..· · POETRY. Birthday Verses· The spl'iuz·ti<le ail' fa. caltu and cle[tr ; The sky bends sofUy o'er us ; A.ud flushcU with h opc1 tl1e pasaing year Glc<1n1s gay a.ad· bright before us. Beuca.th ont· feet the te11de1' lJlade Is matched \vith opening flo,vcrs ; Sweet choral rnusic fills tho glad e, And channi:; t he happy hours. OARR1AGE SHOP {west of the Ouh\r.io Bru1k.) King Street, Bowmanville. \Vho.t may such promise not betide Of sunny surrnnex-time ! Ho'\' softly \Vill its splendor glido To autnmn'B guhlen prime ! OUR sul.ir;c riber is prepraed T l!l~. pa1t to buihl and re· - ..e\nU. so wit11 thee my gentle friend, The youth t-ha.t crow1rn tJ1ce now, l\'I:t.y all ita joys with brighter bleud 'l'o light thy womnn's brow ; ~. eott .n oo AND CHANGE OF BUSINESS. POINTS Siinplicitp in Wagons, Biiggies, <i1'ul Cutters, ./Ji' of eve1 ·y de!!L:l'iptiun, a.t short notit:e, aJHlo:J l'casonablc tenw~. Tutn.y thy young hlipes and gid·hood's llreams No worldly blight ass:~il; No 1nists of cal'th their golden gkains, Ko clouds their glory vale? The friendly beartS"l)OW liDkt1d with thine By stronger tics than blooU·-· }'ar noblc:r far than royal lin e Js hn_ly brntherhnod - GENERAL BOOK STORE King Strf.!et, Bowrnanville, Contah1s oue of L he largest stock s of Carriages Painted and Trimmed· Sabbath School Libraries ANTl A Blacksmith's Shop on the pre1niacR, 'vere Flpecia.1 n.ttention is g1veu to all OF Ease of operation, Pe1/ection 1'111'ead. 01 F. Y. Cowle Has leased the premises now occu· pied by REWARD ever shown in BOOKS Bo~vmanville. (}on~tnwtion, Cnninge work, tu1d General Jobbing. St1'tclt, alike ou l1ot sides, owi11g to pei:fect tension on upper ana lowei· 1ria.y they i·ti1naii1 i:;till true u.nd tried Through !:lorro,v, ca.re, and rnth, ~'he fount of feeling ctill supplied By d~\\1 of early youth ! tJ:.hus 1uay thy yea:rs pa:;s lightly hy, And 'l'i.1ne age nought hut dust ; Let tl1is t hy undin1me1:1 Soul defy In her immort.'.JJ. trust., \.Vhcn. twiligh t shades forboclc the uight Y~lhose dawn shaJ.l be afar~ l\'I~\Y He \vho was thy ?v!oruing Light Be thi.:n thy B\·cning Sta1 ·! - o-- GIFT BOOX.8 FOR -All 1vm·k done r{t this Estctulish1nent RANG OF WORK :-From Gauze to Be>tver Cloth DURBILI1'Y :-Will b st a life time. Christmas and t11e"New Year Jn great vnriety. war1·anted. A. cn.ll is 1·espectfu1Jy i!oliciteJ. Equally a.d~,:pted ·J 'o li'a.mily Work, Dress a.nd Shirt Making, T~iloring, MACHINES P. W. Consaul, And will remove there about the I... Shoe Fitting, Carriage Trimming, &c --o-·I\. choice s1.:lcction uf ,T. MO!UUS. Bow1n::i.nville , Oct. 1st, 1860. DELIVl~RED AND INS'l.'RUCTIONS GIVEN. EVERY WANZER' ALBUMS, P APIER MA CHE BLOTTERS, Agents, Yellowlees Wo have also on hand 8LET1'El~ MACHIE WARRANTED. . & Quick 1st O!' A.PltIL. · -- :o:-.:~ Crumbs for Chickens. 'fhe firi:it uews·cD.1·1it.:r. Nuah':i dove. and INKSTANDS. A, AHJJ01'T'S,. AND IJAROLAY SEWING MACHJJ'iE Pocket, JJfenwrandums «nd Bill Books, and Purses, a gooct choice. LADY'S WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, Work Boxes and Lady's Writing ' .A.hnauavs wt're :fi1'8t published in 1441. Always on '.rime, THE F'ALL STOCK OJI' Our Stock oJ' o~ncral Goods is large, cmbraci11g all the Novelties of the day, >md all tbe necessaries as well. rietw·e FramC:- an sizes, Motil dings of CYt'ry style, \Vall 1.-'a )er-v. splendid ae:,ortmeut now in stock, A fo..rgc r;upply of bcu.utifully assorted \Vin dow Shades, children's Carriages, CoucertinM, Bruel1es, Cotnbs, Locking Classes, l\f uaic, MagaY-ines, \ 7 iolins,·Yiolin Ilows, Violin 8trings,Pa.per Collars, :r-.-ei:k r:t.'icii, School Books, Day Ilooks, Bibles, ICnives and Forks, Pucket Knh·es, Razors, All these, imd a Spoons, and Scissors . Cbenp cst Not e Paper and EnVclopes in the country. thr.iusand other articlea, u.re t o be found at the V ABIE'.l'Y S1'0BE. 'Ve are always glai:.1 to see friends, and think it no troubl'tl to :;:how Goods ; and we guar:intcc n.s good valu e, a.t as ]o,v prices as any othc1· honoo in the tnvle. Parties wishing to tt..:legra.ph their friends, ma.y rely on having their bllsiness done promptly. Agent ri WINTER GOODS Will be sold .ot If you are fasl1ionable now-a-days, you die of · cm bolisrn. '£he mountall1 is apt to overshadow the 11ill, but t1ie hill is a reality. J & W . J Mo:M:urtry &· Co Are now showing a full uss01tment of ·, MABX'C'S BEING I Sco1npris eE! ADDED '1'0 PAILY, and it ~ A GElCA'l' SACBIFIOE FOR THE ·rhe penalty of u~iug a postage stamp the sec· Desks combined, untl ti1uc is jift.y dollars. A choice prel!ent for a J-'ady. .Also a. beautiful set of 'Some men llre so a1'so1·bed in rdi;::-ion t hat they forget to pa.y their dabtl!i. A i·cportor of tha Pou~hkeep&ie Euule, inter· PEN AND PENCIL CASES, viewed o. winter uienag1:rie and left iuost of his trowi:era against the bars of thl' cage occupied (next to gold) fitted ·with gold I)t"ns. by a hycn:i. @"A choice lot of Mouth Organ<! On retiring from LnsinE;ltld, a. \Vil'.le old tna11 ~a.id fo1· the Boys. to his son and succeesor, "Now, my boy, re· mo1nber that cow1non sense is th~ b<:f'lt t hing you can bring to beur on e\·ery affair of lifC\ except love-mo.king ! n . FA~UL Y AND POCKET BIBLES, Jn a recent dcbato a. inen1ber of the Oaliforni'a J,egfala.ture cxcJniiucd: "The .lio11ora.1le gen· CHURCH SERVICES, tlu1nan from Calaveras County ii:! undnubtedly a person of great abilities, u. man of ta.lent, a WESLEY'S HYMNS, natlU'al born genhts; but there is one thing 'vhich I defy him to clo, and that is to b'itti th~ AND BIBLE CHRIS'L'IAN HYMN More than Ordinary Selection. for Inman Lino of S teYE'LLWOLEiESa &ingQUlC K. DRY GOODS AND l\fILLINERY. A fin e lot of HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, W ARRAN'fS HIM IN M:AKING LARGE PVlWHASES, A.nd he offers his custon1ers a choice of Furs of Bowmanvillo, Mru·ch 7th, 1872. n23 NEXT 30 DAYS. }' Y.COWLE. Bowm.onville, l<'eb. 13th, 1873. - - _, -.- - - -- ------- - - - - -· 8-11 description~, 1--o -- '!'hey are sot ur in the best a11d most fa.s biOuable styles, and ani guaranteed as represented in (e,·ery instance. Buffalo and Sleigh Robes. NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED, CASH BrYEI\S WILL BUY LOW. lS72 Tl:M.- Oct . · CHIT CHAT. _f'I'im Bra.dy a.nd. Mike FlynnJ Cloth and Gents Furnishing ---o--A full Stock of Oct. lS72. · bottmn of a. _r~·vin(!·pan without sm 1Utlng hi1' ' -nose." BOOKS, ,. 'lllUJ ONLY 0J3JECT10NS. - " One dn.y last sumr .. mer," saiil '!v11·. Nast, to a 11 intcrviewor, "I received"" gen uine proposition of marriage frotn a n al.bniriui young lady in Ohio, in which she referrc.J to Gen. Schenck and e:<·Uoveruor ])en- in various sizes ><np bimling. C. :Barker, , Aa usunl he will r epair and. alter all kinds of ~urs, ~.nd ~ay th~ h1$hest price :.U cas~ for r_ nw [ furs. Gent e funush1n::,"'8 of a11 kinds, incluchng glovo· kept const>lltly on hand. ,lkruember the st.nd, corner of King and 811\'er Streat~ u. MAYER Bowmanville, Oct 3.1872. 1872. A full Stock of Bow1nanville, J\Tov. 26t11, 1872. nlloon as to her p osition." ""\Vhat did :you do?" "'Yhy 1 I se11t back a.cad,con of )frs. Na>!t a nd the c11ildren," labelled " the only objec· Spring and Summer tiuns." Ono of the Ohio pu.pers tells ~bout a bru ve little boy ou t there v.·ho found a broken ra.il on the railroad trMk, and perceiving the peril in '\·hich the tn~i..I1 would be plu.ced if it t!hOuld con1e dashing past 'vithout 'varning, sat out on the fence for five long hours in the bitter winter 1.:old., in order thu.t h e u1ight carry the firat l1ews of the accident to bis father, who is hical editor of a. paper published in the neighboring village. DRY GOODS. I AT THE New, Pas!tionable, and AND R colored ;..:ontlewa.n do,vn South bought himself n. new sluny hat, aud when it co1nmcnccd raining, he put it un der his coat. "\Vhen ti.skeU why lie did uot koep his .hat on his bead, he replied, "De hat'!! mi..Ii"e; lmught hitn '\'iJ DlY own iuouey; L.ea.d 'longs to massa; let him take kcer ht! own propcrt:y," 1{1GH.TS 01<' PR0l'EU1'T. - A 0 " Good morning, Mike, slmre and it is early out ye are. Might Ibo bould to axe· "\\rha.t start,ed vces· this· ·1nornin0'."· . · . , .J h MIKE.-" J1st be a1sey, Tun, and Ill tell ye 111 a .]Iffy. Ye see, I was tould. visterdav th'1t Misthel' Gmy ' ov Tyrone' had got home .., ; ~ - ,, 1 · ·· · au Hh~ant new stock av Goods, chape as d11l't, maµ, ivnd 1ts meself could hardly slape a w ink, all night, thinking av the clmpc goocb. And sure enu:tf, its the full store he ba,s-piles and piles .av the natest patterns; and he'd give ye the makin's av n11 i lliga.nt new gown for Biddy, for Siventy-flve Oints; Tay for most nu thin, >tnd t he Ilaccy for fc trifle less." TIM.- "An shure its funning me ye are, Mike ; wouh1n't t\1e man be riJtl1c1· breaking <lqwn,1' MIKE.-" Brea)dng down, is it. Snr e he knows a thrick wurth two av Uutt. I'll jist tell you what it io, Tim, if ye wn,nt to get n, grate name when vouro ded, and be coclled a fibntrofized, filosifer, and a public biHiflLCthor, jist tell n,ll youre naboms, and the rist ·tv mankind, aLout Gray'3 chapc storn, >md you'll do more for t he good 1w your couniAty, than iver St. Patric)~ did for pul!l Irelttnd, when he bttnbhed ttll U10 toad s and snakes out av it, that Clwap Hivcr was in it." T[M.- - "l'rn rnnch ul.Jluge<l to ye, for the l>it tw tcbvice, nud won't detaiu ye; tl1cre'll sburely be" grnto run, and 1mtybee I'd miss some lmrgnins. 'J'lie top tw t]J(, morn ing to ye."- I'm off to Ora.y's. . ~ FRESI-I GROCERIES. All to be sold Cheap. Higltestprice paic .for BU1'1'Ell and EG'G'S SALfJ.1 AND PLASrt1ER AL1VAYS 0 N IIAND . ~ FULL SUPPLY SLENDID SELECTIONS of Sign of the Golden Lion, Do"Wma.n v"'ille Simmons & Clough Organ Co's J:m.pl!'@Ved N M - -- o-- - HATS. CoLoH OF l·L\.JJl., - Son1c turns black and t)(nne tun1a whito. H erc arc two illustrations : Patient to Doctor. - Doctor: can you .assign any I'Casou fot· my whiskers turning so Y6ry gray, w1dlc the l1air ou iuy head r~mains of ittJ Something long wanted by Everybody- Everybody bis or her own Painter. 0 Ulotbiugmade to order, the best trimmings only used, and the lowest price cha1ged. (:100)) JG GRAY, Tyrone. N otcd :t'or cheap Goods. AT Goods, Cabinet.· Orga:q.s AND D. \¥. MOLEOD'S,, GENERAL STORE, exceeilingly·cheap ------""':' 1:)octcr--tlh1Uf;bth1lly~-I .· ·illali9'u __ . f-!hould suppose it is c~.n~cd by the excc~i:. of 11tbo1· pcrfonned by tba.t p n.1t o'·er the other. ' 'J'H1\.NSCEN Dlli'\'TALlKM .-.r'\. Ycry intelligible Uefin?Liou of t lie wonl b given by ouc who is, ,.,,c think, hi1ns0lf u tr1u1 scendcntalist. It is, be · t.cll~ 11.9 the tiphitu11l cognoscence of psycho· lugicn.1. i.rrcfra.gil)) lity conncctf!d ,vjth coucutient "'/Vanted n.dt'mption of incolumnient spirituality a.nd Prepared for imedi.cte use, and nothet h crcali=-:~tl conte11tion of snbsultory concre- ing but the purest materials used, fl· F· HILL and rcq lliring no further mixturn of -tio11, Oils, Turpentine, a11d Dryers. A F11·1~. -~ Uibber, in hi.a juven ile d ays, held a vet'y :-; ubor<linat.;i situation in the then.tre, R.nd 'l'heir:con1position consists s0h:ly of on one eccasion delivered a me;.isage on the ;;ta.ge in so indifferent a mann er that Betterton Pu.re Colo1·, Pu1·e White Lead, Pu1·e White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirin anger inquired who he w·as. " l\ifaater ColHE Subscriber takes plea.sure in returning ley," was th~ reply. ~'Th en forfeit him," sa.id its of Turpentine, & Dryers, . thanks to his nnmeroni-.; friends for the very .Uetterton. " 'Vhy, sit1 he has n~ afo.ry." "No ! hbera.l_.fJatronage he has rccei\'ed :in tbtJ past. ccarefully .ond scientifically comHe feels satisfied thn.t nothing but then put him down ten !'Shilling-a a week, and bined. Good J.1!atm iat and Superior T.:Vorkrnan.ship, iorfeit hiu1 five." The consumer can have any de· has gained !or him such an increase of bu11iness. SEl\SlDLE.-A Chic~tgo broker, famon~ for his Reis no,y prepared to bnild "\Vag!:{ons, Buggi1.1s, Bhr~wdnesa, took a trip by railroad the otl1er sfred shade of color neatly put U.f> a.nd Cutters, of all descriptions, at short notice[ da.y, a.nd aat down at the end. of the last car, iu Cans, and all he tequ.ires to buy a.nrl on i·casona.ble terms. UarrW.,ges l)aintcc Special attention given to all bcca.use he considered the U.!!e of the money with the Paint is >t Brush, as the n.nd trimmed. kinds of tepairing. worth sonie t,hing while the col'.lductor WLI.$ co111· whole c.on be done by himself, or by A BLACKSMITH'S SHOP ing through the cm.rs. .ony member of his household. il1 connection "'·ith the so.me, wher e \Vork i Jinkins fa a man who takes matters humor· done in all its branches. ouBly. Y\l~hen his be.st friend v;as blo1\i"'ll into H. WOOD. 1 the o.ir hy a "bul."b-tinz bHer, ' Jinkins called af· 'l'yronei Jan, 2hit, 1873. _ 1nl7-J1n. tcr himi " There yen go, my es-steamed friend!" A large stock just received, for aut.The editor of a paper in Sdienectady, in de· Caution. umn pa,inting, imported direct ~cribing- the eiiects of a ~quall 11pvn a ca.ual from the English ManufocP~H.SO){ signing hls i1a.111e "Johll Long," boat, ~w.ys that when the gale \\' as ~tits highest and selling li'ann RisbtA for tt Pntcnt-G ,~te, turers,including J a.mes' the nnfortuna.te craft keeled to larbo:i,rd, and - ~al:Ie-a on 1ue on the 12th ult , and I unwittingGenuine, and 1e the captain and n.notb&r ca.'::l.k...of iv}lh!ky - rolled· ly nt hioi i·e(1ues~ signed my ~ame in a bl:~n k book, as having pnrcha.scd such "t'arm ltight. l' overboard. celebrated h.awi now reason to fcl\r that t~ c JJla.nk page A bachelor sea cn.1Jtni11 who was re1narkinga1gneJ by Jue may be con\·crted into a. pi·omis:i ROOSTER BRAND, tb!j other day t hat he wm1ted a good chief of· ory note. I hereby -::n.u.tion a.11 pereons fron1 pur~hasing any 11ron1i!sory 11 ote purporting to ficcr, 'va!> promptly informed by a lady pr~s~nt, be signed by n1e. . that she hnd no objection to be his :firs t mate. g·uaranteed pun. . Wl\f. WTNDA'l"I'. He took the hint and the ht<ly. ALSO in23-4in A country p1·actitioner one day pa.c;sing a.n all standard colors, oils varnishes, and painters' materials. lriJJh Jaburer 'it 'vo1·.k, accosted 11lm thus: "I say, Barney , tL aLpiece of work is not '\'ell Call and see how cheitp a house C>tn dune.~· Without attempting to a.newer the inbe p>tinted and decorated ; for all sinuatim1, Barney inerely sa.id; ·'Doctor, I will these goodswill be sold atReduced 1 tell you a story. '.l'here was a man in our figwres. counthrie, and 11e got very dch ; ;;i.nd do you, knov..· how ? " " No," replied the doctor, > z 2000 Gallons of ,: Thc11," said Barney, with e\'iden t satisfactJ tion1 " it "'as just by minding his own busi· Another car load of the a.bovc l1oblc articles on JIC!:! E!," the 'vay . Threshers 11nd " l\fay I ]cave a, fe·w tractg?" asked a travel· of different kinds. 1)1cnsc cllll at the ling quack doctor of a l:uly who responded tu all p.01ties requiring such oil. are B O'\Vl\f ANVIL LE his knock. " Lea\'C '.jOmc tracts? Certainly specially invited to inspect the vari- Farm Implement Forwarding Agency you inay," said she, looking a.t him 1nost be- ous. qn>tlities, the prices being far beR. w. JAJ.orns, nignly over hc1· specs ; "leave them with thti anything ever offered in this Kin; Dt., Bowmnnvillc. low heels towi~rd the house, jf you please.,, Bownia.n ville, Deu. 5, 1872. nlO. minket. 'l'hti grossest inatan1;e of hurnl>ug we have n1et ,·vi th }or :.1. ltmg tin1e is that of an U1dividual who ;tdvertises fot.· sale a Siberian bloodhound, wh~cl1 ht calls " .Ali" 'vhen ev(lry one poose:::1'· nY ing th e ordinary rudiments of an English edu· arriving, and now on exhibition,_ the cation ought to know that the be.it IB "K 9." largest and cheapest stock of v , A young fellow w)J.o waa fond of talking i·e1ntU"ked," I a1n no prophet.." "'l'rue/' 1·ep mtu·ked a lady present; "no profit to yolu13elf 1 01· any one els<:. ' m the County of Durl~m. EING 150 acrei::, va.rt of Lot Xo. 11, in fiht:. 12.th Con. of Jvll\nver~. Pi.u·Hcnlars '\·ill The proruiscs ·of salv-"ntion are not given b~ shortly lnade kncwn. to the strength of faitli, but to the trHth ,of S. JACKS, Wellington Buildings. faith ; not to tbe degrees of fait11, but to its Hampton P. 0 . m·n16-tf. Bowmanville, Aug. 8th, 1871 reality, New Groceries, McLEOD'S Dolls,:r TEA for S6 Cents, F R CASH .A.11 orde1·5 fuv 4 HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS EGGS and BUTTER CARRIAGE SHOP, Taillorin.g PROMPTLY EXECUTED TYRONE T RICE & ........:S-ARKER agents ~for the hest Ol~G-ANS on the Contiueut. A1s .t\. gent for the 'vcll known FIRST·PRIZE WANZER SHYING MACH IE, at MANUFACTURES PRICES. Enniskjllcn, I\ov . 24th, 870. nl8-tf ®nmhctnmhiuafinn <lbrn~ns FI'fTED WITH 'l'HE ~EWL Y INVE:N'TED PURE WHITE LEAD Scribner's Patent Qualifying T_ ubes, DRUGS AND MEDICINES of Reed Instruments, by rne.ons of' which the quantity or Voh1me of' tone A'f '.t'liE An invention having n, most import.onp bearillg on the future reputation A is vei·y largely increased, and the quality of tone rendererl =====-·=--,::= ~ -.-~ ... Bowmanville Drug Store. OUTjD most res1:wctfully tender .his: W cere thanks to hls numerous friends and and to the public generally, for the ain~ J. HIGGINBOTHAM, Ji111r Equal to that of the Best Pipe Oraans of the San1e Capacity. -·- - - o - - - ~ I Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders H a Dry Ill p t o ·n. of cuato1ners, very liberal support he has i·eceived si.uce bis commencing · in businees; and hopes by uontinnCLl stdck p_erson&l attention to business, and offering nothing but the putest articles, n.t the n1ost reasonable prices, to ensure a. continuance of public patronage. J. H. "'ould cn.11 special attention to his very euperior stock of Our celcbrnte<l " Vox Celeste." "Louis P atent," "Vox Hu mana," " Wilcox Patent" "Octave Coupler," the chaTming "Ce llo " or " Cfarionet' Stops, and FEED MILLS. Offel's for sale 011e of the most extensive >tud complete nssonnent Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. DYESTUFFS, which are eu.re -to give the best satisfaction. ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS C1tn be obtained only in these Organs. · OIL Groceries, Hardware, Goods, Crockery, Boots and .Sh'Oes, . Pats, lll Oils, Patent Medicines, etc A 'vell-seleeted stock of Thi1·lyjive Different Styles, 500 Cook, I'a.rlor, lta.ll, a.nd :Box Stoves FARM FOR SALE, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT 1vIEDJCINES BRUSHES, C011f.BS, SHOULDER-BRACES, S.UPPORTERS; Etc., Etc kept constantly....on.lla.nrl. Fo1· the Parl01· and the Chuz-di, The Best 11falc1·ild <ind Workmc<nslcip, ____ ,, ____ $50 Q'Mtl'ily mid Vo lmne of Tone Unequallecl TO $300. GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE UBLI"' AUCTION P R I V A To~ s A L E GE)l'fLEME.N'S SUITS m:tde to order in the latest a.nd most apOILS, PAINT; proved marmer, >tnd Ol! the shortest notice, from Fashiona~le '."nd careCOLORS, V ARNIHSES, fully selected Clothes and Tweeds. The latest New York ]a~lllon Plates rcgula.r ly received. and WHI'l'If..LE.AD ----·0---Factory and Wareroems, Cor. 6th and Congress streets, Det.roit., Micb.igan (Eatoblished in 1850.) ------- JOHN McLEOD, B . I-fampton. Nov. 5th 1872. at the very lowetit price!!. RICE & BARKER, Agents, H ELLIOTT JUN bp-o23-m45 N. B.- Country Stort-lieepers supplied on the roost a.dvru1tngeous terms. A choic~ aelecMon of LAMPS, for sale cheap Horses and Cattle Medicines; fim for Ontario, West and North of Belleville~ ·Bowrn&nville, Aug. 21st, 1876 m47-o34-tL Bovrma. 1nille. Dec. 9, 1868. I