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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 4 Apr 1873, p. 4

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THE MEHClIA~T, AI'RIL 4, 1873. POETRY. True Heroism. Lt:t others write of b;;ittles fought 011 lJloody, ghastly fields, \Vherc honor gr cctA the rrHw who win ~, And death the rnan wb o yif~lds ; J3ut I will write of hho. wbo fights And 1-·11.ncinishca his sins , \;\lho struggk s on through weitry years Agai nst hinHJ(·lf, and wins. AT THE I R 0 N Q y R E l\IOBDIS' . CARRIAGE SHOP (west of the Ontario Bank. ) M Fie i:a: a hero, sta.u nch and brav e, 'Vho fight s an nnscen foe, ~"-n<l puts a.t last beneath his fe et Jiis i1aasiuns base and lo\v, .L\nd stn.nd s erect in in:inhood'f> migl1 t.. UndaL1ntcd, uudir;1naycdThe bra.~est n1::bn that dre\v a sword In forn.y nr in raid, - I~ ca.Us f1)r so1nothing n1oi·e than Jn-a wn, Something long . wanted by Everybody~Everybody 0 N King Street, Bowm~,nville. HOTh!IE l\iA.NlTF 1\CTuliE. his or her own Painter. subscriber is 1n·cpared to build <'lJHl reTHI£. pmr · Wagons , Bug,gies, and Gidten, of every description, at short J)otice, audo · reasonable tc:rtnS. l "'9 oun Frn:mcrs, wauting I'low8 am! othur AgriculLum l Implements, cannot do better than get t hem from the oo'R', lioo .. AND ·Ot· muscle to o't:rcoroe ..::\\\ en01ny who n1an:bctli not \ Vith b~mncr, i)lu mc and drum- A. foe forever hn·king 1 LI~li, "\Vitl1 silen t, stealthy ti·oad, Forever near your board by day, At night b eside your bod. AH bonor, then, to that brave }wftrt, Tho~1 ~·b pw11· fll' rir'.h h e Ue, "\Vho struggles with lJii; 1J~er y a rt -· "\Vho COIICJ.UOrs, a.ud i:;i free. Ile wuy not wco.r a hero's cro·NH, Or fill a hero's gravti; Bnt truth \vill place 11 is mn oog T he brav<.:st of the brave. McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate use, ttnd nothing but the purest materials used, and requiring no further mixture of Oils, Turpentine, and Dryers. Their;cmnposition consists soicly of GENERAL BOOK STORE . Carriages Painted and Trimmed· H aving c~nied off First Pri;>;e~, at all tlie impor tant F airs in the County, on every nnplement we exhibited last soasou, sh ows cleaih-, t hat vve cannot be beat ~'Y any Firm in t ho County. Arnl l1 avi11 g Lak-cn every pai ns Bowmam:ille, to alter :md 1mpl'ove, wo will gua rnnteo evc1·y Plow or implemen t turned Kin.if OLlL l;y us, t his srnson , to gi vo Co11 b.i.u s une of th ~ largest ~tu<.:ks of .11!/- Enniskillen Agricultural W orksm A Blacksmith's Shop on th e pl'e1nisea 1 were special attention is g1veu POI'I'S OF StfPERIO:EtI'l'Y 01 Srtb bath SL:hool Libr:u'ies AND SATISFACT ION OR NO SALE. - - : 0:- - · to ·ll . . Cnrriage work, aml General Siiiiplicity in ConH1·uction, Ease of operati?n, Pmfection AH V B 0 0 lC S Stitch, alike on bot sides, owing to pe, 1j'ect teusion on itpper ana REW evm· shown in Dowrnnnvillc. lower Tlwe(ld . RA.NG OP WORK :-- J<'rom Gm1?.e to Beaver Cloth ]) URBIL11'Y :-Will h1~t" li fe time. -o- · TIIE a~ Jobbing. Fur·e Color, l'ure White Leacl, Piwe White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of T'arpentine, &; Dryers, All wo1'/c clone tit this Establ·i&hnwnt ccttrofully and scientifically combined. · The consumer can liave ieny desired sbade of color neatly put up ;n Cans, and all he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as the whole can be done by himself, or by icny member of hi.s household. D OMI N ION P LOVV, Equally adapted. to :.e1amily Work_, Dres~ an~ Shirt Making, 'l'ailoring, Shoe Fitting. Carnage Trimmmg, &c .MACHINES DELIVERED AND INSTRUCTIONS GIVEX Gl:FrT Christmas B OOI(.S FOH and the we now m:tkc it, is a fi.rst-clns .s Sod Plow. :md is Yery light draft. 'Ne al.~o make th o now P lo w, lrnmvn as wa1·ranted. A call il:i i·espectfully solicited. ·T. IvIORnTS. ]3owmau vill e, Oct. ) st, 1SG9. New Year rrHE ONTAltIO , for Chickens. Swamp Seed· V ucle Enocl1, the h ero of the a11ncxeJ i ncip· ·ient, was nut .11.n experienced cook, a ~ we ttl1ali vresently sh c1w. He 11.ntl T om B . ull cc went on a cluutming anJ eeJing uruisB, to st:t)' se\'Ct'al 1 Ltys. . They <.:fLl'l'iCll pru,,i.3iuns w ith thern, an d touk possession of ii, stnall ltousc huilt for the con· venien r.:e uf such pM-tici.;, where they conld lrnl···e an d do t heir O\Vn cooking, (lne day, ,.,-hen they had beC'll a t w01·k banl diggin g clams until the aun was ~ge ttin g 'vell 11 p to noon, E noch started to the house to preparations for dinner. 'l'he bill of f< ii·e for the dav was to con sist simply t) f rice. Some hD..1£ a.~ houl' l:.iter, bis p111-tner, \\.ith u.n a.pp~: tite sharp_sct, walked il1to the Wanty. He w~s ~ tfuck with astonishment at beholding then· Lwo little l:amp pans heaped U]J with hD..lf cook· i:d rice, l~Jlll a. pyi'mnid of th~ s::tnn: on the in· verted pot lid. ]~noch wa.q holding a. J; full in his ha?d , und staring a.ghast at tho rit:e in the poL, wlu:h '\V< \ A swan ning over tho rim. l ike a cloud of wh1~e nnt.s, while a suspicious odor indic.."ttcd thttt i t was burJ1ing at t h e bottmn. " Wbcre'n tlnmll er'll I imt a.11 thif; f:!wa.m p seed ," he exdai u1ecl, iu despair . . . r~·c fill~d a.11 th~ di 6bes in tb e shan ty, but I <lnn't gain on Jn gre:it variety. - -0 - · EVERY Agents, Yellowlees vie have :i]so on hand MACHIE WARRANTED. & Quick J.\.. diuice sdceLiu11 uf ALBUMS, being altcrncl :ind irnprovetl "rom tho No. 18 Plow ; the u10uldbottrd being of peculiar shape, which cimblcs it to work ia all k inds of soil without clogging or cl1 okiJJg up, f1rnl <loos its work wiLh th e grontcst or' case, and is the favo rite plow for general n ~o, with · 1.l10se wh o Jmvc t ri ed t hem. \Ve also m,ike t he No. 1:), an d tb e Plow kno1vn as PA PIER MACHE BLOTTEHS, :~nd ·pu RE WHITE LEAD 1VANZE1!.' 8LE1"l'EB A , ABJiOTT'S, ANJJ JJ;IJUJLA Y SH/VINO MA WllNJ:: INKSTANDS. Also tho well known A brgo stock just received, for autumn p>Lintiug, imported direct from tho English Manufacturors,iucluding J ames' Genuine, and the colobmtcd Always on 'rime, THE Ji'ALL STOCK OF ROOSTER BRAND, gva nmteea p1irc. ALSO I MARX:'C'S con1pnHes a MAYE:S.S, S BEING ADDED TO DAILY. and it Pi<.;tu re Fraiue:::-all si:tes, :&roulclings of evel:i'. style, ~Vall l.,[l,1~e1:- a svlendid. a~Horl1ncut n<'!."\' in stciuk, .A large supply of beantifully assorted\~ l1utow Sl! :' l~es, U!nl~lr~~1 s Ca1T~l.\~ea ,, C~)l10ert1nas, Brushes, Combs, Lo'okin g- l}Jasses, 1\fusic, ].fn.g aziiws, V10~11JS, V1oli11 J3ows, V 10l1:118~1·H1gi:1,Paper, Neck 'l' i e~, Sd1 ool Books, Day l3ooks, Hib~cs , l(nn·el:I :'louJ l?orl<:;i, Pucket JUnvcs, Razors, Spoons and Scissors . Cheapest Not e Paper aud Euv elo1)cs in the country. All these, a.nd et. th rJusa ~d othet a1·licle:·, 11.rc to Le fo\lnd a.t tJ1e V ARIE'l'Y STO R l!:. "\Ve a:re nl~\·u.ys g1a.d to.sec fi-iends, lUlU think it 110 trouble to show G oodij ; mid we gua11antcc as gooll value, at as Jow pnce8 as any othet· h onf!(l iu the trnde. . . , Parties wishing to tele;;'"l'n.pb tlieir frimHls_, l~HliY .n1ly 0;1 ~iavmg t l~eir. lnuunc~s done prowptly. .A.o-~nts for lnrr1:::~n Liue of St.can1ers, :md hnper1aJ l3uildu1g and Saving Socioty, 0 Our Stock of 01'\lll'l'al Goods is lrorgo, embracing ttll t\ 1 0 NovAlties of the Pocket, JIIcmornmfoms cirul Bill dav :cud all the 11ccessa.nos a.~ well. J' )Jouk.s, untl Pm·ses, a ,qoocl choice. PORT P ERRY G·ANG with some important impl'ovemouts, wb ich makes it 1.1 PLOW complete 11rticle. LADY'S WORK BOXES, WRITING DESKS, COLLARD'S PATENT IRON HARROWS. AI.S O I all stm1cfard colors, oils varnishes, HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS and pai o ters' materials. ()all and see h ow cheap a house can WARRANTS HIM IN MAKING LARGE PUlWJJA S[f:S, be p>tinted and decornted ; for all . these goods will besold atBeduccd And he offers his custo1ners a choice of Furs nf · More than Ordinary Selection. Bowm an ville, March 7tl1, 1872. YELLOWLEES & QUICK. Work Boxes and Lady's Desks combiued, . .'\. clioicc prt'scnt £01· it Lady. Writing A l<'IHST-CLASS CULTIV.ATOR, Also .Alim n. bcauti- that has given good satisfaction to those who have theJn. JJ23' CLOVE AND H~~~~~~CHIEF BOXES, Eastman's :Broad. Seed. Sower & Cultivator,combiued., figures. 2000 Gallons of n.11 descriptions, · Buffalo and Sleigh Robes. . NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED, OlLL of differen t kinds. Threshers and all parties requiring such oil, are specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being far below aoything ever offered in this market. 'l'hey got up in the best and most fMhionab1e Sty leg, and are guaranteed as represented in Ievery instance. lt rnuch. ~' Toin e mw how the case stood, and becan1u nil· cf!nic with s nppre~se d lnngbt er. " How in uch rice did you put iu the pot, U11clc Enoch?" "VVcll I fi lled her uv level ru ll~ I thought I'd cook ~noi1g:h , as we 1ni[;ht be prt1Lty lltnt· gL 'Y·" CASH BUYEUS WILL BUY LOW. As ustuW. ht: will repair and alter all kinds of }'UrEI, pay the highest price in C..:9.i:!h rm· l'fl,W furs. Gent's furni shings of all kinds, including gloves kept constantly on hand. Remen1bcr th e stan d, corner of ]{iug and SilVc1· Strceti.4, · M. MAYEH. Bow1nn.ntilk, Oct 3,1872. J ")'. ou ol~l woodenhead ! Didn't you know thD..t r ice ·would swell in boiling?" . "Swell? 'l he rc11e::i.ted, as ii hlli tn1nd ""<tS just grasping a new llhiloioophicaJ fact. "Swdl! yes, yes ; so 'twill. V'lall, iL'a too lo,te now t ~ sLUl.J it. I reckon we:ll have to let her swell. A.nd to tbi5 dny Toni H. "i:;w r.: llf.!," tJVC il to the point of explosion, whenever he n"citHs the l'!cene to mind. 600 Cook:, Parlor, Hall, arriving, and now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of -· ----·---- ---- - and. :Box Stoves JUNE, 1872. GENERAL HJl.RDWARE, CARRIAGE GOODS, AND TINWARE in tho County of Durluqn. A full S t odc of. A lL\PJ' Y nrscov1 ;,1 n:-tlm.t if a. maiden is H~ a p1·etty yonng girl at sixteen, she will I Jc..: o. pretty old one at ffixty. " Steam," 8aill :i, vopula r lecturer, " :is the gt·e:i.t nnnilrilator ; it. a11nih ilat es ti me u.ud space." . SaiJ a u otl1cr, "Aud Jn 111litudcs <il pn.~c ngcrs too" P rtlJhig ru1U blo\viug ure often '.;owsidcrc~ aa B'lllODJ'mouei terms. Yon -..vill (1i~covcr a d1ffcrc~c e, iiowcver, if, instead of vu,j)im[J a. mau up, you R hould blow hitn up. JOHN' McL:GOD, · Wellington Buildings, Bowmanvillo, Aug. 8th, 1871 Spring and Summer DRY GOODS. AND lo which we c:ill your S)lecial :1t tcntio n, a8 it is ao irn11lcrncnttlmt every farmer should have. l t ~ows the c liilcrcJJt kintls of grnin, arnl.. cul.ti \'ates it in , with the once g oing over, ttud is highly recm n n~ enrled L1y all faru1ern WA choice lot <if llfo~tth Oi'y<ms who luwo used them, as a grc1tt hbor-saving in q1 lement. This we have for tli e Boys. improved, by ttn ttttachment t o prevent the Cu ltivator from raising out Od. . · iu any lmrd places, aud enables i ~ to do all its work alike, being" gre'1t Oct. 1 --o-l f ~ ar .v antage over t ho8c m:rnn actn t"ed else wh ere. 1S72. FAMIT,Y AND POCKET BIB.LES, \Ve will place the work turnecl ouL ov irn, in lhe hamls of our cL1stomerq TlM."Good morni1w, Mike, shuro and it is ettrly 'out· ye are. ~light " w lw.t RtD;rtc d ycos 1 ·hrn ' mormng. . " CTTUHCH s~a::,vrCES, with a fnH assnrance that tlwy wiiC fi nd ·i t ~tr.i ctly wlmt we represent.' I bo bould to axe o . MIKE.- " Jist be aiscy, Tim, and I'll tell ye in it jiffy. Ye sec, I w:1s WESLEY'S HYMNS, tould, v'iRterday, that l\1isther Gray, ov Tyrone, h ad got home Repairing o f all kind.< carejitll!f attended to. an illi..;ttnt uew stock ttv Goods, chnpe as durt, man, :md its ANb BIBLE CHRISTIAN HYMN meselfcould ha.r dly slape a wcnk, all night, thi nkipg :cv the CASTINGS OF ALL :DESCRIPTIONS BOOKS, in vaifous sizes an p clmpe goods. And Suro enuff, its the fo!l s~ore he ha.s-p~J~s f'u l'n iH l1 cd at th e binding. and ieV Urn 1mtest pa~tern~ ; an~ he,? gwe Y? the. nrn,~\n s av an illinant now gown for Biddy, for S1venty-f1ve Crnts ; l1Ly for most i~u thin, :mil tho Ba.ecy for a t rifle less." BowurnnvHl e, Nov. 26t11, 1872 . TIJ\'I.- "An shurc its funning me ye :ire, Mlj<e; wouldn'~ the man be Special Attention will be given to Plough Points. afthor breaking dO\\rn ." . . l\HKR-" Bre:ikin cr down, is it. Sul'O he knows a thnck wurtlt two av Usi ng the lmnlest metal t(i bc. ]1;1Ll, we e rtn fo rnish al n;i."O,~t cvc1'y kiud th at. I'lljist tell you wl1at it is, Tim, if ye want to get a grntc flTUilESl' PJUOE Oiv,;nfor OL I! 1110N , ()IJJWIVIJO IJ, &HA JWWO OD L U.1W l'1i'.. narn o when you re ded, and be called a fihntrofi.zecl, fi.losifer, :mcl a public binifacthor, jist tell al l youre n:1bo~I".3, and the rist av 111m1ki.nd, about Gray's clrnpo stoi-e, and you ll do more for tho good :w yonr counthry, than ivcr St. P:itrick did for ot:Icl Irc~nniskill e n, Jan. :30th, 1873 ml8-2mos. bncl, when he banish ed all ~h e toads aucl.snakos out lW it, tha t I' EN AND PENCIL GASES, (next to gold) fi tted with golJ pens . CHIT CHAT. 1S72 C. Barker, LOW EST RATES .. JR. ,t It SYL VESTEli. ni ve1· wa,s in it." DRUGS AND MEDICINES AT '.!.'H E Bowmanville Drug Store. TIM.- - " l'm mnch oblun·cd to y e, lor U1 e bit ;w :cbviee, and 1'on't dekrirr ye; there'll & huroly be "· g rat" 1'1111, m1rl nrnybco I'd miss New, Fashionable, and Ch.e11p some ·u:1r!lains. The top hv ~he murning to yc."-I'm off to Gray's. FELT,~ TBAW, FULij SUPPLY 01..B Nl fl D S El,EC'J'IO N S of Simmons & Clough Organ Co's Im1x1·uvoi£t J. HIGGINBOTHAM, OULD most respectfully ten<lc!-' sin~ ce t·~ thn.nks to his nutnerous friends and custo1ne1 '8, a.nd to the pnbl~c gen~ ra.lly,. for t~e very liberal support he }1a.s received a1nce his commencing in business ; .and hopes. by cont in ued r;trick p ersoµa l attention to business:, and oJicdng nothing bn.t ~he purest a:rtidel:!,. at the inost reasonable pnces, to e1unuc a cont1nuanco of public patroua.gc, .,,J. II. woula call special attention to h is very eupe1·i01t stock (·f "rri;ll the ll!ir,! tl'CSS that T have h1rn the curt :iin," snid a gcntlmna.11 ·lodgcr to ri, fe1 nale llu- W --o- -- HATS. J@ Gll!f, Ty1~011e@ ·Noted Jor cheap Goods. Cabinet AND 1ncstic. H Very wen, :; ii-, 1 11ilitn:ss will put iL down a.s rent. 'l'he following knot~y 1 1ut·stion ·cl~i1us the n ~ t eution of ono or :i..11 of our ]egft.1 cl ebati ;1g s~cl· t1ties : " If a man has H. tiger by tliu tail, wluch would be th e Lt>st for his verson n.l ~m fety, to Clothi11gmado to order, the best trimmings only used, and the lowest price charged. GOOD ----------- ---.-· -~ :Fall and. Vlinter Goods, AT ]lo] J ·1]1 Ul ' let g()," DY:E .STUFFS, "lJNs~· bWBltAJ.'."l.K - .\. .fellow y.· as told tha,t which a:i·e Alll'C to give t ho bost satisfaction. tlin:e ya.rdd of cloth, l1y Ldug- wet, would · ~l well- sck:cted_stock 0f shr ink :t qnartl'r of<~ yard. DRUGS, "\Vell, tlwn/' }te ill'lllirl.;ll, "if you should wut a qutu·ter of it ya.rd, would there be a ny CHHMICALS, k£t ?'! ... New Groceries, Dollar TEA for S5 Cents. EGGS and BUTTER Wanted S· p , HILL · :J1ULEOD'S, · GENERAL STORE, HXC O\;\t1iili{Iy "chuap ~i\..n \rn :·t:l"\R flllalJle ;~11 d :iumewlrn.t misanthropic ::i1.:qa<.~' : e rl'.n1ad~s h e hm~. o~e~ he~rd th~ pn·vcrh, ·'A fr ic11cl in need IB a. frll!m1l 1nd cel, b'.lt h':). ca,u't sl'e ,.,here the laugh cmnes in. !le }i '~: 1 a. fri>;l111l in need who is alwayR borrowing money of hi m. .;:\ Coru1e0ticut 1ntper solcurnly <V!Serts that t\ l n a.n fro.ctured tho cciliug just above ~b chair· in whiuh th er e had been placed a hot poker . I'A'J.'KN'l.' MEDJOINES BRUSHES, CQ]rlB§, SH 0 ULDER-BBA CES, SUP:Q.OR'l'EBS, Etc., Eto. kept constnntl.y o.n hand.. F R CASH. .lUl ol'del's for A conductor on th e N cw lla.ven N otthhampton road wh ile taking fare8 the other day wa.r; asked by an ol d gentleman) " "\Yhat do you do with all this ere money you g-et of the pas· at the very lo·west prices, l!en g ers ns d<9n't have tickets. " " Put it iu my Horses and Cattle Medicines: K. B.-Country Storeheepors sup1Jlied on the pocket," answcr('d the good·n::i.tur cd condu.ctor. "J"iu!t what I thought," saill the in<inisitive m ost a.dvanthgequs terms. A choice selection of LA~i l)S, fo1· sale cheap gentlenni.n, i·eturning to his ntnvspnpcr. Bowmanville. Dec: 9, lSGS. fiJn The m<Lddcst 1110.n in Cn.?nbtleu is Sn1it11. He. wound U11 his clock l'l!gt.1ln.1·ly every night for fifteou..ysnri:; 1 and then discovered that it ,~-as an eight-day cloc~. The :following stoty is told of one of the cnrly M6rrnon elders: l\ were then the great forte of tlie leaders of tha.t sect, and this pa.rticu.lar elder lrn.d un pa.1·alleled success in 1uak· iug pro1mlytes, and <1.lW.'.l,J'S cautioned his au?ience agi::i.inst believing in him or what he s1nd, AnoUwr cae load of the above noble articles vn if, at the cloi:;~ of his discourse, they c lid not see ' the way . descend and li.gl1t upon l1Un a dove, "in bodily l'lea~e call at the shape..:," &c. '!'his co nfirmation of bis deep BO \V:MANVILLE truth took :t.mal'".i.ngl)· with th u lJeople, \Vho neit\ic1· <;1mld nor would dou.Lt what they saw Farm Implement Forwarding Agency with their own eiyes :md he~ud with their own lt. \V. J.A.l\ifES, cars. The descent of the dove generally took }{iu g St., llow1na1n·ille. pla.ce at tl1c close of the evening service, ruJ.d Bowma n ville, D ec. 5, 1872. ulO. during a. petition for "the seal n to the trut-h he }1ad spoken. 0110 night, h owever , the petition ,vas 11niahed and 110 do\'(: cle::icencletl. It WM rcpc:.ited again and again, at last with so inuch voben1ence as to drown u. voice which proceeded : fro1n the loft nf the school house. At leugtb. a board in the ceiling- w ad rn.hcd, a l'ea.l faco n.ppcllred, follow ed br a voice, sa·y ing : "}i'a.ith, au' d 1yo tliin.k. rm d~i,fo or m:;laipe '? l)jdn't I kape tilling- ye th e cat's got it? " Tba.t saint'~ usefulnes~ a$ n, n1inistor in tl iat ncigl1borhoocl t:ca.sNl with tl1c spucch of the lri;,;hman, n.ntl both narro,vly csco.pod with a new :; uit, liJ10d with tar. OILS, PAINT; COLORS, VARNIHSES, rmd WIII1'E LEAD, _ 1873. The sulDscribet· would beg to call attention to his stock of Groceries, _ ~ry Good.s, RICE & BARKER agents for tbe best ORGA.NS on tbe Continent. .Tailo1.·ing PROMPTLY EXECUTED Ah.-! .Agent for the \Vell kuown FIRST-PRIZE WANZER S~WINC ®ranh ~nmhitmfinn dbrnan s FI'l'T1£D WlTH THE N E WJ,Y I KVE N'.1.'ED MACH IE, MANUFACTURES PRICES. Grain Grinders FEED MILLS. Scribner's Fa.tent Qualifying Tu.'oes, :Boots & Shoes etc, etc which for A~t invention h aving a m ost imporl,;1nt lic:tring 0 11 E un.i :5killeu , N IJY. 24th, 870. _tlic fr.t nro rcpn tution nlS-Lf ?1 Recd I1.1strn1;1cn ts, by rno>ens of whLd 1 th? r11mntity or Vol moe of rs very largely m cr easecl, and t h o q1ml1 Ly oJ t011e rendered ~one HENRY ELLIOTT . ' FARM FOR SALE, Jt1111'e. BY PUBLIC AUCTION, OJ{ Eq1utl to that of tJ1e Best Pipe ()raans of the Saine CaJ}aci t y, ---o--Ou 1 · c.e]cLnLte<l n Vux Cclei; te," ".Louio P~ttl'ut.n u \.ro.x. Hu uinua.)" or "r11_ cox P:ctent" ., Octave Conpler ," the chrr1'rn in'" "Cello" or "Clurionct' Stops, uncl " Hall}pto11.. · Oflers fo1· sl1l.e one of the most exten sive and complete nssorrn cnt Goods to Lo found ir1..wy country store in Ontario. 0 PRIVATE SALE. Pn.tLicnla.t'S will B 12th Con. of l\1a11vcr:3\ . EI~G lf)O acrea, part of Lot )l'o. 11, iu th 6 S . .TACKS, Ilrtm pt on P. 0. S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S: be slwrtly rrrnde k uown . tn·nl6-tf. A LL TH E L A T E ! M PR 0 VE M E N T S C'i:n be obhLincd only in the,e Oig:rns. Quality and Cheap Dry Goods, ·Groceries, ' Hardware, James McFeeters AGENT Tkfrty-ji ve Dty'ewm t Stylce, Fo1· the Pa1·lur mid Uw Ornnh, T/,c lJcst .Afoterial mul Wurl'11<ctn.,Ji.ip , Qardiiy <inrl Vo{u,nw of 1'one U11eqiwllerl ----cl---- ness, ,), ELLIOTT, TYRO NE. ' Boots and Shoes, Crockery, , Pats, in Oils, J.'o\.' tlw foHowing- lusurauue Uuw p<tH i ~::;, and pa.ny. · Oo.pital .£2,000,000 . .$1.:JO, OOOd~ited wiLlL Lhe D oro.inion Goverunu'lnt.t..,for tlfo prof ec tion of Policy-hplden:1 in Canada.· ':L1he 180LA'£ED R JSK ]!'fre Insurance Com pa.ny of C:.~nada. Capital $600'000,-0ut;- of t h e best a ml cheap est Com panies doinG" business in the Dominion, £01· Farmers nnd J sola.ted ·Risks . witlt a. Savings Da nk deptw:trncn t. The U~ IO.N -"-:t-.'D PERrvIAl\.fENT Building a.nd Saving's Society . 'l'hese la.tter institution s advance Loans on Real Estate, on terms unu.;iually e.asy for iho borrower. Bowmii,nvillo, }'cb. GLJ1, 1373. 19-ly other lnBtitutions, viz : ~ · '.J 'li c..: QL"HJ~N Fin.i :.i.ntl Life In ~nrance Ounl · A NE\Y Gu1u~ . - A new cu1·P, Cora.gue origin· a.tecl "out West," It is simply to ci·~ dowll stairs head-Jore1nost. ··You may Ii:~ at the idea if you please." renun·lrn the inve1 \Uir of this novel reinedy, " but do your crawling :fh'St; you can then a.fford to laugh. Just ll>; the chill is coming ou eta.rt a.t the top of a long flight of ~tairs, and crawl clown on yotu· b::mlls and foet llead-fore1nost. ·~rou nevt!r did harder ·1· . ;rork in your life ; ri.nd when you arrive at the bottom, instead o{ slw,king, 1·011 will find yourself puffing, 1ed in the fMe, null pel'.' freely fron1 the ex(;r tions made in the effort to l'! U ppoi·t yow-self. ~l1 ry it. It won't cust you near a.s nioch as quinine or patent tuedicines, a.nd if it fails it will mily do wh:\t they do evtry d ~y. " S U R G E_ON DE N T I S. T CANNOT BE SURPASS D TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, by the use Q f Patent Medicines, etc Nitruus Q,dde, ( 01' Proto.ride of Nitrogen) ·which is dolightful to tako. Nitrous Oxide is used in all t he principal cities of Europe and America, au<l I can vdth pleasure and confidence recotnmend it to the Public, as a. safo and pleasaut anrosthetic. If you value your he;i..lth The CAN,\ DA T. ANIIED GllllDIT CO'Y. Notice. takes plea.sui;e in inTHE forming tl1e public t hat .be has added t o hfa stouk of machinery, a rLA... and Sl.TBSCRIBI~l~ GENTLEMEN 'S SUlTS made to orde1· in the 1atest :rncl most approved manner, and on tl1c shortest notice, from Fashionable and cm-efully selected Clothes (Lncl Tweeds. The latest, New York Fashion Plates rcgul:nly rccci ved. ----o,-~-- Factory ancl Waroroerns, Cor. 6th and Congress sfrect s, Detroit, l\ll.ichigan (Estnblhli ed iu 18VO.) Don't Neglect your PRICES Teeth MODERATE. Rooms ion:n erl.f occupied by '!1. J. J onc3,oYer · F. F. McA.rtbur'· Store, King Street. Rowman\·ille,Jan 23rd , 1873. -w17·ly. :$ lllO:'AOE "'i~R, he is now prepated to do all custom ,,rork , on shorte:;it notice ruul at naual rates. M"A'l'C H ER 1 H ELL[OTT JUN Hamp~on. No v. 5th 1872. FOR SALE. A FI RST CLASS CUTTER Apply "t THIS O. F FIOJl . o -::i!) T. RM f1'H Darliug~on J,ot Ht, Gth Con., Jnly 2nd 72, mly bp-o23-m4J RICE & BARKER~ Agents~ for Ontario, \\fest a11d North of Belleville. BowmanvillP, Aug. 21st, 1876 m 47-o34-tt:

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