, THE lVIERCHANT, FR DAY, MAHCH 7, 1S73. · M!N().IESTER ROUSE. DRY G 0 o.:D S CHEAP FOR 1873. 'l'he ~ub:::1erihur 'vould beg to caU attention to · TO T~HE =pi I JN. rctun1~11g t nauk 1:1. to .~heir l!u1nc1·ou~ Custmnel's, :.\nd. t1 , would reRpoctfully invite then· attention to our 1-Jl·esentsb a.c~<led thereto, ,that ~ve iuay the.r~hy he enabled to 8 u_pply all r;1th ~ ca.ll. Great induce1nentH he ld uut to t b()SC purcru;hiuo Mo~d~g Clnis1;es, &c. , b·a.n1eJ to order, aIJd in every style l ou lngs can be t:1cc11 at the W a ro-roo1n. 'Ve ,vo1ilcl also' chn.sed a ~ hLs stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, CASH T. BATTING'S M0Cl11ng B r o s.' GREAT srrOCK 1AKING SALE. 1 Being anxious to reduce our stock as luw aB po~sible before Stock Taking, we will l'(i-re SP LENDID NK\V H 'v;,~1.:i.ll Le r~ady u.t a.ll tbnes, to att end J1"un0rala, on shor t l.' .13. Coffins kept on hn,nd, <ilid mad~ to order, at the N EW DOJ1111VION RE4 AIL FURNI1 - ----===-===== '==== ======= Bowmanville, llfarch 6, 1873. :Soots & Shoes etc, etc GREAT BARGAINS. In all kinds of.goods f<ll' th e FALL OPENING ! I r11 H IR T Y ]) A Y S. which for ALL Autum.n Fashions - - Qo - - I Quality and Cheap ness, A CANNOT BE SURPASSED 'VINTER G00 DS Will be sold :iL havu ~ow co~plotcd tbei1· 'l'wcnty-First year ~f hus1nes~, with a consta nt n.nd still creasing gro.wth. As the munufactor y is one of the oldest, lt nho i·anks among the liigh cst in the counti·y. Durini:r the !on-- cxpcrienoo of tho mru1ufnctu1·er1;, they 'ha.ve atc~dily a.dded to the capacity of their instruments, n,nd httve availed ~hemsclvcs of everrmethod t o improve 'the qual1ty of tone a11tl to increase the m cchau1cal facil· trns for the performer. And though they expect to cont inue the course of llnprovl·1ncnt they are abundantly satisfied with "'·]11i,,t has 'been done, and with the ei::timation iR which their instrumo;uts arc held by good judges of musiu . .A.13 heretofore, they 1vill Uf5e tle bc::;t 1uat.eri~lli, without rega.rd to cost, n.nd give t o c'1cry Ori;a.n the,moat thor9ugh ~o~kma.nship. 'l~cy ospec1ally 1n,·1to compa.rison.s ns to the <flrnl1ty and volume of t onu and~ to the effective mech:i.nical appliances.' 'rhey cn.ll tbttcntion to the fact that their 01·gans are sold A'l1 T~X TRE1~lllL Y American Organs! THE SMl'lH Al>fllRICAN OitGAN CO. in· King Street East, Oshawa. 0 sl1J;wu,, Aug, 2Gth, 1870. NEW SPRING - - --:0:----- N E vV GO Comprising the la.test l'\ ove I Prints, J!'ancy Dress LOW PRICES.as low as i.9 charg- GREAT REJ~U SUCH AS 0 ~.rI 0 N. ~Iagnificent display of' N e'v and Goods. !~ich J. ELLIOTT, TY.RONE. SH-1-\... VVLS, J ~'RERS GOODS, S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. MURDOCH BROS. h1we opened out an immense "tock of N cw Fah Goods. Groat c1ire has been taken i" buying the Stock, and 3.5 nothing but First Class Goods have been pm· chased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. vVINrrEI{ SI(IRTS, <-tA_RPETS, CLOUDS, AKD ed for many of an inferior sort. I-laving a large :md thoroughly appointed ron.nnfactory 1 e1nploy'. mg none but skilled workmen and havin cr made a minute division of la.Lor, thL:Y nrl! able f:o Prod~cc Orga1~s at leas rates thu.n most corni)etitnr'l.-1. l'nt::y believe, also, that among other thiu os the tJavo earned "' reputation for fail· dl' ali1~,.' and tl1oy would assure distant purchasers th~f no 9rgan will ever lca.ve their 1.var~rooms with t h eir knowledge, that is not iu overy i·eRpeot perfect_of its class. · 1 As th~y ha.~e before stn.ted, they iHL<:nd to secure a friend in every piuchaser. Their ca.ta. ~ogue, ';"ith full description and accu1·ate engrav1n?s, ~vill be sent free to a.ny addresa upon apphcahon. All necessna:y infonn:ttiuu chec1'fully furuiahed. Address Lustres, . Grey and Cottons, Brown Draped Hollands, Ta Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirt LACE GO LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND ~ ----0 - - - - W 00 LEN GOODS, Of all c1escriptio11s. D RESS GOODS THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN' CO Tremont St., O]l]lPSite Waltham St. Boston, Mass. J M B.RIMACOMBE, BowmanvilJe. Gencr:.i,l .A.gent f01- the Provinc::e of 011t.:"l.l'io. Bowm anvillc, April !Jrd, 1872. ly-ol1-m27 SURGEON DENTIST TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by t h e use of Phin ·tncl figmcd Lustres, P.lain l\ncl 'l'artu.n '\Vool Poplins,l\fotz Cords Figured Repps, Empress Cloths, a111J an endless v:i,riety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Dou b!e Warp Black Lustres, Bia.ck Co~ bourg, Black ParnmattM, Black Crape Cloths, Bhwk Metz Cords. Nitrous O"we, (or f'roloxide of Nitrogen) ·which is deligbtful to take. Nitrous Oxide is used in all ~he principal cities MILLINERY 'l'he assorLment of l\'Iillinery and .Millinery Go"'fa is very extensive a,ncl in trimmed or untrimmed H1tt~ and Bonnets eve1·y taste can be consulterl as tbe vrti·iety is so great. · The Flowers and Feathers, Lace", &c. we claim to have the finest llssortment to be found. of Europe and America·, and I can with plea.sure and confideuce recotrun0nd it to the Public, as a. safe ~lnd pleasant au<e$thetic , If you value your he<tlth Don't Neglect your PRICES Teeth MODERATE· ml7·ly. :Buffalo Robes, Bail :Road. 'Wrappers, Grebe ·Sets, German Mink Furs AT Fine Prnnclh BooLs, Children's woar, and ' solicited in B0011S ANDS1 ~ I ~IILLINERY FAlVIILY Rernemuer the stand. .AND Special attention to the MOUR ge~ Under Corinthian St, Oshawa. rn22-o9. H.001nr; forrocrl.¥ occllpied by 'l'. J. Joncs,over l", F, M(.;A:rthu1·'s Store, King Street. Bowma.nville,.Jan 23rd, 1873. as VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF CENT~ DISCO't1N'I' As these goods must ue sold tu mal;o room for · ' l?Elt SELLI -- ~- ---~ . - . N GAl~ J) E R Spring Importations. Bowman ville, Febrn·wy 4th 1873. fo Black and \Vhite real Laces and Lace Collars, we have sortment, at prices to suit all. a, la.1·ge as HYPO PH .OSP HITES ·. . 'fhc only S;y:rup prepared from Dr. Cburchill'i; Formula, «n(1 ccrtiflecl to b <l) chemically purr. McCI. UNG :a:aos. AT COSTm Being pressed for room, the Subscriber will, for the ne:i<t sQN BOOTS AN :NJanufacLurers of c"\.·cry Our Stock of 'l'weed8, Fancy Coatings, Pilots, Beaver.>, Pete115Jmrns Meltons, ect., will be found mrnsw1lly large. l!'or the prt"Yentiou ~1111 cure of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Also for Lhlj cure of 30 T)A YS, offer for S1tle, MURDOCH BROS. ly DyJpep.Na,, Bronchitilj, . .4.sthnia, LoH/3 of A21w petite, General DciJilily, J:c. tH:lt'l'flt'ICA'£E AS ~·o l'UlU'rY AND }~f'J<'lCACY . Bowmanville, M"ay 7th. is7:2 Labori\tory, University Collegi;-., Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872 'J'o the ·victoriii Chemical Co. 1 Gontlc1ncn. - I ha.ye f.-'xa.mined the aThicl<.'s employed in the V"ictorja. Chemical Vil orks, ID. the prepa.1ation of the Victoria Syrup of Hy. pophosphites. Tbc se·v cral l-lypophotiphites used are clunn·icall;IJ pu1·c and the .. Syrup is also quitcfreef1·o'm any impurity. Your Syrup of F!ypophosphites will undoubtedly prove a. ·ve:1·y valua7ile l\iedicine. Albums, Work Boxes, Small Writing Desks, &c., AT COS'J~ CALL :EAHLY. EN. COURAG11J · HO~IE Felt Gaiters a.nd. Bal:mor a.ls cq Felt Overshoes and Ru bbers A.lso ::i. 0. BARKER. Bowlfli~uvillc: ,Jan. 23rtl, 1872. large r1m1utity o T HU N K S.11.rat"ogn. and ot 1 1crs, for S fled that it · HENRY H. CROFT, Professor of Ohemistry, U. C. lVIANlTFACTURE. which 'V c ri.rc aatis· Pri(;(l $1 per Bottle. Sol<l by all Druggists. CI-IE A P·G stra.ight~o1·"·ard ii11luc ~'r> VICTORIA COMl'OliND FLC:ID JCX'l'RAC'.1' Cl" FOR SALE. 300 STEEL FLOWS. · TO ~rHE Farmers, wauti11g Plows arid other Agri cnltural Implcment8, c:iunot <lo Letter than get them from the t lic l' ublic so hanl1somcly to pat· t r1tdi11g is 1Yii.ntecl. All that let hin1 'vhv ha s roc1· r011i7:c us; we ai;k tot PUBLIC. l:Ji{ff llii:lif[JIJ;;il Enniskillen .Agriculttidral .Works. A Spccifu; Rcrncdy for all Di.leases of the Bladder a.nd l(iflney.~; Dropsical f:i1r;cUings; Ournpla·ints incUlentcll to l1'e)na.lcs ; and a.l[ ]}iscases of the llr·inary Urgans iri eithe1· Sex 'l'ry it once for any of the n.bove Disorders, and you will be f"1lly tiOD\i"inccd of itFJ pre-etninent vfrtucs. Prict.: Sl per Dottle. Sold by Jill Dl"uggists. 'Pivo Dollar J>r iin el ed SoluUon of the P1·otoxide of The Peruvian Syrup , a Pl'otect- 0 1) n · it, bear tl~ I beg to inform the ou1rrrv ATORS, lDouble :\nd Single. ) People of Bowmanville, and the surrounding country, th at I .have Having canied off First Prizes, aL all the important Fairs in the County, on eve1y implement we exhibited last sertson, shows clearly, that we cannot be beat by any :firm in the County. And h1wing htkon every pttins to alter and improve, we will guarantee every Plow or implement turned out by us, this season, to giv0 TW'O MORE FIHST-CLASS WOH Bowm a1n·ille , J une 13lh,1872. n ot only puti; all Opposition in the 11lia<le, BU'l1 'vith care, under tbe ablt~ rnauru;:emcnt 0£ )fR. t Pioneer Uo<it & Rhoe Store for tbc lu.s RUT,PIS HHID,wh JG ye~i.rs; t Iron., i.~ so co1n:l1·i 1ietl a .s to lu.t1HJ the ch,a.1·acter of ari all1rwrit, a.s easily <llgestecl aml ass· i inil<ite<l with the l>!ood as the simplest footl. lt ;.nc1·eases the qnant Uy ANDEE so~ -37tf. ...,__.,.O.,,or·.,..,,..,..~"""""'".,.-.,,.,-.a ... a~anu...-o- - - - - - - - - -- - :FURNACES, COOLERS, PLATFORM SCALES, ROOT SLICERS, ROAD SCRAPERS, "" BASH WEIGHTS § VENTILATORS· PURCHASED THE BUSINESS lately conducLed by VICTORIA EI,EC'l'lllC SATISFACTION OR NO SALE. of Natiwe's Mr. 'I'. E. Simson NEW · STOCK OF LINIMENT. "The King of all Liniments." ness, Swdhnys, H'e,iJache, l ;'arache, Tooth1 --:o;- - THE DOMINION '1 I-I E 1 PLO\/V, "tche<l mul vitaUze<l blood p m·'Jlteates every 11<i.rt ofthe body, 1·epa.i1·in.g tla1J1,lt,!f6S a n <l 'tva.st c, sca,1·cltinf/ O'l tt '.l1'to1·bicl sec1·c- A yen.t, IJ·on, 'ht the blood, a,11 ,(l cit1·cs ' 'a tl1tousarut 'ill.t;," si11i1Jly by 1.'oriiny 'tt1J,Invioorathig <t'Jt£l Vltu,liziny the Systein. :1 1hc c'fi-- Own Vita.Uziny ~" FOR WOOD OR COAL AJ,SO ii fl f; ~ii For Rlwnmatis1n, Go1it, 1Veura.lyia, Luni. and will be found in the srtme stitncl, bago, Sc·iatica, 1·Vanderinq l.)ains, St~ff·}rnss in with a the Limbo or Joints1 f;prctin s, Br~"-iscs 1 Nurnb ache, J:c. as we now make it, is a first-class .Sod Plow, and is very light draft. vVe also make the n.ew Plow, known as ONT~t\..RIO, tions, a. 1 ill leavi11,y 1ioth· i u,y fo1· d ·l sCtise to fec<l 1,i1>01i . 1'his ·l s tltc sec1·et of the won<lc1·ful szicce.·s of this 1·emedy i" cu:rl1iy Dys11epsia, Livc1· ( 701n,1'>lai1i t, D1·opsy, Ch1·on;ic lJiu r- IRON RAILING FOR CElliTEEHIES. BUY IT! TRY IT ! ! PROVE IT! ! ! Price 50 Cts. }Jer Bottlo. Sohl by all D rUJ£"i ~'I- :Bell's Patent Double Culti· vators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. Groceries, Crockery, Tobaccos, &c. Goods will be VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE. "Worth its Weight in Gold·" A Spc-cif w for Outs, 1JTounds, 1-Jru..ii;cs B·gr1is, Scald.~, Boils, Piles, PirnJJ!ei:;, &c., and Chronic Disca;;eli of the Skin of every descrip· being 1tltered and improved from the No. 13 Plow ; the 111.cmldbonrd being of peculiar shape, which enables it to work in all kinds of .soil, withouL cl?gging or cl!oking up, and iloes its work with the gre11,test of ease, and JS the favunte plow for general use, with those who have tried them. We also m<tke the No. 13, and the Plow knowr1 '"~ I 'l'hrea,Bo'lls_, N c·t..voits 11ffectio1;,s, Ch/ills ancl Feve1·s, IIn1l'io1·s, Loss of Const'itution«l Viao», Diseases of tlic KitZ1ieys a1t<l Blarl<le1·, l?c11iale ()01~1.'.1JlaA.1rts, a1t<l all d ·iseases orly i1ia..tiny ·i1i a bn<l state of the bloo<l, 01' c;cconi11afiie<l by <lebility O'r (t loto l i ARE THE ONLY KINO ADAPTED TO EVERY CONOITIOil OF ;:u;,;1<,;1 r1s1 ori . Th eir Oo1iyri9lit .~y st e Tn of fitting is an uncrri1;g .1J11id e fo r asc1:rla i nu:y ·Ura .f alt 1cho 1ieed Optica l aid, exact require·m ents o Also tho well known References. ROBERT 8 ~'l~KS, MATTHEW J ON E~, J-OHN SANDOW, tion. Price 2iS Cts . lJCl' ]~ox. Sohl by u.l.l Dn~ggists. PORT PERRY GANG PLOW, stctte oj'the S!fSte11i. B eing free troni Alcoholt,'lu, a_,'ny fo1·1n, its c1ic1·r1iz-in_,y CJICCts ct1·e l lottJell. l>y co1·res1>01illi.1if/ '1 'eactloti , but a.1'e 11c1~p1,a,-nent, itifu.'"' ·r iot fol- Cartwright. " SOLD , CHEAP, AND VtCTORIA CARBOLATED. with some important improvement", which mr.kcs it a con1plete article. sln,q str<~1iyf.h, viyor, a nd, n.cu; YOUNG OR OLD, FAR OR NEAR.SIGHTED: A full and oompMo imortuwn~ lif'c into ctl l 1Jarts of'fhc systeui., GLYCERINE JELLY "Eminently the Ladies' Favorite." Beniil'ift1in9 the Co-i nple;i;i-On, and for· reinoving 1'c1,n, truulrnrn~ l r',_., cvkfos, l)irriples, <Cc., al'vO fo r ChaJJ]Jed Ila nd.~ 1 Chilblains, zrrost JJites,· r.1 nfl Sorl!_f,ips. 1!'01' COLLARD'S PATENT IRON HARROWS. ALSO Old Iron taken in excha11ge FOB CASH. J(INNEY'S Coulter Attachment. J LYLE. A FIRST-CLASS CULTIVATOH, Al~u ·n :eak, slc/c.ly, suffer inf! tu,1·e81 to ruicl buillliTig 'tliJJ an. I 'l'O'fl· Co n.sUtutfon. Thon~uirills have been, lJi1.a1i(Jcll by the tt.~e of this 1·c1nelly, froin CT8t:t - 11!ways on hand . & Quick, Agents. WANTED. u thn.t h115 given good satisfactio ;"l to tl1ose who have them. ltlt]JJ>Y 'ltitJti lt'lMl 1 .vonic n, ; a -n,t.l i·nvnli(L:3 ca/n,1iot ·reaso1ictbly 1:. es- strotir;, J~ealt.h y , <t1· ut NO'!ICE. .\ LL l'ERSONS r.rc hereby fol'bid of l.a.kin<r s:ind fror.n the l imitg of the Scugog Roac'i, in the Township of Da.rlington . '!'hose }1;:i.ving recently taken sand th('refrotn to the injury of R.oad !l.nd dnngcr of the public safety. are requested to repn.fr the da.uHi.gcs t.lone at otw(!, Pl'i.ce,25 Ct1:1. yor l:Jottle. Sol<l by a.U Drnggii>tS. Ea.st:rn.a.n's Broad Seed Soi;ver & ~ultiva.to:r,combined, itate to give 'it a t1i·lal. Sec that each bottle h<is ru1n.pl1lut;s I; r,A~l' , PERU· tJ On~tn.nt 3 CQ_\T, aud 3 VBST, c1u ploy1nc11t. ~\1AJG: RS. James McFeeters, AGENT 1 Apply a t Ll.. Plow not Complete without it· J'atenle<l i 1fl Canada· .J: uns 17, J870. a.n" plo\v without the slightest trouble, 1.~ nd will effectually pl'event g1"a.SG. 'veeds 1 stubble, &c., from ga.theri.ngnndcr the 1.J~!l.tn rmd cbok· ing: up the coulter. F ar1ners. acltl~owlcdge that i t i:;a.·.:es its cost, every <lay, in thrt,V" ground. ~\fany atten1pts have been ll!adu b}: plow in an· ufo..cttu·er~ to reinedy the evils wlnch the At· tachment ovc1·comes, but ba.ve f111lcd, The -siinplicity of nnytb ing is itl':I beauty. Apply rrHIS jVf'l' A-C1f~:t:EN'J1 ~nn Ue fastened to Sup~1·intc111lent J. Oill'."DJ~IL\f.A.N. of Scugog Road. 3in. to which wo call your special a.ttcntio11, "" it is "n implement th11t every VICTORIA farmer should b:we. It sows the different kinds·of grai11, and cultivates TOILET ~O.APfi. it in, with the once going over, and is highly recommended by all farmcrn :vlw have used them, as a g reat l1tbor-saviug implement. This we have " Celebrated for Their Uniform Purity unprovetl~ 15y aintttttchmeni>-+,o prevent tll.e Cultivator from raisin"' out and Excellence of Quality." 0 in "'uy hnrd places, and e1mbles it tu do >tll its work alike, being a gret1t VIC1'0RlA CARBOLIC SOAP. :id vant:ige over those nmnctfactmed else\vhere. VICl'ORIA BULPRUllSOAP. VICTOl~IA VIAN SYRUP blown in the alass. :I."i~c(~ · J,, P. DI~r~"MORE , Pro11rieto'l', Ne. S6 DEY ST., IiEW Y-OR Z . Sold 1.Jy Dl'UfH·;ilits gcne1·ally. - - ------ --- - .F or the fvllowi.ng I11s:ur<1:r1cc C on1p:inics and othe1· Iustitutious, "Viz :' 'l'he QU}iEN Ffrc and Life Insui·ar1co Corn· P<l:llY. Capit~ f:2 ,0001 000. $150,000 dc1Jositcd '~1 th th.e D.orruu1011 Goverrun~nt, for the protcet1on of Policy-holders in Can ada. 'l'he ] SOL.t-~'l'JJJ]) H.IS.T{ ] 'ire !nsui:itncc Coin A N E NTI RE COLT, black, corn ing three pany of Canad:i.. Cap it.ul ~500'000, -0ne of tht: btJst and .c~e:lp as t Compnn1cs doing 1 usincs.s in .L'1.. y ouJ"3 old, sired by Sir "\Vn1ter ScvtL .Ar· th e Don11n1or1 1 for ]'ru:nwrs n.x id Isolated Risks. ply to Ji\ F. )[cl~.R'l'HU R' S, "Boa·l'cr Block.' 1 in47 -tf. Bownutn villc:_.\_ug . 21~t, 1872. FOR SAL E. ! F. Y . COWLJ<:. 'l'~e CAN ADA l, AKD.ED CREDIT CO'Y l:[:nnpton, J!'eb. 2Gth, J87H. Wanted. A Sl'l'UATJON AS GARJJNJrn . . Un11.. <lur~:tn.nds the eare of Vinery and Green Houeet bn.G had ..sevcn\l year'a experience in Engla.t1d 1 rn;td in M:o~trenl, Canada.. !\ T o objee· tiun to tak~ chttrge of oue o~ t'iYO horscfi., .A.<ldrtis.~, GI,YCElU.JYE, . HOJ.Y £'Y 1 JtOSE, AND W!NDBOR. S old by all Dru:;g it;h!. ll'eb1'Ua.ry, 4th 1873. We will place the work -turned out by us, iu Lhe hands of our customers with a full assun rnce th"t they will find it strictly what we represent. ' to Boots & Shoes. Of )300TS AND SHOES - - - - - ------- - - -- Just Arrived! .Ju st ar1·jvecl, a t MTJ S IO ! j\,f I SS }{. JJAJ( li'.. h as great pleasure in inl l'l. funn i ng th e inha.bit!1nts of l>arli.11ffton th1.lt g}Je is propn.rc(l to recei vc pupils ou th"'e Pin.no and Organ. 1:>1trt ic11l u.1 :"8 by nppli caliuu to l\ir~. Burrows . IL'lo111pton, Sept. 6t11, 187:! . r.a-itf. ~--~-~-- R epa fr iup iif all kinds caref11lty attended to. with a. Savings l3a.uk depo.rtn1ent · 'l1he U:NJO N ~\."t'D l'1~H.~fA_J..fj~:N"T Building 1 n.nd Sav1ng s Hucit:ty. --., 'l'he~e lattC l' institutions advance Loans on l\,cal Est'.-1-te, on tcnn.s unusualJy e<.1.sy for ihe borrower. Bowmanvillo, Feb. t>th, 1~3 . 10-ly CA.STINGS OF AJ..L DESCRI~TIONS MARRIJ\GE / LICENSES, . J: W. Porter's. Kiug Stl'eet East, Bow1m1Ilville, m21 3mos. '1'. Ct. Bowman:;illc. Jn22·2i11. TH!l SUBSCRIBER, THANKFUL FOR thu Yciry l-J.!!Pr~l patronage hu liar> sp:arcd _in the pa-At; respectfully invites thu pnbhc to in~ spect his fumishecl at Lho RICE & BARKERS Show Room s, Corns ! Corns ! ··. . -- ROBERT "'ARMOUR' Dowmanvilll', Dec 10, 1869 '!IA".., Town Property For Sale. the east side of Centre Stceet, :~ud oppo.;i.ite the l'tside;g ce of John l\1cClung, E s11. If n ot sold in Bloclt. by the 15lh ~Jareb, Jlext, it, will after, that dat e, b laid out in I... ots of 011 e qrnl.1·ter of an Acre en.ch, ~nd sold t.<> snit p urcha.e;ers. ·r.~n).1§1 liberal. For Sale. KEIL SMITH. Lot 1, 5th con. Drrlingtuu. undersigned is inatn1c14!d t.o offgr for: Tl[E Sa.le, that plot- of land in Block 34, in 'lJow-rru1.11ville, co1unsting of three acres, situate 011 LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT selected with a s p~. .;,i.M vtc,~· t ,:i the sc:lS ('ln 1 a nd i:mitablc for ::i.ll ages and condition:::> .. Ordered work will r eceive his spcpinl a tten ti on. Rtm1.e1n1Je~· tlle )t~~ud , Q n e .ll!x r ";est of j\{u1· ~ cloch Bros. LOWEST It & Enniskillen 1 Jiin. 30th1 1873 Special Attei1tion will be $iven to Plough Points. AKOTHED LOT 1\/fl{. .. U fJ~BER'l' info~1n.., all LJttrtics troubled ~ lll mlh these tormmtmg, aching things, that ""O b~ 18 prepa~·~d to ex,tl'!i.ct th c1u . , Call at rc~d · \ Ill. denci:, on ],1berty St., south of K inu. I "'t""'"' .!.fA:~~ ~t.-i@ Usiu;; the hardes t metal to .be had, we eau furnish almost every kind IIIGRESJ' PRICE GiHn f or OLD IRON, COJWWO O!J, & llARDWOOD LU,1i/J.l';R. ORG .. OF AN~ Jf_l:-l_ ~· . - -- - -- -- - - - --' ' Notl,C0, BL.A.NK J .AS. :J:fcFEET:F~RS, Darlington, Fell. 14th 1573. · 3iu, }3own1ati. '1.110:; J;-,~b, (itb, 1873. Agent 1V-4in . J. SMALll. l{., SYI.. VE STE lt ll1l&-2n1os,· N e'v StyleJ splendid I ustr11 n1erd·.s . t sto~~ ,?f m:!c!11ne1,1~, .' ':' RFAOl:: PI·.\N F:H, and l , t. ! J\L \ J0 11.i.H, h e hl nl),v pn~F:.tre d to clo al l eu,., tcnn . Jl C a nn c ~ee 10111. wor k, (In sh11l'tr~.~t no tice and at ~utl ratea · · Trrn ~UDSCRIBER taJ<c,; pka·m~ in infm1nu1 b th ? puLl- ~ that h~ lw. s a..ddcd to ldis 'l' RM['l'H · DarU 11 ot(in 1 Let19 Gal Con o ' ., - reb~;;,::~~lile, ,July 7tL, OER.Tll'IOAES, ~pplica.tions &c., &c .. can be procured at thi> office 187:l. ' - OJ. ~. 'I' O· robl; T al Sept: 2Gth,j1872. ll!OJ~ & B.A .llKER. . A I J~il~,- 2 :72 ~ly ge~eral Plll'l~. ~ "cS. 1 FQR SAL,-.. -- Cf[F;:)T l\" Ul' ~ 1 . · ., ' I . cqLORJ:i.J_D ~:1AHJ ~ , SIX }ca-r'fl o d. 4 .n le t Ill Harnes.a ·u1d good fa 1 A pply at this 'Office, r owmA.ll\J e1 Jan. :30th, 187;J.: tnl8-tf. i:::. . · 1 \ ~ 1 l