' · · THE MERCHAN'f; -I-iRJDAY, MARCH 21, 1Si3. - - -- - -- - - - ·- - - -- I ll!I\fCBESTEB DOUSE. THE Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to these patente<l. Spcctn.cles a.re two scientifically constrncted Galvanic Batteriesunseen when v.·orn-delivcring through the nerv:es of the head, a soft a.nd continuous stream of electricity, vitalizing and giving healthy action to the entire beautiful system of those parts absolutely a.nd ctrlainly curing I FALL OP:EJNING ! DR,Y GOODS CHEAP FOR \ ..... ..:::~ :·::·-i} : ... ·.. ~.. "'. Partial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a. host of I'\ ervous Diseases. a.rising from depr·asiou of tbe nervous energy Qf the system, Contributing in a. most astonishing degree, to life.: vigor and health. 13y the means of the l>Oft auct flowing stream of Electricity, Giving Brightnt:.1111 to the Eye, Quickness to the Har, and enerv to the Brain. 'l'hey p.re set \Vith lenses of the finest ma.nufacture, to suit nil sighta, a.nd with glasses ' for those not needing Spectacles to read with but deaixing the benefits to be. derived frum lveariog tho .Batteries; and arc only to be had in this vicinity of McClung B r o s.' GREAT S1 0CK rrAKING SALE. 1 Being anxious to reduce our stock as low as possible beforl" Stock Taking, we will gi-,,.e C A. S H at T. BATTING'S I3ow1mrnville, March G, 1873. Autu1n11 Fashions · --oo-- FOR SALE. 300 S'I'EEI.. :PLOW'S. TO THE PUBI,,,IC. I beg to inform tbe GREAT BARGAINS. In all kinds of goods foi· l\iag·ni:ficent display of New and Rich Goods. ' · the NEXT T.HIRTY J)A ALL Will be sold at y·~s. 1 CULTIVATORS, tDouble nnd Single.) People of Bowmanville, MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an immense ~tock of New Fall and the surrounding country, that Gooch Gre:i.t care Lits been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothing I have but First Class (foods h11ve been purchased, customers can rely on g@tting good value for thefr money. PURCHASED THE BUSINESS lately condu"ted by YELLOWLEES & QUICK. . u12ti tf TO I ------T_HE PUBLIC WINTER GOODSA FURNACES, COOLERS, PLATFORM SCALES, ROOT SLICERS, ROAD SCRAPERS, SASH WEIGHTS VENTILATORS. Mr. 'r. E. Simson and will be found in the same stand, with a - - -- o--- - DRESS GREAT REDD 0 1]:.'ION. SUCH AS '111 ff~ ~'7 FOR WOOD OR COAL. IRON RAILING FOR OElvITEERll!JS. ALSO GOODS Wl-\..LTER WIGG & SON, N ret.tu'lrt'i1g tnanks to their numerous Custom OJ s · a.n..d the Public generaUy, for past favo1"H would rc&pcctfully invite their attention to our I rcarw.tstock of Fun1iture, as we ha.ve lo.tcly n.dded thereto that 've may ther3by be enabled to su1 ~ all pal'ties who n1a.y please to fa.vor hi '"'ith a, caIL Great inducements held out to those puu.Uh:ng at our l~stablishmcnt, Pictures, J. . ooking Glasses, &c., frarr1ed to order, fl.nd i~ every st.yle. Sa.m~les of the different ;itind of :rriouldings can be Eleen at the Wa.re-room. \Ye '"ould also beg to infotm you, tbat,hav1ng pur~ ch:i.sed a. SHAV'VLS, NEW STOCK . OF . Plain and figured Lu~ tres, Plain and Tartan Wool l'oplins,Mctz Cords Figured .Repps~ Empress Cloths, nnd un endless variety of other ·new 1 Dress Goods. Black Alpitccas, Double ·warp Black Lustres, Black Co bonrg, Black Pammattas, Black Cr:ipe Cloths, BlM:k Metz Cords. T'RERS GOODS, SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, ·wti Bhan be ready at nJ.l times, to a.ttond ]'unerals, on short notice, n.ud reasonable terma. N. B. Coffins kept on hand, nnd made to order, at the NEW DO.MINION RETAIL FURNI'IURE WARE-ROOM WINTEI{ SKIRTS, CARPETS, CLOUDS, AND Bell's Patent Double Cultivators,with large Wheels and Light Draft. Groceries, Crockery, Tobaccos, &c. Goods will be MILL IN E -R Y Tl~ e u~sortment of M.iliinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive ancl m trimmed ?r un_trimmed Hats and Bonnets every taste can be consulted as the vunety is so great. The Flowers and Feathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the finest assortment to be found. t ' Osho.wa, Aug. 26th, 18"f0. King Street East Oshawa. W 00 LEN GOODS, Of all descriptions. lieferences. ROBERT MATTHEW SPINKS, Cnrtwright. J o:-rns, " " SOLD CHEAP, AND BOWMANVILLE JOHN SANDOW, .Ma.china a.nd Implement .. Ma.m1facturing Co. Ma.nufa.cturers of vVOOD AND IRON . The Per'ltv~'41t Sl/'l'ttp, (1 P1:otect- . ed Sol'1.1,tio,.,, o.14 t!_ip Pr.oto;cidtJ of Iron,, is so conit> ...·ietl as to li<1,-ve the ch(tJ'acter of 1 :Su:ffa.lo :Robes, :Ra.il ltoa.d -Wra,ppers, Grebe Sets, .. German Mink Furs A 'I' as l'E:R CEN'I'. DISCOtTN'I" As these goods must be sold to make room for Old Iron taken in exchange C o u 1t e r At t a.chm en t. KINNEY'S FOBCAe:e. J LYLE. Bowman ville, Feb. 27, 1873. . In Black and ·white real Laces and Lace Collars, we have sortment, at prices to suit all. · ii lnrge as Our Stock of .Tweeds, l<"ttncy Coatings, Pilots, Beavers, Peteashams Meltons, ect., will be found unusually large. Seeds, :Plants, Traas,--pre:paid by Mail. y new priced descriptive Catalocrue of M . Choice }?lower and Garden Seeds, 25 sorts MURDOCH BROS. Bowrnanville, :M:ay 7th, 1872 Plow not Complete without it . Pcttente ij, in Canada June 17, 1870. can be foetoned to THIS any plow without the slightest troulile, and A1~'.l'ACHME)[T WORKING MACHINERY, LEFFEL'S DoublEf Turbine -~=-- Wa.te. .' u··lth the blooll <JS tlte siu.~:1l~;it food. It in,cret.iseS the q1i<tnt1.·. ~1 of ft...cttn1~e's 0 'turt- fT-ita,liziriy .A(len,t,. I1·on in. tlte l>loo<l, r1,1itl cu1~es "a, tlio1isa/rtt,l ills," sl1nply by Toning Up,I1iviuo1·l.itl11,y ari<l easily tl iyestefl an,fl ri,o.;~;. a1i .14t~1ier!"' r.u; 1 11i1.tat.e(}, Spring lm port at i o n s. Bowmnnville, February 4th 1873. MoCI..tTNG- :BBOS, \vill effectually prevent grass, 'veeds, stubble, &c., fro1n gathering under the bea1u am:I chok· ing up tho coulter. Farmers rickno,vleclge tliat it saves its cost, every day, in dirty ground. l\'Iany atterr1pts have been made by plo'v manufacturers to remedy the evils wh.ich the Attachn1ent ovel'conws, but have fa.lied. The simplicity of anything ia its beauty. Apply of either for $1 1 new and choice varieties of :Fruit a.nd Ornamental rrrccs, Shru bfl Ever· greeos, Ro~es, Grap~a 1 'Lillies, Sm::tU 'Fruita !louse and ~order Plants _ap.d Bulbs; one yea; grafted ]i·u1t trees for mailing .; 'Fruit Stocks of all J{inds; Hedge PL.1.nts, &c.; the mC1~t com· pletfl assortml:lnt in the oountry, will be sent in-atls to any plain addt"esss, \vith P. 0, box. Trut: Cape CoQ Cra.uberry for uplaud 0 1· lowland, $6 per 1000 ; $1 per 100; prepaid by 1nail. r11ra.de List to dealers. Seeds on Commission. Agent.a wanted. B. M. '\Tatson, _ Ohl Colony Nurseries nud Seed V\-.,..arehouse, l1 lyn1outh~ ~.fass. Established in 1842. ' Jn24 ly Wheels, Vitaliz·in(J the System. The en1'iche<l and vita.U~o<l bioofl vm·meates evm·y pm·t of the body, 1~e1Jairi1iy tla/JJtCtfJCS ftn<l 1va.stc, sect1·ch:l1ig 01tt 1norbifl secrctio1is, an.t,l lea/vin,y -nothj..'ll[l ..for to W. :Porter's. King Street East, Bowmariville. 11121 3mos. FOUND N SU::-.IDAY I ... AST, a. fi;u· Tippet. The owner.can have the an.me by paying- expenses. Inqun'e at J. Crago's Church Strc~t. Bowmnnville, Feb. 13th 1873. . O r I done on the SltOlt'I'EST NO'I'ICE, '" ~ ha.ve now on hand a lat'C'e quantity of !Jy tl l~ i·~·tity i>;~ tt lou; s ·qt,e of the sy·leui. Beiny fi·ee tr <>m _4.lcol!o~ 1J·· r;,n.i1 /a1·1;1., :tts erie.. vglzt."'·(/ e}TfHJt.'I ft/'(J Blacltle1', l'c11iale Co1n1Jlttlu:ts 1 ana all <lise<r,sr· 01·iylwttl11.y in ti lmd .·trtte of'Uw !1tootl, o,. ac-· '1.,_01J1,J>r1.1ilc~l disease to fectl Ul)Jort. Tii'is is the sec1'et of the wonilm·fttl su,ccess of this 1'eme1ly in CI>riny Dyspeps'ici, Livei· Cmnplftitit, D1'opsy, Clwoii·ic Di<u·1~/ima,.Hoils, Nc1·vou,s Affcction,s, ChUls mul Fevm·s, Hrr inors, _Loss of {Jonstit1.,timuil Viyor, Diseases of tl·e Kidneys arul VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF ENCOURAGJiJ American Organs! rr1rn Sl\U'lH AMERICAN ORGAN CO. ANDERS-ON & COY. baav ju st opened Common and Gang Plows, tha.t will be sold ~t tion, but are 1Jcn:1na,11.ent., ~ i11,f u-: shtfl ~t1·t}1'bfJf.h,. · ·vi. yo~·, 1'J,i,J1, follow< '<l l>y ,"'-01·res'pmullrlfl :·fac- L'OW PRICES ti AT THE SHOP. Bowma.nville, March 6, 1873. life ·in <:o all 11a'l'ts of the ~yste:n, a.ntl b .. -«wUn11 up an I1'on Constit1itlo1 '· '1.'hou.st \1Uls h.aoc been ~lta'H,fJf~rt by the ii~, "\ 6f" th,i."J · 1·c1n..f!rlli, .~rf!:n wea,J(;, sic 'ff_ly, :;uffer;.1·r,y c1·t ....._ ttria, -:ie111 Farm for Sale, tu,1·es, to s 1·01i.g, ltc<tlthy, ari<l I-NTHETOWNSHIPO}'CARTWRIGHT, being the north half of Lot No. li, and the west pa.rt of Lot No. 19, in the 7th Cow;essioni composin..,. 160 acreiJ, ao acres of 'fhich arc clea.red, tl1e remainder . being wen timbered. Good Dwelling House, 'vith all conveniences, frame barn, sheds, &c., on the premises, also a good orchard. c~eE'k running thr'ough the land. }'or further informa.~ion a.pp]y to invalids C<lffl.#1.t>t 'l'easonably hesUfite to yive i'f a t'l'ial. Sec tlwt ccich bottle has PERU. VIAN SYRUP bl'?wn in the ylass. P:anl.phle"'te Free. httflJ)f/ 'Hten; £t1ttl 'lV011«,c11,; au,rl J, P. DINSJJfORE, P1'0p1'iet01', No, 36 DEY ST., NEW YORJl;. Sold by Druggists Jl!tnexnllv. ·- HIRAM DEMARA. Cresare· P. O. Cartwright, Mal'ch 1.(th, 1873. tf Pig Stra.yad. Jam es Mc:Feeters have now completed their Twenty.First year of business, with a. constant and still in· creaising growth, As the manufactory is one of The only Syrur> ~r"J'ared from Dr.Churohill's the oldest, it alao ranks n.mong the highest in the country. During the lon~ experience of the Formula, and certi e to b GJ chemically pUtC'\ manufacturers 1 they h11ove steadily added to th6 capacity of their instruments, and have nYa.iled For the p1·eventkm and cure of themselves of every method to improve the qua.I· ity of tone and to increase the mechanicaJ. facHPULMONARY CONSUMPTiON. ties for the pm.former. And though they exAlao for the uure of pect to continue the course of improvement, they Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of Ap· are abundantly satisfied with what has been done, and ·w:ith the e~LiJnation in 'vhich their inpetite, General Debility, &o. struments arc held by good judges of music. OEnTil'ICATE AS TO l'UUITY A.i.'lD E1"}'[CACY. As hexetofore,they will use tte best materials, . without regard to cost, and give to every Orgau Laboratory, Unii.·ersity College, the most thorough workmanship. Toronto, Deo. 4, 1872 They especially invite comparisons as to the T th y· t. ~ Chemical Co., quality and volume of tone, and·aa to the effect· 0 e ic 1.,,. ... have ex,.,roinefil the at·ticles ive mechanical appliances. '11heycallattentibn Gentle~en.-.l . ~a. Chemica.l 'Vorkii:, in to the fact th~t their Orga.ni; a.re sold ..e\.1' EX- . employed in.the \.,.1c ~-.::-4tpria. Syru of Hy- TRE.l\1ELY LOWPRIOES.aslow asischarg .. the prepa~n.trnn of the V .. ~ .Hypophosphit . es ed for 1na.11y of an jnforior sort, H~ving a.large, ·rhe severfil' ~q_Yl'UP-. b al.Ho a.nd thoroughly appointed mannfactory,-0mploy. l)Ophospb1tes. us~d are clieniica.lly purt: a.!1d the .... . ~yrup of ing none but tJkilled v1orlanen,and ha.ving made quitf: free f1·01n a.ny un11urtty. Your . ~i·cru a minute divi.sion of la.bor they are able to proHypophosphites will undoubtedly prove . du..;u Organs o.t loss rates tha.i1 most competitors. valuable Medicine. .. ~J:.tlt1y believe, also, that among other things, HENRY H. CROFT, I lla.ve (lft.rned a. reputation for fair dealing, Professor of Chemistry, lT, C. t ~·ould aaslu·e distant ptll'ohasers that Price $1 per Bottle, Sold by all Druggists. an 0 L.. · ' ever len.,·e their wanrooms with ~heirrf'~~\~leo . . that iB not in every respect H.YPOPHOSPHITES HOME MANlTFACTUI{E. Works~ BOOTS !ND SHOES "ml GREAT BAR GAINS will be givenjor '£1IIR1.'1:- DAYS, especially to 17 0 AS ES OF Ce.sh :Buyers. Farmers, wanting Plows and other Agricultuncl Implements, cmmot do bettel· than get them from the ,. --o-grea.t :Ennisk:illen Agricultural to ANDERSON & CO. BOOT AND SIIUE E,YlPORI UM, REED'S OLD S'l'AND. Also a large Sar11toga and ot \Ve a.re satis R U SH for Having carried off First Prizes, at ttll the important F>eiro in the County, on every implement we exhibited last season, shows clettrly, th:tt we cannot be bea.t J:iy ttny Firm ir~ the County. And having mken every pains to al~er and improve, we will guar'.lntee every Plow or implernen t turned out by us, tlns sea.son, to give Ladies 90 ots ::Boots. quantity of -==== TRUNKS hers, for Sa.lo . fied that it is SATl SFACTION OR NO SALE. thd - - : 0: - - - CHEAPGOODS \vhi?h induces the P~1bli~ so handsom ely to patstra1ghtfvrv1·-arcl trwJ.u1g 1s wanted. .i\11 that 11.!t him who has mer ronize us, nnd we fear no c01npetitio11 wher e we ::wk fo1· our Goods is 00)fp.1.\.RISON, then it, bear the Palm l ROM the premises of the Subscriber, Lot No. · a, 16t con. of Dr.rlington, a.bout the Jfor the following Inalll'ance Cotnpani~s, and 15th of February, a white BOW. Axiy perl!tOn other Inetitutions, viz :The QUEEN Fire ond Life I.n!!ura.nce Comllla.vin;- her with the own'"r, or givinp- inform& tion that will lead to her discovary, will be l'e· pany. Capital £2,000,000. $150/000 depooited with thti Dominion Government, or the protco· warded. . tion of Pa,licy·holders in Canada. J. E. TILLEY. The ISOLATED RISK Fire Insurance Com 3 v.·eeks. pany of Canada. Ca.pit:=J.1 5600'000,- 0ne of the bt!at and cheapest Companies doing bnsiness in the Dominion, for Farmers a..n d Iaolatecl Risks. The CA...'< ADA LANDED CREDIT CO'Y. l\fISS LA.KE has grc~t pleasure in in- 'vith a Savin;;s Bank dcp?J"tment. ll fornung t.be inhabit1:1,nts of l>.a1'1ington thn,t '£he U~ION .el'D PER1\-1AMEN1' Building -she is prepared... to receive pupils on the Piano a.nd Saving'8 SociP.ty. .and Organ, Pa.rticulars by applioation to Mrs. These latter institutions 00\·ancc Loans on Bu1T0ws. . Real Estate, ou terms unusually easy for .ihe Hampton, Sept . 6th, 1872. m4tf. \,Qrro'\'er. Bowma.nvillc, Feb. 6th, 1873--! .. 19·1Y F AGENT VICTORIA CO:\fl'OUND FLUID EXTHAC'l' OF BUCHU &UVA URSf 'l"'ry it once for any of the above Disord<.ll' , and yo,u will be f"tlly convinced of it" pre-emi· nent ,·1rtues, Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists . perfect of its ~aSs. "(t;a.tod, they intend to seAB the.y ha:ie before . . .....:_ ~er. i'heir catncure a fr~end in eve~ JHJtC... ~curate engravn aplogne, "'1th full desc11pt1on a.nu. ~~ in~s, ~ill be sent free to a:iy w.ldr';" u. .terfulphcatlon. .All nece11sacy 1niorrua.t1on ... :--. ly furniishcd. Address THE DOMINION PLO'W", a first-class Sod Plow, and is vei·y light draft. We also make the new Plow, known as as we now make it, is 0 U R uut only putfl all opposition in the shade, EUT with care, under tbe able manaqemcnt of ~IR. t Pione er J3oot & Shoe Stoni for the bis · 'Pivo Dolla1· Pr 'ttnella Oong1·ess T\VO MORE FIRST-CLASS \VORKM:EN 16 year~; ECLPISES it altogether. All orders dispatched REID, who hn.s been the ltadrng working in the R~eJ8 old stand, Bow1nanville. THE ONTARIO, MUS IO! ¥· A Specific R"1Mdy for alt Dueases of tM THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO b,~ing ~tered and imrroved from ~he No. 13 Plow ; the mouldboard being Bladder and Kidneys; Dropsical Swellings ; ofpe,:'~tliar shape'. which enables 1~ to work i!' nll kinds of soil, without Tremont St., opposite Waltham St. Oornplaints &u;idental to Feniq,les ; and al D·is~ases of lht UTinary Organs in either Sex Boston, Mass· clogging v'!' cl:okmg up, and does its wo~·k with the greatest of ease, and WANTED. ANDER SON Bowmu.nville, June 13th,1872. -37t(. & J M BRIMACOMBE, Bowmanville· General Agent for the Provin-ce of Ontario. Bowmanv le, April :3rd; 1872. ly-ol4-ro27 is the favor-:t low for g·meral use, with those who have tried them. V{e also ma,ke the No. 13, and the Plow known us Bowmanville. CO VICTORIA ELECTRIC Corns! Corns ! V'VANTED. "Beat~er M R. GILBElt'l1 informs all pa.rties troubled LANK CERTIFICAES, Applioations, with these tormentin~. aching·things, that he is prepared to extra.ct them. Call at reRi- ..i'. &c., &c., can be procured :i.t this office, at re qular rates. denee, on Liberty St., south of l{ing. If\>v.·ma.nvil1e, July 7th, 1873. 'I'o Masters of MARRIAGE Bo.,,.1u:i11~'"ille, r... O. B r.. LINIMENT. .. "The King ofall Liniments." Neu_rnlgia, Luni. Stiffn~ss in the Limbs or Joints, Sprains, Brwis~s,N1tnib ness, SwiJUinys, R'eadache, JJ,;arache, Tooth.ach~, tftc. , Boots & Shoes. the Yery liberal patt·onage he has ahru:ed in the paat; re::!pectfully invjtes the public to in. spcct his ;\l.so the well known NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. PLOW. ----:o:---- PORT PERRY GANG ALSO l!'or Rliewniatis1n, G~ut, THE SUBSCRIBER, THANKFUL l'OR LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES selected with a special view to the season, a.nd suitable for all ages and conditicins. Ordered \Vork will recei\·e Lia speoiaJ atten ti on. Remember the!sta.nd, one door west of Mw doch Bros. with some important improvements, which makes it a complete article. S. TREV,TJN begs to annonncc the rijceipt of sevc1·al adi.·ance cases of bago, f?ciatica, 1Vander·inq Pains, CO.\.'.l', and 3 VEST, MAKERS. 5 PANT, 3 employment. Apply at Com~tant LICENSES. CQLLA.RD'S PATENT IRON HARROW:S. A NEvV G 0 0 D S. Comprising the bte0t Novelties in ISSUED Bl: F. F. McARTHUR'S, Illock." m47-tf. ROBERT ARMOUR Dec 10, 1869. FIRST-CLASS CULTIVATOR., Also Bowmanvlpe,Aug. 21st, 1872. BUY IT! TRY IT ! ! PROVE IT!! ! Price fiO Cts. per B?ttle. SolJ ?~all Druggist Just Arrived! T Just arrived, at Notice. 'l'. SMI'l1H. VICTORIA HE SUBSCRIBEJt takes pleasu1·e in in- CABBOL:CC SALVE. "Wor~h J. SMALE. forming the public that he has added to his stock of machinery, a SURF AUE l'LAlli"l:R, and MATCH.E.n , he is now prepared to do all custom work, nn shortest no'tice and at ueual rates. Darlington Lot 19, 6th Con., July 2nd 72, rnly its Weight in Gold·" Sept. 26th, 1872. o5m.°{ A Specific fo1· Cu~s, fVo-unds, .lJruis-fJs Bi1.1·ns, Scalds, Boils, P·iles, Pimples, &c. 1 and Ohronic Di8'ases of 17.,, Skin of every description. · Prko 25 Cts. per Rox. Sold by all Druggi,t;s, S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. RICE S~w!o!~KERSIS LOT E L L i~ G COST. Prints, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lustres, Grey and Bleached Eastma.n's :Broa.d Seed Sower & Cultivator,oombined, Cottons, Brown and to which we call your specioJ attention, as it is an implement that every farmer should have. It sows the different kinds of grain, and cultivitle8 Draped Hollands, Table Linens, it in, with the once going over, 1tnd is highly recommended by all fa1'iilffi·s who have used them, as a great labor-s;1ving implement. This we have Oil Cloths, Regatta Shirtings, &c., &c. improved, by an attachment to prevent Lhe Cultivator from rnising ont tbat has given good satisfaction to those wl10 h:tve th cm. in any hard places, and enables it to do 1.cll its work >tlike, Lcing u grmit advantage over.those rnanufo,ctured else.where. 'vVe will placo the work turned out hy us, in the hands of our customers, with a full a.ssurance that they will find it strictly what we represent. VICTORIA CARBOLA'l'ED LACE GOODS A.NOT~~B AT GLYCERINE JELLY "Eminently the Ladies' Favorite·" J?or Bea1itifying the Omnplexion, and for re11urvin9 1'an, Sunbu'l"n, JJ'1·ecklts, Pirnples, LADIES' COLLARS, HABITS AND SETS, (newest styles.) ORGANS. Repafring of alt kinds care/nlly attended to. SU R GE ON DENT IS T New Style, splendid Instruments. Bein" )Jrcsscd Tor room, the Sub- &c., alvo for Ohapped Hands, Ohilblairn;, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, Frost B·itcs, and Sore Lips. ~ Call and see them. . . by the use of scriber will, for the next Price,25 Cts. per Bottle. Sold by a.11 Druigiste. Nitrous Occide, ( 01' PrQ~o~~de of Nitrogen) RICE & BARKER. 30 . T>AYS, VICTORIA ., wb.ich is delightful to take. Nitroue Oxide is used in nJ.l the prinoipsJ cities PIANO TO RENT. offer for Sale, TOIL:BT SO.A.PS. of Europe a: rid America., and.I can with ple!15ure Apply at this Office. Bowmanville, Feb. 6th, 187.'5. 19-tf. CASTINGS O:F At.I. :OESCl\IP'l'IONS furnished a.t the LOWEST Using the hardest metal to RATES · can furnish almost every kind Fine Pnmell>t Boots, Children's wear, and Rubbers a.ss~rtcd. · solicited in BOOTS AND SHOES. Order Albums, Work Boxes, Small Writing Desks, &c., " Celebrated for Their Uniform Purity and Excellence of Qua1ity." VIOTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP. VI01'0RIA SULPHUR SOAP. VICTORIA GLYOERINJ'1, HONEY, ROSE, Ji.ND WIND.SOR. Sold by all ])rnggists. Fohuary, 4th 1873. and confidc·i.cc recommend it to the Public, as a. e:a.fe and pleasant anresthetic. lf you vp.lue your health Special Attention will be given to Plough Points. :MILLINERY AND ~IANTLES. be had, we FO R SALE. AT COST. Don't Neglect your Teeth PRI CES M 0 DE R A TE· ]{oon1s for1nedy occupied by T. J. ,Jones, over F. F. Mc.Arthur's Store, J{ing Street. Bow1na~ville,Ja.n. 23rd~ 1873. 1nl7·ly, HIGHEST PRIOE Gioenfor OLD IRON, CORD WOOD, & HARDWOOD LU/YJ.BER . A N EN'£IRE COL'f. black, coming tbree years old, 1:1ired by Sir Waltet· Scott . Ap- / ·11'11 to CALL EARLY. C. BARKER. How1nanville 1 Jo.n.23rd, 1872. It {t R. SYLVEST El~. · Enniskillen, Jan. 30th, 1873 - m18-2mos. Special attention to the getting up of FA :i\'I IL Y l\I 0 URNING. "Remember the stand. Under Corinthian Hall, 3 doom east of Kin St, Oshawa. · m22-o9, S. Trewin. F. Y. COWLE.