I · ----::::.:-== === = POETRY. =======N = I= G = H =T= .==== = ;>.rErJf1'ATH)~:l I I Sir Bartle Frere,s Expedition. The Trnws pubbhes a letter, from whwh - 1N 'l'H E .NH .H.l' While n.1ght in solen1n shu.de ir. vti .tt:; Lb.e pol·~, the !tbolition of the slave-trade And calm reflection::; ~oothe the peni>ive i:oul; which ts dateJ a.t Za.nztbar, February 18 \'\.,.hile real'jon imcliHtnrb'd <IBC t.'l t~ lwt awjl,y, And life'!:! deceitful coloUl'l3 fa,Ue away : 'l'o Thee, all-consc1ous P1ese11ce' I devote Thfa peaceful iutcxval of i.:obe1 thuHg'l)t, Her~ all my butter faeullies t·on.fi1:ie, And ln· tluFl lwur.of r,.ac~ ed silence thiue. lf, by t111:: chiy\.; ill1u:i··e scenes misled, My et·ring soul f101n virtue's pu,th ha.~ sh~y e d, Snar'd by cxa111plc 01 bv pa.~ion wanned, Some false delight n1y giddy aenae hath oharn1 \1, ?vly calmer thoughtf.l the \Vtetchcd choict1 te· prove, And my best hopes t~re centred ll1 th.~· lu\' e. Depri.v'rl of this, cau 1ifu one joy afford? Its utmost bo:wt, a. -.;ain, unrneauning ,,,..orll, Ilut oh J how oft my lawle1!S pas..o:;ions rov e , And break the awful p1ccepts I npproYe. Pursue the fatal impulse I n.bh()r. And violate the yi1 tue I .tdore ! Oft v;h'-!n thy bettP1 Spi11t's giuwrhan ctue \Varn'd iny fonrl r:.oul to ~hun the ternpt1ng I the follo\ving is ext.rtletcd, dcscr1b1ng the p1og1ess o1 8n l~artlc F'1crc's cxped1~iou to Z1111z1lMr, nuil th<> retn;.:al of the Sultan ol Zu.niibar ti'.> cxcr.pt the p1oic1rt'd treaty for I · · ~ AT THE ~ · - I I The letter '"Y" :-Since the dcparturn ot the last mail tor England evente; have transpired which "-cen1 to indicate a determination on the part of the Sultan to 1e.1ect the treaty offered Lo Lu.11 1~\' Sa BrlrLlc F1~rc1,~u1cl to tclusal with that Ulind trust in a possibly .lllllOVA' ' L · R CARRIAGE SHO~ B~uk.) 0 N (we-4 of t h.e Onl,ntio 1S72 Tll~L- Oct. CHIT [Tim :FJra.dy a.nd Mike Flynn l Oct.. - 1S72. M i.:it dov1'll und a '"'·ait the conseq uc:nces of his favorable fate which hae so often proved the ruin of Oriental,aud especially Mahomedan priuces. It is possible Lhat before \lie nua1 departure of the mission, he 1nn:r, happdy fu1 himself, 'oe governed by vnser counsels, and be hrongbt to !"lee the I I ----o- - - Something long wanted by Everybody--Everybody his or her own Painter. ' 0 1 snare, l\iiy stubborn will hfa gentle aid rep1·~ssed; ....An<lcheek'd the 1i~in g g1)0d11efSs i11 n1y bJ f!,1,,;~, Mad \\1th \ ruu 1w 1Jt11:.1, vr u J ' ~l bj"" \ ;1,1 n tlcw1 t'>i , ~tiJU\ l1is ~uU voiAA; a1~1 q1181JC.:h'ti lits s:\crcrl ty of bo~iug to the inevitable; but at preseJJt his line of action proves that ho is being influenced by t.he counse]s of the n1any jnterestecl men, Europcaus a~ \Yell ar:i natl\'es. ·who have access to his car, and that he has bronght himself blindly to believe that Engiaud is not in ea1nest in this n1rtttfl1, £u1tl Lli.tt Sn· R<ullt! ~"1ere has Leen sent upon his prei;:cnt 1nisflion' by tJH~ Govc1111ncut rncrcly tu satisfy a tcn1porary cn- Jlecessi-1 F. Y. Gowle ' ha8 l'umo;etl to the "tore lately occupied by ,J\icl1]JJOT_)'S HOUSE & VI LLA PAINTS Prepared for imeclia te u,e, ctwl noth1ng but the purest 1n:1t cr lnJs ni;ed, , nd reqLtiring no fo1 ·thn rni x tu1 0 o l' Oils, Turpen tine, and Dry ei 8. ;rheu·;comporuti1tn CO\u;-ist ::i i;ol~ly th Hsiasm. '>ilhortly after the dep.u Lu1·e ol \h", last ma1l on Jan. 18, his1nghness ha<l an n1terv1ew with the special envoy, during 'i"liiclr the principle reasons Le put forward against 1 /.- Ji1 e°B .,., sigruug the treaty \Vere, I a111 given to unYtitl1 glir.f opprfll'IB'd and pr~&trate i~the du st, dt:~fand, th e absolute in~p?ssibHity " that ShoulH.at Thon coudem1i' r- own the sente iu.:e the cou1n1ercia.l proppenty oi the island, :.\tjuflt. reacly so cruelly \v6uudeQ_ by the effects of But oh! tlJy softer titles lBt u'.ie claim, th' r . . cent hurr1ca.ne, coulcl"snrvive the blo\v AnU. plead u1y uau1:.1e in 11e1cy's gentle n:un e, ~ 1t would receive b.r th,e s u1hlen aud con1plete stoppage of the sources 1vhence it had ~Iercy, that wiped the pen itential teLbr, so long d 6rivccl its supply of luLor. lt was And d1aaipi~Lea Ll1e horr ms of dispair, P. Vf. Oonsaul, / - ·-~ o-- , of CASit CUS'IJOXERS, - I I will have I Pnre Color:, Pii f e White Lwd, P iu ·e ~ Wlrite Zinc, Linsee,l Uil, !$pirI iif of 1'wpen pi.w, J: Di·-yers, I cctLrcfnllr and "cictttifi coJly Cl'lll· 1 bined. , 'l,he co1IBun1er et.in l1a ve a u y de: sired shade of col or neatly p~t u1, ;u Cans, and a.ll ho 1·r-q11ires to liny with the PainL i" a B nwh, 11> tlte whole can Le done by himself, 01· by any member of his houselwld. 1 "Guod uwrni11g, Mike, sllllt e aJHl it i, early rmt. ye ore. J\'li glt ~ l( iug I be bould to axe wha t ~to 1 l.efl yee.~ thfr: rnomin ... " MIKE.- ·' Jist be aisey, Tim, an d l 'Jl L ell ye ill .t jiffy. Ye see, I w. 4~ ton~;\: yisterrlay, tha t Mi.,thcr Gni,y, ov Tyrollc, hacl got hnnrn an 1tl1gaHt i1 ew stock tw Good,, cliape ,ts dm·t, 1wu1, ~i.ncl its 1It r. ', ubHcr1b12 r 11; p1ep:t1 ed to build a.nd H '" mcself eoulcl hardly sb po [ L 11 ink all iiight, Lhiukii,..· av the pall clmve _ goods. And smo en ufl; ib th e l'nll stun! be l~tt.s-pile.s Wa yo1is, /fo qg ies, and Cutters, a:id JHles av Urn n.1te,, L]'atterns; and he'll "ive vc t!te m"kin's ".'v AJl illiga11~ ucw go wn fo1 Biddy, lu1· Siv~n ty:Jivc Cints; Tuy of \"Ct y dmlCl'll ihon , a.t i,h0J. L notu e, a.udo le.1.Sonal1l e t e11ns. for most nutlnn, an< l t.h e Bae( y for :c ( t ifte le.".' · TTM."An shure its fom iing n1 e ye ate, Mike· wo ul cln't tltc llhlll be GENERAL BOOK STORE afther l;>reaking dow11 " ' C··n·i ages Painted and Trimmed King Strl!et, Bowina-nville, MIKE-" Breaking down, is it. Smc he kit ow,.; n tl t1iek 'wut tlr t \\ o ct V LhaL l'll.ii"Ltell yon wh at it.is, Ti1n, ifyc wiwt to get < 1, g1 .1t.c Cou.tain5 one of the lf\1gest st ocks of name ~vJ1 0!1 ;i;oure de'.~· a ntl be et1!Jucl a lilaukoJiY.ecl, filosifet, ancl a pubhe brn1facthor, J1 Sb tell all youH 1mbours and tho iist n.vSabbath Selwol Libraries A Blacksmith's Shop mankind, about Urny'~ d mp c store 1tnd vou ll 'clo m01 e fu1 the 1111 t hu 111 1.' lllIBe ~ , were <-!peciflil o,ttention j,, g11 en AND to nil good av you r coun thry, t h:t.tJ iver ~L. l'.1lrick ditl for oultl Ii eRE vVA R D BOOKS land, when he btmisherl all the Lo,uJ., nml Sil'lkCB out tw it 1 ,hnt. Cntriage w01k, and Genera.J e\ e1 shovni in JJowm<tll}ille. nl ver \Vas in it."' ' TIM.- "T'm mu clt ob lH gccl l o y e, J'o1 the .bil av nb\;ic0, il.tltl "ou' L de~ op bj t;g. -::;-o\ tnin y.;i; there'll slrn1 ely 110 a gt rt Le r ·n a11il _J t ta~ l b l'd mi B~ · sotne ba,ru-:i..ins. 'rh e lop :i v tLe n101·11i~ · r l<J \c:"-I)111 off to -. ' GI F T BOO-KS ' . 0 ,1U ~iJo 1·!., do ne it this Hstablish·11,eul ' Grays · yo1i 'WWJ't([ nleJ, Christmas unct the New Year 1,; 1 ' 0 Every Inducement to purchase. - - - o - --- .;,\. t::tU i.i! 1er;pe.clf11lly ::;olidtcd. B · > 1~n1 a n\il1 c , JD b'l'C~,t Y3J.'l,Cty. F1orn rig'rnus Jtl.atlce stenfa the Yengeful hotu, not J1fflcult to con1bat tl11s vie\\-·, und to ove thnt no reasou, geographical or otherSoften's the drearlful attribute of po·wer, wise, existed why Zanzibar ehould not be Disarms the wrath of a.n offended God, supplied wrth free ttbom lrke all otheAnd seals my pa1don 1n aSavio1's blood. countri~8 · w hen on~e the the curse of slaveAll-powerful Grace, exert thy gentle away, ry \Vaa leu1oved; or lo pojut out that tkt· .l\n<l ttlad11uy Jebel passions to obey; la:i11t1es sinnlar to the hurncane occurred Li;:i:;t lu1 king folly, v.rit4 i11siduons art, to other nation& , '" hu.:h recovered rLlpidly Regain my volatile, 1nconHtant heart from their eJfccls only bccMtse they did Shall e\:ery high re;!oh·c devotion fra.1ne_;; not lahonr under th0 1uoral paralysis c,tn~eff Be only lifeless sounds and specious nan1e$? ed by the s tatu.~ o1 slavery. Ilis hi,¥l1nefis, 1t i; bclicyed, w.is much rnilueuced by the Oh! rather, while th~' hopes aud fears uontrol argun1ents to this end, and b;y tho prog· In this still honr, each motion of iny f:'uul , nusllcat1ono of Lhe fuLu1e p101:;pc1iLy of the Secure its satety by a sudden doom, it:land, which, Loget hc1 wilh tlie Huggl!sLi011s And be the soft retrea.t of sleep my tmn b, that England wonld gladly help hrn lnghCalm let rue :$lun1ber in that d.trk tcposc, ncss to tide over his present difficulties Till the last morn its orient beatu disolose , when once she 'vas assureJ of h1t:1 sincere 'rhen, v;hcn tllC great n.rchnngel' a votent euund co-operation iu her wisheo, were put before Shall echo through ore.:it1on's a1nple )'ound, lum by the envoy at this interview, and he Vlak'd from the sleep of deat11, with Juy sutvey left apparently well inclined to to sign the The opening splendo1B of eternal day. proposed treaty. lt \\aS therefo1e the more l\f1ss CAwrxH. t:inrp1if:ing tli,tt wlil!o slio1tly u\'t(·J'\htHh:i Llie ·r. lVIORilIS. (ht. 1r ,t , 1860. J. GB!I, · 1~yro11e. Noted for cheap Goods. ' , - -o- . -.c \ ch01ce ~ election rn ---- - -----~--- uf ALBUMS, PAPIER .NIACHE BLOTTERS, " Prompt Paying Cnstorners will have every consideiation . ·- - -o- - - PURE WHITE LEAD A large stock jus t received, fo1 aut-1 umn painting, impo1 ted dirnct from tho English Jlfou11factureis,including Jmucs' Genuine, and t he celebn1,tpd m 1d I~ KSTANDS. Always on '.t'in1e, THE FAL L STOCK 0 ~' Poclc et, 1 llemoran dv,H,s (tnd Bill Books, a 1td ljlt?"se~, a good choice. LADY'S WORK BOXES, WRI'rING DESKS, Work Boxes and Lady's Desks combined, A d1 ow1.-1 1· t t'~cn L for n. T.n:clv. · fnl set of ROOSTER THE lJllA N D, ..:un1 pn ses a gua1·arileetl piu·e ALSO MAYERS, I H DEI:\Cn ADD E]) 'l'O lJ.~ILY, and it Writing _ __ Crumbs for Chickens. ~~- Sultan·s anf: wer to the proposed treaty 'vas received, it &. ct forth that he and his .Arnb chiefs coc11d not accept the treaty, not only Spring Stock will Le . be rlone. 'l'he readyffmoney i-;y1:1tem-Thm 01 'Tis evei· se1v-as the searnsticss sn.id. A pretty i;irl, like a haid eu1u, i:s somet1nng to sigh for (ciphe1.) .J.\. flirt's heart is like i.ui umriibuH--it always tor the financial 1.;asor.ii:;> \~ 111ch he had preivously put for"'a1d as 'lns 1nain objection, but also on tbe ground tl1Jt slavery "as ~t und all stanrla1d colorn, oil.J v.1111isl1m, More than Ordinary Selection. and painters' n1ateriali-;. HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS Otll and see how cheap a house c,w W AR l-!. AK'l'S HIM IN MAJUNG ' be painted and decor,1tcd; for rtll T~ ..'1_ 7 ~(.J. E PTJRCTTAdR'S, Lhese goods" ill be so ld aLlied1wed .Aud he off c:1s his c11t--toml'1 S a choice of F,u s of .AlRo a beauti· CLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, I'EN AND PENCIL CASES, (n ex t tu gohl) fi L te<l 'v 1th gold pt?ns . tirue-honored institution, fMnctionecl alike by !,be 1vl,1bo1netlan rcbg10n aucicut custnn1, and ot which the abolitjon \Youl<l leti,d to 1nsnrrection and disaster; and that, nioreover, no co11tidence could be placecl in any new treaties. The euvoy s;nv h101 at I Very Complete.· --o-- jigtins. all dei:;cr1pt1011s, :woo Gallo1m of 11.AOHIN B OlL of different kinds. T hreslterB mid >tll parties requiri ng snch oil, tn e specially iuvitcd to i nspect the various qualities, t he p1ices being far below anything ever offered in tl1i s market. Buffalo and Sleigli. Robes. NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED, 'J'hl' Y a1 c got up in the host a.nd n108t fn sln ona bl e st yles, a nd aro gua1antced n.s l ep1 esen ted 1ll le\ {; I y uistru1co. @'A chuice lol oj ]f[ovlh Or·gans fo1· the- Boys {n- ha.s rooni for oue uwi~. The Good Templars of Jackson, Ala.batna, 'vant a dispensation to chink lu.gl:'r A 111 u1 e method of keeping eggs from 15 po1lJn~: ea.t them "·hlle they're fiesli. FAMILY A"'l'JJ POCKET BIBLES, CHUHOH ~El-!.VIOES , the pa.1a.ce t11e ch-1,,y . iftel' the re1Jei1Jt of thir, co.nltnunication, and pointed out to ldn1 in advised act1on ; nti d thou sent ]1i1n c1 lurther letter begging bis 2·ec0nsitlcl'ation ot the treaty, and de111anding ,1 final ieply with a distinct acceptance oi relusal of the: terms proposr.d, but it \V:lS not u11tjl ]"cbruary 1] that a final i-cplv 'ras r eeeivcd fro1n lus higbnessj in" bich it is curre1Jtly ieported that he deehned d1st1nctly to sign ,t11e ptO· posed treaty, and a1111ouneeJ L18 intt!ntlon of holding on tu the prov1e:ions of the old tr~clly of 184!}. By thit: act t)cyll Barg!Jash bus plaeetl hi1n se1f in direc':. antagonisut to civ1lusation, and by 11nnon11c1ng h1nu= clt as tlic chu1np1mn o! slavery ancl the sJavetrnde bur; thro\\·d down the gauntlet, not only to Grea t Britain, but to all those other gravest 111anncr the probable co1bequ e:th.~es ' t ld t h' lf f tl ll tna 'vou en&uc o unse 101u us 1 - TAILORING 1Jnde1 Pl~AitD01'T CAl:lH BUYERS WILL BlJY LOW. usual h1 >d ll r erniir and altet all kllld ~ of F\n s, Rn d pay t he highcRtfricc u1 caf>h for lil.w f111 ;i. Gon fs fu rni.s111ng;; o n.ll k inds, including glovefl J, ,_.pt c.onRtantly on lw.nr l. B t·Jl)(:J.n bo1 t he stau f1, c0111c1· nf TCin g and S1h cr St reet =-. BownHtn \ 11lc, Oet ;::, 187 2. ~'\.8 the ~i,blc 1nn1wgemcnt of 1'-fR. ,V. WESLEY'S HYMNS, A:-; t) A countrJ· girl, in tlpeaking of tbe.polkn,, sa.ys that" the (l!lncin1 was nothiu', but thri huggin' 11 1\ as heavenly. Railways are aristocratic. 'J'l1r.y teach eveiy man to know his own sta.tion, and to stop tlrn1e. lf brook 6 111 e, aH poets call them, the rno:..t ritODUCE of ::ill kinds taken in excha.nge r goodt:;. 600 Cook,- Parlor, :f.l.:all, F. Y. Cowle. arriving, nnrl nqw O tt exhi bitioit , t h e largest and dreaprnt stock ol' BI BLE CIIHlSTIAN IIYIHN BOOJ\ S, i rL v~rjous sizes-anp ltin0ing. _ _ RICE & BARKER agents for the l)cst ORGANS on t11e Continent.. a.:n.d Box Stoves 1 1 joyous tJ)ings in nature, wbat arc L lCY " -.vn.ys nnnrnuring about? l.>eople who are <thi ays w1sl11ng for 1::1 ouie· thin.g new, should try noi-1algia. once. A \\itty fello\v, in l:llllBiking of 1 , ina.n of Ht· disputable sti1picht-y, 81:1\rl - " rro becou1e a. per· feet brute he 'vants unly iustiuct. " ' ' .John, you are sueh a bn.d boy that yon o,rc not fit to sit in the cmnpn.ny of goud boys on the bench. Come here uud sit down by me, -.,ir ,. You are a, shoen1a.kc1· ? ., imitl a rnngh1trate tlle othe1 day, u.ddressing a man a L t,l1e bri,r. " Y eis, sh," was the reply,",~ h1J1f<e r1hoemakl'1 " Gove111e1:11:1 t~l pup1l: '\Vhere Lloc.1 the t e ~ come fru111? '- ~1iug)1ty little boy. 'tJut o1 the tea... pot. An Irish paper tv.lve1t1ses ihB follO\\ iDg ."Lost by a gcntlen1an a white tu11ie1· dl1J except the head, '~hich i.5 lilack. " JU N E, ~~ 1872. c. -:Barker, B ownH11njllc , N ov. 26th, 1872. rrr 0 TIIE PUI=>LIC J · - CENERAL HARDWAR E , C AR R IAC fI COODS, AND TINW ARE in the Coun ty of D urham." lnH fiiocl... of JOHN Iv.I:cLI!!OD, Well ingt on Building". Bo\'- Tna1Yville, .A.ug 8Lh , 18 7 · Spring and Sumn1er nati.0118 ·w ho have prumised Her ~fajesty's Oovcuunent t h eir supporL aucl 3y1npathy . · Sir 11enry R:lwl1ugson, at the Gel:lg1aph· ical Soc1ety'1-J n1eei1ug on .r.foncl,q rug:htisa,1d lie lt.u] thaL Vl'l.Y 1nn1n1ng 1e<' 1·i\·ed fl l(-' tl e1 J101n Sir BLtrtlc Frere. who Rt:ited lb11t, though tbr. Sultan of Zan z1har hn.tl r c1n::icd, 1 1 DRY GOODS. Fr1 ~h io1w /Jle, I beg t,o inform tbe People of Bowmanville, ~iuil DRUGS AND M EDIC INES A 'I' T ill ~ and C/ieap owing to ce1tn.1n 1eli;;1on f:I i nlln (; nc.es 'vh1ch ha:l been brought t u hear t1po11 l11n1,t.o 11ave nt.:\\T tlie ~uriullrHliug I luive euu11L1·y, Lhat SITPPTIY 'l Simmons & Clough Organ l1n1)~t·oved Bo\vmanville Drug- Store . J. HIGGINBO'fHAI'li, ~TOUJJD nw;;t r l·s pet.:tfully te11d et L 1 ~ bil l~ ,.l cere thanks to Jns innnc1olLS fr10nds and cnRto1ncri:::, and to tht! pulJlic generally, for th e 1 ver y liberal l:lUpport l.te h,t.', H.' uei\ etl ui nt.;e h1 J conunencing in bu~iue~;,, ; and hopes by continncd stride pei so1u.iJ attention t o bnsinc,,,q, and offering nothll1g but t h e p1uest <W. tiel e-,, tt t tl1 e most iea~on<1.Lle price:::. to ensu re a l'un tinu 11nce of public patroua.ge. J. ~I. '\\·011ld call special u,ttention to hia ve1 y F~LT~ STDAW, .AKD 8 L1':NDJ JJ l)J::l,EG1'I01'S of an) thing to <lo with the treaty, we should, he thought, be 01ble lo suppress tlte tlie 1nar1tune slave trade v.,itli out lus dl<l t\ ') \,i.;11 , if uut Uette1· Lh1:i.u with it. PURCHASED TH E BU SI NES S Net vous old lady (to deck }J,~ud OJ\ stea,inboat) RECIPES. " Mr Steamboat-nu'tn, 11; th1:!1'El any fear of da.n· ger? l1 Dei::k·hand (carefo1:1i;ly · "Plenty tif PoTA'l'OE::. F OR S.l!j.EU - 'Iht· follo~-v1ng a.re the fe£lir. ina.'run, but not a h1~ (!f da11ger." ideas of an old fan n er i11 :.\[aine on seed potaA. !>harp young lady Sfi,y,; there i::1 noth ing toes, as gi~en in the L ewiston Jo1ir ri,al , - 11 \Ve more touching- in thi<; l1fu thaJ:t to :,iee a poor use tuo lipe ct d \1hen \\e propag-a.te fron1 tn· but '-'lltnons young- u1 ~n struggling "nth a \\ eak ber·. that l:mvc l <tin in the grou11d till d ead ripe 1non>.1tache. Plants that aro pr opag&ted by t u bm s 1er1nnc Two I1ii<l11nen, t1avelliug , '·were iobbc<l <lll~l differ~nt t r e,it1nent frout those propagn,ted hr tied Jn ,i,, woll<la. One, 1r. d eRpa.11, cried, "Ob, H ec1ls. Our cotw; < ·nd g-1ai111:1 t lmt Wt' u ~e fur I'm uii,do~ie ! · S.lid tl1t· nlh c1, "J:!'aix, then, I ~eetl we hl~ t' tu h<t\ e 1Jt,ual a httle l on ger tL < tll Ll1c gr<J.i11 Crop, a.11d bi::cv10 1:1 l H .:dt c!ly Jn ~t lu rcll. wish you'd come aud urHJo in' .1' A judge, po1ntlng with h1t:; canB to a p1 i::ioner On tJ1e 811n1e p1i ncipn.l 011 1 em11 is fJelect efl fr orrt the ripet>t, best developed eai·s L~nd kernels. before him, re1na1kl·d, '"lbe1e is,~ great rogue But potntot's for seed shoulcl be dng and pln.ccd at the end of thi~ ,.tick." The JO!l.n replied, U\ a cool dark cellar, Just as soon u,, a uia.Jority 1 ' At which encl, my lord?" uf the1u will i:ilightly c1 ack upuu iu Lo11Jng. A n1 a.n rec.:eJ1lly nrrested fot' being the hus- Th is i ~ tYJ Of5L 1 11 va. 1 i~,1.bly v.bil e t.he topR :i1·e y1;I ba.nd of fou.1· wives, says he has no recollection green nnd g:1owing fa st. I h e tnbe1'A arc then of h,n·1n·; ttunned so many times, and think s it 111 then' most vigorous state Disconnect ihe1n ..._ muGt lu~ve happened 1vhilc he \Vas a.way f1om from the pa.1eut stalk at tl1at tnne and they re· bt·ltl(:l , tain thtl:r -.;igor. [n~t e ,t~ of deienoratin~r , as A hen nt New City has been r.i JlL1ng fo1· tluee most all of us knO\V ~he older sorts 11ave, their '\veek!!. ona JJ01ce1ain nest egg lier owlle i lets vitality is iucicascd, an d they yield better.with her have be1 own way, and i& anXlously await· lcsu tendency to tot. .A.fl lcng ago ws 18 1 !.i, ,tnd ing the result. Ile \vants to aRcertain whether s uh~equ.ently, observat10ns led hnu to nmko her persistency v.:ill come to no.ight, or whether some cxpc11ments to tc.:it, the theory, und he she will hatch a set of crockery. finds it the proper course to pursue. It rn not ,..\.would-be school-te<i,cher in Ahtbant< l< re- oft en fmid thut the late pla.nted p otatoes nni cently replied to a question by one of the ex · better for seed than tbot::e planted early? The amincrs, "Do you think the wndd is round or lateness of thell planting, p resumedly, 1nevents flat·~" by saying, " 'vVel1, t>Otue people think perfect ripening, honce the ptinciple of tL e one way and some another, and I'll teach ioupd a:b~ve 1easoning V/ould be in force. or tlat, Jll.E!t as the pa.1 en ts pleai:itj." Holl.1';-ES '11 13 Ox.J N . -...'-\. yiaragTapb is go_<\n enterprising ~oap·1naker iu Xew York ing the l'ouud.:i about a tnal of speed which late· daubed the rocks all the way up the IIud1mn Jy 0ccu1'rcd in l"rance between lw1ses and oxen. -.... 1th the a.ppeal, "UBe Smith's Soap," '"he1e· r:L'he conttlndiug t~a11t:s con e;it;Le.d uf Ion1 aui1nal::1 1 upon his ri'Val, the still more enterprising Jones, ,u1d Uie load was in ca.ch cn.sc t en thonsa.n<l 1 after much cogitation, started his wbite-\vasher pound::i of beC't·pnlp. fhis was to he di·awn up the J. :ve1· to ai1pend to each of Smith't! ap- t wenty-three ldlometers, or about 12 miles peal~; "If you can't get Jones'." rrhe race was apparently uga,inst tin1e, and the \'1/ A8N".I' so Fu~~Y.-Tho cond11clol a11d a four ho1ses won by sev en in iuutes, t i m e thtee fireman, who had b~en in the httb1!, of filling a. hon1s and six. 1n111utci. Bu~ then you sec t he s1n9kc µipe with broom sphntf-1, n.nd playiu~ oxeu can be fnttcnecl ~nd sold to the butcher .n c 1'orthlee'5 fo1 \Volk other tricks on then· landh~tly, bad no room to after they 1 An1ost necess::i1ything-fo1 a d 1i\.e1 to know co1nplain wbon, one mo111ing, one of thetufound t," tt qua.rt of stewed ;.\pples Jn his boots, and the h "Tu-hen the ho1 t10s ba-.;e t1ied their beH other a pint of moh~;;ses iu his. J u~t a!3k thos0 and whether t lley La.vc the po1Ycr to lUO\e the E xpc1ienccd ho1 senum know the chaps how about 1nol:.wser; or apple;;, that"., loa.d or not 1nou1cnt they look at a load 0d '\Vagg on in a bad enough. place, \vbcther the powet of tlie ho1ses 1.Yill The following conveisation between two n10-.;c it out or not, a nd they at once resort to clever lawyeH1 1va.~ oYerheard: "How d·)e:> other 1uecl1a11ic:.1ol n1eans to a :"!~ iflt, rather than your clienl]ike it? 1' ".Not overrund1; begius "hiptbeii t eam s into furiou s an d iuju1ious t.'X to co)'l'lplain of the expen~e. " " 11ine U:l all l'ttirrn, to uccompJish th o end in '\ iew. \rf tiny right· bo1111d to fight it out " C\:i,u "'e inan· dt.i \ e1 "'ho hacl charg-e of my teau1 ye1 s1:- t~n tl y age get the Jtl!Y to disagree again ? " "Don't continued to tiyto cornpel t11e1n tv c~h i.n1t c f\ know; v.en1ust work for lt:) "You will get hca.vy lo<~·l \\itliout ex tr a h cl p, ~i ft<;;t t.he l1nr'1 eJ beat, o1course, 1 n the t:nd, but you'll n.ppeal, of had gtveu on .; fa.u· h c a~ty t ria.l, l c rta.inly conr.ec . " " Of couTse." i: , hould takio: t he ii:1n , f rm:n hi'> li.1.1nl F.:1, Ur; 1 1 u 1 ~H Herc i 6 how an auet1u11ee1' \~ <lialcot ia g n en uuhustwo1thy the c:ontr<il of u. vdua,hl c L e 1-1,,1r 1 . ~ in" Scrope, or the Lm;;L J~1bra1y," in Old n.nd ]{cw. "Half-a dolhu, halfadollarfadollnfadul· ~ --- -~ lafadoll<tfadollafado1l1.1tha.t\> b1d now, give uwrc'f OBITUARY ye ,vant it! Half n.-dullar f1ve-eighfa~ t h1ee· The following l egend, prr.ccd,,d a1l'1 J'c l~ quaiters - 'l'bn:e·(l_Ua1ters I'm bid- will you Gcty pa("('! . '\ill it dollar for tl1is st.uiclard work oetarvo hest lowed Uy n ba.11 culun1n ot blu11k & edition ha1f roorouker ex try? Three ·qua1te13 ex pl ain it.sett: -~------., I'm bid, three qlnll te1s '-\ill ye gi vc auy rno1 e ·~ Died nt 'J'nlbottun~ (Ta, Decen1ber 2.3, li:7Z, of '1 hi ee·q uarters, t}n; ee·quartthccq_ua1 ttbee-q_nart purebadluck,'1.'hc }Vcc!J p Am et 11r111 , ta1 t off1n pi 1111e CJ f life, thee·qua;wt-thee 11u.t-wt one dolla1 shall I ha\ cO(' th(j ~,;..~~~~~~~~~~-~ An editor is a 1nau "'·ho lives on what other '!' he Editor "ays ed1to11ally : "Our i.ice people owe binL until he i;;t11rvea to dea.tb. A 1$ run. Ont r rueer is.encleU. \Vith a 8ad subscriber ie one \'iho tiikcs a. pape1 and sttys be heart Hnd \i 1th w c~ p1nf; )'i.::-J \ \ e eo1npo~ t:i is well pleased \Hth it, o.nd he tells e\ e.rybody ehie ' ht;1 oup-ht to f:.ubsc1ibe. i .Afte1 he ~1as our obitna1y. '\Ych,n-e lost t h c cap1t;,l tirt.t rs1 ~ub:suubed a.b()ut acven year'J, the t,rhtor "utes inycstetl ($2 D~ anU lhe profi t o f t hrc 0 ycD to lJLUl and asks hi1n to kt hit:nlJavc $2.t!O ~two labor ($2,00o;, a n d h ,t\i C l c fl 1 tu 11c1y for ou1 dolla.rs and h:fty centsJ .a,nd tl11.:n. the subgc11ber trouble, only th ·J a~ s n rancc tlic1t "e have wdtcs b~clc to th~ editor <.\.llll tells 11i1n .not ~ to l ea1ncd a t1·n d e, nt wb 1vh we cnn 111 akc a acnd hi.13 old pa.per ~ny 1uu1e, for then~ rn 110,h· l1v1ug: so long as the art ol .reading i~ jng in 1t, and then the i;uoi· editor goc.\ n.nd J.:U0'\1r'll.' 1 sta.i~es to den.th more - Sflcnc1n'1ual1 H cra .d. ' ·· T E s1mson · . · "' i \Jl' r ""'* · laLely cornluc led by i 11 Cabinet ANlJ - - -0--- - ClotLiugmade to 01der, tl1 e be.,t t riu nL1in gs 011ly nsetl, and the lowest pi ice cha1 ged. GOOD and '\\Till be fot 111 d ir1 the san1e sta11d, with 11 _ · · Fall and Win tcr - G-ot·rds, NEW . STOCK' DYE STUFFS, OF which a1·e su re t o g ive the h e' t si:dm fftch on. Groce;ries, Crocir:er;y, I Tobaccos, &c. Coorl s will be ;. A \\ cll- ~clcct c d ~ todc of New G-rocerie~, D. v\T. ~IOLEOD' S; STORE, l SOLD C_HEAP; AND DRUGS, CHEMZC1lLS, P.l'PENT NEDI ClN ES BRUS ffES , CO,tI BS, SHOULDEJ!, ]JJ!,1l CE S, S UI'PDR J'f:IW, Etc., l o 'tG. kept cmu;tantly on hand. :Oollal' TEA foi· S5 Centi;;. EGGS <i,nd BUTTER Wanted S· F. HILL GENERAL t1xcceilingly"chertp F R CASH . .All 01cle1s.dlr FOBOASH. J LYLE. Bowmanville, Feb. 27, 1873. OILS, PAINT; COLORS, V A H1'U J-J-;:;Jts, cincl W HITE LE1l.TJ, at the very lowest prices. Co11nt1y Storcheeptir8 ~P tp plieJ on the n1ost advantageous te1 ma. A choice ~elect1011 of J, \.'}fP~ . for F:all' <hc;'tp Bown1anville, D ec. 9, 1SG8._ 1h11 1873. 'l'hP :-;\l bRcnber wot].ld beg to call [~ttention to ~rai!Loring h1" stock of PROMP'.l.'L Y EXECU'fED N. 13. Horses and Cattle Meuicines. BOWMANVI LLE Grooerieis, Dry Goods, l .A.h Ageut for the 1vell know n Ma.chine and Implement 1'4anufacturing Co. FIRST·PRIZE WANZER StWINC ®nurh (tnmhim1tiuu cll>rnmrn FITTED WITH THE NEWLY IJ.\VEi\;'rrm Straw-Cutters ! Grain Grinders FEED 1.VIILL S. Another ua1 load of L lw ci.bo\ u ao1 Jle .u Li.Llet:; 'Jll tl1 e \F,11,y, J-'lc a,,c c;a.ll a t the MACH IE, MAN UFACTUE E S PRICES. E n1usl1..1lhn, N ov . ~lt11, · Scribner's Pateut 1118-tf :Manufacturers ul Boots & ShoesJ 870. 1\_11 in·v ention haYing a 111 tn t ii1111 0,1t< 1u_t-, l.1ca1i11g Ull Ll1r, f nLni·e 1eputntioJl ?f Reed In ;tru~wnLfi, by lll C,JH~ o[ whr_ch ihe lJL«· ntiry l)l' \'ul1 n11<l ur tone is ve1·.r largeJy. . 1ncrcar.01.l . , :t.ud t11e q u,·d1t:r.,. uC tL)nP re11de1 e(l ' '\VOOD AND IRON FARM FOR SALE, 13Y WORKING MACHINERY D 0 \.V ~f AN VJ L J , J~: Farm Implement Forwarding Agency R. 'v J _,,\_n11:s, B o\~ t n1:1,n ·..-11le, J( 1ng St , Bownnun1lle, D ec. LJ, 1 8 7~. etc, etc PUBLIC AUCTION, OR Equal to that ot' the Best IJ;i1~u of the Sa.1ue Ca1)a.c]ty. ---- () -~ ~-- u lO PRIVATE E INtl L'>O B be ~ho1 tly SALE t; Double Turbine Water Wheels, And S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. acres, pal.'t nf Lot N o 11, iu tho 12th Con. of lv!un ~cl fl . Particulars will lll<t.de k1101vn . Our celebrntecl ,, Vox Celeote_' " ],uuio Pt1tk11t ," ·· Vox lin1n.1,...nn.. ti \\t1 / ... cox Patent" ' Octav e Couple1," the d1armi11 g "C\·J lo or "C1 Ln·ionc~' 17 01 St.np~1, n.ncl u1·1110-tf. S. J AC!{S 1 - lI0,n111ton P . 0 . ALL THE L A T E Styles, tlu~ I IVr~ f-1 0-V-E M E N T S n11eap Jam es Ii.I ' 1 AGENT McFeeters ~15 0,000 Clep o~ ited Ca11 be ob tained oJJ}y iu theMC () 1~~n 11:-; . 1'/virty~fi~ue Di'(je1 ·~ nt l Ca. stings of all Xind.s. Rl~Pr\.IRS done C'll ness, SUR GE ON DEN '1' IS 'I' CANNOT BE SURPA SS D TEETH EXTRACTED W ITHOUT PAIN, _ JJy the u ~e ~A I ,}. EL Ll 01 T , .J.Vil1ulls U.tttlci (o r 1J1ot1.ride riJ ;_\ 'it1r1qe,t) , F o!. tht< folh)\\ 1 u 0 Iu::iur<J,tJCe Corn1),l.t'l il'S, .l<nd other I11stitut101l~, v1"" .~J1he. Q L ' l;£.)l l!'ir e nnd Liftc Imm i:~ncu Gon1 pa1 1y 1 lt'o'r lhe Pa t lor and (}/i,1;.;·ch, "JI """l]J ,Htli thc~ ])o1n11uo11 Go>er11mel1t, fot the protcc C n.p1 ~ nJ £;_2, 000, 000. th e [MllY of < .; n.uacla.. C,~}J ital ~, :)00 ' 000, - 0ne of the bbst a.nd cho~p c,,t Co1upaa1es doing businflss in the Dom1n 1ou , i or Jr,umcr s MJ.d Iso1at~d B1 15k i-;. tioll of Policr-I1olUe1 1:1 in Ounacla . 'l'hc J:SOLATED J{I SJ( l'ire Ini:;u ranc·\· C'um ---- ~ l l ---- - - SHO:RTEST NOTICE, Common and Gang Plows · ' I I Low tJ ... t w1ll l>o sold at PRICES tf AT THE SHOP. BoY11n:i..nY ilk, f.Irud1 6, 1873 . SUBSllH IBBR t"kcs p lc.1,nrc in iu (01·1rung t he p11blic that h l~ ]1 aB .~dd ml t<J lu~ p RIC E S MO D ER 11. T :E. 1 ot o~k of111.whine1y, a H Uh~ ..1C E P L ~1\J:·'L:r:; n, au d i lll \ 11c1 11 .,n,hc:isno'N p1cpi-ncd to du allenRtonu Roo111s fo1·1nc1h' u Cl:Up~C ll by 'l'. J. Jouo.:-<, ove:i. , \1 ·01k, on short~,, t notic e an d at usual rn.tc~ . F. F. 1\ie.A..rthn1 ':. Stoi c, l{i..u g ~ h·ce.t. ' 1' B'&il'l 'II Bowm.i, n Yillc,Ja..'"'.1 2'J1rl, 1873. ~u17·lv. D a.tl ingt ou J.. ot l !). Gtl1 Con. , July 2lltl 7~ , Jul y " ··[·· Don't Nefflect your .., which i;s deli.gh t f11l to t'1k6. [ :Y1ti·oifo Osid,,. is usec l 1u ull tho p n nc1pal cities of J<:u1opc an d A.n1cnca , and I c.t·J wit l1 p le.ts·.1e j an<l. cuu!Jdcnee !C(.ll11UU1cuil it t o t h e l' nl1l 1c, as aud p)c,,,,. .. 1, an rosthet ic Tf .~ un v.1l11 e y o'J,1 hen.1th TYRONE. Tho CAN.:I.DA J,,~ ND f; D CREDIT GO'Y. with a. Sa viugs :Bank d epart1nent. The UNiuN ,\K D 1'.8B.1f.Al\1EN 'r B11ilt1u"' t.tnd SaHug's Soc1"tY "" 'l'hP-se latter i nstitutionl'l advan ce L o,i.n s Oll Real Es:ta tp, {Jll te 1Q 1s unu, su all y eaAy fur the bu11 .;.nv or. Bow-mfl.nvlllo, l'eb. 0th, 187:3 . 19-ly - ----()-- - Factory and Wareroams, Cor- 5t h and Congress s treets, Detroit, JHichigan (~:-t.b]i,hed ~iotice. r~ I rn '!.'eeth · ·' in 1800.) IA I FOR SALE. FI RST CI.ASS CUTTER Apply " I THIS OITIGE RICE & BA.R,KER., Agents~ for Ontario, West and ~iorth of BeUeville. Bowmauville. Aug. lll st, 18i() 11147-<·:31-ti. ~-------