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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 7 Mar 1873, p. 1

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· · . · WEST DURHAM C tc !ates largely 1n the Io 11.1 l J s of Da11 ig cou Clarke Mld C I.rt 11-01 t It 8 a con1mon platfo m 01 en tu the f cc Jfae ss on of all quell L ns1n J 1uh ll gen 1 W. p 11 c arf t:o weu e:L '.LEltMS Steam Job Printing Office, Krna S1REE1 BowMuffILLl Seventy five cents 11er annum m ad vauae The Merchant and ' Obser ver $2 00 R '!i.iBS 01! \.DV l:!IR'IISING Ouo col n n 35 per 3.t 1 nu AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME IV BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRIDAY MAR(~II Half do 19 Qua1tet d JO Int u;1 nt a lvert1sel)lents Ucts pe1 liue first in eerl on aud 2c pe1 line each subs~Quent one 7 l8i3 NUMBFTI XXIII POSTERS PAMPHLETS BILL }Jl ADS CIRCUL "'Rt> CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CAl{DS TIUKEIS &c ' &c <:cc EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STVLL POETRY 0 Dowd ste1 ped genth towards tie tiger A 1inost a Robbery a;nd I iollo\\ed hts step~ clo~ l) "be 1 ~ · A.s ti e tra nt fro11 11 dtauapolis stopped \\ere \\Jtlnn a doztn )ards of th e an ma.l th· tiger dropped 0 ~laherty s a1 n '1h1cl lor a nunnte tt u e of the stations near that le \VO 11 lc cerl;.r,,lll uot to ro get h ~ tt hal in ltS 1n utl and lifted its lead· Bra 1 a mn.n ca.n e h 1111c<llJ into tht cat in'-"tr nuclJtfi 0 Du d u k on to h:; krlee insta,ntl\ lo k Iba. ldon e 1nvb(::~t lha lea\ I l upon Con el a long I s ba1rul fat one second ana fired passeJ. do 1 the aisle until I e 1cco0 n1zcd 1non Sense bnt It \\as no vhc:re to be found \' th the most a\ ful Jell I ever hear l the the 0 ~ntlen1au 1or who1 he was loJl 1 0 (a I lad appcal e l lo tl e Dr ad of Ri 1 cule tiger ei;.irang 1 p g tve one l ound towards us well kr o \ n cap1 t dtt)t f re JI Pi.;nn~j l \ £nna but It slept 0 l cot Id not be awakened I am! then before I cl time to mark him prop "ho has rece1 tly been 1no.k r g exte11si ve :n 'estments in coal &c 111 tlns v1c1n tj) ~t9p had asked Sci~nc~ to lend 11 e a Lu.ud but c1ly 1ullccl O\.er on the long e.rass Science\ aut ('d bntli of hers to se zc her O\\ n ' I\\ eh; e feet hom the tip of the tail I 11 pe l a.ud in au earuect 1ua1 ncr unparted son1e news wlnch ser.1nc<l to bo of great in e11 flteic w s no resource no\V bet a hundred sa1d 0 Do\vcd qu1etl.} oippoitnr 1 t1 but to let th o milter go on to its \Jitter ond I handed him ti eloaded r fie ·nd we all, portuncc lla.stily t lrn111g to l R wife 'i'iho In affn.irs u! th s k 1 d you kno v it 1s not exi.;e}!t Doolan \\ho daf3hed recklt?~<ll) o'er w s s1tt n::i on tie e at besi le 11101 the gen etiquette foi ~he parties to go in coinpany to 0 Flaherty 'valkea ca it1ously toward tlernan expla111ed t~ '\ ould be necessary for to the battle gro rn l , 8 pu.tltsts do to a the fallen tiger fhe bullet bad passed b n1 to s ep oft but ohe could go on to Terre prize fi ght \.Ve must go Eepurately to what th rot gl hts ey"' lnto lad Lra111 and be \\as Haute in l le would follow as soon ns pos s11Jle As he \\as leaving the car a thou ght Rells.t: 1fe" ilrl call , hkelv spot and meet as dead as his gmatcstgrnndfather seerned to str ke bun a.ncl turn ng bac1 lie there w tl d1"t tnt I olttenc;;s As we had Dead as a herring I c11ed fo I at nppeu1ed to bea;mall to 1uvc a good way to the place pitched Bedud and so I e 1s sail f)oola11 w} o hauJed hlS upon by Doolan nnd myself-an open space was bendrng over 0 Flaherty and so he pucl age or rnoncy \\ b1sper ng at the same \\ell known tlJ ue all rl. httle way 1nto the ts Caine here Hale rant JO Ball 1ck hme o. wor l of c lut10 1 a.boL t bei g careful JUI gle- Jt \\UR agreed tbat o Flaheity and I to 'c )OU re a pretty doctor to stand staring WJth It The per ons rn tbe nc1gbborhoo l of the his \'.:lecoud el ou1d go an hour or t\vo 1r al at a. t ger "hen the1 cs a deacl Ohnst an in c:ieat had been 1nte1este l Sf ectators of the , a.ace tuk ug tl tr nlles ,\ ith then1 in or want of } our assistance ft' e "ards n Con1 e cc ircuce Tii o of tl c1n sat In tbe seat der to pass trot me "ttlr a y sp u t that heWre caollt you t t 0 Fl b t I b e a ia.n a once o a ei j behind One \Vas a stout n1au "ith. c1ape m1ghtco1ne1nileu Vet) andthat wit Oh Tim '11n1 \\hinecl Dooln1 what on his hA.t the other apparc1 t\3 I s son my pnnc pal itnd tlie surgeou shoulcl fol 111 tbcd1ckens arc yo l th nk.11g about dy11 g 1 hi;; tl rd wal'i a Rn a ll WIIV 100N1ng man, low t tLostalctl tun All of wluch ha1 for! The mans not clead Not a bit of ti thllt Ii:: ,, 0 ultl sac11t ce u1 \ n tnber of I a ttent~ i:;oonl1 than not be present und CORN GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY r tJUAN Ill OF 'l TME FOR SALE :RELIANCE Muta! Life Assurance Society EST l\.BLISHED 1810 CA.SADA CHIEF 0FFIOES that Irr 1glit depend uoon him a\JcO!utely Pulpit Earnestness Looi J WHOLE, OR CRACKED John McDougall Im Waitmgfor To morrow '\ e sougl t he1 on her br Jal e e So bea.1t ful and fair And spot t1vely ' e place<l the' re ith Of ioses in her hair Her smile a flood of 1:1t n,,l 1 e sewn d With ut a cloud of sorro v And hen v. c ft. sh gayly :s. cl 1 m v; a1t ng for to ino ro lOO vc 1td bet to the church No brit.leg100 n n ct her th IC !he "h te robed a.ngd De tn ha I stolt:i The e hored to sh1rc We toll 1 er he W'llj all d nway Al l stro ve to Roothe her sorruw I knew he '\ias not faIBe 1:1be said Im \aiti1igfortqm iov er the lists f the grea c sstul j le chers of ti e la \ cent HJ B. 7 30 a m 7 35 µ m 9 001 n PlEA.TE, TAILOR MADE IN TUE On tnd a!Let June 24th tralll;, will leave ti e l3owmanvtl le Stat10n as folio~ s Ge.ntlemen s & Boys Garments GOl?i G 1VE8! GOING EAST ·were not as learn l n.::s 1 1a1 tcn1purtr es TJ e' verc nvt dl:'t!plv \eri::ccl 1 1 ac ence and pl ii osopbJ a1 d th u c1asc1c1l n.tta.u tn1cnto \ere ,i:r) inc g1e l:il c The) y ot their co \Jld t:H ST JAMESSTREEI MONTREAL Pl) hut \I ey were men filled vilh t1 e Hnlv Ghost-1uen of ear1cst t'\i 1r1t wl o p cu hed the 0 0"pel \\ th that glo' o ;::.oul and earn estne:;;s of exp1eas on \\ h1ch e'er cl1aracter i;.:e tl o e v. l o J ar-e exp(;:r e1 cc l ll e n1ost of I :;i,:::;se1 ge ~T xcd Mail ~Ia1l 7 2-0 a Ill 9 20 am ! 1\ta. l !\-I1xcJ. 3 '-l5 Passenger 3 35 '.rlEWEST STYLES B \vn a.1nille July 27 1869 DUNCAN }tfAODONALD ~Sq DIRECTORS W>Lrnll SuANLY Esq ,]'1 P Chall'llmn H1lane Hawk~ GK\NT O oo pm 1fail ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. ·IJIU!t licl cts or inftrmahon avpJy to .l' W A. l"EADS AyCl<V. Bo\vmruJv Ile Juno 9th 1871 ti 30 ].1AJOR 'I E C.6.MPB:EJ:.L. C B St 'IHE HoNOBADLJIJ JOHN HAMILTO:f Next Livi 1pool London ancZ G:la!ff!i?fJ b1rg, Ont RESIDEJ'>T SEChETARY - JAMES 1 SPECIAL FEATURES. I BE ENTU E PHOFITB belong to and d1v1d ed amongst the Pol1cyhofdcrs LnES J J<CirNED HY OTH}R COJUJ.~ ES or on which an tX~r"a. P emit ni wov.ld be rcqun ed can be assured at tle otdina1y 1ate3 of this Soc ety N evr 'l'a,ilor Shop~ J NOTICE. All p \.S Li-;01 L form tho bhc .,,enerally that he ho,s cou e iced b 1 s.u ess 1n the Sl 01 next to the Ex AIE W IIH F pl.. JOHN HEAL, Y 00'1'\ LI begs to m lo I le 1 Milh1 will b~ prosecuted JOHN McDOUGALL Bo man ille June uth 1871 ti 06 a t.1es1 on the pro1)erty known under a special a '1 angement SPECIAL No?< FoFEITADL~ Po1rarEs issued under which e:i!y 10 15 or 20 Annual Pay ment.s are req1 Lred each 1 \)' 1nent SC(,11 ng a Policy for a sum ass 1Ied proportionate to the number of prenuums ru:idf1eef1c L futu1c 1':1aymont of pr"tiniunl.{; MODERdTE Nov; oft.tun sin the churd1yar l 1:1rce 1 Alone poor A.n1 16 st1 &YfJ Ai l kneel n0 b~ lt new n ~le g1a. c l3j tu1n>i iSl e vee1 s anU pru.;ys An 1 1 eu at e~e the radiant !ik es I -prea,s Oihce one doo1 cast of J hf1lne s Hi ing hn.d scver::i.l J ears oxpericncc 1n the tt<l.dc 1 e b0pes tu s ~t sfy all 'i'il o may fa.\ or hrm \ th a call RR LOSCOMBE J,AR/;Tbl:ER A1 LAW liOLICJWR IN CHANO"R,RY &c OF u - 0' er ~{cClung s St re sa1ne ft tt as J l.f Br n aco 1 ha Dental Rooms BowruauVllle Oct 27th 1868 ly GOOD FITS GUARANTEED J?ov.n anv1llc Se.p 4th 18""2 it and I eh e.e the 1 ost firmly in it Iho n ost pronunent fea t11e of \"\ hitefield s p1each r g \\as t1a ear 1 eRtness The gospel is preached qL ite asp relv lll man\ o'-"otu pulpits t G da\ tic :i1 e trulh::o uc ttcred with iu1t~ 1 1u ich clea1neBA but alas not \V1th the sa.n e n:ol ty results ~nd 11; 1 Been lSe ol our of eau cot nese 1oo often \\ e ai..:en1 to t 1jl w1tl ctcr nal tt!lltlC" tr d cxpuh Ul rsel\CS to the v. ill er1ng ::i& cas n ol the great co 11ed1a 1 "ho sud th :tt upon ti c sta<'.'.,4~ ficl1011 i::. heat ed as f tct \\ h Ile in tho p1 11 1t f \Ct is tLeated etl as fiction I tlunl lt was Spurgeon wl o PEEMIUMS ao l Jl'I08t libera.1 con CHARLES TOD, d1tions Probpectuses Propoaa.11 Ol'IIU! &c. s1 pphed on n.pplica.t on at tL1;1 l'tca<l Uftice or any of the AgenClea .B:B.EAD AND :BISCUIT 11.RYME AND LIME. NEAJ, POS1 OFFICE A l ttle Rhyme caine JUSt in time Al d nll abo lt the best of Lune L ne from the 'Vest of the very beat ot beat m any quarter J hne that v ll always stand the test \Vhen ma.lung into wo1 tar I ill try and kec.p a good supply ~or it is always wanted ] lat when )O l all come in to b y You 11 not be d1anppomted Y wt.ll nlv;n.:ys find it dry and flesh J!l.MESGRAN'.l Res SccretarJ AGEN1 10R BOWMANVILLE 0 BARKER Obaoi "Ver Office King St 23 ly Jlo, rn n, 1 1Je Tune 24th 1870 39 BOW'MANVILLE, Ur leis Ptu1Ct\ ally .Attcr ded 'Io Oct l"t 18'0 h nl AUCTIONEERS li'o1 the Townslwp ot Dai hngton And tha.t i1:1 tsometh1ng bonnie Sn cotne along and try thus Lime :But Ion t forget the money IIourH of dclivesr from Nme a 11 to 1ou1p1n Uome1 of <.lUccn and Onta.i:10 Street Imperial .Fire Insurance Co OF LO:NDON rHOS BOWDEJS (Establ alied 1808 HEAD Oir11cxs - 1 Old :Broad St Pall'1\1all Lon.Jon GE~ERAL <\.a~t;;Y l!'QR H T PHILLIPS, HA:lfl'ION Promt t a.tttnt1on g1vcn to sales &c on able tenns rea~on a.nd St U\NAD\ -24 W1n. Bnllo"ton, E~NJSKILLEN Sacrament Montreal Sale,; I o nt tly atten led to on reasonable tenns JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter Gl!waer Paper Hanger &c &c All k111 lB NE,¥ STORE, WELL l< ILLED " IrH THE out rererence to the Board u1 London Sub~ ;nbed and Ulvested Cai ital an 1 Eoae1 \iC Fund £1 960 000 St 1llii~ ~'i\md~ invested in Canada- 105 000 huiUl"{t.Dces agamst loss by F1Ie are effected on the moat fav-ornble tenns and l~s pa1<l with of 01 k J i-omptly attended to and sn.t1sf11ct1on gua.ianteetl Re>1 lei cc- Next do r of the B blc Chn:'! CHOICEST OJ!' CtOODS. }Tna the best an 1 H os:t desna.ble lot of J DODSWORTH Inspector RINTOUL BROS Gen Agents Montreal tian Chuich IYROJ\'J<; 1869 'ryronc 92 tf AARON BUCKLER R WATCHES ~N IM:'.1EN~E R LOSOOMBE Bamster Agen for Bowmanville and Vicmity Bowm,mille June 14th 1860 of d1ffcie1 t grail s r,n<l ~UL)?tl.6288 all otl el' houses in to n and Co 1 t1 y mo 36 13 39 4\ CI,OCKS '.Farewell, & Ue~e, NUMBER Bui:lled,ge,"""' BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS ELECTRO PLATED B ' 1c1tor · Conveyancers Notaries Public · T. DARLINGTON, Bt rcco \cl i 1 ea crnd Coffee Sets F1 uil II enwphe r ital D1 sh r.s 1 t to bt.: suTpaese<l n tbe I ro r c~ and 0.l'E' CE a'l' BOWMANVILLE-Ovcr Mr Mo~f ir rJ a Store Or.111c.rn J.N Os1u :Yi\.- .First loor north of th. Post Office Money to Io~at lo'v rates of mtereat E ] rnEWEtt I l:. B R. McGEE I! A .JAMES RurLEY.h;E H :\._VE J Plate~ Knives, Forks, &c, Bow1ua11' ..,.lb Dec 17th BA 1869 m&o Ch cu lot of ) :iu.,,l t6 an) 1n the DfJmuuon Just Arrived Al NEW FRUITS, .Ra1sms, Curants, Figs, a.nd Citron :Peels, NUTS IN GREA'l :Oates, Lemon, Orange SPOONS. VARIETY Also Barrois ar d Boxes of Sl"OONS. MASON'S the I A)1(fES1 ai J BESr assortment of 'Ihe greatest and best assortment evc1 seen lll lo n. None to excel it Gold Cha.ins, Rings, BROOCHES EAR RINGS &o 1 None to snrpass them Selected by myself at the ma.nufo.ctones u1 En_gland. lBea:1111.tifu.! Candies, w th a.n <l3S01tment of CHOICE BISCUITS. Dadlngton ha~ again iece1.ved another lot of tho;)S celebrated Ladies and Gents English ancZ Sa1 atoga T? uni s T; avelling Bags Sha'J l Sti aps Valises etc etc to be founl in Iov.n ---o--An early call will ensure a good choice A con 1lete stock of PU:RE LEA:E' TEAS, Quahty is The Choicest oigrades Gold and S1h er fr:\meH Lazarus i:forr1:; & Cos on hand to fit all sights These I \Vill !'lell at ic(luced pr ce8 SPECTACLES! A LARGE SUPPLY m; Harness, Whips, Saddles, etc. on hand as t suit tho Test of Cheapne<s n12 tf Bo,, mani; ille Dec. 22nd 1870 0. BO UN SALL, I l MPOl\lllR MANUlACIURER an DEAL:gR in all tl ~ va1 FINE currLERY, (ROGERS MAKE ) Bowm·n ille Ser 31872 nl etiea of Dana's Patent Sheep Marks tJ~er ~n' ented They ard m;ed a.x l reconu:nendod by manJ of t11e best.B1eeders in the United States a1 d Canada such as G B,t Salem Mas.'i. PrC6ldcnt 1-.fe\V Englan l V\ ool t.irv\ ers Soc1etJ John S R.o;;~ Henne l lll Ill ProfeAsor JV[ 1\-I lefl of the State Ag JJ.cultu1a.l College Ln.n&ng ·. Mich fion Geo Bi:o Yll Io:conto Ont. John 'Snell Edmonton Ort. On each Mark L'i stamped the owners nanrn a:nd the Sheep a nt n1ber 'l'hey will be sent f1 ce by mail 01 f!XPl os~ f 01 o ily f cu1 ene;ts ach and will last fo1 IWENTY YEARS. W CMh must nccompan, all orders Italian & t\.merican Marble l A la gt n.nd chowc sdcct1on oI RESll M T the mdst la.stu most complete ~RKS ARE g tl e trot blcrome and nm OHEAPES'l: Monuments & Grave Stones: a.lvayso11ht1l of s11ero1 'iOrkuansh1p and :1t 101vcst pnCes Cab1"net Warerooms SU13SORIBER tal<es ple,..ure rn m THJi fo the public tl;a.t ho has p_urchased the CJ !I.Ell'\ El !I.ND t N 'll1lllff w, 01 ght 01 f i Cast [?on Fenees euclo uig b u-y g lot!'! :Furniture Tops Mantel Pieces &c rought to 01de1 1,e 1 t o 1 h 1111 rcflI ectf ll)l rcq1 c~te l :i..t t11e' 01ks A call is ti o good w 11 o l. m the village of Hatnptou by Mr E S King Sheet Bownignville Fo'"] e and hn.v1ng leru:ecl the W:l.leiooma fo1 a 1 tf Octo I m 1st 18G9 tern1 of years ha.a no v or enu 1 ot t ~n excellent Dl"RIAKING Bt SINl!lSS he. to!o1e ca" ed AHCHTI .lLD ~OUNG Ju BEAUTIFUL IEEfH J M BRIMACOMBE L D S th. Ex.tract.ed at T 'Vcnt.y five Cent.e 111; - and Sa nm, Ont Ordera arlch es tsXI to tl e . .,. OHN t and OB SERYEU Office for any quant ty 1 l le fille l st the abo c mentloned p ice as qu ckly ns the :i\{arks can be mn. le m d sent Extensive Assortment OF c llown \tl B.iRl{J [{ l~ l.lle Dec 28th 18"1 mloo :Pro :Bono Publico. ALL KINDS OJ! Roou $ u Ct 1\>IcClun g n100. vile Ot li=;t 18.,.0 S toic~ 1 chMe(l for casl and ·which he no'v oifera Person8 11 ant of a.n:vth1ng 111 tlus l uc w 11 lei" ell to c.!'Lll and look throu.,,b the stook J efore p nchai,ing eL-w.whlt1e Yello vlees & Quick are our Agents i 1 West In tie underta.ku1g il i aitmeJ t He 1s I ie ])url ain an<.1 a. Reward of $?5 is I e1ebJ offer tared to furm.':llt e'.\i cryth1ng requrred for funcr of Bowmanv11le ed fo.l the app1chcns1on a1 l convict 011 of all als Ilct:td).,... made coffir s of all q ~l t1es a d such 1 11 oQtcrs as t1y to defraud tl e p lbl c by istzes in all tht:l \ a1 ious: trimmu1gH constdJltl~ on lhe best of 1ef~rences given m Bowl.Dain Ile offenng tl en t1 t.$h as o r 1nako hand Also a fill supply of uoa.tlj made \\P a.n l clf,iewhere Office l!>ll Chul'uh Street Bowma.nv1lle } eb 2'=- 1872 W6 012 ly L!l.ZAUUS MORRIR & CO shrouds He has also at great co8t l rocurcd- [!.fir t class 117 tf Jiontie ~1 :Nov 8th 1871 Heru-se CJ'.'.lew York ityle) \ hich v.;111 at all t mes be 1n read.meas for. the 'vauts of the pub be o.t a l:easo ia.ble charge He res1 ectfully sohu1ts a i:ha1c of l t 11 c pat a.nd get V .E 1 EBlNAR'i. SURGEOJ'. ionage GIA UATJ: oi; ON'IUTO \RTEn1~AnY COJLEGE JA1fE;:; ORYDERhfAN 0 1 narnesstanredtle el we l c1elycaut1on t11.:: 1 ubl c ;i.,._.,a1nst alls ch l l sters a.'l Mesius ] J Lv 1 g come tv our kno that certa n l .sell ns Sr cctacles nnd EJe Gla..-qs el:! p rport1 g to be of o r innkc an to bear Pedlau~ a1e ~ledge $25. REW .ARD. cancers and t1il.Dl.ors 't' iKEN our .A:ND at lo" est 1ate P Cured without the Use of the Kmfe, by DR. B. PATTERSON, ROBERT YOUNG, n1 1::iJ 0 Save Your BONES for thetu at ,00mmenced the _ pr11cttce of J ~ profession and ~:i.n be 00 l SI lted ais to the diseases of f:Co1"3~ ~nd Cattle at Glover a I l very Office King St ~ esidence-:B1 od e s l-[ote 141 J3owm"1lville Jnn. 1th 187~ to fo the ]3EGS v Ho n.ntl su1ToUJid n n.b1t~nts of Bowma.n couutr:· thn,t l ~ h w j s I fo ::u: 1 Ace dent Oon pru v and shrJl be pleased to 1n~ ru those iY ab1ng to secure somcth1ng for their fn,rrnltes o Ir end!'.! n case of ace dents or <leath T( mll 3mos Hampton Dec 12 1872 P S - I h::i.1 b en appo1nte 1 Agent fol tl1e SO cents per 100 bs., ilOUNG & BRITTAIN S Onta.1 fl Street W 1 hey ni"t be dry cmd cl-an oa1d tl1at lie \Vt~ acqua ntel v th a ,oung u11n1ster who 'vas so ~urn e t nnd de on ~itli n s1~00 h shaven tace and a re1nark stratl\e wh le prea I- 1 h that on one occas pet ed as art ngeL1 The respondent .Lnd His left ar1n s bro] en certa1nl) brol en n A SHOT AT TWELVE PACES ably p1ercrng pair al small grei eye" B:e ion he act1 all:, broke au oal e1 0ha r n 1 to Doolan depu1Lcd earl\ in 1he ulternoon de t\\o places and hes n1c.0Jy contutied all s:i. t on the opposite side of the car a ltttle p1cces durinJ the dell\ ery of l 1s serrnou (Conclu led ) s1gn1ng to l 1nch at the rendezvous and over prett) well fr1ahtened no I in rear oft.he othero The tirtit ti\ o \\ ttl [ am not pleading for that k111tl of e rn There was notb ng Jor 1! \mt to pocket shortly bcluru six the upellant Hale and I confcc:s I an1 \\lthou1t so much cause b lt heailo t0Methc1 engaged 1n close conv~raa estncss that apphc~ 1tself to the den ol ton follo11ed drove to the outskirts of the }lll dead Ble,s my soul sir will you have the the oltvo and do as the !Jetttenant wished hon 1n a low tone shot heque1 L glances at ot pulpit furn1tuie neve1 Lheles>1 it ;.iee1ns to Tur1e and place w<ne ag1eed ll]_JOll a1 d gle aud strolJ c 1 thro 1nh the trees to tl e goodne~s to allow h11n u brcnth of an 7 tb&lad) rn front who seemed \o be the ob Doolan iose to tnke }us leave !ls were pince The breatli ot air vcos allo"ed b111 In J ec t of d cuss o J l he srnall n1an seemed me th·t \l 1s woL ILl be mfm1tcly 1icf1 1 J to the cold, p rns:io1 less fr g l sto1c1sn1 so 'If Pre \Ve ::uc sa1 l Hale true to our a ve1y short tune ho had recot ered conH i sha.lnng hands 1n the most fr1endl' inanne1 to go to sleep \\ hen the train stopped nt w1 lcly prevalent among us I said By the way Mr Doolan I must t n1e but I don t sec our inends Euphem ousness rcq uested to kno\v 1n a etrong Terre II~ 1te the tall' au omnibus It ti e great \I e 11es of the gospel wl cl not forget to tell ) ou that I have no\lnng at isin for enenl cs ItIBh accent v;hereabonts he \\ilS betrayed '\ ith other pus~cngc1s the fathe1 and son are !lO W(:ll a lapte<l Lo in s1 re earnestnc ~ They vc !Juen here very lately said all m the sl a1 e ol a duellmg p slol I er bJ a. fe" '\vords that he was nndcr the an chu1bed to the top of the same \eJ 1cle, and are dwelt upou in a cold an l e1uot1onlt:!tiS 0 Dowd point ng to the relics of · lnnch press1on that he had lost h1~ \ivay In re haps you are better pro' ided the s1nall quiet one s~ootl outs1d~ on the manr er w11l not the li ev r l<.l lo cc 1tile1 e on scntterccl u.bout on the grasE and irlltb Make yotmell perfect!' easy about turning fro1n a hea\) du ne1 and hacl none atep~ .A.t the hotel the la<l' \a~ shown to Mr MorleJ smd Doolan 1 ho "ould no they ve made nughty iree with tlte eat to sleep by tic road&ldc then 1cc0Hrea a room but the servant had scarcely lctt in tbe rnei:seage as \vell s in the inef" en:'.le11 Dunr g the J.i1ench lC\Olnt1un .,,n obscu1e his seuseo completely listened to the whole 11hen there 11as a knocl at the door Open more have been "1tbout tr1gge1s than h nr ables inn.n rose UJ..l one da\ to tho con' c The en1 uf the least most demdedl) brushes I n~ver travel \\ ithouL Llrn history wl11le Dr Hale hed his urm L pas 111g it Qal t1ously l ' 1n man bareheaded 0 t1on At the close ot lus address l\'.l u Ueau said Hale so ve are qmte ready for the peace maker.::i. Au revoi1 .t.\.nd ~fr Doo well as it could be done and tinnlli \\Ith ind \ ilh a pe l belnnd bis ear beggeU her inquired cage1ly"hv tie person "as ad inuch assistance rose to l 1s feet Ian took hi::. departure after rece1\1ug iny begn nulg o[ l Jr ty l ar ion bit he was tl e cleil< an l 1! she 1I hey ll rn ke tLc 1 appco.ra1 ce in a 1uin assurances that I \Voulil call U,Pon th tj ir Well ;ientlemen ""1 d I cl erfulh I had an rnoney or 'tl 1uLles about her, it added that n1aT w ll Jet a t a grc tt. I art for he speal s as one w !Jo bel etes ev( iy "' v1 d ' The) re supuose \Ve may return at once forthe geou abCl make sute of his atfondance upon ute or ~wo n o doubt I smd '\ ou lei be liettc1 to l :.n e t hem loi.;ked up in he utters having a. shot at soruethin,.., 1n the Jungle b isine~s "lnch " e ca1 tr. J.bout will scarccl) the ground the sale and he \Vould to.l c cl arge of t1Jen1 Tl er' Jo,01 I) of lll e I l[l~ clq Cl c I chee1full) tm !er tool to do tbi o as I perhaps be proceeded 111tb now I apprehend tor l er and dehver then1 at the oH ce is to be found tu a b lwvi1 9 1car a Ii at t The crai.;k oJ :i. rifle a short d1~tance ofi was dctern11ned that at any rate the sur I dec idedly fo1b d Mr 0 Flabe1\y pro Hest atu g 11no1nent n 1Ll rernetnbe1Jug her geon should not be an Irishman and I had seem~d tu o f t lll 1ny \\ ords ceed1ng "itb that matter to da) !::a l Oale husl u.nd s pait ng c l t on sl e rcpheJ th tt u1 wl wh the trt ths I tl e gOSl el 1 ave 0 e erated Set.Ch a hot fire ol ! cl n 0 s l all cat The) migl t la\e taken both nfles with sulkily la) mg st1oug omplrnm upo;'; tle some hopes that he nn~ht be able to ,ug she would rJ.thc1 cnt1ust theu1 to the land ry conviction to ti c nu d of ou1 lie H~1 s then) then, l m t~ 1nk1ng ex:cliutned gest some way rnt of the dtfficull) Ac last \\ ord lord if he 'ould ha\ o the 0 ourlness to con1e that \Ve Dre not ti lhn g \~1th theLII - Chrw cord1ngly after 'vr1t11;ig a couple of hnc::i to O Dowd ptcl t g 1 p 0 I laberty s wInch lay Faith Ifale said 0 Flaberty ye ma) u1 1._.;crta1nl' ~n1 l the ol l gtng cler-1\. even fo1b1<.1 it alto 0 ether I sl1ou1d b~ a and he posted down to the hall whern the l1. i 1 (, 0 Do,Hl to '"l lbat I had anaugetl every on the grass - - -----We \\ere standing about 0 Do\\ d exam more lnsens1ble brute than ti c Ltger the1e thing and to inforn1 h1m of the tulle and stout inan '~ lb tl c cru1 e on lno h ... t \US Juvemle Preachmg place I i:mt off at once to look up the ~ur in n 0 th~ rifle' wl 1ch ' as loaded and Hale if I could not apologu:e TIO\\ ' 1thout feel \a 1 0 A.not} er knock (.<.t the door aod the pale ule bottle~ \Vhrn wv t ere surpru;e l 1ng anv hnu11liat1on io do11lg ea Gn e u~ I lie I\f o<:t II gh i.;0011 an 1s \ vcs to be geon Hts name ""s Hale a \horou~hly L be landlo1U "as an o lnccd l 1 tl e scientific man devoted to lnr:; profess1on and bj s@e1ng Doolu.u innn1ng to \atd us '\viLh your hand Dennis and recen e tpolog1e" I plethouc pack:tge of cu1renc; ?. as I laced in in suljection to lhen"o n l ushanl."' tl t l any ob y 1 at t1 \ ord lL.ev iuu ho t wa~ scre,ved when I u1et 'ou the other a little 1 kely as an) botly to any e~ery n..preu.ra ice of extren1c terror Ins haUtl \ 1th th e piolound g1at1t1 d· of 1' hat' the matter l we all oho lied the c r 1 be "o 1 b.) ti e conv eraat1on ol sympatb' 11 th the rnmu1 t c fulh of the rn,,ht and-the lady at be r g relieved of .::iuch a r.espon Con1e hl:!re Bnng Here lie cued the \\ n es Or c n1t:ll ocl ) \\hid t.l c mo1 duel I found lum at home m remarkably Yon sha 1 t say another \ ord f1n1 said s1b11tty 'lbo door""' ,Jrnt aul loc\<ccl and goo l s1 Jilts U::i doctors gencrallJ arc and the r18.e 0 Flahc1t, s been C<1rried off i>y ODo,d 1fyou do Ill ne\cl speak to you the UlCCIOL span of !USC ils made their JOY al ufl 1cnce ol a, w1to opqJa!ef:."' tl I od en~uged upon n paper for the L£incef. upon a t1get ugn1n <. orne along lets go at once \V' c 11 iul' ay do,rnstnm -Wall mg pine dly back lOUS 1)0\\ 1 COl "' ISL:;, in t i c tact al 1 de\Otetl Now Mo1lcy <a1 l 0 Do11 1 1ou \le got "end the o;ier\ants lot tlie YOl 1e1 the sul~ect of gur shot wounds lLnd forth In::. hands belun l bun a1 d his ncss w1tl wJ11Gh sl c cl 1cates he1 clulLh en yru i ' ish at last Cotnc a long \h all rntm ne 1 rn high J rite a.nd hat e'csbalfco.::ie] 'IV\othco::.n ll 'rystinng :\_ rr1orher lll l not e\ei" ca:.(' 100::..,esi;cs Ho ' arc ) ou Hale I smcl I A11d '"' ult act oft run nu 0 to va1ds Do.o \Yas the first and d 1el t ever bud a Ho\\ do Morley I said he er of the ca1s rncy were\\ ll11ng nnhesi note opp01l 1nitj inoie p isua 1 e eue1~.> the matter 7 .A llytl in 0 \\ rong rth JQU 1 lan, Io had st pped and ""s loadrng hrn hund rn ancl ino1e po \ er cf prnct cal acl le\etnent tat11'.l.i'.',)y hv l uu a1 d 11 ~ l reacl cd Yo t look ralher out of ""Ort,, D1 ges1lon rifle By Jove tint \<US a fnc shot of the st1i;et "hen le loo] l!<l up seeming to Lo furtn a ch1l ls bab1ts 1 l r o lU its char Did ye Int Ii u Phil 1 di I ve bit !nm 1 0 Dowd' ea1d Gal ton nn<l 'vrong or what Js it 1 and a ll the cir not ce thcn1 for the first tune n.nd spoke to acter tha11 a f tthe1 Ob theres notlnug- tl e mnttoi w1\h mn said 0 Do" 1 when "e reached the lieu cun1stances cons1dc1ecl must h l.Ve been 1n1 Land lil an 1 rrebg1ous 1 lan sl e ru ' tic elcler of the t vo iner sely ry to hnn:ielf I ours 1s I sa1 l don t flatter 'our~elf I "ant tot ant Ibeg,otrpa1lon hcsail lutha,cat a1na ng fac1ht'.\i so tla u tl e rno ll fee n gs Htt hitu l<l It 1 t>u<l. Doolan No fa1lh the only affair of the kind Morley, that I you1 help ce1 tn1n1J but not for m1. self oi her lilt.le ones, as to HI. se np befo1e hun I seen ) on before 1 I fired in hopes of fnghtcn ever beard of m wl 1ch 01thc1 of ti c I nr. in their teinper anLl de1ucan u a co1 start You II be 'muted about half pa8t live tlns I daren t Ltj I tl1111k rot ' J.S tl c sho1t Ucci 1vc au Jng bun Cu1nc along Ile J urr pcd on us v pl~s ol talned ny real eat1sfachoti 1nacb1nerJ of insLrnctJ and reprooi far aftcn oor at-SW Cl Eh '2 said Hale Yo t don t u c: un to fro1n Uehn:d u.s 've \Vere silt r g on tl e n1ore fltc.ed to in 1 rcss and refor1u 1nn1 tl an It 0 Do,HI was <tS good ' band at f\ Hold 01 satcl the small mnn plea ltni; bank tltele cnt ght poor 'lrm bv the shoul plStol as at a nfie 0 Flahertv ' chnnce say that Mra - any l!:IOS ti le course of per/)uus 01 fron1 1 er 1.) ha\ en t I i et ~ in Chicago 1 No no rnrd I nolh ng of the kmd- der ur d trnntlled off with h n n~ver say \\ ould l a\ e be 1 n. 'ery poor one i'l:'l. d Therr. "as omcth11 g of n.nx1cty l l. J is own hps The follovi1n 0 nccdotc w1ll 11l 1s qn1te the 1e' erse H Jee<l No the state of i 1g a. " orrl aa if s1:-.: feet two \\ere noth ing Drow er tone as the olbe1 answe1ed that he bad been ttale in u de0 1ee low stro11g an 11 fiueuce We 11ere the case is this 0 Do11 d has taken um to <peak of ut tll Oome along Well tlte tiger was the real peacemaker a w le a1 d n1othe1 ma) exert ~ in OJ Jcago I J mp after all s ncl ll n3l am tnd yet be } id to brage at sorueth ng 0 Flahei t) bas said and hur y1ng aftt:r l nn ull t 1e "h1le It \\:ta late in the ~vc1 ing says a sa1l Ob I beg your pardon-I rnulh do I ed up prnked up the nfio Stop ) c tb1et has in::11eted upon c lll ng hun out suffer tor it Theres a" ant of clas~1cal \\hen I arrned trou1 tny last voyage an l \\ u.s s re I 1 ad seen ' on there nnd he look He 0 ave JU'ttce about that pait of tbe story I ho.d not an oppo1tu1 ily a! s~e111g a y cltl Ab that B it IS it 1 said Hale, hi, "'cs I called out or 111 shoot ) o 1 ed d1stre:t1sed B 1t ~111 you h<t\:e tl1e brightening ud 'o i '11 want ine upon the a wag with l 1::! tail tl e beast ns much as Nay sa d \lorle-v on tl e co tra1} rt est gu l till the folio ' ug la' WI en 'c l n<loess to " lk Jnto tl e hall here a nnn ground 1n en c of accident Certa1nly to saj Shoot av..ay 'e 1aren t hit 111e for 1s quite conect auJ. classical Amoo 0 st tbe sat down to d inner T began to eat v. thout ute-anJ }O l too 1 a tl e .)Dung n1an \Vas with a glance at his manuscript-- notlnn~ fear of k1lhng 11m and bc 0 or1a I U in Lke anc1t>nts you knov. \vhen t:'i-Vo enenues were th1nk1 g of'\ hence ffij meter s cane a1 d sl d n"' uut of the door I lrn.\eJU ta \Vorl ~nd reeonc1l'-'!ll they sacr1 liced a ba tr.t upon t} e like pistols You 1nay depend upon n1e s lfe enough for the inatter ot that slanc1ng to :vards lllV d t ehte:r of \\hOlll J to sen to yo 1-JUSt t "ord Morie y You n a) be qmte certam that I nt the worU ti e c1a.tu1 chuclced poo1 Iun ot:c1unon was doatu gl v fon<l I observed ller lool.. 11 0 Who are yon 1 Jerked ont the sto lt man on h s back.., ns a fox does a goos~and away hall be the1 e at me with n. stn.1e of :tt-;to nsl 1ncnt \ tt 1 \ ith the mot rn1ng 1 ut beg nn1n 0 to tramlile The \Ill nu ;i,:as evidently i 1 tv:ant of an he \\ent again-come nlo1 g -snfer than a mon1ent e Fau~e she isle] n1e 111 a seu The Ganges I wan t to knO\V 'vhat bui::,1ncss j ou ha'e ill u~lrat1on to prove son1e c.onfoun~d theo <.:\er Joi 1 co il 1 see 11101e of 0 Flaherty oua or ::;Olcr1n rr1ttnne1 Fathe1 lo ' ers a1e a I JDg the Objects of Huuloo stopping n1c 111 this \\ ay now tb&n l coul l ol J m bad luck to hun 1') of h1.s O\V.n wiLh.rega.rd to bullet wounds ne\ erg ve than k.s before c ll 1g 1 I felt n 'I an1-- said the Stni\ll tnan \\ h1s1 r All caste~ "onsh1p t} e Gange I d"en t \'orsh10 HlS glance nt the Mannscnpt betrit' ed a1 1 I Wished I l shot at first in,,tant ruah of conv clH n \Vhte 1 sudllenl.> 11 0 the nanie of a well kno\\ n Chicago de The Hrndoos part1cnlarly choose the banks touch ti o tngger for the life of me uow him confounded Jnc an d I could not 11nn1eLll :i.L c in hrn car 'o.nd I want that lady s No but look here IT ale I '" cl the you under5wnd so I fo!lon eel till be stop of tins rner for the r \\Or.,,[1p bcea 1se the lv make answer fle11 other obsr.1\ed tha pe 1 after a b1t aud lay low n w1tl Tan be merit of works perlottned h~re beco1ne! q,i.; money and I 11 put it lll the safe " ere I looke 1 ho1d at her and held my kml" affa r ought not to be allo ved to go on yon promised to put Jt for her Do ) ou uu 0 'You think not said he, as 1f cntc1 ~ain fore hun a.nd then I shot not nt hun for cord 1ng to their sacred Looks excc d1ngly and fork motionless in ffij hands and ap In four of the nlonths oft] e derst1nd 1 ing the very gra \est doubts a(!! to the \vis !cm of k ill g Tim \rnt m the hope of augmented I rebending a reproof frotn n e she said c:oft The puck i:i~ vis hai de lover "ithout a fuglJten ng the bt 1tc Bt t sona a b1t hd year the merit 1s supposed to be greater than do1n of n'lJ "J!1n1on J\ to her Do you give than] s An l? I still ~ or<l lll other mouth'\. and at the f tll moon rn Ce1tarnl) I tl unk not rnd yo t 11 llnnk it ±righten lum Jt o ilj lDtide hun gnash No\\ look here you fe11ows n1n~t gr.t kept ID) eyes riveted 01 the ch lei for I these 1nontbs 1t sshllfurthe1 enhanced On so too \\hen Jou hear tl e case ~st night Ins teetl an 1 Tun "as bet \een e111 )ell I don t "ant knew I la l never 1n::;t1Ut:tc1 hei to nnn the tcr U clay of the lnoo:i. !'l 1nc1easo in the o it ot th s to\\ n instuuter 0 ]1al e1ty wt CH ~Iigbth sc1e\.\cd charged recollect So ti en I rou 1 acl, Joi t1 e otl er Jou no\i,-l tn ifter other ga.n e but <lon t r.u1d felt co1 sc ous that l had never <:et her month called J yo1sh\l n, rn the lore uoon a rel g1ous ex tm ple and I \i as t tt~1 ly at CJ. 0 Dow l \ 1th ha.\ 1ng tubercle ot the 1 n 0 !-l i1ll~ a.111 inet \OU nnd-und ha~e a C.:'\.le e c u t lie f::n off I r l n 1kss b ~ a great festI\al fo held J 1 com1nemo1at1on. let 1 e tin l you h er to n 01ro\v n orn1ng- loss vLat to Lt 1uk or say 1 he i.;l ild seeing !\.nJ. a tnoet nsolent tl u g to "8.j too 1 ow do you hea1 1 NO\' g1l ot Ganga s de"cent to the eat tb Crowds ot though 1L s a po1:nt1vc fact a11 the sau1e In eloped v1th T 1n aga n \\lnch Lhe oa1nts And tl e) 0 ot And the next u1ounng, nlc st 11 staIJng n her, a1 l st I l os ng thn.t I people asse tuble from t.he d1iletent to vns for1ul 1oi 1ts a m1~hty nnpleMant' \Y of waited fo1 her to lieg1 1 tolded I., little vino ttl itas 1 l no m But st ll a and 'illa 0 es near the r1ve1 cspecrn.lly tt 1ts the lady fu n l lier tnoney 111 the sate :incl han<l~ nd ] 1nnJ:J then1 towa1 l heaven man \\ith an' retipect for hin \'.:>elf can ba11ow tra' ell ug doe, not kno\\ ) ct that ehe \HS robbed most sa.cred spots bnngtng offering;:; f fruit He bad not dope l with Tun Ile "as breutbed forth the S\i\ e~tei::lt p t n er I l nJ his lungs to be thrown in ]us face.- i-n that 11ce fio"'ers cloth sweatmeats &c and ever heard This "as too 111uch for me way \\lthout takmg notice of;L And so st 11 lyn g "l ere Doolan had left him \nth bung ga.rlll.nds ot flo \ ero across tl e r \;et Lost Opportumt1es the k1 lfe and f l k d1oppe<l !1 in n1y haudo::. 0 Do,\d den1aucls au apology or a 111.,ctu: g l:i s moutl so close to poor 0 Flaherty s ear even where it 1s lVery w1 le \..tter the peo I Rhould s1nc.:irelv like to be fa1nous 1f 1t and I ga\ r vent to 1uy feelu1gs 1u terns Just so He 1ns1sts upon il.ll n.polog} that he looked as ii 1 e were \Vhtspc nng into ple I "'e hotbed the oftic1at11 g B rah mm as \Vh Lt "as to be doJ1e 1 1. le very er~ only fo1 a Jortr 1ght I an Buie that and- Jl r:; reall3 too [\b urd-a <lec1arat1on it cends the l an ks of the river' ith ti e 1 1 a1 d Advantages of Conversation front 0 lilall'll) that tile cba1ge b1uu,,) t tl o gl t of fir Jig 11to h 01 a ro "~ 0 F ial er~y perfo ins a nu ul r of incantat ans and ctre fau e \\Ot 11 not i-:po1l me a l>1t; I v;ould u a le my hand sl alre We all otood still car1y mJscH 1)0 unp1ete1 d1ngl) 11nl \\lth aga1nst b1s lungs \\ lS quite unfounded Uon\ ereation cal ls u it into 1 gl t \\hut l ns mon1ers all of which ba\ c son1e fanc f il Quite correct sn. d IIale an l tlns de fo1 a i 1 otnr.r t OI t ;i; o staring at tl1e t ger and 2ne1111n and OOJeCt .:inch as pre\cnhng evil '1 lc1 t1 oi.: gl t 1or others that rnen "oul 1 been lodged lll 11 the 1Ct!S8es an l sec1ct 0 say-Lebold the '"'1n11 lic1ty 13.1 d genUeness chan1bers of the soul clarat1011 0 Flahtrtj ui of course unable to lnr:i ' ic( i By occas1ono..l h111ts sp111ts fiom con11 g to defile the v.orol J of true grcatncs::s n1akc II1s state1nent \las a pertectlj true Now then \Vho 8 going to shoo 1 '31 a or cl1 t v g tbe111 11 WO.) and incidents 1t br ngs old useful notions IIc ue t presents I lo 1 ot thrnk ti ot hmo ts men ln c np 1r to rem em hrancc it unfolds and displays one, and he cant unrn tke it \Vlthout telhng Dooiu Son1ebolv mu::it or 111 h poor tl e offeung,, wlnch inay be n1a y 01 fe\v or a f lsehood Upon my \\Ord 11 'ou can 11 1 \\ 111 he nnncc l veal l eforc 1 e :kno s even n:ie1ely flowers and water accordin g to to U eu l r \J leges Ilctnetnber b w lnnch the l 1dden \tea·nre of kuo\\lcu 0 e with see OU) WO) b rt one out of \be d1Jliculty, w e1e he s But I 11 be hanged if Ls 111e tl e al ihtv of the offerer an l n el p0rforrus })least re thQy have it Ill theJr pO\\ er to con "' b1ch iea ling oh::er' allot an l t 1dy hnd .} ou arc clevere:r ti an I tl nt;:, going to do 1L 1'. ou re the best snot ;,orship to the rnrwus mhab taut· ol the fer to the ~ure ~1 l 1 t:en1cnt of the1r O\\Il before f rr she l tl c tn d By in 1tu :i.l elm happu css We do hear of \.V1slnngton s course the sonl 1s a\\ akened and alhncd to ' I believe you aie all gone mad I said Dm \\aters-tbe fish t he tortoi~c<i the frogs ii e occos1onall) taking Rcvolnt1ona y balnes 1n bru g forth Jto hoard s of k owlct1 C' nnd it vexed be) oncl be u1ng 'Theres lot a Shoo' 0 Dow I sa 1 T T d.ien t for snakes the leecbei:; the tiDU)]S fl e oflc1 0 to hb 111 or pc1.l11 i::i s 11 11 bo's on the lea.rns h w to r ndet tl er 1 n1o~t u c:ef il to c1eat re an10 1g :ii o \\lo \\ 111 look at the tic ltfo 'In e lnge d ~r h n 1n 6 been p1csenteJ to thcsf! thing in Lt c thn 1nd reasonable 1u 1.1 ue1 ~ 11an of VO.f:.t i~ad ng \vit.l out la Lli t >l 11 r s. . . J sl ot 101 cerlu n HH l lnhalnta1 ts ot tl e 'vaters are thro \ll nito l ea l unJ. I coul l 1 an1e a uoted person n1anl nd still h\ ut::> "ho 11 akes a pou1t of g1vJJ g coni;er::i.aL1011 1shkea nu e1 '11011\cs onl' '\:Vhv do you iealt?.e Rlr thut JUSt fo1 a 0 Do\\d Ult ii 'iVe stan 11 ere nnJ do the Ga1 ges At the clo~e of these ccre But-rn to hrnrself -Walts o i lhe J}, r1d1cnlo 1a \Or(l from a drunken mano..talu noth11 0 lht!re 11 be i o chance 1or l111u at all mon1es tnc peoplE pe11onn tl1c1r t.ibc1sance large apples to little clnldre1 tl e 1 uttci ll a utograph~ for ni~tance-ho'v able Ide rna l ue lost ~o \ hork )C gcnclen1eu lie sa11 tluo v to Gu gu au<l. then dcua1t Crrcat n1 lti ~b vcrv sad lD<leed stud the do~lo1 ing 1p 111::; head tn l look g t 1bercle 01 t des aso::.ernb1c on t11e bank s ol the iivet ou conl non it is to ecnd nutl ing but ones One sel lorn \cnL1ues to 1ntc1h:ne 111 cooly bit Jt cm t be helped I he mat not a tho1ot gh fine ielloW" you In O\ Im theo1:1 OCCll:;:,lOn '1.ll l cxr ect I 1 1ch Loth 11 1111 e I u\\ fe \ of our grc t l 1en 1 ief ce p11'al d1«1 let; beh\eeu 1e1:"Jhl:o1s but n11d what bea1tII) iepents uf 1t te1 i~ gone too far to be stopped A nieet sire th lt tho1 gh I " HI an~1ous er ougl to Ins life 1ntl hercafte1 trom tl is a.ct of wor e'en o l tt.le \:j Fa1lblull) \Ours It JS best lo tl e:rc is 1 r llJ oue ln a sco:re \ ho \\ill copy defer op1ll)Oil8 unt1l t} ey ni.:c r-;o nl t 1 1g lS i.bsolutelj i eccs~ary for ii e hoµ.01 of shoot 0 Flaher~j star ding opp site me tt slnp It JR At tbe time of tntnv uf L1 e festivals the ptrt es nd - laying l 1s buud t:usuallv tw el\ e paces, Id be tl r, I &t ru tn n the the tittles (:)f the Ga1 ge::i at 1 l 1nn11y places a pLSsageirom} u:1 celclnate<l poer1 ortlnO\\ not a pustor :J pl ii.;e o 'oluntt!er bis \It! \ l::i on the MS nn1 spenk1 lg m a tho 1ghttul \\01 l<l to ta 1>:c advantage of bin1 now Give gaily illuru1uaterl and lights tastencd 01 111 a ch iract..enstlc l hratje until he hear.-., a1l s1dc~ \\Cl(",l)) all Lhe cv1 ;::;oruc of our rich 111en by Lhe '\Uj do nianner- and mav te of 1nfiu1te seI\:lt:e l\Ioiley your r1Jle Phil and ) ou and Hale bonrtls or plEnnta1n stu.lke 01 put 11 to ea1th deuce anU inakcs it e dlolV'lUlec 101 all ll not get all the c1 d1t to w Inch t Irey are en to the c1use of-, stand a tnfie back =" o' Morie> my 001 ea pot<i ate fioated down the stream c1rcumsti.ncea E\eD then be nut clei::l So It. stnke:; ine as requu1og no httle He broke ol[ them bit he meant tile I 1n go1ng to c1eep in a thought neare1 inuch H> this river re\ ercnl.:ed among the t1tleLl tn mon0sylln bl es and guaqe e\1) l1rng l , cause of Slllence I lU certa1n confo in l Keep Jou J 1st beb1 d me I II l I tze a'·) t H1ndoos that inany Brahtnu s 1111 Qt 1ook hero1s111 to refnse to take advantage of so the Gospel n le cf charitJ l m I He ' us devoted to I ei p1of t':l 011 I m firsL a 1d I oliall h t bin don t I e up l lt nor th1ov" tm.h\ L\ 1nto lt, not \ash nl n n1 T'O tl 1 ltles for n1ak1ng one e ~elf THE ORJECI oF Ent CA TIO N \Vas Hale h .it If he spnnn.-., r , at u<: the nselves nor the1r cl th s 1n its watc1~ h tJ 1 y l y 01 0 goo to r)the1 pcopl - 11 e oi cl 1e~t1on sho1 11 l tu ! Ol Gtbi vf in ir,ncr r; to1 1ugust 1cll nn l Jct II\ Jr I e ouh ~ome person ndcrtake a JO une' Half ('!lilt 11...., at Hair 01 "l ngalo v 1f f five ho tu tl Hik ti an l 1 Lo lo \ l 0 l } OU lJetra\ VO r f:!!?ClCt:; ) OU be e oar r fi i l I 11 bn1 g or 13 :x: lOCtlH1 to b t he ln th e ('f Lnges to ) au pleas< M1' !tale '" i l cul lly i 1d 11nrrove our 111u1 sons to cnaLle ts t o tray )OU l!betl) D ) e tll le t;t;l 1cl. t ? pelf r u Lhe rites i (jr <lece1Secl ielat1onB a1 cl \Valked ont of th~ roon1 tb e man oi sc1e1 ce thn1k tor ou1sclvc;; tlHtM to lv <l tl e mern to nr 1 l ts \ ut"'lS f I rel rr1 ns all l v\ l le otl CI!l h ve to eat "1oe n1en eat to [ ory \Vlth tiH thotgl fo of other n n-. tollo\ 11 g me to the door and a~sur ng n1e med1cmal u·es-Waid in the cl1eeifulcst and n1anner I ve- Socrates BeattH LITERATURE I "r. n. .. s, ·

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