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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Apr 1873, p. 3

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"' l ·w e 'W ou'ld cttll the attetdion of lftdics to our sto,·k of Rcad11-nu:.u;lc Costiunes in diff erent styles ctnd colors, of i!J<1 .sli.:ing 1nater ial and cxceed·ingl-y stylish and ohco,p. We nre also show·i·n9 a splendid l.ot of DrGSI) (~oods 'i n cell the ncw f.iolors and 1nateria.l.s. J. & W .·J. McMURTRY & CO. THE MERCHANT, APIHL 11, 1873. . -----~------ DA.ILYLINE ~eo ROCHESTER. ·rnE N"EW LAKE STE.AMER TB 0 IJ ! S BA.TT f NG /American T Beo-s to o' ac1m~int his t Dresses ·' Pr1n ts ' Cnstornon the t'ublic g··,ucrallv that ho !ms 1 ·ind , t · ..r t novv- received his N C\V Spring Stock of im Organs! "NORSEMAN" I \if ITII.L on or about 1st of ..--\.pril next. mcncc )H;! t· (' Olll· i·cg ular trhJo ou this route, LEAVIKG · }}re tGQ~ild call the (.Ltfcnf1 io n Of (}e1itlcnten Col:iourg every Jl10l'ning at 7:30, and Port Jfn11e at !) o'clock, for 11ochc1:1te1·,' connecting there '"-itb Ne,v York, Centrll.l , and Eric Railways, for all 11oinL~, East, \Vest, and South. cloths ' . H os1eryJ -ciolS para La Ces ', . & T r1mm1ngs c g ' y~ar· of busuiesfi wn h u. i...:01ii:t<illt !t.nd 5tlll u1 · c:ret-t,:;ing growth: As the n1ru1ufactol'y is on<:: of the oldest, i t also ranks mnong t he h igh est in the cnnutry, During- tho lono c.x perit'IV.Je of the n1anufacturera, they bave 1;toalhl v add ed to tlw capa city of theil' inst ru1ne:n ts, itn d fl.Y,'l..iletl t.11c.:1nselves 0£ _ e verymetho<l to improve tho CJ_ualit y of tone and to i ucrcage the mech a.u1cal f acil. t ieri for the performer . A nd though t hey t:X· pcct to con tinue the cou rse of imp1 ·ove1ncnt,thoy are n.bunda.ntJ y Sat isfieiJ 'Yith \',·ha,t has been clone, a.nd 'vit h the e!ititnation iu wli ich t heir in- SMI'.lll A l>lJ<:lH CAK OltGAN CO. h,,.· '!0 w c·m!ploted t hcil' 'l'wcut:.:-First · ' ' to oiir 'tock of the celebrated J)otibk and Twi-st She rbrook6-T1veeds in cill colors-the be."Jt Canad· ian. goods nu.tde. T¥e are sellinq (Janadfrm·~ '.J.1wecds, all 'toool, cve'1"1J th1« : ad doitbli!, a;nd twisted, fur $1 per yo1 rcl, just the gootls t-o give satisfac1 HETURKING, ~\Till leave C ha.rlotto (Port of l\ochest.ct-} daily NO SECOND P R I C E, 'IO'ii" to the fact that t hcfr Organs are sold A'1' EXTRli:L\1.1£LY I.OW r HJ CES,i!.s lo iv mds charg. ed for ri1a.ny of a.u i nfm·ior sor t. H a.ving a b .rge, :u1<l thoroughly apµ()in t eJ. rn l~nufu.cto1·y,0n11Jloy· ing none but ski llc!l ' "ol'kmen,n.ntl havin g made a minute <livision of lab01·, they .nr c alJ]c to p ro· Uuue Organs at less rat es t.h un mm1t compctitnrs, 'l'Jll.'y believe, a.ho, t hat a n1ong ot h e1· t hings, tbe ha\'e ei.wned ~ i·cput atiou for fair <lealh1g, a.nd they ,~·ould assure dL<it nnt p urchnsers tl1a.t no Organ w'ill evllr their "'IU'l roon1s 'vith their knowledge, that is not in every re~pec t perfect of its c1asf4. A$ they have before stn.ted, they i11tend to secure 11. fri end in every purchM"'l.' . '!'heh · cat11· logue, )vitb full desClil_Jtion ~m cl nceuratc engrn vin¥s, v;~ll be sc11t f1·ee t o any aJ.Ll.r[j;!1:1 upo11 ap· phcat.ion . All n ecessn.r y i nformatio11 cheerfu l· ly f lu·nisLcd. _.\.cldr ess · without regard t.o oost , au<l g i \·eto every 0Tgan the most thor ou gh " 'orlonawiliip. 'rhey especia.lly in vite r.ompn.risons as tu th o qnitlity · i n<l \'ohune of tone, rm d n::. to the effect. i ve rnr.chonical appllut> ccs . They call attent ion >trmncnt' m·e held by good juJges of music. Aa h eretofore, they "'ill nBe tLe b nRt 1nat cd:1.h1 , FA.LL O PENI NG ! ;.~ , - ~~~ J tion to the ·wea1'e1'. at 9 p. u1., except Saturdays, whcu 1:1l) e ·w ill lcsve .at 2 p. Jn, for Brighton. Dealers in stock, &c.:., will find this the chu:l.pest. aud most__ expeditious ron L c to Boston, A.I· hany, .&cw York, &c. For furLbcr inforrnu.tion, apply to ManelhesteJ.~ .IQl\.OUSe, Bowmauville, April 10th, 187<J. Autum n Fashion s - -oe-- - ' · J. & W . J. MclJIURTRY & 00. R. CRAWFOHD, ::VI agiiillceut display of' N e'v and fioods. f>' ~,.,IC h .,,,,.-r,:; ha've pleai;wrc 'i,.n announcing tv the ... .L<!rlics u.f Boivnia-nville and _s1:.!J,.'ro1 o;ding i.;ountry that OtO' MUlin 6ry Roo1n 'is now 011er_1, for in>'>pet..:t·ion. Lad1es wislving Ctnything i:n the MilViiwry l-ine will be -wen rep:<frl by i;isit-ing uur estahli.,,hnient. .J::i}J... lVe keep 1wtlving bnt the lnleoi, c~nr.l turn out noth·ing but fi.riit-l'lass 'Work. ~ We ha,ve opened ci- larye lot ~of /:31tu .ITHts, frorii 20 ce%ts 11,pirarclli. .!. & W . .!. McMr.tR1'RY & CO. .. · ., I " Port P ope, or C. lt\ GILDERSLERV.E, IGngston. olo!-tf. / { FASHIO N HOtTSE · Millinery in Latest Styles,Dressmaking in Latest Styles i * ' \- JYI R S. F L E T C I-I_J:: R \Voul<l beg to thru1k ·her patrons for their libel'· al support, and '.i'Uuhl wish to inform thenl and Lhe public in general that fll1 e l1M succeeded ).frfl, Pollard-who has left town--a nrl has now added to hm· f or1ner Lushiess the following lineR: b.fillinery, Ilerlin l1lld other \Vools, Berlin \Vool P.;i.tterns, Ladies ' n,nd Children 's u nder· clothing, chignons, J3ni.icls, Curls &c., and a Stock of fancy arti"lcs, Pattern.a cut to ordttr. Stamping in Braid ru1cl Embroidery done to or· dcr. Dressn1<tking and ruantles aa u sual in latest Styles and good fits g11anJJ1teed. IGng St; Ilo·w1n(l,11villc. March 18, 187J. . THE SMITH AlYlERICAN ORG·AN CQ Tremont St., oppnsite Waltham St . Bost on, Mass J M BRil\IIACOMBE, BowmanvilJe . C l.llll:!ral Age1it foJ' tho 1-'ro vince of Ont ar.:i.(), B o\VlTiaJ.lV le, A pl'il 3rd, 1872. ·1y-01 4-1u27 }J LJl:t lJ OCH B I-tOS. h a vu op e 11 e< \ ouL mi iunJ1e11"e ,,tock of New Fall Gooch Uron.t cru·u ha:> been t>ikc11 iu l111y i11g the Stock, nud as nothin!!' st01uors can 1·e1v ou get'i' b ut F1rnt Cl"'"' UoodMh:wc bccu pu rchriscd, u\1 ti Dg good v&1n e fOr ~heir 1nu11ey» ,, Boots & Shoes. the Yery lib01·al pa tronage h o hns shared in the past; resp ectfi.1lly in vi1 ;rf' th e public t o in· sp ect his RDwmanvUle, ~fay 7tl1 , Ui7~ FO R SALE. Donble Ootton Coverlids, (cul.,) fu-r SJ,,50. Single do. do. 1.25. A fine lul of White OuverMds, aijjcrent 11takes, a.t very rca.sonable prices. jfID· A lot ~;· IYh-ite Coverlids, sli9hffy clarnagrxt by d;ir,.st ·in, the 'W hofosgfo hu·11die, c1,t less tluin ivhole~a'le pr·ices, ut J. & W. J. M vM URTRY,G 00.'S. com ing three ye:'l.ra old, sired by Sir \Yo.lter Scott . Ap· ply t o Tl-I:rn SUB,S QJ~IJ3Elt. 1 1'11,\.NICFUJ, F Oit - ----'-'-===-- -------~-- - - ----- AN EN'l'IltE COLT , black, F . Y. OOVV LE. OUR SPRING GOOJ)S ARE IN, AKD WE WANT 1\) LARGE AN D VARIED ASSORTMENT · Ol' BOOTS AND SHOES sclcctcll with<\ ~ [lct:inl vie' "' tu t he sen..c;1 )l1 a lld ti uitn.blc fo r all a ges mid conditions. ' Ordered work wiJl recei ve his apcdnl ·ttL1;:11 tioo. ' ltmnem.Ler th e ~st ancl , on e door ,~-i.'St of I\-'I ur doch lh·os. Simn;ons &. Clough Organ Co's I :H1I>ilrO'V !0d. J . SlHAL K Sept. 2Gth, 1S72. GE'I' THEM OUT AGAIN O·nr Stapleli wre hard to beat. 3'7 .fnch lV h-ite Cotton, exl';·g 'vahw, for .VB! cents 1Jer ya·nl; 36 i nch BcamJ Croyden do., . ~brc1, ·vc~lgc) fo-r 14 els . per y(/,.; JiJ inch Pdloto ()(Jtton) for 15 cf.8. i-1c-1· yd.)· ;)6 ·inch doubl.e u;c1,rp Mt~.t:·ic(in. Fcu:lory Cutton, f o1· l i3k ct/j. jJM' yrl .; 32 inch Doub~e Egypt·ia11, do., fo r ..lO ct:J. p er 11d.; Guoc~ Bro1J."lb IIollarulJ fur J 8 cts. jJer yd. }Vc /t(J;ve al so c i fiill (1;15;Surl, 1nenl of llorrocks' s cdcbrated Wlvite Cottons, nl:w di.ff'erent qu(di-l'i.cs of the 1'Vejari nut/,; e l¥ldte Co llon, ctt loi1; 1Jric.c. ,f, & W. J. Mc1\fUR1'R Y & 00. ~ -. --- Corns ! Corns ! llilR. GILBEli.'11 i n fun ni> :.i.ll pa1'tieg t ronlJlud .lY1: '\·ith Llic:,;c tonnentiJ1g" ach iug things, t h:i t lw 1s p1·opn.rccl to cxtl·uct the1n . Call at i·c:;i· dcl!<.; l', on I.iberty_St., r:ou4:h of King. Cabinet Organs AND FOR VIC'l' ORIA C A S II. TIIE GUEAT REMEDY FOii COMPOU:;s'D SYHUl' Ob' . CONSUMPTION and 1lcknowledged by !l}.' llly prom inent phy8i· ciaua to be tho ruo8t Rolinblc Preparation ever introduced for the ltELll~.b' uud. CGIU~ of all AT l?o1;1n11h~, The only Syr up prcpat·cd fru111 D1·.Clnn·c.:h ilh1 1 u1d cer t itietl to b .ll dwtnic-ully pun'. Fv1· tl1c JJr::v cut.i~m an ll cure of PULMONARY CONSU!Y.!PTION. McClung Bros. Bowrrutnville, April 4, 18i3. A.l::.:v fo r the ]Jy.~ 7i 13 po£c~, ]Jro~ 1diit1: ;;., Clll' L' of LUNG COMPLAINTS. ~L1/ic Aslhutu-, l~o.';;; of .t11) · ptJtitc, Gc11er(tl J)r.J,'ilU,y, lCt:. A8 10 t'UlU'l'Y ..lNJ) Elfl·'IO.~cr, celebrated Sli.an11.-uck S ·wcde 1.'·nl'liip, 'i,1np ortcd. This well-known ren1cdy ls offered to the public, sn.ncUoncd by the cxpcrk>ucu of over forty ycnrs, und ivl1cn resorted to iu sea "on, seldom fails to effect n epeedy cure of · l'.J E H' l'H'I CA.J: l~ J... ::i.born tory, lJni v er~it.y Q;>] lu~~L' , Hki:·1 "ui-n9't; Sit:ede 1\Fni.ip, ·i11iporfrtl. I J:3kirvimy'c Svnde J'nrn·ip, yrow1i by R. "l!olc?J) Jt,.,q. I11~[1 nJ1wd Coughs,Collls, Cl'Ol!.P, nronchllls, Jn. Jlucnza, Wilooplng"Cough, l!uarsc. TiVhUc J]c!gir'n Garrot, [fl'own by R . Ji', li:sq. G'love:r c1,1t.d 1~imoth-y Seccl. LI f11ll ·tock uf the b<J>t vwri.e lics <')' jicl<l lll!Cl ~fl! rden ..S0edij , (tt ness, Pains or Soreness in tile Chest and Side, Illeedlng at the Longs, Lh'Cl' · Complaint, &c. .. J. ,G W . .!. Mcl YllJR1'B Y ,D CO.'S. by a timely ree:ort to this i;tnndard remedy, m jg prayed by h.undreds of tcsthnoni1liB rcccivcc' by the prot?rietors, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY Toronto, De c. ·J, 1ti7:2 'l'o t he " Vict orin. Chen1ieal Co . , Geu tl otncn .- J h avo ~"\ i.1 1 ~0 :u·Lh..-le. ':! t< mp]oyod in the 'Victorin () h cm icn.l 'Vnl'l'-ti, in t h e prc11:.~nt Lio n of the -Victori:":, Syrup uf liy. pophosph it cs. r.l'he seve1·:il Hy1mphof<1Jhitci::I US1-!d an:! chl'1n'ically pure :in cl t11c Syru p i., al r>o ryuitefr r ctfrv1n any i·mpun"tp. You r S yrup of 11ypophostihi tca 'vil1 uudou bteLl ly prove ·~ ·a17; V<tl ucible ).1edicin e, P rofcilsoT \if Chc n1 i :~tl'y , Lr. C. I>l'icc $1 per B ottle. St.1l1l hy all D1·u1,a; i ~t..~. l:11£KRY H. 01io1?rr, does not My tip a Cough, cr.ntl leav.e th ti cause behirtil1 a11 is tho case ·u.:ith 'ltu'.ist prcparatio'l6, but it loosens a1u.l cleauses the lunus, a.n..d allays i 1·ritnN-011., th us t"C1tioving the ca"se of tlte contJJlcilnt. VIC T ORIA CAHB OLATED GLYCERI NE JELLY 11 CLERGYMEN, LAWYERS, SINGERS, Eminently the Ladies' Favorite.'1 ®nmh <tnmhinafinn <IJ)ryans FlT'l'ED WITH THE NEWLY INVEKTJGD Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Elcctro-Ga,lvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attachecl to these V<·tented Spcc.:t ncles two scientificu.Uy cou1:1ta·uctod G-alvanic :Batt.eriesjtnseen wl;en worn- dclivel'ing . thrcugh the :ncl yes of t h e head, a soft a.ud contmuous stL·eam ~f elee tricity ·vitali:ir,iug and g~ving h ealthy ao· ltion w the beautiful s~stcm Qf ,tho!:!e parts ~$olutely and eerta. lJlly cLU1ng THE D.Ild o.11 those whose occupation rcQ.uircs nn uu.. usual exercise of the vocal orgnns, will line! this tho ONLY PREP.4.HATI ON which will cfibctually nnd insta.ntnneously rclic\'C their diffi culUee, Beware of ·counte1·felts. Remember tlia.t the genuine 1fTistar's Bftl scm has on the 011tsi<le wr1wper tlte signatui·c of "I. BUTTS/' nncl the prtntcd ncmic of the pro · 1!_1'ie~ors, "SE1'Il. JV, FO JV.£1!,' cf· 801'VS, J: OS· li'or lJca. 1ttif yVny the Oorn1Jlcxioni and .for rc1noving Tan, Snnbi!rn, 11'rcckfo,-;, Pi· 1nvlc.<J, cffic., alvo for Chctpped 1Ici1~dr., Chilbl1,1,1'.11 s, F'rost lJ.ites, and Sore Lip.~ . Pricc, 25 Cts. per B ot tle. Sold Uy all D r nggif;tr, Scribner's Patent Qualifying Tubes, A!1,iu vm_ 1 _ tion having a HWoL irnpo.r t:w.t bearing on .t h e 1'u_ Luro rep utation o1 h t' ecl fo , " ;tn11 ne 11ts, by me>in H of w l11ch the qua)i!.ttv 01· Volmne of Lone i s very l iirgely iucrcat>ocl, "'".l the q unli ty of tone ru;;dered TON." All others base i1nitations. Ea.·am. . inc the wrapper r,a·refully before pnrchasing. Ono DiJl·r a l!-0111· Si1 BoltlM for Fi ro Dollor<. PRl::l'Al\.l~D BY Deal~~ ~.rOILlET SOAl;,S. " Celebrnted for Their Uniform Purity and Excellence of Quality," VIC1'0 I'.IA CA I'.BOLIC SOAl'. VIC1'0RIA SU LPll Ull.SOAP. 'V'l'Ol'ORI.11 Ci-LYCE.P.l.1..Y E , HO.Z'lf""EY, 1i os E) ANJ) n' Ilt'DSOR. Sold by n.11 "Drnggi.stE . 'F'CJbrun.ry, 1th 1873. VIC'l'OH" IA SETH W. FOWJ;.E & SONS, Boaton, Mass., AD.d aold by Druggi~ts and genQrl\lly. E'1ual to that· of t he Best Pi1)e Organs of the Sain e Capacity. -·- - -o- - cox Pi.l,L en t " Our <;el l~1n ·<:Lle1 l " "\T ox l~cl eNtc.:,;' ·: Lou:i .~ P c.t tcnt," "\.!ox ]{111nana.Jj " \'i 11.. 'OeLave (~oupler/' the chn.r1niug " Cello" or '( Clari on et,' S tops, :tnd Partial l'araJysis of the Optic Nerve, We~ or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, And a hGSt of ~- e1·vous Dllieaaea, a.rising from depresAion of the nervous encra-Y _of the 13ystem1 Contributing in a, mest astonishwg degree, to life, vigor- and health. By thu me~~a of th«: ~ft and :flo\ving etrea.m of .Electricity, G1v1ng l3rigbtn~sa to the Eye,, Quickp.ess to the E~r, and energy to the Brn1n. rlhey are .set_ with l enses of the finest nnmufacturc, to suit .all sights, and with gla.a~ea for thf!B~ not needing Spect::i.eles to read with but desiring tho bene· fits to be d~d ved from ,.,..ea.ring the Baitte1'ies; antl are only to be had in this v icinjty of FOR SALE. 300 STEEL PLOW'S. =====--- - ~-- VIC T OHIA UOMl'OU:-IJJ FLUID E:X'flt ACT OF ANDERS ON- & C O'Y. h a.av ju s(opcned A LL THE LAT E IMPROVEMENTS C:i11 1 10 CULTIVATORS, (Do11ble <1i rHl Si ngle,) obtained only in thcoc s. · 1 7 0 .i\. SES OF ~L1 HiltTt· YELLOWLEES & QUICK. tn25 tf .FURNACES, '° COOLERS, PLATFORM SCALES, ROOT SLICERS, ROAD SCRAPERS, 1J SASH WEIGHTS co VENTILATORS. BOOTS !ND SHOES >tud G!iB.A .T TIAltC.AJKS will Lo ~ive n fin· D .c\YS, c1:1peciall>' to · A Specific l~ernetly for cbll Disease.~ of th e Bladder.wncl. K~clncus ; JJropsical s~uclli11uij ; 7.'h.irty-jive .Diy'cc,·cnt Sly/es, Co?T!lJlainlJ; incidental to l!'erna{r'. . g ; ancl a-l Fm· ihe l 'u1 · lor <.t1u.l the Disea-scs of the l.I rinary Uryr.ii'IS in cillwr ~'l x 'l'ry it once for :tny of t he above Ili~onlc:1· nn d you will bCJ f'1lly con vluc·et! of iki lll'C·cmi: nent vir l uer:i, · Priee $1 p er BoLUe. Bold by .ctll )Jrug-g-ists. C/uwdi, 7.'lu; iJe&t ,~fa torfol and W urhnnm wh ip, l}vAility cmcl Vo/-u,c,iie of 1'one Uneqcwllecl Cash :Suyers. - - o -i::reat VIC T OBIA ELE C'J.:l{ .IC - - - - o - -- - W. S. BOYLE, M. D. :Et.c\DlT.l\,] 1 'F: of the L~nivcrsitics of Tri1i it.y Collcg~ rl'orouto, ti..ud V.,,_ictoria Cnlfog~,_Cu bonrg. Lideiitiatc of. the College of Pl)y~1cuu1s and S u rgeons, Ontnno. . Qflic e, l(ing: S treet, one cloo1· ".·'est of 1 '1'.1.r. Corni~h's J e'vollry S tore, Bown1:-..nv1lle. Btnvmanville, April 30 1872. ol3-ni01-lf - -PIANO TO RENT. ------ FOR WOOD OR COAL IRON RAILTNG FOR OENTEERIE8. to ANDERSON & CO. for R U S H LI N I MENT. '·The King of all Liniments." - - - - - ()·- - - - Jr'or llhe urnatisn1., Goiit, 1'lcura1gici, Lu111. hago, 8oiatica, rvandcrin q T'ains 1 SM'.ffncs:, i'.u F ..ctory and vViirerooms, Gor. 6t h aucl Congress Htrccts, Detroit, Michigan Ow Li 1Ylbi; ar ,Joints: Sprains, b'ruise.~, 1\in1n b ~ {l~ L abli t-li t:d in l 81jO.) ncss, 1Swdli1· 1ysi Jlarul<u·h,.,;, J~arri.chl'., 1'oolh~ ache, lC·c. 1 G AJ,so BOOT AND SHUE .EMPOlU Ullf, RE.ED'S OLD STAND. Also a, Ladies 90 cts :Boots. large quauti Ly of hers, for Sale.. EVERY I nventor, Mechanic, Manufacturer Builder, Engineer, Chemist, Far· mer Merchant. shonltl a.t once send h is u~Jntj and ali d l't:?;;ri ·wit11 $1. liO for on u yea.l"H f: l ubscriytion to NOTICE. " h :is been m;:i.dc t o Lla~ l\lu. nicipa.l Councilyf ~h e 'l'ownehi p nf 9la..rke -Uor the passing By·h1'v for the cloc,u1~ up .and sale of th e original allowance fol' roac.L bet,vecn lot s No. 30 and 31 iu tho t cuth cout..:es~ion -0f C la.1·ke . A U p~rsonj;; i 11tG rest e<l will t h t>refore t a.kc uo· tice aml act according1y. VV. L . BJ{.0.A.D, 'l'p. l)lc d t. Bell's Patent Double Cultivators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. 1T BUNES Sa1'n.t oga ~ud ot I' 00 Cts. p er Bott}Q. Sol~l by all "Dr u:;g i:;t BUY IT! TRYIT ! ! PilOV EIT ! ! ! VIcr.ronrA RICE 8i BARKER, Agents, for Ontario, Vlest and North of Belleville. B ow1uan ville, Au g-. 2hL, 1870 m47-o34-Lf. APPJ,IC.!.TION of a TilJt 0 1 !NADIAN PATENT Ol<'J<'W!C REOOlW AN./J IJ1ECHANI08' MAG- AZINH, rro rl'Hl£ l~ L-B J ,lJ.., llBit, Refere11ces. RoBEH1'. SrrN1 cs, CarttYrigl1t . CHEAPGOODS which induces Lhe I'ubLie &o hand1:;o1nelyto p ;itstraightforward t rading is wa.µ t e(1. AU iliat lot. Ii im who ha f' n1cr 1\·(l 'Ve satis fied t hat. it i::i CARBOLIC SALVE. "Vlorth its Weight in Gold." S~JCcijic j~r C'li. . tij, Tfrown,/g, /:tlli.~· c$ ~IM'll li,, Scc~lds,. Dail<>, 1-)i~c.~! 1 '·i1111Jfc131 &c., lb~1 cl C : 7iron'lc J)~s~~ci sco of tht /"/.:·i·n u/ 13V'J!'jj cltscr?.p· ro11ize ui>, ;i,nd 'Ye foru· 110 c01n p etitinn ·wl1 ere a ok !01· o nr G-oods foCOl\olPA l tlt:; ON, then it, bcai: t'he Palin l NlR ""1.T I .it lj"' ~_r : _Jl ]f fl'~ If ff JJiJJ1.JJl.d GEORGE E. DESBAR'l'S, . A. Ooyy of first 11umber Ct\U be ~e~n ~'.[Q~'JR}JA u. n.I; this offiC{'. ln26·2in. 1'1A'l"l'JUG'V JO)IJ~S, Jorn'! SANDOW, " " 11ivo Dollar Pr u/nellu (}onu1,·ess not cnly pula all oppuHition i1L t.l1e 1 BlJ'T wjth ca re , ur.d cr t he able m a nac:c1nen t of 1-111. t Pioneet· B oot & SJ1 oc S tore for the las J~CLPJSgs 0 u ti.on. · }J<Jl' I~ox . I 0 1' ]1T J tinr. ..1. ab80ru1cnt 0 l{ 1 n26-4in. FOUND. N S""\.IlBA.'l' l( e veuing, 9th iu& t, beLn"el'll O J... ots ]2 and la, 6t h con, l)atlington,_a :LadY.'t! S h a.wl. ·1£nqui:rc n.t this ofHec, :M 1._ or~at WANTED Old Iron taken in exchange I MMEDIATl·:LY, a GOOD WAUOK· MAKER ,\ pply to · S. T,F.lC. S\11inn. P. 0. Solina., l\:L:i..rch :ll,)th, l$7iL ' m·u25-:{iu ;;, IUNXEY'S C o u 1 t e r A t t a c h m e n t. TWO :MOHE FiltST-CLASS \VOHKMEN it al togethe1·. ~\.11 orders di;-; p;;~t.l~h ecl liB.JJ),wbCJ has been tl1e h, ;vlu1g: workl11 g in t he 1(.i ycai·p; l~ l' u<ls oltl sta.11d 1 139w1n anvill c, ----- - - - - · -Seeds, Plants, T1'ces,-·:pre~ paid. 'by Mail. - -Fruit n:i,d On1. f 1uent[\l 1 rn::c8, SlnuLs, ];Yet· /,\'l'een81 I wscs, G ta.pui:;, T ..iJli,'!;, 8n1all J3'rn it.~ , l[ousc m1tl B orch:r Pt~u t ti ;~nd J~ul btl ; <H1 C yvar g raJt cd l ·,ruil tn:cs fur n1 ailii1i; · Ji'ruit Stoc;\rn ill"!: all ICinds ; rr edgt. ! l)laut~, &c. / t ho UIOS t <:nm. p lu t~ t1.DSortln1.Cn t_in t he conntr:y, will bo sen t u:ra tu~ to :\ny pli:t,J rl ~ lldi' o:;~~) "\' l'. 0 . hnx . rr:q Hi 0 :."l.p t: bo ll Oranbcrry fo.r .ll!ll::i,n il or low · hw.1d, $6per1 000; $1per100 · p 1·ep;iid by 1nail. Tra de J.;ist to d uak·1 ·~. s~eds ' ori <Jvm1ui~tiluu. P1·iec 2 1) C tis. Solcl J 1y all I )ru_;g-ilit.::. Ham pton. Ofr~:t·.·J fOr ,-.;a.le one ul' L.hc l tH1:-st uxt,eu~ i ve aud eo111ple te \'VANTED. ANDER SON 13ow1na.11 \·ille, & H. Ho1·e'R , Lot 10, 5th con. Bow1nl\n\·ille, March l:Jthi 1873. ::Jw. SEED POTATOES. 'l'OBS. }~ }~o8 e, l{ing of the ] ~arl iefl : Breezes No. 2, or l 'roli fic; No. 6, 0 1· l \:crless, ai1d Cli1nn.x . 'l'h o abovo ;ire un surpassi1cl in quality a11d prorluctiveoe1:1~ . .8 pp\y to J:{. :DRA.t'El{1 Bow. u1 ~tnvil1e. Bo,~·1n11nvillc, :rune 1 3th ,1S7~. -37tf, Bowmanville. CO l t . Choil'.f:.\ 11 Iow ei· and Uttnkn Scc<1s, ~:; sorL i; of e1tl1c1· fu1· $1 , new· mid choic.:(j val"ictics of - ~ 1.Y ucw \wicc l1 tll.'.scriptiv(: Calt'.lo,;to.~ of Uoorl ," loo lJe fo und in a ny couu lry "tore i u Ontario. Dry Goods. ' G·roceries, Hardware, Farm for Sale, boin,.,. the nur t h h alf Lot No. JS, itnd the st of J'lo. 7th compoain"' 160 ~~s , 80 ~cres of 'Y~ich cleared, t1'1e rcm~uldl(!· ~c1ng well Ltn~bcrcd. Good D\vclling House, \1(tth n,11 co~iven1cncc s , fl'ame barn ~he<ls, &c., on the f)ri;!mlf! ts, also a ,good orchadd. Creek rilnniug th1·oug-h Lhe laud . l!'or fllrther inforn111~ion apply to A T.DII'J'llD SUPPLY of SEED l'OTAJ\:Ca.rch 2-0t}} . Jn·n2iJ-tf. TO T_IlE PlJBLIO Plow not Complete without it· Palcnlcd in Oanada June 17, 1870. ACl:I~fENJ:1 cnn be fastened to 1J.ll.Y plo~.v without t h e sligh tcat trouble, and will c1Jcctuall y Prevent g,.·aes, we~<ls , stu bble, &c., fl'om gat1uirlng 11nder. tQe bf.lam and chok ing up the coulter . Parn1 e1·s a.ckno,,..~l qdgP- t]H~t it sa.ves its co;;t, ovo1·y lla.y, in dirty ground. l\Iany atternpts...h.ave becr1 rn a<le by plow ina n· ufr~-turers to reniedy tl1 1J evils which the At· tachn1ent overcomes, but have fa.L1ed, - The simplicity· of anything is its beauty. Apply Crockery, N '.L'H E 'i'OWNSHII' OF<JAHTWBIGll'J', I of w ... -pa.~t Lot JH, i11 the Uoncession , vVIGG nuru.::r1 1 Uf:! SON, 1 1~"'~ t ~A. g ents w~11t od. CAUTION. THIS ..:\TT returnin g tnrwiks t o theit· Custon:tt:rs nud the Public gene1·rtlly, fnr favors I N\vonlll r et>pectfully invite t.heir attentinn tn u1u· p rcaont .-;tcc.:k o( 11 'ur11itul'e, Hl'i we h a ve lately l\)lony Nu1 ·.-;eriuJ aud S eed _ Wj:_ll't1l.lonsc, l iJ yuioath, ~.fass . "t~::;taLIL:-1h· (:d in 1842. n1 2J n . :M:. 'Yat::i:oni _ Old Pats, in . Boots and Shoes, Oils~ Patent Medicines, etc HI.RAM DEMAHA . Ctesaroo ]>. 0. Cartwri:;l1 t, :Nlarch l4Lh, !873. tf T HE nnder~igned will 11ot lie responsible for -.n;y . c4il:its contracted in eitL er of th_eir add1...·d thereto , th<1iL we lna.y ther J by be e11:.ibled to Sll!Jl~ly :~ll p arLics , vJi o 1uay ple;u;e to fayo1 · hi l\-ith 1 1 call. G reat inclucen1cnts h el d out to those pw·e1:tFhing :it our E stalJlishnient. Pic.: L un~s. Looking Gla.sse s, &.c., framed to orde.ri ~1.n d in e very st yle. S n.uq,Jk·f) of the diffl.'rcnt k ind of j}fonldip.f;i$ c1H1 be t.!een at t4f;l "\Yf!ore·ro9llt · \V ~ '\foq jd a~~o b~g to i~1forrn yo11 ; t 1iat,h av ing pur. K CJi: Ap11lit.::itions, BT_,AN &c. , & .c ., ean lie J.ll"Oc.:1u·t.:d a t thiti ofli ce, a t H'i'.l l1'!(J./1.l~S, 11a.1uet1. ])~ulington, cha.Had r~ ' WANTED. W, ,;OI,WH;T~)llaeksmith . SOPH f A COL w IL):.. !).farr:h 20, 187;1 rµ $Q-~w. SPLENDID NK'.<V HEARSE, we ah itll be ready aU tin1es, to atten d Funerals, 011 3h ort nuLic.:~·, 11.nd reasonable term P. N , 13,. Coffins kept on hj_nd , :>nd m :ide to orde1\ l\t Lhc · rt!gulu.r rates. nowman vil!e, ,July 7th 1 1g7;-i, to · lVI TJS I 0 ~;he i >; t1re1::i1·~d to r<o:ceiv11 1 111pi1 .~ r.n the J)inuo nnd Orgn.n. Pn.1·Lio11l.'\rH hy ;\pJilicnt.ion io J\fr~. BrnTowfl . ampton, S·J11t, 0th, 187i\ n1 4 tf, lC reg ularly received. U f'J"-' ' t ~ l 1) nrdc1· . l n Lcl':lt n.nd 1nost a.r:,1 . "J iua 1l 111 l l1e . pr·ovctl 111:lllncr, :mcl on t ho Hhort"'" 11 otice, from l!':1H hionabl e Hlld carefully seleutcd Clothes nncl Twce(IK Tho late.>t N ew York Ji'a.> h ion l'Jates 4· '11 '""" 0 ' l'"'"'L 'I.··1 . ( xi..~' .. 1~ !.i I' c o A".N to karn th e liLi ck· ,A .]2ply t o .J. )>ICJ.\: .'.\ Hl), SoliJ..ia P . O. Bolina, Ap l'il 3n l, 1873. bp-tf~ ol4·m2G . .srritl1 b1 g bnsin P.i,ifl , A.PPlt:El\"f.ICE~ MARRIAGE fSS lJElJ LICENSES. Bi Bo\v1n;:i.nville., Dec 10, 18fj[I, ROBERT ARMOUR I King Strcot .Ea,,t, Rowrnanvrn e. I V.1. :t'orte:r's. rn 21 3mos. NEW })OJI {J'i WF BETAIL PUR1Yl'J. /JliH lV.AllE-1:001 \, Osha\Ya:; . fl SS £.'L T. gre<lt i n in· 1 1\ .11~ fonniug t he iuh;1liit11.11t:-1 of J h.I"Jillgton i:ho.t AJ{l1~ ha~ p !c~i.~nri.: H. ELLIOTT JUN lir<Jupton. )foy, King Street East, 0shaw:i., ~Othi 1870. 5th 18i2, b p-023-11145

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