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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 21 Feb 1873, p. 3

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.,. --- ~----- ===--=============:=======r===~============~=====r==========~========~~~~ -~---=~-·-~ STRAYED. i 1 · about the 1st of July last, ?ne Rttm antL two Lambs, and n.Ewe. 1,he Ewe is ag'=d t\yo past and has fli slit iu one of h~1· ears, :.iny u1forma t ion that will lead to then· recovery, wlll,be thankfully received. LE VI !ifORRIS Lot 1;3 , 6th Con . DarVingtou, 26th, NoY. 26th, 1872.o4ti.1u9 1J1ROi1 'fH:M PREMISES of the s11 btim·lber 1 1873p hi ,,; sto~k <·( 'l'he subi::;criber would bl.'g L 'J (.:311 :~tLt'JJlijJll Lf1 SELLING OUT. --o- - · --PIAl~O TO RENT. l U·tL lvir. T. E . Simson · begs to inform the p11 bl_ic thitt he is going out of busine.~s l~ Bowmanville, and w1ll I , Groceries, Dry Goods OPENING! ·· Apply at thi:. Office. Bo\V-manville, ]'eb. 6th, 1873. James McFeeters, AGENT the- oldest, it also rn.nk:l among the highest jn the COUJ;t.try. During the lonis experience of the manufacturers, they have s~i1y ·a dded to the with a. Savings Bankdeparttnent 1 , . . . capacity of t11eh· instrument~, and have availed 'l'he UNION Mm PBRMAMEN'I Bmldmg thems~lves of Oveey rn.etht>d to'improve the qualaud Sn:ving's Soci~ty. ity of tone nud to the mecba.:uicnl fncilThese latter instituLio:ns 9.dva.nee Loaru~ .on ties for the perfol'l;Il.Cl'. ~,And though ~hey exRea.I Estu.te, on terms unu3ually eatiy for ihe pect to contiILue the ~un;e of improvement, they bo1Tower. a.r~ abundantly f3atj13fiea ·with \vhat has beep. done,' an<l with the ef'.timatlon in wllich their inBowina.uvillc, Feb. 6th, 1873. 19-ly stru,mentf:l..arc held by !tood,juQRes of 'Dlt1sic. _ Ati Lcrctofore, they \\'ill-use tLc best materials, without regard to-cost, and give to every Organ tht'l most thoro~ worku1a.nahip. ISSUED B't They cs~cially invite conlparisons ;1.S to the qua.Uty and volume pf tone, and A$t.o the cffect- For the follO'wing ~nr:iurance Co1apanit·s , and other Institutions, vn·. :. , The QUEEN l!'h·e and }_.1fc InsUJ'<'l,nce L?n1· )an·. Capital£2,000,000. $150,000 dep1,1.!!1ted ~'·itl~ the Dominion Government, for the p1·otec· tion of Policy·hohlers in Oannda. r.rhc ISOLA.'flilD RISIC Fire Jn,;uranco Coin a:ny of Oan<li(la. Capita.1 :$500'0,00.-0n.e lift~e bc.:st o.nd cheapest Co1npauiea doing lius1n e~s in the D 0 miuion for ]'armers and Isolated Jt1sks. American T Organs! · I\" '1 SEI.. L 01FT' his whole sLock at HE SMI'IlLAMERICAN ORGAN CU. have no\Y completed their Tweuty-First year of business, with a conetn.nt and still increasing growth. As the!a.ctory is one of CHANGE · C -· O ... ·. '· to be HAD. ~ . :Soots & Shoes The CAN AbA LANDED CHEDJ'l' CO'Y. 0F. .BUSINESS. . Autumn Fashions ~ I MARRIAGE LICENSES. _ ., F. Y. Cowle The whole stock MUST, EE cleared by the first clay ofl>fornh l\ext,when Store aucl prenP,,se~ will ,be to let. ' w1 ' s1 . t o comJ/'ol' any person ung ' ' mence 'business, this is a .GOQ:O ) $ ' CHANCE · - -2- .' Magnificent display of N e'v and Rich Goods. . :MURDOCH BROS. have opened out ·tn immense stock of Kew Fah Goods_ ' Great care has l;ieen taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing but F,irst Cla~s Goods have been p.urcha.%cl, customers can rely on get' ting good value for their money. ' . " ' · etc, etc which fur ROBERT ARMOUR Huwrr1u.nville ]Jee 10, 1869. ·--- -- - ----·--1 iv-e rneobanical appliances. rl'he,.)".. cnllo,ttention to the fact that theit Orgm1s sold A'l' EX- Has leased the premi3es now occu, · pied by Quality and Che8Jp M lJ SIC! '1.rflSS 1\-1. LAi{E has g.reat _plea.~urc in inll'l. formin()' the inhabitants of Varlington ~hat she h prcpnc~ed to receive pupils. on ~he P iano and Organ. by apphcation to !vlrs. Bu1TO\\'S. I-In.mptuu, Sept. 6th, 1872. m4tf. -- -WANTED. ~ l)A~T, 3 UG.A.1', a.~d-3 'V EST, ?ifAJ{ER.S. ;) Consto.nt on1ploy1ncnt. Apply at F. F. ~IoAR'l'RUR'S, "Beaver :Block," Bow1nanville,Aug, 21st, 1B72. iu47-tf. 'l1!YEb-lEI. Y LO'V PRIOES,aa low as is charged for many of fill inferior sort. Ha\liug a largo, and thoroughly appointed manufa.ctory,employing none but skille<l workmen,and having made a minute divisiou,_of labor, they able to produ...:e Organs at lcss rn.tce than moat competitors~ '1'nt:1y believe, also, tha.t a.m()ng other things, the ha.vtJ earue<l. oi reputation for fn,ir dealing~ and they would assure distant purchasers that Auel no O.rgat1 will ever leave their wartroo1ui:i with their knowledge, th~t is not in every respect perfect of its cloos. As they have heforc stated, they intend to secure a. friend in every purchaser. 'l'heir cata-logue, 'vith full description a.nd accurate engrayings, \vill be ~ent frelj to any address upon application. .All necessary info1·mation cheerful15· furnished. Adclre¥ ~ . -:, Whole . Stock to be bought on 1 ·Good Te:E'm~ ! iress; CANNOT BE SURPASSED .will reniove there about the ... J. ELLIOTT, DR E SS 0 G 0 ·0 D S TY RONE. --~- ----·--- -·- 1st ·OF - -----; Q : -~'-' VI OTOH.I A. COMl'OUNn SYRU P o~ Notice. HE SUBSCRIBER takes pleasu~e iu i~ fonrting the public that he hais added t o his f.:ltock of machinery, a. :SURl:'ACE rLA...'l'E.n, and M..Al'CHER, he is now 1> repared to do a.!l <;ustom "ork nn shortesL notice and at usual ratm~- T ' ., THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN' CO Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. · · Boston, Mass. J M ~EIMACOMBE, . Bowmanvil!e, Ge11era1 Agent for the 'Province of Ontario· Bowm<inville, April 3r<l, 1872. ly-014-1027 - Plain and figured Lustms, 'Plai1.1 and Tai bm Wool Poplins,'Metz Cords Figured Repps, > Empress Cloths. a.ncl an endless variety of Dther now Dress Goods. ·Black Alpaccas, Dou[ile W"rp Black Lustre's, Blttck Co bourg, Black Pq.mmattas, Black Cr:i,pe Cloths, Black Metz Cords. U. ' I,, -~~ .t The only Syrup .~repared frou1 · J.?r. C hurchill'8 Formula, find ·c ertified to b o.;.1.:he1u1eally pur1 1_ :b"'01· the .prcv(jntiou and .c.urc vf 'WIN~L1ER GQ()D'-Sr , ., .. ~t f. ,, ' 'I'. SMl'IH. Will be sold at .. Ladies', .,, , Miss~s,' ~ . t:::;1 J\if r ··L L INER Y PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. · Also for thL· cure of Da.rlingtcm, Lut 19, Gth Cnn., July 2 '72.m]y Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, L o:;o of .AJJ pt:titc, General Debility, J}c. · Ct::R'l'IFICAT.E AS TO i> URITY ~\~D Ef F1C.\.CY, FOR SALE~ A N EXTIRE COLT, black, three .11. yefl,rs old, sirfJd by Sir Walter Scott. Ap· ply to 11. Y. COWLE. FDR THE FARM FOR SALE UHARLES KNAPP. -ti. NEXT 30 DAYS. ' . r ~ Children's :;, Felt Gaiters a.nd 'Ba.lmor c9nstantly' 9n hand. Felt Overshoes and Ru bbers m great variety Also a large Sar~toga ahd ot \, Laboratory, U 11iv er:; iLy College, : 'l'he. assortment of :Mi!Hnery 'and Millinery Goods is very extensive 'l'oronto, .J)a'c. -1, 187:! and in trimmed or untl'i1umed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be con· To the Victoria Che1nical Co. , { suited a,5 the variety is so 'great. The Flowers ttnd Feathers, Laces, &c, Gcntle1nen. - I ho.NC C'X111n i11~ d t.Jic 1 trtick s employed in the l-'ict91·ia. Ch emical '\Yorks. in we clairu. to h11ve the finest assortment to"be found_ ' HE North Vv"est l!' IF'l'Y ACRES of L~t 21 6th Con. of Darlington. 42 acres ~rB .1n a good etato of cultivation. Good i::ut butld1ngs.. For pa.rticula,ra apply on the premises to T , l F. I f' C \.WLE. . "l quantity of TRUNKS hers, for Sale. In Black and White real Laces and J,,,,ce Collars, we have a large as sol'tment, at pricGs to suit a!L - ---- - :· ... . Bo~vrnanville,- Feb, 13tb, 1873. Dadiugton, ')/farch 15th 1871. --·------ --- -' '·\\ ,(J' ' ; .. . ' '. which induces ·the Public !!~ &udsomo] y to patM .sh·aightfonva1·d trading is \}..'a nted. All that let him "'ho has mer f~ctH E . ' A"rep-JGtio o.D s and 've fea.ij no com-petition "'bore we a-isk £01· our Goods is CO;L\fP ARISON1 then it, bear th~ Pa.lm ronize 4 Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Pete;i.,hams l'rieltons; ee ., will be found unusu,,,lly large. qui(efreefrmn any inip111·ity. Y our S y1·1 l.p of Hypophoaphites "'ill undoubtedly pro ve' a ve;·y 1:alucWlc :&iicdicine. HEKRY II. CROJ,'T, . Profei;sor of Che1nistry, tr. C. l'J:.1co $1 per Bottle, Sold by :.tll D r nggi~t~. the prepa!ation of, the Victorin. Syrup of H ypuphosplutes.. 'lhe seveni.l H~'pophoBphi t e ~ usetl olumiically pu1·c and the Syrup is abo VICrl,'OHI A GO')IIPOiJND FLUID E X 'J 'H ACT 0 1' u~ Tivo Dollar Pr it/riellc.i Congress. ECLPISES it olt'ogcther. All erders dispatched li.E~t>, who ha~ been tl1e leai<ling \V@rlr:ing in t he 16 }·E!ars; Rt-!eds ola stand, Bowman ville. 0 u ll . · MURDOCH BROS. , Bowmanville, May 7th, 1872 " bot only puts all opposit'fv4 in the is.bade, BUT · - ' - .' . :rwo MO;RE fIRST-CLASS ,Jj_. . with care, under the able rn::imMl:ement of Mu.. t Pi6neer Boot & Shoe Store {or the la.1:1 ,:. ,.. ·' ANDER SON &' CO ::: .P,owma.nVille~ June 13tb ,1872. ",,f ·· WORKMEN WANTED. A Specific Re1ncdy for au Duexaes uj th e Bladder and_l(idneys; Dr op~·ical S1Gclli11gs ; Oornplaint s inciclental lo ]1'e1nalcs ; and. all Disccises o f the Urinary Organs in citlwi· i.Sev;. l "-: · 'l 'ry it once for any of tl1c a boYe Diso rders and·yo_u will be f~1lly convinced of itB pre-e1ni: DJ'llt virtues. Prica $1 per Bottle. SOlt.1 by .all l )ruggists . - " -37tf, · Bowm· anville. VIOr.rOHI A E fi'.fliCT Rle - ·"· ~- ~..,.:· . SELLING ARE n!E 011LY Kl~O LINIM ENT. ADAPTED TO EVERY CONDITIG1l OF l1Llf1 1"il V!SIOt<. AT COST. Being pressed. fol' room, Lhe Subscl'ibel' will, for the next EN- COURAG~ I-lo~IE "The King ofall Linhnents." lf'or Rhe?lrnatWni, GoHt, Ne11,,.algia, L1~711bago, Sciaticc~, 1'Va,nderinq Pc dn.s. St·i'. f/h ess ·1 :n the LWnbs or Joints, Sprains, B1·;. .~1hintb 1.?wir Cripyriglit s.ystt. ni of fitting is an unerring ,q11idc f ar at.:.frf. 1 .dning tltc exuct reqinrements of till ·who 1~ced Optical ai(_ l. YOUNG 'QR OLD, FAR OR NEAR-SIGHTED. . A full and compldc ossortmcllt al ways Oil hand 30 T>A YS, offer for Sale, MANlTFACTURE. ness, Swdlvngs, Headache, ]!Jarctdie, Toothache, r!J:c. BUY l'i:J TRY IT ! ! PROVE IT! ! ! VICTORI A Yellowlees & Quick, Agents. ~ Albums, Work Boxes, Small Writing De.sks, &c., AT COST C. BARKER. C ALL EAHLY. B r o s.' GREAT STOCK TAKING SALE. Enniskillen ·Agricultural Works. GREAT BARGAINS. In 1tll kinds of goods fm: the Price 50 Cts'. per Bottle. Sold by all ·~.rn gg-h! t s, Farmers, wa,nting Plows and other Agricultural Imploments, c1111not do Letter than get them from the . CARBOLIC SALVE. "Worth its Weight in Gol<l-" A Specific .f01· Ci.!-ls, 1Vou.nds, l fr wl,:;eli, Bw"M, Sccdds, Boils, Piles, Pi niplcs, &c., an d Chronic Diseases of th e Sl;;in o f every dcscrip · Fire! Fire! - -- ·o--- .. )1owm11n.villc, J an. 23rtl, 1872 . Having carried off First Pl'izes, a~ all the important Fairs in the County, on every implement we exhibited' last season, shows clearly, that we can- tion. Price 25 Cts , per Ro:c. Sold by all D1·1~ggi:1t8: Being anxious to reduce our stock as low tts poEsible before Stock not be beat by any Firm in the County. And having taken every pains ' - -- · - - Taking, v<te will gi·\Te to alter and impi;ove, we will guarantee evel'y Plow· or implement turned VI OTOH.IA out by us, this season, to giw CARBOLA1'ED Da,maged. Goods AT SATISFACTION OR NO SALE. - - :o:-- GLYCERINE JEL LY " Eminently the Ladies' Favorit e. " Fo1· Be<tt~ tifuiny the Gornplexion, and Jo1· re1novi11g Tan, Sunlnirn, l l'reckle:;, P·irnples, &c., alvo for Char pped 1Iands1 01._vilblaint, F1·ost Bites, and Sore Lips. NEXT THIRTY DAYS. ALL THE DOMINION PLOVV, cosrr .'.l.:t<D UNDER, 'l'he Pe;-1wian S11rup, a P..atect- J.fJ_ est opportunity to iJ:tfor~_ ]us nun,ierot1s fl·iends tht\t he is llO\Y movm.G: in }Ir, \VilC?x s Store 3. doors east, on King Street, uorth side,. wher~ the wh o1': of his ilnmenee stock of "l\/fR. TREWIN, of Osha\\'111 -takc~ the caili- WINTER GOODS Will be sold aL e<l SoluNon of the .P.roto:r;lrle of :ts we now make it, is a· first-class Sod Plow, and is very light draft: \Ve Price,25 Cts_ per Hottle. Sold by all J),.uggist" · · also make the new Plow, known as _;,, _______________ VIOr.rOHIA A GREAT· l~EDUCTION. SUCH AS Dry Goods, · Millinery, · Boots arid Shoes, Iron., is so coJJihlu,ecl a.s to hnve tluJ n!trr/l'acte·y of' a.1t a li.1neu,t , as easily lli.gest.c1l (tin.<l a.,.,,<; ll!t. l l a t·efl 1hltli the /Jlootl .as tlu; s 1,ui1Jlost f'oorl. I t 'ilt<.JJ'enS(~S the q t.t<tntit.I/ of N at1t1'll'8 Own Vilrilizin(J Aycnt, [ 1·011, i .Ji 1 tlif.f: bi·;ocf:, ,,,1u t cltJ't~s ' ' lt thousa1ul i lls,-' tu.:. \Jt}Jl!J 1 SHAVVLS, :r\REAs ·· GoODS, ' being altered ·and improved from the No. 13 Plow; the mouldboard being " Celebrated for Their Uniform Purity and Excellence of Quality," of peculiar shape, which e1rnblcs it to .w01·k ,in all kinds of soil, ,without VICTORlA CARBOLIC BOAP. clogging or choking up, itnd does its work with the gi·~test C)f ease, and YICTORlA SULPll URSOAP. ! · is the favorite plo~ for g1meral use, with those who have tried them, VICTORIA 0.LYCERIJ.,\"E., RO.i.YEJI'; J~ OSi..'1 ' '\Ve also ma,ke the No. 13, and the Plow known as AND WlNDSOR, ' .· . 1·; . ··" THE ONTARIO, TOILET S OAPS. Sold by .all Druggiet!:!. Fobnull'y, 4th 1873, ·---"I- Groceries, etc. wi!l Le solcJ 1:1otZc--0)$t t-1iut.l uudcr, until -the '1 h ole <"tre dispOflcd of. ":. ~ Y.lta,lizi:ny the Systcn:,. 'I'hc en-1·ich e<l <i1ut v oitalize<l blood JJCJ'11ict,,tes every pa.rt of' tlie boiJ,y, -;·cy)a·i1"iny <la-'1 U,fJ1.fJCS <tn < l ·c.. oa.ste, sea/1·chln,y rru t tno rb i-fl , .;.ecre1 bu To1ii·u.y l tJ>,I-u,-vlyorati u-r1 (.t, t iotis , a1t<l l CH.JJ i11.(J n.athi u y f or · ·1· 0(- , . ""' ff· f r ·· di8 cnse to /Cc<l WINTER SKIRTS, CAB;PE'fS, CLOUDS, AND .l\lso the well known PORT,' PERRY,' i GANG PL ow, Boots & Shoes. SUBSCRIBER ,· THANKFUL F OR T.HE the shared in. Yery liberal patronage he has spect 'hia , with some im,portant improvements, which makes it a complete article. 'llJ ) Oi t. COLLARD'S PATENT IRON HARROWS. the P¥t; respectfully invites the public t o iu - .. -S. TR.E WlN:· ,,... state of tlw sr1~tcm. Be,iniJ frpc f"1·oni .A lcoltoi, ir~. ttl tY f o r1: i, 'tt s ener(!iziu.(J effect .· are not fo llfnvc't by cot·1·ed').>01M l lu,!J 'J'C<~c .f1f. vet· (,'011ipl<t'l'Jbt, JJ i·ovs...t1, Ch., ,,n, ip l~ia1·1 r lt w < i,,IJ01 Uv, l'· 1-'! J ·uou ~ ! ffect·ions , ·:s, Olt.:ill8 a..1ii l, ]!'e l'.e1'8J 1Io u1.u 1 Loss of Vonstit<ttfonal Vig o1', Di!je<.tStJS o f 'Utb J('f(lri ey .':l < iTtc! Rla1.l1/er, l i "e·1nlile Coni11l a, i1t llJ , au,fl ctll fj, · ..;cas<;s o~ · lai'Udt- ti.1ir1 i ?t. lt owl state of t!Hi uto o<l, 0" ,,,,_ co1n1)a.1 iie< l by < lebltit !i \;1· ((, loiv cit1·-it1,fj 1)1/SJJCj} SUt , 1 Tltis 'i s t he s ec'/'et of' th r; 111on .... <lel'fnl s u..coess <>f.t/i,l.'i r e1;1r;d y ,i.1i WOO LE ·N GOODS, I Of 1111 descriptions. · ; that ha,s given good sritisfaction to those who have them. I . ALSO A. ' FIRST-CLASS . CULTIVATOR, ' . '· LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES t:\ea~vn , alJU .suitable for all a.ges an·d conditions. Ordered work will receive his special atteu- Atso selected 'Yith a special vie:w to the --·--- TO I" l 6 - lNwould returnillf>' tnank a to thoh· and t Le Public genera.Uy, for iuwt invite their .a.tte11tio11 to ou1· 1wesent R to ck of l i'urniture, us ba.vf..l la telY. resi~ecth1lly nUIB.;! 1·ou~ Cu~to1 uers , \V . .i\L'l1ER ' ¥VIGG & ; SON, f.!.JU.l bltilrli1lY-..ru1~ rr r~ Jr ott· C o1t-td·ittttlo11,. i'holtsal'ids h ai:e been, c ll<M1(JrHl by the tt8e oi t hi..o; ·1· er::i~<l!i ~ j l ·o1n, u;c<iilc,, :;1.tfferi ri r; <;r ecit.u,.res, t a tJl.t·ony, healthy , rt n.< l lt<il>JJ!/ -in.en anfl 't Vorn,e11, ; tn i rl f~nors life ·lrit..o ull · nu.1·ts of tn.e systeni , t ·t0Jt1 but a.;·e }1c1i1 nAi1 ie1tt, · l rifu,., sl:1ifi lftrc u,.yf.h~ 'V.i(Jo~· ,.,. a..n<t 1HJIV :Buffalo :Robes, · to wh,iGl1 call your special attention, as it is an implement that evel'y .farmer i;houlcl have. It sows the different kinds of grain, and cultivates Rail . Itoad. Wrappers, it in, with the once going over, and is highly recommended by itll fanners who have used them, as a great labol'-saving implement. This we have improved, by an attachment to prevent the Cultivatol' from raisin" out ., Grebe Sets, in any lmrcl places, <i.:nd enables it to do all its w01·k alike, being gl'eat 2ver those manufaoturecl German Mink Furs We will place\\clva,ntl].ge the work turned out by us, in Lhe hands of our ctt'stomel's, they find it strictly what we repl'esent. , ";"ith"' full ,iissurance A'I' -2e. l'Eit CENT. DISCO'C'N1', -.. llepairtnu of all kinds ca1'e/nl(11 attended tv. :Ea.,stma.:n's :Broad Seed Sower & Cultiva.tor,combined, w~ ti 0 tion, Remember the 1'$t;;u1d 1 one duor wt:.:;t of ·:rr.r ur- , <loch Bros, J, SMALE. -----~---- ---~ S. G. WEBS1:.ER; L. D. S. -- l elsewhei·e. tha~ ~vill . 1 addtiJ. tli.ei·et1.1, that ,..,..e may the1·"'by be mui.hled to. OJ.uppJy t;U parties '\:ho u~y plea.ise to f_a.vor hl 'lVitlt a. caJl. Gre~t iuduceurnnts held out to ~hose' purca.shutg at our ].!Jstab1,is1n1l.ent. P1~tures, Looking G1.tssc:i, &c., fran1cd to order, ~~n d u~ every style. , Sa.1111.;ilcs t1f the different ~nnd of J\.fouldings ca.n be 15een at the '\·00111.. )Ve \vo111d also b og to u1for1n you, that,havu1g purchased a. ~ve ·i rinn < :ci n .1i ot ·J'erisofi r.;1>l y h cs -it,tte ta ff t VC i.t a t i·ial, Sec th n t etwh b c /ms f>Eil U- .. ! As th~se guods rn ust be sold to nmke room for l ! I ,i ·Spring Importations . . MoCL UNG CASTINGS o:r ALL DESCll.IPTIONS SURGE 0 N DE N T I S T TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use of fnmishecl >Lt the VIAN SYR UP lJlow1i ·l't~ aw rJh lSG. P nn1pl1let§ l:<'r ec. i3owrnanvilte, Febrnttry 4U1 1873. ll I :a:a.os. ·L J.P. DZNS11IORE, P1'0JJJ'ie tm', No. 36 DEY ST., l!!£W YORK, SPLENDID NE'\V HEARSE, , Special Attention will be given to Plo~gh Points. C>Ln 0 WEST ·. RATES ...'f\7i,tro7.1 s O:r.frle, (or Proto,r.ide of 1V ,itrogc 1i,) a \vhich is delighLful to ta.kc. Ni ti·ous Oxide is Used in n.11 tho pri nci p~~l cit of Europe aud Amel'ica, ~ud I can 'vit h p lc a'::!ul' and confidence reo..,mmend i_ t to thti P u bhci a a. safe a.nd pleasant aiw::;;thetiu . 1 -1ve shu.U be reu.dy at all ti1ue1:1, to at L 01nl }'uucr:l-lR, on iho~·t lioLico, nntl N. B. Cvtliu:; kept on hand, r~nd rriade t o,<>rdcr, ft.t the l't::!~onable tcrwir.'-- Tff ing the hardest· lf'.eta.l to be haLI, we furnish almost every kind T ci To ~tasters of L. 0. L · I JJIGR'EST PI/ICE Give.ifor OLD IRON, ooRnrvoon, wHAIWTVOOD LU11tBER. NEW DOAill-.lION .RETAIL FURl'rfl UBE WAliE-R001l Oshawa, Aug. 2Gth, CERT TFIO :\ES , A ppllcati.ons, BL.A.NJ< &c., &c., CaJt be p1 ·oour ccl. .at this offh:e, at re~lar ratef!. B owin:~nvi1 Je , .· Tnlr King Street East Oshawa. I ; ' l{. & R., 8}7 L VESTER. m18-2mos. IDon t Neglect your Teeth PR I C E S J.VI 0 DE R ATE , I ~'. Juuce,ovel' Roomsformerlyoccupwc.1 hy ,1, F. F. McA1 thur's Sto1e, IC 111g St1cot . Uowm"millc,.Jan 2:!rd, 1373, iul7·ly. , If you value yom· health ' 1 is7o. 7th 1 1873 . B1111iskillen, Jan. 30th, 1873. '1 '1 , ' ··~ I -

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