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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 7 Mar 1873, p. 4

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· THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY, MAUCH 7, 1873. . CARRIAGE ( SHOP. (west of the Ontario Bank.) King Street, Bowmanville. · · OUR J~. snbscriber fo to T II pmr build and r1:1· CHANGE · ~ . oolt .Roo A ND Wc~gons, Biiggfos, and Outtm·s, ./J:/- of i;i very desc r;jun, :1.t short notice, ando l'easonable -t etms. GENERAL BOOK STORE K ing 0 ·~1 1 3USINESS. Bowman·cille, School Libraries AND Carriages Painted and Trimmed· Contains 011e of the largest stodui of Sabbath A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises:, were special attention is gn-·en t,o all _ - POIN'rS 01 F. Y. Cowle pied by REWARD - o- BOOKS evt.a· alwwn in Bowmrinville. Cnniage work, :md General Jobbing. Sirnplfoi(y in Com t1·uction, E ase of operati?n, Per;j'ection Stitch, aUlce on bot sides, owing to pmfect tension on upper and Has leased the premises now occu- lower Thread. RANG OF WORK :- :From G"'uzc to Borwer Cloth 1J URB UJTY :- Will l:tst a life time. GI lF T · B 0 O·X 9 FOR All work done cd this Establishment 1l'Wl'1"a'Ylfed. A call is i·espectfully solicited. ·T. MORRIS. Equa.lly a.da.pted to F amily Work, Dress and Shirt Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting, Ce.rriage Trimming, &c. MACHINES DE LIVERED Al'fD I N STRUCTIONS GIVEN. P. W. Consaul, An d will remove there a,b out th e I,Cllristmas ALBUMS, and the New Year Jn gre::it va:rioty. · . --o-' A choice selection of B owrnanvillo, Oct. J st, 1809 · EVERY MACHIE WARRANTED. Agents, Yellowlees & Quick lst OF APRIL. ---:o:-· - P APIER MA CHE BL01'TERS, and INKSTANDS. Wn h:we also on hand WANZE1l'SLE1'1'ER 1!, ABEOTT'S, ; JN!) JJ ARCL 1Y SEWINO ;JJAU111 N 1': Pocket, Jvfemomndums and Bill Boalcs, and Purrses, a ,good choice. . I I .A.lwa,ys On 'I'ime, THE l!"ALL STOCK OF Our Stock.of 0Rnenil Goods is large, embraci ng all tho Novel ties of the day, ttnd all the necessaries as well. . Picture Fra1nes- all sizc1', )1 oul <liu g~ of, \ \" all Po,~ e~- n. si,ilcndid. w:1sort1~1e11t n~w in stock, A Ja,rge supply of beautifully °!ssorttid \.V111.dow .s~~a(~es 1 ~!H l ~1 r cn s Cu.r~~af? eS'. C?n<;crtlnas, Brushes, C01nbs 1 Looking Glasses, 11u::ih.:, ::V(, \i,.10!1ns,"\ 10111;. How~ ·. "\ .wlin :::l~nngs,P.'tper Oolhu·s Neck 1'ies School 13ooks I>ay B ooks Bibles, l'l..lll YCfl ::i.nd }. ork s,:P· 1Cn1ves, Hazors, Che:1.pest'Note l'aper,' and 1£nvelopcoi _ ln the country . A ll these, a1Hl a Spoons' and S.cisso~r:. th0us~d Other nrticlo~ . are to bo found· at the VART.l!J'Tl' STORE. Wo arc olwa.ys glad to.see friends, and think it no t'roublo to shoi,v C:oods; and we ~u nxantee as good val ue, ttL ~,-;., low p1 '1ces as any other house in the trade. . . . Pa~ties wishing to te.l eg"l'ap~ their fri ends, 1nay _rely 0~1 ~1:'\V1ng, t~c1r. bu~~ne.1'31'3 <luue A r·ents for Inman Ln1e of Steamers, and lin per ial R111ld10g and 8av1ng Society. 1 \VIN'FER GOODS . Will be sohl tcL J &; W.. J MclY.turtry & Co Are now showing a full assor t1nent of LADY'S WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, Work Boxes and Lady's Desks combined, A cboice present for a Lady. fnl set of Writing benuti ~ MAYERS, I s BEING ADDED '1'0 DAILY, and it eo1u-pt·1ses a 0 Also a More than Ordinary Selection. HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, W ARRkNTS HIM IN MAKING ]' EN AND PENCIL CASES, (next to gold) fitted with gol<l pens. Bow1mmville, March 7th, 1872. YELL WO LEES & QUICK. . FOR THE DRY GOODS · AND A :fine lot of J\:fILLINE I~Y. n2 3 NEXT 30 D.A . YS. F. Y,COWLE. Bowmanvi Ile, F~b. 13th, 1873. LARGE PURCHASES, And he offers 11is customers a choice of Ftu'J:! of all descriptions, @"A clwfre lot of 11'/oiith Or,qans f 01' the Boys. Buffalo and Sleigh Robes. NEVER BEFORE EQU'ALLED, They are got up in the best and most ion· able' fltyleA, and are guaranteed as represented in levery instance. :- -o-FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, CHURCH SERVICES, WESLEY'S HYMNS, ANl> CASH BUYERS WILL BUY LOW. As usual he will repair and alter all kiod;; of Ftus, and pa.y the highest price in cGs.h for raw fur::i. C'o:c nt '::; furnishings of all kinds, including gloves kept constantly on hand. Rem etnher the stand, corne1· of King and Silver Streets, )f. BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN BOOKS, in variou8 sizes q,np binding. MAYlm. Bowmanville, Oct 3.1872. C. Barker, Bow1nanville, Nov. 26U1, 1872. JUNE, 1872. A !uU Sl.ook of Spring and Summer DRY GOODS. AT THE I , - I y E r~ New, Faskiouabte, and"cfap f R 0 FE!L T, STBAW, AND I be boulcl to a~e w ha.t started y ees this mominr.i." MIKE.-" Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'll t ell .ye in a jiffy. Ye soc, I was toulcl, yisterday, that Mi sther Gray, ov Tynme, ha<l got hor?e Em iiligant new stock av Goo~8, clrnpe ~s durt, . m~.n , nncl its · meself could har dly slape a wmk, all mght, t hrnlang av the chape goods. And snre enuff, its the fu!l sture he has-p!l~s ttnd piles av t h o natest pattern:> ; and h e d g tve ye th e iuakrn s :w an illio-ant new gown for Bi ddy, for Sivcnty-Jive Cjnts ; T1ty for most n~lthin, a.nd the B1w>:: y for a tr ifle less." TIM.- " An shurc its funning me ye are, Mlke ; wouldn't the man be afther brenJ\.:illg do"\Yn . " MIKE.- " Breakina down, is it. S ure he knows " thriek wu rth two '1V · th:ct. I'lljist t ell y on what it is, Tim, i_f ye w~t to. go~ a grate lutme when voure cled , and be called a :fihntrnh;:;ecl, iJ.los1feT, and 1t public binit" acthor, jist t oll all youre nabourn, mid th e l'i st av rnanki11d, about Gray's chapc store, o ,nd you'll <lo mor e for the good av your count hry , t han i vcr St. P11trick did for ou.lcl Ireland, when ho bo,nished all t11 u tuq,dRaucl s11akeil O ll t 1.w it, that niver "\Vais in it,,, "I'm much obl aged to v c fur thu liit <W alJVicu, i1lld wDn't dett1in ye ; there'll slrnrely be a grnte run , and mayboe I'd ntiss 'J' I'e I;op av tiie rncmnng . t o yo. " - l'm . ofl" t.o ' some b r<rJlams. !~~:.: Go;~::ni~l'~~!, :~r~ a~~~ti~ c:~;~~;o l~~~: I am. I Oct. CHIT CHAT. Cloth and Gents Furnishing --- o --A full St ock of · " Oct. Fl{ESH G I-tO CEliI ES. All to be sold Cheap. ' Ilighest priCe p aic for BUTTER and E GGS SALr.I.1 AND PLASTER AL1VAYS ON HAND FlJ1L SLmmm SUPPLY of Sign of the G-oldrm. Lion., Ilowmanville. Tl~t - · Simmons & Clough Organ Co's ~IiLE C TIONS Iin,p:~:ovetl Gray's. N· M Q HATS. - - 0- - - Something long wanted by Everybody-Everybody his or her own Painter. 0 N J0 GRAY, Tyro11e@ Noted for. cheap Goods. Fall and. Winter Goods, Qabinet Organs AND Clothingmade to order, the best trinimings only used, '1nd the lowest price charged. GOOD D. vV. ~lCLEOD' S, New Groceries, Dollar Tli:A for S5 Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· F· HILL GENERAL STORE, cx ccediugly~che ap McLEOD'S Cru.m'bs for Chickens. editor of the \Va.bash Sentinel wants to kunw if "tli1.: Jnitn who sent bim a. challenge to ti ght a Th~· HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared fo1 ' .iu1edia.te use, and nothing but the purest )1laterials used, and req ttiring no further mixture of Oils, Tmpentine, and Dryers. 'l'hdt:oomposition conf1ists solely of F R CASH All On.lurs for <lu!Ol ln ('JMJ.5 business," or whether "his l.iu ;,:.z ~1.J (1 Hml laughs at the ghastly joke." ,;._\ gentlerr.mLlately entered a shop in which W(TC boOks Mld v&rious miscel1a.neous a1-ticles f()r SC\.fa , antl aeked the shopn1au if be had Gold· M 11ith'9 Greece. "No," said he,·: but we have some srilendid hair oil." 1 ' \Vhy, lchabocl, r thou&"ht you got inarricd mor e'1 1 a year a.go?" " Vv" ell, .ltunt Jerusha, it was talkecl of, but I found out that ·th ~ girl and all her folks were opposed to it, so I just g11.,vc 'cm all tho 1uitten and let the thing drop," The Cann.dian way of m easuring a tree is said t o be us uncertain as it is gtote;:.1que. 'You '\'alk front the tree, looking at it fron1 time to tiJne l1P-tween your knees. When you ate able to see tho top in tbi~ wa.;y.: yuur dil:\t~w.:e !n.:in1 the root of the tree equn_ hl it height. A T e1 ·1·c H~ute boy of t endf:'.r years h eart has drowned seventeen kittens, tied pans to the ta.ils of nine dog.s, brushed his father's new silk hat again st the grain, and blo\vn up a pet ca.· u :i,Ty with a fire-cracker in the last 1nonth, and s till his fond mother intends him tor the pulpit . .: '\ 1 whool gll1 in one of the rural distriets of rittsfiel(l,' M, was overheard trying to con· vim.:c u. sdiuulfe,ll ow th:).t ~h t' likl;!d hi1n bet tE-r th <ln she did some other urchin of v.chom he 11ee1ned je~ous. "Of courne I like you better than I do Bill,'~ aaid she, .: for don't I ini~s words in my spelling lessou, on purpose, _so as i o Lei down tn th e fC1ot o( t hu claKti \.v11op.i yo1 1 a1·0 . :i ' Pu,re Color, Piire White Lead, Piire White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of Tu111entine, &: Dryen, CARRIAGE SHOP, PROivIPTL Y EXECUTED ., TYRONE thanks to his numerous friends for the very ceazrefully and sc. ienti:fically com- liberal patronage he ha-s receivod in the past. bined. lie feels satisfied tha.t nothing but The . collJlumer can have tiny d£· Coocl ..rv!atei ial a,nd Su,perior TVorlcrnu-ru;fl.ip, sired shade of color neatly put tip has gained for hin1 such an of bui:sUH~ Sfl, Heis now prepa1·ed to build W ag!{ons, Buggies, ;u Cans, and all he requires to buy and Cutters, of nll d escription11 at :shol't notice? with the Paint is a Brush, as the and on reasonable terms. CarriagcS paintect Special attention gi vi:n to all whole can be done by himself, or by and trimmed. k inds of repairing. any member of his household. A BLACKSMITH'S SHOP 1 THE Subscriber· takes pleasure in r:eturning RICE & BARKER agents _f'or the l)est Ol~GANS on the Cont inent. .Ah . _\ .gent for the well kn0\\>"11 FIRST-PRIZE WANZER MACH IE, at S~WINC A large stock just rec~ived, for autumn painting, imporleJi .diJect from the Englislx.Ma.nufacturers,including J a.mes' Genuine, awl the celebrated . PURE WHITE LEAD in conn6ction with the sapie, whe1'e work i done in all its branches, 11ANU FACTURES .PRICES. Enniskillen, N ov. 24th, 870. 11 ·1 <fBnmh <tnmhimrfinn<lbrnans FITTED WITH THE :NEWLY IN VEN TED . 'J H. WOOD. 'ryi·one, ~ran , s-tf 21st, 1873. Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, DRUGS AND MEDICINES .A'X 'i'liE FOR SALE. ROOSTER BRAND, g·uam:nteed piire. ALSO ail stm1danl colors, oils varnishes, HAT first·chwa BLAOKBMI'l'H :;HOP . ii,nd }:l:OlTSE, occupit:d by 1rf1·, .T. Cnncannon, in the ' 7 1LL AGE OF LESKARD, to g1:Jther with i l.te L ot, uou taining i a.ere, and 10 rods. r.rhc premises arc well situ;.tted in thl:l uo11t re of t ho "\7 iJ]a_,g(1, a11d has o. never-failing stl'eam running across the_north end , r!1erms eMy, P osi:lession givr~n 0 11 th e firc;t day of April next. For particuhu·s apply to R. l\10~1EN1\ Onol'i'0 1 nt tu t he pMprietor, on J. . ot ~o. :·3;J, U1 the 7th Con. of Clarke. T A;i invention having a most import1m.t bearing on _ the J'nt me reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of whrch .t he < 1uan ti ty ur Volum e of tone is very largely increased, aud the quality of tone i·cmlered Bowmanville Drug Store, ,L\ - . Dutchman'& t e1nv erancc lect.ure : " I shall tell you how it vo::i. I dr iuk 111i..11e beer; theu I put mine h a:nd 011 mine head, and tcre vos von Then I put my ha.n<l in urine pocket, ;:rn d tere vas not hing. So I jine tnit demper· auce. N ow tere ish n o in mine head, and de pain iH 1uinu 11od y \'oi; all goiw :~way. I put inine hand in mine pocket, and tere vos dwendy dollar. S o I stay mit dt:i Uernvern,nce beople&" A. T YPOGTI.\.J'l-HCAL :ThillJ)DLE. - '1'11at was a and painters' rnat!'rials. Call tind see how cheap a house can be painted and decorated ; for all these goods will besold atReducecl figivres. :WOO Gallons of W; L. DROAD, Orono, Jan. 22nd, 1873. tn17-tf. Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders ~ Ham pt·o n. ' Dry J Ulll I ~ o J. HIGGINBOTHAM, WOLTLD most resJ?ectfully t ender his sin· ::i~t~ tlla.uks t o hi~ numerqus friends and cust o1ners, and to the public g~nerally, for the very libern.l AUJ?p ort h e has received since h:is commencing in businei:;s; and hopea by conti· nued st rick p ersonal attentiotf to busineflf! , a.nd offering nothing but the pure~t articles, at the n1ost real:! onable prices 1 to ensure a. cont_in_ua.noe of }Jublic patronage. J . H. '"'ould call spedal attention to bis very superior ·st ock ()f Equal to that of tbe Best P i1}e Oro·ans ... · ot' the San1e Capacity. -·--- 0- - - . . Ot11· celebrntecl " Vox Celeste," " Louis Patent," . " \' ox H umana," " \V1Jcox Patent" "Octave Collpler," the charming "Cello " or "Chtri onet ' Stops, lllltl ' Offers for sale one of the most. extmmiv.e.- aml - czJmp1e£e asoor1.n-,;J;t Goods to be found in rony country storn in Ontario. DYESTUFFS, which sure tu 1o:'1Ye , the best s:~tisfn.otion . A LL Thia-ty~fovc TH E L A T E'-- 1M PR 0 VE M E NT S Can Lo obtained only in these Organs. M4CB;INE OlL FEED TuIILLS. A well-selected stock of fca.rfnl 1nc ~s in which a paper involved twr.i of its adYcrtii::eruents. The forenmn, sop:lehowo1 · ot her, in placing the type in the fortn, got an obituary notice n1ixed up with a m enagerie adverti se1 neut, so L b1:1 fullO\\'lng 1 l [tpiiHir11f p<1ir.!k grap}J. met the eye of tho reader : 11 Drntl- Ou the 12th inst. , \VilLl am H. h yena and the baby dcplrn.nt·, 1\-fclt-'Ianus, at the 11ge of six coinic ln" whose lo'5S i£ our gain. Prof, Johnson, 'l.vTw elftc1·8 tl1e den of liO flf!, iffiictiur,r-; ~ore loug t ime p laced his h ead in the mouth of ~the fero· ~ioua physicians were in vain aud the performiJ1 g mo n]{ey a \\· ill jo itl h im on the othcl' shore ·with the gu n wh ich comes froin the deserts of .Africa., 1( here t h e fu neral takes place at 4 o'clock , arid tho friends of the frunily .'.tre in · vj t ecl , ~A._-dm is sie n 25 centr;, childl·en to proceed t o Blark 1Vood Cemetery. reanuts for sale on tl1e .~·?0U 1 Hll'S . G(1u i;:, bu t not foi-gotten." of different kinds. Threshers and Another oar load of the abu ve noulc articles ou all p11t·ties requiring such . oil, are the way. · · d · h · J:'leai;e call at the vV specialIy mVlte to mspect t e vanM AN y I L L E 13 0 ous qtrnlities, the prices being far be- Farm Implement Forwarding Agency low anything ever offered in -this · market. le w . ,TAMES, 600 Cool.£., Parlor, Hall, arriving, and now on exhibi Lion, the largest and cheapest stoch'. of B owma.1 1vil le, :Dec;, iS, 1872. l(ing St., Bowinanvillo. nl O . Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Pats, ... in Oils, Patent Medicines, etc Good_ s, and ~o::s:: , Stoves FARM FOR SALE, IlY DB UGS, CHE JIICALS, P ATERT MEDJCINb'S BRUSHES, C011fBS, SHO U.f,IJEBrBR.Lt OES, S UPPORl'ERS, Eta.,Etr;. k ept con stant ly on band. Different Styles, .F'o1· the l \u·lor cind lhe Cirnnh, The Best J lfote1·ial an,{ lVorkm.c m sldp, I Qtt<1lity mul V olmne of Tone Unequalled , - -u. ·- - PUBLIC AUCTION, OR GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE PRIVATE SALE. GOODS, AN D TINWARE in the County of Dur ham. r1«)1.. N(l , 1 ·1 in Lh ct B EIN G lriO aCl' tJS, }Jft r·t o I GENTLEMEN 'S SUITS made to 01~~ in the latest and most ttp- OILS, PAINT; proved manner, and on the shortest notice, froin Frishfomible tine! carcFactory and Wareroems, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Detroit, Mi-chigan COL ORS, V.ARNJJISES, folly selected Cloth es and Tweeds. The latest N ew York F a.5bion I'lates (Establishod in 1850.) regularly r eceived. a.nd WIII'l.'E LEA D, ~· PBI C E S ---->0---- nt the \>~ery lo west prfoes . JOHN· McLEOD, 12th Con. of :\-Innvers.. bt: shortly k11own. Particulars will H ELLIOTT JUN Hampton . Nov. 5th 1872. bp-o23-rn45 W elli11g ton Bt1ildings, J3owrnn.nyille, Aug. 8ti. l_ 871 j S. J_,'\..CI{S, H a111pton P . 0, m·nlG·tf, N. 13. - Coun t ry Storeheepert$ supplied on the most ad vn.nt::i.gcous t cf'llls. A ohqico selection of L~<\..MPS , for imle cheap, :Bowmauvill c, Dec. ti, 1808. thn · Horses and Cattle Medicines; _ RICE & BAR~ER, Agents, for Ontario, West and North of Belleville. Bowrn'1nvill e, Aug. 21st, l87G m 47-034-tf'. ~-- ----

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