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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 18 Apr 1873, p. 4

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-· · THE Jl.IIERCHANT, APRIL 18, 1873. ================;:=============-=-=-~-=================-==-======== --=--~ ~ ==-=-========-===--=========:===============================~=--=-~ ~~~~-~ POETRY. The Child and the Rill. cni1,o. FULL SUPPLY SLENDTD SELECTIONS of CARRIAGE SHOP Beautiful l'ill. Sparkling and bright, Gliding so still }.,,rl.)m morn to uig-11t. \\Tho taught thee to flow? '\Vho ordered thy courr;e? .A.rid thy fount helow, \Vbo gave it ite source? HI Li,. Oct. (wci:; L of the Ontario Bank.) CHIT · CHAT. [Tim :Sra.d.y and. Mike Flynn] Od. ,REllOV!L. - ---0 - -- 1S72 'rtM.- 1S72. King :Street, Bo"'i· v1nanville. Fall and Winter G-oods, AT nlEI ~. !ittbsc1iber is 1Jrevaretl Lo build' ruHl re- 'Twas God tny deat· child, \.Yho gave ID!! my source ; J. pa.1 1 · He taught me to flow, J\.n<l ordered n1y course, 'Neath the shade of the tref', By the side of the h ill ; '1'1-idst the g and the flowe1·;i , D. ,V. JVIULEOD'S, GENERAL STORE, oxceediugly chea1) F. Y. Cowle ha8 r~mov e d to the store lately occupied by of every <lcscription, a t r:ibo1·~ notice,' ando 1·easonable terms. So gentle and still. .A. ntl this is the place I Carriages Painted and Trimmed· nie to tlo good: fuot of tho hill, In the shade of the wood, I 'vater the herbs; I refresh the tnll trees; I nurture the flowers, ...'.._;. __: ..:v. . . : c 1: ·~·:·y bre~~c. }i~or ~i\..t the FOR CASH All orders for P. W. Consaul 0 U R. S P R I N G G0 0 D S ' . · - -0- - A Blacksmith's Shop on the -prcn1iees, were speci::i..1 attention i s~on to nil · -.,._. Cnrriage work, <ind General Jobbing. And if, my dear child, ARE IN , AND WI£ WANT '1\J God e'er flxc~ your lot ' At the foot of t he hill. Come, 0 come to this spvt ; Hea.r the beautiful birds Sing among the thick lu.1w~rn, And see the blithe bee8 Si1>p1og sweets from the flowers. See what b eauty and lov~ .And what happiness, too, Spring ~p by triy si~ c , And ronr p:iithway purHtH!; CASH TailoFmg PROMPTLY EXECUTED C'USTOMl!:RS will lmve All wo1·k clone at this E stciblishmwnt " Good morning, l\fike, slrnre and it is e<trly out yo ><r e. Migh t I be hould to axe what st.rrtod yees j,Jtis morning." MIKE.-" .Jist be aisey, Tim, and I'JJ tell yo in" jit!J-. Yo see, I was tould, yistei·day, that Mistlrnr Gmy, ov Tyrone, Imel got h ome rm illigant n ew stock rw Ooorls, chapo as du rt., nmn, and its meself could ha,rdly shpc a wink , nJJ night, thinking av the chape goods. And sure ennff, itS the foll store he has-piles and piles av the natcst plttterns; tmd h e'd give ye the makin's av an illignnt new gown for Bid dy, fo.r Sivcuty-five Oints; Tay for most uuthin, mid ·th e Bttc,cy for a trifle less." I TIM.- "An shnrc its funnin g me ye arc, Mlke; wouldn't the mafi be aft.her down." l\IIIKE.-"Breltking down, is it. 8 ttre h e k11ow s a tltrick wurth two av that. I'J I jist Lell you what i t is, 'l'irn, if yo want to get rtgrnte rnuno when yuurc dcd, and be call ed n, fiJmitrofized, filosifer, :md a public binifo.dhor, jist tell all youre nabours, 11nd the rist >tv mankind, ::tbout Gray's cl store, a.11d you'll clo mor e for the good av your connthry, than i vcr St. Pn.t.t·i ck did for ould Irebnd, when he lmnished all the toads nud snakes 011t av it, tlmt nive1· 'vas in it." TIM.--- "T'm much oblaged to ye, fur the Lil av nbviee, r<rnl won't clebcin ye; there'll shurely be a grntc l'll tt , and nrnybco I'd mi s~ some,bargaiHs. The top ;i;v t he morning to yc."-I'm off to Grny s. < GE'I' 'I'HE:M Otr'I' AGAIN J<.:OR ·1ua1·1·anted. A. call is reape(..-tfully solicited. J(9 GRAY, Tyrone. Noted for cheap Goods. ----.------ - - - -- - -- Every Inducement to .purchase. - -- o---- J . MORRIS. no,vmnnville. Oct. l at, 1869. Als Agent for the well known N 01' sigh to bt'· great, J,ike the ocean or flood; But, like the s1na.ll ri1l, Be content to do good. FIRST-PRIZE WANZER MACHINE, at S~WINC --- ~- Prompt Paping Customers A'l' Crumbs for Chickens. · 'l'hc 1no1·ning hour has gold in its mouth. MANUFACTURES PRICES. Enniskillon, Nov. 21th, 870. ivill lmve every conBiderntion. - -- o--- nlS·\f Always on 'l'ime, McClung Bros. Bowmanville, April 4, 1873. THE FALL STOCK 0 F' ' \Vhen is ,vings. a, house like :.i. bird? 'Vl1eu it has AT THE ir I{eep i::-'o od company, and be one of the n11n1ber. Husband, I tnust hav o r;ome clw.nge to ·d uy." - " 'VeJl, stay at ho1 ne, nnd take care of the children ; that will be e nough." I y E ~1 ' R 0 MARX'US MAYERS, THE I S BEI)\'G ADDED 'fO DAILY, and it co111 prises a. .A gallant Alabama, editor, in "noticing " a crocery shop kept by a won1an, says. " Her to · matoes are ~ red u.-.~ luii· own chocks, her indigo a.s blue as h<:!r own eyeB 1 and her pepper .a.s hot as her own tetnper. A gentle1nan askeU an Iri sh1nan to do hi1n a small service, an tho compl etion of \vl1i ch he rewarded Pat very liber ally. P at imn1ed.iately addre~sed hiin thus, " Arrn.h , by the power;.;, I hRi,·e a good n1ind to hire you for niy 111aster ! " AN IHPLICAl'I O:N. - A. colo1uecl gentlern!l.n, in New· York, \Vent to consult one of thi.: 1nost conscientiom; la,vyers, a1Hl, after t1tati11g l1is case, said, "Now, 1'-Ir. JarneP, I know you's a lawyer, but I wish yon would · pli;:ase, sir, jiss tell n1c <lf' trufe 'bout <lat matter." TOUCHING GllATlTUDE.- 0n e of the 1uost toucl1ing h1stances of ~"1.·atitude is a1leged to occu1 ·redat ~iilwaukie. A little boy, tht: "'ife of a -wealthy 1notber, tumblc~tl into the river. He ·was rcscu~d by a working man antl teatored to his pareut. The lady gllovc the n1an a. three-cent pogt;; stamp, nnd sni<l she woultl be glad to ha.Ye him com e up to h er h ouse antl sit out in the ent ry and hear her play on the piano. He went away with tears. He said he wasn't used to ~uc.h ov erwh~hning kindness. cha:l'les Lamb, one afternoon, iu returning an early dinner party, took hi!i sen.t in a c1·owdcd ornnibus 1 wheu a stout gentle1nan snb· sequently looked iu, and politely asked, u All full inside?"- " I don't know hov,r it 1nay be with the other paf.lsengera, 0 answered La.1nh, ··hut thnt Inst piece of pie Uid tbe bu~i ness tor ( 1·0111 N Q M Something long wanted by Everybody- Everybody his or her own Painter. 0 N. Spring Stock will be More than Ordinary Selection. HIS PAST BUSINESS SUCCESS WARR ANTS Hil\'l lN · MAKING LARGE 1; unCHASE8, . Aud he offers h ia custon1ers a. choice of Furs of all dcecriptious, Very Complete. --o-- Buffalo and Sleigh Robes. NEVER BEFORE EQUALLED, They are got up in the Lest and most fa.shiouable 1:1tylesi and al'e i:ruaranteed a.s represented in levery in!'ltance. RICE & BARKER agents for the best ORGANS on the Contiueut. CASH BUYEHS WILL BT:'Y LOW. ]~\us, r McLEOD'S HOUSE & VILLA PAINTS Prepared for imediate u se, and nothing but the purest materials used, and req wring no farther mixture of Oils, Tnrpenti ne, and Dryers. 1'hcir:compol:litiou consists solely of Uniter PEAHDON. the able n1anag-en1e11t of Mlt.. \V. As usual he \viU repair and altet· all ldnds of and pay the highest price in cash for raw furs. Gent's ftn·nishings of all kinds, including gloves kept con stantly on hand. Remember the sta.nd, corner of }{_ il1g Anrl Silver Streeb:, Pl\,ODlJCJ ~ :YI. MAYER. of nll kinds takeu in excha11ge Tiowrr1anville, Oct 3.1872. or goods. f F. Y. Cowle. JUNE, 1872. I me," Cou!j inl{ate wns n:sweet \\·ido-n.wake b~auty, ahout seventeen, and she took it into her h E:: a.d to go do,Yn to Long Ish'\.nd to sec some relatives of hers who had the in isfortuna.te to live there, Among tlH:ee thor.-: ch:l.ncerl to ho a :rouug 8Wain who had seen }~nte on a _pr~vious occn.· ;\!ion, and seeing, fell deeply in love wi th hei:. Ht> called at the house on tb e E!vcni ng of her arrival ; she met him on the, ":here she -wa.s enjoying the evening f~ir in compu ny with two of theh- friend ~. T hu poor fdliJw wafl so ba~hful }1e conld not find his tong·ue for >;ome tin1e. At len gth he starnn1e1ed out; "1-fow's your moth~r?" "Quite -..·,ell, thank you.') Another silen ce on t.he paJ·t pf .JoRh, during which Ka.te a.nd her friends <lid the best t.hcy could to i·clicwe the n:1on otu11y. After wa.iting nbout ten rulnutts for hi:n t \> c.:oinn1euce tnaking hiu1self agreeable, h ~ a 1r ~in broke the silence 1Jy 1 "How'!$ your fathi:t· ?" which WlloS nn.1:1wered n1ud1 nfter the fashion of t he first one, and Lheu fullo\'.'ed another silence like the other. " How'~ vour fa.ther a n d mother?" again put in the bashful lover. ·· Quit.e \Vell, both of them." '1'11i~ ti a.a followed by a.n exchange of glances jl!Jd a suppressed smile. This lasted ten 1niu· nle8 tum'\" 1 during which Josh was fi dgeting in 1ds aca.t, and stroking his Sunday hat. 1311-t; at ll'ngt h another question ciune: "How's your parents?" This prvduced an explosion that the \voods ring. Fv, J·e Color, Piire White Lead, Piwe White Zinc, Linseed Oil, Spirits of 'l'n»pent·ine, & Drye1·s, cc<trefully and scientificr<lly combined. The consumer can 11ave any desired ·shade of color neatly put U} ;,.i Cans, and ~tll he requires to buy with the Paint is a Brush, as- the whole can be done by himselt~ or by any rnembcr of hi s household. A full Stock of HENR,Y 1873. The Bub:;;~riL~r ELLI01~T J Ullr-: Spring and Summer Harn pt on. Offern for sale one of the most extensive aud complete as.~ormeni, Goods to be found in any country store in Ontario. . DRY GOODS. AND - Simmons & Clough Orga,n Co's lJt~1proved. New, .F'ashionablfJ, and Cheap u would "beg to call attention to hfo st<1Ck of PURE WHITE LEAD A large stock just received, for ,mt.mnn painting, impo1fod direct from the English Manufacturers,inch1ding Jam es' Genuine, tmd t he · celebrated Cabinet Organs AN D Groce~ies, Dry Goods, Crockery, Groceries, Hardware, PA.NA.HA HATS. - - -o- - - Boots and Shoes, Patent Medicines, Dry Goods, :Boot~ BOOSTHR BRAND, gua,.anteed '[IU1'e. ALSO all stltndard colors, oils varnishes, Pats, in Oils, etc Ulotltitt gmade to order, Ut e best trimmings only used, and the lowest price chaJ·ged. QOOD c,.n ftnd see and painters' mate.rit1ls. how cheap a house can be painted and decorated ; for all these goods will besold tttRcducecl fignres. & Shoes etc, etc GENTLEMEN'S SUITS made to order in the latest nnd most !tfJproved manner, f.llld on the shortest notice, from l!'ashiontible lL!Jll carefully selected Clothes ><ncl Tweeds. The httest N cw York ]'aHhion Plates reguhtrly received. New Grooe:t'ies, Dollar TEA fo1· 86 Cents, :WOO Gallons of H. ELLIOTT JUN EGGS and BUTTER Wanted OllL ·which for Hampton. Nov. 5th 1872. bp-o23cm45 S· F- HILL MACHINE A Happy Man. Reader, this i::; \\"hut you would like to be. It is quite natural. All pcopl<\ want to be happy. Bnt re1ne1nbcr rny wor(j.s lliia day : Tbe true Christian,. the Uehcvcr in Christ, the con\'erted nwn, Le is lbe only of different kinds. Threshers and all parties requiring such oil. are specially invited to inspect the various qualities, the prices being fa1· below anything ever offered in this mm·ket. BOW MANVILLE Quality and Cheap ne~s, Ma.chine and. Xmplemen t THE Manufacturing Co. arriving, and now on exhibition, the largest and cheapest stock of 600 Cook, J?a.rlor, Ha.11, CANNOT BE SURPASSED .and :Box Stoves J. ELLIOTT, TYRONE. Most Wonderful Invention of the Age. J Moses' Electro-Galvanic, Pat. June 2nd, 1868. Attached to these pa.tented Spectacles are two happy man. Such a one is irr., an ark. \Vhc:n the last fiery tleluge is sweeping over all things on the surface of the eartL, it shall not co1ne nigh hitu. He shall be caught up, and borne securely above. it all. Ile i ~ in Christ. Snch a one is i11, a hirlinr;-1Jlace. l Vhen God arises to judge te rribly the ca. ::tb 1 and 111eu are calliu~ to rocks ancl mountain· to fa1l'upon tbeni and cover then1, tli ~ evcrJ,1:sting arn1s slui.11 be thrown uround lii n 1, and the stonn shall pal:'.!S O\'er bis head. Ile GENERAL HARDWARE, CARRIACf GOODS, AND TINWARE m the County of Durham. scientifically con:structed Galvanic Batteriesunf!een when worn-delivering through the nerves of the head, a soft a.nd continuous strean1 of electricity, vitalizing a.nd giving healthy aotion to the entire beautiful system of those parts absolutely n.nd certainly curing Manufa,cturers of ®nmh (JCnmhinatinn <l])ryans F1'r'l'ED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED WOOD AND IRON JOHN McLEOD, W ellin gt on Buildings. Bowmanville, A ug. Sih , 1&7 DRUGS AND MEDICINES .A'f THE S. G. WEBSTER, L. D. S. - Bowmanville Drug Store. J. HIGGINBOTHAM, ff cen: thanks to his num<.;rous friends and cni:!to1nerr., a nd to the public geJlerR.lly, for the very liberal snJlport he has received since 11is oon1mencing in businesf-1; a.ud hopes by couti~ uued ::;trick personal a.ttention to b11.1~h1e88 , and offerb1g nothlng but the purest articles, at the 1no~t rea~onable prices, to cnR1ue n. continu~uce of pul)lic p atronage. J. II. would ca,ll8peci1~l attention to his very supe.l'ior stock of l1T01TLD 1nost respCc.:tfully tender his sin· Partial l'araly3is of the Optic Nerve, Weak or Diseased Vision, Neuralgia of the Head or :Face, Nervous Twitches in the Muscles of the face, Noises in the Head, Loss of Mental Energy, A.nd a host of ~ ervous ~ if:,eMee, 11rfoing fro1n depl'asr;ion of the u ervoU!i energy of the 1:1ystern, Contributing in a. mo!!t astonishing degreQ, to life., -..·igor and health. By the means of the soft aua flowing t;troam of Electricity, Giving BrightntlSS to the Eye, Quickness to the E~r, and energy to the Brain. TJ1 ey are set wit~ lenses of ~he fUH.:! St inanufacture, to sidt all sights, n.nd 'viih glais1;;es for tho8:e not needing S!ie~tacles to read with b1tt de~i ring the bene· .fi s to be derived from \\'ea.ring the Ba~tel·ic s; and only to b e had in this vicinity of WORKING MACHINERY Scribner's Patent -Qualifying Tubes,. An invention having a rno' L imporbut bearing on tho fntme reputation of Reed Instrument,g, by m eans of wl 1 ich the quautity or Volume of tone is very hrgely increa.~ed, aod th e quality of tone i·cn derecl Double Turbine ·hall ul,i<lc un<lor the shadow of the A I· mighty. lie ia iu Chri:;;t. Such a one i-:J rich. He has treasures iu heaven \1.:hich cun not be afl'<.:1.:t~d by \vorldly changes. Ill'.! need not envy th e riclie);lt n1erchunts tind ba.nkcrfl. He has a por Lio u that \Vill endure, when bank-notes antl sovereigns 'ire \YOJtbless t11ings. Ile Las Christ. . 811ch a one is iusured. :Eie is ready foJ anything that may happen. No thin g can harm him. ]3anks nlay break, und governments n1ay be overturneU. Fau1inc and pesLilence tnay rage a round hhn. Sickness and SOt·roW may visit his O\Yll fireside. nut ·till be is ready for all- n:ady fo1· bealtl·, ready for JisP.ase, ready for tear.~, reu.Jy for joy, ready for povertj', ready for plenty, ready for lil'e, ready for death. Ife ha1> · Water Wheels, Ca.stings of a. ll Kinds. Equal to that of' the Best Pipe Orirans ·of the Sarne Ca1lacity. ----0----Our celebrnted " Vox CcJc, to," " Luui.o P<tlent," " Vo x l:lmmtna." " W1J. cox Patent" " Octave Coupler," tho cl1arrn i11g "Cell~" or "Cltwionet ' Stops, and I SURGEON DENTIST TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN, Uy the use of DYE s~r1JFFS, YELLOWLEES & QUICK. ltitro us O:cfrle, (or Proto.z,idfJ nj iV·ilroyr:n) iYl1ich is delightful to t2ke, Nitrous Oxide is u se d in all the principal citi ~fl of }.;mope DJ'ld A1nerica, and I can \Vi th })l.e~~nre and c0116tlc1tco recommend it to the Public, as a safe and pleasant nn~sthet ic. If you value yotlr health ' vhich are sure t o give the Lest aatisfaction. rn25 ti REP1\II-lS don e on tb1;1 A LL .TH E LA T E 1'/uirty-Ji'ue D·ifferent Styles, I M P R 0 V E M E N TS 1 Cn.n be obh1ined rJlJly ill these Org,i,n:i. .A . 'vell-~elec..:te d stock of Don't :Neglect your PRI CES Teeth M 0 DE R. A T E· ltooius formerly o<;cupied by 'J'. J·. Jonef!,oVet F . ]f. McA..rthur's S t ore, King Street. Tio"rmanville,Jnn 23rd, 187:.L '11 L 'l· J y. ~------------'-------- DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PA'l'E1 V'l' 11JE'D1CINES BRUSHES, CO,lfBS, 8 HOULDE'R-BRACE8, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Rte. kept const8.ntly 011 hand. TO · T_E-IE PUBLIC .\VALTEI~ -=-====--======-~ S:EIORTEST NOTICE, 'Ve have no'v on bnncl a large qua.nlity of Poi· the P cirlor and ilie Ch iwch, 'l'he Rest llfatci·iul cind W m·Z 1JHl118kip, Qi1A-ility cmd Yul-itmc of 'l'ono UneqiwlteJ, - - -- u - - - .·i & SON, o~ P~'~ t Common and Gang Plows, that vri.ll be sold latcl~~ i:~t Christ. Reader1 thfo happiu css n1n.y be yonrs. Seek Christ and be happy, Hepent, be- I'l~ haviug co1ne t o onr knowledge, that certain Pedlars are selling Spectacles and Eye Gla:,r,lieve, follov.· Je su~, and you·will be a happy es purporting to be of our inake, and to bear our names stainped thereon, we her~by caution rnwn.-Rev. J. 0. llyle. l~e publi c a~ain st. all such imposters,o..~ l\f f'n"lf:!l'R Y 1~l l owlcc~ & Quick a,rc out' .Agents 111 West \V1th love, the h ea rt b~con1es a .air ttn(,) Durham; and a Reward of $25, isherel.iy offcrf-ertile garden 1 \Vith. ~cnsbinc and \Yal'l:u ed f~i,r the a:p prchenf! iou ~Ml:J- convi cti o11 u~ <1,ll . . _ · . snch nn1Jm;ters n.r:; try to rlefraud. the pubbc by 1· hu t- El, nnd t!Xb a.i ng swet-t odors: 1Jut \\'1th- offt-ring their trash as 1..1ur make. · . , · 1 $26. B.EWARD. OILS, P AIN'l.'; COLORS, VARNlHSES, and WHI'l'E LEAD, at t he very l owp8t ]_.ldces, N . £ .-Country S t o.rt~l1 L·o11t': 1·s f:tl!Jpliod on the nioi:1t arl-..·antageous terins. A choice selection of J.,illPS, for sale chen..p J1ow11:w.1n--ille, J)ec. 9, 1868. ()111 m~y ~o "'ith a call. Great induce1nents held out to those purcash1ng at our Establishn1.e11t. I l<!tures, Lookiug Gl:.ts 8 es, &c., fr n1ned to order, and in every 1;1tyl0~ Samt~leA <Jf the chfferant Jdud of ~fouldings can he seen at the "\'tliu·e-roo1u. \Ve ,~·ould al!!o beg to mfonn you, t1n1,t,ha·vmg pur· chased a N returning tJia.1lks to their nutncrous Cnstome1·a a.u d the Pu1Jlic ge1.1erally, for favors I "\\'Ould respectfully invite their attention to our preseu tstock Fm·ruture, M we have added thereto, that ,ve 1nay thereby be enabled to supply n;ll parties 'vho please f_a.vor h1 LOW PRICES tf AT THE SHOP . Bown1n.nville, J\ilarch ti~, 187;1 . - - - -·0 - - -Factory· and Wal'el'o0ms, Cor. 6th ancl (E!itablished in 1850.) Congre~s SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, Notice. I\\'Otk l!Nl'OFrn~, he is no'" wep·ired to do all cu,tom (In shortcr;t a.ncl at usnal rates. P!u\NER, streets, Detroit, l\Echiganc we ehu.U Le rca<ly at all tiine sl to u,t tend Fm1(~rliJs, on short notiw, aud re a$Oll ~~lJle t.ermF. N . B. Coffinf> k ept on hnnf, 1n1d 1nade to orderi at the Horses and Cattle Iiiedicines: NEW D01111i'iION RE'I'iLlL FURNI'l URH lVAJU;- ~wo,i~ o ~lH\.\VO.., Btock of J1t:.i.dd111~1· v, a ~IJHl'·ACE T HE SUBSOJ-tIBER takes vlc.a.·:r1.u·e in in forlning the vnbhe that he has n.<ldcd to his a.n1.l out it, it AAh cs. JS a bl rak desert covered wiih Montr~aJ , LAZARUS, MORlUS, & 00. Nov. 8tb, 187-l. n7-tf King Street East, Oshawa. Ang. 26th, 1870. 'l'. s·r-.:lI'l'H. ' ])a-rlingtonJ.ot H), 6th Con., J11ly 2n,172, n11y I , ' RICE & BARKER, ~.gents 1 I fio1· 0 n4> ar1' 0 West and North of Belleville., I . U ; Bo,vu1auv1llc. 1 \.ug. 2ht, 187G m47-o34-tt:

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