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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 18 Apr 1873, p. 3

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THE :i\fERCHANT, APRIL 18, 1873. THE · SlVIIrrH OllGAN is one HU'JN IN THE BLOOD ~~i " or the BES 'l, evei' brought to this Country. · NE'V Will Cleainse your Clothes out :Ru'bbinga \~ith- WEL [, l·, LLJW WIT Jl 'lIJ Jc srro1~:E, 1 OF GOODS. ! " ! D~ Q~Sy nurJO~ FALL OPENING ---oo--- s I 51,000 J. M. Bowm.inville, Ap1il lGth, 1873. General Agent, Bowmanvillc. m28-tf. ILui the best .~n d most tlesh abl~ lot of AARON BUCKLER MAKES THE WEAK STRONGa I.,.·on, is so conibi1ie<l as to have tlie clia:racf,(~·r of an aliuieut, as easily fliaestetl an,<l assiniilatecJ with t h e bloo<l a.-, the simplest food. It inc-rea~es th e qu.aritity of Nat1we's Own Vitalhin y Aaerit, Iron, in, the blootl, <c1irl c1tres ' 'a llio'';an,£l ills," ..:;int1)ly by Tonirig 'ltJJ,Irivlqo1·r,tiriq a.~irl 17italiziriu t.lie Systcrn,. r11h e en.- WATCHES CLOCI{S ..:\..1\I~11'fENSJ.i! NUYI:BEI~ The Pm·uvian S·11·up, a p,.otecte'l Solution of tlie P1·ot()xille of Autumn Fashions Magnificent display of N e'v an(l !!ich Goods. of d ,Hu1 ent ~r,~des, autl r:tu'P~C8 all othet hou;.;el!I in town and Oou11try J. M. :Brimacombe, Licentiate of the Royal College of ·Dental Surgeons, Ont. w1ru TEETH. '\'lTliOUr TEF.'l'H. Every One sold is fully Warranted. NO FLUIDS 01-l EXTRA SOAP USED. :Ct Consumes less Soap, less 'I'ime and. l&ss Fuel th~,ii the 'Usual :Method. It Saves Labor, Wea~ ELECTRO-PLATED 'J. 1ea cmd Go.Jlee Sets, Fruit, and Ilum'isphe1'icc1l Di.hes, not to be snrpaesetl in thC' Provmco.:. 11wates eve1'y pm·t of the body, 1·e11a: riny !la,niayes fl/l't<l lvaste, 1'iche(l anll vitalized l>looa pc1'- lfa~ much pleasme iu info1 ming his patrons that h e h as 1it a considernble expen,se, purchased the right to use NEW ATJ.fOSPHERIG ATTACHMENT to Dental plates, (pat;nte.d .b:r J. ~ · Gillasp!c, D D.S.) :which att1~ch ment, whetc the suction is m suffi.cient, retarn s the Plate m ·1ts place without inconvenience to tho wea1e1·. THE a.nd Tear, and. the Annoyance of Da/"1'. I~1 REQUIRESNO ATTENTI01~ \VHILE TI-IE PROCESS Olf OLEANSING GOES ON. ~ Plated Knives, Forks, &c., Equ,il to auy 111 the Donunion. <le't'ful success of iltis 1'Mnerly m cu1·iny Dyspepsia, Lfvei· Complai1it, Dro11sy, Ch1~on,ic Diar1·hreaJBoils, N eri·ous Ajfectlo;1s, Loss of Conslitntional Viyo,., Diseases of the H.ldneys and Chills an,cl Fevers1 Hn1nu1·s, l\lURDUCII BROS. lmve opened out >ell iumteJlse stock o1 N~w F>tll Goods. Grettt c~ie has been taken in buying the Stuck, and as nothing sea1·chi1ig 01tt 1rio,rbid sec-re- but Fust Class Goods h,ive been pm cha.sod, customers can iely on o-ett ions, arul leO/Viu(J 1iothi1iu for ting good value fo1 their mon ey. b clise(tse to feed upon. Thi;; is the scc>'et of th e w on-~---o-~-- It is cin Improvement tlmt I ccin confidently i·ecopwumd. FF_}E S MODERA'l'E. J. M BRIMACOMBE, Bowmanville, Ap1il 1Gth, 1873. . 11128-Lf. :Ct will do the Washing of the Fa1nily \Vhile yet1 Eating a11d Doing· u:p Dfohes. ----··· --- - Bluf.1<ler, l<~mn.ale Corl'tJ>lcti1tts, a.n<l <tll <.llsensc~ 01:·igJ1ifi,lht(J in. DJ_{ESS G- OODS ,. Pl,uu :tn cl figuied Lust1 e..5, Ph.iu mid Tartan vVool Poplins, Metz Co1dR Ji 1gmed Repps, Emp1css Cloths, aud m1 endless v<1uety of other new Diess Goods. Black Alpacca.s, Doubl e Wn1p Black Lustius, Black Cobomg, Black Paramt"Lttas, Black Cmpu Cloths, Black Metz Co1cb. ' ct ba<l state of the bloo<l, 01' ac- TBOllA.S BATTING Dresses, Prints, Cloths, STEA:rtl b<.t8 long l>een 1 cnO\Yn a.s the n1ost pu,vc1 fnl (t.gcnt iu l ellHJV ing Sl'OONS. di1t, gte.wc and stai1rn ft om clothing, rtnd b!ec tching th em white P:1J"" The p;1u.1h .:it .\nd best .io~,ortrncnt ever seen 111 ~ '1\nvn. None to "1xccl it. 1nake1s ha\re for man,y yetu f3 u sed J1.ttca1n In clectr1111g and blon.chiug Lhei1 iags, rtml succeed in 1m1king hy i ts :tgency, the filthieRt pwkings ft om the Begs to acpm1int his C t~stowc.rn nnd the ~nblic gAner;~lly tlmt lie lrn gutter p erfectly pu1c am! white. Until the h1venLion of th0 Steam now 1ocened hrn No" bp1rng Stock of TJ'(u;hw1· 01 Woma n'.< Friend, although oCteu attcrnpteil, no rnetl10J lmcl BROOCHES. EAR-RINGS, &C been discovm ed of apply ing steam di1cctly to the clothiug, whid1 could None to i;u1})ase them Scleclod by myself at be used h1 a portable m<tnner fo r domestic pu1 poses 'l'!tc Woman's tbc lYla.nuLlctoues in England. F1·iencl washes without labor It will do the wash ing of :en mclirmry family in thirty minutes to an hour. The Steain Wnshc1· is sn peiio1 to SPECT ACLES! <tll other devices, fo1 t1e follow mg ienso11s : Tli e Ch<,1c<st ofg1adcs. Go1cl n.ncl S1lverfrmncH. 1 It does its own wmk, the10by ;,miug a lmgo po1tion ol the ti1110 usu- L u:u us J\tiorrH! & Co's on httnd, to fit all sigl1bi. 'lhc;tie I ·~111 ~cll .... t re~luccd puces. ally t:cken in a tamily. :l. lt uses much less S0tLp tlmn i, 1cc1 ui1cd by n,i1y other method A L.\.UGE SUPPLY OF 3. It requires no attention whatcYor, whil e t l1e prog1ess oJ cleaning is going on A lady can do h er washing while she i, ctcting he1 b1c,1klli:;t (ROGERS' MAKE.) and doing up the breakfast dishes. 4. Clothing wett1s do11ble the time, waBhed in this Washe1, tlmL it will No· SEC 0 N D PR I CE. washed by a nmchine, or by httnd-lttbor, or n washbm1d 1\!Eanch.erirter House~ 5. Lace curttcrns, and all fine fabric,,;, are W!1shed in a suporio1 m:mnc1. For Flannels thi~ Wash er is mo,t desirable, as it will not full th em as a 13owmtcuvillc, Ap1il lOLh, 1873 nrnchinc or hand-rnbbing does. All fabriM, from the fiuest l.L<:C to:~ lJcd- mi rn SUDSCltlllER, THANKFUJ, FOll .1 the 'cry libeni..l patronage he bns shnred in hlanket, can be washed perfectly and with ease, w ithou t the rubLing- tho p ast, rospectfully 1nv1t es the public to 111spoct his board. f 'ro11i state oftlw system. Bei11(f fl'ce .rltcoho~i 1u, <.i1iy forni, its cn,eraizt1ty en·'ects ru·e 1iot follo1vctl by co rres1101icllu,y Pcncttuu, but a1·1~ pc1·uln1icn,t, infu, .. contJJauic(l by <lebility or ct lolO siuy stJ·e1ioth, viao1·, <lu/tt 1iciv Gold Cha.ins, Rings, life into all jJ(l1'tS Of the sy .~ lein, ( tJi<l bu-tl(lltt(J itp au, Ir on, Con,sti tf;,tia1i. Thou.saricls lt<.tve been, cha,n,r1c<l by tlte nsc uf'tliis Pc11ic<ly, f '1·on i iveaJv, stcldy" fHtffe,·ln,g c1·e<t ... tu:res ~ t o st1·oii(J, /!,ealth y, an,d. lt-aJ'JJY nierz, ctt.tcl 1vo1tie1i; ancl itate l o yive it (t MILLINERY Tl;e ,is?o1tiuent of l\[i.lline1y tt11tl .Millinery Coocb io "e1y cxteJ1sive and m tummed or uutummed Httts nncl Bonuets evc1v taste c,111 be consulted <1s the vtt;·iety is so grctLt. The Flowers m1cl Ii'e.1tl1c1 s, L.1ce,, &c, we chum to httve the b1ges t a1>so1bnent to be fouucl. iJil'alttls cct:n,1iot rcciso111abf,y licstrlal. Hosiery, Parasols, Laces, Trimmings, &c, Sec that ecwh bottle has PERU- VIAN SYR UP ulownin the glass. p,"\1u1:>l1lcts Free. FINE CUTLERY, J.P. DINSMOBE, P.rop>'icto,., No. 36 DllY ST., NEW YORK. Sold by Druggist.a gen(·rally. - Boots & Shoes. OF BOOTS AND SHOES In BJ,wk aud White n·,tl L>tces and 1(1Ce Coll>Ll H, we l><Lvc ,~ l:u gc .assortment, ttt piices to suit all. ITENDE:El.S 'W' ANTED, re~uived A SH IJ STJ B Om Stock of Tweeds, Ftmcy Co,Lting,, P iluls Be,weio, Pt>te,1sh.ttu3 Meltous, ete., will Le found unusu,1lly large ' IT I ENDER S \Vlll bo until the 4th day of May, fo1 t.ho e1ect1on of a new· l131lile Chtistrn.n) BrJck CJnnch, 34 x 50, at l)nffins Ci eek l!"or Ph·us and Specrfic.'\.tions, &c. 1 call .~t the 13. C Parsonage, Dulfins C1-eek, .A.p1il 8tl1 , 1873. 11' IS TRULY .1 J,.1llOR AND GLOTilltS S1!VJNG INVENTION. ' HEAD THE FOLLOW lNG LARGE AMD VARIED ASSORTMENT VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF MURDOCH BROS. bp·ol5 u127 WANTED. ,\ N APPl~EK'l 1 ICJJ, to lca1 n the bla ck· l"l. srr1tl11n.; lnwineHf' Al!_ply t o J PIUKi~.ItD, Sahu,, P O. _ , J ~ohna~;l~O ~ti-rn26 ,_ I A' We would eall tho athintiou of I \()nl G entlemen t o olll' stock of the celeJ. lJ :.< l>rntcd DouLlo and Twist She1 b1ookc Tweeds in all colo>·s- the best C,macli,m goods rnttdc. lf E Snbscribcr '"' ouJd irspt;! ctf ully info11n 11is numcru u:i custom"4_-S au d thu pnhli c gcnct,\.l\Ve lire selling Cctnadian Tweeds, ]j , tli at, in 00111 .. 'ction with his all wool, evel'y threc1cl double and twisted, for $1 pm ya1cl , just the B:OME-£1'.rAD~ goods to gtve odlisfaction to tho he lrn.s opened up ,\ l.1.1 !-.;e rmtl 'vcate1. Well-assorted Stl> ck J. & W J. f'ifoMUR'f'HY & :; Co. BG , & Slf OE" QT ORE T WORlt, of 11e,ill.) in "ork, sdceted ft om t11 e BESTMAN UFAOTORIES, wluch b(' offers for s/"l.1r: Very Low for Cash. Gn c lntll a u,iU exa1nine thu -..vm k, u.ud J ULlge fol YOU18eh l d. JOHN l! ET,LYAU, l':y rono.;:, .-.\..1n1l Sth, 1873. 11127-tf. DAILY LINE 'l'O j ROCHESTER. ~~~ · THE NEW LAKE STEAMER "NORSEMAN " ILL W on 01· about 1st of Apr il next, ( tJIU· mcnce her regular trips on t lu s iontl·. LEAVING Cobotlrg cvel'y n1orning ..~t 7.l!O, an<l Port l[ope C1Jt 9 o'clock. for Rocheste1, connecting thc1c with Nc\V York, Central, and Erie l\.a1lw.iys1 for all points, Eal:lt, 'Vest, an<l So ut~ sek1 luJ. \\ ith .-.. ispcc10.,l v1u\~ lo th(;'! 5cas·,n , uud tu.hle fo1 all .lges a.nrl cond1t1on s. I i·cspl.l( tfully you to read cu cnlar ca.1efully 1 and ca.uilidly consider 'vl.tat] 110\\o p1oposc su1 Orlh:1ed wmk \\ill 1eccn c hrn s1 1c<:i1tl attcn to yo u ;:i,i,; a ni.t.tter uf business. Before iw;i.k1n g knoTun to you 1ny confitlenti tl te11u~ . pc1111it u1 u to state that the n1atte1 of washing clothes ie one of no small cur.s1derrtt1on : it is somctlunb wluch ti on l{e1nm11he1 t he st.u1d, one door Vl'l'st of ~'.fur concerns eveiy family and eYery 1nd1v1dual It is but recent sin ce HAND WA$I11N(T \Vas i n com1non nse. I~::i.ttcrly ho\Yevet , the inventrvc genius of the country hns b een directed to the inven- lloi.:h B ios . J. S}fALJ>:. tion and coustructlon of vu.nous devices or machinery by which much of thb labor, drudgery, loss of tun'.l, and ·~ear of lu,1te11al, iuight be obv1:.ited Ponde1ous as well ~ intiicate \V."LSHL."l'"G Se p t 2Gth, 1872. o5m.~ MAClilNES havo Leen conatt uctod-many of -..du"11 dec1dtd nnpro-.,; e1nents over the old iuethod of w:u:ib1ng--i.tnd these m nch ines ] been very saJ.eablc with all People -..v1U continue to have 'Vash1ng 11aclnncs , but let m e ask you if the ST t: . .AThI 'VASlillR can Le constructed fo1 :i. fanv doll.1rs (much less than any 01d1nary '\\:;ashing !t-Iachu1t'l), and enable all to \~ASll Bl ::;'lE\ M w1thout labo1, loss of lune, ·w 1thout·veru111g of ~lothh1g, etc , 1t l S not reMoua.ble to suppose that it \\ iJl supersede in ~t tp·cat inea;:.ure , aU \Vash1ng :\1a.chin ca no1Y in common use? The sale uf 1 tlus YV \ SHETt is unpan~lellcrl, and must be su rl'herc is noth1ng hke 1t 111 ns..:. It rn now, a nd every family needs it nnd will buy it. I wish to secntc a few good men to aell 1 ights £01· n1e, ru1d in 01ll~i to i;ecure as tnU.H.) us I ne1.1d im1nediately, l offer exba inductln1euts. Iviy pnce fo1 tcr ntory is ~9 p er 1,000 inhab1tante J but 1£ you "\\ 111 buy a single county, ~nd agree to sell ng-hti:; Ivr inc, t \11ll aJJow you to deduct ()G 2 :1 pel' cent as your con-pnss1on, consequently, your county -..vonl d cost you but $75 mstcad of $220, should it b:.ft 2!5, 000 01bnb1tn.nt s, n101c 01 Iese 111 (Double a.nil S111g"le ) the sa1ne propmtion. And to tbo ,,o buying rights I will sell \V.\&HEUS at nearly cost, and to those not bu:y1n_!; 11ghts I\\ 111 fLlt1ush \.VA~HJ RS at $GO per clozen, amJ , 1.mar in 1n1nd, I will sell to no one except a single do~en l U1t1l h e fit'St buys thL· right to a county Any tmner c.ut tnake !'URNACES, t11c 'V ASHEUS as well as t hey can be made here, a11d save the cost of t1an$>pottn.t1on J{emeiulJlr COOLERS, th:J.t by ll111·chasing t he right of n. single county, yon F;b nll 11ave t h e puv1lcge (lf sclliug Ml" county PLATFORM SCALES, or State for inc, prov!ded th.~t the saul terutory is not aliou.dy ch::.posed of"\\ hen I I'( ccn c y-::rur ROOT SLICERS, orde1 I ·nU make all the deeds, so there can be no con.fus1ou 01 n11stakos The amotuit you ha'e t o pay n1e i::i !!limply $8 pet 1,000 1nhab1trurts, JJ 1 any county or S L u.te. l shall 111<\ke the,,,c ROAD SCRAPERS, "cry liberal offers £01 a short time 'onlv i after v. h1ch I ish nll sell at 1ny reguhu price, SD pe1 1,000 SASH WEIGHTS i\fany of my patrons have i cqn estccf m e to suggest to t h e1n the best n1cthorl of selling the ,\i~0VENTILATORS. 1\1.c '\.N'S Fltll~ND, 1n order to rnnke the most money in the shortest tiu1e practicable In reply I vvoultl s:i} , that ther e are lll ~tn:y niethods wliwh un ght he s ugge;.;te<l, allot wluch scen:1 to worl1.. \\'ell, but the lnost pronnnent of wh ich I will s\1hrgcst in the first place, send !or .i ~a 1 uplu u.rul carefully test it , you '1·1ll learn by a. single trrn.l ho w t o wash with it n 1 o:;t sncccssfully All ) ou }1 a\.-e to do now is to exhibit to others. I will sugges t that you mr.i.kc D.JI cngagc1ncnt to \.'ash .it. ;r, certain place, n.t an n.ppo1nted hour; mann.fe to hn.\ e as many pie.sent us posSiblc. You "\\ill be n.ston1shcd< ex<..at0n1ent it w1l produce <tflet t h e water aud stean1 ha\'e i ushell through the tubes a.nd foa1ned ovur the elothu1r-, iu):;hn1g Lacktb1ough Lhe clotlunJ to the lower bottom to be sudllt: nJy r etu111ed :i?,~i n in the sa1ne 1n11uncr- sn.y fot Ll11rty 1n1 uutcs-you t.lke out the doth1ng, linse and \~1ing out, o.nd fi nd the clothing peifcctly clcru1, You '"111 i1ud Lll IRON llAJLlNG FOR GJ.£M1'EE 11IEI!. 11e1fcctJy delighted \nth it. Al.SO You cn.n take onle1s from n ine 1n ten prcisent, to be tilled ,,ftt>r'\ .ud, at puces 1 n.ng1ng- f1 om 8 to 10 dolla1i. eacl1 .A a111gle tria.l 111 t.l11s lnru1nei w1ll sahsfy YlJU thnit Lh u "\.VOJYI_i\.::-f'S 11'ltIEXD is a succes:s and \\il l sell. -~{ou should 1 in t11:it case, lose no tune in 01llun11g .~ ch.·od £01 you1 county, to be sent by express C. 0. D. , if not con>; e:rucnt to n.dvance th e monev. Y 011 should, r11eanwh1le, continue to ordci f1, and by the time your <leeLl \\ oulcl cou1c to llnnd, you lnight have a gi oss sold You should, likewJSc, n.nang-e -..vitb ,1 1cspous1ble- 'l'nu1er to 1n::i,kc the \VAi"lt l · ER- th e price will var:v accord1r.:; to style and i1111sh. I have k1wwu some .igents to sell as nui.ny as t" enty W ,\i:\HEl!S in a tl.iy A £Le1 yon ha"\- e rnti oduced it nwre 01 less into your county, you ran t ak e anoth ei couuty, and i est Q.O:lrdnrcd thnt wb e1eve1· yon get a \V .i~IIJ It 111 Lhe n...:1g-hborhoo<l it will s1Jll1nany nlore Conscqucntly 1 aftl.'ll you h a' e sol d .1 f en hnnd1cd in a county, you ca.n sell t he rii:,ht of yoq r county for muub inore t hau at the st art Yon can calculate what your gains will be by buying a s}ngle county; but thi::; is not .~ tenth JJ,~rt of '~hat you ought to mak0, tor whil e you are travell111g }UU w1ll t}Jeet \\ 1th many lll"'n who \vant tu n:iako u10ney, to wh01n you 1 ,in sell 11gh ts 'rhe1 c is no bns,1ness you cron engage 111 which ofi'l.. l s :inch splend id ind l'vo...:ments; be1'.i?dc1:1, it 1 1:1 a safe business, no loss 1 and,nt, because i t ientlcr1:1 perfect satuiLit:h011. Hoin;iu SPINJrn, CttrLw1 ight. I can uot see how I can p1op0se better ternlS Sho uld I allo\v mv pn,trons to 1nnke thcu u, n torins 1 I s<atrct.:ly b~hove thoy ~ould b cttet term:;;; for themsl!lh cs, and inn.Ice mote money ~fATTlll!.: Vl J OKE:S, a On t h e icceipt of five <lollais I will ship vo u a. co1n plete WASHER, n.1:1 a sa.mple, together -..v1th a Cc1t1hco.te of ..1.\ge1wy, '-' book conta ining LhecenanR of 1870, Patent L aw s, lui:!truotion ho ....· to J OIJN SANDOW, sell Pa.tent;.;, .uid pict<n·al pootcrs, \\1th fnll in:;t1'Uct1ons ho"\\ to conduct the buBinesf3, iU1d upon the ieceiJ?t of the \VA8! 11 ii you may h !tvc tin1e to test 1t in, :~nd if you find it n ot ns i epref)c nt ed, Old Iron taken in excln1ngo I ·will refnn<l Your ino11ey T he '\V,whcra ret<~1l ,~t 10 dollars. ..A.Um I 6end you it f-ln.mplc I will hold your con'Dty ..i. 1easou.lble t11ne fo[ you to decide wht'ther you " rnh t o putchu.:;o 01 not. I will f11rn1ish !Jl,tuk det"ds, and will do a ll I cn.n to c11a.ble yon to succeed i r1 the bu::;1ne88 J.L:t rr1e hea1 !101n you soon 1 01 yonr choice of territory rntty be sold to son1c Ollc cl.,Ju. Do iwt vsk inc to H.YPOPH USPHITES 1 ' .;.~ >-· , 'i:.1.._ · The only Syrn]J prepared fl om D1 Churchill',, F ormuln, nnd cert1ticd to b d.; chemically pun". F()l tl1e pre\ outiou autl ctnc of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. Also for the enrt> of Rowrn.tuvillc, !Ii.Ly 7tl1, 1812 FOR SALE. · Dvspepsia, 111·onchiti.~, Astlv;na, Loss of AtJ petite, Ge,wra l JJr.)nlity, 1Cc. CJ; lll'll'ICAT:E .\$ TO l'URITY ..:i?\ D fil.l:' l CACl, SOO S rEEL PLOWS. cu1rrrv ATORS' l ... n.bora.t01y, Un1vers1ty Collo,;L1, 'J'ol'on to, Dec 4, 1872 'l'o the ·victorin. Chenucal Co., Gcntlmnen.-I have exam1n ecl the ar twles e1nplo} e<l. 111 the Victodu. Chen11cal 'V 01 ks, in the 1nepruation of the V'1cto11a. Syiup of IIypophospbite~. The scvc1al J iypophosphites used are chc-mtcaUy 11ncl the Syru p H:l also (£!!ttcjrccf1orn anv 11npu11ty. Your Syrup of l:fyporihof)ph1te!:i will tu1donbted1y pto\i <..· n. VCl!J valua{,fc l\fed1cine, IIENRY H. CitO:F'l\ Profc~eor of Cht'1111stry, U. C. P.ijce Sl per Bottle Sold b:;r n,ll Drugg1~t~. ANDERSON & haav JU I,t opcnetl co OF espcci.-..11) to l:,'fl;l.~t Y. VICTORIA C:miPOUND }'LlJID ~,XTRACT 17 CASES OF FOR WOOD OR COAL. BOOTS AND SIOES and GRllA'l' BARGAINS will be giv en f01 'rliIIlTY D ...1..YS, Bell's Patent Double Cul tivators,with la1ge Wheels and Light Draft. A Specific B<mcdy for all })iseases of the Bladder ancl Kidneys, Di op$ual S101Jllt11gs ; Comvlciints incidcnta.l lo ll'ernalcs, c1,ncl al Diseases of the []rina1y U1gl1ns iii c1ther Sc~ Try it once for any of the above l)J8ulLler , ,u1d you \\'Ill be (illy conv111cerl of itt'i prc-r.m1- Cash -:Buyers. o--to nent \H tnee. Puce $1 p Cl Dottle. Soltl by all DruggistG R U S H AN DJ£R:SON & co V ICTORIA ELECTRIC References. LINIMENT. '·The King ofall Liniments." l1'or l~heurrui lis1n 1 Gout, .i'le111a1,gia, Luni. lha;o, Scialica, T Vnndc rinq 1-'ains, Sti.UntMi iii fhe Limbs or Jouits. Sprc1,ins, Rr1ti.~cs . lihlmb nC3s, Su,~lliu11s, 11caclarlw, £ 'cu <f,lfw, l'oothache, &c. BOOT AND SHUE EnfPORI UM, REED'S. OLD STAND Alson. large quantity of Ladies 90 cts :Boots. fo1 TRUNK S Saiatogn. tlOd ot \Ve arc tiatis heis, {o1 Sn.le ficd tl1a.t. it 1s ICINNEY'S BUY IT! TRY IT! ! PROVE IT ! ! ! Pr1cc fJ O Cts per J3ott lc, Sold hy nll D1 u,;g-1.t CHEAPGOODS winch i ll!h1t:e11 the Public so hn1uho1nely to pat· stra1ghtforw.trd bat.hug is "\\'anted All that let lnm "ho bas mor '°nd C. 0. D. DIREOTIC)l~S. Coulter At t a chm e n t. VICTORIA 1t, bea.1 the P aln1 ron1ze us, and \\ t\ fe.:i:r i10 con1L1ct1tion \\here we <Wk for mu Goolfa rn U0j)ill' ..1.\.RI SON, then RETURKING, \"\'ill len,vc Charlotte (Port of l{ och e~tc l) daily at D p Ill" tixcept Saturd.ayA, when i:.;h~ -.,;\ill leave at 2 p, m. for Brighton. Dealers 1n s tock, &c , '\Vill find t.l1 rn the r.;beap · est au·l most expcditi0ulj route to l~oston, Albany, &ew York, &e. }i' or fu1'tlier infor r11 a.t1on , apply to Double Cotton Covel'lids, (col,) for $1.50 Single do. do. $1 25. A fine lot of White Coveil1ds, diffotent rnnkes, at ve1y 1easonable pi ices. W A lot of White Covc1l1ds, "light ly chtmagecl by dust in the -wholesttle house, at Je,s tlMn wholeo;aJc pri ces, at J & W. J. McMURTRY & Co's It Clt..\. VlFOI:D, Port Pope, ()1 l 1 Jt""'. GJl , DBLtSJ.El rv1~. ICingston olHf. SEED POTATOES. J31eezea No <111<1 Clnnti.x T h e ti.bove a1c un f:! nrpnss~d in gua.lity nnd p1o duct1vene~s . .Apply to H DR.,. \ .PEH, Bowman\ ille Ill n25 tf Bo 'l'I m n.nv11le, )larch ~OLh J,lMI'l'ETJ f\UP PLY of SEJm POTAA TOES. 1 :,u ly : :2, Ko. 6, R ose, l{ing- of the l~.nhc s or 1'101Jfrc, or Peeilo::is, - ----- ----- - -- NOTICE. A rPL[ C.A..'l'l OK hn.s b ecn niatlc tu t.hc !vJnJ~l. lllCLp.i.l eoun1,;il of th o Towu-:::h1p of Clarke for tho passing of 11 l3y-law fo1 t lw clQsli1g- U!) a uLl salt.! of tho otv·inal .~llO\\ ,\nee for bo· t-..~ccn lots N 0 JO ~ ... nd Jl ju t1 1 e t( nth conei:: ss1 on of Clal k c . A.ll pe 180118 uiLr. r cstcd \\ 111 t li en:fu1c take llO· t we ,rn 1l act .1cr,o, d1ngly. w L BRO.AD. 'l'p Clei k. in26 4111. - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - J So::i.k the clothes o\ cl ni,,bt in wat·m su d~ - in th e usual m n.u ner. '.t. P it u1 tbe bott ou:.1 of the"\\r ASHJ~R a qua.rter bar of g-ood Boap, 01 enough tn 1n n.J~e ,i. good suds, shcc:d up thin, then fasten down tho fo,il:e bott01n- 1:1ee that the ccuhc V[1he 1s in the ]) t o po1 pos1 taon, pnt 111 ' enough to ctlve1 the cap o" er the valve, ea) abuut <1.J.l 11w}1, l:1y the clot h es do\\ n smoothly with tho so1lei.l var ta well so.-..ped, in t he \V A.1j TIER-not iolled up, bnt spread out, so the wate1 can c11c uln.te f1eely -and carefully pack the clothes do\· n; sec that t he fue 11-;1 hot su.fhcwnt to ~team: whpn the water bmlsi it will bcg1 n to flow u p t he t1111t s on the oul~1 de, at the ends of the V...,. ASIIEH., alld throu::h th e holes into th~ \\i'.ll.SIIE1i agu1n} after a sten.cly c1rculn.t1r.n has been going on in ~his ma.nne1 for alJout t huty tn £01 ty 2n1nut cs, t he '"u:ih1ng w"lll be comph·tl;ld H.uJS.. : v.. ell a.nd ·~ 1 ing- out , su1ne as in Lhe usu::1.l v.ay Uolon.·Ll clothes 1nust not be nux.ed w ith \vlnt('. UHC 8oft watt:i £01 b oiJ1n; Al, WA rs. If hard, uim soda., l:ve, cu 1nak~ it soft L n .~n y othet "ay. )fit is dean col. to bl~ach '\1th the Vl ARHEll 1 thii; 1 n<iy !J.J tlone by at1J111g . t table spoonfnl of bo1ax of cmn.:ncrce to a "\V ASifE L{. full of clotUi nJ. I i efer von to a. fc-..v· extracts fron1 lettt-rs i ece1ved ] cd.u \JttL Iisb hunch e!li:i of lette1 s frotn parttes who h::i,~e tFwd the Stearr1 \7ilasbe1, a11d spc.ik n1 its punse. I, thus fat ~lu!hnetl do1ug so I know full -..vell h ow ce.rt1 6.cate!'I arc looked n pon I sold the \.Vasher upon its O'\f11 meiit.s. 'l'housands ha., c u sed 1t, a nd lt h as 1:'1.VCn u111vcrsal sn.ti::;fact10n tln ougliont t h c country. I ask none to r ely on what I i:;a.y, or the connocut,uws of others, but let the Vr"<· e1 stand on its m~nt s . I would not <lsk or advise any one to eng.tge iii th is business of selh ng '"'"ashere 01 rights, unless hll bns tho1oug ltl:y tested )f.'i -..~ork · and t o m iabl~ all to tlo so, J i:iend a sample 'Vashc1 upon iecEUpt of 5 dollars (11rb0nt hDJf tho i·eta1l piicc), and gunrantce thnt if found not :i.s repre~ented I wjl1 r(funcl thn money. So t here is httlc r isk to begin -..~1th. I ha ve arlvcrt1sed the St~am \Vasher in all the leathug , and most i plrn.ble religious pape1~ 1 also the lea~.hng secular papers in the Urntsd States, Lnd Cau a.d,t, auk no artioli e\> er a<l~ e1e1sed h1.1fp1e has been ua\dy eu<lo1sed by t hb p1eBs and the p eople, as h .~s been tho Steam \-Vt~sh ot· I slrn.!l continue to a'.rh e1 tise it 111 a ll fi rst <:laBs p apers-Of co1u so 1ny fot, ncr pn.tirms vvbo h~·vc bo111i"ht te1 11tOI':}', and aro ee:lhng Vf ashcrl'l at rctrul ru1d "\Yhole;, M well ns these "ho lnn.y hcr(Ca f ei engage in the busmess, w1li be h(;nefitUH~ proportionately- I am ce1ta.1n the StP.,uu Wa.~hc1 \nll bt· used m every family. 1 CARBOLIC SAI.V:E:. "Worth its Weight in Gold" A 1 1 Two Dollal' P1· unella Conuress l lOt 0 11Jy p11t5 ~u OU ll Spcci)ic f or Cuti), TV01ind~, V1 ui6r.~ with care, under t.b J able 111ana(!enient of :rvr 1 ~ t RElD,wJm h as hecn tl1 ~ lc..::uling '~01 k1ng u1 t.he l)1mice1 Boot & Shoe Store for the las JG years; } { <'eds old st:.tutl, Bow1uanv1lfo. E1~1 ni;, St-alds, Boils, l)i{11.s, 1 i11iples &c, ctitd (flH 01iic Dwcascs of the Skin of every desc1·i1;- T\\10 MORE FIRST-CLASS '\\TORKM.EN vVANTED. tion. Plc-rv not "PP06it1011 lU the ali.\lll', J3lT'£ EOLPISHS lt nltogctli u1 _\.11 OHlns chspa.tclwd j1 ' r i 1RIS ...1..Tl' ACJ;IriIJ~NT can bt faBtcne<l to MY plo\v without the ish :;htcst trouhle, and \\ill effuctuall~ pr~"ent grasi:;, \\'uetlr:i, stubble, &c. , fi-01n er1ng u ude1 Lhe and chok 1ng up the coulter Fa1 mere acknowledge that it ~ a.· es1t s cost, cvcrv day, in clnty ground. l\Luiy r1tte1u pt ~ have"been made by plo-..v inun · uLwturo1s to 1CJuedy the evils "1Lich the Att<tel.imt:nt, Lut h<~ Hl fo.tlell 'lhe sunp!ic1ty of a11 ytlnng 19 its beauty .r.'\p ply to ' },citmdcd in Ucinada .June 17 J8 70 . Co1nplete without it. rr1cr. 2,) Cts ]llJl Rox. Sohl Ly .tll D 1Ug'J l Sti:: . -------~-- - - - ---- VIC'fORIA CAREOLATJ :D ANDEit SON ·37tf. & CO l30·~1nan\1lle, June lJth,1872. Bowmanville. GLYCERINE JELLY "Eminently the Lathes' Favorite" Jl'or Bec~utifying the Con1plcxwn, oncl for reniovi11g Tan, b'1.mb11,1 n. ]i'1 ccl. lcs, Pimple1J, &p, alvo fur Cha211Jul lfana~, Chilblains, NE W S P R I NG G0 0 DS. - - - - .o:· -- - - - b1ost JJites, a11d So1e !Jtps. 'VI. :Porter's. 1(1ng P1ice,23 Ctf': pc1 Bottle. Sold hy 3.ll iD1 uggii!t <-~ s. rrRE\VIN begs tu avnouu(t the i ec ·1 1 tof rw , l 1:\1 ac ha11 cc ca.scs or St1 ect East, Bo-\vi11a1Tville. 1n21 3mos. "!ti VICTORIA 'FOILET SOAPS. "Celebrated for Then-Uniform Punty and Excellence of Qual!ty." VICTORIA CARBOLIC' S0,11'. VIC1'0JlIA SULPElUllSOAP. VICTORIA GLYCERINE, llONJ;Y, JWSFJ, .A.1VD lVINDSOR. ::fold bv nil D! n.;giitH, NEW G 0 0 D S. Cornp1ising the latest novelti es iu ~d 'e1 Tl ,.;iee s, " ....nt"' .., Tr"GS " ,--&"re1 8 1'. ):I \.JO':-,;, \ ug-la.ize Co ' 0. Dr:.i1 Sir .-Jf,:ning- n se<l J lll l Sti.:am \Vti 8hu1 for OV<-'l' £0111 1nontl1><, W\j .., o \ to ro cpnnnend i t to thv v ubhc ::i.:,s f ~' t 1e ch en.pest and e,11s1~t ln l t h:!() Df \\ a'!bllii-r 1lu1t ,, c have evm inct -with, ')c to~tc d ltthorougl1ly, \Vash1ng vet y duty doth~ng with it, o.:µll tlro.t it \V1ll do .ill tha.t yon claim fo1 it. \V,~ !Htvo never h.~tl to iub o. siog-11:1 n.rtwlc on the "\\ashboard t hat haB been wMhc:l in the Stearri \\Ta-ih· er .elll CG "WO h ave h!)..(i it' heJl-10 tlEJrC15 a. g1eut c~pc nso saved in the "\\~cn.ruig of Glothing, 'rVe could uot do ,~·1tbout it. llI::V J. JAC1Ci50N <md \l{lFE. CO.laOHI , J{oni.laJ.l Co., 'l'exas, ]l"cb, 10, 1873 J 0 rl'ILTO)l", EBQ.--Dear Sir :-'l'he sam}Jlc Wru:ihcr which I 01dc!<d n1"l iv.ed u1 dnc tune ..l\llwholrn.Yci:Jccn1tmofcrationrircwcllpl();-1oB.ed with ~t. It will do al that vou cl aim for 1t. You Wlll J!lo:i ui;:e 1:1el'd U 0. D D~eds for the 12 counties or<lu1td, and vbl.igt;, Very rcsp_cctfnllv JOS. n II..:\.])J)EN ~ I " ,·c u'i'es ~.'. vVe w011kl call the tcttuntion vf to on" ,·tool< ·of l"teadv-rnade :i. Costut1:1e:s in diifcrrent styles a..nd col", 1110 ,le ,.t· "'·,..,.~· t "hl.IJQ.' ruate1 in1 a.nd Ol v n " ..., "" ·exceeding1,y clieap. \V c a1 o also "' (ir.. 1~ .... .J 12, 1873 )in. J c. 'lILTON -Dolll' Sn ,-1l'he 'Va::ih· er cam e rh il y tn lJ uHl tccept .If!;£: tha;ike, fo 1 your proinptitudo. I~~ glad to n.cknowlmJge it all yop recorrllrp~nded Se\ cral h~~ve ~01ne t o "'!10 "clel>1,1tecl Sl1·,·1n1·0"]< c .. vecle 6fe LL tnctl · all aekuowledge it ,t, perfect "~1c· .L ,_, " ,_, .. P' cefl;r, 1 1\VI 1te Lo 01 d e} a. deed to. Sn1a1:iRon Co, Turni]), ii npor ted N . r,. P lea8e send C. 0 D. Direct to . ELJJ]!}R D JACl-CSON, Sk.i.rving's s,ve(l e 1' u tn1p, Jlllpor t-1 }'u.yette\ tlle, N c eel ' HBA'DL>\llO:<', Ky Sk.irvi ng"s s,vede 'Cui ni]11 crro'\ 11 Den1· Sir ·- 'rhc ~o\l~ashe1 c1L1ne d'ijly to h:md. .._ o A.cccpt iny than 1 ~ s for y01.u prompt1tndo. [ a.1n by 11. Fule)TJ E~q glad to acknowledge it all you Je~o1n1nen d I Inl.JYCOVCd V\T }nto BelL_ria,n Qa,11 ot h,H'll r:i.pokcu of it t o 11m ube1'H1 -..vho desire me t o '-' 01tle1 onP for t hc1n Se1 e1al h3Ne conic to see it gl'o\Vll by l=t }.....,ole)', }~sq, tried. All o.cknowlcdgl! it n. pe1fllt:t enccess l J!'EnJU l.\.10: ! ·wtite to ordor a doed to Jio::md crnon CQ ' J{:v I ~,,. 'r\'ould scn<l the inoney now, but feru son1c O'H! ~.J · else ha.s the ught by thm Lune. ---t (Sen<l C. 0. D.) (Re\',) Jt 'j' TAY LOI~ }\1 f Y Hew priced descrivti ve Uatah)gue of 1 C hoice Flo\\ 01 aud Ga.rden Sectls, 2Li so,1. ts 1, i·,v,~Bl'IH.. , p A. of e1the1 fo1 $1, n e\~ and cho1-:!o 'ar:1ct1 es of J. C. 'l'l LTO.N", Su -\\'e ha\ c used your lf1 tut an <l Orno.mcnt::i.l Trees:, Sl11 nb:::i, l~Yc1·Stc.ttn \V~u;l~c1 1n our f.vJ111]y, for tln ~e mon"fJiH, given~ , I~oscs, GL·a._pes, Lilhes, Srr1<1ll Fruits, n.nd :ue " µll pleased wi th it, \Vouid uot do .Eion;;c .~nd Ba.dcr J;>lants and Bulbs 1 one yea1 without it fo1 illl'e~ titnes its co!:lt j r·1r.fto.i 1"11i1t trees fo1 maiJu1"' 1 11~ru it Stooks of CI-IA.~ D . THJ1 r BH., ~11 l{lnds' I-ledge Plants, &;,; the nrnst COlll· Vlood Engr~n e1, 24 Fifth A· enuc pld1' is.<;01 tm~nt u1 th e counti y, "ill be sent 1\T M F b I C'l'"<tL1s to any phun addresss, "\\'1th l1 0. box 1 n 1 J:OIH'\r:;, f"~ 'C lJ, 1873· '!'tut· Cr.po Cod C1·anben y fai upland or lov,r. .~In J ( . l ILTON --P cn.t' Sir 1-\V,1.':!h Qr re. la.ntl, $~ pei 1000 Sl pei 100 1 propaid by mail. cc~\ ed, n.nd I .tm well. -pleased w1th 1t I thn~ J, 'l'r,idc Lwt to denlcia. SeediS on Q{i mniis~iou t C is all jOll d.\llll flH 1t, a1al nwrc too I 4a\·e c\.a· nts wnntc l full y t1;8t(,d it. ~\11 wbo h:tYll l;lCCll It opo1,\tc ~ ]3 ~f Wa.t~~i.l 01<1 Colony Nni·sei ies tu ·d atc <lchghted,·:1th1t; and,md.,od,manyatret\S· S 1 d\\/ 1 'rJ tl t [ v 8t bl j ton1>ihcd, when tho.;::y see it ilo\Y c1rh+ JCt ;i or }'~ · 18~12_e \onso, yinou 11 ass ' a ~tiistre.tnIB ot w.tter -,~Onlhn to kn11,~ JlO\lf lt c:tn 1~~--·_ ·_ m" do it. It is 1nyi;tclious to 1nany l\fanv have ptomiRud to bu v one a.<1 soon a>:1 I cttn "ctelnc1 tbcn1. But I do not \\!Sh to operate here ; bu.s· """ · , iness rcc,tn1ei;; 1pc to r;:o to I llino1s, and I w1U , ,, 1 1 c:ill ari.d see you ¥ours ut(I ~ A ~ E)J I IRE COT-1 I, , r.:onnng thue C. Sfil'n). 11. ye,us old, l:lhecl by 81r \Valter Scott ...\ti· Bi::LL 131.0011:1 , O , I'eb 20. J67J I ply l,() Ii' y 00,VLE Dt1ar Sir.- )~our Sttla1u \Vai>her g1vm; C:'l'.ccll- - onL 8n.t1sfa<.:t1on he1e. l\!y \\tfti usod it fo1 sever al inonthfl .\nc1 has n1:1ve l haJ. to usu tho iubber. Rhc woulduot i:;cll the one you sent us BY fol 50 dollars, lf sho oould not gflt_anot.hel one l'k>se find ($13) th1\'\COll dollaJS- $10 to apply 011 D eed to tlus county, alld $~ fm· posters and dueutio1ui, a.IHI $J fo1 l:::!tRlups Send bfl.lance of OI\ bill 0. 0 D., a,11d lnstruul Llie l;xp1ess .Agent. to hold it 30 <la.vs, if I can uot vay it sooner, ~ YolU'" r\.!~11ectfnlly pa,id Mail Dress and Goods, Black Bleached Febrnu1y, !th 1§7;1, 1 I &c. FO R sALE Just A:tirived. MA N, S s·'o lll , the LAlHH:S'l' ond BllS'l' nosoi·Luwut 01 .LADIES COLJ_,ARS, HABIT~ AND SETTS, (11 ewe~t·styl es .) LACE .. GOODS· L<uliies mc<l Gents Enuluh Scimtogu T1·unh 1'ra1;elling Bags, Shaill 8tnc1is, Valises, etc, Ide. to lJe found Boorrs A_ ND SHOES. Fino Prunelb Boots, Children's wcM, ttnd B.u libe1 s m;oo1tell. solicited ia FARrv'I FQR SALE, PUBLIC AUCTION, An early call will ensure v, good choice. ..\. coinplcte o::tock of ---o--- 'l'o\\ u lVIIJ_,LINEI~Y Re mom be1 tlte dttnd I St., Osh.ivm. _,_i\ND M,,_i\N~rLES. Speei>Ll attention to the gettiug up of PRIVA T E l~tli SALE S.t\i\flTJ~I. FREY. showin g " splernh1 l lot of Die% ' Clover al)(] Timothy Seed. Address all Orders and Letters to Goods in all the new colo1sanrl m.t- 1 A fnll stoek of the be..'t vtt1idic" J.C. 'l'IL'l'ON, No. 10 1-2 Gth Stieet., Pitts\,u ,.g, p,. ;teri·tJe1 of fie1rl aucl Gai den Seeds, ~l t P S.- C C'T 'l'TTIS (_,,\.RD 0 LTT, rtnrl vresl'n:e it !01 fulu.c 1cfc1c11co l'e1-.on1?< J'. \V. J. McMURTRY & Co. J. & W. J. l'rkMURTRY & Co. ·from secmg th1' cml, w>ll ple»c state wJ,erc they saw it. ' 13 I Harness, Whips, Saddles, ~tc. ou baud as uon tl. T~ING & I w1iting rrJol I ho !1]1ottly ui.\cle ],r0"n I .n·ul0 tf (\»1 of 1vfa.nvers 150 actt'S , part nf Lot No 11, in tbt. P,tr L Hul :Qs w1U FAl\1ILY l\:IOUR::-\fING. Uncle1· Oorinthi,tn H.tll, 3 doors c,,,t of l<ing R f \.CT{~l) l[nnq.tonP 0 s. Trewin. Uvwm <i..nv1 1Je St)p. 3187'.:l, '11 ~---~~-----

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