I I --, I· . . · THE MERCHANT, FEBRU AliY; 21 1873. FULL PRAYER. , SUPPLY · SHOP · {west of the OnLn· .tio B11nk.) 0 u l '· · t King Stmet, Bowmllnvilk · I i THE. sul,scriber is prepa.rcd pau 1-llagon.s, l GENERAL tu l1\1ilcl n.nd re· 1 · ]( (,~utte1·s, BOOK STORE, Bowm11i1wil~e, .': ' Fall and Winter Goods, A'I.' ing St1°r<&t, . A~D B1l[![)'ies) o ...nd Contains one of the largest stocks of of every description, at Tea.so~1able ,hot~ notice, tcrm!3· .~ · ·; andon l · Sabbath 8ch.,ool " Libn~rie~ ~ D. vV. JWCLEOD'S, GENERAL , ~TORE, <ixceedingly·cheap · HE,VAHD Carriages Painted and Trimmed. -o'·- B 0 0 KS . ever shown in Bo,vmanville, 011 the pxe1nises, were special attention is given 10 11 _" '.10;MTjaue \voi:1~ ttnd Genera.I o ~ £· ,., , ' fi., - I GIP 'T ·· Christmas ~ n i ·o < K8 JI'OR POIN'l'S RANG OF TVOB]{ :-From G:auze to Bellvcr Cloth D URBILITY .~-°\\'ill last a life time. F R CASH All onlcrs fj)r " ,. and the New . . :r·, . Jn groat ~M:~ty. - -n-- Simplicity in _G01v,t1·uctidft, ·' Ease-'Qf opM·ation, Pei:/ection o' Yeair Stitch, at-ike on bot side§ b;i:R}n.r;·to J?,e?fect tens.ion on upper ana ·· J oiverf T!i4·ead. ' Jobbing. . .All wo1·k done at thi,s Estal.il·ishny;nt - -- - - - -- -"Ul11» ' ,_.1--eath of p tyor o" h jgh ascew];-;. ' . A choice selection of Equa.lly adapted-to 'li'amily . Work, Dress and Shirt Making, Tailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DELIYERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN. ' Tailorinie PROMPTLY EXECUTED ;, :.:'-1a.rranted. ALBUMS, The a.nswen; come from heaven; .Aml gra.tt;fnl pra.ise fro1n grateful hea.rts 'l'o Uo<;l olonC is given. 1 (1{0 ,v dea.r L~1 me "the throne of grace,') A call i~cl l:-es11cctf.nlly s~lic..'f!:ej, ,;· iT. Mmims. ' Bow1na11yjlle, Oct. l ~_t, 18-69. 1 PAPIERJ\~A~HE B,LOT'rER~, I · · ~nd INKSTANDS. (I . ff EVERY Pocket, Jlimno1·cmilv,ms anll Bitl HO~ ._1ea1· thB Father's love;. Books, (f,Jul Pnrses, good choice.: .A.gents, MACHI E . A.ls, .J.,..gent for the well WARRANTED. Yellowle e~ & Quick ' FIRST~PRIZE WANZER 'S~WINC 1 k~own Uhrist in his fullness, all are-. 1n111c, .A.ud these I know 1 1 vrove ! '!'he l{oly Spirit, too, is 1oine, ]{e dwells within my hr~a.,;t ; God ,.;peaks to me, I spe(l,,K to <.:oLl And J, indeed, a.ID bleat ! ) ,- - - LADY'S t WOltK- BCli:ES, I ' c \Vo h,we also on hn.nd WAN4_E'W~Lf1l:,EB A, rj1BJJOT1",B; ~ND JJ.;IROLAY SEWING kIAGlllNE MACH IE, nt -t_· I I l l H (TW oft Hi:-.; RllHWera-ha.yc ~urJ.)11.i:;od '!'he focblS fa.itb l hrotij;ht : I beb-gcd for little, but ll:E gave l\{ore than I :'l.sked or thought ! ·Al.ways on 'l'ime, :MARXU,S And often in the 1oWest. dust . . Asliaraed l'1n foi·t·etl to lie, '\'hilst I regard t;"he gjfte. bestowed In answer to my czy. But should the answer be ddayf!d, ...\.nd faith be sha11ily tried, P~ttience· and hope must still cudul'e, .A.nd Goel be gloritiCd . I . A choice w·cscnt for a.· Lady.· I ' ltlyo a, ,b~itll~ . -etock4 :·;t\ l~rge. ~URVlY. ~f be~utifclly af!s~rt w SJ~a~esl ()~11~1 . ren s Carr~Bf.{CS,,, q?i;ice:rtinas., .J. ' t · ·1 fhl ~;"e't of ' ~ BJiuP,lies, (3:om~s, \Loolong G'l.aoses, ¥ust~. . , V iolu~. '\T iohn.Dowg, V io1ntt1'3'tnµg1!r,.Paper Ar 'rBE -. . . " , ' - ~~ ! ; .. : ' _GelfArs; Nec(vl'iea, Sch:OQl nooks, Da.y Bo J{nives a.nd 1:1arks,Fuckct K'tlives, JtitZors Spoons, and Scissors. Cheape&t Note p . Envelopes in the countrf: All these, ,;J THE FALL i>TOOK 1I th~uaand other a.rticles, arc to be foun iliat ·the Y-..A.RIETY STORE. We Me alwa.y8 glaa to Aee , OF PEN A.ND PENCIL CASES I friends, and thipk it no troµ!Jle tu sl)ow GMdsl; and wo guarantee as good, value, at as low prices It ·. . ' · a.s any other house 1n the tr11dc. ,. , ' · ' ·~ . , t.~ ~ . · 4 ' Partiel:! wi8hlng to telegraph their friends, rqay.rely on ha.)iing their buail/,Cs_B done pro1nptly. U..LD most reapectfully tender his sin~ {next to gold) fitted v.-ithJ;old pens. · ~ii l ·"' l ,. ~ ~) O .· _,_\gents . for Innian Liue 0£ Stcamm:s, nntl In1t>ecial Iluilding hnd Saving Soc'iety. · cere thankR to his numerous friciHls aud S BEING ADDED TO E>A1LY, mid it ..,.,C lMc~ 0 Of' Jn1)U Fl ;:ga'/ ~8 . , , custonm·e, ind to the public generally, for the +o·r the Bo? . \ . .;. ~ · ; very hbera support he haa received since hie comprises a. WRITING DESKS, 'Otlt & ocls is embracing all tho Novelties of the Work :Sc,ires ·and . 'Lady's Writing . ila3', ttntl a1J.:the necessaries >ts well. i · D;esks . compined, . . i ' ,- PiCt1we l'Ta'l'e's-:-allsizea 1 Mouldin-gll of' evei -st le, ~Va.11 Pa1~ei;-a s1;lendid a8'urtinent n~w ill Sto~K' u!'-G1~noral Jarg~, . .MAN,U FACTURES PRICES.: Enniskillen, No~: 24th, .. Co I ' . l' ' sfo. nlS-tf DRU GS AND ME 0101 N ES - 1 1 CLO .VE .AND ' HANDKERCHIEF BOXES t· and~ Bowmanvill D at e rug ore. . :q~ .~. "'![~ ·,J ·. KfXurtry ,& Are now showing 1 a full Mmo1·tment__u:L . MAi'ERS, t' ·Y.ELLWQ . LEES & · _ More than Ordinary Selection.· J' ys. I Bowmanv1llc, -March 7th, 1872. .. _ HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS · :£ARGE PURCHASE§, · --o-' f ' , 1 ·I'· ~, i , t, '. Q'·' IQK , 11 wo .r. J W:GGINBOT·H M · - DRY- GOODS AND . M:Jl:LINERY. A fiu'e lot of · n23 , WARRANTS HIM IN MAKING J?AMIL'Y AND POCKET BIBLE~, -A:nd Jie ' offer!!> his custcfdicrs a clioice of },;rs (if 1 i\U-,d ~scriptioru1; : , - - - -- - - ·and Sieigh Robes. Crumbs for Chickens. , Buffalo NEVER BEFORE EQUALLE-D, l\. cnminal court -· sparking another , rilan'J CI.CTJ~CU~~J!.VIQJ;;S,. ' ' '\VESLEY'S HYM.NS, :S.a,l\k:er, " ' . . . r·. ;r L; r .,· ' ,· ~ a · " · . " t:Tr · T ~ '.·.i lii. ·. .a.:a . Q"'tt.9..A~" T ~ - ' -- ---~ A I commenci . ·ng in business; .mul hopes by continue~ stncl~ p~rsotia1 at~cnhon t.o ~usiness, and .. ofli!ru1g notbi~· bu_t the ptll'est articles, at ·the Jnost reasonable pz1cos, to ensure a. continua.nee ' .. "') . . . . ·1 Oct. · AND wife. Guilt frames- 111·iso11 windo\Vr.i'. \Vhy is a lan1e dog .like an iudincd 1)l~nc? Bcco..t1Ee ho 1s a. s1o-pup. .:\.New York genius trie.cl to blow the ~uow fron1 off his hunf:le with nitro ' glycerine. His ~hiugling bill came to sixty~eigh~ dollars. ·~ new hired g-i~l, bei11g a.sked if she h~ <ivcr had a)ly experience ae a wet u~n:se, f5S.id})~10 ha.tln't hut: that she could soon lfl~: ·· 'rhiy are got up in the bel"Jt :J,tld most fashion~ able st:Yles, and arc guaranteed D:I'~ represented in le'feryinstance. CASH . B'GYERS WILL BUY LOW. · A~ usunl he will repair b..nd rllter a.ll kinds of Furs, and pay the liig1rn~t/)J.'ice in cash for .r aw fu.rs. Gent's furnishings o all kiw.fa, including gloves ke1)t '.'.OnRtantly on hand , lien1embcr the ;,t.a.nd, corner of l{jng and Silver Streets, lvL!vIXXJm. Bow1nanV-'ille_ , Oct 3.1872. ' --- r"r ·~ ,----- I I I A Danbury man, \\ihO \Yas ti·yin~ to sheltt"r hin1sclf in a doorway frmn the ra.ll~ On S,undu.y, ]Jad the rn-Ournful pleasure of seeing five of hfa umbrella's go;by. '.l'he .A.ublirn BullefJin f<l,,,hion editor .sum1:1 up: the, present female costume iu the bri~f' word, tu r;k upbebinddoll ywrig:;le ll.a.rnphooliti vcncss. The 1nembet·s of a legisl;.i,ture in one of the ~Ve,steru,,,StaJ;ea a.tta.ckeJ each othur. with chait::i ~and thul'l, as an cdit<>r _re1narked, " broke ttp JUNE, 1-\_ 1872. full Stock oI.., Spring and Summer DRY GQOD_ S. AND [ their fiitting~." IIotel ]~eepers ate lJl:!Ople we h~v: tv " put np with." . l 1\. ').fidLwd waJ1 after g-az1ni; long a1~tl u\tenlivcly a.t the tcle~·aph a.mused a byst"'ude1· ,vitl; the rem.ark~ ·· t'~e noticed tha.t thing 6ften, an' da111ed if I i;h.ouldn't lilce to !lee it, Vlork." . A young mun who applied at tho recl,;uitll1~ station in one of the f<l,l' \Vestern Sta'tti1:r{or l!n· list1neut wa.5 aaked if he t:<.mld "Sleep on the point of a bayonet·, 11 '"hen he p~omptly replied that "he could try it, n.s h~ l1a(l often s}e,1t on . n pint of \vhh1ky." . 1, 1v!a1nma," said a. littlt~ gi1 l . whcll 8bc dis· covered her ca.narief5 a;;le!.!p, 1 ' the 'birds hnve :;\\"a,1lowed their he<tdl':l." 'l1hc prover way to })Unish 1nnrder~1·s . and · 1 i;c1·ye tlwn; out aa thi:.y 1ntYt"· sl:'rvcd .. their v,i c.iim~. :.lnd a::a shfrt;; a··~ served in th~ laundry. D.f:1ugle thcru first, and irou 'cm afterwardS.L J\lurdcrs are i;o com1uon in Ne: w York . th~t \\.Then u. i;entlen1an wi::.Qt home and a.nnounced , tu his wife that .:\Ir. G-1'eel~y was deo..d , his little thl'CC ye:tr old,"1)l~ying on the floor, looked · up and ~aid: "I'a, wh<> ~hot bim?" · .\rnl now the· childr"n have it. We lteanh · <lotiug nwthcr ~-i.i.y to her teltder 1nale o!fs.i~1·ing, a. few d1~ys ago, 1 ' }rly dea.i· ~J1ild, tlo~conie here~ and let-111':! r1~m<>ve the epizooty from your nasal AJ) l~ndago." BIBLE· CHRISTI-AN HYMN '. ROOKS, in vari.01u\ si~es ,inp · ! 01Ib'M lC.ALS, binding. · TH.1.- " Good morning; Mike, shi.1ro and it is ellrly out ye are. Mig:ht · ' r I be boulc1 to axe what started vees this morning." P A1!ENT. .~1EDICINE.'S · :(J.' MIKE-.-" Jist be aisey, Ti.rn, llnclI:l!,teli"yo ~najiffy. Ye s~e, I was '13RUSHES, Ifowlllanville, Nov. 26th, 1872. tbuld, yisterday, that Mjsther pray, ov Ty\'0ne, h .'cl got 1. home C(tJfBS, an illigant new stoclb w Goods, chape as durt, · mtm ,' lllid its SB.O ULDER-BRACES, , meself could hardly slape f' 'win k, ,.,JJ 11igbt, thfoking av: t)l,e . SUPPOR'l.'ERS, Jj){c., Etc. ·chape goods. Aml sure etrnfl; its the full store h e has...Lpiles . kevt· con!it.f\ntly on haJld. and piles l\V Lhe n(l.test pitttems; and he'd give ye the makin's OILS, PA.INT; av an illigant new gown fop Biddy, for Siventy-five Ci11ts; Tay COLORS, VARNIHSES, for in.6s:t iiuthin, and the Bii.~cy for ti. trifle less." ·· · . and WHITE LEAD, TIM.....:.... "·An shure its funni11g me ye xre, Mlke; would11't the ITilln be a.t the Ycry lowet!lt prices. ufther breaking clown." · · ·· Horses and Cattle Medicines; . MIKE;-"B1·eaking.~To;wn, is it. Sur~ h;e lo~ow~ thrick wnrtli two . 81¥ N. E. - Country Storeheepcrs supplied on the that. I'll JlSt teIJ·you w}mt it 1 s, Tim, 1± ye ·~rnnt toge~ Iiigrate 1 most advantageous terms. .!\.choice selection of L.A.MPS, for iiale cheap ··mi)pie whcn_youre ded, apcl be, dtJ)Jed ,a fila11trofized, filos1fer, =cl tlm · a public binifacthor, jist tell all youi:e nahoms, and the rist llV t Bowman,·ille, Dec. 9, 1868. . ~ · im\)tkind, 'ab£ut Gray'3 chllpe store, and you'll do mo. r e for the good.av your coun.thry, th>.m i vcr St. P·ttri.ck did fo1· 01~ld · Ire- 1 lanc1, when he ha.mshed all the toad s aud snakes out av it, that nivcr vn.1R in it." TIM.- - "I'm much oblaged to yp, for Uw Lit av abvice, and wm1't detllin ye; there'll slrnr.ely be a grntc nrn, a)l(l ma.yhee T'd miss some Larirains. The top >W the morning tu ye."-I'm off to lS72 [Tim Bra._ dy and. Mike :&'lynnJ ----- oc\,,.1 187"' I DRUGS, .., - I whicharesuretJ givethebest A well-selected stock ~1 DYE sr~CUFFS s·~isfaction. · of public patroM{l'e. ~L wouldcallspcoial atteutiontohisvery ' Cloth and __.......,"__ FRESH G _: 'tock of , ~QCERIES. All to be sold Cheap. ---J{ighest price piiic for BU1'TE1l and EGGS ' :1 SALr.r . .AND PLAsrrER ALvV AYS ON H1\ND . .~ '. ' Sign of ~he Golden Lion, :eowma.~ville · l Simmons & Clough ·Organ Co's :I:rnpSI;"eved < Jrav-)rs. PA'iiiAMA , BA.TS. · --o--- ..._ I _..._ Olothingnmde to order, the best trimmings only twec1, and the lowest. p1.·ice charged. ' · J. GR!Y, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. · ·--· -··~·- ·--·-- - -------- Cabinet : Q~gan~ AND - .. -~ t . · GOOD . -~ ' J New Gro~eries, .II·.~ · l '·~ Dolla.r T:EA for S5 Ceuts, EGGS and BUT'l'ER Wanted S· p. HILL ·: McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILtA.PAINTS .. .,.11 Prepared for imediate use, and nothing but the purest !Ilaterials used, and requiring no further mixture of Oils; Turpentine, and Dryers/ . '11lteir~Composition · cou .~ats ao-lely of -' · ~ .A young wo111a.u being a~ke<l, by a politician which pn.rty she was ino1:1t. jn favour of, replied tbn.t she preferred a weading-pa.rty. CURlAGE .·SHOP, a "' " Sa.I," cried a. gixli looking down from the 11p1)er story, addressing anot.he1· girl, who was t.ryiug to enter the frout tloor, " ,~·e ' ve all been to 1nel'lting, and have been couvo1·ted; so when you want 1nilk on Sunday, you'll ha\'e tc) come ;.01\n<l. to the back door. ~ 1 Jo~h Dilling-a says:-' :!\lack1·d 'inhabit· the fiea. genera.Uy; but those which inhabit the grocery a.lwus taste to me as though th fly had been fattened on sa.lt. If I kin havo plenty of 1nacluel fur bre~kfast 1 I can- generally rnak~ the other two Hle~s out of v.·ater. ~ A. youth. in acc~utre;h.ents that illdicg,ted his cou 11 t1·y origin, passing down Broadway one afternoon Jn.st weelt, saw a hanclsotaely etnbel· fished s11ecimcn truss.banging in a show window and suspended fron1 it a tag with -this legend: "Patent Rupture 'fruss-none lik~ it." " v.,r ell," said Rusticus, eyeing it with suspid.ous looks, a.nd cclgini a.way, appreheni;ively, ·· l sl1ouldn't think they would like i[ :i r.rYRONE · r-HE Subscriber takes pleasure in 1"etul'tiiug Tc"ral. thanks to his numerous friends for the very lib. tfic h RA·i'eceive<l tlit.; po.st. patro:i..utg~ Pur·e Color, P.ure White Lead, Pun White Z.inc, Linseed Oil, SpiritR of Turpe1i..Mne, J,; Ifrye·rs, 0 ccarefnlly a,nd scientifically .com.. bined. . Good iY!attfial and' Sdperior rr;orllrnansliip, ; Th!" consmnel- . c:1b. ,haye. any'. de· h~s._g~hied f01· .him ~u61tf(n incr~~e of,buBin~ss. sired sbll_ d e of colm:· neatly' put ;up HelJ3 now prepared to"'bndd \Vage;"ons,.Bug:g1es, and Onttets, ·of t:W.l descriJi.l.iDnr;, ,_-.t . short notice\ in Cans, and all he requires to buy n.nd on reasonable terms. ~ Car1·iages paintel with the Pllint is a Brush, as the (l,,UJ tt·in1me<l. Special attention ~ven to all wllQle can be' ~one by himselt: or by kiuds of rcpA.iring. · any member of his household. A BLACKSMITH'S SHOP jD. . I!e feels satisfied tha.t rnothing but · RICE & BARKER . 13 .gents for the' best ORU A ·s on -the Continent. t z m ~ .... in connection with tho srune, where work done in all its branches, ~ T ...J... Coor/C,u,cuL~'l'IO~ .-1'-lrs. Dabi$\/l'r is a· u( imperturablc coolnesfl, and p}aces a.n ~tp}Jrt:cia.tlng-value on dollars. A. . fCw .<l.f"t.ys ~ince the n0te that 2-Ir.. Dabster cntlorsed for Rul:lh & G-(l)it met with a vrott":~t. The inf or· uw,tion drove li.1r. D. to distraction. He lost his appetite, silk handkerchief, and tem;)cr. Ile found the sulks -a.nd & taBLe for dt":spcra.t1on. 111 t.his sta.te of iuind he rettn·ncd honLc. "I\.frs. Dabatcr, my love, I a.m a. ruined "\\iOUiti.n rods. 'J'}1e premises are v.·ell eituatcd in the centre of. the Villag.e, n.:nd has a never~failing strea1n rutlniug ' a.cross the north end, 'Perms eru,iv, PoEses.sion given on the first do.yof Al'.dl '!eit. Foq>ad;icuiJ<.tH ~pply tu R :/t!OM~N'l', ORONO, 'fu to the vroprietor; on Lot No. 33, 111 tho 7th Con. ul clai·ke. · A large stock just received; for aut~ umn .painting; impo1·ted direct from the English ManufacSAL-E. FOR tm'ers,inclu.ding James' . HA1' first-class BLACKSMITH ~HOP Genuine, and the a.rul HOUSE, occupied by 1'-Ir. J. 01m.<'.11ncelebrated no11, in the VILUG~ Ol' LESK,ARD, to· gcther 'With the Loti, 1,.~ otita.ining t a.ere, and 10 m17-3J.n. II. WOOD. PURE WHITE LE'~D > q m ®rntrh ac11111hi11ntin1r ®rna115 ~ FITTED WITH THE NEWLY I NVENTED Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, An inventiou lrnving a must important JJetcl'ing un the future rep;tl"Lion by me:1ns <Of' which the qur1ntity or Vol.tune of tone · is very largely mcmased, and tho qulllity of tune m ndered ?f Reed Instru~entR, s ' ROOSTEB BllAN/J1 g"'a""'..iten·Z ZJ"1 1 '° '"'.' . w. L. IlllOAl!, lu17-tl. - ---"·'. .Oro,nD, Jan. 22nd, 1873. ' nui.n. " "Just what I ~.:qJectetl, my ~ear, when I 11eard you had enclor:-ied th:.tt note." "I shall go cra11y; Luy n. Jn1tchc1 1 5 knife arnl cut rny t.hroat." ~ Straw-Cutters 1 .. -' ... Grain Grinders ! -~ ahOthcr c~r 101.td of the a'h ovc 11ob1c ru:tide·¥ 011 the wa.y . . · ~~---, · ' - · ~, · " ·e. ' A.LSO ). all standi1rd colors, oils v;arnishe~, . and pai1iters' nmtPJ·iµJs. · . C 11 c1 'h · l' · 1· · " I a.belln see ow c ieap a wu~e ~au painted and".c1ec0rnfod; .for all 1 · thcscgo6dswill besold atRecliweJ, jigtl1"CS. . . I · HENRY ELLI01"'T Ji1n1·.: f, Offem fo\· sale one of the mm>t ext!lrrnive aud compfote "ssur tmcnt o _ Qoocls Equal to that 'of' the Best Pi1>c of tJ1e Saine Ca1utcity. ----o~- - Or~ans Hampt·o..n. tp he found in llllY coUJJtt'y store in Onhtrio. Our cele'bra.tcd. <i ' T vx L1 e k~st e , !) · ' 1 T.Joll if1 Pntent,)) · f 'Vox Hun1a.na," a \"\1'"Jlcox l'llLe11t" "Oclave Coupler," tlw elmrmiug "Cello " or "Clarionet' StopR, n.nrl AL '1.'hfrty~fiue THE LATE Different Styles, IMPROVEMENTS · llOOO Gallons of Can he obtained only in these Organ8. ·- 1\IA..OBINE FEE11 lVIII.,LS. 1 011.i ., As you plcatio, J11y love; Lut verforn1 thu iict jn the yard." H YVhy ~ Not nfra.id of l·loocl, a.re yon? 1 "Net at aU, ruy clcM' ; b~tt cuttiug u1u:: 1' jug\1la.r in the p;.-.rlor could not do )thel;.\"·iso th..'l.n iujure the ((ll.rp_ et. :· of diftetent kinds: · 'l'iiresliers and aU; p,11rti.es re<l11irin,g ~uch oil. al'C }1 l~aSc call at the . · speci<'llly inv'i£M to mspect the vm-iB OvVMA:N"VlLL E 01u; qualities, the pi:kes being far beParm Imviewc'nt -orwarding Agency low a'nything ever offered in this lt. '\V. J -"'\:.l\IE'S , market. Dry 1 Goods, Cr()ckery, Paints, Oils, . .Hardware,1 ·l Boots ·a.nd Shoes, I Patent Medic-ines, etd l Groceries~ . , JJ'o'1' the Pcwlo1· and the C!mnh, '.L'lw B"st N'atci·io.l o.nd I lfm-k'1.i.an8h'ip, !,JmiZ.ity a.; icl Vul wme of '/'.: me lh1.erJ1.u;clled I 'l'hc late ·wo1·thy Dr. Lodcha.rt., of the Colle;e :Kiug St., Bownw.u..-ille. ()burcb, Glasg0\\' 1 wheq tl·a.veling iu Enghmd, l~own:mnville, De.::r.5-! 1872. 1 · nlO. was sojourniug in au ~'1~11 when tfe Sabbath -~--~ cam(: i-eund. On entering the pubh~rooJU, and al.tout to set out to churi.:h, he .fQ_und two gen,.. . t ;BY '., tlemen ·preparing fol-· a. ga111e at ches~. He addressed them in words to this effect: "Gen· ' I ~ · tklnen~ haNe you locked up your portn1an~en.i1s . OR i;a.1·efull:i,'?" "No. '\Vhat ! ~re tl1erc thieves ~·I in this house ? " u I d@ not ::;:ry that; only I wi.rn thinkillg thri..t if the waiter con\e5 in, and EING lCiO. a.cre-s, part of T"'ot No. 11, in,the :fin<ls yo\1 m!lkingfrcewitl1 thCfoud,b co:nma.ndJ 2Lb Con. of :Thian\'ers, 'Partichl<1i:rs ·wil! 1ncnt he may think of inRJldng free with the be flhortly lnade known. S. JACKS, e-ightli corn1ntt1 Hln1ent." Upon ':hid~ the gen,: IIa.rnpton l' . 0. tlernau saidi 1 ' Tbtire \Vas s01netlung in that) n;·nlU·tl. and so laid ar;id.e the grune. - -.- ()- - - -· FARM F()R SALE, PUBLIC AUCTION, 500 .Cool,s., :Pa.rlol', Ha,11, a.nd. ~ox Stoves GOODS, AND TINWARE iii Uie - Coun.ty of Dµrham. JO~N PRICES $ 6 00· PRIVATE SAL E G}~NTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest and must ap· tu-riving, anC)· ni:·w on ezj1iqition, the proved manner, 11nd on the shortest notice, from Fashionable and cm-elargest and cheapest stock of fu lly sei~ct@(l Clothes and TweedE<. The httest New York Fashion Plates GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAC£ regularly i·eceived. ,,,. . Factory and Wareroems, Cor. 6th and Co1 1gress streetr;, Detroit, Michigan . (Esti\]Jlisl1tHl j1_1 1350.) B M:cLEO:P, Uampw11. :K ov. 5th 187~. H. El-LIQTT RICE & BARKER, Agents, m47-o34-tf. JUN for Ontario, West and Nor.th·of Belleville. Bowmanville, Au~. 21Ht, 187(i Wellington Btiildings. i Bowmauville, .Aug. 8th, 1871 · ·~-