· · THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER Circ lnt es b ,;rgcly m the 1 o ~ u~b p a of D arl l t> (.;0!1 CforJce au l Ca.rt n gl t It is a comn: o 1 pl tform opeJY.to the freu. u~ cms1on f aU que1:1 t.ions 1n h ch the general l bhc :i.1e cou.ccra.ud I Ell)!S WEST DURHAM Stea.in Jo'b Printing Office, Kr:rn SIREE1 BovnHm IILI Seventy five cents pc1 annum, in ad vance The Merchant and Obser v er $2 00 ll\.'.rJ.!:;j OF AD \: t:..RTISI~Q t:: · r <:< r an1 ln AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME I\ BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO FRTDA Y MARCH 21 1873 NUMBER XXV 19 POSTERS P AMPHI E1 S CIRCULARS BILL HJ. t\.DS CHEQUES NOTES I HANDBILLS LABELS CARDS 'IlCKt<;TS &c &c &c EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS S TYLE. i I Italian Monuments · He "as a hara one t rn sa 1 an 1 dr tnk was inv1s1ble when he r eturned to U t! Anecdotes of Welsh People Po'1te Beggars I lon t kn lW but 1 house dropped on l11s knees Lefore l1rn himself to deatl 1\1.1ss Ro e 1tin1y Cra slun I tes a l etter To ol ta1n t 101 y f om rnost l eoplc t 1.s ehonlan t ~on]er 1f tbc bov took after bun mothers bed m d thar ked Cod for the Im Old To Day fro n CvliuthfL Castl e to the E el o on tl c for he v. ou t \ 01k ~l ead' I J i~d Liun l he frielld w1 1ch t ad bt'en sc1 t Lo tl e ll wI en l ( ces fll' to do soi F·tl ng more than n d .An old 1na.n on re.a.cl u1 g h ::i sc enticth Mutal Life Assurance Society iectlv LJ p l to tl1c1r co1upaaij1or ~ u1an i:tnke an 1s1 1..> nnts ti at 1t is in pos ibl o fo b rthd:iy I ke one flurpr aed po,ceJ lus room ex fh at day he ca1ue here !1.nd he was oft ln star1ation secme<l 1nc,ita.blc GR!\.ND TRUNK RAILWAY' 1on "b le t he cla.1m1ug I am au old man I am an old man the afternoon and the next rnori ing bn The next daj a1 d eve1y dav for a '\\eek n a) stan l slu veur g 11 a cro\\ ded st1 eet a.11 the nlasters to ltccept arb tia L EST !l.BLJSHED 1840 I wake at last I \ e drealned too long UH 'NG E OF TIME lool el pale and Ins eyes were iecl I r ally E1rnly 'i'i harton brought tl " s nl ght of he1 dav 1 ak nt'I tho'3e "ho pass l n sh 1d ler nt men sho \ th at tl PY \\ ill no+- accer t a 1, 0 1 c \.Vhcre are my three score vea1i; and ten ficr letter however i 1no1e 1ute1 don t behc"t c he is of inuch account TA, IL OR CANADA CHIEF 0.li'FICES presence to that 'vrctched abode aucl chect the 1niscrable szgl t "h1ch l e p1ese ntoq but iesult 0 1 u 1 l u.lLcr Jnne 24th traius: \\111 lcn.ve l\ily c~ ti is k een nl) limbs are sti on0 1 1 Sl JAMESSTREE:r <\10N1RloAI PQ n \lng hon1e-l' touchc tl c ]~ o v na<R \ ille Stat 01 as follo \ 8 Ei ly ""l u \\as \eij far fron1 sho.ring cd and comfortc.cl the rnval d uncl her cl11l l n1ess he docs ;;o 11etln ng 1nore than n1e1ely cs 11 g ftou1 the Ioll : I well m "'ht '\ e th Jou gcr me 1 G~atlemen s & Boy's Garments There is m tch J1ono abl c Ir de 1n tl e the c \Ile r s susp1c1ons was about to say that dren not forgetting to enlist tl e tierv1cea stand there the piobabi!Jty i. that be "rll be DIIlECTOllS 1. he odd its pa.SR ns an l 1t.. st fe M.ADE' IN THE other II ogs ti an dr nk caused pallor of the of the \lllage phJ s1c1 lU rn the same cause \erv littler cher at t1 e end of i\ days to 1 \\el sh cha cte1 as the: follow iug to cl ing 1\ ALTEil SnANLY Esq i.Ji-1: P Chn.irm:m I s l as.'img hon1 my grasf fl.' ay l'IEWEST S'IYL1£S Du.Ne \N l\.1ACDONAJ n .r.;sq_ The inc dent will sho\v An olJ. 1ua.u i.nd \VU featuJ Ct> a1 1 rednei:;s oi the ej cs, but ilunk l31t he co 1ld dohttle fo1 the Slfforcr she than he " is at 1ts commencement Au 1 thou.., h this I lse sceins full of life MAJOR T E CAM! OELL 0 13 St Hilane ast te t )end1cant 1 uow s \iy well th tt cer rr an lay dv11 g on one bed in a i 1 y 100 that t11 1 c 1 sed 1n arguu e1 t 1S generally I 1n ol l to day l n o l to a.y could 011lyDe n1 ade eao1er du11 1g l c1 br cf luE Ho:NonABLE JouN H~oN IIawks thro vu 1 vuy sl e l cld l er J cace and re stay on earth--she could not reco~tr .1.\.nd tun people a1c lnvnlner Ole to 111& atlucl <:: tl ey Lall not a t elat t e to va1t on tl1c1 0 -=~·H<,~~'[ SftmTArrY - JA·,. GJ ANT Strar "e tha.t I never felt be! Le sol\ ed to ni:;cerU rn the facts for herself at length tl c t n1c c.:'\me w l en his v. or lo Tbcce hew scly leaves ur ru lcst eJ LhiJc:o chnr tJ and Ll o vork hou, e sur pl ed ti en 'II u.t I J a d almost reach d my bo W. Sl pping qtu tl-.; out ot the room she us SPECIAL FEATURES. ?I-Ly bA 1 1s nca.nug lcath dn k Jo>ho1e \\Cre to be 'en fled f nd Toto Vlilso1 st...n l sa'i1ng 11 H~eli a con i<le1 ihle a mount of le v 'o.nls a id not until ti ct UBL 1] d e<l Lwe>pool [on don and Glasgow sn1 l L nnn nn 1 then a good de tl ot annoyance oul cl the 11 rfo 1llow I crsclf to he carr e<l L fc a ::i.ters fat Lchu l me roll s uncd ber ha lnt a1 1 tl cu orclere l her pouv 'IHE ENTTUE PROFIIS beloub to and ar 0 cliv1d ng at the '1de of tl e lrttlc couch k nc T ckcts 0 1 inf nn tion apply to And J eL I lo e tl e m ir n tr ttg s ell ed aruongst the PoliciJl ofder J a l lo W A NEAJJS Agcit sn.ddlc 1 As it \ as notlnng unnsual for that Lts n othc1 conld not }p;e au hour H e Otl ers inay sometini.es reprl l 1n1 an 1 some lo ao adJoin1ng roont where "be E lhc1r lu;ta.1 L b1 eak ers p1oud a.r av Do J ue 9th 1871 tf ~O To ruJ!:l these he aU.opts a lady who "l S sitting v1th J c I l C\ nn st LI'\ES DECII~EJ) ur OrH.&R CO:\IPA.NJJ:.S or 011 her to 1 le o l 1no;nhght ll ghts n eith er of coul<l not bear this tc1rible blo'v ilone ' ith tunes g ve ind n:i uet I (l n I S<\} } iev; ell~ "h ch an extra Premium 'W<Jul.d l;c 1eq' ed can oncleroush pol tc lemeano l ut nt the f nd n1y llC\\ clothes hue he !:!han t be in - - he1 p n 1 ts nsked a question and sl e gal I I ttle Ahce chngu1n to l un 111 fl:!ar A I iu ol l to lu.} I 1n olJ to daJ be a1'SUred a.t tlu v1'dina1y1-ates of this Society loped L vay on her miss on undisturbed length Emily came and stood l, l 1s Slde san e tin ~ l1;: ts it be .;: een that lf those'\ hom dcLted to the par ~h foI a ror c to lo,vr. 'lh s lo so IS un ler a QPCCtal a-rra,ngement They ire t ve1y Reacl ng tic flat., - a place she had often Toge her the three loo! cd do vn 11pon ti c he 18 i1dressn 0 11ove ob<lurnte he\\ 11 be h 111 to hb g1ave AIE WI'lH Y COWLJ begs to 11 All 1 er on~ h eist a~s1ng- on the r ro1 e1 ty k~own SPECI \.L No.r; Ji li EI'l'ADLE PoLICJES istru.ed form tho p 1bl ~ cnera1lv tl at he las com 1.~ Foul len JH1lli "' 11 be prosem t cd vHn Lcl upo1 e11ancs of mercy-she drn blanched f \Ce and wasted for1n of the u \ l con e most insolent and aLu sn e the corn lntelhgent tace and tho ,gh for th e rn oi:;t rnencetl L incr:;s il:t the Shop next to tlle E.Y under wh oh Ol]y 10 15 or 20 Ann al Pa.y JOHN McDOUGALL pa1t docile follo\ve1s of 11 cir D s~ e Llr g rno inh~ lard 1r.qu r d in '\hat ho isc ~Ir hd Great sobs sl1ook the ~on s breu.<:it rn J b1n 1L101 us l ght le antlCl})ate I is d1ffi l ress Oflice on e door cast of J '.i\.11 cs u cnts <.lire req\ ired each pn,yment .!HJ{,'UI'l g a Bo~ma1 ville Jtne .:--th 18 1 tf ~13 c lt to i es st ~ tlurd c]n<:is compris ug for 1u1n1<:i.tc1s Ila\ ng bf\d se e al yeaH1 exp er1c cc in th~ l lCst DUS occas101 ally 1 SC Ill Wilson Iii ed rh" woman d rccted her at mtcrvals the words came fort] Policy for a. sum assured proportionate to the tiade he hopes to sat sfj ~n vho nH\) f[l,·01 fl e n ost palt p~ople n toe company of their nnr.i.d~ On one occwnon au ol l pl II l hey tihll look yo w 0 n green ar ay with an 011 n1ous "hal e of the head and V\lhnve wh1'>pcrs l ur v.1th a call number of prennums pru.d and/ ec /1 o i ju,tu) c R R LOSCOMBE Y c rocky cl ffs J e sum1n1~s wild othe1 people who they a1e extren elJ de oso1 her \ ho haU. built an oUsc1\ atorv O\ ct Em1!\ reflected upon ti c force of prcJ td1ce 0 God must I lose my mother 1 ooy n.cnt of preni.iumoS B 4BRIS1ER A T IAW GOOD GUARANTEED I m old to day I m old t o lay nmo 1g all classes p1 lo ed her vay on foot She hca1d lum once and tI ed to suule sircu<:i should tlnnk 1\e1loftl en1 1nvallal>l} h!S 1 ttle shop and made ull lu; o n 1 ~OLIOITOR IN CHANG ":RY ,/;c Se1 4tl 1872 ru!~ tf j\fo JEB r:& Pi; ~MIUMS an<l most I beraJ cor I~o~mn '11 lhese I1 sLrtunent.s o;:e1 d 1ng tt e glnc:.: : es to P i r1 ~ L o 1 w1xt yesterday s short hours and ne lead ng tie po iy b) the hr dle but she had not the strength and rnstead succunlb 1f properly n1tnaged ·----~ 0F"F c~ Over McCJ.ung s Store i'IAmc A minhtJ gulf hath nterveil ed the) Rl o-i , anv mgns of being hard hearted be ground, wa.ri aaked by so ne J 01 ng I et TL c s nallest oUe,t ancl dntre,t of all she worl ed her hand across tl e connter CHARLES TOD, PiostJ~clt 1:1ee: Proposal Fonn~ &c supplied U..':3 J M 13r1mnco1nb s Dental l'Vxnn!) A 1nan \\~th men I seemeU to be on npphcatton at the Head Offi.ce or any of the hub tat1ons on the flats \\as tie one pane until it touched lns 1 hat destroyc l h e s1n1plJ we<Jlle::; out by a dog 0 ed r er/"j1st to oay lf he beheved the acco r I of the s tn Bo .,mu.n ille Oct 27th 181:iS Ly l~ut no ' t is meet I ITT ould be weaned tl1e Age1 c ea w h1ch I l been porn led out to l er Hitch ti e last part1c1e of h" self control and nnce 1n refus111g to take no for an a.11S\Vt:r nnd lUOC'll oto.nd ng stJll gn en in the 1 ook · Fro1n all my k nd my 1 rn Ired dear JAMES Gll<l-1\T No at d niter inn the pOllJ to a staple 1n the TI indow s1ll Slnktng upon lus knee~ he wept 111 e ut B 1t it takes a folio" of cons1deiable ab1!1ty of Joshia 1 He said J lon1 tl ose leer sk cs t1 at la1 d5cape gaJ Res Sect etary -for th ere "as no oth er place not a tree or child He arpse Just iu tuue to see tlie la!>t to dee de at a glance to wl ch of all ti rec sbowJng tbe J1!':astrons ellect such an n c1 F1om JOYS <ti d hopes Iv e cber Rhc l he e AGENT 10R llOW:MANVIILE I 111 ol<l to du.J I n1 ol l W day a sb1 ub gro '111g iu the v1c1n1ty-Em1ly pulaat10n of Ina mothers heart She bad cla~ cs i tnan or \\Oman belongs All beg dent would ha\e on the solat Sj stcn1 pro A I ttlc Rh\ mo came Just in time NEAR P OSJ OFl!IOE C llARKER knocked upon the door and awaited \v1th And nll about the be.st of Lune gore orev.er He t11rned to En:nl) and gars are not Lavat<.: rs n.nd only those who cr.ede<l to explain that et e1 the idea of s ci ch Obso ~er Office Kmjj St 0 iuan of J ears wlnle earth 1ececles L1me fron1 th~ \Ve:st of the -very best ::ne 'vo1thy d1sc1ples of that great rna.<;ter appearunoe hav111g been produced by to e 2ny pcculial' feelings the ans\ er It soon came gazed upon be1 lljj]>lo1 ngh Look fon ard up vard not belnnd B. WMANVILLE l\ ot bent in an) qua.rter 39 \Vhy dost thou lean on btol en reels in tl e I e1son of fhom:i.~ who, fer a 1no J une that will al ways stand the test Be c 1111 dear fr1cnd she sa 1 tea1f tl can hope to succeed ~foreo' el' in add1hon arrcstl Liou of the earths ino'iicn cnt 11 s1xtco '\Vhen n1ak1ng into r 1ortar Ur<leir; 1 ncti; all) Atten led l o to be cg a rclrublc phya10gnom st the sue would hn\:e caused a shock which o J] 1 Why still ' th earthlJ ±etters bind n1eIJt \Vas rendered speechle:-,s by su1pr1se I \.\illtryanlkeep a.good supply Thine fl,rdent soul ? Go l gn.ve it w1 ngs Ocl !st 18 0 then in a '01ce which re\ealed bot ! pain 0 Emily ) ou arc all that l I uve left 1 cessful atrcct beggarr~ or the beggar vho ha\e dcstroved everyth ng OT it 0\\1ng to Fo1 it ia al vays wanted Mid l11gbe1 pu1cr JO YS to i:;tray That ' hen 3 o all come in to buy~ nnd iuor11ficat1on he said 0 Emili 1! I darecl to love yon- He prowls about the sub ubo 0f o 1r 1£\rge towns JtR traveH lll"f at the late of 68 000 rn les You 11 not be d sa12po1nti::d In heaven no happy s1 1nt sings m LONDON 1te<l the vlnlos \\ 111 ) ou come m 1 You will ftud it a paused and hIS body sl ook like a leaf and la) s siege to the purses of the "omen an hour A cl crg~ Ulan '1 S You 'vill always find 1t dry and fre~b Im old to day Im ol 1 to da.y A11d that is sometbmg bo1m e whiJe the nlen are tTI av pursuing their or her and aske 1 how J e da1 ed propag ttc wretched place but we cant help 1t JUSt Agam M spoke Em Iv next to hc1 I -Soua c~tc1 i Cl s .A. lt So coi;ne along ang try tllls L11nc Por the ;f'o1i rslnp ot Dar lmgton business a' oc11t1ons iuust be a good Judge of such op1u1onq? The reply \\ao character loH<l yon May l ? now B 1t don t forget the mon~-.; character a$ evidenced in t he gleam of n.n istic ' 'Vhcn the yo 1ng n en 'ant JO u Em1h made i o tep1) but fellowed hun Hours of dclivc~ from Nine a. m to Eo .t p lll ' Yes, lo1u and thus tie' t:ie l e (lMabJi, hed 1803 H 1 Corner of \l een md Ont no Street. LITERATURE eye an i the inflexat1on ol a \ 01ce Lastly op n1) l ')If I 8UtJI oo;:e tl e) n r:io to yo l !ot into the l onse In the first room were n. trothed HU.IPION HN.AD O:E:i<roNs - 1 Old B1oad St IliOS BO\\ DE:N and 1em1st be 11npc1~1ous to 1:il tl ~ and inust rt "hen tbej \ant n1 ne the; ll cor r. tu table threA chaus an old cooking sto' c J;>all Mall London 1 ou l t tLto it 01 "' veu to t:w..les &c ot icAAon Frve )earo Uad pu ~~cd sn ce tbc l tnbt not gn:c up hrn culhng n chsgust on 1t be me and they sl1 all bave " Th e ])euefits abl1;1 ternIB THE HLLAGE .d.NGEL and an old fnshionctl "asl stand In one GE:tlERAL 4..G'E~CY ]QR ().AN .AIA -24 St \\hen E111 ly gave Toni l e1 prom se ut the ing cxc1n1 l fied to lunJ in a forcible n1anncr of educaLlon are g1 aU.11ally Leco n felt 0 ot the cha 11:: c uled up asleep 1\aS a httle SacraJnent J.-IontreJJ Emily Wh uton "as tl e pet and pri le of g rl of etbout the snm1ners her long blnck bedside of b10 <lead mothe1 Verv loDg and thu.t a he vv boot i::i. a good <leul 1 arder tLan .A 1Velsh gul 'as sent tor sonle mei1 cat e 1 ENNISKILLE~ Suhscl'1bed an l 1nvested Capital and R eser ve Riverdale The old men reveiently called b.a1r falh11g over a tl1111 pl\le face on which "cary bad bren tliooe Jen s 1nany hear~ i l ur 1an bo ] v an 1 that therefore in any '-\ool shewasleuda.sk 1ng tor Eleca tcd Fund £1 965 ooo St'1ling S l s J l'Ollll t ly o.ttendeJ '00 on reason able terms her the 'illage angel and yo ing n1cn tear sta ns ' erc3.) et \ 1s1ble In the acqu1 s1t1on of En 0 li l tb ' fhomas .;:a-w acl es some doubts and rnetn3 jearl) lutd encounter bet\1 een thcr the latter comes oo] Funds mvested in Cn.nada-- 105 000 adm1recl her bv day and often drcan ed ol En1ily ghince at the ch ld and he s1u1ply come and gone on1J to co1ne and go again off second bes t Pos3 S3 ng ill these qnah ht.l\e fortunatelv adopted some ot our fin e Irumrances against loss by l re are cffect!:Kl on her by n1ght and even her con1pan1or s of En11ly was DO\\ t\\ ent) three yearis old und fication" l c s fit to toke the he! l against old Saxon wo1lb D lt tuc cindle 18 a said l'!!frlnter G1:.,zier Paper Hanger &c &c the most favorable terms and looses l)a.td w th he1 O\'ill sex ah\ays felt for lier a pure re looked upon 1 y the nlla 0 ers "' an old the \\ orld an 1 do ng so 1s cerknn to r u:i.1 e coinmor exp1 e ~s1on Jor e.xtl l b l,j l o lt retercnco to the :Board 111 London J3ut there \\as ang ush in My r te1 gard free trom the least tamt of cnv) or ma1<l. not tl ~t sl e '\as l ess nttracL1\e L t a 'cry har d ~oir10 u1come so long as h s M rnv ot the 1' orke cloctora rouucl i\f r AU k i ls of "\l' Q:rk } IOlnl tty attc idc<l to ancl J DODS\\ ORIH RINTOUL BROS !\of v lnother 1s in the next e' cry acco t becu.u<:ic she had refused so many lover"' po e s iema u nn1rupa1red a:ud he does not ~hjI are pa11 l sn1 Lll percentage fro1n t1 e JCalou'y Hal any one asl cd if she "as ~at fact O JL c Uru a l t eC'd \' ould l on like to see her 1 he soi 1e d1ot1ngu1shecl and sotne rich Inspector Rell le ice- Ne xt rl oor e ::i.~t f the Il blc Cl r u; Gen Agents Mont1ea.l beautiful the reply \\onl<l surely have been roo u WELL FILLED WirH fHE peruut the 1un1 bottle to scr1ou ly 1ntedere men 8 '"u.ges- 2d 111 th e po ncl 11 son e trnn Ohurch TYlWNl alleu present!) I m sure I don t know but she is so good llfy chrld 11) dear Emil) sa l I er \ ith his pr0Jcss1onal dut1e>1 R R LOSCOMBE Barnster gen c:i.se i:i n lu hn g n cd1ca.l n.1 d i.:ho ol fee <)2 tf The nundcn ncln ed l e t 1 ca) LUd Jo[ father one 11\cn1ng when they were s1tt1ng wt:: all love her \-.:e cu.u t 1 el1 1t And Ii They hke to get tl en mo1 CJ s It is by tl el 1gher gl a les of bcgaa.1R that for Bowmanville and V1cm1ty 1 l-h t ,-, ....1..... ¥OU rcadt::1 had ~een I P. no t TIP. ~ )..11 l l . . + Jowc u a. low cot bed lay a \\ 01na11 ev1dcnt lv in had seen 1 1er only accepted lov.:~_.;._4.;:;.,;;~;;;,::::::.:,'.;,rrrrfiaiiin~w;r1~o~ciiiofw s ia:rU,~p\Jr~1vViaife~\!o\!lMM\l~£QJ:l!n.IJii:~4/il6tr.J:ltfu'ltT<fs"1'.lluiffi:!~--.,------i AARON 6UC_l<LE lace tl c 1ncn orv ol her glossy bro\ n ha t mo 43 30 4w FT n.s the best a.n l 1no.st dcai able lot uf Ifcr skin th1nk you l a\ e done your duty 1 1 \\ a1t1ng 1 ouse an l pc rs sts in be r g shown 1nto ti c l tqp 1) l l 1e ro 1e 10\ tt on I er deep tender eJ es ot a dnr J gl cy and the laet stu.g s of con sun1pt1on \Vas nearly tiansparen t and he1 .)cs la1 0 e Your hte 1s your O'r'I n an<l ftou1 tl e 1act drn" 1ng rootn 1s a::; hard to ba:(U as he "ho l l e to get Lb 1 n1e<l can e ts fro her fa1r round fv,, e v;itl gc1 tleness nid pa t1ence .;:bunng from every feature Yon a nd blaek gave to her countenance a bnl that J au l a\ e not heatll fro1u Torn for t \ o enters a 1Jace of bus1nes!'l \'i 111 !-jee the pr n 1Vorks s1 rgeiv wl 1ch ha\' occ us1onolly --of cl :fferc1 t gladeEI ~n l "utpa~cs all otl er A,, Ennlr Y"'ars 1t1snot likely that JOU" 11 P.'i'CI c1pal ll.ld bt:comes,1rtuo1 sly 1nd1g1ant f l eeu kuo n t o be d1sp s <l ot a::; foll o ' s - 1 might deny that she was ieall) petly but lranC\ 1rniJ almost !rig! tlol houses 1n to"' 11 and Country HESE MARJ(S ARE I HE C.H:EAl ESI you wo1 kl hav ~ io aU. u1t that she pos::;essed ente1eJ the ini; a.lid glanced l 1 on her 1n hear from him again h s demands arc not co1nphecl w1tb But Castor otl goo l lor the I a r 011 un 1 J a the u ost Ju.sting the least tro 1ble11ome and ] UIIll gl1 and ~ad Don t father 01 11 a e don t sa1 l eve ti s lcllo\v is n ot. so n.ggra atn g as le n1cnt, good for he fun 1tnre cod In e1 011 most con11 lete ever 11 \ ented lheJ are used cbai:n1s aupanor to tl ose of pei sona.1 lovcJr an 1 reconunen le l by ma.Dy of the best Breedc1s ' Cunos1ty 1 ~ so1nehn1 es cruelty Ennlv shuddering ,v} o l place of b cg0 1ng bon o a a1 d d ocs t'XCellent to lit r i 1n the l n 1p an 1 t;ttcngtl \:'{ UfM1'NSll ~ ( MBEI in the Un1ted States and Cana ]a sucl a.'i G ~ ne s~ d d '\ ( U COJ110 1 bfv p1ee1ous daughter I \\oulcl not pl l so\ th an an tl a t "ould leal any on to enu g plaster to strengtl en the cracl: s 1n Loring Sa.lein ~!a ss Prcs1d1..3nt 1'1 e v F.1 gla.nd VVI nt htt e 1011a ce ti l!re ba l bee l 1 \\ ool Gruwers Society John S Ross FI nuc Em l) , i netly happy life she l ad rnr.<le \\71th the h< pc of Li: ng wet as i. fnen ] } out r the world It l!:l 01 lv 1 y love 101 s 11 pose tht.1.t be vas confernng rather tba l th Wll ] v Herbal <:. s tlou .;i t t l e I co ELECTRO PLATED J. n1 Ill Profess r ?f.[ Miles of the State Ag r to "\'. o receiving a ol J 0 at1ou If l1e 1 orrow s pl e \11sely bel ev og that ] e1b/)C t k e J er~ cind Coffee Sets F11;,i t an cl ncult u t.J College Lansn i; Mich Hon Geo he1sclf \ lnlc q1 etl\ v.01k1n 0 fot a us\\e11:d En il.) \\1LL gebtle 1cnroo1 at the Jot thnt causes nlc to speak tln s >:. an e tu c vla 1ng bcr 1 and on the suff~ 1 p10\ eJ to u1e ti u.t 1o n \\ts gooJ else ruoncJ the lei der llll\ le':it tss1 el th1t it the systeu1 at e on tl e' hol E' lt s inJur 01 s Bro¥.n Ioronto 01 t John St ell '.1£dmonton quite a1 otl e1 ob1 ect Her patents IleniisphM ical DisluY; 0 t On each Maik s sta.rnped the o' ntf s I would not have 8a.ncL1oned the eng1ge \\Ill be retu1ncd to lum about the ea.me time th in rn ne1al s n..aine and U1c Sheep 8 nu1nber lhey w Ube being the \Vea.1th est, people 111 to .. n er~ brO\\ t to bt surpassed u1 the Prov nee sent free by mail 01 express for only fotirencts an l her own heart prompllng her to take Forgtv inc 1 nt ti ere i;;:i so inuch cold met t He \\ent lH\ay to make lus f rtuue that the 1n1llcn1um <la" no;:. ou the \\:Oll l if TLe ~ elsl ire a court], 1acc an<l a I oor acl n.nd w·ill laat f.or l WEN IY y Al!.8 ucss m tl1 s worll so little love Oh I tak t1g w th b1m h s lJLtle s1ste1 It is sad } e l>onows ml ccllaneot:is articles the O\\ r e1 the most wort} y advantage oi tLrs blcos1 g r$W Cash must accompany all orders n1an or \\ on1a i "111 el con e a st1 a1 ge1 she bad often hclj e l those rn need ·nd ac re r eln ber now ) o 1 arP. be voung lady to thrnk of anJ thing havrng huppe1 ed to may feel th rnkful 1f afte1 r epeated app!Jca olier a cbn r an 1 e1 ter lnto convr1 :t.t10 1 ARCIHDATD YOUNG Jn Just1uce1 e l aCl ice lotoi comphshe<l 1t in such a. qu1et \\I.\) that he \Vho 1elpcd1010 tl11s 1fteruoon Poor Toni lum but tin1e and s1lt~.nce indicate so11e trons herecen e~ them rn suchacond t on tl at with the 1nost tho1ough I ohter c r::; a n 1 gn u:.:e S trn1a. 0 it. fie tncs t o TI'. ork tlnng tbcv a1e I os1t ely wo1thle~s St1l1 le bas On ln occtl.Sl n when son1e old a\ OJ.d.cd the ostcntnt on of c.:.1 ar t)' and 1 c 1s ne nly "orn o t 01k111 l;n 01d rs addressed to the 1vf.to:RC:HN'l' a1 cl 0.B I{e will co1ne Lack fall tr sl c 1 r he l tl e sat :.fact on of gettu" tl en lJack \\ l 1ch ":ere cutc1tuu e i at d1 nncr after n1 ch c ts\ causecl the rcc1p1cnts to feel a tl ankfulness -outside a1 d tal e c:ll t! of \.lice and 111c too J v .ER lffice for any q 1antitJ will be filled at l lua.l to ru1J in tho Don 1111on the abo·e ment10Ded price as quickly M the unburdened b\ any se 1sc oi h un11i~t1ng but he can t llo lt all so he ha:; let outside u far d1can) look Ill lier eye::i Totn 1::1 somcU ing Tl ]S class ofrcspect.\ble beg StU .f.lble at l polite COll\ CJ ill OU 0 11 tril g: Mails can be made a.nd sent ,vorl 0 o B01uet11nes anJ theu I suppo"e his will come back Raisms, Ctn g trs 15 "er) 1 nge one and its reprc::ienta leave of their ho tess tl e last to go stood 111 obi gat wn C 13 iRKEl\, II w akenc<l Its a n1ono111an1a \V1th hc1 the \it ttYC' S u1 e the n1ost undesirable of the \Vhole the doorwa.) unU \\ Lh l 'rl i r Ll t S r It \\as one sunimer aftc1noon when 8 t emplo) ers thrnk he 18 idle Bown ai:n Lllc Dec 28th 1871 ly ml~o ting \\oith her u1otl1er on the pa ia of their me \erv o ch 1110\1ng n1 d I ba\e not lagers said a nd "2th grief 101 1t was dre'-1.d tJ 1bc to encounter 1na-=mucL DS tbcn de 'Valtet Ralmgh m c.ht l a\c en\ <.: d sa1cl II hut do 1 eople ea) of ful to Ree the fa e~t fl.o\ver thus will er elegan+- cottage, that Emily s' \ a young b 0 en so ; ell 8rnce mn.nds ar c t:>realer, and tl e1r ad,anees n ore Lad" we are rough lnen and not used to \ nut one ruorn1ng Emily can1e dowu sfrnr.s cliihc lt to repel than arc those of the ina :-.peak to sucl 1s ;you we hope 1 c 1 av.,; " l man stnt;igenng under the \Ve1ght of a hca1 v nsi 1111s.a 1 NU'IS IN ~ GRE<\.T VARIETY She I u 1seJ fot au \DSW er Lut Emily sn g1ng and looking like 1 e1 tormct self J011lv al the t: conte1uporar1cs They con barro\v tiUecl "1th 'egetablc::; He was nothing to olfond \.llio J3a 'l els a l 11ox CllC of con1 ng up the road and o.s he drew near evadecl the q 1C'-lhon L l U. then the "01nao an<l. he1 parents wo1 dered for of late he <luct th01r a~sa ilts n a M.) sLt! n1atrc fa.;:luon 'Ihi.i g1eatest and ber:it asE!ortment ever seen 1n '!he "orst part of Merli yr goc· by tic Town None to excel 1t had been pens1'e ancl listless The lav en.ref ill v planning e\ e1y 1no\ ~1nent before ihc ~ i.w tLat 1 lS face \\as very pale, and y,ent on the strange nan1e of Cl nu ar d i s cl efl y A1 Yes it LS alwuvs i::p JOl w sh to spare drC\\i to a close ind J lSt at t\vil1ght u. car 1t 1s executed A s ::i. r le tt ev do not up tl Ml assortment of bore too plainly the marks of care <U d flor mhab1t eu b) tie In, h When 1 t P' ) fi 0 l t row She watcl ed hun as h.e advanced f eln1gs yonr 1not ~ e 1s good but I can se r1age dash"'d up tu the doo1 and 1mn1ed1aLe on enter111g the p1eacnce of an nltcnded tnkes place I ere the inost eihcu:nt peace her 1 we re,eal1og the sudden sympatb' through t 1\I v husbands mlSfortunes first I) there alighted a tall noble lookrng man 'ictnn at once prese1 t the r <len ands The.) 1nakcr is tl1 e kn d hrn.u tcU tnd r esr ecte l BROOCHES EAR RINGS &C Dalluu.?: ton bas ~gain i ecc vcd another lot of which h 6 ll})pe::i.ra ce had ins11re 1 1n her set I n on the down'\ ard path and then \\ho p1esently tSS1ste<l. a \eiy beut tiful first pretend uu ag0 1a\ itn1g 1ny s eI) and Roman Catholic priest who J U!lly fan cy the J ARGES1 and BEST as ortme 1t of JS one to suxpn.ss them Selected by inyself a.t tho>is celeb1 ite l by d(gi:ees povc1ty cou1e nntrl dl \\£V3 lo::;t young gul to alight. Together the) came then llSSllUle fl. COUfit"\eutlal tone rhe'i ba\ 0 the numufacto1 es n. Engl.and heart rng that hea1ts may be reached thro11 gh Ladies and Gents English wnd En11lv so1neth1ng irnportant to com1nu1 1cate Reaching the house lil1rectly opposlte the N o\V 've 1nnst bear thn unfortunate repu up t11e steps aud into the house ba.i.;ks 1 as I nm told been occas1011ul1y see 1 Sa? atogar Tru1iT. s She atandnr 0 il! the parlor, pressed her hands to I hey are Just on the eve of n ak1ng theu Qu.<ilifAJ is the Test of Cllwapness young nian l.et lns barrow iest upon the tat1on-\i11t not 101 g-uot long "ahantly dealing blows with ins stout cud T 1 avelling Bags The Cho cest of grn.d.e!'I Gold and S Iver frl\mei:J walk, and opened tho gate then, movmg ra1sed her ej ca le ven v.. i.rd a~ If in1plor her heart and grew faint with ant1c11 atlen. fo1 tunes Then the secret l~ u ks out Of\ gel qmtc 1mpnrtially on all he coul l Bo vw.,mlle D ec ifnd J870 n12 tf Shawl St flf[JS La arus Morns & Cos on band to fit n.11 sights Prcser; tly the door opened an ~l the gentle Ing to circumstances they find themselves forward with bis load he essayed to enter ing death reach wluch has had the <l.es1re<l. effoct of lhese Iv.ill sell at re luced pnces. Valises Dear n1othe1, do not speak so you ma.n entered but the gate swung to, barring ht:3 probress short of funds, and as it utfortunately speed1ly restoring peace and q u1eLneas etc etc At last, my darlmg he 0 a d, k1ssmg Lappe1 s tleJ ha\e to tneet so1ne verJ A LARGE SUPPLY Ol Agam be tned and with ti c same result are all I La' e on ear h sa1d I on1 n a to be Io tn 1 in lov.n her pale face and smoothing her hair At press11 g engage ne1 t:i- which at llil} otl er - - - o - -MJ'OHTEI M A XU F A C'lUllRR an t\ ip1ng the perspuat1on from lus brow he tren1ulo ua \Oice The Thimble D~ Al };!{ lll all ti e ' ct " of An early call will ensure a good choice looked about for <om ethrng to hold the gate My dear boy my life-my blessmg I last Oh how I have prayed Joi this hour t n1e v. Ollld ca l~e tbe1n no inconven1e11 ce (ROGERS MAKE) I' e been far awai Emil) m foreign lands whate\ en Tl ey arc rnoreo' er the victnns In pos1t1on and at that mo1nent a sllgbt, she murn1 1re<l. tencletlj The na u e of this little 1nstrun1 ei t 1s so. U :\. complete stocl nf &T!:nul) s eyes hllc<l. w1th tc l o as she saw but the stu.r 1.t ho1nc has nlwuys shone of fra 1d and dnphc1ty on the part of othe1', to lutvc been a.er1ved fron thumb bell iirh:;h flgure swept bj him, and a sweet I kne\\ ) ou <l be true Ennly for throughout life owing to cbtld hke s1m- being at fiM thumble anJ Afterwards tbim tl e mothers wun hand cn.Iess the Jetty curle lmght vo1cc..sa1d A l i -ge a d d 01ce sclcctio l of Whips, that fell on her son a brow Then hoprng God gave you me "hen he took my phc1tv of tbetr natures and the generosity blc 'I \\1111old1 t while )OU come 1n It rs ot Dntcb 11 -rer tton a d \V as moth er Surprised and not a little embarrass u le to cheer her she <:ia1d of the r d1spos t1ons they ha\ e be n tm b10u 0 bt to Enghnd about the year I U90 b i & Aud I knew Jou d conie back lefl.rcot You will be better soon Mis \'i llBOll regardeJ her a moment 111 .;:1lence then poscU upo n....111 a 1uost mclaucboly fasl11on John Lofting "ho co1nmeuce 1 its manu rhc ::;uliso:.:n!Jer '\ ould beg to call attenhor to <Lhv ...ys on } and of s 1 crior ' 01kn anslup and on lanlasus al Six weeks luter En 1ly became 1\-lrs W1l I hen "ants £ue only tc1nporar5 and they facture at I ahngton near Lon<lon and p nr Remember I Do not 1vc 'vay to sadne&i with grat1tuda shmrng from his dark eyes 0 at lowei;t p 1 ces lus stock of Boww'\nv1l1e Sep 31872 nl son and a happ1e1 home than thens does re p1epare l to give their word that "hat sued it \\1th grea.t p1ofit and s uccess F or am your fnenil he replied rhe mvolid snnled fnnth ai I shook her not cxISt Llttlc Alice lives with them yet is borro" ed sball be repaid or fruhng that merly iron and brass \Vere u<:ied but latte1 ' Yon ate 'erj kind nuss I thank W1ought or Cast !ton Fences head Kno\\1ng that further conversation but e1e long -=be will have J. l ome of her <ometh10g winch they 1mug ne to be good lv steel !$il\ er 3nd golJ have taken th eir you for enclos1ag l u ying lot" security Let their v1ctun hint doubts as places In the or hnary mannlactu1e th1n And Le wheeled Ins burden rnto the )l'·d \vou1d be inJnrions to her ] mily bade hc1 own :Furniture Tops Mantel Pieces &c glanc1ng ahnost rc"Verentl) at lns gentle He ad cu clo<:i1ng the eba1n ber c1001 as she to tbe latter contention and tl ey at 01 ce plates ot metal are introd teed into a cl e WrrNESsI<m FoR AND A<laINSI Us \\ ent out Once aga1n in the first room look at hun witb tl c deepest p ty and cou an l then p nicl ed 11 to shape In Paris, BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS s1stnnt J ept 01 l an<l er 10 t.-hL t o orde1 .A c 11 IB \VI at an ex.tnca\ le confus1op. n1ust the cerir- p ty that he ·I ould be eo !oolrsh gold tl11ml: les a.re manufnct t red to 11 large 1es1 e t .J lly r cq ei;;t ecl at tl c o kB lliy mother ti rnks you ha\ e not been the 1na1dcn said Sollc1tor d Conveyancers N otar1es Public Ji ing St1cet BottJ a ville lb1n bheets of sheet Ir)ll are cut long n1 our nllage oml Emily shyly Mr W1loon Will yo 1 do me a favor 1 world foreve1 have been rn but for the \ar concern tbat their word sho 1ld be doulited extent OF l"IOB A~ Bo\ M u v LLE- 0 er Mr Mc.1\.Iux ieti; which we find to obtain u1 the faces in so sn1all a matter If l e ien1a1n ol dur into <l.1sks of about two 1n cbes d1a1net cl:' Octobet l t 1860 1 tf N o only three dui s I m a stranger He acqn esced \\onclcringlv and E \ lv rJ s Store the voices and the hu.nd1vr1t1ngs of inen 1 ate rn sp1te of everythrng they proceed Tht.:se, being heate<l red hot, an; !$Lil ck¥. 1th Ot.I! C:.ll: IN Osu.,1 ~ \. First Joor north of th you set! an l I don t get Ill lCh \ ork but I pl c ng a ten dollar note rn his ban 1 add No security of pe1son no ctrta1nty of pos to in 01m bun that the) thank Ilea' en a p tncl into a. n rribei of Loles gradually Post Office shall by and by, I thmk and a farnt enule cd Run c.lo\\-n to the store and b ' 'vha t 1\1oney to lou.n at lo v rates of interest session no J ustrce bet\\ een n an and 1n1111 that they \\Ore ne\ er l a1J hemte l increasing in <lcpth to g1 ve them the prop passed over h1 features J l r n1othcr necds - b sure not to fo get E l AnE1vELI L L E R l\1cG1m B A no d1st1nction betweBn ~oo 1 an] ba l f1 entls tlw igh lrnl they been deal to tho er shape The thimble is ther tr 01 n ed Papa bas lots of 1>ork to be done he fn l wd Jellies T u1 ::5 RurLEDui<; D A Ul1-bUL GoJ bless your lJ ght face Pown au' 110 Dec 17tl 1869 m&o he m r and foe father ao l ch ld J Lsba 1 land "ife "\: 01ce of cl :,i.1 ty and n1erc.) they "ould not pol ::ili!;!d ar.d 1n lented around its outer otl l might gn.c you SOIIH3 f be onl) kne\v your J M BRIMACOMBE L D S uan1c contJnuecl the maiden sag:ac1ous1y mured in L cLoked \ o ve and 11uprl!Q : il\ ely male ·nd female All \\Ould have been ex r o v stand iu their pres1,;nt hunuhating face \\ith a number ofl1ttle holes b) mea n· posed to mah cc fraud forger) and Inst position As mil::.' ht l e nntic I atcd tt l) of a sn1all 'vhccl I L is th en convcrtcd 1nt e Thank yon My name is Thomas \\ Il presoed her hand r~ .. Lh E :xf'l"a l at T '\'enly fi v e Ce nts And no\\ ever.) n1an s face can d1st1ngu 1.sh get :i. goo l deal of rnonev bJ t i o.;:e u ear4S .steel by the cementation proccs~ tc1npered I '"'ill laj here \U tll you i t in she son and-and I lrvo on the flats Ile l\non1~ o c Mcf'lung B10~ Storc1:1 L] PEJt::SONS arc heieb~ forbid uf tak1u,,, A said as le too!... lns hat and hurne l En\ay him lU light, bis VOICC In the dark I s people p1 efernng to sa t1sJy their demands scol red ttnd brought to a 1 lue color 1 spoke hes1tatrngly a11d blushed as he men Bo' mnn Ile 0 1 t l~ 0 Band fron1 the limits of the Scugog Ro a l "\'\ h011 tl e yot ng man returne l he fou1 l handwnttng cnn speak fo1l1u though ab rath er than be sub1ectcd to then polrte tl 1n sheet of gold IS then Jntrodt cecl 111to in the Township of Dn.rlington tionccl the 1 rune of L1e poorest locality 1n !hose ] a' ing recently tn-ken s3.n l tl ercfrom the kettle s1ng1ng ovc1 t he hre anu t.l e ta sent ancl be }us witness to all generat.1ous 11npe1 l1ncnco I hey \te uot so prou:1 tl1e intier1or and fastened to t lic st.eel bv to the IllJUry of Road and danger of the public town Prcse1 tl) he looked up lJnt his coin Gold ::iafety a1e requeste l to iepa r the drunagcs pa111on v. ns gone, an 1 '\Vas now s1tLn g on ble set while httlc Alice \\ho had been TlJcl this happen b) chance or lo it nQt a as n1 ght pl.lrbaps be as.;:uined Jron1 a means of a poh~hed steel maudril done at Ol i..:e the piazza ag uu as 1u1etly as tf she had not &\\akenel by the cheerful sound sat up in mau1fcst is 've]l as a.n aclm1rable 1nd1cahon cas 1 Ll glance at thcn1 if tney cannot leaf lS then applied to th e ou t01de md at TI h ~ lt ~" t. ~ t -<i , Lh-.t certa.rn \" J CRYDERM IJ'< odl rs a.re l'Clhng ::5-pcetncl("!I an l E,> e GI :i.ss her chair 0 az ug at Emily in amazement of a. Dn 1ne superintendence ?. ruo\ ed at all p1oc lre as tn1 ch as they desire, they t Lched to it by pressure the edges be ng S pe11ntendent of Scugog Road es T 1 1 o ting to b~ of o 1r ma.kt: 2Ul I to bear Ha npton Feb 26th 1873 31n fastent:cl 1n a small groo\ e n1ade to recen \; l: o i rue too goo 1 nuss I lhd not be Ho" rn GnE AD>JCE -The most dtffi take as much as they can get That name drot c hc1 o1l n u ed our nan cs st 1u p eJ tl ercon "e herebJ caut on the R 1bl c 11,.,au1f:l t WI s ich mpo ster~ a~ ~fe !'srs The thimble HI tJ en re dJ fur up:! whwh fot Whern1 e1 a man goes m Englancl be 1s them Thomas as h e " ent uu \\1th 1ns ... load belie\ e tl at t.bere was one lelt Ill the \Vorl<l cult pro,1nce 1n fnendeh1p ls the Jetting u Yellowleer; & QuLC1 a.1c ou1 Agents in Wei;t Those made in t1us n1ann er do not \\ qa1 man see bts faults and errors v.l11chshould, tLB gool as you arc sa l Torr ngu1J ng certain to be brought ln contact v.1th a dou t "ondcr It is a low place Well I Dtrham u l a lw"\\ a1d of $25 sl e1cby offe1 .,,J foL t h o al p1ehct s1on an l c o1 v ct1ou of all if possible, be so coutrn cd thn.t he may nu nbcr oI beggar :; Tl is at Hist s gl t out uis so n1any oru1narv gold lh1ml les ~l o But she "as kind there ore mighty fei her as som et hi11 0 mote than human and get s uch llllp ost ers a~ t1y t o defra d tl e publ c b) '!he gold coat ni> D on t praise m e,bnt take out j our 1J 1n percene o r n.d\1Ce l& gnen bun not so 8eem/)C son1enhat surprising for the occupa but will las t fo1 ) ealS girls \Vho "\\oul l do what she did offeru g_ tl ell' t1ash as o t mri.kc ii cut away by the needles may be easiI,r much to rl~ase ovraelves as tor his o~n ad dlcs and I 11 have sipper piosentl) Of t1011 of beggrng can hardly altogether plea That e\ enrng wh1le Ew1ly and her fath L AllAitUS MORRIS & CO for th.em at u"" tf vantage The reproaches therefore; of a sant But it bas stroug attractions for men replaced b1 t the steel 1s o! a n excellent :!:}Iontrcal I'll ov 8th 1871 er were conveto::.1ng-sbe trying to find out course ) ou got eome steak l Yes tho 1gb I 'vas atra1d I 1vas doing fnencl should alw uyo be ·tnclly J 1St and nod v. omen of a certain type It does not quahtJ, and very duiable if he kne\ov anyth1r:g of the "Vt1lson famllJ YOUNG & BRITTINS not too frequent-B <dgell 11rong require mu.ch sustained effort and the man and he 'voncle1:1ng \\hat tl e darhog httle ROBERT -YOONG, Ontario St1 eet Tile lomiwl of Ho Ii 7!U1 re say- t ha t a Ji PJ11Jltl~An Y SURGEON bl ODER \.TION I~ D r -=-P l3TES _ ,,7hen "e who 1s pursu1ng 1t can flutter h rusclt tl a t \v1tch \'ooas dining at -the ne ghbor ac1oss 1 lf(if 1hey 1nust be dry and clean French tarn er bas chscovic r c l tb nt t he use .-CR DC T! OF ON'l \.R 0 ' 1!,I'ERI NAHY CQLLl G-E the waJ can1e In an l ~1 o tly referred to ar1; in a cond1t1on to over hro \ fulse.h ood he a ga1uu1g lns hvII g 1n a vc1y easy inan oi tan 1s a n eflic ent pi event \ e gain.st po SURPASSED EGS t o 11 fo1m t hu Jnhn.b t au ts of Do vman CANNOT tl e 1nc1df!nt of t l c ufteri 001 au i u ldetl a.nd error \\e ough t not to d o i t ' t h \che ner T1 en a0 ain } e i s su"LJectec.l to Io 1 ta.toe d sense For three 'cnrs he bns in lie nnd sur10 n l ng co t t1 ) that he har; troduced a stnall qt ant1ty of the ies1due of 1nence n l 2ns1tlt1ngl) ancl v1th an a r of straruts ther e 1a no occ:i.s1on for hnn to in It "as 0o od 1 JOU Enlh ' erygool et: n n1encc 1 the nract1cc of h s 1 ofess on and CHEST"1UT COLORED M ~RE SIX bl t t h e\ ire 1at her lo \ peopl e-tnese "\"\ il can be consulted as to the <l "CS..'"ies of Hol e:. sl e conte1npt 1 it to lay ope1 tbe trut~ nnd clulge 1n 1 ard nod corcentrated thought and the ba1k nsed rn tanr in g Hlto ea ch l ole on ELLIOTT, )lantu g lus potato c101 a1 d each tul le h e yea.rs old Qu et in Hnrness and gon I fo .and Cilttle at Glovers I c J Offi ce 1{1 ~ St II e \ th aus vers full o{ nuldn l:!S!'I to eli te the h a labour is i ot nl togethet irl so1nc -Lib s0ns T hey lt' ed 111 Da \1no ith before t hey general purposes At 1 ly nt th s Office 1ns been 1.;0n~1 l etely st ccessft l in preserv }{.es lence- Urod e s Hotd e1al Rw un 1 sl e falsehood -IIw1 ocles came here m fact, tho old man dre \ there 14 1 Bo ' mam ille Jan 30th 1873 ml8 tf m g hrs fields 11 ec from ann oyu g diseu'e TYRONE ;Bo vma.1 ville Jan 4th 1872 CORN FOR SALE POETRY WHOLE, OR CRACKED John McDougall R. PEATS, New 'railer Shopa . JOHN fl'; Fon HEAL, NOT:CCE. L FITS BREAD AND BISC'O':CT RHYME AND L:CME. Impenal Frre Insurance Co AUCTIONEERS PHILLIPS, 'WllB. B:.u·to:n., JAMES BIGHAM, NEvV STORE, CHOICEST OF GOODS. WATCHES CLOCKS Dana's Patent Sheep Marks T IfAYJ T. DARLINGTON, ants, Figs, » NEW F RUITS, Forks, &c, on :Oates, Lemon, Orange a.nd Citron Peels, SPOONS. ~-=SPOONS. Ba&tlltiful Can.dies, Just Arrived M A S O N, CHOICE BISCUITS. G.old Chains, Rings, SPECTACLES! s PUltIC :C.EAF TEAS, c. BOUNSALL, PINE CUTLERY, Amencan Marble. Grave Stones: 1873. Harness, Saddles, etc Groceries, FareW'ell, McGee, &: Ru:tled.ge, BL - Dry Goods, TEETH :Soots & Shoes etc, etc · NO'I':CCE. A $26. ltEWA.ltD. ] Save Your BONES Quality and .. Cheap 60 cents per 100 'bs., ness, BE B FOR SALE. J A l .