.. THE MERCHANT, APRIL 4, 1873. ENGO URAGENJ:ENT ~ TO VICTORIA Manufacturers. -·o·- NE W S P R I l'l G G0 0 DS. - - - - : 0 : -·- - - - COMPOUND SYRUJ' O~' VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE HiIIJ The only Syl'up proparcU. fro:m Dr.Churchill's Forinula, m1U. ct>rtified t o b ;1l chemically purt~. ]fol' the 1)revention a.utl cure of 111-1viug tmrcl1i1.Rccl apiece of land it~ the ccn· tre of the Yillage of N cwcaf:ltle, I pl'epa.red r:ro DONATE To a.ny r E:sponsiblc person or v ersons vv-ho will · erl;lct substo.utial G 0 () D S. Comprising the Jn-test NoYc]t.iee in PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. A.Lo:;o for tht Q1uc of lJy1rpcu,oin, }J1·011clvi!;id, ~4-stlMna, L·oSI! JJetitc , Otncnil Debility, i{;r,. ()! Ap· l'l/Ia.nufacturing Works Prints, .. TO GIV'"E Constant <!), ...· .l"i< .' 1~0mployment lfilo L au o'E> . . Ml1 ~u ~Iii'--.· "'"·,,. .!nb.~.ll~"' 4 ACRES OF LAND. F. W. GLEN. UARBOLATED Fancy Dress Goods, Black I Lustres, Grey and Bleached G LYCEHI NE JEL LY Cottons, Brown and "Eminently the Laclies' Favorite." Ji'm· nero.thfyi11.r1 th& and for Draped Hollands, Table L1"nen~. ' removing 1'an, :>unburn, Brcc!:lcs, Pimples, &c., ali·o f?r Ch(qiped ·1 Cl th R tt Sh. rti11gs &c &c 1i'rost Biles) Sore Li1J3. 0l 0 s, ega a 1 ' ., . Price,~5UkperBott!e. SoldbyallDrni;;i·k. Cor~f1ltcoion, VlCT OHIA FA.LL OPENING! Autum11 Fashio11s - -- oo--- ~ . lfand,~ , Cliill1lwiri.~, ffiid ' · T0 T .D E P U B L I .. S'l'OCit (J. Oshawa,, Ont. 4in. ' J\ils.rch 1\), 1873. Ie now fully arranged, and we will be most happy to .<how customers through \tr ectahlishIUeBt.- 'We.Ji.ave __ - c1 ' AN r IM~'.IENSE OF NEW GOODS ' lowest possible In all tho hvtcsL novelties, rmd an i selling them tct the prloes. LADIES should call and see our Dress Goods, Trimmings, and Ready Made Costumes. Also take a look at OUR ~IILLINERY ROO~l 111 Which is now filled with new go od~ in :i,ll the liitcst English and New York sty !es. GENTLE MEN should see our splendid lot of new cloths , _ _ __ _ L.,_ have now co1uvl(jtcd thei.J.· Twentr·Fi?-·st . ycn.r of bul:5iness, with a constant and Jnc~.asing gi-owth. ..L\s the n1anufactory: is one ?f the oldest, it also ranks a1nou g the highest m the country. During t he lon~ experie1we of t.lte manuf;.i,cturcrs, they have steadily added to _the capacity of their in8tf'urnents, and hnve availed themselves of every method to impi·ove _tlie qu~l- ]Tine Pnmelhv Boots, Children's wear, au<l Rubbers nswrtccl. ~ity of'tonO and to incren.sc the inecha.nical ,fac1lso-li ci ted · in tit1a for tb t~ performer . And though they ex· I pcctto continue the courso of improvt.'rueut,they are abundantly satisfied vdth wha.t has been tloue, tl.i.ud \'i'itJl the e:::timati?n in V."hich th9ir in· 1 strnm Yi11ts n.re htild bygooJ J U dgm1of music. Spe~ial >LtteHtion th~ getting up of A_s licrctofore, they \·.rill use tle best ro~teriaJs, without rega1'(l to cost, and give to every Organ FA l\![ IL Y " l\!I 0 URN IN G. the most thorough v;orluna.uship. 'rhcy cspcciaJly invite compa.risons as to the Rewcmber the stlmd. U nder (Jorin,thitvn H all, 3 doors ea:;t quality and volume of tone, nnd ns to the e:ffe.ct8t, Oshn,w:i,. ive 1uechanical applinnce::s. Th~y ca.llattcnt1on to the fl:Lct thn.t their Organi:i are wlU A.'11 EX~L1RE .L\'1ELY LOW P .RlO}JS,aB lo~' Mis charged for i:o.any of an inferior sort. Having a largo, m22-o!J. and thoroughll· appointed nm.nufa.ctorJ:,employiug none buts cilled ¥1ork1ncn,and having made a. minute division of 1a.L01· they are able to produ1.:fJl Oro:>'ans at less rates than most cornpctit.o~ Tney believc i n.illo, thc~t among other tltin~'13, tlH'l 11ave earned a reputation for fair dealing, and they v..-ould ~sure distant purch~ise1'fl that no Organ will ever leave their wa.rt-rooms with their knowledge, that is not in every respect T HE perfect of its class. As they ba.:ve before stl1ted, they intend to ae· Most Wonderful Invention cm l'e a f1{end in eve1·y purchaser. '11hcir catal0gue, with full descriptio11 ancl accura.te engravof the ings, w·iU be sent free to any iiddreas upon a.pJ Moses' Electro·Galvanic, Pat. June plica.Lion, All ncce ssa.ry ll1formation cheerful· 2nd, 1868. ly fu1·nished. ...1.ddress Atta.ch cd to the:-!e pa.tented Spectp.cles a.re. two THE SMITH AMERIC1\.N ORGAN CO scientifically constructed ~J al~ n.1 1ic Ba.ttcnct->nnseen v>lten worn--clehvenng , t]1rough t he Tremont St., opppsite Waltham St. nenres of th e head, a ;,oft IUld continuous strca1n Boston, Mass of electricity, :-ltn..lizin~ and !1~')!1t:' .11eal~hy ::tc· tion to the entire beautiful syBfuJD. of those parts J M BRIMACOMBE, ::thsolutely arul ccrta,inly curing American Organs! CO . TRF. SMl'CII AMERICAN ORGAN stilt ·LACE 'GOODS " Celebrated for Their. Uniform Purity and Excellence of Quality." Vl 01'0lllA OABBOLJG SOAP. Vi Ol'ORIA SULPHUR SOAP. VIC1'0RJA a.L YCERJJ..VE, HO. Z'tE1r, llOBE, AND WINDSOR. SQld by all Drub"i;ists. Fcbrn :\ry, <1th 1873. 1"Iagnificent <li.s1llay of' N e'v and !-ticb i.rOILET SOAPS. Goods. VIOTOHIA MURDOCH BROS. have opened out an i1mnenso stock of New ]foll Great care has been taken in lmying th e Stock, a11d aa nothing hut l<ir"t Class Goods hn,ve been purchased, customers can rely on getting good value for their money. Good~: LADIES' COI.LARS, HABITS AND SETS, (newest styles. ) BOOTS AND SHOES. to Order VICTORIA BL:EC'l'HJC :MILLINERY ANB :Th:IANTLES. J.n IN llVIENT . ··The King of all Liniments." . ,... D R E~S ----0---- S G0 0 D S of l\..n1g s. Trewin. F'oT l~hc-nma.t1'.srn-, Gout, .l'{cnrcdgfri, L1nn. Uago, Sciatica, rJ7anderinq Pa:i'ris,. Sl{ffn css in Plain and figured Lusores, Plain and T>etfan Wool Poplins,Mctz Cords I the IJirn!Js or Jo·inlr:;, Szirains, Bridses,1v~nrnbness: 810.!lhngs, Headach'3, Ea.rach:e, Toolh· Figured Hepps, Empress Clotl1s, and an endless variety of other new ache, rf:c. Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double Warp Black LusLrcs, Black Co BUY IT ! TRY IT!! PROVE IT!!! P rice 50 Cts. per Bottle. Sold by all Dr u:;;;ist hourg, Black Panirnalh1s, Black Cmpc Cloths, Black J\ilclz Curds. VICTORIA CARBOLIC SA.tiVE. . ' .A S-pecijic for C1!.ts, r:irov. nds, Bruises Dnrns, Hcallf!:!, JJoils, l)iles, I 11imples, &c., a,n(l Chronic Disccuea of 'the Skin of e·uwry cksc-ription. P1·icr: 21) Ct8. per Rox. Sold by a,11 Druggi~t s. !Jb:H'.rlb'[O.Al E AS 1 "Worth its Weight in Gold·" ' The assortment of Millinery and }Iillincry Goods is very ex tensive nnd in trimmed or untrimmed Hats and Bonn et :; cverv tltste c;tn be consulted a,s the var~ety is so great. · The Flowers timl F"eathers, Laces, &c. we claim to have the finest assortnrnnt to be found. ~ortment, Age. ro P URI1'Y ~ <\NH l:.Fl·IC AOY. English, Bowma.nville. General J\_gent for the Province of Ontario. :Bown1anv 1o, A1)ril 3rd, 1872. ly-ol4-1n27 Scotch, A FOR SALE. 300 STEEL :ElLOWS. N ]) Ca,na,d.ian 'l'weeds, Po,rtial Paralysis of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous ~witches iii the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, Lind :i host of ~..irvous J)iscru:;cs, arising £ro1n dep1·.,ssion of the ner vo1u! ellel'?'Y yf ll1 c :oytiten1, Contributing- in a 1nost astoru~lnng degree, to life ,,igor a.11 (l h ealth. By the tneaus of the soft a.nd tlf1wing stream of }~ leclri ci ty, G·iYing Bl'ightno;JSS to the Eye, Qnick,ne~s to the B~,r, and energy tn the Braiu, rrhcy a.re set. with lenses of the finest m11nufachu·e 1 to suit all >;ights, a.nd with gLM~cs for th~s ? not rwecling Spocta.<.:ltif; to i·cud w1th hu t _dcs1nng the b?ncfits to be derived fru1 n wearing t he Batte.r wtl; and arc only to be had in thL-; vfoi uity of Laboratory, U niversity College, T oronto, Dec. 4, 1872 To the '\Tietotia Chemic.al Co., Gentlemen.-! have C'Xu.mir1el1 t.111~ itl'Li cles cn1plovcd in the 'Victoria Cbenlical \\i orks, in t11c p1·clifit~t ~io u of the V'ictoria. Syrup of JfypophO:iphites. The several lIJ JJophoephit.es u setl a.re cltcrnicullzi varc and the _Syrup is also q_l_!itefreef1·01n any im:zraritp. Your Syrup of }fypn1)hor;phites will nnd0ubtedly p1·ove a ·ve~·p i1al'lHtble Jriedicine. 1 Jn Bhock and White real L:.vces ~vrnl Lace Collars, w e have le l.irge a,, at prices to snit all. Our Stock of TweeLls, Ft111cy CoaLin(.(s, Pilots, Bmvern, Pete:1sharns , llfoltons, ect., will be found ur1~isirnlly ];~·gc. Profer<.sor of Ch~mistry, U. C. Price $1 vcr Bot tle. Sold by all DrL1ggista. HEN!<.l:- H . CR.QF11, VIC'I'OH.IA 00)ff0lTND l ' LUID EXTRAU'i' OF MURDOCH Antl GENT'S furnishings of a11 descriptions. Our MR. J EFl!'ERY lms just returned from New York CiLy, with nJ.l the cu1rrrv ATORS, (Double t~nd Si11gle.) FURNACES, COOLERS, PLATFORM SCALES, ROOT SLICERS, in cnttin:r. GEN'l'LEMEN leaving their orders at our establishment ROAD SCRAPERS, m~1y rely uu getting "suited" to their eutfre ·satisfaction. SASH WEIGHTS VENTILATORS· LATERTIMPROVEMENTS A Specific 111-m"ly for aU lhseases of the Blctdder anll ](idnr;yi1 ). Dropsical S·welHngs ; Oornpla..ints int.ide;da,f to Jt'e1nales ; and a.l Discui;es of the [lrf11arv Organs in either Sex 'l 'ry it once for any of the nbovc Disorder , and you "·ill be f'1lly convinc~d of it.'i pre-err1i· nont virtut;'.S. Price $1 per Bot tle. Soltl by- hll DtnggiSts. Bowrnanville, ~fay 7th, 1872 1}' YELLOWLEES & QUICK. .-<: J & w. m25 i f J Mc:Murtry & Co - - -- -- - · 'C::" Sign of the Golden Lion, Bowma.nvi_ lle, Bow1rn1uville, Apr. il 4th, 187;). -Tlfltl~j'7 FOR WOOD OR COAL IRON RAILING FOR OE1'\!TEERJES. ALSO = == 'rO 'fl-IE P1JI3LIC. I b eg to inform the Bell's Patent Double Culti- People of Bowmanville, tvncl die s\11'1·01mding conntry, that I have ()~ o~ vators, with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. PURCHASED THE BUSIN ESS lately condu,otcd by MAKES THE W EAK S TRONG, Iron . 'iG so cv1c-ib i N,e(Z a,s lo h <:t vo t l;,e clt((,·r (tctcn· of' a:rt al4..Jn.en,t, 0 ,3 eas'lly <l-i fJ esf"ett (ii"Ml <:,.~s ini !ltt i etJ i of th tii e blood aa the si:;n,vlcst food. It 'i1 1crcasv:> t h e q u,cint'i ty of" . .r.t atuipe' s O i vn.. V ii·aliz!.1'tfl Agent, I ro·n i-;i tlte r,zood, a:i<l cu 1·cs " a.th o u sa1itl ills," tti·n1.p lfl b y 'l'orii1ir11i p,In,'V i(Jorr::ti1 1{1 a.n<t 17-ita,l-lzl ng the Sys ~ <~'n1,. · Th-e cn,richc d aiul v italized blood pm·- AN D"Ell S 0 N & C O'Y. haa y ju ~·====== - ------s( opened Refe:rencesm RoH1·:1n SPrn1rn, Ca,rtwright. l\>laTTHJcW Tlie P e1·, u v i.an, /Sy 1·U.·JJ, a, I'Potecictl 8oloitI01i of t!t o Prot.o ;..l:] idt5 of BOOTS AND SIOES and CH.EAT BA.liC;:...: \ .INS will he gi.vcn fo1: 'l1lllll'l"Y ll..iYS, esp ecially tQ 17 OAS ES OF J ON~:s, " Jmm SANDOW, ----o- - - and will be found in the same stand, with ti Old Iron taken in exchange l(IKNEY'S C o u l t e r A t t a c h m e n t. F. Y. Cowle ha8 removed to the store btely occupied by :NEW STOCK OF &c. --o- - :Buyers." & CO, nwa tes eve1 ·y p art of the body, tio1 ia~ Groceries, Crockery, Tobaccos, Goods will be r e11aiPlri9 {fr:>/Jrtlt yes a1itl u;ciste, .~ca/1 ·cl:,:li-itJ ou.t 11"to1·bi(l sccrc- H <i1icl lcav i1tg 'J~ OthiJitJ. fo-:i ~ dis e<:i.<Je to fee< l ·u1Jo· 1't-. Thls is the secr et of th r~ 'U! f>H, - £lc· ' )'ftil S'lt cr;ess of tlr..is 1··r:rn. e fly kn, cu'riny J) y s1> e11sia, L '!.v er (Jon·~,~ BOOT AND SHUE EMPORI UM, REED'S OLD STAND. .Also a lnrgc quantity of Ladies 90 eta for Boots. OU R S P R I N G G 0 0 D S ARI!; IN, AND WE WANT TO plwi nt, D1'0PS1 J ' C lM'On ic 1Nm·- i')ow not Complete without it. ·P. W. Oonsaul, --o- - r h axi, }~ oils , . 1\ reJ·vou.o Af)~ccti o: is !I Chills a ·i'lti. l . I!'l~ve-rs , .Finuiot·s, TRUNK S S"'ratoga and ot h er1;: 1 for Salo. \Ve are satis fied that it i!:l T n.ny plow without the slighteat trouhle, u.nd ·will .effectually prevent 1veecls, stubble, gta."IR, Patente.d i n Canada June 17, 1870. HIS .t\_rrT AC H)fENT c~~n bC' fastened to SOLD CHEAP, AND lJla.d rlcr, .l·'ein aJe Oon·iplai'ttts, (i"!tll < i ll l~!s_e cttUJs V'l' if/ il1ia/Jiri{f 'i-ri r1., bf.r.<l 8£.ate of the blootl, 01· a.ccon1.JJa,1i i{:fl by d cbUi.ty 01· a, lou1 ft ta te (;j' t h t~ syste-;r:N JJeirt·(} f'ree Loss of co;tstitutiona< Vlyo1', Di,sea ses of tl:.c K 'ltltiey , q a.rul CHEAPGOODS whillh induces the Public so haudsornely to pat· straight{orwai·d t.:radinr; is ·wanted. All that let him who has 1ncr roniz;e \1:'5, an d ·we fear no coin petition ·d1ere we usk for our Goo(ls isCOMJ:'2U{1SOK, then it, bear the Paln1 GE'l' 'r:EEM O"C1'1' A.GA.IN FOR &c,, fron1 gathering under the bcai_n ruHl chok· ing up t~e couUl"r. ll'arn1ers.ack:ry1wlcdgctbu.t it save,,; its cost, ovory tlft,Y, in dirty ground. ~lany attciupts' havc been t~ndc bJ: plow Wlltl· ufa.cturers to reme<lv the evils w1uch the Attu,chment ovGrcmneS, 1.Jut ha"e failed . '!'be aimplicitY of unythini is its beauty. ~Apply CASH C"C'STO:M:ERS will have lFOBCA~H. { :·01n J LYLE. · Bo·v nnanvillc, :Feb. 27, 1873. to W. :Porter's. KiJtg Street East, Bowmrcnville. · rn21 31nos. Every Inducement to pnrc hasc. _Al c ohol ~ t u. a n_.y j 'orni, i.ts erie·1· y l~ i- ng effects (i r e· , a. ot JUlloioe<l b!f co rrest; ouJ} i_.}~. (J 1·(;acti.01 i~ b ut are JJ01 ·1nr1; rr,r:nt, i:n,f·u,s l~t !J s ttJ·~11ir1tit ~ ·t; iffO'i' , <t nfl ·neu1 lJJ'o iu;f(> (tll 1Ju 1·l::; (.·j ' l/u~ :j ysf,(~·1n , a/nrl b11,it d l ng 1l}) a r!> I·rcni (}o , n, - 0 {; not only puts all opposition in the r:hade, l~lT'P with C~t.re, undel' the able manlloC:Cmcnt of Mu. t rioneer Boot & Shoe Stoxe for the las R E~~LPISES 'i t nl to~·etlie1·. AU ord~rE di:ipatehed n,EID, \Vho has been the lt.achng 'i\-'Ol'king in the 16 f'eari',; lleerh1 old stund, Bowmu.nviJlc. Tivo Dollll/r Pr 1niella Congress T\VO MORE FIRST-CLASS v\ ORKMEN \VANTED. BOWMANVILLE st l. t nt[.1:-n,. UiCrt.f1;, R lckl [I ~ 8 Uffe :·f. Jt[/ C'l 'Catu. per; ~ to .c;tr onu ~ h ecJf h)/, (t;n.(l :.t."'lto ur;:an. t:l< ~ !:-ave be.: Y n, 1;llftn(/e"l by tlte ';-t\d e of this PeUtdY flJJ 5 frou i Ma.chine a.nd . Impleme11t Manufacturing Co. 0 _i_i\_ S H. AT Seeds, Plants, T:rees.--pre· pa.id ~~a.il. Jll Choice ]:low.er ~1.nd Garden See&, 2<.1 oorts of eithel' for $1, new ;1nd choice varictica of ~'ttttlt n.."l.ti Ornamental 'l'rcca:, Shrub:il, Ever· "Teens, lkises, Grape!:!, T. iUjefl, Small Fruita, lioutSc aud Border Plants and J3nlbs; one year grafted li'rui.t trees for mailing ; Frnit Stocks of all Kinds; H etlgn P h~nh1, &c.; the most com· plete as.'!ortmcnt in the country, will })j\ 1:1 tint qrntis to n,n)~ plain ::tddrosss., with P . 0 . box. rrrue Ciipe Cn<l Crauber1~· fnr upla~d or lo:v"· land, $G per 1000; $1pc1' 1011; pre1)a1d by in1ul. 'l'rili<lc J..iil)t to dea.ler::;. Seud,: nn Comtnission. .Agents wanted. 13 . ~L '\Va,tt>1on, Olrl. Colony K u L·,,;~ri1:t:! and Seed \.Varohouse, rlymoutl), !lass. JLstablbh· ed in 1842. m21 l\~lfy -------------- ~ ---o---- . new· . t,Jriood descript.i ve Cil.li:\lOJl,HC of Prompt I'aping C1rntoine'1".~ linf>.P y· ·H ien,. Cl'ltll 1v o1;ien,; an.fl -i'n v a ! !1 !~; can,rtot .;·et:!i8; 'Yna,7Jly hes ~ 'i i (r,tc to y lvo it rt t1~i a.l. l3cc tf~, at each lloltl<~ l t:a..s PE ·RU~ \t~/\f..j S\' F :iJ P bl< HDn-ir;, t he glass . P~ 11 'lpJ11. ! c t.i::; A.NDER SON Bo,vn1auvillP, Juue 13th,18'i2. & -37tf. Bowmanville. CO __,._ ~"""r e e . will have every consideration. -. - ". - o-. -- -· Manufacturers of J. 1,>. DllfS]iiOl?,JE .~ § o l\l by . Z:'rop1·'i cto·1·~ M!N()BESTER llOUSE. DR,Y GOO ~DS CHEAP FOR liio. SG DEY 51., li'EW YORK. )) ~·nggi ': ~s g0:;:1.;;"t.· ~ ll'i·· McClung Bros. Bowman ville, April 4, 1 73. vVOOD ANP IH.ON THE WORKING MAcH1NER v Boots & Shoes. HR Sl:BSCRIBER. 'l'IIA."l'K F'L"L roR T the tho pnhli.0 inthe Ye1·y liberal patiouuge ho has sh;:i..rcd in pn~t; r er:t_peC'.t fnlly invitc:s to spect hi:; To Masters of L. 0. L CER'l'Il!'ICAES, ./\ppJi ca.tiona, B LA.NJ{ &.,;,, &c. , can be procnrccl at thi1:1 o:ffit;e, 3.t regular rates. Bo\YlnH-uville, J11ly 7il1 1 ]37;1 . _·_ _ __ Spring Stock will he Double Turbine Water Wheels, An cl LARGE AND VAR IE D ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES sele1.;te<l \'.'ith a ~ pccia l viuw 1.0 t ho ::a:;i,,~on, uud Hnit11hle f or nll ~gc s ttnd conditions. Orde1·utl work will r ocei vc )1il"! SJll~ci :il u,tten tiQ ll. l{e1noruho.1· thc"tt;tn rl, ~me Llcor wc5t.c f lYinr <loch Dro:i. 1 at 0 lY_[ TJ SIC · 8be i1:1 11rcp:~ 1'1JU t o receiv e IH11Jili:; on tbi; J) i)j,uu and Organ. l'articula:n'! by appli'.:ation t.q }Ir~. Burrows. JT~n1 v ton, 81'. Lit. Olli_ , 1872. iwHi. Very Complete. - - o-- T . BATTING'S Ilownmnville, March 6, 1873. lfJ. fonning ·tb e i.J1h~bita.nt s of,Dadington that j\,fISS 1'¥1. L~i\.I{"E bo..s grco..t pl ctMnrrc in in- TAILORING Under th e able rnanai;crncr>t of ~IR W. l'EARDON. PiiODUCJ~ 0!" l;)C)I f(h!. Ca. sti11 gs of a. ll Kinds. DEJ=> AIT) 'i ..C\> 1 ..t i I\>~ done on thti "J. SMAJ,E. Sept. 26t h, 1872. PIANO Apply a t t hfa B ow1u;n1 ~ i l k , 11\~b. ·ro RENT . li L h, 1:37 ~i. TO T_E-IE pgf: t favo 1·F> w.o have lately added theret(l, that '\'C mu,y tber<.'!by be enabled t o snpplj ~ p at t ies '\v]10 may ploai:ie to favor hi ..,.ith a call. Great inducenu.mts held out to thm;e pur-J:ashmg a t our E sta.bli.8h111cnt. rictn,·ea, J..iooking Gla.s~es, &c., fntlJ1 cd to O't'd~r, iwd in every style, R1tv1pler. of t ltc {]j fferen t kind 0£ J\'fonldings can be seen at the 'Yare-rno1n. \Ve wonld alsv beg to infon:u you! t1rn..t 1 ha\·ing purg011e:ra1J y 1 fm· <1::i on~ (:(' . Millinery in Latest ·styles! Dress!llaking in Latest 'Styles ! lVI Il S. F L E T 0 I I E H. wonld beg to thank her patrom for their liberal nupport, und '.v-ould \vii;h to inforn1 the1n and the p ubli.0 in ge1 w1·a i LLi L ~ho has r:ucceeded l\irs, Polln,l· d- who h as left tcnv n--fi.nd ha;; 110\V added to her fol'mer busine~s the follo·Ying lines: l\1illinery, l:lerlin au<l other \Voo1s, Berlin '\'\Tool Pattern f!i Ladie s' nnd Children '~ ·Ltudetclothirig. cb -iS-n(J t1~, l3riLl<l;;, Cnrls &c., a.nd fl· Stock 0£ fnucy ruti1·le s. · rutterns cut t o order. Stamping in Braid JJ1Ll B rnbroidery done to order. J)1·e::;i!muki ng t1.nd mar1 t les ~."! 1 1 '< 1 rn.l i 11 fo,tcst Stylu :-: an1l good fits guaranteed. l\:iug St., Uowr.:i.nnville. ~iaruh 18, 1873. of :t11 kinds taken i !t oxchu.ngc lQ . t.f, returning Cni: t.u111 e1 s' .. n c l the Pu lJli'.: I N'\v"nuld l'.espeetfully invite their attention to onr pre'.!!entstock nf ]furnitur:c., ----ttumks to theli· Jtlllrl('l'Oll8 & SON, FOR S ALE. F. Y. Cowle. \.V"' ~ lu1,vC ·now on h and a ]aTge <}trnntity of , cha~ ed Hi SPLENDID NE'\V HEARSE, Common and Gang Plows, tlu~ t will ho t11Jltl <..t LOW PRICES tf Corns ! Corns ! GILBl~l~T- inTm·rn~ all pni ·ti-P~ troub1ei1 with tl:e .~ e tiwn~cntiug, <~ching things, tllr,t he i9- prc pD.red to extrr:Ct tbetn . Ca.ll at resi· den ct·, on Libt:ll't y f3t . ~ fwuth of l{iug. ,v-e shall be rc11dy at all t5mes, to attend Fnnera1s, on :$hort noti<.."C, nnd r enson::tble tcrtne. K. D. Coffin ~ kept on hnnd, l·Jld 1nud~ to-order, at the · . "\,Ilt. l~- NEW D!J.Mll'UON ·J1ETAIL PUR.,Yl1 UBE WABB-ROW\~ 0'1.1A,\'(l.. 1 _. ~ug. 26t}1, 1810, AT TH E SHOP. Bow lli<\nv;lle, l\Ir.rch G, 1873 . . King Street East, Oshawa.