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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 Feb 1873, p. 3

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· -----· -- - ~-- NE -W S P RI NG G0 0 DS. AN DER s o N ----:o::--~- & COY. llOMJ1~ '< Mauufactu rer s tmd dealers in AGltl ~L'h c sul~scribur \\·01thl b e~ t u caJl bi.-1 f;t o(.:k u( 1~t~ (1 nLi0u tu S. rrREVVIN begs t o a nnounce the receipt of f!e veral aitlvanc:e cases of BOOTS AND SHOES of ever y description. NEvV G 0 0 D S. Compriaing the late$t Novelties in · Prints, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Cottons, Brown and Draped Hollands, ~a~le Linens,. . Oil Cloths, Regatta Sh1~1ngs, &c., .&c. ---~-' Felt Gaiters and :Balmer als oqnsta.ntly 9n hand. Felt Overshoes and Ru bbers m great variety Al so n. large quantity of Gents,' Ladies'·, Misses,' .. Children's '" . "' ' Groceries, Farmers, wanting Plows and other AgricnJturnl Implements, cannot do bett er than get them from the Enniskillen Agricultural Works. l'HE Gll.EAT UEMEDY FOR Dry Goods~ LA.OE GOODS ' Saratoga and ot hers, for S~c . TBUNKS nnd ueknow\cdgccl by mnny pro minent phy si· cinus to be t.hc most Ueliab lc Prcpnrc.tlon ever introduced for the RELIEl<' nud CURE of all C.ONSUMPTION Having carried off First Prizes, n,t all the imporLant Fairs in the County, on every implement we exhibited last season, shows clearly, that we cannot be heat by any Firm in the County. And having tttkon every pains to ulter ttnd improve, we will guarmitee every Plow or implement iumed out by us, this settson, to give Boots &; Shoes SATISFACTION OR NO SALE. - -·:o:- - LUNG COMPLAINTS. LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETS, (newest styles.) which induces the Public so hu.u dsomclyto patstra.ighUo!ward trading is 'Wa.ntcd. All that well-known remedy is off'c rcd to the public, sauctloucd by il1e cxperkRcc of over forty ycnrs, 11.nd when re sorted to in sC'n sou, 1;1eldom fails to effect n spciu<ly cure of .. THE DOMINION PLOVV, as we now nmke it, is a first-class Sod Pfow, and is very light draft. We also make the new Plow, known n,s etc, etc which for let him 'vho has mer ron i:i:e us, anU v,;e ( ;;:1r no competition >vhere \Ve a~ k for our Good1:1 is C O:rv.tPA.RISON, then it, bca.r tl1c Palm BOOTS .AND SHOES. F ine Pnmella Boots, Children's wear, and Rubbers assort ed. solicited in Orders 0 U R r . Two Dollar Pr itnella Oongress RCI.P I SE Sit altogeth er. All ordt:rs dii:;patched 11.EID, who ho:.s been the lt ad1ng -w.01·king in the J U y t'ar is i R l;'eds old stancl , l3own1ain·ill~. Coughs, Colds, CrO l!Jl, Broncltitis, Jn. lluclllla, Wllooping<Cougb, Hoar·e· ness, Fains or th~ Chest and Sl<lc, Dlte<ljng . at the Luugs, Liver r Complaint, &c. by a timely resort lo this staud:ud remedy, a1 i s proved by h undreds o f t elJl imoniuhi r c c('iY C ( .- THE ONTARIO, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S docs tlt)t ~IILLINERY AND ~IANrl'LES. no~vmauville, \VORK1 \1EN vVANTED. by the proprietors. Special n,ttention to the getting up of FAlVI I LY 1\'I 0 URNING. Remember the stand. · .Under Corinthbn Rall, 3 doors east of King St, Oshawa. ANDEE SON J une 13th,1872. ' -37tf. Bowmanville. '-~ CO BALS~M OF WILD CHERRY. lea~ e, Qeing altered and improved from the No. 13 Plow ; tlte mould'board being of peculiar shape, which enables it 'to work i.n all kinds of soil, without clDgging or choking up, ttncl does its work with the gre>ttest of ease, n,nd is the favorite plow for general use, with tltose who hn,,,e trie~l. them. ·we also ma,ke the No. 13, arnl the Plow known as Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SVRPASSED p1·cput·cttlons, lqosens and clea n~ r. r. the ltu1ys, and allays ii·1·itat'iuu, t/:us ren-ioviug the ca.use Qf the coniplalHt. c u11,se l1c1tind, as ·ts the . case u·itl~ 1n=is.,_ dry ·u.p a Oo· u yh, and llte FA.ID'S · . · .. .<$ PA 'rE NT, s. Trewin; · CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, and nll those whose occupation requires 1111 11n u sual exercise of the vocal organs, will fh:d this the ONLY P1u;; P,\J{A 'L'lON wJlich will e ifo<' tually nntl instantnuco usly· relieve 1l ~eir di :lk n\. Also the well known PORT P·ERRY ·GANG ·PLOW, ALSG J. ELLIOTT, TYR.ONE. T_HE PUBLIC' vVAL1 ER vVIGG & SON, 1 De,va.rc of Counter:folt!J. Remember Uu:it the genuine 1Vi$tar's 1Jalsm1i Tlas on Ute outsiM wrapJ1er the .si911<Lt1ffe of "I. B UT1'8," and the ;n·inted nnme C!f the pro· prieto.r s 1 HSETJI 1V.1·'01FL-E (J' SO.NS, JJOS· TON." AU other$ a1·e iinieatious. Exan~·· ine the 11.wr~ppe-r car rfully before ]1u1·c11asinp. tics. with some imporfant improvements, whi ch mttkes it a complete n,rticle. S. G. WEBSTE R, L. D . S. COLLARD'S PATE!'fT IRON HARROWS . . A l<'IHST-CLASS CULTIVATOR, Also · One Mar a R o tll· Six llott1" for Fire Dolbn. l'It"Bl'A.RED BY SETH W. FOWLE c & .SONS, lloston, Mass., .And. 11old by Drugit1t& nµd De!llers generally. that ha.s'.given good sn,ti;sfn,ction to those 'vh~ have th em. I N r tnanks t o theix num ar ous Cnstom1;n;1 1 a11 d the Public gt\~erally, for p~u;t f~" Ol'S ·wo uld r esp ectfully invite t heir a t t ention to ou1· prcscnt stock o~- F u n uture, as we ha:ve lat~l)'." <tdd ed thereto, that ,ve nw.y thereby be ennbleJ to s'1pply ~ll pa1t n~si >vh& M!I-¥ please tu f_avo1 hi \\ ith a call G reat inclucl:luients held out to th ose ptn>ea& h1ng at our E stabhsnn1.ent. P1?tures, Looking Glasses, &c., frat.ned to order, and in every st yle. Samt?les of the d1fTe:rent ~und ~f Mouldings can be seien at the Ware-room . \Ve would also beg to inform you , t hat ,hn.v1ng put~ chas ed n. 1 SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, McClung· B r o s.'· GREAT STOCK TAKING SALE. Bein" ·anxious t o reduce our' stock as low as po~sible before Stock 0 Taking, )\Te 'vill gi~{e '· _ : j' Ea.stma.:c.'s. S:roa.d Seed Sower & Cultiva.tor,oombined~ to which we call. your special n,ttention, as it is an implement thn,t every farmer should have. It sows the different kinds of gmin, n,nd cultivates it in, with the once going over, and is highly recommended by all farmer" who lmve used thei:n, as tt grm1t lttbor-s1wing implement. Thio :ve have improved, by an"(l-ttacbment to prevent the Cultivator from rnising oqt in any hai:cl pla9~s;and em1bles it to do a.11 its work alike, Leing tt great ) ; , .r i'dv'ttntttge oyer thoBe ;manufactured elsewhere. SU R G E OM D F:N T I S T TEETH EXTRIH :no- W ITHOUT PAIN, b y t h e use uf ...Vit.rous 0.r;-ide, ( or J-> rJJfox£dc rf K itrct::n) which is d eligh tf nl to k tk e. Nitror:s Oxide i:; used in a ll t he p rin<.:ipu.l citfrr > uf l!~uropo aud An1erica, and I can wit h p lt'H.CUI e u.nd confid ence r eeo1umend ft tn the P ublic . a s a 1:afe and pllJasar.t a uro$tl1ctic , · If y ou \·ahle your l1calth ,ve shall be r eady . u.t n.U times, t o att end }..,unerals, on short notice, and r ca.sonable tel'mS. N .B. Co:ffihs k ept on han d, tu1d 1n a(le t o orderi at the . NEW DOJJfJNION RE'l'AIL FURNI'lURE Oabawa, . ;;q;~., ',,,, -~ r, King Street East Oshawa. ~l\.ug . 26th, 1870. '~ - · ...... ,~ .. ·f ; .,_ . ~ _£; ~ We will piace t,he work .turned out by us, in the httnds of our customers, . . with a full assurance that they will find it strictly wh11t we represent. GREAT BARGAINS. In all kinds of goods foi: the ... ; ·'oj; . 4. ~;.. ' FOR SALE. 300 STEEL l'LOWS. ' .-. . . /~-t{ ... . ~ ~ NEXT 1. HIRTY DAYS. 1 ALJ;, ~l.... .. ··:,_~-4" .. ' ' Don't Neglect your P R I C E f.:l 'l'ceth R;epa.i1'ing of all kinds carejitlly attended to. furni shed at the M 0 D E R A 'Z r;. Hil7-ly. '"' (. CASTINGS OF .ALL DESCRI:l?TIONS .:- · Room s fo!·m er]y occu pied by 'i'. J , J . } ne~,ovel· ]f, F. M"cArthur's Stol·o, · Street . ~ .. !'-:,~;s..'(.. Bo wma..:nvillci ~Tan 28rd, 1873. ; . ~ ·. ~:. CULTIVATORS, (Double and Single.} LOWEST RAT ES c oMrou~m VICTORIA SYltUP o ~· ,, WINTER GOODS Will be sold at ' Special Attention will be giv~n tb Plough Points. " :FURNACES, COOLERS, PLATFORM SCALES, ROOT SLICERS, ROAD SCRAPERS, "" SASH WEIGHTS @ VENTILATORS. CHANGE 0F BUSINESS. A GREA~ l~EDUCTION . SUCH AS e 't 11 t1 ~ ~() FOR WOOD OR COAL. · .ALSO IRON RAILINU l<'OR CEJ:J1'EERIES. Bell's Patent Double Cultivators, with la1ge Wheels Has len.~ed tlte premises now occuand Light Draft. F. Y. Cowle pied Ly SHAVVLS , T1RERS GOODS, WINTER SKIRTS, C.A .R P ETS, CLOUDS, A N D W OO'LEN GOODS, Of all descriptions. :References. TloBEBT SPINKS, Cartwright. M A'rrHEW ,JoNES, " · P. ·W. Consaul, J OITN SANDOW, " Old Iron taken in exchange at KINNEY'S Coulter Attachment. :Buffalo Robes, Rail Road Wra:ppers, Aml will remove tl1cre about the Grebe Sets,. lst OF AFBIL. German Uink Furs AT 25 PER CEN'I'. DISOOt1N'r, --:o:- As these ~oods have n1.1w comµlet1;Jd their 'l\Ven ty·First yea.r of busllieas, with a condtant ant! sLill incre::l.')ing growth. A s the 1i1 afinfactory is one of the olde~t, it tt.lso ranks among the 11ighcst in the country. During the lona experieiice of th e manufa cturers, thQy h a ve stea.Uily added to tbe cap:.lcity of th eir instruments, and have ln·ailed thcrnselvf;:s of e·ver)? neth<id to improve the quality of tone arid to increase the mech~n,ico.l facilties for the perfonner. And though they expect to con.tiuue the. course of improvt'1nent, they al'e abunda.ntl~,' satisfied \Vith \vhat has been done, and "\vi tb the e~timation in which their in· stn1ments are br.ild by good judges of music. As heretofore, they will usi:i tle best materials, wit h out regard to cost, and give to every Orga.n the lllOSt thol' '\.\"Orknu:mship. They especi ally inv~to comparisons a.s to t~~ ~ quality and volu1ne of tone, n.ud as ta tbe effe-Oct;.. , ·ive mecbani.Qal appliances. !fhey call 'U.ttention to t h e fact f11at their Organs are sold A.T EXTREkll~ L Y LOW low M ii'! charged fo~ many of an inferior sort. Having ala.rge, ~nd thoroughly .ap pointed manufactorJ:,employ· ingnone but skilled v1oz:~en 1 and h~v1ng made . a minute divi1:11on of labor, they are able to ptoduce Orgiu1s at less ra.tes"tha.n most competitors. '!'ht=Y b(':]ic ve, also, that . among other things, tl1e _ a. r eputation for f::i,ir dealing, and they would as11nre distant purchasers that ·no Orgau " 'ill tiver lea~·e their WOU'trooms \Vith their khowled ge, that is not j u evety respect perfect of its cla;,s. .t\.s they ha.··e before stated, they intend to Se· cure a friend in every purchaser. 'l'heir catalogue, wit h full descriptiou a.nd accun~te eng1·av~ in$s, will be sent free to any address upon application. All neceesary inforu1atiou cheerfully furnished. _<\,.ddress Americttn ·: Ofgans ! 00. THF. SMI'lH AMEBIGAN ORGAN Using the hardest metal to be hacl, we c:tn furnish n,lmost every kind IiIGfJ.EST PRICE Givenfo>' OLD IR01 ';i; GORD (VOOD, J': H A R DW OOD LmiBER. '!'he only Syrup ~rcp[n·ecl frou1 D r . Ch u1·cll ill'i> F ormula, antl. certifi~ d to b Q) che111j ~·a lly plll'(~. F or th ~ R. & It SYL VEST Ell. · Enniskillen, Jan,. 30th, 1873. ml8-2mos. preventioi1 :ind cure of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Also for the cnrL ' of D y31Jepsi.a: BronchiUs, .Asthma, L oss of AlJ 11e:tite, Ge n ~ ra. t Debility, &c.. . CERrll'IC.<\.t.l'E ~\. S TO PURI TY f,.N I) J.:F1"f!J,\ CL 1 ,,. :'i-- . .: ' . lfui.v~ I'sit.y Cvlleg-c, 'l'oronto , De c, 4, 1872 To the ~lictoria Chemi~rtl Oo. 7 Gentlen1en.- I have exami:ued t.1tv ;;irt icles employed in the Victori~ Chen)l c~J \Vol'kfl, in the µr epa;c at !on of the Victoria. Syrup of H y pophosphitcfl. 'I he scve1·0..l Hypoph osphite~ used are c!J,ein ically pure nnd t11 e Syrup is also (fld tcjree fron~ any impurity. ·y cu r Sy:ri1p of Rypopliosphit<J1:1 will unc.lonbtellly ptove a vo ·!) valuable Medicine. HF.KUY II. OROP'l', . . Professor of Ch t>mist ry, D . C. Pric.e $1 per Bot tle. Sold by all D r ngf;i~ts. L abor ntory, VICT O RIA COMPOU ND FLU ID F.XTBAGT OF !" .A. L L '·' OPENING! I · A Spec·ific J~eraedy f or a.U JJi.~ease.J · of th e Bladder wnd J{idney:;; Dropsical S? velii11gs _ ; Complaint6 incidental to lt'rnna.les; (l. nd all Diseases of the Urinary Orgarrn in either Sex. Try it 0111~0 for any of t hi.: a bo ve Disonlers, and you > vill be f"1ll y convin ced of it s pre. emi nent virtue.:;. · l:iricc $1 per Bottle. · Sold hy n.ll Druggi'.stB . THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN' CO Tremont St., oppo. s ite Waltham St. Boston, MassJ · M BRilliIACOMBE, BowmanvilleGcneral Agent for the Province of Ontario~ :BowJuanville, April 3rd, 1872. ly-ol4-m27 Autumn Fashions - - oo -- VICTORIA ELEC'l'ltIC must be sold to make room for Plow not Complete without it. Palent<d in Canada J1'ne 17, 1870. WINTER GOODS Will be sold n,t Spring Importations. BownmnvilJ e, February 4th 1873. J>" h Magnificent display of N ff\V and ,,..,ic Goods. LINIM E N T. "The King ofail Lini ment s." .For Rhe'l.lmatit:m, 'I aily plow without the slightest trouble and 1HIS ATTAOHMENT can be fastened to will etlectu ally prevent grass, weeds, stubble, McCLtTNtl :B:ROS. &c., from gathering under the beam and vhokA ing up the coulter . Fa.rrn.eroac}(no\vledge that it saves it s cost., every day, in dirty ground. }.1a.ny a t t e1npts have been by plo·w m an ufacturers to re1ncdy the evils which the .A.tA t.achment overcomes, but have frulcd . The simplicity of anything is its beauty. Apply to A G-:REAT SAC:RIFICl!l l!'OR THE Gont, J \"e11ra ft1 1·n. L un~ bago , Sciatica, 1'VaridP?-inq Pa.1·ns, b'f1j}1;cs!i in ih8 Lirnbs or Joi rrts. 81 ffain.c;. Bnds:;s,J.\"·11ni/1ness1 fiu;clhn gs, l f e,uluclw, L'a rndie, 'l'ou lh ~ . MURDOCH ;JlEOS. 'lrnve 01;ened out an immense stock of New Fn,1, ache, &c. Goods, Gren,t care has been taken. in buying the Stock, and as nothing but First Class Goods httve been purchased, customers cun rely 0 11 gettin.g goO'd value for their money . BUY IT! TRY IT ! ! ~ ff~V E ff!!! rrice 50 Cta. p er E otU e. Sold by a.U D o·u.;gi-)t s ; NEX1, 30 DAYS~ V LCTO H I A -- W. l'orter's. King StrccL E a8L , Bowmanville. jn21 3mos. F. Y. COWLE. Bowmanville, Feb.13th, " 1873. ' D R E S-S_o --G 0 0 -D S 'CARBOLIC SALVE. ". Worth it s Weight in Go:d"" A Spec1f!r: f or Cuts, 1Voio7Cls, B1 ·nises , Bun1s,, l~oi l.'i, J.1·itea! P·imp1es, &v , ari d .'Jhronic lJis~a.M;s of !he f:.'k in of ci-cry dtscrip· lion. g ene! al I3owman v.ilfo, Jan. OOtl1, A vears old. Quiet in H arness, got!!d for purpose::i. Apply a t this Offico. ~n<l 1sn~. . CH J:;::lT NUT COLOUED MAHE, SIX in18-tf. FOR SALE. SELLING AT COST. Bei11g , prc~sed fol' room, the Sub- . scrihel' will, for the nex t Plrojn and figure~ Lustres, Plain and Tar ta11 Wool Poplins,Metz' Cords Figured .Repps, · Empi'ess Cloths, w nd an endless v>'lriety of other new Dress Goods. Black . .A:lpaccas, Double Warp Black Lustres., Bl>tck Co bourg, Black Parnmattas, Bfack Crape Clot hs, Blnck Metz Cords. PricP. 25 Cts p er P.ox. Sold by :i.11 D rtl£""(;istfl. · VI CTORIA GARllOL A TED ·- ·--~ ----- GLYCERI NE JELLY PRIVATE TUITION. l-t, ::.\L A ., id willi11 :; to ) JOHN J:fU'l'LE I . ::\.. t each a Pd vat e .Pupils,iu t he evening!!, or on Su.turd ayt< , Su bj ects :- F1·c·nch Cb ssiOf!, l~V. J\11LI.i I N _ E l-{ y 11 Eminently the Ladies' :Favorite." f t: w 1 30 TJ A YS, ::\fathem at;ics, English Con1position, &c . dres ~ , Ad· Box 61, B owrrmn dlle P. 0, Bowm:.inville, ll'eb, 8th, 1873. · ofter for S\tle, 11'or. Bw,utify·i119 the Co1n7J le;..'ti<Jn, and jo1· rentoving Tan, b'Hnburn, ]1 'r ccl~les 1 Pirnples, &c., alvo for Chavpcc l IIa.nds, Ohilblaiu. . , li'rost Bites, am d b'<Jre Lipo. Price,2Q Cts, per Bottle. S oltl by all D1· uf;gi~ts. STRAYED. lj1J?..O~i T Hk 1) JtE~iIS :l:l.:S of the s11bs<.:l'iber, J.1 ::tbout the 1st of J uly , on o r~a1n a.nd two La. tri bs, and aEwe. 'l'he Ewe is c l two past tt.nd has a sl it in one of her ears, any infotrna. tion that will lead t o their ni<:ov(;'. r:y, will 1 U1.1 'thankfully re1 ;t1iv ed. J~E V I M OR RIS Lot Ul, Gth Con . Fol' t ho following Instu«ini;c Companico.i, .::tnd Dar lington, 2G t h, N ov. 2Gtb, 1872 .o-H> -m9 other Institutions, viz :'rhe Q U F~ N a1 id J .·ife Insurance Com· pany. Capita.I £2 1000)000. $150,000 deposited wi~h t he Dom iuion Government, for t he t> rotectj on of Policy-holders in Canada. The ISOLATl±:D RlSIC Fire I tu;m·a.nce Com pa.ny of Can:.v.:la. Capital $500'000, - 0ne of the ,\ppl y at T H IS OFFICE . btost a.nd cheapest Compa.nie$ doing buein eas in 0 -11 5 the Do1ninion 1 for l!'arme1· s ~nd I solated Riska. ~-~- --- -----'l'he CAN ADA LANDED CREDIT GO'Y. with a. Savings Bank de:ea.i·tment . ~:[ The UNION ,\ ND PER MAMENT Building ~f1SS 1I. LAl(E ha8 great l)leaeure in iu- and Saving's S ociP. ty. ll for1uiug tb e inhabit:>i.11 ts of Darlington that 'l'he1;1 e latt er instit ution s advanue L oans on she is prepare<! to receive pupihi on the P ia11 0 Iteal l~st0ite 1 on te1·n1s uou:s11ally easy for ibe a nd Organ. Pu,rticular s by application t o l\fr~. bon·o,r er. B urrows. B own1an-vilfo 1 J?eb. ti th , 1873 . lD ·lY Jf.11n1pton, Sept. 11th, 1872. 1n4tf. Albums, Work Boxes, Small The assortment of Millinery otnd Miliinery Goods ii; very extensive a.nd in trimmed -01· untrimmed Ha~~ and Bonn ets every taste car) be conWriting Desks, &c., VICTORIA -'-'\_ T ARE iHE O ~ LY C0 S1 1 James McFeeters, C A LL EARLY. C. BARKER. «IND ADAPiED TO EVERY C O tiOITIO:·J O F f: U~i ;\il ~l S! CN . Bow1 n an ville, Jan. 23rd, 1872, sulted >ts the V»riety is so great . The Flowers and F eathers, Laces, &c. TOILET g o .A.PS. . we claim Lo have the finest assorlmcn t to be found. '· Celebra.ted for Their Uniform Pnnty and Excellence of Quality." In Black '1nd White real Lt1ces and L t1cc Collars, we have > 1 large as VIC TORIA CAEBOLI C soAr. sortrnent, >tt prices to suit all. VTCTORIA SULI'llU.RSOAP. - - --- AGENT Their Copyright ::yst"e m r'!j fitting l.J an u nerring 0 71ddc {01 · uscertaining the exact -requirc me:nts o f all u·lio 1wf'd Opl icai a{d, YOU~G OR OLD, FAR OR NEAR-SIGHTED. FOR SALE. A full ·nd completo.Asso1·t14cut alwoys on h·nd Just Arrived! J ust !Ll'l'i ved, Our Stock of Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, BctWCl"<, Peteasllftms Meltons, ect., will be found unu"'mlly hwge. VICTORIA GLYCERINE, HONE Y , ROSH, AllD JV' 1~.'DSOR. Sold by o11 D r ngt,ritStl:i. · }'ebrun.ry, 4th 1873. A FIRST CLASS CUTTER Y ello\vlees "t Quick, Agents. at MURDOCH .Bowman ville, Miiy 7th, 18i2 BROS. ly Boots & Shoes. HE SUBSCRIBER., 1'HAKKYU L I C (J U T the \·cry liberal p::itronage he has in the; resp ectfully invitei; t he public to sh iu~ l 1 J TJ S I 0 ! forming- t he publl c t hat he has a,dded to his stock ofmac!1inery, a s c1nrAt:N P.LA... "'l~H, an~ llL.\'l'CH En, he l S now prepared t o do all cnstmn work 1 < ·n sho1·te'5 t uotice and at usual 1·ates. T HE SUBSC~~!~~~·1,le~u1e PIANO TO RENT. in in· 1 5PA~;:, ~~!:=l;ERS. Com:;tn.nt employn1ent. }' ,It', RICE & BARKERS Show Rooms, spect his Apply at l\IcA.R.T HU R'S, "Bea ver Block. " m47 ·tf. A.NOTHEB LOT OF LARGE AND VARIED ASSOR TMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES $elected -..vith n special vi:.Jw to th e sea.son , an d suitf.t.blc for all a.gee ttnd cout.1it i0n s. Ordered work wi ll 1·ec t!i "e hh fi. j_) ()C.:ia.l attenti on. l{emember t11 e stlttn<l, one < loor west cf M ur- I Bo,v1nauvill e,.A.u:; . 21st , 187~. T . f;:.ilT H . D a rli ng t c,11, Lt t 19, Ci h (.'( I!. , ~1 td y 2 ' 'i2 .n~l J· To Masters of L. 0. L MARRIAGE LICENSES. BLA.NK &c., &c ., CE R 1 I:FI C.A.JtJS, 1 _ .\.pp!icn.t ionl', r egular ra.Le~ . Bowm:l>n vilJc, J uly 7th, 1873 . Ca>1 ue p rocured at this of!i ce, ·CI I FOR SA L E. ORGANS l\ cw Style, splcntlid Instn.111icnLs. (Ja11 and Rec t h ern. l ' ISS UED BY ROBERT ARMOUR Bowma1 1ville 1 D ue 10, 1S69. A pply at t his Offico. Bowmanville, :ircb. Gth, 1873. l D· tf. I CO LT, black , con1ing ANyears oltl , ;,ir~d by S ir YV~dtcr S co t t . E NTi l~E ib r~e plv t o . I F . Y . OOWLE. Ap~ doch Bros. . s~~pt. RICE & BARKER. 26th ,'_ 1s12. J . SM ALE . o5m3 l

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