl e l gl be ll" crippling the feet a d h to t ng ti c lnntE' a1e au outrage of "t e o l anat o11y on l rnau1ty ent tl 0 0 then ttl or, i,;ot li tli 0\ be detected to cr1n1 nal 1e pont:i 11t\ A co n veut1on of cor n 1 cto r in tie 11 tcT st ot the1r trade CO \ 1 :l n t ]cvlSe a better sci eme for gool t mes \Votucn v1ose peluls re solid heel n1ay csca1 e ' ith oul v eor 1 s oi: wh1d1 ve hopo iu cl pr ty tl t.v y hn e fill and tencler 0101 Bu tl at ' 1 1 olc se 1 erat on of little g ls 'houl<l 1 n ti e1r t oes JU.1n1nc l 1nto th e po1 t:;:. of Ll en buot to do the"orkolheels anl th t tlc t l 0 sslo l l b~ t1 ro \ r c t of tl c 11nt1 r nl I: i a cc a i l the plrn.1 t b o r.::; le Jt n to sc1n t: ell.;! 18 a, sacnficc to fnsJ. 1on \vl d ~oil 1 ell g1acc l nation of JI:otte1 tots S I oul 1 ti e v 1 ed custom hol l a fe v yea c t Lei c will not IJe a d ecent foot or a ;:c:-;tl ct c Jeg 11 our ir. male populat10u e cept a iong wa:.l1 er o n1e1 a1 cl th e l k A.1 d all tl 1~ 1s \ t 1 tic Q + ' i ' l T. DARLINGTON, &c, NEW FRUITS, l 1 Lemon, Ora.nge SPOONS. eitron :E'eels, S:l?OONS. . Gold Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES! l\!cGee, Du.'tledge, CHOICE BISCUITS. - - :P'tJ'll.E LE.AF TEA.S, 0. BO UN SALL, FINE ourrLERY, Just Arrived MASON' s Cabinet Warerooins T Hanwss, a '1 l 1 F'C':RNI'r't1RE, Pro Bono :Publico. 1 1 $25. :REWARD. j B. PATTERSON, i I Save Your BONES 100 bs ·. 1 iI ~ 50 cents per a I ' 1